David Davis talking facts – Marr is lost, so far all of his questions landed like gnat bites
Net 60bn our way on trade makes for a strong hand in my book – we don’t need BMW’s and Volkswagens is kind of the trump card . France making noises what exactly can we not live without from them ?. Brussells offers us …………………………. ah yes that’s right nuffink.
So the EU is going to punish us how exactly BBC?
I’ll put it simply for you BBC somebody is giving you EUR 60 billion now they have said bugger that I’m off – and you (EU) are going I will punish you. Bit like the Black Knight in Monty Python.
Run along EU
Emily Maitliss / BBC traitors to their own Country
Says a lot about Marr really, BBC and the old boy network eh
You know ex “gurner in chief” Paxo, Marr, f-ckin Gollum Davis (shakes head)
just had the misfortune to catch another BBC miscreant “interesting hair” Peston.
Wouldn t bloody pay this crowd in tap washers.
I mean come on, Davis? even Guru Murthy tied him in a knot, and losing it on AQs,
He didn t even know when appointed minister in charge of negotiating Britain’s exit from the European Union how EU trade deals work, in politics Davis is easily rattled. And when he gets rattled, he throws his toys out of the pram and spouts without thinking. Not the qualities we need in a successful Brexit negotiation.
I mean and Murthy isn t up to much
Just watching country file, apart from the knobhead presenters EU fetish, its worth watching just for the realism of the demographic’s all the fairs and shows, it was spot the black-beard time, not one, not a one,…..
It must be absolutely unique bbc programming, a program not dominated by black beard, .ofcourse the guy with the mike interviewing was the only none white face, the bbc’s diversity guy.
Christ those countrysiders have got a rude awakening coming their way over the next decade.
It maybe the kind of place triggered resistance takes place, i dont think those people will mix well with sharia.
The far far far right march in London. According to the lefties they are Nazis To me they look like ordinary British people who know how to conduct themselves with dignity.
If I were you Treezer, I would listen to these guys and tell your Toy Boy Emir to piss off and stop accepting his advice.
Watch the march in the latter half of the video.
Far right extremists my arse. Obviously ignored by the BBC
Why is no-one surprised that there was no mention of this massive, new development in the MSM?
This is a wonderful idea.
Hope the Football Lads Alliance choose to ensure that this continues into the grounds when the teams meet in the new season.
Imagine lefty wankers like Lineker having to explain away the chants about no Islam in this country, if it results in Borough Market etc. Would really screw the sponsors and the PC police can hardly arrest 50, 000 blokes can they?
Be great to hear the BBC having to talk over the chants, and even better to see the shallow phoney tribal rivalry between London clubs dissolve into a united stand against sporting PC crap and the BBC/Football family that creat these divisions. Save your tears for the 22 kids and mums killed at Ariana Grande,,,,not some relegation shit with one set of millionaires getting swapped with another. These lads are REALLY onto something seismic if they make sure this is no close season reflex, but a significant show of unity that Islam, Remainers and the BBC have brought into necessity.
If the rise of Shariah displaces the crap over the offside rule for a season-we can stuff Islam and the Hornby Footy Family into their box.
We all know Anglophobia is rife in this country. It oozes from every single media pore. On the positive side it gives us a better insight into how Jews feel.
Has anyone checked the fire safety of W1A. I hope not. Better to leave them alone, I doubt they’d want to be ecavucated and then have to share rooms in Kensington with those from Grenfell Tower. It’s very safe and so easy to look at the camera or speak into a microphone and tell everyone how much we love Islam but actually get them to move in with them and watch their attitudes switch real fast.
See the Mail saying that Marr gets £600k a year and Lineker gets £1.8m a year from us courtesy of the Licence Fee – well that’s money well spent – no wonder they both have sold their souls to the cause . Oh then we have Graham Norton how much do we pay him to do a talkshow? the mind boggles. £2m
I personally do not want a penny of my money going to these people if they are so good let’s do subscription eh BBC see how much money you see pouring in – no thought not
I bet they are all ‘self-employed’ or limited companies for ‘tax advantages’. And they had the brass neck to report on the Panama Papers in that nauseating holier-than-thou way that they do. I want to see a freedom of information request on those c_nts.
Beauty Broadcasting Corp. milking Brexit for all its worth. They treat it like they’re assiduously wringing out a dirty dishcloth.
BBC Politics – Welsh politics – interview Lord Kerr – he, apparently of writing Article 50 fame. He tells the viewer that within the 2 years notice required by Art.50 it is possible to reverse our decision.
Who has suggested that Art.50 be reversed? Nobody, that is apart from the VTTFarron et al and the BBC who are anxious to show the people that they erred in voting for Brexit, and how easy it would be to eat humble pie and support a reversal. Oh, and by-the-way, take a look at Wiki in relation to Lord Kerr – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerr_(diplomat)#Views_on_the_UK_leaving_the_EU_.28.22Brexit.22.29
Seems he thinks, “…native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.” Who is that speaking? Lord of Lord’s Kerr or as a, Trustee of the Refugee Council or perhaps as, Chairman of the Centre for European Reform.
My own personal view is that since we have already, for decades, suffered an “injection” of mainly islamic “young people” which contributes nothing whatever to our lives, Lord Kerr should simply shut up. Slight correction in my last sentence: in fact young islamicists have (and will continue) to bring their culture to us as every MI5 officer will know.
UKIP’s points based immigration policy seems popular with Mensa members, as long as its based on IQ points.
It reduces immigration numbers, while also keeping out the rife raff. It would also favour Jews, Orientals and Europeans.
As for Britain’s unintelligent, poorly educated lazy young people. The introduction of more Grammar Schools could solve this problem. As for Lord Kerr, the East Europeans seem more intelligent because Eastern Europe is much more whiter than Britain, and also with the equivalent of our Grammar Schools, intelligent children do not need rich parents, to pay for them to be sent to Schools for intelligent children. So with Grammar Schools, intelligent children could be better educated, and therefore appear more intelligent, as these children find more intellectually challenging education more exiting, and therefore this produces less lazy looking children. For instance, children could be taught about the bad practical results of Marxism in the 20th Century, not just the wonderful fantasies of the theory of Marxism taught in the 19th and 21st Century. That may help them to make a more wise decision when considering whether to vote Labour, or not. Also I was told that the reason that Singapore has the best education system in the world is that Singapore obtained independence from Britain just in time. Before the Labour Party could fucked up education in the colony, by introducing the progressive education techniques that fucked up education in Britain.
Ah! Richard, I was living there in the time of Lee Kwan yu’s leadership: what a man! A true visionary “Leader” with a capital “L”. I used to argue with my Singaporean Chinese colleagues who would grumble incessantly about Lee. They did’nt know. They did’nt know or understand how the Liberal West was moving in the eighties’ and in comparison, they had a paradise the size of the Isle of Wight where (at that time) 2.5 million souls lived in harmony. Fond memories. Pity a Lee Kwan yu sort of leader is not to be found over here. Only comment I had about Singapore was its musical orchestras – always out of tune………….
Since posting above, I recall during my time, despite objections, he had the US Ambassadors son, ‘flogged’ for graffiti (or spitting on the sidewalk). Can’t remember which. But I never forgave him though for demolishing Bugis Street…………………… This Wiki info does not do Bugis Street the justice it deserved as the most atmospheric eating location – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugis,_Singapore
Even now I can recall the aroma’s. (and the melee of rats scrapping with the wild cats over morsels of food under the tables the former as large as the latter!)
Why are Lib Dems so dim?
Poor Dim Tim….feel sorry for him ..really I do..
Not so Clegg!!!!
Now we have soft shoe shuffler Vince “Nijinsky” Cable standing up to the barr
patent leather shoes at the ready desperate to be the new leader .
BBC will love him…
On a more serious note..
Why does the BBC despise us..the licence payers?
Their bread and butter!!!!
Sweden first, pick off the weakest and biggest insult to Allah with its sub-human all feminist government without the weaponry or will to defend itself, until they start flying and dying en-mass.
When they have the country totally secured it will by used as a forward arms supply base to arm thousands of other various size militias and future militias, and at some point they will attempt to take counties from the inside as an army, even if it is town by town, city by city, one explosion of violence after another, they will drive us off the land and into the sea.
Future historians will be heavy hearted in their writings on Sweden, the message that Sweden sends to even the dumbest euro liberal will be hard to suppress, it maybe the ballot box catalyst.
Sweden was the jewel in the collectivist crown, from top to bottom, the perfect example of equalitity and multi-culti, and now a grotesque lesson from history, a broken burned out monument to insanity.
We all tend to describe islamicists as having a ‘culture’ but it’s one of those words that has lost its true meaning. In the context of radical islam it has all the comparative relevance of a moral standard with Jeremy Corbyn.
Culture refers to intellectual or artistic achievement, a refined appreciation of the arts, the customs and achievements of a civilisation or group – which only confirms the word’s total irrelevance to modern islam, despite what the fan club would have us believe.
I’d guess it started with German ‘Kultur’ being derided around the time of WWI – but this was simply anti propaganda, with Goethe, Heine, Beethoven, Brahms and many others providing powerful and incontrovertible counter arguments. By comparison you could say that the only significant Muslim contribution to the world’s ‘culture’ has been the introverted, self-indulgent and entirely counter-productive work of Salman Rushdie, and look what good that’s done him, and us, as a result.
