458 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD….

  1. Mice Height says:


    • Jo says:

      I’m sure I’ve heard Corbyn say he prefers classical, and Mahler in particular.

      About the only thing I agree with him about. That’s why I remember.

      I doubt if he’ll be repeating it any time soon – might scare the yoof away. Very uncool.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Although he claims that he disagrees with Grammar schools he sent his own son to one. Typical hypocritical leftie, but, the fact that he tacitly agrees with Grammar schools is something most of us would agree on!


    • StewGreen says:

      Both are signed to the same PR agent ..it’s called the BBC


    • Englands Dreaming says:

      Rolf is more honest than Corbyn and has done time for his crimes unlike Jezza.


  2. StewGreen says:

    Botched deportation means another £48K to a victim
    Tascor vs Wamala
    case notes : http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2017/1461.html


  3. StewGreen says:

    Re : Question Time Heckler
    A typical BBC bussed in socialist
    ..or a plant to make it look like the BBC cares about audience rigging ?


    • G.W.F. says:

      Stew Green
      He stood as a candidate for TUSC (Trade Union and Socialist Alliance) at the previous Gen Election.


    • nogginator says:

      Had the misfortune to glance at the Daily Fail today, just when you think the press gutter can t get any deeper
      there s a billionaire tax dodger trenching it out foot by foot.
      It is just utter toilet paper.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Dorking Anti-fracking : “Leith Hill ‘Protection Camp’ demolished after protesters removed..”
    The bailiffs got there before the protesters had got up
    Local paper
    DD protester PR blog


  5. StewGreen says:

    BBC = Free-Advertising-Agency for GreenBlob subsidy sucking mafia
    \\Once more, the BBC continues with its propaganda: watching BBC news early this morning in my hotel room in Belgium, they offered pictures of forests of spinning wind-turbines, and the narrative telling us that; “…renewables [sic] are approaching parity with standard oil and gas energy production,
    ….. but are creating three times as many jobs…”
    Which means one of two things: that jobs in the “renewable” industry are extremely poorly paid… or the BBC are lying to us.

    Sorry, Auntie, but you will have to explain in great detail
    … quite how more jobs can be created at less cost to the customer. ///


  6. StewGreen says:

    Turkey proves Islam tolerates gays : NOT



  7. StewGreen says:

    Times claims that a convicted terrorist works for the Libyan embassy in London


  8. G says:

    I read that Sweden is doing rather well in the country race to become first that is totally islamified –

    Meanwhile, in Germany they are just at the stage where intensification of the curtailment of Free Speech is a priority. If my history serves me correctly, this is a replay of times before 1939? Anyway, enjoy –

    “Coming to a Town or City near you soon……………..”.


    • Charlie Martel says:

      G – Coming to biasedbbc soon – expect a knock on the door any day now.


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Hi G, the 150,000 women undergo fgm story is supposedly based on a report partly written by SVT (Sweden’s state broadcaster) – however a (in English) google search reveals no such report. I have also been on the SVT website and cannot find any reference to it – for example

      I am going to put this down as a real case of fake news – unless the report turns up.

      So I write this comment as a general appeal to all here on biased bbc – if anyone can read or write Swedish can you confirm or otherwise that this is indeed fake news – that there is no such SVT report? If such a report did exist then it would be highly explosive. And could be used as a strong argument against how things are being allowed to develop in Britain which is seeing a growing Islamification.



      • StewGreen says:

        Yes @Cali I have an original SVT article making not 150K but “could be 100K”
        “The number of circumcised women in Sweden is increasing rapidly and is probably many times more than estimated so far.

        Could be over one hundred thousand women”
        Always run a Twitter search first ..as it’s chronological so brings up better info than Google


        • G says:

          I don’t wish to go down the route which our political masters follow: that is, we condemn the end result but totally ignore the genesis of FGM. Of course, the numbers are important but we cannot lose track of the fact that the numbers of inflicted women is increasing in the Western World.


  9. Oldspeaker says:

    It’s a real shame Turkey is looking less likely than ever to become an EU member, would have made for some interesting exchanges, unfortunately the French/German resolve has probably been hardened even further by this.
    “Passions flare as Turkey excludes evolution from textbooks”
    I particulary liked the student teacher exchange,
    ” “Once the teacher asked us who believed in evolutionary theory. I raised my hand. The teacher said: ‘Are you a monkey then?'””
    On a seperate note, largely bias free piece but with graphic nudity here.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Times : Ethnic Muslim women complain about press calling MALE imams community leaders
    (women seem ex-Muslim)
    Someone Tweeted entire article


  11. StewGreen says:

    Times : ‘The path to becoming a right-wing terrorist, begins with joining the EDL’
    cos it encourages bubbleworld
    Well there may well be something wrong with the EDl, that caused Tommy Robinson to leave it
    ..but I am unaware of any direct terrorist acts by its members.


  12. gb123 says:

    “Crodyon fire: Ten cars alight in huge blaze sending smoke billowing across south London ”

    Online report from the Standard. Glad to see George Osbourne has brought his editing and proof reading skills to the headlines.
    Maybe Crodyon is somewhere in Wales.


    • Jo says:

      “Maybe Crodyon is somewhere in Wales.”

      Or a suburb of Paris – apparently it’s a local custom there.


    • chrisH says:

      Ah George Osborne!
      If this year has taught me nothing else, it`s that formerly-loathed Tories can make themselves VERY popular with the BBC and its fellow travellers if only you offer yourself as a Remoaner.
      Soubry , Osborne are clearly not very nice people, ditto for Heseltine.
      And Osborne for some reason has been parachuted into the Standard to “edit” it.
      With no experience? Just hating Theresa May seems to be enough.
      But the BBC seem happy to let it go. The Remainiac Cause trumps all other considerations. Ah well-we know the nature of the Remainist beast don`t we?
      Very nasty-and despise us as much as they despise our right to vote. The EU is a perfect fit for them I suppose. But don`t ever think of being nice or that they`ll respond to anything other than violence or threats. Utter entitled scum.
      Where`s this Brexit Party that`ll take out the likes of Soubry, Morgan and Bercow?


