Happy St Nigels Day.
The Great Man asked us to celebrate today( or was it tomorrow?) as our national new Independence Day.
We 17.4 million somehow are letting pondlfe like Jo Cox get a day to her memory-noe of us knew her when she was. But we`re not pushing Nigel Farages monumental efforts to save this nation for our grandchildren , not pushing to get this day as a day off.
Corbyn offered us four of them-so this one is a start.
I do realise that this is a ludicrously unequal contest between a democratic , sovereign Britain and an amorphous Soviet bloc with caliphate and nazi tendencies that we`re seeing by the day,
One country versus a moribund sunbed-blocking cartel of 27 fat Kohls and Giscards…utter merdekraut.
It`s as if my family cycle shop was made to get my 3-in-1 bike oil from Esso or Gulf.
Really unequal, and the British side have to account fore their decisions. The EU is made so they do NOT have to account, explain or face any blowback from their disenfranchised, defanged helots.
So you`d think we`ll get stuffed by the 27.
But we`re Britain, G-D has a plan.
Aikido uses the bullies strength and weight to bring him down.
A rush and a push and the land will be ours…the EU is one big Harry Pothead Wizard grooming boys from the Arab Street behind its velvet curtains…we`re only the first to see that the Wizards a blustering drag act with no money or spine.
Fuck the EU-Nicholas Ridley and Mrs Thatcher were right. Let`s do it for them eh?
After Heath conning us into the EEC
After Thatcher ensuring we stayed in
After Cameron leaving the backdoor open
And Liar May dragging her feet consistently
Leaving May, Boris and lord save us … Davis and Hammond???
Wholly incompetent … An utter liability.
They are all “playing politics”
and politics is playing those who actually support them, so easily
including many here … they will screw our nation, and all of us
“trust” the clown car? … no I will not
The whole Tory party is as bad … they just “don t get it”
… drain the swamp!
Endorsed by Wilson, Callaghan , Blair, Brown and Clegg too.
Blair managed to negotiate a reduction on our rebate, probably thought he would get the EU presidency out of it.
I really think you should take that Labour mote out of your eye, perhaps take a dose of Brendan Cox’s ‘love pills’.
At any rate a bit more emphasis on BBC bias would be appreciated and less of the standing in for ‘our’ Laura K and her Mrs. May stuck record, she is paid for that after all.
1/. In 1973, the fateful political move, one of the worst ever made by a British Prime Minister, when the Tory Edward Heath took us into what was then called the ‘Common Market’.
Such a step had scarcely been mentioned at the previous General Election, and we, the British people had very little idea of what they were letting themselves in for, the only thing we knew was that it was a trading arrangement that might make it easier for us to sell our goods on to Continental neighbours
Now 44 years later, the picture could scarcely look more different. We have seen that supposedly cosy trading club we joined transformed, step by step, into a vast, bloated bureaucratic empire, imposing its rule over 27 nations.
2/.Labour – In the 1970s and early 1980s it was the Labour Party was the more Eurosceptic of the two parties, with more anti-European Communities MPs than the Conservatives. In 1975, year of the 2nd ref Labour held a special conference on British membership and the party voted 2 to 1 for Britain to leave the European Communities.
In 1979, the Labour manifesto declared that a Labour government would “oppose any move towards turning the Community into a federation” and, in 1983, it still favoured British withdrawal from the EEC and fought the election that year on a platform of withdrawal
The trade union movement led by the TUC was also opposed to remaining in Europe and had boycotted key advisory positions in Brussels and Luxembourg since Britain joined in 1973.
TUC General-Secretary Len Murray, Tony Benn, Micheal Foot. Barbera Castle In more recent times on many occasions in the lobby when labour MPs opposed the various treaties and issues which were furthering EU domination of our country. Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell were there too. The late Bob Crowe, was against it … casualisation of labour is now an increasingly EU agenda it s no longer protecting workers rights, the poison of privatisation is bigger in the EU now.
I think the labour party elite, the red tories are out of step with the true labour party electorate who especially due to the migrant issue want to leave the EU, and Corbyn has brought it back in step
So now I m obviously off the Parliamentary Labour party Christmas card list
3/. So now Tory …After Heath in 73, the Conservatives were also campaigning to stay in the Common Market. Later in 75 too
Margaret Thatcher, elected Tory leader in that February, said the “Yes” vote would not have happened without our Opposition’s support for it.
Former Prime Minister Edward Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years,
I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it is
In 1983, Thatcher wrote that “the unity of Europe is a goal for which I pledge my government to work”.
Actually it was only on the arrival of Jacques Delors, a French socialist, as president of the European Commission turned that upside down and the Tory party became against it, they were self serving Europhiles then, conning the British population, and they are now.
So now … no Tory Christmas cards either
What I think is apparent is that you have the establishment, the old boy network with financial clout trying to pull the same con on the British public as they did in 1973 and 1975, as usual with them it is self serving and blinkered short termism , I repeat not for the benefit of our population, and not for the good of our nation
Leave yes about bloody time, but it cannot be left to Tories 1., they are utterly incompetent, 2/. the erm “deal” would only benefit a small percentage of the population as they line their own pockets at the expense of the nation
For those of you who don’t believe in G-D? I think chris might mean that our national/personal destiny is not in the hands of the Strassberg Elites it is in the hands of the Judeo-Christian God.
Here comes the religious bit:
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory” 1 Corinthians 2:7.
So everything – including the rise and fall of nations along with the rise and fall of the mountains and valleys – has already been ordained!:
“before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou had’st formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou are God” Psalms 90:2.
Indeedy vesnadog!
A serious bible student, amateur but so far so good.
Jesus was a Jew-and Ezekiel speaks now as he did then.
Jesus Himself says plenty, and Paul etc get it right sometimes(esp re the death culture of fatuous Greek-lite twaddle HE lived in).
The EU is said to have been a Marian cult of southern catholic european origins…hence those stars in the flag(used to be six)…represents the corwn of “The Queen of Heaven” that Jesus spoke of.
That is said to have been Lady Di-David Starkey said so, as an atheist.
Don`t take it all literally, but there`s enough there to keep me going.
Climate Change?…Sport?…Islam?….Glastonbury?
How many Asherah poles do you need, how many tin pot gods and personal jesuses of your own sculpting?
At least I know a signpost from a weathervane, the BBC sure as hell don`t and won`t want to.
Thatcher also was always in the dock over Europe. But she didn`t face 43 years of a liberal stitch up that she was expected to unravel.
It is far harder for May, and I note the endless freeview bile aimed at her.
The BBC have really gone deep into their culture too, all speak with one Gina Miller voice.
The media seem really wound up that she`s alone, friendless. This would destroy THEM. But not May. She`s got 17.4 Million and rising. Not that the media tell you this. Crap Party Leader-but the woman we need to back, as the gutless elite gang up on her 24/7. And all because she`s trying to do what we asked her Party to do this very day last year.
Maybe, and I appreciate that I’m clutching at straws, but maybe feeling isolated in the EU negotiations with everyone telling us that we are alone, powerless and have no friends will echo with May’s personal political journey and embolden her to be even more stoic.
I know there isn’t much chance of this but the endless negativity and almost treasonous attempts by the Beeb and media to undermine every position that we take is seriously depressing.
I fear the publics resolve will not hold when the negotiations are deliberately reported to saturation to lose their appetite for brexit.
“But not May” ROFL! … you talking about the month?
You simply cannot be talking May ex abject failure Home Secretary, the cutting Border force, Passport controls, Police, Fireman, Prison Staff, MI5, Intel security, year on year increases to record immigration one.
… that worked out well
Or the liability Tory PM one, who carried on with her reverse “Midas touch” by lying and needlessly dragging Brexit, out lying about the general election, then losing her majority, lying about having a DUP deal day after day, lying about keeping us safe
… the only thing you can be sure she will do is looking after her bunch of grasping cronies
Drain the swamp … start with No10
I hope that you are right and more people are supporting the Tories, but is there any evidence for this ? If there is solid evidence (polls ?….) then perhaps we won’t get Corbyn and his gangsters at the next election, which is surely going to happen within a year at the most. If you want Brexit and don’t want the looney left, vote Tory when the day arrives , vote anything else and you will get no Brexit, more third worlders ,magic money tree economics and a Stalinist regime with, curiously for an organisation dedicated to ‘speaking truth unto power’, the full support of our beloved BBC. Lose the chance of Brexit, which is now hanging by a thread, and there will NEVER be another.
The referendum gave the (Northern) working class the opportunity to freely vote for what they wanted for the future of their beloved country. However, (perhaps unfortunately) they cannot vote for the Conservatives in a general election. If a further election is called, Conservatives have got to hope that they can demonstrate Labour’s likelihood of selling the working class down the river both in respect of Brexit & the economic damage of their money tree policies, to get at best working class abstentions.
The problem is that the BBC and the remainers do not recognize the 17.4 million as legitimate people anymore. Deluded at best but malevolent really. So any and all attacks on them are justified.
Justification by faith alone.
I have taken to reading the Guardian and the sheer amount of ignorant invective posted by writers and the CIF people is astounding. I tried to remonstrate and my comment lasted 10 minutes before deletion.
At present they are all a howling twitter and social media mob but how long before they are howling for real at those they now deem beyond the pale.
If she has changed her spots from remain to leave, she sure as hell is making it difficult to see, i think she is stitching you up m8, the whole political class are as one, they all got 5 yrs, or most did on the promise to back leave, i dont see any pushing to leave, their all screwing you m8, nothing will change until cities are burning and the indigenous doing the torching.
Tuned in to BBC iPlayer to catch up with today’s tennis at Queen’s. As far as I can recall (having watched it over many years) and according to a little light Googling, just to check I wasn’t going mad, it is a men’s tournament: “The Queen’s Club Championships is an annual tournament for male tennis players…”.
I wonder why the introduction, which shows silhouettes of people playing tennis, seems to feature a mix of gentlemen and ladies?
I am seriously pissed off now. I tortured myself watching Question Time on iplayer. I switched off as soon as Diane Miller spoke. What right has that bitch got over us – the Great British public – people that were born here.
Who on earth was the Robert-Peston’s-older-brother-lookalike that the Conservatives put on there?
Dear me! If ever there was a natural cure for insomnia: he’s it.
It is front bench appointments such as that boring; Remainiscum; non-entity, when J R-M is wasted on the back benches, which make you realize how poor a leader the Female Cenobite really is.
QT is now on youtube every week so no need for the crummy iplayer. Since the Brexit result last June, I cant recall a single episode of QT with a majority Brexit panel its an utter disgrace. And why are we still treated to the SNP almost every week – what is it with SNP MPs they ll go on and on and on. Whats the betting next week Heza, Mandy or Ken Clarke will be on the panel together with a brain dead lefty “comedian” I’ve never heard of?
I was just watching Great British Menu. The new judge is Andi Oliver, a middle aged (her words not mine) black food critic. In interviews I googled she cheerfully acknowledged that being black and an older woman got her the job, and yes, I can see that a higher profile means more dosh. But to me it screams of tokenism and positive discrimination. I just want the BBC to appoint on the best person for the job. But then we would never have all those ex Labour MPs etc.
I know many posters on here are inclined to use ‘colourful’ and personal adjectives if they don’t like someone. I’m equally guilty when it comes to ‘fat’ or ‘thin’ but try not to personalise the criticism. Sadly I have to break my own rule – I feel uncomfortable watching her. She has the gait of a hippo, walking on platform shoes and is clearly bow-legged like many black women. Why is she bald , and wear her glasses on her head, does she have an extra pair of eyes up there ? Reading her resume, she was in a pop group, and decided to open a restaurant because she has a ‘passion’ for food. Clearly. And that is her only qualification to be on the show – a passion. She is not a professional critic, doesn’t write books or columns, and even I could sit in her seat and say “yeah (never yes) that works” or “I’m not getting the taste of whatever”.
When deciding who to replace Pru Leith, why didn’t the BBC pick one of their own winners of Masterchef ? who know a darn sight more about food, than someone who thought she’d open a restaurant. They should team Andi Oliver with Gregg Wallace, another ‘foodie’ who thinks he knows everything but is nothing more than a glorified grocer who’s wangled his way on the box. Much to our dismay.
With you there Brissles.
To be fair to the awful JK Rowling, she called out a lefty or two over Theresa May. The Left are incredibly sexist and nasty when off guard and unleashed. I`d say that it started after Sarah Palin-it`s never returned.
Witness how Sadiq Khan gets away with no empathy re Grenfell, whereas May is expected to be a Florence Nightingale. And Womans Hour says nothing.
The Left will abuse Le Pen , suck up to Hillary Clinton. The cause determines whether they`ll spook the women or put them on pedestals.
If they wanted to avoid another European, rightly or wrongly, why not a Chinese, Thai or Japanese chef? Must be quite a few to choose from and I’d argue that they’ve made a significant contribution to the variety of food available in the UK.
But no, on the BBC it must always be black or Muslim.
And no, I can’t stand Gregg Wallace either. Reminds me of a loud, obnoxious, know-all, in-your-face, down market pub landlord.
This is what you do :-
#1 View any video with the claustrally proportioned, Geo-stability wrecking, Diane Abbey in it.
#2 View any video with the “serene” Serena Williams swearing at the umpire.
#3 View any video with the androgynous black female boxer whose name I cannot remember, gold medallist in ugliness since the 1896 Athens Olympics.
Plenty of choice.
#4 View the video of the lovely Kim Yuna, on ice, performing to Massenet’s Meditation from Thais after her gold medal in the Olympic games.
#5 Vote for my new political party “Export ugliness, import beauty and brains.”
I watched This Week last night, where a woman who had once won “The Apprentice” and then Richard Madeley were both given ample programme time to spout their vacuous cobblers; yet Melanie Phillips a deep thinker and very good journalist and writer, got about two minutes at the @rse end of the show to discuss her view of the greatness of the Anglosphere and how it related to Brexit and Trump’s election as POTUS.
I would rather have listened to her discussing that for the entire time which was devoted to the two lightweights who came before her. Why would you even invite someone like that on, if you intend only to give them a minimal amount of time to speak? It’s just a waste of time or maybe it’s al Beebus signalling to the position that her views are really just peripheral to the those of the majority; or (more likely) the views of the majority at al Beebus.