He said it signalled that Britain’s diplomatic clout had waned after the vote for Brexit.”
Who the fuck cares about the Chagos Islands? The bbc do because they can put the boot in about colonialism, brexit and give Britain pariah status all in one go.
It all fits.
On the BBC homepage, news homepage, uk homepage, England homepage they are headlining the same story:
Headline on BBC homepage: Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
Headline on BBC news homepage: “Six Hurt after Car Hits People; A child is critical hurt and a woman held after a car runs into people marking the end of Ramadan in Newcastle” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news
Headline on BBC uk homepage: Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk
Headline on BBC England homepage: “Six Hurt after Car Hits People; A child is critical hurt and a woman held after a car runs into people marking the end of Ramadan in Newcastle” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england
So it looks like another hate crime against British Muslims? In the report the person driving the car is described as a “42 year old woman”. DIg further and you find “One eyewitness said: “From what I understand, [a woman who had been at prayer] was about to leave in her car and I believe she lost control.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-40397028
So a Muslim woman lost control of her own car as she was leaving a mosque – a simple car accident. But all the BBC headlines give the impression of another hate crime against British Muslims and another story of British Muslims as victims.
Let me see how I can frame this story differently but on the islamic basis. Having recalled just recently that any accident in the Middle East between local and Westerner resulted in the Westerner being blamed whether right or wrong. It worked on the simple basis that, had you not been in their country, the accident would not have happened. So, to the immediate situation: muslim on muslim – she had just collected the car from a service carried out by a white mechanic working for a white company. Yet more: She alleges that the white mechanic sabotaged her car to simply discriminate and that’s, wait for it, ‘Islamophobic’ is it not? There that’s straightened that out.
According to Fraser Nelson on the Marr programme today, Andrea Leadsom was speaking off the record in suggesting that the BBC is politically biased. The Tory media elite did not give her clearance to discuss this.
My view on this is that the Tories need to sack the Tory media elie who are clearly closet ‘Lefties’. I have always found it difficult to understand just how fawning of the BBC the Tories seem to be. Completely weak.
On Peston, Rees Mogg made a remark about how the BBC could learn from Peston (who was showing the British flag). Good old Rees Mogg. Never fails to deliver.
Pritti Patel was asked by the very useless Sophie Ridge if she thought that the media broadcasters including Sky was biased against Brexit.
Sadly Pritti Patel proceeded to let the side down and provided no answer, in effect suggesting that it is the job of the media to ask difficult questions!
A golden opportunity missed.
The Tories need to start fighting back against the Left wing broadcasters. Hopefully Andrea’s criticism of the broadcasters will gain momentum.
They just don’t get it do they? Too dim to work out why at the beginning of the election campaign the positions of the two leading parties was as it was – miles apart but with the Cons in the lead. But then, the Most Trusted Broadcaster – (not forgetting that accolade is “Worldwide”), took a hand in massaging Corbyns image and policies: framing them for public consumption (including a health warning for those children having just registered to vote). Incrementally, the polls narrowed. So, I say, with the BBC backing and support it was ‘Labour wot won it’. And, post the event, the BBC are still on a high – as shown – Glastonbury. Didn’t help with the ‘disMAYing’ Treezer shooting herself in the foot (both). Further evidence (if it was needed yet again) that, “a bird in hand, is worth two in the bush”. Pity the ‘advising’ children tucked away in a small room in No.10 didn’t understand these centuries old adages do actually work.
Mogg is an honourable exception in a world of useless Tory politicians. Clearly the Tories have been told not to criticise the lefty biased media in interviews, especially the BBC. Why? I can only think that their perception is that it will be considered sour grapes by the electorate. Maybe or maybe not but I think that the alternative of doing nothing is worse. The drip drip of MSM bias is definitely working . The GE showed that.
Grant,G and England Expects, I’m as angry with the youth as I am the BBC. Corbyn changed his manifesto the day before the election to include the eradication of student fees at a cost of 12 billion to the deficit. A clear case of purchasing votes without any thought of deliverance.
It seemed to be a clincher. This was also the reason I believe why so many of the middle classes voted Labour as they are the people who have to bail their children out. Noticeably the working classes shifted to the Tories.
Solution 1. Close about 70% of the universities in the next few years prior to an election and return to paid fees. This would shoot the Labour fox.
Solution 2. Tories to grow a spine and start to openly criticise the BBC. Do not allow BBC quislings like Ed Vaizey to appear. Only anti BBC types to appear.
Solution3. I am seriously considering joining the left wing twittersphere in order to start debating/educating our youngsters. I do find their ill educated, bad mannered abuse very annoying though. My blood pressure might go up. The people at unversity are so incredibly thick these days, many years ago when I went to university, the standard was so much higher with intelligent debates taking place. Students better understood the detail of fiscal responsibility.Of course this was very pre Thatcher and Labour were driving us all up the wall, strikes, three day weeks,IMF,trade Union holding the country to ransom because of our Nationalisation programme and the devious liar Wilson winning elections. I will never forgive him for stealing the Aberfan funds.
Your sensible solution of closing the faux universities would shoot two fixes with the same bullet because it would also throw out of work a lot of fourth rate pseudo-academics who litter the profession and do nothing more than preach Marxism.
I would also abolish Saudi money from funding Universities, they use bribes to encourage Universities to support their Wahabbi Islamic agenda. For example, Saudi heavily funds the LSE. This is a place where the political rich can buy a degree without the need to study. Salford Uni openly disobey the law by supporting terrorist groups.One such terrorist from Salford killed many youngsters in Manchester recently. No action is ever taken against the the Universities. Tories need to realise that the Universities are the breedig grounds of dissent, revolution and the Corbynista Labour Party. Grow a spine Tories, just for once. grow a spine and take these institutions on.
Change is needed and needed now.
wronged, may be an unfortunate choice of final word there or did you intend it to have a capital letter? It would be great if Momentum did point out bias at the BBC. Trouble is they can never see beyond ‘evil Tory bias’.
Tweeted without irony by a man who has appeared on Question Time 33 times to spout his racist bilge despite never having been an MP. https://t.co/Ga56k2VSrp
The difference that the fool seems unable to grasp is that Farage can be challenged on Question Time, unlike other progs like HIGNFY.
How many appearances has Will Self (you know, the unelected Professor of Contemporary Thought at Brunel University – that one) made on the BBC overall?
If you haven’t read Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead here is Ellsworth Toohey’s approach to subjugating mankind, written way back in the 1940s – it feels oddly like that of the soft left today. It could be the BBC/Guardian speaking.
Recently I’ve read both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, both books are very relevant to today, although I wonder what Rand would have made of social media.
For all her faults, Ayn Rand did something unthinkable today – she made a major impact as a right-wing philosopher and novelist. It is impossible to think of anyone being able to have a similar influence in American or British academic circles these days, so choking is the far Left’s stranglehold.
also, Ayn Rand is the only succeful woman writer/philosopher the BBC NEVER mentions. Any woman who achieves anything, noo matter how small, in her life is lauded on the BBC as the second coming.
ss, it was through the Beeb R4 that I first heard of Ayn Rand to any great extent. Mind you that was back in the early/mid-noughties before the BBC took a distinct leftward turn and marched two or three steps smartly forward.
How come one never sees the Cabinet Minister for Media and Culture Karen Bradley on the tv?
I have ever seen her once interviewed in a year and I have never seen her deputy Tracey Couch interviewed at all.
Both have interesting CV`s .
When one has such a lame duck leader and flawed senior cabinet figures it would make sense for the Tory party machine to give as many govt ministers as possible some airtime and see if any make a good impression.
She’ll be all over media soon
She’s making the Sky/Fox takeover decision
Searching twitter for “Karen Bradley” culture : shows that she’s been attending tech conferences/schools etc. but media haven’t been reporting on them much.
Culture Secretary Karen Bradley will reveal whether she plans a fuller investigation on the bid by 29 June. https://t.co/aGJO3FRYbE
If it does go ahead it will be with so many restrictions, or in reality checks and balances around news coverage, that the liberal left monopoly of the news agenda will not be affected.
Sorry to say it but Bradley is a nonentity . Overpromoted purely because she’s female. Don’t look to her to sort out the BBC anyway Whittingdale sold the pass already.
Ok, what can be done about situations like this, any form of recourse or complaints procedure?
BBC Presenters (AKA Gary Linekar) whose popularity is sustained by huge salaries funded by the British License payer, showing obvious political BIAS on social media.
He is not posting from official BBC accounts, but his following is maintained by a role on the BBC.
Sorry Chris but there’s nothing you can do. There’s no effective mechanism to control BBC bias let alone that of their highly expensive freelance so-called talent. Doubtless any attempt to restrict their political shenanigans via their contracts would breach the Human Rights Act. Until the BBC goes subscription only you will continue to pay the salaries of people you don’t agree with and who abuse their positions.
I have lodged a complaint anyway, especially as he tweets regarding his personal & family business interests, and uses profane language in some of his tweets. Both of these, (if personal politics don’t count) contravene the BBC editorial guidelines.
His twitter account, although in his own name, is endorsed on the BBC MOTD website and Twitter page.
He is obviously welcome to his own views, but shouldn’t be abusing the audience granted to him, the vast majority of which have been built up due to the exposure provided by the license payer.
