On the day the BBC reveals that 100 of its employees earn more than the PM, here is a new OPEN thread. To me, the scandal is not the red herring of ‘pay gap” but rather one of the annual extortion of £3.5bn from anyone who owns a TV. A stalinist construction in 2017. Thoughts?
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And then there’s this ………………………………….
“We believe in recognising fantastic human beings. From a woman in Kenya who fights FGM, to our Global Citizens who raise their voices for equality worldwide.
That’s why if you sign-up to the Global Citizen movement, we’ll give you the chance to win tickets to amazing events, gigs and shows – our thank you, to you. Think of it as karma.
Don’t believe us? Sign-up here and we’ll automatically enter you to win two VIP tickets to the incredible Way Out West Festival in SWEDEN featuring Lana Del Rey, Frank Ocean, The XX and many more.” Hmmm …….. sounds very way out West.
BBC the free advertising agency for Subsidy sucking GreenBlob biz/mafia
R4 You and Yours 12:34pm Direct link to prog item
Private biz Chargemaster had their official launch today for their EV electric car showroom in a Milton Keynes shopping centre
R4 sent down a reporter to report for 10 mins, and ask the least challenging of questions.
You know on R4Today when someone from in management imposes ANOTHER global warming story on them, the studio staff seem to just play the tape wait for it to end and then move on to the next item without commenting …well I detected the same with this item.
FFS The tweet shows that the BBC prog item came out of a F-ing PR firm’s work
Not many BAME people in that photo!
As with all these things once enough people have bought into the electric car concept they will get taxed like there is no tomorrow. Of course by the time that happens it’ll be where the poorer punter is entering the market.
“Ah but battery tech is improving year by year”
Again this is their wishful thinking.
but it means there is a strange dynamic.
#1 You wait an another year to buy instead of today
#2 Changing tech means the secondhand value of what you do buy is low.
..that’s why the whole lot EV/hybrid only have 1% market share .
If was really about saving CO2 they’d concentrate on CO2 intensives lik trucks that are on the oad most of the day.
If we have barely enough electricity generating capacity to meet our conventional needs where is the extra capacity coming from when we substitute electricity for petrol/diesel?
Of course our conventional needs aren’t static either – more people, more demand, simple. The ‘invisible’ internet continues to demand ever more power as cat videos take over the world, Iplayer replaces ‘live’ TV and speeds increase. The observant amongst you might have noticed that most BT ‘green’ cabinets in the street have gained a twin with louvres. That is for fibre broadband and it has louvres because it uses power and its older twin doesn’t. Some of these older cabinets are getting an add-on for G.fast broadband. They have louvres too because they use power and the reason that there is an extra box is that the ‘fttc’ cabinet can’t cope with the heat. Bus shelters too are getting ‘smart’. The ones around here claim to consume 75 watts per digital display. At least LED lighting is working for us.
Largest crime rise in England and Wales for 10 years
Elephant in the room?
The BBC take will be to couple this rise in crime with the fall in police numbers due to Tory cuts. It certainly has nothing to do, in their eyes, with increased number of migrants. The fact that 28% of babies born in our country last year had mothers who themselves were born outside of the UK , is an indicator that our society is fracturing and fracturing very quickly. History tells us that fractured societies are unstable and dangerous. The BBC will of course make no mention of this, they just keep pumping out the totally discredited enrichment message whilst encouraging even more migration. Really he fools have taken over the asylum .
BAME elephant?
No. Several foreigners in the room.
So there’s public molestation, increased knife crime & acid attacks?
And I was thinking Muslim immigrants had nothing to contribute to London!
This may explain a lot. Poor dears!
I’m just off to set up a charity to give aid and succour to the poor dahhlings……………..
You shouldn’t put it down to only Muslims – we have scum from all over the planet. All aspiring or ex Doctors, Engineers and Scientists of course. But we have enough trained and experienced scum of our own so why we keep importing them, goodness knows?
Man invites 25 people to live in his 3 bed house. There are also others he didn’t invite and those that come and go. He’s bent over backwards to accommodate them but the house is becoming dilapidated and completely out of his control.
Now come on, how is that any different?
Gax – it’s more like the three bedroom house in which a man lives with his wife and son and daughter, when the landlord of the house invites ten Third World imports to move into the house (eight of whom are young males) at the cost of the original tenant; then threatens the original tenants if they complain about the new crowded arrangements or object to the newcomers behaviour towards the original females living in the property.
Music for my ears, certainly –
BBC Narrative building operation : “The Tories are doomed”
8pm R4 : ‘The crisis in Conservatism’
just like their narrative building “Trump will be impeached”
and “Brexit means doom”
Add it PR tricks drip, drip, drip ..and narrative directing photos
Why are BBC presenters paid well ?
Cos their agents tweet hype for their progs
I trust there’ll be, for balance, a programme from Venezuela – ‘The Crisis of Socialism’.
The following day, Corbyn gave an interview to Al Jazeera in which he said: ‘Chavez was a very important figure worldwide… because he was prepared to use his position to argue for a different world order.’ Corbyn attended a vigil in London at which he gave a stirring speech about the great man: ‘Chavez showed us that there is a different and a better way of doing things,’ he said. ‘It’s called socialism, it’s called social justice and it’s something that Venezuela has made a big step towards.’……..
Across the country, supermarkets are empty and most ordinary people queue for hours every day just for flour. Many of the animals in Caracas zoo have starved to death, but even those who survive aren’t safe — Venezuelans have taken to raiding the cages to butcher and eat whatever they can find: horses, sheep, pigs. In the wild, they hunt flamingos and anteaters for their meat. Inflation is expected to surpass a mind-blowing 2,200 per cent this year.
Yet the BBC seems incapable of putting the same 2 and 2 together, and we all know why.
And Chavez destroyed Venezuela, just as socialists destroy everything.
The reaction of Beeboids is “Venezuela? Where’s that? Never heard of it.”
They ouldn’t have to go to Vzla
The Labour Party has its on crisis being both pro-Remain and pro-Brexit
whilst its new shouty members are all posh kids playing at being working class…and not doing a lot of work.
Crisis in Conservatism? Ha Ha Ha
Oxford Grooming gang trial
Times won 4-year battle to name accused
Weathy businessman of predictable ethnic background
As property owner he’d been arrested but not charged.
But his name was kept secret thru the trial
“The Bullfinch trial ended with seven men being jailed for a minimum of 95 years on June 27, 2013, for their roles in the ring which groomed, drugged, raped and prostituted six young girls between 2004 and 2011.”
“The judge’s decision to hold the hearing in secret came after police claimed press reports could hamper its investigation, with the judge agreeing the force’s inquiries might be jeopardised.
Mr Khuja’s lawyers then obtained a further court order during the 18-week trial of a gang of Oxford men charged as part of Operation Bullfinch at London’s Central Criminal Court.”
“The property developer was kept on police bail until July 25, 2013, when officers admitted they had insufficient evidence to charge him, but prosecutors told the Central Criminal Court Mr Khuja would remain under investigation for child sex offences.”
Not related to the BBC but MSM in general. I recently saw Tucker Carlson speaking to Caitlyn Jenner with the title underneath saying Caitlin Jenner Transgender Woman.
She’s not a transgender woman, she’s just a woman. When a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, it becomes a butterfly not a chrysalis butterfly.
If, Caitlyn, you want to become a woman, then fine. But when you have transferred to it, then you are just a woman. That’s the group that you want to be a part of, that’s the group that seemingly you keep endlessly promoting to everyone that you want to be within so just be a woman.
