BBC having a breakdown over the fact that the DUP and the Conservatives have announced an arrangement that keeps Corbyn OUT of Downing Street. It also ensures that the triple lock and winter fuel allowance for pensioners is maintained. Oddly enough the BBC cheered Corbyn when he wanted that but when the DUP actually achieve it…silence.
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I have to laugh at how the pro Islamic, Irish republican, green, Black lives don’t matter, children under 18 and the chicks with dicks brigade (Gay Gordans?) should have a say in running the government bBC reports on the DUP/Tory link up:
“Tory/DUP deal an outrageous straight bung, Carwyn Jones says”
Yes the bBC, which feels that JC is right in which to hand over the Falklands to Argentina, Gibraltar to Spain, Northern Ireland to the South, Seconds homes to the poor, second cars to the poor, comes out with this statement in which to explain the deal to form the new Government:
Analysis: A bung, a bribe, or something else?
To the bBC, anything that keeps Labour out of power (including losing the GE) can only be illegal.
Another bit of the equation might be that the DUP might have an image in their head of comrade corbyn as pm inviting the enemy- sorry Sinn Fein -to take their seats to a round of unparliamentary applause- but like the overblown salmon and company did at the high point of SNP funding from us – the English.
Perhaps in the debrief of the election the tories might learn to look after their own – the old, the tax payer , the British. And sell al Beeb
If they sold the BBC they would say that it would be a bad thing, because it would produce market dominance problems. It’s funny isn’t it that they never ever worry about market dominance while the BBC is in the public sector.
Everything that is wrong with politics … the reason no body in their right minds trusts politicians
Is on display here, Tory liars before during and after the election
You can t just produce a “money tree” eh!.
If you vote for Corbyn he has links to shady factions in Ireland
The erm, coalition of chaos , because that would weaken the Brexit deal?
Damian Green announcing DUP deal in Parliament, not Liar May.
How can this government ensure impartiality – a key tenet of the Northern Ireland power-sharing agreement – if they have paid £1.5billion to one of the parties, the one that collapsed the assembly
through financial mismanagement, with no pre condition that power sharing be re established first.
Liar May has just violated the Good Friday agreement, where is the rigorous impartiality that is legally to be pursued?
… for these incompetent, self serving crooks to cling on to power, for themselves … no national interest
no concern for anything but saving their scrawny necks … beneath contempt
Absolutely rancid, and rotten, to the very core.
… Drain the swamp,! start with No10, and then for goodness sake fumigate the place
“…where is the rigorous impartiality that is legally to be pursued?”
You’ve been posting here long enough to know that impartiality is whatever the body that is supposed to be exercising it says it is.
oh! … “strong and stable”, but that means suspicious and slippery?
and er “brexit means brexit”, who the hell knows what that means
Brilliant. I have just discovered from this DUP deal that the Barnett formula does not have to be adhered to. It is only advisable.
Excellent news. I would advise,therefore, that the Tories expunge this silly formula completely. It was only meant to be applied for a couple of years and was categorically not, according to Barnett himself, to be assessed on any geographical need. Only,repeat only, in areas of social deprivation. There were parts of England that were as poor, if not more deprived than Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland when the Barnett formula was first introduced but PM Wilson never saw any votes in them so they were discounted.
I mistakenly switched to al Beeb parliament earlier today . The disloyal opposition were moaning about DUP deals and buy offs . Some windy twat from the welch outfit – Clyde clumsy or whatever the spell check turns it into – moaned about all the taxpayers cash going to Northern Ireland. The dep head of state – or whatever his tittle is promptly tore the welch chap a new one by telling him that under the Barnett Formula per head – the welch are getting £120 against £ 100 for an English head . There was no counter to this fact – which as an English head I found very troublesome.
I remember an interview with Joel Barnett ( now Lord – if he s still about ) when he said that the formula was meant to be temporary to keep labour Scots in line and was unfair to the English but it was 1970 something so had to be done, the English have been subsidising the rest ever since.