  13. seismicboy says:

    Islamophobia: ‘Can I live in an anti-Muslim country?’
    It’s not the video here that’s of interest (apart from the fact that the bbc have misquoted what he says) , it’s the text beside it that is of interest to me.
    “Young Muslims discuss Islamophobia in the UK with the BBC Asian Network’s Haroon Rashid, following the attacks in London and Manchester, and the tragedy at Grenfell Tower in West London.”
    What the fµck has the Grenfell Tower fire, cladding and sprinklers got to do with islamaphobia? If I’m not much mistaken the bbc are seeing the world through islamaphobia tinted spectacles.


  14. Lobster says:

    Could anyone on here ever imagine any of our politicians saying this?



    • StewGreen says:

      Bet he didn’t actually say that
      Given that MOST of modern Russia and China are made up of occupied colonial territories where people have non-Russian/non-Han traditions/language/culture
      Warning Bells : It’s an extraordinary claim made with no source given
      Let me check on LibMob’s Snopes site

      The Speeches and Transcripts section ofthe official Russian presidential web site records no Putin speech of that nature on 4 February 2013 (or any other date up to April 2013, when this item first appeared),
      … Moreover, this item is highly reminiscent (and appears to be a variant form of) an opinion piece originally written by an U.S. Air Force veteran shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001,

      The nearest Snopes could find from Putin :
      “We must create the conditions for immigrants to normally integrate into our society, learn Russian and, of course, respect our culture and traditions and abide by Russian law.
      In this regard, I believe that the decision to make learning the Russian language compulsory and administer exams is well grounded. “


      • Al Shubtill says:

        I would recommend watching the four programmes Oliver Stone did with Vladimir Putin, which were shown on Sky Atlantic recently; it was fascinating to see one of the most powerful men on earth speaking on a huge range of issues for such a long period of time.

        Even if you dislike Putin and / or Stone, it is an extraordinary spectacle to listen to someone like him in such lengthy discussions; it was based on 20 hours of interviews conducted at various times over a two year period and edited down to four hours. It was one of the most interesting things I’ve watched in a long time.
        They may be available on YouTube.


    • RGP says:

      Nice but they definitely have polygamous marriages and Sharia law in parts of Russia. Even child marriages that raised some eyebrows. Russia is not out of the woods in this whole matter either. Some say the Russian ethnicity will be surpassed and not that far in the future either. 2040-50. Look up Daniel Pipes.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I so wish Putin was the tough guy on Islam that some believe him to be.
      Myself, I prefer to be realistically suspicious.
      Forget NOT that Vlad is in bed with The Iranians.

      Vlad The Imposter
      Is this Moscow Or Mosque-oh ?
      Aerial view of Eil al-Adha prayers at Moscow Cathedral Mosque. 2015

      Muslims performed Eid el-Fitr prayers at Moscow’s central mosque as Russian police took security measures around them [Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency/Getty (security to protect the praying Mohammedans)

      The Unholy Trinity of Abbas/Erdogan/Putin

      So clogging up the streets of Moscow with thousands of prostrating Muslims OK but- Christians spreading the Gospel outside of church not:
      Russia’s Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
      (UPDATE) Putin signs new restrictions that limit where and how Christians share the gospel.
      KATE SHELLNUTT JULY 08, 2016 8:00 AM

      Putin is OK with The Orthodox Russian Church because it’s traditional Russian. But also because they can be contained. Non-denominational Christians talking about Jesus in a public place ? Not.
      This is bad for Russia. I don’t trust Putin to ultimately stand up to Islam any more than I trust Merkel.


  15. haleys comet says:

    There is a cabal within the establishment to thwart brexit at all costs..
    The BBC is complicit
    The EU was always a carve up ,
    Financial services ..UK?
    Agriculture .. France?
    Spain …fishing?
    Germany!!!! industry….?
    Any ideas for the remaining 23…!!!
    Perhaps the BBC has been pencilled in as the European Broadcasting Company.
    Doom and gloom is being spread by the likes of Richard Murphy…an advisor to our Jezz??
    Suggest you look at his website Tax Research…
    Think he was on BBC in last few days predicting a crash!!!!
    So hold on to your hats.
    We will be bombarded with doom… doom …doom…and more doom.
    They are determined to overturn the democratic vote..
    Keep the faith>>
    Bugger the BBC!!!


    • theisland says:

      Yes we must keep the faith.

      Decent article on Spiked by Tom Slater.


      “ … as positive and clear and confident as the Brexit vote was, one year on it is still under threat. More so than it ever has been. Over the past year, as legal challenges and Lords rebellions against Brexit were willed on by millionaire anti-democrats and MPs, it was easy to see where the fight was. Now the threat is far more insidious, and is being conducted among a squabbling political class entirely separate to the public.

      Politicians in all parties are trying to use the inconclusiveness of the election to push for a softer Brexit. Just this week the chancellor gave a speech pushing for membership of the Customs Union, and 50 Labour MPs signed a statement calling for us to stay in the Single Market. They’re calling for us to give up control over our laws, borders and trade. They call it a Soft Brexit, but we can’t abide this elite sophistry any longer. This isn’t softening Brexit, it is betraying Brexit, and capitulating to these demands would mean leaving the sovereignty-smashing EU in name only.

