I just heard on Toady, from one of their “journalists”, that campaigning during the election had been interrupted by “recent events”. Jesus wept! These people!
Good grief! Is this the best that they can find going on in Canada?
On this basis the goings on at my school would have made the international news for weeks! One lad even got expelled, (remember that word?), for calling a woman in the street a ‘black bastard’. We believe he got the adjective right but the noun might have been subjective.
Jim, I wonder if any of the lads (or girls, for that matter) at that school will be sharp enough to put up a ‘tongue-in-cheek’ notice “Put a Burqa on it!” ?
Funny that.
A teacher was stabbed in Wanstead yesterday morning on the way to her school. The 3 suspects were Asian girls . It was claimed in the local paper that as they stabbed her they said ” this is for allah” .the al beeb reported this serious crime but left out what the girls said.
Last day for the BBC impartial reporting, politics at the door, stuff like that….
“I’m not an item, I’m human” – Lukasz is proud to be Polish and living in Britain, but his family faces an uncertain future after Brexit. #GE2017 (via BBC Stories)
Surprised they didn’t run it in Polish too, just to sway a few more.
But the move to ‘BBC Stories’ seems more accurate than ‘News’.
Switched on radio 4. This was not a wise decision but I’ve always been a slow learner. Damien Green being interviewed by (I know her voice) but can not recall her name, although I will say she has an attitude problem. I thought Mr Green was eloquent and answered well, considering that she was talking over him. The CBB continue to contradict themselves. In this inquisition she was attacking the performance of the government via the security services for not doing their job, knowing full well that current legislation combined with the CBB/Muslim Love In prevents them from doing so. It also allows any arrested Muslims to use our laws to thwart attempts over and over again to have them removed from the country. She was at pains to point out that new legislation to make it easier to remove Muslims would actually be targeting British citizens. She’s admitting that our safety is under threat by British citizens and inferring that they can’t be removed. Oh yes they can! If the legislation is changed and these terrorists are not loyal to this country, it is completely appropriate to cancel their passport and remove them. Despite what Emily Thornberry says “We can’t leave people stateless”. Oh yes we can!
Then her voice was raised even further and spewed forth with tomorrow’s election and how are pensioners meant to feel when they don’t know where they stand, citing for one thing, the winter fuel allowance. Damien was very measured and stated that many wealthy pensioners do not need it and the money would be used to make sure that those who do need it, get it. We are living so much longer and the costs through the NHS and pensions combined with added allowances for the vulnerable are huge. Of course the social fabric must be maintained but things need to be considered. Sure they made a rash decision over the dementia tax but things must change and adapt or we go bankrupt which is a certain if labour get in.
Just before I switched off it was John Humphries. Oh, the mention of his name and his voice very bad for me. Usually brings on a moodswing. Yes it has this time, I can feel it. These are not his exact words “Well this election has been brought about by Brexit, and it’s never been out of topic”. I’m sure you’ll get the irony.
A very very good morning to all of you wonderful people and thank you for the opportunity to get everything off my chest. I’m not always polite and I did boast that I was brought up to have good manners. Guilty!
LOL! Mind you, I’m sure Sarah M was beautiful once. Well, her mother would have said that. Her best characteristic? She has a really dirty laugh. Works well on radio.
I think it was Sarah Montague. Deborah you have me in stitches. Since you’ve mentioned specsavers, I use them because I find their ads hilarious. The latest one where the plumber is draining the blockage but is actually emptying out an entire barrel of vintage red wine. It’s priceless. Although I doubt even specsavers can help Up2Snuff, because I know now that it was Sarah M.
Many thanks for that summary. It saves me listening which I have not done for years as it ruins my breakfast . As for Stateless people , seems to me millions in the world want to be Stateless. Funny old world, innit ?
Moodswing twitter search didn’t tell me who was doing the interview
“Damien Green talking about ease of deportation of “terrorists” without hindrance of human rights, citing case of Abu Qatada #r4today”
people claim @piersmorgan gaves him a kicking others said “Piers shouting again and again. Damien Green “is anyone else allowed to talk on your show?” ???”
I just think that these bastards are so detached from any notion of nationhood that just like the London Emir they see this sort of violence as a natural adjunct of anywhere where there are large muslim populations and therefore perfectly acceptable. The fact that it is happening here does not really touch them.
Whilst I do have my reservations about Trump. Right or wrong – he at least seems to have some affection for his nation unlike all these other over qualified reptilian journalists and politicians that we seem to be afflicted with.
If these well paid “citizens of the world” actually gave a flying F###k about “their” country they would en masse be asking the same difficult questions that we all ask ie
1 Is Islam compatible with Judeo/Christian society
2 Why have we not stopped the mass influx of large numbers of people – many of whom are hostile to us
3 Why are we so tolerant of them (and the state so overprotective of them) and confer what amounts to most favoured and protected minority status on them
I could go on but we all here know the truth and all of the arguments.
I am afraid the these bastards are like swarm of locusts in that they will show the same, conformist, short term journalistic “interest” in this story and then once the have extracted what amounts to adequate “nourishment” from the story they will lose interest and move on to the next story – just as they can also move around the world if the mess becomes too great in our own country leaving us to pick up the pieces.
Because they all originate from similair left wing backgrounds – When it all goes tits up in the UK and they have all moved to Trudeaus Canada (thus spreading their left wing / PC contagion there) They can comfort themselves knowing that we are all waycists who voted brexit and deserve what is coming our way.
I think Sharia May , has a sense that difficult questions now do need to be asked. However she is too much in the thrall of the PC obsessed MSM and the left wing establishment to ever ask these questions. She probably only came out with that statement as she senses that the patience of many of us is reaching the end of its tether. And in her normal unimaginative way she thinks that by throwing us a few scraps we will all shut up again like obedient children and be good.
However – Its difficult be good when you have to watch gutless politicians throw away 2000 years of culture and civilization to feed the PC mad agendas of remote left wing academics, BBC journalists and those who have their own personal/religious agendas to fulfill.
Maggie – she aint!
More like Nero , methinks!
However as things stand at the moment, the current realistic voting alternatives we have are not good. Its a bit like offering the condemned man the choice of being shot or hung, drawn and quartered. Both will probably ruin your day, but ultimately – I will go for the firing squad. I will just have to hold my nose at the same time
Yes, “funny” wasn’t quite the right word. What I was trying to get at was that to call it “recent events” trivialises the matter. I guess that is the intention. Also the man from Mars beaming in to that broadcast would wonder what “recent events ” referred to. It is all part of the whitewash.
As for the rest of your post , brilliant !
As for Maggie, I was having a talk in Gambia last month with 4 Gambians, comparing Gambian politics with Britain. I just said “Maggie ” and in a chorus they shouted “The Iron Lady !” . I asked them “who is the current PM ? “. Blank looks. Sums it up.
Just read your last para. Yes, I shall vote Tory tomorrow with a heavy heart. At the last election the SNP won and the awful Tasmina is the MP, but the Tories came second. This was traditionally a Tory seat. The late Nicky Fairbairn being MP at one time. I once came across him in Crieff one afternoon trying to get his cash card into the ATM. It was after lunch so quite forgiveable. They don’t make them like that any more !
Think yourself lucky. It’s between Labour and the SNP for me. At the start of the election I’d decided to hold my nose and vote Labour to keep the SNP out, as it seemed clear the Tories would win a big majority. Now it’s not so clear, and I’d hate to think I’d contributed to Corbyn winning – but I despise the SNP so much I’m inclined to go ahead and take the risk, because they’d prop Corbyn up anyway.
P.S. Nicky “What is a skirt, but an open gateway?” Fairbairn? Became something of a caricature of himself toward the end, sadly.
Oaknash, good post. I have been pondering recent events and trying to come up with explanations for the apparent lack of any sort of rational response to the horrors. It would be nice if the BBC could attempt to do something similar and use its position to ask difficult questions of our leaders, but clearly that’s not going to happen. So here goes:
1. The government IS doing something about radical Islam, but is keeping it quiet for various reasons.
2. The government is doing nothing because it realises even if the security services are still capable of a strong response (which is doubtful) it will stir up a hornet’s nest of violence and resentment both from Muslims and from fellow-travellers on the left. They have decided the least-worst option is simply to allow terror attacks to take place.
3. The government is complicit and is deliberately doing nothing because it is in thrall either to foreign paymasters, traitors within its ranks and/or to some crazed marxist idea of destroying nation states through mass immigration.
I suspect what is happening is a mixture of (2) and (3).
Oak, I must concur with Grant. It’s an excellent post. Very salient points expressing very accurately how I feel.
I was also stumped about my vote. It’s gone into the post. I should be quite well known at number 10 through my e mails. I’ve also made it onto the White House mailing list. I can assure you that Teresa will keep receiving daily instructions from me on what I want and what I expect her to deliver. Top of my list is the Islamic/CBB members club.
Jo, it’s tempting to laugh but it is also sad. There are things that we take in that can affect our brains and the mental processes. (It’s a constant behind my wondering about the sheer incompetence being displayed by the BBC at present – please see my post below.) I do not know what Diane Abbott’s health problems are beyond the migraine issue but we do know that she drinks alcohol.
The hard scientific fact is that every time a human drinks some alcohol some extra brain cells (beyond those normally lost) are damaged, possibly to the point of permanent loss. Are the brain cells ones that are critical or can they afford to lose them? Fortunately – for most of us – it is the latter.
I hope Diane – merely for her sake and that of her family and friends – doesn’t have ‘a problem’ but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.
Sorry but, IMO, she’s a nasty bit of work and I can’t summon up a great deal of concern.
Nobody forced her to go into politics. If she can’t take the pressure, or if she’s too lazy to familiarise herself with the facts necessary for the role, that’s her problem. Lots of jobs at Sainsburys.
My concern is that Diane was great asset to the Tories and her loss is very sad. As to the bitch herself, I could not care less. She is utterly repulsive.
Quite! Abbott is a sexist race baiter whose dismal and discreditable performance as an MP suggests that she only got where she is because she is black, female and arrogant.
As for her medical condition, reportedly she is diabetic. I am not aware of that condition predisposing a patient to being a racist, sexist, loudmouth incapable of managing the not very demanding set of facts required to maintain her position.
Saw an apt description of this “woman?” in a tweet last night, , when someone called her a “pound store Divine Brown”
Her dismal and performance as an MP speaks volumes about the sort of people who thought her fit for election though, brings a whole new meaning to the term, “tribal voting”.
Apologies GC but I must take issue with your assessment of Diane Abbott: ie ‘she is black, female and arrogant’. I feel this should have read: ‘She is black, fat, ugly, female and arrogant.’
As to the diagnosis of her medical condition, again I feel that the addition of: ‘Influenced by the effects of skunk’ might also have relevance.
Jeremy Corbyn said that Diane Abbott “represents her community very well”. Which community would that be? Fat black leftie females?
It is noticeable that normal British people are not part of a “community”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40184826
Agree, Jo, that DA is a deceiver of the first order. And a racist when the opportunity presents. Oh, and a hypocrite, but we can all be like that but Socialist socialists should live like Socialists and not as mere ‘social-ists’, in my view, before they either preach their message or condemn Conservatives or Tories or anyone else they are agin.
I just wouldn’t wish alcoholism or mental decline (of whatever origin/cause) on anyone, even the dishonourable member for Hackney.
Now I know why I’m so fucked up. Too many damaged brain cells. Snuff, If you had posted this last night I could have saved the few cells I’ve still got. As it’s too late I might as well finish what’s left in the bottle. (Very little)
Ah, but what have you been smoking? Tales of alcohol consumption, both at the Houses of Parliament and the BBC, are legendary. There are rumours of other substances being consumed at the BBC. Parliament? Not heard any, but do the policemen on duty there ever go out onto the Members’ Terraces? It does make you wonder though. There was something on somewhere recently (see – my last glass of wine has had an effect already, so soon) which said cannabis use was at an all time high and that not many people have not smoked it.
Well, I haven’t. Am prepared to limit my alcohol intake but don’t need to as it’s pretty minimal. And I need all the brain cells I’ve got plus a few more. But one does wonder about the BBC, whether lifestyle has had an effect. A complete absence of memory, even sometimes in the same programme!
BTW, is that a bottle a day, Moodswings? And it’s not milk? Or – dare I ask – a fizzy drink full of sugar? Then you are at risk.
But if you have had just a wee dram and there’s less than a finger left, then I think you can probably afford to let those brain cells go. You seem like a fairly smart chap or chapess.
As they do fairly regularly, the Today programme wheeled on a couple of ‘security experts’, who proceeded to give some vital information about the means by which the security services obtain their information on suspects and plots. Even though the means of obtaining information doing this is widely suspected or known, it still seems to me crazy that there should be any public discussion of the methods used by the intelligence services. No information whatsoever should be publicly provided and the subject should simply not be discussed at all in the public forum. Even historical information on the extent of infiltration into the IRA by the security services could provide an extra insight for present-day terror groups.
”Majority of Londoners trust Sadiq Khan to make the right decisions on terrorism”
How can a terrorist sympathiser and ex ( my arse ) Muslim extremist be trusted with any decisions regarding terrorism…
Why don’t Khan, Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and the rest of the Loony brigade just do us all a big favour and get on big boat and fuck off to a remote Ireland and ram there own Marxist shit down there own throats and leave us all in peace, oh yeah and while there at it they can take those left wing luvvies from the BBC with them
Piers Morgan sometime gets it right, and on this occasion calls out the Emir of London for not checking on the 400 jihadists of Londonistan.
The Emir blames Torikutz but was not asked why he does not instruct his cops to switch from monitoring Islamophobes to watching terrorists
The Emir is blaming ToriKutz for terrorism, says not enough funds for cops. But he can set up a task force to nail those who upset people of his kind. See the article and note the Christian leaders backing him
Can someone please enlighten me. When Sunni Sadiq spouts that the terrorists’ ideology is a “perversion of Islam”, isn’t he denying what is written in the Koran? So why haven’t the enrichers ‘removed’ him as an apostate or whatever? Unless, of course, they know he is lying for the benefit of the greater enrichment.
A stand out moment on the TODAY Programme when Mishal was interviewing John Bickley, UKIP’s Immigration spokesman. Mishal jumped in with a question when Bickley suggested the need for migration restrictions to keep us safe from terrorism “even if it means we are poorer?”.
Apart from the fact that Bickley immediately called out Mishal for her ‘dog whistle’ question it underlined that the BBC, its Producers, Editors and Presenters, are for much of the time complete air heads. Absolutely brainless.
