A new week dawns and another week of fake news and bias from the BBC. Will they get through a day without pushing their “PayGenderGap” phony narrative? Detail the bias here!!!
The bBBC thinks the most important news is that a terminally ill child is going to die, but hides the real reason behind the parents’ law suit. Charlie Gard case explained is very detailed but fails to explain that both parents have defective genes (although they didn’t know it), thus causing their child’s fatal hereditary illness. But they have spent nearly a year blaming doctors and trying to hold doctors at fault.
What is behind the bBBC’s agenda in concealing this?
Yes I’ve also noticed their selective reporting on that case, and wondered what their agenda is. Noticed today that they are not reporting this side of the story, covered by Sky: http://news.sky.com/story/great-ormond-street-hits-out-at-us-doctor-over-charlie-gard-10960025
Where GOSH have criticised the US doctor for not visiting him, or reading up on the case. Interesting.
The BBCs coverage smacks to me of emoting, without being scientific enough. They have, however, allowed Prof Winston to speak his mind.
More Anti Brext propaganda from Al Beeb . When are they going to find something positive to say?
When are the feeble Tory MPs going to do something about it? I think that they are betraying us . Get rid of May and bring in Rees-Mogg.
Top HYS so far ……………
“Wales voted to leave, they heard everything Cameron and co. had to say and still voted out, it really is that simple.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-40698984
The BBC lunchtime news didn’t go as far as blaming the low growth figures for Q1 on Brexit but nevertheless by querying it during one of their hallmark news-presenter-cosy-chat-with-correspondent agenda setting pieces they continue the negative drip, drip of their anti-Brexit bias.
Then Europhile Tourettes Syndrome inevitably kicked in, our economics corrsepondent unable to stop himself from spluttering the IMF’s post-Brexit predictions for the kazillionth time (bad, of course), framed by a preceding ‘IF we leave the EU’ (yes, that’s exactly what he said) then rounding it off with positive growth news for ‘some’ of the Eurozone countries (none specified).
Here is an amazing story which appears to have been given the least possible coverage by the BBC.
It concerns a Labour Councillor who was caught viewing child pornography on a council computer prior to his election. It was reported to the Labour leader of Bury council who sat on it to avoid any affect on local election results.
All of this was kept successfully hidden by the Labour council at Bury until that is that someone reported the Paedo Labour Councillor to the Police who raided his home and found category A child pornography . “Simon Carter later admitted 16 charges of making indecent images of children.” He was sentenced to 5 months in prison 3 year community sentence and placed on the sex offenders register for 5 years.
Amazingly he was allowed on the adoption register, and a governor at two schools, which is what sparked the report firstly to the council Chief Exec who amazingly only informed the Labour leader, and not even the head of childrens services at the council. (he has resigned as has the head of childrens services).
To make matters worse, knowing what the accusations were the Labour council leader wrote a glowing character reference to the court on council headed notepaper .
Several people in this case have broken the law and it is now under further investigation. To have put party political interests ahead of the protection of children is simply inexcusable. The article does not say what happened to the convicted paedo, but the Chief exec, and head of childrens services have both resigned. Council leader Mike Connolly has been suspended by Labour although he claims he referred himself.
The council has therefore lost its three top people, and if that isn’t worthy of national news I don’t know what is.
BBC 4 Horizon. 10 things you need to know about the future.
Investigation about what the British public wants answered.
In other words “What the BBC want you to believe.
No3. Global Warming. Not climate change.
All the usual graphs etc to show how out of control it is. (Allegedly)
Then our BBC weatherman Peter Gibbs giving a lecture in his garden to prove it.
His theory Don’t work in my garden though.
My birthday is on May 4th and the lilac tree always flowers in that week every year for as long as I can remember..
Perhaps nobody has told it about global warming cos it has been late for the past six years. (Two weeks)
Anyway we are then given a map of the globe to show how the world will look with an imminent 6 metre sea rise. Pretty scary.
But if you do a bit research, A la Guardian. (So it must be true). Even if a huge amount of Arctic Shelf ice melts. Most of the worlds land ice is contained there , it may, perhaps, could raise sea levels no more than three metres and that could take 1000 years. But a huge amount of ice would never melt even in the worst scenario.
Another scaremongering story from these idiots…
As an experiment, just to show the Guadianistas wrong, put some ice in a glass and top up with water to the lip. then measure the amount of water spilt when the ice melts.
The ANTarctic ice is land ice but that has been increasing in volume.
But they don’t explain if it happens else where in the world or explain inflation itself … “In this sense, inflation is a very hidden tax, or way the government confiscates the people’s real wealth. … It is hidden, as there are no tax forms to fill out or taxes added to your purchases or bills.” – Dr L. Wilson
Just watching Louis Theroux and his meeting with alcoholics – one shocking young man he met was a total snowflake who could not cope with any rejection at all.
He failed to get a promotion at work and hit the booze, broke up with his girlfriend and relapsed, his whole life was one of fragility and a lack of any resilience.
I do have to wonder whether the Fascists either know or care what their desperation never to offend challenge or to never even disappoint does to young people, when they get into the real world and suddenly have to deal with all of these things.
It’s like the over protective mother who sterilises everything and he kid ends up with a potentially fatal allergy to some everyday foodstuff.
We know for a fact that over protective mothers can cause their offspring to have terrible anxiety issues when they enter adult life, as yet there isn’t the proof, but the rise in mental health problems in young people is no surprise to me. To me this is the direct consequence of leftie liberal interfering in young lives.
Good job over protected mothers didn’t exist during WW2 or we’d all be speaking German now. Perhaps this lily livered generation ought to go and see films like Dunkirk. I think the rot set in with the emergence of the ‘new man’ with shaved chests and who started to spend more time preening in the bathroom than a woman ! My nephew is a lovely lad, in his early 30’s in regular employment, lives with his girlfriend and likes his fashion. BUT he’s not what I call ‘manly’, he squeals like a tart if a dog comes near him, gets his Dad to do any DIY needed and would think that Churchill was the dog off the adverts !! Compare this to his Grandad 60 years ago, who at his age had already been on the North Atlantic manoeuvres in WW2, then worked in a mine at the coal face, played football and cricket at weekends, sank a few pints and raised 3 kids – oh and had the physique of Burt Lancaster !! um, no contest.
Something was going on Newsnight with our Emily and our Evan.
Emily in the US and a segment that was one long unsubstantiated smear on the President of the United States. It ended abruptly as if somebody screamed stop and pulled a plug.
Let us consider just how damaging this will be if and I hope that it does the State Department gets a transcript. I was open mouthed at the sheer absurdity of the allegations and our Emily’s comments. Even the discredited ex MI5 or 6 agent’s smears were repeated as if they had some validity.
I really hope the President is made aware of this. Potentially it really damages this country and is now typical of the innate disloyalty of our state broadcaster. Maybe our Emily is upset at her low wages. Even so it was an appalling performance and she should be dismissed.
Reporting is one thing but this was something else and needs to stop now before real harm is done to our interests. The US is already moving away from us and towards France and the Visegrad Four. We are being marginalised at a critical time.
DS – the State Dept would probably approve, they and the rest of the Deep State hate Trump with a vengeance; if they can’t successfully impeach him over this Russian election collision BS and force him out (a la Nixon with Watergate) then I expect there to be more of a JFK type of end to the Trump Presidency.
They want to show everybody in Flyover Country: it doesn’t matter a f**k who you people elect, nobody is taking power away from us; back in your places people.
Maybe the State Department is as you say but it is also moving towards a less favourable view of this country .
AS for the deplorables in flyover country they are not about to abandon their President that easily. They are very well armed and they are the National Guard. The liberal elite really needs to back off now.
DS – The State Dept has never had a favourable view of our country, why would that change under Trump? Presidents come and go every 4 or 8 years, the Deep State (to which senior personnel within the SD belong) and its strategies endure.
Why do you think the U.S. policy towards Russia remains the same regardless of whether it’s a Republican or Dem in the White House? And why do you think Trump’s position towards Russia changed so much, from the one he held when he was a candidate and the one he has now that he is the President?
I didn’t say the people in Flyover Country will abandon him, it’s just that it will be difficult for them to support him if he’s forced from office or assassinated.
YES Dave, idiots like Emily, Newshite, the beeb, Emir Khan and Berk-o are doing irreparable damage to this country by hounding Trump and alienating the leader of the most important nation on earth. If only for reasons of national self-interest they must be stopped. NOW!
What’s the word for harming your country again? Oh yes, treason.
And what’s the penalty for treason again?
I get the impression there is being a realignment of alliances worldwide and the UK is being sidelined. All because of our stupid short-sighted politicians fully supported by the BBC. Yes, it is treason.
I read Yahoo News most days – only because my email account is with them and the headlines pop up when I log in. For the last few months they have been running a relentless, laughable anti-Trump campaign of total non-stories along the lines of ‘bloke in pub says Trump is finished’. At first, these articles were rightly mocked in the comments section but now the comments seem largely anti-Trump, which leads me to believe they are being manipulated, probably part of a greater drip-drip campaign against Trump.
1 anti house builders – leasehold ground rent
2 pro NHS anti cuts story
3 anti Trump russia story
4 anti brexit food standards story
5 anti economy too much borrowing story
6 lee jasper back on the gravy train anti police
7 something to do with HIV
8 weather – gonna be bad cos it’s not coming from Europe
9 off switch
Watching BBC Yorkshire last night. Shock. Horror. A report on the successful job creation in manufacturing in the region, with jobs up 12% since 2010. A good news story, delivered straight. I nearly choked on my Black Sheep.
Is the bias regional? Are the news editors ‘up north’ away from the media Guardianista Islington world a bit more reasonable and sensible?
Because the contrast with the doom-and-gloom national bBBC breakfast was stark. This morning we were invited by the national editors to worry about declining food standards ‘after Brexit’ and then emote over baby Charlie Gard and then straight after that emote over people using food banks, which apparently will be busy in rhe school holidays as kids will not be able to get their free school meals. Then we had the ‘miserable’ news (their actual introduction) of the decline in the pound vs the Euro affecting those going on holiday abroad.
Regarding the last woeful point, it may mean that you pay more for your euro spending money but – correct me if I’m wrong, folks – the present exchange rate should reduce the cost of their holidays. I believe that tour operators pay for eurozone accommodation in euros, so that will cost them less in sterling and they should be passing that on to the consumer. I guess that exchange rate maths are beyond the intellect of some but of course, if you’re going to spend 2000 euros in a week on booze, fags and stuffed camel souvenirs (stuffing complete with fleas), that will negate the cheaper cost of your accommodation.
I can’t get over the idiocy of some who don’t shop around for euros, even exchanging currency at the last minute at the airport. A remoaner friend told me that they got one euro to the £ – “Where??” I gasped. “At a euro cash till.” More fool you.
Besides, they could always have holidays in Britain, I’ve had many and had great weather. The last time in Cornwall it was gloriously sunny by day and rained every night, but we were in bed by then and didn’t care. They’ll be helping the British economy too. I’ve been across the Channel for a while and will return soon for good (yay!) and I long for a British holiday.
Grant, I’ve never been to Gambia but my parents did, they loved it. I can heartily agree with Cranmer, Hungary is lovely and very reasonable prices. Budapest doesn’t feel like a capital city at all, so laid back and unhurried, plenty to see and do and great to walk or cycle around easily.
The two European countries I never visited, but wanted to, were Hungary and Poland. Glad your parents loved Gambia. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I finally found my home there !
The BBC off on another anti Brexit moan, arguing both sides of the coin.
Post Brexit consumers will have to pay more for their food ! Is one scare tactic headline and how the poor will suffer as a result (as if the BBC elites care one jot about the poor)!
Now today we have hysterical claims that food imports will be cheaper post Brexit along with claims that this will affect UK farmers, and animal welfare standards! They don’t mention that food will actually be cheaper and that the poor they claim to care about will be better off.
Only negative or downright bad news can be reported about Brexit !
Take a look at any prepared chicken dishes, including sandwiches and the like, in the big supermarkets. Look at where the chicken often comes from – Thailand, renouned for its food standards and, er, EU membership. The more coy descriptions commonly read ‘May contain EU or Thailand chicken’. ‘EU chicken’ itself a trick name: the EU does not allow the importation of fresh poultry, so the meat is prepared and frozen, typically in Thailand or Brazil, then shipped to Holland, where it is defrosted, further prepared and then magically becomes EU or Dutch chicken.
I think the EU used to import chicken from China. EU “food standards” are merely something on a piece of paper . Like the EU itself, not to be trusted.
Just look at where all the prawns come from then ! both cooked and raw. All from the Asian region, and we know that they ain’t too fussy about sewage flowing into the sea. Hope you all wash this sea food thoroughly !!
Thoughtful, ‘Brexit!’ is to this era what ‘Fatcher!’ was to the 1980s. It will be used as a catch-all excuse for anything that goes wrong and any personal or institutional shortcomings, for the next 20 years or so at least. Old bores will be moaning in pubs in 2050 about how ‘Brexit made them lose their job’ and forced them to spend the next two decades on the dole.
Whereas with EU food standards we got horsemeat
..and the UK being the only nation to actually implement the banning of battery cages in time
..whereas other nations like Italy & Spain were sending us egg products from hens still kept in tiny cages.
Talk about having your cake and eating it… surely leaving the EU will make food EITHER dearer OR cheaper! Can’t they come up with a logical and consistent argument?
Did BBC lightweight pretty boy Christian Fraser finally get parole from that 100 Days sentence? Has boss of the cell block Katty Kay’s little bitch been released? There must have been a lot of time added for bad behaviour because Trump’s inauguration was January 20 (as our former cousins from across the pond would say).