I thought the whole ‘I’m so offended because you are treating me differently’ was because you just want to be accepted as your mercurial gender classification and left alone. Why then do you have to apply a new classification that intentionally defines you as not a woman and not a man but a transgender woman?
The reality is that you want to be treated differently. You want to make a big song and dance and flap your hands around and say look at me but don’t look at me, I just want to be a woman but I want to be a ‘different’ woman.
It’s not about tolerance, it’s not about diversity and it’s not about being accepted. It’s about blatant self promotion and attention seeking for your fragile, self indulgent ego.
‘Transgender woman’ without the ‘transgender’ part is back to the normal word ‘women’ – not very special, plus can’t demand special privileges above women and men … so boring!
So right – getting hard not to hear a stand-up come on stage as simply a man or a woman these days.
And ‘Transgender woman’ without the ‘transgender’ and ‘wo’ parts is back to the normal word ‘man’, which is what Bruce is and always will be despite the frock and the ego.
Albeit minus his frank’n’beans.
Voice for Justice UK:-
“Going to Hell in a Marxist Handcart
//Disaster strikes and what do we do? Well, it would seem that political agitators declare a celebration and start exploiting human tragedy to stir up rebellion. And yes, the word is used deliberately because that is exactly what we seeing from the perennially discontented Left, who still, it would appear, want nothing so much as to string up anyone who disagrees with their dystopian vision of the future from the nearest lamppost.//
//Let us make no mistake, what we are witnessing is at heart a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation. This cannot go on. We need as a matter of urgency to recover our national identity, and to be ‘proud’ of those values that once made our nation so great. In particular, we need unashamedly to recover and stand on our Christian heritage – because those are the values that truly do underpin our democracy.”//
The bBC and its ‘Look there’s a squirrel’ during the bBC wage crisis:
Margaret Thatcher suggested threatening Saddam with chemical weapons
According to the bBC, nasty Maggie wanted to drop chemical weapons on poor beautiful Muslim children. When actually even the bBC report what she actually said:
“The prime minister asked what we would do in the event of an Iraqi attack with CW [chemical weapons] or BW [biological weapons].”The president said that world opinion would eat Saddam Hussein for lunch if he resorted to this. The prime minister doubted whether Saddam Hussein would be deterred by world opinion. Did the US itself have CW in the area to act as a deterrent?
The bBC doing what it does best. Inking the public platform of scrutiny in which to blind-side its critics, in which to allow it to scuttle up the nearest dark hole for safety.
I have to admit that I used to ‘hate’ Lady Margaret Thatcher when hate was allowed. But now it’s a crime to hate, I can’t hate her.
Which is good because I’ve actually listened to her speeches and have seen not an evil woman, but a patriotic and clear thinking women.
“… there are two things. One you recognise what is happening. Two, are you prepared to do anything about it. “ – Margaret Thatcher
… most people stop at step 1.
“…there are two ways any Government can proceed. One, is a way, based on what you and I would say is a free society, which is enshrined in the very heart of the American Constitution. The other one is a way which allows only one view both of economics and politics, in which almost everything is either owned or controlled by the state. Including the media, including the ideas, including the freedom of discussion and everything. “- Margaret Thatcher
Let’s try again BBC …
‘Margaret Thatcher suggested threatening Saddam with chemical weapons’
… how about …
‘Margaret Thatcher asks if USA have chemical weapons, so Saddam would see it as an equivalent counter attack’ (Saddam does not care about International Rules of engagement)
BBC Article ends with … “The chief US weapons inspector later concluded that Iraq had no stockpiles of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons at the time of the invasion.” {bbc.co.uk jul2017}
BBC, rather than end on the above, try this ending …
Saddam Hussein has repeatedly violated sixteen United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) designed to ensure that Iraq does not pose a threat to international peace and security. … In addition to the legally binding UNSCRs, the UN Security Council has also issued at least 30 statements from the President of the UN Security Council regarding Saddam Hussein’s continued violations of UNSCRs.
In Saddam’s killing fields {bbc.co.uk may2003 – Stephen Sackur }
“The dry earth of al-Mahawil south of Baghdad is giving up its terrible secret, revealing things no human being should ever have to see.”
“We found one of the women with her baby on her chest.”
“In a matter of minutes, I counted 200, 300 bodies pulled up from one pit alone.”
“Saddam Bad” but “Margaret Thatcher Badder”?
Ignoring the headline the story suggest that Maggie was exploring how far and in what way the US would be prepared to repond to Saddam.
But we aren’t supposed to ignore the headline are we – fake ‘news’ BBC.
As already highlighted, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40665733
“Largest crime rise in England and Wales for 10 years”
Time for a parlour game, the image leading the BBC article depicts a hand holding a knife, care to guess the colour of said hand?
Well since over 50% of the knife crime in London is committed by black men the objective and utterly impartial BBC will illustrate it with a male black hand. If you don’t agree that the BBC is always factually reliable then you are just Tory scum.
Well at least London can blame black men.
Here in Glasgow, the murder rate is still higher I believe, although the spate of London stabbings has brought it closer.
Politicians will say that Scotland’s murder rate has come down, which is true, but from a high base.
‘I believe’… any hard core statistics? Not soft core please. Like soft-Brexit it turns people off.
Glasgow’s high murder rate, largely knife crime, has never been a state secret. It’s been a problem for years. The stats are separate from England & Wales so it’s difficult to be absolutely certain that one is comparing like with like. That’s why I said “believe” rather than “it’s a fact”.
London’s murder rate is not as sky high as some “believe” or, it would appear here, want to “believe” although, as I said, it’s been a bad year. I see lots of assertions without “hard core statistics” – often passed off as fact.
If some want to reject it, that’s up to them.
Some people might think: if there is a problem of a high murder rate in some parts of the UK, let’s try and tackle it rather than, say, add to it by importing large numbers of people from some of the more backward and violent parts of the world, a percentage of whom will be criminals.
Olds, it’s not even an offensive knife, is it? It looks very like a kitchen knife, albeit carried in a way that might constitute an offence to a passing PC.
Can the BBC get anything right at present? Wonder how much the researcher and the Picture Editor and the Web Manager and James Purnell were paid by the Licence Fee-payer for that particular blooper?
I think we should be told.
To carry a knife in a pocket like that does put at risk your gender fluidity big time.
The BBC should team up with Sky and agree to pay all their regular presenters nothing.
Give them the option: stay and work on screen for nothing (and enjoy the perks, newspaper columns, personal appearances, advertising) or fuck off to a life of well-deserved penury.
Back in the 60s, rock bands tried to ask for substantial fees for promoting their songs to the milliions watching Top of the Pops. They were told to appear for expenses or fuck off. They all agreed to play for expenses. So it works! That said, in a perfect world, the BBC should be closed down, pronto.
I’m wondering if the BBC is really just a front for a very clever psychopathic misogynist, not only do they pay women less they also persecute them at a higher rate than they do men.
“BBC Prosecutes 180,000 Brits Every Year, Mostly Women, So They Can Pay Millions to Celebrities”
“140,000 of those charged were taken to court, where an astonishing 101,000 women were found guilty.”
Excellent link Oldspeaker thanks. I would recommend others read it.
The likes of Lineker ought to be ashamed.
Typical of the “I’m alright Jack” mindset of the remoaners. People like him who are unaffected by the consequences of open borders etc.
The Telegraph seems to have run a similar story in 2014! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/margaret-thatcher/11314285/Thatcher-government-considered-building-chemical-weapons-stockpile.html So why this is newsworthy. Oh no of course a negative Thatch story…
Look out behind you!