They have been telling us for years, on BBC News, facts about our economy. They have been telling us on BBC news, for years, facts about the immigration figures, the statistics for net immigration to the UK. The BBC has been underlining for some time, especially since last autumn, how we are all poorer, especially young people, and the current crop – the millennials aged 18-35 – will be the first generation to do less well, be poorer than their parents.
The BBC. Completely incapable of joining up the dots between one news item on one day and another news item on the next day and understanding the connection between the two.
And most of these BBC people are said to have University degrees!
I despair.
The only conclusion I can draw is that their tiny minds are closed so tightly around an ideology that it suppresses not just thought and the thinking processes but also memory. A medical doctor would, I guess, be almost correct in diagnosing a form of dementia.
Grant, doesn’t need to be – this is where the standard degree for all good BBC Climate Change experts – English – comes in handy, does it not?
If the personal memory is a bit dodgy, flick open the file marked Today Programme Running Order (analogue if they still have them or on the PC), and do the thing so beloved of examiners at Secondary and, to an extent, Tertiary Education level: compare and contrast.
Grant, an opportunity to welcome you back and also to say am pleased the news from Gambia seems very positive. Long may it be so.
A latest meme on the BBC is Artificial Intelligence will do away with 65% of the present day jobs . Then they say we need more immigrants .
Perhaps the Beeb will be better when AI replaces their editors .
It wouldn’t be very hard for AI to sub the press releases from trade unions, ecolooon activist groups, NHS advocates, Labour, the LibDems, the UN, US Dem supporting media feeds, the EU and the rest of the peddlers of nonsense that make up the overwhelming majority of the Corporation’s alleged ‘news’ output!
GC, indeed. It is already being trialled in Mergers & Acquisitions work and is already available for language translation. That latter area needs more work because of complexities, say for example, Sino-Japanese both together and individually to and from English.
The one profession with the most to fear, I gather, are lawyers. I have felt for some time that we have far too many lawyers in Parliament (and not enough accountants!) but the prospect of AI making many lawyers redundant might be worrying for the rest of us, especially me. More of them may seek alternative employment in future.
It is the ideology itself which is opposed to rational thought, debate and facts. Those attributes are regarded as being part of and belonging to the oppressive ‘patriarchy’ of the West.
To debate openly, or to honour facts and reality, is simply to play into the hands of the ‘patriarchy’.
Far better, the Left thinks, is to stay with the tried and true attitudes of resentment, arrogance and deceit.
We should not be poorer without immigrants from Pakistan and Bangla Desh because they are mostly on benefits. And without them we should have less Islam.
The passing, unnoticed by the majority of viewers/listeners of the BBC, of a major milestone in deception and manipulation to avoid any threat to an issue the BBC hold dear – islam.
I was musing this morning on how the important subject of islamic terror carried out by devotees to the cult of recent months and their motivation – islam – and total responsibility for the horror, has firmly been shifted to the Police, Security Services and alleged Government failings. Now, no mention of islam. Nothing, zilch, maffi. All done by the BBC with the magicians old sleight of hand trick. “Now you see it, now you don’t”. A class act by any World broadcasters standards. Bravo BBC! You certainly top the International Broadcasters charts of news manipulation skills.
Just after the latest Muslim atrocity in London I was fiddling about with the radio in my “new” car when I came across one of those stations that is devoted to “older” music. So, NO RAP!!!
I’m not sure if it was Capital Gold, Smooth, or Zimmer Frame fm, but was one of those…
Whether they played this deliberately or not I couldn’t say, but it was a rather poignant reminder, to me at least, of what our capital city used to be like. They played the old Roger Miller hit, with the opening verse “London swings like a pendulum do, Bobbies on bicycles two by two.”
I’m guessing this little song is about fifty years old, released during the period of “swinging London.”
It seemed so terribly quaint. I was only a young lad at the time but remember my dad taking the mickey out of “hippies” (that was any bloke who didn’t have a short back and sides and didn’t wear a tie).
As youngsters my mates and I used to traverse the city using Red Rover tickets, exploring the hidden corners of this fabulous metropolis. It felt safe. By and large it was safe.
This little song seems to depict a gentler, less suspicious and angry time. Okay, I know it’s only a simple tune, and not a particularly memorable one, but just the thought of those lyrics being appropriate today would be ludicrous.
Seven people butchered by London Bridge, fifty others with life threatening injuries and a trio of mad Muzzies on the rampage with machetes. A Muslim mayor who has a history of defending these vile creatures. My old stomping grounds only recognisable by the architecture, the indigenous inhabitants having moved as far away as possible. London is now a series of hostile ghettos. It seethes with mutual suspicion and hatred. We seem to be obsessed with racism and sexism and yet have absorbed a third world culture that is backward, misogynistic and deeply racist.
Meanwhile, as London burns, our feeble politicians blather about “enrichment, diversity and vibrancy.”
How the xxxx would you work that lot into a song?
Jeff, I would say London has not really been part of England since the late 1980s. Around this time some Parisian friends visited and commented on how there seemed to be a lot of ‘people not British’ in the city. I had not really noticed it up until then. You are not the only one to feel this way. Go on Youtube and you will find lots of old Pathe footage of London in the 30s, 40s, 50s etc. The comments are eye-opening, and many of the films have had commenting removed – you can probably guess why. I have nothing against a proportion of foreigners in our capital – I think it is a healthy spice that adds zest – but when the dish is ONLY made up of spices, it becomes unpalatable.
I live in Cumbria and have only been to London four times in my 59 years, the last time was about five years ago, and I was shocked and felt as if I was in the minority as a white person.
Probably won’t be going again, nor Paris neither.
Wild Bill, I lived in Budapest for several years. It was a very happy time in my life and I felt much more at home there than in London, mainly because the city’s cultural homogeneity lends it a much more cohesive and less threatening atmosphere.
Jeff, we do need a song. Perhaps it has to be written yet?
I was just reading a piece in the Express by Leo McKinstry where he refers to the usual terrorist attack response as “Candles and Cowardice”
Candles and Cowardice. It is short, catchy, mocking and bitingly accurate. Surely someone with more musical ability than I could use that and produce a song of real defiance?
I don’t know what event that is but my guess is those are not people living within the M25. They will have come in by train from the Home Counties or beyond, or will be mostly eastern Europeans or French.
Plenty of places within the M25 they could have come from – much of W/SW London for instance.
Their origin is neither here nor there. The fact remains, they change the face of London for the better – a benefit that places like Bradford don’t enjoy.
(Response to Cranmer @ 9.40am – this has been displaced by the site structure/software.)
Cranmer, I agree. I have lived in very mixed communities for most of my life and it is – for want of a better word – enriching. In fact, it was a bit of culture shock to move into a Greg Dyke community. I had to adjust.
Some of the first people to express concerns to me years ago about immigration imbalance were previous neighbours who were Asians of African origin. Or Africans of Asian origin. Probably the latter is the most technically correct. We even lost them as neighbours for a while because they moved for the sake of the secondary education of their children, renting out their house & buying another elsewhere in London just for access to school choice. That was driven by migration changes early in the Blair government era.
London is, however, an exceptional city and it is not too much to say it is currently the No.1 world city, as it has been at other times in its history. New York is a very much a Johnny-Come-Lately contender for that title. That in turn drives the desire for migrants to live & work here however permanently or temporarily, including lots of Americans, New Yorkers among them!
I think London can take it just about at present levels (other cities in the UK probably not) but the inevitable strains will possibly cost London its No.1 slot for a while. Not so sure our economy can, however. That may be the thing that breaks us in the near future.
I completely agree with you that in the 60’s we used to live in a country that was safe, peaceful, courteous and largely homogeneous. Then , without our consent , but at the behest of our criminal leaders, we were invaded by aliens from just about everywhere. The result is awful to those of us of a certain age. But to people younger than say 50 , they have no realisation of what has been deliberately destroyed. They have been taught that Britain’s history was reprehensible, that its values were shameful and that its culture was worthless. Is it any wonder that after two generations of this undermining of our nationhood by the BBC and the educational establishment , people are willing to accept the imposition of an alien , backward culture, without much resistance.
How else can you explain that politicians like Corbyn, Abbott, McDonald are within reach of power? We live in very dangerous times. With these evil people in power we will undoubtedly lurch many miles further down the road to national oblivion. After a few years of Corbyn et al in power what little chance there is of us avoiding Islamification will be extinguished.
Well many American cities are certainly like that, and so are many provincial towns in England, such as Oldham. I remember a BBC report about the place where the London bombers came from, saying that it was integrated and multicultural. Then the people who lived there said wait a minute that is total crap. There is the Muslim community, and there is everybody else, and they rarely interact. By hey Willy when faced with reality print the legend. Stop pretending to be wise and tolerant when it is you who is the ignorant bigot telling people what to think.
I saw that interview, and thought that, by her low standards, it wasn’t too bad! She’s had many worse interviews in the past, but obviously this was too much even for her ex-boyfriend Jeremy and his Stalinist lieutenant Seumas.
I think she has sailed through life on a tide of positive discrimination, taking her from university to the civil service to Parliament, without ever realising that she is just not up to the job, whatever that job might be. Not only is she useless, but she has stolen the life chances of more able people because of the positive discrimination which has supported her all through her life. That is the real crime.
Grant, exactly right and it applies to many other Labour MPs who seem ignorant fools who can only repeat stuff like, NHS, Tory Cuts, Racist , Facist , Fairness , in answer to any question about any topic under he sun. The only people who are bigger fools than them are those who vote for them.
“I think she has sailed through life on a tide of positive discrimination, taking her from university to the civil service to Parliament, without ever realising that she is just not up to the job, whatever that job might be.”
She knows only one trick. But it has worked so far. Play the race card, and expect the next promotion.
“Not only is she useless, but she has stolen the life chances of more able people because of the positive discrimination which has supported her all through her life.”
You underestimate the self-entitlement of the Left. But Andrew I have said all I want to say on that matter.
It is interesting to watch the dynamic on This Week evolved. Andrew Neil began by despising Michael Portillo as a Tory posh boy, while find Diane Abbot amusing as Labour Party Lil. But as they years went by he began to respect Portillo more and more, and Diane Abbot less and less. By the end he had utter contempt for her.
Quite right DT, John McDonnell has a particularly ‘Beria-like’ quality. A significantly unpleasant and dangerous man and one whose spurious low profile over recent weeks should not be underestimated.
Laws “could” be changed (operative word “could”) … oh dear!
BBC News – Terror laws May (cough!) change, over “uman rights”
Saw Liar May, meeting the public in an massive empty barn to give her latest campaign filibuster, and Johnson after lying his way through two interviews yesterday … and now they’ve dug up police liar A Mitchell too, a car crash early on where he didn t know anything … absolutely squat, and squirms his way on to newsh-te later,
so … probably a police confidence liason soon?
Laws “could” be changed (operative word “could”) … do not, cannot trust a single word of it.
unless its internet “offence”
BBC News – Fear ‘stops Muslims reporting hate crime’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-40170474
“Fear of the unknown is preventing Muslims from reporting hate crimes, a senior police officer has said.
Manchester Chief Superintendent Wasim Chaudhry (shakes head) said incidents in Greater Manchester may be under-reported as the numbers have fallen, since a spike after the 22 May bombing”.
What! … is this garbage!
numbers of erm “hate” crime down? … well that’s good news isn t it?
why encourage more? … looks like, according to Mr Chaudry,
that muslims are more victim than any one else … otherwise why push it?.
“I get the fact that not everyone is comfortable and confident coming to a police officer or to the police,” Ch Supt Chaudry said.
He believes people do not know they can report hate crimes online to anti-hate crime organisations
True Vision or Tell Mama, which works with the victims of anti-Muslim attacks,
but said it is “incumbent” on people to report them”.
BBC lavishing time on Tory Baroness Sayeeda Warsi again, yep her of no relevance, arch apologist and pusher of the
Islamo faux bia dinner table test, no less.
How not to deal with the growing Islamic problem in one easy lesson, Lots of far right far right all the same as jihadi s
(who are the far right she doesn t say), UK rep for the despicable blasphemy law pushing IOC in full effect. intolerance of all forms, more interfaith ya da ya da ya da.
Al BBC intersperses that muslim woman laying flowers again, for the bloody umpteenth time
BBC News Channel – live at 5 (17 50)
But the panoramic film of the gathered numbers at the Minutes Silence and the floral tributes, I noticed NO Asian faces. Only the close-up of part of the floral tributes showed one Asian woman, head covered with, presumably husband. I’m so cynical that I could well imagine the BBC ferrying in the couple intentionally as the CNN fabricated muslim demonstration showed last week. BBC – we see through your manipulations and many more of the public do so on a daily basis. You are an absolute disgrace.
Morning all.
Been away and out of reach. Yesterday on returning to civilisation caught a snippet of Toady. Apologies if reported already.
The descendants of George Orwell were being interviewed about a reading of 1984.
Now you and I might have been brought up to believe this book was about the dangers of left wing Totalitarian government. Which is the point Orwell was trying to make. And a very timely reminder, you might think.
But apparently not. Somehow the interviewer (Justin Webb I think) unbelievably managed to screw the meaning into instead a warning about large private sector corporations and their ability to inform/misinform and the dangers of the bBBC’s meaning of fake news !!!!!! FFS.
Amazingly I did not realise Orwell could have been so prophetic and far sighted and that I had totally misunderstood his writing and his meaning for all these years. Thank goodness I can rely on our fine impartial statist broadcaster to put me right.
I hope they remembered to mention that Orwell disliked the BBC intensely and even named the torture chamber in ‘1984’ ‘Room 101’ after the committee meeting room at Bush House.
I believe the MInistry of Truth was inspired by the BBC, although his descriptions of the building itself were I think based on Senate House, London’s first skyscraper. Certainly Orwell disliked constant media intrusion; I seem to recall an essay where he laid into people who kept the wireless on all day, even during meal times.
Welcome back. The issue is whether Justin and his fellow Beeboids really do not understand what 1984 is about, in which case they are even more stupid than I thought or they are producing yet more Fake News in which the BBC is the world leader.
What frightens me is that whilst you know that Webb has indulged in classic Orwellian doublespeak, the large majority of listeners probably believe what the BBC says.
Ditto. I’m waiting in vain for a politician of any hue to take the BBC to task – for everyone’s sake. In the meantime, this site is my safe space away from the so-called liberal experience I have to endure every day. Cheers to all on this pre-election day.
