A new week dawns and another week of fake news and bias from the BBC. Will they get through a day without pushing their “PayGenderGap” phony narrative? Detail the bias here!!!
Day 6 … BBC TV Tax Payers request how long these inflated wages have been paid – last 20 years.
Paying the likes of Chris Evans, Gary Lineker and Jimmy Savile to name but a few. Where these all Labour supporters? For the (on less than 150K) Many, Not the (on more than 150K. 1 percenters?) Few! Previous Day 5 …. TV Tax Payers request for information on all stars that are hiding their wages in different companies – will these stars step forward and say how much they are being paid from the publics purse?
All talk up to now has been on subject of pay, the pay gap, salaries etc, but as most people know salaries only account for about 1/3 of an individual’s overall total compensation.
Just wait till these women presenters clock onto the fact that their pensions have been calculated on an unequal basis and that (maybe) all their other benefits have been unfairly proportioned too.
This is a nightmare for the BBC (and we haven’t heard what is going on in terms of management pay), unless of course journos have been loose with their terminology (salaries vs total compensation) which is possible.
When Labour followers follow the “For the Many, Not the Few” who exactly did they mean?
Seems that the Few in Labour Land have more than the Many.
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s Many or Few?
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s 99% or 1%?
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s ‘< 80K’ or ‘> 80K’?
Can Corbyn state if the BBC presenters known to support Labour (Lineker,Evans) and it’s ideals are in the right or wrong? Should they have reported their earnings and pay disparity to the Labour Party?
Problem is you have to come to this website to discover the truth.
95% of the population are blissfully unaware of the situation, because every employee in every radio station / papers / website knows the punishment for exposing the BBBC is to never be granted a job for life with massive salary, gold-plated pension, etc.
‘A MAN has been charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman. The Metropolitan Police said the 33-year-old had also been charged with the rape, attempted murder and kidnap of a woman in her 20s. Another MAN, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women. … The two MEN, who have not been named by police, will appear at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday.’
Well, we know it was the England women’s cricket team the BBC are keen for us to celebrate but this crime story…
‘A 19-year-old girl was murdered by her uncle in south west London, before he chopped up her body and put it in a freezer, a neighbour has claimed….A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘Relatives told me that the stepdad was Asian and was caught at Dover trying to leave the country….He kidnapped them both and chopped one of them up and put her in the freezer… He slit the other one’s throat… A family friend of the owners told The Sun: ‘The girls had got mixed up with a gang of guys. One wanted to marry one of the boys and her Pakistani family couldn’t take that.’
Thank you print press for giving us the news while both the BBC tv and on-line news are hiding nine tenths of the story with a smoke screen of ‘MEN’ clearly anxious to blur the all important cultural crux of the story.
Well…i’ve been barred from Facebook for the third time…do i care?…not a jot. All i posted was a reply, one of many, that was constructive and vitriol free, just putting plainly what Islam does..says..and has in store for us….Zuckerberg and his little helpers are just so like the BBC, they cannot take the truth..and are keen to suppress free speech…i guess the use of the phrase, ‘ breed like cockroaches ‘ did it for them.. i’ve heard worse….but they do, it’s the truth. I do not subscribe to the BBC..looks like FB will have to do without me as well…while many muslims on that site spout hatred and damnation and worse…and stay in situ……very fair Zukerbaby, Merkel’s little lap-dog. On the question of salaries…a proper Pandora’s box has been opened, and it’s great to see these overpaid people squirm and wriggle to justify these sums….
Zuckerberg is, most decidedly, part of ‘the problem’ along with the BBC. Both organisations do little more than promote cultural Marxism by means of censorship and brainwashing. Though, to be fair, I suspect many social media users have little in the way of brains to wash.
I had to giggle at this snippet in Mr Harding’s article: “We need to ask ourselves why Britons think 24 per cent of the population are immigrants when the real figure is 13 per cent.”
Is it because the BBC, where Mr Harding was Controller of Editorial Policy, spends much of its time telling us that ‘we are all immigrants’?
Even these figures are startling. It seems one in eight people in the UK is an immigrant, and they produce one in three of all children. You do not need a degree in statistics to see how this demographic trend is developing.
The USA in the 19th Century was a vast, undeveloped continent. The UK, and especially England, is a small, densely populated country. Yet I doubt that even in the Ellis Island period, when the USA actively wanted immigrants to help populate its immense territory, that one eighth of its people, and one third of its children, were foreign born. And bear in mind that the USA took only European immigrants, whereas we take the dregs of humanity from the four corners of the world.
RiC – quite correct; also many of those immigrants to the U.S. returned to their home countries because life was so hard, which isn’t something many immigrants would ever consider doing today.
There were also long pauses between immigration waves which allowed the country to adjust to the changes. That was until the new immigration laws in 1965 which tore the gates off their hinges, in terms of control of immigration from the Third World into the U.S.
These immigrants were not getting any state handouts, and had to make it entirely on their own.
It is a completely different scenario, going to a country which is not developed and building all the infrastructure from one own hard labour with no state handouts and thereby creating a developed country, and going to a developed country and there sponging off the state and the hard work of the indigenous people who have built the developed country into what is is.
Because the majority of surveys are carried out in urban areas where this figure is likely to be representative – it’s the same methodology that skews opinion polls towards Labour.
Then again only last week the BBC was castigating the government over only 13% of teachers being from BAME backgrounds when 25% of pupils are from those backgrounds. Naturally they cited the ‘only 13%’ as being the issue and didn’t dare question or even allow comment on why the 25% was so much higher than the general population.
Oh, dearie me, this really not going too well for the ladies who gouge.
Defo dark looks round the water cooler still.
Maybe Mishal should have stuck with comparing acceptable casualty rates or Katty snarking endlessly on twitter about the President using the BBC’s exclusive medium (views their own).
What a ‘mare. Maybe they should fire their PR advisors as well as their agents?
I keep saying it – if they want pay equality, cut them ALL down to the level of the AVERAGE woman at the BBBC. Not one will leave, not one. Overpaid bastards, all of them.
Just listening to R4 talking to IMF….despite the IMF saying their figures are not based on Brexit…opening gambit by BBC “do you remain gloomy about the impact of Brexit” followed up by another question on Brexit….They just couldn’t get past Brexit…and given the IMF claimed doom and gloom at the Brexit and got it wrong..why ask them now..
Now talking to more ‘experts’ and opening line by BBC do you share nervousness of IMF about Brexit…..I didn’t hear the IMF guy say that..
Yippee an expert standing up for Brexit …..surprised BBC let him on….and talking sense…
HA HA another expert said what they (IMF) got right was the effect of actual Brexit – that hasn’t happend yet…Jesus how can she say they got something right when it hasn’t happened!!!!!
You wouldn’t think the BBC had been told off for being negative on Brexit….nothing changes….
Heard that too. I noticed the beeboid didn’t mention Legarde until her underling did. This is because legarde is French and damaged goods due to the fraud business as well as being a propaganda tool for Osborne in the Brexit vote. I think Trump called for reform of the IMF and might be right. You could hear how insensed the pro Brexit (outnumbered) economist was be standard al Beeb negative reporting of Brexit.
Sir Gerard Lyons stuck it to them straight thought didn`t he? Get the idea that Nick Robinson may now be looking to curry favour with fatter wallets than his, now we all know what the moocher gets by way of pay.
Lyons knocked our Oxford/EU conomix shill into next week with his logic, as opposed to her wishing Brexit to fail.
We need this bloke along with Sir Tim and Lord Farage on that plane to DC to meet the Americans, that would send the EU tanking in their own bile.
Quite amazing: the EU represents, I think the figure is, 13% of the total Worlds economy yet, according to the BBC/IMF, Brexit will, in effect, destroy our businesses. Tail wags dog? I don’t think so BBC – get real for once in your own very sick world.
And it is in decline. When Britain joined the Common Market, Europe accounted for nearly a third of the World’s trade. And still we have the ‘Little Europeans’ in denial that the real economic opportunities are in China, India, Russia, Nigeria…
I think we all know that what Germany wants is what happens in the EU. I have always thought that to be the case, but Yanis Varoufakis’s book proves it.
Forget Michel Barnier. We want a free trade agreement with the EU. If Angela Merkel wants one too, we will get it, if she doesn’t, we won’t. The Eurocrat is just a front man, the real power is in Berlin.
It is excellent news that albeeb is going to cut costs by employing cheap wimmin when expensive mens’ contracts expire. Let’s hope the rest of the public sector follows suit. ( note – my tongue is firmly in mouth). Let’s hope al Beeb tears itself apart.
‘ Guess who’ commenting above links to The Times article on TVs licencing – 36% women versus 65 male level of prosecutions. Maybe the licencing gestapo realise they’ll meet less resistance from chatty women. I’m sorry to be sexist and all the other ‘its’ but victimisation of people using a tv and paying huge wage packets is just wrong.
Another thought… the Licence Fee is a tax on owning a TV with revenues going to fund the BBC.
If BBC goes subscription based (for the sake or argument) it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the tax. In reality, the government of the day would probably want to keep the £4bn (or whatever it is) for something else.
I`m a cheap woman on nearly £9 per hour here at the Sunnyvistas Care Home.
If you`re right Fedup, I see an autumn sunlit glow on my higgledy-piggledy career-such as it is.
Having heard a few minutes of Womans Hour whilst hoping that the baps could be scraped free of mould( don`t tell the CQC)-I was well able to predict what Jane Garvey(or indeed any of the WH poppets) would be leading with. I wasn`t wrong-the girls here with me were quite impressed!
We of course on nearly £9 per hour could only marvel at poor Jane Garveys sinking to the bottom of the pay paddling pool at the BBC, and we`ll arrange a whip round at the end of shift at 7pm tonight.
Jess Phillips, Jane Garvey and some Fawcett Society Union lesbian with a cut-glars Oxbrideg accent? Who else to tell you on the gender pay gap?
Thanks girls.
Yet another idea – lower licence tax for women . I’m a chap and refuse to pay it because I am a conchee so I’ll claim some form of neutrality . Just stirring the pot.
Interesting. If Froome’s British parents leave the country and he is born abroad, Froome is not British, whereas Sir Mohammed Farah, born in Somalia, living in the USA and with no historic or family ties to Britain at all, is somehow the Greatest Living Englishman?
Liberals must have some sort of worm eating their brains.
Yes, and from a part of Somalia (Somaliland) that has been peaceful almost throughout the last 30 years yet given refugee status or the like here in the UK.
“The war in southern Somalia between Islamist insurgents on the one hand, and the Federal Government of Somalia and its African Union allies on the other, has for the most part not directly affected Somaliland, which, like neighbouring Puntland, has remained relatively stable”.
So why give thousands of Somalis (from Hargeisa) refugee status from a stable territory? Because our Immigration officials and too dim to understand the difference.
“Because our Immigration officials and too dim to understand the difference……”
I also think its because our ‘immigration officials’ are of the BAME variety !! can’t remember the last time I encountered a white British on duty at the front line !
Yes I agree- it’s like council housing offices. Few anglos behind the jump – good opportunity for self remuneration methinks. Bit like flogging British passports and fake marriages.
I d like to know why, the bloody BBC and the media are still talking gender pay gap?
the issue is the pay, the amount of pay … period
Liam Fox demands?
Id like to know how Liam lying, disgraced, and sacked Fox has the brass neck, to even show his face to demand anything … mind you in good like Brexit company, with Liar May, Boris and parrot face Davis
Not a good week for beebistan: pay gap, gender gap, obscene salaries, endless salary disputes in the pipeline, the government attacking them over Brexit bias, and now a violent tv producer caught on camera…
Darwinism in action!
The BBC Scince Department will love this primal rage of the greybacked Corpusfattus Beeboda, and hopefully will weigh him, tag him and see him as an endangered species, poosibly overfed in BBC captivity.
Time to release him into the wild, set him free.
Too many chest punching old blokes at the BBC as we now know.
What happened to the ‘market rate’/commercial secrecy lark?
Seems the BBC wimmin are not being poached in their droves as suggested, and are huddled in the bunker with their lawyers to make sure they stay right where they are in perpetuity.
Love it or loath it-we `re talking of it as Sarah Teather would have done.
Equally insulting and patronising, but this is what overpaid and preening casualties from life WOULD send out on Twitter. The Licence fee, capital punishment, Islam, immigration, Mid-Staffs, Aberfan as well as all the usual topics WE care about are also “liked or loathed”?
But the BBC won`t be inviting us to send in our views on THOSE.
Jo Cox? Huw Edwards?…comments are NOT wanted or welcome here are they Vicky?
This morning, setting my PVR for a week ahead, I note that competing for my licence fee money next Monday evening on BBC1 and 2 are programmes about Usain Bolt and some confection in which Nadiya Hussein tells me about British food (a subject I am certain I know considerably more about than she does). Meanwhile, over on BBC 4 we appear too have a ‘gay’ evening.
And the two princes have not gone to the State broadcaster but to ITV. That must puncture a few egos. It might be competing against another documentary about ” great muslims”or how they had cable tv in Baghdad before we invented the television
I’ve noticed that the Royals don’t use Al beebus for such things these days, they would appear to have spoiled their ticket with the Royal Family somewhere along the line.
And this reminds me of the ungrateful Muslim ‘refugee’ YA-Brown spouting off about how Islam was so dominant in Mathematics and such……has she never heard of Euclid…Pythagorus…Archimedes…etc?…Oh..no..of course, World History began in AD 636 give or take a few years….Islam, in reality, took the ME as we know it, and some of Europe, and claimed their innovations as it’s own….stupid…dumb…Bitch.
