Every Body Counts


The BBC…you couldn’t make it up…..will the London terrorist attack be a positive or a negative for you Mr Corbyn?….Yeah says Corbyn…the more bodies the better….lol……Just what did the BBC think he would say to such a crass question?


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51 Responses to Every Body Counts

  1. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    They should have asked him how many more Muslims he wants to come here.
    Amongst all the Labour voters, have we got enough rapists and terrorists yet?


    • Mice Height says:

      I’d imagine he lost ten voters last night, and it looks like a good many others won’t be out of hospital in time to make it to the polls.


  2. NCBBC says:

    Islamic terrorism, despite being horrendous, is not the real problem. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority in the UK, and probably in Europe. Western civilisation will be stone dead by then, and in the coffin.

    As it is, Western civilisation, is dying because of fear on the streets. Dying because of heavily armed troops in peacetime. Dying because of PCness and Thought Policing. Dying because, we as a free people, are subjected to humiliating searches at airports.

    Cut by cut, Western civilisation is dying because our politicians allowed Muslims to settle in the West. We either reverse it, or face the fact that Western civilisation will be dead in 50 years or less.


    • Amounderness Lad says:

      One of the main reasons Western Civilisation, which until recently was based loosely on Christianity and it’s values, is slowly dying is because, for the last 50 years, almost to the year, it has been persistently subjected to attacks using Death by a Thousand Cuts and not by enemies from without but by enemies from within.

      The Left, and not only the Far Left but by the Labour Centre Left and to some degree by the Left of the Tory Party, have engaged in a slow but steady undermining of Western Values and a biased rewriting of our past history. In order to achieve that they have used not only our education system but also our incestuous broadcast media which for much of that time was dominated by the bBBC and, as far as radio is concerned, where the bBBC has a complete monopoly of Current Affairs programming where it’s propaganda is all pervading.

      A large and growing proportion of our own people over that period have been indoctrinated into seeing their own country as having been an evil influence in the world and of being the creator of all the world’s ills. Of course in order to do so the behaviour of other countries, people’s and religions are portrayed as pure and innocent with their wrong doings and failures glossed over or even more likely blindly ignored.

      We look around and wonder why our enemies are so convinced they can win. The answer is obvious, it stares us in the face, especially when we watch bBBC TV, it is because their work has already mostly been done for them and those engaging in that undermining continue with enthusiasm.


      • NCBBC says:


        Great post.
        The enablers have also been church leaders, disparaging Christianity, apologising for the Crusades, when the reality is that the Jihad was full steam long before and after the Crusades.


  3. The Duck says:

    Haven’t watched BBC for several months but have been watching their coverage today and can’t say I’m in the least bit surprised by her question.

    At about 6pm they did the same trick as the Germans did after the truck attack in Germany last Christmas. It was almost comical, a group of about 6 Muslim women all holding up signs protesting this latest attack, all looking very uncomfortable and shuffling around as though they were being directed. Also, strange how the signs they were holding looked professionally done, almost as if they had been handed them. BBC in full on propaganda mode……..mind you when aren’t they?


    • Mice Height says:

      See the stunt being staged here. Used by CNN and BBC


        • The Duck says:

          Thanks Mice Height!!! Confirms exactly what I suspected. I’ve had BBC News on all day with the sound off while at the laptop and just happened to glance at the screen when they showed those “protesters” and immediately thought it looked odd. Interesting to see that it was CNN who were responsible and BBC (and it appears SKY too) then used the footage.

          Incidentally, interesting to see it was Black Pigeon Speaks who tweeted that video. I refuse to join twitter but been subscribed to him on YouTube for some time, he’s creates a lot of good content.


          • Mice Height says:

            He’s one of my favourite Youtubers, especially as he can speak with authority on race and culture as he’s lived and worked all over the world, so seen it all first-hand, unlike these self-styled metro, trendy ‘global citizens’ who only leave London to spend a fortnight skiing in France each winter.


            • The Duck says:

              It’s because of him that anytime I see Sweden in the news I immediately think of a cartoon woman with a squeaky little voice with the catchphrase “So tolerant”. That one little phrase, done in that way, sums Sweden up perfectly.