No matter, our almost male vanilla brained BBC drone has been popped in as News Channel anchor and right away he’s on Skype to Evan McMullin former ‘independent’ candidate (backed by an anti-Trump group – cf BBC) and 40-year-old Morman (cf BBC) (neither factoid mentioned by our Christian) to compare notes on the Trump-Russia thing.
For goodness sake! Will a left wing party ever again admit defeat in an election and just get on with life or are we now doomed to endless blame Putin recriminations?
Did the EU not interfere just a tad in the French Presidential vote?
Come on island – there’s no conflict of interest when lawyers and money are in the same sentence. Starmer will have got the nod from the parliamentary expenses do dar dey after a wink . If not and it’s bounced it will forgotten by the time the kids go back to school in the mother of parliaments £££
Yes Grant I am using ‘mother’ that way. I do try to restrain my fedupness a bit. There are few decent backbench MPs on both sides but 90% or more and just on the gravy train.probably always been that way. As for the Lords – totally devalued and unbelievable that we accept the position where a PM can just put a pal in there- both sides are complicit because they all want the pie.
Exceptions –
Jacob Rees Mogg
Frank Field
Might work up my list – what is it – out of 658? And how many want the tv tax gone?
On another issue – I don’t think albeeb covered the demo about the drugger who met his maker in hackney a couple of days ago. One of his ‘friends’ said ” he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth” which I thought a bit poetic due to the nature of this young fathers’ demise.( alleged drugs in mouth leading hopefully to a happy and quick death) While I write I realise that albeeb might have looked up the dead criminals rap sheet and gone quiet . Just guessing though.
Am I being paranoid ,but are the BBC slowly but surely phasing out Caucasian men as presenters
and reporters? Will this be the way to bridge the pay gap? I watched the national news and my regional nal
news on Sunday evening, not an indigenous British male on view. To be honest I was amazed that the female
sports presenter(they are nearly all women these days) told us that their was only one place to start,The women’s
World Cup cricket. I was surprised that she even mentioned The Open Golf or the Tour de France.
I have written this before,but I reckon that Gary Lineker’s days are numbered.I am sure that the psoitive
discrimination and diversity department can find a plethora of women to take his place.
Foscari, to paraphrase Woody Allen (and Joseph Heller before him): just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean the beeb aren’t out to get you. (If you’re male and white.)
PS. I for one won’t miss sanctimonious, virtue-signalling, overpaid, crisp-advertising Gary Lineker.
Good riddance if they do ditch him for some ethnic female who knows nothing about football.
I think a lot of celebs have shot themselves in the foot with Twitter and social media. They started virtue-signalling with liberal platitudes on it, not realising that there is a world outside Islington and the Groucho Club and, shock horror, not everyone holds the same opinions as them. If Gary Linekers had never Twittered, I would probably just think of him as a harmless talking head off the telly; no great talent but benign. Since Twittering however I now think of him with annoyance and dislike and would be quite happy for him to disappear off the air.
I agree. I used to think Gary was a top bloke but since I’ve had a chance to see into the hypocritical, virtue signalling nonsense of his mind that opinion has changed.
I am a cricket fan and asked some fellow fans, including two ladies , if they follow women’s cricket. Not one of them was faintly interested. Me neither.
Grant-I am 71 years old. I have heart failure which means I get out of breath after walking
fairly short distances. I also do not have 20-20 vision. Then there is chronic kidney disease and
prostrate problems. Other than that I am fairy healthy.
However although I have loved cricket all my life and have played in some local 2nd elevens
up to 15 years ago. I could still open the batting. Open the bowling and field at first slip for the ladies
England cricket team. I would just give my stick to the umpire before I bowled. The bat would be
my support when opening the batting. And I would hold on to the wicket keeper when fielding
at first slip !!
I understand that the Women’s Cricket Final at Lord’s on Sunday attracted a world record attendance.
According to Sky Lords was a sell out.
I’m going to The Oval on Thursday to watch the third test (men’s) and my ticket cost a whopping £90.
I wonder what they charged for the ladies final ?
Sorry about your health problems. In my youth I was an amateur spin bowler and proud number 10 batsman. Still reckon I could hold my own against the ladies, so to speak.
Not paranoia – I know there is an organisation – probably a tax free charity – which does a non white face count on al Beeb and probably others. Think they judge whether it’s a positive or negative viewing. Plus the desperate aim to achieve a brainwashed multicultural soup before more people wake or care about what they are doing.
I get fedup seeing prostitute sports ‘journos’ who are doing one sport one day then another the next. You know they actually know little about the days sport and just say what they hear on the head piece. There’s no relationship between the sportsperson and the journo
Yesterday’s Times had a full-page opinion piece on Scrapping the BBC Tax. The DM had a page full of letters on the same topic, all in favour. In the wake of the Gender Gap and Obscene Wages revelations, many are asking questions.
Could this be the beginning of the end of the Extortion Tax and the demise of the Bloated Biased Corporation?
Oh Happy Day!
New contender for most vomit-inducing luvvie programme of the week on Radio 4 just now: Behind the Scenes, about the Royal Ballet’s dance piece inspired by the International Refugee Crisis, set to Gorecki’s Symphony of Sorrowful Songs. What a brilliant solution to the problem! A dance piece!
I would call it the international Death of Western Civilisation crisis, with cockneys crying and lithe dancers conveying the angst of rape victims whilst liberals in blindfolds looking the other way dance joyfully.
Yes Beeb- not an r4 today – at least an hour on queer programmes and the rest is really their favourite stuff about alleged cuts and how nice illegals are.
Today, testimony about coming out before the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967 and what we know about the lives of gay people in Victoria’s Britain.
Iszi Lawrence discovers that the ‘gig’ economy was widespread in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
And Tom Holland is on Tyneside to celebrate the history of a building which played host to an almost forgotten intellectual revolution. (bet that’s something to do with socialism)
Just as Countryfile gives us the MetroBubble view of the countryside
R4 MH gives us the MetroBubble view of British history. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08ynzzs
4pm Celebrity Gay : Mary Portas
(whose son is actually her sister in laws child)
6:30pm Celebrity Gay : David Sedaris
So they are using a piece of music inspired by the extermination of Jewish people in Poland to promote the extermination of the people in Europe by mass Islamic immigration?
Day 7 … BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees whose wages are £80K or above are added to the BBC Expenses website. Just like BBC Director General, Lord Hall, who is on £450K, but uses BBC expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality which could be a sandwich or a massage. Only the Lord will ever know, you the TV Tax Payer will never know even though you paid £145 towards his sandwich or massage or cocktail!
Google search for “bbc 100 days”: BBC labels it factual, I would add with a heavy sprinkle of speculation and smirking … BBC News – 100 Days {bbc.co.uk 2017} http://www.bbc.co.uk › Factual › Politics
As President Trump takes office, Katty Kay in Washington and Christian Fraser in London report on the events that are shaping the world.
Autocue readers salaries vs MPs salaries
“The basic annual salary for an MP was increased from £67,060 to £74,000 on 31 July 2015, backdated to 8 May 2015.”
My wife is a nurse who would have to work for 70 years to earn the same as Chris Evans receives from the BBC in one year, repeat one year for playing records and failing on Top Gear.
MPs need to know that if they do not actually force the BBC to reduce the pay of their blokes, and explain why they still use Ross?
Well, then, we`ll revisit the MPs expenses and will not settle for some little shit like Bercow getting a cushioned car seat and some ladders for his wifes boudoir. We really should have mucked out the barn back then shouldn`t we?
The BBC and the MPs are now linked and both are in this together…they need to know it.
Some of which are – Warburtons, CBL Drinks, Princes Ltd, Buckingham Cakes, McCullum, ADM Milling, Allied Bakeries, Kellogg’s Supply Services (Europe) Ltd, Unilever Bestfoods UK, Nestle Turkey, Mars Chocolate, Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pinguin Foods UK Ltd, Biomar Ltd, Union Papertech Ltd, European Freeze Dry, 1 Stop Halal Eye (UK 5008 EC), H R Jasper & Son Ltd Botathan (UK8113EC), Warburtons, 2 Sisters, Sunderland (Batch Certified)
2. Ask if the company supports animal discrimination? Yes or No answer.
3. Ask if the company supports positive employment discrimination? Yes or No answer.
4. Compile list of responses from the Halal Certified companies.
5. Now respond to each company stating that being Halal certified means, from the website:
– exclude pork from all their products now and in the future, which is animal discrimination.
– exclude non-Muslims from performing the slaughter of animals and the Muslim, which is positive employment discrimination.
– does the Halal certified company back ALL the laws in the Islamic Sharia texts, by using Halal you are promoting Sharia (from which Halal is derived). Death by stoning and forced conversion to Islam?
6. If the company does not agree to animal and employment discrimination and Sharia then the company must state what it does agree with in terms of pork, reciting the Koran and which of the Sharia laws it agrees and disagrees with – with which will possibly lose the company’s Halal license!
7. Take the findings to Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London and get his response to Halal in London and UK (Chicken Cottage {biasedbbc post}) based on the findings above.
Halal Food Authority Halal Definitions extracts from the page …. “The Halal food Authority rules for halal are based on Islamic Shari’ah. (Sharia includes death by stoning, forced conversion) … – a Muslim will recite tasmiya orshahada (can a non-Muslim do this?) …
– A Muslim should perform slaughter (can a non-Muslim do this?)” Halal Food Authority Halal Tradition extracts from the page …. No. HFA believes that both methods are Shariah compliant.
Would the BBC be tough enough to run with that Halal (permissible) story or would it be Haram (unlawful or forbidden)?
For goodness sake, Alan Shearer gets 500.000 pounds a year for appearing for nine minutes on Match of the Day.
James Naughtie receives 200,000 pounds a month for a half an hour programme. It’s completely unbelievable.
If I have this wrong please by all means correct me.
For god’s sake politicians do blinkin’ something, for once do something about this disgusting overgrown behemoth.
I never thought I’d say this but politicians look positively underpaid compared to Lineker 1.8 million for presenting a TV programme. I blame myself, I had the opportunity of running him over in Esher when visiting Sandown races. He walked out straight in front of me at a pedestrian crossing just as the lights were changing to green. I still wish I had released my clutch a bit earlier.
Little Emily because-i’m-worth-it Maitlis still endlessly gnawing at the dry bone of Trump’s Russian connection, yawn, on Newsshite, double yawn. But what a pleasure to see the heavens open up and piss down on her and Saint Obama’s ex-adviser.
The universe trying to tell you something, Em?
What would Labour say?
– reveal how many lives your wonderful wife as a nurse has saved or helped on £35K verses the number of lives Charlie from Casualty has saved or helped on £350K.
– reveal the amount of time your wife as a nurse does verses Charlie’s time (most of it waiting I would imagine, does he have a fit-bit to track his motions?)
– then do a cost/benefit analysis, fully costed on the BBC employee verses a nurse in the real world.
“Austerity Kills (maybe, no details given)” but the “BBC funds a pretend nurses at x10 the cost (£350K) who does not save or help anybody.”
– Think of the ‘real’ children that could be saved! Rather than the children pretending to be ill who star with Charlie and also get paid with the enforced BBC TV Tax.
Given that BBC Question Time is not owned by the BBC. It was sold to Mentorn, a company based in Llanelli, in 1998. Shouldn’t the profits of sale be handed to the licence fee payer? Who received to monies receives from the sale? It is up for sale again today, I believe the figure is an astounding 500 million. Happy to be corrected if I’m wrong.
What idiot working for the BBC thought it was a good idea to sell the rights of Question Time in 1998?
Bake Off was another, it was never owned by the BBC. The BBC was just used to show the programme, it was the means by which it was shown despite the BBC not owning e rights. This programme was not a publicly funded broadcast which is what the BBC is meant to provide. It was a privately broadcasted programme used for private profit.
Purnell’s gang are all Blairites. The Islington metropolitan ‘elite’. Blairs Broadcasting Corporation.
They make me sick.
The Gender thing was a smokescreen. They will put the female presenter’s wages up. Let’s have all wages considerably down, especially Graham Norton’s 900,000 pounds which does not include the private production company he owns called would you believe the Graham Norton company where he syphons off more licence fee taxpayers monies.
I didn’t know that Claudia Winkleman is Eve Pollard’s daughter until I listened to TalkRadio. I wondered how she got such a plum job. Certinly not by talent. Still, she only gets 600,000 pounds a year.
Good old Taunton library has a copy of Craig Olivers book on how he,Cameron and the Remainiacs lost that referendum.
A despicable, self-serving oily creep-but(like Yanis Vaoufakis) well worth a read for the dominant mindsets that have led us to here.
To see BBC hacks, broadsheets and quangos, half-arsed apologietc leavers and Remoaners out on manoevres really boils your piss. They despise us and see things like sovereignty as an Eton Wall Game that pays them very well-they fiddle the voting rolls, leap around when Obama tells us tosh. And really hoped that those who wouldn`t vote for their crap parties would similarly fail to vote to get out.
Had we not depressed them, made them marginal losers over the last 43 years? So we can discount the chavs and plebs.
That`s the drift of the book.
Suffice to say that Lord Craig Charles and Mandelson have not gone away and continue to poison the wells and water holes…and the same BBC stiffs, charities, universities, greenies and reflective scum like Parris and Soubry are STILL in charge of the cultural wars.
And are still going around the battlefields, bayoneting the survivors, as if they won.
As Steve Bannon taught us-culture is upstream of the political lake-and we really need to sort the culture . Oliver does not need to lean on the BBC…yet he still blames them for letting Gove on to speak.
