The police and intelligence services know the identities of a vast number of potential extremists in Britain…at least 23,000 of them ‘of interest’.
The last three terror attacks were all executed by people ‘on the radar’ in some shape or form…
Perpetrators in all three of the terrorist outrages to hit Britain this year had at some point appeared on the radar of authorities.
The most recent in London was carried out by people on the radar.
And yet the BBC is cheerleading Labour’s claim that cuts to the police meant these people were unknown to the police almost without challenge when it is quite clear the security services had come across them in the past and subsequently considered them not to be a current or immediate threat. So the police knew…#despitethecuts.
The Today show peddled Labour’s line and then almost immediately flipped the narrative in a second report to one complaining that the police knew about the attackers but downgraded their inquiry into one of them….allowing him to commit a terrorist act. Why was this point not made to the Labour spokesman….undermining his line completely?
Will the BBC make up its mind…..are cuts to police numbers causing terrorism due to lack of information from ‘the community’ or is it police failures in acting upon the reams of information the BBC tells us they receive ‘from the community’? The BBC can’t have it both ways. Facts and alternate facts…both have a place on the BBC…co-existing at the same time on the same subject.
Western civilisation, is dying because of fear on the streets. Dying because of bollards everywhere. Dying because of heavily armed troops on the streets in peacetime. This was not the case even in WWII. Dying because of PCness and Thought Policing. Dying because, we as a free people, are subjected to humiliating searches at airports. All because of Islam, and its tenets of terrorising the Infidels.
These Jihadis, a tiny minority according to apologists of Islam, but actually almost half the adult Muslim population, are merely the forerunners of the impending catasrophe.
Cut by cut, Western civilisation is dying because our politicians allowed Muslims to settle in the West. We either reverse it, or face the fact that Western civilisation will be dead in 50 years or less.
You are right. And it is all because of craven, venal, cowardly politicians. Scum of the Earth.
If you let a snake into your house , no matter how well you treat it, sooner or later it will bite you.
Not 50 years, more like 5 given that we must follow the rule of law and be ever so mindful not to hurt the feelings of poor defensless Muslims. NC, as you say everything we stand for is dying. Everything you mention is down to Muslims being allowed into our country. Where ever they go the joys of life are snuffed out.
Where ever they go the joys of life are snuffed out.
You are right. Its not that there hundreds of bombs exploding each day. It is the psychosis of fear that terrorism gives rise to .
Muslims are following the principles of terrorist war exampled by their prophet Mohamed.
The prophet of Islam boasted, “I have been made victorious with terror” Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220″
Inside iraq, ISIS are on the verge of been wiped out
Inside Syria, Al-Raqqa (The self appointed capital of ISIS) is not only under siege, but the SDF supported by the US have said they are going in tomorrow..
In Libya, ISIS is getting hammered by the Egyptians
What this all means is a lot of so called (polarised) children (Such as this young fellow ) will return to the Uk. Are they a security risk? Of course they bloody well are, Yet to the left, we should allow them in.
What a bitch this woman is. How can we get anywhere and do anything when you have got this kind of lunatic loose.
The bBC have reported on the murder of a 30 year old man from Syria in Belfast. at this moment in the time the Police are not treating this as a hate crime and do not believe race was a factor.
On chasing this story down elsewhere I find that that the poor victim Hazem Ahmed Ghreir was an asylum seeker whose family only moved to NI in 2015. If this isn’t been classed as a hate crime , (any attack on a non white in the UK is deemed one) would I be correct in assuming that the 18 year old man under arrest isn’t a white Irishman?
Would that explain why the bBC hasn’t mentioned that Mr Ghreir was an asylum seeker. seeing as the province is deemed to be the most racist place in the UK.
Ulster ‘is race hate capital of Europe’
That link is from 2006, but checking finds very little has changed.
Refugee Sudanese family forced from Belfast home after racist attack
Police investigate racist attack in Belfast city centre
Latvians injured in racist attack by men outside bar
All the above are from 2017. That said, I myself spent 3 years in the Province , and I’ve been back many a time and I’ve never had a bad word said to me. I wonder if it is how you carry yourself?
In anyone’s language, 23000 people is a lot of people to keep under surveillance so what I would suggest is to implement some easy measures to reduce it. Maybe as a first pass we could:
1. Strengthen our border controls to ensure that people coming in from sensitive countries (Syria, Libya, Pakistan et al) are properly checked out on arrival. I know this is easy to do, as I myself was checked when I came back from a sensitive country at the time of the Ebola crisis. I was pulled aside at the airport and given a quick medical to ensure I was in the clear. No issues for me, more than happy but it demonstrated how easy such a policy is to implement.