Sorry, I’m a bit off piste here re the above. But has anyone thought about fridges ? not the sort that blow-up apparently; but it occurred to me that with the rapid exit of tenants from the tower blocks – within 30 minutes, with the likelihood that a ban to return could be in place for up to 6 weeks, has consideration been given to the contents of all those fridges which will be decidedly iffy by the time they return ? milk and dairy produce – off / meat – definitely off / salad stuff – doesn’t bear thinking about / fish – don’t even go there.
I think the fridge is the least of some of their worries, its what i would do if i was the security services, thats a lorra swabbing and clues to political views all in one place.
All hideously white fridges will be replaced with black or brown ones during the refurbishment. White fridges are regarded as incendiary in these locations.
Jeremy “For the Many speeches about comrades, Not the Few times I criticised them” Corbyn.
I watched a 2012 Al Quds protest with Corbyn and realised what is missing. He sounded nice and sincere, but I realised he does not point out the problem – such as Al Quds celebrated in Pakistan with children (10 years old) marching with rifles to celebrate Al Quds.
I wondered what was different, check out Douglas Murray on Arab TV saying how they are NOT free to express an opinion….then watch Corbyn on a protest speech or on press TV. Very revealing.
Just watching Glastonbury and there seems to be a fenced off area in front of the stage with the best view.
Who is allowed into this area?
Asylum seekers?
The poorest and most vulnerable in our society?
People evacuated from tower blocks?
Economic migrants?
Labour Party apparatchiks?
Familes and friends of the bands or organisers?
The great and good (defined by….?)
By ballot?
Or could it be ability to pay?
Those with their own expensive backstage yurts?
Could it be the few and not the many?
I think we need to know this, so that all the pro-Corbyn egalitarian bollocks can be given the correct valuation on the hypocrisy-ometer.
This year’s Glastonbury festival has turned into something of a spiritual and political awakening of the masses, as Jeremy Corbyn attended the annual arts festival to deliver a speech on unity and hope.
Jeremy was witnessed performing miraculous acts around the festival after his sermon.
“He fed around 5000 of us with some loaves of 50/50 bread and a couple of fish fingers.” said one festival goer. “I haven’t eaten anything but e’s all day. It was great.”
Jeremy further amazed those at the festival by humbly lowering to his knees, removing the muddy wellies and sodden socks of his aides, and washing their feet before they entered his tent for a meal of vegetables from his allotment.
Hundreds of the weekend partiers followed this example, using fresh wipes from the burger vans to wipe mud and cow turd from each other’s feet.
Although several had to be treated in the first aid tents afterwards due to their enthusiastic washing leading to several getting the foul smelling mud in their eyes.
“This just proves only Jezza has the power.” One of the festival goers receiving treatment stated. “I’m sure when he hears of our plight he’ll be right down to heal us.”
We spoke to Tracy, a student who witnessed the Labour leader’s actions close at hand.
She said,
“It might have been the mushrooms, but I’m sure I saw him turning plastic cups full of piss into wine. It was still warm but it was better than the six quid cans of Fosters.”
BBC News – Car strikes pedestrians in Newcastle http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-40397028
BBC News – Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd
BBC News – The Newcastle Eid crash: ‘Everybody was in a panic’
One eyewitness said: “From what I understand, [a woman who had been at prayer] was about to leave in her car and I believe she lost control.
… So BBC nothing to see?
BBC Breaking News – Newcastle latest • 3 children among 6 hurt
… its just a woman in a car
BBC News – car hits people near Westgate Road Eid event
… but, no one sought BBC
BBC News – The Newcastle Incident – Eid celebration: Six hurt as car hits crowd
… BBC its just a woman, nothing to see
BBC News – The Newcastle incident: Footage shows ‘collision’ scene
… so its, obviously going to get disproportionate airtime
If you have an idle minute here’s a little game you can play:-
Look in and around your house and identify anything less than thirty years old that was made in this country. Good luck!
Clearing out our parents’ houses we came across a lot of China ‘Made in England’.
Of course all the potteries are gone now, so to tell you the truth we are really reluctant to ditch it. In consequence our house has boxes of Fine Bone China made in England.
The irony is that, while you cannot even give the stuff away on ebay, at certain charity shops of our aquaintance in touristy areas, these things have value as they are bought by………Chinese visitors.
The other irony is that the snowflake generation never bother to look at the labels, buy on price, and then wonder why so many jobs are at the minimum wage.
My HiFi is British. The speakers in particular, “Harbeth”, are unsurpassed for accuracy IMO. There are others, such as B&W, KEF and ATC. Quad electrostatics are also first class, designed in the UK but sadly now manufactured in the FE.
Happy to admit however that this is not typical.
As it happens, Harbeth speakers are based on BBC research from the 1960s and 70s to produce a compact, neutral studio monitor speaker. The result was the outstanding LS3/5A. Other British manufacturers, Rogers and Spendor (the latter still very much around and also first class), produced models based on the same research. That was when the BBC was a force to be reckoned with.
Does anyone know who commentator “Blackwell” is? Taffman calls him “Scott”. He seems to like to attack individual posters by swearing at them. Is he astroturfing for the BBC? Thanks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing
He has made a number of comments on the first page of this thread. I don’t know how to provide a link to individual comments. I don’t know anything about him – except he seems to not read things carefully, likes to claim the moral high ground, and likes to belittle / swear at people without really engaging in anything that can be described as debate or discussion. That’s my experience and preliminary judgement of him having read three of his comments (two directed at me, and one directed at pounce).
I don’t like swearing. It demonstrates a lack of diction.
People like Scott/Blackwell tend to work for the BBC/Left. No one takes them seriously. After a while of putting up with them, they get zapped.
However, there are a few posters on here who like to have a bit of fun with them first.
I do however, get annoyed with these Scott types when they attack new posters. My advice is to ignore them, they are very insecure and thoroughly unpleasant people.
They will eventually get zapped. I can assure you of that. I’ve zapped a few of them personally. They whinge when they get zapped and I enjoy the whinging very much.
Genuine posters will answer questions as a matter of courtesy.
He will not tell us why he posts here.
Eg. ‘I post here because I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is extremely biased’.
Over to you Blackwell, not hard is it ? ……………..
I ran lorries on the hardest of routes through Eastern Europe to Tukey and beyond . Because I drove myself the admin was in the hands of my mother , a nurse .
She refused to employ females on the grounds that the job was unsuitable for them .
Radio 4’s Feedback discusses the substitution of Jeremy Vine with Ed Miliband.
Then Roger Bolton questions whether ‘Brexiteer’ Ian Duncan Smith, the next substitute, will be able to hold any ‘Brexiteers’ to rigorous account, i.e. he might be unaware of the ‘house rules’. I expect we should be grateful that he even suggests the possibility that a ‘Brexiteer’ might even be given any time on the BBC.
Given that the whole purpose of the referendum was to allow the nation to make the remain/leave decision and that decision was to ‘leave’ there should now be no such thing as a ‘remainer’ or ‘brexiteer’ and Bolton should be demanding of the BBC why it persists in refusing to accept the nation’s decision and why it is actively working to aid foreign powers.
“Big deal, now what? The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) also noted in a report last year that “leaders and governors…. undermine the school’s work to promote fundamental British values,” and “school leaders acknowledge that some guest speakers to the school have not been vetted with sufficient rigour.” This news was a lesser repeat of another finding three years ago, when inspectors uncovered six “UK schools pushing radical Islamic agendas,” but nothing significant has been done.
The mere “slamming” of Rabia (with its history of radicalism) by the Charity Commission is little more than optics in the usual hollow gestures in dealing with “radical Islamic agendas.”
In addition to jihadi schools, many mainstream mosques are also well known to be preaching jihad, despite Theresa May’s empty promise two years ago to “shut down extremist mosques supporting terror” and to drive out a “‘significant’ number of fanatics” from Britain”.
R Spencer
“A Luton Islamic School which segregated staff by gender and hosted radical speakers has been slammed by the Charity Commission and accused of misconduct”.
Mmmm. Very odd.
The Breitbart article references 128 children with fees up to £2300 a year.
Now 128 carries no economy of scale.
A 1000 pupil normal secondary school would have a budget of about £5000 per pupil, this is paid by the state if a state school. Fees cannot be charged for curriculum related teaching and activities.
You would expect private schools to offer more and charge more.
So……exactly what education do you get for £2300 per head?
It doesn’t sound like a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’, that’s for sure.
Still not enough to qualify as, “enough”?
Dear Lord, and we thought Obama wet?
The most we can expect is a swat team raiding a Day Centre and taking down old Doris because she was heard to mutter something about darkies.
All, no doubt, paid for by the Saudi’s in exchange for 4.5 £Billions worth of arms sales. So, any condemnation is merely hot air for public consumption. Ditto the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair.
Question to all Trolls reading this post………..
Why isn’t there a website dedicated to ‘Al Beeb is impartial’ or ‘I love Al Beeb’ ? Go and set one up.
Over to you Blackwell, Maxicony, manontheclaphamomnibus……………
A quote from Martin Luther King Jnr. – “Racism cannot be remedied by more racism”. How appropriate for 21st Century Britain where an observer might conclude the country was, Islamic and none white.
Clicked on the bank website title page and we have a photo of the customer service person – ethnic with hijab. Why?