        • Charlie Martel says:

          Good old Katie!


        • Tabs says:

          It’s a bit ironic that the only people allowed to cross the Police line are Muslims – the same group that caused the problem.

          We can only guess what was going through the Coppers mind watching this farce be played out. He must have had orders to allow them through from high above his rank.


        • NCBBC says:

          Thanks Mice H


      • Charlie Martel says:

        Caption: Hurry up filming the bogus demo guys, we have to get back to our bomb factory – bombs don’t make themselves you know. Then we have to wash the blood off some knives and sharpen them again. Move it guys.


  4. foxcote7822 says:

    “We Mustn’t allow Islamic Terrorism to Erode Our Values ”
    Progressive Liberalism has already achieved that!


  5. Guest Who says:

    Mishal drawing up the questions today with Ally Campbell?

    “Not enough dead Brexit voters”.

    In other news:

    Imagine a few vacationing senior managers dashing back to sort that one out pronto.


  6. NCBBC says:

    Every Body Counts. Warm or Cold.

    Corbyn says- shoot to kill is not the right way. It is to prevent such a state that we should look at. Agreed, remove the RoP from the UK.


  7. miker22 says:

    That’s the outcome of a terrorist attack, you know, the sort of thing you have supported all your political life…


  8. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Just watching bits of the Manchester concert live on telly now.
    Really depressing to see so many duped kids who think selfies with pop stars and Corbyn-like idiocies like “community unity” will cut it with Islam,
    No Muslims in the crowd as far as I can see either-where are the hijabs when you need to see some?
    We really have let this lot of dupes and dopes go feral on us haven`t we? Nice, vapid clones who will wave any sign that the Union of Love get them to wave as the camera passes by.
    There was me thinking that “positivity” died with the Spice Girls. Seems now to be a firm policy for the elite to send our kids into the Muslim mincer, eyes wide shut.


  9. john in cheshire says:

    I’ll probably post this in several places but the muslims had better read it and take note, because we’re not Germans or Europeans in general. I can’t say when we’ll react but react we will:

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the English began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy-willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the English began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low,
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd,
    It was not taught by the State.
    No man spoke it aloud,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred,
    It will not swiftly abate,
    Through the chill years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the English began to hate.

    Rudyard Kipling


  10. Dave S says:

    The Corbyn faction is beyond condemnation. It hates Israel with a passion and is fully behind BDS. Why? because the state of Israel dares to defend itself with maximum force.
    Imagine that man as PM. Beyond horrendous and it must not happen. Nothing in that man’s life tells us that he is a patriot or a fighter for our way of life. In fact quite the opposite.
    I have never really loathed a politician as I do him.


    • TruthSeeker says:

      Dave S
      “I have never really loathed a politician as I do him.”
      You need to get out more.
      Blair, who imported most of the latest problem.
      Clegg, who has been extolling the virtues of Muslims since Allah could fly.
      Aneurin Bevan, Denis Healey, all the other Communist supporters, fellow travellers, Soviet agents, who have hated Britain since they developed the taste from their mothers milk.
      Miliband senior, and all those of his background and beliefs, entering the UK, biting the hand that fed them, hating us, encouraging their offspring and all their students to do the same.
      The left do not have any decent values, hence they love the hateful muzzies.
      Time for bed now. Another list of filth tomorrow, long list.


      • Scroblene says:

        Make sure Livingstone is high up the list please…


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        Truth seeker, were really spoilt for choice with our pile of politicians.


  11. Guest Who says:

    It is thanks to none other than the highly active ex economics editor of BBC Newsnight I can bring you what so impressed him from the newest BBC politics at the door editor…

    He seems however unhappy that other old colleagues did not accord Mr. Corbyn the respect that will be enforced once he ascends.


    • Wild says:

      A (BBC) journalist expressing his (Leftist) political opinions and calling it news. Imagine.