I put the telly on this morning (BBC Breakfast) and the first thing I saw was Dustbyn in all his widescreen glory!
Quick quick quickly-switched to Sky where they were doing weather, then to commercials. PHEW.
Oh how I wish BBC had commercials. What a great idea aye? MAKE THE BBC GREAT AGAIN.
Make them advertise & earn their keep.
Lucy, sadly, the day of telly commercials (on TV) has gone …
… out to the washroom, at least, before …
… it eventually leaves the building.
That is part of the cul-de-sac that the BBC are headed up at a fast rate. Young people are letting TV go. Digitally, they have a choice of anything from anywhere and for free. Only old people watch TV. And they do not buy stuff. Or at least buy as much stuff and at the prices as advertisers want to sell it to them.
The BBC have probably left their reforms too late.
I do not know what Lord Hall does all day but there’s not much sign that he’s working hard at sorting out the BBC. They have started to pitch for youth attention but I think it is too late. Have you noticed the changes on the web-site this year? Not the complete makeover the whole thing really needs but a slanting, an angling of certain content toward a certain younger age group.
Then there’s this forthcoming ‘Sign in’ thing for the web-site. Think that will be a disaster. Snuffy is not a trend setter [although I’ve had my moments 🙂 ] but when coming across new stuff on the Internet, if it requires setting up a registration and password then I usually come over all Mastermind on it. I suspect many people, especially young people, will be like that with the Beeb. More audience gone.
I suspect they are losing Licence Fee payers and iPlayer users at a rate of knots. In addition, they have completely wiped out the large community that orbited around Nick’s, Steffie’s and Robert’s Blogs. They should have capitalised on that but, instead, they killed it. Soon, they may lose web users entirely as well.
By the time they are asked to make their living from commercials it may be too late. No audience. Commercials, as may then be, will all be on digital social networks that the BBC are currently busy attacking and alienating.
How do you think all the lefty scum at Channel 4 feel about producing a documentary about the Jihadis that perpetrated Saturday’s atrocity ?
Knowing that they helped spread that propaganda.
Didn’t report these individuals.
They could have helped potentially prevent Saturday but didn’t.
Any chance of Channel 4 getting done for aiding and abetting terrorism?
What help or tips did THEY give to the police as they filmed these IS nutters?
Did they PAY these scum-in money, in kind? bottoms? drugs? or an address book?
How typical of the Lefty Media not to dig too deeply into what went on-what goes on-in their fetid efforts to make us halal-compliant by all means possible.
No questions from the BBC I note here.
And-all Butts fellow jihadi jizz mongs from the telly all pixielated, lest we come to any conclusions or grass on the caliphates cumbucks? Channel 4-the lowest of quisling media.
Why is the Left so pro police now , when in the seventies and eighties they couldn’t do enough to undermine them ?
Is it because the police are captured by the Gramscian elite ?
I’ve said this on other sites, but on Friday, after they lose, Momentum scum will be shouting, spitting, and throwing bricks at the police who they currently claim to support and want more of.
The Left do seem afflicted with butterfly minds and goldfish brains. They only seem able to retain half a dozen or so mantras which they chant when, like Pavlov’s dogs, they get triggered.
Talking of weirdness – Top Universities in the USA are segregating on racial and gender grounds – very progressive!
Great video on that situation here.
This is what happens when you encourage low IQ individuals to attend university, then tell them that when they inevitably fail that they have to take no personal responsibility for it because it’s the fault of the ‘White Devil’.
Mice Height.
We`re getting ready this time.
And the BBC will need to be careful too.
This lefty ritual has gone on since they lost in 2010…and they`ll not be getting away with it so easily anymore.
So there you have it. You can sidestep EU legislation if you really, really want to. The Court of Appeal says taking someone’s passport away is proportional. For throwing a single punch.
In all “analyses” about why Muslim Millwall dolts would blow the rest of us up( it`s all VERY simple…the Koran seems to like the notion)-I only hear about process, not cause.
This is the medias way of endlessly avoiding what islam is, what it states and where it leads to if it`s not on a leash and dealt with using matching severity to what THEY do to us.
No-listen in vain for words like Muslim, taqqiyya,kitman, Islam, Verses of the Sword , shahada etc.
When you neither have such language, not reckon it worth your study…then live with what more learned death star suckers will do WITH this information, God Given, Hell centred and God judged.
The liberal media and the “experts in Islam” won`t, don`t use the language needed.
So we get “solidarity” “unity”, “collective reflections of remembrance” and the like instead.
Orwell said it clearly enough-plain speaking saves, when the Nazis were our existential threat, we needed no interpreters or analysis, clever apologists or tactical/strategic plans for the media to divert us with.
Amber Rudd of Djibril?
No brains required.
This is simple-where Muslims are in over 20% population we get terror cellls, over 5% we get accommodations that ultimately create your 20%.
Not more money for courses or coppers…just less Muslims here ,as Trump set out earlier this year.
No sell out-30 peoples are now dead that ought not to be. And just one of those deaths rips up the contract between the British and the Muslim.
It`s now up to them what they do, we`ll deal with either eventuality.
But this won`t be going on much longer if WE sort it-not wankers like Farron and Abbott.
There are provisions in the EUHR act to deal with these people but the will to do so needs to be there. The French, in the past have had little trouble in getting rid of those who fall foul of the clause, probably to the UK
Have a look at the limitations in Article 8 in the followng;
Article 8 is a qualified right and as such the right to a private and family life and respect for the home and correspondence may be limited. So while the right to privacy is engaged in a wide number of situations, the right may be lawfully limited. Any limitation must have regard to the fair balance that has to be struck between the competing interests of the individual and of the community as a whole.
In particular any limitation must be:
in accordance with law;
necessary and proportionate; and
for one or more of the following legitimate aims:
the interests of national security;
the interests of public safety or the economic well-being of the country;
the prevention of disorder or crime;
the protection of health or morals; or
the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Rob in Cheshire, that made me laugh out loud! That’s the sort of joke you would hear comedians crack on R4 or BBC panel games if they were genuinely ‘edgy’ as they like to think they are. Instead we just get tired old gags about Trump’s hair.
Thank you for that ToobiWan …. quote from the link above in case anybody can’t be bothered to click it!!
“We would remind all social media users to think carefully about what they are saying before posting messages online,” the force warns.
“Although you may believe your message is acceptable, other people may take offence, and you could face a large fine or up to two years in prison if your message is deemed to have broken the law.”
The comment quickly attracted swathes of facetious replies.
“Cheshire Police would like to inform you that although they know of 3000 suspected extremists living in the UK currently under investigation including 650 known Jihadi’s [sic] that returned to the country after fighting with ISIS just be aware that they are monitoring Facebook 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week in case anyone’s feelings get hurt,” wrote one user.
“We would like to remind Cheshire Police to be careful when posting on social media. Although you might feel your message is acceptable, others may take offence. Like, for instance, people who feel that your abject pandering to political correctness only goes to demonstrate that you are part of the problem instead of the solution,” commented another.
What do the Cheshire Police and the Gurkhas have in common?
Neither take any prisoners.
It’s an old one, told to me by an ex-Merseyside copper. It’s quite possible the Cheshire Police really do have nothing better to do than monitor the internet for naughty thoughts.
Grant, Not sure about that. Khan sees himself as on a par with Trump BUT Khan has the moral high ground and has responsibility for safeguarding the World by pointing up Trumps evil ways.
BTW did Theresa invite Burnham to the Cobra meetings, after all he’s a Mayor?
Yesterday we saw the death of Helen Dunmore aged 64.
Not famous or visible-no Doctor Who or voice of Waldomart she.
But a great writer and poet-even for a lefty, her work had Gods grace throughout.
Compare and contrast with a Peter Sallis, with all due respect to him and his family of course. My point though is this. Someone mentioned Dylans Nobel Prize here on this site, and today I `m pretty sure I heard the BBCs entry for florid, vacuous pointless verbiage with a spring of lavender in it just before 7am.
Ladies and lesbians in mens bodies?
I give you James Naughtie!
Why are we paying for this florid blowfly to ponce around Trumps America and Sturgeons saddlebegs up Lochaber way today?
He had absolutey nothing to say about things, but gave us nearly ten minutes of a spoken postcard re gulls and dolphins playfully aiming discarded crab claws at a passing showboat with Cosi Fan Tutti blaring dreamily through its well olied foghorn of quixotic-some might even say-ochastic the noo-semioticism.
Something like that anyway.
Fuck off Naughtie you pretentious bloater…if I want aimless posturing verbiage than that`s what Will Gompertz and Bonnie Greer are for.
Funnily enough this shortbread shite isn`t pumped out live on BBC Scotland, Alba or Trews News.
We get it.
Only when a thistle thick fop like Naughtie gets to be a stupid kilt at our expense.
Me?…why fuss over the Highlands, why not the charms of Walton On the Naze and such?
Be scared Bobcat…Naughtie and those near legendary “Distillery Tapes” will soon be getting studied at Sarah Churchwells Department of Liberal Fatuousness.
With all due apologies to grant of course!
But I learned more about Scotland from the Proclaimers “Letter To America” than I`lll ever learn from Jim, Kirsty and the other Tartan Trolls down here.
If Labour have even one seat up there on Friday-Indy2 on Saturday I`d say.
Why does anyone, I mean anyone, give a damn what issues from the mouths of celeb’s and the comfortably well heeled. With the internet, Pundits, Experts and Special Correspondents so called have no more credence than your Postman or the bloke down the road. Despite the efforts of some, the internet still offers diversity of opinion.
C4 8pm New Virtue Signalling drama : Ackley Bridge
A six-part school drama series set in a Yorkshire mill town with a largely divided white and Asian population, as two formerly isolated comprehensive schools are merged into a brand new academy.
They show commitment to “diversity” by hiring the SAME old Asian “actors” eg Mr Kha, Adil Ray etc http://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/e/fqptg4/ackley-bridge–series-1-episode-1/
I have got to admire the writer of this show. It’s a fantastic idea. It must have been the easiest pitch in history. There is bound to be at least one more series after this. Kerching! Jimmy McGovern must be kicking himself.
If you have two people either side of a wall, one side painted white and the other black. They can each attest to the colour of the wall. One will say white and the other will say black.
It takes unfettered thought to suggest that the other side of the wall may be a different colour. To voice such thoughts in todays Britain takes vast amounts of courage.
I note today that Lord Ashcroft is forecasting a Tory majority of about sixty. I hope he is right . If he is then what will happen.
The BBC et al will immediately pile in on how the under thirties , even under forties, voted overwhelmingly for Labour and can the country function with such a clear cut generational split. This will be followed by mass demonstrations, placardwaving, petition signing, endless BBC debates . The new victims in the UK will be the poor snowflakes who are being forced to live in a greedy , racist , capitalist country when all they want is peace, love and harmony. If this is told to them often enough the snowflakes really will begin to feel that they are oppressed and that democracy has failed them. How easily they can then be manipulated into violent protest and who knows where that will lead.
One thing Labour has right is that we will need many more police in future not fewer.
Hawkins votes Labour. The great mind who cannot spot a contradiction between using an Israeli micro chip for his voicebox which he uses to call for a boycott of Israeli products.
Cambridge usually returns a labour MP, except for Lib Dem in 2005. Its always surrounded by a sea of true blues. Its all the lefty students and academics, and a high percentage of public sector workers.
I saw Hawking’s gobsmacking Lefty economic illiteracy on Yahoo’s front page when I went to send some emails. Knowing that Yahoo has full BBC cred and the ideology that Fakes News – though not quite as bad as the wall-to-wall Trump/May bashing on the Huff Post-supplied Opinion on AoL – I clicked on the comments – several hundred of them. Delightfully, almost of them urged the venerable academic to shut up and go back to black holes.
I’m not so sure anyone has a divine right to having Human Rights? Surely they are something, by your actions, behaviour and simple notions of common decency you might expect to enjoy or not. Place yourself outside humanity and forego your Human Rights – simples.
The Act should never have been about rights, it should have concentrated on responsibilities. Saying that though, it was probably drafted at a time when people shared common values and goals, etc. and tended to be more civilised, considering what had gone before, making the act necessary. One thing it has done though, it’s made a lot of lawyers rich and happy!
The religion of mass murder, genocide, and taking sex slaves, is at it again….this time enriching the infidel Shia muslims in Iran.
The cult created my the child raping, psychopathic serial killer, is going for a Ramadan-a-kill-a-thon record this year, and the comfort women of the Islamic Al Beeb and her fellow British hating, everything thats associated with white people hating, lunatics on the left, are still doing everything they can to protect the death cult, and its very reason for existing…..killing the infidels and making the entire world Islamic
Todays disgusting and traitorous statement made to protect the death cult, is in Al Shabeebs report on the Brothers Islamic act carried out in Tehran..
“Reports said the gunmen had entered parliament via a public entrance, dressed as women”……which when you remove the “I love Islam and I will do everything to protect it” filter from the statement, means “Muslims men dressed in Burka’s”, which clearly the white man hating deviants at the Islamic Al Beeb would never state as it goes against the lies and deceit they have been propagating on behalf of team “kill the infidels”
We can always do with more security. We still have some soldiers. I know they do training and build roads, better than we get in foreign parts, but a lot of the time they are just sitting around because they can’t be sent to foreign parts – it’s not PC. I see no existential threat to deploying soldiers on our streets and you would see general crime rates fall for sure.
BBC News – Last Push For Votes, that’s the story? … not quite
Liar May, after addressing an empty barn yesterday, now “bigs it up” whilst in hiding with her mini bus of cronies in a warehouse in Slough … What a callous, arrogant, sneering disregard for the public.
Whether she cons the country again with all the TV, all her lies, manipulation and eye watering amounts of hedge fund money, nearly all the MSM … and the moronic press gutter (that will be rabid)
… or not. She has zero credibility, a proven turncoat, liar, blatant coward, a recurrent failure in both her positions with a bucket of blood on her hands
…and she s the best of her bunch!. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBqF_nuWsAAKrMw.jpg:small
Woman stabbed in London by three women shouting about Allah. School on lockdown, police are not treating it as a terrorist attack.
Well why should they? Its only a female kuffir and the Emir has said we have to learn to live with it.