We want out.
And the BBC names complicit in their conspiracy against the little people ought to be our first target. Why do we pay both Chiles AND Garvey?
They used to be married-so live on the one salary if you`re on our tab!
The beebistan usually devote acres to crimes against a) wimmin, 2) ethnic minorities and 3) muslims.
This story has all 3, yet was barely covered on al beebeera, buried away under Regions, never adequately investigated, explained or reported, and has now disappeared completely from the vile website.
Couldn’t possibly be because she was murdered by fellow muslims, who on top of that were RACIST against ARABS!!
Oh dear, way off message in so many ways, bury that story quick!
But never mind eh, they’ve got Saint Nadiya on how to make samosas.
DM: “Pictured, the aspiring make-up artist murdered because she went out with a muslim Arab: Indian teen ‘was dragged from the shower, raped and had her throat slit in honour killing by Taser-wielding men’.”
A deafening silence from all the right-on crowd about this savage and shocking crime, yet according to the hard Left Marxist John McDonnell, the people who died at Grenfell Tower were victims of “social murder”, whatever the hell that is.
Muslim on muslim rape and murder. Indian racism against Arabs. And Arabs are racist against black Africans. And the cowardly hypocrite vermin at the BBC have nothing to say. That is itself BBC racism. Because their silence could imply that they do not expect any better from these barbarians. The BBC, institutionally racist.
Post charging : sub judice rules kick in, but that doesn’t stop LibMob Media normally if it’s someone they don’t like.
The BBC Post charging story
uses the words
“Man charged with kidnap, rape and murder of teenager”
and “Another man, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women”
All names have been suppressed; seemingly by police
The BBC story is so obviously about non-whites, cos it follows the standard pattern of not mentioning ethnicity and ‘never mention Islam.’
Dear Richard Dawkins (and your friend Mr. Free Speech) event ticket buyers,
We regret to inform you that KPFA has canceled our event with Richard Dawkins. We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.
KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier. We also apologize to all those inconvenienced by this cancellation. Your ticket purchases will automatically be refunded by Brown Paper Tickets.
KPFA Radio 94.1 FM (KPFA do not define Abusive speech? Please list examples of what you did not like Richard Dawkins saying…)
The PM Theresa May could get top 10 Imams from around the UK, have a nice cup of tea with them and then ask them to stand in front of number 10 and ask a question about the religion of peace and say ‘Who agrees put you hand up, if you do agree then say why …’
1. Hand up if a man who writes a piece of fiction should have a death contract put on his life?
2. Hand up if a man who is homosexual should be killed?
3. Hand up if a man who draws a cartoon should be killed?
Theresa May would follow it with … “Hand up for yes only please, no mumbling about translation and different era. If you put your hand up you get 2 minutes to explain your position. Many thanks.”
Well said. Free speech in UK only applies to certain people . The lack of free speech in UK is oppressive. I am British but live in Gambia and I am ashamed to say that there is more freedom of speech there than in UK. Hard to believe that it has come to this.
On the other side of discussion, Theresa May would say … “By NOT putting their hands up (the 10 Imams), these 10 Imams agree that the contract on Salman Rushdie is wrong and should be abolished today. The killing of homosexuals should be condemned by all Muslims or all faiths in all Countries. The Islamic reaction and resultant deaths from the ‘Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy’ were all wrong and anybody can draw Mohammed, today if they wanted to. These 10 Imams outside number 10 have all agreed the previous statement, they also represent Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, in these matters.”
I demand that the BBC licence fee comes down substantially.
It does not need so many channels. Why pay someone like Jeremy Vine 700,000 pounds for playing records on Radio 2. I can listen to music on any commercial radio station for free. Radio 1 and 2 are dinosaurs.
Jeremy Vine received an extra 60,000 pounds for assisting on election night. One night only. My wife does a night shift as a nurse and is lucky to get 1/400th of this amount.
You can demand all you want Mr Wronged, if you stop paying the BBC you go to prison and Chris Evans still gets paid £2.2m for how many hours work? Yet to be determined!
On the flip side whilst in prison you would not be paying Chris Evans or Garry Lineker’s wages.
Agreed Marky Mark,
Apparently, Graham Norton is the biggest earner, it must be tied up in his production company. Another hypocrite whose earnings have not been revealed is Benedict Cumberbatch, he who tells us we should all be accepting Syrian refugees into our society, don’t recall him adopting any.
I have written to the BBC outlining my disgust, I do not intend to let this go as I hope neither will others.
Next year the BBC has set up a new production company called BBC Studio which will enable them to hide the BBC ‘stars’ wages. I hope the government do not let them get away with this.
You and the other complainers make me sick. You are so ungrateful. These luvvies are worth every penny. They are special people. Not like the rest of us nonentities.
There must be hundreds and hundreds of people who could do as good if not better a job than Gary Lineker, Claudia Winkleman, Jonathan Ross, Laura Keunseberg, Fatboy Nolan, etc, etc.
Shearer’s hourly rate has been worked out to be 83,300 pounds per hour.
” They won’t lose their talent because they haven’t got much to lose.” That reminds me of a comment I heard during one of the banking/financial crashes, a PR apologist was defending obscene bonuses being paid to staff of failed financial institutions. “But we have to pay them to attract the best people” he bleated, “You haven’t got any best people” an exasperated observer shouted. I think the same can be said of the BBC.
Totally agree Wronged, and I read those spot on comments by Peter Obourne.
Why ? because there is a mysterious ‘aura’ about appearing on film and television that seems to warrant paying mega amounts. Soccer and sports stars aside, there appears to be few other career paths where Agents are involved to ‘negotiate’ salaries. ‘Market forces’ are the buzz words to excuse the exorbitant amounts paid to talking tv heads, which is a load of bollocks. A teacher does pretty much the same to a class of children without an autocue, so why the disparity there ?????
The reason these people can be paid ‘mega amounts’ is because of the multiplier effect of mass media that they played no part in creating.
The work of a car maker can only be charged to the buyer of the cars he makes. The work of a doctor can only be charged to the (theoretical) account of the NHS patients that they treat.
A J.K. Rowling just scribbles some words on paper once. Some kind soul type-sets it for her and the presses roll out millions of copies for pennies but sold for pounds. Another kind soul turns the words into a screen play which is ‘filmed’ and duplicated in minutes onto a multitude of hard-drives to be watched at pounds per seat. How much would be a J.K. Rowling be worth if she had to walk from village to village telling her tales around the camp fire?
And so it is with our BBC ‘talent’, read a few words but charge it to the many, all through the magic of mass media.
Hamas….Hezbollah… Islamic Al ShabeeBBC. All 3 Terrorist organisations are maniacally driven to bring about the complete destruction of the state of Israel.
Today, is this propaganda masterpiece that has taken facts and reality, and blown them to pieces in true Islamic style.
“Israel has removed metal detectors from outside a holy site in East Jerusalem after uproar from Palestinians over their recent introduction” ….Yeah, nothing like the uproar of having to go through metal detectors is there Al Qaebeeba? Its not like you havent forced the entire British public to have to go through that at airports etc to accommodate your sick comfort woman arrangement with death team cult is it! And besides….who wouldnt rather be shot or knifed to death than having to wait in line to go through metal detectors?….
You think thats bad???
“There were deadly clashes after the metal detectors were set up, which Palestinians saw as an Israeli attempt to assert control over the site.
Israel said they were necessary to prevent weapons being smuggled in.
“It followed the killing on 14 July of two Israeli policemen by Israeli-Arab gunmen, who police say had hidden their weapons on the hilltop site known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as Haram al-Sharif”…oh right…its Israeli-Arabs when it suits you, you devious b@stards!
And how about this slight of hand, which would make David Copperfield proud..
“The violence left four Palestinians dead in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, while three Israeli civilians were stabbed to death by a Palestinian who had said he was avenging Israeli measures at the holy site”…yeah, violence caused by muslims carrying out mad mo’s life instruction and enriching Israeli’s at Temple Mount! Then, like any sane non-islamic person would do, when Isreal tries to defend itself, it leads to even more enrichment!
Unfortunatley Al Shabeeb have changed the best part (not sure when they updated the webpage), which was a photo of people going through the metal detectors. In it, the caption did say “Palestinians line up at the metal detectors” even though the f**king picture clearly showed a group including white and black tourists in it! Are the militants at Al Shabeeb hate Isreal that much and are that detacted from reality they believe they can make people ignore their own eyes!
This is holy war, being carried out by Muslims as instructed to do so for their entire lives by their prophet. This most evil of mindset from the darkest of ages is already being witnessed on our own soil and all over Europe. It will only get worse…it can only get worse…
British hating, white hating, man hating, Christian hating, Jew hating BBC at its very worst. The enemy at the Islamic Al Beeb are at war with us all
Yes the so-called ‘BBC’ hate the following terrorist groups (well as defined by those lunatics anyway):
1: All white men
2: Anyone who doesnt want to suspend reality and ignore the X & Y chromosomes in every fibre of men and womens bodies.
3: Anyone who isnt brainwashed enough to therefore learn about Islam and learn that rather than peace, it means submission, hatred, intolerance, and authorised slaughter of the infidels.
4: Donald Trump and anyone in the white house, regardless of their past, their beliefs, or what they are trying to achieve.
5: Christianity
6: The state of Israel
7: Brexit
The beauty of coming to this site is that we`ve long been able to track the BBCs descent into madness and treason.
Great people like Sue of old-as well as titans like Melanie Phillips, Stephen Pollard in the wider media-have long called out the lefts hatred and bias against the nation state of Israel.
Newswatch, Sultan Knish and the Jewish Chronicle/Jerusalem Times are all freely available online, with good friends sometimes able to get past the paywalls to tell the rest of us what`s being said.
There is no excuse-Corbyn and his Momentum goons , Livingston and Tonge are clear Islamic Green Flags that serve as a warning from history.
The BBC are biased to their very marrow because they are progressives, thick and prefer Lennon to Cohen.
Israel is one small democratic country given over to the Jews as biblicaly authorised. The 52 Muslim majority countries outnumber them 200 times over re population, have the oil and cheap labour with no mention of Jerusalem whatsover in their Koran…but created a pretxt with some crap about Muhammad having a dream re flying from Wembleys Twin Towers or such( Ossies Dream!). Of course the liberal left will favour the Yank hating, Jew baiting EU basting cult of Islam over the creatives, business, genius and traditions of the Jewish people.
God will cut them down as Mr Cash sang…israel will be fine , if the EU and BBC have to become bloodies sandpits then so be it.
We won`t.
Signs in English but I tend to associate a propensity for nudity with mainland Europeans, now I know there are homegrown aficionados and I’m not judging. Well I am actually, most un British, best left to the continentals.
Geniuse. Stick a couple of solar panels on it and cut oil imports from the Saudis … ah wait… might have to rethink that. Will this idea get as airing on the new Tomorrows World with the girl who won baking and that hobby physics bloke and another cheap woman – maybe meeecheeellll Hussain ?
“Neither Calcutta-born AMOLD RAJAN 34, BBC Media Editor, nor newscaster CLIVE MYRIE 52, who has Jamaican parents, complained during the Corporation’s gender pay row, despite both earning below the £150,000 threshold. I am told they were called into Head of News JAMES HARDING’S office and GIVEN £30,000 PAY BOOSTS, bringing their salaries up to £150,000, muting accusations of ethnic-minority discrimination. Harding himself earns £340,000 incidentally”
Again, words fail me. Hands up those on here who would get even a £3,000 pay rise this year ? This stinks.
BBC corporation should flatten all wages to 80K. Apply Jeremy Corbyn Economics ala Venezuela. Money saved reduced TV License and helps the Many, not the Few.
“For the Many (License Payers generating £3.5bn), Not the Few (Employees on £150K and increasing)”
We begin to see the tactic, a procession of Tory ministers sent out with lefty flavoured policies in an attempt to pluck a half-congratulatory headline or two from the BBC.
Justine Greening and her transgenders and now Sajid Javid with some guff about housebuilders and leases. The later may be a good idea or not – that’s not the problem. If the law needed tightening for the public benefit then do it. The problem is chasing the approval of the left liberal media.
Today the BBC News Channel provided us with a great exemplar – the BBC framed the minister’s new iniative this way: yes this was a terrible problem, a nasty case of capitalism ripping off the little man. The new policy was late but welcome and obviously did not go far enough. By this evening I expect Labour quotes to be included in the BBC news backing up these sentiments and so a Tory initiative will be used to give Labour the better write up.
It was well intentioned but doomed to fail
Mrs May, stop pandering to the BBC – it won’t help you.
Houses were very rarely leasehold in the past, Grant – this seems to be a way of providing ‘affordable’ housing and then stiffing the purchasers by hiking up the costs from what they were originally quoted. I’d never buy a leasehold house.
True. But they can deal with the problem without abolishing leaseholds. That will only put the initial cost of a house up. I really do not think they know what they are doing.
Certainly Grant – I do agree with your last sentence! I used to work in a housing-related public sector and got to know a lot about housing and land law, leasehold houses were rare but not unheard of. Shared ownership to my mind is a far better option whereby all the costs are set out in the shared ownership lease (well, they used to be, maybe that’s changed) and are legally binding.
Agreed. There are lots of ways round this problem but Government ministers are too ignorant to understand and their Civil Servants and “advisors ” are just as ignorant. None of them have any real world experience.
No they weren’t. Plenty of houses were sold on ‘ninety-nine year leases’. That was one reason for bringing in the Leasehold Reform Act 1967.
