I think the BBC had better tread carefully as the DUP want a change to the BBC licence fee. The DUP see it as a regressive tax and should be either severely changed or abolished.
On another point.
I only became aware today that in Belgium ( the EU capital state ) if you are an immigrant and are without a job you have to return to your country of origin.
I don’t think the Tories would dare take on the BBC, not least because the public aren’t ready for it yet and would frown on Beeb-bashing. At least that’s the impression I get, though I would love to be proved wrong.
Better to do it by stealth. Something I’ve advocated in the past is to ask the BBC to publish, say every three months, its statistics showing how it meets its obligations to impartiality. “To prove wrong those who claim the BBC is biased”, of course. 😉
All of us here know the BBC keeps no such statistics, of course, but how could anyone treat such a request as unreasonable?
wronged, it is interesting isn’t it? I did some research before the EU Referendum and found the Union’s own web-site very revealing. Equally interesting was, that during and after the EU Referendum campaign and the vote, that it became apparent that those advocating a Remain vote appeared to know little or nothing about their beloved EU. They were happy to parrot “Four Freedoms! Four Freedoms! Who’s a pretty Euopean? Four Freedoms!” but did not realise that those so-called freedoms were anything but freedoms and were littered with qualifications, reservations and limitations.
The requirement for an immigrant to have a job also applies in the Netherlands. They don’t just deport the immigrant – they deport his entire family too if he’s unemployed.
The UK has been asset stripped for years
The politicians have sold off the family silver
The essential services are now in the hands of foreign buyers
Think Germany and France hold a few cards.
Quelle surprise
Allo Allo..We have a cunning plan
Emasculate Grande Bretagne.
Politicians of all parties have been complicit in this,
Lions led by donkeys
We are the lions
The politicians are the donkeys…or asses
@Haleys That is a good analogy.
Jeremy Corbyn’s Asset Stripping sale as he says to immigrants
“just come in and take a bit of the UK”
As for governments selling off infrastructure ..yes quite right : Communism doesn’t work, the government should not be trying to run businesses cos it screws up .. Rather it should make the basic safety laws etc. and make sure the private businesses obey them.
You buy a house and convert it to 4 flats for £200K, the gov would take £2m to do the same poject.
Careful, AEG … or he ll impose a “punishment budget” on you
Mind you he was toast only hours after the vote, or maybe not?
Didn t I see him slithering up to the sofa today?
Oh and just look at who s standing next to him?
I bet he said just hold this darling, as he went to the mic.
BBC News Manchester – looks like nothing happened in Manchester this afternoon?
Oh … Something about a car theft.
Yet on twitter
BBC NW – Police say they’re determined to keep the peace & minimise disruption when English Defence League stage silent march in Manchester at 2pm. … “Keep the peace “on a silent protest?, English Defence League??
… I thought it was a group comprising Sikhs, Hindu s, LGBT, Jewish , Manchester people, English people, Blacks, Whites, Apostates from Islam and genuine Muslims of conscience, protesting about hate?
I maybe wrong but, surely that is called erm … “diversity” isn t it BBC?
Once again just scratch beneath the surface story … and you find, AntiFa, UAF, Tommy Robinson pleading with Mays political police not to allow confrontation, wanting to move to different streets, all manner of things to avoid disruption.
As Tommy predicted May’s political police set it up for a violent outcome and the antifa and May’s thugs in the UAF were allowed to throw gas canisters and smoke bombs.
Well done Treezer May. Enough is enough you sour faced ugly traitor. You had you violent attack against a peaceful demonstration against the murderers of our children in Manchester.
Well, first post following the election result.
Slightly cheered up after watching the news this evening.
Great to see how pissed off the BBC are with the DUP alliance.
On the BBC website they are having an SJW orgasm over how diverse the new intake of MPs is. If they had a few hate crimes as well it would be the perfect day in the office for a BBC ‘journalist.’
So that’s paradise on Earth now. All we needed was maximum diversity. No more terror, squeezed budgets or housing crisis. No more kids leaving school barely able to read or write. No more problems with the NHS. All that matters is diversity! Humans need food, water and diversity. Cressida Dick was celebrating how diverse the victims of the London Terror attack were and I could not help feel a swelling of patriotic fervour at all that ‘diversity.’ It’s nothing but broad, sunlit uplands from now on.
Number 6,
Ironically I think he is the only hope the Tories have left. People trust Nige to speak for us against the EU. Only those on the Left don’t.
He knows better than most the EU weaknesses. For example he will play on the fact that the EU is completely broke. He will get under their skin. His communication skills are second to none.
The fact that the EU would not want Nigel involved can only be good for us.
I wonder why the bBC never mentioned this salient news story epically just before the election: Ukraine’s president celebrates first day of visa-free travel to EU
Ukrainians were on Sunday celebrating the first day of visa-free access to the European Union, with thousands crossing the border as President Petro Poroshenko proclaimed a dramatic “exit” from Moscow’s grip. The move is symbolic for Kiev, where a pro-EU revolt in 2014 toppled the previous Russia-backed government and was followed by Moscow’s annexation of the Crimea peninsula sparking a protracted ongoing conflict with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. “The visa-free regime for Ukraine has started! Glory to Europe! Glory to Ukraine!” Poroshenko tweeted early Sunday as many travellers started crossing the border and posting selfies. Only those with biometric passports — containing a microchip with personal data, including fingerprints — can take advantage of the visa-free travel for the time being, for stays of up to 90 days every six months that don’t include work.
Thought I’d give a heads up on this interesting idea from Raheem Kassam (sometime adviser to Mr. Farage and general good all-round bloke). He’s floating the idea of a watchdog to observe the BBC/MSM. I notice Biased BBC has already got a mention in the comments.
OFCOM didn’t want it and don’t know what to do with it. Have they even figured out their bbc ground rules?
No, well heck there’s the bbc charter they could thumb through if they’re stuck.
Ezra Levant – Why is @BBC not covering 3,500 people marching at http://www.UKAgainstHate.com ? B/c rainbow flags, black & Sikh speakers, ruin their narrative.
R Kassam – BBC liars report diverse march against terror in UK as “racist” and “EDL”. Zero truth in it.
Stop paying your TV licence fees. https://twitter.com/bbcnwt/status/873902080989245440 …
@Nog did BBC NorthWest delete that tweet ?
They posted another
Bottles and flares thrown during tense stand-off in Manchester after march organised by far right groups confronted by 100's of anti-racists pic.twitter.com/jeiZBjJOQg
Lolzy looks like @BBCNWT deleted this tweet as so many people in the comments called them out on their FAKE NEWS. It wasn't an EDL march pic.twitter.com/c8HjTHcXZy
— Jenna Sharpe ???? ???????? (@JennaVAtion) June 11, 2017
The “B” in BBC is still relivent only it is not the British Broadcastin Corporation but now “Broadcasting for the British Caliphate” though “IBBC” or the Islamic Britain Broadcastin Corporation seems more relivant now when looking at the BBC now and its role
Well, well, yet another BBC correspondent (and one from Sky) has used the C-word when referring to Jeremy Hunt, either deliberately, or resulting from habitual use of the word when referring to him in general conversation. Whichever is the case, it is unconscionable. When Jim Naughtie did this on the Today programme – and from his reaction and those of the others in the studio, I believe it was done deliberately – the Director General should immediately have issued a warning that thereafter it would mean instant dismissal for anyone doing the same, and we would have had no other instances. One simply cannot imagine a CE of a private firm (or indeed a state monopoly) accepting with equanimity an employee mouthing such an indecency and insult. As it is, with no penalty, and apparently no action from the BBC DG, there will doubtless be more instances from BBC journalists after a cheap laugh. The BBC, disgusting to the core.
Use the word beginning with n and rhyming with Tigger and this twitter thing goes into a kind of hysteria . Call a cabinet minister that c word and it’s a collective rolling of eyes job.
Folks check this true Brit confront the extremist far-Left and expose them as the fascists they are… what a great guy. That thick and aggressive fat battleaxe in the video epitomises how brainwashed and unintelligent Corbyn voters are… they can’t engage in intelligent debate so they just stick to robotic statements and shout. The guy destroys them.
Quite entertaining watching these morons fall apart when confonted with a working class, intelligent, and assertive black guy who does not appear to subscribe to the Diane Abbots view that all blacks are victims who need to be patronised and given an extra leg up in life because they are incapable of forging an independent and successful existence because of waycism.
From what he said (and it certainly had the ring of truth about it) He had experienced true racism himself rather than the the PC/BLM confected over sensitised version and had become a stronger person as a result. He had also identified where the current true danger to our society currently lies. This and his colour obviously confused our moronic SJWs and the fact that he did not fit their identikit “black victim of oppression” had obviously confused their drug addled brains further, so they ended up resorting to insults and profanity instead of actually having a serious debate.
What worries me most though is the fact that the state is using these idle dhimmi bastards to destroy our right to free speech and protest. Also interesting that the black guy asked these arseholes why are they wearing black. I am sure Max Mosely s father could have answered that one for them.
It’s noticeable that Plod suddenly appear on the scene to protect the commie fascists. They target the mixed race guy who’s only offence appears to be calling out the Antifa crowd on their hypocrisy. The mouthy cow dressed in black was shouting obscenities and abuse and was ignored by the copper. We now know May’s politicised plod isn’t on the side of the ordinary people of this country. It’s apparent Plod are now the tools of an oppressive regime. Policing by consent? I don’t think so.
I care about our Police being unnecessarily distracted when they are worn out & still working hard to investigate a major incident. https://t.co/do8KLdf5ge
Which major incident?, the one the bomb squad had to be scrambled to, to defuse yesterday
That no one talked about, because they were to busy bleating islamo faux bia. with the help of the MSM.
Or waffling on about a “bacon attack” hate crime.
Truly the world turned upside down.
“The fascists of the future will be called anti fascists” Winston Churchill. Pretty prescient guy was our Winnie!
Had a few things to say about Islam and Muhammadans as well.
Al, interesting article that. Especially when you set it against the ‘death’ of oil. The north American study, published recently, suggested oil as a transport fuel will be finished in eight years. While my instinct suggests that might be too soon, there is no doubt that the tax greed of Governments and their stupidity in embracing a false god of Climate Change will at some point kill off petrol and diesel fuels.
Oil will still be needed (for pharmaceuticals, plastics, lubrication, household goods, heating fuel in remote places, etc) but in much smaller quantities and with an ever greater number of suppliers.
Peak Oil was a Modern Urban Myth created by Enviro-mentalists and disseminated by their followers to scare us into funding by tax all sorts of alternatives. There is plenty of the stuff left. But those alternatives and the natural economic effect of seeking lower cost technological solutions in (artificially inflated) high cost environment are also bringing the need for oil from the ground to a two hundred year low.
(That is not to say that those alternatives are not worthwhile, by the way. It was just the economics of the fiscal approach taken that would inevitably cause problems.)
Where would a collapse in the oil price be felt with maximum harm? Mostly, I think, in Islamic countries or countries with majority Islamic populations like Indonesia. What will countries with relatively young populations do when the dribble down from their wealth-holding elites – who themselves will be impoverished – comes to an end? Or, even, what might they do before then?
A prospect that doesn’t bear too much thinking about when linked to a reading of Dr Joyce’s article.
There is no alternative to oil for air transport. There is no alternative to oil for sea transport (unless you want to go back to coal or sail). There is no alternative to diesel engines for heavy goods vehicles.
Even if the green lunatics get us all driving around in Priuses, oil will be vital to power all the main transportation methods for goods. Of course, if we decide to live in wattle and daub huts and grow our own turnips, I suppose we could manage without oil. A return to the pre-industrial world seems to be exactly what some of these green nutcases really want. Include me out.
News 24 newspaper review with Yasmin Brown and Ruth Lea. To say that Yasmin was a pain in the neck was an understatement. Ruth asked her about why she supported Customs Union, Yasmin couldn’t answer. Her best response was ask her again in a year’s time. Later just went on about Kensington, Kensington, Kensington. Yasmin obviously supports Remain but like most Remainers cannot articulate why. An example of a socialist with very little brain.
“Later just went on about Kensington, Kensington, Kensington.”
This makes me laugh. Can’t anyone recognise an aberration when they see one? Kensington isn’t Labour, it just isn’t.
It was a remain vote, probably by wealthy ex-pats from Europe. They don’t know Labour and would be horrified if they knew what McDonnell would like to do to them.
BTW, is anyone investigating whether students have been voting twice? I don’t have any evidence of this but, on the other hand, I understand that there’s little preventing it. People who think they occupy the moral high ground can justify virtually anything.
From what I gather, many of the expensive properties in Kensington are owned by foreigners, who rarely visit them. The property is just a way to park their money, and the properties are empty most of the time. I have read that if you walk round there after dark, there are very few lights on in these mansions.
The only British people who can vote living in Kensington are probably the servants of the oligarchs and oil billionaires. If I were in their position, I might be tempted to vote Labour to cock a snook at the international rich who use London property as their piggy bank.
There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that students received two ballot cards, one at their family address and one at their student digs. I don’t know how correct this is – I cannot corroborate this, but some of the dopey pricks have been heard boasting about voting twice, either by proxy or postal vote.
I watched about 5 mins of this because Ruth Lea was on.
Did I detect an undercurrent of the Beeb wishing for the 7 Sinn Fein MPs to take up their seats?
She’s got balls, which is more than can be said for the coppers and coppettes.
I notice 1 bobby is somewhat of the bearded persuasion, how very reassuring.
God help us.
Muslim, Muslim, Muslim and Muslim with additional Muslim and last, but in no way least, Muslim.
I’m sure I’m not alone in being utterly sick of the incessant media view through the Muslim lens. They are a minority in the country and the West. Other minorities are available and yet when do we EVER get to hear about them?
Enough really is enough – especially considering that by their hate speech, slaughter and barbarism they disqualify themselves from any due consideration.
BTW I’m still waiting for a bbc discussion panel consisting of an Imam, same sex married couple and Womens’ Equality activist. Call it, ‘The Muslim Maze’.
Do you remember the good old days, gax when you could pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and not be confronted with the latest muslim atrocity, outraged muslim or offended muslim? Seems like a lifetime ago.
gax: “BTW I’m still waiting for a bbc discussion panel consisting of an Imam, same sex married couple and Womens’ Equality activist. Call it, ‘The Muslim Maze’.”
– Jeremy Bowens’s driver screens “we are the crazy team, we go thru the way under Israeli fire”
– 4 years Later in Lebanon in an active war area Bowen gets out of the car ready to film … their car is hit by an Israeli tank shell and their long time driver is killed.
…Em that seems Bowen’s fault for leading his team in a “crazy team” way,
Israeli soldiers being conscripts and coming from Israeli culture do seem too trigger happy and unprofessional compared to western forces, and Bowen knew this ,
Except his report doesn’t build the narrative that way
First he told us of the death incident, the after slagging the Israelis for `10 minutes he calls on the “crazy team” drive as a funny story of the character of his driver and team.
He even told us the driver phoning his young son at the time ..
That’s a good narrative but truthfully how would Bowen be certain. The bloke could have been phoning in the position of the tank etc…who knows for sure ?
Sometimes reporters who cover war get killed. It has happened for as long as there has been war reporting. A press card cannot protect you. The great photojournalist Tim Page was almost killed by American “friendly fire” in Vietnam. His friend and colleague Sean Flynn was captured by the Khmer Rouge and never seen again. Robert Capa covered the Spanish Civil War, World War II and Indochina. A landmine took his life. These things happen in war.
It was sad that Bowen’s car was hit and his driver killed. But he has turned this into an obsessional hatred of Israel. He is no longer a reporter, he is a participant.
BBC Weird Service :Tech Tent
Rory Cellan-Jones took a break from giving free ads to Tesla, to instead SHOEHORN-IN a piece warning us about Climate Change and Denier disinformation. #bbcPetIssue.
What’s that go to with the remit of the prog which is supposed to be about tech ?
“Ellen Stofan, former chief scientist at NASA, talks about whether opinion has overtaken established scientific facts. ”
She told us “the most widely shared meme about Climate Change last year on Facebook, was Fake news”
We don’t have a problem with children and denial.
…Em that’s cos you and your corrupt teacher mates have rigged the curriculum to brainwash the kids …doh ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p054nk5b
The DUP aren’t keen on Climate hysteria either.
One last thought – instead of pouring billions into pie in the sky, talking shops and meaningless pollution gestures.
Sort the plastic in our seas. One pacific island has an estimated 28 million tons of plastic on it’s shores.
Watching the BBC News on Sunday one could be excused for thinking that the Brexit referendum vote was still to come, rather than having actually taken place last year.
I caught a few moments of the Blustering Bishop last night on Radio 5 and he was babbling on about all the parties wanting to ‘remain’ in the single-market. Well that wasn’t what Labour or the Conservatives were campaigning on so apart from the green pixie and Jimmy Krankie I don’t know where he gets his ‘most’ from.
Also he was pushing the current ‘difficult times ahead’ meme that the BBC loves, that the PM will have trouble getting her side to agree. Well this bear of little brain thinks that if the choice for wet conservatives, Scottish conservatives or DUP is supporting the PM or not then the not will end in a new election which could well end up putting all of them out of government. Wouldn’t that thought concentrate their minds?
But then there are idiots like our Ken and the delightful Soubry who might just as well don the red rosette.
Yes, the convenient, self-inflicted May catastrophe is the pretext to kill off Brexit which the essentially remain parliament has been waiting for. Talk about soft Brexit simply means abort Brexit before it really gets started. Just as Islam has its five pillars, the EU has four pillars. Membership of the single market is one of the four pillars and Merkel has made it perfectly clear that there can be no “cherry picking”. To get single market membership or full access, the UK will have to reaffirm the other three pillars. The UK is then back to the Camerloon negotiating position. Any minor concessions from the EU at the coming Brexit negotiations will be hailed as negotiating triumphs and the EU juggernaut rolls on. The Gina Millar case strengthened the remain majority parliament’s hand and any calls for a second referendum that could “go the wrong way” will be easy to circumvent. The remain-MP mantra “I voted remain, but now I respect the will of the people” turns out to be the usual ordure t,hat pours from the orifices of the zombie parties. Hopefully, the remainers have queered their own pitch by causing so much uncertainty and delay that the negotiation time limit will run out and there will be Brexit by default.
Humphreys on the Today programme, R4 is even now regurgitating the “British public did not vote to leave the single market” shtick. How can supposedly top class journalists even let such nonsensical crap enter their heads, let alone humiliate themselves by broadcasting their inane utterances to millions???
The World Service news bulletin chortlingly reports on a production of Julius Caesar where Caesar is portrayed as a blonde businessman. Nudge nudge, wink wink! Wouldn’t it be great if someone could assassinate the president!
How dare they report on this and plant this idea in the head of millions. Imagine if someone staged a play about Obama being murdered. Yet the Beeb sneeringly report on this as if it is some hilarious joke.
The Beeb would do well to heed the lessons of that play: a great man brought down by the treachery of people who are more worried about cultivating a good public persona than their private feelings. It may be cool to bash Trump but deep down they all know he is the only Western leader who can even name our deadliest enemy, let alone fight it.
Et tu, Auntie? You might hope that with the entire political class in complete denial our treasured national broadcaster might come to our need, but their betrayal is the most absolute – nothing but hashtags, ‘unity’ and appeasement. The Beeb is an honourable organisation!
They crow about how diverse the new parliament is. Diversity is the spice of life, but how about not inciting murder? What about respecting democracy? Fair enough you hate Trump but you should respect the democratic process instead of constantly trying to bring him down by any means, foul or fair. Many hated Obama – with some justification, seeing all the damage he did – but they would never incite his murder.
What empire could the Beeb ever forge? They would be too worried about cultural appropriation and micro aggressions to win battles like Caesar did. The glory of the Roman Empire would not be ‘diverse’ enough for them and they would have to go and hide in a safe space.
Go Trump. He does not care about being ‘offensive’ or any of this snowflake nonsense which has emboldened our enemies and probably ultimately dug Europe’s grave.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant only taste of death but once.”
BBC Breakfast gives a platform to a particularly well-rehearsed Momentum shill named (something like) Aisha Ali this morning – of course in the guise of her being a representative ordinary young voter. She trots out (pun intended) pat phrases such as “Successive Tory Governments” and “Devestated Communities” like a 1980s vintage Militant. A personable black chap named Lionel (I think) is rather more plausible as a regular person as his analysis of the current political climate goes rambling off around the houses. Although the BBC are rather pressing a point by including him in this young age group (he will be 30 by the time of the next scheduled election). All one way traffic steering the youngsters decidedly leftward there at the BBC.
My moment of the election, by the way, was when the BBC presented outside broadcast live footage from The Mall on Friday morning of the changing of the guard – as the band of the guards resplendent in red coats and busbies marched by an over-excited quickly extemporising Andrew Marr quipped : “That’s Momentum on the march!”
I watch BBC Breakfast this morning and before switching off I have the same thought as Red Andy – the BBC, that’s Momentum on the march.
that black chap is actually a lib dem activist who was on that shambles last wednesday on beeb brekkie and was also dragged out after the referendum last year shouting about hate and racism. He aint no normal voter. the beeb know who he is. The asian one has been seen before as well but she is just a hate filled idiot pushing all the usual momentum punchlines. The beeb are showing these guys so often we are getting to know them. That thing this morning was just one long agenda piece pissing all over brexit. Never trust them
“The writer of Doctor Who has revealed how he protested against the “colour blind” casting of a black actor as a Victorian soldier in the BBC show……….Mark Gatiss said he was uneasy about a “brilliant young black actor” being cast as one of the soldiers, because “there weren’t any black soldiers in Victoria’s army”………..It was only after he discovered records showing that there was in fact a single black soldier in Victoria’s army, that he accepted the decision.”
“Single black soldier” !
These single black soldiers/sailors/doctors/nurses/rocket scientists sure do get around, don’t they?
Men from the Indian subcontinent were better represented, I understand, but Sikhs and Hindus don’t tick the right boxes, do they? And Chinese? Forget it.
Well, here’s Brendan Cox on the Today Programme. Apparently he wants Jo to be remembered for what she stood for, not how she died. Seems a strange way to do it, to come on the radio and keep reminding us how she was “killed by a fascist”.
Slightly linked to Roland’s good point in his post above, is the warmth and almost unsuppressed joy in the TODAY presenters’ voices when discussing the French Parliamentary Election result from yesterday. I think there may be a second stage to the voting to confirm the final representatives but President Macron’s new Party appears to have a massive majority.
No concern from the memory-loss ridden BBC about the size of the majority and a lack of an effective opposition. Perhaps the BBC themselves will be kind enough to supply the latter in due course?
No concern, either, about the chronic turnout. Less than half the electorate in France voted. Macron’s LREM Party acquired a third of just under half of possible votes. My wonky maths works that out as 16% of the voting population of France. Not a peep of concern or complaint about that from the BBC.
You mean Beeby doesn’t want the result overturned? I thought that’s what they were in business for.
Perhaps a good portion of the the French electorate thought there wasn’t much point in turning out.
What with all the vote-rigging going on in today’s “democratic” world.
LP, maybe ‘not themselves’ but they have been very happy to allow what seems to be a stream of people calling for an overturn of our EU Referendum result – from a very substantial turnout – which was clear cut against definite, strong opposition, if you will pardon my understatement. Take the appearances of Nick Clegg on BBC R4, for example, from 25 June 2016 to 9 June 2017.
Perhaps Nick is still assessing the French result. In his authority on all things European, I fully expect Cleggie to be rolled out at least by PM this evening, if not by WatO, to call for a re-run of the French Election on the basis that LREM have no legitimate claim to govern France.
“Mr Macron’s party La République En Marche (LREM) and their MoDem allies on 32.3 per cent of the vote, leaving rival parties crushed.”
Wow what if he had got 42.4% like Mrs May ???
Marine Le Pen’s party had 13.2 per cent of the vote
“Though almost every seat will go to a second-round run-off, the first round results suggest En Marche and MoDem will end up with up to 445 seats in the 577 seat National Assembly”
How does it work that Macron gets 30% of the vote and 80% of the seats ?
As I’m feeling charitable today, I thought I would help the BBC news editors and producers by doing their work for them and suggesting a question which their interviewers could use when interviewing a supporter of soft Brexit.
It goes like this
“Our contributions to the EU are £12 bn a year. How many billions are you prepared to pay for staying in the internal single market and customs union?”
There. How easy was that?
Furthermore, the BBC will not mention that the UKIP “Brexit” sentiment remains intact but the votes went somewhere else, whereas the Green vote wasn’t very big in the first place.
The Greens have been around for a while now, but all they have is Brighton.
Ah thats the BBC’s live story webpage (no open comments just get involved button)
..I’m wondering if Harra just forgot to put the Friends of the Earth quote with the first story
or whether he’s been warned about his imbalance
He tried to balance his first post : He takes the title from green think tank e3g
and quotes them first. He then attempts to balance that by quoting “one senior farming source” ho is pleased about Gove.
Had he included the FoE in the first story ..it would have had 2 quotes from Green lobbyists and only one balancing one.
(someone has already waybacked that bbc page)
The BBC celebrating it’s favourite thing: ‘diversity’ – this time in Parliament:
Election results 2017: The most diverse Parliament yet
Asked to describe an average MP, many will imagine a privately-educated, straight, white man. But the make-up of the Commons is changing, with record-breaking strides being made in the 2017 general election.
The vote delivered the most diverse House of Commons ever with a rise in the number of women, LGBT and ethnic minority MPs elected. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40232272
Of course, ‘diversity’ is the Holy Watchword of the Progressive Alliance. In their strange, upside-down word of illogic they consider ‘diversity’ somehow to be a strength. I’m pretty sure that’s a counter-intuitive interpretation.
No word on how many of the new intake at Parliament are muslim. That’s the only statistic I give a rats about because it’s the only one that presents a clear and present danger. Remember, jihad is not just an armed struggle; it is a struggle by any means necessary – including the use of the ballot box. When the Caliphate comes it won’t come wearing a suicide vest, or brandishing a knife – it will come with a gradual policing of language, with a sense of entitlement and special protections and with access to the democratic process of those host nations it wishes to conquer.
This is a good short film about the actual status of ethnic “minorities” within western countries and how whites are the only ethnic group in the world, which are being forced to become a minority within their own homelands quietly and without protest.
Sorry if this is a repeat but- this statement regarding the Manchester demo from Tommy Robinson’s Facebook:
“What an unbelievable turn out today – there must have been over 5,000 patriots who had decided enough was enough. I want to send my sincere thanks to every last one of you that turned out today to make a stand. UK against hate. Maybe next time the police will not deliberately place a bunch of communists next to our demonstrations so they can throw missiles to try and antagonise us.
Alongside myself we had a black pastor, a pakistani Christian, an ex muslim, a homosexual and a true feminist giving a speech today against the threat of Islam. We had and all races in the audience for the UK against hate demonstration. Yet we were opposed by a small group of Antifa communist thugs who were 100% white yet called us racist nazi’s, how ironic….”
Manchester demo “Woman (31) arrested on suspicion of murder after man hit by tram at Victoria Station”
(at 7.50pm)
It could be the “suppress media reporting” trick
…hereby the police quickly arrest someone thus detailed reporting becomes subject to sub judice.
The newspaper then associate the incident with the march by next saying
\\Protesters slammed for bringing ‘hate’ to the city and stretching police with ‘almost nothing left to give’//
but nothing on Twitter, just 2 tweets saying “woman pushed boyfriend”
Metro first tweeted
There is currently an ongoing medical emergency at Victoria affecting all services. If all passengers can avoid Victoria if possible.
— Manchester Metrolink (@MCRMetrolink) June 11, 2017
All I can see is that there was an arrest. They don’t say who.( Manchester Eve News & BBC)
It isn’t likely we will hear unless they can find a way to blame a so-called “fascist”
On this Monday morning, in this ever changing and uncertain World, some things appear reassuring by their continuity.
Yes, Krankie still believes she is President of the United States of Britain.
And by the same token, I feel confidant that the bbc will never say anything positive about this country.
Theres some real beauties out there, what a scary place the worlds become.
scotsmen in skirts, middle eastern men in pyjama’s on British high streets, and our kids being taught they are one of 26 gender-types, i mean really FFS.
Interesting – yesterday in the US – anti Sharia protests confronted by, mostly white, ‘Uncle Abdul’ Lefty goons with their message of none violence driven home ………… with violence.
R Lincs giving free coverage to Jo Cox ..community picnics
Presenter “Oh that’s nice people could make new friends”
Strangely Andy Burnham was not interested in community get togethers yesterday
but he’s in this promo
How the bBC lies about the intolerance woven into the DNA of Islam: ‘Facebook blasphemer’ given death penalty A man accused of posting blasphemous content to Facebook has been sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan.
Taimoor Raza was convicted after allegedly posting remarks about the Prophet Muhammad, his wives and companions within the site’s comments.
And here is how AP reported this story yesterday: Shiite Muslim sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy MULTAN, Pakistan (AP) — A minority Shiite Muslim was sentenced to death in Pakistan for sharing blasphemous content about Islam on social media, a government prosecutor said. Judge Shabbir Ahmed announced the sentence for 30-year-old Taimoor Raza on Saturday in Bahawalpur in eastern Punjab province, according to Shafiq Qureshi. Raza was arrested last year for allegedly posting derogatory content about Sunni Muslim religious leaders and the wives of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook. Qureshi said Bahawalpur’s counter-terrorism force arrested Raza in April last year following a complaint that he was showing onlookers objectionable material on his cell phone at a bus terminal. He added that Raza had previously posted other blasphemous material on Facebook.
So the bBC leaves out the victim belongs to the Shia Islam minority faith. (You know that one which keeps seeing their mosques blown up inside Pakistan) That he actually didn’t mention the paedophile, but rather current Sunni leaders. But the part which I find interesting is how he a shia muslim living in a predominately Sunni country would show people he didn’t know on a bus so called blasphemous content. Yeah right,
The bbc never fails to amaze. Are they aware that sites like this even exist?
They act as though they have a complete monopoly of news. Maybe they think there are too few of us on the planet to make a difference?
How about they review the book, by a Muslim female (Qanta Ahmed) such as “In the Land of Invisible Women”.
Many other books are available.
To speak from ignorance is not so good but, at times, understandable. To, quite deliberately, lie, censor, and obfuscate is beyond reprehensible and that’s, ‘Your BBC’
Progs today
– 12:15pm R4 Electric Car plugging : We’ve had BorisBike now Khan’s Kars started in Fulham
(prog mentioned previous scheme hadn’t worked out)
– 2:15 Play about NOrthern Ireland teen dealing with no abortion rule : Coincidence as it can’t have been scheduled to smear DUP..amazingly the play is titled Mayday
– 8pm Emma Barnett investigates the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb – Strangely there aren’t similar progs about UK terrorist events
9pm Tonight PBS have a prog about Steve Bannon tonight
You can see it fro free on Sky 534 or Freesat 156
9pm BBC 2 Horizon about the NHS cyber attack
I see this morning Crimewatch roadshow Met Police talked about : surge in knifecrime
R4 Y&Y Tomorrow : they just mentioned they will be talking about how people voted UKIP last time probably cos that was a vote against low wages etc …and that’s why the vote was low this time.
..bit of a strange theory ? (BTW Y&Y often trail things, but then end up not airing them)
We’ve often commented on this site as to how ALL the media elite speak with one voice-anti-UKIP, anti-English,pro-I***m.
I’ve been watching the HandMaid’s Tale on Ch4 (three episodes so far)-an Anti-American scare story based on a take-over of the USA by an extreme CHRISTIAN group, written in 1985 by Margaret Attwood ,a Canadian writer who’s a big supporter of environmentalism.
Yes ,I know ,the premise is hilarious ……..but……but……. wait………………..
If we substitute the word Mudslime for Christian , the story works perfectly!
So far ,in three episodes , we’ve had subjugation of women division of society into believers and (kuffar??) non-believers ,hanging gays, FGM,ceremonial rape, death sentence from Theocratic courts , with more to come.
I’m now watching with renewed interest and growing amusement at the parallels with today-parallels I am sure that the media elite were oblivious to when they commissioned the programme.
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 15:13 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘Sheer terror’ as van loaded with fireworks set alight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpv4n79m7l0o “Police said the man – described as white, in his…
vladFeb 24, 15:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 [img]https://scontent.fltn3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/480562659_10237515416850587_4134408956090318020_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p180x540_tt6&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=XEL2oKX0Hj8Q7kNvgFZfPbq&_nc_oc=Adj_7rQaCI2w45qjWf7VVO6MVj5OpSrGB4w_I1qi9TGQcrLOUQVDJNZnxSoJ7WSz5YD4OHt3VUsPELwnTLi5Lo2S&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fltn3-1.fna&_nc_gid=AhVmtbj_SIzfPAxCP7-nqo-&oh=00_AYDxmn7iFPW8Htuh4SuSK3V7JB7I26zvpaIMBJSkV-TvjQ&oe=67C256F9[/img] Joking aside, there’s a serious point here: when it comes to stupid Micky Mouse jobs like BBC ‘reporter’, DEI…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 15:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Assisted Suicide Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual killing of His Majesty’s Subjects, for those driven to suicide…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 No mention of Labour or Rachel Reeves… HA HA AH AH “”We don’t have the margin with the new taxation…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 14:36 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hurtful Words Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual punishing of His Majesty’s Subjects, and bringing the Offenders to…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Keir Starmer contacted by police after collision with cyclist in London This article is more than 4 years old Rider…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A looter jailed for 16 months after taking a single lick of an unwanted ice-cream cone stolen from a ransacked…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello Non Snowflake to serve only 40% of the time, maybe released even earlier for his own safety or good…
Hard Left Corby getting kid glove treatment from Andrew Marr, natch.
The BBC still trying like mad to undermine Brexit on their web-site.
Europe has really, really had it –
I think the BBC had better tread carefully as the DUP want a change to the BBC licence fee. The DUP see it as a regressive tax and should be either severely changed or abolished.
On another point.
I only became aware today that in Belgium ( the EU capital state ) if you are an immigrant and are without a job you have to return to your country of origin.
I don’t think the Tories would dare take on the BBC, not least because the public aren’t ready for it yet and would frown on Beeb-bashing. At least that’s the impression I get, though I would love to be proved wrong.
Better to do it by stealth. Something I’ve advocated in the past is to ask the BBC to publish, say every three months, its statistics showing how it meets its obligations to impartiality. “To prove wrong those who claim the BBC is biased”, of course. 😉
All of us here know the BBC keeps no such statistics, of course, but how could anyone treat such a request as unreasonable?
wronged, it is interesting isn’t it? I did some research before the EU Referendum and found the Union’s own web-site very revealing. Equally interesting was, that during and after the EU Referendum campaign and the vote, that it became apparent that those advocating a Remain vote appeared to know little or nothing about their beloved EU. They were happy to parrot “Four Freedoms! Four Freedoms! Who’s a pretty Euopean? Four Freedoms!” but did not realise that those so-called freedoms were anything but freedoms and were littered with qualifications, reservations and limitations.
The requirement for an immigrant to have a job also applies in the Netherlands. They don’t just deport the immigrant – they deport his entire family too if he’s unemployed.
“They don’t just deport the immigrant – they deport his entire family too if he’s unemployed.”
Does this actually happen in practice?
I’m not being sarcastic, but several European countries (including Sweden) can deport in theory but apparently it never happens.
The UK has been asset stripped for years
The politicians have sold off the family silver
The essential services are now in the hands of foreign buyers
Think Germany and France hold a few cards.
Quelle surprise
Allo Allo..We have a cunning plan
Emasculate Grande Bretagne.
Politicians of all parties have been complicit in this,
Lions led by donkeys
We are the lions
The politicians are the donkeys…or asses
@Haleys That is a good analogy.
Jeremy Corbyn’s Asset Stripping sale as he says to immigrants
“just come in and take a bit of the UK”
As for governments selling off infrastructure ..yes quite right : Communism doesn’t work, the government should not be trying to run businesses cos it screws up .. Rather it should make the basic safety laws etc. and make sure the private businesses obey them.
You buy a house and convert it to 4 flats for £200K, the gov would take £2m to do the same poject.
Perhaps George Osborne should look up the meaning of the world loyalty
Careful, AEG … or he ll impose a “punishment budget” on you
Mind you he was toast only hours after the vote, or maybe not?
Didn t I see him slithering up to the sofa today?
Oh and just look at who s standing next to him?
I bet he said just hold this darling, as he went to the mic.
Interesting appearance of that duo in front of a backdrop of (gravy) trains!
BBC News Manchester – looks like nothing happened in Manchester this afternoon?
Oh … Something about a car theft.
Yet on twitter
BBC NW – Police say they’re determined to keep the peace & minimise disruption when English Defence League stage silent march in Manchester at 2pm. … “Keep the peace “on a silent protest?, English Defence League??
… I thought it was a group comprising Sikhs, Hindu s, LGBT, Jewish , Manchester people, English people, Blacks, Whites, Apostates from Islam and genuine Muslims of conscience, protesting about hate?
I maybe wrong but, surely that is called erm … “diversity” isn t it BBC?
Once again just scratch beneath the surface story … and you find, AntiFa, UAF, Tommy Robinson pleading with Mays political police not to allow confrontation, wanting to move to different streets, all manner of things to avoid disruption.
As Tommy predicted May’s political police set it up for a violent outcome and the antifa and May’s thugs in the UAF were allowed to throw gas canisters and smoke bombs.
Well done Treezer May. Enough is enough you sour faced ugly traitor. You had you violent attack against a peaceful demonstration against the murderers of our children in Manchester.
Well, first post following the election result.
Slightly cheered up after watching the news this evening.
Great to see how pissed off the BBC are with the DUP alliance.
On the BBC website they are having an SJW orgasm over how diverse the new intake of MPs is. If they had a few hate crimes as well it would be the perfect day in the office for a BBC ‘journalist.’
So that’s paradise on Earth now. All we needed was maximum diversity. No more terror, squeezed budgets or housing crisis. No more kids leaving school barely able to read or write. No more problems with the NHS. All that matters is diversity! Humans need food, water and diversity. Cressida Dick was celebrating how diverse the victims of the London Terror attack were and I could not help feel a swelling of patriotic fervour at all that ‘diversity.’ It’s nothing but broad, sunlit uplands from now on.
BBC heads about to explode…..
Apparently the DUP are demanding Nige play a role in brexit negotiations…..
Number 6,
Ironically I think he is the only hope the Tories have left. People trust Nige to speak for us against the EU. Only those on the Left don’t.
He knows better than most the EU weaknesses. For example he will play on the fact that the EU is completely broke. He will get under their skin. His communication skills are second to none.
The fact that the EU would not want Nigel involved can only be good for us.
Add Steve Hilton to Nigel Farage, plus plus formidable!
I don’t recall anyone ever winning an argument against Nigel Farage.
I might have missed it, but I suspect not.
I wonder why the bBC never mentioned this salient news story epically just before the election:
Ukraine’s president celebrates first day of visa-free travel to EU
Ukrainians were on Sunday celebrating the first day of visa-free access to the European Union, with thousands crossing the border as President Petro Poroshenko proclaimed a dramatic “exit” from Moscow’s grip. The move is symbolic for Kiev, where a pro-EU revolt in 2014 toppled the previous Russia-backed government and was followed by Moscow’s annexation of the Crimea peninsula sparking a protracted ongoing conflict with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. “The visa-free regime for Ukraine has started! Glory to Europe! Glory to Ukraine!” Poroshenko tweeted early Sunday as many travellers started crossing the border and posting selfies. Only those with biometric passports — containing a microchip with personal data, including fingerprints — can take advantage of the visa-free travel for the time being, for stays of up to 90 days every six months that don’t include work.
Can anyone shed any light on this post about Nigel Farage being part of the deal with DUP?
This is fantastic news if true… I expect Treezer hates him with a vengeance……..
Here you go English Gentleman:
Male anon source, though.
Now that is funny amongst all the gloom and doom.
Ah, the DUP – anti EU, anti abortion, anti gay marriage, pro defense, pro triple lock.
Thought I’d give a heads up on this interesting idea from Raheem Kassam (sometime adviser to Mr. Farage and general good all-round bloke). He’s floating the idea of a watchdog to observe the BBC/MSM. I notice Biased BBC has already got a mention in the comments.
OFCOM didn’t want it and don’t know what to do with it. Have they even figured out their bbc ground rules?
No, well heck there’s the bbc charter they could thumb through if they’re stuck.
Ezra Levant – Why is @BBC not covering 3,500 people marching at http://www.UKAgainstHate.com ? B/c rainbow flags, black & Sikh speakers, ruin their narrative.
R Kassam – BBC liars report diverse march against terror in UK as “racist” and “EDL”. Zero truth in it.
Stop paying your TV licence fees. https://twitter.com/bbcnwt/status/873902080989245440 …
@Nog did BBC NorthWest delete that tweet ?
They posted another
they kept this one
People copied the original tweet
Remove the B if you see a BBC sign
They are not a “British” broadcaster, just BC
The “B” in BBC is still relivent only it is not the British Broadcastin Corporation but now “Broadcasting for the British Caliphate” though “IBBC” or the Islamic Britain Broadcastin Corporation seems more relivant now when looking at the BBC now and its role
Well, well, yet another BBC correspondent (and one from Sky) has used the C-word when referring to Jeremy Hunt, either deliberately, or resulting from habitual use of the word when referring to him in general conversation. Whichever is the case, it is unconscionable. When Jim Naughtie did this on the Today programme – and from his reaction and those of the others in the studio, I believe it was done deliberately – the Director General should immediately have issued a warning that thereafter it would mean instant dismissal for anyone doing the same, and we would have had no other instances. One simply cannot imagine a CE of a private firm (or indeed a state monopoly) accepting with equanimity an employee mouthing such an indecency and insult. As it is, with no penalty, and apparently no action from the BBC DG, there will doubtless be more instances from BBC journalists after a cheap laugh. The BBC, disgusting to the core.
Are we just emulating the Left derangement as seen in America – where lefty Senators and speakers have taken to using expletives?
Use the word beginning with n and rhyming with Tigger and this twitter thing goes into a kind of hysteria . Call a cabinet minister that c word and it’s a collective rolling of eyes job.
Sir Bob ‘Expletive’ Geldof has I understand now at last taken in Syrian refugees to one of his homes as he promised us back in September 2015.
He is very, very rich and proud to be a socialist. He hates our north sea fishermen who earn very little.
Sorry….just heard that his homing of Syrian refugees was fake news.
Folks check this true Brit confront the extremist far-Left and expose them as the fascists they are… what a great guy. That thick and aggressive fat battleaxe in the video epitomises how brainwashed and unintelligent Corbyn voters are… they can’t engage in intelligent debate so they just stick to robotic statements and shout. The guy destroys them.
Alex – brilliant clip and says it all really.
Quite entertaining watching these morons fall apart when confonted with a working class, intelligent, and assertive black guy who does not appear to subscribe to the Diane Abbots view that all blacks are victims who need to be patronised and given an extra leg up in life because they are incapable of forging an independent and successful existence because of waycism.
From what he said (and it certainly had the ring of truth about it) He had experienced true racism himself rather than the the PC/BLM confected over sensitised version and had become a stronger person as a result. He had also identified where the current true danger to our society currently lies. This and his colour obviously confused our moronic SJWs and the fact that he did not fit their identikit “black victim of oppression” had obviously confused their drug addled brains further, so they ended up resorting to insults and profanity instead of actually having a serious debate.
What worries me most though is the fact that the state is using these idle dhimmi bastards to destroy our right to free speech and protest. Also interesting that the black guy asked these arseholes why are they wearing black. I am sure Max Mosely s father could have answered that one for them.
It’s noticeable that Plod suddenly appear on the scene to protect the commie fascists. They target the mixed race guy who’s only offence appears to be calling out the Antifa crowd on their hypocrisy. The mouthy cow dressed in black was shouting obscenities and abuse and was ignored by the copper. We now know May’s politicised plod isn’t on the side of the ordinary people of this country. It’s apparent Plod are now the tools of an oppressive regime. Policing by consent? I don’t think so.
Manchester March : Someone sums up BBC stance
What’s the Mayor say ?
Which major incident?, the one the bomb squad had to be scrambled to, to defuse yesterday
That no one talked about, because they were to busy bleating islamo faux bia. with the help of the MSM.
Or waffling on about a “bacon attack” hate crime.
Truly the world turned upside down.
“The fascists of the future will be called anti fascists” Winston Churchill. Pretty prescient guy was our Winnie!
Had a few things to say about Islam and Muhammadans as well.
Not Churchill
Apparently it originates in 1937 America and people of that time ascribed it to Huey Long
but no direct evidence form Longs own works.
I didn’t say that winnie said it first, Stew just that winnie once said it….or not?
If he had said you’d be able to give us the date.
It’s a good quote, but people will use it as an excuse to dismiss if it is not a genuine quote.
This is a quite superb article about the Islamization of Britain and the response of our “Elite” to it.
Al, interesting article that. Especially when you set it against the ‘death’ of oil. The north American study, published recently, suggested oil as a transport fuel will be finished in eight years. While my instinct suggests that might be too soon, there is no doubt that the tax greed of Governments and their stupidity in embracing a false god of Climate Change will at some point kill off petrol and diesel fuels.
Oil will still be needed (for pharmaceuticals, plastics, lubrication, household goods, heating fuel in remote places, etc) but in much smaller quantities and with an ever greater number of suppliers.
Peak Oil was a Modern Urban Myth created by Enviro-mentalists and disseminated by their followers to scare us into funding by tax all sorts of alternatives. There is plenty of the stuff left. But those alternatives and the natural economic effect of seeking lower cost technological solutions in (artificially inflated) high cost environment are also bringing the need for oil from the ground to a two hundred year low.
(That is not to say that those alternatives are not worthwhile, by the way. It was just the economics of the fiscal approach taken that would inevitably cause problems.)
Where would a collapse in the oil price be felt with maximum harm? Mostly, I think, in Islamic countries or countries with majority Islamic populations like Indonesia. What will countries with relatively young populations do when the dribble down from their wealth-holding elites – who themselves will be impoverished – comes to an end? Or, even, what might they do before then?
A prospect that doesn’t bear too much thinking about when linked to a reading of Dr Joyce’s article.
There is no alternative to oil for air transport. There is no alternative to oil for sea transport (unless you want to go back to coal or sail). There is no alternative to diesel engines for heavy goods vehicles.
Even if the green lunatics get us all driving around in Priuses, oil will be vital to power all the main transportation methods for goods. Of course, if we decide to live in wattle and daub huts and grow our own turnips, I suppose we could manage without oil. A return to the pre-industrial world seems to be exactly what some of these green nutcases really want. Include me out.
Another pic of the Manchester march
News 24 newspaper review with Yasmin Brown and Ruth Lea. To say that Yasmin was a pain in the neck was an understatement. Ruth asked her about why she supported Customs Union, Yasmin couldn’t answer. Her best response was ask her again in a year’s time. Later just went on about Kensington, Kensington, Kensington. Yasmin obviously supports Remain but like most Remainers cannot articulate why. An example of a socialist with very little brain.
“Later just went on about Kensington, Kensington, Kensington.”
This makes me laugh. Can’t anyone recognise an aberration when they see one? Kensington isn’t Labour, it just isn’t.
It was a remain vote, probably by wealthy ex-pats from Europe. They don’t know Labour and would be horrified if they knew what McDonnell would like to do to them.
BTW, is anyone investigating whether students have been voting twice? I don’t have any evidence of this but, on the other hand, I understand that there’s little preventing it. People who think they occupy the moral high ground can justify virtually anything.
From what I gather, many of the expensive properties in Kensington are owned by foreigners, who rarely visit them. The property is just a way to park their money, and the properties are empty most of the time. I have read that if you walk round there after dark, there are very few lights on in these mansions.
The only British people who can vote living in Kensington are probably the servants of the oligarchs and oil billionaires. If I were in their position, I might be tempted to vote Labour to cock a snook at the international rich who use London property as their piggy bank.
There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that students received two ballot cards, one at their family address and one at their student digs. I don’t know how correct this is – I cannot corroborate this, but some of the dopey pricks have been heard boasting about voting twice, either by proxy or postal vote.
I watched about 5 mins of this because Ruth Lea was on.
Did I detect an undercurrent of the Beeb wishing for the 7 Sinn Fein MPs to take up their seats?
Protect and serve?
She’s got balls, which is more than can be said for the coppers and coppettes.
I notice 1 bobby is somewhat of the bearded persuasion, how very reassuring.
God help us.
Muslim, Muslim, Muslim and Muslim with additional Muslim and last, but in no way least, Muslim.
I’m sure I’m not alone in being utterly sick of the incessant media view through the Muslim lens. They are a minority in the country and the West. Other minorities are available and yet when do we EVER get to hear about them?
Enough really is enough – especially considering that by their hate speech, slaughter and barbarism they disqualify themselves from any due consideration.
BTW I’m still waiting for a bbc discussion panel consisting of an Imam, same sex married couple and Womens’ Equality activist. Call it, ‘The Muslim Maze’.
Do you remember the good old days, gax when you could pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and not be confronted with the latest muslim atrocity, outraged muslim or offended muslim? Seems like a lifetime ago.
Sadly, yes I do and yes it does. I remember the IRA but it wasn’t all pervasive like this.
Wall to wall!
gax: “BTW I’m still waiting for a bbc discussion panel consisting of an Imam, same sex married couple and Womens’ Equality activist. Call it, ‘The Muslim Maze’.”
You missed out ‘The Climate Activist’!
BBC Radical4
– Jeremy Bowens’s driver screens “we are the crazy team, we go thru the way under Israeli fire”
– 4 years Later in Lebanon in an active war area Bowen gets out of the car ready to film … their car is hit by an Israeli tank shell and their long time driver is killed.
…Em that seems Bowen’s fault for leading his team in a “crazy team” way,
Israeli soldiers being conscripts and coming from Israeli culture do seem too trigger happy and unprofessional compared to western forces, and Bowen knew this ,
Except his report doesn’t build the narrative that way
First he told us of the death incident, the after slagging the Israelis for `10 minutes he calls on the “crazy team” drive as a funny story of the character of his driver and team.
He even told us the driver phoning his young son at the time ..
That’s a good narrative but truthfully how would Bowen be certain. The bloke could have been phoning in the position of the tank etc…who knows for sure ?
Sometimes reporters who cover war get killed. It has happened for as long as there has been war reporting. A press card cannot protect you. The great photojournalist Tim Page was almost killed by American “friendly fire” in Vietnam. His friend and colleague Sean Flynn was captured by the Khmer Rouge and never seen again. Robert Capa covered the Spanish Civil War, World War II and Indochina. A landmine took his life. These things happen in war.
It was sad that Bowen’s car was hit and his driver killed. But he has turned this into an obsessional hatred of Israel. He is no longer a reporter, he is a participant.
BBC Weird Service :Tech Tent
Rory Cellan-Jones took a break from giving free ads to Tesla, to instead SHOEHORN-IN a piece warning us about Climate Change and Denier disinformation. #bbcPetIssue.
What’s that go to with the remit of the prog which is supposed to be about tech ?
“Ellen Stofan, former chief scientist at NASA, talks about whether opinion has overtaken established scientific facts. ”
She told us “the most widely shared meme about Climate Change last year on Facebook, was Fake news”
We don’t have a problem with children and denial.
…Em that’s cos you and your corrupt teacher mates have rigged the curriculum to brainwash the kids …doh !
The DUP aren’t keen on Climate hysteria either.
One last thought – instead of pouring billions into pie in the sky, talking shops and meaningless pollution gestures.
Sort the plastic in our seas. One pacific island has an estimated 28 million tons of plastic on it’s shores.
@Gaxvil No, not 28 m tonnes
Just “an estimated 17.6 tons and that more than two-thirds of it was buried in shallow sediment on the beaches”
But headline used
“Pacific has 38 million pieces of plastic rubbish ”
How big is 1 piece ?
Now break it into 5 pieces.
How many million pieces now ?
That’s how Green stats are CREATED
BTW She never told us what that supposedly false meme was
It’s late, I might be having a ‘Matrix’ moment but there was the Lib- Lab Pact and was there a Lib Dem – Tory Coalition?
Watching the BBC News on Sunday one could be excused for thinking that the Brexit referendum vote was still to come, rather than having actually taken place last year.
I caught a few moments of the Blustering Bishop last night on Radio 5 and he was babbling on about all the parties wanting to ‘remain’ in the single-market. Well that wasn’t what Labour or the Conservatives were campaigning on so apart from the green pixie and Jimmy Krankie I don’t know where he gets his ‘most’ from.
Also he was pushing the current ‘difficult times ahead’ meme that the BBC loves, that the PM will have trouble getting her side to agree. Well this bear of little brain thinks that if the choice for wet conservatives, Scottish conservatives or DUP is supporting the PM or not then the not will end in a new election which could well end up putting all of them out of government. Wouldn’t that thought concentrate their minds?
But then there are idiots like our Ken and the delightful Soubry who might just as well don the red rosette.
Yes, the convenient, self-inflicted May catastrophe is the pretext to kill off Brexit which the essentially remain parliament has been waiting for. Talk about soft Brexit simply means abort Brexit before it really gets started. Just as Islam has its five pillars, the EU has four pillars. Membership of the single market is one of the four pillars and Merkel has made it perfectly clear that there can be no “cherry picking”. To get single market membership or full access, the UK will have to reaffirm the other three pillars. The UK is then back to the Camerloon negotiating position. Any minor concessions from the EU at the coming Brexit negotiations will be hailed as negotiating triumphs and the EU juggernaut rolls on. The Gina Millar case strengthened the remain majority parliament’s hand and any calls for a second referendum that could “go the wrong way” will be easy to circumvent. The remain-MP mantra “I voted remain, but now I respect the will of the people” turns out to be the usual ordure t,hat pours from the orifices of the zombie parties. Hopefully, the remainers have queered their own pitch by causing so much uncertainty and delay that the negotiation time limit will run out and there will be Brexit by default.
Humphreys on the Today programme, R4 is even now regurgitating the “British public did not vote to leave the single market” shtick. How can supposedly top class journalists even let such nonsensical crap enter their heads, let alone humiliate themselves by broadcasting their inane utterances to millions???
Humphreys is an arrogant toxic fool
The World Service news bulletin chortlingly reports on a production of Julius Caesar where Caesar is portrayed as a blonde businessman. Nudge nudge, wink wink! Wouldn’t it be great if someone could assassinate the president!
How dare they report on this and plant this idea in the head of millions. Imagine if someone staged a play about Obama being murdered. Yet the Beeb sneeringly report on this as if it is some hilarious joke.
The Beeb would do well to heed the lessons of that play: a great man brought down by the treachery of people who are more worried about cultivating a good public persona than their private feelings. It may be cool to bash Trump but deep down they all know he is the only Western leader who can even name our deadliest enemy, let alone fight it.
Et tu, Auntie? You might hope that with the entire political class in complete denial our treasured national broadcaster might come to our need, but their betrayal is the most absolute – nothing but hashtags, ‘unity’ and appeasement. The Beeb is an honourable organisation!
They crow about how diverse the new parliament is. Diversity is the spice of life, but how about not inciting murder? What about respecting democracy? Fair enough you hate Trump but you should respect the democratic process instead of constantly trying to bring him down by any means, foul or fair. Many hated Obama – with some justification, seeing all the damage he did – but they would never incite his murder.
What empire could the Beeb ever forge? They would be too worried about cultural appropriation and micro aggressions to win battles like Caesar did. The glory of the Roman Empire would not be ‘diverse’ enough for them and they would have to go and hide in a safe space.
Go Trump. He does not care about being ‘offensive’ or any of this snowflake nonsense which has emboldened our enemies and probably ultimately dug Europe’s grave.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant only taste of death but once.”
BBC Breakfast gives a platform to a particularly well-rehearsed Momentum shill named (something like) Aisha Ali this morning – of course in the guise of her being a representative ordinary young voter. She trots out (pun intended) pat phrases such as “Successive Tory Governments” and “Devestated Communities” like a 1980s vintage Militant. A personable black chap named Lionel (I think) is rather more plausible as a regular person as his analysis of the current political climate goes rambling off around the houses. Although the BBC are rather pressing a point by including him in this young age group (he will be 30 by the time of the next scheduled election). All one way traffic steering the youngsters decidedly leftward there at the BBC.
My moment of the election, by the way, was when the BBC presented outside broadcast live footage from The Mall on Friday morning of the changing of the guard – as the band of the guards resplendent in red coats and busbies marched by an over-excited quickly extemporising Andrew Marr quipped : “That’s Momentum on the march!”
I watch BBC Breakfast this morning and before switching off I have the same thought as Red Andy – the BBC, that’s Momentum on the march.
that black chap is actually a lib dem activist who was on that shambles last wednesday on beeb brekkie and was also dragged out after the referendum last year shouting about hate and racism. He aint no normal voter. the beeb know who he is. The asian one has been seen before as well but she is just a hate filled idiot pushing all the usual momentum punchlines. The beeb are showing these guys so often we are getting to know them. That thing this morning was just one long agenda piece pissing all over brexit. Never trust them
Currently on the bBC news website:

Exclusive: Doctor Who writer protested against ‘problematic’ casting of black actor as Victorian soldier
“The writer of Doctor Who has revealed how he protested against the “colour blind” casting of a black actor as a Victorian soldier in the BBC show……….Mark Gatiss said he was uneasy about a “brilliant young black actor” being cast as one of the soldiers, because “there weren’t any black soldiers in Victoria’s army”………..It was only after he discovered records showing that there was in fact a single black soldier in Victoria’s army, that he accepted the decision.”
“Single black soldier” !
These single black soldiers/sailors/doctors/nurses/rocket scientists sure do get around, don’t they?
Men from the Indian subcontinent were better represented, I understand, but Sikhs and Hindus don’t tick the right boxes, do they? And Chinese? Forget it.
Well, here’s Brendan Cox on the Today Programme. Apparently he wants Jo to be remembered for what she stood for, not how she died. Seems a strange way to do it, to come on the radio and keep reminding us how she was “killed by a fascist”.
Slightly linked to Roland’s good point in his post above, is the warmth and almost unsuppressed joy in the TODAY presenters’ voices when discussing the French Parliamentary Election result from yesterday. I think there may be a second stage to the voting to confirm the final representatives but President Macron’s new Party appears to have a massive majority.
No concern from the memory-loss ridden BBC about the size of the majority and a lack of an effective opposition. Perhaps the BBC themselves will be kind enough to supply the latter in due course?
No concern, either, about the chronic turnout. Less than half the electorate in France voted. Macron’s LREM Party acquired a third of just under half of possible votes. My wonky maths works that out as 16% of the voting population of France. Not a peep of concern or complaint about that from the BBC.
You mean Beeby doesn’t want the result overturned? I thought that’s what they were in business for.
Perhaps a good portion of the the French electorate thought there wasn’t much point in turning out.
What with all the vote-rigging going on in today’s “democratic” world.
LP, maybe ‘not themselves’ but they have been very happy to allow what seems to be a stream of people calling for an overturn of our EU Referendum result – from a very substantial turnout – which was clear cut against definite, strong opposition, if you will pardon my understatement. Take the appearances of Nick Clegg on BBC R4, for example, from 25 June 2016 to 9 June 2017.
Perhaps Nick is still assessing the French result. In his authority on all things European, I fully expect Cleggie to be rolled out at least by PM this evening, if not by WatO, to call for a re-run of the French Election on the basis that LREM have no legitimate claim to govern France.
“Mr Macron’s party La République En Marche (LREM) and their MoDem allies on 32.3 per cent of the vote, leaving rival parties crushed.”
Wow what if he had got 42.4% like Mrs May ???
Marine Le Pen’s party had 13.2 per cent of the vote
“Though almost every seat will go to a second-round run-off, the first round results suggest En Marche and MoDem will end up with up to 445 seats in the 577 seat National Assembly”
How does it work that Macron gets 30% of the vote and 80% of the seats ?
As I’m feeling charitable today, I thought I would help the BBC news editors and producers by doing their work for them and suggesting a question which their interviewers could use when interviewing a supporter of soft Brexit.
It goes like this
“Our contributions to the EU are £12 bn a year. How many billions are you prepared to pay for staying in the internal single market and customs union?”
There. How easy was that?
They just can’t help themselves can they?
Two consecutive posts on the bBC news webpage have caught my eye. The first is from the bBC’s environment expert:

The second a minute later is without an author but it talks about we need experts in which to discuss CC

I wonder why roger harrabin never inserted his name into a post about needing experts in the field of
Global warmingClimate change?Such news pleases me and at such times I like to picture Jabba, “Ho, ho, ho.”
My first thought was that I am “appalled” that anyone should still listen to the Green charlatans and liars.
My second thought is, if they don’t like him then he is the best person for the job.
Apparently UKIP collapsed ..but the BBC forgot to tell us that Greens still came quite a bit behind them
Furthermore, the BBC will not mention that the UKIP “Brexit” sentiment remains intact but the votes went somewhere else, whereas the Green vote wasn’t very big in the first place.
The Greens have been around for a while now, but all they have is Brighton.
If someone is thinking of posting that pixie picture ………………………………………..
Ah thats the BBC’s live story webpage (no open comments just get involved button)
..I’m wondering if Harra just forgot to put the Friends of the Earth quote with the first story
or whether he’s been warned about his imbalance
He tried to balance his first post : He takes the title from green think tank e3g
and quotes them first. He then attempts to balance that by quoting “one senior farming source” ho is pleased about Gove.
Had he included the FoE in the first story ..it would have had 2 quotes from Green lobbyists and only one balancing one.
(someone has already waybacked that bbc page)
Perhaps our fine statist broadcaster could remind us how many votes the Greens got last week?
If memory serves it was f*** all.
Less votes than UKIP got, Sluff but still managed to increase their one MP’s majority in Brighton.
The clowns on here put it down to Corbyn hoovering up the support for having similar policies.
The BBC celebrating it’s favourite thing: ‘diversity’ – this time in Parliament:
Election results 2017: The most diverse Parliament yet
Asked to describe an average MP, many will imagine a privately-educated, straight, white man. But the make-up of the Commons is changing, with record-breaking strides being made in the 2017 general election.
The vote delivered the most diverse House of Commons ever with a rise in the number of women, LGBT and ethnic minority MPs elected.
Of course, ‘diversity’ is the Holy Watchword of the Progressive Alliance. In their strange, upside-down word of illogic they consider ‘diversity’ somehow to be a strength. I’m pretty sure that’s a counter-intuitive interpretation.
No word on how many of the new intake at Parliament are muslim. That’s the only statistic I give a rats about because it’s the only one that presents a clear and present danger. Remember, jihad is not just an armed struggle; it is a struggle by any means necessary – including the use of the ballot box. When the Caliphate comes it won’t come wearing a suicide vest, or brandishing a knife – it will come with a gradual policing of language, with a sense of entitlement and special protections and with access to the democratic process of those host nations it wishes to conquer.
And its name will be Submission.
This is a good short film about the actual status of ethnic “minorities” within western countries and how whites are the only ethnic group in the world, which are being forced to become a minority within their own homelands quietly and without protest.
Obi, curious how the BBC celebrate that diversity but were equally condemning because “our (UK) politics has returned to divisiveness”.
Sooner or later their hypocrisy and schizophrenia and LeftLiberal obsessions will probably cause their brains to explode.
Sorry if this is a repeat but- this statement regarding the Manchester demo from Tommy Robinson’s Facebook:
“What an unbelievable turn out today – there must have been over 5,000 patriots who had decided enough was enough. I want to send my sincere thanks to every last one of you that turned out today to make a stand. UK against hate. Maybe next time the police will not deliberately place a bunch of communists next to our demonstrations so they can throw missiles to try and antagonise us.
Alongside myself we had a black pastor, a pakistani Christian, an ex muslim, a homosexual and a true feminist giving a speech today against the threat of Islam. We had and all races in the audience for the UK against hate demonstration. Yet we were opposed by a small group of Antifa communist thugs who were 100% white yet called us racist nazi’s, how ironic….”
Lucy the duty rumour at the moment is that the man who was killed by a tram was pushed by a leftwing woman. Any info?
If it was, I doubt it will get the coverage that Jo Cox had.
It’s not enough to be murdered, you have to be the right kind of victim.
Manchester demo “Woman (31) arrested on suspicion of murder after man hit by tram at Victoria Station”
(at 7.50pm)
It could be the “suppress media reporting” trick
…hereby the police quickly arrest someone thus detailed reporting becomes subject to sub judice.
The newspaper then associate the incident with the march by next saying
\\Protesters slammed for bringing ‘hate’ to the city and stretching police with ‘almost nothing left to give’//
but nothing on Twitter, just 2 tweets saying “woman pushed boyfriend”
Metro first tweeted
All I can see is that there was an arrest. They don’t say who.( Manchester Eve News & BBC)
It isn’t likely we will hear unless they can find a way to blame a so-called “fascist”
On this Monday morning, in this ever changing and uncertain World, some things appear reassuring by their continuity.
Yes, Krankie still believes she is President of the United States of Britain.
And by the same token, I feel confidant that the bbc will never say anything positive about this country.
At the moment on Fox News – Steve Hilton with, ‘Swamp Watch’.
Too wonderful, if only ………………………………………….
Thinking ahead now. What should we have on the next £5 note?
Black lesbian on one side, Imam on the other – that should work.
Black lesbian transsexual on both sides: before and after.
PLEASE! Post anything to get by the picture above.
I keep taking a peek – like it was a squashed cat in the road – not good.
Don’t be cruel, some people just aren’t photogenic.
I’m sure she looks OK in real life.Looks like a pup from a mating of Thulsa Doom (Conan the B) with Darth Vader!
FFS, an albino Dianne Abbott Pounce.
Theres some real beauties out there, what a scary place the worlds become.
scotsmen in skirts, middle eastern men in pyjama’s on British high streets, and our kids being taught they are one of 26 gender-types, i mean really FFS.
Interesting – yesterday in the US – anti Sharia protests confronted by, mostly white, ‘Uncle Abdul’ Lefty goons with their message of none violence driven home ………… with violence.
R Lincs giving free coverage to Jo Cox ..community picnics
Presenter “Oh that’s nice people could make new friends”
Strangely Andy Burnham was not interested in community get togethers yesterday
but he’s in this promo
How the bBC lies about the intolerance woven into the DNA of Islam:
‘Facebook blasphemer’ given death penalty
A man accused of posting blasphemous content to Facebook has been sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan.
Taimoor Raza was convicted after allegedly posting remarks about the Prophet Muhammad, his wives and companions within the site’s comments.
And here is how AP reported this story yesterday:
Shiite Muslim sentenced to death in Pakistan for blasphemy
MULTAN, Pakistan (AP) — A minority Shiite Muslim was sentenced to death in Pakistan for sharing blasphemous content about Islam on social media, a government prosecutor said. Judge Shabbir Ahmed announced the sentence for 30-year-old Taimoor Raza on Saturday in Bahawalpur in eastern Punjab province, according to Shafiq Qureshi. Raza was arrested last year for allegedly posting derogatory content about Sunni Muslim religious leaders and the wives of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook. Qureshi said Bahawalpur’s counter-terrorism force arrested Raza in April last year following a complaint that he was showing onlookers objectionable material on his cell phone at a bus terminal. He added that Raza had previously posted other blasphemous material on Facebook.
So the bBC leaves out the victim belongs to the Shia Islam minority faith. (You know that one which keeps seeing their mosques blown up inside Pakistan) That he actually didn’t mention the paedophile, but rather current Sunni leaders. But the part which I find interesting is how he a shia muslim living in a predominately Sunni country would show people he didn’t know on a bus so called blasphemous content. Yeah right,
The bBC, the propaganda arm of …..Peaceful Islam.
The bbc never fails to amaze. Are they aware that sites like this even exist?
They act as though they have a complete monopoly of news. Maybe they think there are too few of us on the planet to make a difference?
How about they review the book, by a Muslim female (Qanta Ahmed) such as “In the Land of Invisible Women”.
Many other books are available.
To speak from ignorance is not so good but, at times, understandable. To, quite deliberately, lie, censor, and obfuscate is beyond reprehensible and that’s, ‘Your BBC’
The conservatives are taking election feedback as to where they went wrong
already sent them mine
Progs today
– 12:15pm R4 Electric Car plugging : We’ve had BorisBike now Khan’s Kars started in Fulham
(prog mentioned previous scheme hadn’t worked out)
– 2:15 Play about NOrthern Ireland teen dealing with no abortion rule : Coincidence as it can’t have been scheduled to smear DUP..amazingly the play is titled Mayday
– 8pm Emma Barnett investigates the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb – Strangely there aren’t similar progs about UK terrorist events
9pm Tonight PBS have a prog about Steve Bannon tonight
You can see it fro free on Sky 534 or Freesat 156
9pm BBC 2 Horizon about the NHS cyber attack
I see this morning Crimewatch roadshow Met Police talked about : surge in knifecrime
The rise in knife crime is down to “mental issues”, stew, according to Chuckup!
I suspect he might have got the idea from Peter Hitchens – always banging on about the link with drugs.
Surge in knifecrime – surge in diversity………….
R4 Y&Y Tomorrow : they just mentioned they will be talking about how people voted UKIP last time probably cos that was a vote against low wages etc …and that’s why the vote was low this time.
..bit of a strange theory ? (BTW Y&Y often trail things, but then end up not airing them)
Please can we have a rule on this forum that people must post a health warning before posting any pictures of diane abbot…..
I actually carry a picture of DA in my wallet. When I’m on the piss and she become beautiful I know I’ve had enough and go home.
Jesus, Pounce! What the hell’s your tipple? It would take enough alcohol to fill windermere!
We’ve often commented on this site as to how ALL the media elite speak with one voice-anti-UKIP, anti-English,pro-I***m.
I’ve been watching the HandMaid’s Tale on Ch4 (three episodes so far)-an Anti-American scare story based on a take-over of the USA by an extreme CHRISTIAN group, written in 1985 by Margaret Attwood ,a Canadian writer who’s a big supporter of environmentalism.
Yes ,I know ,the premise is hilarious ……..but……but……. wait………………..
If we substitute the word Mudslime for Christian , the story works perfectly!
So far ,in three episodes , we’ve had subjugation of women division of society into believers and (kuffar??) non-believers ,hanging gays, FGM,ceremonial rape, death sentence from Theocratic courts , with more to come.
I’m now watching with renewed interest and growing amusement at the parallels with today-parallels I am sure that the media elite were oblivious to when they commissioned the programme.