      In the months and years ahead, we must remain vigilant. This means reminding our representatives how serious we are, shooting down any schemes to soften up Brexit and demanding transparency in the Brexit negotiations. Last year, when the Article 50 bill passed through parliament, the most tremendous thing happened: a Commons and a Lords that overwhelmingly backed Remain had to vote for Brexit to be implemented. They felt the weight of the democratic will on their backs. We need to remind them that we’re still here.”


      • G says:

        In fact, any decision made by Treezer is suspect in my book. If she can mastermind, or even be persuaded by others to hold an election such as it was, it is demonstration enough that she incapable of making any sensible decision. It was on her watch that the immigration figures rose in 2015/2016 to 538,000 – highest on record.
        Now? she has to grovel to EU leaders and I’m sure we will see the unacceptable decisions come thick and fast from now on in.


  16. StewGreen says:

    Yes Minister mocks Global Warming alarmism
    ..How come the BBC Television version never did ?
    ..are some subjects banned from being mocked ?
    Video 2 :

    via JoNova in Oz who hosts a discussion there
    : Paul Homewood hosts The Discussion here in UK


    • Teddy Bear says:

      Worth a watch.


      • StewGreen says:

        Context That Coleman one is from Nov 2014
        (we should always say when info is historic rather than brand new)


    • StewGreen says:

      I see that First Yes Minister video dates from 2013
      Second one maybe from original series since it’s marked UK Gold
      JoNova Discussion has lots of good links to other videos and the petition to withdraw Australia from the Paris Agreement

      BTW Someone just put up the full 13 mins on Youtube


      • StewGreen says:

        Ah that global warming storyline dates from 2013
        + press reports from 2012 tell me the new version was commission by Gold so is not part of the original BBC version


  17. G says:


    What did the Germans expect ? – ready trained Doctors, Engineers and Nurses? Yup is is sure going to take at least a minimum of 10 years to prepare these immigrants for work. But there’s two little unmentioned problems: one of IQ. I recall a article which suggested that the average IQ of so-called “immigrants” is much less than low average i.e. 90. And, their desire to work: not much of that abounds. When the benefits satisfy all their needs and indeed, it is enough to save for a holiday trip back home (where they have escaped from!), the incentive to work or even train to be a – Doctor – is not there. Same in the UK.


    • Charlie Martel says:

      G – It’ll take them generations to just learn the language – if they even bother trying. Probably better off on benefits for ever. More dosh to spend on swimming pools.


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        Hopefully they can do wave machines that simulate tides in the Mediterranean. Can`t imagine the Germans will be laying towels of the poolside recliners to ensure that they get to use them any more these days.
        Angela seems to have decided that the Germans can lay the trails, whilst we have to fish out the paedos and pimps.


    • Tabs says:

      Thinking like a liberal… perhaps there are not enough doctor and engineer positions for the migrants to fill. Perhaps the unemployed ones should come to the UK to help us.


  18. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Can I thank whoever recommended that we watch Daniel Hannan on yesterdays “Politics Show”?
    Yes, it was Guest Who, previous page!
    Twelve minutes of classic Jo Coburn and some liberal moppet called Lucy Thomas trying to lay gloves onto Mr Hannan, and send him down for racist incidents after Brexit, spill oil all over his floor re May and the EU thus far.
    The lying LibLabs are reduced to moaning at him for sticking to facts, statistical breakdowns of their bandied-about fake stats. The facts may be crap and called out by Dan, but is there not more to life than this? Lucy says “anecdotes are every bit as worthy of note”
    Jo says that “surely feelings matter more than facts, and you Dan seem not to appreciate this”.
    Welcome to the BBC when rumbled…if Lucy and Jo have not already told the Fawcell Society that horrid, white man Dan made them cry,and befuddled them with horrid “facts”.
    When they wanted to deal in anecdotes and feelings, perceptions and imagined slights. As I say. this is the BBC today, no appeal to More Or less either.
    And CERTAINLY no stuff re “fake news and dodgy stats”-it`ll make Lucy and Jo go all eggy on you.


  19. Pounce says:

    The message the bBC is currently sending out to world about living in the UK as a Muslim:
    Islamophobia: ‘Can I live in an anti-Muslim country?’

    Yes the hateful UK, where the Islamic population is exploding, where with hundreds of thousands of FGM cases not one person has been jailed, where the rape of thousands of girls was covered up due to PC, where whilst it is against the law to have 2 wives, people look the otherway for Muslims, the country where flying the Union Flag in public is reviled, yet you can walk past the HoP with an ISIS flag nothing said. The country where the public are told not to eat in front of Muslims during Ramadan, You know that county where the Police have to don gloves if they pick up a Koran, or how Police dogs have to wear booties when searching an Islamic house for explosives . You know that county which in the past 12 years has seen over 100 people murdered by Islamic terrorists, that country which has seen 2 Muslims murdered in the same time by non-Muslims which have been classed as Terrorist crimes.
    Yet to the bBC, the UK is intolerant of Muslims


  20. Pounce says:

    Asylum seeekers or something else?


    • G says:

      Nice to see all the Doctors, Engineers and Nurses arriving in Europe.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Reminds me of a reverse slave ship, dancing on the deck to keep the circulation going.
      Maybe all of this IS the Revenge of the Spirits of Kunta Kinte.
      Do you think I`ll be able to offer this as a theory for Laurie Taylor to mull over?
      PS-wonder if their registration cards at the port of entry now include accommodation in Kensington High Street and The Barbican or Bloomsbury yet?
      Take your pick lads.


    • Tabs says:

      How many more £1.5m swanky London apartments do we need to house that lot?


  21. StewGreen says:

    7pm R4 Profile : Macron
    Oh I hope the BBC don’t go too hard on him
    Like dwell on his 2 cabinet resignations due to corruption allegations etc.


  22. G.W.F. says:

    Today the far right extremists – fascists they say – are holding peaceful marches in protest against Islamic terrorism in Birmingham and London. Opposing them are the anti-fascists who will have a favorable write up in the media.

    Worth noting the anti fascist background. During the cold war the notorious Berlin Wall was described by East German Communist leaders as the Antifaschistischer Schutzwall Anti Fascist Protection Wall.



  23. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:
    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Sir Arthur,
      Diane Abacus says “The Tories think people in social housing are second-class citizens”

      Sorry Mrs! Half the people in that tower were NOT even 3rd class citizens.
      Illegal immigrants have no rights as citizens. None.


  24. Deborahanother says:

    So I thought I’d tune in to Radio 3 for a bit of Benjamin Britten on my I pad and Lo and behold you now have to sign in.
    Im sure others have probably mentioned this so sorry if I’m repeating .But I think its a blooming cheek. I have a license although I rarely watch or listen to the BBC these days. I am not giving them any more of my personal details so they can target me for more of their rubbish.Stuff their I player.

    I can listen on my radio but how long before they find a way of controlling access to that.


    • GCooper says:

      Well said, Deborahanother. I started getting ‘warnings’ that I would have to provide details a couple of weeks ago and the moment it switched over to being compulsory, I stopped listening to Radio 3 on my phone.

      Particularly as radio is supposed to be unencumbered by the Licence Fee, this is an outrageous data grab by the Corporation. I do hope people do what we have done and leave them to rot.


  25. Tabs says:

    I was watching BBC News channel about 5:15pm today. The presenter had a MASSIVE smile on her face talking about Corbyn going to Glastonbury. Then a piss poor Skype like live linkup to their smiling man at Glastonbury saying the crowds to see Corbyn were “huge… some of the biggest ever”. Back to the studio and the presenter still had a massive smile like a kid on Christmas morning.

    Then as she talked about the other news the smile went back to the classic sad newsreader face.

    No bias there then!


    • theisland says:


    • BRISSLES says:

      Tabs….Then a piss poor Skype like live linkup ……

      These live link-ups from studio to outside tend to fail on a daily basis. We put a man on the moon nearly 50 (FIFTY) YEARS AGO ! and yet when ever there is outside commentary to the studio either the sound or the picture disappears. God on a bike, in some cases its a few metres down the road, and the anchor says “we’ve lost the sound ” or ” we appear to have lost so-and-so’s report”. Millions of pounds worth of technical equipment and then some’ones forgot to put a shilling in the meter !


  26. Soapbox says:

    Can you imagine the furore there would have been if the PM or Boris et al had turned up at Glastofest and harangued the audience?? Corbustbyn is brain-washing our young people. Wake up, all of you!!!

    Maybe Juncker should have been invited???

    The EU are so damned frit about the UK leaving their precious club. They are going to lose money, lose face and much else besides. If they carry on being so ungracious and unfair, TM should just pull out NOW! Stuff them…we’ll get on just fine without them.

    Courage, my friends!


  27. Caversham says:

    Saint Jezza at Glastonbury:


    “That the Labour leader was given a rock star welcome was, perhaps, unsurprising at the overwhelmingly left-leaning music festival.”

    Funny, isn’t it, that the BBC finds the funds to broadcast at an “overwhelmingly left-leaning” music festival. Guido reports that Radio 1 put out a tweet that was subsequently deleted – for once, even they knew they’d gone too far.

    (First post – after making several complaints, I thought I’d search the web to find out if other people were sickened by the BBC. A few, it seems…)


    • theisland says:


      • Yob says:

        The BBC are in heaven about this…Momentum targeting and manipulating impressionable kids by bringing an incompetent imbecile down to Glastonbury to see them…..No wonder the BBC are so keen to cover the event, as they’re probably in league with the Trots of Momentum indoctrinating the next generations with their sickening hard left wing hate.


        • nogginator says:

          “bringing an incompetent imbecile down to Glastonbury to see them”
          Oh my apologies, I didn t realise, who was it?
          May, Davis, Rees Mogg …. Hammond perhaps?
          Boris? the deluded do say he has a common touch


      • G.W.F. says:

        According to Guido the BBC have removed this from their Radio 1 Twitter account. It was aimed at the yang people



      • Lobster says:

        I like the “Thatcher’s Gold ” carton on the counter! Oh, the irony!


        • pertelote says:

          re theisland’s 7.51 p.m. post above:- Thatcher’s Gold! in prime position in that pic..brilliant (not!!) control of the photo opportunity by the corbynistas/corbynistasi.
          That daft old f*cker!!..what an o.g.? – priceless!

          I “literally” (no just figuratively lol) pissed myself laughing. What an asshole that guy is! Quelle surprise!

          As @COLRICHARDKEMP says ..he ignored our armed forces day celebrations and went for a “jolly with the wallies”.
          Corbyn is a scumbag f*ckwit of the highest order and allegedly a traitor to boot!?:

          Everyone should read that piece..this could (but thankfully never will be) the next PM!

          P.S. “CORBYN” – Transferred use of the English surname derived from the Old French corbin (a raven)..he should be at home in the Tower of London!

          “He should be charged with treason” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-wBxzgimG8


          • Pullyourselftogether says:

            I’m going to share that article on Corbyn and his vile activities. Yes he should be in the Tower. Despicable – I just hope the youth wake up.


            • Grant says:

              Corbyn is a moron. Does he really think that young people enjoy being patronised by useless old has-beens like him ? Wanker of the first order !


      • tomo says:

        Oh yeah… the Workers Beer Company ?