One of the nasty sides to leasing is that any property on the land passes to the landord at the end of the lease. Our local scout group experienced that. They leased some land from the council for a nominal few pounds per year and on it they built a scout ‘hut’, (a proper brick built hall, kitchen, toilets etc.) The lease came to and end, the council took ownership of the ‘hut’ and then, some years later, started charging an ‘economic rent’ for the land and the building.
Leasing land has always been good for those in for the long haul, just ask the Duke of Westminster.
JimS – that may have been true in certain areas, definitely in London but I processed a lot of land transactions in several areas in England over 20 years and I don’t think that I ever came across a leasehold house. By the way, I did mean by ‘the past’, my experiences in the 80s and beyond so yes, the 1967 Act would have meant fewer leasehold houses.
What you have said about your scout group is one of the reasons why I wouldn’t touch a leasehold house!
Agreed, if you have the money to pay for a freehold ! But , if I owned land , I would not sell it for the same price freehold as leasehold. Unless I was stupid !
Yep I was an estate agent from 1970 until middle of the 1990’s. I was at the beginning of the council house sell off in the early 70’s and most had a Leasehold attachment, albeit 999 years with a peppercorn ground rent – so virtually freehold. Then there was the complicated ‘flying’ freehold in the case of a property – normally flat, where a room was above an open space like an alleyway.
You admit to being an Estate Agent in the past ? It is noted. Confession time . No freeholds in Gambia and the lease on my land ( 1 acre ) only has 84 years to run. I was robbed. I paid £5000 for that land !
Yes Grant, when I joined the ‘business’ in 1970 no-one was allowed to value property before they had done an apprentice time in the office and learnt about square footages and how to value properly, watched over by a Chartered Surveyor. Times changed when Building Societies got in on the act which saw the advent of the ‘white sock brigade’, and suddenly the world and his wife became an expert valuer ! Many’s the time when I went to give a valuation and was told by the house owner what they wanted regardless of what I thought the property was worth; and wondered what the hell I was doing there if they knew better than me ! The business then developed an awful reputation of ‘being paid for doing sod-all’ which wasn’t strictly true, although there are rogues in all walks of life, but the stigma has never gone away.
I’ve often said I could write a book on my experiences, and it would make a terrific sitcom.
Working v hard recently so less time to visit and post at BBBC, but couldn’t let this one go.
R4 Today this morning: a look at the possible consequences of a free trade deal between USA and UK. Lower quality food, lower animal welfare standards and “chlorine chicken”. No potential upsides got a mention!
The answer is in the question ‘consequences of a free trade deal‘. Or we could continue and trade with Countries where the country imposes high tariffs on the UK.
There, in the question is one answer. But hey, they may or may not have mentioned it on R4 Today.
Free trade implies no tariffs. What makes the BBC think that EU food and welfare standards are better than the USA ? In fact, what makes the BBC think they know anything much about anything. Seems to me that they are a pretty ignorant bunch of wasters.
bBBC reporting that itv got the highest viewing figures yesterday
Love Island breaks ITV2 audience record http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40714726
Even more bad news for them ?
Let’s hope they are shitting themselves.
The British action did not gain universal support. The Sultan of Zanzibar (Muslim) wrote to the British Consul: If I put a stop to the traffic in slaves it will ruin these countries (African), and it will ruin my subjects; and I am sure that the British Government would never agree to this; my friend, it is in my wish to comply with all the desires of the British Government but these countries cannot do without slaves. For the British Government is far off, and does not know the circumstances of these countries.
Is it me, or have the bBBC just removed an article about Trump angering parents re the Boy Scouts? There is a video, but I find their searches useless.
Although he did have a dig at Obama, the article was so biased, with reliable evidence from Twitter about Facebook, of course.
Can’t find it on google either
For anyone who needs to stop overnight in Calais, go to Ibis or Mercure near Eurotunnel. We stayed there in April, there were about 40 police cars and vans in the car park, I gather that’s where the reinforcements stay between shifts. We felt very reassured about leaving our car there overnight with all those coppers around.
This is bad news though, we’re going through Calais in a few weeks and was hoping it had all died down. We have planned to get there early morning at about 8am-ish, quick bit of shopping (one at a time so as not to leave the car unattended) and then straight to Eurotunnel. I gather that they make their assaults mainly through the night so hopefully they won’t be bothering us. Any advice would be helpful though from anyone who is more familiar with the situation.
I see the Richard Dawkins de invite has been covered already, however there is a worrying development which appears to have been overlooked.
We all I’m sure recognise the brutal enthusiasm the Fascists have adopted Political Correctness and I have no doubt that this will continue in the future.
What exactly is ‘hurtful speech’?
We all know about the non existent and meaningless ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crime’ but now there’s another one? I take it that this is a kind of lesser offence, and that now it is becoming unacceptable to the Fascists to even say anything mildly critical of the groups they champion ?
I fully expect this new oppressive nastiness to cross the pond and be seized on by those on the Left (Tories and Labour) and other assorted Fascists.
It is clear that in California they have a very different definition of ‘Free’ and ‘Freedom’ because they certainly seem incapable of applying it in the real world.
For a minute I thought I’d gone on the al jazzera website not al Beeb. In the culture section is a long article by someone called Joobin Bekhrad (anagram?) on “the ancient Arabic Kama sutra” . I obviously haven’t read it but I’m guessing that Muslims invented sex long before westerners did and were always better at it. Normally of course involved kidnapping a young girl. Locking her up , abusing her and cutting her throat before cutting her up and putting her in a chest freezer. Oh al Beeb how lost are you.
I have an investment in a VCT which has shown a 17.5 % rise in NAV , before dividends, in the year to 28 February 2017. ( Am I smug ? Yes ! ). Don’t ask the BBC what that means because they will not understand.
But I paraphrase from the Chairman’s Statement . ” Many commentators predicted that a number of events should have upset the stock market , including Brexit, US election, and forecasts of slow economic growth in the UK . They have been proven wrong “.
I wish the BBC and the media in general would ignore ‘viral’ social media stories, they are invariably dross and amount to mass slander against ordinary people behaving as ordinary people do, i.e. sometimes badly.
However it was amusing to hear Jeremy Vine’s take on the Fergus Beeley ‘event’. First there was no mention of who he was or his BBC connections. Then the story was developed and the fact that he had worked for the BBC came out. Next up we have somone from the BBC to tell us how nice the man was and how he even did courses on ‘meaningfulness’ so he must be more like a buddhist monk than a bloodthirsty murderer. Finally a nice lady tells us that he was probably reverting to some pre-historic urge to protect his wife.
Now if he had been a UKIP man on some parish council in the Outer Hebrides we just know that ‘rage’ would be symbolic of the hatred inate in all Brexiteers. It is a property of bubbles that objects outside look distorted when looking from the inside.
– BBC are running out of words to call themselves – Distinctiveness (like a smell?) – far cry from World Leading!
Text Searching …
Muslim x 3; Christian x 0; Transgender x 12 ; BME x 5; Gay x 4; Truth x 0; factual x 12; Diversity x 14; Diverse x 22; honest x 2; lies x 0; allah x 0; religion x 1; wrong x 1; LGB x 9; hetero x 1; white x 18; fake x 0; jew x 0; buddhist x 0; rape x 0; rotherham x 0; money x 0; lesbian x 3; bi-sexual x 2; Conservative x 1; Labour x 0; tv license x 0; unique funding x 2; prison x 0; tax x 0; left-wing x 1; right-wing x 0; parliament x 1; politics x 0; uk values x 8; savile x 0;
“It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, that’s why. It has a long standing tradition of honesty,
Older group (50+), Leeds
However, the BBC being a British institution was also seen as a weakness by some participants, as they felt the BBC represented and served a predominantly white, middle class audience. These participants thought the BBC was set in its ways, and perhaps presented a more establishment view of Britain and Britishness. Some valued this role for the BBC, but others wanted to see much greater diversity on the BBC, with a move away from a perceived white, middle class, and often London-focused perspective. {page 16}
Participants were hesitant to endorse UK values, as this was seen as a contested idea
In addition, participants were hesitant about the idea of reflecting UK values to the world, as they were unsure what values these would be. Participants felt that trying to define ‘UK values’ would be a highly contested debate, and that even if it was possible to agree on what UK values were they were unsure whether it would be good to reflect these to the world. Participants were concerned about the
imperialist connotations of this idea. {page 29}
“I think of Tony Hancock when I was a kid, Steptoe and Son, Monty Python, they were ground breaking comedy shows…you’re saying about shows from when we were younger but there’s not as much now. I don’t think the comedies and dramas are as good as they were.”
Older group (50+), Peterborough
“I like Live at the Apollo and Mock the Week, but I find they are conservative. They don’t take risks. They are scared of offending people and they want to make it fair for all … for risks I would go to Channel 4.”
Younger group (18-29), Peterborough
” … I *assume* it is saying that someone will sit down and work out what UK values are?!”
Ofcom document talks of values but does not define or show what they are? Truth? Rule of Law? Freedom of Speech? Skeptical of everything – especially religion? Mockery?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Send more money …. “Claims first emerged in The Times last year that Oxfam employees, including former country director Roland…
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GMar 4, 07:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC R4 just before 0700 told me that Hegseth has instructed their spy agencies to halt any monitoring of Russian…
JeffMar 4, 07:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 For the life of me I can’t understand why so many middle-class media types are so gung-ho about us “putting…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Today Katie ‘cor’ razzle – the media person at the BBC – tells us that the MP culture committee is…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
Having being able to view Al Beeb Telly News today, its pretty clear from a Welsh perspective that they vehemently hate Trump and Breixt.
Brilliant analysis. Go straight to the top of the class !!
BBC producer in shocking road rage rant Real life Basil Fawlty!
“You’re under citizens arrest and you are too!”
Wasn’t Jeremy Clarkson sacked for something similar? Or was it because he wasn’t a good little beeboid leftie?
Btw, how’s the new Top Gear doing, Beebshit? Not so good? Gee I’m sorry.
I hear the Grand Tour is doing very well indeed, over on Amazon.
It has an open HYS. Get in.
Seems there is a chance of Jez and Di headlining. Apparently.
The bBBC thinks the most important news is that a terminally ill child is going to die, but hides the real reason behind the parents’ law suit. Charlie Gard case explained is very detailed but fails to explain that both parents have defective genes (although they didn’t know it), thus causing their child’s fatal hereditary illness. But they have spent nearly a year blaming doctors and trying to hold doctors at fault.
What is behind the bBBC’s agenda in concealing this?
Yes I’ve also noticed their selective reporting on that case, and wondered what their agenda is. Noticed today that they are not reporting this side of the story, covered by Sky:
Where GOSH have criticised the US doctor for not visiting him, or reading up on the case. Interesting.
The BBCs coverage smacks to me of emoting, without being scientific enough. They have, however, allowed Prof Winston to speak his mind.
More Anti Brext propaganda from Al Beeb . When are they going to find something positive to say?
When are the feeble Tory MPs going to do something about it? I think that they are betraying us . Get rid of May and bring in Rees-Mogg.
Top HYS so far ……………
“Wales voted to leave, they heard everything Cameron and co. had to say and still voted out, it really is that simple.”
At least Liam Fox has made a start but the rest of them are pathetic. They can’t even get rid of Treezer. They just do not have balls .
PS, Taffy, agree with you about The Mogginator.
This chap could teach the limp Tory government a lesson or two …………….
The BBC lunchtime news didn’t go as far as blaming the low growth figures for Q1 on Brexit but nevertheless by querying it during one of their hallmark news-presenter-cosy-chat-with-correspondent agenda setting pieces they continue the negative drip, drip of their anti-Brexit bias.
Then Europhile Tourettes Syndrome inevitably kicked in, our economics corrsepondent unable to stop himself from spluttering the IMF’s post-Brexit predictions for the kazillionth time (bad, of course), framed by a preceding ‘IF we leave the EU’ (yes, that’s exactly what he said) then rounding it off with positive growth news for ‘some’ of the Eurozone countries (none specified).
Know your BBC – they’re the Brexit Bashing C****s
Here is an amazing story which appears to have been given the least possible coverage by the BBC.
It concerns a Labour Councillor who was caught viewing child pornography on a council computer prior to his election. It was reported to the Labour leader of Bury council who sat on it to avoid any affect on local election results.
All of this was kept successfully hidden by the Labour council at Bury until that is that someone reported the Paedo Labour Councillor to the Police who raided his home and found category A child pornography . “Simon Carter later admitted 16 charges of making indecent images of children.” He was sentenced to 5 months in prison 3 year community sentence and placed on the sex offenders register for 5 years.
Amazingly he was allowed on the adoption register, and a governor at two schools, which is what sparked the report firstly to the council Chief Exec who amazingly only informed the Labour leader, and not even the head of childrens services at the council. (he has resigned as has the head of childrens services).
To make matters worse, knowing what the accusations were the Labour council leader wrote a glowing character reference to the court on council headed notepaper .
Several people in this case have broken the law and it is now under further investigation. To have put party political interests ahead of the protection of children is simply inexcusable. The article does not say what happened to the convicted paedo, but the Chief exec, and head of childrens services have both resigned. Council leader Mike Connolly has been suspended by Labour although he claims he referred himself.
The council has therefore lost its three top people, and if that isn’t worthy of national news I don’t know what is.
Good try Thoughtful, but it’s only national news if Tory councillors are involved.
Outrageous! The bBBC should be dragging them over the coals for this. Can’t think why they aren’t!
BBC 4 Horizon. 10 things you need to know about the future.
Investigation about what the British public wants answered.
In other words “What the BBC want you to believe.
No3. Global Warming. Not climate change.