But where are all the insurance companies from Grenfell’s fire then?
Why should my premiums go up, just in case they were insured?
C’mon bbbc, start another of your tiresome ‘investigations’. Why, you may even turn up a real story for once!
I have just sent the following to 10 Downing Street, London … “The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}”
and “Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“.
Let’s see if we can get Douglas Murray back into the top #1 and give the PM something good to read.
Coward! More like …
Can’t wait for a statue of Douglas Murray next to George Orwell outside BBC Offices, which will be renamed – Bidirectional Broadcasting Corporation.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell
But the bbc is constantly told things that do not want to hear but they continue to take liberties.
Maybe Gary “@£1.7m from a tax – part of the 1% – For The Few, Not The Many, avid Labour” Lineker will like the George Orwell statue near his offices with the writing on the wall – pun intended- “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.
It would be lovely to see Gary Lineker stood next to the BBC George Orwell statue (not yet installed?)
“Seeing thing as they are (Orwell) … The Strange Death Of Europe (Murray)” {amazon}
This book (The Strange Death Of Europe) should be on everyone’s summer reading list and a set text in every school @DouglasKMurray
– this is why the UK Prime Minister needs as many copies as possible over summer … you can use Amazon to send one … take care, people call you Extremist 😉 …
Just been watching ITV news, which Mrs Sluff definitely prefers.
They featured yet another Dianne Flabbott car crash interview over how the oromise of more police would be oaid for.
Yet strangely I cannot find this story anywhere on the bBBC webshite. Was it mentioned on thebBBC 10 pm news by any chance?
PS Evan Cadaver Davis has just said on Newsshite, ‘ the hapless response to the Grenfell tower fire’.
Yeah, like a guy like him on over £250k could manage such a situation so much better.
Sorry its not the Beeb. Just watching Faiza Shaheen (no me neither) strangulating her vowels and adding ‘right’ right’ (without the T) when reviewing the press on Sky. She’s listed as Director, Class Thank Tank, very impressive but think tanks are anything, until I dug deeper and found ………………………..
“The Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS) was established to act as a centre for left debate and discussion. Originating in the labour movement, Class works with a broad coalition of supporters, academics and experts to develop and advance alternative policies for today.”
She also works for the Guardian.
Sky is gradually becoming a satellite version of the BBC with its left leaning bias, and increasingly its the views of left wing journalists/commentators that are given plenty of air time. The trouble is, like this young lady, they’ve only just got out of nappies, and can barely speak properly. God knows who hires these people.
If only these people would confess their allegiance – guess that’s half the problem, we are all running scared.
Usual racist stock photo insertion at the BBC,

Why not show a woman in a flowing black bin liner holding the knife ..
Largest crime rise in England and Wales for 10 years
Eddy-This picture sums up everything about the BBC. A couple of years they showed a similar
kind of picture on the Londonistan programme with gun carrying when there was a spate of deaths
amongst black drug dealers in London. Can you image in a hundred years the BBC showing a
black pair of hands?
Bit of a pathetic ‘knife’ as well. Reminds me of the Croc Dundee excerpt “That’s not a knife this is a knife”!
Would be far more convincing if it was a dark hand holding a machete.
The BBC are so stupid they think this kind of crap fools us. They really are idiots.
As you wish Eddy.
What a ridiculous picture. Is the guy about to start peeling potatoes?
“What a ridiculous picture. Is the guy about to start peeling potatoes?”
Yes, he’s on his way to work at Alan’s snack bar apparently!
Becoming more desperate by the day in Sweden. “The security situation in Sweden is now so critical that the national police chief, Dan Eliasson, has asked the public for help; the police are unable to solve the problems on their own.” ?
Break out the weapons that is the only answer to the problem.
Just a normal day in the life of islamists intent upon, ‘winning the hearts and minds’ of indigenous populations around the World. Problem is, islam’s interpretation of ‘hearts and minds’ is decapitation and cutting the hearts out of their victims –
[video src="http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2016/04/05/4865298874381087146/640x360_4865298874381087146.mp4" /]
Eddie, a white hand? Clearly wrong!
I went to the cinema today. As usual most of the adverts were all of the ‘luvvy-duvvy’ globalist sort pioneered by Coca-Cola in the 1960s. MacDonalds were doing their Birmingham Alabama stuff, (which part of minority don’t they understand, or are they trying to ‘downsize’?).
Then we get onto the ‘trailers’ for the films. I didn’t realise that Queen Vic was such a floosie! Not content with having a ‘highland fling’ as ‘Mrs. Brown’ she has now got some Indian lad in a kilt too! [Victoria and Abdul]. So the BBC is right, we have always been an Asian country!
Team of youths from Burundi goes missing while attending ‘robotics’ competition in the US. I would like to see apologies from all the wet pseudo outraged media who reported on the denial of visas to the Afghan girls. Just these guys beat them to it! Who didn’t really know that some, if not all, of them would do a runner? And how many will claim asylum? I would like to know 1) who organised the competition and why 2) how the teams were funded to get there (by charities?) 3) who funded their robots (same charities?)
How the US border control fell for this, or went along with it, I don’t know. Remains of Obama’s admin? I hope Tucker’s onto it.
Justin will be waiting at the border… “Reports say two of the teenagers have since crossed into Canada but this has not been confirmed by the police”… not confirmed then why report it? Reports from who? … sigh …
Well, Canada welcome these folks with open arms, but if I was them I’d be giving the US border/visa dept a right bloody kicking!
‘Team of youths from Burundi goes missing while attending ‘robotics’ competition in the US.’
Remember the London Olympics 2012 – the six month temporary visas – the multiple absconders from various African sports teams – the complete lack of a BBC follow up report?
Wonder why the Burundi teens don’t want to go back to Burundi?
Google – “site:bbc.co.uk youths from Burundi” to try and find story…but found this instead …
Burundi’s Imbonerakure youth wing accused of gang rape {bbc.co.uk jul2016}
“Government-allied youth in Burundi have gang-raped women and girls whose male relatives are suspected to be opposition activists, campaign group Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said.”
“HRW said that 323 cases of rape or sexual assault, affecting 264 women and 59 girls, were reported from May to September 2015.”
“A 17-year-old being dragged to a banana grove near the family home and gang-raped”
“”Women said that if the man wanted by the attackers was not there, they would demand to know his whereabouts and would sometimes tell the victim that they were raping her because they could not find the man,” HRW said.”
Here is story I was after….Teens from Burundi robotics team go missing in US {bbc.co.uk jul2017}
“Donald Trump celebrated his 70th birthday on 14 June, which makes him the oldest man in US history to assume the presidency. The previous record-holder, Ronald Reagan, was 69 when he took office in 1981.
Perhaps keen to allay fears about his senior status, the business mogul had his doctor prepare a gushing letter pledging that he would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.
Is Trump too old ?…………………..
Then what about this guy ?……….
Stand by for more propaganda .
So what if Trump is POTUS at 70, Gladstone was PM at 84 years of age.
So what if Trump is POTUS at 70, Gladstone was PM at 84 years of age.
“Brexit: UK and EU at odds over ‘exit bill”
With friends like Al Beeb and the rest of the Libtard Media, who needs enemies ?…………..
Check out the highest rated HYS !
Usual BBC trickery this morning… The website carries the story of Faizah Shaheen, described as a British woman, who was questioned by counter-terrorism police after reading a book on ‘Syrian Art’ on a return flight from Turkey. This was carried out under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, a fairly blunt instrument that plod might also cite when trying to stop you taking holiday snaps of, say, the Houses of Parliament. The article thoughtfully points out that she was ‘on a honeymoon flight to Turkey in 2016’ – doesn’t actually say she was on her honeymoon but if it helps solicit sympathy then, hey, let’s use it. The article quotes Jo Glanville, a director of English PEN, described as a British free speech organisation who helped fund the book Ms Shaheen was reading (looking at their website you might think it should be called Arabic PEN). And who is Jo Glanville? Well, she was a BBC current affairs producer for 8 years, but the BBC conveniently forgets to mention that she’s a former old girl. Ms Glanville is quoted as saying that the airlines actions were “a fundamental violation of our liberty, undermining our freedom to read any text we like in a public place”. Only the BBC does not subscribe to that view, of course, indeed it doesn’t even believe that certain texts can even be read in private. Consider the case of Thomas Mair, the man with a history of mental problems who was convicted of killing Helen Joanne Cox MP. Within 24 hours of the event, a history of his book purchases had appeared on the BBC website, supplied to them by the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center. This list included a supposed ‘terrorist manual’ that was, in fact, readily available on Amazon. The questioning of Ms Shaheen may or may have not been appropriate, and the actions of Mr Mair were decidedly not. But the actions and motivations of the state broadcaster are invariably questionable and suspect.
Ian, this is interesting, I’ve looked at the website you mentioned, because I wondered if this was the same woman who I mentioned in an earlier post, when she was reviewing the papers on Sky.
Yep, it is, – the article says…………………… Ms Shaheen – a Muslim, whose work in mental health care in part involves looking for the signs of radicalisation in young people ………………….. What it leaves out, is that she is the Director of Class Think Tank, and also works for the Guardian. None of this is mentioned by the BBC, but giving the impression she is a picked on Muslim.
I didn’t see her appear on the Vicky Derby talent show, but wonder if her credentials were mentioned then, or perhaps this is an orchestrated campaign for a new career on the tele !!!
Well spotted. Class Think Tank, which describes itself as “a leading left voice in British politics”…
…and whose National Advisory Panel includes such luminaries as Diane Abbott, Jack Dromey, Owen Jones, Len McCluskey, Polly Toynbee and Salma Yaqoob?
Just need to find the indirect line to Soros finance and we can all shout ‘Bingo!”
May be a different lady. The one at Class Think Tank is a Faiza Shaheen, not Faizah Shaheen.
When those breaking the law know the law better than we do …
“Germans are sticklers for the rules. The “I was just following orders” stereotype isn’t entirely inaccurate, and it didn’t expire at the end of World War Two. The average German places great importance on sticking to the rules, which is a commendable trait — except when taken to absurd extremes.
Immigrants in Germany have learned that people who committed serious crimes in their countries of origin can’t be deported if they would be executed or tortured for their crimes back home. Sending them back would violate their human rights, you know.”
“Really? Are the kuffar actually that stupid?? Hmm — it seems they are. OK, so I raped and murdered people back in Sandistan — you can’t send me back!”{gatesofvienna.net jul2017}
“We are heading towards a real stress test for the judiciary, and for the public sense of justice.”
For the lolz I popped it in Google translate…
Das Gesetz der unbeabsichtigten Konsequenzen
GW: “Das Gesetz der unBEABsichtigten Konsequenzen” (unBEEBsichtigten)
How appropriate.
Once again BBC London News serves as Mayor Little Man Khan’s pet megaphone. This morning their favourite is handed the top news headline to grandstand about future increases in train ticket prices (Not news).
This from a cynical politician who was elected on a false prospectus of freezing London tube fares – he then performed a rapid u-turn which his pals at BBC London were loath to report and rather quick to forget.
Khan has settled into that happy position last held by Ken Livingstone where BBC London News acts as his pet PR outlet. Poor old Boris had a somewhat different relationship with his local BBC news – their remit was to scoff and undermine.
Isn’t it glorious basking in the Beeb’s hypocrisy this week? Typical SJW whine to do with farming subsidies or something on Toady.
“How can you justify taking so much public money when you are so rich?”
Hmmmmm, remind you of anyone?
BB. I think that is why Nick Robinson asked the question and phrased it that way. Great sense of humour plus some realism about his ultimate employer, perhaps?
Laura Kuenssberg.
Compare and contrast.
From today’s BBC Mid East ‘News’
Israel has tightened security around Jerusalem’s Old City amid fears of violence over the installation of metal detectors at a sacred site. Israel has barred men under the age of 50 from the area after Palestinian leaders called for worshipers to flock there for Friday prayers. There have been nightly clashes since the devices were installed last weekend at entrances to the holy compound…Since the introduction of metal detectors, Palestinians have refused to enter the site, holding prayers outside.
What biased BBC do not report…There are metal detectors outside the holiest site in Islam, the Grand Mosque in Mecca. That is because it was attacked and captured by a group of Shia terrorists in 1979, which resulted in a large-scale battle. The terrorists were sent by Iran. As a sensible security measure the Saudis installed the metal detectors to prevent the smuggling of arms into the Mosque. Similarly there are metal detectors at the largest mosque in India in Hyderabad. When the police searched the Mosque in Finsbury Park in London they found firearms inside. It is a simple sensible precaution to have metal detectors outside Mosques.
But, the Palestine Authority under Pres. Abbas have decided to make this a point of contention with the Israeli Government. They have ordered Muslim worshipers not to enter through the metal detectors but to pray outside the Mosque. There have been scuffles with the Israel police and soldiers guarding the Temple Mount. I for one hope that PM Netanyahu will not rescind this order. What does it mean, that the Palestinians Arabs want to have the ability to carry weapons into the Mosque without Israeli interference? This cannot be allowed. It cannot be allowed in Mecca, in Hyderabad, in Finsbury Park and in Jerusalem.
It’s why like so many others I do not watch or trust BBC News (!) but go to on line for a broader and in depth understanding of breaking news.
Girl, 5, fined £150 for lemonade stand
Another example of how the BBC text doesn’t report the true facts but reading between the lines allows the reader to work out what really happened.
A five-year-old girl was fined £150 by a council for selling 50p cups of lemonade to festival goers.
The girl’s father Andre Spicer said his daughter had set up the stall in Mile End, east London, while thousands of music fans were on their way to the Lovebox Festival at the weekend.
“But they [enforcement officiers] turned on their mobile camera and began reading from a big script explaining that she did not have a trading licence.
It’s only when you get to bottom of the article…
“My daughter clung to me screaming ‘daddy, daddy, I’ve done a bad thing.’ She’s five. We were then issued a fine of £150. We packed up and walked home.”
So the father actually got the fine then?
If you zoom in on the photo of the fixed penalty notice that was issued it says recipient is “Mr Spicer”.
So unless his 5 year old girl is transfluid and wants to call herself “Mr” I call bullcrap!
Not a Perfesser of Bacteriology or Law I am guessing?
“Outrage as racist child tries to poison majority population for money”
I wonder how many stalls at ,say, the Notting Hill Carnival have trading licences?
I guess we’ll never know.
Tower Hamlets Council has since cancelled the fine (£150 trying to sell lemonade without a vending license) and apologised. {bbc.co.uk jul2017}
‘Girl, 5, fined £150 for lemonade stand’
In the Real World:
‘Tower Hamlets (known for voter corruption) Official issued a Trading Without License fine of £150 to a Man whose daughter was selling Lemonade, which was cancelled with an apology’
New Tower Hamlets electoral fraud probe launched (bbc.co.uk apr2017)
“A new investigation into allegations of electoral fraud and malpractice in the Tower Hamlets mayoral election in 2014 has been launched by police.
Lutfur Rahman was found guilty of corrupt and illegal practices by an Election Court in April 2015”
Lutfur Rahman @LutfurRahmanTH
“A father, a community activist and a social democrat. Served the residents of Tower Hamlets as our first directly-elected Mayor.”
There have been regular allegations about electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets at almost every election in recent years. Following the chaos at the 2014 mayoral election, especially at the count at the Troxy centre, many complaints were again registered. This time, however, there was a major difference. In the absence of prosecutorial action and to the embarrassment of local political parties, four brave citizens— **** —decided, at considerable personal risk, to raise a private prosecution in the election court. {theyworkforyou.com – Electoral Fraud: Tower Hamlets – apr2016}
– it was not the electoral system that stopped corruption, but four people who withstood persecution from their own community to stop high level corruption. Bob Geldof – want to pass your knighthood onto someone more worthy?
Apologies if someone has already mentioned this, but I see the BBC website is running with a story of a woman who was stopped for reading a Syrian book. They get a whole story out of this at it ticks all their boxes of Muslims being victims.
Their message is: less vigilance. Better for loads of people to be blown up than for one person’s feelings to be hurt.
God they make you sick. How is this a story? A woman was asked what she was reading and had to explain it?
Will they ever stop this SJW insanity? Crime at insane levels; multiple terror attacks; the very existence of Western civilisation under threat. Yet they still run with this ‘story’ as if the baddie were nasty whitey for wanting to prevent terrorism? I would rather a billion were upset for being wrongly stopped at customs than for one monster to slip through and murder innocent children. For these libtards it is the other way round. They really are as mad as a box of frogs.
They do not give a damn about the victims of terrorism. They are perverted and have no humanity.
Will they ever break out of this PC straitjacket? Even when they can see how sick most people are of it and how patently dangerous and counter factual it is? Who cares if customs question you? By making a big fuss out of it and publicising it you are tying their hands further and making us more vulnerable. The Met Police clearly have their hands tied thanks to leftist lunacy like this; please God let customs be able to do their jobs properly.
The BBC hate British people, don’t they? Have they ever run a story about an indigenous Brit being offended or inconvenienced by people from another country? Of course our opinions do not matter. We are told that if we have a problem with anything, however deeply offensive, we have a mental illness!
Faizah Shaheen (see earlier comments) is clearly out to make a name for herself.
And with the BBC’s help she will. The new Nadia ?
Brissels here is the women in question:
and here are a few pictures from that so called art book which may help explain why she was noticed whilst flying out to…Turkey:
Another thing in the latest bBC article she claims to have been held for 30 mins, the original bBC article from last years states..15 mins.
I wonder why the bBC didn’t mention those pictures
Pretty obvious that these pictures are an incitement terrorism. The authorities would have been negligent not to question her. It all smacks of a publicity stunt.
She looks like Krusty the Clown after gender reassignment. A good case for the berqua.
I bet if ridiculous Victoria Derbyshire had been sitting next to that woman on the flight and glanced at the charming ‘works of art’ above, she’d have been squealing like a halal slaughtered pig for the authorities to do something pronto. God they make me sick.
And interesting that all those overpaid beeb ‘journalists’ didn’t think to actually look at the book in question, as did Pounce above.
God they make me sick.
heading for turkey reading what looks to all intents and purpose like radicalising literature
imagine the sobbing and complaints of the parents when she slipped over the border to join ISIS “why didnt WE stop her”
nice spot pounce, perhaps you should have been the highly paid investigative journalist instead of
STDVDThanks for those pix Pounce. I wonder if next time beebistan do an arse licking eulogy on the glories of islamic art they’ll include those stomach churning pix?
But Islam is forbidden from depicting any living creature?
Only when it suits them.
“Have they ever run a story about an indigenous Brit being offended or inconvenienced by people from another country? ”
That’s an every day occurrence for most I would imagine. But of course we are not allowed to be offended let alone complain about it.
I was listening to a moderate US conservative commentator yesterday who expressed a thought that seems to have some resonace here considering the absolute take over of the BBC by leftist diversity sentiment.
It went something like this :
‘The Left have won the Culture War, they are now going around the battlefield bayoneting the wounded”
Think how Pantomime Marriage is now not only law but must be celebrated – people who have doubts are sought out and hounded as bigots. Notice how BBC presenters only allow themselves and, by extention, permit we viewers a moment of patriotism when it comes to the likes of female paralympic athletes. Notice how when reporting on over-crowding of housing, roads or stress on public services our news studiously avoids any reference to immigration flow. Think how any even mild suggestion to limit our present situation of hyper-immigration is regarded as racist.
Just stand back and look at how ungracious the left are when they win a victory. Rather than rest and enjoy perhaps accepting some compromise they move on steely-eyed to the next issue on the horizon demanding all debate on their previous win to be closed.
You are spot on. Talk about absolute power corrupting absolutely. Look how they persecute anyone who opposes homosexual marriage. Most people are fine with gay marriage, but I do not like how they persecute those who do not agree.
Hmmm, persecuting a minority for doing something the majority find disgusting? I thought that was not ok. . .
do you wonder where all this gay stuff is going Beeb Brother
decriminalised, pride marches, civil partnerships, marriage lgbtq++ , (why are the L’s not just G’s?)
where the f is this all leading
the lgbtq++ agenda feels like the islam one, give us an inch and we will take a foot, yard , mile, ALL
(cm, m, km, ALL for any youngsters who only speak EU)
What I find so puzzling is that Islam and Genderism is mutually exclusive?
No sane person could promote both agendas simultaneously but that’s what we have.
It is a characteristic of the Left , as epitomised by the BBC, to hold 2 contradictory opinions at the same time. So they love Islam and they love Gays.
Pounce. Thanks for the video. Now this is interesting. This Faiza Shaheen looks like the press reviewer on Sky (excepting exaggerated curly hair) – but sounds to have a Scottish accent. The ‘other’ Faiza Shaheen speaks with a mockney accent, so am now a bit ‘confused’. I’m questioning my own sanity now ! but two ladies of middle eastern heritage with the same name and in the news within days of each other ? coincidence, – or not.
Faiza Shaheen | Professional Profile
Indeed, the filth of the left, as seen in Antifa, and the UAF ( union of associated fascist) or even Dope no Soap, actually are the front line assault teams. Outfits like the EDL or Britain First, have evolved the correct strategy to deal with the filth, and turned the tables on them.
However, the subtle more institutional arms like the so-called bbc will need longer to self destruct. But in the end they will. People ARE beginning to notice. Even the lefty indoctrinated meeja studies grads, who passed their exams in a one time bus shelter, turned into a yoonie, will one day mature and stop accepting the propaganda ( well most anyhoo).
Even if it takes a full term of comrade corbyn and his little red book henchman McMao-pot-stalin, the country will be back to sensible politics evetually trying to stick it back together.
The left appear to think they are the only ones on social media platforms, and if they cry ‘racist’ the argument is won.
Make them feel the burn, tell the corbynistas he lost by a country mile.
Tell them they lost the EU ref, get over it, its democracy.
Mention Thatcher, and bask in the insults, and one of the morons will tell you ” boo, she closed the coal mines” or ” Thatcher the milk snatcher”.
Then bash the bastrds over their thick prejudiced heads with simple facts:
Wilson and their number one workers champion Benn closed more mines in 5 yrs than Thatcher did in 11 yrs.