        That’ll be £8.50 for the burger mate


      • BRISSLES says:

        As I don’t possess a mobile phone that has a camera, (use a proper camera), do tell, do all the sheep that hold up their phones at every opportunity actually look at the millions of photos they take ?? Because when I’ve asked friends and acquaintances the same question, a sort of glazed look comes across their face – followed by a shoulder shrug. Older folk however do bore me rigid with flick-up photos of their offspring and grandchildren – and then I get the glassy eyed look !!!!


        • Deborahanother says:

          Its an interesting question Brissles.I prefer hard copy photos in an album .We get them out regularly and look back over them .
          I have a friend who records everything on her mobile and I have no idea where she stores them.She does it everywhere and anywhere.If I were to ask her for a copy she wouldn’t have a clue.

          I hate having my picture taken so its very irritating but she just laughs it off as though I’m a bit odd.


        • Deborahanother says:

          Its an interesting question Brissles.I prefer hard copy photos in an album .We get them out regularly and look back over them .
          I have a friend who records everything on her mobile and I have no idea where she stores them.She does it everywhere and anywhere.If I were to ask her for a copy she wouldn’t have a clue.

          I hate having my picture taken so its very irritating but she just laughs it off as though I’m a bit odd.


        • Deborahanother says:

          Its an interesting question Brissles.I prefer hard copy photos in an album .We get them out regularly and look back over them .
          I have a friend who records everything on her mobile and I have no idea where she stores them.She does it everywhere and anywhere.If I were to ask her for a copy she wouldn’t have a clue.

          I hate having my picture taken so its very irritating but she just laughs it off as though I’m a bit odd.


        • Deborahanother says:

          Its an interesting question Brissles.I prefer hard copy photos in an album .We get them out regularly and look back over them .
          I have a friend who records everything on her mobile and I have no idea where she stores them.She does it everywhere and anywhere.If I were to ask her for a copy she wouldn’t have a clue.

          I hate having my picture taken so its very irritating but she just laughs it off as though I’m a bit odd.


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Ok Deborahanother. We believe you. What you tell us four times is true


            • Lobster says:

              I’ve had that problem a few times recently, and I’ve had to go back and delete the extra posts.
              There must be a glitch in the system I assume.


    • GCooper says:

      Welcome to the resistance, Caversham!


      • Caversham says:

        Thanks, GC. Don’t know who I despise more, at present. Corbyn or Cameron for doing nothing when he had the chance to take on the Beeb. Who’s going to buy his book when he’s finished working on it in his bespoke shepherd’s hut, I cannot fathom.


        • Oaknash says:

          Caversham – Camerons book will be entitled
          I came
          I saw
          And I BOTTLED IT!


          • pertelote says:

            “Camoron”..turned out to be a pathetic piece of merde..an old Etonian is ashamed of the “man”(?).


    • Dave S says:

      One Guardian writer described the Corbyn reception as adoration. Now this is insane. This country is entering a period of insanity where wise counsels will be ignored. I suppose it happens to all countries and societies every so often.
      The Guardian is quite extraordinary. it has thrown any rational discourse out . The BBC is going to follow suit inevitably.
      Corbyn and his adoring acolytes really believe they are in the majority and that they must be given power.
      Look at the Glastonbury crowd. Nearly 100% middle class and very privileged. Also quite insane. A real show of the bodysnatched .
      If it goes on like this we will need a military coup!


      • Sluff says:

        ‘Nearly 100% middle class and very privileged’
        Yes, and with almost no experience of actually paying any tax.


      • Pullyourselftogether says:

        I agree. Champagne socialists and students all in one place. I work full-time, have all my 61 yrs. on quite low wages. I would have to think twice before shelling out £300 for a ticket and £7 for a pint.
        Ludicrous show of capitalism which is ironic really as Corbyn is a Communist – or is it??


    • Oaknash says:

      Jeremy is Jesus
      And Jesus is Jeremy – they even have the same beard
      Maybe he is the red Santa with his sack always full of goodies. I am sure Diane would agree.

      Though personally I think the Pied Piper of Hamelinn is closer to the mark.

      Lets hope the yoof realise that in all truth they are following rats!


  28. Some_People_are_Saying... says:

    Matlis’s ‘Bilbo Baggins seeing the ring again’ moment


    • Dave S says:

      Hilarious. Maitlis has no understanding of what the word really means. None of them do. But this country is full of millions of men and women who never need to use that word because they are instinctively loyal to England and for generations have never failed to do what is necessary to protect the land and it’s people.
      Millions of us have such men and women in the past generations of our families and if this woman and the rest of them think that this is nothing then they will have to learn the lesson the hard way in the end.


      • Oaknash says:

        Well said Dave – I have always thought that living in a relatively rich and stable democracy most people have no idea how thin the veneer of “civilisation ” truly is .
        As a society we have become fat, complacent and decadent and totally unaware of the dangers we are importing into our midst.
        It seems to me to be reminiscent of the 1930 s where denial and appeasement were the only game in town.
        And if we value the freedoms that we have, I fear that yet again we will be looking to the same old Tommy Atkins to help our middle class snowflakes out of the same self created mess they allowed to happen in the 1930s.
        Maybe all the “children” running around ” Glasters” with flowers in their hair should also remember that the rape of Tommies kids was ignored for over twenty years. If he chooses to turn his back this time – who can blame him?


      • pertelote says:

        coming soon to a town near you..sooner than you think.


    • pertelote says:

      Bilbo..nah..she’s Gollum…and her hair is f*ckin’ disgrace..same barber shop as “Lily the Pink Allen”
      ..ffs.with their money you’d think they could do better wouldn’t you?


      • pertelote says:


        Maitliss in 5 years time! LOL!!
        ..dunno what it is she’s chewing?..looks fishy to me?…allegedly our EM’s been stalked …can’t think for the life of me why!!?…someone looking for Gollum?..in search of the ring?
        another beeboid idiot!