As I recall Lord Barnett described his formula as having been worked out on the back of a fag packet, or some similar description, and that it was never intended to be anything other than short term.
Of course once the gimme, gimme, gimme parts of the Mainland UK get their hands on temporarily increased funding they automatically demand it continues forever or cry like toddlers having their sweeties taken off them if there is the slightest suggestion that any of it might be reduced.
They are the inventers of the Entitlement Attitude and the ones who created the ever growing Entitlement sections of our society.
Yeah, same as the physics of the greenhouse effect mechanism, back of an envolope stuff, where you cover a warm surfice with an ice cold atmosphere, to trap the heat at the surface, ya know like surrounding a candle with ice, and turning the candle into a blowtorch with its own trapped and re-absorbed infra-red energy re-emitted by the ice like the -40c to -100c dry co2 ice crystals in the atmosphere outside does.
BBC Rule Number 1:
Tories always wrong.
Labour always right.
Looking back (I know, hindsight) what a complete waste of time and money the election was.
All of the money spent campaigning and all of the work lost during all those weeks.
The complete cost of the voting including all the paperwork and manpower used.
All the time wasted and all the knock on effects.
Now, 1-1.5 billion to NI.
What an expensive decision and for what!
All for an unnecessary election.
She had her majority.
She had a 20 plus point lead until the death wish manifesto.
Why was it ever called.
Is it really possible this is all part of some plan to delay or scupper Brexit by trying to lose the election and creating hung or coalition governments with all the compromises that slim majorities entail.
Before the election I read everywhere that a large majority would give may the opportunity to have a soft Brexit.
Now I read that this reduced majority means she has to go for a soft Brexit.
Win win for the remoaners.
Apart from a handful of genuinely top brexiteers like JRM, all we get from the media is soft soft soft.
I knew what I voted for, out, full, hard, clean, the full English.
I don’t hear anyone saying the remainers knew everything that they were voting for yet leavers get labelled as not understanding what they were voting for.
Let’s hope the DUP pull the current red Tory party back from the left into conservative territory again.
I just despair at almost all of our politicians who are supposed to carry out our wishes for Brexit yet are doing everything they can to thwart us.
I’m sick of hearing “I respect the vote to leave the eu but……………”
One good reason for holding the election was the fact that the House of Lords was overwhelmingly ‘remain’. By convention the HoL doesn’t block legislation proposed in the governing party’s manifesto as, the argument goes, that is the expressed will of the people. Any legislation not in the manifesto is considered ‘fair game’ and indeed the HoL can make the case that it is protecting the people from something that they didn’t vote for.
Given that both the Conservatives and Labour included Brexit in their manifesto the HoL shouldn’t get in the way so, to that extent, the election served a useful purpose. Some argue that the intervention of St. Gina was also useful as effectively the legal bolt has been shot.
”Tis funny Emmanuel,
That politicians go into a rant about everybody needing to ‘engage in the political process ‘ there you are – I’ve even got the language. So when the Labour Party turns Corbin into berny sanders and albeeb ignores his treasonable past the children vote for him because he is cool and practiced at rable rousing on the stump – against T May who some f wit told ” try to be like thatcher and keep saying “strong and stable” the electorate are thick and will swallow that infantile rubbish. And lose.
EG – solid post.
Expect lots of coverage by the BBC of comments by Jezza’s chum Gerry that it’s a threat to the peace process.
Meanwhile, yesterday a new Sinn Fein MP told the annual Derry volunteers commemoration that “the spirit and memory of dead IRA volunteers is with her and her party colleagues in “every meeting and every engagement” at Stormont, Westminster, the European Parliament and the Dail in Dublin”. This member of the UK parliament also said that republicans “carry their memory and their inspiration with us each and every step of the way as we continue on in our struggle”. Of course, those memories and inspiration include killing children in England and Northern Ireland as well as trying to assassinate a prime minister.
No doubt Jezza would give her a hug and bung her whatever she wanted if SF MPs took their seats and were willing to support a coalition or minority government he led.