All the usual graphs etc to show how out of control it is. (Allegedly)
Then our BBC weatherman Peter Gibbs giving a lecture in his garden to prove it.
His theory Don’t work in my garden though.
My birthday is on May 4th and the lilac tree always flowers in that week every year for as long as I can remember..
Perhaps nobody has told it about global warming cos it has been late for the past six years. (Two weeks)
Anyway we are then given a map of the globe to show how the world will look with an imminent 6 metre sea rise. Pretty scary.
But if you do a bit research, A la Guardian. (So it must be true). Even if a huge amount of Arctic Shelf ice melts. Most of the worlds land ice is contained there , it may, perhaps, could raise sea levels no more than three metres and that could take 1000 years. But a huge amount of ice would never melt even in the worst scenario.
Another scaremongering story from these idiots…
I totally agree with most of your post…… but…….
“Even if a huge amount of Arctic Shelf ice melts. Most of the worlds land ice is contained there. ”
I was under the impression that the majority of the Arctic is sea ice, i.e. floating.
As an example.
As an experiment, just to show the Guadianistas wrong, put some ice in a glass and top up with water to the lip. then measure the amount of water spilt when the ice melts.
The ANTarctic ice is land ice but that has been increasing in volume.
Thanks for input N7
Yes I stand corrected.
Forgot to put the “ant” in front of arctic.
It’s not just the BBC that makes cock ups.
But we on this site are not paid for our cock-ups !
God, he just cant help himself can he……….. (actually looking even more like an oik than before)
David Beckham sends social media into overdrive with gorgeous topless selfie from camping trip – see the photo here!
BBC news invent shrinkflation.
But they don’t explain if it happens else where in the world or explain inflation itself … “In this sense, inflation is a very hidden tax, or way the government confiscates the people’s real wealth. … It is hidden, as there are no tax forms to fill out or taxes added to your purchases or bills.” – Dr L. Wilson
Just watching Louis Theroux and his meeting with alcoholics – one shocking young man he met was a total snowflake who could not cope with any rejection at all.
He failed to get a promotion at work and hit the booze, broke up with his girlfriend and relapsed, his whole life was one of fragility and a lack of any resilience.
I do have to wonder whether the Fascists either know or care what their desperation never to offend challenge or to never even disappoint does to young people, when they get into the real world and suddenly have to deal with all of these things.
It’s like the over protective mother who sterilises everything and he kid ends up with a potentially fatal allergy to some everyday foodstuff.
We know for a fact that over protective mothers can cause their offspring to have terrible anxiety issues when they enter adult life, as yet there isn’t the proof, but the rise in mental health problems in young people is no surprise to me. To me this is the direct consequence of leftie liberal interfering in young lives.
Good job over protected mothers didn’t exist during WW2 or we’d all be speaking German now. Perhaps this lily livered generation ought to go and see films like Dunkirk. I think the rot set in with the emergence of the ‘new man’ with shaved chests and who started to spend more time preening in the bathroom than a woman ! My nephew is a lovely lad, in his early 30’s in regular employment, lives with his girlfriend and likes his fashion. BUT he’s not what I call ‘manly’, he squeals like a tart if a dog comes near him, gets his Dad to do any DIY needed and would think that Churchill was the dog off the adverts !! Compare this to his Grandad 60 years ago, who at his age had already been on the North Atlantic manoeuvres in WW2, then worked in a mine at the coal face, played football and cricket at weekends, sank a few pints and raised 3 kids – oh and had the physique of Burt Lancaster !! um, no contest.
Something was going on Newsnight with our Emily and our Evan.
Emily in the US and a segment that was one long unsubstantiated smear on the President of the United States. It ended abruptly as if somebody screamed stop and pulled a plug.
Let us consider just how damaging this will be if and I hope that it does the State Department gets a transcript. I was open mouthed at the sheer absurdity of the allegations and our Emily’s comments. Even the discredited ex MI5 or 6 agent’s smears were repeated as if they had some validity.
I really hope the President is made aware of this. Potentially it really damages this country and is now typical of the innate disloyalty of our state broadcaster. Maybe our Emily is upset at her low wages. Even so it was an appalling performance and she should be dismissed.
Reporting is one thing but this was something else and needs to stop now before real harm is done to our interests. The US is already moving away from us and towards France and the Visegrad Four. We are being marginalised at a critical time.
DS – the State Dept would probably approve, they and the rest of the Deep State hate Trump with a vengeance; if they can’t successfully impeach him over this Russian election collision BS and force him out (a la Nixon with Watergate) then I expect there to be more of a JFK type of end to the Trump Presidency.
They want to show everybody in Flyover Country: it doesn’t matter a f**k who you people elect, nobody is taking power away from us; back in your places people.
Maybe the State Department is as you say but it is also moving towards a less favourable view of this country .
AS for the deplorables in flyover country they are not about to abandon their President that easily. They are very well armed and they are the National Guard. The liberal elite really needs to back off now.
DS – The State Dept has never had a favourable view of our country, why would that change under Trump? Presidents come and go every 4 or 8 years, the Deep State (to which senior personnel within the SD belong) and its strategies endure.
Why do you think the U.S. policy towards Russia remains the same regardless of whether it’s a Republican or Dem in the White House? And why do you think Trump’s position towards Russia changed so much, from the one he held when he was a candidate and the one he has now that he is the President?
I didn’t say the people in Flyover Country will abandon him, it’s just that it will be difficult for them to support him if he’s forced from office or assassinated.
YES Dave, idiots like Emily, Newshite, the beeb, Emir Khan and Berk-o are doing irreparable damage to this country by hounding Trump and alienating the leader of the most important nation on earth. If only for reasons of national self-interest they must be stopped. NOW!
What’s the word for harming your country again? Oh yes, treason.
And what’s the penalty for treason again?
I get the impression there is being a realignment of alliances worldwide and the UK is being sidelined. All because of our stupid short-sighted politicians fully supported by the BBC. Yes, it is treason.
I read Yahoo News most days – only because my email account is with them and the headlines pop up when I log in. For the last few months they have been running a relentless, laughable anti-Trump campaign of total non-stories along the lines of ‘bloke in pub says Trump is finished’. At first, these articles were rightly mocked in the comments section but now the comments seem largely anti-Trump, which leads me to believe they are being manipulated, probably part of a greater drip-drip campaign against Trump.
Today watch –
Running order 0630 0700 Tuesday 25th July
1 anti house builders – leasehold ground rent
2 pro NHS anti cuts story
3 anti Trump russia story
4 anti brexit food standards story
5 anti economy too much borrowing story
6 lee jasper back on the gravy train anti police
7 something to do with HIV
8 weather – gonna be bad cos it’s not coming from Europe
9 off switch
Watching BBC Yorkshire last night. Shock. Horror. A report on the successful job creation in manufacturing in the region, with jobs up 12% since 2010. A good news story, delivered straight. I nearly choked on my Black Sheep.
Is the bias regional? Are the news editors ‘up north’ away from the media Guardianista Islington world a bit more reasonable and sensible?
Because the contrast with the doom-and-gloom national bBBC breakfast was stark. This morning we were invited by the national editors to worry about declining food standards ‘after Brexit’ and then emote over baby Charlie Gard and then straight after that emote over people using food banks, which apparently will be busy in rhe school holidays as kids will not be able to get their free school meals. Then we had the ‘miserable’ news (their actual introduction) of the decline in the pound vs the Euro affecting those going on holiday abroad.
Are the bBBC now sponsoring handkerchiefs?
Regarding the last woeful point, it may mean that you pay more for your euro spending money but – correct me if I’m wrong, folks – the present exchange rate should reduce the cost of their holidays. I believe that tour operators pay for eurozone accommodation in euros, so that will cost them less in sterling and they should be passing that on to the consumer. I guess that exchange rate maths are beyond the intellect of some but of course, if you’re going to spend 2000 euros in a week on booze, fags and stuffed camel souvenirs (stuffing complete with fleas), that will negate the cheaper cost of your accommodation.
I can’t get over the idiocy of some who don’t shop around for euros, even exchanging currency at the last minute at the airport. A remoaner friend told me that they got one euro to the £ – “Where??” I gasped. “At a euro cash till.” More fool you.
Besides, they could always have holidays in Britain, I’ve had many and had great weather. The last time in Cornwall it was gloriously sunny by day and rained every night, but we were in bed by then and didn’t care. They’ll be helping the British economy too. I’ve been across the Channel for a while and will return soon for good (yay!) and I long for a British holiday.
Holidays in non-Eurozone EU countries are also worth a try. Hungary around Lake Balaton is particularly beautiful. Beer is about £1 a pint.
I am biased but Gambia is nice for a winter sun holiday . Beer 80 pence a pint. Natives friendly and no EU crap !
Grant, I’ve never been to Gambia but my parents did, they loved it. I can heartily agree with Cranmer, Hungary is lovely and very reasonable prices. Budapest doesn’t feel like a capital city at all, so laid back and unhurried, plenty to see and do and great to walk or cycle around easily.
The two European countries I never visited, but wanted to, were Hungary and Poland. Glad your parents loved Gambia. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I finally found my home there !
The BBC off on another anti Brexit moan, arguing both sides of the coin.
Post Brexit consumers will have to pay more for their food ! Is one scare tactic headline and how the poor will suffer as a result (as if the BBC elites care one jot about the poor)!
Now today we have hysterical claims that food imports will be cheaper post Brexit along with claims that this will affect UK farmers, and animal welfare standards! They don’t mention that food will actually be cheaper and that the poor they claim to care about will be better off.
Only negative or downright bad news can be reported about Brexit !
Take a look at any prepared chicken dishes, including sandwiches and the like, in the big supermarkets. Look at where the chicken often comes from – Thailand, renouned for its food standards and, er, EU membership. The more coy descriptions commonly read ‘May contain EU or Thailand chicken’. ‘EU chicken’ itself a trick name: the EU does not allow the importation of fresh poultry, so the meat is prepared and frozen, typically in Thailand or Brazil, then shipped to Holland, where it is defrosted, further prepared and then magically becomes EU or Dutch chicken.
I think the EU used to import chicken from China. EU “food standards” are merely something on a piece of paper . Like the EU itself, not to be trusted.
Just look at where all the prawns come from then ! both cooked and raw. All from the Asian region, and we know that they ain’t too fussy about sewage flowing into the sea. Hope you all wash this sea food thoroughly !!
Thoughtful, ‘Brexit!’ is to this era what ‘Fatcher!’ was to the 1980s. It will be used as a catch-all excuse for anything that goes wrong and any personal or institutional shortcomings, for the next 20 years or so at least. Old bores will be moaning in pubs in 2050 about how ‘Brexit made them lose their job’ and forced them to spend the next two decades on the dole.
Whereas with EU food standards we got horsemeat
..and the UK being the only nation to actually implement the banning of battery cages in time
..whereas other nations like Italy & Spain were sending us egg products from hens still kept in tiny cages.
Talk about having your cake and eating it… surely leaving the EU will make food EITHER dearer OR cheaper! Can’t they come up with a logical and consistent argument?
My money is on cheaper !
Did BBC lightweight pretty boy Christian Fraser finally get parole from that 100 Days sentence? Has boss of the cell block Katty Kay’s little bitch been released? There must have been a lot of time added for bad behaviour because Trump’s inauguration was January 20 (as our former cousins from across the pond would say).
No matter, our almost male vanilla brained BBC drone has been popped in as News Channel anchor and right away he’s on Skype to Evan McMullin former ‘independent’ candidate (backed by an anti-Trump group – cf BBC) and 40-year-old Morman (cf BBC) (neither factoid mentioned by our Christian) to compare notes on the Trump-Russia thing.
For goodness sake! Will a left wing party ever again admit defeat in an election and just get on with life or are we now doomed to endless blame Putin recriminations?
Did the EU not interfere just a tad in the French Presidential vote?
Starmer asked to clarify relationship with Mischon de Reya (Gina’s law firm)
Come on island – there’s no conflict of interest when lawyers and money are in the same sentence. Starmer will have got the nod from the parliamentary expenses do dar dey after a wink . If not and it’s bounced it will forgotten by the time the kids go back to school in the mother of parliaments £££
Maybe he ll go look for more £££ in albeeb?
Are you using “mother” in USA sense of the word ?
Yes Grant I am using ‘mother’ that way. I do try to restrain my fedupness a bit. There are few decent backbench MPs on both sides but 90% or more and just on the gravy train.probably always been that way. As for the Lords – totally devalued and unbelievable that we accept the position where a PM can just put a pal in there- both sides are complicit because they all want the pie.
Exceptions –
Jacob Rees Mogg
Frank Field
Might work up my list – what is it – out of 658? And how many want the tv tax gone?
On another issue – I don’t think albeeb covered the demo about the drugger who met his maker in hackney a couple of days ago. One of his ‘friends’ said ” he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth” which I thought a bit poetic due to the nature of this young fathers’ demise.( alleged drugs in mouth leading hopefully to a happy and quick death) While I write I realise that albeeb might have looked up the dead criminals rap sheet and gone quiet . Just guessing though.
I’ve also got time for John Redwood, Bernard Jenkins and Philip Davies.
Am I being paranoid ,but are the BBC slowly but surely phasing out Caucasian men as presenters
and reporters? Will this be the way to bridge the pay gap? I watched the national news and my regional nal
news on Sunday evening, not an indigenous British male on view. To be honest I was amazed that the female
sports presenter(they are nearly all women these days) told us that their was only one place to start,The women’s
World Cup cricket. I was surprised that she even mentioned The Open Golf or the Tour de France.