211: 154
Milk snatcher? maggie only followed the labour lead, they had already taken it from secondary schools.
The thick left hate facts and only exist on prejudice and opinion.
Ive had morons tell me that every mine closed by wilson was done on economic grounds, but under thatch it was spite lol.
North West news blessed is the cult. It’s Friday and they are determined to keep the fire in an Islamic meeting place , they are still calling it a mosque, in the “news”. Only 2 days since they last “reported” on this one.
shithole in a shithole burns down in suspicious circumstances police suspect arson/hate/terror
arsonist had phone number of one of the centre/mosque/shitholes leaders and phones him to let him know he’s burning it down
like many others this smell like insurance fraud to me
Maybe the man from the Pru will be attending the vigil there looking for guilty looking people
The BBC have a strange view of statistics…..Breakfast reports increasing crime….Blame the Police cuts….Actually the National Crime statistics are down by 7%…….No mention of this….
So BBC let’s focus on knife crime….blame the police cuts….well the stats hide the picture…yes it is up and guess where most of it is…London…in fact London (Met and city forces) recorded almost 3 x the level of knife crime as the next nearest region (not police force but region, East, West etc). Now I could do the stats and compare per head of population but I would be more interested in which parts of London the knife crime occurred….
Any in depth analysis at BBC…no …Blame the police cuts…It is just so mind blowing piss poor reporting and panders to the ignorant ..
Maybe what we need is a New York style approach – clamp down hard on all crime in the worst areas – it worked for Giuliani (and his predecessors to be fair)…except nobody in London, least of all the Major, has the balls..he will just blame the Government for the police cuts
ahhh come on JamesArthur everybody knows any in depth analysis/journalistic investigation into knife crime would be RACIST
and like PREVENT any strategy to combat it would be RACIST
besides in our minds, we all we already know what the results would look like (even though those thoughts are RACIST)
They probably bought the knives online from a whitey anyway so it probably whiteys fault, or the chinese because the knives are most likely made in china …. bloody chinks slaughtering all our yoof they should be locked up.
Start by sacking the mayor.
Day 3 … TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on screen.
Day 2 … TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked) : Lineker BBC + Walkers + BT = is he superman?
Day 1 … BBC reveals inflated pay of it’s employees
Because of the unique way the BBC is funded, the BBC have revealed what happens when you create a totalitarian echo chamber (BBC diverse in people, but NOT diverse in opinion) that is enforced upon its citizens with threats of prison at £145pa … raising £3.5bn in TV Tax. {biasedbbc}
Please see this link below. This was not widely shared on any of the main media sites.
Comments please?
super can britain become associate members please
Well that’s the sort of comment that I was hoping for. I think I’ll move there – at least they seem to be dealing with the problem.
As not reported by the BBC !
Thank you pullya. An astonishing news development that-typically-the BBC would rather we not know of.
Essential reading, and-like the Three Seas Initiative-this will prove to be seismic as the EU collapses, Islam attempts to swarm the Hungarian plains once more and the effete NATO still fusses over trans sanitary towels being issued to Dutch hippies charged with keeping Europe safe…the Snow Directive as it will be called.
THIS is the future of the New Europe-so why the hell we let the likes of Heseltine and the BBC dictate the peace treaties with their plebs by way of ” EU debate” is a mystery to me.
News Event of the Decade if things continue to go as badly as they are.
Beebistan website eerily quiet on the pay scandal, which is strange as much of the press are still very interested in the story, and in new revelations seeping out (I believe seeping is the correct word for a cesspit).
The DM for example have half a dozen pages on it, and an editorial titled – savour the words – “Bloated, biased Beeb”.
“Public scandal of the bloated, biased Beeb –
NO wonder the BBC fought tooth and nail against publishing its stars’ pay. Two days later, the infighting among presenters, the gender pay row and the public backlash are going strong.
With household names attracting most attention, another set of BBC figures almost went unnoticed. It has 106 – 106! – managers earning above £150,000, with ludicrous titles such as Integration Lead, and Analytics Architect. What they do is anyone’s guess.
It also emerges that many stars are not on the list because they are paid by private production firms or BBC Worldwide. Worse, some who do appear use personal companies in a way which lets them avoid tax – a practice the BBC vowed to end.
More importantly, this list is a reminder of the real problem with the Corporation: It is far too big. If it didn’t exist, no one would dream of setting up something so monolithic, bloated and bureaucratic.
The BBC dominates our TV, radio and the internet, with its gargantuan website almost single-handedly having destroyed local newspapers.
It is bad enough that this behemoth imposes a politically correct, metropolitan liberal agenda on licence fee payers.
More worrying still, although it is weakened by its byzantine bureaucracy, this sclerotic and wasteful Corporation still has the size and monopoly power to distort the market and block competition from rivals.
The BBC enjoys the advantage of the English language and – with better leadership – might have been able to rival US streaming giants such as Netflix by selling Britain’s creative talent around the world.
Last year, as he renegotiated the BBC charter, David Cameron had an opportunity to drag the Corporation into the 21st century. He could have cut the licence fee, while preserving the main radio stations and BBC1 and BBC2. The rest could then have been privatised, unleashing talent on the free market to create great British programmes.
The BBC would have been free to take risks and pay its stars whatever it wanted. Instead, it remains wedded to a funding model which is horribly antiquated and, with modern technology, frankly unsustainable.
A once-in-a-generation chance was squandered, and the BBC remains stuck in the past.”
Our local NHS is closing it’s maternity unit for 8 weeks and closing a maternity home due to lack of Midwives.
The poor bbc will be pushing for it’s fee increase now we’ve see how they are fleeced by the ‘stars’ they employ.
There is something very, very wrong here.
Is it too much to wish for that this could be the beginning of the end for the vile BBC ? This has really shown them up for the scum that they are and all the public can see it.
I noticed a lot of matching surnames. I suspect nepotism and creation of non existent jobs for family members.
Yep – maybe it started with the Dimbleby clan?
A quick look at BBC News website whilst I have a cup of tea….
The female psychologist running Risley men’s prison
So how does Pia Sinha do it, asks the BBC’s Siobhann Tighe.
Am I reading a British website?!?
Polyamorous marriage: Is there a future for three-way weddings?
A so-called “throuple” in Colombia have been hailed as having the first legal union between three men in the world.
Well that’s me back to work now I’ve caught up with the world news!
August is approaching and with it the ‘silly season’ with Oscar the psychic octopus etc., but FFS I can’t see how it can get more silly.
One man, two man, three man, and his dog
Went to a mow a meadow!
Daily Mail reports that up to 10 female presenters are to sue the BBC over pay differences. The BBC is at least consistent in one respect. Whatever they do they get it wrong. Idiots !
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story yet:
UK: Teenage Girl found chopped up inside freezer after her cousin is admitted to hospital with a slashed throat.
Couldn’t possibly be because the suspect is “Asian ” ? We all know that these damn Gurkhas are a dab hand with the Kukri.
“An Asian male was arrested as he tried to leave the country via Dover. ”
Asian? Chinese maybe? Wonder if this was included in the knife crime statistics or aren’t machetes included?
Yes Pounce I wonder why….
Bottom of report … An Asian male was arrested as he tried to leave the country via Dover. (Where he could travel freely in the EU, unmolested by laws, heading straight to Turkey)
R4 will cover Halal food labelling in next 25 mins
1pm news they will be talking about TRANS
cos “transition” is their new word for the out of Brexit phase
Label has tick = stunned (85% of sold)
Label has Arabic = non-stunned
Em sorry this is the UK, the label must be in a local language NOT a foreign language like Arabic
The Halal food board wouldn’t appear on the prog,
… the anti-stunning org did appear and said they had no objection to theArabic being replaced by English.