Also in Derry yesterday, a 19-year-old was attacked by 3 men with a metal bar and possibly a gun. A few weeks ago, a 15 year-old had both his legs broken and these attacks have been blamed on dissident republicans giving out punishment beatings. You won’t find the BBC reporting them, just as they don’t like to remind people that Jezza invited Gerry Adams to Westminster at a time when the IRA also controlled young people by using metal bars to smash their knee-caps.
Great minds – just seen your comment !! Keep listening.
A threat to the peace process was already engineered by the late schemer Martin McGuiness,He knew what he was doing when he forced the collapse of the power sharing assembly.One last throw of the dice from the terrorist.At least that’s how I see it and I don’t know too much about Irish politics but interested enough to follow the ups and downs.
The BBC fell over themselves to priaise McGuiness but where is the unbiased examination of the “troubles” NI is still part of the UK after all.
With its domination of regional news ,The BEEB is able to compartmentalise areas of Britain and not report some really important news nationally ,like the grooming gangs,NI issues ,Welsh issues etc .We are meant to be a United Kingdom .
Just seen on sky someone to look out for.
A political commentator named Alex Deane.
He comfortably saw off a guardian virtue signaller and put Kay burley in her place.
Keep an eye open for this man who is saying all the right things.
I’ve not heard of him before but will be looking out for him if he gets asked back.
EG, Shalom.
This fellow?
Thanks Lucy,
I can’t remember the last time I was that coherent at 0535 . The al Beeb gallery must have been dozing along as no one cut such a clear sensible view off so that they could run a piece on ” killer seagulls in dawlish?” Fake news . The subtitles were enriching . Thanks again.
PS on a more serious note – bet we won’t see more of him on albeeb and I think he knew that too
Same here, FED!
Many thanks Lucy – what a great start to the day!
Having had to put up with dull Rhod Sharp interviewing every US leftie journo (except tor a token Republican ‘mate) on and off during the night, with WAPO innuendo dripping from grey lips, and another trashy UK rag giving opinions with no facts, you’d think that we didn’t even have a government now soundly in place with many more popular votes than the others, and that Labour’s view was sacrosanct! (Couldn’t sleep and bubblegum rubbish music at 3:00am isn’t my way of enjoying life to the full, so it’s either LBC, or blank ceiling)!
Why on earth do we get ‘headlines’ told by Corbyn that the money is a bung? Because he is so stupid really, he’s already forgotten all the bungs he promised during the election which he lost! All those dozy studes will be home soon, and will have forgotten polics to go to Magaluf.
Hopefully, the money being put into NI will be taken from a misspent Overseas ‘budget’, and will go to places ravaged by politicians and murderers for so many years, it’s about time they got a helping hand anyway! Presumably Cobyn will wonder if the money will also do more to expose his treachery when dealing with terrorists there too.
And for the record (sorry to go on), R5 will be doing some odd thing called Brexcast (nice catchy title that, presumably thought up by Wayne and Waynetta as an end of term competition at some crap school no doubt), and hosted by a bloke Mason who used to be a drummer for Pink Floyd I think…
No doubt the negatives are all piling up in the corridors of whichever shed they’re coming from these days!
Agree with all comments but note he was on at 0535.
Not exactly the 8am, 6pm, or 10 pm news was it?
Still, it gives the bBBC a tick in the box for impartiality, and then they can go for all the LeftMob bilge in the mIain bulletins to ‘redress the balance’
That’s him.
He’s impressive.
I hope we get to see more of him but if he keeps on destroying all the lefties then he might well find he’s not going to get airtime.
Highly recommended. I hope he somehow teams up with Nigel in some capacity.
He’s a bit like JRM with his factual arguments and none of the snowflakes can get away with their lies and misinformation.
I was amazed that they all sat there and didn’t interupt!