AlShub…… Madeley is desperate for any work, even offering to be on Strictly. Its well known in circles that him and his wife like a sherbert or 4, so working keeps his wine cellar topped up. When on any debating programme he toes the party line and is a complete airhead. Melanie Phillips is what you say she is, a bone fide journalist, and would make mincemeat of Madeley any day of the week.
Richard is alright, needs to lose Judy.
Melanie surely needed to stick her oar in, she`s written the books on education, feminism and Islam that the likes of Portillo and Johnson could only dream of.
Sexist lock out, women on the right need to fight back.
Not Judy though.
Alicia, I think Judy left the building pissed a few years ago. A friend is a columnist on a national daily, and he said its an open secret about her drinking (well, you only have to look at her to know that).
Pretty sure that Judy had a twin sister as well. In Granadaland when I was young, I`m sure I remember her too.
Think it was Ann. I`m going to have to get out more.
Hi all. I’ve been away for a few months. Very pleased to see the site going from strength to strength with many new bias-teers on board.
I wanted to highlight something I heard a couple of weeks ago. It is sometimes the throwaway remarks or the way things are phrased that show bias the most clearly. Sarah Montague (aka Lady Brooke – an old Co. Fermanagh title) was discussing the DUP. She described them as the ‘more extreme’ Unionist party. What the hell is that supposed to mean?In her mind, the DUP are a sort of Ulster version of ISIS whereas the UUP are merely equivalent to Al Nusra Front? Very telling choice of phrase I thought.
Another phrase used by the BBC is the “hard-line Democratic Unionist Party”. That’s a novel idea. A party that is deadly serious about democracy and unionism. BBC kudos for the Ulstermen??
The BBC’s religion of multiculturalism makes them unable to call out intolerant Muslim supremacists for what they are. The pasty faced DUP are another matter and of course the irony is that the DUP are only about 20 years behind the curve, not 1400 like our fastest growing demographic.
Newsnight tonight.
Andrea Leadsom accused broadcasters of needing to be a bit more patriotic when discussing Brexit. Emily Maitlis’s face was a picture.
The EU are undoubtedly going to use the BBC to propagandise their messages. The BBC will be only too pleased to comply.
I wish more politicians would unite and challenge the BBC presenters ,live on air, about their unpatriotic bias towards this country. It has to be a concerted effort. Won’t happen though.
Would things be so bad if Andrea Leadsom had been PM instead of Theresa May? At the time of the Tory Leadership party contest the general feeling was that she was not quite up to being a PM.
YD, and thoughtful (a b-BBC regular) was slagged off by others on here for describing the Tory Party as corrupt at the core!
I think he had a point. There was something funny about Theresa May’s non-election as Leader.
Was it down to experience, looks, personalities? Leadsom comes across as being a bit angular and severe whereas May can be, at times, gushy & girlie in a ‘Maggie’ sort of way.
Or was there something going on?
I’m sure many wanted Bojo’s experience and public appeal in the No.10 hot seat but a goodly number of those – together with those who were not in favour of him – were very nervous about his erratic working practices which are well known in the Westminster village. But why, with media help, make Michael Gove out to be disloyal and a traitor when he was by far another good leadership option along with David Davis?
We may have a long wait for autobiographies to reveal what went on.
Interestingly, there appears to have been almost zero press interest in digging into that. Very strange.
I argued at the time and still do believe that May is a creature of the BBC and left media and that she is the best deal remainers could get. She will go all the way with the Islamisation of Europe and an eventual return to the EU whilst the media present it as a negotiated exit.
The Tory Party is either corrupt or too cowardly to resist
Concede that and now think you could be right. She is certainly very pro-Islam while not being equally pro-Christian, which for her personally as well as positionally, is very, very strange and really not at all ‘correct’. HM shows Theresa May up there, as well.
Have been a bit gloomy over progress of Brexit and am tempted to agree on that, too. I may write some more on that tomorrow as another anniversary is coming up. Last night’s Any Questions was a bit more heartening than usual.
Holmes: “The game is not over until it is up, Watson!”
DS, it is interesting to look at the Mayor’s Budget for London for 2017/18. It is not an easy read in the Policing section and there appears (to me) to be some deliberate obfuscation there. It is clear that there are £400m cuts (in total) and these are prospective Budget cuts for 2018/19-20/21, I think. Am posting from memory. That is the proposed reduction from Government HO direct grant to the GLA for policing in London in the future.
Mayor Khan has been going around claiming that the Government has already cut £400m from policing for the capital, despite it being a devolved area. (Mayor Khan can make up the shortfall if he wishes by getting Boroughs to increase the Council Tax precept charge.) He does not appear to have been at all honest in those claims.
If anyone among the B-BBC regulars (especially an accountant or retired accountant) wishes to take a look and comment or correct me, a pdf of the GLA Budget can be downloaded from their web-site.
Two burqa-clad women force way into apartment, attack occupants with knives and hammer http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/women-disguised-burkas-force-way-13223585.amp
“Women wearing ‘burkas as a disguise’ forced their way into a flat and attacked the occupants inside with knives and a hammer, police say.”
Hmmm … Burkha s as disguise, violent attack? just as nursery school worker violently attacked by Burkha d women with knives
Will Liar May bring in a “package of measures”? … No1 a Burkha ban?,
Lets have a look BBC News –
Manchester attack … oops apologies folks, not that one
Islamophobic hate crime reports increase by 500% http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-40368668
The more reasonable ones often are, such as the Muslim women who lined up on Westminster Bridge after the attack.
The BBC doesn’t want you to know this because they make all Muslims look good. In fact many Muslims do not accept that the Ahmadiyya are Muslims at all. Some get murdered by other Muslims – like Asad Shah in Glasgow last year.
Dateless on Newsshite, in her usual vacant way, did not grasp why opposing Brexit was unpatriotic. Not only unpatriotic, but also undemocratic. Only a mindless, gormless bint of her magnitude would think that fully regaining the democratic right of a people to make their own laws was unpatriotic. Loving your country, you would think, should involve wanting the people of that country to make their own laws through parliament rather than have them provided by a foreign entity with no democratic legitimacy.
The usual suspects are having a collective, coordinated hissy fit over the BBC being held to account… by shrieking the BBC is only there to hold others to account. They must never be held.
Meanwhile, here is a share of another BBC harpie rather straying from the DNA median trying to shut down Daniel Hannan and his beastly factual knowledge, when all she wants is a decent virtue signal and flounce session with the girls. And some women.
Sat down earlier to watch the Glastonbury footage as I do every year while aware to watch out for Corbyn. Was appalled when Kate Tempest (no I’ve never heard of her either) came on and started her violent Left wing rant that went on and on, I had to get up and walk out of the room, my 20 year old daughter was sucking it all up, which is the ideas isn’t it?
Why are Glastonbury and the BBC getting away with this shit?
Wild Bill
Good job you didnt see the CND logo ‘crop circle’ or Billy Bragg telling us how divided the country is after Brexit (translation- he cannot bear that a majority disagree with leftmob gobshites like him) or your blood would have boiled away.
Must say though, am enjoying Radiohead. When they cut out the politico bollocks and focus on the music there are some really quite inventive soundscapes to consider. Robbed time, deliberate discords, counter melodies, modal sequences. Not all lyrical or tuneful but a change from endless 4/4 12 bar repetitions. Judging from the muted applause think its going over the heads of the majority snowflake audience.
‘ Goodbye, Theresa, shut the door on the way out’
Loud cheer from Glasto audience.
Oh, the irony. A predominantly middle class by upbringing white audience with currently a modest tax paying track record goaded into self destruction by multi millionaires on the stage, those millions no doubt safely offshored.
Glastonbury is a for planet-saving, climate-saving, whale-saving, Islam-friendly, privileged, Trump-hating, eco-warriors whose only contribution is to leave huge piles of shite behind, to be cleaned up by teams of ordinary people on miserable wages.
My girls are at Glastonbury. Rite of passage much as Reading was for me.
That the likes of Radiohead use it to promote their virtue allows them to stay millionaires whilst affecting rebellion.
A well-established trick of the liberal left luvvies, yet the star struck dolts all convince themselves that they`re rebellious.
Just enjoy the sub-Pink Floyd tribute that is Radiohead, marvel at “Creep”. But know that we adults created these posturing liberal airheads.
I thought Bruce Springsteen was the answer-turns out that it was Tom Petty.
Mind you-Johnny Greenwood can join our church choir accompanists any time he likes.
It`s just pop, it pays. If I can trash my own songs but have a back catalogue like Kris Kristofferson then it won`t all have been in vain.
Thankfully I`m not a barren casualty like Chrissie Hynde. Great voice, poor choice in men.
Particularly the tents Spiderman, all because they cant be arsed to take them home. Yuni students who kick off about student fees, yet can afford to buy a tent and ditch it after one use.
Anyone else notice the hideously white Glasto audience?
Surely the bBBC has made a big mistake here? Supporting such intolerance.
And those ticket prices!
Surely there should be a range of ‘affordable’ tickets, available only to the ‘poorest and most vulnerable in our society’?
And all these headline acts singing in English? It’s SO lacking in inclusivity. Wheelchair uses seem distiinctly under-represented on stage. Where’s the bBBC disability correspondent on that one?
And surely the best luxury tents should be reserved for asylum seekers and the homeless. How disgusting that this accommodation is based on the ‘ability to pay’.
And what a rip off the whole thing is. Surely the time has come to bring pop concerts into full public ownership, and thus bring prices down. With tax-payer subsidies to make up the difference of course.
Can you imagine the bBBC allowing these kinds of unrepresentative, non-inclusive behaviors and attitudes on the news or in drama programmes? LOL.
Still, what’s hypocrisy matter when you can put your far-left-biased broadcasting credentials in the drawer and freeload at a pop concert for a long weekend?
As a committed Green activist, I’d like to see an end to all festivals. In fact I’d extend that to the entire leisure industry. It’s a wholly unnecessary use of power and resources.
Music, sports and hobbies are absolutely non-essential to the survival of mankind.
MH, you mention sports. It has always puzzled me that the increasing use of artificial lighting for formerly daytime-played sport to now be played at night, has never, ever, attracted a single questioning environmental voice on our BBC. Not one. Ever.
No concern from the BBC at all about extra electricity consumption and extra CO2 generation for sport.
But if I want to get in my car and drive fifty miles to see my Granny, I’m one of the most evil people on the planet and must be stopped or charged hundreds of pounds to do it!
Apparently we`ve got loads of fans in Auckland for the rugby?
This is a good thing.
As is the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, floodlight and cars going endlessly round a track and upsetting the golden grebes nesting sites.
It`ll all return to being “bad things” once the sponsors have paid for BBC junketeers to plant a sad tree in Richmond Park, by way of pleasing Gaia Ritchie.
All very good points UTS.
It amazes me that so few people really think what they’re voting for. It’s only really in the last few generations that people have had access to sports other than local football, cricket and rugby.
This is all due to capitalism and the metro-chemical industry.
No more motorsports, mountain biking, surfing etc, never mind foreign trips to take part in these if a Green or Red government got hold of power.
The operations director of Jaguar Land Rover was on R4 today, talking about business post-Brexit, and he really didn’t give them the kind of answers they wanted to hear.
Starts at the 11:00 mark –
Ta Mice, loved this!
Poor Peter White/Shaun Ley (or whichever disabled gay it would be) clearly was on his hamster wheel whirring gaily, but utterly clueless.
I mean Jaguar-42,000 employees in Coventry and new factories in Slovakia?
Hardly telling people to wrap up for winter, don`t burn banknotes and heres hoping for an audible turkey baster for artificial insemination of a lesbian is it ?
So clearly our Jaguar monkey knew little about Brexit and the benefits it`s bringing…thank the Lord for BBC hacks to tell him that he`ll regret the lack of peri-peri chicken fat as he greases his ragunzel sprockets. Possible the most ludicrous interview of the year.
They need to get Clarkson back, who at least knows one end of a go-cart from a grease gun. Manufacturing …uurgh!
Taffy – You are right
We do have a housing shortage and last year our population rose by half a million (much of it due to immigration, and most of it young) and these are just the numbers we know about. But I understand that the BBC wasnt that interested in talking about it.
Not only that because many of these importations are considered “vulnerable” they seem to be able to jump any housing queue whilst are own young people (most of whom have paid tax and would not need so much state imputs to get them going) get pushed further to the back.
At what point do we run out of suitable land and/or money to build more houses?
This is the question none of the pro migration politicians never want to answer. The answer is of course is that there are no limits. All we need to do is to shake the money tree a bit more and the money tree provides, (it also provides land as well)
We all just need to “love a bit more like Jo” and all will be well
It is time politicians and snowflake celebrities such as Gary Linetwat (who generally never live any where near affected areas) Had this question beaten into them time and time again. I want to know what actually is an acceptable immigration figure.
This is a line of questioning which these days seems to have been abandoned and if reducing the figure to tens of thousands a year makes me “waycist” Then I will be proud to be called as such.
What is for sure if this issue is not sensibly tackled then this green and pleasant land will rapidly be turning into a scorched earth – money tree or not.
What strikes me as blindingly obvious is that there are some parts of the world which are quite happy to export people, in fact which will never run out of people to export, and who also think we really want, in fact NEED, their surplus youth – why wouldn’t they, when that’s what our international media keep telling them?!
On the other hand any idiot can see we really don’t have unlimited space, or resources, especially in the Southern half of England. Acres and acres of good, productive farmland (the most productive in the UK overall) goes under concrete every year, rivers and streams are sucked dry every summer, and any kind of greenery (essential for consuming CO2, so I hear, let alone providing some kind of habitat for our wildlife) vanishes.
Schools, GP surgeries, hospitals, police and rescue services are overwhelmed, and there isn’t room on the roads for cars (mostly due to the endless queues of lorries and vans driven by East Europeans making ‘essential deliveries’). But, hey, it’s good for the UK and good for the environment…. apparently.
“Brexit: EU leaders says UK offer could ‘worsen situation”
Nothing but negativity from Al Beeb.
There is a good HYS running …………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40378913
Scott must have repaired the Highest/Lowest Rated facility.