I have written this before,but I reckon that Gary Lineker’s days are numbered.I am sure that the psoitive
discrimination and diversity department can find a plethora of women to take his place.
Foscari, to paraphrase Woody Allen (and Joseph Heller before him): just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean the beeb aren’t out to get you. (If you’re male and white.)
PS. I for one won’t miss sanctimonious, virtue-signalling, overpaid, crisp-advertising Gary Lineker.
Good riddance if they do ditch him for some ethnic female who knows nothing about football.
I think a lot of celebs have shot themselves in the foot with Twitter and social media. They started virtue-signalling with liberal platitudes on it, not realising that there is a world outside Islington and the Groucho Club and, shock horror, not everyone holds the same opinions as them. If Gary Linekers had never Twittered, I would probably just think of him as a harmless talking head off the telly; no great talent but benign. Since Twittering however I now think of him with annoyance and dislike and would be quite happy for him to disappear off the air.
…and off the earth!
I agree. I used to think Gary was a top bloke but since I’ve had a chance to see into the hypocritical, virtue signalling nonsense of his mind that opinion has changed.
I am a cricket fan and asked some fellow fans, including two ladies , if they follow women’s cricket. Not one of them was faintly interested. Me neither.
Grant-I am 71 years old. I have heart failure which means I get out of breath after walking
fairly short distances. I also do not have 20-20 vision. Then there is chronic kidney disease and
prostrate problems. Other than that I am fairy healthy.
However although I have loved cricket all my life and have played in some local 2nd elevens
up to 15 years ago. I could still open the batting. Open the bowling and field at first slip for the ladies
England cricket team. I would just give my stick to the umpire before I bowled. The bat would be
my support when opening the batting. And I would hold on to the wicket keeper when fielding
at first slip !!
I understand that the Women’s Cricket Final at Lord’s on Sunday attracted a world record attendance.
According to Sky Lords was a sell out.
I’m going to The Oval on Thursday to watch the third test (men’s) and my ticket cost a whopping £90.
I wonder what they charged for the ladies final ?
Sorry about your health problems. In my youth I was an amateur spin bowler and proud number 10 batsman. Still reckon I could hold my own against the ladies, so to speak.
Not paranoia – I know there is an organisation – probably a tax free charity – which does a non white face count on al Beeb and probably others. Think they judge whether it’s a positive or negative viewing. Plus the desperate aim to achieve a brainwashed multicultural soup before more people wake or care about what they are doing.
I get fedup seeing prostitute sports ‘journos’ who are doing one sport one day then another the next. You know they actually know little about the days sport and just say what they hear on the head piece. There’s no relationship between the sportsperson and the journo
Yesterday’s Times had a full-page opinion piece on Scrapping the BBC Tax. The DM had a page full of letters on the same topic, all in favour. In the wake of the Gender Gap and Obscene Wages revelations, many are asking questions.
Could this be the beginning of the end of the Extortion Tax and the demise of the Bloated Biased Corporation?
Oh Happy Day!
New contender for most vomit-inducing luvvie programme of the week on Radio 4 just now: Behind the Scenes, about the Royal Ballet’s dance piece inspired by the International Refugee Crisis, set to Gorecki’s Symphony of Sorrowful Songs. What a brilliant solution to the problem! A dance piece!
I would call it the international Death of Western Civilisation crisis, with cockneys crying and lithe dancers conveying the angst of rape victims whilst liberals in blindfolds looking the other way dance joyfully.
Yes Beeb- not an r4 today – at least an hour on queer programmes and the rest is really their favourite stuff about alleged cuts and how nice illegals are.
3:30pm same virtue signalling
Just as Countryfile gives us the MetroBubble view of the countryside
R4 MH gives us the MetroBubble view of British history.
4pm Celebrity Gay : Mary Portas
(whose son is actually her sister in laws child)
6:30pm Celebrity Gay : David Sedaris
Will the BBC be featuring ‘celebrity gays’ such as Dr David Starkey, Douglas Murray, Milo Yianoppoulis and Peter Whittle? Can’t think why not.
Yes, the BBC are at it again today. No transgender story too small to cover, no transgender who isn’t truly wonderful:
So they are using a piece of music inspired by the extermination of Jewish people in Poland to promote the extermination of the people in Europe by mass Islamic immigration?
Day 7 … BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees whose wages are £80K or above are added to the BBC Expenses website. Just like BBC Director General, Lord Hall, who is on £450K, but uses BBC expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality which could be a sandwich or a massage. Only the Lord will ever know, you the TV Tax Payer will never know even though you paid £145 towards his sandwich or massage or cocktail!
Just like the BBC’s 100 DAYS programme, the humble BBC Tax Payers should ask the BBC for a “100 BBC DAYS PROGRAMME” covering – high wages, gender gap, employees not following BBC guidelines on sharing their opinions online, money spent facilitating pedophiles, employees hiding money in external companies … I currently only have 13 Days … {biasedbbc post}.
Google search for “bbc 100 days”: BBC labels it factual, I would add with a heavy sprinkle of speculation and smirking …
BBC News – 100 Days {bbc.co.uk 2017}
http://www.bbc.co.uk › Factual › Politics
As President Trump takes office, Katty Kay in Washington and Christian Fraser in London report on the events that are shaping the world.
Autocue readers salaries vs MPs salaries
“The basic annual salary for an MP was increased from £67,060 to £74,000 on 31 July 2015, backdated to 8 May 2015.”
Do the employees who actually write the contents on the BBC autocue get double the readers money, because they have to think?
My wife is a nurse who would have to work for 70 years to earn the same as Chris Evans receives from the BBC in one year, repeat one year for playing records and failing on Top Gear.
BBC could you justify this please?
Does anyone really think the Tories will do anything about these obscene payments the publicly funded BBC pay their ‘stars’.
Karen Bradley treats us with contempt. The politicians from all parties treat us with contempt.
MPs need to know that if they do not actually force the BBC to reduce the pay of their blokes, and explain why they still use Ross?
Well, then, we`ll revisit the MPs expenses and will not settle for some little shit like Bercow getting a cushioned car seat and some ladders for his wifes boudoir. We really should have mucked out the barn back then shouldn`t we?
The BBC and the MPs are now linked and both are in this together…they need to know it.
BBC, how about this permissible (Halal) story?
1. Contact all certified companies on the Halal Food Authority.
Some of which are – Warburtons, CBL Drinks, Princes Ltd, Buckingham Cakes, McCullum, ADM Milling, Allied Bakeries, Kellogg’s Supply Services (Europe) Ltd, Unilever Bestfoods UK, Nestle Turkey, Mars Chocolate, Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pinguin Foods UK Ltd, Biomar Ltd, Union Papertech Ltd, European Freeze Dry, 1 Stop Halal Eye (UK 5008 EC), H R Jasper & Son Ltd Botathan (UK8113EC), Warburtons, 2 Sisters, Sunderland (Batch Certified)
2. Ask if the company supports animal discrimination? Yes or No answer.
3. Ask if the company supports positive employment discrimination? Yes or No answer.
4. Compile list of responses from the Halal Certified companies.
5. Now respond to each company stating that being Halal certified means, from the website:
– exclude pork from all their products now and in the future, which is animal discrimination.
– exclude non-Muslims from performing the slaughter of animals and the Muslim, which is positive employment discrimination.
– does the Halal certified company back ALL the laws in the Islamic Sharia texts, by using Halal you are promoting Sharia (from which Halal is derived). Death by stoning and forced conversion to Islam?
6. If the company does not agree to animal and employment discrimination and Sharia then the company must state what it does agree with in terms of pork, reciting the Koran and which of the Sharia laws it agrees and disagrees with – with which will possibly lose the company’s Halal license!
7. Take the findings to Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London and get his response to Halal in London and UK (Chicken Cottage {biasedbbc post}) based on the findings above.
Halal Food Authority Halal Definitions extracts from the page ….
“The Halal food Authority rules for halal are based on Islamic Shari’ah. (Sharia includes death by stoning, forced conversion) …
– a Muslim will recite tasmiya orshahada (can a non-Muslim do this?) …
– A Muslim should perform slaughter (can a non-Muslim do this?)”
Halal Food Authority Halal Tradition extracts from the page ….
No. HFA believes that both methods are Shariah compliant.
Would the BBC be tough enough to run with that Halal (permissible) story or would it be Haram (unlawful or forbidden)?
And the BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2017 team award….goes to
For goodness sake, Alan Shearer gets 500.000 pounds a year for appearing for nine minutes on Match of the Day.
James Naughtie receives 200,000 pounds a month for a half an hour programme. It’s completely unbelievable.
If I have this wrong please by all means correct me.
For god’s sake politicians do blinkin’ something, for once do something about this disgusting overgrown behemoth.
I never thought I’d say this but politicians look positively underpaid compared to Lineker 1.8 million for presenting a TV programme. I blame myself, I had the opportunity of running him over in Esher when visiting Sandown races. He walked out straight in front of me at a pedestrian crossing just as the lights were changing to green. I still wish I had released my clutch a bit earlier.
At least Shearer doesn’t spout leftist propaganda and get paid for doing so unlike most of the rest.
Doublethinker, are you trying to make me feel good?
No , but Shearer spouts harmless rubbish the rest spout dangerous propaganda.
Little Emily because-i’m-worth-it Maitlis still endlessly gnawing at the dry bone of Trump’s Russian connection, yawn, on Newsshite, double yawn. But what a pleasure to see the heavens open up and piss down on her and Saint Obama’s ex-adviser.
The universe trying to tell you something, Em?
(8:30′ mins in)
So then Charlie , the actor on Casualty receives 350,000 pounds a year for PRETENDING to be a Nurse.
My wife gets just over 35,000 pounds per year for being a REAL nurse in intensive care.
BBC could you please justify this?
What would Labour say?
– reveal how many lives your wonderful wife as a nurse has saved or helped on £35K verses the number of lives Charlie from Casualty has saved or helped on £350K.
– reveal the amount of time your wife as a nurse does verses Charlie’s time (most of it waiting I would imagine, does he have a fit-bit to track his motions?)
– then do a cost/benefit analysis, fully costed on the BBC employee verses a nurse in the real world.
“Austerity Kills (maybe, no details given)” but the “BBC funds a pretend nurses at x10 the cost (£350K) who does not save or help anybody.”
– Think of the ‘real’ children that could be saved! Rather than the children pretending to be ill who star with Charlie and also get paid with the enforced BBC TV Tax.
Given that BBC Question Time is not owned by the BBC. It was sold to Mentorn, a company based in Llanelli, in 1998. Shouldn’t the profits of sale be handed to the licence fee payer? Who received to monies receives from the sale? It is up for sale again today, I believe the figure is an astounding 500 million. Happy to be corrected if I’m wrong.
What idiot working for the BBC thought it was a good idea to sell the rights of Question Time in 1998?
Bake Off was another, it was never owned by the BBC. The BBC was just used to show the programme, it was the means by which it was shown despite the BBC not owning e rights. This programme was not a publicly funded broadcast which is what the BBC is meant to provide. It was a privately broadcasted programme used for private profit.
BBC could you please justify this?
Purnell’s gang are all Blairites. The Islington metropolitan ‘elite’. Blairs Broadcasting Corporation.
They make me sick.
The Gender thing was a smokescreen. They will put the female presenter’s wages up. Let’s have all wages considerably down, especially Graham Norton’s 900,000 pounds which does not include the private production company he owns called would you believe the Graham Norton company where he syphons off more licence fee taxpayers monies.
I didn’t know that Claudia Winkleman is Eve Pollard’s daughter until I listened to TalkRadio. I wondered how she got such a plum job. Certinly not by talent. Still, she only gets 600,000 pounds a year.
Good old Taunton library has a copy of Craig Olivers book on how he,Cameron and the Remainiacs lost that referendum.
A despicable, self-serving oily creep-but(like Yanis Vaoufakis) well worth a read for the dominant mindsets that have led us to here.
To see BBC hacks, broadsheets and quangos, half-arsed apologietc leavers and Remoaners out on manoevres really boils your piss. They despise us and see things like sovereignty as an Eton Wall Game that pays them very well-they fiddle the voting rolls, leap around when Obama tells us tosh. And really hoped that those who wouldn`t vote for their crap parties would similarly fail to vote to get out.
Had we not depressed them, made them marginal losers over the last 43 years? So we can discount the chavs and plebs.
That`s the drift of the book.
Suffice to say that Lord Craig Charles and Mandelson have not gone away and continue to poison the wells and water holes…and the same BBC stiffs, charities, universities, greenies and reflective scum like Parris and Soubry are STILL in charge of the cultural wars.
And are still going around the battlefields, bayoneting the survivors, as if they won.
As Steve Bannon taught us-culture is upstream of the political lake-and we really need to sort the culture . Oliver does not need to lean on the BBC…yet he still blames them for letting Gove on to speak.
We want out.
And the BBC names complicit in their conspiracy against the little people ought to be our first target. Why do we pay both Chiles AND Garvey?
They used to be married-so live on the one salary if you`re on our tab!
The beebistan usually devote acres to crimes against a) wimmin, 2) ethnic minorities and 3) muslims.
This story has all 3, yet was barely covered on al beebeera, buried away under Regions, never adequately investigated, explained or reported, and has now disappeared completely from the vile website.
Couldn’t possibly be because she was murdered by fellow muslims, who on top of that were RACIST against ARABS!!
Oh dear, way off message in so many ways, bury that story quick!
But never mind eh, they’ve got Saint Nadiya on how to make samosas.
DM: “Pictured, the aspiring make-up artist murdered because she went out with a muslim Arab: Indian teen ‘was dragged from the shower, raped and had her throat slit in honour killing by Taser-wielding men’.”