Here’s a fun question: ask pisslamics what actual mathematical RESULTS pisslam got. Just ask them. All you’ll get is vague references and nothing concrete. Never anything concrete. Haha!
As for ‘their’ great claim to fame, algebra, it was all expressed only in words. Now try doing ANYTHING in algebra without a symbolic notation. Haha again.
The ancient Greeks had the solution to the quadratic equation, at least as far as it went for the next 2,000 years or so. We then had to wait for Christendom’s Italians in the 16th century to solve the next on the list, namely the cubic. And the one after that, the quartic. No input from pisslam in either of those, or indeed anything else — zero, zilch, nothing. In particular, and most damning of all, no pisslamic theorems of any sort.
Moreover, the solution to the cubic gave rise to the birth of complex numbers which were needed for full solutions to the cubic and, as it happens, the quadratic, and indeed for every polynomial equation of higher degree too.
The achievements of Christendom in science and mathematics exceed anything pisslam ever produced by innumerable orders of magnitude.
Because I travel a lot, I timeshift everything I watch. The BBC gets scanned along with the rest of the rubbish (and rubbish it is on Freeview!). Maybe once or twice a month there is something worth recording on the BBC and that’s usually on BBC Four. I have to say, to my amazement, that is actually more than I listen to on Radios 4 or 3 – a measure of how bad the BBC has got.
I forced myself to watch some of Marr yesterday – the Brexit item was left until last on the paper review.
Toby and Gisela were not given the opportunity to respond to Sourbry’s appalling rant on transitional arrangements because “we’re about out of time I’m afraid”.
WATCH: Transitional arrangement "for as long as it takes".
If Tory administration back this then the people are being duped into remaining! pic.twitter.com/KuRGLOs9E6
As an admirer of the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster, I am naturally solicitous to help in its hour of tribulation over the pay gender gap.
Our beloved beeb is clearly in a bind. Does it increase the wimmin’s pay, or decrease the men’s, with the inevitable recriminations?
Or does it shunt men off programmes to replace them with wimmin? Again, more problems there.
But I think I have a solution. The bbc is very keen on transgenderism these days, so perhaps all male ‘stars’ could have a little op, and the spare parts be attached to their ‘female’ counterparts in an op in the opposite direction. Then dress them all in boiler suits, call them all Trannies, and pay them a flat standard Tranny rate, roughly equivalent to a toilet cleaner’s.
Oh, and scrap male and female toilets at the beeb, it’s trans-phobic.
So-called Victoria Derbyshire on the so-called BBC this morning is about young Yazidi women who have been raped by so-called ISIS. Some of them were only little girls at the time & have witnessed their own male relatives murdered. I would be sure this all has nothing to do with Islam & these ISLAMIC State perverts were misunderstanding a beautiful religion. Except the reality is that these ISLAMIC State JIHADIs were doing exactly what their prophet taught was holy. In Mosul or Rotherham, So-called ISLAM is the same.
Al beeb doing what it loves best, namely stirring up race hatred and anti-police hatred with the story of the black suspect who died after arrest (probably after swallowing a load of drugs).
Naturally the black ‘community’ – whipped up by the sjw’s – are up in arms: another case of racist police brutality, bla bla (or the police just doing their job as it used to be called, arresting a drugs suspect).
But it would seem the plebs are no longer buying the ‘liberal’ racist narrative. On the Youtube of the arrest, misleadingly captioned ‘British police strangle black guy to death yesterday in Dalston, London after a drug search gone wrong’, the comments below are revealing.
As the heroic Pamela Geller once told a studio full of howling ‘liberals’: the well of white guilt has run dry.
– Jay Migos are you trying to insinuate the police MADE him swallow the drug’s? Its called free will. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Good riddance, another hood rat down.
– Cocaine induced cardiac arrest. The only justice anyone could ever get out of this would be to know like minded fools aren’t making it acceptable to SWALLOW DEADLY NARCOTICS and BLAMING THE POLICE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS simply because they see the police as part of a WHITE ESTABLISHMENT. Or is it just that time of year for another anti-white riot?”
– By the way he walks down the aisle at the beginning I would say he probably swallowed one or two bags prior to the one we saw.
– The “BLACK MAN!” is a retard for trying to fight. He is clearly in the wrong.
– He WASNT STRANGLED, he tried to swallow his stash and it went wrong for him. The police were trying to get it out. One more drug dealer off the streets.
– so fucking what………..nobody cares!…..thanks to people like rash, the east end of london is a fucking shithole
– Black drug dealer swallows his own stash and later dies hahaha. Sounds like poetic justice to me.
One cocaine pushing piece of shit dead, perhaps another twenty thousand to go ?
I suggest the Police Officer who caused him to choke on his own drug stash should be promoted immediately, and transferred to Police Training College.
Yes I feel sorry for that police officer. His boss wasn’t exactly effusive with support either but like most of those people looking for the next upward move and big pension.
There is never any justice for most victims of criminals like this. Some bastard from a local gang nicked the wheel off my bike. It was the end of the month and I had no money so I had to get up an hour earlier and walk to work every day, while this scumbag just sold my wheel and sat around doing bugger all because he would rather make a living through crime. Right the middle of winter as well – walking in the f**king cold and dark just because this bastard thinks the world owes him a living.
Where is the justice in that? An extra hour every morning when you work already work 11 hour days – what a total scumbag. Who thinks it’s ok to make a living through crime? It is not. How much does it cost us to keep lowlifes like this in prison, and pay for their legal aid?
Yes, DJ – and I didn’t notice the BBC showing similar anxiety when the Bliar regime was busy stuffing the CPS and the benches of the judiciary with Tony and Cherie’s far-Let activist cronies, the results of which we are still suffering.
Went to the Dunkirk film Saturday night and would strongly recommend it.
Any omission of BAME faces in this film (1 only of a French soldier) was more than made up by the preceding advertisements which all featured mixed race couples.
The Royal Bank of Scotland however, obviously feels they don’t go far enough with ‘diversity’ and had a particularly cringeworthy advertisement featuring two woman in bed together who then had very time conflicting jobs (RBS 24 hour employees) but then one of them came home and the the other one had candles lit all over the living room for a surprise lovey dovey night in.
It strikes me that the problem of Guy Gibson’s dog ‘Nigger’, which has plagued TV executives for many years now, could be solved easily with a Dam Busters remake. Simply cast a black man as Guy Gibson; he can then refer to his dog as ‘my nigger’ because as ‘rap’ singers have shown us, black men are allowed to use this term with no comebacks. Everybody’s happy!
Cranmer, this recalls a similar joke. ‘Candles out, girls!’ ordered the Mother Superior of a convent. A popping sound followed.
Sorry! I used to enjoy all the smutty (and politically incorrect) jokes in the college rag magazines that circulated in the 70s. Students didn’t need ‘safe spaces’ then!
Since everyone seems to be batting for the other side these days, maybe its just as well we have all these enrichers going to these Northern towns and impregnating all these kaffir women and underage girls who otherwise would remain barren. I suppose they are performing a social function really and should be rewarded. Since the non sharia following population are obviously clueless when it comes to understanding what women want.
Since everyone seems to be batting for the other side these days, maybe its just as well we have all these enrichers going to these Northern towns and impregnating all these kaffir women and underage girls who otherwise would remain barren. I suppose they are performing a social function really and should be rewarded. Since the non sharia following population are obviously clueless when it comes to understanding what women want.
Ah well at least you had a bit of comedy thatcherrev. Apparently the film -sorry movie – has done well in the states despite the fact neither Spider-Man nor Indy turns up. Better be careful about being comedic in relation to Dunkirk as I know how high the cost was and I’m not talking about the film ticket prices.
BBC ran a piece about African prospectors mining for gems. Whilst white Klondike prospectors are framed as self- interested buccaneers, the BEEB framed the Africans as ‘Men that simply wish to feed their families’.
Another example of seeking to frame the ‘PC’ world in roses.
I see that Victoria Derbyshire had on her TV show this morning her usual 20 min’s promoting everything Gay, Les, Bi, Trans, etc ! I think she had 5 guests from said community!
Tatchel of course was doing his bit: But its nowhere near enough; we need more rights and recognition!
I tell ya, this lot will ruin the UK! (BBC I mean)
And now I expect she wants a huge pay rise to add to her already considerable life advantages.
Classic liberal hypocrisy, their greed fully excused by supposed virtuous narratives.
She often bangs on about lack of fairness in society, the gap between rich n poor. Her answer – to seek fat cat wage settlements.
It is vital we re-frame the left as greedy self seeking hypocrites.
It’s all part of the master plan. Convince all of the future generations that it’s fashionable to be gay/lesbian etc thus massively reducing birth rates whilst the Muslim population continue to outbreed us. Then, once the Muslim population is the majority they can feel justified in throwing us all off buildings.
I was a bit shocked hearing al beeb using the word “queer” in one of its adverts for its own programmes – probably yet another documentary about oscar Wilde . I thought ” queer” was an offensive word . As I was growing up it meant ” unwell” times change
Last week I mentioned a chap in the local paper who had been found to be over fond of his Staffordshire bull dog. The gender wasn’t mentioned but I suppose al beeb will run a bestiality week soon….
Personal declaration I have never had a dog as a pet or anything else and have no plans at the moment to have one
This week, “queer” is OK, but “poof” is offensive. But by next week it may well have changed. It is incumbent upon all right-on people to know the correct terms, as decided by, well, no-one actually knows.
This is a phenomenom known as the Cumberbatch Conundrum.
Rob, there was a band on the Jonathan Ross programme called Four Poofs and a Piano. Like ‘queer’ and ‘nigger’ it is alright to use the words if you are of that ilk; if not, it is ‘hate speech’. Which makes it all rather confusing, which of course is the point. Divide and rule; get people worried about what they can and cannot say until they are afraid to say anything at all.
Current BBC fake news by omission regards the Trump administration;
+ Latest polling shows only 6% of Americans view Russia story as top priority, yet 75% of fake US MSM time given over to this.
+ Obama spied on Merkel. Never mentioned.
+ America has sent umpteen Special Envoys to interfere in foreign elections over decades.
+ Clintons 2016 campaign took huge funding sums from Saudi’s.
+ Obama antagonised Russia by interfering in Ukraine.
+ Dems & BBC say meeting any Russian should be viewed as meeting with Russian Intelligence – yet Clintons took huge fees for speaking in Russia to Russia’s agenda.
+ No mention by morally indignant BBC of Trumps achievements of late which are going down very well with working class
+No mention that Obama did nothing for working class in face of rampant off-shoring, mass immigration undermining lower end incomes and globalisation
I feel so free now paying far less attention to fake news BBC. Plenty of far more even handed incisive offerings on Youtube.
Remember Obummer OPENLY pushed for Netanyahu to be voted out in Israel, including appearing on TV ‘news’ and appealing for ‘change’ and spending hundreds of thousands of CIA money on opposition propaganda. BiasedBBC and MSM said nothing.
Corbyn was right then-there IS a magic money tree. Indeed a whole orchard of them where the BBC have already dug their trenches.
No wonder the BBC believed in him and his students.
Secret Garden, somewhere only the BBC know.
Saviles cemetery or the Blue Peter Garden?
Get digging.
OK, this is just for fun (and to help stave off anybody’s Monday blues):
President Trump tries his lever best to break the unbreakable
Explanation: It was Made in America Week, and the appropriately named CEO of Corning Wendell Weeks invited Prez Trump to try and break two glass phials. The first phial was a conventionally made one, and Trump cracked it like an eggshell (I have seen a classmate break a test tube in the school lab before, so I know this is quite easily done). The second phial was a Valor Glass product made by Corning. Trump lunges at the lever and depresses with all his might (gritted teeth, grunt, grimace, the works), but the glass phial stays intact despite the 1,000 pound applied presidential pressure.
As an aside, if this “experiment” were to be replicated in the UK with a British-made product, somehow I think the only cabinet minister sporting (and patriotic) enough to have a go would be Boris Johnson …
Great timing.
Who else did I hear on Radio 2 a few minutes ago but Jonathan Ross plugging his new show on Thursday night.
Our very own Barry Norman is back, some show on manga comics apparently.
How much are we paying him…and should this show not be put on hold until we`ve renegotiated what his grotesque fees actually are?
It appears the bBC still has directors who can do comedy:
????‼️???????? UK: Oops! Sir David Attenborough (producer) goes crazy, and told family "get ready to die" during a road rage incident. pic.twitter.com/l4ywqEeQVy
I can’t help wondering why did it take all these top, female BBC investigative journalists so long to twig that the gals were earning much less than the guys?
Is there a company corporation rule not to discuss salaries? How very capitalist. What would be the penalty for blabbing?
Are there no water cooler conversations, griping about pay, bonuses, expenses, etc.? Did the males all know they were earning more and agree to keep mum about it?
Did no curious woman (isn’t curiosity a necessary tool of trade for a journalist?) ever send an ‘anonymous’ FoI request about remuneration for the top-level talent? Presumably none of them, male, female or ???, ever gave a damn what the bottom-level earned.
Since 5am BBC news has led with “Electricity revolution home generation/storage could save public UPTO £40bn”
jesus …just add that to the billions you think you’ll save with smartmeters !