It’s bad news when the pound rises and it’s bad news when the pound falls.
That’s what I hear on the tv.
I suppose it would be good news if it rose and fell and we had voted remain but we didn’t so it’s bad news.
Hi Alan – or someone – can you take a look at the following – I haven’t had the stomach to read it but it seems to be a sympathetic BBC report on ISIS terrorists, which it describes as no more than children. At first glance ISIS could use this report as their recruitment brochure: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/is_fighters
I read it, and an excellent read it was too. If you’re sympathetic to the use of child soldiers, then I guess you’re sympathetic to that kind of thing.
Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone, while you…….type shit on a keyboard. Well done.
Dear Mr Blackwell do you have difficulty with reading comprehension? I said I didn’t read it and merely brought it to people’s attention – giving only a first glance impression. And you don’t represent Mr Sommerville & Mr Dalati so you can feck off with your faux outrage. If you had approached this communication with intelligence then I could have discussed the power of images, headlines and text to garner sympathy for murderers.
You didn’t read it, yet were still of the view that it was a ‘sympathetic BBC report on ISIS terrorists’ and that ‘ISIS could use this report as their recruitment brochure’?
I don’t believe you’re in a position to talk of intelligence Mr Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate.
Hi Taffman, I don’t know Scott (and barely “know” Blackwell) – but I have seen several of Maxincony’s comments and I have got the impression that Maxincony is not “Blackwell”. They seem to be two different personalities. I seem to recall Maxincony generally doesn’t attack the individual the way Blackwell does and often has a valid but minor point – my impression is that Blackwell is a different kettle of fish. They could be alter egos of the same person – but I doubt it.
Blackwell , Scott & Maxincony – same department .
All on night shift, same shift. They do Al Beeb a disservice with their inexperienced and immature posts.
But now on their cbeebies homepage they have: “Try this Eid Al -Fitr Recipe and Other Easy Crafts”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/
While on their cbeebies “Make & Colour Section” they have the Eid Al Fitr Recipe & Other Easy Crafts as the top thing to make AND they have a separate activity called “Eid Al Fitr – Onion Pakoras – Let’s Celebrate” http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/makes
If you don’t know by now and as taught in all British schools and as rammed down our throats by the BBC – Eid Al-Fitr is what Muslims celebrate at the end of Ramadan. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-40377764
Hope all the churches are not meeting tomorrow, until the candles have all had cladding approval.
I make no apology for shutting down all churches until all candles and naked flame paraphenalia have been rigorously tested to snuff capacity.
Will I be able to still light my tea lights at the next Muslim atrocity shrine(TBC)?
Will they need inspections as well…even the Poundland ones that are crap?
Thanks a lot Grenfell!…was he a shopkeepers assistant on the telly a few years back?
It’s glorification of IS by the bbc, nothing more, nothing less. The love with which they portray IS is sickening to any normal person. World leaders condemn IS, the bbc is their PR company.
‘They died as fighters, but they died as fools. Pity should be reserved for the people they once lived among, who were abused and killed as the young men sacrificed all around them, for their caliphate.’
Maybe it was this? ‘IS has had support in Mosul, but it inflated that support by weaponising children. Taking the young and the gullible and sacrificing them for its malicious cause.’
Or this? ‘There is no longer any trace there of the young men. But their legacy of turmoil and destruction remains.’
Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone, while you…….type shit on a keyboard. Well done.
Evening Scott,
Oops sorry, I meant Blackwell.
“Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone”
Why do they need to risk their lives to report from a war zone?
Like the vast majority of the Licence Paying public, I don’t routinely watch Newsnight – I’ve better things to do – afterall this one million matchstick model tribute to Grenfell Tower ain’t gonna build itself.
So imagine my surprise this morning when our Naga Munchetty and her tame house boy Charlie Stayt bring me a clip of a Tory MP sound biting back at one of their smug BBC presenters on that famously late night Guardianista-style BBC show.
Accuse the BBC of being unpatriotic, why that’s that’s akin to accusing Jeremy Corbyn of giving succour to terrorists.
But oh the hilarity, when our Naga’s editors dredge up a BBC-supporting quote from “out going Liberal Democrat leader” one Tiny Tim Farron.
Well that’s put a smile on my face for the day. There’s a school yard bust up and the BBC threatens to fight back – not with a tough mate or a big brother but with their mum. Laughter and ridicule throughout the playground.
The BBC unpatriotic – perish the thought.
Now, where can I find some old-style Christmas date boxes for the cladding?
I must finish this tribute and get started on something suitable for Ant from Ant and Dec. Because that’s what Naga is fretting about now. Any ideas? A fried kangaroo bollock in an asprin bottle – just about captures everything I want to say.
And by the way, since when did the BBC ‘nationalise’ Glasto. Blimey, despite Lizo Muzimba’s best efforts it’s not very diverse is it? Crowd looking about as far from representative of an overnight evacuated Camden tower block as you can imagine. White, middle aged, middle classed, achingly liberal. I’m half expecting Jeremy Corbyn to turn up on stage.
“Like the vast majority of the Licence Paying public, I don’t routinely watch Newsnight – I’ve better things to do – afterall this one million matchstick model tribute to Grenfell Tower ain’t gonna build itself.”
Thanks a lot. Made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard.
Just caught NewsWatch on the BBC News channel. The complaints this time were how Emily Maitlis tried to blame the Glenfell fire on Theresa may in an interview and how the BBC made hysterical reports about the fire “and were in some way to blame for inciting the riot at the council offices”.
Unfortunately no one from BBC News was available for comment – even though NewsWatch is on the BBC News. NewsWatch is about as much use as the BBC complaints department.
Andrea Leadsom makes plea to British media to be a bit more patriotic in their coverage of Brexit matters. BBC R4 TODAY Programme plays audio clip. Sounded very reasonable to me.
BBC tells me that Tim Farron says Leadsom’s statement is sinister and controlling and she should apologise.
My first thought: Tim, no! Don’t be such an idiot!
My second thought: It seems like he might be having some sort of nervous or mental breakdown.
My third thought: I wonder if that is what he actually said, in context?
Farron cited the the media as responsible when he resigned. Most notably two bits of the broadcast media including the BBC – correctly, in my view – for the bad way they had treated him as leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Perhaps they are taking a pop back at him as revenge, as well as trying to cause trouble for Leadsom, theTories and Brexit all in one go. Killing four birds with one stone.
Would not put it past them.
Anyone got an audio clip of Tim Farron’s ‘Leadsom statement’?
The whole thing is nowhere to be seen on the foremost news organisation’s web-site. Very strange that. More BBC FakeNews or FalseNews?
Think the comment was from Tim Farron’s mum what she exactly said was ‘ …. he’s not coming out , he’s been a very naughty boy”
My word isn’t Emily Maitliss ugly – I was trying to have me breakfast and a cup of tea isn’t there a watershed or something
Let`s face it-are there ANY Remainer ladies who still look nice, or have they gone all bilious and sour in their disdain for the lower orders/
They really ought to look at Kate Hoey. Gorgeous Gisela Stuart…who retain their youthful beauty and brio.
And don`t get me swooning over Sarah Palin.
Yes ladies-being on the Right saves a lot of BBC make up and botox.
Less vinegar, more lavender ladies…keep young and beautiful as Jimmy Young used to broadcast in simpler times.
Brexit means Beauty!
There is nothing on Tim Farron twitter feed about his Leadsom comment.
He is still pushing for a single EU market on Twitter though. He is not getting it is he?!? Referendum, Lib Dem small gains, quitting as Lib Dem leader and he STILL pushes his EU views on us.
Tabs – I am afraid the boys and girls (or should that be men , women . cisgender, gender neutrals ) Anyway the boys and girls in the BBC 6th form common room probably thought this was their “Che Guervara/Castro moment. Maybe even “The London Spring” The BBC at the front leading the “Peoples Revolution” Unfortunately no -one actually really gives a Toss apart from Mays dial an anarchists (who always help out on disrupting Tommy Robinson demos), And a selection of immigrants and people many of whom probably should not have been in the country anyway.
I am afraid the ” kidz” were not too interested in the million man marches because they had spent lots of energy getting out of bed and going to the election to vote for Corbyn and besides “Glasters” was coming up.
Still a few more years of continuing to import “refugees” I am sure we will have more than enough for a million man riot or two.
Sarah Montague on Toady at 8.27am laughing and agreeing with Billy Bragg about Corbyn’s appearance at Glastonbury. So much for journalistic impartiality.
You beat me to it, Cassandra.
On the Toady 7am news headlines, I’ll just repeat that, NEWS HEADLINES, that is to say the most important UK and world stories, we had “Corbynmania reaches Glastonbury”.
So as usual with the cesspit of the bBBC, absolutely no agenda whatsoever.
….and one of the other (very few in number) main headlines on the Today programme this morning was that the BBC executive in charge of ‘Eastenders’ is leaving the show.
This is the guy who is moving on to other projects he is involved in (??????), having presided over a ‘catastrophic’ fall in viewing figures – I really don’t know the numbers, but it seems to be standard for the BBC to apply such hyperbolic terms to any statistic these days, so why not ? Can’t be bad – take a top-paying position in the BBC whilst carrying on with other ‘projects’, which suddenly become priorities, so head for the revolving exit door – no doubt to return to an even more highly-paid BBC job in the not too distant future.
Really ? – that’s two of the four or five key pieces of news we should be aware of this morning ?
Because Corbyn is going to ……………………………………………………………………………..?
Anyhow it all sounds very much like, ‘Trumpmania’, definition of populism which we were given to understand was, DANGEROUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had Tony Benn there a few years ago.
Is Corbyn the best Benn Tribute Act that they could get then?
Does he do didgeridoo impressions and sing of Two Little Boys then?
Dount that last one, way too imperialist and warlike.
Billy wanted us all to vote LibDem in 2015 if it would keep the Tory out?
Surprising that Momentum don`t know where he lives yet.
It`s Burton Bradstock, biggest house and no access via the coastal path either!
Lord Bragg plotting the Good Rebellion with the Lady Brook huh?
Oh, what an uprising!
As some here might be aware, two years ago the Government tightened regulations on international students because some universities and colleges were being used for illegal immigration purposes. Fine – and the regulations should be followed. However, how many people are seriously concerned about a massive illegal influx of violin makers?
How typical of the authorities to go for the low hanging fruit and ignore the parasites that people are really concerned about. Four violin makers/repairers are neither here nor there. How long did it take May as Home Secretary to get rid of the six Algerian terror suspects with links to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda? As far as I’m aware, she never did.
These Far Eastern violin makers.
You really cannot trust them.
Think how a violin could be used to attack, for example, an off-duty soldier.
Or children at a pop concert.
You just cannot be too careful.
Lucky for us that the Religion of Peace teaches us to stay away from such actions.
Happy Brexit Day everyone. Didn’t wish it yesterday, ‘cos it’s really today, but hey! Why spoil a good thing? Celebrate on two days. Maybe in about 20-25 years time we will have a two-day national/bank holiday weekend, Friday-Monday, at the end of June to commemorate our good Queen Lillibet, God bless her!, and EU Brexit Day as well as a Europe (Double) Freedom Day, if they manage to get themselves sorted out & avoid becoming an empire again.
I treated my Blukip Party last night as a pre-prandial double header at the local Wetherspoons.
It was St Nigels Day, and one amongst us had met the Greatest Living Englishman, so we treated her as a pilgrim home from Santiago del Compostella.
Bit of a sore head, Independence Day today will be matched with a trip to the Armed Services gathering in Taunton today.
Stuff Jo Cox weekends-THIS weekend is for Nigel! Sked, Goldsmith(J) as well.
Honour the Ancestors.
Biased BBC on Toady this morning continued on the endless doom-mongering about EU citizens in the UK.
But…..a gleam of light. Interviewing an East European dairy farm worker they asked him “are you worried about Brexit?”.
“No” he replied.
Ta boohanna.
Didn`t see this firsst time around, boy it`s good.
The first few lines are brilliant.
I myself know that I`m gearing up for trouble, now that democracy and established protections of old are now jokes for jihadi suckups like the BBC.
And when those safety valves are gummed or removed-and the fire exits are purposefully blocked-then the likes of Osborne are only doing what others themselves may end up having to do.
As Kris sang yesterday at Glastonbury
“Freedom`s just another word for “Nothing left to lose”.
The audience weren`t listening, but his concert was stunning…the last of the wordsmiths and prophets on his final showing here I`d say.
Even mentions Jesus once or twice…had they been listening, there`d have been boos. Can`t sing-but who cares with lyrics like those?
There’s an article from N.America Technology reporter, Dave Lee, on the BBC web-site. I thought this comment was so good that I reproduce it here:
” 20.Posted by Trident Without Warheads on 30 minutes ago
@14 Allen T2 “Your BBC is also obsessed with meddling in America’s domestic affairs. Very bizarre.”
Yes, the BBC is having something of a problem with democracy these days. It seems to think it has some sort of duty to stir up dissent against elected governments (well, ones that it impartially disapproves of, at least). “
This is where we are now – broadcast journalists appear to believe that unless they maintain a hyper-critical narrative of Britain they themselves might be construed as sinister in some way.
I’m reminded of George Orwell’s observation that the trendy left of his day would rather be caught stealing from the poor box than be seen to stand for the national anthem. Reminds one of Corbyn.
I guess I got wind of the depths of this malaise just a couple of years ago when Tony Livesey of BBC Radio 5 blurted out the off-the-cuff remark that he saw no reason to celebrate his nationality – he was ‘only English by default’
Let’s have some sympathy for these sad BBC people – they have convinced themselves they have lost out in life’s lottery. Oh to be reincarnated as a Somali. You know, like Mo Farah – but in reverse.
Oh, the irony.
This morning Toady focusses on Camden Council evacuating residents from potentially fire-unsafe tower blocks while checks and improvements are made urgently.
Just remind me of the political make-up of that council. The bBBC didn’t, of course.
But we then get the usual bBBC focus on the disgruntled. No warnings were given. Why didn’t they do it before?
Weirdly, the evacuation is advisory, not mandatory. Some residents are choosing to stay put.
So if people living in housing subsidised by the taxes of others are not willing to put their own safety first, why should the state?