“not a terrorist attack” GWF
Buddy, they could run an artic down oxford street at 60 mph … quadruple the death count
The vanity project election, has to go on, you know that
… Liar May has not the slightest regard for you, not at all, she got a few “pockets to line”
… if you don t know now people.
then just wait for “Brexit” the next scapegoat
Au contraire GW, apparently the attackers said nothing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40189916
Disingenuous reporting to say the least, terror attack or not I wish the BBC would just tell it like it is instead
of feeding us half truth and double speak.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40189916 Every other news outlet mentions the shouting of ‘this is for allah’. In that 12:30 edition of the news it is omitted.
Beeboids are so stupid they do not realise that people get news from lots of outlets. They are living so far in the past they think they have a total monopoly. Idiots.
The BBC: milking the dying hours for all their worth within which they can support their party, Labour.
Treezer has just introduced a new dynamic in her proposals to revisit the Human Rights Act. I suspect that is what the more sensible person i.e. not the mulitculi lover, would welcome. But, in typical BBC bias fashion, the World at One gives Labour the extra little ‘shove’ that only they can give in not making any mention of Treezers Human Rights Act proposals. I presume this topic was barred by the BBC Editor in case anyone contrasted the issue of Corbyns love for the IRA and his World support for terrorists of all persuasions.
Many years ago I attended a law lecture at university. In it the brave professor (even then he had to be to do this) delivered a lecture on the heretic viewpoint that all ‘rights’-based law was intellectually bankrupt. He argued that Britain was both arguably the free-est society on the planet, and one of the only countries to have no Bill of Rights or written constitution. Instead we simply had rules. These rules were created via acts of parliament and common and case law. They weren’t based on any complex intellectual hypothesis or other sophistry, but really on common sense. The underlying principal was that in Britain, you should be free to do anything you liked as long as it didn’t have a negative consequence for others – we have rules about that.
This had served us well for centuries with other countries often adopting whole elements of our legal infrastructure. However, the new (as it was relatively new then) concept of rights based law was not only intellectually bankrupt but would go on to cause untold harm. This was because he argued, there was no logical place to stop it. The old test was ‘Does this action really cause anyone harm?’ The new test was: ‘Whoever you are you are owed this’. So the law that emerged was subject to subjective views about what people are owed by society, and contingent. Contingent on a society’s ability to deliver it. Two elements that conflict with the historic requirements for law to be objective and easy to judge. Even a universal right to education, would obviously depend on the society’s means to provide it. So at what point for instance do rights extend to a right to a certain standard of living, or material goods? No one really knows. “People should have a universal right to” – for instance – “satellite TV.” (in fact I think a lot of people in Britain think this is a universal right – I’ve yet to see a benefit claimants’ home on the TV that does not obviously have it) .
So what we have seen instead of better and wiser law, is the explosion in the human rights industry. The arch proponents in this in the UK, and the massive beneficiaries were of course Tony & Cherie Blair. So now we not only have intellectual bankruptcy, but moral bankruptcy (we also have 5 times more lawyers in Britain than we did when I attended that lecture). And of course the most ultimate manifestation of this was the vastly corrupt and massively dishonest human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, and his now disbanded practice which took millions of pounds of our money to pursue soldiers Britain had sent to war on our behalf, and fabricated evidence to have them hounded and prosecuted on the basis of the ‘human rights’ of her majesty’s brutal enemies with whom we had sent them to fight.
All right-based law is – to paraphrase Bernard Shaw “A conspiracy against the laity” and should be removed from British law.
Excellent ! My late father used to say that there are property rights and all sorts of rights but there is no such thing as human rights. His view was , that if you create “human rights ” , it will benefit some people , but deprive others.
In my law/politics studying days I became impressed with the UK’s lack of a Bill of Rights or even a written constitution. It allows for the evolution of necessary changes that society makes for itself. It moved me from anti monarchist, rabid lefty to someone with an admiration for the British way.
The best example is the US second amendment, drawn up for excellent reasons at the time, but long before mankind invented grenade launchers or rapid-fire weaponry. Now the law cannot be touched.
” So at what point for instance do rights extend to a right to a certain standard of living, or material goods? No one really knows. “People should have a universal right to” – for instance – “satellite TV.” (in fact I think a lot of people in Britain think this is a universal right – I’ve yet to see a benefit claimants’ home on the TV that does not obviously have it) .”
I don’t have a satellite TV. But then, I am not a Benefits claimant.
For all their degree level education, today’s students illustrate to perfection that there is a significant gulf between knowledge and wisdom, and in particular experience and gullability – hence Corbyn and McDonnell.
When Blair said he wanted more young people to attend university it was SFA to do with them getting an education, Beltane, It was to indoctrinate them and turn them into SJW, snowflake, self-hating grievance and immigrant welcoming merchants and ensure a steady flow of those who would be certain to vote the correct way. This indoctrination is no different to the radicalisation which is endemic in our prisons.
To be fair ToobiWan a lot of the expansion of university education in the 90s took place under the Conservative government (eg in 1993 when the polytechnics became universities). With the Tories it was probably more about getting youngsters off the dole statistics but this would have been supported by many in Labour for the reasons you mention.
The university expansion may have took place under the Tories, Cranmer, but was there the corresponding and proportional increase in the student numbers as seen after Blair’s edict
I’d like to think that the Tories had different reasons for opening up the opprtunities for FE, than Labour did, but like you say it did wonders for the unemployment figures and getting young people used to a life of debt at the same time, before they’d even started out on their chosen career paths.
A staff member was coming to work when three Asian girls came up behind her chanting the Koran.
“They pulled her to the ground, kicking and punching her.
“One of them got the knife out and cut her arm.
“They were shouting about Allah, that and the Koran.”
DM: “She was attacked from behind and then stabbed in the arm as her assailants chanted ‘Allah’, however police are not treating it as a terrorist incident” – Ah, our ever more pc PCs.
“A colleague, who did not want to be named, said the victim had ‘three Asian girls behind her chanting the Koran and “Allah”.” – But nothing to do with islam of course.
“The victim, described as a white woman, was attacked by the three girls ‘dressed all in black’ less than 10 minutes’ walk from the nursery, she said. ” Dressed all in black… burkas by any chance?
“A Metropolitan Police spokesman could not confirm if the force were investigating a hate crime…”
They slashed her from wrist to elbow… sounds pretty hateful to me. But hey, I’m not an expert.
But the bBC for some strange reason forgets to mention all of the above. The Polcie meanwhile are stating this wasn’t a terrorist attack. terrorize
verb: terrorise
create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror.
“he used his private army to terrorize the population”
synonyms: strike terror in/into, fill with terror, scare, frighten, terrify, petrify; More
I rather suspect that these will be the usual Satans post boxes and again members of the Salafi sect which I believe is causing ALL the problems we see with Islam in the UK.
I run a Ramadan death count and that figure is well out. Currently I am at 1990 and that will surely increase by the end of play today as I have only just added the figures for Syria (and the day isn’t even over there yet)
I believe you. I think TROP might be conservative because they feel they mus verify every murder.
They include this footnote along with the chart :
(June 7th) Note : Islamic terrorists killed people in
21 countries during the first 12 days of Ramadan 2017.
(Not all attacks are immediately listed)
Ah, the Religion of Peace, doncha luv it? That Great Faith as Treezer reminded us, just after some mass murder, I forget which, they come so thick and fast these days.
I’m flattered anyone remembers me! I don’t get much chance to post here, as living in Australia means that I’m usually asleep when the site is most active. It’s quite frustrating.
Amidst all the hate, let us send some good wishes to Flabbott that she recover quickly from her terrible afflictions, known as Pre-interview-itis and Pre-awkward-vote-in-Parliament-osis.
Poor dear, why don’t you take some Lemsip and stay in bed… for the next 5 years.
It’s possible that Ms Abbott got given the ‘IPCRESS’ treatment when on that ‘holiday’ with Corbyn to East Germany in the 1970s, and only recently a man in a bowler hat whispered to her ‘Now listen to me Abott….listen to me…’
Probably not healthy having to hold two sides of what passes for a brain in such deceptive creative tension. The Left Brain possibly suffers from too big a soft spongiform node with no spine there to support it,
But a brass neck to carry around and a silver tongue to beg ffor your Brasso. I think of poor Natalie Bennett, Ken Livingston and now Miss Doyenne Abbott.
Ling all those lies on the public tab maybe messes with their moral centres…as if they actually had them to begin with.
Expect the Mo Mowlem defence ,no matter if it`s true or not.
The Left love death and martyrdom as did Buddy Hollys manager.
And if Barry Gardiner is your CPN, then Lord help Miss Wiggy.
Barry is a new low in political life, on a par with the oily Andrew Gwynne. Corbyn and his wealth of talent eh?
Mo Mowlem , there’s a name to conjure with. I once tried tried conjuring with a name. I think that trick would defeat even the late and great Tommy. Looking back from here, Mo as they called her,doesn’t seem so bad now. Shows how far we have sunk or, rather, they have sunk.
Nothing to do with the BBC (but in the same class as) but I found this on Twitter: “Far Right Watch” with the tagline “Monitoring #HateSpeech in Ukip, Far Right, Fascist & Nazi Groups in the UK, Europe. @jdpoc & Team.”
For a group that “monitors” hate speech they appear to have a lot of hate speech on there own Twitter feed. I guess hate crime only applies to right wing and the left wing have carte blanche to say what they like.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I just heard on Toady, from one of their “journalists”, that campaigning during the election had been interrupted by “recent events”. Jesus wept! These people!
They think it is funny.
John Humphrys currently getting a bit upset with Der Starmer on the TOADY Programme.
Seems a bit like the old dog has re-discovered some teeth, found them in a glass or jar somewhere, under his desk perhaps.
Der Starmer equivocating like mad – Jezza would be proud!
A child’s note in a toilet in a school with 125 pupils in rural Canada is apparently of world significance to ‘our’ BBC.
Sexist Slur Inflames Canada village school’s dress code row (Yet again the BBC doesn’t understand the difference between an adjective and a noun)
Good grief! Is this the best that they can find going on in Canada?
On this basis the goings on at my school would have made the international news for weeks! One lad even got expelled, (remember that word?), for calling a woman in the street a ‘black bastard’. We believe he got the adjective right but the noun might have been subjective.
Jim, I wonder if any of the lads (or girls, for that matter) at that school will be sharp enough to put up a ‘tongue-in-cheek’ notice “Put a Burqa on it!” ?
JimS – Was the subject of his abuse a certain “lady” in Hackney?
Again : BBC Obsesses about pet issues
and lacks perspective on the real world
so poorly serves its audience.
Funny that.
A teacher was stabbed in Wanstead yesterday morning on the way to her school. The 3 suspects were Asian girls . It was claimed in the local paper that as they stabbed her they said ” this is for allah” .the al beeb reported this serious crime but left out what the girls said.
Why are you surprised ? It is the BBC, the world masters in Fake News.
Last day for the BBC impartial reporting, politics at the door, stuff like that….
“I’m not an item, I’m human” – Lukasz is proud to be Polish and living in Britain, but his family faces an uncertain future after Brexit. #GE2017 (via BBC Stories)
Surprised they didn’t run it in Polish too, just to sway a few more.
But the move to ‘BBC Stories’ seems more accurate than ‘News’.
Switched on radio 4. This was not a wise decision but I’ve always been a slow learner. Damien Green being interviewed by (I know her voice) but can not recall her name, although I will say she has an attitude problem. I thought Mr Green was eloquent and answered well, considering that she was talking over him. The CBB continue to contradict themselves. In this inquisition she was attacking the performance of the government via the security services for not doing their job, knowing full well that current legislation combined with the CBB/Muslim Love In prevents them from doing so. It also allows any arrested Muslims to use our laws to thwart attempts over and over again to have them removed from the country. She was at pains to point out that new legislation to make it easier to remove Muslims would actually be targeting British citizens. She’s admitting that our safety is under threat by British citizens and inferring that they can’t be removed. Oh yes they can! If the legislation is changed and these terrorists are not loyal to this country, it is completely appropriate to cancel their passport and remove them. Despite what Emily Thornberry says “We can’t leave people stateless”. Oh yes we can!
Then her voice was raised even further and spewed forth with tomorrow’s election and how are pensioners meant to feel when they don’t know where they stand, citing for one thing, the winter fuel allowance. Damien was very measured and stated that many wealthy pensioners do not need it and the money would be used to make sure that those who do need it, get it. We are living so much longer and the costs through the NHS and pensions combined with added allowances for the vulnerable are huge. Of course the social fabric must be maintained but things need to be considered. Sure they made a rash decision over the dementia tax but things must change and adapt or we go bankrupt which is a certain if labour get in.
Just before I switched off it was John Humphries. Oh, the mention of his name and his voice very bad for me. Usually brings on a moodswing. Yes it has this time, I can feel it. These are not his exact words “Well this election has been brought about by Brexit, and it’s never been out of topic”. I’m sure you’ll get the irony.
A very very good morning to all of you wonderful people and thank you for the opportunity to get everything off my chest. I’m not always polite and I did boast that I was brought up to have good manners. Guilty!
Mood, ” being interviewed by (I know her voice) but can not recall her name, although I will say she has an attitude problem”
but she is a looker, you have to admit that.
I don’t know who it is. Help me
Mood swing, I think you mean Mishal Hussein. If it was Sarah Montague the Up2Snuff needs to go to specsavers.
LOL! Mind you, I’m sure Sarah M was beautiful once. Well, her mother would have said that. Her best characteristic? She has a really dirty laugh. Works well on radio.
I think it was Sarah Montague. Deborah you have me in stitches. Since you’ve mentioned specsavers, I use them because I find their ads hilarious. The latest one where the plumber is draining the blockage but is actually emptying out an entire barrel of vintage red wine. It’s priceless. Although I doubt even specsavers can help Up2Snuff, because I know now that it was Sarah M.
Not this morning, it wasn’t.
Mishal & John today on TODAY. My ears did not deceive me. Anyway, they hold up my specs!
Always find Green a total “chocolate fireguard” type, bullsh-tter of the first order.
Would not trust him to watch my socks, never mind my back
anyway ….
“chocolate fireguard” ooooops! … waycist waycist, far right far right
Many thanks for that summary. It saves me listening which I have not done for years as it ruins my breakfast . As for Stateless people , seems to me millions in the world want to be Stateless. Funny old world, innit ?
Moodswing twitter search didn’t tell me who was doing the interview
“Damien Green talking about ease of deportation of “terrorists” without hindrance of human rights, citing case of Abu Qatada #r4today”
people claim @piersmorgan gaves him a kicking others said “Piers shouting again and again. Damien Green “is anyone else allowed to talk on your show?” ???”