Indeed, it may be another game idea for an idle minute – search websites, TV magazine ads to, Find the Caucasian.
I didn’t know Santander was an Islamic bank – I thought the Moors left Spain awhile back?
Taffman, how long will it be before rioting is a day-to-day occurrence in London as in France? Not to mention Sweden. There is no reporting of the day-to-day minor skirmishes in Paris now for reasons well known to us all here but has the rioting stopped? – no it’s just moved to Calais – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11179302/French-riot-police-in-battle-with-Calais-migrants-in-pictures.html
Suspicions aroused: Its just been announced that a 16 year old boy will appear in the Magistrates Court today, charged with raping a 8 year old girl in Manchester. Very strange reporting? The Telegraph report that, “…and the offender had been chased off by members of the public.” So, unless he was hodded, ‘members of the public’ could state his nationality. Or at least, whether he was white. Couldn’t they?
On a lighter note .
As I have posted here before, re Al Beeb weather presenters comments . ………..
Why do have they a propensity to use ‘Cooler’ instead of ‘Colder’ ?
Why do they abhor the use of the adjective ‘Colder’?
Something to do with AGW perhaps ?
Grenwell Tower : Reuters quotes the sales brochure and 2014 emails from the supplier Arconic warning that non-flammable panels should be used
“When conceiving a building, it is crucial to choose the adapted products in order to avoid the fire to spread to the whole building. Especially when it comes to facades and roofs, the fire can spread extremely rapidly,” the brochure said.
Why would you even invite someone like that [Melanie Phillips] on, if you intend only to give them a minimal amount of time to speak?
Carl Jung said: “Look at the outcome, then infer the motivation.”
The outcome is clear; Phillips’ views are denied a platform, so viewers only get vacuous Lefty nonsense, presented as mainstream opinion.
So, infer the motivation. The BBC wants to suppress debate, because it is terrified of its precious narrative being shredded by facts and reality, articulately presented. The agenda is all, and the biggest threat to the agenda is free speech and open debate. Therefore, that must be suppressed.
Can’t the BBC insist that for their party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party known as Glastonbury, that positive
discrimination and diversity must be shown with regards to the folk going there to watch the political jamboree with music?
It looked to me like a white supremacist gathering, and cultural appropriate as well. I was concerned over the absence of gender segregation which is usually required in Labour Party gatherings.
I think there should be reduced rates for people of colour, people of the superior faith, various categories of enrichers.
No, you are not. I also heard that creepy little toerag’s name mentioned on Toady and it immediately brought back memories of the Bliar terror, when Adonis first surfaced like something vile rising to the surface of a cess pit.
I had hoped he’d scuttled off back beneath a rock like the rest of the Bliarites, but it seems not,. How like the BBC to wave him under our noses once again.
Biased BBC webshite news.
First headline.
McDonnell says (at Glasto of course) Grenfell tower victims were murdered.
Now this raises a number of points. First of course is the deliberate misinformation, as the fire service was there quickly and put out the original fire. Second, we now know many other buildings are similarly clad, including in Labour councils. The biased BBC of course forgetbto mention this.
But what bugs me is the constant stream of free hits the out and out trots ate making on the Tories with no response whatever. The silence. the spinelessness.
Do you remember the Monty Python sketch showing a football match between the Bournemouth Gynaecologists and the Long John Silver impersonators. It was very one sided. The Tories are the Long John Silver Party currently. When the hell are they going to wake up and fight back? Pathetic.
I really cannot work out what is wrong with the Tories. In one of today”s online rags (I forget which) there are quotes from a couple of Tory MPs about the BBC’s Glastonbury love-in with Corbyn. I was genuinely surprised to see any negativity about the Corporation being voiced by a Conservative MP – that’s how rare it is.
Can someone remind the Tories that Treezer did not hand them a massive victory and that the BBC are aware that the election campaign is underway. And the last thing they need is this stupid woman leading the next election campaign.
How can anyone vote for a party whose leader used to run through fields of wheat?
Re the Issue in Camden.
The fire in Grenfall was appaling but kit was an accident and not as a result of systemic failures. As an engineer its quite easy to work out , through various probobility equations MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures etc) the probobility of the same thing happening again, and im sure from both an insurance point of view that it would be a managble risk. What has happened ghowever is that the inspection of the blocks has revealed major saftey issues relating to the firewalls, and mains services being comprimised (gas mains being tapped into , electricity being jumped from mains and walls knocked down internally to cretae extra rooms)
So this inst reported in the media, why ? Probably because it would be considered non-pc as the intermation is that people(s) have been creating rooms within rooms to sublet to persons for cash…..again PC MSM dictating the agenda i do feel sorry for the lady at Camden Concil she looks if she genuinly cares but is doing her job with one hand tied behind her back by the PC brigade.
Lets just hope that the official report into Grenfall is written by the Fire brigade and not the PC Brigade
Dont feel sorry for her at all. She is the spawn of labour grandees. Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the part in cahrge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. She was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.
Dont feel sorry for her at all. She is the spawn of labour grandees. Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the part in cahrge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. She was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.
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Guest WhoFeb 26, 06:55 Midweek 26th February 2025 And lo, the BBC leaps into action.. https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1894639055230435465?s=61 Half of homes need heat pump by 2040, government told And the…
David Davis talking facts – Marr is lost, so far all of his questions landed like gnat bites
Net 60bn our way on trade makes for a strong hand in my book – we don’t need BMW’s and Volkswagens is kind of the trump card . France making noises what exactly can we not live without from them ?. Brussells offers us …………………………. ah yes that’s right nuffink.
So the EU is going to punish us how exactly BBC?
I’ll put it simply for you BBC somebody is giving you EUR 60 billion now they have said bugger that I’m off – and you (EU) are going I will punish you. Bit like the Black Knight in Monty Python.
Run along EU
Emily Maitliss / BBC traitors to their own Country
Says a lot about Marr really, BBC and the old boy network eh
You know ex “gurner in chief” Paxo, Marr, f-ckin Gollum Davis (shakes head)
just had the misfortune to catch another BBC miscreant “interesting hair” Peston.
Wouldn t bloody pay this crowd in tap washers.
I mean come on, Davis? even Guru Murthy tied him in a knot, and losing it on AQs,
He didn t even know when appointed minister in charge of negotiating Britain’s exit from the European Union how EU trade deals work, in politics Davis is easily rattled. And when he gets rattled, he throws his toys out of the pram and spouts without thinking. Not the qualities we need in a successful Brexit negotiation.
I mean and Murthy isn t up to much
Just watching country file, apart from the knobhead presenters EU fetish, its worth watching just for the realism of the demographic’s all the fairs and shows, it was spot the black-beard time, not one, not a one,…..
It must be absolutely unique bbc programming, a program not dominated by black beard, .ofcourse the guy with the mike interviewing was the only none white face, the bbc’s diversity guy.
Christ those countrysiders have got a rude awakening coming their way over the next decade.
It maybe the kind of place triggered resistance takes place, i dont think those people will mix well with sharia.
Sadiq Khan and where he stands on protection of Jews in London
Khan is a repulsive , evil man. Full stop.
G – nice sentence says it all
The far far far right march in London. According to the lefties they are Nazis To me they look like ordinary British people who know how to conduct themselves with dignity.
If I were you Treezer, I would listen to these guys and tell your Toy Boy Emir to piss off and stop accepting his advice.
Watch the march in the latter half of the video.
Far right extremists my arse. Obviously ignored by the BBC
Hear hear.
Meanwhile Antifa demonstrate how to bring capitalism down.
A lot to be said for a yooni education
Looks like 99% of the Edinburgh fringe – talentless people pottering about.
On the other hand I didn’t have the sound turned on. Perhaps I missed something meaningful.
An awful lot of bald and grey haired people…………………….
Why is no-one surprised that there was no mention of this massive, new development in the MSM?
This is a wonderful idea.
Hope the Football Lads Alliance choose to ensure that this continues into the grounds when the teams meet in the new season.
Imagine lefty wankers like Lineker having to explain away the chants about no Islam in this country, if it results in Borough Market etc. Would really screw the sponsors and the PC police can hardly arrest 50, 000 blokes can they?
Be great to hear the BBC having to talk over the chants, and even better to see the shallow phoney tribal rivalry between London clubs dissolve into a united stand against sporting PC crap and the BBC/Football family that creat these divisions. Save your tears for the 22 kids and mums killed at Ariana Grande,,,,not some relegation shit with one set of millionaires getting swapped with another. These lads are REALLY onto something seismic if they make sure this is no close season reflex, but a significant show of unity that Islam, Remainers and the BBC have brought into necessity.
If the rise of Shariah displaces the crap over the offside rule for a season-we can stuff Islam and the Hornby Footy Family into their box.
Rees Mog was on Peston : if you want to watch him on ITV+1 now
We all know Anglophobia is rife in this country. It oozes from every single media pore. On the positive side it gives us a better insight into how Jews feel.
Just stop using MSM – it’s pointless.
Ask Trump – he knows all about it.
Has anyone checked the fire safety of W1A. I hope not. Better to leave them alone, I doubt they’d want to be ecavucated and then have to share rooms in Kensington with those from Grenfell Tower. It’s very safe and so easy to look at the camera or speak into a microphone and tell everyone how much we love Islam but actually get them to move in with them and watch their attitudes switch real fast.
