On the day the BBC reveals that 100 of its employees earn more than the PM, here is a new OPEN thread. To me, the scandal is not the red herring of ‘pay gap” but rather one of the annual extortion of £3.5bn from anyone who owns a TV. A stalinist construction in 2017. Thoughts?
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some cumbrians get washed out?? bbc how many ? any emergency response? is the government going to chip in, amnesty for non tax council payers? free stuff for all the uninsured?
corbyn due tomorrow to demand action and blame the tories ?
sssshhhhh dont tell those bastard northern brexit bigots
And where is Owen Jones saying “this wouldn’t have happened to rich people”?
Grenfell (could not find clear resident count/death toll) demand housing and enjoy £5K no questions asked … then there are 7,580 people were recorded as rough sleeping in London in 2014/15. This number has increased every year since 2007 and is now more than double the numbers in the mid-2000s. {londonspovertyprofile.org.uk}
Most rough sleepers in 2014/15 were aged between 26 and 55 (79%). The vast majority were men (86%). 43% were born in the UK and 36% were from Central and Eastern European countries.
… why does this feel wrong? Where did this energy and money suddenly come from to solve problems quickly? Why is it different for 7,580 people lying in the street?
and why are 86% men the misogynist bastards have to rule everything, down with the patriarchy
Because white men are the lowest card in the victim pack. Coming from eastern or central Europe doesn’t add any extra points to victim status, in fact it may even detract, as liberals will be aware that many people in those countries have ‘wrong think’ about certain subjects.
Kaiser, thanks for posting that. I was always puzzled why the BBC only ever asked people like George Monbiot about a cure for flooding. He has no practical knowledge of cause or cure and his proposal – afforestation of uplands – was actually more likely to make water course blockages worse and would not work in flat wetland farmed areas anyway. He is, I think, also an EU supporter or is at least sympathetic to the EU.
Owning up to the obvious fault of some EU Legislation would, I guess, have grated a bit with him!
meanwhile forced marriage and homosexuality who does the so called BBC interview as an example of this problem
yep a sikh
BBC News at 10 mentioning that David Dimbleby is not on the BBC salaries list as “he may be using a private company”.
A bit or searching on Companies House looks like he is a director of ‘Towner Enterprises’ and the company abbreviated accounts are here
Towner Enterprise abbreviated accounts for year end March 2016
It doesn’t show turnover so we can only guess how much the BBC pay him but the balance sheet shows £185K cash in the company bank account and £227K set aside for creditors (most likely the dividend to be paid out).
I wonder if he is declaring all his earning inside IR35? If you only have one employer then PAYE is the normal way to be paid. I’m sure it’s all legit though!
He is also an officer of registered charity ‘Towner”
Towner abbreviated accounts for year end March 2016
I leave it to someone else to establish if this is a genuine charity or one of those special tv and film charities with “cash back” for those who donate!
The vile BBC predictably using the term Asian instead of Muslim in reports tonight about gay men being forced into traditional marriages. There is no length the BBC will not go to cover for their beloved Islam. You imagine the uproar if Christians were forcing gays into traditional marriages.
The new term is ‘south Asian’ to save, I assume, confusion with Russians, Tibetans, Chinese, Japanese and others inhabiting the continent. Where the term leaves persons of uncertain gender, such as the renowned and popular Burmese and Vietnamese ‘lady boys’ is a problem definition the BBC may be faced with in the future – though the lads in question might well regard forced marriage as an enjoyable, if short term, experience.
James Purnell on Newshight sporting beard and kaftan… hasn’t he just been offered Head of Religion? Looks like he’s converted to the BBC’s favourite and most beloved religion; converting to Islam is probably the BBC criteria nowadays for applying for religious production jobs at BBC. Also, the BBC trying to use diversity and gender to obnubilate the real issue tonight: that public are being intimidated and forced to fund the BBC’s relentless left wing shit under threat of criminal charges. They are a disgrace.
Well remember the Savile stuff as well as Ross/Brand.
Who will ever forget the BBCs senior management like Jay Hunt and Mark Thompson getting pushed off their lotus leaves and briefly getting a few minutes on the news to “explain their greatness”.
Both were PR disasters-and Purnell is clearly of that calibre.
Whenever, wherever he`s been on the radio or telly in the last 24 hours-he`s been an utter disaster and a walking bundle of third rate cliches and bumble.
Of course he was a nothing in Gordon Browns cabal of ministerial talent as he cringed in his bunker eating his nails. And he`s a nothing now-but how the hell did he get his job?
At least David Frost had been saved from drowning by Peter Cook.
The BBC seems now to be run by bloated New Labour suckups who think that dressing like Steve Jobs makes them better than us.
Who has decided that Will Young with pubes on his face who dreams of a job selling cereal in a themed hipster bar in Shoreditch is somehow worthy.
Who confuses looking like Christophe from the Truman Show with being a zen god.
Wanker-why are we paying for him if not to apply the coup de grace on the BBC that employs the Gordon Browns retreads, and doesn`t tell the rest of us.
At least we know his like are marked now-let`s make it our job to get his like out of public life shall we?
The BBC feared poaching of talent so they kept their salaries a secret.
Let’s see how many of their ‘talent’ now get poached…..
