So President Trump talks about cutting a really good trade deal with the UK ANNNNND….the BBC wants to talk about chlorinated Chickens. Yup, that bad. So BMW announce a major investment in Mini plant in Oxford and the BBC wheels along an academic hack to tell us that the batteries for said vehicle will be made in Germany! No agenda there folks, no way! Anywhere this is where you detail the BIAS!
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Also on the radio, radio 5live. . Many women are given a procedure to prevent long- lasting incontinence brought on by childbirth. We are told that those for whom the operation goes wrong represent a much bigger % than the NHS would care to admit. Physiotherapy is apparently better than the procedure. 800 women are set to sue the NHS.
After wall to wall coverage supporting this position unchallenged, we much later and out of context ( they were on to the next carefully chosen topic) were allowed to hear briefly from a lady who had called in to say that her life had been positively transformed by the procedure. Just as she was explaining the benefits the line went dead.
Another classic technique of marginalising the public who do not support the chosen bBBC narrative.
R4 Now : Populism : Aditya Chakrabortty investigates five words that made the modern world.
For some reason Corbyn and Bernie were not on the list he began the prog with
This populism was not the worst one in this series.
But pretty bad at the end, as well as the predicatable usual targets.
Still though-got me thinking of OTHER words they could have chosen by way of what the political agenda is.
I`d say “Investment” ” family” “community” “solidarity” and ” Islamophobia! would have been my words.
Watched a bit of Good Morning Britain yesterday over on ITV. What a revelation. Yes it may be light, trivial, and frivolous. But it is also quite ‘feel-good’. What a contrast turning over to the bBBC. There, the atmosphere is of the sourpusses preaching the next doom-and- gloom story dredged up/ invented by the so-called ‘journalists’ in the newsroom. It really was slit-your-wrists time. Luckily we had an off button, oh that we had one for the licence fee.
Here is some information about the Trump trannie ban which readers might find useful and interesting.
According to a quick Google search the population of trans people is incredibly tiny around 0.1% That would put the UK population at around 600 000 which is clearly a ridiculous high number, something is clearly wrong. The issue is the leftie politically correct weasel word ‘transgender’ which covers so many bases that it is truly meaningless (as so many PC phrases are).
Even if you are Kenny Everett dressing up as Cupid Stunt, would be qualification enough to be included. So it is plain that better data is required.
Using the research undertaken by GIRES in 2010 only 12500 people had sought treatment for Gender related issues and based on past data only 7500 people in total have or will undergo the full process.
This is a vanishingly small number, especially in context of the enormous number being quoted by the Fascist Left, comprising self identifying loons like Jack Monroe.
Given all this why would there be an issue with the US military – to quote the song – relax, I can explain
Back in the day a hard line far left radical feminist called Janice Raymond wrote a viciously anti trans book called The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male She was also an advisor to the US government and under her direction they decided to omit gender conditions as a requirement for what US Medical Insurance would cover. As a consequence if you have all the best medical cover and are trans, then you have to pay for it all yourself.
This vicious tract is described now as ” extremely transphobic and as constituting hate-speech against transsexual men and women”
If therefore you cannot afford to pay for your medical treatment there is an alternative, – join the Forces ! A minimum four year enlistment take the first year training, (extremely expensive for the military) then announce you’re trans, and spend the next two years undergoing transition and all the medical attention you need for free. At the end of the two years and a surgical intervention there’s a recovery period of 6 – 9 months leaving just 3 months left before discharge having obtained everything for free and been paid for it into the bargain ! What’s not to like from the Trans point of view?
I don’t suppose Bradley Mannings antics have helped the Trans cause one little bit, especially with Obama ‘s pardon on leaving office as well.
So here is the big question. If the Fascists are all out protesting against the nasty Trump, why aren’t they protesting against the much worse Leftie feminist Janice Raymond, who was far more destructive than Trump will ever be?
Good post but just to point out that 0.1% of the UK population is about 60,000 rather than 600,000.