And why should the private housing living taxpayer have to pay with blank cheques?
Another case of the seditious bBBC endlessly focussing only on whingers with a sense of entitlement.
Did anyone hear Humphries lobbing easy balls at Hilary Benn this morning on Toady, reference May’s proposals for residency and entitlement rights for EU citizens in the UK?
Humphries asked perfectly reasonable questions initially about this, trying to seek where Labour actually disagree with the proposals.
Problem was Benn didn’t answer the questions but tactically went off on a discourse about trade and the Customs Union.
Humphries let him talk and talk unchallenged, and never once put him on the spot or tried to get him back to the issue.
Imagine a Tory or UKIP interviewee being allowed to get away with that. They’d be interrupted before they reached the first verb of the first sentance. You know it. I know it.
Most amazing on Today – ” Is there such thing as the public mood”. Humphries derided the suggestion that the media has the slightest influence on the public mood or national moral. (Reminded me of the Russian reaction to the video/radar evidence of Russian military in Ukraine.)
Power without accountability? You’d think the Left would be outraged by it?
BTW we’re still waiting for our half hour pro Brexit programme as Andrea Leadson is dubbed, ‘sinister and authoritarian’ by Farron FFS for suggesting the media might be a more patriotic.
And only the bbc could draw negativity from people being evacuated from some tower blocks with dodgy cladding.
The Head of Birmingham Council says, it’s mayhem, he doesn’t know what’s going on!
“Farron”, that name rings a bell. Isnt he the one who claimed that the LibDems would recover and be a force again in British politics? No, I must have the wrong Farron…………
Farron knows the nature of sin, or else his Greenbelt pastors do.
He needs to be very careful-as a Christian, he`s in far more danger of judgement than the rest of his execrable rabble of dirty protesters like Oaten and Huhne.
And a Twitter to the BBCs Remainiac Guard does NOT constitute anything but the rentaquote reflex of a dead and dying career, and one shallow sad little man.
Only the BBC would tell me that Farron wants an apology.
Shouldn`t HE be saying sorry to Soros, Hall, Juncker, Miller and Sir Cyril, Sir Clement and Norman Scotts dog, let alone Mr Scott himself?
After all, when HE`S your only traditional hope of keeping us shackled to the EU-then you`re desperate. And Farron has only revealed his mates to be as low and tepid as he is.
A Minor Fart…one day he may yet RISE to this anagram.
This man won`t even leave a skidmark.
‘Broadcasters need to be patriotic’ – Tory MP Andrea Leadsom says broadcasters should be more patriotic when reporting on Brexit.” Now there’s a quaint idea. I imagine Emily’s producer had to whisper down her earpiece: “Emily, I’ve just looked it up, and ‘patriotic’ apparently means when you love your country as opposed to systematically dissing it and loving only its enemies. No, it’s a new one on me too.”
“She made the comments while being questioned by Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis on the state of the UK’s negotiations with the EU.” Well, not so much ‘questioned’ as harangued, hectored, harassed, bullied, talked over and shouted down, in typical Newsshite fashion. Hey, she’s a Tory, therefore fair game.
It is inevitable that we will have a Labour Government in the next few years because that’s the nature of our two Party state. Parties don’t win elections – the other Party just loses them. They get tired, run out of steam while people think, ‘I fancy a change. Let’s give the others a go.” Then after the all the scandals, high taxes, hypocrisy, strikes and certain bankruptcy, it’ll be time to give the Tories another go. Tiresome isn’t it?
Quite true gax – except that if the Corbyn/McDonnell/Momentum axis get in, they will surely organise things so that they stay there. There are several well-documented precedents….
That’s why it’s important to get the boundary changes in sharpish, If Corbyn gets in they’ll be cancelled. I really don’t why it’s been delayed, it should be the priority – or are the 60 odd MPs who are going to lose their seats more important than democracy?
Boundary Changes? … Yep, first thing as a priority to get kicked right out of the game
Tories eh! … they ve got a f-ckin nerve, tryin it on
Won t waste time on it, but the DUP will have told them straight, and lets face it they call the shots
This erm delay is tory “finger in the wind time”..
‘ Andrea would have made a better PM than Treezer.’
I think many would agree – Leadson has that spark but, like Hillary, May and others thought it was ‘her turn.’
The Tories only have themselves to blame though.
Remember a bunch of chinless back benchers marching for Andrea between Tory HQ and the BBC gazebo?
Chanting like braying idiots?
Then do you remember these fearless followers ditching Andrea only because she was stitched up by Rachel Sylvester in The Times?
She only said that having kids let her have a more personal stake in what the future was…she did not mock Theresa, anything like.
But once the BBC and The Times want you thrown overboard-well what else would braying idiots do?
So we lost Andrea…but sounds like she`s got her mojo back a bit anyway.
Suspect this was a Remainer ambush myself.
The Tories are SHIT- a rancid dilution of even nobodies like Tony Newton or Stephen Dorrell FFS.
BUT-at least I`m free to say so, won`t get a brick through the window-and will be able to vote once more to get them out.
The Left don`t allow for this, whcih is why Gordon Browns nails are still in the jamb at 10 Downing St.
Me to Charlie – As unlike Theresa – Leadsome actually stood up and fought for something she believes in. I think years ago they used to call it character. These days they probably call it lack of ambition.
Caught a part of LBC’s Matt Frei’s outpourings on the “Leadsom outrage”. Frei claims in one brearh that sovreignty of parliament is an integral part of Britishness then in the next claims that remainers are also patriotic in that they are “acting in the best interests of the country”. Utter nonsense of course. What else have all the wars of independence throughout history been about, if not the right of a people to make its own laws without interference from other powers. Even more amazing was Farage’ popping up with a contribution where he agreed with Frei. He seems to have forgotten he was leader of the UK INDEPENDENCE Party.
Who knows what Frei really thinks is in the “bests interests of the country”. Establishing the Caliphate in the UK? For the continentals the European Superstate does seem to have a pseudoreligious significance. Maybe not a theocracy, but more a hagiocracy. Secular saints who “want to do good for the people” rather than implement the democratically decided will of the people.,which is all they are asked to do.
If you look at 15.45 in the Newsnight show, you`ll see Maitlis lift her finget to the boys off camera.
Probably an IS thing, but Maitlis clearly would not want to debate Leadson live-hence the prepackaged edit. Typical BBC.
WE all KNOW that Maitlis etc are “not patriotic”. The BBC would never knowingly emply a patriot, Leadsom was shouted over, and was not listening like a BBC Remainiac does.
Remind me again-was it Andrea or Emily who has subjected herself to the vote of the people?
And is it Emily or Andrea whose income, status and voguing will be adversely affected by binning the godawful BBC, and handing the whole crock of crap over to Junker and his Eurovision loonies?
Leadson is hardly Enoch or even Dominic Raab…but she`s as good as we`re getting, so God love her!
Me too. Perhaps this is her attempt to show the flag and emerge as May’s replacement. She might find a few Tory MPs – not many – who are a bit patriotic. But in the wider country she could gather support. I expect that is why she was ordered to pull out of the contest
Check out the thread below to see why the Camden Towers were refurbed. Our country’s obsession with CO2 may just have cost us an awful lot of money…The refurb was carried out between 2008-10 under Labour. Will Gordon Brown now get the same treatment as is being dished out to May?
Bluefish, correct me if I’m wrong but is not the safety of fridge-freezers also down to the EU, in addition to any ‘green’ pressure or legislation to conform to EU-wide on building exteriors?
Following the BBC’s monstering of “the Tory Govment” and the Conservative-led Kensington Council, and then the news that numerous high-rise blocks were clad in a similar way to Grenfell, my impression was that the BBC became suddenly silent about who was to blame. Without looking up the history of cladding , I surmised that BBC researchers discovered (to their chagrin, doubtless) that much of the inflammable cladding was put in place under Labour Governments and by Labour councils, which would account for the sudden silence. It’s good to have this confirmed for Camden, and it seems likely that the majority of suspect tower blocks are in Labour held constituencies.
Below are the circulation figures for the UK press.
Note that the right-leaning, small c conservative papers massively outsell the so-called ‘liberal’ leftie ones, whether in the highbrow ‘quality’, middlebrow or lowbrow ‘tabloid’ categories. That is how the good, sensible, patriotic Great British public likes its news and opinions when given the choice.
Yet in the broadcast media, they have no such choice, only the obscene stranglehold of the British hating, left-leaning bbc and its clones. WHY?
(Note also that in the US the situation used to be similar, until along came Fox News, which quickly became the number 1 cable news channel and has remained so for the last 14 years. I see no reason why the same wouldn’t happen in the UK.)
The Sun 1,666,715
Daily Mail 1,511,357
The Sun on Sunday 1,375,539
The Mail on Sunday 1,257,984
The Sunday Times 792,324
Daily Mirror 724,888
Sunday Mirror 629,277
The Daily Telegraph 472,258
The Times 451,261
Daily Star 443,452
Daily Express 392,526
The Sunday Telegraph 359,400
Sunday Express 335,772
i 266,768 1.02
Daily Star – Sunday 256,801
Sunday People 240,846
The Observer 185,752
Sunday Mail 168,164
The Guardian 156,756
Jo – “Hardly worth the bother”. Indeed so, yet the Guardian is the in-house paper for the beebistan and shapes their ‘thinking’. (I use the word loosely.)
Ta Charlie.
So the popular papers sell TEN times/day as the BBCs beloved chosen rags then? How typical. No wonder the BBC spend all their time, alongside their Channel 4 mukkas in beefing up their market-phobic drivellings.
When are we going to shake these liberal tics off our nation, by way of compulsory funding and subsidy?
Come on Britain! Stop paying to be insulted-and make sure your pals know it`s the only patriotic thing to do.
Difficult to be specific with some of the above titles being a bit ‘politically ambiguous’ but, on balance, when they prate on about ‘the right-leaning Tory dominated press’ it’s not the number of titles, it’s the numbers sold that gets their knickers so knotted. What a boringly democratic lot we are, to be sure.
Beltane – The press are indeed ‘right leaning’ because THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BUY.
They have options, the Grauniad, the Mirror, heck The Morning Star if they’re bonkers.
And how many of that 156,00 were bought by the BBC, libraries, Universities and other public bodies?. It would be interesting to see comparative figures for papers actually paid for by individuals
Moving people out now are they. Now if was cynical I would think that this has much to do with fear of litigation. So if you stay put you automatically cannot sue if anything goes wrong.
maybe not but i am not at all convinced by the sudden actions.
I always thought we’d be on the streets, – its happening for real ! Now we’re hearing that those who have never lived in the evacuated tower blocks are registering for re-homing and getting hotel rooms paid for them. And they didn’t think this would happen ?? You couldn’t make it up. The country has descended into chaos.
Brissles – Maybe in future when the next lot of “asylum seekers” arrive. We could just bus them all straight to the Savoy and similair. Until we have had a chance to build enough six bedroomed town houses for them.
Maybe if we just grant them all instant UK nationality it would save us money from all that pesky too -ing and throwing with courts and appeals.
If they have committed serious violence/sexual crimes in their countries of origin they definitely need to stay here because they would be considered “vulnerable persons” and “at risk” if they went home.
I would like to say that I am saying this with my tongue firmly in my cheek – but unfortunately I am not.
A query entered my mind. Now I’m very aware that I might, myself, be throwing my own internal biases around with this but I find myself wondering if the complainants mentioned in the LBC show were (are?) proponents of the very same cultural engineering that has led to where we are?
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Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 25, 21:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The average annual household energy price is £1849 I think Reform should publish the price it would be without all…
Happy St Nigels Day.
The Great Man asked us to celebrate today( or was it tomorrow?) as our national new Independence Day.
We 17.4 million somehow are letting pondlfe like Jo Cox get a day to her memory-noe of us knew her when she was. But we`re not pushing Nigel Farages monumental efforts to save this nation for our grandchildren , not pushing to get this day as a day off.
Corbyn offered us four of them-so this one is a start.
I do realise that this is a ludicrously unequal contest between a democratic , sovereign Britain and an amorphous Soviet bloc with caliphate and nazi tendencies that we`re seeing by the day,
One country versus a moribund sunbed-blocking cartel of 27 fat Kohls and Giscards…utter merdekraut.
It`s as if my family cycle shop was made to get my 3-in-1 bike oil from Esso or Gulf.
Really unequal, and the British side have to account fore their decisions. The EU is made so they do NOT have to account, explain or face any blowback from their disenfranchised, defanged helots.
So you`d think we`ll get stuffed by the 27.
But we`re Britain, G-D has a plan.
Aikido uses the bullies strength and weight to bring him down.
A rush and a push and the land will be ours…the EU is one big Harry Pothead Wizard grooming boys from the Arab Street behind its velvet curtains…we`re only the first to see that the Wizards a blustering drag act with no money or spine.
Fuck the EU-Nicholas Ridley and Mrs Thatcher were right. Let`s do it for them eh?
Happy Brexit Day!
Here we go again …. Tories deny … yep! its electoral fraud/breaches again
Tories deny using Neath call centre to breach election law
… drain the swamp, do it
After Heath conning us into the EEC
After Thatcher ensuring we stayed in
After Cameron leaving the backdoor open
And Liar May dragging her feet consistently
Leaving May, Boris and lord save us … Davis and Hammond???
Wholly incompetent … An utter liability.
They are all “playing politics”
and politics is playing those who actually support them, so easily
including many here … they will screw our nation, and all of us
“trust” the clown car? … no I will not
The whole Tory party is as bad … they just “don t get it”
… drain the swamp!
This is over a year old
Endorsed by Wilson, Callaghan , Blair, Brown and Clegg too.
Blair managed to negotiate a reduction on our rebate, probably thought he would get the EU presidency out of it.
I really think you should take that Labour mote out of your eye, perhaps take a dose of Brendan Cox’s ‘love pills’.
At any rate a bit more emphasis on BBC bias would be appreciated and less of the standing in for ‘our’ Laura K and her Mrs. May stuck record, she is paid for that after all.
1/. In 1973, the fateful political move, one of the worst ever made by a British Prime Minister, when the Tory Edward Heath took us into what was then called the ‘Common Market’.
