The Daily Mail has slammed the BBC with a long list of biased, pro-Labour broadcasting…it could add a lot more this morning.
For a start there is absolutely no mention that Corbyn, extremely uncomforatble under questioning about his non-policy on nuclear weapons, refused to make any reply to an audience member’s statement….can’t imagine the BBC letting May get away with that…a stubborn refusal to comment on a serious issue in what is a showcase for their policies and for them to explain themselves. The Today show had a long piece on Corbyn’s nuclear quizzing and yet failed to mention his clamming up?!!! Not mentioned elsewhere either. A small but telling summing up of QT last night by the BBC….May was robustly questioned by the audience…Corbyn was heckled. So Corbyn wasn’t properly and robustly taken to task on his nuclear policies and insistently questioned as he tried to evade the answer then? No, he was ‘heckled’ by an angry mob of irrational and abusive Right-wingers [I open out and realise for you the BBC’s intended narrative of grizzled old glumbucket Corbyn under unwarranted attack].
And check this BBC selective reporting as they decide what is important and what isn’t [no guesses needed]…..Michael Fallon has said there is no plan to raise taxes…the BBC has taken this as him saying there will be no tax rises and that this is a change to the manifesto…despite reporting: ‘Income tax: Conservatives have ‘no plans’ to raise tax’
Senior Conservatives have said there are “no plans” to raise income tax if the party wins the general election, in an apparent change of policy.
In what way is that a change of policy? It just means right now there is no plan to raise taxes…that may change. You may have ‘no plan’ to change job or move house but…that may change.
The BBC is trying to keep up the narrative of a ‘weak and wobbly’ May…indeed John Humphrys agreeing with Ed Miliband as he trotted out the phrase this morning. Isn’t May in fact showing strength as she changed her care policy and refused to take part, whilst being pilloried by the BBC, again Humphrys this morning, in a staged ‘debate’ for the benefit, it might be said, mostly of the broadcasters who want a circus and a stream of out of context soundbites to mock the politicians with.
Curious that the BBC is so keen to ascribe a change in policy when there clearly is none and yet when the Labour Party propose a land tax, a ‘garden tax’, in its manifesto the BBC completely ignores it…and indeed if the subject is raised, dismisses it out of hand…Humphrys this morning dismissed IDS’s comment about a garden tax by saying Labour had proposed no such thing…and yet they have.
Labour’s suggestion of a land tax is a huge issue, it is supposed to replace the council tax…which of course was a replacement for the hated Poll Tax which had fatal consequences for Mrs Thatcher. Replacing council tax is a massive issue which will be highly controversial and raise all sorts of problems and resentments…and yet the BBC is totally ignoring what is a bit of a bombshell tucked away in the back of the Labour manifesto….however, mention you have ‘no plans’ to raise tax and it is frontpage news and the BBC invents a wholely fake narrative around it. This was similar to the BBC invention of a ‘split’ in the Tory party over Brexit and immigration…May said she was ‘aiming’ to reach a certain figure, David Davis on QT said it was a target to get to a certain figure...’we’d like to get it down in this next parliament’.…apparently this is a controversial and damaging split in the Party on a major policy issue….you heard it on the BBC first.
That narrative is a complete nonsense from the BBC…it even admits there is no time frame in the manifesto and yet bases their whole narrative of a ‘controversy’ on there being one…fake news…where is the confusion?…..
The Conservatives have denied there is any confusion in their immigration policy after Theresa May signalled she wanted to cut numbers to less than 100,000 a year by 2022.
The target, which is in the party’s manifesto but without a timeframe, has not been met since it was set in 2009.
Brexit Secretary David Davis said the Tories would “aim” to hit the target in five years – but could not promise.