Kathy Gyngell has another excellent post excoriating the BBC for its profound Brexit bias, over at Conservative Woman.
CW is a very worthwhile read and you don’t need to be ‘missing’ a chromosome to enjoy it.
Good article
See the Mail saying that Marr gets £600k a year and Lineker gets £1.8m a year from us courtesy of the Licence Fee – well that’s money well spent – no wonder they both have sold their souls to the cause . Oh then we have Graham Norton how much do we pay him to do a talkshow? the mind boggles. £2m
I personally do not want a penny of my money going to these people if they are so good let’s do subscription eh BBC see how much money you see pouring in – no thought not
Publish the salaries BBC!
I bet they are all ‘self-employed’ or limited companies for ‘tax advantages’. And they had the brass neck to report on the Panama Papers in that nauseating holier-than-thou way that they do. I want to see a freedom of information request on those c_nts.
Beauty Broadcasting Corp. milking Brexit for all its worth. They treat it like they’re assiduously wringing out a dirty dishcloth.
BBC Politics – Welsh politics – interview Lord Kerr – he, apparently of writing Article 50 fame. He tells the viewer that within the 2 years notice required by Art.50 it is possible to reverse our decision.
Who has suggested that Art.50 be reversed? Nobody, that is apart from the VTTFarron et al and the BBC who are anxious to show the people that they erred in voting for Brexit, and how easy it would be to eat humble pie and support a reversal. Oh, and by-the-way, take a look at Wiki in relation to Lord Kerr –
Seems he thinks, “…native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.” Who is that speaking? Lord of Lord’s Kerr or as a, Trustee of the Refugee Council or perhaps as, Chairman of the Centre for European Reform.
My own personal view is that since we have already, for decades, suffered an “injection” of mainly islamic “young people” which contributes nothing whatever to our lives, Lord Kerr should simply shut up. Slight correction in my last sentence: in fact young islamicists have (and will continue) to bring their culture to us as every MI5 officer will know.
G – This Lord Kerr – is his first name Wan perchance?
UKIP’s points based immigration policy seems popular with Mensa members, as long as its based on IQ points.
It reduces immigration numbers, while also keeping out the rife raff. It would also favour Jews, Orientals and Europeans.
As for Britain’s unintelligent, poorly educated lazy young people. The introduction of more Grammar Schools could solve this problem. As for Lord Kerr, the East Europeans seem more intelligent because Eastern Europe is much more whiter than Britain, and also with the equivalent of our Grammar Schools, intelligent children do not need rich parents, to pay for them to be sent to Schools for intelligent children. So with Grammar Schools, intelligent children could be better educated, and therefore appear more intelligent, as these children find more intellectually challenging education more exiting, and therefore this produces less lazy looking children. For instance, children could be taught about the bad practical results of Marxism in the 20th Century, not just the wonderful fantasies of the theory of Marxism taught in the 19th and 21st Century. That may help them to make a more wise decision when considering whether to vote Labour, or not. Also I was told that the reason that Singapore has the best education system in the world is that Singapore obtained independence from Britain just in time. Before the Labour Party could fucked up education in the colony, by introducing the progressive education techniques that fucked up education in Britain.
Ah! Richard, I was living there in the time of Lee Kwan yu’s leadership: what a man! A true visionary “Leader” with a capital “L”. I used to argue with my Singaporean Chinese colleagues who would grumble incessantly about Lee. They did’nt know. They did’nt know or understand how the Liberal West was moving in the eighties’ and in comparison, they had a paradise the size of the Isle of Wight where (at that time) 2.5 million souls lived in harmony. Fond memories. Pity a Lee Kwan yu sort of leader is not to be found over here. Only comment I had about Singapore was its musical orchestras – always out of tune………….
Totally agree with you about ” Harry ” ( how did he get that nickname ? ). He created Singapore out of a sea of shit. Harry, RIP !
Since posting above, I recall during my time, despite objections, he had the US Ambassadors son, ‘flogged’ for graffiti (or spitting on the sidewalk). Can’t remember which. But I never forgave him though for demolishing Bugis Street…………………… This Wiki info does not do Bugis Street the justice it deserved as the most atmospheric eating location –
Even now I can recall the aroma’s. (and the melee of rats scrapping with the wild cats over morsels of food under the tables the former as large as the latter!)
Why are Lib Dems so dim?
Poor Dim Tim….feel sorry for him ..really I do..
Not so Clegg!!!!
Now we have soft shoe shuffler Vince “Nijinsky” Cable standing up to the barr
patent leather shoes at the ready desperate to be the new leader .
BBC will love him…
On a more serious note..
Why does the BBC despise us..the licence payers?
Their bread and butter!!!!
Barre as in dance
Strictly come …..
Strictly go,,,
Sweden first, pick off the weakest and biggest insult to Allah with its sub-human all feminist government without the weaponry or will to defend itself, until they start flying and dying en-mass.
When they have the country totally secured it will by used as a forward arms supply base to arm thousands of other various size militias and future militias, and at some point they will attempt to take counties from the inside as an army, even if it is town by town, city by city, one explosion of violence after another, they will drive us off the land and into the sea.
Future historians will be heavy hearted in their writings on Sweden, the message that Sweden sends to even the dumbest euro liberal will be hard to suppress, it maybe the ballot box catalyst.
Sweden was the jewel in the collectivist crown, from top to bottom, the perfect example of equalitity and multi-culti, and now a grotesque lesson from history, a broken burned out monument to insanity.
We all tend to describe islamicists as having a ‘culture’ but it’s one of those words that has lost its true meaning. In the context of radical islam it has all the comparative relevance of a moral standard with Jeremy Corbyn.
Culture refers to intellectual or artistic achievement, a refined appreciation of the arts, the customs and achievements of a civilisation or group – which only confirms the word’s total irrelevance to modern islam, despite what the fan club would have us believe.
I’ve said it before, Islam is best described as anti-culture.
I would say that Mohammedans are like locusts but that might not be politically correct 😉
…..A plague of Muslims?
Agree entirely.
I believe that the definition of “culture” has been deliberately watered down over the last few decades to avoid unfavourable comparisons.
IMO, that also includes unfavourable comparisons within our own “culture” – the contents of Tate Modern vs National Gallery, for example.
I’d guess it started with German ‘Kultur’ being derided around the time of WWI – but this was simply anti propaganda, with Goethe, Heine, Beethoven, Brahms and many others providing powerful and incontrovertible counter arguments. By comparison you could say that the only significant Muslim contribution to the world’s ‘culture’ has been the introverted, self-indulgent and entirely counter-productive work of Salman Rushdie, and look what good that’s done him, and us, as a result.
Top story on the CBBC newsround homepage for 6 to 12 year olds: “Chat: How are you celebrating Eid?”
FFS ! Dhimmis !
We have an evil religion, Islam, which is still a small minority in the UK, but the BBC persist in licking the muslim ass. Why ??
It’s the marxist dream – destroy the evil western societies. Flood the country with muslims, promote the notion of islamaphobia by the ruling classes, increase the vote for marxist-in-waiting corbyn and bish,bash, bosh, it’s done.
It all fits, anti-british media, colonial apologists etc etc.
Want an example? here it is
“Most EU countries abstained from the vote, which BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale described as an “embarrassing diplomatic defeat” for the UK.
He said it signalled that Britain’s diplomatic clout had waned after the vote for Brexit.”
Who the fuck cares about the Chagos Islands? The bbc do because they can put the boot in about colonialism, brexit and give Britain pariah status all in one go.
It all fits.
Well, we haven’t had a good old Frankfurt School video for a while so here’s one – showcasing what a bunch of miserable nihilistic gits they were.
“How are you celebrating Eid?”
I suppose a pig roast and a night out on the piss is out of the question then?
“How are you celebrating Eid?”
The same way I celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.
Brilliant, Lobbie!
Any invited guests?
Remember last year they had 5 webpages about Eid
This year only 1
and they haven’t tweeted anything yet !
On the BBC homepage, news homepage, uk homepage, England homepage they are headlining the same story:
Headline on BBC homepage: Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd:
Headline on BBC news homepage: “Six Hurt after Car Hits People; A child is critical hurt and a woman held after a car runs into people marking the end of Ramadan in Newcastle”
Headline on BBC uk homepage: Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd:
Headline on BBC England homepage: “Six Hurt after Car Hits People; A child is critical hurt and a woman held after a car runs into people marking the end of Ramadan in Newcastle”
So it looks like another hate crime against British Muslims? In the report the person driving the car is described as a “42 year old woman”. DIg further and you find “One eyewitness said: “From what I understand, [a woman who had been at prayer] was about to leave in her car and I believe she lost control.”
So a Muslim woman lost control of her own car as she was leaving a mosque – a simple car accident. But all the BBC headlines give the impression of another hate crime against British Muslims and another story of British Muslims as victims.
Anyone would think that the BBC had an agenda ……
Agenda ? What agenda ? It would be a tragedy for the BBC if this ” incident ” turns out to be friendly fire. Beeboids are total wankers.
Let me see how I can frame this story differently but on the islamic basis. Having recalled just recently that any accident in the Middle East between local and Westerner resulted in the Westerner being blamed whether right or wrong. It worked on the simple basis that, had you not been in their country, the accident would not have happened. So, to the immediate situation: muslim on muslim – she had just collected the car from a service carried out by a white mechanic working for a white company. Yet more: She alleges that the white mechanic sabotaged her car to simply discriminate and that’s, wait for it, ‘Islamophobic’ is it not? There that’s straightened that out.