Ah, UK MPs in 2009 kept expense secret for fear of being poached as well …
Diane Abbott does not claim for a second home, but is paid a supplement for living in the capital. “All my fixtures and fittings are paid for out of my basic salary”
Gerry Adams and four other Sinn Fein MPs claimed more than £500,000 over five years even though they refuse to attend Parliament
Adam Afriyie has not made any claims on his second home allowance
Nick Ainger tried to claim £3,371 for furniture – including £768 for a Man Ray styling chair and £1,434 for a sofabed – but was paid £3,075
… my 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon …
Keith Vaz claimed £75,500 for a second flat near Parliament even though he already lived just 12 miles from Westminster3,075
In the military you gain a pension after 22 years. If you do anything that earns a regimental entry , you lose that pension. This acts as a bloody good deterrent in which to keep your nose clean. If only the rest of the civil service did so, this country would be so much a better place.
Poached? Not roasted!
I predict that none of them will be “poached”, Al beebus is the only place where many of them could ever be employed.
unless football suddenly moves to itv its unlikely jug ears is going anywhere, thank god for that, i would’nt tune in to watch my beloved mcfc and their shit keeper if it wasnt for jug ears words of wisdom
Well folks I am sorry to post this, but the message that I get at the end of the day is that journalists, and I mean all journalists are ‘closing ranks’ in support of Al Beeb.
I hope that I am wrong.
What do you think?
At least Flabbot is not listed. Stand by for her cries of waycism.
Looks like it. There is a class in this country that has taken and I mean taken far more than it deserved in the way of the national wealth however earned. They are not my friends or the friends of any patriotic Englishman .
In the USA there is a great song by Iris de Mentes. “The Wasteland of the Free”
The anthem of the deplorables .
It will be a huge mistake to think that many of us conservatives are supporters of casino capitalism and the way things are now with the Tory party.
This is what President Trump realised in the US and it is why he has a voter base that the elites simply don’t understand and should be afraid of.
It is also why we need to take Corbyn seriously.
Dave S
“They are not my friends or the friends of any patriotic Englishman “.
Or any Welshman, Scotsman or Briton for that matter.
Its high time that this government ‘took on’ the liberal media who have been influencing British politics for far too long with its ‘PC’ propaganda.
It has let down the indigenous people of this great country of Great Britain.
Iris DeMent perhaps? Livin’ In The Wasteland Of The Free.
Agree Taffman-noting that RT and Sky have been cringing and unwilling to muck up the gardens of other media giants.
What a cartel-bet they`ve all worked for each other like ancient typesetters and grip boys of Fleet St…familyn firms, cartels and cabals.
Boulton was an oily wanker on The Media Show…fat lardy git, married to New Labour so he`s knee deep in gravy creams as well.
Monopoly Newspeak, all sirens blaring.
I would like to see a freedom of information request regarding how many of the bbc presenters are limited companies or self-employed. PAYE tax on £700k would be a tidy sum unless you were a limited company. I would hazard a guess that there were a lot of tongues in cheeks when they were being so self-righteous reporting the Panama Papers a while back.
old jug ears..always been a cheat and a tosser!..on, & particularly off, the pitch!
“BBC pay: Chris Evans tops list of best-paid stars”
Notice the dumbing down statement of “best paid” instead of highest paid ………………….
A HYS is running and its not looking good.
07:35 – “Sorry, we are unable to load the comments at this time. Please try again later.”
It must have been looking very bad.
At least it says “paid”, i.e. what he is given, not “earned”, which has an implied sense of being deserved.
Nice one Jim.
Money for just being semi-famous!
Trouble is, there are so many feckless lazy yobs out there watching the trashy stuff they squirt out.
And what about this lot ?
Are the Trustees to be trusted ?
Sick, Bloated and Corrupt – Your BBC.
At the end of the day, a message to Al Beeb………….
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Wait till Al Beeb read this ……………
“US investment bank Morgan Stanley has chosen Frankfurt as the site of its post-Brexit EU hub in a move that could put 200 jobs in the City of London under threat”……………….
Operative word in the headline – “could”.
Past time we listened to the bankers about anything. Bastards and greedy ones at that.
Not long ago “200 greedy bankers deported” would have been a celebrated headline
Just enough to house the Grenfell Graspers.
I wonder how many jobs were lost when Ford, Cadbury’s, Peugeot and heaven knows who else relocated to mainland Europe with the help of EU grants? Mind you, I suppose the people in those factories were a bit too “working class” for the Guardian to worry about.
Re MS – fine, just watch you don’t catch your @rses on the door handle on your way out.
Anyone remember zero? He has been on HYS about the pay disclosures
Surely this cannot be the same one, if so we have converted him.
4163. Posted by zero on 19 Jul 2017 23:06
To hide the real issue here, the BBC is headlining gender discrimination. But this is about a privileged few exploiting masses who pay a stealth tax licence fee. I’very been a long-standing BBC loyalist. But I’m increasingly becoming sceptical of its value as a public service. The BBC has fast become a politically correct self-indulgent institution. Sheer greed. That’s the real headline here!
Praise the Lord. Zero has seen the light!!
He has been “converted”.
Perhaps he will return to post here again ?
😀 !