Such a step had scarcely been mentioned at the previous General Election, and we, the British people had very little idea of what they were letting themselves in for, the only thing we knew was that it was a trading arrangement that might make it easier for us to sell our goods on to Continental neighbours
Now 44 years later, the picture could scarcely look more different. We have seen that supposedly cosy trading club we joined transformed, step by step, into a vast, bloated bureaucratic empire, imposing its rule over 27 nations.
2/.Labour – In the 1970s and early 1980s it was the Labour Party was the more Eurosceptic of the two parties, with more anti-European Communities MPs than the Conservatives. In 1975, year of the 2nd ref Labour held a special conference on British membership and the party voted 2 to 1 for Britain to leave the European Communities.
In 1979, the Labour manifesto declared that a Labour government would “oppose any move towards turning the Community into a federation” and, in 1983, it still favoured British withdrawal from the EEC and fought the election that year on a platform of withdrawal
The trade union movement led by the TUC was also opposed to remaining in Europe and had boycotted key advisory positions in Brussels and Luxembourg since Britain joined in 1973.
TUC General-Secretary Len Murray, Tony Benn, Micheal Foot. Barbera Castle In more recent times on many occasions in the lobby when labour MPs opposed the various treaties and issues which were furthering EU domination of our country. Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell were there too. The late Bob Crowe, was against it … casualisation of labour is now an increasingly EU agenda it s no longer protecting workers rights, the poison of privatisation is bigger in the EU now.
I think the labour party elite, the red tories are out of step with the true labour party electorate who especially due to the migrant issue want to leave the EU, and Corbyn has brought it back in step
So now I m obviously off the Parliamentary Labour party Christmas card list
3/. So now Tory …After Heath in 73, the Conservatives were also campaigning to stay in the Common Market. Later in 75 too
Margaret Thatcher, elected Tory leader in that February, said the “Yes” vote would not have happened without our Opposition’s support for it.
Former Prime Minister Edward Heath said: “I’ve worked for this for 25 years,
I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and I’m naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it is
In 1983, Thatcher wrote that “the unity of Europe is a goal for which I pledge my government to work”.
Actually it was only on the arrival of Jacques Delors, a French socialist, as president of the European Commission turned that upside down and the Tory party became against it, they were self serving Europhiles then, conning the British population, and they are now.
So now … no Tory Christmas cards either
What I think is apparent is that you have the establishment, the old boy network with financial clout trying to pull the same con on the British public as they did in 1973 and 1975, as usual with them it is self serving and blinkered short termism , I repeat not for the benefit of our population, and not for the good of our nation
Leave yes about bloody time, but it cannot be left to Tories 1., they are utterly incompetent, 2/. the erm “deal” would only benefit a small percentage of the population as they line their own pockets at the expense of the nation
How the world of Football would change if the bBC had its way:
“But we`re Britain, G-D has a plan.”
For those of you who don’t believe in G-D? I think chris might mean that our national/personal destiny is not in the hands of the Strassberg Elites it is in the hands of the Judeo-Christian God.
Here comes the religious bit:
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory” 1 Corinthians 2:7.
So everything – including the rise and fall of nations along with the rise and fall of the mountains and valleys – has already been ordained!:
“before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou had’st formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou are God” Psalms 90:2.
All it needs now is for time to wind-down!
Indeedy vesnadog!
A serious bible student, amateur but so far so good.
Jesus was a Jew-and Ezekiel speaks now as he did then.
Jesus Himself says plenty, and Paul etc get it right sometimes(esp re the death culture of fatuous Greek-lite twaddle HE lived in).
The EU is said to have been a Marian cult of southern catholic european origins…hence those stars in the flag(used to be six)…represents the corwn of “The Queen of Heaven” that Jesus spoke of.
That is said to have been Lady Di-David Starkey said so, as an atheist.
Don`t take it all literally, but there`s enough there to keep me going.
Climate Change?…Sport?…Islam?….Glastonbury?
How many Asherah poles do you need, how many tin pot gods and personal jesuses of your own sculpting?
At least I know a signpost from a weathervane, the BBC sure as hell don`t and won`t want to.
Can somebody explain how the bBC can get away with this very biased
newsemotive story on why the UK should remain in the EUEU referendum Result: Lucy Thomas from Britain Stronger in Europe
Whilst I thought that was bad, the bBC then outdoes itself with this party political broadcast for the pig shagger.
Jeremy Corbyn: Teen workers should get £10 an hour
Thatcher also was always in the dock over Europe. But she didn`t face 43 years of a liberal stitch up that she was expected to unravel.
It is far harder for May, and I note the endless freeview bile aimed at her.
The BBC have really gone deep into their culture too, all speak with one Gina Miller voice.
The media seem really wound up that she`s alone, friendless. This would destroy THEM. But not May. She`s got 17.4 Million and rising. Not that the media tell you this. Crap Party Leader-but the woman we need to back, as the gutless elite gang up on her 24/7. And all because she`s trying to do what we asked her Party to do this very day last year.
Maybe, and I appreciate that I’m clutching at straws, but maybe feeling isolated in the EU negotiations with everyone telling us that we are alone, powerless and have no friends will echo with May’s personal political journey and embolden her to be even more stoic.
I know there isn’t much chance of this but the endless negativity and almost treasonous attempts by the Beeb and media to undermine every position that we take is seriously depressing.
I fear the publics resolve will not hold when the negotiations are deliberately reported to saturation to lose their appetite for brexit.
“But not May” ROFL! … you talking about the month?
You simply cannot be talking May ex abject failure Home Secretary, the cutting Border force, Passport controls, Police, Fireman, Prison Staff, MI5, Intel security, year on year increases to record immigration one.
… that worked out well
Or the liability Tory PM one, who carried on with her reverse “Midas touch” by lying and needlessly dragging Brexit, out lying about the general election, then losing her majority, lying about having a DUP deal day after day, lying about keeping us safe
… the only thing you can be sure she will do is looking after her bunch of grasping cronies
Drain the swamp … start with No10
I hope that you are right and more people are supporting the Tories, but is there any evidence for this ? If there is solid evidence (polls ?….) then perhaps we won’t get Corbyn and his gangsters at the next election, which is surely going to happen within a year at the most. If you want Brexit and don’t want the looney left, vote Tory when the day arrives , vote anything else and you will get no Brexit, more third worlders ,magic money tree economics and a Stalinist regime with, curiously for an organisation dedicated to ‘speaking truth unto power’, the full support of our beloved BBC. Lose the chance of Brexit, which is now hanging by a thread, and there will NEVER be another.
The referendum gave the (Northern) working class the opportunity to freely vote for what they wanted for the future of their beloved country. However, (perhaps unfortunately) they cannot vote for the Conservatives in a general election. If a further election is called, Conservatives have got to hope that they can demonstrate Labour’s likelihood of selling the working class down the river both in respect of Brexit & the economic damage of their money tree policies, to get at best working class abstentions.
The problem is that the BBC and the remainers do not recognize the 17.4 million as legitimate people anymore. Deluded at best but malevolent really. So any and all attacks on them are justified.
Justification by faith alone.
I have taken to reading the Guardian and the sheer amount of ignorant invective posted by writers and the CIF people is astounding. I tried to remonstrate and my comment lasted 10 minutes before deletion.
At present they are all a howling twitter and social media mob but how long before they are howling for real at those they now deem beyond the pale.
If she has changed her spots from remain to leave, she sure as hell is making it difficult to see, i think she is stitching you up m8, the whole political class are as one, they all got 5 yrs, or most did on the promise to back leave, i dont see any pushing to leave, their all screwing you m8, nothing will change until cities are burning and the indigenous doing the torching.
Tuned in to BBC iPlayer to catch up with today’s tennis at Queen’s. As far as I can recall (having watched it over many years) and according to a little light Googling, just to check I wasn’t going mad, it is a men’s tournament: “The Queen’s Club Championships is an annual tournament for male tennis players…”.
I wonder why the introduction, which shows silhouettes of people playing tennis, seems to feature a mix of gentlemen and ladies?
Perhaps it should be presented by Sue Burqa?
I am seriously pissed off now. I tortured myself watching Question Time on iplayer. I switched off as soon as Diane Miller spoke. What right has that bitch got over us – the Great British public – people that were born here.
Who on earth was the Robert-Peston’s-older-brother-lookalike that the Conservatives put on there?
Dear me! If ever there was a natural cure for insomnia: he’s it.
It is front bench appointments such as that boring; Remainiscum; non-entity, when J R-M is wasted on the back benches, which make you realize how poor a leader the Female Cenobite really is.
QT is now on youtube every week so no need for the crummy iplayer. Since the Brexit result last June, I cant recall a single episode of QT with a majority Brexit panel its an utter disgrace. And why are we still treated to the SNP almost every week – what is it with SNP MPs they ll go on and on and on. Whats the betting next week Heza, Mandy or Ken Clarke will be on the panel together with a brain dead lefty “comedian” I’ve never heard of?
I was just watching Great British Menu. The new judge is Andi Oliver, a middle aged (her words not mine) black food critic. In interviews I googled she cheerfully acknowledged that being black and an older woman got her the job, and yes, I can see that a higher profile means more dosh. But to me it screams of tokenism and positive discrimination. I just want the BBC to appoint on the best person for the job. But then we would never have all those ex Labour MPs etc.
“she cheerfully acknowledged that being black and an older woman got her the job”
Or, to put it another way, BBC racism – let’s call it what it is.
No further comment.
I know many posters on here are inclined to use ‘colourful’ and personal adjectives if they don’t like someone. I’m equally guilty when it comes to ‘fat’ or ‘thin’ but try not to personalise the criticism. Sadly I have to break my own rule – I feel uncomfortable watching her. She has the gait of a hippo, walking on platform shoes and is clearly bow-legged like many black women. Why is she bald , and wear her glasses on her head, does she have an extra pair of eyes up there ? Reading her resume, she was in a pop group, and decided to open a restaurant because she has a ‘passion’ for food. Clearly. And that is her only qualification to be on the show – a passion. She is not a professional critic, doesn’t write books or columns, and even I could sit in her seat and say “yeah (never yes) that works” or “I’m not getting the taste of whatever”.
When deciding who to replace Pru Leith, why didn’t the BBC pick one of their own winners of Masterchef ? who know a darn sight more about food, than someone who thought she’d open a restaurant. They should team Andi Oliver with Gregg Wallace, another ‘foodie’ who thinks he knows everything but is nothing more than a glorified grocer who’s wangled his way on the box. Much to our dismay.
With you there Brissles.
To be fair to the awful JK Rowling, she called out a lefty or two over Theresa May. The Left are incredibly sexist and nasty when off guard and unleashed. I`d say that it started after Sarah Palin-it`s never returned.
Witness how Sadiq Khan gets away with no empathy re Grenfell, whereas May is expected to be a Florence Nightingale. And Womans Hour says nothing.
The Left will abuse Le Pen , suck up to Hillary Clinton. The cause determines whether they`ll spook the women or put them on pedestals.
Alicia Sinclair
IMHO, JK Rowling should stick to writing fairy stories.
A champagne socialist on a guilt trip.
“IMHO, JK Rowling should stick to writing fairy stories.”
Thank You.
Now I know where Labour got their Manifesto from!
If they wanted to avoid another European, rightly or wrongly, why not a Chinese, Thai or Japanese chef? Must be quite a few to choose from and I’d argue that they’ve made a significant contribution to the variety of food available in the UK.
But no, on the BBC it must always be black or Muslim.
And no, I can’t stand Gregg Wallace either. Reminds me of a loud, obnoxious, know-all, in-your-face, down market pub landlord.
I never thought I should see Archbishop Sentamu in drag.
This is what you do :-
#1 View any video with the claustrally proportioned, Geo-stability wrecking, Diane Abbey in it.
#2 View any video with the “serene” Serena Williams swearing at the umpire.
#3 View any video with the androgynous black female boxer whose name I cannot remember, gold medallist in ugliness since the 1896 Athens Olympics.
Plenty of choice.
#4 View the video of the lovely Kim Yuna, on ice, performing to Massenet’s Meditation from Thais after her gold medal in the Olympic games.
#5 Vote for my new political party “Export ugliness, import beauty and brains.”
I watched This Week last night, where a woman who had once won “The Apprentice” and then Richard Madeley were both given ample programme time to spout their vacuous cobblers; yet Melanie Phillips a deep thinker and very good journalist and writer, got about two minutes at the @rse end of the show to discuss her view of the greatness of the Anglosphere and how it related to Brexit and Trump’s election as POTUS.
I would rather have listened to her discussing that for the entire time which was devoted to the two lightweights who came before her. Why would you even invite someone like that on, if you intend only to give them a minimal amount of time to speak? It’s just a waste of time or maybe it’s al Beebus signalling to the position that her views are really just peripheral to the those of the majority; or (more likely) the views of the majority at al Beebus.
AlShub…… Madeley is desperate for any work, even offering to be on Strictly. Its well known in circles that him and his wife like a sherbert or 4, so working keeps his wine cellar topped up. When on any debating programme he toes the party line and is a complete airhead. Melanie Phillips is what you say she is, a bone fide journalist, and would make mincemeat of Madeley any day of the week.
Richard is alright, needs to lose Judy.
Melanie surely needed to stick her oar in, she`s written the books on education, feminism and Islam that the likes of Portillo and Johnson could only dream of.
Sexist lock out, women on the right need to fight back.
Not Judy though.
Alicia, I think Judy left the building pissed a few years ago. A friend is a columnist on a national daily, and he said its an open secret about her drinking (well, you only have to look at her to know that).
Pretty sure that Judy had a twin sister as well. In Granadaland when I was young, I`m sure I remember her too.
Think it was Ann. I`m going to have to get out more.
Hi all. I’ve been away for a few months. Very pleased to see the site going from strength to strength with many new bias-teers on board.
I wanted to highlight something I heard a couple of weeks ago. It is sometimes the throwaway remarks or the way things are phrased that show bias the most clearly. Sarah Montague (aka Lady Brooke – an old Co. Fermanagh title) was discussing the DUP. She described them as the ‘more extreme’ Unionist party. What the hell is that supposed to mean?In her mind, the DUP are a sort of Ulster version of ISIS whereas the UUP are merely equivalent to Al Nusra Front? Very telling choice of phrase I thought.