“It’s NOT racist to want to control the amount of people coming into your country…” Woman in black sitting next to Keane doesn’t like that assertion one bit. Looks like she’s chewing a wasp…
Thanks Lucy that was good, like any gaggle of lefties, facts and none pc direct english is poison to them, they all looked like they were sucking on an ice lolly made of sir Nigels urine, their faces are sight to behold, recommended watch.
Great post, LP – I have bookmarked and will watch it again – mainly to see the shock and disbelief on the faces of the Libtard Elite.
I do think I remember seeing this guy and being so impressed with someone to immediately call out the panellists silly little lies and games.
I’ll look for him on YouTube.
I do think I remember seeing this guy and being so impressed with someone to immediately call out the panellists silly little lies and games.
I’ll look for him on YouTube.
I do think I remember seeing this guy and being so impressed with someone to immediately call out the panellists silly little lies and games.
I’ll look for him on YouTube.
He must be right cos the Lefties are showing their FamousLeftyToleranceAndLove on Twitter
They are always screaming hate at Farage/Hopkins/Corporations/AnyConservative/DailyMailReaders
and then telling us”Society shouldn’t be divided”
WEll they’re the ones ding the dividing.
His video will be on SkyNews Youtube soon
Preview of the video
Stew , having seen the 0535 extract that Lucy kindly posted and now the Sky video I am pretty sure that we won’t see much more of mr Deane on the tele because he is coherent rational and doesn’t freeze under pressure. Reminds me a bit of j Rees-Mogg without the idiosyncrasies.
If he turned up on a Brillo show or that awful Non Question Time – dumbly lovein- I might set the Betamax video.
Poor ‘get into bed’ Kay,
Sheesh your as old as me fedup.
I joined the Betamax future, about £200 back in the mid 80s, a fortnights wages.
Revelution didnt last long, had to throw a bucket of dirty soapy water over it in the end, to get new carpet for the frontroom and a new for old VHS of the house insurance…………….the good old days when your agent was your darts team mate.
ps i remember my top of the range Dolby music centre was also a victim of said mishap, all the buttons were sticking in once pressed, a 2yr olds sticky fingers playing with them did that…………… for old, a gift from heaven.
Manx – ha – think we blow the non techy image by being able use this interweb thingy. Still got the sony c7 beta though. A months wages. But the BBC was the BBC then . Not al beeb.
Thats it sony c7 top loader,……
those combined insurance of america sickness pay policies were a gold mine flexi, you only needed a sicknote, you didnt actually have to be of work 6 weeks every 6 months, ive been self employed 40yrs anyway, was a lovely brucie….every 6 months, all my brothers loved that one aswell……………….think they went bust.
Insurance fraud is paid for out of the profits of the provider and the premiums of honest people.
The left are concerned about the Tories forming an alliance with the DUP who are anti-gay, anti-woman’s rights and anti-abortion. What remarkably selective vision the left must have NOT to see Mr Corbyn getting into bed with Islamic terrorists who condone murdering gays, women and anybody else who disagrees with them…
Simon Love wrote: Islamic terrorists who condone murdering gays, women and anybody else who disagrees with them…
They cant help it as it is in the Koran and Hadiths. We are not allowed to criticize the RoP. You may be as scathing as you like about Christianity, but the RoP- No.
The solution for this existential catastrophe we face in the near future is to implement full Sharia right now. The Left and feminists can get a taste of it right now while we still have the chance to reverse it, and remove this existential threat.
These idiots need to be taught a lesson. The tragedy is that they are so brainwashed, they will not listen.
“…anti-gay, anti-woman’s rights and anti-abortion.”
That’s Islam.
Boom! Alex Deane for Prime Minister!
Oh well wonderful responding from Alex. Turns the tables back on the silly gender politicking at the beginnig and then calls them out on the blatant ‘getting into bed with’ line.
Mr Deane is on both the BBC News papers, and the SKY news papers at 10:30/11:30 PM! He is a great brexit supporter and usually has 3 remainers sat opposite him!
He used to be an advisor to Cameron!
If that’s true Cameron can’t have listened to him much.
I want a full English Hard Breakfast.
That’s what we voted for – nothing more, nothing less .