I notice the BBC has rinsed their pay story out of the news this morning – apart from the diversionary ‘equality’ angle. Meanwhile within today’s top headlines we learn there’s a clean up after the Cornwall storm and the Grenfell Town community are still angry.
“Now this is not the end of the bbc… But it is, perhaps, the beginning of the end of that Evil Empire.”
“And here’s what I think of them.”
Matthew Price is the BBC radio go-to reporter on mass migration across Europe. He was very active in 2015 and now that the African route via the Med has opened up big style in 2017, he’s back. This cataclysmic ( for Europe) event is only treated as a human interest story with the emphasis on the plucky migrants and the nasty tactics pursued by European authorities to prevent them. The big questions about the role of charity taxi services in the Med, the ineptitude of the EU in eliminating people traffickers on the North African Coast, the disastrous long term implications for European culture, the importing of terrorists are all ignored. As usual.
… but using people, migrants, is how the EU has negotiated (been bullied) before with Libya, Italy and Turkey … fao Matthew Price from your own organisation’s BBC website …
2010 – Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn from EU Tax Payers) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.”
2011 – France and Italy push for reform of Schengen treaty (and are using migrants, people, as threats to get their way) {bbc.co.uk apr2011}
“Italy has angered France by granting visas to thousands of migrants, allowing them to travel across Europe’s border-free Schengen zone.”
– notice how this story headline is about Schengan and reform, and not the migrants which is the actual story!
– Matthew Price has a video in the article … short memory?
2016 – Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) {bbc.co.uk nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.”
– notice how this story headline is about surge with no numerical value!
2017 – Ministers urged to protect rights of EU citizens in UK {bbc.co.uk mar2017}
“But Hilary Benn, the Exiting the EU committee’s Labour chairman, said it was wrong to use EU and British citizens as ‘bargaining chips’.”
BBC pay scandal just keeps getting better. The figures the devious, secretive, sexist and racist beeb have (reluctantly) released are just the tip of the iceberg:
“BBC pay list: the hidden names the corporation does not want you to see.”
“The published table of BBC star salaries contains 96 names, but the real number is likely to be higher as a technicality allows the true figures to be masked.
The government required the disclosure of “people paid more than £150,000 of licence fee revenue” in the last financial year.
But that means direct payment only. Anyone who is paid via an independent production company is exempt from the list, as is anyone paid by the corporation’s commercial arm, BBC Worldwide.”
DT: http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/bbc-pay-list-the-hidden-names-the-corporation-does-not-want-you-to-see/ar-AAosVzK?li=AAmiR2Z&ocid=spartanntp
Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis ‘could quit the BBC in huge pay gap row’
Perhaps we’ll shortly be seeing her working on the tills at Aldi!
No way. Doesn’t have the correct skill set.
Lobs, of course she’ll be offered much more of our money.
They don’t cut corners at the bbbc, they just scoop up the tax and shove it around when it suits them.
But why is Fiona Bruce given so much money?
No BBC reporting; No ‘Black Lives Matter’; No more general media reporting. Absolute racism –
BBc Breakfast. The sofa sloth goes on and on and on at the deputy leader of North Kensington council. “Lack of trust” blah blah “Stand aside” Now didn’t something happen in Westminster, London Bridge and Manchester recently?
Perhaps the £200k presenter could go for a job where they can find solutions to these issues, instead of whingeing and emoting about them from the comfort of the studio sofa.
After all, they have so much ‘talent’, don’t they?
Received via email:
The BBC is promoting gender extremism

Last Monday we emailed you highlighting plans by Transport for London (TfL) to drop all language referring to men and women as it is “offensive”.
We spoke out because traditional marriage is based upon recognising that the differences between men and women allow them to complement one another in marriage. Redefining gender undermines real marriage by confusing what it means to be a man or a woman.
As a result of our email, the ban became big national news, being reported by many major newspapers and television news shows.
However, the coverage was biased, one-sided and in many cases refused to quote from anybody critical of this wasteful and extremist measure.
The BBC, which has a legal duty to be impartial, quoted only from TfL and from the homosexual campaign group Stonewall in its online story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-40591750 despite being provided with an alternative view by the Coalition for Marriage.
The Corporation has a legal and an ethical duty to give equal weight to opposing views in their coverage – an obligation also ignored in their recent reporting on same-sex marriage in Malta http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40589561 and Germany, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-40457263 which has been flagrantly one-sided.
Funded by your licence fee, the BBC needs to recognise real diversity of opinion and stop using its privileged position to push extreme ideology down the throats of the public, in clear breach of its royal charter.
Monkeying around with nature-
If gender being offensive was not strange enough, lawyers in the United States are using same-sex marriage laws to argue that monkeys should be legally considered to be people for the purposes of copyright.
Campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are suing a British photographer on behalf of a crested black macaque monkey which appears in one of his photos. PETA’s lawyers have suggested that if a definition as fundamental as marriage can be redefined to include same-sex couples, so authorship should be expanded to include animals. This would mean that the photographer’s royalties would to go to the monkey.
The Coalition for Marriage has always warned of a slippery slope once politicians took it upon themselves to redefine the natural basis of our society. We have already seen a push to re-define male and female. It now looks like the very idea that a ‘person’ must be legally defined as a human being is also under threat.