Grant – I dont know whether funny is the word
I just think that these bastards are so detached from any notion of nationhood that just like the London Emir they see this sort of violence as a natural adjunct of anywhere where there are large muslim populations and therefore perfectly acceptable. The fact that it is happening here does not really touch them.
Whilst I do have my reservations about Trump. Right or wrong – he at least seems to have some affection for his nation unlike all these other over qualified reptilian journalists and politicians that we seem to be afflicted with.
If these well paid “citizens of the world” actually gave a flying F###k about “their” country they would en masse be asking the same difficult questions that we all ask ie
1 Is Islam compatible with Judeo/Christian society
2 Why have we not stopped the mass influx of large numbers of people – many of whom are hostile to us
3 Why are we so tolerant of them (and the state so overprotective of them) and confer what amounts to most favoured and protected minority status on them
I could go on but we all here know the truth and all of the arguments.
I am afraid the these bastards are like swarm of locusts in that they will show the same, conformist, short term journalistic “interest” in this story and then once the have extracted what amounts to adequate “nourishment” from the story they will lose interest and move on to the next story – just as they can also move around the world if the mess becomes too great in our own country leaving us to pick up the pieces.
Because they all originate from similair left wing backgrounds – When it all goes tits up in the UK and they have all moved to Trudeaus Canada (thus spreading their left wing / PC contagion there) They can comfort themselves knowing that we are all waycists who voted brexit and deserve what is coming our way.
I think Sharia May , has a sense that difficult questions now do need to be asked. However she is too much in the thrall of the PC obsessed MSM and the left wing establishment to ever ask these questions. She probably only came out with that statement as she senses that the patience of many of us is reaching the end of its tether. And in her normal unimaginative way she thinks that by throwing us a few scraps we will all shut up again like obedient children and be good.
However – Its difficult be good when you have to watch gutless politicians throw away 2000 years of culture and civilization to feed the PC mad agendas of remote left wing academics, BBC journalists and those who have their own personal/religious agendas to fulfill.
Maggie – she aint!
More like Nero , methinks!
However as things stand at the moment, the current realistic voting alternatives we have are not good. Its a bit like offering the condemned man the choice of being shot or hung, drawn and quartered. Both will probably ruin your day, but ultimately – I will go for the firing squad. I will just have to hold my nose at the same time
Yes, “funny” wasn’t quite the right word. What I was trying to get at was that to call it “recent events” trivialises the matter. I guess that is the intention. Also the man from Mars beaming in to that broadcast would wonder what “recent events ” referred to. It is all part of the whitewash.
As for the rest of your post , brilliant !
As for Maggie, I was having a talk in Gambia last month with 4 Gambians, comparing Gambian politics with Britain. I just said “Maggie ” and in a chorus they shouted “The Iron Lady !” . I asked them “who is the current PM ? “. Blank looks. Sums it up.
Just read your last para. Yes, I shall vote Tory tomorrow with a heavy heart. At the last election the SNP won and the awful Tasmina is the MP, but the Tories came second. This was traditionally a Tory seat. The late Nicky Fairbairn being MP at one time. I once came across him in Crieff one afternoon trying to get his cash card into the ATM. It was after lunch so quite forgiveable. They don’t make them like that any more !
Think yourself lucky. It’s between Labour and the SNP for me. At the start of the election I’d decided to hold my nose and vote Labour to keep the SNP out, as it seemed clear the Tories would win a big majority. Now it’s not so clear, and I’d hate to think I’d contributed to Corbyn winning – but I despise the SNP so much I’m inclined to go ahead and take the risk, because they’d prop Corbyn up anyway.
P.S. Nicky “What is a skirt, but an open gateway?” Fairbairn? Became something of a caricature of himself toward the end, sadly.
Oaknash, good post. I have been pondering recent events and trying to come up with explanations for the apparent lack of any sort of rational response to the horrors. It would be nice if the BBC could attempt to do something similar and use its position to ask difficult questions of our leaders, but clearly that’s not going to happen. So here goes:
1. The government IS doing something about radical Islam, but is keeping it quiet for various reasons.
2. The government is doing nothing because it realises even if the security services are still capable of a strong response (which is doubtful) it will stir up a hornet’s nest of violence and resentment both from Muslims and from fellow-travellers on the left. They have decided the least-worst option is simply to allow terror attacks to take place.
3. The government is complicit and is deliberately doing nothing because it is in thrall either to foreign paymasters, traitors within its ranks and/or to some crazed marxist idea of destroying nation states through mass immigration.
I suspect what is happening is a mixture of (2) and (3).
Oak, I must concur with Grant. It’s an excellent post. Very salient points expressing very accurately how I feel.
I was also stumped about my vote. It’s gone into the post. I should be quite well known at number 10 through my e mails. I’ve also made it onto the White House mailing list. I can assure you that Teresa will keep receiving daily instructions from me on what I want and what I expect her to deliver. Top of my list is the Islamic/CBB members club.
According the Express:
“This evening, an email prankster claimed to have revealed a discussion with Ms Abbott about the extent of her illness after posing as Jeremy Corbyn’s spin doctor, Seamus Milne.
The alleged emails claim she needed to “flesh out” her illness with more detail to make excuses for her Murnaghan interview.”
Good choice of words.
“A party spokesman, said: “We are not commenting on fake email exchanges. “Diane is unwell.””
Jeffrey Bernard would have understood.
Diane has been rumbled, and everyone knows it. Can’t stop laughing. I just hope nothing happens tomorrow to make me stop.
Jeff Bernard, now there is a blast from the past !
Jo, it’s tempting to laugh but it is also sad. There are things that we take in that can affect our brains and the mental processes. (It’s a constant behind my wondering about the sheer incompetence being displayed by the BBC at present – please see my post below.) I do not know what Diane Abbott’s health problems are beyond the migraine issue but we do know that she drinks alcohol.
The hard scientific fact is that every time a human drinks some alcohol some extra brain cells (beyond those normally lost) are damaged, possibly to the point of permanent loss. Are the brain cells ones that are critical or can they afford to lose them? Fortunately – for most of us – it is the latter.
I hope Diane – merely for her sake and that of her family and friends – doesn’t have ‘a problem’ but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.
Sorry but, IMO, she’s a nasty bit of work and I can’t summon up a great deal of concern.
Nobody forced her to go into politics. If she can’t take the pressure, or if she’s too lazy to familiarise herself with the facts necessary for the role, that’s her problem. Lots of jobs at Sainsburys.
Same applied to Gordon Brown.
My concern is that Diane was great asset to the Tories and her loss is very sad. As to the bitch herself, I could not care less. She is utterly repulsive.
Quite! Abbott is a sexist race baiter whose dismal and discreditable performance as an MP suggests that she only got where she is because she is black, female and arrogant.
As for her medical condition, reportedly she is diabetic. I am not aware of that condition predisposing a patient to being a racist, sexist, loudmouth incapable of managing the not very demanding set of facts required to maintain her position.
If she is too sick to do her cabinet job
Is she well enough to serve her electorate for the next 5 years ?
Surely she shouldn’t be standing.
I think she will make a miraculous recovery after tomorrow.
Grant / Stew,
‘Our thoughts are with Diane ” – she would not like to know what I’d be thinking about her though.
Saw an apt description of this “woman?” in a tweet last night, , when someone called her a “pound store Divine Brown”
Her dismal and performance as an MP speaks volumes about the sort of people who thought her fit for election though, brings a whole new meaning to the term, “tribal voting”.
Apologies GC but I must take issue with your assessment of Diane Abbott: ie ‘she is black, female and arrogant’. I feel this should have read: ‘She is black, fat, ugly, female and arrogant.’
As to the diagnosis of her medical condition, again I feel that the addition of: ‘Influenced by the effects of skunk’ might also have relevance.
Jeremy Corbyn said that Diane Abbott “represents her community very well”. Which community would that be? Fat black leftie females?
It is noticeable that normal British people are not part of a “community”.
So Corbyn admits that Rabbit does not represent her whole constituency ?
Community is nuspeak for ghetto, Sir A!
And it’s a pity that she has been so ill that she has only been able to send 16 tweets in the last three hours.
Agree, Jo, that DA is a deceiver of the first order. And a racist when the opportunity presents. Oh, and a hypocrite, but we can all be like that but Socialist socialists should live like Socialists and not as mere ‘social-ists’, in my view, before they either preach their message or condemn Conservatives or Tories or anyone else they are agin.
I just wouldn’t wish alcoholism or mental decline (of whatever origin/cause) on anyone, even the dishonourable member for Hackney.
Now I know why I’m so fucked up. Too many damaged brain cells. Snuff, If you had posted this last night I could have saved the few cells I’ve still got. As it’s too late I might as well finish what’s left in the bottle. (Very little)
Ah, but what have you been smoking? Tales of alcohol consumption, both at the Houses of Parliament and the BBC, are legendary. There are rumours of other substances being consumed at the BBC. Parliament? Not heard any, but do the policemen on duty there ever go out onto the Members’ Terraces? It does make you wonder though. There was something on somewhere recently (see – my last glass of wine has had an effect already, so soon) which said cannabis use was at an all time high and that not many people have not smoked it.
Well, I haven’t. Am prepared to limit my alcohol intake but don’t need to as it’s pretty minimal. And I need all the brain cells I’ve got plus a few more. But one does wonder about the BBC, whether lifestyle has had an effect. A complete absence of memory, even sometimes in the same programme!
BTW, is that a bottle a day, Moodswings? And it’s not milk? Or – dare I ask – a fizzy drink full of sugar? Then you are at risk.
But if you have had just a wee dram and there’s less than a finger left, then I think you can probably afford to let those brain cells go. You seem like a fairly smart chap or chapess.
I really hate to do this, but I suggest you read the following.
Then perhaps have a stiff drink to recover.
Rather depends on whether the finger is horizontal or vertical.
As they do fairly regularly, the Today programme wheeled on a couple of ‘security experts’, who proceeded to give some vital information about the means by which the security services obtain their information on suspects and plots. Even though the means of obtaining information doing this is widely suspected or known, it still seems to me crazy that there should be any public discussion of the methods used by the intelligence services. No information whatsoever should be publicly provided and the subject should simply not be discussed at all in the public forum. Even historical information on the extent of infiltration into the IRA by the security services could provide an extra insight for present-day terror groups.
”Majority of Londoners trust Sadiq Khan to make the right decisions on terrorism”
How can a terrorist sympathiser and ex ( my arse ) Muslim extremist be trusted with any decisions regarding terrorism…
Why don’t Khan, Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and the rest of the Loony brigade just do us all a big favour and get on big boat and fuck off to a remote Ireland and ram there own Marxist shit down there own throats and leave us all in peace, oh yeah and while there at it they can take those left wing luvvies from the BBC with them
Well, it is still in the EU, so they should be fine.
Piers Morgan sometime gets it right, and on this occasion calls out the Emir of London for not checking on the 400 jihadists of Londonistan.
The Emir blames Torikutz but was not asked why he does not instruct his cops to switch from monitoring Islamophobes to watching terrorists
Sadiq Khan is a big part of the problem.
The Emir is blaming ToriKutz for terrorism, says not enough funds for cops. But he can set up a task force to nail those who upset people of his kind. See the article and note the Christian leaders backing him
Can someone please enlighten me. When Sunni Sadiq spouts that the terrorists’ ideology is a “perversion of Islam”, isn’t he denying what is written in the Koran? So why haven’t the enrichers ‘removed’ him as an apostate or whatever? Unless, of course, they know he is lying for the benefit of the greater enrichment.
Not if he is doing his bit under Taqqiya to lie in the interests of Islam – that is of course perfectly acceptable.
A stand out moment on the TODAY Programme when Mishal was interviewing John Bickley, UKIP’s Immigration spokesman. Mishal jumped in with a question when Bickley suggested the need for migration restrictions to keep us safe from terrorism “even if it means we are poorer?”.
Apart from the fact that Bickley immediately called out Mishal for her ‘dog whistle’ question it underlined that the BBC, its Producers, Editors and Presenters, are for much of the time complete air heads. Absolutely brainless.
They have been telling us for years, on BBC News, facts about our economy. They have been telling us on BBC news, for years, facts about the immigration figures, the statistics for net immigration to the UK. The BBC has been underlining for some time, especially since last autumn, how we are all poorer, especially young people, and the current crop – the millennials aged 18-35 – will be the first generation to do less well, be poorer than their parents.
The BBC. Completely incapable of joining up the dots between one news item on one day and another news item on the next day and understanding the connection between the two.
And most of these BBC people are said to have University degrees!
I despair.
The only conclusion I can draw is that their tiny minds are closed so tightly around an ideology that it suppresses not just thought and the thinking processes but also memory. A medical doctor would, I guess, be almost correct in diagnosing a form of dementia.
I don’t think their degrees are in Astrophysics.
Grant, doesn’t need to be – this is where the standard degree for all good BBC Climate Change experts – English – comes in handy, does it not?
If the personal memory is a bit dodgy, flick open the file marked Today Programme Running Order (analogue if they still have them or on the PC), and do the thing so beloved of examiners at Secondary and, to an extent, Tertiary Education level: compare and contrast.
Grant, an opportunity to welcome you back and also to say am pleased the news from Gambia seems very positive. Long may it be so.
A latest meme on the BBC is Artificial Intelligence will do away with 65% of the present day jobs . Then they say we need more immigrants .
Perhaps the Beeb will be better when AI replaces their editors .
Beeboids already have 100% Artificial Intelligence .
Nibor & Grant, good points both!
It wouldn’t be very hard for AI to sub the press releases from trade unions, ecolooon activist groups, NHS advocates, Labour, the LibDems, the UN, US Dem supporting media feeds, the EU and the rest of the peddlers of nonsense that make up the overwhelming majority of the Corporation’s alleged ‘news’ output!
GC, indeed. It is already being trialled in Mergers & Acquisitions work and is already available for language translation. That latter area needs more work because of complexities, say for example, Sino-Japanese both together and individually to and from English.
The one profession with the most to fear, I gather, are lawyers. I have felt for some time that we have far too many lawyers in Parliament (and not enough accountants!) but the prospect of AI making many lawyers redundant might be worrying for the rest of us, especially me. More of them may seek alternative employment in future.
In Parliament.
It is the ideology itself which is opposed to rational thought, debate and facts. Those attributes are regarded as being part of and belonging to the oppressive ‘patriarchy’ of the West.
To debate openly, or to honour facts and reality, is simply to play into the hands of the ‘patriarchy’.