  12. Pounce says:

    This is what happens when you don’t have a shoot to kill policy:


    • Steve Jones says:

      Twenty coppers required to deal with one idiot and one of those got hurt. Things would have proceeded differently in the US.


    • Diane-abbotts-penis says:

      That is absolutely ridiculous.


    • NCBBC says:

      Only No Islam in the UK can remove the threat of Islm.

      If Islam is banned from Europe and confined to its original habitat, it will fail

      1. Allah’s promise is ever growing influence and conquest of land. This uis being achieved.

      2. If confined, Islamic states will be unab;le to feed themselves.

      3. Taking on the West in war, will lead tp tota;l defeat.

      Muslims will then turn their back on Islam, as it will have failed in all its promises.

      Pres Trump wants yo stop Muslim immigration, and he is being opposed by the Global Left

      Pres Trump wants NATO to be re-tasked. This too is being opposed. If NATO could be re-tasked, then the same conditions imposed on the Warsaw pact and its people, will be imposed on Islamic countries.

      Islamic countries can sense the danger of Pres Trump. A possible reason why Qatar has become the bad of Islam.


  13. Minion says:

    Can wait until the AL-BeeB find out who these bits of s@@t were, no doubt as soon as they do they will be around interviewing the oh so nice Muslim parents, who of course will deny any knowledge of what little Allie, or Mohammed were up to, being such good piece loving Muslims, and the AL-BeeB will then try and defend their actions and make out its all our fault, aided as well by Worsel Gummage, who goes on about we should be talking to these people, you can talk all you want but it will make no difference to them they will still be hell bent on killing us “infidels “


  14. Minion says:

    Can wait until the AL-BeeB find out who these bits of s@@t were, no doubt as soon as they do they will be around interviewing the oh so nice Muslim parents, who of course will deny any knowledge of what little Allie, or Mohammed were up to, being such good piece loving Muslims, and the AL-BeeB will then try and defend their actions and make out its all our fault, aided as well by Worsel Gummage, who goes on about we should be talking to these people, you can talk all you want but it will make no difference to them they will still be hell bent on killing us “infidels “


  15. Charlie Martel says:

    On the subject of bogus and staged beebistan news footage, I’m always amazed how they can find victims of terror attacks to plead for tolerance and spout the usual dhimmi ‘nothing to do with islam’ spiel. I’m sure most people have a very different message they’d like to put out just after being stabbed, bombed or run over (containing some choice expletives) yet beeb always find someone to spout the ‘we must stand together’ line. The beebistan must do a lot of filtering out of interviews and editing till they find someone ‘on message’. Either that or they coach them in what to say.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I’m always amazed how they can find victims of terror attacks to plead for tolerance and spout the usual dhimmi ‘nothing to do with islam’ spiel
      Charlie – don’t be amazed. The BBC has had years of practice and invests a huge amount of time and money into this particular project.


      • Cranmer says:

        I remember as a child being quite surprised that after IRA bombings, the BBC always seemed to interview somebody who despite being maimed or losing loved ones, did not hold any bitterness for the IRA.


    • Tabs says:

      Yes I agree. I want the BBC to interview the man in the restaurant that shouted “f**king Muslim c**nts!”

      I want to hear his views what it was like to have life endangered by the same group of people time and time again. I want to hear him say why his automatically assumed it was Muslims and his thoughts when he found out it was in fact caused by “f**king Muslim c**nts!”

      Not going to happen though is it?

      All we get is the likes of Richard Angell and Brendan Cox telling us utter crap like “they are just trying to ruin our dinners and we must return to those restaurants and have another meal – that is the ONLY way to defeat them”.


      • Cranmer says:

        Tabs, what we are seeing with this nonsense about ‘it won’t stop our normal lives’ is the equivalent, writ large, of Londoners pretending they can’t see someone being attacked on the tube right in front of them. I’ve seen it happen and have been the only person who intervened. I sort of understand it – there are so many people in London that you automatically think if I just ignore it, it will go away – but the trouble is, these terrorists aren’t going to go away.