Another phrase used by the BBC is the “hard-line Democratic Unionist Party”. That’s a novel idea. A party that is deadly serious about democracy and unionism. BBC kudos for the Ulstermen??
The BBC’s religion of multiculturalism makes them unable to call out intolerant Muslim supremacists for what they are. The pasty faced DUP are another matter and of course the irony is that the DUP are only about 20 years behind the curve, not 1400 like our fastest growing demographic.
The Nazis and communists accounted for 100m dead. If we tolerate supremacist Islam our children will have a simple question: Why? Here’s a good piece on that: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2017/06/our-achilles-heel.html
spot on Alex
Newsnight tonight.
Andrea Leadsom accused broadcasters of needing to be a bit more patriotic when discussing Brexit. Emily Maitlis’s face was a picture.
The EU are undoubtedly going to use the BBC to propagandise their messages. The BBC will be only too pleased to comply.
I wish more politicians would unite and challenge the BBC presenters ,live on air, about their unpatriotic bias towards this country. It has to be a concerted effort. Won’t happen though.
Would things be so bad if Andrea Leadsom had been PM instead of Theresa May? At the time of the Tory Leadership party contest the general feeling was that she was not quite up to being a PM.
Whereas Theresa May was!!!!???
YD, and thoughtful (a b-BBC regular) was slagged off by others on here for describing the Tory Party as corrupt at the core!
I think he had a point. There was something funny about Theresa May’s non-election as Leader.
Was it down to experience, looks, personalities? Leadsom comes across as being a bit angular and severe whereas May can be, at times, gushy & girlie in a ‘Maggie’ sort of way.
Or was there something going on?
I’m sure many wanted Bojo’s experience and public appeal in the No.10 hot seat but a goodly number of those – together with those who were not in favour of him – were very nervous about his erratic working practices which are well known in the Westminster village. But why, with media help, make Michael Gove out to be disloyal and a traitor when he was by far another good leadership option along with David Davis?
We may have a long wait for autobiographies to reveal what went on.
Interestingly, there appears to have been almost zero press interest in digging into that. Very strange.
I argued at the time and still do believe that May is a creature of the BBC and left media and that she is the best deal remainers could get. She will go all the way with the Islamisation of Europe and an eventual return to the EU whilst the media present it as a negotiated exit.
The Tory Party is either corrupt or too cowardly to resist
Concede that and now think you could be right. She is certainly very pro-Islam while not being equally pro-Christian, which for her personally as well as positionally, is very, very strange and really not at all ‘correct’. HM shows Theresa May up there, as well.
Have been a bit gloomy over progress of Brexit and am tempted to agree on that, too. I may write some more on that tomorrow as another anniversary is coming up. Last night’s Any Questions was a bit more heartening than usual.
Holmes: “The game is not over until it is up, Watson!”
Yasser – Theresa May was handpicked to lead us to a compromised and meaningless Brexit.
London’s Evening Standard:
“”Sadiq Khan to shut 50 per cent of police station front counters””
The BBC’s Labour pin-up boy is not playing to their narrative about Tory Police Cutz.
Over to you BBC.
DS, it is interesting to look at the Mayor’s Budget for London for 2017/18. It is not an easy read in the Policing section and there appears (to me) to be some deliberate obfuscation there. It is clear that there are £400m cuts (in total) and these are prospective Budget cuts for 2018/19-20/21, I think. Am posting from memory. That is the proposed reduction from Government HO direct grant to the GLA for policing in London in the future.
Mayor Khan has been going around claiming that the Government has already cut £400m from policing for the capital, despite it being a devolved area. (Mayor Khan can make up the shortfall if he wishes by getting Boroughs to increase the Council Tax precept charge.) He does not appear to have been at all honest in those claims.
If anyone among the B-BBC regulars (especially an accountant or retired accountant) wishes to take a look and comment or correct me, a pdf of the GLA Budget can be downloaded from their web-site.
Dover Sentry
He does not need police station front counters. Cops get all their information about relevant crimes from Tell Mama
The North London Muslim Housing Association:
The BBC should ask if Christians are included as residents. They describe themselves as ‘diverse’.
If not, are they phobic about Christians?
The BBC are definitely phobic when it comes to telling the truth.
Look at the board members.
Two burqa-clad women force way into apartment, attack occupants with knives and hammer
“Women wearing ‘burkas as a disguise’ forced their way into a flat and attacked the occupants inside with knives and a hammer, police say.”
Hmmm … Burkha s as disguise, violent attack? just as nursery school worker violently attacked by Burkha d women with knives
Will Liar May bring in a “package of measures”? … No1 a Burkha ban?,
Lets have a look BBC News –
Manchester attack … oops apologies folks, not that one
Islamophobic hate crime reports increase by 500%
A message from Wales…………………………
Are they Ahmadiyya, by any chance?
The more reasonable ones often are, such as the Muslim women who lined up on Westminster Bridge after the attack.
The BBC doesn’t want you to know this because they make all Muslims look good. In fact many Muslims do not accept that the Ahmadiyya are Muslims at all. Some get murdered by other Muslims – like Asad Shah in Glasgow last year.
The BBC’s very own Josie Wide, errrr, I mean Long.
Dateless on Newsshite, in her usual vacant way, did not grasp why opposing Brexit was unpatriotic. Not only unpatriotic, but also undemocratic. Only a mindless, gormless bint of her magnitude would think that fully regaining the democratic right of a people to make their own laws was unpatriotic. Loving your country, you would think, should involve wanting the people of that country to make their own laws through parliament rather than have them provided by a foreign entity with no democratic legitimacy.
The usual suspects are having a collective, coordinated hissy fit over the BBC being held to account… by shrieking the BBC is only there to hold others to account. They must never be held.
Meanwhile, here is a share of another BBC harpie rather straying from the DNA median trying to shut down Daniel Hannan and his beastly factual knowledge, when all she wants is a decent virtue signal and flounce session with the girls. And some women.
Sat down earlier to watch the Glastonbury footage as I do every year while aware to watch out for Corbyn. Was appalled when Kate Tempest (no I’ve never heard of her either) came on and started her violent Left wing rant that went on and on, I had to get up and walk out of the room, my 20 year old daughter was sucking it all up, which is the ideas isn’t it?
Why are Glastonbury and the BBC getting away with this shit?
Wild Bill
Good job you didnt see the CND logo ‘crop circle’ or Billy Bragg telling us how divided the country is after Brexit (translation- he cannot bear that a majority disagree with leftmob gobshites like him) or your blood would have boiled away.
Must say though, am enjoying Radiohead. When they cut out the politico bollocks and focus on the music there are some really quite inventive soundscapes to consider. Robbed time, deliberate discords, counter melodies, modal sequences. Not all lyrical or tuneful but a change from endless 4/4 12 bar repetitions. Judging from the muted applause think its going over the heads of the majority snowflake audience.
‘ Goodbye, Theresa, shut the door on the way out’
Loud cheer from Glasto audience.
Oh, the irony. A predominantly middle class by upbringing white audience with currently a modest tax paying track record goaded into self destruction by multi millionaires on the stage, those millions no doubt safely offshored.
‘ Goodbye, Theresa, shut the door on the way out’
I wil be burning my Radiohead cds tomorrow.
Glastonbury is a for planet-saving, climate-saving, whale-saving, Islam-friendly, privileged, Trump-hating, eco-warriors whose only contribution is to leave huge piles of shite behind, to be cleaned up by teams of ordinary people on miserable wages.
My girls are at Glastonbury. Rite of passage much as Reading was for me.
That the likes of Radiohead use it to promote their virtue allows them to stay millionaires whilst affecting rebellion.
A well-established trick of the liberal left luvvies, yet the star struck dolts all convince themselves that they`re rebellious.
Just enjoy the sub-Pink Floyd tribute that is Radiohead, marvel at “Creep”. But know that we adults created these posturing liberal airheads.
I thought Bruce Springsteen was the answer-turns out that it was Tom Petty.
Mind you-Johnny Greenwood can join our church choir accompanists any time he likes.
It`s just pop, it pays. If I can trash my own songs but have a back catalogue like Kris Kristofferson then it won`t all have been in vain.
Thankfully I`m not a barren casualty like Chrissie Hynde. Great voice, poor choice in men.
Particularly the tents Spiderman, all because they cant be arsed to take them home. Yuni students who kick off about student fees, yet can afford to buy a tent and ditch it after one use.
Anyone else notice the hideously white Glasto audience?
Surely the bBBC has made a big mistake here? Supporting such intolerance.
And those ticket prices!
Surely there should be a range of ‘affordable’ tickets, available only to the ‘poorest and most vulnerable in our society’?
And all these headline acts singing in English? It’s SO lacking in inclusivity. Wheelchair uses seem distiinctly under-represented on stage. Where’s the bBBC disability correspondent on that one?
And surely the best luxury tents should be reserved for asylum seekers and the homeless. How disgusting that this accommodation is based on the ‘ability to pay’.
And what a rip off the whole thing is. Surely the time has come to bring pop concerts into full public ownership, and thus bring prices down. With tax-payer subsidies to make up the difference of course.
Can you imagine the bBBC allowing these kinds of unrepresentative, non-inclusive behaviors and attitudes on the news or in drama programmes? LOL.
Still, what’s hypocrisy matter when you can put your far-left-biased broadcasting credentials in the drawer and freeload at a pop concert for a long weekend?
As a committed Green activist, I’d like to see an end to all festivals. In fact I’d extend that to the entire leisure industry. It’s a wholly unnecessary use of power and resources.
Music, sports and hobbies are absolutely non-essential to the survival of mankind.
MH, you mention sports. It has always puzzled me that the increasing use of artificial lighting for formerly daytime-played sport to now be played at night, has never, ever, attracted a single questioning environmental voice on our BBC. Not one. Ever.
No concern from the BBC at all about extra electricity consumption and extra CO2 generation for sport.
But if I want to get in my car and drive fifty miles to see my Granny, I’m one of the most evil people on the planet and must be stopped or charged hundreds of pounds to do it!
Apparently we`ve got loads of fans in Auckland for the rugby?
This is a good thing.
As is the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, floodlight and cars going endlessly round a track and upsetting the golden grebes nesting sites.
It`ll all return to being “bad things” once the sponsors have paid for BBC junketeers to plant a sad tree in Richmond Park, by way of pleasing Gaia Ritchie.
All very good points UTS.
It amazes me that so few people really think what they’re voting for. It’s only really in the last few generations that people have had access to sports other than local football, cricket and rugby.
This is all due to capitalism and the metro-chemical industry.
No more motorsports, mountain biking, surfing etc, never mind foreign trips to take part in these if a Green or Red government got hold of power.
Owen Jones is a fan. But he might now be on a plane to Syria.
The operations director of Jaguar Land Rover was on R4 today, talking about business post-Brexit, and he really didn’t give them the kind of answers they wanted to hear.
Starts at the 11:00 mark –
Ta Mice, loved this!
Poor Peter White/Shaun Ley (or whichever disabled gay it would be) clearly was on his hamster wheel whirring gaily, but utterly clueless.
I mean Jaguar-42,000 employees in Coventry and new factories in Slovakia?
Hardly telling people to wrap up for winter, don`t burn banknotes and heres hoping for an audible turkey baster for artificial insemination of a lesbian is it ?
So clearly our Jaguar monkey knew little about Brexit and the benefits it`s bringing…thank the Lord for BBC hacks to tell him that he`ll regret the lack of peri-peri chicken fat as he greases his ragunzel sprockets. Possible the most ludicrous interview of the year.
They need to get Clarkson back, who at least knows one end of a go-cart from a grease gun. Manufacturing …uurgh!
Not Beeby but how many ways can Muslims find to screw money out of us?
Message to Prime Minister
I think we have a housing shortage …………………
Stop importing more people from the rest of the world, there is no more room.
Taffy – You are right
We do have a housing shortage and last year our population rose by half a million (much of it due to immigration, and most of it young) and these are just the numbers we know about. But I understand that the BBC wasnt that interested in talking about it.
Not only that because many of these importations are considered “vulnerable” they seem to be able to jump any housing queue whilst are own young people (most of whom have paid tax and would not need so much state imputs to get them going) get pushed further to the back.
At what point do we run out of suitable land and/or money to build more houses?
This is the question none of the pro migration politicians never want to answer. The answer is of course is that there are no limits. All we need to do is to shake the money tree a bit more and the money tree provides, (it also provides land as well)
We all just need to “love a bit more like Jo” and all will be well
It is time politicians and snowflake celebrities such as Gary Linetwat (who generally never live any where near affected areas) Had this question beaten into them time and time again. I want to know what actually is an acceptable immigration figure.
This is a line of questioning which these days seems to have been abandoned and if reducing the figure to tens of thousands a year makes me “waycist” Then I will be proud to be called as such.
What is for sure if this issue is not sensibly tackled then this green and pleasant land will rapidly be turning into a scorched earth – money tree or not.
What strikes me as blindingly obvious is that there are some parts of the world which are quite happy to export people, in fact which will never run out of people to export, and who also think we really want, in fact NEED, their surplus youth – why wouldn’t they, when that’s what our international media keep telling them?!
On the other hand any idiot can see we really don’t have unlimited space, or resources, especially in the Southern half of England. Acres and acres of good, productive farmland (the most productive in the UK overall) goes under concrete every year, rivers and streams are sucked dry every summer, and any kind of greenery (essential for consuming CO2, so I hear, let alone providing some kind of habitat for our wildlife) vanishes.
Schools, GP surgeries, hospitals, police and rescue services are overwhelmed, and there isn’t room on the roads for cars (mostly due to the endless queues of lorries and vans driven by East Europeans making ‘essential deliveries’). But, hey, it’s good for the UK and good for the environment…. apparently.
“Brexit: EU leaders says UK offer could ‘worsen situation”
Nothing but negativity from Al Beeb.
There is a good HYS running ………….
Scott must have repaired the Highest/Lowest Rated facility.
Nothing like the word ‘could’ to set a BBC editor’s heart aflutter.
Will this be logged as a hate crime ?……………….