  29. Lock13 says:

    If you were down to your last tenner and the bet was which one of these is a bloke
    (a) Charlie Stayt
    (b) Michelle Obama

    What would you bet on? I’d go for Michael Obama


  30. tomo says:

    BBC Radio 1 at Glastonbury

    Deleted Tweet ?


  31. theisland says:

    Take back control of our territorial waters

    Increase our navy and our border force.



    • gb123 says:

      Message to EU Fisheries Alliance. We use aircraft as well as ships you pillock. That’s how we decimated the U boats.


      • theisland says:

        Good point. Increase all our forces.


        • Grant says:

          They will soon get the message once a few boats have been sunk, but our gutless politicians won’t have the balls to do it.


    • tomo says:

      He might change his tune if all the corrupt EU fishing bureaucrats get ratted out.

      The smell from the corruption is worse than any rotting fish


  32. Al Shubtill says:

    This is an excellent discussion between Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray, about his latest book; it is an hour long but well worth the watch.


    • Caversham says:

      Thanks, it is worth it. Apologies, somehow I managed to hit report button by mistake – far too easy to do. (New to site.)


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Well worth an hour of anybodys time. So unlike anything you could ever see on British television.
      Feel that the West is stuffed unless it knows its bible (and Jesus new testament bits ) better that Muslims know their take on Jesus in the coran.
      Both Mark and Douglas won`t think this, but they do allude to being christian by culture and birthplace.
      Think they need that enlightement to follow renaissance and reformation.
      Only when such urbane and civilised clever blokes renew their need to know why Jesus goes across both the new testament and the coran-and how to compare his image and actions-will Islam slink off as a malign influence here. If not, then it`ll be islam at the point of the sword.


  33. Sluff says:

    It seems that we have a little victory.
    A couple of weeks back, I mentioned an article by Alison Graham, in the Radio Times no less, expressing annoyance with bBBC over-emotional reporters – emoting rather than giving us facts, and sounding like ‘ peripatetic chief mourners’.
    Well, knock me down with a feather. Two letters in this week’s edition agree, and the the editor then writes ‘quite a few of you joined the chorus cheering Alison for last week’s column’.

    When even the bBBC’s own can see the problem, I’d say the bias was proven.


    • StewGreen says:

      Let’s have context for Nick Lowles tweets below where he calls them “football lads”
      Earlier he labelled them hooligans in 2 tweets


  34. Yob says:

    Can anyone educate me as to why Nick Lowles of Hope not Hate has a problem with the two pictures in his upcoming Tweets?….What does this ardent hero of “Anti Fascism” see that I can’t?


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Nowhere near “diverse” enough – too damned white!


    • nogginator says:

      “Football Lad” Mohan Singh, no time to talk football though eh! Nick the prick
      as well you know
      Far too important the message … together we are strong – unite against extremism
      Looks like another one of your “own goals” Mr Lowles
      1/10 – must try harder



      • Oaknash says:

        I am sure that it wont be long before “Mayor” Khan will be denouncing this bloke as some sort of Uncle Tom.

        The left take for granted the support of anyone from a efnic background as a given. Also much credit must be given to Mo for addressing this particular audience – which because of the “football supporter” backgrounds do not always the reputation of being tolerant of individuals.

        Excellent speech by this guy. And what he has said is true. All of us who have identified and wish to do something about the threat to our society posed by radical Islam must now start to stick together because our Government appear more than happy to sit back and let our tolerant and free culture be swept away on the alter of political correctness.

        The irony also struck me that this demonstration of mainly working class people were showing their support for a free society whilst the nice kidz were all at “Glasters” dancing and worshiping Jeremy who if elected will take this PC/controlling state to the next level.

        Strange world!


        • seismicboy says:

          People who have got time to spare attending anti-right, anti-phobia, anti-everything protest marches should be put to work…………………replacing cladding on dodgy tower blocks would be a good place to start.


        • oldcrone says:

          …. and can anybody tell me what action has followed on from “enough is enough” ??


          • gaxvil says:

            That was the point – just saying, ‘enough’ is was quite, ‘enough’ of a response – job done.


      • Manxman says:

        Absolutely brilliant thinking uniting all football fans, now thats what i call networking, unite the working class, just great great strategy, he is quite cute the tommy lad, as in streetwise, turning the tables on the PC crowd is great to watch, using their own dumb emotive naming of their marches etc.


    • StewGreen says:

      Nick Lowles must have photoshopped those images cos the Guardian says there were only 50 people there.
      I also saw antifa on Twitter posting photos of the previous Embankment march and saying they were photos from yesterday.


  35. StewGreen says:

    R5 Edwina Currie is on
    “Yeh these people who have paid £238 each for Glastonbury are cheering Corbyn…. the hypocrisy”
    Yep I suppose they are all are suffering under so-called austerity


    • Chris says:

      Ticket payments come from student loans, so in effect, they will get to Glastonbury for free if he is successfully voted in.


  36. StewGreen says:

    Mersey Inland container ship is manned by Ukrainian staff and Philippine crew
    on the container ship whose daily route is just up and down Manchester Ship canal everyday
    No one seemed to bat an eyelid.
    That was on the Paxman repeat on More4.
    Are UK Maritime Union pay packages so generous that they have priced themselves out of the market ?


    • Sluff says:

      I saw that too.
      Isn’t it weird how all these years of austerity seem to continue to attract so many immigrants.?


  37. StewGreen says:

    Again I ask are Conservatives being blackmailed
    Why do they deliberately want to lose ?
    I wouldn’t ruleout Dianne Abbott’s c*ckups as some kind of clever double bluff.
    But what about
    #1 Boris the other day on the Radio ..did he deliberately fluff ??
    #2 Why did the Conservatives use the gross amount £350m on their VoteLeave bus, if not as a deliberate mistake ?
    UKIP never used that number
    #3 Why do the Conservatives just accept that under 18s belong to Labour ? Why don’t they do anything like explain they are the party that doesn’t want to leave debt for the kids.
    #4 Why did they call what is a “graduate high earners tax” , “a student loan” therefore stirring fear ?