Jean-Claude Juncker agrees – English should be replaced with anything else but English.
Brexit: English language ‘losing importance’ – EU’s Juncker {may2017}
Jean-Claude Juncker blocked EU curbs on tax avoidance, cables show {theguardian.com} dec2016
Leaked papers reveal that as Luxembourg’s PM, the European commission president obstructed the bloc’s tax reforms efforts.
Stories that just keep on giving …
Juncker must be pissed again. Surely English is gaining in strength . So far as I am aware french and german are not being taught in schools in China. He is a racist idiot !
When are our political Brexit chums going to make the point that Europe-a collection of great countries in need of democracy and liberation-is NOT the bloody European Union. The latter is an anti-democratic, neo-fascist imposition that was built to create an unaccountable Soviet-style excuse to force one economic currency on the whole of Europe.
About time, we hammered home that difference-why our need to speak with the guards and jailers as opposed to Orban, Wilders and Polands patriots. Let alone 5Star and all who`ll have to recreate Europe after the EU collapses.
If Juncker and Verhofstad still feel assured of their pensions and not a cel in the Hague-well we`re hardly the Brexit Beacon that we are now called to be, are we? We are the TRUE Friends of Europe.
Why aren`t we stating this existential obvious truth, the bloody BBC won`t tell them will they?
Halal – as supported by Sadiq Khan and Chicken Cottage {halalfoodauthority.com}
2. A Muslim should perform slaughter (is this positive discrimination? Without it, is it Halal?)
– Will BBC R4 cover the Religious element of Halal in depth?
1. An animal should not be dead prior to slaughter
3. Any flowing blood of the carcass should be completely drained
4. Choice of modern and in vogue method has to be considered with caution and, it should be in line with
Zabihah require animals to be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter, since carrion is forbidden and, jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe have to be severed by a razor sharp knife by a single swipe, to incur as less a pain as possible. Here the only difference is that a rabbi will read what is required by his faith and, a Muslim will recite tasmiya orshahada, which fulfills the requirement of dedication (is this positive discrimination? Without it, is it Halal?).
{previous post on biasedbbc WITH HORRIFIC IMAGE – you have been warned people and Longtom}
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan – it exposes hypocrisy (more halal chicken 2012/less halal chicken 2015), religious privilege (muslim jobs only), positive discrimination (muslim jobs only), religious unyielding to change (animals not stunned), religious barbarism (google search “halal sacrifice pakistan kids”).
Halal is Kryptonite to Sadiq Khan Options:
Option 1: Stop Halal – Muslim apostate
Option 2: Keep Halal – a true Muslim with barbaric beliefs and positive discrimination
… I might have missed something, but it seems Khan is cornered …
RE: Syrian woman at airport.
They preach how they affair is a ‘fundamental violation of her liberty.’
This from an organisation which threatens to inform your employers and ruin your life if you post anything ‘objectionable.’
R4 Pet Issues
15:45 Short Story about Rotherham ? No don’t be daft
“The Volunteer – A young man goes to volunteer with a * refugee rescue mission in the Mediterranean * , leaving behind the complications of his own life in the UK. An original short work for radio, written and read by Anthony Anaxagorou.”
16:55 2 “human rights” kids discuss “Wanting to Change the World”
12:40pm now R4 Volunteer is telling how she has adopted and brought in an autistic boy from Vietnam (He’s 16 now)
.. IMHO Such orphan shopping is wrong. Children are born into a particular culture, it’s not right for foreigners like us to turn up and take them off to our countries.
Rather their own parents need to be supported , so that they can care for the child.
ie We should be buying goods/services from Vietnam that way parents have jobs and gov tax money
..and we should expose corruption.
(Many foreign orphanages are fronts for corrupt people hoovering up grants and spending them on themselves rather than the kids, as well as having low child protection measures)
Regards those Aid NGOs,
A German newspaper has reported that these Aid ships sail off the coast of Libya and then broadcast their postions:
Here’s the story.
and the TV show:
Quite agree. It is racism and vanity adoption. My adopted daughter, now 10, is black African and being brought up in Gambia. I would never think of bringing her to the UK. I wouldn’t want her to be infected by the ” British values ” taught in our schools and the BBC.
The problem with Islam is Islam, so we need more Islam …
“The Prophet Mohammed had British values – so the only way to combat extremism is to teach more Islam in schools” {independent.co.uk/ sep2015}
Only then can young people be led to understand that groups like Isis use their religion as an excuse – rather than a guide – to justify their barbaric actions
If the last Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (final prophet, no more can come, end of story) was to return to this earth today, what would he make of those who have misconstrued his teachings? (no details given, everyone with a critique got it wrong – as well as ISIS. The perfect man, wrote the perfect book for an imprefect world) This is the question that could begin deconstructing extremism and winning people back who have been tempted into violent interpretations of their faith. Simply put, the way to combat Islamic extremism is to invest in teaching Islamic theology in British schools: teaching that proves the Prophet Mohammed would never have condoned their actions.
– err, which version of Islam do you have in mind? Green Lane Mosque, Birmingham type of Islam? {wiki 2007} Al Quds type of Islam?
Other Sajda Khan Independent.co.uk articles …
– Sajda Khan I’m a Muslim who loves Jesus – and here is why you should too
– Sajda Khan The Prophet Mohammed had British values
– Sajda Khan I went to a Madrassa and it didn’t make me an intolerant Muslim
– Sajda Khan Muslim pilgrims can teach us how to help migrants
“The outcome of the Hajj is a spiritually enlightening (only available to Muslims). The journey (only available to Muslims) cultivates three human virtues: humility (but no non-Muslims at Hajj), equality (but no non-Muslims at Hajj) and compassion (but no non-Muslims at Hajj). A society based on these values (but no non-Muslims at Hajj) will always respond to others who find themselves on their own tragic journey, and are in desperate need of sollidarity (but not with non-Muslims, because they are not allowed on Hajj).”
Sajda Khan mentions an author W. Montgomery Watt, whose book had a forward in it that said
“And it’s difficult (causing a hatred?) for Muslims to face the fact that Christians aren’t persuaded by the view that Christianity is only a stop on the way to Islam, the final religion.”
The problem with Islam is Islam, so we need more Islam.
… pay for the rope that will choke you …
S Khan is from a Pakistani family. He is also the mayor of London, So in charge of London Transport.
Is that the bus his dad used to drive?
Has he mentioned that his dad was a bus driver ……….?
Pakistan celebrates 70 years of independence. What’s to celebrate? They’ve created a backward, violent, intolerant, strife ridden, repressive, regressive, oppressive, terror infested mess.
Happy Birthday.
I’m sure the BBC will join in their celebrations of independence whilst actively trying everything to stifle any chance of ours!
Partition was a disaster. India not without its problems but is improving.
Do we have time to update the Pakistan 70 years bus with data provided on ‘Hate Crimes’ in the last 30 days {thereligionofpeace.com}?
– last 30 days only / filtered by Pakistan / number is kills/injured
Mastung 5/1 A woman is among four Hazara minorities gunned down along with their driver in a targeted attack.
Hayatabad 2/4 A suicide bomber kills two local security personnel.
Quetta 4/0 A Taliban faction sprays four local cops with automatic weapons fire.