According to Fraser Nelson on the Marr programme today, Andrea Leadsom was speaking off the record in suggesting that the BBC is politically biased. The Tory media elite did not give her clearance to discuss this.
My view on this is that the Tories need to sack the Tory media elie who are clearly closet ‘Lefties’. I have always found it difficult to understand just how fawning of the BBC the Tories seem to be. Completely weak.
On Peston, Rees Mogg made a remark about how the BBC could learn from Peston (who was showing the British flag). Good old Rees Mogg. Never fails to deliver.
Pritti Patel was asked by the very useless Sophie Ridge if she thought that the media broadcasters including Sky was biased against Brexit.
Sadly Pritti Patel proceeded to let the side down and provided no answer, in effect suggesting that it is the job of the media to ask difficult questions!
A golden opportunity missed.
The Tories need to start fighting back against the Left wing broadcasters. Hopefully Andrea’s criticism of the broadcasters will gain momentum.
The Mogginantor is superb. The rest of the Tories just seem to enjoy the BBC rubbing their noses in the shit. Pathetic creatures.
They just don’t get it do they? Too dim to work out why at the beginning of the election campaign the positions of the two leading parties was as it was – miles apart but with the Cons in the lead. But then, the Most Trusted Broadcaster – (not forgetting that accolade is “Worldwide”), took a hand in massaging Corbyns image and policies: framing them for public consumption (including a health warning for those children having just registered to vote). Incrementally, the polls narrowed. So, I say, with the BBC backing and support it was ‘Labour wot won it’. And, post the event, the BBC are still on a high – as shown – Glastonbury. Didn’t help with the ‘disMAYing’ Treezer shooting herself in the foot (both). Further evidence (if it was needed yet again) that, “a bird in hand, is worth two in the bush”. Pity the ‘advising’ children tucked away in a small room in No.10 didn’t understand these centuries old adages do actually work.
Mogg is an honourable exception in a world of useless Tory politicians. Clearly the Tories have been told not to criticise the lefty biased media in interviews, especially the BBC. Why? I can only think that their perception is that it will be considered sour grapes by the electorate. Maybe or maybe not but I think that the alternative of doing nothing is worse. The drip drip of MSM bias is definitely working . The GE showed that.
Grant,G and England Expects, I’m as angry with the youth as I am the BBC. Corbyn changed his manifesto the day before the election to include the eradication of student fees at a cost of 12 billion to the deficit. A clear case of purchasing votes without any thought of deliverance.
It seemed to be a clincher. This was also the reason I believe why so many of the middle classes voted Labour as they are the people who have to bail their children out. Noticeably the working classes shifted to the Tories.
Solution 1. Close about 70% of the universities in the next few years prior to an election and return to paid fees. This would shoot the Labour fox.
Solution 2. Tories to grow a spine and start to openly criticise the BBC. Do not allow BBC quislings like Ed Vaizey to appear. Only anti BBC types to appear.
Solution3. I am seriously considering joining the left wing twittersphere in order to start debating/educating our youngsters. I do find their ill educated, bad mannered abuse very annoying though. My blood pressure might go up. The people at unversity are so incredibly thick these days, many years ago when I went to university, the standard was so much higher with intelligent debates taking place. Students better understood the detail of fiscal responsibility.Of course this was very pre Thatcher and Labour were driving us all up the wall, strikes, three day weeks,IMF,trade Union holding the country to ransom because of our Nationalisation programme and the devious liar Wilson winning elections. I will never forgive him for stealing the Aberfan funds.
Your sensible solution of closing the faux universities would shoot two fixes with the same bullet because it would also throw out of work a lot of fourth rate pseudo-academics who litter the profession and do nothing more than preach Marxism.
I would also abolish Saudi money from funding Universities, they use bribes to encourage Universities to support their Wahabbi Islamic agenda. For example, Saudi heavily funds the LSE. This is a place where the political rich can buy a degree without the need to study. Salford Uni openly disobey the law by supporting terrorist groups.One such terrorist from Salford killed many youngsters in Manchester recently. No action is ever taken against the the Universities. Tories need to realise that the Universities are the breedig grounds of dissent, revolution and the Corbynista Labour Party. Grow a spine Tories, just for once. grow a spine and take these institutions on.
Change is needed and needed now.
wronged, may be an unfortunate choice of final word there or did you intend it to have a capital letter? It would be great if Momentum did point out bias at the BBC. Trouble is they can never see beyond ‘evil Tory bias’.
The Love and Tolerance of Luvvies
eg Nicholas Pegg replying to Farage
Wasn’t he in Shaun of the Dead?
The difference that the fool seems unable to grasp is that Farage can be challenged on Question Time, unlike other progs like HIGNFY.
How many appearances has Will Self (you know, the unelected Professor of Contemporary Thought at Brunel University – that one) made on the BBC overall?
I think that was Simon Pegg, the former comedian.
If you haven’t read Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead here is Ellsworth Toohey’s approach to subjugating mankind, written way back in the 1940s – it feels oddly like that of the soft left today. It could be the BBC/Guardian speaking.
Describes fully how to undermine human instincts and reasoning.
Ayn Rand was a huge believer in the free market until she started to meet business leaders and found them hugely disappointing.Nothing has changed
Recently I’ve read both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, both books are very relevant to today, although I wonder what Rand would have made of social media.
For all her faults, Ayn Rand did something unthinkable today – she made a major impact as a right-wing philosopher and novelist. It is impossible to think of anyone being able to have a similar influence in American or British academic circles these days, so choking is the far Left’s stranglehold.
also, Ayn Rand is the only succeful woman writer/philosopher the BBC NEVER mentions. Any woman who achieves anything, noo matter how small, in her life is lauded on the BBC as the second coming.
ss, it was through the Beeb R4 that I first heard of Ayn Rand to any great extent. Mind you that was back in the early/mid-noughties before the BBC took a distinct leftward turn and marched two or three steps smartly forward.
How come one never sees the Cabinet Minister for Media and Culture Karen Bradley on the tv?
I have ever seen her once interviewed in a year and I have never seen her deputy Tracey Couch interviewed at all.
Both have interesting CV`s .
When one has such a lame duck leader and flawed senior cabinet figures it would make sense for the Tory party machine to give as many govt ministers as possible some airtime and see if any make a good impression.
She’ll be all over media soon
She’s making the Sky/Fox takeover decision
Searching twitter for “Karen Bradley” culture : shows that she’s been attending tech conferences/schools etc. but media haven’t been reporting on them much.
If it does go ahead it will be with so many restrictions, or in reality checks and balances around news coverage, that the liberal left monopoly of the news agenda will not be affected.
Sorry to say it but Bradley is a nonentity . Overpromoted purely because she’s female. Don’t look to her to sort out the BBC anyway Whittingdale sold the pass already.
Ok, what can be done about situations like this, any form of recourse or complaints procedure?
BBC Presenters (AKA Gary Linekar) whose popularity is sustained by huge salaries funded by the British License payer, showing obvious political BIAS on social media.
He is not posting from official BBC accounts, but his following is maintained by a role on the BBC.
Thoughts/ Comments?
The grinning Prof Brian Cox likewise
Where can I complain? Would it get anywhere? Has anyone complained about this before?
Straight to the DG. In hand-writing, and no funny colour ink or capital letters and be oh so polite.
If Lord Hall starts to get sackfuls, he may start to realise he needs to do something.
Sorry Chris but there’s nothing you can do. There’s no effective mechanism to control BBC bias let alone that of their highly expensive freelance so-called talent. Doubtless any attempt to restrict their political shenanigans via their contracts would breach the Human Rights Act. Until the BBC goes subscription only you will continue to pay the salaries of people you don’t agree with and who abuse their positions.
I have lodged a complaint anyway, especially as he tweets regarding his personal & family business interests, and uses profane language in some of his tweets. Both of these, (if personal politics don’t count) contravene the BBC editorial guidelines.
His twitter account, although in his own name, is endorsed on the BBC MOTD website and Twitter page.
He is obviously welcome to his own views, but shouldn’t be abusing the audience granted to him, the vast majority of which have been built up due to the exposure provided by the license payer.
Sorry, I’m a bit off piste here re the above. But has anyone thought about fridges ? not the sort that blow-up apparently; but it occurred to me that with the rapid exit of tenants from the tower blocks – within 30 minutes, with the likelihood that a ban to return could be in place for up to 6 weeks, has consideration been given to the contents of all those fridges which will be decidedly iffy by the time they return ? milk and dairy produce – off / meat – definitely off / salad stuff – doesn’t bear thinking about / fish – don’t even go there.
Just saying.
Well, at least the pork chops won’t go off.
I think the fridge is the least of some of their worries, its what i would do if i was the security services, thats a lorra swabbing and clues to political views all in one place.
All hideously white fridges will be replaced with black or brown ones during the refurbishment. White fridges are regarded as incendiary in these locations.
Once again, real news not Al BBC fake news …
I ve never heard of exploding fridges, but I ve heard of explosions in flats/houses by certain erm … devices
Just a thought – are we going to get all our fridges checked and maybe replaced by fireproof ones?
Jeremy “For the Many speeches about comrades, Not the Few times I criticised them” Corbyn.