Absolute savagery isn’t it, no tears from Lily Allen for this poor girl.
But there will be teddy bears and candles and street demonstrations, surely ?
A deafening silence from all the right-on crowd about this savage and shocking crime, yet according to the hard Left Marxist John McDonnell, the people who died at Grenfell Tower were victims of “social murder”, whatever the hell that is.
He should be arrested for incitement to violence.
Muslim on muslim rape and murder. Indian racism against Arabs. And Arabs are racist against black Africans. And the cowardly hypocrite vermin at the BBC have nothing to say. That is itself BBC racism. Because their silence could imply that they do not expect any better from these barbarians. The BBC, institutionally racist.
Pre-charging the BBC story uses the words
“Two men”
“Two women”
“suspicion of murder”
Post charging : sub judice rules kick in, but that doesn’t stop LibMob Media normally if it’s someone they don’t like.
The BBC Post charging story
uses the words
“Man charged with kidnap, rape and murder of teenager”
and “Another man, 28, has been charged with the kidnap of both women”
All names have been suppressed; seemingly by police
The BBC story is so obviously about non-whites, cos it follows the standard pattern of not mentioning ethnicity and ‘never mention Islam.’
Dear Richard Dawkins (and your friend Mr. Free Speech) event ticket buyers,
We regret to inform you that KPFA has canceled our event with Richard Dawkins. We had booked this event based entirely on his excellent new book on science, when we didn’t know he had offended and hurt – in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.
KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier. We also apologize to all those inconvenienced by this cancellation. Your ticket purchases will automatically be refunded by Brown Paper Tickets.
KPFA Radio 94.1 FM (KPFA do not define Abusive speech? Please list examples of what you did not like Richard Dawkins saying…)
– free speech hurts, hurting someones feelings is not allowed, end all hurting and hate, hate is a crime as long as you hate the wrong thing. {steynonline.com jul2017}
But hate speech by muslim preachers is OK. Hypocrites.
*sigh* the most frustrating thing is that all the evidence is available because we have freedom of speech, but nobody wants to see or hear it …
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013] {youtube link}
The PM Theresa May could get top 10 Imams from around the UK, have a nice cup of tea with them and then ask them to stand in front of number 10 and ask a question about the religion of peace and say ‘Who agrees put you hand up, if you do agree then say why …’
1. Hand up if a man who writes a piece of fiction should have a death contract put on his life?
2. Hand up if a man who is homosexual should be killed?
3. Hand up if a man who draws a cartoon should be killed?
Theresa May would follow it with … “Hand up for yes only please, no mumbling about translation and different era. If you put your hand up you get 2 minutes to explain your position. Many thanks.”
Done, dusted and out of the way and in the open …
Well said. Free speech in UK only applies to certain people . The lack of free speech in UK is oppressive. I am British but live in Gambia and I am ashamed to say that there is more freedom of speech there than in UK. Hard to believe that it has come to this.
On the other side of discussion, Theresa May would say … “By NOT putting their hands up (the 10 Imams), these 10 Imams agree that the contract on Salman Rushdie is wrong and should be abolished today. The killing of homosexuals should be condemned by all Muslims or all faiths in all Countries. The Islamic reaction and resultant deaths from the ‘Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy’ were all wrong and anybody can draw Mohammed, today if they wanted to. These 10 Imams outside number 10 have all agreed the previous statement, they also represent Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, in these matters.”
Done, dusted and out of the way and in the open …
Yes, but we all know that Treezer would never have the balls for that ! Maggie may have done but Treezer ain’t no Maggie.
“Enough is Enough!” – No More Tears – Barbra Streisand / Donna Summer
* accidental find
I demand that the BBC licence fee comes down substantially.
It does not need so many channels. Why pay someone like Jeremy Vine 700,000 pounds for playing records on Radio 2. I can listen to music on any commercial radio station for free. Radio 1 and 2 are dinosaurs.
Jeremy Vine received an extra 60,000 pounds for assisting on election night. One night only. My wife does a night shift as a nurse and is lucky to get 1/400th of this amount.
You can demand all you want Mr Wronged, if you stop paying the BBC you go to prison and Chris Evans still gets paid £2.2m for how many hours work? Yet to be determined!
On the flip side whilst in prison you would not be paying Chris Evans or Garry Lineker’s wages.
Agreed Marky Mark,
Apparently, Graham Norton is the biggest earner, it must be tied up in his production company. Another hypocrite whose earnings have not been revealed is Benedict Cumberbatch, he who tells us we should all be accepting Syrian refugees into our society, don’t recall him adopting any.
I have written to the BBC outlining my disgust, I do not intend to let this go as I hope neither will others.
Next year the BBC has set up a new production company called BBC Studio which will enable them to hide the BBC ‘stars’ wages. I hope the government do not let them get away with this.
You and the other complainers make me sick. You are so ungrateful. These luvvies are worth every penny. They are special people. Not like the rest of us nonentities.
There must be hundreds and hundreds of people who could do as good if not better a job than Gary Lineker, Claudia Winkleman, Jonathan Ross, Laura Keunseberg, Fatboy Nolan, etc, etc.
Shearer’s hourly rate has been worked out to be 83,300 pounds per hour.
Whatever happened to supply and demand?
It is a fantasy world , with our money , and none of these creeps would survive with a real job . Waste of money, waste of time , waste of space.
Peter Obourne made the comment
The top General in the British Army receives a wage of 175,000 pounds per year. About 10 times the salary of a new recruit.
Why don’t the BBC follow this format? They won’t lose their talent because they haven’t got much to lose. Brillo is the only one with talent.
” They won’t lose their talent because they haven’t got much to lose.” That reminds me of a comment I heard during one of the banking/financial crashes, a PR apologist was defending obscene bonuses being paid to staff of failed financial institutions. “But we have to pay them to attract the best people” he bleated, “You haven’t got any best people” an exasperated observer shouted. I think the same can be said of the BBC.
Totally agree Wronged, and I read those spot on comments by Peter Obourne.
Why ? because there is a mysterious ‘aura’ about appearing on film and television that seems to warrant paying mega amounts. Soccer and sports stars aside, there appears to be few other career paths where Agents are involved to ‘negotiate’ salaries. ‘Market forces’ are the buzz words to excuse the exorbitant amounts paid to talking tv heads, which is a load of bollocks. A teacher does pretty much the same to a class of children without an autocue, so why the disparity there ?????
The reason these people can be paid ‘mega amounts’ is because of the multiplier effect of mass media that they played no part in creating.
The work of a car maker can only be charged to the buyer of the cars he makes. The work of a doctor can only be charged to the (theoretical) account of the NHS patients that they treat.
A J.K. Rowling just scribbles some words on paper once. Some kind soul type-sets it for her and the presses roll out millions of copies for pennies but sold for pounds. Another kind soul turns the words into a screen play which is ‘filmed’ and duplicated in minutes onto a multitude of hard-drives to be watched at pounds per seat. How much would be a J.K. Rowling be worth if she had to walk from village to village telling her tales around the camp fire?
And so it is with our BBC ‘talent’, read a few words but charge it to the many, all through the magic of mass media.
Hamas….Hezbollah… Islamic Al ShabeeBBC. All 3 Terrorist organisations are maniacally driven to bring about the complete destruction of the state of Israel.
Today, is this propaganda masterpiece that has taken facts and reality, and blown them to pieces in true Islamic style.
“Israel has removed metal detectors from outside a holy site in East Jerusalem after uproar from Palestinians over their recent introduction” ….Yeah, nothing like the uproar of having to go through metal detectors is there Al Qaebeeba? Its not like you havent forced the entire British public to have to go through that at airports etc to accommodate your sick comfort woman arrangement with death team cult is it! And besides….who wouldnt rather be shot or knifed to death than having to wait in line to go through metal detectors?….
You think thats bad???
“There were deadly clashes after the metal detectors were set up, which Palestinians saw as an Israeli attempt to assert control over the site.
Israel said they were necessary to prevent weapons being smuggled in.
“It followed the killing on 14 July of two Israeli policemen by Israeli-Arab gunmen, who police say had hidden their weapons on the hilltop site known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as Haram al-Sharif”…oh right…its Israeli-Arabs when it suits you, you devious b@stards!
And how about this slight of hand, which would make David Copperfield proud..
“The violence left four Palestinians dead in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, while three Israeli civilians were stabbed to death by a Palestinian who had said he was avenging Israeli measures at the holy site”…yeah, violence caused by muslims carrying out mad mo’s life instruction and enriching Israeli’s at Temple Mount! Then, like any sane non-islamic person would do, when Isreal tries to defend itself, it leads to even more enrichment!
Unfortunatley Al Shabeeb have changed the best part (not sure when they updated the webpage), which was a photo of people going through the metal detectors. In it, the caption did say “Palestinians line up at the metal detectors” even though the f**king picture clearly showed a group including white and black tourists in it! Are the militants at Al Shabeeb hate Isreal that much and are that detacted from reality they believe they can make people ignore their own eyes!
This is holy war, being carried out by Muslims as instructed to do so for their entire lives by their prophet. This most evil of mindset from the darkest of ages is already being witnessed on our own soil and all over Europe. It will only get worse…it can only get worse…
British hating, white hating, man hating, Christian hating, Jew hating BBC at its very worst. The enemy at the Islamic Al Beeb are at war with us all
Excellent !
Question to anyone here. Have the BBC ever known a terrorist organisation which they do not like ?
Yes the so-called ‘BBC’ hate the following terrorist groups (well as defined by those lunatics anyway):
1: All white men
2: Anyone who doesnt want to suspend reality and ignore the X & Y chromosomes in every fibre of men and womens bodies.
3: Anyone who isnt brainwashed enough to therefore learn about Islam and learn that rather than peace, it means submission, hatred, intolerance, and authorised slaughter of the infidels.
4: Donald Trump and anyone in the white house, regardless of their past, their beliefs, or what they are trying to achieve.
5: Christianity
6: The state of Israel
7: Brexit
The BBC’s definition of terrorist is the same as their view of anything, perverted.
The beauty of coming to this site is that we`ve long been able to track the BBCs descent into madness and treason.
Great people like Sue of old-as well as titans like Melanie Phillips, Stephen Pollard in the wider media-have long called out the lefts hatred and bias against the nation state of Israel.
Newswatch, Sultan Knish and the Jewish Chronicle/Jerusalem Times are all freely available online, with good friends sometimes able to get past the paywalls to tell the rest of us what`s being said.
There is no excuse-Corbyn and his Momentum goons , Livingston and Tonge are clear Islamic Green Flags that serve as a warning from history.
The BBC are biased to their very marrow because they are progressives, thick and prefer Lennon to Cohen.
Israel is one small democratic country given over to the Jews as biblicaly authorised. The 52 Muslim majority countries outnumber them 200 times over re population, have the oil and cheap labour with no mention of Jerusalem whatsover in their Koran…but created a pretxt with some crap about Muhammad having a dream re flying from Wembleys Twin Towers or such( Ossies Dream!). Of course the liberal left will favour the Yank hating, Jew baiting EU basting cult of Islam over the creatives, business, genius and traditions of the Jewish people.
God will cut them down as Mr Cash sang…israel will be fine , if the EU and BBC have to become bloodies sandpits then so be it.
We won`t.
Not all metal detectors are equal … Flashback to 2011: “Explosives detectors to be installed at gates of Mecca’s Holy Mosque” {jihadwatch.org jul2017}
“Explosives detectors are to be installed at the entrances to the Holy Mosque in Mecca as the Saudi authorities boost security around the city’s holy sites.” {original article – guardian – aug2011}
I wish the BBC would add some World history to their stories. If only they had metal detectors back in 1979 … The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. {wiki nov1979}
Pilgrims on Hajj (Grand Mosque, Mecca) do not regularly pass through metal detectors in the vicinity of the holy sites, but they do pass through them on the way to Hajj at border controls and at airports. {jpost.com jul2017}
– all Muslims could all go in naked as a sign of solidarity?
Signs in English but I tend to associate a propensity for nudity with mainland Europeans, now I know there are homegrown aficionados and I’m not judging. Well I am actually, most un British, best left to the continentals.
Transparent Burqas? A new market for Nike – to celebrate religious diversity transparent Burqas.
Don’t worry … Lady Gaga was already there…

Let’s be honest – Gaga isn’t changing the game for Muslim women – she’s far more concerned with selling records than with taking a political stance – but rather than be offended by her latest outlandishness I find myself smiling at the thought of her being stopped by French officials while shopping in Galeries Lafayette or harangued at JFK airport as she returns to the US. Of course she probably won’t be. But the exceptionalism she’s afforded reveals a double standard far more concerning than the absurdity of a transparent burka.independent {independent aug2013}
… oddly I cannot find the Gaga Pink Burqa on BBC web site? I could be wrong …
Google Search : “site:bbc.co.uk Gaga burqa” – no pink burqa in results!
Interesting suggestion, but the mullahs would soon see what lies behind it.
Geniuse. Stick a couple of solar panels on it and cut oil imports from the Saudis … ah wait… might have to rethink that. Will this idea get as airing on the new Tomorrows World with the girl who won baking and that hobby physics bloke and another cheap woman – maybe meeecheeellll Hussain ?
Why would Mecca need metal detectors? Only Muslims are allowed in this city of 2 million people and as we all know, Islam is a religion of peace.
Surely the holiest city in the Islam world that isn’t corrupted by anyone other than Muslims would be the safest, most peaceful place in the world…
Taken from Ephraim Hardcastle in the D/Mail…………..