Ladies, Gentlemen and the 69 Genders we have officially arrived … “The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever.”
When the BBC talks of gender pay gap. should it be more inclusive and include the 71 genders as available on facebook? {previous post}
I am a passenger
I am not a number.
Headline news this morning on bBBC.
Calls to resign from a heckling crowd of presumed ex Grenfell tower residents at a K and C council meeting.
Is this news?
Is this to be expected?
I’ve seen quite a few council meetings where I live and the council has been booed and jeered often.
But strangely the bBBC reporters were not present.
News? No. Biased BBC shit- stirring? Yes.
Ever wondered why islam hates Jews so much? A good list of many citations from the quaran here –
Slightly off piste I know but I’m off to see Dunkirk tomorrow and I have promised some of my fellow members on here a review. But alarm bells are ringing here, could this be another La La land? That film got rave reviews and was probably the worst 2 hours of my life and that’s saying a lot as I’m a Bolton Wanderers fan! You see I was manipulated into watching that film by bias media it was truly truly awful could the same be said about Dunkirk? am I being manipulated?? I will only know at 22:00 as I leave the cinema. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that the film will NOT WIN BEST PICTURE even if it is the best war film ever made (according to some reviews) Why won’t it win??
Because the lefties won’t let it !!!
No Women in it
No Homosexual appressed WW2 story line.
However shortly to be released is:
“I” a story of a Intersex Ethiopian dwarf who escapes the war and poverty ravaged country of his birth (Ethiopian Airlines was one of the first operators of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner in 2014) he / she / it falls in love with Irish rugby player turned refugee charity worker Dougan, a onetime homophobic hard drinking lout who fell in love with the male lead of the Irish national ballet during a RTE edition of Children In Need as he was coached into performing Swan Lake in a rugby shirt.
Dougan meets “I” whilst he is handing out soon to be expired Kit Kats (Sell by date Aug 2017) in the Calais jungle (Another RTE Charity documentary) realising at once that he had found the love of his life. The close up of his eyes looking into him / her / it on his knees is seen as the cinematic moment of 2017……needless to say it all comes to a sticky end in a luxury flat fire in London. Now that’s my tip for best picture.
“The only thing I can say with any certainty is that the film will NOT WIN BEST PICTURE”
Probably not, but does it matter? Would help the box office takings I suppose, but I doubt if many under 30s even know where Dunkirk is, let alone understand its significance. The surprising and encouraging thing is that it got made at all. Not normally my type of picture but we’re off to see it next week.
Probably won’t do well in America either, as the director, who is half American (whatever that means), neglected to invite Tom Cruise to save the day. I’d like to be proved wrong, but I doubt if I will be.
No shortage of good stories out there – the Chindits in Burma, for example. Some family history there.
Clare, there are many things that could make great films but don’t seem to catch the imagination of film makers or BBC. Examples would be the Malayan Emergency, the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya, the war in Cyprus and the retreat from Aden. There is a good book about Malaya called ‘Jungle Green’ by Arthur Campbell which as far as I know has never been filmed. I recall there was a film about Kenya called ‘Kitchen Toto’ and about Cyprus called ‘The High Bright Sun’; as far as I know there’s nothing about Aden.
My theory is these events do not appeal to film-makers because either they just don’t know about them or they consider them ‘problematic’ (ie, there’s a risk that pet minorities could be shown in a bad light). In the case of Malaya unlike Vietnam it was a reasonably successful war against communist insurgents -oops, can’t let that be known! Yet there have been hundreds of thousands of films about WW2 because to the left that is still considered a just war.
Because it sacrificed half of Europe to Communism and but for the Americans having atomic bombs, all of it would have been; that’s why the Left never tire of eulogising about it – it almost was their finest hour.
How come Bollywood films don’t have the minorities represented? Very strange. Have a look yourself {bollywood.com – celebrities page} … should diversity be 50/50 or 80/20 or 100/0?
How remarkably “pale” they look!
They don’t need Europeans.
“Yes, Oscars Are a Little Less White — but Hollywood Still Has a Lot of Work to Do” {variety.com – Jharrel Jerome – 2017}
“It hit Jharrel Jerome like a punch to the gut. In 2016, for the second year running, performers of color (or lack of talent?) had been shut out (but he managed to get in. list of examples please) of the Oscars.”
… but let’s ignore the lack of caucasians in Bollywood and caucasians in North Korean films of nuclear attacks on the USA!
Don’t get your hopes up. The Times gave it 2/5 and described the music score as an express train full of cutlery hitting the wall of an explosives factory.
Halifax, couldn’t agree with you more on La La Land. I’m a huge fan of musicals so due to the publicity I couldn’t wait to see it. I almost walked out after the first 10 minutes. The most overrated film of 2016/17.
Sexual offences on trains and tubes double in five years
We all know the real reason sexual offences are rising especially when the article states
The majority of the incidents recorded were sexual assaults on females aged 13 and above.
What caught my eye was the report from Journalist Imogen Groome with a Facebook self obsessed photo of herself doing a fish pout.
“I felt something against me, at first I just thought it was someone’s bag or something but it continued. I realised what was happening, he was rubbing himself up against me. I was unable to move for about 10 minutes until the carriage got quieter. Then he moved away.
“My first thought was don’t shout, he might have a knife, I felt angry and upset, I spoke to my editor when I arrived at work who said I should write it down.
I would give her the benefit of doubt and say she didn’t imagine it. But then the devil in me started Googling and found this
where she has once again “written down her experiences” this time from a “Creepy pizza delivery man”.
He texted her to say she was beautiful, she decided to keep texting back to each of his following messages keeping it going. Eventually she decides all men are shits, tweets about it and eventually the poor bloke gets sacked.
Anyone else see a pattern from her?
I suspect that she is mentally ill.
I’m just surprised to learn that John Prescott appears to still travel on the Tube.
Whilst I think it totally wrong that this guy did use the mobile number as a way to contact that woman I did find strange in the article how she went from:
“Personally I found the whole thing pretty hilarious…”
“I told them it left me unsettled. I told them I was incredibly unhappy with the experiences and I wasn’t sure whether to order from them again for fear of more inappropriate texts and questions about drugs.”
It’s like she’s trying to cover all the bases with the classic ‘I wasn’t bothered by it but I am bothered by it”. Why not just own one position (offended or not offended) rather than trying to straddle both fences.
I really believe that this exposure of pay by the BBC is to get rid of their Caucasion middle aged or older
men and replace them with presenters picked by the positive discrimination and diversity department.
I cannot see the BBC increasing the wages of their female staff to match the men. This is not Wimbledon.
They will try and reduce the men’s salary and presenters such as Gary Lineker will leave. I expect that
he is a “dead man walking” right now. A very rich one at that. It will then open the door for a “diverse”
presenter of Match of the Day.
So Englands girls are infinitely better at footy than the Scots.
6-0…and the BBC seemed awful loath to draw the conclusions.
All manner of excuses, not the British way to gloat as our gals stuffed the haggis.
The BBC seem unhappy. It was not meant to be 6-0. Quite the cakewalk.
Or was that fried Mars bars as doled out by Moira Anderson?
Footballs dead on its arse isn`t it?
Maybe an English MP could wear a football shirt now in HoP as a show of acknowledgement for the England drumming of the Scots.
Still annoys the shit out of me that this douche bag wasn’t pulled over the coals for this.
Or one of these – to please Emily Thornberry
Er, Ade Adepitan perhaps ? along with Nadiya, he’s being employed down other avenues to keep the diversity flag flying.
Brissles-I reckon the BBC have lined up Mina Rzouki to replace Gary Lineker.
Believe me she ticks all the right boxes and she actually does know a lot about
football.She will make a fine addition to the stable of Claire Balding, Sue Barker etc.
BBC woman’s hours doing trans again with author Sylvia Brownrigg
‘Oh yes my children at school talk about transexuals’
.. Other SJW items in the prog
– Black Panther terrorist/activist who’s sill hiding out in Cuba after 40 years for being given murder charge for being in the gang that killed police.
– Picking up the FALSE-narrative that the BBC pay list is all about gender
(it isn’t cos people are cherrypicking by using only #0 Yesterdays talent pay list
…not taking account of #1 The BBC management pay list, and #2 staff using the private company pay model
.. aswell as not taking account of the small sample size and other complexities (repeat fees, image rights etc.)
10:46am The WH serial, the biography of said Black Panther terrorist opens with the line
* ” We must wind our revolution by any means necessary” *
Is this charmer Assata getting paid more or less than an Abbott? The basic currency bundle we sue to reward grievance and black privilege as pid for by white women on Womans Hour and such?
I`ll say she`s 0.4 of an Abbott…reveal you BBC shits-it`s OUR BBC you know( john Birt used to say this)
I find it queer though, that suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere – we are awash with transsexuals, transgenders and transphobics.
They require transmogrifying.
Gax, …. find it queer though, that suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere – we are awash with transsexuals, transgenders and transphobics……..
Rather like all the fads and phobias that slebs inflict themselves with. We’ve had the ‘being bullied in my youth’ stories, the ‘my battle with manic depression/eating disorder/ panic attacks’ stories, etc, which makes one believe that there are clearly no ‘normal’ “I’m ok and just living my life” people out there anymore. (well, actually there are, we just don’t broadcast it world wide)
I wonder whether Woman’s Hour will ever do a piece about the (virtually unknown) “Zebra killings” in San Francisco during 1973-74? When the “Death Angels” who were black Muslims, stalked and murdered dozens of people simply because they were white.
I’m certain to be wondering for a long time.
There is about as much chance as the BBC making a programme about the Zebra murders as there is of them making a programme about the greed of the public sector or the boost to the living standards of the poor caused by low taxes.
I propose July 19 be designated UK Independence Day: the day the great British public finally began to wake up to the reality of the monstrous beebistan, and cracks began to appear in its nefarious dominion over their minds. Hopefully, like the Berlin Wall, its demise will be speedy and complete.
I briefly listened to Radio 4 this morning. The BBC in complete disarray. Wonderful ! Maybe they will collapse as quickly as the Soviet Union. I hope so. Bunch of tossers.
“Hopefully, like the Berlin Wall, its demise will be speedy and complete.”