Which possibly brings all your numbers into line.
I note from a report commissioned by Richmond on Thames that another study estimated a trans population of up to 1% thus close to your 600,000 figure. The ONS do not keep stats but there are numbers for same sex marriages which suggest a gay population of between 2 and 3 %.
The idea that transgender people could number up to a half that of the gay population I personally consider to be utterly implausible. It’s probably another example of ‘minority group’ inflation.
The fact that the trans issue takes up such a lot of bBBC time, despite the tiny population, shows the extent of their insatiable need for LeftMob virtue-signaliing.
It’s ok, the BBC is totally on it…
Keeps Labour’s Brexit car crash off the headlines at least.
Not bbc and not bias, just liberal virtue signalling on a grand scale.
Sky news on Cyprus covering turtles as part of their bullshit ocean rescue program.
No evidence that turtles have declined as a result of plastic in the oceans. Holding up hatchling turtles, clearly in flapping flippers in distress because they are being held. Turtle numbers increasing. Why? Natural cycle I would imagine. But is doesn’t matter, the Sky brand, with their opportunistic campaign is promoted with an inconsequential story about turtles who actually weren’t doing too badly until Sky came along for a self-promoting photo shoot and scared the life out of the babies.
There’s a gap year scam with turtles.
You pay £1000 so your kid can help a turtle rescue charity.
He/she arrives job is to stand on a beach along with 30 other ‘paying volunteers’ and count 15 turtles between them.
Paying to volunteer ..means you are the product.
Made the mistake of watching a programme purportedly about the making of sweets during the Georgian era last night and found it was a diatribe about slavery conducted by a variety of tick-box nonentities. I was shocked I tell you, whatever has happened to the BBC !
Breakthru in battery tech : high density LIQUID BATTERIES
With added advantage
No carting around a tonne of battery like lithium.
Halfway thru the journey they have lost half their weight.
and when low they weigh almost nothing.
Code named D-Cell and Pet-rol
Two pieces of shit killed in Syria. Hard cack. They deserved it and knew what they were supporting. And if they watched the BBC news they would have been convinced that supporting Allah’s whacky army was a good thing
BBC wallows in grief and blames failures in the deradicalisation programme.
‘Graham Bartlett, independent chair of the Brighton and Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board, said: “The system as a whole let these young boys down. It’s a wake up call.
“This case has had a major impact on our understanding of the risks posed to children of exploitation through radicalisation.”
Well, they ain’t coming back
I read that bBC report whilst they promote the line that it was all the fault of the British
‘Opportunities missed’ to stop brothers’ Syria deaths
Opportunities were missed to spot the radicalisation of two teenage British Muslim brothers who died fighting in Syria in 2014, a report has found. Agencies had insufficient knowledge and understanding of minority and faith groups, a serious case review said.
The fact remains the entire Deghayes family are terrorists, not supporters, but actual terrorists. Be it the boys father who runs a jihahist mosque he took by force in 2006. Their uncle who went to fight a holy war in Afghanistan. the fact remain this is just another whitewash of Islamic appeasement where Islamic terrorists are made out to be..victims.
‘Opportunities missed’ …
– reveal which books they were reading the most from
– reveal who was their Imam, and what he said to them
– reveal which Mosque they went to and record their sermons for 6 months
– reveal how many women, children and civilians they killed whilst in Syria
– reveal if they once showed a bit of remorse for the actions they took
– reveal all the hours/money spent on these people to give them opportunities
– reveal all the opportunities they had, which they did not take
– reveal that even if we had sufficient knowledge and understanding of minority and faith groups – then what? What if we don’t agree with the knowledge we find? What then?
‘Opportunities missed’ to stop brothers’ Syria deaths { jul2017}
Faintly, in the distance, I can just hear the world’s smallest violin playing…
Rob – I feel a Windsor Davis moment coming along!
He was dealt with the Russian way !
I think that is called an elegant and pithy response from the bearded gentleman !
