When the polls close at 1opm, the BBC coverage kicks in and I am sure you will want to comment on it here! I predict an emotional breakdown as I don’t believe a word that the ‘Polls’ are suggesting! The floor is yours….
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Tories will win easily but not make as big a gain as originally assumed. Labour voters are making the most noise because they’re more narcissistic and likely to cheat to make themselves look more popular than they actually are. Their violent tantrums and manipulation of polls and petitions mean bugger all in the voting booth.
unfortunately the vote rigging means that they can manipulate the actual vote as well as the polls
I am no tory supporter, however I predict a tory win with an increased majority.
Kuennsberg will be the first to pronounce that ‘Britain is a divided nation as the tory win was down to racist Brexiteers but actually if you put the Libdem Labour and Green vote together Remain is really the victor’!
As a nation we British are still, on the whole, the sort that try and avoid heated debate and confrontation; especially with loudmouths. That is why the BBC and other pollsters keep getting their predictions wrong and end up having tantrums when we, the voting public, get the answer wrong. The new fascist left-wing (sic) are the loudmouths, shouting down anyone who disagrees with them in the most vile and violent manner. They appear to be in the majority due to their volume and relentlessness but they are not. When in the quiet of the polling booth we can be British and stick the middle finger up to the social media gobshites as we cast our vote.
Steve, there is nothing wrong in your post here: “The new fascist left-wing (sic) “.
Fascism is of the left. It always has been.
“The new fascist left-wing”
There is nothing new about them, it is the same old, same old. Even the anti-semitism.
As I’ve said earlier in the campaign al beeb will say it is a conservative failure. No majority will be big enough to be a real victory in all beeb world.
Corbyn will have an al beeb victory however big the labour loss.
Any Tory MP losing there seat will be talked about by dimbley all bloody night.
Hope I’m wrong
Dimbleby (David) is a paragon of impartiality. It really undermines the credibility of this site that so many give him stick. If you’re slagging of The Dimbleby it’s more to do with being anti-BBC than anti-BBC bias. D made sure Corbyn had one of his worst came moments over Trident.
Having watched far too many question times – seeing the make up of panels and audience – and dumblys demeanour – I have no doubt about his pro labour bias. He has plenty of money but wants to stay in favour at al beeb so is bound to toe the party line. Contrast him and Brillo who fries everyone & is fairly independent of al beeb
Hippie – I ask you – you talk about the views of the people on this site but justify your view.
I am happy for somebody to present truly objective evidence about al beeb and is lack of bias .
By the way – in my neck of the woods – the teacher stabbed by three Asian girls on the way to school calling out ” this is for allah ” is not terrorism but a hate crime. Funny that the london al beeb left the allah bit off their report . Excellent bias example.
Fedup – I’ve got no doubt at all about BBC left wing bias, it’s riven with it, but Dimbleby most certainly isn’t part of it albeit QT’s producers certainly seem to be. On election nights BBC bias tends not to show too much.
I have to say I agree with Hippiepooter about David Dimbleby. He is one of the few journalists at the BBC who tries to be balanced. It is his brother Jonathan who is the biased one – biased to the Left needless to add.
The polls may be untrustworthy but as anyone who is a member and contributor to this site we all know that the BBC is 100 percent untrustworthy and the BBC has been untrustworthy for decades. The pine cone I have hanging outside my back door for weather forcasting is more accurate and trustworthy than the BBC. Madame Za-Za and her crystal ball who did my fortune in Southend a couple of years ago is more accurate than the BBC. A rattle snake with a “pet me” sign is more trustworthy than the BBC, Loch Ness monster sightings are more trustworthy than the BBC etc etc
In the interest of balance and unbiased comment I would like to point out that my seaweed is consistently more accurate than a pine cone, Madame Zi-Zi (second booth along) makes more reliable palm readings and the SNP have promised to restrict Loch Ness monster sightings to indigenous Scots. The rattlesnake was last seen crawling towards Evan Davis’ lunchbox.
Snuffy reporting from his visit to the Polling Station.