The difference being, of course, that the staff will be leaving Broadcasting House in Mercedes, Bentleys and Ferraris rather than Trabants.
The Berlin wall was the only thing that could have stopped Merkel becoming the figure head of Europe and forcing policies onto EU Members. Guess you can’t have diversity and walls!
(Not sure who or when we voted for the German leader Merkel to say she represents the EU, but sure the EU can produce a back dated document from a meeting … waiting …. ).
This was the day when we voted for Brexit, or better still, the day we actually leave that insidious institution.
Regretfully, it will be a long time before the BBC is brought down since the Tories have no stomach for the fight. It is only Trump who can, and does stick 2 fingers up at MSM.
The only way the BBC will quickly fall is if there is a mass boycott of the TV Tax
Quite simply everybody who voted to leave the European Union should refuse to pay their television tax.
Pygmy Khan still calling for the cancellation of Trump’s state visit. Of course we know the real reason: unlike his supine muslim predecessor, Trump dislikes islam and islamism, is prepared to do something about muslim terrorism, and is not afraid to speak out about it.
Charlie Martell
And it seems that the Prime Minister is listening to her toy boy.
The Sadiq Khan chicken conundrum:
2012 – There are too few Chicken Shops – I’m bringing Halal jobs to the UK!
2015 – There are too many Chicken Shops – vote for me as Mayor of London to reduce them!
“For the (too) Many (Chicken Shops 2015), Not the Few (Halal Slaughter Houses 2012)” {biasedbbc link}
And don’t forget knife crime – more quaint ethnic enrichment.
“Violent crime up 18% in England and Wales.”
His bus was a dad driver so I’ve heard.
Listening to the World Service you quickly become aware of the double standard in that, it’s ok for the foreigners but certainly not for us here in Britain. In fact they even approach the free, fair, impartial when reporting countries they don’t perceive as a threat to liberal dogma. e.g.: “It is essential for a country to have a sense of it’s history, national identity and aspirations in order to be a country”. This said when discussing the Partition of India.
And two US Pastors are suing Coca Cola for err ….. not sure?
Blacks (and others) drink too much none diet soda, become obese and get diabetes etc. and black slaves harvesting sugar cane suffered so there you have it. A clear case of racism, discrimination and murder?
I have an idea for a BBC show. We know how they love to support the weak, be it victims of austerity or refugees.
How about an investigation into poor and vulnerable people whose lives have been ruined by fines and jail through not paying the tv tax? They could have heart-breaking stories of widowed women who needed the television for company but could not afford it, then suffered the indignity of going to court. There must be so many people they could talk to. Then they could show the ‘bad guys’ sipping champagne in their massive houses paid for by the weak and vulnerable. Sounds like the perfect Beeb SJW narrative, no? An oppressor sticking it to someone weak.0
I find it strange that the ubiquitous Dimblebeys are missing from the lists. There are many luminaries who may not be direct BBC employees but who benefit from BBC spin-offs and they are ignored for the purpose of this exercise.
In my past I ran an organisation that employed over 1 000 people .Only one earned more than the Prime Minister and yet in 2007 we made a profit of over $107 million. We employed successful people to do an excellent job. If the BBC employ 22 000 people I would expect 22(using the same yardstick) to be paid more than the Prime Minister and yet we have hundreds of them, not even considering the undeclared .This is certainly a world -class gravy train
The BBC accountants and lawyers will have been working hard on this fake “disclosure”. And I say that as a Chartered Accountant. The whole thing is a farce and I am sure people will see through it. I hope this is the start of the demise of the BBC.
Aren’t many paid via the Virgin Islands or some such scam?
Newsnight discussed Trump’s first 6 months the other nights. Complete waste of space, an entirely one sided assessment. It truly is pathetic these people consider themselves as being in the business of news.
Yes, it’s even been featured in bbc programs – the pitfalls of living in your own media bubble so all you get is news that bolsters your own views.
That would be all well and good if, the bbc presented a balanced, impartial view OR we had a choice of news providers but we don’t. We have no choice in the UK and t we know down to the most obscure detail exactly and precisely what line our esteemed news providers will be trotting out and it’s all as you say, one sided and utterly predictable.
I over heard a conversation yesterday, from someone who votes Conservative and watches the BBC, following the BBC news … “Every time I hear the name Trump I just automatically replace it with Idiot.”.
Now you see the power of the BBC or any News organisation.
This is exactly what Daniel Dennett warned about in ‘Daniel Dennett on Tools To Transform Our Thinking: The Surely Alarm …”you have just found the weak point in the argument”” @13:44′ .
Was interesting to actually hear a person apply a word replacement, openly, to stop themselves having to have a reasoned argument about it. Or admitting that someone can have a different opinion.
“Every time I hear the name of someone who turned a multi-million dollar business into a multi-billion one, in one of the toughest business sectors in one of the hardest markets in the world (construction in Manhattan) then successfully ran for president fighting against the Demo-rats and Republicans to do so…I replace it with the word idiot. ”
Seriously? WTF! What an @ssh0le.
The BBC is incapable of reporting objectively about anything more to the Right politically than New Labour. The BBC is also incapable (for different reasons) of reporting objectively about anything which is fashionable on the political Left. In short the BBC is incapable of reporting objectively about anything, so why should those who despise it (because they don’t happen to be on the Left politically) be forced to pay for it?