“Neither Calcutta-born AMOLD RAJAN 34, BBC Media Editor, nor newscaster CLIVE MYRIE 52, who has Jamaican parents, complained during the Corporation’s gender pay row, despite both earning below the £150,000 threshold. I am told they were called into Head of News JAMES HARDING’S office and GIVEN £30,000 PAY BOOSTS, bringing their salaries up to £150,000, muting accusations of ethnic-minority discrimination. Harding himself earns £340,000 incidentally”
Again, words fail me. Hands up those on here who would get even a £3,000 pay rise this year ? This stinks.
BBC corporation should flatten all wages to 80K. Apply Jeremy Corbyn Economics ala Venezuela. Money saved reduced TV License and helps the Many, not the Few.
“For the Many (License Payers generating £3.5bn), Not the Few (Employees on £150K and increasing)”
Breaks the too wow to be True rule
..and he can’t spell Amol.
We begin to see the tactic, a procession of Tory ministers sent out with lefty flavoured policies in an attempt to pluck a half-congratulatory headline or two from the BBC.
Justine Greening and her transgenders and now Sajid Javid with some guff about housebuilders and leases. The later may be a good idea or not – that’s not the problem. If the law needed tightening for the public benefit then do it. The problem is chasing the approval of the left liberal media.
Today the BBC News Channel provided us with a great exemplar – the BBC framed the minister’s new iniative this way: yes this was a terrible problem, a nasty case of capitalism ripping off the little man. The new policy was late but welcome and obviously did not go far enough. By this evening I expect Labour quotes to be included in the BBC news backing up these sentiments and so a Tory initiative will be used to give Labour the better write up.
It was well intentioned but doomed to fail
Mrs May, stop pandering to the BBC – it won’t help you.
Crawling to anyone is just a sign of weakness. The Elite’s crawling to muslims does not seem to have paid dividends.
As to leaseholds vs freeholds. Won’t that just increase land and house prices ?
Houses were very rarely leasehold in the past, Grant – this seems to be a way of providing ‘affordable’ housing and then stiffing the purchasers by hiking up the costs from what they were originally quoted. I’d never buy a leasehold house.
True. But they can deal with the problem without abolishing leaseholds. That will only put the initial cost of a house up. I really do not think they know what they are doing.
Certainly Grant – I do agree with your last sentence! I used to work in a housing-related public sector and got to know a lot about housing and land law, leasehold houses were rare but not unheard of. Shared ownership to my mind is a far better option whereby all the costs are set out in the shared ownership lease (well, they used to be, maybe that’s changed) and are legally binding.
Agreed. There are lots of ways round this problem but Government ministers are too ignorant to understand and their Civil Servants and “advisors ” are just as ignorant. None of them have any real world experience.
“Houses were very rarely leasehold in the past”
No they weren’t. Plenty of houses were sold on ‘ninety-nine year leases’. That was one reason for bringing in the Leasehold Reform Act 1967.
One of the nasty sides to leasing is that any property on the land passes to the landord at the end of the lease. Our local scout group experienced that. They leased some land from the council for a nominal few pounds per year and on it they built a scout ‘hut’, (a proper brick built hall, kitchen, toilets etc.) The lease came to and end, the council took ownership of the ‘hut’ and then, some years later, started charging an ‘economic rent’ for the land and the building.
Leasing land has always been good for those in for the long haul, just ask the Duke of Westminster.
JimS – that may have been true in certain areas, definitely in London but I processed a lot of land transactions in several areas in England over 20 years and I don’t think that I ever came across a leasehold house. By the way, I did mean by ‘the past’, my experiences in the 80s and beyond so yes, the 1967 Act would have meant fewer leasehold houses.
What you have said about your scout group is one of the reasons why I wouldn’t touch a leasehold house!
Agreed, if you have the money to pay for a freehold ! But , if I owned land , I would not sell it for the same price freehold as leasehold. Unless I was stupid !
Yep I was an estate agent from 1970 until middle of the 1990’s. I was at the beginning of the council house sell off in the early 70’s and most had a Leasehold attachment, albeit 999 years with a peppercorn ground rent – so virtually freehold. Then there was the complicated ‘flying’ freehold in the case of a property – normally flat, where a room was above an open space like an alleyway.
You admit to being an Estate Agent in the past ? It is noted. Confession time . No freeholds in Gambia and the lease on my land ( 1 acre ) only has 84 years to run. I was robbed. I paid £5000 for that land !
Yes Grant, when I joined the ‘business’ in 1970 no-one was allowed to value property before they had done an apprentice time in the office and learnt about square footages and how to value properly, watched over by a Chartered Surveyor. Times changed when Building Societies got in on the act which saw the advent of the ‘white sock brigade’, and suddenly the world and his wife became an expert valuer ! Many’s the time when I went to give a valuation and was told by the house owner what they wanted regardless of what I thought the property was worth; and wondered what the hell I was doing there if they knew better than me ! The business then developed an awful reputation of ‘being paid for doing sod-all’ which wasn’t strictly true, although there are rogues in all walks of life, but the stigma has never gone away.
I’ve often said I could write a book on my experiences, and it would make a terrific sitcom.
Working v hard recently so less time to visit and post at BBBC, but couldn’t let this one go.
R4 Today this morning: a look at the possible consequences of a free trade deal between USA and UK. Lower quality food, lower animal welfare standards and “chlorine chicken”. No potential upsides got a mention!
The answer is in the question ‘consequences of a free trade deal‘. Or we could continue and trade with Countries where the country imposes high tariffs on the UK.
There, in the question is one answer. But hey, they may or may not have mentioned it on R4 Today.
Free trade implies no tariffs. What makes the BBC think that EU food and welfare standards are better than the USA ? In fact, what makes the BBC think they know anything much about anything. Seems to me that they are a pretty ignorant bunch of wasters.
#LondonIsOpen (except USA) is a major campaign – launched by the Mayor, Sadiq Khan – to show that London is united and open for business (except to largest economy in the World – GDP$19,417 billions), and to the world (except USA), following the EU referendum.{biasebbc}
I would prefer if Sadiq “For the Many Halal Chickens for Islam businesses, Not the Few Halal Chickens when I’m Mayor {biasebbc}” Khan was behind trading with the USA, he doesn’t seem to be pushing another country (Pakistan Bus? {biasebbc}) to replace the missed opportunities that USA would bring.
Were the BBC pointing out these possible consequences when they were reporting on TTIP (the FTA between the USA and EU)?
Really, no…well that’s strange isn’t it?
And picking up on that, how dare the Beeb talk about lower animal welfare standards – where does Halal fit in with this?
bBBC reporting that itv got the highest viewing figures yesterday
Love Island breaks ITV2 audience record
Even more bad news for them ?
Let’s hope they are shitting themselves.
Looby –
If they are, they would probably have the toilet rolls delivered from Harrods and claim them on expenses.
BBC Website reports “more than 80000 NHS posts vacant ” . Shortages particularly of nurses and midwives. But not managers, it seems. I wonder why ?
Good news from BBC archives … British colonial power played a major role, enforcing treaties that prohibited slaving. {bbc.co.uk sep2009}
“The British felt that they had a mission to do this – as can be seen from this Foreign Office document of 1861:
Captain Hamerton should take every opportunity of impressing upon these Arabs that the nations of Europe are destined to put an end to the African Slave Trade”
The British action did not gain universal support. The Sultan of Zanzibar (Muslim) wrote to the British Consul:
If I put a stop to the traffic in slaves it will ruin these countries (African), and it will ruin my subjects; and I am sure that the British Government would never agree to this; my friend, it is in my wish to comply with all the desires of the British Government but these countries cannot do without slaves. For the British Government is far off, and does not know the circumstances of these countries.
Is it me, or have the bBBC just removed an article about Trump angering parents re the Boy Scouts? There is a video, but I find their searches useless.
Although he did have a dig at Obama, the article was so biased, with reliable evidence from Twitter about Facebook, of course.
Can’t find it on google either
Found it
It’s a good read
Migrants near Calais hijack UK lorry and attack driver with a brick.
In the Express, but not on beebistan of course.
Mssr Martel,
A good reason to cut off trade with the EU. No safety for drivers. No trade.
Does France have an army anymore?
Any trade war between the UK and the EU, the EU lose. Simples. We need a PM with balls to ram this home to these people .
For anyone who needs to stop overnight in Calais, go to Ibis or Mercure near Eurotunnel. We stayed there in April, there were about 40 police cars and vans in the car park, I gather that’s where the reinforcements stay between shifts. We felt very reassured about leaving our car there overnight with all those coppers around.
This is bad news though, we’re going through Calais in a few weeks and was hoping it had all died down. We have planned to get there early morning at about 8am-ish, quick bit of shopping (one at a time so as not to leave the car unattended) and then straight to Eurotunnel. I gather that they make their assaults mainly through the night so hopefully they won’t be bothering us. Any advice would be helpful though from anyone who is more familiar with the situation.
I see the Richard Dawkins de invite has been covered already, however there is a worrying development which appears to have been overlooked.
We all I’m sure recognise the brutal enthusiasm the Fascists have adopted Political Correctness and I have no doubt that this will continue in the future.
What exactly is ‘hurtful speech’?
We all know about the non existent and meaningless ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crime’ but now there’s another one? I take it that this is a kind of lesser offence, and that now it is becoming unacceptable to the Fascists to even say anything mildly critical of the groups they champion ?
I fully expect this new oppressive nastiness to cross the pond and be seized on by those on the Left (Tories and Labour) and other assorted Fascists.
It is clear that in California they have a very different definition of ‘Free’ and ‘Freedom’ because they certainly seem incapable of applying it in the real world.
For a minute I thought I’d gone on the al jazzera website not al Beeb. In the culture section is a long article by someone called Joobin Bekhrad (anagram?) on “the ancient Arabic Kama sutra” . I obviously haven’t read it but I’m guessing that Muslims invented sex long before westerners did and were always better at it. Normally of course involved kidnapping a young girl. Locking her up , abusing her and cutting her throat before cutting her up and putting her in a chest freezer. Oh al Beeb how lost are you.
I have an investment in a VCT which has shown a 17.5 % rise in NAV , before dividends, in the year to 28 February 2017. ( Am I smug ? Yes ! ). Don’t ask the BBC what that means because they will not understand.
But I paraphrase from the Chairman’s Statement . ” Many commentators predicted that a number of events should have upset the stock market , including Brexit, US election, and forecasts of slow economic growth in the UK . They have been proven wrong “.
As not reported on the BBC.
I wish the BBC and the media in general would ignore ‘viral’ social media stories, they are invariably dross and amount to mass slander against ordinary people behaving as ordinary people do, i.e. sometimes badly.
However it was amusing to hear Jeremy Vine’s take on the Fergus Beeley ‘event’. First there was no mention of who he was or his BBC connections. Then the story was developed and the fact that he had worked for the BBC came out. Next up we have somone from the BBC to tell us how nice the man was and how he even did courses on ‘meaningfulness’ so he must be more like a buddhist monk than a bloodthirsty murderer. Finally a nice lady tells us that he was probably reverting to some pre-historic urge to protect his wife.
Now if he had been a UKIP man on some parish council in the Outer Hebrides we just know that ‘rage’ would be symbolic of the hatred inate in all Brexiteers. It is a property of bubbles that objects outside look distorted when looking from the inside.
BBC Distinctiveness – Report prepared for Ofcom – jun 2017
– BBC are running out of words to call themselves – Distinctiveness (like a smell?) – far cry from World Leading!
Text Searching …
Muslim x 3; Christian x 0; Transgender x 12 ; BME x 5; Gay x 4; Truth x 0; factual x 12; Diversity x 14; Diverse x 22; honest x 2; lies x 0; allah x 0; religion x 1; wrong x 1; LGB x 9; hetero x 1; white x 18; fake x 0; jew x 0; buddhist x 0; rape x 0; rotherham x 0; money x 0; lesbian x 3; bi-sexual x 2; Conservative x 1; Labour x 0; tv license x 0; unique funding x 2; prison x 0; tax x 0; left-wing x 1; right-wing x 0; parliament x 1; politics x 0; uk values x 8; savile x 0;
“It’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, that’s why. It has a long standing tradition of honesty,
Older group (50+), Leeds
However, the BBC being a British institution was also seen as a weakness by some participants, as they felt the BBC represented and served a predominantly white, middle class audience. These participants thought the BBC was set in its ways, and perhaps presented a more establishment view of Britain and Britishness. Some valued this role for the BBC, but others wanted to see much greater diversity on the BBC, with a move away from a perceived white, middle class, and often London-focused perspective. {page 16}
Participants were hesitant to endorse UK values, as this was seen as a contested idea
In addition, participants were hesitant about the idea of reflecting UK values to the world, as they were unsure what values these would be. Participants felt that trying to define ‘UK values’ would be a highly contested debate, and that even if it was possible to agree on what UK values were they were unsure whether it would be good to reflect these to the world. Participants were concerned about the
imperialist connotations of this idea. {page 29}
“I think of Tony Hancock when I was a kid, Steptoe and Son, Monty Python, they were ground breaking comedy shows…you’re saying about shows from when we were younger but there’s not as much now. I don’t think the comedies and dramas are as good as they were.”
Older group (50+), Peterborough
“I like Live at the Apollo and Mock the Week, but I find they are conservative. They don’t take risks. They are scared of offending people and they want to make it fair for all … for risks I would go to Channel 4.”
Younger group (18-29), Peterborough
” … I *assume* it is saying that someone will sit down and work out what UK values are?!”
Ofcom document talks of values but does not define or show what they are? Truth? Rule of Law? Freedom of Speech? Skeptical of everything – especially religion? Mockery?