As for the glories of ‘debate’…you just had to listen to IDS and Ed Miliband on the Today show…Humphrys started by making a ‘clever’ comment about May’s failure to make the necessary obeisance to her media masters, but following this Today ‘debate’ between IDS and Miliband there were all sort of groans and comments about how bad it was and how pointless as you had pre-planned soundbites, disruptive interruptions, shouty grandstanding and a distinct unwillingness to listen and actually debate. We learned nothing other than ‘debates’ are useless unless rigorously policed and directed…in which case why have one as you may as well have a face to face, one to one, as per C4 along with audience questions?
Humphrys was definitely more onside for Miliband…and why does the BBC keep picking IDS to talk for the Tories…because he’s not a good brawler…even up against nerdy Miliband he struggled. Miliband kept talking over IDS and lobbing in one of those ‘clever’ soundbites…in this case that ‘people are fed up with austerity’ [and thus want a free spender like Corbyn]…the easy answer to that is that people are grown ups with the ability to think for themselves and can spot a fraud and a ruinous economic policy a mile off..hence Miliband didn’t get elected at the last election. The too nice IDS couldn’t silence Miliband though and Humphrys was more inclined to silence IDS. Any wonder the BBC’s first choice is probably IDS?
Labour after suffering defeats in 83,87,92 set about ensuring that this would never happen again by politicizing the youth. Starting at an early age children have been indoctrinated with Socialist (I would say Marxist) ideology based on character assassination, stating falsehoods and playing the victim-card in which to influence those who are too young to effectively question the bias .
So we had Maggie the Milk snatcher (However History shows, she was tasked by the then PM to cut all school milk but she fought and kept it for the younger children.)
How about Maggie decimated the coal industry, . (History shows that Harold Wilson closed down twice as many in half the time)
Maggie went to war in the Falklands in which to win re-election. (History shows that she tried for peace until War became unavoidable.)
This has now moved on to the Tory party been promoted as the nasty party. Yet it was labour which destroyed the fabric of British society by opening our borders (and not just to the EU) It was Labour which went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. It was Labour which signed up to the Human rights act which has resulted in terrorists walking the streets of the Uk. It was Labour which silenced those who questioned Islamic rape gangs. It was Labour which bankrupt the country (not the first time). it was Labour(Tony Benn) who nationalised the car industry and where is that industry now? and yet according to Labour , the Tories are the nasty party.
Now Labour is cashing in by offering:
Free University schooling
Cancelling all current student debt
Nationalise rail/power/water
Offering free meals at schools
Lowering rail prices
Free child care
Increasing Public wages.
Generate 1 million new (quality) jobs.
And the people flock to grab such bombastic claims which history has proven again and again, always fail by bankrupting the country. Just look at how poor the Soviet Union was. How poor the plebs in Cuba are (but the bBC keeps telling me they have a first world medical service. Not) and now we have Venezuela (Whose economic policies are admired by Corbyn and his cabinet )
You’d think any impartial news service would mention any of the above, in which to allow the plebs to make an informed choice next week. Apparently not at the bBC
And, just to add, a Venezuela whose implosion into chaos is being deliberately suppressed by the BBC, no doubt to support Labour, which is likely to do the same to us.
Pounce-The problem is that the BBC is on Corbyn’s side. And because many believe the BBC to be impartial this , and by God I hope I am wrong, could swing too many marginal seats in The Marxist parties direction. May did not appear in the “circus” she should not of allowed anybody to appear on this BBC set up on the Conservative side. The other thing I am afraid to say is that Mrs May does not come over that well on TV.
A superb summary, Pounce.
Re-writing history to support one point of view, changing the facts to fit the narrative: hallmarks of the left and the BBC (but I repeat myself…).
Yes, they give me indigestion too.
New low (I thought) at lunch time today – Radio 4 Saturday at 1pm. Reporting that large sums have been donated by one group of people but says the BBC rather piously, that of course these donors had done nothing illegal. The BBC led with it at 1pm but curiously I have just searched both the BBC website and google news to give more detail to my posts – and zilch – how odd.