  16. Oaknash says:

    Minion agreed – And the one truth that the BBC will never tell us is that Islam if followed properly is totally compatible (Armardis excluded) with pretty much every other culture it comes into contact with. Wherever it seems to settle in any numbers there is always conflict.

    Apparently muslim apologist Warsi has been out and about again flogging her normal Islamic soft soap about how Muslims in the UK are furious http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/812916/Baroness-Warsi-says-British-Muslims-despise-those-behind-London-terror-attack

    The fact is = is that whilst there are maybe only hundreds of attackers there are probably tens of thousands of muslims who tacitly approve of what is happening. I am afraid I will only be buying into any of Warsi s snake oil when the Immans of all the major mosques reject sharia law and all the verses in the Koran which espouse violence against non believers!

    Think this will happen – I dont either and if it did they would probably have to sentence themselves to death as apostates. As it would no longer be Islam

    Nothing to do with Islam – Bollocks it is EVERYTHING to do with Islam and Until people wise up this will happen again and again until we finally surrender.
    Unfortunately it is our slavish and suicidal adherence to tolerance to all that in effect is signing our own death warrant.

    And what do our Governments do – Nothing just keep on holding the door open, and in effect punching anyone in the face who says maybe this is not very sensible policy for our society.


    • NCBBC says:

      I note that even the Daily Express has disabled comments. Wise move, as DE commentators are fully clued on Islam.

      The Jihadis are following Islam to the letter. Muslims know this, and so, when pressed by the Kuffa press – its Taqiyya time.


    • Oaknash says:

      sorry folks meant to say incompatible on para 1 – was in a rush to get ready for work!


  17. EnglandExpects says:

    The BBC line this morning is as usual pro-Corbyn. He has changed his mind about opposing anti-terrorist legislation and supporting terrorist organisations, we are told. The abhorrent Pixie Balls-Cooper is dragged in to reinforce this. Second Corbyn message that the BBC supports- all our problems are caused by reduced spending on the police.
    It really is pathetic. We know that a duped younger generation will take all this in. They think pop concerts and candles are sufficient. They don’t recall the IRA and anyway, what’s wrong with that kindly looking old gentleman who supports spending other peoples money to fight injustice and inequality wherever he finds it?
    I for one don’t want armed police on every corner. I don’t want to rely for my safety on Muslims shopping other Muslims ( are their claims true?).
    The conservatives haven’t changed their mindset about what to do. The hapless Karen Bradley on Today was proof enough of that. Another over- promoted female politician? The attack on internet encryption is both technically ignorant and missing the point. We have far too many Muslims in our country. It’s that simple. Let’s intern the 3000, start a policy of deporting the entire 23000 and tell the rest you either assimilate or you’ll go too.


  18. Charlie Martel says:

    Police asking if London jihadis had accomplices.
    Yep, about 1.5 billion last count.


  19. theisland says:

    This looks worrying



    • Guest Who says:

      Unsubstantiated as anonymous.

      But the BBC clearly already has set precedent.

      I hope she checks source claims more thoroughly than the £4b nationally trusted treasure, but on recent form I tend to err away from them on being straight on anything.

      Comes to something when getting the reality of news is via such means.


  20. Diane-abbotts-penis says:

    Both major parties are utterly clueless and incompetent dirty appeasers, it’s just the Tories are pehaps slightly less worse than the gnome and his idiot cronies.

    The country is buggered with these clueless clowns in charge, it’s depressing.


  21. Guest Who says:

    BBC Today Programme has this on Facebook:


    Dr Malik Ramadhan describes treating people the night of the London attack.


    The accompanying image in complement appears to be a collection of young and old women in hijabs trying to lay flowers, whilst holding a placard towards the camera. So between the good Doc, BBC crew and cast, totally representative of events.

    Well, bar three chaps sadly no longer with us and the actual victims.

    In your face… KT Hopkins!


    • Guest Who says:

      Surely this is a spoof?


      Good to know that staff not tee total for religious reasons can also resist being off their faces as circumstances and professional commitments dictate.

      (Image: Mum and child laying flowers at scene of terror attack, credit: Getty Images)


  22. Guest Who says: