R4 8pm : Doco on Online Grooming
” The investigation follows the rape and murder of 15-year-old Kayleigh Haywood from Leicestershire who was groomed online before meeting her killer in person.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08tcg72
Police say not terror related, but i don’t believe a word the police say anymore, the Germans are even more indoctrinated than ours, if that’s possible.
Maybe we’d feel better about things if every Christmas we went on a murder spree?
Ex Met Police Muslim on Today – “Mosques must police themselves, we must change the narrative, it’s in the hands of peaceful Muslims”. Can’t really disapprove of any of that BUT IT MEANS S.W.F.A.
“Mosques must police themselves, ….”. I know, lets give them the Heckler and Koch’s!
‘peaceful Muslims” ? On any reading of their handbook, the Quaran (which they pray alongside 5 times a day), there ‘aint no peaceful muslims, period. Unless, of course, the “peaceful” ones take the words with a ‘pinch of salt’. If that’s the case, it begs the question: why do you follow islam and pray that many times a day?
Cheer up – just think…………
Krankie spent her entire political career slating what used to be 14% of Scots as Tories, Tories, Tories, ad finitum.
It is the 12 new Scottish Conservative constituencies and 30% which now ensured the Conservative Party retained control at Westminster.
Her bile and incessant hate drove 1/3 of Scots to vote Conservative and deny her the chance to partner up with Dustbyn.
12 new Scottish Conservatives who, according to Our Ruth, prove we need a “soft Brexit” despite standing on a manifesto that said leaving the EU meant leaving the single market.
I’m beginning to see how Corbyn was so relatively successful. When you realise you despise all politicians, even those nominally on your own side, why not press the political nuclear button?
Corbyn soaked up the junior votes – 3 million registered after the election was declared – 2.5 million Liebour.
“When you realise you despise all politicians….”. That’s a point – the child new voters haven’t been at it long enough to, “despise” Corbyn or any other. Given his chance, that’s only a matter of time.
Redistributing wealth to middle class Leftists, it’s their social conscience you see. But what about those parents that need to be looked after? You know, the ones who brought them up, their social conscience says, it should be somebody else.
Another £67, 500,000,000?
Then of course there is all that money they are going to spend on more anti-terrorist police, and the NHS, you know, unlike the Tory cuts.
I am sure the BBC have fully costed all of this, I mean what with (as they keep telling us) the economy going to shrink because of Brexit, and because of all those ummmmmm high taxes, it is a vote for hope isn’t it.
Mark Easton throwing his head into his hands because :
“Parliamentary democracy is one of the British values that English schools are now required, by statute, to promote during lessons – not debate, not discuss, promote.
If some teachers interpret their new role as propagandists for this kingdom’s existing system of governance, that would be a shame, because right now our democracy is not serving this country particularly well.”
Erm … well, not really Mark. What the government’s guidance on these matters states is: “All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.”
Cannot see anything wrong with those words, and in no way does it rule out discussing Marxist, Islamic or whatever Fascistic state Mark would like to see debated in schools.
Mark gets a little carried away saying: “No-one voted for a country led by a wounded prime minister, without a clear negotiating position on Brexit with days to go before the talks on our country’s fate begin, having to do humiliating backroom deals to get even the most routine domestic legislation through Parliament.”
Erm, sorry Mark, the government we have is exactly the one elected by the peoples of this country. It is called democracy, a means of government of which I am proud.
I think there is every chance he will be. The Conservatives tried someone with no personality as Prime Minister, so next time they may well go for the opposite.
He mentions Governance , not government , which is a little different . It is the governance of our country which is so damaging , infiltrated as it is by Gramscians .
“All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.”
If that is official government policy, when are they going to ban islam? The islam cult is against each and every one of these things.
Excellent op piece by Melanie Phillips in The Times, quoting from Douglas Murray’s bestselling The Strange Death of Europe.
“Only Brexit can save our values from an abyss.”
“The EU’s surrender to mass migration has increased division while stifling dissenting voices
Every so often, something is published which slices through the fog of confusion, obfuscation and the sheer dishonesty of public debate to illuminate one key fact about the world. Such a work is Douglas Murray’s tremendous and shattering book, The Strange Death of Europe.
His argument is as simple as it is bleak. Europe is dying, doomed by a willed collapse of its culture which has left it unable even to acknowledge, let alone defend itself against, a hostile takeover from beyond its borders.
In view of the renewed debate over Brexit, it’s an analysis that provides a crucial context. Europe, says Murray, has long been gripped by a cultural malaise arising from the erosion of religion. Now, though, two factors have sent it into the terminal ward: the mass immigration of other peoples and its own loss of self-belief.
The blows inflicted by secularism destroyed Europe’s foundation
Mass immigration, imposed on the public without its consent, gave rise to the doctrine of multiculturalism or parallel cultures which were afforded equal value. The only culture that couldn’t be celebrated, however, was the one that had allowed all these others to be celebrated in the first place: western civilisation. This was presented as uniquely racist because it asserted itself as preferable to the rest. This all turned into an uncontrollable crisis for Europe in 2015 after the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, invited untold numbers of migrants into her country. In one year alone 1.5 million newcomers, many young Muslim men, poured into Germany. Yet five years previously Merkel had admitted that multiculturalism had “failed, utterly failed”.
The problems, though, went vastly deeper. The powerful core of Murray’s book is his striking insight — all the more remarkable since he himself is not a religious believer — that the blows inflicted by secularism upon Christianity destroyed Europe’s very foundations.
He goes further. In this cultural rubble, the terrible 20th-century despotisms of communism and fascism were attempts to erect the secular, political equivalent of a religious absolute. Since then, secularism has steadily eroded every remaining certainty of thought or belief. Into this vacuum of a world without meaning has marched Islam.
The result is an increasing number of European Muslim ghettos where there is often informal rule by Sharia. There is also concern over some Muslim women and girls being subjected to honour killings or genital mutilation, not to mention the incubation of Islamist terrorist attacks. Yet in a Europe drained of self-belief and riven by self-disgust, the existential threat posed by a religious culture driven by aggressive certainty to colonise the world is systematically denied. Last year the Belgian minister of justice, Koen Geens, told the European parliament that Muslims would soon outnumber Christians in Europe. Yet even to raise this as a concern is to invite opprobrium as a racist, jingoistic bigot.
The EU itself is the product of precisely this cultural demoralisation. In the wake of the last century’s two terrible world wars, Europe concluded that German militarism and Nazism had been created by nationalism, that nations caused nationalism and so the European nation was the problem.
The remedy was transnational institutions such as the EU project, which would usher in an age of borderless harmony and erase prejudice itself from the European heart. This aim, although noble, was flawed and dangerous. As Murray points out, before Europe experienced wars between nation states it was riven by wars of religion.
Which is precisely what it’s up against now, even though it can’t bring itself to acknowledge it. Despite the repeated Islamist atrocities in Britain and Europe, their roots in religious fanaticism are only half-heartedly addressed.
In Germany, mass immigration has been accompanied by an increase in sexual attacks on women and children. Yet under pressure from anti-racist campaigners, the police have regularly concealed the ethnic origin of these attackers. Throughout Europe there has been a rise of nationalist protest groups. These have all been vilified as fascist but while some do have roots in Nazi or racist organisations, others are merely a reaction to the wholesale abandonment by the political mainstream of a European population that does not want European civilisation to be snuffed out. That political class has come down like a tonne of bricks, not on the Islamist threat to European culture but on those protesting against the denigration of its values and identity.
The Brexit referendum, in which the people voted to get back their ability to govern themselves and express Britain’s culture through the laws of their own independent nation, was the first time in more than half a century that this trajectory of indigenous cultural demoralisation was stopped in its tracks. The countries of mainland Europe, with their recent histories of invasion, shifting borders and tyrannical regimes, do not share this passion for the integrity of the nation state.
Brexit is the first and perhaps only chance for Britain not just to separate from the EU but to regain its own historic identity as the crucible of political liberty and democracy. Now that fragile opportunity is in peril again thanks to the outcome of this miscalculated general election.
To read Douglas Murray’s remorseless and brave narrative is to gaze aghast at what Europe has done to itself and continues to do. Above all, therefore, what his book tells us is that Brexit is now more important than ever.”
A hypothesis: It seems quite likely that one of the main reasons the German empire (aka the EU) fiercely insists on free movement is that, were Britain to accede to their demands, then they would implement their never-spoken-about intent to shove their troublesome muslim and other immigrants in our direction. Subtle and not-so-subtle pressure would be applied on them to depart their countries, and huge numbers are likely to come to the UK (where many of them want to be anyway). Their Problem > Our Problem.
Spot on Martin.
The hysteria to keep us in the EU is simply to keep the pressure shared for Cologne, for Nice and for Budapest 2015.
Both Islam and the EU want a caliphate…different words for the same end of nation states and one love/one law utopian dream of compliance and endless leeching.
Hitler tried it too, as the USSR did.
Seek EU-get Islam.
The lefties in Iran 1979 also sought that Third Way, but the Ayatollah seemed not to want this…how did it turn out I wonder?
Thans for letting us see this Charlie…will go out and get this for the scrapbook.
All this is good, but misses a couple of points.
1. Good people like Chris Parry and Chris Caldwell have said pretty much the same , Parry in the New English Review 2006, Caldwell in his excellent “Europe Islam and the West” in 2010 or thereabouts.
2. Douglas , I`m sure does a very good job( Fathers Day present for me)-but (not being Christian) he`ll not have much to say about just WHY Islam is here and doing what it does. That applies to nearly everybody around these days, so he`s missing what we call the prophetic voice…Ian Paisley, Enoch Powell and Tony Benn as well as obvious ones like Martin Luther King had this.
3. All we get now is Giles Fraser, Aled Jones and Diane Louise Jordan, Luck Winkett. And even this is a golden age compared what is soon to come.
4. Islam is the strong black horse stamping around the paddock now, the weak white horse that we`ve become is already at Fray Bentos, unregistered like thr other EU horsemeat of 2013. This is Bin Ladens analogy-he was a prophet too wasn`t he? And the West listened to him, so he succeeded.
5. There are a few horse whisperers alright-but they tend not to go into political parties or head up Prevent crap.
6. Melanie Phillips herself has stated the problem in her peerless “World Turned Upside Down” book of 2009-Islam is here, it is given cover by a craven Christian winding sheet, and as long as Islam thinks that we Christians are simply the likes of Ariana Grande, Borough Market milksaps and consuming dupes who fund it all…then we`ll end us as they do.
7. This is NOT to say that Islam is right to butcher our innocents and decent kids and adults-but we do have a Thanatos Culture, we`ve long decided that God can go to hell, and there`s no William Booth anymore at its gates to warn you of what`s happening.
We need a militant patriotic Jesus-led resistance to all this. Douglas won`t do this.
Thankfully Tommy, Robert, Pamela, Daniel and Dr Bill Warner still feed us…but with no Judeo-Christian anchor or ballast-then tatty bye everbody…tatty bye…
Ian Paisley with a Blukip Church verses Gerry Healy with a Twitter account sitting on a mosque wall, watching all the little girls go by?…take your pick-open the box or take the money!
I’m half-way through Murrays book and will agree wholeheartedly with Melanie Phillips. I’ts also worth reading a predecessor version: ‘The Diversity Illusion’ – Ed West (2013) on the same lines. I checked the House of Commons library at the time and Ed West’s book is there – only one MP took it out to read………………
The main theme of KGB defector Yuri Besmenov’s description of Soviet intelligence was precisely the same: cultural demoralisation (he uses that exact word) takes time — decades — but once it is complete, the full collapse of the society follows quickly, since the culture has rotted away from within.
The cultural Marxists have achieved that in the West, but I don’t think they know what they have done. They have sowed the wind and we shall reap the whirlwind.
A stunning watch Rick. One burned dinner-one grumpy better half. But vital to watch it, especially his last twenty minutes re how to demoralise(20 yrs) destabilise( key ministries and government functions 2/5 yrs) “crises”(Brexit?) and the “new accommodation”of what gets called “normalisation”. No telly tonight-a must watch.
Thank you.
On the same line and just pondering bbc censorship. Do we or have we ever done anything right in this country?
Have we secured any sales of anything with anywhere?
Are we achieving anything of any value what so ever in this country?
Having been outside the country trying to obtain business for the UK plc, I can say that I wish I had had an opportunity to discuss Liam Fox’ role with him when it was offered. I would have told him a few ‘home truths’ and to avoid it like the plague if he valued personal success much less his own sanity. I listened with interest back, I think it was August/Septemberish last year when it surprisingly slipped out from him that, in anticipation of Brexit, ‘British business should get off its ass’. Like hell it will. It would sooner see business fail than actually do anything innovative so far as obtaining business Worldwide is concerned.
Unless British industry has a cosy club within which to operate, they won’t take any chances. No risk whatever. So stepping from their cosy clubs, ‘nod and wink’ cartels and ‘Trade Associations’ in the UK to the EU was a simple transition. One ‘clubby’ situation to another. One of the unspoken reasons why British businesses would prefer to remain in the EU – cosiness and convenience. Dynamism? No, it may have existed in the time of the Raj but that approach evaporated many decades ago. Cast your mind back to “business” before joining the Common Market: pretty much failing all over the place. It cannot adjust to changing situations. I admit there are some dynamic well managed companies out there and I wish them well. I have more than a few sorry tales to tell…………….
I recall, beer, sandwiches’, strikes and the Thatcher years of selling off and killing off industry. Back then she had the master plan to over inflate our economy and trounce the Dollar making the Pound the World currency.
The bBC kickstarts the “Bring Jihad Jack’ movement. Jihadi Jack in jail’ after leaving IS territory A 21-year-old man from Oxford, who travelled to the Islamic State-controlled area of Syria in 2014, has told the BBC he is now being held by Kurdish forces fighting the group .Jack Letts, dubbed “Jihadi Jack”, is suspected of going to Syria to fight for so-called Islamic State. But he claims he is opposed to IS and has left their territory.
Poor Jack according to the bBC he can only be a victim:
“eventually made it near a Kurdish point where we were shot at twice and slept in a field” and
“now in solitary confinement in a jail in Kurdish-held north-east Syria.” and
“His family deny he went there to fight and instead say he was motivated by humanitarian reasons.” and
“He married in Iraq and his wife and child are still in IS territory.” and
“He claimed he became disillusioned with the group about a year ago after it killed its former supporters.” and
“I hate them(ISIS) more than the Americans hate them,” and
“I realised they were not upon the truth so they put me in prison three times and threatened to kill me.” and
He claimed he had escaped from low-security detention and had been in hiding when he managed to find a people smuggler to take him out. And (Parents)
They believe their son is not being treated badly but are concerned about his mental health. Neither they or the BBC have heard from him since 1 June. and
Mr Letts’ parents are calling on the British authorities to do “whatever they can” to help him. and
“I think there has been so much misinformation, one little piece of information came out and it was manipulated, twisted, as far as I can see,” said Ms Lane. At least Jack is able to tell the truth:
Asked by the BBC why the UK government should help him, Jack said: “I don’t want anyone to help me.
Perhaps jack could provide his geo co ordinates for the benefit of the Reaper drone because he is an enemy – even a few red tories started using this term about the savages from Manchester and London Bridge .
A £50k missile would be less than the legal aid tax money his parasite lawyers would want
On bBBC1 1 pm news today.
The election result is holding up Brexit discussions with the EU.
According to the bBBC, the EU are “ready” to negotiate.
I bet they are. But have the useless beeboids considered for a microsecond why?
Because they, the EU, sitting in their cosy Brussels offices, with their giant salaries, pensions, benefits, and expenses don’t have to worry about all that pesky democratic nonsense. They look down on all those pleb governments who have to go through that thing called democratic elections. They can spend their time working out how to run rings round us while the politicians focus on getting elected.
Nice work if you can get it. Personally I would tell them to piss off.
Nothing to discuss is there?
We`re going, getting rid of the TV Licnense and executing jihadists.
Making Farage our Brexit leading man, letting Trump and his mates have a good look at our swamp there in Parliament, Universities and the BBC.
And I for one will be one of Ted Mallochs Matrons to keep him happy here in the UK until we`ve been weaned off the BBC and the Euronuts.
SuperTed…where are you, handsome?
Ted or Verhofstad-let us have a vote on who ought to be listened to?
Simon Templar or David Mellor?-let the ladies decide!
Got a new found respect for our youngsters.
The Tories offered them nothing.
When we were offered nothing we voted for Brexit and Trump.
Not the kids fault that no-one taught them about Balcombe St or Omagh, Eddie Shah or NACODS is it?
Maybe NOW we`ll start to remind them of the 70s, Gary Glitter soundtrack blaring.
Biased BBC 1pm tv news.
Beyond parody.
Inflation is up, and what is firing up the beeboids in the newsroom?
Why, the price of SALMON has gone up over 10% !!!!!
If ever you wanted evidence of the disconnect of the biased BBC champagne socialists with the rest of us, can you possibly wish for better?
How can BBC journalists afford to live as Champagne Socialists? Oh yes I remember now. Redistributing wealth earned by others to themselves. All socialism is theft.
If I was asked I would say, I do not want to pay for the BBC, they say “We don’t listen to you just pay up or go to prison”. So you mean even that even though I despise Socialism I still have to pay for the BBC, otherwise I will go to prison? “Yes”. Why? “Because everybody loves the BBC because it does not have a political agenda.” But I don’t love the BBC, and I don’t love it, precisely because it has a political agenda.
I have never voted for the Labour Party in my life and never will, so why should I have to pay for the BBC? Why does my opinion not count? “Because no politician has repealed the legislation.” You mean even Conservative governments? “Yes”.
Ah the aptly named Looney Left. All lions playing with lambs and unicorns dancing amongst the flowers until ……….. they run out of other peoples money.
Temperatures in the US due to hit 100 degrees – the Greens urge people, turn off their air-con, wear shorts and open a window.
And yes, can you be a Socialist of any stature without the Champagne?
Top US Socialist, Bernie Sanders owns three houses (not such a Looney then?)
Their envy is driven by their greed. But Leftists are generally lazy and incompetent. So how do they earn their money? By taxing people who do work, and redistributing what these people earn to themselves and their supporters. They call this social justice, and will never miss an opportunity of saying that any source of wealth should be taxed more.
Some believe (they call themselves radicals) that it is not enough to tax wealth, you have to attack the people who generate it (this of course automatically excludes people on the Left) and they call this having a social conscience.
People who support governments which impoverish the poor, tell them what to think, and redistribute wealth and power to Leftist politicians are very keen on telling you about their social conscience. You know, like Saint Francis of Assisi, but instead of building churches with your own hands, they make speeches about how much they care about the poor, take money from the poor box for their expenses, buy three houses, and call themselves egalitarians.
The bBC is currently running with this news story: Child sex offenders using Facebook investigation finds Facebook accounts belonging to convicted child sex offenders have been uncovered by a BBC investigation.
BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme discovered 22 profiles belonging to men convicted of child sex offences, which included grooming a child on Facebook and attempting to meet her for sex.
So has the bBC finally come clean about paedophiles within its ranks:
So why do so many people revile EVERYTHING that’s even slightly Islam intolerant?
A Women’s’ Equality protest to support Sharia – the same women who want divorce and abortion on demand. Derangement.
The BBC have a different take on it, gax, whoda thunk it?
Stability in Muslim Spain came with the establishment of the Andalusian Umayyad dynasty, which lasted from 756 to 1031.
The credit goes to Amir Abd al-Rahman, who founded the Emirate of Cordoba, and was able to get the various different Muslim groups who had conquered Spain to pull together in ruling it.
The Golden Age
The Muslim period in Spain is often described as a ‘golden age’ of learning where libraries, colleges, public baths were established and literature, poetry and architecture flourished. Both Muslims and non-Muslims made major contributions to this flowering of culture.
A Golden Age of religious tolerance?
Islamic Spain is sometimes described as a ‘golden age’ of religious and ethnic tolerance and interfaith harmony between Muslims, Christians and Jews.Some historians believe this idea of a golden age is false and might lead modern readers to believe, wrongly, that Muslim Spain was tolerant by the standards of 21st century Britain.The true position is more complicated. The distinguished historian Bernard Lewis wrote that the status of non-Muslims in Islamic Spain was a sort of second-class citizenship but he went on to say: Second-class citizenship, though second class, is a kind of citizenship. It involves some rights, though not all, and is surely better than no rights at all…
…A recognized status, albeit one of inferiority to the dominant group, which is established by law, recognized by tradition, and confirmed by popular assent, is not to be despised.
So sad to see Brendan Cox still dragging the carcass around, sadder to see the Al BBC holding the corpse back up as some kind of martyr … book deals, some” Jo would have wanted” campaign,
BBC News – Canadian MP breaks down over Jo Cox
BBC News – Brendan, Jo would be excited by Labour
It was a tragedy, and of course condolences to the family,
to play politics with it is just distasteful, and smacks of something worse
That’s what is happening right now, the No10 crooks are playing politics the old boy establishment machine
everything that is rancid and wrong is happening right now…. the festering “swamp” in action right now, right in front of your eyes.
Even talk of a cross party Brexit delegation, with a vote yae or nae on that deal. after how long?
Amazing what arrogant grasping toe rags, whose only concern is themselves, will do as they cling to their own “money tree”
are willing to do, just to keep for themselves a vestige of power.
Oh have I said this before, lying, underhand, and utterly dangerously incompetent
And right here … the politics are playing you people
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Wild , all you think about is money . Spare a thought for poor Jack Letts a British citizen for Oxfordshire who is being held by evil Kurds in Syria or similar . A bit of research on Lovely Jack is that after he converted to Islam he changed his name to Abu Muhammed .
Al beeb wants him back in Blighty . Forget about being a member of Isis forget about his mum and dad being charged with funding terrorism.
Al beeb wants you to wring out your hankies for the poor soul.
I got angry listening to R4 and al BBC news which only refered to him by the name he uses when he was human “Jack”.
What made me angry was- why is he still alive??? He’s a bloody enemy terrorist .
And how many of these are self-employed or limited company status? Tax-dodging, liberal elite hypocrites.
Ben Thompson said a couple of weeks ago on the BBC Breakfast Butty Van tour in Bristol “we are all feeling the pinch”
Yeh, right, it fµcking looks like it !
Come on people. Have a heart. Beeboids need money for things that the rest of us don’t.
Georgian townhouses in Highbury don’t come cheap you know.
And a Toyota Prius costs a bit more than the polluting gas guzzlers I bet you lot drive. Saving the planet costs money.
Then there’s the school fees. (‘Of course we would LOVE to send Josh and Molly to the local comprehensive but they can’t do the International Baccalaureate there..’)
Not to mention the holiday home in Provence (‘we put an offer in on a place in Tuscany near Polly Toynbee but some horrible Tory MP gazumped us…’) etc etc etc.
I for one think the licence fee is worth every penny. Fortunately, I don’t pay it!
From @Supertroll
“Woman’s Hour this morning had an item on the male vices of ‘manspreading’ which in the paper discussed in the Spectator piece was described as a complaint levied against men for sitting with their legs spread wide, which was categorized as ‘akin to raping the empty space around him’.
I noted that before the item they read out a message from a man complaining that the term manspreading was sexist and that women were equally guilty of the complaint, if not with their legs, then with shopping bags.
This message was essentially ignored.”
This absurdity tells us that we are really heading into oblivion. Terrorists have butchered us on our streets this year and Woman’s Hour descends to this?
Fine by me Kaiser.
I notice that i`m usually just about the only person on the bus that pays for a ticket these days. Massive double buggies, disability scooters and all manner of misfits, casualties and crocks hogging the queues as well as taking up nearly all the seats.
Feel that the few of us who pay should form a club like a VIP Lounge at the Bus Station.
This is Surrey as well!
Ah, now you are talking. Let use the left to liberate themselves from themselves!
Report all BBC news or twitter responses that say backing Exit from the European Union is racist!
Name the person of the report! Say it makes you feel sad and offends your religion – make up a religion if you want!
Switch gender when you need to …. use your imagination, want a softer jail sentence just say you’re a women refugee who is pregnant. Who cares? Feel liberated from the facts!
Government says “All UK Companies must have 50% women in the company!”
UK Company says “50% of our employees have *self identified as women* and 50% as men. Fred is looking forward to using the ladies clean toilets and sitting down for wee wee breaks.”
Government says “All Companies must have 50% refugees!”
Company says “We are all refugees, as we all historically come from Africa. So we have 100% refugees in our company. Do we get extra tax breaks for being over the 50% requirement for refugees?”
Good tactics Mark.
Good also to creep onto Lefty sites like Labour List and 38 Degrees. and be as divisive as possible.
I personally go on to say that Corbyns not left enough-and one of my friends may well go on to slag me off, as we do messaging on F/B with a glass of rose and some nibbles.
Tonight I`ll be a Chris Leslie girl, tomorrow I`ll say John McDonnells gone soft and needs some Soviet Viagra.
The Left never laugh-and I know someone else will echo it soon enough. Have yet to see an original opinion or humore ANYWHERE on these sites.
Can someone let me know if Ann Soubry calling us all losers except the DUP … is this a hate crime?
“Is this the first parliament where everyone thinks they’re a winner when in fact we’re all losers except DUP?”
I don’t like my MP calling everyone a loser – it hurts ;-(
Why should I report hate crime?
Hate crimes and incidents hurt; they can be confusing and frightening.
By reporting them when they happen to you, you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. You will also help the police understand the extent of hate crime in your local area so they can better respond to it.
Reporting makes a difference – to you, your friends, and your life.
When I see “LGBT” I feel excluded? I feel sad and it’s because I’m being excluded as a Heterosexual Male (currently, please check my Facebook status for current gender or else you might offend me).
If they only added a “H” I could feel included.
This makes me feel sad and excluded and hated for my sexuality. What do I do?
Oh, the Gov Web site says…
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, gender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes and should be reported to the police.
Hate crimes can include:
* threatening behaviour
* assault
* robbery
* damage to property
* inciting others to commit hate crimes
* harassment
Bradford Moor brothers locked up for ‘appalling’ treatment of their …
Bradford Telegraph and Argus-11 Jun 2017
TWO brothers enslaved their mother and sister in their home for nearly 18 months before subjecting the younger woman to a vicious assault
The family came in from Tanzania in 2015 ..yet media call them Bradford Brothers
Chances of Islam connection at 35% and increasing everyday! But wait, this might be misleading due to Wiki:
“Current statistics on religion in Tanzania are unavailable because religious surveys have been eliminated from government census reports since 1967.” So it’s all a guess. Could be 100% or 0% Islam. Guess it’s easier not to know – facts are irrelevant now. Oh, wait a bit more reading – “About 98 percent of the population in Zanzibar is Muslim.”
Christian 61.4%
Islam 35.2%
Folk Religion 1.8%
Unaffiliated 1.4%
Other 0.2%
@Marky when you check the brothers names there is no doubt about the religion
\\Locking up Faisal Hussein, 25, and 19-year-old Arbaaz Ahmed for 32 months, Judge Jonathan Rose said their behaviour had been “appalling and disgraceful.”//
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks. Targeting of Londoners on the basis of their faith was unacceptable.
These views were expressed by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, in an interview with a local media outlet, on Sunday.”
Liar Mays political policing?
“Given the frequency of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, this claim must be received with skepticism.
“The terrorists seek to divide us and we must not let them do that. London is a fantastic, diverse, integrated city and that that’s the way it needs to continue.”
Actually, the terrorists don’t really care if we’re united or divided. The objective of jihad terror attacks is to weaken, and ultimately destroy, the Infidel state, so that it can be replaced by a Sharia government. When Cressida Dick vows that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is not going to confront their motivating ideology, since the Muslim community in London doesn’t want her to do so. So in reality, when she says that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is going to follow a course of action that will weaken London’s response to jihad terror, and enable jihadis to act more freely”
R Spencer
At least, the MSM don t have to worry, their too busy faking protests
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks…..”
Well…. maybe……. but for the teeny little fact of where and when the most recent attacks have been made – for example, on publand/clubland in central London on a Saturday night……right – isn’t that just where Muslims generally gather of a Saturday evening ? Then there’s the Ariana Grande Manchester Arena ‘incident’….. hardly the sort of event likely to be attended by the Muslim community in vast numbers…
Time and place are not insignificant factors in deciding who is most likely to be ‘affected’ by these criminal acts – but no doubt someone will come along and point out the high proportion of Muslims physically ‘affected’ ….. but it will take much more than a simple Google search or three, as I just found out. It couldn’t possibly be that the attacks were specifically directed at non-muslims, now could it ?
“The show gave a platform to Douglas Murray, Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), and Sara Khan, the CEO of Inspire (a counter-extremism advocacy organisation in receipt of Prevent funding), to talk about terrorism prevention. However, many took exception to Murray’s views, which have prompted complaints to the broadcaster with one commentator arguing that Murray advocated an ethnic cleansing.” Didn’t tinsel tits say that the Beeb ignores complaints regardints programs, Noggie, or does it depend on who’s doing he complaining?
Drip Drip Drip
7:15 BBC News Channel in Paris “After Mrs Mays calamitous election result”
…FFS talk about Narrative building..It was hardly calamitous she won, got a record percentage but didn’t get the high target she set ..Losing overall would have been the c alamity.
6:25pm BBC Lincolnshire’s love-in with the counties only Labour MP continues
Main story on Hull Look North was possible Walk-in centre opposite Lincoln uni, so there she was live on screen from London.
OK I’ll give her this one it might be a coincidence that her pet issue came up.
BBC Radio Linolnshire only tweeted twice about her today, compared to yesterday’s 5 mentions.
The issue with the drop in centre is cos of it’s convenient location all students pop in there instead of going to the pharmacy or their own doctor. So that dept suffers budget pressure , whereas their official doctors get off lightly.
At least Radio Lincs did let 2 experts say that on air today.
I was driving today and just noticed that it was the top of the hour. I thought I’ll just have a listen to the Radio 4 News at one and find out the latest (why don’t I ever learn?) with Martha Carney. The programme was running the usual pro eu, anti tory, anti brexit bullshit but then we had a promised item to come – How are the family of Jo Cox managing as it is 12 months since she was murdered…….
This really did make my hackles rise. So when can I expect a news item telling me about how the family of Lee Rigby (a far more important individual) are struggling to get through their lives.
They just continue the same narrative day after day after day after day.
I didn’t hear the item as I quickly pressed the off button.
FlotsamFeb 24, 20:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I was pondering the conviction, for assault, of Labour MP Michael Amesbury. How many MP’s have been known to commit…
Philip_2Feb 24, 20:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I heard on TalkTV this afternoon on radio that The Sun has exposed the BBC funding of HAMAS has been…
DocmaroonedFeb 24, 20:39 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sums up the slimy,oily,lying piece of dog crap that Starmer is. Totally evil and corrupt. Also does not seem to…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Rumour has it that TTK, when some sort of lawyer, made sure that the killer’s parents stayed in the UK…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It could be worse, Tomo, with Major’s shirt tucked into his ‘Y’Fronts! Actually, come to think of it, Starmer’s flies…
diggFeb 24, 19:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I read that Starmer has claimed that releasing details of the Southport vile children stabber early might have risked the…
tomoFeb 24, 19:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I rather hope TTK manages a stupid faux pas like Broon’s trousers tucked into his socks when he alighted from…
Wednesday : A BBC Wales Transgender documentary is aired nationally
As opposed to a drama doc?
Why has this become mainstream? What next – how the boy with a square willy pulled himself round?
R4 8pm : Doco on Online Grooming
” The investigation follows the rape and murder of 15-year-old Kayleigh Haywood from Leicestershire who was groomed online before meeting her killer in person.”
OMG did Jo Cox die?!?!
Why didn’t the BBC tell us this important news? I must have missed the 23 million times they have previously mentioned it!
Here we go again, it’s Ramadan time….
Munich shooting: Four hurt at suburban railway station
“Police said the shooting happened when police intervened in a scuffle between several people at the station, one of whom had a knife.”
Knife… shooting… train station…? Mmm, sounds familiar.
Police say not terror related, but i don’t believe a word the police say anymore, the Germans are even more indoctrinated than ours, if that’s possible.
If it’s islam related, then it is terror related.
islam = terror.
Maybe we’d feel better about things if every Christmas we went on a murder spree?
Ex Met Police Muslim on Today – “Mosques must police themselves, we must change the narrative, it’s in the hands of peaceful Muslims”. Can’t really disapprove of any of that BUT IT MEANS S.W.F.A.
“Mosques must police themselves, ….”. I know, lets give them the Heckler and Koch’s!
‘peaceful Muslims” ? On any reading of their handbook, the Quaran (which they pray alongside 5 times a day), there ‘aint no peaceful muslims, period. Unless, of course, the “peaceful” ones take the words with a ‘pinch of salt’. If that’s the case, it begs the question: why do you follow islam and pray that many times a day?
Cheer up – just think…………
Krankie spent her entire political career slating what used to be 14% of Scots as Tories, Tories, Tories, ad finitum.
It is the 12 new Scottish Conservative constituencies and 30% which now ensured the Conservative Party retained control at Westminster.
Her bile and incessant hate drove 1/3 of Scots to vote Conservative and deny her the chance to partner up with Dustbyn.
12 new Scottish Conservatives who, according to Our Ruth, prove we need a “soft Brexit” despite standing on a manifesto that said leaving the EU meant leaving the single market.
I’m beginning to see how Corbyn was so relatively successful. When you realise you despise all politicians, even those nominally on your own side, why not press the political nuclear button?
Corbyn soaked up the junior votes – 3 million registered after the election was declared – 2.5 million Liebour.
“When you realise you despise all politicians….”. That’s a point – the child new voters haven’t been at it long enough to, “despise” Corbyn or any other. Given his chance, that’s only a matter of time.
Expensive though, 2.5 million young voters at £27,000 each.
Stupid question I know but we had free University education so where’s all those £27,000 going?
£67, 500,000,000?
Redistributing wealth to middle class Leftists, it’s their social conscience you see. But what about those parents that need to be looked after? You know, the ones who brought them up, their social conscience says, it should be somebody else.
Another £67, 500,000,000?
Then of course there is all that money they are going to spend on more anti-terrorist police, and the NHS, you know, unlike the Tory cuts.
I am sure the BBC have fully costed all of this, I mean what with (as they keep telling us) the economy going to shrink because of Brexit, and because of all those ummmmmm high taxes, it is a vote for hope isn’t it.
Has British democracy let its people down?
Mark Easton throwing his head into his hands because :
“Parliamentary democracy is one of the British values that English schools are now required, by statute, to promote during lessons – not debate, not discuss, promote.
If some teachers interpret their new role as propagandists for this kingdom’s existing system of governance, that would be a shame, because right now our democracy is not serving this country particularly well.”
Erm … well, not really Mark. What the government’s guidance on these matters states is: “All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.”
Cannot see anything wrong with those words, and in no way does it rule out discussing Marxist, Islamic or whatever Fascistic state Mark would like to see debated in schools.
Mark gets a little carried away saying: “No-one voted for a country led by a wounded prime minister, without a clear negotiating position on Brexit with days to go before the talks on our country’s fate begin, having to do humiliating backroom deals to get even the most routine domestic legislation through Parliament.”
Erm, sorry Mark, the government we have is exactly the one elected by the peoples of this country. It is called democracy, a means of government of which I am proud.
Just to piss of the beebites, I’d love for Boris to be PM – The interviews would be priceless.
Anyhow the inflation has been pushed up by, get this – video games and foreign holidays. Oh Lordy we’re in real trouble!
I think there is every chance he will be. The Conservatives tried someone with no personality as Prime Minister, so next time they may well go for the opposite.
And in a boxing match he’d beat Corbyn for sure!
He mentions Governance , not government , which is a little different . It is the governance of our country which is so damaging , infiltrated as it is by Gramscians .
“All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.”
If that is official government policy, when are they going to ban islam? The islam cult is against each and every one of these things.
Poor stuff even from him. Disgraceful really but this is the BBC.
Excellent op piece by Melanie Phillips in The Times, quoting from Douglas Murray’s bestselling The Strange Death of Europe.
“Only Brexit can save our values from an abyss.”
“The EU’s surrender to mass migration has increased division while stifling dissenting voices
Every so often, something is published which slices through the fog of confusion, obfuscation and the sheer dishonesty of public debate to illuminate one key fact about the world. Such a work is Douglas Murray’s tremendous and shattering book, The Strange Death of Europe.
His argument is as simple as it is bleak. Europe is dying, doomed by a willed collapse of its culture which has left it unable even to acknowledge, let alone defend itself against, a hostile takeover from beyond its borders.
In view of the renewed debate over Brexit, it’s an analysis that provides a crucial context. Europe, says Murray, has long been gripped by a cultural malaise arising from the erosion of religion. Now, though, two factors have sent it into the terminal ward: the mass immigration of other peoples and its own loss of self-belief.
The blows inflicted by secularism destroyed Europe’s foundation
Mass immigration, imposed on the public without its consent, gave rise to the doctrine of multiculturalism or parallel cultures which were afforded equal value. The only culture that couldn’t be celebrated, however, was the one that had allowed all these others to be celebrated in the first place: western civilisation. This was presented as uniquely racist because it asserted itself as preferable to the rest. This all turned into an uncontrollable crisis for Europe in 2015 after the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, invited untold numbers of migrants into her country. In one year alone 1.5 million newcomers, many young Muslim men, poured into Germany. Yet five years previously Merkel had admitted that multiculturalism had “failed, utterly failed”.
The problems, though, went vastly deeper. The powerful core of Murray’s book is his striking insight — all the more remarkable since he himself is not a religious believer — that the blows inflicted by secularism upon Christianity destroyed Europe’s very foundations.
He goes further. In this cultural rubble, the terrible 20th-century despotisms of communism and fascism were attempts to erect the secular, political equivalent of a religious absolute. Since then, secularism has steadily eroded every remaining certainty of thought or belief. Into this vacuum of a world without meaning has marched Islam.
The result is an increasing number of European Muslim ghettos where there is often informal rule by Sharia. There is also concern over some Muslim women and girls being subjected to honour killings or genital mutilation, not to mention the incubation of Islamist terrorist attacks. Yet in a Europe drained of self-belief and riven by self-disgust, the existential threat posed by a religious culture driven by aggressive certainty to colonise the world is systematically denied. Last year the Belgian minister of justice, Koen Geens, told the European parliament that Muslims would soon outnumber Christians in Europe. Yet even to raise this as a concern is to invite opprobrium as a racist, jingoistic bigot.
The EU itself is the product of precisely this cultural demoralisation. In the wake of the last century’s two terrible world wars, Europe concluded that German militarism and Nazism had been created by nationalism, that nations caused nationalism and so the European nation was the problem.
The remedy was transnational institutions such as the EU project, which would usher in an age of borderless harmony and erase prejudice itself from the European heart. This aim, although noble, was flawed and dangerous. As Murray points out, before Europe experienced wars between nation states it was riven by wars of religion.
Which is precisely what it’s up against now, even though it can’t bring itself to acknowledge it. Despite the repeated Islamist atrocities in Britain and Europe, their roots in religious fanaticism are only half-heartedly addressed.
In Germany, mass immigration has been accompanied by an increase in sexual attacks on women and children. Yet under pressure from anti-racist campaigners, the police have regularly concealed the ethnic origin of these attackers. Throughout Europe there has been a rise of nationalist protest groups. These have all been vilified as fascist but while some do have roots in Nazi or racist organisations, others are merely a reaction to the wholesale abandonment by the political mainstream of a European population that does not want European civilisation to be snuffed out. That political class has come down like a tonne of bricks, not on the Islamist threat to European culture but on those protesting against the denigration of its values and identity.
The Brexit referendum, in which the people voted to get back their ability to govern themselves and express Britain’s culture through the laws of their own independent nation, was the first time in more than half a century that this trajectory of indigenous cultural demoralisation was stopped in its tracks. The countries of mainland Europe, with their recent histories of invasion, shifting borders and tyrannical regimes, do not share this passion for the integrity of the nation state.
Brexit is the first and perhaps only chance for Britain not just to separate from the EU but to regain its own historic identity as the crucible of political liberty and democracy. Now that fragile opportunity is in peril again thanks to the outcome of this miscalculated general election.
To read Douglas Murray’s remorseless and brave narrative is to gaze aghast at what Europe has done to itself and continues to do. Above all, therefore, what his book tells us is that Brexit is now more important than ever.”
A hypothesis: It seems quite likely that one of the main reasons the German empire (aka the EU) fiercely insists on free movement is that, were Britain to accede to their demands, then they would implement their never-spoken-about intent to shove their troublesome muslim and other immigrants in our direction. Subtle and not-so-subtle pressure would be applied on them to depart their countries, and huge numbers are likely to come to the UK (where many of them want to be anyway). Their Problem > Our Problem.
Spot on Martin.
The hysteria to keep us in the EU is simply to keep the pressure shared for Cologne, for Nice and for Budapest 2015.
Both Islam and the EU want a caliphate…different words for the same end of nation states and one love/one law utopian dream of compliance and endless leeching.
Hitler tried it too, as the USSR did.
Seek EU-get Islam.
The lefties in Iran 1979 also sought that Third Way, but the Ayatollah seemed not to want this…how did it turn out I wonder?
Thans for letting us see this Charlie…will go out and get this for the scrapbook.
All this is good, but misses a couple of points.
1. Good people like Chris Parry and Chris Caldwell have said pretty much the same , Parry in the New English Review 2006, Caldwell in his excellent “Europe Islam and the West” in 2010 or thereabouts.
2. Douglas , I`m sure does a very good job( Fathers Day present for me)-but (not being Christian) he`ll not have much to say about just WHY Islam is here and doing what it does. That applies to nearly everybody around these days, so he`s missing what we call the prophetic voice…Ian Paisley, Enoch Powell and Tony Benn as well as obvious ones like Martin Luther King had this.
3. All we get now is Giles Fraser, Aled Jones and Diane Louise Jordan, Luck Winkett. And even this is a golden age compared what is soon to come.
4. Islam is the strong black horse stamping around the paddock now, the weak white horse that we`ve become is already at Fray Bentos, unregistered like thr other EU horsemeat of 2013. This is Bin Ladens analogy-he was a prophet too wasn`t he? And the West listened to him, so he succeeded.
5. There are a few horse whisperers alright-but they tend not to go into political parties or head up Prevent crap.
6. Melanie Phillips herself has stated the problem in her peerless “World Turned Upside Down” book of 2009-Islam is here, it is given cover by a craven Christian winding sheet, and as long as Islam thinks that we Christians are simply the likes of Ariana Grande, Borough Market milksaps and consuming dupes who fund it all…then we`ll end us as they do.
7. This is NOT to say that Islam is right to butcher our innocents and decent kids and adults-but we do have a Thanatos Culture, we`ve long decided that God can go to hell, and there`s no William Booth anymore at its gates to warn you of what`s happening.
We need a militant patriotic Jesus-led resistance to all this. Douglas won`t do this.
Thankfully Tommy, Robert, Pamela, Daniel and Dr Bill Warner still feed us…but with no Judeo-Christian anchor or ballast-then tatty bye everbody…tatty bye…
Ian Paisley with a Blukip Church verses Gerry Healy with a Twitter account sitting on a mosque wall, watching all the little girls go by?…take your pick-open the box or take the money!
I’m half-way through Murrays book and will agree wholeheartedly with Melanie Phillips. I’ts also worth reading a predecessor version: ‘The Diversity Illusion’ – Ed West (2013) on the same lines. I checked the House of Commons library at the time and Ed West’s book is there – only one MP took it out to read………………
G, Chris, Martin – Other books mentioned do indeed make the same points as Murray’s, but good news: his is a best seller.
Maybe people are beginning to wake up.
I would hope so Charlie, hope so – with bated breath though.
The main theme of KGB defector Yuri Besmenov’s description of Soviet intelligence was precisely the same: cultural demoralisation (he uses that exact word) takes time — decades — but once it is complete, the full collapse of the society follows quickly, since the culture has rotted away from within.
The cultural Marxists have achieved that in the West, but I don’t think they know what they have done. They have sowed the wind and we shall reap the whirlwind.
Here’s the full Besmenov interview
A stunning watch Rick. One burned dinner-one grumpy better half. But vital to watch it, especially his last twenty minutes re how to demoralise(20 yrs) destabilise( key ministries and government functions 2/5 yrs) “crises”(Brexit?) and the “new accommodation”of what gets called “normalisation”. No telly tonight-a must watch.
Thank you.
Interesting article in The Federalist https://thefederalist.com/2017/06/12/james-comey-long-history-questionable-obstruction-cases/ on the very ‘political’, sly, and now vindictive James Comey Esq. Hell will freeze over before the BBC informs the nation of this sort of stuff.
On the same line and just pondering bbc censorship. Do we or have we ever done anything right in this country?
Have we secured any sales of anything with anywhere?
Are we achieving anything of any value what so ever in this country?
Having been outside the country trying to obtain business for the UK plc, I can say that I wish I had had an opportunity to discuss Liam Fox’ role with him when it was offered. I would have told him a few ‘home truths’ and to avoid it like the plague if he valued personal success much less his own sanity. I listened with interest back, I think it was August/Septemberish last year when it surprisingly slipped out from him that, in anticipation of Brexit, ‘British business should get off its ass’. Like hell it will. It would sooner see business fail than actually do anything innovative so far as obtaining business Worldwide is concerned.
Unless British industry has a cosy club within which to operate, they won’t take any chances. No risk whatever. So stepping from their cosy clubs, ‘nod and wink’ cartels and ‘Trade Associations’ in the UK to the EU was a simple transition. One ‘clubby’ situation to another. One of the unspoken reasons why British businesses would prefer to remain in the EU – cosiness and convenience. Dynamism? No, it may have existed in the time of the Raj but that approach evaporated many decades ago. Cast your mind back to “business” before joining the Common Market: pretty much failing all over the place. It cannot adjust to changing situations. I admit there are some dynamic well managed companies out there and I wish them well. I have more than a few sorry tales to tell…………….
I recall, beer, sandwiches’, strikes and the Thatcher years of selling off and killing off industry. Back then she had the master plan to over inflate our economy and trounce the Dollar making the Pound the World currency.
Apologies if already posted
At least we`ve got a label now.
The solution: Scrap Brexit, Spend, spend, borrow, borrow and bankrupt, bankrupt – Simples!
How can any sensible person disagree?
The bBC kickstarts the “Bring Jihad Jack’ movement.
Jihadi Jack in jail’ after leaving IS territory
A 21-year-old man from Oxford, who travelled to the Islamic State-controlled area of Syria in 2014, has told the BBC he is now being held by Kurdish forces fighting the group .Jack Letts, dubbed “Jihadi Jack”, is suspected of going to Syria to fight for so-called Islamic State. But he claims he is opposed to IS and has left their territory.
Poor Jack according to the bBC he can only be a victim:
“eventually made it near a Kurdish point where we were shot at twice and slept in a field”
“now in solitary confinement in a jail in Kurdish-held north-east Syria.”
“His family deny he went there to fight and instead say he was motivated by humanitarian reasons.”
“He married in Iraq and his wife and child are still in IS territory.”
“He claimed he became disillusioned with the group about a year ago after it killed its former supporters.”
“I hate them(ISIS) more than the Americans hate them,”
“I realised they were not upon the truth so they put me in prison three times and threatened to kill me.”
He claimed he had escaped from low-security detention and had been in hiding when he managed to find a people smuggler to take him out.
And (Parents)
They believe their son is not being treated badly but are concerned about his mental health. Neither they or the BBC have heard from him since 1 June.
Mr Letts’ parents are calling on the British authorities to do “whatever they can” to help him.
“I think there has been so much misinformation, one little piece of information came out and it was manipulated, twisted, as far as I can see,” said Ms Lane.
At least Jack is able to tell the truth:
Asked by the BBC why the UK government should help him, Jack said: “I don’t want anyone to help me.
Perhaps jack could provide his geo co ordinates for the benefit of the Reaper drone because he is an enemy – even a few red tories started using this term about the savages from Manchester and London Bridge .
A £50k missile would be less than the legal aid tax money his parasite lawyers would want
Crowd funding?
“A £50k missile would be less than the legal aid tax money his parasite lawyers would want”
Sod the missile, he’s in the hands of the Kurds , who hate ISIS with a passion. I’d be more than happy if they took him out for a walk.
On bBBC1 1 pm news today.
The election result is holding up Brexit discussions with the EU.
According to the bBBC, the EU are “ready” to negotiate.
I bet they are. But have the useless beeboids considered for a microsecond why?
Because they, the EU, sitting in their cosy Brussels offices, with their giant salaries, pensions, benefits, and expenses don’t have to worry about all that pesky democratic nonsense. They look down on all those pleb governments who have to go through that thing called democratic elections. They can spend their time working out how to run rings round us while the politicians focus on getting elected.
Nice work if you can get it. Personally I would tell them to piss off.
Nothing to discuss is there?
We`re going, getting rid of the TV Licnense and executing jihadists.
Making Farage our Brexit leading man, letting Trump and his mates have a good look at our swamp there in Parliament, Universities and the BBC.
And I for one will be one of Ted Mallochs Matrons to keep him happy here in the UK until we`ve been weaned off the BBC and the Euronuts.
SuperTed…where are you, handsome?
Ted or Verhofstad-let us have a vote on who ought to be listened to?
Simon Templar or David Mellor?-let the ladies decide!
People born before 1946 are called – The Greatest Generation .
People born between 1946 and 1964 are called – The Baby Boomers .
People born between 1965 and 1979 are called – Generation X.
And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called – Generation Y .
Why do we call the last group -Generation Y ?
Y should I get a job?
Y should I leave home and find my own place?
Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours?
Y should I clean my room?
Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?
Y should I buy any food?
Not all of us Briss! I was born in 1982, and I hate the term ‘millenial’.
Got a new found respect for our youngsters.
The Tories offered them nothing.
When we were offered nothing we voted for Brexit and Trump.
Not the kids fault that no-one taught them about Balcombe St or Omagh, Eddie Shah or NACODS is it?
Maybe NOW we`ll start to remind them of the 70s, Gary Glitter soundtrack blaring.
That is it in a nut shell – My failed to negotiate with the voters. She demanded and expected.
Biased BBC 1pm tv news.
Beyond parody.
Inflation is up, and what is firing up the beeboids in the newsroom?
Why, the price of SALMON has gone up over 10% !!!!!
If ever you wanted evidence of the disconnect of the biased BBC champagne socialists with the rest of us, can you possibly wish for better?
How can BBC journalists afford to live as Champagne Socialists? Oh yes I remember now. Redistributing wealth earned by others to themselves. All socialism is theft.
If I was asked I would say, I do not want to pay for the BBC, they say “We don’t listen to you just pay up or go to prison”. So you mean even that even though I despise Socialism I still have to pay for the BBC, otherwise I will go to prison? “Yes”. Why? “Because everybody loves the BBC because it does not have a political agenda.” But I don’t love the BBC, and I don’t love it, precisely because it has a political agenda.
I have never voted for the Labour Party in my life and never will, so why should I have to pay for the BBC? Why does my opinion not count? “Because no politician has repealed the legislation.” You mean even Conservative governments? “Yes”.
BBC London news.
Barriers have been erected in London to try and prevent terror attacks. New barriers have been put in place.
This means that cyclists, you know, those untouchable saints, are having to queue!!!!! There are bottlenecks !!!!!!
My God.
Pardon me if I fail to show any concern about the lot of these snivelling virtue-signallers, who seem to think they have the right of way everywhere.
Ah the aptly named Looney Left. All lions playing with lambs and unicorns dancing amongst the flowers until ……….. they run out of other peoples money.
Temperatures in the US due to hit 100 degrees – the Greens urge people, turn off their air-con, wear shorts and open a window.
And yes, can you be a Socialist of any stature without the Champagne?
Top US Socialist, Bernie Sanders owns three houses (not such a Looney then?)
“Bernie Sanders owns three houses”
Their envy is driven by their greed. But Leftists are generally lazy and incompetent. So how do they earn their money? By taxing people who do work, and redistributing what these people earn to themselves and their supporters. They call this social justice, and will never miss an opportunity of saying that any source of wealth should be taxed more.
Some believe (they call themselves radicals) that it is not enough to tax wealth, you have to attack the people who generate it (this of course automatically excludes people on the Left) and they call this having a social conscience.
People who support governments which impoverish the poor, tell them what to think, and redistribute wealth and power to Leftist politicians are very keen on telling you about their social conscience. You know, like Saint Francis of Assisi, but instead of building churches with your own hands, they make speeches about how much they care about the poor, take money from the poor box for their expenses, buy three houses, and call themselves egalitarians.
Nine homes in the case of the Blair’s.
The bBC is currently running with this news story:
Child sex offenders using Facebook investigation finds
Facebook accounts belonging to convicted child sex offenders have been uncovered by a BBC investigation.
BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme discovered 22 profiles belonging to men convicted of child sex offences, which included grooming a child on Facebook and attempting to meet her for sex.
So has the bBC finally come clean about paedophiles within its ranks:
This is truly astounding – the bbc not censoring or supporting something decent people are disgusted by.
To paraphrase Monty Python, because that seems to be where debate is at – What have the Muslims ever done for us?
And don’t say, algebra.
Over to you.
So why do so many people revile EVERYTHING that’s even slightly Islam intolerant?
A Women’s’ Equality protest to support Sharia – the same women who want divorce and abortion on demand. Derangement.
The BBC have a different take on it, gax, whoda thunk it?
Stability in Muslim Spain came with the establishment of the Andalusian Umayyad dynasty, which lasted from 756 to 1031.
The credit goes to Amir Abd al-Rahman, who founded the Emirate of Cordoba, and was able to get the various different Muslim groups who had conquered Spain to pull together in ruling it.
The Golden Age
The Muslim period in Spain is often described as a ‘golden age’ of learning where libraries, colleges, public baths were established and literature, poetry and architecture flourished. Both Muslims and non-Muslims made major contributions to this flowering of culture.
A Golden Age of religious tolerance?
Islamic Spain is sometimes described as a ‘golden age’ of religious and ethnic tolerance and interfaith harmony between Muslims, Christians and Jews.Some historians believe this idea of a golden age is false and might lead modern readers to believe, wrongly, that Muslim Spain was tolerant by the standards of 21st century Britain.The true position is more complicated. The distinguished historian Bernard Lewis wrote that the status of non-Muslims in Islamic Spain was a sort of second-class citizenship but he went on to say: Second-class citizenship, though second class, is a kind of citizenship. It involves some rights, though not all, and is surely better than no rights at all…
…A recognized status, albeit one of inferiority to the dominant group, which is established by law, recognized by tradition, and confirmed by popular assent, is not to be despised.
Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam, 1984
So sad to see Brendan Cox still dragging the carcass around, sadder to see the Al BBC holding the corpse back up as some kind of martyr … book deals, some” Jo would have wanted” campaign,
BBC News – Canadian MP breaks down over Jo Cox
BBC News – Brendan, Jo would be excited by Labour
It was a tragedy, and of course condolences to the family,
to play politics with it is just distasteful, and smacks of something worse
That’s what is happening right now, the No10 crooks are playing politics the old boy establishment machine
everything that is rancid and wrong is happening right now…. the festering “swamp” in action right now, right in front of your eyes.
Even talk of a cross party Brexit delegation, with a vote yae or nae on that deal. after how long?
Amazing what arrogant grasping toe rags, whose only concern is themselves, will do as they cling to their own “money tree”
are willing to do, just to keep for themselves a vestige of power.
Oh have I said this before, lying, underhand, and utterly dangerously incompetent
And right here … the politics are playing you people
… “Drain the swamp”
Maybe she wasn’t such a bad person, misguided perhaps, but her husband is a steaming P.O.S.
did she ever speak out about muslim paedophile gang rape .. no … she was a shit , prepared to say nothing in return for votes
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The BBC is a gravy train.
A very long train.
Wild , all you think about is money . Spare a thought for poor Jack Letts a British citizen for Oxfordshire who is being held by evil Kurds in Syria or similar . A bit of research on Lovely Jack is that after he converted to Islam he changed his name to Abu Muhammed .
Al beeb wants him back in Blighty . Forget about being a member of Isis forget about his mum and dad being charged with funding terrorism.
Al beeb wants you to wring out your hankies for the poor soul.
I got angry listening to R4 and al BBC news which only refered to him by the name he uses when he was human “Jack”.
What made me angry was- why is he still alive??? He’s a bloody enemy terrorist .
Poor Jack, put his head in a sack and bring it back
It seems that he has betrayed ISIS and deserves punishment of this kind just to show we are serious in implementing Treezers sharia
I think we get the message!
I want a refund.
Those Beebig Earners stand united against A U S T E R I T Y
BBC Socialists for equality.
And how many of these are self-employed or limited company status? Tax-dodging, liberal elite hypocrites.
Ben Thompson said a couple of weeks ago on the BBC Breakfast Butty Van tour in Bristol “we are all feeling the pinch”
Yeh, right, it fµcking looks like it !
Glad to see my Extortion Fee is being well spent, brainwashing the country at my expense.
Sorry that you are paying for them Charlie . I just won’t . Sell it off.
Those salaries could pay for a lot of nurses and doctors.
Or border control staff.
Come on people. Have a heart. Beeboids need money for things that the rest of us don’t.
Georgian townhouses in Highbury don’t come cheap you know.
And a Toyota Prius costs a bit more than the polluting gas guzzlers I bet you lot drive. Saving the planet costs money.
Then there’s the school fees. (‘Of course we would LOVE to send Josh and Molly to the local comprehensive but they can’t do the International Baccalaureate there..’)
Not to mention the holiday home in Provence (‘we put an offer in on a place in Tuscany near Polly Toynbee but some horrible Tory MP gazumped us…’) etc etc etc.
I for one think the licence fee is worth every penny. Fortunately, I don’t pay it!
I wonder how many are Common Purpose?
From @Supertroll
“Woman’s Hour this morning had an item on the male vices of ‘manspreading’ which in the paper discussed in the Spectator piece was described as a complaint levied against men for sitting with their legs spread wide, which was categorized as ‘akin to raping the empty space around him’.
I noted that before the item they read out a message from a man complaining that the term manspreading was sexist and that women were equally guilty of the complaint, if not with their legs, then with shopping bags.
This message was essentially ignored.”
Perhaps the men are taking medical advice: if you have had a hip replacement you are advised not to cross your legs or run the risk of dislocation.
This absurdity tells us that we are really heading into oblivion. Terrorists have butchered us on our streets this year and Woman’s Hour descends to this?
manspreading huh , anyone who thinks you can manspread on public transport aint been on no public transport recently.
I only give up my seat for pensioners or the disabled now, women can stand up, equality works both ways
Fine by me Kaiser.
I notice that i`m usually just about the only person on the bus that pays for a ticket these days. Massive double buggies, disability scooters and all manner of misfits, casualties and crocks hogging the queues as well as taking up nearly all the seats.
Feel that the few of us who pay should form a club like a VIP Lounge at the Bus Station.
This is Surrey as well!
Stew – Manspreading is indeed a terrible crime, on a par with paedophile rape.
Talking of which, did anyone catch the Woman’s Hour investigation into paedophile rape by certain sections of the community up and down the country?
Me neither.
Dumb Tories just lost another seat , cos the speaker is Bercow
I hate the EU..
Is that a hate crime??
Definition of hate please!!!
To me the EU is a complete anathema.
Hate crime is whatever the Liberal Fascists say it is.
Ah, now you are talking. Let use the left to liberate themselves from themselves!
Report all BBC news or twitter responses that say backing Exit from the European Union is racist!
Name the person of the report! Say it makes you feel sad and offends your religion – make up a religion if you want!
Switch gender when you need to …. use your imagination, want a softer jail sentence just say you’re a women refugee who is pregnant. Who cares? Feel liberated from the facts!
Government says “All UK Companies must have 50% women in the company!”
UK Company says “50% of our employees have *self identified as women* and 50% as men. Fred is looking forward to using the ladies clean toilets and sitting down for wee wee breaks.”
Government says “All Companies must have 50% refugees!”
Company says “We are all refugees, as we all historically come from Africa. So we have 100% refugees in our company. Do we get extra tax breaks for being over the 50% requirement for refugees?”
“Gender, the very thing that needs to be simple in nature in order for a species to survive.” – https://youtu.be/KBddma5UX6o?t=9m28s
Good tactics Mark.
Good also to creep onto Lefty sites like Labour List and 38 Degrees. and be as divisive as possible.
I personally go on to say that Corbyns not left enough-and one of my friends may well go on to slag me off, as we do messaging on F/B with a glass of rose and some nibbles.
Tonight I`ll be a Chris Leslie girl, tomorrow I`ll say John McDonnells gone soft and needs some Soviet Viagra.
The Left never laugh-and I know someone else will echo it soon enough. Have yet to see an original opinion or humore ANYWHERE on these sites.
Can someone let me know if Ann Soubry calling us all losers except the DUP … is this a hate crime?
“Is this the first parliament where everyone thinks they’re a winner when in fact we’re all losers except DUP?”
I don’t like my MP calling everyone a loser – it hurts ;-(
Why should I report hate crime?
Hate crimes and incidents hurt; they can be confusing and frightening.
By reporting them when they happen to you, you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. You will also help the police understand the extent of hate crime in your local area so they can better respond to it.
Reporting makes a difference – to you, your friends, and your life.
When I see “LGBT” I feel excluded? I feel sad and it’s because I’m being excluded as a Heterosexual Male (currently, please check my Facebook status for current gender or else you might offend me).
If they only added a “H” I could feel included.
This makes me feel sad and excluded and hated for my sexuality. What do I do?
Oh, the Gov Web site says…
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, gender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes and should be reported to the police.
Hate crimes can include:
* threatening behaviour
* assault
* robbery
* damage to property
* inciting others to commit hate crimes
* harassment
But hey, it’s the Right and the likes of that dreadful Farage who are the divisive ones.
Bravo! these Eastern Europeans – http://www.westmonster.com/eu-begins-proceedings-against-three-countries-over-migrant-quotas/
as Orban said merkel opened germany’s border without consultation, why should everyone else have to suffer her unilateral decision
Bradford Moor brothers locked up for ‘appalling’ treatment of their …
Bradford Telegraph and Argus-11 Jun 2017
TWO brothers enslaved their mother and sister in their home for nearly 18 months before subjecting the younger woman to a vicious assault
The family came in from Tanzania in 2015 ..yet media call them Bradford Brothers
Chances of Islam connection at 35% and increasing everyday! But wait, this might be misleading due to Wiki:
“Current statistics on religion in Tanzania are unavailable because religious surveys have been eliminated from government census reports since 1967.” So it’s all a guess. Could be 100% or 0% Islam. Guess it’s easier not to know – facts are irrelevant now. Oh, wait a bit more reading – “About 98 percent of the population in Zanzibar is Muslim.”
Christian 61.4%
Islam 35.2%
Folk Religion 1.8%
Unaffiliated 1.4%
Other 0.2%
@Marky when you check the brothers names there is no doubt about the religion
\\Locking up Faisal Hussein, 25, and 19-year-old Arbaaz Ahmed for 32 months, Judge Jonathan Rose said their behaviour had been “appalling and disgraceful.”//
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks. Targeting of Londoners on the basis of their faith was unacceptable.
These views were expressed by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, in an interview with a local media outlet, on Sunday.”
Liar Mays political policing?
“Given the frequency of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, this claim must be received with skepticism.
“The terrorists seek to divide us and we must not let them do that. London is a fantastic, diverse, integrated city and that that’s the way it needs to continue.”
Actually, the terrorists don’t really care if we’re united or divided. The objective of jihad terror attacks is to weaken, and ultimately destroy, the Infidel state, so that it can be replaced by a Sharia government. When Cressida Dick vows that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is not going to confront their motivating ideology, since the Muslim community in London doesn’t want her to do so. So in reality, when she says that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is going to follow a course of action that will weaken London’s response to jihad terror, and enable jihadis to act more freely”
R Spencer
At least, the MSM don t have to worry, their too busy faking protests
or worse …
or much worse
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks…..”
Well…. maybe……. but for the teeny little fact of where and when the most recent attacks have been made – for example, on publand/clubland in central London on a Saturday night……right – isn’t that just where Muslims generally gather of a Saturday evening ? Then there’s the Ariana Grande Manchester Arena ‘incident’….. hardly the sort of event likely to be attended by the Muslim community in vast numbers…
Time and place are not insignificant factors in deciding who is most likely to be ‘affected’ by these criminal acts – but no doubt someone will come along and point out the high proportion of Muslims physically ‘affected’ ….. but it will take much more than a simple Google search or three, as I just found out. It couldn’t possibly be that the attacks were specifically directed at non-muslims, now could it ?
“The show gave a platform to Douglas Murray, Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society (HJS), and Sara Khan, the CEO of Inspire (a counter-extremism advocacy organisation in receipt of Prevent funding), to talk about terrorism prevention. However, many took exception to Murray’s views, which have prompted complaints to the broadcaster with one commentator arguing that Murray advocated an ethnic cleansing.” Didn’t tinsel tits say that the Beeb ignores complaints regardints programs, Noggie, or does it depend on who’s doing he complaining?
Drip Drip Drip
7:15 BBC News Channel in Paris “After Mrs Mays calamitous election result”
…FFS talk about Narrative building..It was hardly calamitous she won, got a record percentage but didn’t get the high target she set ..Losing overall would have been the c alamity.
6:25pm BBC Lincolnshire’s love-in with the counties only Labour MP continues
Main story on Hull Look North was possible Walk-in centre opposite Lincoln uni, so there she was live on screen from London.
OK I’ll give her this one it might be a coincidence that her pet issue came up.
BBC Radio Linolnshire only tweeted twice about her today, compared to yesterday’s 5 mentions.
The issue with the drop in centre is cos of it’s convenient location all students pop in there instead of going to the pharmacy or their own doctor. So that dept suffers budget pressure , whereas their official doctors get off lightly.
At least Radio Lincs did let 2 experts say that on air today.
@MarkyMark there are 2 other names in another story today in that Bradford paper today
Sad sad sad ..the authorities STILL failing victims
where TOLERANCE = Tolerating child rape
“Khan, 26, of Nashville Terrace, Fell Lane, Keighley, and Ali, also 26, of Catherine Street, Keighley, deny sexual assault and false imprisonment in the early hours of October 22 last year.”
I was driving today and just noticed that it was the top of the hour. I thought I’ll just have a listen to the Radio 4 News at one and find out the latest (why don’t I ever learn?) with Martha Carney. The programme was running the usual pro eu, anti tory, anti brexit bullshit but then we had a promised item to come – How are the family of Jo Cox managing as it is 12 months since she was murdered…….
This really did make my hackles rise. So when can I expect a news item telling me about how the family of Lee Rigby (a far more important individual) are struggling to get through their lives.
They just continue the same narrative day after day after day after day.
I didn’t hear the item as I quickly pressed the off button.
bbbc really are the worst
So the Tories say, Austerity id Dead. You’d think the bbc would be pleased but alas, no.