Ah well better the hammer than the sickle, our enrichers would have opened the door and thrown him out, Brighton pant’s or not.
I watched it twice, once just wasnt enough.
Even LibMob condemn Amol for the dumb stunt

‘Here’s a live report about us the BBC, from outside our own building’
What was the cost of that to the BBC Tax Payers? Cast and Crew! Interesting …can the BBC have film crews in front of George Orwell …
That’s a bloody awful statue of Orwell. He looks like he’s singing “I’m a little teapot.” Good job he hated the BBC!
Aye abit ‘Charlie Chaplin’.
Language Timothy (Giles)!
His father, Alan, was a talented and funny without any ‘effing’.
(It’s one thing to let the odd ‘eff’ slip into speech but Giles had to type 8 characters to add that bit of ‘enrichment’ to his prose).
Attention Attention.
Will all suicide bombers please take note.
Tom Darby
BBC Live reporter
Posted at
The country’s most overcrowded train is a Southern service running through Sussex and into London, new figures reveal.
The 07:16 service from East Grinstead to London Bridge typically squeezes 1,366 people into a dozen carriages designed for 640
Sounds a bit like India !
Because of Brexit … this is the destination … maybe ….

HS2 arrives at Birmingham Curzon Street.
Is that colonial engineering still working?
Why so much litter on the train track, yet so many people who could pick it up?
All the women are on the inside?
How do you decide who should sit down when you have 71 genders to contend with?
Does an 61 year old lady trump an 81 year old transvestite when sitting or standing on a train?
How do you collect tickets?
The guy in the green shirt looks cool – he’s done this before!
Care home rape : a Times : Andrew North investigation
\\Tadeo Binama, the deputy manager of the Hillgreen home in Enfield, was a convicted sex offender working in Britain illegally.
And it is claimed other homes saw the “sexual grooming” of residents who had sex with staff during their shifts.//
We have been repeated told that the UK doesn’t have enough/health care people so we have to bring in foreign “professionals”
to do the job.
Was the rapist white British ?
Woman sets up Gay Fiendly Mosque in Berlin
Result taxpaper has to use lots of funds to police it .
So now UK has invited this woman ton set up similar in the UK.
Have to , at least, admire her courage !
Well courage or stupidity. It will all end in tears and I hope that it’s failure makes some more of the liberal left and the gay community realise as a result that Islam and Western values cannot coexist and join the ranks of the resistance to further Islamification.
Yes, total misunderstanding of Islam. Very stupid. But, it may have some beneficial effects.
I think someone should have a word with this woman and explain to her that she is not a muslim. A feminist cannot be a muslim; men and women are not equal in islam. A gay cannot be a muslim, islam dictates that they must be killed.
In adopting her position, this lady has in effect rejected islam, and is therefore an apostate, and so she too must die. I hate to say it, but by the stone age dictats of their retarded religion, the muslims who are threatening to kill her understand islam, and she does not.
I hope she manages to get that cat off her head.
Les Dawson :
“As soon as I got my BBC cheque I used to take it straight to the bank
… cos it was too little to go on its own”
Those were the days !
Both of these two now qualify as transgendered and therefore it is a criminal offence to laugh at them you heartless bigots !
Oops right-on student accomodation corp unstuck 6 of its 132 building cladding fails safety standards
Unite-students the market leader with 49,000 beds will have to 600 rooms
Does that make more sense in Dutch?
“Oeps rechtop studentenhuis corp unstuck 6 van zijn 132 bouwbekleding mislukt veiligheidsnormen
Unite-studenten, de marktleider met 49.000 bedden, zal 600 kamers moeten hebben”
Oops… right-on student accommodation corp Unite-Students has come unstuck.
6 of its 132 building claddings have failed safety standards.
Unite-students the market leader, with 49,000 beds will have to close 600 rooms.
Not BBC but others have commented earlier. I watched Dunkirk but was quite underwhelmed. Perhaps it might be better as an ‘experience’ at an iMax but otherwise nothing special.