Far better, the Left thinks, is to stay with the tried and true attitudes of resentment, arrogance and deceit.
We should not be poorer without immigrants from Pakistan and Bangla Desh because they are mostly on benefits. And without them we should have less Islam.
The passing, unnoticed by the majority of viewers/listeners of the BBC, of a major milestone in deception and manipulation to avoid any threat to an issue the BBC hold dear – islam.
I was musing this morning on how the important subject of islamic terror carried out by devotees to the cult of recent months and their motivation – islam – and total responsibility for the horror, has firmly been shifted to the Police, Security Services and alleged Government failings. Now, no mention of islam. Nothing, zilch, maffi. All done by the BBC with the magicians old sleight of hand trick. “Now you see it, now you don’t”. A class act by any World broadcasters standards. Bravo BBC! You certainly top the International Broadcasters charts of news manipulation skills.
G, and only t’other day they were talking about Orwell and 1984!
Just after the latest Muslim atrocity in London I was fiddling about with the radio in my “new” car when I came across one of those stations that is devoted to “older” music. So, NO RAP!!!
I’m not sure if it was Capital Gold, Smooth, or Zimmer Frame fm, but was one of those…
Whether they played this deliberately or not I couldn’t say, but it was a rather poignant reminder, to me at least, of what our capital city used to be like. They played the old Roger Miller hit, with the opening verse “London swings like a pendulum do, Bobbies on bicycles two by two.”
I’m guessing this little song is about fifty years old, released during the period of “swinging London.”
It seemed so terribly quaint. I was only a young lad at the time but remember my dad taking the mickey out of “hippies” (that was any bloke who didn’t have a short back and sides and didn’t wear a tie).
As youngsters my mates and I used to traverse the city using Red Rover tickets, exploring the hidden corners of this fabulous metropolis. It felt safe. By and large it was safe.
This little song seems to depict a gentler, less suspicious and angry time. Okay, I know it’s only a simple tune, and not a particularly memorable one, but just the thought of those lyrics being appropriate today would be ludicrous.
Seven people butchered by London Bridge, fifty others with life threatening injuries and a trio of mad Muzzies on the rampage with machetes. A Muslim mayor who has a history of defending these vile creatures. My old stomping grounds only recognisable by the architecture, the indigenous inhabitants having moved as far away as possible. London is now a series of hostile ghettos. It seethes with mutual suspicion and hatred. We seem to be obsessed with racism and sexism and yet have absorbed a third world culture that is backward, misogynistic and deeply racist.
Meanwhile, as London burns, our feeble politicians blather about “enrichment, diversity and vibrancy.”
How the xxxx would you work that lot into a song?
“London’s Burning ” ?
Jeff, I would say London has not really been part of England since the late 1980s. Around this time some Parisian friends visited and commented on how there seemed to be a lot of ‘people not British’ in the city. I had not really noticed it up until then. You are not the only one to feel this way. Go on Youtube and you will find lots of old Pathe footage of London in the 30s, 40s, 50s etc. The comments are eye-opening, and many of the films have had commenting removed – you can probably guess why. I have nothing against a proportion of foreigners in our capital – I think it is a healthy spice that adds zest – but when the dish is ONLY made up of spices, it becomes unpalatable.
I live in Cumbria and have only been to London four times in my 59 years, the last time was about five years ago, and I was shocked and felt as if I was in the minority as a white person.
Probably won’t be going again, nor Paris neither.
Wild Bill, I lived in Budapest for several years. It was a very happy time in my life and I felt much more at home there than in London, mainly because the city’s cultural homogeneity lends it a much more cohesive and less threatening atmosphere.
Is the Fortuna nightclub still up there . I met Soros there .
And you let him escape ?
Jeff, we do need a song. Perhaps it has to be written yet?
I was just reading a piece in the Express by Leo McKinstry where he refers to the usual terrorist attack response as “Candles and Cowardice”
Candles and Cowardice. It is short, catchy, mocking and bitingly accurate. Surely someone with more musical ability than I could use that and produce a song of real defiance?
Depends when and where you go.
You’d be hard pressed to assemble a gathering like this in Bradford:
I don’t know what event that is but my guess is those are not people living within the M25. They will have come in by train from the Home Counties or beyond, or will be mostly eastern Europeans or French.
Plenty of places within the M25 they could have come from – much of W/SW London for instance.
Their origin is neither here nor there. The fact remains, they change the face of London for the better – a benefit that places like Bradford don’t enjoy.
(Response to Cranmer @ 9.40am – this has been displaced by the site structure/software.)
Cranmer, I agree. I have lived in very mixed communities for most of my life and it is – for want of a better word – enriching. In fact, it was a bit of culture shock to move into a Greg Dyke community. I had to adjust.
Some of the first people to express concerns to me years ago about immigration imbalance were previous neighbours who were Asians of African origin. Or Africans of Asian origin. Probably the latter is the most technically correct. We even lost them as neighbours for a while because they moved for the sake of the secondary education of their children, renting out their house & buying another elsewhere in London just for access to school choice. That was driven by migration changes early in the Blair government era.
London is, however, an exceptional city and it is not too much to say it is currently the No.1 world city, as it has been at other times in its history. New York is a very much a Johnny-Come-Lately contender for that title. That in turn drives the desire for migrants to live & work here however permanently or temporarily, including lots of Americans, New Yorkers among them!
I think London can take it just about at present levels (other cities in the UK probably not) but the inevitable strains will possibly cost London its No.1 slot for a while. Not so sure our economy can, however. That may be the thing that breaks us in the near future.
I completely agree with you that in the 60’s we used to live in a country that was safe, peaceful, courteous and largely homogeneous. Then , without our consent , but at the behest of our criminal leaders, we were invaded by aliens from just about everywhere. The result is awful to those of us of a certain age. But to people younger than say 50 , they have no realisation of what has been deliberately destroyed. They have been taught that Britain’s history was reprehensible, that its values were shameful and that its culture was worthless. Is it any wonder that after two generations of this undermining of our nationhood by the BBC and the educational establishment , people are willing to accept the imposition of an alien , backward culture, without much resistance.
How else can you explain that politicians like Corbyn, Abbott, McDonald are within reach of power? We live in very dangerous times. With these evil people in power we will undoubtedly lurch many miles further down the road to national oblivion. After a few years of Corbyn et al in power what little chance there is of us avoiding Islamification will be extinguished.
“London is now a series of hostile ghettos. It seethes with mutual suspicion and hatred.”
Don’t be silly.
This internet habit of being unable to make a point without gross exaggeration just devalues any point you are trying to make.
Grow up.
“London is now a series of hostile ghettos.”
Well many American cities are certainly like that, and so are many provincial towns in England, such as Oldham. I remember a BBC report about the place where the London bombers came from, saying that it was integrated and multicultural. Then the people who lived there said wait a minute that is total crap. There is the Muslim community, and there is everybody else, and they rarely interact. By hey Willy when faced with reality print the legend. Stop pretending to be wise and tolerant when it is you who is the ignorant bigot telling people what to think.
Well said. The narrow-minded bigotry of the Left is amazing.
Tower Hamlets?
How the BBC plays this will be interesting….
“Contents may vary”
Ill health my arse, she’s been removed.
I think the car crash interview on Sky must have been the final straw. Whether this will get Labour more or less votes is anyone’s guess.
I saw that interview, and thought that, by her low standards, it wasn’t too bad! She’s had many worse interviews in the past, but obviously this was too much even for her ex-boyfriend Jeremy and his Stalinist lieutenant Seumas.
I think she has sailed through life on a tide of positive discrimination, taking her from university to the civil service to Parliament, without ever realising that she is just not up to the job, whatever that job might be. Not only is she useless, but she has stolen the life chances of more able people because of the positive discrimination which has supported her all through her life. That is the real crime.
Excellent summing up. I have never been able to fathom what her talents are , if she has any. I wonder if the BBC will drop her ?
Grant, exactly right and it applies to many other Labour MPs who seem ignorant fools who can only repeat stuff like, NHS, Tory Cuts, Racist , Facist , Fairness , in answer to any question about any topic under he sun. The only people who are bigger fools than them are those who vote for them.
But why stop at Abbott, Labour is full of useless , but highly dangerous fools.
“I think she has sailed through life on a tide of positive discrimination, taking her from university to the civil service to Parliament, without ever realising that she is just not up to the job, whatever that job might be.”
She knows only one trick. But it has worked so far. Play the race card, and expect the next promotion.
“Not only is she useless, but she has stolen the life chances of more able people because of the positive discrimination which has supported her all through her life.”
You underestimate the self-entitlement of the Left. But Andrew I have said all I want to say on that matter.
It is interesting to watch the dynamic on This Week evolved. Andrew Neil began by despising Michael Portillo as a Tory posh boy, while find Diane Abbot amusing as Labour Party Lil. But as they years went by he began to respect Portillo more and more, and Diane Abbot less and less. By the end he had utter contempt for her.
An early interview with Dame Abbott and Andrew Neil, Wild.
Quite right DT, John McDonnell has a particularly ‘Beria-like’ quality. A significantly unpleasant and dangerous man and one whose spurious low profile over recent weeks should not be underestimated.
It is temporary while JC is reading Stalin’s playbook on how to deal with succession planning.
Laws “could” be changed (operative word “could”) … oh dear!
BBC News – Terror laws May (cough!) change, over “uman rights”
Saw Liar May, meeting the public in an massive empty barn to give her latest campaign filibuster, and Johnson after lying his way through two interviews yesterday … and now they’ve dug up police liar A Mitchell too, a car crash early on where he didn t know anything … absolutely squat, and squirms his way on to newsh-te later,
so … probably a police confidence liason soon?
Laws “could” be changed (operative word “could”) … do not, cannot trust a single word of it.
unless its internet “offence”
Treezer misses a golden opportunity – replace, “could” with, wait for it, “May”!
So Nogg, how is our dear Albert Steptoe going to get them out if he sticks with the current EU legislation on your so called ‘uman rights?
Will Treezers announcements just in relation to the Human Rights Act have any affect in removing the blindness – I very much doubt it –
One of the many things I hate about politicians is that they think they are clever and the rest of us are stupid !
Maybe they are right, Grant? After all, we do keep voting for them.
BBC News – Fear ‘stops Muslims reporting hate crime’
“Fear of the unknown is preventing Muslims from reporting hate crimes, a senior police officer has said.
Manchester Chief Superintendent Wasim Chaudhry (shakes head) said incidents in Greater Manchester may be under-reported as the numbers have fallen, since a spike after the 22 May bombing”.
What! … is this garbage!
numbers of erm “hate” crime down? … well that’s good news isn t it?
why encourage more? … looks like, according to Mr Chaudry,
that muslims are more victim than any one else … otherwise why push it?.
“I get the fact that not everyone is comfortable and confident coming to a police officer or to the police,” Ch Supt Chaudry said.
He believes people do not know they can report hate crimes online to anti-hate crime organisations
True Vision or Tell Mama, which works with the victims of anti-Muslim attacks,
but said it is “incumbent” on people to report them”.
Arson attacks on Kosher restaurants are being treated as linked anti-semitic hate crimes by police
… Why are these not terror attacks? Mr Chaudry?
An arson attack on Ta’am Deli and Grill, on Bury New Road, is thought to be linked to another attack at JS Restaurant, on King’s Road
BBC lavishing time on Tory Baroness Sayeeda Warsi again, yep her of no relevance, arch apologist and pusher of the
Islamo faux bia dinner table test, no less.
How not to deal with the growing Islamic problem in one easy lesson, Lots of far right far right all the same as jihadi s
(who are the far right she doesn t say), UK rep for the despicable blasphemy law pushing IOC in full effect. intolerance of all forms, more interfaith ya da ya da ya da.
Al BBC intersperses that muslim woman laying flowers again, for the bloody umpteenth time
BBC News Channel – live at 5 (17 50)
But the panoramic film of the gathered numbers at the Minutes Silence and the floral tributes, I noticed NO Asian faces. Only the close-up of part of the floral tributes showed one Asian woman, head covered with, presumably husband. I’m so cynical that I could well imagine the BBC ferrying in the couple intentionally as the CNN fabricated muslim demonstration showed last week. BBC – we see through your manipulations and many more of the public do so on a daily basis. You are an absolute disgrace.
Morning all.
Been away and out of reach. Yesterday on returning to civilisation caught a snippet of Toady. Apologies if reported already.
The descendants of George Orwell were being interviewed about a reading of 1984.
Now you and I might have been brought up to believe this book was about the dangers of left wing Totalitarian government. Which is the point Orwell was trying to make. And a very timely reminder, you might think.
But apparently not. Somehow the interviewer (Justin Webb I think) unbelievably managed to screw the meaning into instead a warning about large private sector corporations and their ability to inform/misinform and the dangers of the bBBC’s meaning of fake news !!!!!! FFS.
Amazingly I did not realise Orwell could have been so prophetic and far sighted and that I had totally misunderstood his writing and his meaning for all these years. Thank goodness I can rely on our fine impartial statist broadcaster to put me right.
I love Big BBC.
I hope they remembered to mention that Orwell disliked the BBC intensely and even named the torture chamber in ‘1984’ ‘Room 101’ after the committee meeting room at Bush House.
Wasn’t Orwell’s Ministry of Truth directly inspired by the BBC?
Imagine not being able to turn the telly off! That’s what they really want isn’t it? To brainwash us all.
I believe the MInistry of Truth was inspired by the BBC, although his descriptions of the building itself were I think based on Senate House, London’s first skyscraper. Certainly Orwell disliked constant media intrusion; I seem to recall an essay where he laid into people who kept the wireless on all day, even during meal times.
Welcome back. The issue is whether Justin and his fellow Beeboids really do not understand what 1984 is about, in which case they are even more stupid than I thought or they are producing yet more Fake News in which the BBC is the world leader.
What frightens me is that whilst you know that Webb has indulged in classic Orwellian doublespeak, the large majority of listeners probably believe what the BBC says.
Can I just say, ‘where would I be without you all on this site’ – I know I would be in despair. Bless you all.
This site keeps me sane !
Ditto. I’m waiting in vain for a politician of any hue to take the BBC to task – for everyone’s sake. In the meantime, this site is my safe space away from the so-called liberal experience I have to endure every day. Cheers to all on this pre-election day.
I put the telly on this morning (BBC Breakfast) and the first thing I saw was Dustbyn in all his widescreen glory!
Quick quick quickly-switched to Sky where they were doing weather, then to commercials. PHEW.