I watched a 2012 Al Quds protest with Corbyn and realised what is missing. He sounded nice and sincere, but I realised he does not point out the problem – such as Al Quds celebrated in Pakistan with children (10 years old) marching with rifles to celebrate Al Quds.
I wondered what was different, check out Douglas Murray on Arab TV saying how they are NOT free to express an opinion….then watch Corbyn on a protest speech or on press TV. Very revealing.
Just watching Glastonbury and there seems to be a fenced off area in front of the stage with the best view.
Who is allowed into this area?
Asylum seekers?
The poorest and most vulnerable in our society?
People evacuated from tower blocks?
Economic migrants?
Labour Party apparatchiks?
Familes and friends of the bands or organisers?
The great and good (defined by….?)
By ballot?
Or could it be ability to pay?
Those with their own expensive backstage yurts?
Could it be the few and not the many?
I think we need to know this, so that all the pro-Corbyn egalitarian bollocks can be given the correct valuation on the hypocrisy-ometer.
“Just watching Glastonbury and there seems to be a fenced off area in front of the stage with the best view.”
It’s to provide easy access for Diane Abbott with her family buckets when Jeremy is on.
Occam’s razor, surely ?
Is it perchance a hippo’ zone (with suitable warnings about the dangers of splattering)?
No Jo, that was the foot bathing area, for the massiah to wash the feet of his ”followers”.
This year’s Glastonbury festival has turned into something of a spiritual and political awakening of the masses, as Jeremy Corbyn attended the annual arts festival to deliver a speech on unity and hope.
Jeremy was witnessed performing miraculous acts around the festival after his sermon.
“He fed around 5000 of us with some loaves of 50/50 bread and a couple of fish fingers.” said one festival goer. “I haven’t eaten anything but e’s all day. It was great.”
Jeremy further amazed those at the festival by humbly lowering to his knees, removing the muddy wellies and sodden socks of his aides, and washing their feet before they entered his tent for a meal of vegetables from his allotment.
Hundreds of the weekend partiers followed this example, using fresh wipes from the burger vans to wipe mud and cow turd from each other’s feet.
Although several had to be treated in the first aid tents afterwards due to their enthusiastic washing leading to several getting the foul smelling mud in their eyes.
“This just proves only Jezza has the power.” One of the festival goers receiving treatment stated. “I’m sure when he hears of our plight he’ll be right down to heal us.”
We spoke to Tracy, a student who witnessed the Labour leader’s actions close at hand.
She said,
“It might have been the mushrooms, but I’m sure I saw him turning plastic cups full of piss into wine. It was still warm but it was better than the six quid cans of Fosters.”
BBC News – Car strikes pedestrians in Newcastle
BBC News – Six hurt as car ploughs into Eid crowd
BBC News – The Newcastle Eid crash: ‘Everybody was in a panic’
One eyewitness said: “From what I understand, [a woman who had been at prayer] was about to leave in her car and I believe she lost control.
… So BBC nothing to see?
BBC Breaking News – Newcastle latest • 3 children among 6 hurt
… its just a woman in a car
BBC News – car hits people near Westgate Road Eid event
… but, no one sought BBC
BBC News – The Newcastle Incident – Eid celebration: Six hurt as car hits crowd
… BBC its just a woman, nothing to see
BBC News – The Newcastle incident: Footage shows ‘collision’ scene
… so its, obviously going to get disproportionate airtime
Nothing to do with BBC bias, but it made me laugh.
Must be some scope with Corbyn, surely?
“Life of Brian” wouldn’t work because he really is the Messiah. “The Ten Commandments” and “Ben Hur” are far too Jewish.
I’d go for “Exodus” because that’s what we’d be doing.
If you have an idle minute here’s a little game you can play:-
Look in and around your house and identify anything less than thirty years old that was made in this country. Good luck!
Clearing out our parents’ houses we came across a lot of China ‘Made in England’.
Of course all the potteries are gone now, so to tell you the truth we are really reluctant to ditch it. In consequence our house has boxes of Fine Bone China made in England.
The irony is that, while you cannot even give the stuff away on ebay, at certain charity shops of our aquaintance in touristy areas, these things have value as they are bought by………Chinese visitors.
The other irony is that the snowflake generation never bother to look at the labels, buy on price, and then wonder why so many jobs are at the minimum wage.
No Sluff, the snowflakes will tell you the reason so many jobs are on minimum wage is because of Fatcher and the evil Toreees and Farage and ……..
My HiFi is British. The speakers in particular, “Harbeth”, are unsurpassed for accuracy IMO. There are others, such as B&W, KEF and ATC. Quad electrostatics are also first class, designed in the UK but sadly now manufactured in the FE.
Happy to admit however that this is not typical.
As it happens, Harbeth speakers are based on BBC research from the 1960s and 70s to produce a compact, neutral studio monitor speaker. The result was the outstanding LS3/5A. Other British manufacturers, Rogers and Spendor (the latter still very much around and also first class), produced models based on the same research. That was when the BBC was a force to be reckoned with.
Hi – FI may be a bit of an exception. Audiolabs amp – my favourite.
Does anyone know who commentator “Blackwell” is? Taffman calls him “Scott”. He seems to like to attack individual posters by swearing at them. Is he astroturfing for the BBC? Thanks.
I thought I’d zapped him/her/it. Is Scott back again?
Taffman will be very pleased about this.
He can have a bit of fun with him/her/it.
He has made a number of comments on the first page of this thread. I don’t know how to provide a link to individual comments. I don’t know anything about him – except he seems to not read things carefully, likes to claim the moral high ground, and likes to belittle / swear at people without really engaging in anything that can be described as debate or discussion. That’s my experience and preliminary judgement of him having read three of his comments (two directed at me, and one directed at pounce).
I don’t like swearing. It demonstrates a lack of diction.
People like Scott/Blackwell tend to work for the BBC/Left. No one takes them seriously. After a while of putting up with them, they get zapped.
However, there are a few posters on here who like to have a bit of fun with them first.
I do however, get annoyed with these Scott types when they attack new posters. My advice is to ignore them, they are very insecure and thoroughly unpleasant people.
They will eventually get zapped. I can assure you of that. I’ve zapped a few of them personally. They whinge when they get zapped and I enjoy the whinging very much.
Genuine posters will answer questions as a matter of courtesy.
He will not tell us why he posts here.
Eg. ‘I post here because I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is extremely biased’.
Over to you Blackwell, not hard is it ? ……………..
Admittedly this isn’t BBC bias, but it’s the sort of thing that is right up their street.
Can anybody on here think of a situation where men are encouraged to do jobs which are over represented by women, because I’m damned if I can.
Sex worker? ‘Gay’ only of course.
The Grauniad of all places, has shown the huge disparity in University admissions, women over men.
But strangely this seems to merit little or no actual action.
Clearly a case of LeftMob Feminist selective amnesia
Lobster ,
I ran lorries on the hardest of routes through Eastern Europe to Tukey and beyond . Because I drove myself the admin was in the hands of my mother , a nurse .
She refused to employ females on the grounds that the job was unsuitable for them .
Also the wording ‘self employed lorry driver ‘ is not accepted by the unions or government .
Radio 4’s Feedback discusses the substitution of Jeremy Vine with Ed Miliband.
Then Roger Bolton questions whether ‘Brexiteer’ Ian Duncan Smith, the next substitute, will be able to hold any ‘Brexiteers’ to rigorous account, i.e. he might be unaware of the ‘house rules’. I expect we should be grateful that he even suggests the possibility that a ‘Brexiteer’ might even be given any time on the BBC.
Given that the whole purpose of the referendum was to allow the nation to make the remain/leave decision and that decision was to ‘leave’ there should now be no such thing as a ‘remainer’ or ‘brexiteer’ and Bolton should be demanding of the BBC why it persists in refusing to accept the nation’s decision and why it is actively working to aid foreign powers.
“Big deal, now what? The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) also noted in a report last year that “leaders and governors…. undermine the school’s work to promote fundamental British values,” and “school leaders acknowledge that some guest speakers to the school have not been vetted with sufficient rigour.” This news was a lesser repeat of another finding three years ago, when inspectors uncovered six “UK schools pushing radical Islamic agendas,” but nothing significant has been done.
The mere “slamming” of Rabia (with its history of radicalism) by the Charity Commission is little more than optics in the usual hollow gestures in dealing with “radical Islamic agendas.”
In addition to jihadi schools, many mainstream mosques are also well known to be preaching jihad, despite Theresa May’s empty promise two years ago to “shut down extremist mosques supporting terror” and to drive out a “‘significant’ number of fanatics” from Britain”.
R Spencer
“A Luton Islamic School which segregated staff by gender and hosted radical speakers has been slammed by the Charity Commission and accused of misconduct”.
Mmmm. Very odd.
The Breitbart article references 128 children with fees up to £2300 a year.
Now 128 carries no economy of scale.
A 1000 pupil normal secondary school would have a budget of about £5000 per pupil, this is paid by the state if a state school. Fees cannot be charged for curriculum related teaching and activities.
You would expect private schools to offer more and charge more.
So……exactly what education do you get for £2300 per head?
It doesn’t sound like a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’, that’s for sure.
Still not enough to qualify as, “enough”?
Dear Lord, and we thought Obama wet?