“The BBC Trust is directly accountable to licence fee payers..”. Really Trust BBC? Read on, and see how the BBC have redefined the words ‘Trust’ and ‘Accountable’ ….
Because of the unique way the BBC is funded, we can do, say and hide what we want, without financial penalties.
– David Dimbleby not listed
– Chris Evans £2.5million paid this for how long? Do viewers think he has earned this?
– Lineker £2million, twitter 6.9M followers and says negative things on Brexit despite the BBC guidelines!
Because of the unique way the BBC is funded, paedophiles can hide in our business with the TV Tax payers having no recourse to punish the business financially.
– Jimmy Savile – Kids Entertainer
– Chris Denning – DJ
Because of the unique way the BBC is funded … {biasedbbc previous-post }
And don’t forget Jonathan King !!!
The Office for National Statistics said the total number of crimes reported to and recorded by the police had risen 10% between April 2016 and March 2017
Violent crime up by18%
It is the largest annual rise in crime for a decade and includes increases of 16% in robbery and 14% in sex offences
Would be interesting to know which group of people are responsible for these rises.
I doubt the ethnicity of the perpetrators will ever be published ( unless freedom of information allows)
Nothing to do with the population of a city the size of Newcastle being dumped on our shores every year for the last few years…
And what is the rise in hate crime? Must be 100%, going by the reporting of the BBC since the Brexit vote. I’m just surprised there’s no mention of it.
The BBC promotes and perpetrates ‘hate’ every single day with its exclusively left liberal propaganda.
Just one tiny example – their blatant anti Trump and anti Brexit campaign. Now, a very good proportion of involuntary bbc financers, like Trump and like Brexit but the bbc continues to hate us across their entire output. Where are our opinions voiced and what recourse do we have? Hateful and Divisive – Your BBC.
Radio 2 at about 12:50 had Jeremy Vine say, “we all know university students in the 80’s didn’t do any work. I didn’t do a stroke of work”
2 minutes later he says “I got a 2:2 so I wouldn’t be employable today”
This man has not got a clue about the real world. He lives in a £700K a year bubble and never been outside of it.
Vine is a wanker .
Tabs ………….He lives in a £700K a year bubble and never been outside of it…………..
Oh, I should expect it to more than that, if his wife’s salary (newsreader Rachel Schofield) is added to the bumper bundle !
Brissles – That 700k doesn’t include all the highly remunerative side gigs the wizened; effeminate; metrosexual gets as a consequence of his, totally unwarranted, high profile due to his employment by Al beebus.
I’m the same age as Vine. Did a biology degree at Leeds Yooni, and got a 2:1, of which I’m pretty proud. In those days, very few people per course obtained a First Class degree – interestingly, the BBC have an article on it today – the finding that now, up to 30 odd percent of students are being issued a First Class. So that’s what market forces have done – basically buying your degree, or you might complain about the vast sums being charged for 4 hours lectures per week.
Anyway, back to Vine – I’d like a chat with him on that front. I think few science students would pass a course without doing a lot of work. Most have full timetables, while the arts students are slobbing about in the Union bar. Do you think medics and dental students did no work? Just the ARTS students. so, piss off Vine. Speak for yourself, clearly overpaid and annoying to boot.
Get rid of the telly tax. Subscription only.
So true. My cousin has a degree in Scottish Literature from Glasgow Uni. Hasn’t really spoken to me since I said to her ” What a waste of time. You can read that stuff in your spare time “. But her daughter has just qualified as a medical doctor at Dundee. Yes, real work.
Me, 2.1 in Zoology , Aberdeen . Just a few notches above Leeds !!
One thing which pisses me off is degrees in PPE which so many politicians seem to have. Just A-levels with knobs on .
Grant, a PPE, is a license to print money, and whoever gets one fails excessively in the process.
Just need to see the tossers we have in the HoC to understand that being thick with a PPE ‘degree’ (rather like an o level in gardening), is enough to make a difference to normal people trying to make their way in this country.
EU Divorce Bill
The issue is simple. The Divorce Bill cannot be negotiated except AS PART OF TRADE NEGOTIATIONS.
As a member of the EU, we agreed to support a number of infrastructure and development projects on the Continent, because we were benefitting from free trade with the EU.
If, after 2019, we will have to PAY TARIFFS, to trade with the EU, then cost of those tariffs MUST BE DEDUCTED from our financial promises.
Lord Hawl-Hawl: “By 2020 I will be able to look the licence fee payers in the eye and say we have equality of pay between men and women.” (Metro)
That’s assuming 1) anyone is still paying your repulsive mafia extortion fee and 2) you haven’t gone the way of your treacherous namesake who was hanged by the neck in Wandsworth Prison in 1946.
Once you start with this tick-box bollox, you logically can never escape it, because it continually has the opposite effect.
See if you employed 22,000 by CV only, thats alot of people, and you would get an natural percentage of every ‘sort’ ‘type’.
I think not all gay or trans want to come out, so the bbc employs a contrived percentage, plus the ones that dont come out, therefore upsetting the natural balance same with pay by CV no problem with who will get paid what, as they would be paid what they are worth, people do not apply for jobs with a pay beneath their real worth, so each positions payscale can be easily found or arrived at.