… It’s amazing on Twitter how people just swallow such unicorn thinking
The Harra article has open comments http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40699986
(£40bn works out at £1,500 /household
..You each spend thousands on leccy each year cos its not just in your own bill, but as a component in every service/product/government-service that you pay for)
In summary, BBC Tax Payer foots bill for idiotic presenters Ross & Brand (£152,236) , who still go back to the BBC and get paid even more money and the public is not allowed to cancel the payments to stop this behaviour … because of the unique way the BBC is funded. In fact I saw Russell Brand on BBC Question time … *sigh*
In Saturday’s Times (July 22nd) in the city business section, Patrick Hoskins report:
‘The BBC is not being straight in its publication this week of the rewards paid to top managers and stars. The list has the virtue of simplicity. We can at least understand Chris Evans’s £2.2 million. But the numbers seriously understated the total benefits being disgorged.
An awful lot is NOT included in the sums: payment to the stars’ personally owned production companies, payments by the corporations commercial arm.’ (BBC Worldwide) ‘…’royalties, repeat fees and expenses.’
‘Crucially, it also excludes any benefits from what is perhaps what is perhaps the biggest money fountain for the BEEB’s long servers, the BBC pension scheme. Some are still clocking up hugely valuable benefits while chipping in contributions of only 7.5% of pensionable pay. The actual cost of the accrued benefits is likely to be many, many times higher’.
My comment: Lets not forget the ‘other’ overpaid and talented BBC STARS such as this victim: Alan Yentob: for example can expect a 6 million pound pension bonus thanks to BBC and his other ‘private’ investments, notoriously working for his own production company and working for the BBC on 3 day week basis (working for his own luxury gourmet food enterprise) and then there was that failed ‘kids’ charity which the BBC gave him ‘time off’ to administer that disaster and then again to spend more time with his adopted family in the Calais ‘Jungle’ (in his pyjamas) with BBC Camera crew in tow with private hire security guards on call if he has a ‘negative’ response from the intended. Yentob is totally unemployable outside the BBC and has spent most of his life a ‘victim’.
‘It may even be worse. The BBC pension fund had a shortfall of £1.7 billion at the last count. Simply to repay that deficit, it is having to demand giant infusions of extra cash from the BBC, in March taking a single payment of £220 million. Or to put it another way, of the £147 license fee, £8.54 was swallowed up last year merely to make up for shortfalls in respect of promises made decades ago. That drain on license fee payers is scheduled to go on for another 11 years.
The BBC won’t divulge which or how many of its highest earners are on staff, let alone whether they are members of the pension scheme. Without this information, its list gives a very partial picture. They must have long since exceeded the lifetime allowance of £1 million allowance, the notional £1million pot mark, at which point benefits are punitively punished’.
…’This week’s revelations have already exposed a pay divide at the BBC based on gender, but there is an equally ugly one based on length of service. Younger, newer staff at the corporation are cross-subsidising older, longer-serving colleagues’.
By Patrick Hosking of The Times (page 51, July 22nd 2017)
So the old guard cream of the benefits and get full pension (more than a £ million will not ever get reported) and then next year they can massage the figures to hide behind new BBC ‘Worldwide’ companies to offset exposure to (FOI) Freedom of Information requests on huge ‘*star* ‘back payment’s and also of TV ‘royalties’ that the BBC increasingly lives off (old Top Gear repeats) can be hid in any number of new (eighteen) BBC ‘private’ companies that the BBC control 100%. These new offset ‘tax vehicles being the (New) BBC Studios limited (to hide extra bungs to auto-cue presenters) and the other is BBC Worldwide Limited (to ensure that all expenses are used up when any royalties arrive from overseas). So minimum UK tax is paid on overseas earnings.
GUIDO FAWKES also dug a bit deeper and came up with the same conclusion about this disgustingly dishonest broadcaster of ‘BBC private *stars* contracts and its excuses when clear evidence of stars rewarding themsleves via BBC production companies that don’t appear of the BBC ‘rich list’.
The FULL list of BBC STARS is also reveled in the EXPRESS newspaper but not the extra bungs that the luvvies at the BBC mamage to pocket via their own production companies (formed and funded almost exclusively by the BBC to avoid paying NI tax at source. (National Insurance) and claiming expenses – as a freelancer- on almost non existant ‘expenses’ going from one BBC location to another. It stinks! http://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/830476/BBC-salaries-salary-pay-full-list-chris-evans-gary-lineker
To be fair it is the BBC, so most people will have assumed that their reporting of themselves would be unreliable. By unreliable, I mean of course lies. The only thing reliable about the BBC (other than their hatred of the Tories) is their mendacity.
BBC Website reports that 5 people injured in Swiss chainsaw attack. Police immediately release photos of the suspect who is, guess what, white. In a wonderful Clouseau moment, the police warn that the man is “dangerous”.
News topics cover range from new construction projects to history lessons about the accomplishments and past of the “founding father” Kim Il-sung, as well as his son Kim Jong-il, and grandson and current leader Kim Jong-un and the Juche idea.
I read once – unfortunately I can no longer find the reference to verify – that North Korea is the only country other than Britain where non-payment of a television license is a criminal matter (in other backward countries that still have licensing requirements, it is a civil matter).
How can you make comparisons between the BBC & North Korea when one is totally biased one sided propaganda forced upon the people and the other……is North Korea!
If you think they are overpaid here Ireland is on another scale with only a population of 4.5 million. They pay the tv license but also have adverts as well. RTE is just a smaller version of the BBC but with the same left wing bias as our good friends. Brexit hurt them but trump winning has really floored the them and they have been whining little bitches since nov 9 2016. Its a daily dose of anti brexit and anti trump propaganda and its done with the aid of the left in the UK.
Unlucky for us, when Sir Bob “£32 million in Rich List. Hates Brexit. Ends every sentence with ‘think of the children’ ” Geldof sang feed the World, BOB FORGOT to include in the song “… and with this charity money, please build infrastructure and good governance so you can help yourself and future generations. And other Countries won’t have to sing for you after every disaster. Let them know it’s Christmas time (Free presents for everyone, same again next year. Hurray!).”
For the same reasons the Gramscians seek to bring down the West. So that it can be reconstructed after it has collapsed as a ‘perfect socialist society’.
I realise it all sounds a bit ‘tin foil’ but Germany would be the first choice of European countries in which to try it. No society is more conditioned to accept and obey the will of its leaders than the Germans. Both we and the French are too obstructive and sceptical and the Italians are too volatile. There is, of course, precedent…
Try as I might, I can think of no better explanation for Merkel’s national suicide bid.
Agree with you about the Krauts, Frogs, Eyties and Brits. I still always laugh at De Gaulle’s comment about how do you govern a country with thousands of different cheeses. Wonder what he would make of Europe today ?
Yes, Islam and socialism go together like a horse and carriage. But, if the Lefties think they will get special treatment under Islam, they are more stupid than I thought .
It’s the ‘Europeans’ that will experience the greatest population growth, in the same way as ‘Mo’ has become the most popular ‘British’ christian first name.
If they all love Islam so much , I do not understand why they do not convert. If they get their way, they will have to convert or die. These people are truly crazy.
People who defend Islam should try out a gap year and go and live in Iran for a while. With a population of 80 million, their supreme leader in the past has stated …
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980
From 1980 … 2010 … 2015, forget Hajibs, the Iranian men are fighting for freedom of Mullets!
As usual beebistan being parsimonious with the facts when they reflect badly on a member of their favourite religion (clue: it sure as hell ain’t Christianity).
Compare and contrast:
Beebistan headline (tucked away in Regions): Man in court over teen’s rape and murder. The 33-year-old man was charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman in London. (not a word about Schh, you know which religion).
DM headline: Indian Muslim girl, 19, ‘was kidnapped by Taser-wielding men then raped and murdered by having her throat slit in honour killing after she started dating an Arab’.
(The DM headline tells you all you need to know in 2 lines. The whole beeb article tells you nothing.)
I am often at thoughts about what ‘diversity’ actually means or that other word ‘equality’ and finally to justify all ‘anti-discrimination’. I know the legal definition of each but in reality in each case ‘diversity’ often means less choice or you have (likley) no choice. That seems to be more lack of diversity and more promotion of ethnic groups. ‘Equality’ which sounds fine but means different things to different people. None of us being equal in intelligence, sex (biologically) or aspiration and then I could add in talent. So equality really means none of these things. Finally ‘discrimination’ is something that again sounds worthy until its applied by the law indiscrimatelly. So sex is ‘discrimination’ and parents are ‘discriminating’, intelligence is an obvious ‘discrimination’ as knowing that we are not all ‘equal’ is discrimination to state such in public. And then intelligence is defined by ‘discrimination’ of the facts. So the fact that I cannot see any problem with the above Graph of foreign imports to Germany (as that is racially diversive) and the fact that everybody has equal (on benefits) means that a nations state is non-existant as everybody is equally obliging (and everybody can share in – your – wealth that you (as a nation) have created. I would object but that would be ‘discrimination’ of the facts as outlined by the BBC. I know this as ‘fact’ because the EU gives the BBC money for such ‘harmonisation’ policies that work well, (from Calais-to-Rotherham) and endorsed by many Labour boroughs as a ‘fact’ that we are all equally stupid (and should not question the wisdom of the great experiment). Only the BBC and EU would claim that they have far-more-intelligence than I (and hence better paid) – because they can explain this better – using a megaphone to ‘ridicule’ those that are concerned of the outcome of the lack of intelligence, diversity and racial harmony that results. This is really a Socialist mandate for what will be a common cause acress Europe towards a new Communal experiment taken to absurd levels by Germany. Its not hard to predict the problems that of this policy in Germany. A police state will be the only solution (to enforce all of the above).
Currently we are hosting a couple of Italian language students. When they first arrived we told them that we had had French students too. This brought the football supporter’s type of response, “We hate the French!”.
A few nights ago they came in later than usual and it turned out that the had been playing computer games with their new French friends on the same course. Hardly a surprise!
At the weekend we were discussing the Scottish referendum, regionalisation and the EU. I said that the EU plan was for us all to become one. One of the Italians (21 years old) said “One country, like the USA? It will never happen as the languages and cultures are all differen”t.
I then asked about the migrants from North Africa. He said it was a big problem. I asked if an immigrant from Sudan is given an Italian passport does that make him loyal to Italy? As expected the answer was “No”. I then said and if he can use that passport to move to Germany might he feel more part of one Europe than you? The penny dropped.
Diverse cities. Tosh. The national peoples of Europe are being replaced by ‘economic units’ with no national loyalties. The idiot leaders of the EU haven’t realised that they are importing people who see benefit payments as being a good wage or, if of an entrepreneurial nature, an economic system based on trust as being ripe for exploitation
Thanks for this Marky.
Managed to listen for 67 seconds before nearly passing out on the glutinous lies and saccharine. Enough to give you diabetes. Would LOVE to know who narrates it-creepy as Jimmy Savile,
Listening to Classic FM yesterday afternoon, my default choice now after many years of Radio 4 but I just can’t get away from the bias! Ex-BBC link girl Charlotte Green talking to BBC Grandee Melvyn Bragg about, naturally, music but finishing with a question about Brexit FFS! He is, of course, a Remainer and very passionate indeed. His example of the catastrophe about to befall us is the ROH where there are many EU citizens employed. Apparently, they will all be sent packing after Brexit. Now if I were to be curious I would ask him how many non-EU citizens were employed in the Arts in London (certainly lots of Russian ballet dancers) and if they can get work permits why can’t EU “luvvies” post-Brexit?
… Bragg becoming increasingly bedraggled… loses temper on In Our Time … no chance now of ever being a Dimbleby equal – especially not on the hereditary titles proximity area …
Must be second chamber disease – many others suffer from it. Once upon a time they might have been human beings but get a sniff of that ermine and they are up on one. Every so often there is a call to dump it but they spout the old nonsense about ‘ revising chamber’and ‘lots of experts who know stuff ‘ and they keep their unelected expense accounts ( I won’t say “job”). Our Melvin is a case study these days .
LOL ! It is so typical that the BBC give so much time to a total loser has-been like Clegg. Still, I guess they recognise one of their own . Diane Abbott anyone ?
How the bBC covers up for Islamic honour killings: Man in court over kidnap, rape and murder of teenager A man has appeared in court charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman. The 33-year-old is also accused of the kidnap, rape, and attempted murder of a woman in her 20s. Another man, 28, is charged with the kidnap of both women. Both men appeared in custody at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
It appears that 19 year old Celine Dookhran, an Indian Muslim had started dating an Arab. This didn’t go down well with her family. Which is why last Wednesday ,two men in balaclavas kidnapped Celine and her 21 year old cousin After been tasered they had their face and mouths covered in duct tape. their hands tied with cable ties and their feet tied with rope. They were then taken to a house that was been renovated where they were both raped and had their throats slit. Thankfully the older girl managed to escape and knock on a door for help. Police found the body of her cousin stuffed inside a freezer. Police quickly made arrests and today 33 year old Mujahid Arshid, 33, appeared in court charged with the murder, rape and kidnap of Miss Dookhran his co-defendant, Vincent Tappu, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women.
Now contrast the above with any story posted by the bBC where a Muslim girl alleges somebody gave her a hard time.
I really would like to hear the counter view – the justification. Loads of people work for albeeb but few seem to want to defend it here. I don’t think we d give them too much stick if they presented a coherent supported argument/ account but where are they?
Could it be that they would be defending the indefensible?
What would be really good would be to see someone posting examples of Al Beeb’s pro Britih or right wing bias, if there is any?
So far, zilch.
“The revelation that disc jockeys and football presenters are paid millions for topping and tailing segments of rehashed music or rebroadcast football, especially if they are male, will almost certainly lead to more pay inflation at the BBC — to correct the gender imbalance. Here’s another gender imbalance: television licence fee evasion accounted for 36 per cent of all prosecutions of women in 2015 and 6 per cent of men.
Are there any arguments left for funding one broadcaster through a compulsory and regressive poll tax? The original argument was that broadcasting was a natural monopoly and the airwaves a limited space. Well, that’s long gone. In the digital world, I can watch or listen to one of many thousands of channels through cable, satellite …”
I’ve just turned on the radio then turned it off again.
To use the ‘racist’ lines, I’m not misogynistic, but… and some of my best friends are women… etc. But qute frankly I’m getting fed up of the female voice on the BBC. Of course it doesn’t help that the BBC has openly said that that is its intention but I do try and keep an open mind.
Yet it is like a nagging parent, from the ubiquous Carmen Squire, (and her clones?), that do every ‘exciting’ programme trailer, the Radio 4 actresses that all sound the same, (because they are all Juliet Stevenson?), the female news readers without a shred of gravitas, (“ten people have been killed on the M4 and there is a new Harry Potter out!”), to the new brand of female ‘science expert’ that all adopt the “let’s enthuse the kids about science!!!” tone.
Is it all part of the Guardianista plan where one lot of the population are doing the prodding (feel the ‘love’) and the other part are being prodded (the ‘haters’)? Most people have a degree of indifferent tolerance, you play chess, so what? But if every BBC programme gets to feel as if it has been stuffed with chess players eventually people are going to move to the “I hate chess players!” position and the prodders have won – “See! We said all along that there are nasty (right-wing) people out there!”
I did start to write this thinking more of the ‘nagging adult versus child’ line but actually it is more like the adult that never grew up, the teasing, bullying brat, (often female!), “Mum, mum! Johnny hit me!” And the (absent here) wise mum says, “And what did you do to provoke him?”.
Tomorrow is Day 7 … BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees whose wages are 80K or above are added to the website. Just like BBC Director General, Lord Hall’s (who is on £450K) expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality which could be a sandwich or a massage. Only the Lord will ever know!
Has anyone else noticed the massive spam of politically-correct comments on BBC online articles recently? The BBC for a while disabled comments on almost everything since they were overwhelmingly critical, but half of the Sport section now has articles about womens football and cricket with hundreds of vapid PC comments and downvotes for anyone who questions their feminist agenda. Maybe I’m being cynical but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the BBC was commenting on its own articles with fake accounts.
Johnm, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’m pretty sure some major online news suppliers are using fake accounts for comments, or at least enforcing a strict editorial policy over comment upvoting. If you think about it, it is inevitable – news providers are not going to stand for mass open contradiction of their content. The only way they can control it is either to ban comments altogether, or heavily edit them. What they may not realise is this simply drives people away and into sites which they feel reflect their own views better, and we end up with the ‘echo chamber’ effect.
Dear BBC, Uri Geller is a fraud and should be treated as such. He took money from people who believed his illusions when he presented himself as a mystic, the BBC giving him a platform to sell his brand of fake mysticism is wrong when the evidence of this is available. You even gave have a program empowering him to fool even more people. “The Secret Life of Uri Geller”@BBC {jul2013} : … ‘concluded that he (Geller) has a phenomenal gift (define gift? chatting? wasting time? guessing gift?)’.
Every penny wasted by anyone on this delusion should be a blotch on the BBC organisation.
@Marky Randy exposed Geller as a fraud about 44 bloody years ago*, but cos he fitted the narrative the media didn’t blink it just kept him on shows with them just accepting Geller
‘bringing his own spoons to bend
in exchange for them giving him cash to spend.’
(* In 1973, Johnny Carson had a legendary run-in with popular psychic Uri Geller when he invited Geller to appear)
Grant – Claudia Winkelman is too, and she’s the highest paid female ! – wonder if Jonathan Shalit is her agent ?????
Cant wait to see the grins through clenched teeth by Daly when Strictly starts.
Uri Geller duped me as a child and the BBC kept up the pretence till this very day.
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political.
Drop the British and become BC.
Before Christ seems appropriate.
My problem with them is their belief that they occupy some moral high ground despite all of their sins. And the continuous undermining of the true identity of our country and their guilt about being white. That bloody 1960s education system really did well at undermining a decent English speaking Britain.
Baroness Scotland -appointed by Tony Blair as sec general to the commonwealth was the subject of newspaper allegations that she had been less than fair about expenses and personal dealings. She complained to the press regulator who Today had thrown out her complaints . In my reckoning a criminal investigation and at least resignation from public office should follow . But what coverage will this get ??
” Less than fair about expenses ” ? Is that code for cheating and fiddling. Disgusting woman . Should resign or be sacked. How do you sack a member of the House of Lords ? The political elite in UK are rotten to the core .
Grant – yes you’re right. You might detect sometimes that I am not as brutal as I might be about clear corruption and the State turning a blind eye when it chooses. Just make sure you pay your TVs licence tax right ? Truly a joke.
To be fair, you are many times more likely to be able to spell and punctuate if you went to a private school, rather than being forced to endure one of our wonderful comprehensives.
8:30pm R4 BBC air Paul Johnson : Minimum Wage: Too Much of a Good Thing?
director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, asks why left and right have both adopted this once controversial policy.
..well this time I might agree with him
Government straddled with massive debt seems to be jacking up wages thus causing inflation, thus devaluing the pound thus making its debt look look smaller.
Stew, “..well this time I might agree with him
Government straddled with massive debt seems to be jacking up wages thus causing inflation, thus devaluing the pound thus making its debt look look smaller.”
A mistaken view I am afraid, as I frequently have to point out on the BBC Economics Editor’s Blog. When inflation increases costs it also increases Government’s costs, especially as pensions are tied to an inflation triple lock and every business providing goods or services to HMG puts up its costs doubly fast when dealing with Govt contracts.
Then it also depends where HMG debt is held. If it is overseas, Govt may actually face an appreciation in debt if currency movements & interest rates go the wrong way.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Day 6 … BBC TV Tax Payers request how long these inflated wages have been paid – last 20 years.
Paying the likes of Chris Evans, Gary Lineker and Jimmy Savile to name but a few. Where these all Labour supporters? For the (on less than 150K) Many, Not the (on more than 150K. 1 percenters?) Few!
Previous Day 5 …. TV Tax Payers request for information on all stars that are hiding their wages in different companies – will these stars step forward and say how much they are being paid from the publics purse?
{biasedbbc previous post}
This is really not going to go away.
All talk up to now has been on subject of pay, the pay gap, salaries etc, but as most people know salaries only account for about 1/3 of an individual’s overall total compensation.
Just wait till these women presenters clock onto the fact that their pensions have been calculated on an unequal basis and that (maybe) all their other benefits have been unfairly proportioned too.
This is a nightmare for the BBC (and we haven’t heard what is going on in terms of management pay), unless of course journos have been loose with their terminology (salaries vs total compensation) which is possible.
When Labour followers follow the “For the Many, Not the Few” who exactly did they mean?
Seems that the Few in Labour Land have more than the Many.
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s Many or Few?
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s 99% or 1%?
Can Evans and Lineker state if they are in Corbyn’s ‘< 80K’ or ‘> 80K’?
Can Corbyn state if the BBC presenters known to support Labour (Lineker,Evans) and it’s ideals are in the right or wrong? Should they have reported their earnings and pay disparity to the Labour Party?
Is it time Evans and Lineker thought that instead of holidaying in a socialist country – they can live there and help it’s economy! {biasedbbc post}
Problem is you have to come to this website to discover the truth.
95% of the population are blissfully unaware of the situation, because every employee in every radio station / papers / website knows the punishment for exposing the BBBC is to never be granted a job for life with massive salary, gold-plated pension, etc.
BBC sports news and it’s all women, women, women…
BBC crime news and it’s all men, men, men….
‘A MAN has been charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman. The Metropolitan Police said the 33-year-old had also been charged with the rape, attempted murder and kidnap of a woman in her 20s. Another MAN, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women. … The two MEN, who have not been named by police, will appear at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday.’
Well, we know it was the England women’s cricket team the BBC are keen for us to celebrate but this crime story…
What’s that about, we wonder?
‘A 19-year-old girl was murdered by her uncle in south west London, before he chopped up her body and put it in a freezer, a neighbour has claimed….A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘Relatives told me that the stepdad was Asian and was caught at Dover trying to leave the country….He kidnapped them both and chopped one of them up and put her in the freezer… He slit the other one’s throat… A family friend of the owners told The Sun: ‘The girls had got mixed up with a gang of guys. One wanted to marry one of the boys and her Pakistani family couldn’t take that.’
Thank you print press for giving us the news while both the BBC tv and on-line news are hiding nine tenths of the story with a smoke screen of ‘MEN’ clearly anxious to blur the all important cultural crux of the story.
“He slit the other one’s throat… ” – that’s halal style is it not?
Just thinking…………maybe he had culinary plans for later?
Well…i’ve been barred from Facebook for the third time…do i care?…not a jot. All i posted was a reply, one of many, that was constructive and vitriol free, just putting plainly what Islam does..says..and has in store for us….Zuckerberg and his little helpers are just so like the BBC, they cannot take the truth..and are keen to suppress free speech…i guess the use of the phrase, ‘ breed like cockroaches ‘ did it for them.. i’ve heard worse….but they do, it’s the truth. I do not subscribe to the BBC..looks like FB will have to do without me as well…while many muslims on that site spout hatred and damnation and worse…and stay in situ……very fair Zukerbaby, Merkel’s little lap-dog. On the question of salaries…a proper Pandora’s box has been opened, and it’s great to see these overpaid people squirm and wriggle to justify these sums….
Zuckerberg is, most decidedly, part of ‘the problem’ along with the BBC. Both organisations do little more than promote cultural Marxism by means of censorship and brainwashing. Though, to be fair, I suspect many social media users have little in the way of brains to wash.
I see mail online is carrying the names of the Muslims involved .strangely albeeb appears quiet on the subject .,
This is fun; starting from the premise that it is journalism versus fake news and not most ‘journalism’ these days being just that.
No prizes for guessing where the author learned his unique craft.
I had to giggle at this snippet in Mr Harding’s article:
“We need to ask ourselves why Britons think 24 per cent of the population are immigrants when the real figure is 13 per cent.”
Is it because the BBC, where Mr Harding was Controller of Editorial Policy, spends much of its time telling us that ‘we are all immigrants’?
Maybe it’s because watching and listening to Al beebus output, you could be forgiven for actually thinking it was 50%.
Even these figures are startling. It seems one in eight people in the UK is an immigrant, and they produce one in three of all children. You do not need a degree in statistics to see how this demographic trend is developing.
The USA in the 19th Century was a vast, undeveloped continent. The UK, and especially England, is a small, densely populated country. Yet I doubt that even in the Ellis Island period, when the USA actively wanted immigrants to help populate its immense territory, that one eighth of its people, and one third of its children, were foreign born. And bear in mind that the USA took only European immigrants, whereas we take the dregs of humanity from the four corners of the world.
In short, Private Frazer was right.
RiC – quite correct; also many of those immigrants to the U.S. returned to their home countries because life was so hard, which isn’t something many immigrants would ever consider doing today.
There were also long pauses between immigration waves which allowed the country to adjust to the changes. That was until the new immigration laws in 1965 which tore the gates off their hinges, in terms of control of immigration from the Third World into the U.S.
These immigrants were not getting any state handouts, and had to make it entirely on their own.
It is a completely different scenario, going to a country which is not developed and building all the infrastructure from one own hard labour with no state handouts and thereby creating a developed country, and going to a developed country and there sponging off the state and the hard work of the indigenous people who have built the developed country into what is is.
Simple answer Mr Harding. Because if you tell us the ‘real’ figure is 13% we know that the actual figure will be double.
Because the majority of surveys are carried out in urban areas where this figure is likely to be representative – it’s the same methodology that skews opinion polls towards Labour.
Then again only last week the BBC was castigating the government over only 13% of teachers being from BAME backgrounds when 25% of pupils are from those backgrounds. Naturally they cited the ‘only 13%’ as being the issue and didn’t dare question or even allow comment on why the 25% was so much higher than the general population.
The BBC is copping it from everywhere at the moment… this excellent piece from the Times this morning
Oh, dearie me, this really not going too well for the ladies who gouge.
Defo dark looks round the water cooler still.
Maybe Mishal should have stuck with comparing acceptable casualty rates or Katty snarking endlessly on twitter about the President using the BBC’s exclusive medium (views their own).
What a ‘mare. Maybe they should fire their PR advisors as well as their agents?
I keep saying it – if they want pay equality, cut them ALL down to the level of the AVERAGE woman at the BBBC. Not one will leave, not one. Overpaid bastards, all of them.
Just listening to R4 talking to IMF….despite the IMF saying their figures are not based on Brexit…opening gambit by BBC “do you remain gloomy about the impact of Brexit” followed up by another question on Brexit….They just couldn’t get past Brexit…and given the IMF claimed doom and gloom at the Brexit and got it wrong..why ask them now..
Now talking to more ‘experts’ and opening line by BBC do you share nervousness of IMF about Brexit…..I didn’t hear the IMF guy say that..
Yippee an expert standing up for Brexit …..surprised BBC let him on….and talking sense…
HA HA another expert said what they (IMF) got right was the effect of actual Brexit – that hasn’t happend yet…Jesus how can she say they got something right when it hasn’t happened!!!!!
You wouldn’t think the BBC had been told off for being negative on Brexit….nothing changes….
Heard that too. I noticed the beeboid didn’t mention Legarde until her underling did. This is because legarde is French and damaged goods due to the fraud business as well as being a propaganda tool for Osborne in the Brexit vote. I think Trump called for reform of the IMF and might be right. You could hear how insensed the pro Brexit (outnumbered) economist was be standard al Beeb negative reporting of Brexit.
Sir Gerard Lyons stuck it to them straight thought didn`t he? Get the idea that Nick Robinson may now be looking to curry favour with fatter wallets than his, now we all know what the moocher gets by way of pay.
Lyons knocked our Oxford/EU conomix shill into next week with his logic, as opposed to her wishing Brexit to fail.
We need this bloke along with Sir Tim and Lord Farage on that plane to DC to meet the Americans, that would send the EU tanking in their own bile.
Quite amazing: the EU represents, I think the figure is, 13% of the total Worlds economy yet, according to the BBC/IMF, Brexit will, in effect, destroy our businesses. Tail wags dog? I don’t think so BBC – get real for once in your own very sick world.
And it is in decline. When Britain joined the Common Market, Europe accounted for nearly a third of the World’s trade. And still we have the ‘Little Europeans’ in denial that the real economic opportunities are in China, India, Russia, Nigeria…
I think we all know that what Germany wants is what happens in the EU. I have always thought that to be the case, but Yanis Varoufakis’s book proves it.
Forget Michel Barnier. We want a free trade agreement with the EU. If Angela Merkel wants one too, we will get it, if she doesn’t, we won’t. The Eurocrat is just a front man, the real power is in Berlin.
It is excellent news that albeeb is going to cut costs by employing cheap wimmin when expensive mens’ contracts expire. Let’s hope the rest of the public sector follows suit. ( note – my tongue is firmly in mouth). Let’s hope al Beeb tears itself apart.
‘ Guess who’ commenting above links to The Times article on TVs licencing – 36% women versus 65 male level of prosecutions. Maybe the licencing gestapo realise they’ll meet less resistance from chatty women. I’m sorry to be sexist and all the other ‘its’ but victimisation of people using a tv and paying huge wage packets is just wrong.
A thought …if BBC pensions are linked to final salary, reduce all salaries now save and license can be reduced now and in the future.
Another thought… the Licence Fee is a tax on owning a TV with revenues going to fund the BBC.
If BBC goes subscription based (for the sake or argument) it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the tax. In reality, the government of the day would probably want to keep the £4bn (or whatever it is) for something else.
I`m a cheap woman on nearly £9 per hour here at the Sunnyvistas Care Home.
If you`re right Fedup, I see an autumn sunlit glow on my higgledy-piggledy career-such as it is.
Having heard a few minutes of Womans Hour whilst hoping that the baps could be scraped free of mould( don`t tell the CQC)-I was well able to predict what Jane Garvey(or indeed any of the WH poppets) would be leading with. I wasn`t wrong-the girls here with me were quite impressed!
We of course on nearly £9 per hour could only marvel at poor Jane Garveys sinking to the bottom of the pay paddling pool at the BBC, and we`ll arrange a whip round at the end of shift at 7pm tonight.
Jess Phillips, Jane Garvey and some Fawcett Society Union lesbian with a cut-glars Oxbrideg accent? Who else to tell you on the gender pay gap?
Thanks girls.
Alicia ,
Having done a caring job a feel for you and was disgusted by the arrangements for those working for care companies .
These angry albeeb ladies no not know what the real world is like despite talking to people every day.
I think you have put your finger on the problem, Fedup. The BBC does an awful lot of ‘talking to’ but precious little listening.
Yet another idea – lower licence tax for women . I’m a chap and refuse to pay it because I am a conchee so I’ll claim some form of neutrality . Just stirring the pot.
This is SKY, not the BBC, but part of the same problem IMO.
Newspaper reviewers discussing how Chris Froome is not really British – English parents, born in Kenya, spends little time here.
It’s a reasonable argument, but I was struck by the way that only white people seem to be subjected to this type of scrutiny.
How many times have I heard the statement “He/she’s as English as you are!” in different circumstances?
Yes it’s one of those Mohammed farah moments.
Interesting. If Froome’s British parents leave the country and he is born abroad, Froome is not British, whereas Sir Mohammed Farah, born in Somalia, living in the USA and with no historic or family ties to Britain at all, is somehow the Greatest Living Englishman?
Liberals must have some sort of worm eating their brains.
Yes, and from a part of Somalia (Somaliland) that has been peaceful almost throughout the last 30 years yet given refugee status or the like here in the UK.
“The war in southern Somalia between Islamist insurgents on the one hand, and the Federal Government of Somalia and its African Union allies on the other, has for the most part not directly affected Somaliland, which, like neighbouring Puntland, has remained relatively stable”.
So why give thousands of Somalis (from Hargeisa) refugee status from a stable territory? Because our Immigration officials and too dim to understand the difference.
“Because our Immigration officials and too dim to understand the difference……”
I also think its because our ‘immigration officials’ are of the BAME variety !! can’t remember the last time I encountered a white British on duty at the front line !
Yes I agree- it’s like council housing offices. Few anglos behind the jump – good opportunity for self remuneration methinks. Bit like flogging British passports and fake marriages.
” African Union ” ? There’s another beauty !
I d like to know why, the bloody BBC and the media are still talking gender pay gap?
the issue is the pay, the amount of pay … period
Liam Fox demands?
Id like to know how Liam lying, disgraced, and sacked Fox has the brass neck, to even show his face to demand anything … mind you in good like Brexit company, with Liar May, Boris and parrot face Davis
Newswatch is going to be a bit awks at the end of this week.
Maybe Samira will bang on about her pay instead of inviting him on?
Forgive me but didn’t clarkson get sacked for similar – a vacancy for a cheap woman perhaps ?
Assault and threatening behaviour .
I’m sure he got it ‘about right’.
Sir Boaty McBoatface will give him a character reference.
Not a good week for beebistan: pay gap, gender gap, obscene salaries, endless salary disputes in the pipeline, the government attacking them over Brexit bias, and now a violent tv producer caught on camera…
Mmm, Schadenfreude, doncha luv it?
Darwinism in action!
The BBC Scince Department will love this primal rage of the greybacked Corpusfattus Beeboda, and hopefully will weigh him, tag him and see him as an endangered species, poosibly overfed in BBC captivity.
Time to release him into the wild, set him free.
Too many chest punching old blokes at the BBC as we now know.
What happened to the ‘market rate’/commercial secrecy lark?
Seems the BBC wimmin are not being poached in their droves as suggested, and are huddled in the bunker with their lawyers to make sure they stay right where they are in perpetuity.
Could it be it was all a big con?
VD erupting again to do her bit:
I wonder if the LI slappers are paid the same as the meat?
Or a bit more if they get their kit off?
Love it or loath it-we `re talking of it as Sarah Teather would have done.
Equally insulting and patronising, but this is what overpaid and preening casualties from life WOULD send out on Twitter. The Licence fee, capital punishment, Islam, immigration, Mid-Staffs, Aberfan as well as all the usual topics WE care about are also “liked or loathed”?
But the BBC won`t be inviting us to send in our views on THOSE.
Jo Cox? Huw Edwards?…comments are NOT wanted or welcome here are they Vicky?
This morning, setting my PVR for a week ahead, I note that competing for my licence fee money next Monday evening on BBC1 and 2 are programmes about Usain Bolt and some confection in which Nadiya Hussein tells me about British food (a subject I am certain I know considerably more about than she does). Meanwhile, over on BBC 4 we appear too have a ‘gay’ evening.
And people seriously claim there is no agenda?
And the two princes have not gone to the State broadcaster but to ITV. That must puncture a few egos. It might be competing against another documentary about ” great muslims”or how they had cable tv in Baghdad before we invented the television
I’ve noticed that the Royals don’t use Al beebus for such things these days, they would appear to have spoiled their ticket with the Royal Family somewhere along the line.
You’re wrong. I saw on the BBC 4 Documentary ‘Science & Islam’ that the TV was invented by Al-Logiebaird in Mesopotamia in 1620.
And this reminds me of the ungrateful Muslim ‘refugee’ YA-Brown spouting off about how Islam was so dominant in Mathematics and such……has she never heard of Euclid…Pythagorus…Archimedes…etc?…Oh..no..of course, World History began in AD 636 give or take a few years….Islam, in reality, took the ME as we know it, and some of Europe, and claimed their innovations as it’s own….stupid…dumb…Bitch.
Here’s a fun question: ask pisslamics what actual mathematical RESULTS pisslam got. Just ask them. All you’ll get is vague references and nothing concrete. Never anything concrete. Haha!
As for ‘their’ great claim to fame, algebra, it was all expressed only in words. Now try doing ANYTHING in algebra without a symbolic notation. Haha again.
The ancient Greeks had the solution to the quadratic equation, at least as far as it went for the next 2,000 years or so. We then had to wait for Christendom’s Italians in the 16th century to solve the next on the list, namely the cubic. And the one after that, the quartic. No input from pisslam in either of those, or indeed anything else — zero, zilch, nothing. In particular, and most damning of all, no pisslamic theorems of any sort.
Moreover, the solution to the cubic gave rise to the birth of complex numbers which were needed for full solutions to the cubic and, as it happens, the quadratic, and indeed for every polynomial equation of higher degree too.
The achievements of Christendom in science and mathematics exceed anything pisslam ever produced by innumerable orders of magnitude.
Pisslam’s claims are simply laughable.
‘to’ not ‘too’ of course. My apologies to fellow pedants.
You actually record the BBC, in advance? You must be a glutton for punishment!
Because I travel a lot, I timeshift everything I watch. The BBC gets scanned along with the rest of the rubbish (and rubbish it is on Freeview!). Maybe once or twice a month there is something worth recording on the BBC and that’s usually on BBC Four. I have to say, to my amazement, that is actually more than I listen to on Radios 4 or 3 – a measure of how bad the BBC has got.
I forced myself to watch some of Marr yesterday – the Brexit item was left until last on the paper review.
Toby and Gisela were not given the opportunity to respond to Sourbry’s appalling rant on transitional arrangements because “we’re about out of time I’m afraid”.
The BBC is about out of time, and not before it.
Appalling Government administration. So what’s new? –
Click to access 11.pdf
Wherever you look, Governments in this country have failed. And, importantly, they continue to do so.
As an admirer of the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster, I am naturally solicitous to help in its hour of tribulation over the pay gender gap.
Our beloved beeb is clearly in a bind. Does it increase the wimmin’s pay, or decrease the men’s, with the inevitable recriminations?
Or does it shunt men off programmes to replace them with wimmin? Again, more problems there.
But I think I have a solution. The bbc is very keen on transgenderism these days, so perhaps all male ‘stars’ could have a little op, and the spare parts be attached to their ‘female’ counterparts in an op in the opposite direction. Then dress them all in boiler suits, call them all Trannies, and pay them a flat standard Tranny rate, roughly equivalent to a toilet cleaner’s.
Oh, and scrap male and female toilets at the beeb, it’s trans-phobic.
CM – no need for any “little ops” they can all just “identify” as women and have their salaries reduced so that these “identify” in the same way.
Al – the ops would be very little indeed in most cases. Most of them have no balls in the first place.
Yes Al, they could just ‘identify’ as men / women. But i would prefer they had an operation.
Without anaesthetic.
CM, a wonderful, thoughtful solution – and so liberal. Come on BBC, lead where you want others to follow.
Haha Charlie no wonder they are pushing the opt out rather than opting in to organ donation!
Gives a whole new meaning to the word stiff!
So-called Victoria Derbyshire on the so-called BBC this morning is about young Yazidi women who have been raped by so-called ISIS. Some of them were only little girls at the time & have witnessed their own male relatives murdered. I would be sure this all has nothing to do with Islam & these ISLAMIC State perverts were misunderstanding a beautiful religion. Except the reality is that these ISLAMIC State JIHADIs were doing exactly what their prophet taught was holy. In Mosul or Rotherham, So-called ISLAM is the same.
Al beeb doing what it loves best, namely stirring up race hatred and anti-police hatred with the story of the black suspect who died after arrest (probably after swallowing a load of drugs).
Naturally the black ‘community’ – whipped up by the sjw’s – are up in arms: another case of racist police brutality, bla bla (or the police just doing their job as it used to be called, arresting a drugs suspect).
But it would seem the plebs are no longer buying the ‘liberal’ racist narrative. On the Youtube of the arrest, misleadingly captioned ‘British police strangle black guy to death yesterday in Dalston, London after a drug search gone wrong’, the comments below are revealing.
As the heroic Pamela Geller once told a studio full of howling ‘liberals’: the well of white guilt has run dry.
– Jay Migos are you trying to insinuate the police MADE him swallow the drug’s? Its called free will. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Good riddance, another hood rat down.
– Cocaine induced cardiac arrest. The only justice anyone could ever get out of this would be to know like minded fools aren’t making it acceptable to SWALLOW DEADLY NARCOTICS and BLAMING THE POLICE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS simply because they see the police as part of a WHITE ESTABLISHMENT. Or is it just that time of year for another anti-white riot?”
– By the way he walks down the aisle at the beginning I would say he probably swallowed one or two bags prior to the one we saw.
– The “BLACK MAN!” is a retard for trying to fight. He is clearly in the wrong.
– He WASNT STRANGLED, he tried to swallow his stash and it went wrong for him. The police were trying to get it out. One more drug dealer off the streets.
– so fucking what………..nobody cares!…..thanks to people like rash, the east end of london is a fucking shithole
– Black drug dealer swallows his own stash and later dies hahaha. Sounds like poetic justice to me.