There was a long queue, the largest I think I have ever seen in this constituency. There were young and old and parents with children of different ages there. By the time I left, the queue was stretching out of the internal hall door and threatening to reach the great outdoors. I went off for about an hour after voting at around 6pm to do some shopping some way away. When I returned to the area after 7pm, there seemed an unusual number of people going to and fro on the pavement, in the vicinity of the Polling Station.
There seemed to be some electricity in the air. I think there’s something going on. Draw your own conclusions.
I will be pleased if there is a good turnout nationwide.
That will be a poke in the eye for the BBC who have majored on this “Oh no! Not another one.” theme in all their coverage since the General Election was called. Our democracy is a privilege. Many peoples around the world would like to have the opportunity we have enjoyed for centuries but it is denied them.
If you haven’t voted and do not intend doing so, please reconsider and get to the Polling Station before it closes.
Voting turnout was high so your instincts turned out to be right.
So can we make it three times the wretched BBC has screwed up in the last year namely Brexit and how the UK saw sense and flushed the EU despite the £22 million the EU paid the BBC to push pro EU propaganda down our throats, The election of President Trump despite all the BBC and the rest of the lying dying MSM threw at “The Don” To keep him oout of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And now a potential wipe out for jeremy the garden gnome corbyn. One day the BBC will get something right…………………………………………………….yeah and I will get the Pope’s job. My chances on the Pope’s job can be gauged from the fact that the “s” in my user name stands for my middle name…..Singh
Following an earlier post of mine about current labour supporters and lefties. It really does remind me of nazi indoctrination during the 30’s. I came across this report of newspapers being burned because they are written by people who do not agree with them. The content doesn’t fit their warped delusions and narrative.
German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine, who wrote in his 1820–1821 play Almansor the famous admonition, “Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen”: “Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.”
Definitely the nasty party now…….
For the few, not the many. That purchase of the so-called ‘Tory Tabloids’ by well-heeled Labour supporters would have cost quite a lot of money and will have done their sales figures no harm!
“Definitely the nasty party now…….”
They have always been the nasty party. That comment by May was idiotic. Compare the difference between Abbot and Portillo.
Just been to vote looks like a big turn out here. The voting box was that full that they had a rule to push down the votes to make room. I must say however that the demographics did look “very young” new voter. I am therefore worried that this time they the “lefties” may be on to a winner. I do however enjoy looking at military vehicles and look forward to some armoured car spotting in the near future. This my friends could be the beginning of the end. I do hope I have been a complete d**k and got it wrong.
Seat calulator here, check for predicted result.
I’ve looked at this before & find it far too simplistic. In my area it seems the Asian block vote has changed its allegiance, and this might well be enough on its own to swing the result without any of the other changes. Time will tell and there’s not long to wait now.
Didn’t one of the three stabbers say it was unislamic to vote, T? Lets hope the faithful f’kers listened to him!
Tonight I shall mainly be watching DVD’s. : e.g. Dambusters: Bridge over River Kwai : The Longest Day – you get the general drift here. No Dimblebore , Loonsberg et al for me. Had enough : I give in : please God make it stop.
If Auntie May wins (no sane person other than BBC could want Cawbin & his loonies in charge) , three words of advice
Res non Verba
Election Night Special
The Right Honourable Turkish Parliament
😉 Ukraine
Canada is more sedate, but a bit repetitive!
Wow! We are use to repeats on TV shows in the UK but this is childish. How many people are in that Parliament Session being paid how much? Canada, please reduce Mr. J. Trudeau’s wages for time wasted and arrest him for blatant waste of tax payers money. @0:41 @2:00 @2:55 @4:16 @5:24 @6:35 @7:27 @8:28 @9:44 @10:15 @11:05 @12:26 @13:36 @14:47 @15:46 @16:51 @18:02
It will be interesting to see if Scotland returns Conservative MPs.
This will make up for any loss in England and Wales, perhaps?
Me? I live in a Tory heartland but I voted UKIP just to remind May that she does not have a monopoly.
I did the same. It’s been a Tory safe seat here for years but my B*$turd MP campaigned to remain.
They could do with a wake up kick.