It is just bollocks total and utter contrived bollocks just to virtue signal 24/7.
And false, empty, immoral Marxist dogma ridden bollox.
Anyone spot the word of the day.
British Bollox Company.
Spot it yet.
Mayor of Paris’ heartfelt plea, “We cannot cope with this number of immigrants and can’t wait for the new plan to be put in place.”
How odd – just how can this have happened?
Their desperation to rid themselves of troublesome immigrants is surely the reason France and Germany are being so belligerent over ‘free movement of peoples’, and demanding that the UK agrees to it after our breakaway. If UK caves in, then their quiet plan to shunt their problem on to us will come to pass with a vengence. And I can’t see a May or a Corbyn government doing anything to stop it.
My friend’s very young daughter once coined a phrase for those she thought to be, up themselves, “They think they’re fancy.”
Very appropriate for the EU and far too many others of late.
“Good morning EU Team! Did you bring the Brexit Bill Invoice in that large pile of papers in front of you?” – David Davis
“Errrr, let us see (shuffle noises from all three people for 20 minutes)….errr, no, sorry.” – EU Team
“OK, meeting adjourned … please do remember the Brexit Invoice Bill, broken down to the nearest £1000 pounds, not to the nearest 100 billion. Have a good day.”- David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
… is in my mind how this meeting went …
What a treasonous douche.
Anyone who turns up with a big pile of papers to make themselves important, just looks stupid. Like when Angus Robertson went on QT and tried to make a point by saying ‘I have hear the white paper that we produced on Scottish independence’ – great work Angus but turn to the bit that mentioned how you intended to fund your enterprise when North Sea Oil plummeted in cost or maybe the bit about what currency you would have or the section on whether you would be able to join the EU.
It wasn’t a meaningful document, just a lot of expensive and ultimately irrelevant paperwork.
“You can carry American constitution, a lot of people do, in your pocket. If you tried to carry the EU constitution for any amount of time you’d break your back.” – Douglas Murray 2012?
I’ve just looked at that guys Twitter account and it’s left me seething.
The bias pouring out of every tweet is enough that he might as well be paid directly by the EU. Is the BBC News Europe producer or the EU’s Director of Communications because the line is pretty blurry.
I wonder it we leave it for another six months the Brexit Bill Invoice (made up, no top line items seen yet) will half again?
Month 0 – €100bn
Month 6 – €60bn
Month 12 – €30bn
Month 18 – €15bn
Month 24 – €7bn … agreed, but let’s keep going …
Month 30 – €4bn
Month 36 – €2bn
Month 42 – €0.5bn
… why not €100 Gazillion …
The “Enemy” of the US is Europe? –
Compelling reading –
Europe is not really an ally of the USA.
One of the drives to emigrate to the US was dislike of the European regimes wherever they were. So the fact that an ungrateful Europe is once again turning on President Trump’s USA is typical.
Liberated twice from German domination they are typically ungrateful.
At least Macron understands,or seems to, that the USA is the only nation that can protect Europe. The French always seem to have a rational view in the end. But here we have the worst of everything. A ruling elite that openly despises the President and historically loathes the US.
The future looks grim for us and it is our own fault.
The President must speak out against our British ruling class, We need this now .
Dave S, I think the one good thing is that Mr Trump understands what is going on in the UK and the treachery of its ruling class and liberal elite. He must do, otherwise he would not come out with statements like ‘BBC, another beauty’ and ‘Oh yes, I know who YOU are’ to that BBC reporter. Advisors like Sebastian Gorka, who has British blood, would certainly be able to put him in the picture about the UK. And let’s not forget that he had a meeting with Mr Farage long before he met other British politicians.
I’m sure you are right. Nigel and Seb will have given him a thorough briefing on the BBC.
Trump has been doing business in Scotland for many years. I doubt if he needs a briefing on the BBC. He saw through them many years ago.
The aspiring new member of the EU?
Stepping back into medieval times.
Turkey will try and connect with Iran – this will create an arc of Islam over the top of the Middle East … Pakistan will be the next, Cyprus being conquered easily.
“Evolution will no longer be taught in Turkish secondary schools, after being described as a “controversial subject” by the government. (replaced with ‘Struggling on the Path to Allah: Jihad’){gatestoneinstitute.org jul2017}”
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomein … 80 million people in Iran celebrate this leader’s thoughts and principles on Al Quds day.
The Quds Day march for 2017 occurred that year on 18 June. In London, the march went on as planned although more than 15,000 people had petitioned Mayor Sadiq Khan {biasedbbc link} to forbid it. – wiki Quds Day
Ataturk will be turning in his mausoleum. I wonder if the cnut Erdogan will actually go as far as to demolish Ataturk’s mausoleum ? He has already built his own palace on Ataturk’s farmland which Ataturk left to the Turkish people and was stolen by Erdogan. He is one total bastard .
PS On the bright side, Gambia had 22 years of the evil cnut, Jammeh , and got rid of him. Will the Turks get rid of Erdogan ?
Any news on the whereabouts of the ‘missing’ Grenfell donations then?
“humanitarian” vessels travel both ways don’t they? And we know they aren’t heading back to Libya full of people.