That’s what was on the ballot paper !
Exactly. Full English Hard Breakfast (aka Brexfest) means
Full bacon and pork sausages every day in all schools and public eateries. Compulsory for every one. No exceptions.
We will never give our freedoms to French Croissants, or German wursts full of gristle.
The Conservative & Unionist Party arrange a confidence and supply motion with the (conservative) Democratic Unionist Party creating a majority UK Conservative government = Undemocratic arrangement which gives too much money to one of the provinces of the United Kingdom.
The Labour Party promises more money for Scotland if they can arrange a confidence and supply motion with the Scottish National Party = democracy in action demonstrating how much the provinces which form the United Kingdom matter when creating a (progressive) alliance.
BBC balance = Labour Party horseshit
Al Beeb an impartial broadcaster ?
My Ar@e!
Oh good the Tories & the DUP have struck up a deal. That’s a bit of a relief to know. I was beginning to think that it wasn’t going to happen. I hope they agreed with the DUP on making the BBC a subscription only channel, but they probably didn’t. A bit too much to expect perhaps.
Zactly! I have been waiting in vain for the Biased BBC to mention that the DUP want to defund the BBC, at least we can laugh about THAT!
Although I’m on the whole happy about the DUP deal, as the practical lesser of various evils, there is a laugh out loud aspect to this which is far from amusing. Bear with me.
Having spent time in Northern Ireland recently (it’s lovely btw) I can report that their road system is fabulous. Belfast has THREE motorways. One has 5 lanes. Imagine that for Reading or Coventry or Hull? Potholes. what are they? They are unknown in NI. They are building a dual carriageway between Antrim and Coleraine. Imagine the same for say Gainsborough to Lincoln or Tiverton to Barnstaple.
Thiese observations were pre-election and I realised just how appallingly short- changed are the nett contributing regions of the Uk. Just check out leafy Bucks for instance. Well off? As individuals maybe (no, I don’t live there). But the council has no money. The roads are a disgrace, and fly tipping takes ages to clear up. The schools are getting on for £2000 per pupil worse off than ‘deprived’ areas. And state schools cannot demand parental payments.
So it is a huge joke that NI is getting yet another billion for infrastructure.
Nearly as much a joke as Labour ‘progressives’ complaining about the deal in terms of cash for votes.
Like the abolition of student fees and writing off debt was not.
“News” at ten presenter pouring scorn upon the DUP deal with the ‘tories’ banging on about how the DUP have “extracted £1.5 billion of taxpayers money”
How it is costing British taxpayers £800 each…
I don’t recall the same scrutiny regarding the promises Corbyn made during the election or here that money was coming from.
1.5 billion, it’s like one pound fifty compared to what Brussels eats up. I just wish the left would melt like ice cream on a hot day.
Over the 2 year period the £1 billion of new money is less than 4% of the Foreign Aid budget. Maybe as a gesture to Irish nationalists it should come out of that budget!
Someone else pointed this out, but I had not noticed it before. When the BBC disapproves of public money being spent on something, it is described as ‘taxpayers’ money’. If they approve of the spending, the source is either not mentioned, or is just described as from ‘the government’.
Message to Al Beeb’s researchers and ‘so called’ Trustees ……………….
Bruitain is a great country, its not called Great Britain for nothing.
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Or OFCOM. Latest from the BBC’s ‘Oops, I did it again’ blonde:
Laura K doesn’t make errors .She is a sneaky individual who knows exactly what she is doing .She should in no way be a political pundit for the so called impartial BBC .
The money will be spent in NI as a whole not by the DUP but by politicians across the province from all sides so all will benefit.At least the DUP stand up for their people’s when making a deal.Cant fault them for that. Wish more of our elected did that .Maybe the DUP will stiffen the resolve of Mrs May.
Maybe the PM needs some lessons on negotiation 😉
I would be delighted for the DUP to take over the Brexit negotiations.