Imagine an FA Cup final between a top Premier League team and some Championship underdog no hopers
Think about the ‘balanced’ BBC build up to the match – by kick off they’ll have you believing the result could equally go either way
Trouble is the Beeb will have to announce their exit poll at 10 – like they had to do in 2015
BBC gleefully seizing upon the exit poll result to pronounce the night some kind of disaster for the Conservatives. Well, we’ll see. The night is yet young.
Dimbleby desperately peddling his hopes of Theresa May NOT having a majority..they clearly haven’t learned anything from the Brexit polls.
She has done it. She stopped Brexit. As I said from the start that she was there to do.
a bit premature matahari
Tend to agree. We were never going to be allowed to leave. May was always plan B .
But as I have said already it is irrelevant really . Our choice was always between a slow disintegration or a quick one.
The timelines have just speeded up that is all.
If the exit polls are correct then I think you are right. She took a dive.
Advice to Tories, if the polls are right, get rid of her NOW
GWF ‘took a dive’ well said, that’s what it’s beginning to look like. My fears all along, hope I’m wrong.
Kuntsberg hoping for hung parliament.
Well, if the exit polls are correct – say goodbye to Brexit – Tory Party apparently won’t have an overall majority.
Exit polls….correct? Umm!
Yes Richard – if there is a labour snp alliance then no real Brexit . I truly don’t believe enough seats will go to corbyns Marxist party to undermine the conservative working majority. I’m forcing myself to watch al Beeb as a matter of duty to report bias as it rises.
Funny for some reason I thought there might be another election this year. Couldn’t put my finger on “why?”
Sorry I just clicked on report a comment by mistake whilst trying to handle the phone and a cup of tea. Apologies.
FWIW, my NW constituency appears to have dangerous numbers of yoof voting. This may be a win for the Free Stuff Army.
I had to pick The Conservatives, as Ukip saw fit to not supply a candidate. Oh well as long as it helps stop Corbyn and his Motley Crew getting anywhere near Number 10 then it’s good enough for me.
Look, I hope she’s won because the alternative is just too appalling to even contemplate at this time of night.
But we can’t escape the fact that this calumny is of the Tories own making.
Firstly they stitched up the two Brexiteers, Boris and Andrea Leadsome for an irritating automaton, Theresa Maybe. And then, believing she couldn’t lose, she called an election when it was opportunistic but unnecessary.
She couldn’t possibly have run a worse campaign if she’s tried. For the love of God, the dementia tax! WTF!
Then the embarrassing and now all too familiar wobble. Can you imagine Mrs T going to pieces like that?
No, neither can I.
One way or another it looks like Theresa is history.
I just pray that Brexit isn’t.
Yep, all true. Not only did they go into the election promising a new tax (huh?) but they left Labour off the hook for the Garden Tax.
If I’d been running that campaign, I’d insist ministers being interviewed worked it into their answers each and every time whatever the question.
Agreed DJ. I watched a BBC special the other evening with an Asian presenter, not Mishal by the way. Someone brought up the garden tax & the Rotheram MP Sarah Champion answered by saying their was no such thing, end of. That was it, they moved onto the next subject.
Hung parliament is a weak parliament.
The ‘yoof’ of Labour seems to have won the day and lost the country.
Even if we have a Hung Parliament, we’ll still have Trump and Farage.
(Beats me why so many people could vote for Corbyn. Obama factor?? Someone who’s new and promises everything to everyone?).
Of course, if any of us were to think the whole thing has been engineered – a disastrous manifesto, u-turns, gaffes and so on – so the result is much tighter than it could possibly have been only a couple of weeks ago, and, sorry peeps, there’s no real mandate for Brexit – well, that would be just too contrived for words, wouldn’t it?
Then again, this time just about a year ago Dimly was smugly confident of remaining…..
Remember all the doom and gloom the BBC were peddling during the Brexit vote?
Well it’s just been reported that the pound is down against the dollar and the euro based on the exit poll!
So which is it? The pound is f@*ked if we Brexit or if we don’t?
Could be the ultimate example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
The Tory election strategy was inept, useless, boring, and totally underwhelming.
And clearly they knew May’s ‘rabbit caught in the headlights’ weakness was a disaster waiting to happen which is why they controlled her appearances so carefully.
Irrespective of the final result.