2. If people want to go off and fight in Syria, let them but don’t allow them back.
3. If people on the watchlist want to leave, fine, let them but don’t allow them back. Cancel their passports if they’re British don’t allow them back if they’re foreigners.
4. Reduce/ abolish charitable status for mosques. Make financing difficult for them. This shouldn’t be hard, we’re quick to implement sanctions on others (Russians for instance) why can’t we do it for these groups?
5. Bring forward fast the proposed changes to welfare so that these people can’t fund their lifestyles using welfare. I’m not suggesting we single them out for special treatment more that we bring forward changes for all so that they can’t complain of different treatment.
I’m sure there are other things we could do, including more to utilise the full tools of the state against them but this is just what came to mind quickly. All other suggestions welcome, but reducing the numbers is imperative, I reckon, to give our security people and the police a better chance of success.
Giving all police guns and more policemen on the beat is a side show I reckon, neither would have stopped the incidents we have seen so far and probably wouldn’t be especially well received by the police themselves.
All common sense. So what’s the problem Treezer?
23000 people is a lot of people to keep under surveillance so what I would suggest is to implement some easy measures to reduce it. Maybe as a first pass we could:
That figure is out by a factor of 10 at the very least. A more reasonable figure is 230,000 ie around 10% of the Muslim population in the UK.
Around 80% of the Muslim population support Sharia in the UK, to be imposed by force when the time is opportune. They support the 10% Jihadis. If not they would be in violation of the Koran, and thus no longer Muslim.
No state support for more then 2 children per woman. The extras have to be funded by their parents, for education, health etc.
No more Muslim immigration, even for family re-unification.
These two steps will stop the exponential growth rates of our worst nightmare.
Ah, this is where the left has been clever. If you remember in the late 90s there was a case for paying cleaners extra as the argument was that although there were male cleaners, the majority were female so it was sex discrimination and they won their case under Labour discrimination laws. If you were to restrict family benefits to two children you can guarantee that lefty lawyers will stream from under their stones to argue that as the majority of families it would affect were south-east Asian and of a certain religion then it would be blatant discrimination on both racial and religious grounds. And our wet Conservative government would yield of course after a barrage of criticism from the Beeb and its house newspaper(s)
Limit the social security budget. Also limit the legal aid budget. As both will be acts of parliament, the lawyers will have to sing for their suppers outside parliament.
After Brexit, parliament will be supreme.
The BBC seem to want to have their Mills grenade and get to pull the pin.
And the other question that never gets asked: OK, so these 20,000 new police officers ID a jihadist, what do we actually do?
Deport them? Internment? Execution? Jihadists are appearing on national TV talking about jihad and the left won’t even let us cut off their benefits. What is it they actually want to *do*?
Best I can judge this whole farce is boy creating little more effective than a whole new public sector entourage for ring fenced psychos.
Deport them? Internment? Execution? Jihadists are appearing on national TV talking about jihad and the left won’t even let us cut off their benefits. What is it they actually want to *do*?
If we stop the growth rate of Muslims in the UK, then Jihadis will know that there is no possibility of imposing Sharia in the UK. They are not stupid. They will go elsewhere. It is the fact that the UK is such an attractive possibility of Sharia, that they are here.
Stop the population growth rate of Muslims. Neither the Netherlands or France are as generous when it comes to state funding large families – everything given to them.That is why so many Muslims in the Netherlands or France come to the UK.
The question you will never hear posed by the bBC is what would have happened to these 3 sub humans if that had been America……………you could bet they would have been plugged well inside the 8 minutes…………………with or without the police.
Jihadis would attack soft targets like gay bars, or a Christmas party for the disabled, organised by Christians.
There is really no solution but to start reducing the Muslim population in the West.
Just suppose someone is a ‘known’ baddie and on the ‘watch list’ are they allowed to drive a car or a van? Are they allowed to cook at home?
If the answer to these questions are ‘yes’, it is their human rights innit, at what point to our thousands of police officers leap in and stop their car/van veering off the road and the kitchen knife going into action?
Hammer attack near Notre Dame cathedral
Police are reacting to the event in central Paris Tuesday afternoon, having shut down the neighbourhood, with some 900 tourists and worshippers locked into the Notre-Dame Cathedral for their safety.
Worshippers and tourists are sitting in the cathedral with their hands up, as ordered by the police.
Tweets by mch2k
Our civilisation is dying, with dead girls in pieces, cathedrals in lock down, and all the government can think of is to monitor the Internet.
Raising hands in church or else?
Well, at least Mr. Khan and chums may feel it is worth getting used to.
He at last crawled out for the minutes silence, and stood there in front of the bbbc cameras as if he really meant it.