Oh how I wish BBC had commercials. What a great idea aye? MAKE THE BBC GREAT AGAIN.
Make them advertise & earn their keep.
Lucy, sadly, the day of telly commercials (on TV) has gone …
… out to the washroom, at least, before …
… it eventually leaves the building.
That is part of the cul-de-sac that the BBC are headed up at a fast rate. Young people are letting TV go. Digitally, they have a choice of anything from anywhere and for free. Only old people watch TV. And they do not buy stuff. Or at least buy as much stuff and at the prices as advertisers want to sell it to them.
The BBC have probably left their reforms too late.
I do not know what Lord Hall does all day but there’s not much sign that he’s working hard at sorting out the BBC. They have started to pitch for youth attention but I think it is too late. Have you noticed the changes on the web-site this year? Not the complete makeover the whole thing really needs but a slanting, an angling of certain content toward a certain younger age group.
Then there’s this forthcoming ‘Sign in’ thing for the web-site. Think that will be a disaster. Snuffy is not a trend setter [although I’ve had my moments 🙂 ] but when coming across new stuff on the Internet, if it requires setting up a registration and password then I usually come over all Mastermind on it. I suspect many people, especially young people, will be like that with the Beeb. More audience gone.
I suspect they are losing Licence Fee payers and iPlayer users at a rate of knots. In addition, they have completely wiped out the large community that orbited around Nick’s, Steffie’s and Robert’s Blogs. They should have capitalised on that but, instead, they killed it. Soon, they may lose web users entirely as well.
By the time they are asked to make their living from commercials it may be too late. No audience. Commercials, as may then be, will all be on digital social networks that the BBC are currently busy attacking and alienating.
The BBC are playing a dangerous game.
How do you think all the lefty scum at Channel 4 feel about producing a documentary about the Jihadis that perpetrated Saturday’s atrocity ?
Knowing that they helped spread that propaganda.
Didn’t report these individuals.
They could have helped potentially prevent Saturday but didn’t.
Lefties don’t give a damn about human beings. Their perverted “ideology” is more important.
Any chance of Channel 4 getting done for aiding and abetting terrorism?
What help or tips did THEY give to the police as they filmed these IS nutters?
Did they PAY these scum-in money, in kind? bottoms? drugs? or an address book?
How typical of the Lefty Media not to dig too deeply into what went on-what goes on-in their fetid efforts to make us halal-compliant by all means possible.
No questions from the BBC I note here.
And-all Butts fellow jihadi jizz mongs from the telly all pixielated, lest we come to any conclusions or grass on the caliphates cumbucks? Channel 4-the lowest of quisling media.
The problem in a nutshell Mice Height.
Why is the Left so pro police now , when in the seventies and eighties they couldn’t do enough to undermine them ?
Is it because the police are captured by the Gramscian elite ?
Yes. The police and juduciary have been captured and the military is going the same way. Job done.
I’ve said this on other sites, but on Friday, after they lose, Momentum scum will be shouting, spitting, and throwing bricks at the police who they currently claim to support and want more of.
The Left do seem afflicted with butterfly minds and goldfish brains. They only seem able to retain half a dozen or so mantras which they chant when, like Pavlov’s dogs, they get triggered.
Talking of weirdness – Top Universities in the USA are segregating on racial and gender grounds – very progressive!
Great video on that situation here.
This is what happens when you encourage low IQ individuals to attend university, then tell them that when they inevitably fail that they have to take no personal responsibility for it because it’s the fault of the ‘White Devil’.
Mice Height.
We`re getting ready this time.
And the BBC will need to be careful too.
This lefty ritual has gone on since they lost in 2010…and they`ll not be getting away with it so easily anymore.
The EU human rights legislation is an excuse to do nothing. Now if the terrorists were football supporters…
So there you have it. You can sidestep EU legislation if you really, really want to. The Court of Appeal says taking someone’s passport away is proportional. For throwing a single punch.
In all “analyses” about why Muslim Millwall dolts would blow the rest of us up( it`s all VERY simple…the Koran seems to like the notion)-I only hear about process, not cause.
This is the medias way of endlessly avoiding what islam is, what it states and where it leads to if it`s not on a leash and dealt with using matching severity to what THEY do to us.
No-listen in vain for words like Muslim, taqqiyya,kitman, Islam, Verses of the Sword , shahada etc.
When you neither have such language, not reckon it worth your study…then live with what more learned death star suckers will do WITH this information, God Given, Hell centred and God judged.
The liberal media and the “experts in Islam” won`t, don`t use the language needed.
So we get “solidarity” “unity”, “collective reflections of remembrance” and the like instead.
Orwell said it clearly enough-plain speaking saves, when the Nazis were our existential threat, we needed no interpreters or analysis, clever apologists or tactical/strategic plans for the media to divert us with.
Amber Rudd of Djibril?
No brains required.
This is simple-where Muslims are in over 20% population we get terror cellls, over 5% we get accommodations that ultimately create your 20%.
Not more money for courses or coppers…just less Muslims here ,as Trump set out earlier this year.
No sell out-30 peoples are now dead that ought not to be. And just one of those deaths rips up the contract between the British and the Muslim.
It`s now up to them what they do, we`ll deal with either eventuality.
But this won`t be going on much longer if WE sort it-not wankers like Farron and Abbott.
There are provisions in the EUHR act to deal with these people but the will to do so needs to be there. The French, in the past have had little trouble in getting rid of those who fall foul of the clause, probably to the UK
Have a look at the limitations in Article 8 in the followng;
Article 8 is a qualified right and as such the right to a private and family life and respect for the home and correspondence may be limited. So while the right to privacy is engaged in a wide number of situations, the right may be lawfully limited. Any limitation must have regard to the fair balance that has to be struck between the competing interests of the individual and of the community as a whole.
In particular any limitation must be:
in accordance with law;
necessary and proportionate; and
for one or more of the following legitimate aims:
the interests of national security;
the interests of public safety or the economic well-being of the country;
the prevention of disorder or crime;
the protection of health or morals; or
the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
“Now if the terrorists were football supporters” One was wearing an Arsenal shirt, Fdr.
Well, he was never going to wear a Tottenham shirt was he?
Rob in Cheshire, that made me laugh out loud! That’s the sort of joke you would hear comedians crack on R4 or BBC panel games if they were genuinely ‘edgy’ as they like to think they are. Instead we just get tired old gags about Trump’s hair.
And the (selected) audience whoop and clap like performing seals, Cranmer.
Be careful what you post on Social Media, Rob, your local Plods watching. Nice to know they have their priorities sorted!
Thank you for that ToobiWan …. quote from the link above in case anybody can’t be bothered to click it!!
“We would remind all social media users to think carefully about what they are saying before posting messages online,” the force warns.
“Although you may believe your message is acceptable, other people may take offence, and you could face a large fine or up to two years in prison if your message is deemed to have broken the law.”
The comment quickly attracted swathes of facetious replies.
“Cheshire Police would like to inform you that although they know of 3000 suspected extremists living in the UK currently under investigation including 650 known Jihadi’s [sic] that returned to the country after fighting with ISIS just be aware that they are monitoring Facebook 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week in case anyone’s feelings get hurt,” wrote one user.
“We would like to remind Cheshire Police to be careful when posting on social media. Although you might feel your message is acceptable, others may take offence. Like, for instance, people who feel that your abject pandering to political correctness only goes to demonstrate that you are part of the problem instead of the solution,” commented another.
Ridicule is a great weapon.
Most welcome, Oldcrone.
What do the Cheshire Police and the Gurkhas have in common?
Neither take any prisoners.
It’s an old one, told to me by an ex-Merseyside copper. It’s quite possible the Cheshire Police really do have nothing better to do than monitor the internet for naughty thoughts.
I liked Trump Jnr. to Khan = Stop having a go at my Dad and fix the problem.
LOL ! That squirt Khan has probably never been talked to like that by Jnr. or Snr. Maybe he realises he is not as important as he thinks he is.
Grant, Not sure about that. Khan sees himself as on a par with Trump BUT Khan has the moral high ground and has responsibility for safeguarding the World by pointing up Trumps evil ways.
BTW did Theresa invite Burnham to the Cobra meetings, after all he’s a Mayor?
I was going to say “LOL” but that is probably how the deluded Khan sees himself.
Sadarse Khunt has no intention of fixing the problem, because there is no problem, the muzzie block vote has taken london, England next
Yesterday we saw the death of Helen Dunmore aged 64.
Not famous or visible-no Doctor Who or voice of Waldomart she.
But a great writer and poet-even for a lefty, her work had Gods grace throughout.
Compare and contrast with a Peter Sallis, with all due respect to him and his family of course. My point though is this. Someone mentioned Dylans Nobel Prize here on this site, and today I `m pretty sure I heard the BBCs entry for florid, vacuous pointless verbiage with a spring of lavender in it just before 7am.
Ladies and lesbians in mens bodies?
I give you James Naughtie!
Why are we paying for this florid blowfly to ponce around Trumps America and Sturgeons saddlebegs up Lochaber way today?
He had absolutey nothing to say about things, but gave us nearly ten minutes of a spoken postcard re gulls and dolphins playfully aiming discarded crab claws at a passing showboat with Cosi Fan Tutti blaring dreamily through its well olied foghorn of quixotic-some might even say-ochastic the noo-semioticism.
Something like that anyway.
Fuck off Naughtie you pretentious bloater…if I want aimless posturing verbiage than that`s what Will Gompertz and Bonnie Greer are for.
Funnily enough this shortbread shite isn`t pumped out live on BBC Scotland, Alba or Trews News.
We get it.
Only when a thistle thick fop like Naughtie gets to be a stupid kilt at our expense.
Me?…why fuss over the Highlands, why not the charms of Walton On the Naze and such?
Be scared Bobcat…Naughtie and those near legendary “Distillery Tapes” will soon be getting studied at Sarah Churchwells Department of Liberal Fatuousness.
With all due apologies to grant of course!
But I learned more about Scotland from the Proclaimers “Letter To America” than I`lll ever learn from Jim, Kirsty and the other Tartan Trolls down here.
If Labour have even one seat up there on Friday-Indy2 on Saturday I`d say.
Why does anyone, I mean anyone, give a damn what issues from the mouths of celeb’s and the comfortably well heeled. With the internet, Pundits, Experts and Special Correspondents so called have no more credence than your Postman or the bloke down the road. Despite the efforts of some, the internet still offers diversity of opinion.
C4 8pm New Virtue Signalling drama : Ackley Bridge
A six-part school drama series set in a Yorkshire mill town with a largely divided white and Asian population, as two formerly isolated comprehensive schools are merged into a brand new academy.
They show commitment to “diversity” by hiring the SAME old Asian “actors” eg Mr Kha, Adil Ray etc
I have got to admire the writer of this show. It’s a fantastic idea. It must have been the easiest pitch in history. There is bound to be at least one more series after this. Kerching! Jimmy McGovern must be kicking himself.
Will anyone be watching it? Me neither.
I think i can take a good guess what the story lines will be just from the preview adverts
but i might be surprised,
episode 1 12 year old white girl get picked up at school gates by 30 year old pakistani in a toyota
episode 2 young asian girls fail to turn up due to running off to syria
episode 3 ex pupil blows up leeds festival
If you have two people either side of a wall, one side painted white and the other black. They can each attest to the colour of the wall. One will say white and the other will say black.
It takes unfettered thought to suggest that the other side of the wall may be a different colour. To voice such thoughts in todays Britain takes vast amounts of courage.
I note today that Lord Ashcroft is forecasting a Tory majority of about sixty. I hope he is right . If he is then what will happen.
The BBC et al will immediately pile in on how the under thirties , even under forties, voted overwhelmingly for Labour and can the country function with such a clear cut generational split. This will be followed by mass demonstrations, placardwaving, petition signing, endless BBC debates . The new victims in the UK will be the poor snowflakes who are being forced to live in a greedy , racist , capitalist country when all they want is peace, love and harmony. If this is told to them often enough the snowflakes really will begin to feel that they are oppressed and that democracy has failed them. How easily they can then be manipulated into violent protest and who knows where that will lead.
One thing Labour has right is that we will need many more police in future not fewer.
Here’s hoping, DT.
they rioted last time didnt they, I fully expect them to riot this time
then i expect their parents to send them to bed early and stop their spends
Hawkins votes Labour. The great mind who cannot spot a contradiction between using an Israeli micro chip for his voicebox which he uses to call for a boycott of Israeli products.
How else would he vote? He’s an academic, GWF. My old sensei used to say you cannot put brains and common sense in the same head.
.My late father used to say ” Some of the most stupid people I ever met were academics” .
Cambridge usually returns a labour MP, except for Lib Dem in 2005. Its always surrounded by a sea of true blues. Its all the lefty students and academics, and a high percentage of public sector workers.
I saw Hawking’s gobsmacking Lefty economic illiteracy on Yahoo’s front page when I went to send some emails. Knowing that Yahoo has full BBC cred and the ideology that Fakes News – though not quite as bad as the wall-to-wall Trump/May bashing on the Huff Post-supplied Opinion on AoL – I clicked on the comments – several hundred of them. Delightfully, almost of them urged the venerable academic to shut up and go back to black holes.
I’m not so sure anyone has a divine right to having Human Rights? Surely they are something, by your actions, behaviour and simple notions of common decency you might expect to enjoy or not. Place yourself outside humanity and forego your Human Rights – simples.
did the Israelis deprive Eichmann of his human rights?
Strangely, I recall that, or at least similar, arguments being made at the time. Occasionally even by Jews.
It’s a good question – have to earn them or be born with them?
The Act should never have been about rights, it should have concentrated on responsibilities. Saying that though, it was probably drafted at a time when people shared common values and goals, etc. and tended to be more civilised, considering what had gone before, making the act necessary. One thing it has done though, it’s made a lot of lawyers rich and happy!
Your right to swing your arms stops before contact with my face. Easy
🙂 but do you not have a responsibilty to keep your face out of the way, GWF?
I’ve actually heard this from a policeman in the 70’s!
Anyone really think that the Government and cops are interested in combating Islamic terrorism
The religion of mass murder, genocide, and taking sex slaves, is at it again….this time enriching the infidel Shia muslims in Iran.