Oh dear. Even if the exit polls are wrong by 20 seats it means that Brexit is holed below the water line. Brussels will play hard ball, the Tories with a small majority will be forced to offer a parliamentary vote on the deal which will be rejected. There is no way that the liberal left establishment will ever again allow an EU referendum. If his exit poll is anywhere near true it’s all over for Brexit.
I am becoming hysterical to even think this but!
if Corbyn et al get anywhere near to power the most rational course of action for true Brits would be to campaign to join the Euro. We are never going to get out of the EU now and in once in the Euro at least there would be constraints on what these Labour loonies could do to our economy. OMG this is awful
Double, “We are never going to get out of the EU now and in once in the Euro at least there would be constraints on what these Labour loonies could do to our economy.” except that once in – if the EU implodes as seems likely, we may suffer the worst damage. Even be blamed for it all.
The exit poll was pretty close last time. We’re well and truly stuffed. Although I celebrated the Brexit poll win and then the very belated triggering of Article 50, my innate pessimism always meant that I wasn’t convinced we’d get Brexit. I don’t know if the reason the election was called was to be lost or whether it was an opportunistic attempt to grab seats as the opinion polls were too optimistic for the Conservatives.
I actually wondered if the opinion polls were being fiddled in the Conservatives favour, in an attempt to persuade the Conservatives to go for an election and lose. Their campaign was inept as well. The subtle pro-Corbyn propaganda was clear to any who are sensitive to the methods used. Farage kept praising Corbyn and attacking May which I thought was daft. Of course the terrorists attacking our people have managed to do a good job for their boy as well.
Listening to Farage on, say, LBC, he seemed to be pursuing some personal vendetta against May.
Hardly, the right strategy.
ZDF a German BBC, was also denegrating May in a similar way. They obviously thought of her as a threat to the EU. They are overjoyed at the prospect of a hung parliament, looking forward to chaos and delay in the negotiations. The traditional “corrective EU referendum” is on the cards.
A political chat show even had the “German British” journalist Matt Frei looking very smug from Maidenhead.
Yes, our very own C4 Matt Frei. He was pointing out the the election station was equidistant from a bingo hall and a mosque. May will win if the type of persons who frequent the bingo hall, (stale, pale?) turn out in force to vote, he opined. Clearly the mosque vote has been mobilised. Much applause from studio audience
They are used to electoral pacts in Germany. It is only in the UK that we (rightly) despise them.
Listening to Farage on, say, LBC, he seemed to be pursuing some personal vendetta against May.
Hardly, the right strategy.
ZDF a German BBC, was also denegrating May in a similar way. They obviously thought of her as a threat to the EU. They are overjoyed at the prospect of a hung parliament, looking forward to chaos and delay in the negotiations. The traditional “corrective EU referendum” is on the cards.
A political chat show even had the “German British” journalist Matt Frei looking very smug from Maidenhead.
Yes, our very own C4 Matt Frei. He was pointing out the the election station was equidistant from a bingo hall and a mosque. May will win if the type of persons who frequent the bingo hall, (stale, pale?) turn out in force to vote, he opined. Clearly the mosque vote has been mobilised. Much applause from studio audience
Dimbleby seems jubilant
Contrast his mood on June 27, 2016
Dimbletrot looking smug
Looking’ like he was dug up for the occasion.
He looks like the troll in The Lord of the Rings, those squinty eyes!
My hunch is that they are overstating the Marxist resurgence..but if it turns out I’m wrong – go back to your constituencies, your homes and jobs, and prepare – to go on the dole! Who the hell would want to pay tax to a Lab/SNP/Lib Dem coalition bunch of ideological gangsters? Don’t contribute to your own demise, just keep your head down while we go through the Venezuela phase and hopefully there’ll be another election along shortly. Or some military chieftain to sort out all the mess.
Exit polls undertaken by left wingers BBC,ITV and Sky. Not entirely convinced.
May’s lack of action against a left wing BBC shouts at me.
Teresa you weak wally of a woman. You could have done something about the Beeb and didn’t.
May you are a stupid, stupid fool.
Good point Wronged – and there might be a lot of shy tories about again. If Corbyn looks anything like PM in the morning the FTSE will crash .