Thank you for the bias update as, after the bucket of doo do that was last nights QT, I am trying to avoid al beeb news output until Thursday .
If the British electorate goes anywhere near giving Corbyn enough seats to form a Sinn Fein iRA SNP
Coalition we might as well stop this blog and emigrate .
With you 100% Fedup.
Saw bits of last night-easy enough to see who the only hope is between a capable, honourable woman who I`ve met lots like. And a vague woolly Steptoe talking over our heads and to Mission HQ in Caracas via Davos and Soros. May and the Tories are shit,but at least are human and will still give me a vote in five years time. Labours election would bring blood to our streets, and empty ATM machines. They really are THAT bad and incompetent, never seen a ragbag of scum as low as this lot of Labour twats.
That the BBC seem to think Corbyn did well in not tripping over his mittens as he walked off last night is NOT a victory-it`s Special Needs Politics.
A quote from Peter Watkins after Foot got rejected by the nation in 83.
“Through the self-indulgence of contrived principle,patrician sentimentality and one old mans deluded vanity, the working people of Britain have-for the first time since 1945-have no prospect of a spokesman or defender”.
Now-after Miliband and Corbyn-they don`t even have anybody who`s even MET the working class as I know it.
“Special Needs Politics”
Utterly brilliant, Mr H.
Fedup: “Thank you for the bias update as, after the bucket of doo do that was last nights QT, I am trying to avoid al beeb news output until Thursday.”
That gave me a hearty chuckle – thanks – and, I have to admit, I have been hitting the off switch on Radio Four rather more of late than even earlier in 2017. The sudden silence often seems surprisingly tangibly sweet and refreshing.
The BBC are playing a dangerous game.
I do not think it is one that they can win.
I’m glad to give a chuckle up2snuff. I have been working through the labourSNP IRA Coalition
which might be running Blighty by the end of Friday 9th of June. Comrade Corbin will probably have everyone who comments on this website labelled as dissenters targeted for re education camps to be shown the benefits of his five year plan and our glorious multicultural future.
And then the – ” we didn’t realise how bad the books are and we need to have a lot more taxes not mentioned in our glorious manifesto” Chancellor Abbot will preside over these tax increases.
Important spot of yours above Alan. I too noted Humphrys butting in to deny that Duncan Smiths notion of a “Garden Tax” was a real and present danger to anybody who lets Labour into the Treasury. Humphrys is now in dangerous territory for me. He happily calls previous taxes what Labour call them, such as “pasty”, “bedroom” and “dementia”( even “poll” for those of us of a certain age). But talked over and howled down IDS for stating the coming “Garden Tax” if we`re mug enough to let Labour in. Appalling bias by this chump.
Noted too that Ed Miliband has now got Owen Jones Syndrome-for some reason, he feels entitled to talk over his opponent-and the BBC allow this.
Noting too that all those phrases that they all used about Corbyn-unelectable, shambolic, loopy etc-as they tried to drum him out of the Leader of their party-well, Humphrys etc never seem to want to remind them all of what they used to call Corbyn…might upset the unity. But no such rules for Tories.
Sheer bias, it`s not Humphrys job to decry the Garden Tax-let Miliband do it, Dimbpy Major also seems to think that he`s the interpreter for the chavs when iot comes to questioning Labour. Biased buggers at the BBC-we`ll be after them next Friday, and we`ll finish them off if at all possible.
Cheaper and easier to do it now, rather than let them hog tie us for Islam or Pyongyang-style “democracy” as THEY define it.
If there is one significant thread of comfort to be taken from the barrage of bias coming from the BBC it is that we, on this site, are not representative. The overwhelming majority of the viewing public will either be watching something like X-Factor or Eastenders, surfing e-bay, gurning into a mobile or shopping. This is not condescension but simple fact, Jeremy Kyle has much more to offer them than Corbyn, and for every debate TV audience of however many million, far more millions will not be bothered. Despite all Momentum’s noise and menace, they are still the minority – though, granted, it is important to keep them that way.
chris, Ed Miliband was awful on the TOADY Programme this morning. I imagined that he was frothing at the mouth by halfway through his time on air.