Chaman 3/11 Three people bleed to death following a suicide bomb blast.
Haji Soomro 1/0 A 20-year-old woman is honor killed by her father for marrying by choice.
Tegha 3/4 A bomb planted by the Tehreek-e-Taliban kills three security personnel.
Pekha 1/4 A pro-Sharia group is thought responsible for a blast that kills a tribal elder.
Tirah Valley 3/0 Three security personnel are ambushed and killed by radical Sunnis.
Kalu Khan 1/0 Terrorists gun down a polio immunization worker.
Aka Chel 4/0 Four people are blown to bits by Islamic militants.
Kaday 1/0 A 12-year-old girl is honor killed by her family.
Speenmark 6/2 Six young children are killed, and two others badly maimed, by a ‘toy’ bomb.
Karachi 4/1 Terrorists gun down four off-duty cops at a restaurant.
Quetta 12/16 A dozen people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
Tal Adda 72/261 A vicious double-bombing in a Shiite shopping district by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claims over seventy shoppers and first responders.
Nawabshah 1/1 A young woman is gunned down by her conservative family over suspicion of sex.
– full list is 173 lines in last 30 days
– largest number killed 200
– Iraq / Tal Afar / Women and children are among 200 ethnic minorities summarily executed by the Islamic State / 2017.07.04
Very enriching this Islamic thing – they set the benchmark for the World to aspire to, just like err ….. Socialism.
I agree with this guy…..
“Dan ? @megadrivedan
Replying to @OnlineMagazin
Great, can’t wait to see the English flag on the buses for St. George’s Day.”
Why celebrate Pakistan?
Did Khan do the same for israel last year?
How come they`re happy for Pakistan to exist but not Israel-indeed Israel is much more legitimate in all ways, not least the fact that it doesn`t harbour the likes of Bin Laden.
Will Khan do the same fo Bangladesh?…who used to be Pakistan until it descended into civil war.
Jeremy Vine bigging up the ‘poor little 5-year old lemonade story’ – the BBC’s website does much the same but includes the rules.
Pity that the father, André Spicer, doesn’t get much of a mention, especially as he is professor of organisational behaviour at the Cass Business School at City University London and a writer for The Guardian.
What’s the betting that he voted to stay in the EU with all of its ‘essential’ laws and regulations that the BBC is afraid that we will lose?
Isn’t it great when the ‘state’ bites the hand that feeds it!
All sounds like a set-up. At least he has enough money to pay the fine !
Tower Hamlets was it not?
May not have been halal.
Imagine had our 5 year old been adding rohypnol to her lemons, with a yummy khat side salad with cocaine in the salt cellar as an option, she`d be a BBC Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year, with Evan Davis being her Venture Dragon for all our days.
R4 8pm Any Questions
Are there any Brexiteers on the panel ? seems 2 Ramainers , 1 Brexiteer, 1 agnostic
– the cross bench peer and consitutional expert Lord Hennessy (seems agnostic)
– businessman Chris Ormrod from the Ministry of Cake *
– Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry (Hater of the St George’s flag)
– former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers MP. (strong Brexiteer)
* Mixed race guy, who said Brexit is bad cos he thinks the EU keeps sugar price low
Heard a great comment from a caller to Nigel Farage’s LBC radio show yesterday. It was questioning whether we should pay the exhorbitant divorce bill. As the caller said, this shouldn’t be a settlement because it isn’t a divorce. It’s a membership and we are simply cancelling our membership of that organisation.
Continuing his point, if however the EU want to be silly about this and treat it like a divorce, then the shared assets need to be divied up like they would in any normal settlement and I’m confident that we would come out laughing given the stake we must have in the property portfolio for the 2 or is it 3 ‘centres’ of the EU.
Only caught a bit of Peter Bone on TWATO earlier( how much does Mardell get by the way-it`ll be too much, no matter what they give him?). But FINALLY-we`re seeing the likes of Bone and Jacob sticking it to the BBC twerps.
Bone was brilliant, we now need the old guard like Redwood and Cash out there all the time to blast the BBC in its current supine scandal-ridden state.
Time for Mays Old Contemptibles to step up to the plate and nurse dopey Theresa along-for all her faults, she`s a decent woman bedazzled by the nasties, and the old Tory Brexit boys need to skewer the Beeb millionaire moochers like Mardell and Robinson.
Becoming more desperate by the day in Sweden. “The security situation in Sweden is now so critical that the national police chief, Dan Eliasson, has asked the public for help; the police are unable to solve the problems on their own.” ?
Break out the weapons that is the only answer to the problem.
Just a normal day in the life of islamists intent upon, ‘winning the hearts and minds’ of indigenous populations around the World. Problem is, islam’s interpretation of ‘hearts and minds’ is decapitation and cutting the hearts out of their victms –
[video src="http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2016/04/05/4865298874381087146/640x360_4865298874381087146.mp4" /]
Message to the multiculty loving Swedes: ‘Hard cack’, as we say in Wales.
People have been warning against Islamic supremacy for years and predictions have come true.
Now allow the Swedes to roast in their own made hell, and let us all be grateful that we now have a living example to show what will happen if we concede too much.
My post crossed with yours. The Swedes have brought it on themselves. It is a dead country now.
I think Sweden is a lost cause. It will be the first domino to fall. Let’s hope other countries learn the lesson. But I doubt it.
“It will be the first domino to fall. Let’s hope other countries learn the lesson.”
Let’s hope that people see this as a warning and wake up. But I agree, it’s doubtful.
So, a female Dr Who. I guess over the Century we’ll have to go through all the combinations ending up with a, black, gay, Muslim, transsexual, transvestite with learning difficulties in a wheelchair.
Former Dr. Who , Peter Davison , has spoken against it , saying that ” boys will lose a role model “. Surely that is the whole point ?
OK – so they want kids to be blind to sex and race, to be happy having two moms or two dads. Yet, to be constantly banging on about something can only draw attention to it and risk fostering. If we discount, Batman, Spiderman etc., as far as real, male role models just who is there? Don’t say, Beckham please.
Not Beckham, but Lineker. There’s another beauty !
Beckham’s missus is no beauty!
I meant to add that she might make a convincing Davros!
Boys, boys ! be assured you’re not missing out on anything. You’ll all love this.
This morning at my local hospital, I needed to use the loo. Completely by accident I strolled into the Gents ! ( surprised looks all round). How could I mistake the door signs ? easily it would seem. On the doors of both Gents and Ladies (sorry, ‘gender’) the only indication of the difference were the Lowry stick figures, but here’s the rub — both signs said “Baby Changing Facilities”. So, was I wrong to ‘assume’ that baby changing was a female chore ? Whatever, but we are now in unchartered territory, as I know where I am with GENTS and LADIES as 99.9% of the population would be, but asking for those words to be re-instated would be an issue with all the ‘in-betweeners’ !!!!!!
Got a story earlier from Sweden where a midwife shows her blood stained trousers to show that she`s had no time to change her sanitary towel.
This is because of her Muslimas in Sweden being so many-and staff shortages so bad-that she literally has had no chance, no time off to go to the loo to sort herself out.
I looked in vain on the BBC for this story which-sorry boys-is clearlty showing how Sweden and Islam are getting along. And no comment as yet from our Jammie Dodging Champion-Mr Jon Snow.
I still remember the sign on the maternity ward door, cos i laughed at it, ”push”.
Just replace Doctor Who with an alien animated character. Then none of the humans can complain, until the Aliens invade us because of cultural appropriation.
You just can’t win, but makes a great TV series!