‘Exit polls undertaken by left wingers BBC,ITV and Sky. Not entirely convinced.’
Even if the BBC,ITV and Sky are all left wingers, why would they give a misleading exit poll? Won’t be long before the proper result is in. They’d only damage confidence in their exit poll in order to mislead people for a few hours.
Perhaps you’re not convinced because of all the caveats?
It was Cameron who failed to deal with the BBC not May though
The Tories idle & greedy wanted a safe pair of hands and got one. Devoid of charisma and policies, and conviction she was as bland John Major.
She claimed to be a red Tory and alienated far too many core supporters. I wonder at what point of the evening she will resign and who her successor will be.
I was amused to see the extremely bitter George Osbourne saying it just proved him correct that May was too right-wing. May is on the left of the Conservative Party. Osbourne is an idiot. She was right to sack him.
Ah the Tory “genius” who doubled the national inside one term.
and threatened a punishment budget if you voted leave.
Privileged arrogant little shit, how very Tory
Pound Plunges. (In a relative sense, you understand?).
But Labour have lost.
They have all seem to have forgotten that we are in the first stages of an insurrection. Slaughter in the streets . So whoever is in power will have to deal with this. May and Corbyn have nothing to say that gives me any confidence.
The forces tearing apart our country are all in place and have been for years. PC and flawed multiculturalism have done the work well. The powers that be have to maintain an illusion of control whereas in reality they have little.
As for Brexit it was never going to happen. so why get upset over it.
The only really upsetting thing is watching and listening to the progressives crowing about it ,
But then they are like that. Shallow and lacking sense or foresight.
They are not shallow they want destruction. That ex-Newnight reporter Paul Mason actually gave a clenched fist salute during an interview I saw on ITV.
Go to bed, it’ll be a long time before the fat lady sings
…and anyway she’s been a bit sick recently…so she says.
Two results up and it’s not looking too good for the Conservatives but the LibDems and SNP are going to have a very nervous twenty-four hours. Corbyn could keep his job but Theresa May may lose hers.
ive voted conservative, if may has fucked us over it will be the last ever time no matter what the terrible options
Exit polls seem badly wrong! You can taste the bBBC’s fear!
It’s 11:15pm and the BBC are already calling for May to resign – ffs!
I’m sure tomorrow will be all day of the BBC asking UKIP if it’s time to disband.
Junker must be laughing his head off.
I don’t really think a fair assessment of outcome will be when the first ” borderline” constituency result turns up . Discussing an exit poll, Sunderland and Newcastle ain’t worth much .
Someone tell me to stay up as I can feel the constituency for bedfordshire calling me.
Bias body language!! Emily on al beeb almost wetting herself a minute before they published the 2200 poll.! True !
Ordinarily I would agree that the exit polls are wrong, but Theresa May has run a shambles of a campaign, and if she’s lost her majority then she really has to go tomorrow..
To be replaced by who though?
God knows, they’re all insipid. Nigel has to return as UKIP leader right away though.
True – the most dreary, lack lustre election I can recall. Really missing Nigel and even Boris this time round.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Who is there to replace Teresa that can push Brexit through, handle the more unruly in the party and be capable enough of keeping Labour out.
The more I ponder this, I find it rather hard to realise how the Tories handled everything so badly. If only we had practical interstellar travel and I could use my Oyster card! Whoosh, I’d be out of here.
There will have to be another GE within six months and if NF returns UKIP will take votes from the Tories which will allow Labour to win even more seats. Then you will have Corbyn et al in power because this result means Corbyn will be around for a long time and that Labour will be hard left for a long while. Anyone who voted UKIP in a seat where the Tories had a chance has just lost the the thing that they held dear, Brexit. It will never happen now. What those who are centre right must do now is to focus on ensuring that Labour does not win the next election later this year or early next. As Brexit is dead even a coalition with the Lib Dems and DUP is thinkable. Also we should accept that being in the EU is inevitable and will remain inevitable for many years to come. We need to start to see how we can use that fact to our advantage and Labours disadvantage. Hard Brexiteers in the Tories need to accept these are political realities and leave behind euroscepticism or else face life under Corbyn. I know it’s like being between a rock and a hard place but being lead by Brussels with a centre right Westminster government, even if it is a glorified council chamber, is preferable to being led by Corbyn or any other Labour leader , no matter what.
