Watch the video above as Peston on ITV quizzes Corbyn on the interview he did with Laura Kuenssberg back in 2015 when he told her he was ‘unhappy’ with a policy that allowed shoot to kill. Corbyn tells Peston (2 mins in) that his answer was in relation to shoot to kill policy in the 1980’s in Ireland….he also claims that he went on to say ‘in a wholly defensive position [shoot to kill] is the right response’.
No, no he didn’t. That’s a lie, two lies, by Corbyn. Watch the actual interview…it is quite clear Kuenssberg’s question is related to events in Paris and whether Corbyn, if such an event were to happen here, would endorse a shoot to kill policy…and he nowhere stated that shoot to kill would be right in a defensive position…the interview ended quite clearly without him adding that qualification…..
Kuenssberg asks first about his response to a Paris-style attack if he was prime minister and whether he would “order security services onto the street to stop people being killed”. Corbyn replied: “Of course you’d bring people onto the streets to prevent and ensure there is safety within our society.”
Kuenssberg then continued and asked “If you were prime minister, would you be happy to order people – police or military – to shoot to kill on Britain’s streets?” Corbyn replied “I am not happy with a shoot to kill policy in general. I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counter-productive.”
Quite clear this was one narrative linking Paris to Corbyn’s own likely policy on shoot to kill. Nowhere was Northern Ireland or the 1980’s mentioned. Corbyn lied.
The BBC Trust, after a complaint about this interview, as it was run on News at Ten, was thrown out 4 times, eventually backed the complainant and ruled against Kuenssberg...despite it being blatantly clear she was right.
Interesting though how the BBC pretty much ignores the massive u-turn that Corbyn has executed on terrorism and shoot to kill….after decades of supporting terrorists and as above, denouncing shoot to kill, he has now suddenly, just before an election, cast aside all his previously held principles and sold out. Little to no comment on this from the BBC but they are remarkably eager to attack May for her u-turns.
Amused to hear Corbyn declaring that terrorism will not derail our democracy, that democracy will prevail…this the man who cheerled for the gunmen and bombers of the IRA and supported their terrorist campaign to force Britain out of NI….not much democratic about that….never mind his sidekick John McDonnell’s views on revolution and smashing the state.
Still…for a man who wants to disband MI5, to demob the Army and to give Russia the upperhand by disarming Trident…he’s pretty up for it when it comes to defending this Island……oh…but we don’t need the security services or police or army because Corbyn will have a nice chat with all those returning Jihadis and will convince them over beer and bacon sandwiches to hang up their knives and take up ‘democracy’ instead.
Jeremy Corbyn needs to get to Raqqa, Syria with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates to discuss the situation…
— Lord Ashcroft (@LordAshcroft) June 4, 2017
About time the BBC started getting serious about Corbyn and investigated and exposed his views properly…for such a controversial and extreme politician he has had a very, very smooth and uncontroversial ride from the BBC…no doubt having two senior journalists, Robinson and Dimbleby, come out for him and warn off others from being negative about him must have helped.
To compound Corbyn’s lie, he is also lying when he says that he has changed his mind about shoot to kill.
Actually he hasn’t changed his mind at all. To the likes of:
The deaths of British people at the hands of those who hate us can only be a good thing. Mind you Abbott has said she has changed her hair since then.
His hypocrisy is staggering. Whether he supported them or not, he shared a platform or recognised the individuals with respect the very people that tried to assassinate our then Prime Minister, a job that he know wants.
He was an MP at the time and if he can’t make the judgement that even being seen in the same frame or immediate vicinity of an ‘active’ terrorist trying to kill a democratically elected leader, then he clearly isn’t suitable or credible to be a leader.
What a joke that people are seriously considering him as the Prime Minister of the UK. This guy was the archetypal loony left. They campaign that he’s a man of principle but he sold out his principles on the EU to support Remain and he’s sold out his principles on Trident by toeing the party line.
Socialism must haver a word for taqqiyya, Whatever it is, these smiling, deep throated slow and patronising tones would probably have been used in the Lubyanka.
Harriet, Hodge-Podge and Patricia Hewitt were the voice coaches i`m sure.
John MacDonnell is quite the evil sadistic butcher as he smiles and fakes insouciance. These people are truly dangerous. If they get ANY encouragement from the electorate this Thursday, then we`ll be in trouble.
Cowards and quislings…but would drop all your details into a local mosque suggestion box, if that purified the revolution.
Corbyn is another repressed, buttoned up liar and denier of all his history-the BBC hacks were on the same floor at uni too, so safe to say they`re in cahoots.
never seen such incompetent anti politics get such a carefree airing from similar toytown trots like Marr, Mair and Mason -wonder why these faux celts and northern parodies get the BBC jobs as well?
Muck out that barn somebody.
Corbyn should be on trial for treason, never mind standing for election. Seems to me he makes no secret that he’s an enemy of the British state.
Clearly admitting that the question shown as being answered in the interview was not in fact the question he was asked.
The BBC broke accuracy and impartiality rules in a News at Six report about Jeremy Corbyn’s view on shoot-to-kill, the BBC’s governing body has said.
The item, by BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg, was shown three days after the Paris attacks in November 2015.
A viewer complained that the report misrepresented the Labour leader’s position on the use of lethal force in the event of such an attack in the UK.
BBC News director James Harding said he disagreed with the BBC Trust’s ruling.
In the News at Six report, Kuenssberg said she had asked Mr Corbyn “if he were the resident here at Number 10 whether or not he would be happy for British officers to pull the trigger in the event of a Paris-style attack”.
He was seen to reply: “I am not happy with a shoot to kill policy in general. I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counter-productive.”
The actual question Kuenssberg had asked during the interview was: “If you were prime minister, would you be happy to order people – police or military – to shoot to kill on Britain’s streets?”
The previous question in the interview, in a section that was not used on the News At Six, he had been asked specifically about his response to a Paris-style attack if he was prime minister and whether he would “order security services onto the street to stop people being killed”.
In answer to that question, Mr Corbyn had replied: “Of course you’d bring people onto the streets to prevent and ensure there is safety within our society.”
The BBC Trust said the BBC “was wrong in this case to present an answer Mr Corbyn had given to a question about ‘shoot to kill’ as though it were his answer to a question he had not in fact been asked”.
The Trust said the Paris attacks, and how Britain might respond in a similar situation, were “major matters of considerable importance”.
It also said: “The breach of due accuracy on such a highly contentious political issue meant that the output had not achieved due impartiality.”
But the Trust found no evidence that there was a deliberate attempt to mislead audiences and noted that the full interview had been published on the BBC website.
The complaint did not come from Mr Corbyn or anyone acting on his behalf.
Another of those rare occasions when CECUO seems to move with a speed not usually engaged.
For some reason.
I may need to revert to CECUTT.
Not only was it ready, willing able and fast, The Trust appears to still be around and stepping in (it).
It is actually quite difficult to think of a political leader who flat out lies like Corbyn. He said to Andrew Neil that he had never met with the IRA, which even Diane Abbott had to try and compromise away.