The BBC are as usual sneering in their attitude to anything the government does. Kuenssberg on the DUP deal is a typical example . So by way of bungs, how do we classify Corbyn’s proposed freebies to students, welfare recipients and public sector workers during the GE campaign? All would be funded by increasing the deficit and make £1 billion over 2 years look like small change.
I only wish the DUP had forced the government to do something about the BBC as a condition of the deal. There was allegedly a proposal about the BBC in the DUP manifesto.
More than ‘allegedly, my friend –
Click to access DUP_Wminster_Manifesto_2017_v5.pdf
The TV licence fee is a highly regressive tax which was designed for a different era and a world of communication that no longer exists. The success of Netflix and Amazon streaming services shows that subscription based media can and does work. An independent Commission should be established to conduct a review of how the BBC is structured and the services it provides and to examine alternative funding models, identify the opportunities for competitive tendering of key services and produce a plan that will either significantly reduce the licence fee or abolish it. “
Googled dup bbc licence fee.
Latest was 18th june…………….all gone very quiet, we want our yes yes YES moment you b@stards, get a shift on.
Manx! What a post!
“yes yes YES moment you b@stards, get a shift on”
‘Pillow talk’ at this time of day..;0)
Come again…?
David Vance having a breakdown over the fact that the DUP and the Conservatives receiving criticism. Meanwhile this British unionist continues taking Putin’s ruble with appearances on RT, supporting their narrative of denigrating Britain. At least he gets a nice holiday out of it. Oddly enough his fans still cheer him on, and on this there is……silence.
Which part of RT (Russia Today) do you not understand? (Hint this website isn’t called RT bias).
“The channel’s studios are in Millbank Tower. The channel offers four hours of programming per day, Monday to Friday UK News at 7pm, 8pm, 9pm and 10pm. On Fridays there is no 10pm UK News bulletin. The RT UK News anchor is Bill Dod. Like its counterpart in the United States, it simulcasts RT International at all other times.”
Hardly a holiday destination!
Can you imagine the satisfaction you would take at the telly tax being scrapped, the pain that would cause the cultural marxists.
I Dont know which would be better, 10 muslims running loose in broadcasting house with AK47s and bomb vests in a full display of non-islamic Islam or the licence fee being abolished, either will silence their constant barrage of lies and half-truths, the irony of scenario’s well deserved, the fostering of the Muslim lie becoming a mass victim of its own wilful blindness and superiority, i sometimes almost wish victim status on them….it couldnt happen to nicer people… would be a demonstrstration to their most ardent liberal apologists that they hate us, even their british enablers.
Their catastrophy, their downfall would alter the course of british history, if al beeb went full anti-immigration.
Go the full Corbyn and make it ‘free’ for everyone, to be paid for out of the BBC’s profits.
Surely the full Corbyn would be paid for out of an income tax supplement for their employees (direct or sub-contracted)?
The Conservative-DUP deal is good for the whole country: Labour’s hypocrisy stinks to heaven
A good read.
This election may well turn out to have yielded the bestest result unimagined.
Manxman mentioned that a terrorist attack on the BBC could result in a u-turn on its perception of Islamic terror.
I think this is unlikely to happen for two reasons:
1. I suspect state security is VERY tight on anything to do with the BBC; traditionally the state broadcaster is the first port of call in an uprising (in Budapest in 1956, for example, some of the fiercest street fighting was around the state radio studios).
2. Although the footsoldiers of ISIS are thickos, there are likely to be some intelligent people manipulating them who know that they cannot risk alienating organisations like the BBC. A backlash from the state broadcaster would not be in their interests.
I agree, however i think their emphasis is on ”big” ”spectacular” world reverberating and i believe they will get more efficient at killing us.
ps did you see how shit scared and islamophobic peirs morgan et al got when tommy held up the koran, they instantly took fear of revenge on the station for having him on,……………..pure islamophobia, could their be a clearer of how shit scared they are of them,…………………but ofcourse thats not a phobia, its survival instinct, survival instinct is islamophobia only if you are politically on the right or centre for that matter.