The most we can expect is a swat team raiding a Day Centre and taking down old Doris because she was heard to mutter something about darkies.
All, no doubt, paid for by the Saudi’s in exchange for 4.5 £Billions worth of arms sales. So, any condemnation is merely hot air for public consumption. Ditto the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair.
The time 11.13pm. having put my book down I thought I would put the television on.
BBC 1 Live at the Apollo Left wing Eddie Izzard
BBC 2 Left wing Glastonbury
ITV Left wing Peston (son of a Labour life peer)
11.14pm television off. Returned to reading my book and of course, typed this post.
Re. Fox take over of Sky – “Fox operates in ways not permitted in the UK”.
Just what the hell does that mean?
Free, fair, balanced?
Question to all Trolls reading this post………..
Why isn’t there a website dedicated to ‘Al Beeb is impartial’ or ‘I love Al Beeb’ ? Go and set one up.
Over to you Blackwell, Maxicony, manontheclaphamomnibus……………
A quote from Martin Luther King Jnr. – “Racism cannot be remedied by more racism”. How appropriate for 21st Century Britain where an observer might conclude the country was, Islamic and none white.
Clicked on the bank website title page and we have a photo of the customer service person – ethnic with hijab. Why?
Was that Santander or is more than one bank doing that? I certainly took a message from it but possibly not the one intended.
I noted her headphones were outside the headscarf. Would they work properly like that?
Indeed, it may be another game idea for an idle minute – search websites, TV magazine ads to, Find the Caucasian.
I didn’t know Santander was an Islamic bank – I thought the Moors left Spain awhile back?
The jungle drums are rumbling again…………..
Natives in Londonistan are rebelling .
Is it on Al Beeb yet ? No
Well here is a wake up call for their duty researchers………………
“…….Since you’re here …
… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever …………..”
Comedy? Alive and well.
‘Yuma bob amser!’ = Always here ! (in the ancient language).
Neither the Guardian or Al Beeb ‘do comedy’ anymore , period .
No comment section with that article either, its a fingers in ears piece.
Poor cops under attack. I guess they can report anything offensive to their supporters in Tell Mama.
Taffman, how long will it be before rioting is a day-to-day occurrence in London as in France? Not to mention Sweden. There is no reporting of the day-to-day minor skirmishes in Paris now for reasons well known to us all here but has the rioting stopped? – no it’s just moved to Calais –
Suspicions aroused: Its just been announced that a 16 year old boy will appear in the Magistrates Court today, charged with raping a 8 year old girl in Manchester. Very strange reporting? The Telegraph report that, “…and the offender had been chased off by members of the public.” So, unless he was hodded, ‘members of the public’ could state his nationality. Or at least, whether he was white. Couldn’t they?
On a lighter note .
As I have posted here before, re Al Beeb weather presenters comments . ………..
Why do have they a propensity to use ‘Cooler’ instead of ‘Colder’ ?
Why do they abhor the use of the adjective ‘Colder’?
Something to do with AGW perhaps ?
Taffman – They’ll probably use “less warm” before long.
Grenwell Tower : Reuters quotes the sales brochure and 2014 emails from the supplier Arconic warning that non-flammable panels should be used
“When conceiving a building, it is crucial to choose the adapted products in order to avoid the fire to spread to the whole building. Especially when it comes to facades and roofs, the fire can spread extremely rapidly,” the brochure said.
Why would you even invite someone like that [Melanie Phillips] on, if you intend only to give them a minimal amount of time to speak?
Carl Jung said: “Look at the outcome, then infer the motivation.”
The outcome is clear; Phillips’ views are denied a platform, so viewers only get vacuous Lefty nonsense, presented as mainstream opinion.
So, infer the motivation. The BBC wants to suppress debate, because it is terrified of its precious narrative being shredded by facts and reality, articulately presented. The agenda is all, and the biggest threat to the agenda is free speech and open debate. Therefore, that must be suppressed.
Can’t the BBC insist that for their party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party known as Glastonbury, that positive
discrimination and diversity must be shown with regards to the folk going there to watch the political jamboree with music?
It looked to me like a white supremacist gathering, and cultural appropriate as well. I was concerned over the absence of gender segregation which is usually required in Labour Party gatherings.
I think there should be reduced rates for people of colour, people of the superior faith, various categories of enrichers.
Seems to me there has been a subtle change in the coverage of the TOADY Programme today.
They also appear to have a new poster boy for a slightly different undermining & dissent process for Brexit: Lord Adonis.
What do other B-BBC regulars & visitors think?
Am I being over-sensitive?
No, you are not. I also heard that creepy little toerag’s name mentioned on Toady and it immediately brought back memories of the Bliar terror, when Adonis first surfaced like something vile rising to the surface of a cess pit.
I had hoped he’d scuttled off back beneath a rock like the rest of the Bliarites, but it seems not,. How like the BBC to wave him under our noses once again.
GC, thanks for the reassurance. I think it was his second time on in three days.
Perhaps he was Westminster Duty Man as everyone else had gone off to Glasto or to Tuscany with PollyT.
Biased BBC webshite news.
First headline.
McDonnell says (at Glasto of course) Grenfell tower victims were murdered.
Now this raises a number of points. First of course is the deliberate misinformation, as the fire service was there quickly and put out the original fire. Second, we now know many other buildings are similarly clad, including in Labour councils. The biased BBC of course forgetbto mention this.
But what bugs me is the constant stream of free hits the out and out trots ate making on the Tories with no response whatever. The silence. the spinelessness.
Do you remember the Monty Python sketch showing a football match between the Bournemouth Gynaecologists and the Long John Silver impersonators. It was very one sided. The Tories are the Long John Silver Party currently. When the hell are they going to wake up and fight back? Pathetic.
I really cannot work out what is wrong with the Tories. In one of today”s online rags (I forget which) there are quotes from a couple of Tory MPs about the BBC’s Glastonbury love-in with Corbyn. I was genuinely surprised to see any negativity about the Corporation being voiced by a Conservative MP – that’s how rare it is.
Can someone remind the Tories that Treezer did not hand them a massive victory and that the BBC are aware that the election campaign is underway. And the last thing they need is this stupid woman leading the next election campaign.
How can anyone vote for a party whose leader used to run through fields of wheat?
Re the Issue in Camden.
The fire in Grenfall was appaling but kit was an accident and not as a result of systemic failures. As an engineer its quite easy to work out , through various probobility equations MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures etc) the probobility of the same thing happening again, and im sure from both an insurance point of view that it would be a managble risk. What has happened ghowever is that the inspection of the blocks has revealed major saftey issues relating to the firewalls, and mains services being comprimised (gas mains being tapped into , electricity being jumped from mains and walls knocked down internally to cretae extra rooms)
So this inst reported in the media, why ? Probably because it would be considered non-pc as the intermation is that people(s) have been creating rooms within rooms to sublet to persons for cash…..again PC MSM dictating the agenda i do feel sorry for the lady at Camden Concil she looks if she genuinly cares but is doing her job with one hand tied behind her back by the PC brigade.
Lets just hope that the official report into Grenfall is written by the Fire brigade and not the PC Brigade
Dont feel sorry for her at all. She is the spawn of labour grandees. Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the part in cahrge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. She was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.
Never feel sorry for these cretins
Dont feel sorry for her at all. She is the spawn of labour grandees. Watching sky news on friday night and for 3 hours on saturday morning they reported on those blocks in camden but not one mention of the part in cahrge and no mention as to when that cladding was installed which is around 10 years ago. She was being well protected by sky with softball questions and she knew it as she was smiling away. The shit hit the fan when sky were talking to an old lady who is living in those blocks who told the media that they were putting people up in hotels who didnt live in the blocks. The council leaders minions in the background were in panic mode as they were discussing how to stop her talking. Their faces were a picture. And to top it off the sky bod went nowhere near the subject after like it never happened. Just went back to distracting the blame onto the government.
Never feel sorry for these cretins
Not terrorist. Driver released. Sorry folks, no candles or John Lennon’s Imagine.
That will be a savage blow for the beeb who will have the, ‘Right Wing Terror’ Swingometer up, running and ready for action.
Some BBC Eid Stories and Eid broadcasts Jun 2017
Trump breaks White House Eid dinner tradition
Eid: How to handle the tough questions at family gatherings
Newcastle Eid celebration: Woman bailed after crash
Chat: How will you be celebrating Eid al-Fitr?
Chabeel Festival and Eid
In pictures: Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr festival
Extra security for ‘Europe’s largest Eid party’ in Birmingham
Eid: How is the start of the Muslim festival determined?
Eid al-Fitr with Saima Ajram
Mulsims celebrate Eid and talk about their faith (the BBC have actually misspelled Muslims)
Celebrate Eid with Gagan
London attack tributes, Eid festival & Asian theatre
Harpz celebrates Eid with music, shout outs and celebratory vibes.
Noreen is back from celebrating Eid and asks you to choose your favourite music.
Africa highlights: Nigeria ‘foil Eid terror attack plan’, SA woman crashes car into roof
CBEEBIES (Eid is headlined all over cbeebies)
CBeebies: My CBeebies Special Day – Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr My CBeebies Special Day (repeat broadcast)
Rebecca shows us how to make some tasty moon and star toast for Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr – Onion Pakoras
Thats why they dont let women drive in their own countries, and when i say their own countries, i mean countries they liberated for allah.