Of course I knew the story so no surprises there. As usual with films nowadays the sound was too loud and the sparse dialogue was unintelligable. Jumping from character to character doesn’t give one time to ‘lock’ onto the speech pattern of an individual. The ‘little ship’ skipper was the sole exception. Branagh stands around being Branagh, ‘Mr Peaky Blinder’ plays a minor role. Lots of men in uniform looking like men in uniform that become individuals at brief moments, (but are they different individuals or the same?). Some strange moments like 1960s railway coaches and something like a Type 965 radar on warships. Impossible to discern communications between RAF fighters and big differences in flight endurance. Did one of the fighters fly around on no fuel yet shoot down a bomber? One incredible landing, with such skill and luck why there and not on Downing Street?
I wouldn’t say it was a bad film and we should be glad that the hero isn’t a gay immigrant, oh sorry that’s God’s Own Country .
Yes there were several instances where technical realities e.g. The fuel and unlimited ammunition of the RAF fighters, were sacrificed for the sake of the film. But like you , what I was really surprised about was that the director didn’t bow down before PC and include heroic women , heroic black and brown people. I was also astonished that Churchill’s speech was narrated at the end of the film. In short it was a British film that portrayed the British in a good light and didn’t rewrite history. . This is something of.a rarity in the modern world. Just think what we would have been treated to if the BBC had made the film.
Even this film hasn’t been safe from the PC loons insane comments:
USA Today’s Brian Truitt said that he was disappointed “that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of colour” which may “rub some the wrong way”.
One wise wag on Twitter mocked “’Historical accuracy… how dare they!’”
I have to say that he has been royally ripped to pieces over this, but never the less it does nothing to silence the insanity.
I watched it and would say 7 out of 10. At least Nolan didn’t dick about trying to be too artsy. Some nice shots and everything, but not much in the way of character development. Saying that, I thought the young actors did well for being so ordinary and unglamourous and basically ‘British’.
I read a few American reviewers comments who thought it was rather boring, but then they always complained at the time that we were cautious to press on and constantly stopping to brew up tea!
Would have been nice to have had a post-credits sequence of them going back and landing on the Normandy beaches to counter the mood of defeat which permeates the film somewhat. And at least it wasn’t too long, if a film runs over 2 hours nowadays I get bored due to a lot of pointless padding.
A couple of the British film critics also said it was too loud and didn’t ‘glue’ together very well. The same critics were unique in also trashing La La Land, and as I agreed with them, I’ll give Dunkirk a miss.
I felt proud to be British watching Dunkirk. I really liked Tom Hardy and Jack Lowden as the Spitfire pilots – two great actors playing genuine British heroes. Mark Rylance perfectly captured the quiet and modest but brave and patriotic ordinary Brit of the period. I came out of the cinema feeling damned good about my country. I haven’t felt like that for so long.
LibMob is not happy with Clare Foges on transgender virtue signalling.
“EU citizen confronts Theresa May who says ‘Welcome to the UK'” or as the Independent report it:
EU citizen confronts Theresa May telling her: ‘I’m about to get deported’ {independent jul2017}
“Romanian passport holder approaches Prime Minister at exclusive summer party”
… you have to scroll down a bit to get to the actual real state of affairs, but hey – why report the news when you can turn it into an OK Magazine article …
An EU citizen has confronted Theresa May at an exclusive party, saying: “I’m about to get deported.”
Journalist Nimrod Kamer filmed himself approaching the Prime Minister and asking for a photograph with her at a summer event hosted by Spectator magazine.
Mr Kamer told Ms May: “I’m a Romanian passport holder. I’m about to get deported.”
Ms May replied: “No you’re not.” (the actual story, but does not expand on May’s response … )
The Prime Minister has proposed that all three million EU citizens living in Britain will have to apply for inclusion on a “settled status” register (so they won’t be deported, unless they don’t follow the law) if they wish to stay in the UK after Brexit.
Watch the video – possible title “Romanian drinking wine says he’s getting deported when he isn’t.”