This is a truly awful day. So sad that Brexit has been lost and that the BBC will now be untouchable for years to come.
I’m struggling with the theory that May will loose seats to Labour due to the terror attacks?
Why, because Labour would have done better? Makes no sense.
I think the scutters’ vote will have a significant effect – they’ve been missing all that ‘free’ stuff!
It’s the millennials that have helped Corbyn. Labour have targetted them through Nick Lowles and Hope not hates manipulative campaign, because Millennials can’t remember the IRA, (Something of which both Corbyn and Lowles fully supported) and they’re also too young to remember the many Socialist/Communist failings of the twentieth century, where-ever that ideology was implemented…The Millennials were also anti Brexit, so Lowles, Milne and Corbyn have actually played a blinder, tapping in, to clueless and impressionable target group, and having them get out and vote.
University places have gone from (roughly) 5% to 50% of 18-21 year olds. It was probably a cynical move by John Major to reduce the youth unemployment figures. No government can fund that (unless you want to scrap the NHS) so there has to be tuition fees. The young voted for the abolition of tuition fees. Woo Hoo! Get the working poor to pay for our education in Peace Studies. There is not a scintilla of idealism about it. The same goes for those saying their parents should not have to sell their houses for dementia care. If people are living longer, it has to be funded, and if they have valuable houses of course they should be used to fund their care in old age.
“University places have gone from (roughly) 5% to 50% of 18-21 year olds”. Indeed, and as a consequence we now have a generation of graduate coffee bar waiters who boil with resentment that they’re not earning £70,000 a year.
– And the Piper advanced and the children followed, And when all were in to the very last, The door in the mountain-side shut fast.
BBC hammering away at the influence of some creatures called ‘Yang people’. Tomorrow they will be saying that the Yang people are better educated.
except perhaps in the subject of history
Again, I must mention that today Sky blocked it’s sister network, Fox News.
Unheard of and extraordinary as SKY subscribers were able to view ALL other news channels, CNN, MSNBC, BLOOMBERG, EURO, CHINA, JAPAN, FRANCE, RUSSIA, Al Jazeera and INDIA.
You guys need to calm down. Three results in and all show a swing towards the Conservatives in traditionally secure Labour seats. Early days, people, early days.
Well said, ObiWan.
You could make a fortune if you could harvest the tears of the progressive left over the next day I predict.
As you say though, it’s early days…
Very early days – I remember when the referendum results were starting to come in, Nigel Farage thought Remain had won. We all know how that turned out – I bet Dimbleby certainly does, with his face like a smacked arse.
If only May had waited a few months for the boundary changes to kick in. A probable 15-20 extra seats.
An uncosted manifesto, a dementia tax, complacency personified.
Sack her and soon.
Sack her and replace her with who exactly ?
Another idle Eton posh boy whose only policy is to keep his family as wealthy as possible. Right now a wealth tax on people with assets over £2 Million is looking pretty attractive !
Thoughtful. One posh boy that may get it right is Boris Johnson. Like him or loathe him he is the only politician in Westminster from any party with any charisma.
I’m afraid the brandy has not softened the pain.
I didn’t want Cameron to be Conservative leader, but tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Although I voted UKIP in 2010 and 2015. I tried to do the same with May but she also let the country down. I don’t know who advised her into this dangerous thing but they should be sacked forthwith and May with them. I thought the Conservatives would do quite badly but not as bad as this. The country is doomed.
Wronged – paddy power had tess as being sacked in the morning at 5/1 before 2200!but i didnt put my Euro pound on it… ah well . At midnight i still see a conservative working majority just .
Your right – though – about the May performance . Might have tried to be a bit more human – do a Trump and turn the election into show business. Promise everything . Do the money tree thing.
The idea that thornberry and Abbot could be in the Cabinet in the morning would mean I’d give up this blog as I would have no idea about anything and my comments are not worth reading
Overall I prefer dogs to people.
I read your comment just as Emily Thornberry popped up on the screen with a fat smug grin on her face. Apologies to all dogs for my comparison.