    • Oaknash says:

      Stew – Its Labours turn for power next


    • Manxman says:

      It is some kind of International blackmail on them Stew, thats the only sense i can make of it, one thing is set in stone internationally,
      National governments alone are powerless to step off the path to islamisation of their Countries.
      Theres more to the alternative energy drive global warming etc than just politics and gravy training, its about energy independence at any cost, and thats a shit stinky finger point to international blackmail.

      And then along came Trump, the Independent for all intent and purpose, punching a f/cking great hole in the path.


  38. StewGreen says:

    New Moon was not properly sighted tonight
    ….. so Muslims will be holding their joint Eid/Brexit parties Sunday night instead.

    There was a bit on controversy about the clerics umming and ahhing
    “Shambolic behaviour tbh and being a young Muslim looking up to this behaviour shows immaturity!”


  39. boohanna says:

    Phew, good to see St Obama, The Apostle of Light, see it the same way as Trump.


    • StewGreen says:

      He’s a poshboy, we don’t need a president anyway , we need a team.
      If the team was not all poshboys he’d be a good part of it.


  40. taffman says:

    What, not Manchester again !……………….


  41. taffman says:

    “What happens to pets?”
    Is it fair to keep pets in high rise flats?


    • BlackCountryWench says:

      This is currently a big worry for me, I live in a tower block with some cladding on it, our council sent a letter saying that it was safe and repeating West Mids Fire Service advice to stay in your flat if there is a fire.

      I have cat and dog and they are part of my family, I couldn’t imagine not having them, they are both used to living in a flat, I wouldn’t allow a cat of mine to go outside with busy roads and the horrific stories you read about attacks on cats. My Westie has lived in a flat from 8 weeks old and is taken out regularly both in our communal garden and for walks.

      If the council decide that the cladding we have on the block is dangerous and we have to evacuate, then it’s additional stress worrying about my pets and stressful for them potentially having to be fostered somewhere else.

      If it does happen, then I’m seriously considering staying in our flat and taking my chances.

      It is stressful though, and it’s making me not want to live here anymore even though I have always loved living here.


  42. RGP says:

    Just saw this, Hezbollah to march in London on Sunday?


    • G.W.F. says:

      But far far far right speakers from the Netherlands and Poland were held at the port and not allowed to attend
      the anti extremist demonstrations in the UK
      Well done Amber and Treezer.
      Suck up to the London Mayor and Islam


  43. Sluff says:

    Can you imagine the indignation, the howls of anguish, if the the Grenfell tower and subsequent discoveries about cladding fire safety was all in the private sector?
    Corbyn and the LeftMob would be apoplectic.
    Tory Kensington and Chelsea got it in the neck politically.
    But it turns out that Camden and elsewhere have been doing the same thing, they just have not add an exploding fridge to set the thing off. Labour councils get no mention at all.

    So here we have a classic example of public sector incompetence including from Labour councils.
    And what do we hear on this aspect from the biased BBC?


  44. AsISeeIt says:

    A nation divided – Glasto v Armed Forces Day – and we know which side the BBC are on
    Our BBC Breakfast show double act this morning are no Morecombe and Wise or indeed Laurel and Hardy – more like More-combed and Dumb or Rest-on-her-laurels and Hardly-a-man.
    Admittedly it’s all about as consequential as the fluff and other strange matter you tend find in your ears and various body cavities in the morning but.. Hell, I’m watching because we’re paying for this dross. Don’t forget this show is carefully pitched toward (though not watched by) the masses – especially the mums and the kids. And, those little off-the-cuff remarks and casual insights into BBC office culture are priceless.
    Christian Fraser is one of the fresh-faced electric blue suit wearing Macron fan boys, his stable income coming from playing stable lad clutching bucket and brush to posh lady Katy Kay dressage queen bee prancing up and down Rotten Row on BBC Trump hit job “100 Days” now festering on at a Licence Funded TV near you as “100 Days Plus” (or let’s bash Theresa and Brexit).
    Talking of show ponies Rachel Burden is an honoured graduate of the poncey prancing professor Nicky Campbell’s Radio 5 Live – her plastic Paddy credentials winning her entry to the Salford school of phone-in monkey business. Famously she takes the relocation but rents out her London bubble home because house prices are sure to keep bubbling up faster in the capital. Woman of the people.
    Newspaper review time and gosh do we love wimmin’s cricket – even though the England team are a bit rubbish. No matter, our guest paper reviewer is an India supporter and this is such good news because it will do so much for the status of women in India – apparently not the most progressive place in the world as far as the female sex are concerned. Wow, that’s an accusation you don’t hear a lot from the BBC about certain other eastern societies. Got me thinking – you remember that ancient Hindu custom of Suttee – this will make you laugh… like Calcutta is now Kolkata and Bombay is now Mumbles or someplace, well Suttee, the custom whereby a widow self-immolates herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband… that’s now called Sati. Should have been renamed Sooty. We British stamped that out, don’tcha know. Lucky we hadn’t all these American liberal campus PC views in those far off days – blimey, we might have culturally appropriated the custom. Brendan Cox should be thanking his lucky stars. I digress, but you see if only we had a bit more cultural fibre in the west like we used to have we might have the will to stamp out such things as FGM.
    Go west young man… and woman… and LBJ… or whatever the latest US PC import… go west to Glastonbury. BBC Breakfast tells me Corbyn got mainly cheers and just a few boos – for BBC balance. “It’s a mainly Left-Wing place” – there’s an admission from the sofa.
    And to end on an actual revelation: our nice Indian ladies cricket supporting paper reviewer – well, he turned down a Glasto access all areas ticket (the rest of his family are all down there, natch) just to meet his sofa commitment. His brother-in-law is the drummer from Radiohead. My TV head is about to explode.