One cocaine pushing piece of shit dead, perhaps another twenty thousand to go ?
I suggest the Police Officer who caused him to choke on his own drug stash should be promoted immediately, and transferred to Police Training College.
All the police are guilty of is wasting their time trying to save this criminal’s worthless life.
I think the bobby deserves a medal for sticking his hand into THAT to try to save its life.
Yes I feel sorry for that police officer. His boss wasn’t exactly effusive with support either but like most of those people looking for the next upward move and big pension.
Or the next Common Purpose course.
And to think that people once worried about the influence of Freemasonry on the police!
I think we can assume that Policemen above the rank of sergeant are mere politicians and are therefore incompetent..
Unfortunately it seems he was a daddy – not the usual promising footballer
They are having a pre riot demo tonight outside the local police station. Al beeb will ramp it to avoid their overpayment story …
There is never any justice for most victims of criminals like this. Some bastard from a local gang nicked the wheel off my bike. It was the end of the month and I had no money so I had to get up an hour earlier and walk to work every day, while this scumbag just sold my wheel and sat around doing bugger all because he would rather make a living through crime. Right the middle of winter as well – walking in the f**king cold and dark just because this bastard thinks the world owes him a living.
Where is the justice in that? An extra hour every morning when you work already work 11 hour days – what a total scumbag. Who thinks it’s ok to make a living through crime? It is not. How much does it cost us to keep lowlifes like this in prison, and pay for their legal aid?
Yes, DJ – and I didn’t notice the BBC showing similar anxiety when the Bliar regime was busy stuffing the CPS and the benches of the judiciary with Tony and Cherie’s far-Let activist cronies, the results of which we are still suffering.
Went to the Dunkirk film Saturday night and would strongly recommend it.
Any omission of BAME faces in this film (1 only of a French soldier) was more than made up by the preceding advertisements which all featured mixed race couples.
The Royal Bank of Scotland however, obviously feels they don’t go far enough with ‘diversity’ and had a particularly cringeworthy advertisement featuring two woman in bed together who then had very time conflicting jobs (RBS 24 hour employees) but then one of them came home and the the other one had candles lit all over the living room for a surprise lovey dovey night in.
Going this week but, generally speaking, the cinema is a charmless place these days IMO.
Somebody was asking what happened to the Dam Busters remake. Has it been killed off? Might be a blessing.
It strikes me that the problem of Guy Gibson’s dog ‘Nigger’, which has plagued TV executives for many years now, could be solved easily with a Dam Busters remake. Simply cast a black man as Guy Gibson; he can then refer to his dog as ‘my nigger’ because as ‘rap’ singers have shown us, black men are allowed to use this term with no comebacks. Everybody’s happy!
Brilliant idea – an updated ‘dambusters’ with a cast of black actors . Sounds like one for Mel brooks .
( ok I ll go for voluntary diversity retraining – you got me)
First lesbian: Where’s the candle?
Second lesbian: Yes it does, doesn’t it…
Cranmer, this recalls a similar joke. ‘Candles out, girls!’ ordered the Mother Superior of a convent. A popping sound followed.
Sorry! I used to enjoy all the smutty (and politically incorrect) jokes in the college rag magazines that circulated in the 70s. Students didn’t need ‘safe spaces’ then!
Since everyone seems to be batting for the other side these days, maybe its just as well we have all these enrichers going to these Northern towns and impregnating all these kaffir women and underage girls who otherwise would remain barren. I suppose they are performing a social function really and should be rewarded. Since the non sharia following population are obviously clueless when it comes to understanding what women want.
Since everyone seems to be batting for the other side these days, maybe its just as well we have all these enrichers going to these Northern towns and impregnating all these kaffir women and underage girls who otherwise would remain barren. I suppose they are performing a social function really and should be rewarded. Since the non sharia following population are obviously clueless when it comes to understanding what women want.
Ah well at least you had a bit of comedy thatcherrev. Apparently the film -sorry movie – has done well in the states despite the fact neither Spider-Man nor Indy turns up. Better be careful about being comedic in relation to Dunkirk as I know how high the cost was and I’m not talking about the film ticket prices.
BBC ran a piece about African prospectors mining for gems. Whilst white Klondike prospectors are framed as self- interested buccaneers, the BEEB framed the Africans as ‘Men that simply wish to feed their families’.
Another example of seeking to frame the ‘PC’ world in roses.
I see that Victoria Derbyshire had on her TV show this morning her usual 20 min’s promoting everything Gay, Les, Bi, Trans, etc ! I think she had 5 guests from said community!
Tatchel of course was doing his bit: But its nowhere near enough; we need more rights and recognition!
I tell ya, this lot will ruin the UK! (BBC I mean)
And now I expect she wants a huge pay rise to add to her already considerable life advantages.
Classic liberal hypocrisy, their greed fully excused by supposed virtuous narratives.
She often bangs on about lack of fairness in society, the gap between rich n poor. Her answer – to seek fat cat wage settlements.
It is vital we re-frame the left as greedy self seeking hypocrites.
“we need more rights and recognition”
can we have a list of the things you dont have please, cos im getting confused as you appear to be making this shit up as you go along
“we need more rights and recognition”
can we have a list of the things you dont have please, cos im getting confused as you appear to be making this shit up as you go along
Tis all true! Obviously you never watch the Victoria Derbyshire LGBTs TV show!
“I’ve often said there are three questions that would destroy most of the arguments on the left.
The first is: ‘Compared to what?’
The second is: ‘At what cost?’
And the third is: ‘What hard evidence do you have?’
Now there are very few ideas on the left that can pass all of those…” – Thomas Sowell {youtube}
… you can also add to Sowell’s list – “Are you using the same rules that you want others to follow?”.
– BBC guidelines state you should only express a view that is in agreement with the BBC, not bring the BBC into disrepute {biasedbbc post}.
– BBC guidelines talk about being open and transparent
MarkyMark, I find most leftists arguments fall down simply when you ask ‘How will it be paid for?’
And the answer to ‘How will it be paid for?’ is ‘Not me!’.
“Free Education” – Free? Do you mean available to everyone rather than without cost or payment. Because someone will have to pay by taxes or effort.
Is it not Islamophobic to promote homosexuality? Their double think is astonishing.
It’s all part of the master plan. Convince all of the future generations that it’s fashionable to be gay/lesbian etc thus massively reducing birth rates whilst the Muslim population continue to outbreed us. Then, once the Muslim population is the majority they can feel justified in throwing us all off buildings.
I was a bit shocked hearing al beeb using the word “queer” in one of its adverts for its own programmes – probably yet another documentary about oscar Wilde . I thought ” queer” was an offensive word . As I was growing up it meant ” unwell” times change
Last week I mentioned a chap in the local paper who had been found to be over fond of his Staffordshire bull dog. The gender wasn’t mentioned but I suppose al beeb will run a bestiality week soon….
Personal declaration I have never had a dog as a pet or anything else and have no plans at the moment to have one
This week, “queer” is OK, but “poof” is offensive. But by next week it may well have changed. It is incumbent upon all right-on people to know the correct terms, as decided by, well, no-one actually knows.
This is a phenomenom known as the Cumberbatch Conundrum.
Rob in Cheshire
Its decided by Al Beeb. They invented Political Correctness
Rob, there was a band on the Jonathan Ross programme called Four Poofs and a Piano. Like ‘queer’ and ‘nigger’ it is alright to use the words if you are of that ilk; if not, it is ‘hate speech’. Which makes it all rather confusing, which of course is the point. Divide and rule; get people worried about what they can and cannot say until they are afraid to say anything at all.
Current BBC fake news by omission regards the Trump administration;
+ Latest polling shows only 6% of Americans view Russia story as top priority, yet 75% of fake US MSM time given over to this.
+ Obama spied on Merkel. Never mentioned.
+ America has sent umpteen Special Envoys to interfere in foreign elections over decades.
+ Clintons 2016 campaign took huge funding sums from Saudi’s.
+ Obama antagonised Russia by interfering in Ukraine.
+ Dems & BBC say meeting any Russian should be viewed as meeting with Russian Intelligence – yet Clintons took huge fees for speaking in Russia to Russia’s agenda.
+ No mention by morally indignant BBC of Trumps achievements of late which are going down very well with working class
+No mention that Obama did nothing for working class in face of rampant off-shoring, mass immigration undermining lower end incomes and globalisation
I feel so free now paying far less attention to fake news BBC. Plenty of far more even handed incisive offerings on Youtube.
Remember Obummer OPENLY pushed for Netanyahu to be voted out in Israel, including appearing on TV ‘news’ and appealing for ‘change’ and spending hundreds of thousands of CIA money on opposition propaganda. BiasedBBC and MSM said nothing.
“And over now to the Broads Begging Cash studios to discuss… anything else we can find. Anything. Even pay!”
And what was the beverage bottle of choice rolling down the corridors when times were kind, Jane?
You could write a letter about it.
BBC Online Nes:
“”Switzerland: Five injured in Schaffhausen attack, say police””
Chain-saw used. (Sky sources). Close to the German border. Lone wolf Quaker no doubt.
Unconfirmed reports of a second person. seen with a machete, still on the loose.
“The police say the attack is not related to terrorism”
Move along please, nothing to see here.
Not terrorism, just someone strongly objecting to the cost of his IWC watch service.
Rosie economic forecast for Europe on bbc World Service. Funny that?
Who is Rosie?
Off having cider with some bloke. Allegedly.
Mental. But unique. Balances out.
Corbyn was right then-there IS a magic money tree. Indeed a whole orchard of them where the BBC have already dug their trenches.
No wonder the BBC believed in him and his students.
Secret Garden, somewhere only the BBC know.
Saviles cemetery or the Blue Peter Garden?
Get digging.
OK, this is just for fun (and to help stave off anybody’s Monday blues):
President Trump tries his lever best to break the unbreakable
Explanation: It was Made in America Week, and the appropriately named CEO of Corning Wendell Weeks invited Prez Trump to try and break two glass phials. The first phial was a conventionally made one, and Trump cracked it like an eggshell (I have seen a classmate break a test tube in the school lab before, so I know this is quite easily done). The second phial was a Valor Glass product made by Corning. Trump lunges at the lever and depresses with all his might (gritted teeth, grunt, grimace, the works), but the glass phial stays intact despite the 1,000 pound applied presidential pressure.
Strangely enough, I couldn’t find the BBC version, but both CNN (1st link) and the Daily Mail (2nd link) ran the story:
http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/20/politics/trump-glass-vial/index.html (surprisingly, CNN seemed to have the more complimentary version. Perhaps they are learning after all …)
As an aside, if this “experiment” were to be replicated in the UK with a British-made product, somehow I think the only cabinet minister sporting (and patriotic) enough to have a go would be Boris Johnson …
BBC News, Donald Trump makes joke about his son-in-law being more famous. BBC interprets this as sour grapes. Truly pathetic.
Beltane ,
The BBC do not do humour or irony.
Great timing.
Who else did I hear on Radio 2 a few minutes ago but Jonathan Ross plugging his new show on Thursday night.
Our very own Barry Norman is back, some show on manga comics apparently.
How much are we paying him…and should this show not be put on hold until we`ve renegotiated what his grotesque fees actually are?
What the world surely needs is yet another show from this tosser about bloody manga comics.
Ever felt like you’ve been cheated?
That’s the one, a profound comment from Sir Johnny, applicable to 95% of all BBC output.
It appears the bBC still has directors who can do comedy:
Jeremy Vine also provides in house counselling, hence the Botney Bonus:
So like Basil Fawlty…impressive…What on earth did the other driver do to make this guy so sore?….we should be told….
Grim R
He probably had a Trump sticker in his rear window.
The other bloke was a production assistant on the old Top Gear . He upset someone on that too ( I might be spreading false news).
Has al beeb suspended their role model producer yet? Or put him in charge of something suitable like “songs of praise to allah”
I can’t help wondering why did it take all these top, female BBC investigative journalists so long to twig that the gals were earning much less than the guys?
Is there a
companycorporation rule not to discuss salaries? How very capitalist. What would be the penalty for blabbing?Are there no water cooler conversations, griping about pay, bonuses, expenses, etc.? Did the males all know they were earning more and agree to keep mum about it?
Did no curious woman (isn’t curiosity a necessary tool of trade for a journalist?) ever send an ‘anonymous’ FoI request about remuneration for the top-level talent? Presumably none of them, male, female or ???, ever gave a damn what the bottom-level earned.
Since 5am BBC news has led with “Electricity revolution home generation/storage could save public UPTO £40bn”
jesus …just add that to the billions you think you’ll save with smartmeters !
… It’s amazing on Twitter how people just swallow such unicorn thinking
The Harra article has open comments
(£40bn works out at £1,500 /household
..You each spend thousands on leccy each year cos its not just in your own bill, but as a component in every service/product/government-service that you pay for)
An alternative view on the viability of battery power.
Without the ‘rose tinted spectacles’.
Anyone would think the BBC got its info from the side of a bus

It’s basically Roger Harra helping Michael Gove launch the next Tory battlebus.
Stew ,
Comrade Corbyn deserves a red bus for his non abolition of student fees £100 billion – al beeb let him off that . Soon forgotten .
Because of the unique way the BBC is funded (by the police state), BBC and Jonathan Ross can do whatever they like ….
BBC lets Ross return to prime-time TV: Shamed host to front documentary about cinema on BBC2 {dailymail.co.uk feb2015}
* Hour-long programme (Secrets of Pinewood) will air on BBC2 one Saturday night in the spring (Ross paid how much?)