Good News or bad news ?
Pound rises but …………..
It’s bad news when the pound rises and it’s bad news when the pound falls.
That’s what I hear on the tv.
I suppose it would be good news if it rose and fell and we had voted remain but we didn’t so it’s bad news.
Hi Alan – or someone – can you take a look at the following – I haven’t had the stomach to read it but it seems to be a sympathetic BBC report on ISIS terrorists, which it describes as no more than children. At first glance ISIS could use this report as their recruitment brochure:
I read it, and an excellent read it was too. If you’re sympathetic to the use of child soldiers, then I guess you’re sympathetic to that kind of thing.
Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone, while you…….type shit on a keyboard. Well done.
Dear Mr Blackwell do you have difficulty with reading comprehension? I said I didn’t read it and merely brought it to people’s attention – giving only a first glance impression. And you don’t represent Mr Sommerville & Mr Dalati so you can feck off with your faux outrage. If you had approached this communication with intelligence then I could have discussed the power of images, headlines and text to garner sympathy for murderers.
Hello Mr Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate,
You didn’t read it, yet were still of the view that it was a ‘sympathetic BBC report on ISIS terrorists’ and that ‘ISIS could use this report as their recruitment brochure’?
I don’t believe you’re in a position to talk of intelligence Mr Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate.
Hi Mr Blackwell – do you work for the BBC? Are you associated with the BBC in any way – now or in the past? Thanks.
He wont answer that.
I don’t believe you are a genuine Al Beeb biased poster .
You are ‘Scott’, and ‘Maxincony’, The Resident Troll .
Hi Taffman, I don’t know Scott (and barely “know” Blackwell) – but I have seen several of Maxincony’s comments and I have got the impression that Maxincony is not “Blackwell”. They seem to be two different personalities. I seem to recall Maxincony generally doesn’t attack the individual the way Blackwell does and often has a valid but minor point – my impression is that Blackwell is a different kettle of fish. They could be alter egos of the same person – but I doubt it.
Blackwell , Scott & Maxincony – same department .
All on night shift, same shift. They do Al Beeb a disservice with their inexperienced and immature posts.
BBC cbeebies for 0 to 6 year olds.
The BBC still have their Ramadan quiz on their “puzzles & quizzes” section
But now on their cbeebies homepage they have: “Try this Eid Al -Fitr Recipe and Other Easy Crafts”.
While on their cbeebies “Make & Colour Section” they have the Eid Al Fitr Recipe & Other Easy Crafts as the top thing to make AND they have a separate activity called “Eid Al Fitr – Onion Pakoras – Let’s Celebrate”
If you don’t know by now and as taught in all British schools and as rammed down our throats by the BBC – Eid Al-Fitr is what Muslims celebrate at the end of Ramadan.
Meanwhile on their CBBC channel (6 to 12 year olds) – they still have their “What is Islamophobia” story on the Newsround home and news sections:
‘celebrate the end of Ramadan’ now come on, be fair, I’m sure we’ll all be doing that – this one has been a blast.
AISI – I will be celebrating next years “Ramadan” by buying myself a new first aid kit complete with tourniquets.
Hope all the churches are not meeting tomorrow, until the candles have all had cladding approval.
I make no apology for shutting down all churches until all candles and naked flame paraphenalia have been rigorously tested to snuff capacity.
Will I be able to still light my tea lights at the next Muslim atrocity shrine(TBC)?
Will they need inspections as well…even the Poundland ones that are crap?
Thanks a lot Grenfell!…was he a shopkeepers assistant on the telly a few years back?
Is the bBC, now doing propaganda for ISIS
The secret lives of young IS fighters
It’s glorification of IS by the bbc, nothing more, nothing less. The love with which they portray IS is sickening to any normal person. World leaders condemn IS, the bbc is their PR company.
To be fair, he is ‘hot’, sources close to the BBC have learned. Maybe that’s why the usual wee small hours poster has decamped on seeing this?
Which part came across as sympathetic to you?
‘They died as fighters, but they died as fools. Pity should be reserved for the people they once lived among, who were abused and killed as the young men sacrificed all around them, for their caliphate.’
Maybe it was this? ‘IS has had support in Mosul, but it inflated that support by weaponising children. Taking the young and the gullible and sacrificing them for its malicious cause.’
Or this? ‘There is no longer any trace there of the young men. But their legacy of turmoil and destruction remains.’
Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone, while you…….type shit on a keyboard. Well done.
Evening Scott,
Oops sorry, I meant Blackwell.
“Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati risk their lives to report from a war zone”
Why do they need to risk their lives to report from a war zone?
BBC speaks to the nation.
Nation so far seems unimpressed.
The BBC has reached a new low with that article. They are clearly supporting and glorifying terrorism but they will never be held accountable for it.
Whatever next “The secret life of a BBC paedophile” or “The secret life of a suicide bomber” ?
Like the vast majority of the Licence Paying public, I don’t routinely watch Newsnight – I’ve better things to do – afterall this one million matchstick model tribute to Grenfell Tower ain’t gonna build itself.
So imagine my surprise this morning when our Naga Munchetty and her tame house boy Charlie Stayt bring me a clip of a Tory MP sound biting back at one of their smug BBC presenters on that famously late night Guardianista-style BBC show.
Accuse the BBC of being unpatriotic, why that’s that’s akin to accusing Jeremy Corbyn of giving succour to terrorists.
But oh the hilarity, when our Naga’s editors dredge up a BBC-supporting quote from “out going Liberal Democrat leader” one Tiny Tim Farron.
Well that’s put a smile on my face for the day. There’s a school yard bust up and the BBC threatens to fight back – not with a tough mate or a big brother but with their mum. Laughter and ridicule throughout the playground.
The BBC unpatriotic – perish the thought.
Now, where can I find some old-style Christmas date boxes for the cladding?
I must finish this tribute and get started on something suitable for Ant from Ant and Dec. Because that’s what Naga is fretting about now. Any ideas? A fried kangaroo bollock in an asprin bottle – just about captures everything I want to say.
And by the way, since when did the BBC ‘nationalise’ Glasto. Blimey, despite Lizo Muzimba’s best efforts it’s not very diverse is it? Crowd looking about as far from representative of an overnight evacuated Camden tower block as you can imagine. White, middle aged, middle classed, achingly liberal. I’m half expecting Jeremy Corbyn to turn up on stage.
“Like the vast majority of the Licence Paying public, I don’t routinely watch Newsnight – I’ve better things to do – afterall this one million matchstick model tribute to Grenfell Tower ain’t gonna build itself.”
Thanks a lot. Made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard.
Just caught NewsWatch on the BBC News channel. The complaints this time were how Emily Maitlis tried to blame the Glenfell fire on Theresa may in an interview and how the BBC made hysterical reports about the fire “and were in some way to blame for inciting the riot at the council offices”.
Unfortunately no one from BBC News was available for comment – even though NewsWatch is on the BBC News. NewsWatch is about as much use as the BBC complaints department.
Andrea Leadsom makes plea to British media to be a bit more patriotic in their coverage of Brexit matters. BBC R4 TODAY Programme plays audio clip. Sounded very reasonable to me.
BBC tells me that Tim Farron says Leadsom’s statement is sinister and controlling and she should apologise.
My first thought: Tim, no! Don’t be such an idiot!
My second thought: It seems like he might be having some sort of nervous or mental breakdown.
My third thought: I wonder if that is what he actually said, in context?
Farron cited the the media as responsible when he resigned. Most notably two bits of the broadcast media including the BBC – correctly, in my view – for the bad way they had treated him as leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Perhaps they are taking a pop back at him as revenge, as well as trying to cause trouble for Leadsom, theTories and Brexit all in one go. Killing four birds with one stone.
Would not put it past them.
Anyone got an audio clip of Tim Farron’s ‘Leadsom statement’?
The whole thing is nowhere to be seen on the foremost news organisation’s web-site. Very strange that. More BBC FakeNews or FalseNews?
“plea to British media to be a bit more patriotic in their coverage of Brexit matters”
Fat chance.
Snuff/Jo – patriotism?
BBC wont do that – Thats just for “losers” who still love their country!
Think the comment was from Tim Farron’s mum what she exactly said was ‘ …. he’s not coming out , he’s been a very naughty boy”
My word isn’t Emily Maitliss ugly – I was trying to have me breakfast and a cup of tea isn’t there a watershed or something
Lock13, LOL!!!
Lock – licking piss, bulldogs and nettles always come to mind when I see her face – cant think why!
Let`s face it-are there ANY Remainer ladies who still look nice, or have they gone all bilious and sour in their disdain for the lower orders/
They really ought to look at Kate Hoey. Gorgeous Gisela Stuart…who retain their youthful beauty and brio.
And don`t get me swooning over Sarah Palin.
Yes ladies-being on the Right saves a lot of BBC make up and botox.
Less vinegar, more lavender ladies…keep young and beautiful as Jimmy Young used to broadcast in simpler times.
Brexit means Beauty!
There is nothing on Tim Farron twitter feed about his Leadsom comment.
He is still pushing for a single EU market on Twitter though. He is not getting it is he?!? Referendum, Lib Dem small gains, quitting as Lib Dem leader and he STILL pushes his EU views on us.
Tabs – I am afraid the boys and girls (or should that be men , women . cisgender, gender neutrals ) Anyway the boys and girls in the BBC 6th form common room probably thought this was their “Che Guervara/Castro moment. Maybe even “The London Spring” The BBC at the front leading the “Peoples Revolution” Unfortunately no -one actually really gives a Toss apart from Mays dial an anarchists (who always help out on disrupting Tommy Robinson demos), And a selection of immigrants and people many of whom probably should not have been in the country anyway.
I am afraid the ” kidz” were not too interested in the million man marches because they had spent lots of energy getting out of bed and going to the election to vote for Corbyn and besides “Glasters” was coming up.
Still a few more years of continuing to import “refugees” I am sure we will have more than enough for a million man riot or two.
Keep at it BBC you will get there in the end!
Sarah Montague on Toady at 8.27am laughing and agreeing with Billy Bragg about Corbyn’s appearance at Glastonbury. So much for journalistic impartiality.
You beat me to it, Cassandra.
On the Toady 7am news headlines, I’ll just repeat that, NEWS HEADLINES, that is to say the most important UK and world stories, we had “Corbynmania reaches Glastonbury”.
So as usual with the cesspit of the bBBC, absolutely no agenda whatsoever.
….and one of the other (very few in number) main headlines on the Today programme this morning was that the BBC executive in charge of ‘Eastenders’ is leaving the show.
This is the guy who is moving on to other projects he is involved in (??????), having presided over a ‘catastrophic’ fall in viewing figures – I really don’t know the numbers, but it seems to be standard for the BBC to apply such hyperbolic terms to any statistic these days, so why not ? Can’t be bad – take a top-paying position in the BBC whilst carrying on with other ‘projects’, which suddenly become priorities, so head for the revolving exit door – no doubt to return to an even more highly-paid BBC job in the not too distant future.
Really ? – that’s two of the four or five key pieces of news we should be aware of this morning ?
How is THAT news?
Isn`t that a post it note in the tranny-friendly loo?
Show us your poo Humphrys-we REALLY want to know!
Because Corbyn is going to ……………………………………………………………………………..?
Anyhow it all sounds very much like, ‘Trumpmania’, definition of populism which we were given to understand was, DANGEROUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had Tony Benn there a few years ago.
Is Corbyn the best Benn Tribute Act that they could get then?
Does he do didgeridoo impressions and sing of Two Little Boys then?
Dount that last one, way too imperialist and warlike.
Billy wanted us all to vote LibDem in 2015 if it would keep the Tory out?
Surprising that Momentum don`t know where he lives yet.
It`s Burton Bradstock, biggest house and no access via the coastal path either!
Lord Bragg plotting the Good Rebellion with the Lady Brook huh?
Oh, what an uprising!
As some here might be aware, two years ago the Government tightened regulations on international students because some universities and colleges were being used for illegal immigration purposes. Fine – and the regulations should be followed. However, how many people are seriously concerned about a massive illegal influx of violin makers?
Students face deportation
How typical of the authorities to go for the low hanging fruit and ignore the parasites that people are really concerned about. Four violin makers/repairers are neither here nor there. How long did it take May as Home Secretary to get rid of the six Algerian terror suspects with links to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda? As far as I’m aware, she never did.
Scary, isn’t she ?
These Far Eastern violin makers.
You really cannot trust them.
Think how a violin could be used to attack, for example, an off-duty soldier.
Or children at a pop concert.
You just cannot be too careful.
Lucky for us that the Religion of Peace teaches us to stay away from such actions.
They might look like simple violin makers, but who’s pulling the strings, who’s in on the fiddle?
She would be if it was Newham and not Newark eh?
Pedant Alert!
Happy Brexit Day everyone. Didn’t wish it yesterday, ‘cos it’s really today, but hey! Why spoil a good thing? Celebrate on two days. Maybe in about 20-25 years time we will have a two-day national/bank holiday weekend, Friday-Monday, at the end of June to commemorate our good Queen Lillibet, God bless her!, and EU Brexit Day as well as a Europe (Double) Freedom Day, if they manage to get themselves sorted out & avoid becoming an empire again.
I treated my Blukip Party last night as a pre-prandial double header at the local Wetherspoons.
It was St Nigels Day, and one amongst us had met the Greatest Living Englishman, so we treated her as a pilgrim home from Santiago del Compostella.
Bit of a sore head, Independence Day today will be matched with a trip to the Armed Services gathering in Taunton today.
Stuff Jo Cox weekends-THIS weekend is for Nigel! Sked, Goldsmith(J) as well.
Honour the Ancestors.
Biased BBC on Toady this morning continued on the endless doom-mongering about EU citizens in the UK.
But…..a gleam of light. Interviewing an East European dairy farm worker they asked him “are you worried about Brexit?”.
“No” he replied.
I’m putting this article here because……. why not?…..
Ta boohanna.
Didn`t see this firsst time around, boy it`s good.
The first few lines are brilliant.
I myself know that I`m gearing up for trouble, now that democracy and established protections of old are now jokes for jihadi suckups like the BBC.
And when those safety valves are gummed or removed-and the fire exits are purposefully blocked-then the likes of Osborne are only doing what others themselves may end up having to do.