    • Manxman says:

      wow wimmins sport for 12 months a year now with footy and cricket, who would of thought thats wimmins sport would have exploded to climate change proportions in popularity.

      Cant wait for the burkakini volleyball season.


  45. G says:

    Marr’s opening remarks today. Was I mistaken, did I misconstrue? but in his preamble to the programme, he compared Corbyns popularity with Treezer and in doing so, commented (or some such similar), “……….we have a Conservative Government UNFORTUNATELY……..”. Setting the trend, again, for a heavily biased BBC prog. no doubt.


    • Sluff says:

      An important post this.
      I checked on iplayer and you are absolutely right.
      They no longer even attempt to be impartial.
      Concrete evidence of bias, one to keep in the files.


  46. StewGreen says:

    Repeat of Countryfile
    AKA LondonC*nts-try to push MetroBubble propaganda
    Item #1 Hay Festival : is that countryside ..more like Islington decamped to Herefordshire.
    Item #2 Organics : ‘Why didn’t they live up to the big predictions ?’ *
    Item #3 Writerman with Countryfile’s new black presenter
    Item #4 The Countryfile Calendar project ..which is basically like a huge advert which takes up a good part of the show each week.
    So far not seen any real farmers in the episode.

    1989 John Craven : “One prediction is by year 2000 20% of British farming will be organic”
    …. Well it never made it that high and now has fallen back to 3%
    (I wonder how much crop is non-organic cos it goes straight into power stations anyway)


    • StewGreen says:

      Other items were drawing, Hay luvvies, Driest Winter ever, drones , adders and eating venison.


  47. StewGreen says:

    10am BBC1 #bbcSML is also presented by Countryfile’s new Token black guy ! *
    And he’ll be talking about “far right extremism”
    + ” how we should react in the aftermath of terror. **
    + is cosmologist Stephen Hawking right in his view that we need to be planning for a future in space?”
    (With Sarah Cruddas space journalist)
    + First disabled actor to play Richard III (I don’t actually believe that)
    + Abortion law
    ** “After the attack both Muslims and Far Right took to the internet to stir up division”
    … How ever misguided either are I don’t think their intension was to “stir up division”
    Thank God Spiked Tom Slater is on also.

    * I’ve nothing against Sean Fletcher personally, but it seems like an Eddy Murphy effect
    TV/Film producer : “Let’s get a non-white , what about Eddy Murphy?”
    – Co presenter is Emma”I love Jo Cox” Barnett


    • Grant says:


      I don’t remember seeing many black people in the countryside outside Africa !


    • StewGreen says:

      Talking about hate crime they portray it as only Islamophobia
      ..They haven’t mentioned the white nursery school teacher being attacked or other attacks by ethnic-Muslims

      Tom Slater handing the debate well
      “Actual attacks should be put into context with abusive tweets”
      Other guest Irish immigrant guest @RuthDE, was good also
      Muslim @shaistaAziz and Chip -on-shoulder @BenHCarrington ..were the ones stirring up division almost saying tweets are as bad as terrorism.

      “We have to understand other cultures ..so here’s our item about Ramadam
      ..look we have a white lady (South African accent) who is not a Muslim but is fasting out of solidarity”


      • StewGreen says:

        “why are there anti Semitic demonstrations by the Palestinians?
        This is NOT publicized?
        And why is this allowed??”


      • StewGreen says:

        Talk about BBC moving the issue
        – Never mind that recent grooming gang attacks are brushed aside when media talk about
        so called “hate crime”

        – Never mind that the Koran denigrates non- Abrahamic as subhumans
        Is preaching it not hate crime ?

        If Sun and Mail are accused of stirring hate, I wonder how Muslim media handled the reporting of hate crimes/attacks PERPETRATED BY ethnic Muslims ?


        • StewGreen says:

          If only there was a way to simply stop the “hatecrime” spikes that happen after every Islamist terrorist attack.
          …. Oh yeh you could stop the terrorism in the first place.


          • Doublethinker says:

            There is a very way. Only accept hate crimes when there is evidence that the crime took place and isn’t just made up by the so called victim.


    • G says:

      I hope the black one will be provided by his paymasters the BBC airtime to tell the viewer how farming is getting on in South Africa and Zimbabwe.


  48. boohanna says:

    Oh deary me. I wonder how the BBC will spin this?

    Ignore it is my best guess.



    • G says:

      The liberal left’s multikulti dream is rapidly evaporating before our eyes. I wish it would get a move on!


    • Doublethinker says:

      The police chief will be buried by the media and politicians. The denial of the political and media class is absolute , they will never , can never, admit that mass immigration, which is the bitter fruit of their crackpot policies, is giving rise to an existentialist crisis for western civilisation. Until people in Sweden, France, Holland , Germany, Austria etc use their votes to support leaders who will tackle the problem, the current elites will stick their collective heads deeper and deeper in the sand , condemning us all to Islamification. The situation in the UK is even worse than in those countries listed above, wehave NO political party willing to take on Islam and have the potential to put Corbyn in power who will fling open our borders to the whole of the third world. Unless the people of one of the above countries finds the courage to vote against their elite no action will be taken. The only bright spot is in the east of Europe where the Visegard group are standing firm in their policy of zero Muslim immigration despite threats from Brussels.


    • seismicboy says:

      Now I know what Trump meant when he said ‘look at Sweden’
      Maybe a few more people might be saying the same thing soon.