* Mr Ross was effectively exiled after he crudely mocked Mr Sachs in 2008 (Ross paid how much for the show?)
* But he was allowed to present a film awards show on BBC4 in 2010 (Ross paid how much?)
* And most recently, he appeared as a guest on Celebrity Bake Off (Ross paid how much?)
… and how much did the public pay for someone who degraded someone’s Granddaughter on National BBC Radio 4 …
Hold on ‘Ofcom’ (who is full of Ex BBC Employees) fines BBC (who is paid by the public, so essentially fines the public) £150,000 because of their stupid mistake?
Ofcom fines BBC £150,000 for Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross prank phone calls
Brand, 33, resigned from his Radio 2 show last year after the Andrew Sachs controversy prompted 45,000 complaints from the public. Ross kept his job and the majority of his £18 million salary {telegraph apr2009}.
He (Mark Thomas, Ex-Director General of BBC) spent £2,236.90 of licence fee payers’ money to fly his family home from a holiday in Sicily when he had to return to deal with the row triggered by the lewd messages left by Ross and Russell Brand on the answering machine of Andrew Sachs. {telegraph jun2009}
In summary, BBC Tax Payer foots bill for idiotic presenters Ross & Brand (£152,236) , who still go back to the BBC and get paid even more money and the public is not allowed to cancel the payments to stop this behaviour … because of the unique way the BBC is funded. In fact I saw Russell Brand on BBC Question time … *sigh*
Despicable arrogance.
That sums up the BBC. They are the pits. Pure filth.
The list is endless, arrogant, ignorant, dishonest , corrupt, elitist, sneering, lazy, unprofessional, racist , anti -semitic, ……..
I am sure others can add to this.
In Saturday’s Times (July 22nd) in the city business section, Patrick Hoskins report:
‘The BBC is not being straight in its publication this week of the rewards paid to top managers and stars. The list has the virtue of simplicity. We can at least understand Chris Evans’s £2.2 million. But the numbers seriously understated the total benefits being disgorged.
An awful lot is NOT included in the sums: payment to the stars’ personally owned production companies, payments by the corporations commercial arm.’ (BBC Worldwide) ‘…’royalties, repeat fees and expenses.’
‘Crucially, it also excludes any benefits from what is perhaps what is perhaps the biggest money fountain for the BEEB’s long servers, the BBC pension scheme. Some are still clocking up hugely valuable benefits while chipping in contributions of only 7.5% of pensionable pay. The actual cost of the accrued benefits is likely to be many, many times higher’.
My comment: Lets not forget the ‘other’ overpaid and talented BBC STARS such as this victim:
Alan Yentob: for example can expect a 6 million pound pension bonus thanks to BBC and his other ‘private’ investments, notoriously working for his own production company and working for the BBC on 3 day week basis (working for his own luxury gourmet food enterprise) and then there was that failed ‘kids’ charity which the BBC gave him ‘time off’ to administer that disaster and then again to spend more time with his adopted family in the Calais ‘Jungle’ (in his pyjamas) with BBC Camera crew in tow with private hire security guards on call if he has a ‘negative’ response from the intended. Yentob is totally unemployable outside the BBC and has spent most of his life a ‘victim’.
‘It may even be worse. The BBC pension fund had a shortfall of £1.7 billion at the last count. Simply to repay that deficit, it is having to demand giant infusions of extra cash from the BBC, in March taking a single payment of £220 million. Or to put it another way, of the £147 license fee, £8.54 was swallowed up last year merely to make up for shortfalls in respect of promises made decades ago. That drain on license fee payers is scheduled to go on for another 11 years.
The BBC won’t divulge which or how many of its highest earners are on staff, let alone whether they are members of the pension scheme. Without this information, its list gives a very partial picture. They must have long since exceeded the lifetime allowance of £1 million allowance, the notional £1million pot mark, at which point benefits are punitively punished’.
…’This week’s revelations have already exposed a pay divide at the BBC based on gender, but there is an equally ugly one based on length of service. Younger, newer staff at the corporation are cross-subsidising older, longer-serving colleagues’.
By Patrick Hosking of The Times (page 51, July 22nd 2017)
So the old guard cream of the benefits and get full pension (more than a £ million will not ever get reported) and then next year they can massage the figures to hide behind new BBC ‘Worldwide’ companies to offset exposure to (FOI) Freedom of Information requests on huge ‘*star* ‘back payment’s and also of TV ‘royalties’ that the BBC increasingly lives off (old Top Gear repeats) can be hid in any number of new (eighteen) BBC ‘private’ companies that the BBC control 100%. These new offset ‘tax vehicles being the (New) BBC Studios limited (to hide extra bungs to auto-cue presenters) and the other is BBC Worldwide Limited (to ensure that all expenses are used up when any royalties arrive from overseas). So minimum UK tax is paid on overseas earnings.
GUIDO FAWKES also dug a bit deeper and came up with the same conclusion about this disgustingly dishonest broadcaster of ‘BBC private *stars* contracts and its excuses when clear evidence of stars rewarding themsleves via BBC production companies that don’t appear of the BBC ‘rich list’.
The FULL list of BBC STARS is also reveled in the EXPRESS newspaper but not the extra bungs that the luvvies at the BBC mamage to pocket via their own production companies (formed and funded almost exclusively by the BBC to avoid paying NI tax at source. (National Insurance) and claiming expenses – as a freelancer- on almost non existant ‘expenses’ going from one BBC location to another. It stinks!
To be fair it is the BBC, so most people will have assumed that their reporting of themselves would be unreliable. By unreliable, I mean of course lies. The only thing reliable about the BBC (other than their hatred of the Tories) is their mendacity.
… Kids Company — no doubt the full story was never told …
BBC Website reports that 5 people injured in Swiss chainsaw attack. Police immediately release photos of the suspect who is, guess what, white. In a wonderful Clouseau moment, the police warn that the man is “dangerous”.
I didn’t know that the public in the Republic Of Ireland are forced to pay for the TV Tax/License as well… €160 (in 2016)!
Radio [and] Television of Ireland; (abbreviated as RTÉ) is a semi-state company and the national public service broadcaster of the Republic of Ireland. {rte.ie}
Revealed: Top 10 highest earning RTE presenters – Tubridy earns €250k less per year than in 2012
RTE has revealed the salaries for its top ten highest earning presenters – who earned a combined €2,665,364 in 2014 alone.
– Britain could get 10 Irish TV presenters for the cost of one Chris “£2.2m” Evans – think of the value!
And that’s with only a population of 4.8 million…………….
North Korea’s population is 25 million and nobody has complained about presenter salaries … I think it is free to everyone … Korean Central Television is a television service operated by the Korean Central Broadcasting Committee, a state-owned broadcaster in North Korea. KCTV is the only official source of television news for North Koreans. {wiki}
News topics cover range from new construction projects to history lessons about the accomplishments and past of the “founding father” Kim Il-sung, as well as his son Kim Jong-il, and grandson and current leader Kim Jong-un and the Juche idea.
I read once – unfortunately I can no longer find the reference to verify – that North Korea is the only country other than Britain where non-payment of a television license is a criminal matter (in other backward countries that still have licensing requirements, it is a civil matter).
Correct, but the penalties for non-payment are less severe in North Korea.
Can we get N. Korean TV in UK ? I bet it is a laugh a minute. Do they show executions live ?
How can you make comparisons between the BBC & North Korea when one is totally biased one sided propaganda forced upon the people and the other……is North Korea!
If you think they are overpaid here Ireland is on another scale with only a population of 4.5 million. They pay the tv license but also have adverts as well. RTE is just a smaller version of the BBC but with the same left wing bias as our good friends. Brexit hurt them but trump winning has really floored the them and they have been whining little bitches since nov 9 2016. Its a daily dose of anti brexit and anti trump propaganda and its done with the aid of the left in the UK.
A few days ago German Chancellor Angela Merkel notoriously said that there must be no upper limit on the number of “refugees” admitted to Germany.{gatesofvienna.net jul2017}
– diversity without limit
– diversity without asking the people it will effect
– immigration without limits
– immigration without asking the people it will effect
– diversity and immigration forever…
No wonder she is known as ” Mad Merkel “. She is insane.
Either insane or carrying out a carefully constructed plan to ruin the West.
Maybe, but why ?
Unlucky for us, when Sir Bob “£32 million in Rich List. Hates Brexit. Ends every sentence with ‘think of the children’ ” Geldof sang feed the World, BOB FORGOT to include in the song “… and with this charity money, please build infrastructure and good governance so you can help yourself and future generations. And other Countries won’t have to sing for you after every disaster. Let them know it’s Christmas time (Free presents for everyone, same again next year. Hurray!).”
Mother Teresa was a fraud … There is only one cure for world poverty that has ever been found or ever will and it’s very simple. And it could be phrased very simply too. It’s called the empowerment of women. Go to Bangladesh or Bolivia – I have to ask you to hold your applause though I love you – go to Bangladesh or Bolivia, give women control over their reproductive cycle, throw in a handful of corn if you can, make them not just the beasts of burden and the beasts of childbearing that they’ve become and the floor will rise, it just will. It never fails anywhere. Against this one solution, the Catholic Church has set its face. The efforts of the missionary Church in the Third World mean more people die, not less. It’s as simple as that. More famine, more disease, more ignorance, more random and avoidable death. {Christopher Hitchens – youtube link}
Where does that hypocritical scumbag Geldof get all his money from ? It can’t be Boomtown Rats royalties. Is the cnut milking charity donations ?
Only one word a link doth make.
For the same reasons the Gramscians seek to bring down the West. So that it can be reconstructed after it has collapsed as a ‘perfect socialist society’.
I realise it all sounds a bit ‘tin foil’ but Germany would be the first choice of European countries in which to try it. No society is more conditioned to accept and obey the will of its leaders than the Germans. Both we and the French are too obstructive and sceptical and the Italians are too volatile. There is, of course, precedent…
Try as I might, I can think of no better explanation for Merkel’s national suicide bid.
Agree with you about the Krauts, Frogs, Eyties and Brits. I still always laugh at De Gaulle’s comment about how do you govern a country with thousands of different cheeses. Wonder what he would make of Europe today ?
Yes, Islam and socialism go together like a horse and carriage. But, if the Lefties think they will get special treatment under Islam, they are more stupid than I thought .
Today’s Times : media ‘failed to hold Angela Merkel to account’ over migrant influx, a hard-hitting academic study will say .
“media ‘failed to hold Angela Merkel to account’ over migrant influx”
You don’t say. Will the next report be “The BBC is anti-Trump?” and the next one after that “Islam is not a religion of peace”?
These predictions are, of course, total nonsense!
It’s the ‘Europeans’ that will experience the greatest population growth, in the same way as ‘Mo’ has become the most popular ‘British’
christianfirst name.https://twitter.com/V_of_Europe/status/889186825306288128
If they all love Islam so much , I do not understand why they do not convert. If they get their way, they will have to convert or die. These people are truly crazy.
People who defend Islam should try out a gap year and go and live in Iran for a while. With a population of 80 million, their supreme leader in the past has stated …
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980
From 1980 … 2010 … 2015, forget Hajibs, the Iranian men are fighting for freedom of Mullets!
In 2010, Iran banned ponytails, mullets and long, gelled hair for men, but allowed 1980s-style floppy fringes or quiffs. … Iran’s moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, has spoken against such crackdowns, stating that the police’s duty is to implement the law and not enforce Islam. But hardliners have remained defiant. {guardian may2015}
For this he has been criticised by various conservative ayatollahs and politicians, who thunder against “naked’ or “half-naked” women roaming the streets. Their (Islamic Conservatives) version of naked usually means a headscarf slightly out of place. {bbc.co.uk jul2010}
“no fun in Islam “. Another thing in common with socialism !
As usual beebistan being parsimonious with the facts when they reflect badly on a member of their favourite religion (clue: it sure as hell ain’t Christianity).
Compare and contrast:
Beebistan headline (tucked away in Regions): Man in court over teen’s rape and murder. The 33-year-old man was charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman in London. (not a word about Schh, you know which religion).
DM headline: Indian Muslim girl, 19, ‘was kidnapped by Taser-wielding men then raped and murdered by having her throat slit in honour killing after she started dating an Arab’.
(The DM headline tells you all you need to know in 2 lines. The whole beeb article tells you nothing.)
The BBC’s perverted love of Islam is on par with their perverted interest in children. Maybe there is a link ?
I am often at thoughts about what ‘diversity’ actually means or that other word ‘equality’ and finally to justify all ‘anti-discrimination’. I know the legal definition of each but in reality in each case ‘diversity’ often means less choice or you have (likley) no choice. That seems to be more lack of diversity and more promotion of ethnic groups. ‘Equality’ which sounds fine but means different things to different people. None of us being equal in intelligence, sex (biologically) or aspiration and then I could add in talent. So equality really means none of these things. Finally ‘discrimination’ is something that again sounds worthy until its applied by the law indiscrimatelly. So sex is ‘discrimination’ and parents are ‘discriminating’, intelligence is an obvious ‘discrimination’ as knowing that we are not all ‘equal’ is discrimination to state such in public. And then intelligence is defined by ‘discrimination’ of the facts. So the fact that I cannot see any problem with the above Graph of foreign imports to Germany (as that is racially diversive) and the fact that everybody has equal (on benefits) means that a nations state is non-existant as everybody is equally obliging (and everybody can share in – your – wealth that you (as a nation) have created. I would object but that would be ‘discrimination’ of the facts as outlined by the BBC. I know this as ‘fact’ because the EU gives the BBC money for such ‘harmonisation’ policies that work well, (from Calais-to-Rotherham) and endorsed by many Labour boroughs as a ‘fact’ that we are all equally stupid (and should not question the wisdom of the great experiment). Only the BBC and EU would claim that they have far-more-intelligence than I (and hence better paid) – because they can explain this better – using a megaphone to ‘ridicule’ those that are concerned of the outcome of the lack of intelligence, diversity and racial harmony that results. This is really a Socialist mandate for what will be a common cause acress Europe towards a new Communal experiment taken to absurd levels by Germany. Its not hard to predict the problems that of this policy in Germany. A police state will be the only solution (to enforce all of the above).