The cult created my the child raping, psychopathic serial killer, is going for a Ramadan-a-kill-a-thon record this year, and the comfort women of the Islamic Al Beeb and her fellow British hating, everything thats associated with white people hating, lunatics on the left, are still doing everything they can to protect the death cult, and its very reason for existing…..killing the infidels and making the entire world Islamic
Todays disgusting and traitorous statement made to protect the death cult, is in Al Shabeebs report on the Brothers Islamic act carried out in Tehran..
“Reports said the gunmen had entered parliament via a public entrance, dressed as women”……which when you remove the “I love Islam and I will do everything to protect it” filter from the statement, means “Muslims men dressed in Burka’s”, which clearly the white man hating deviants at the Islamic Al Beeb would never state as it goes against the lies and deceit they have been propagating on behalf of team “kill the infidels”
Every drop of blood spilt under the instruction of Mad Mo is on the hands of the traitors at the Islamic Al Beeb.
We can always do with more security. We still have some soldiers. I know they do training and build roads, better than we get in foreign parts, but a lot of the time they are just sitting around because they can’t be sent to foreign parts – it’s not PC. I see no existential threat to deploying soldiers on our streets and you would see general crime rates fall for sure.
Soldiers on the streets, gax? That’s the sort of thing you expect to see in third world shitholes or banana republics…oh, wait…!
I hear satire has moved exclusively to Twitter – is that true?
It’s not permitted on the bbc that’s for sure.
Terror attack in Iran – is that satire or irony?
BBC News – Last Push For Votes, that’s the story? … not quite
Liar May, after addressing an empty barn yesterday, now “bigs it up” whilst in hiding with her mini bus of cronies in a warehouse in Slough … What a callous, arrogant, sneering disregard for the public.
Whether she cons the country again with all the TV, all her lies, manipulation and eye watering amounts of hedge fund money, nearly all the MSM … and the moronic press gutter (that will be rabid)
… or not. She has zero credibility, a proven turncoat, liar, blatant coward, a recurrent failure in both her positions with a bucket of blood on her hands
…and she s the best of her bunch!.
… No wonder she manipulated, a snap needless election and rushed it on, with a callous disregard for the dead, dead children, their families, the maimed and the injured., whilst piling up the lies day on day.
Self serving, party before country, f-ck the population, and beneath contempt
Woman stabbed in London by three women shouting about Allah. School on lockdown, police are not treating it as a terrorist attack.
Well why should they? Its only a female kuffir and the Emir has said we have to learn to live with it.
“not a terrorist attack” GWF
Buddy, they could run an artic down oxford street at 60 mph … quadruple the death count
The vanity project election, has to go on, you know that
… Liar May has not the slightest regard for you, not at all, she got a few “pockets to line”
… if you don t know now people.
then just wait for “Brexit” the next scapegoat
Au contraire GW, apparently the attackers said nothing.
Disingenuous reporting to say the least, terror attack or not I wish the BBC would just tell it like it is instead
of feeding us half truth and double speak.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40189916 Every other news outlet mentions the shouting of ‘this is for allah’. In that 12:30 edition of the news it is omitted.
Beeboids are so stupid they do not realise that people get news from lots of outlets. They are living so far in the past they think they have a total monopoly. Idiots.
PSSSST BBC – we have other news sources actually. Look them when you have a minute. That thing called the Internet yeah?
They know about the internet. They want to close it down.
The BBC: milking the dying hours for all their worth within which they can support their party, Labour.
Treezer has just introduced a new dynamic in her proposals to revisit the Human Rights Act. I suspect that is what the more sensible person i.e. not the mulitculi lover, would welcome. But, in typical BBC bias fashion, the World at One gives Labour the extra little ‘shove’ that only they can give in not making any mention of Treezers Human Rights Act proposals. I presume this topic was barred by the BBC Editor in case anyone contrasted the issue of Corbyns love for the IRA and his World support for terrorists of all persuasions.
Emir of Londonistan: “Everyone has a role to play in tackling terrorism” –
[video src="http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2017/06/06/4905416432886005059/480x270_MP4_4905416432886005059.mp4" /]
A victim?
Many years ago I attended a law lecture at university. In it the brave professor (even then he had to be to do this) delivered a lecture on the heretic viewpoint that all ‘rights’-based law was intellectually bankrupt. He argued that Britain was both arguably the free-est society on the planet, and one of the only countries to have no Bill of Rights or written constitution. Instead we simply had rules. These rules were created via acts of parliament and common and case law. They weren’t based on any complex intellectual hypothesis or other sophistry, but really on common sense. The underlying principal was that in Britain, you should be free to do anything you liked as long as it didn’t have a negative consequence for others – we have rules about that.
This had served us well for centuries with other countries often adopting whole elements of our legal infrastructure. However, the new (as it was relatively new then) concept of rights based law was not only intellectually bankrupt but would go on to cause untold harm. This was because he argued, there was no logical place to stop it. The old test was ‘Does this action really cause anyone harm?’ The new test was: ‘Whoever you are you are owed this’. So the law that emerged was subject to subjective views about what people are owed by society, and contingent. Contingent on a society’s ability to deliver it. Two elements that conflict with the historic requirements for law to be objective and easy to judge. Even a universal right to education, would obviously depend on the society’s means to provide it. So at what point for instance do rights extend to a right to a certain standard of living, or material goods? No one really knows. “People should have a universal right to” – for instance – “satellite TV.” (in fact I think a lot of people in Britain think this is a universal right – I’ve yet to see a benefit claimants’ home on the TV that does not obviously have it) .
So what we have seen instead of better and wiser law, is the explosion in the human rights industry. The arch proponents in this in the UK, and the massive beneficiaries were of course Tony & Cherie Blair. So now we not only have intellectual bankruptcy, but moral bankruptcy (we also have 5 times more lawyers in Britain than we did when I attended that lecture). And of course the most ultimate manifestation of this was the vastly corrupt and massively dishonest human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, and his now disbanded practice which took millions of pounds of our money to pursue soldiers Britain had sent to war on our behalf, and fabricated evidence to have them hounded and prosecuted on the basis of the ‘human rights’ of her majesty’s brutal enemies with whom we had sent them to fight.
All right-based law is – to paraphrase Bernard Shaw “A conspiracy against the laity” and should be removed from British law.
An excellent post – bravo!
Excellent ! My late father used to say that there are property rights and all sorts of rights but there is no such thing as human rights. His view was , that if you create “human rights ” , it will benefit some people , but deprive others.
A thoughtful post, Kafir
In my law/politics studying days I became impressed with the UK’s lack of a Bill of Rights or even a written constitution. It allows for the evolution of necessary changes that society makes for itself. It moved me from anti monarchist, rabid lefty to someone with an admiration for the British way.
The best example is the US second amendment, drawn up for excellent reasons at the time, but long before mankind invented grenade launchers or rapid-fire weaponry. Now the law cannot be touched.
Well BBC staff have huge perks/jobSecurity
That’s some reason why C4 paid more this time.
Even better value is to scrap the BBC altogether.
Joke on Facebook from Milton Jones.
Stuck in a lift with Abbott and Corbyn.
She doesn’t know what floor she wants and he won’t press the button.
After the style of Milton Jones:
” So at what point for instance do rights extend to a right to a certain standard of living, or material goods? No one really knows. “People should have a universal right to” – for instance – “satellite TV.” (in fact I think a lot of people in Britain think this is a universal right – I’ve yet to see a benefit claimants’ home on the TV that does not obviously have it) .”
I don’t have a satellite TV. But then, I am not a Benefits claimant.
Kind of proves Kafir Harbi’s point.
you have to laugh
For all their degree level education, today’s students illustrate to perfection that there is a significant gulf between knowledge and wisdom, and in particular experience and gullability – hence Corbyn and McDonnell.
When Blair said he wanted more young people to attend university it was SFA to do with them getting an education, Beltane, It was to indoctrinate them and turn them into SJW, snowflake, self-hating grievance and immigrant welcoming merchants and ensure a steady flow of those who would be certain to vote the correct way. This indoctrination is no different to the radicalisation which is endemic in our prisons.
That is also what Lenin meant when he said it is all about “Education, Education, Education” and look how that turned out.
To be fair ToobiWan a lot of the expansion of university education in the 90s took place under the Conservative government (eg in 1993 when the polytechnics became universities). With the Tories it was probably more about getting youngsters off the dole statistics but this would have been supported by many in Labour for the reasons you mention.
The university expansion may have took place under the Tories, Cranmer, but was there the corresponding and proportional increase in the student numbers as seen after Blair’s edict
I’d like to think that the Tories had different reasons for opening up the opprtunities for FE, than Labour did, but like you say it did wonders for the unemployment figures and getting young people used to a life of debt at the same time, before they’d even started out on their chosen career paths.
Just look at this massively biased article from the BBC which is actually yet another Islamist terror attack.
Nursery manager Karrien Stevens said the woman told her she was slashed by three Asian women dressed in black.
The attackers slashed her arm from the wrist upwards before running off down the street, she said.
But look at what ALL the rest of the media are saying:
A nursery worker was slashed after being attacked by three women who shouted ‘Allah will get you’, a colleague has said.
A colleague, who did not want to be named, said the victim had ‘three Asian girls behind her chanting the Koran, and saying ‘Allah’.
A staff member was coming to work when three Asian girls came up behind her chanting the Koran.
“They pulled her to the ground, kicking and punching her.
“One of them got the knife out and cut her arm.
“They were shouting about Allah, that and the Koran.”
Yet the BBC seem yet again oblivious as to what the motivation might be ! None of this states what the women were wearing though.
DM: “She was attacked from behind and then stabbed in the arm as her assailants chanted ‘Allah’, however police are not treating it as a terrorist incident” – Ah, our ever more pc PCs.
“A colleague, who did not want to be named, said the victim had ‘three Asian girls behind her chanting the Koran and “Allah”.” – But nothing to do with islam of course.
“The victim, described as a white woman, was attacked by the three girls ‘dressed all in black’ less than 10 minutes’ walk from the nursery, she said. ” Dressed all in black… burkas by any chance?
“A Metropolitan Police spokesman could not confirm if the force were investigating a hate crime…”
They slashed her from wrist to elbow… sounds pretty hateful to me. But hey, I’m not an expert.
Come on , don’t you think you are being a bit paranoid ? It was just an accident, honest guv.
If this isn’t a hate crime then what is? But of course Muslims seem to be excepted. It’s all about the mythical Far Right isn’t it ?
The bBC has reported on a knife attack on a women in London:

Here is what they leave out of their article:
Evening Standard:
Nursery worker beaten and stabbed by three girls ‘shouting about Allah’
Daily Mail
Schools ‘in lockdown’ after female nursery worker on her way to work is pulled to the ground and slashed in the arm by three girls ‘shouting Allah will get you’
Daily Record
Female nursery worker stabbed in back by three girls ‘shouting about Allah’
But the bBC for some strange reason forgets to mention all of the above. The Polcie meanwhile are stating this wasn’t a terrorist attack.
verb: terrorise
create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror.
“he used his private army to terrorize the population”
synonyms: strike terror in/into, fill with terror, scare, frighten, terrify, petrify; More
I rather suspect that these will be the usual Satans post boxes and again members of the Salafi sect which I believe is causing ALL the problems we see with Islam in the UK.
Day 12
I run a Ramadan death count and that figure is well out. Currently I am at 1990 and that will surely increase by the end of play today as I have only just added the figures for Syria (and the day isn’t even over there yet)
I believe you. I think TROP might be conservative because they feel they mus verify every murder.
They include this footnote along with the chart :
(June 7th) Note : Islamic terrorists killed people in
21 countries during the first 12 days of Ramadan 2017.
(Not all attacks are immediately listed)
They have other little chart summaries as well
Ah, the Religion of Peace, doncha luv it? That Great Faith as Treezer reminded us, just after some mass murder, I forget which, they come so thick and fast these days.
Mssr Martel,
As one Muslim mother said to another- “They blow-up so quickly these days”
That is outrageous, that is sick and I can’t stop laughing !
Gallows humour very apt, as we go to hell in a handbasket.
Been missing our Helena. Perhaps she is on holiday?
I’m flattered anyone remembers me! I don’t get much chance to post here, as living in Australia means that I’m usually asleep when the site is most active. It’s quite frustrating.
Good joke Lucy – boom! boom!
Amidst all the hate, let us send some good wishes to Flabbott that she recover quickly from her terrible afflictions, known as Pre-interview-itis and Pre-awkward-vote-in-Parliament-osis.
Poor dear, why don’t you take some Lemsip and stay in bed… for the next 5 years.
It’s possible that Ms Abbott got given the ‘IPCRESS’ treatment when on that ‘holiday’ with Corbyn to East Germany in the 1970s, and only recently a man in a bowler hat whispered to her ‘Now listen to me Abott….listen to me…’
In a couple of years Charlie, she will be convalescing in the HoL on a £300 per day attendance allowance.
Charlie, I am no doctor but that’s an interesting photo of her complexion on the BBC w/s no less: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40184826.
Something cardio-vascular going on?
She definitely does not look well.
The latest excuse for her shambles on TV is to try and hint she might have brain cancer – without saying it!
Probably not healthy having to hold two sides of what passes for a brain in such deceptive creative tension. The Left Brain possibly suffers from too big a soft spongiform node with no spine there to support it,
But a brass neck to carry around and a silver tongue to beg ffor your Brasso. I think of poor Natalie Bennett, Ken Livingston and now Miss Doyenne Abbott.
Ling all those lies on the public tab maybe messes with their moral centres…as if they actually had them to begin with.
Expect the Mo Mowlem defence ,no matter if it`s true or not.
The Left love death and martyrdom as did Buddy Hollys manager.
And if Barry Gardiner is your CPN, then Lord help Miss Wiggy.
Barry is a new low in political life, on a par with the oily Andrew Gwynne. Corbyn and his wealth of talent eh?
Mo Mowlem , there’s a name to conjure with. I once tried tried conjuring with a name. I think that trick would defeat even the late and great Tommy. Looking back from here, Mo as they called her,doesn’t seem so bad now. Shows how far we have sunk or, rather, they have sunk.
Looks like an IdI Amin in drag, tribute act!
More like something Smirnoff or Gordons.
Nothing to do with the BBC (but in the same class as) but I found this on Twitter: “Far Right Watch” with the tagline “Monitoring #HateSpeech in Ukip, Far Right, Fascist & Nazi Groups in the UK, Europe. @jdpoc & Team.”
For a group that “monitors” hate speech they appear to have a lot of hate speech on there own Twitter feed. I guess hate crime only applies to right wing and the left wing have carte blanche to say what they like.
Tweets by Far_Right_Watch