As Kris sang yesterday at Glastonbury
“Freedom`s just another word for “Nothing left to lose”.
The audience weren`t listening, but his concert was stunning…the last of the wordsmiths and prophets on his final showing here I`d say.
Even mentions Jesus once or twice…had they been listening, there`d have been boos. Can`t sing-but who cares with lyrics like those?
There’s an article from N.America Technology reporter, Dave Lee, on the BBC web-site. I thought this comment was so good that I reproduce it here:
” 20.Posted by Trident Without Warheads on 30 minutes ago
@14 Allen T2 “Your BBC is also obsessed with meddling in America’s domestic affairs. Very bizarre.”
Yes, the BBC is having something of a problem with democracy these days. It seems to think it has some sort of duty to stir up dissent against elected governments (well, ones that it impartially disapproves of, at least). “
This is where we are now – broadcast journalists appear to believe that unless they maintain a hyper-critical narrative of Britain they themselves might be construed as sinister in some way.
I’m reminded of George Orwell’s observation that the trendy left of his day would rather be caught stealing from the poor box than be seen to stand for the national anthem. Reminds one of Corbyn.
I guess I got wind of the depths of this malaise just a couple of years ago when Tony Livesey of BBC Radio 5 blurted out the off-the-cuff remark that he saw no reason to celebrate his nationality – he was ‘only English by default’
Let’s have some sympathy for these sad BBC people – they have convinced themselves they have lost out in life’s lottery. Oh to be reincarnated as a Somali. You know, like Mo Farah – but in reverse.
Oh, the irony.
This morning Toady focusses on Camden Council evacuating residents from potentially fire-unsafe tower blocks while checks and improvements are made urgently.
Just remind me of the political make-up of that council. The bBBC didn’t, of course.
But we then get the usual bBBC focus on the disgruntled. No warnings were given. Why didn’t they do it before?
Weirdly, the evacuation is advisory, not mandatory. Some residents are choosing to stay put.
So if people living in housing subsidised by the taxes of others are not willing to put their own safety first, why should the state?
And why should the private housing living taxpayer have to pay with blank cheques?
Another case of the seditious bBBC endlessly focussing only on whingers with a sense of entitlement.
On the subject of irony.
Highgate Cemetery has always been a private enterprise. Strange choice indeed.
Actually, not that strange. Absolutely typical.
Typical, As you say Jo – “Some animals are more equal than others”
Did anyone hear Humphries lobbing easy balls at Hilary Benn this morning on Toady, reference May’s proposals for residency and entitlement rights for EU citizens in the UK?
Humphries asked perfectly reasonable questions initially about this, trying to seek where Labour actually disagree with the proposals.
Problem was Benn didn’t answer the questions but tactically went off on a discourse about trade and the Customs Union.
Humphries let him talk and talk unchallenged, and never once put him on the spot or tried to get him back to the issue.
Imagine a Tory or UKIP interviewee being allowed to get away with that. They’d be interrupted before they reached the first verb of the first sentance. You know it. I know it.
Pathetic bias.
Most amazing on Today – ” Is there such thing as the public mood”. Humphries derided the suggestion that the media has the slightest influence on the public mood or national moral. (Reminded me of the Russian reaction to the video/radar evidence of Russian military in Ukraine.)
Power without accountability? You’d think the Left would be outraged by it?
BTW we’re still waiting for our half hour pro Brexit programme as Andrea Leadson is dubbed, ‘sinister and authoritarian’ by Farron FFS for suggesting the media might be a more patriotic.
And only the bbc could draw negativity from people being evacuated from some tower blocks with dodgy cladding.
The Head of Birmingham Council says, it’s mayhem, he doesn’t know what’s going on!
“Farron”, that name rings a bell. Isnt he the one who claimed that the LibDems would recover and be a force again in British politics? No, I must have the wrong Farron…………
Farron knows the nature of sin, or else his Greenbelt pastors do.
He needs to be very careful-as a Christian, he`s in far more danger of judgement than the rest of his execrable rabble of dirty protesters like Oaten and Huhne.
And a Twitter to the BBCs Remainiac Guard does NOT constitute anything but the rentaquote reflex of a dead and dying career, and one shallow sad little man.
Only the BBC would tell me that Farron wants an apology.
Shouldn`t HE be saying sorry to Soros, Hall, Juncker, Miller and Sir Cyril, Sir Clement and Norman Scotts dog, let alone Mr Scott himself?
After all, when HE`S your only traditional hope of keeping us shackled to the EU-then you`re desperate. And Farron has only revealed his mates to be as low and tepid as he is.
A Minor Fart…one day he may yet RISE to this anagram.
This man won`t even leave a skidmark.
‘Broadcasters need to be patriotic’ – Tory MP Andrea Leadsom says broadcasters should be more patriotic when reporting on Brexit.” Now there’s a quaint idea. I imagine Emily’s producer had to whisper down her earpiece: “Emily, I’ve just looked it up, and ‘patriotic’ apparently means when you love your country as opposed to systematically dissing it and loving only its enemies. No, it’s a new one on me too.”
“She made the comments while being questioned by Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis on the state of the UK’s negotiations with the EU.” Well, not so much ‘questioned’ as harangued, hectored, harassed, bullied, talked over and shouted down, in typical Newsshite fashion. Hey, she’s a Tory, therefore fair game.
PS. I still think Andrea would have made a better PM than Treezer.
It is inevitable that we will have a Labour Government in the next few years because that’s the nature of our two Party state. Parties don’t win elections – the other Party just loses them. They get tired, run out of steam while people think, ‘I fancy a change. Let’s give the others a go.” Then after the all the scandals, high taxes, hypocrisy, strikes and certain bankruptcy, it’ll be time to give the Tories another go. Tiresome isn’t it?
Quite true gax – except that if the Corbyn/McDonnell/Momentum axis get in, they will surely organise things so that they stay there. There are several well-documented precedents….
That’s why it’s important to get the boundary changes in sharpish, If Corbyn gets in they’ll be cancelled. I really don’t why it’s been delayed, it should be the priority – or are the 60 odd MPs who are going to lose their seats more important than democracy?
Boundary Changes? … Yep, first thing as a priority to get kicked right out of the game
Tories eh! … they ve got a f-ckin nerve, tryin it on
Won t waste time on it, but the DUP will have told them straight, and lets face it they call the shots
This erm delay is tory “finger in the wind time”..
‘ Andrea would have made a better PM than Treezer.’
I think many would agree – Leadson has that spark but, like Hillary, May and others thought it was ‘her turn.’
The Tories only have themselves to blame though.
Remember a bunch of chinless back benchers marching for Andrea between Tory HQ and the BBC gazebo?
Chanting like braying idiots?
Then do you remember these fearless followers ditching Andrea only because she was stitched up by Rachel Sylvester in The Times?
She only said that having kids let her have a more personal stake in what the future was…she did not mock Theresa, anything like.
But once the BBC and The Times want you thrown overboard-well what else would braying idiots do?
So we lost Andrea…but sounds like she`s got her mojo back a bit anyway.
Suspect this was a Remainer ambush myself.
The Tories are SHIT- a rancid dilution of even nobodies like Tony Newton or Stephen Dorrell FFS.
BUT-at least I`m free to say so, won`t get a brick through the window-and will be able to vote once more to get them out.
The Left don`t allow for this, whcih is why Gordon Browns nails are still in the jamb at 10 Downing St.
Me to Charlie – As unlike Theresa – Leadsome actually stood up and fought for something she believes in. I think years ago they used to call it character. These days they probably call it lack of ambition.
Caught a part of LBC’s Matt Frei’s outpourings on the “Leadsom outrage”. Frei claims in one brearh that sovreignty of parliament is an integral part of Britishness then in the next claims that remainers are also patriotic in that they are “acting in the best interests of the country”. Utter nonsense of course. What else have all the wars of independence throughout history been about, if not the right of a people to make its own laws without interference from other powers. Even more amazing was Farage’ popping up with a contribution where he agreed with Frei. He seems to have forgotten he was leader of the UK INDEPENDENCE Party.
Who knows what Frei really thinks is in the “bests interests of the country”. Establishing the Caliphate in the UK? For the continentals the European Superstate does seem to have a pseudoreligious significance. Maybe not a theocracy, but more a hagiocracy. Secular saints who “want to do good for the people” rather than implement the democratically decided will of the people.,which is all they are asked to do.
If you look at 15.45 in the Newsnight show, you`ll see Maitlis lift her finget to the boys off camera.
Probably an IS thing, but Maitlis clearly would not want to debate Leadson live-hence the prepackaged edit. Typical BBC.
WE all KNOW that Maitlis etc are “not patriotic”. The BBC would never knowingly emply a patriot, Leadsom was shouted over, and was not listening like a BBC Remainiac does.
Remind me again-was it Andrea or Emily who has subjected herself to the vote of the people?
And is it Emily or Andrea whose income, status and voguing will be adversely affected by binning the godawful BBC, and handing the whole crock of crap over to Junker and his Eurovision loonies?
Leadson is hardly Enoch or even Dominic Raab…but she`s as good as we`re getting, so God love her!
Charlie Martel
Me too. Perhaps this is her attempt to show the flag and emerge as May’s replacement. She might find a few Tory MPs – not many – who are a bit patriotic. But in the wider country she could gather support. I expect that is why she was ordered to pull out of the contest
Check out the thread below to see why the Camden Towers were refurbed. Our country’s obsession with CO2 may just have cost us an awful lot of money…The refurb was carried out between 2008-10 under Labour. Will Gordon Brown now get the same treatment as is being dished out to May?
Bluefish, correct me if I’m wrong but is not the safety of fridge-freezers also down to the EU, in addition to any ‘green’ pressure or legislation to conform to EU-wide on building exteriors?
Following the BBC’s monstering of “the Tory Govment” and the Conservative-led Kensington Council, and then the news that numerous high-rise blocks were clad in a similar way to Grenfell, my impression was that the BBC became suddenly silent about who was to blame. Without looking up the history of cladding , I surmised that BBC researchers discovered (to their chagrin, doubtless) that much of the inflammable cladding was put in place under Labour Governments and by Labour councils, which would account for the sudden silence. It’s good to have this confirmed for Camden, and it seems likely that the majority of suspect tower blocks are in Labour held constituencies.
Below are the circulation figures for the UK press.
Note that the right-leaning, small c conservative papers massively outsell the so-called ‘liberal’ leftie ones, whether in the highbrow ‘quality’, middlebrow or lowbrow ‘tabloid’ categories. That is how the good, sensible, patriotic Great British public likes its news and opinions when given the choice.
Yet in the broadcast media, they have no such choice, only the obscene stranglehold of the British hating, left-leaning bbc and its clones. WHY?
(Note also that in the US the situation used to be similar, until along came Fox News, which quickly became the number 1 cable news channel and has remained so for the last 14 years. I see no reason why the same wouldn’t happen in the UK.)
The Sun 1,666,715
Daily Mail 1,511,357
The Sun on Sunday 1,375,539
The Mail on Sunday 1,257,984
The Sunday Times 792,324
Daily Mirror 724,888
Sunday Mirror 629,277
The Daily Telegraph 472,258
The Times 451,261
Daily Star 443,452
Daily Express 392,526
The Sunday Telegraph 359,400
Sunday Express 335,772
i 266,768 1.02
Daily Star – Sunday 256,801
Sunday People 240,846
The Observer 185,752
Sunday Mail 168,164
The Guardian 156,756
156,756 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hardly worth the bother.
Jo – “Hardly worth the bother”. Indeed so, yet the Guardian is the in-house paper for the beebistan and shapes their ‘thinking’. (I use the word loosely.)
Ta Charlie.
So the popular papers sell TEN times/day as the BBCs beloved chosen rags then? How typical. No wonder the BBC spend all their time, alongside their Channel 4 mukkas in beefing up their market-phobic drivellings.
When are we going to shake these liberal tics off our nation, by way of compulsory funding and subsidy?
Come on Britain! Stop paying to be insulted-and make sure your pals know it`s the only patriotic thing to do.
Difficult to be specific with some of the above titles being a bit ‘politically ambiguous’ but, on balance, when they prate on about ‘the right-leaning Tory dominated press’ it’s not the number of titles, it’s the numbers sold that gets their knickers so knotted. What a boringly democratic lot we are, to be sure.
Beltane – The press are indeed ‘right leaning’ because THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BUY.
They have options, the Grauniad, the Mirror, heck The Morning Star if they’re bonkers.
The Guardian….That has really cheered me up.
And how many of that 156,00 were bought by the BBC, libraries, Universities and other public bodies?. It would be interesting to see comparative figures for papers actually paid for by individuals
Moving people out now are they. Now if was cynical I would think that this has much to do with fear of litigation. So if you stay put you automatically cannot sue if anything goes wrong.
maybe not but i am not at all convinced by the sudden actions.
I always thought we’d be on the streets, – its happening for real ! Now we’re hearing that those who have never lived in the evacuated tower blocks are registering for re-homing and getting hotel rooms paid for them. And they didn’t think this would happen ?? You couldn’t make it up. The country has descended into chaos.
Kensington residents in the luxury flats are now up in arms, and threatening to move out if Grenfell homeless move in……
If I were Theresa I’d concede to Dustbyn and sod off to the Maldives for a month !
Be a shame if an area with a high concentration of Beeboids suddenly found itself hosting those in need.
Brissles – Maybe in future when the next lot of “asylum seekers” arrive. We could just bus them all straight to the Savoy and similair. Until we have had a chance to build enough six bedroomed town houses for them.
Maybe if we just grant them all instant UK nationality it would save us money from all that pesky too -ing and throwing with courts and appeals.
If they have committed serious violence/sexual crimes in their countries of origin they definitely need to stay here because they would be considered “vulnerable persons” and “at risk” if they went home.
I would like to say that I am saying this with my tongue firmly in my cheek – but unfortunately I am not.
Thanks for that link Brissles,
A query entered my mind. Now I’m very aware that I might, myself, be throwing my own internal biases around with this but I find myself wondering if the complainants mentioned in the LBC show were (are?) proponents of the very same cultural engineering that has led to where we are?
Just wondering…….