“… persuading companies (persuading = forcing? not employing local people and the youth?) offers them (the company) a different perspective (video does not explain what they are)…@0:33”
– how to use language to change the tone, how do you persuade a Country that it’s all good!
Currently we are hosting a couple of Italian language students. When they first arrived we told them that we had had French students too. This brought the football supporter’s type of response, “We hate the French!”.
A few nights ago they came in later than usual and it turned out that the had been playing computer games with their new French friends on the same course. Hardly a surprise!
At the weekend we were discussing the Scottish referendum, regionalisation and the EU. I said that the EU plan was for us all to become one. One of the Italians (21 years old) said “One country, like the USA? It will never happen as the languages and cultures are all differen”t.
I then asked about the migrants from North Africa. He said it was a big problem. I asked if an immigrant from Sudan is given an Italian passport does that make him loyal to Italy? As expected the answer was “No”. I then said and if he can use that passport to move to Germany might he feel more part of one Europe than you? The penny dropped.
Diverse cities. Tosh. The national peoples of Europe are being replaced by ‘economic units’ with no national loyalties. The idiot leaders of the EU haven’t realised that they are importing people who see benefit payments as being a good wage or, if of an entrepreneurial nature, an economic system based on trust as being ripe for exploitation
Thanks for this Marky.
Managed to listen for 67 seconds before nearly passing out on the glutinous lies and saccharine. Enough to give you diabetes. Would LOVE to know who narrates it-creepy as Jimmy Savile,
That video is sick – really, really sick.
I’m not sure Ukrainians who aren’t in receipt of EU/Soros largesse are looking forward to diversity…
“Diversity is just a code word for anti-white.”
Listening to Classic FM yesterday afternoon, my default choice now after many years of Radio 4 but I just can’t get away from the bias! Ex-BBC link girl Charlotte Green talking to BBC Grandee Melvyn Bragg about, naturally, music but finishing with a question about Brexit FFS! He is, of course, a Remainer and very passionate indeed. His example of the catastrophe about to befall us is the ROH where there are many EU citizens employed. Apparently, they will all be sent packing after Brexit. Now if I were to be curious I would ask him how many non-EU citizens were employed in the Arts in London (certainly lots of Russian ballet dancers) and if they can get work permits why can’t EU “luvvies” post-Brexit?
… Bragg becoming increasingly bedraggled… loses temper on In Our Time … no chance now of ever being a Dimbleby equal – especially not on the hereditary titles proximity area …
Must be second chamber disease – many others suffer from it. Once upon a time they might have been human beings but get a sniff of that ermine and they are up on one. Every so often there is a call to dump it but they spout the old nonsense about ‘ revising chamber’and ‘lots of experts who know stuff ‘ and they keep their unelected expense accounts ( I won’t say “job”). Our Melvin is a case study these days .
Wonder how much he is on?
Excellent article in The Times by Matt Ridley savaging the BBC.
“Nick Clegg seems to have a studio to himself.”
LOL ! It is so typical that the BBC give so much time to a total loser has-been like Clegg. Still, I guess they recognise one of their own . Diane Abbott anyone ?
Tempting, Grant, but no. Kind offer of course, but no.
LOL ! I can see you are a man of taste !
How the bBC covers up for Islamic honour killings:
Man in court over kidnap, rape and murder of teenager
A man has appeared in court charged with the kidnap, rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman. The 33-year-old is also accused of the kidnap, rape, and attempted murder of a woman in her 20s. Another man, 28, is charged with the kidnap of both women. Both men appeared in custody at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
It appears that 19 year old Celine Dookhran, an Indian Muslim had started dating an Arab. This didn’t go down well with her family. Which is why last Wednesday ,two men in balaclavas kidnapped Celine and her 21 year old cousin After been tasered they had their face and mouths covered in duct tape. their hands tied with cable ties and their feet tied with rope. They were then taken to a house that was been renovated where they were both raped and had their throats slit. Thankfully the older girl managed to escape and knock on a door for help. Police found the body of her cousin stuffed inside a freezer. Police quickly made arrests and today 33 year old Mujahid Arshid, 33, appeared in court charged with the murder, rape and kidnap of Miss Dookhran his co-defendant, Vincent Tappu, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women.
Now contrast the above with any story posted by the bBC where a Muslim girl alleges somebody gave her a hard time.
The BBC take a perverted delight in muslim violence. By the way, where are Maxiboy and the Trolls these days ? School holidays ?
“where are Maxiboy and the Trolls these days ?” – Hiding, since the ‘great wage disclosure’.
LOL ! But I miss their cracking jokes. The always have me rolling in the aisle.
I really would like to hear the counter view – the justification. Loads of people work for albeeb but few seem to want to defend it here. I don’t think we d give them too much stick if they presented a coherent supported argument/ account but where are they?
Could it be that they would be defending the indefensible?
What would be really good would be to see someone posting examples of Al Beeb’s pro Britih or right wing bias, if there is any?
So far, zilch.
Times : Matt Ridley : The BBC has no right to levy its licence fee,
“The revelation that disc jockeys and football presenters are paid millions for topping and tailing segments of rehashed music or rebroadcast football, especially if they are male, will almost certainly lead to more pay inflation at the BBC — to correct the gender imbalance. Here’s another gender imbalance: television licence fee evasion accounted for 36 per cent of all prosecutions of women in 2015 and 6 per cent of men.
Are there any arguments left for funding one broadcaster through a compulsory and regressive poll tax? The original argument was that broadcasting was a natural monopoly and the airwaves a limited space. Well, that’s long gone. In the digital world, I can watch or listen to one of many thousands of channels through cable, satellite …”
someones done a screenshot of part

“36% of women prosecutions are for TV licence evasion; for male its 6% ”
I’ve just turned on the radio then turned it off again.
To use the ‘racist’ lines, I’m not misogynistic, but… and some of my best friends are women… etc. But qute frankly I’m getting fed up of the female voice on the BBC. Of course it doesn’t help that the BBC has openly said that that is its intention but I do try and keep an open mind.
Yet it is like a nagging parent, from the ubiquous Carmen Squire, (and her clones?), that do every ‘exciting’ programme trailer, the Radio 4 actresses that all sound the same, (because they are all Juliet Stevenson?), the female news readers without a shred of gravitas, (“ten people have been killed on the M4 and there is a new Harry Potter out!”), to the new brand of female ‘science expert’ that all adopt the “let’s enthuse the kids about science!!!” tone.
Is it all part of the Guardianista plan where one lot of the population are doing the prodding (feel the ‘love’) and the other part are being prodded (the ‘haters’)? Most people have a degree of indifferent tolerance, you play chess, so what? But if every BBC programme gets to feel as if it has been stuffed with chess players eventually people are going to move to the “I hate chess players!” position and the prodders have won – “See! We said all along that there are nasty (right-wing) people out there!”
I did start to write this thinking more of the ‘nagging adult versus child’ line but actually it is more like the adult that never grew up, the teasing, bullying brat, (often female!), “Mum, mum! Johnny hit me!” And the (absent here) wise mum says, “And what did you do to provoke him?”.
Tomorrow is Day 7 … BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees whose wages are 80K or above are added to the website. Just like BBC Director General, Lord Hall’s (who is on £450K) expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality which could be a sandwich or a massage. Only the Lord will ever know!
biasedbbc post – click for the full BBC 13 day plan …
Has anyone else noticed the massive spam of politically-correct comments on BBC online articles recently? The BBC for a while disabled comments on almost everything since they were overwhelmingly critical, but half of the Sport section now has articles about womens football and cricket with hundreds of vapid PC comments and downvotes for anyone who questions their feminist agenda. Maybe I’m being cynical but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the BBC was commenting on its own articles with fake accounts.
Johnm, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’m pretty sure some major online news suppliers are using fake accounts for comments, or at least enforcing a strict editorial policy over comment upvoting. If you think about it, it is inevitable – news providers are not going to stand for mass open contradiction of their content. The only way they can control it is either to ban comments altogether, or heavily edit them. What they may not realise is this simply drives people away and into sites which they feel reflect their own views better, and we end up with the ‘echo chamber’ effect.
Uri Geller spoon sculpture removed over planning ‘hunch’ {bbc.co.uk oct2015}
Kevin Lewis said: “I can tell you from having worked with Uri for several years, his hunches (as in breaking the law and knowing about it in advance) are usually right.”
Dear BBC, Uri Geller is a fraud and should be treated as such. He took money from people who believed his illusions when he presented himself as a mystic, the BBC giving him a platform to sell his brand of fake mysticism is wrong when the evidence of this is available. You even gave have a program empowering him to fool even more people.
“The Secret Life of Uri Geller”@BBC {jul2013} : … ‘concluded that he (Geller) has a phenomenal gift (define gift? chatting? wasting time? guessing gift?)’.
Every penny wasted by anyone on this delusion should be a blotch on the BBC organisation.
“James Randi exposes Uri Geller and Peter Popoff” {youtube – @5:55 – nov2016}
“I was asked to help prevent any trickery. … I told them (the studio) to provide their own props and not let Geller or any of his people near them.” – James Randi
“I don’t feel strong tonight.” @7:17 – Uri Geller (he doesn’t do any illusion that night)
@Marky Randy exposed Geller as a fraud about 44 bloody years ago*, but cos he fitted the narrative the media didn’t blink it just kept him on shows with them just accepting Geller
‘bringing his own spoons to bend
in exchange for them giving him cash to spend.’
(* In 1973, Johnny Carson had a legendary run-in with popular psychic Uri Geller when he invited Geller to appear)
TV is about entertainment not truth
Geller is a total fraud and Randi exposed him. The surprise is that the BBC love Geller even though he is Jewish !
Grant – Claudia Winkelman is too, and she’s the highest paid female ! – wonder if Jonathan Shalit is her agent ?????
Cant wait to see the grins through clenched teeth by Daly when Strictly starts.
Claudia who ? Jonathan who ? Winkelman , Shalit ? Are these real names ?
Real names ?? just wander down to the synagogue.
Uri Geller duped me as a child and the BBC kept up the pretence till this very day.
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political.
Drop the British and become BC.
Before Christ seems appropriate.
A tour de force Marky.
My problem with them is their belief that they occupy some moral high ground despite all of their sins. And the continuous undermining of the true identity of our country and their guilt about being white. That bloody 1960s education system really did well at undermining a decent English speaking Britain.
MM – Solid post.
Spoon bending and now gender bending from the Bent Broadcasting Corporation.
One to watch for the albeeb response –
Baroness Scotland -appointed by Tony Blair as sec general to the commonwealth was the subject of newspaper allegations that she had been less than fair about expenses and personal dealings. She complained to the press regulator who Today had thrown out her complaints . In my reckoning a criminal investigation and at least resignation from public office should follow . But what coverage will this get ??
… but of course – her colour profile demands discretion to ensure that negative stereotyping is not promoted … see BART in the Bay Area last week …
” Less than fair about expenses ” ? Is that code for cheating and fiddling. Disgusting woman . Should resign or be sacked. How do you sack a member of the House of Lords ? The political elite in UK are rotten to the core .
Grant – yes you’re right. You might detect sometimes that I am not as brutal as I might be about clear corruption and the State turning a blind eye when it chooses. Just make sure you pay your TVs licence tax right ? Truly a joke.
Guido on the Baroness Scotland verdict
I have just checked the BBC’s ‘news’ website. There is no mention of Baroness Scotland’s latest disgrace. Not one. Nothing.
I am struggling to think of any conceivable reason for the absence of this story other than sheer bias.
“you’re nine times more likely to be a top BBC journalist if you went to private school.”
Retweeted by a BBC journo
I wonder what class Lord Tone, Our Man in Henley, falls under?
He studied politics at the University of Edinburgh – suppose he was too young to be in the same class as Gordon Brown or Amber Rudd
To be fair, you are many times more likely to be able to spell and punctuate if you went to a private school, rather than being forced to endure one of our wonderful comprehensives.
8:30pm R4 BBC air Paul Johnson : Minimum Wage: Too Much of a Good Thing?
director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, asks why left and right have both adopted this once controversial policy.
..well this time I might agree with him
Government straddled with massive debt seems to be jacking up wages thus causing inflation, thus devaluing the pound thus making its debt look look smaller.
Thursday morning on R4 crossing incontinence – the problems of the transgendered innPakistan – I kid you not!
Stew, “..well this time I might agree with him
Government straddled with massive debt seems to be jacking up wages thus causing inflation, thus devaluing the pound thus making its debt look look smaller.”
A mistaken view I am afraid, as I frequently have to point out on the BBC Economics Editor’s Blog. When inflation increases costs it also increases Government’s costs, especially as pensions are tied to an inflation triple lock and every business providing goods or services to HMG puts up its costs doubly fast when dealing with Govt contracts.
Then it also depends where HMG debt is held. If it is overseas, Govt may actually face an appreciation in debt if currency movements & interest rates go the wrong way.
The BBC do not do economics, as you have just pointed out.