Humphrys also implied that Milband and IDS were comparable as “former leader of their parties”. Not to me-IDS was raod tested privately, was binned before he ruined the prtys chances-and seems all the better for it. Whereas Milibands incompetence leaves us now with Corbyn-and is himself, the least popular and most ridiculous prospective PM since Foot. Until Corbyn.
So how Miliband is seen as other but a disaster for the Left is beyond me. The BBC however don`t do “irony” do they?
Whilst some of the present difficulty that the Tories find themselves in is self inflicted, much of the rest is due to them not having tackled the BBC years and years ago. The BBC has dominated British TV and radio since these media were invented. Everyone knows how much influence TV and radio have on moulding the way people think and on the values that they hold. The BBC has been allowed to be extremely biased in its output for the past 30 or more years. Many voters have grown up under this constant left wing , thought moulding , barrage of bias every day of their lives. Is it any wonder that they lean increasingly to the left. So much so that the Tories have to adopt policies which are well to the left of centre themselves in order to have chance of winning a majority, even against Corbyn’s Labour! The BBC has succeeded in forcing the centre of gravity of British politics well to the left and the Tories have let it happen. Even Lady T decided that discretion was the better part of valour when it came to tackling the BBC. What a price we are now paying when , IRA /Hamas apologist Corbyn could become the PM of our country when it is clear to anyone with half a brain that he despises that very same country and those who live in it.
If the Tories do manage to pull off a victory they really must do something to cut the BBC down to size or they can kiss goodbye to any hope of ever being able to win a majority in future with even the mildest centre right manifesto. Our country is lurching leftwards at an alarming rate.
Top post, Doublethinker.
The BBC is very powerful, as it claims it is free from government, and thus gives an impartial view.
This is the BIG LIE.
There is a way to tackle the BBC. It is not to attack it but state that the government is concerned that the BBC is too important not to modernise in an era of the smartphone, and the Internet. The government is forced to set out a paper to transform the BBC so it is relevant in the future.
Under the guise of modernisation, one can do anything. A few top BBC personas in the public eye, can be moved upwards, with promises too of knighthoods, so they shut up. Appoint a new DG, to implement the program, while stating that change is always difficult, but its the duty of government etc etc.
Waste of time .
It should be put down like a sick animal.
If you ‘have the bottle’ save yourself some money and stop paying the Telly Poll Tax.
I’m a very infrequent commenter on this site but notice more and more new ‘faces’ here. I have only paid the telly tax for one month in the last seventeen years. I got caught about 8 years ago. The man told me to set up a direct debit….he then told me to cancel after the first payment (he was surprisingly sympathetic – just his job), which I did.
I have had letters, threats, “Are you going to be in on the 29th May because our licence people have been authorized etc,etc”.
There is no reason for any of you to be worried about being prosecuted….unless you’re female and probably living up North.
To get to the point….just don’t pay it.
There are thousands of females (and their household ) up north, KC, who don’t pay the telly tax. They just wont answer the door in a burqa.
I know that Muslims won`t easily be sought out by Capita for not paying their telly tax.
Capita tend to target law-abiding mature white couples in safe postcodes for airport/license charges.
Any harder targets might upset the Equality Police.
But-surely, seeing as Muslim women won`t be allowed the remote, let alone be able to see through the muslim and the post box slit in the veil-they`d only get part of the picture so would only pay 10% anyway.
Same with the DVLA, Alicia. There was a talking head from them on telly last year just after the tax disc was scrapped, who was asked if he feared a rise in non payment following the scrapping of the disc. He said he wasn’t, as his inpectors would visit evey street in the country at least twice looking for untaxed vehicles. I thought, aye, I bet I could list a few postcodes that his inspectors would not be visiting or even off limits.