The numbers
Al Beeb is unwilling to discuss the effect of the number of police needed to fight Islamic terrorism. They talk about recruiting an extra 10000. Think about the effect of that across England and Wales. 43 police forces . So 10000 divided by 43 is 232 per force. So taking London – 32 boroughs – that’s 7.26 officers per borough. I guess they work 8 hours so divide again by 3. That’s 2.42 officers a shift. They think that’s enough to get closer to the ( Muslim ) community and prevent three scumbags hiring a van on a Saturday night in Borough Market? . Labour and al Beeb insult us.
The BBC have dredged up a report on how these terrorists get radicalised. It points the finger at extremist internet forums but goes on to say,
“It is one thing for the internet companies to pull down radical propaganda.
But they face an uphill battle while preachers such as Choudary have spent years spreading their message virtually unchallenged on British streets.”
Exactly. We were too scared of being called racists. By the BBC more than any other single organisation. How much blood do they have on their hands?
Yes. Blood on the hands. Years and years off beating institutions over the head with institutional racist allegations – orchestrated by al Beeb – led to hands off and unrestricted Muslim extremism which will continue whoever is in power.
if the figure of 23,000 possible jihadists is accepted then there would still be over two possible jihadists for every officer so, as you say, Fedup, for the bBBC and Corbyn and Co. to try to make us believe is the ultimate solution to solving the problem of jihadist terrorism and it’s complete elimination.
Even if they the 10,000 officers were already available and on the streets, they would have made the slightest difference to what has happened over the last few weeks definitely is to insult our intelligence by treating us like gullible imbeciles.
Hang on, on second thoughts, that is, in their arrogance, that is exactly how they think of us because we are not part of their cosy, incestuous Progressive, which is how they currently like to relabel their moribund, discredited and outdated Leftist Ideology, Groupthink Political Elite.
I do not know what you are all worried about. Mother Treezer has told us that we are safe with her, so problem solved.
The answer to all of this is predictably a simple one, and it has been already implemented by many Muslim countries (so it can hardly be Islamofaubik).
The following Muslim ideologies are banned in many North African countries : Salafism, Wahabism, and the Deobandi movement.
They already know that people who follow these sects are little more than ticking bombs.
Ban these three and lose all the calls for Sharia, demands on the state for special treatment, and also the ‘burka’ (ban the ideology not the symptom). And not least we lose the terror threat.
We currently have a state of affairs where certain Muslims who cannot practice as they would like in their home country are moving to Europe where they are more than free to be as extreme as they please ! Banning the three would suddenly see a move of Muslims from Britain to other countries such as France where they seem to appreciate them !
So what new powers can be used against Terrorists?
Not much says the BBC who rules out the death penalty and internment.
How about deporting them and their families.
A guarantee that their remains will be buried in pig shit
How about removing hate speech laws so that decent law abiding people can speak freely about the ideology that motivates these pieces of shit.
The bBC and Islamophobia in Manchester?

Here’s a video of somebody else unable to report a hate crime. (go to 35.34mins)
Cn supt Chaudrey seems to imply that reporting hate crime only concerns his type – presumed muslims – are many christians or other non muslims reporting hate crimes? Personally when I see some creature wearing a burka I fear they might have a knife underneath it . Can I include that as a hate crime ch supt chaudrey?
I would be more concerned about how many little girls might still be afraid to report rape by Muslim men.
Mayor of London calls for cancellation of Trump visit. Heck, most of us don’t live in London and most of us ain’t Muslim, sleaze backs so suck it up Mister Khan.
Muslim mayor wants to prevent White male entering Britain, but then goes nuts at the suggestion of a temporary ban on Muslims visiting America.
I do believe there’s a word for that.
“And yet the BBC is cheerleading Labour’s claim that cuts to the police meant these people were unknown to the police almost without challenge… #despitethecuts.”
Oh look, you’re lying again, Alan. What a surprise.
This is how Justin Webb began his interview with Richard Burgon;
“Thursdays election takes place… with the revelation that one of the murderers in the London Bridge attack was known to the Police & MI5.”
He then says to Burgon;
“I’m suggesting that if those cuts had not taken place these atrocities may still have happened…”
Before repeatedly challenging the Labour spokesman with a quote from Lord Carlile’s 2007 report, saying;
“The assertion that cuts to beat police officers have diminished the ability to fight terrorism is untrue.”
“The Today show peddled Labour’s line…”
Erm no, Alan. You’re just peddling your own lies as per normal.
I post on here because I think Al Beeb is Biased .
Why do you post on here ?
“Speaking at the festival in Wales, Mr Davis said: ‘All the time we get those emails. And honestly, no one at the BBC takes those kinds of things into account.”
Read more:
Maxi ? errr Maxi?
Austin Maxi’s done his usual ‘sh*t and split’ trolling and disappeared again!