Why not type out the whole transcript of what was said rather than write an article that gives a different story?
He sounds like a Borat type journalist.
It’s all in the video here ..May doesn’t stumble at all.
Halfway thru he says “I’m Israeli also”
Fraser Nelson intervenes ..”Yes you’ll be fine”
..none story
Personally, I think these politicians should be working instead of having piss-ups. And they should not be mixing socially with journalists.
She did well. Funny enough In the times today they revealed that last year we deported 1/5 less than we did in 2015. 37K last year.
I have heard this ‘we might get deported’ stuff from EU friends – although mostly from British people – and I have always said the same thing to them. If we can’t even deport non-EU people who are openly preaching hate and sedition and killing people while scrounging off the British taxpayer, how on earth could we deport peaceful, law abiding tax paying EU citizens? Why would we even want to, and who would do it? There’s one policeman for about 200 square miles in my county. I’m sure he’ll be happy to start rounding them up and locking them in the back of his car!
So just catching up on the news and I find that a girl was raped twice by 2 Asian Men in the Aston Area of Birmingham.
UK: Teenage girl raped by Muslim, then gets raped by the Muslim she flagged down for help
and then I found that the bBC has actually reported this (But still hasn’t reported the jailing of 3 Muslims in Liverpool for going around attacking non-Muslims) anyway whilst I know its descriptive, but have you noticed how when its somebody who has done wrong (Rape/murder/voting fraud etc) the guilty bastard is always described as…Asian. But when its a f-ing victim, why its never Asian, but…Muslim.
Funny that.
The second rapist was merely following the logic of islam. The girl was a kuffar to begin with, and therefore suitable to be the sex slave of a muslim. Given that she had already been raped by a muslim, her sex slave status was thus confirmed. As a muslim, he would have felt it his right to rape her again.
In a way, he is no more to blame for his actions than a pit bull terrier who mauls a child. Mind you, we do at least have the pit bull put down after its “crime”.
The true villains are the politicians who knowingly allow adherents of a religion of terror and misogyny to flood our country, with the inevitable outcome of mass murder and rape. Sadly, these political traitors will never pay the price for their crimes against the British people.
Meanwhile soon on bBCs Children’s TV
I miss Diane Abbott … so here we go … “Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
In her first detailed comments on the controversy, she told BBC One’s This Week programme: “Private schools prop up the class system in society.”
“It is inconsistent, to put it mildly, for someone who believes in a fairer and more egalitarian society to send their child to a fee-paying school.”
But, she added: “I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.”
When Prime Minister Tony Blair sent his eldest son, Euan, to the London Oratory, a selective school, she criticised him, saying people voted Labour because they believed in equality.
And when Solicitor General Harriet Harman sent her son to a selective grammar school in Orpington, Kent, Ms Abbott said: “She made the Labour Party look as if we do one thing and say another.”
The Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP, who became Britain’s first black woman member in 1987, told the programme her constituents would understand – “particularly black mothers who know the position I’m in”.
– reputation or moral high ground when saying what other people should do?
– how come we could not choose between having her as an MP or doing what she tells other people to do?
– reference – found this on by hohum
– The People Love Her in 2017 – GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2
Please leave the offspring of labour politicians alone . If they are forced to do PPE at some third rate oxbridge poly college then we should feel their pain along with being forced to do their gap year as an intern when all their friends are lifting illegals out of the med and helping them fill in their asylum application .
On the upside abbots condition is unlikely to give her a long life so that’ll save on the parliamentary pension
And if anyone reads that and thinks that Fedup is a bit hard – I toned it down .
Marky, Hackney – I think – is changing as a constituency: you now need to very wealthy to buy a house there or a tenant in social (LA) housing. I suspect it may be very hard for the local Conservative Party to find enough people, brave, resilient and in quantity, to canvass the constituency thoroughly at GE time. So, Diane Abbott – with a very high media profile – gets re-elected with an increased share of the vote. Plus a sympathy vote, this time, perhaps over ‘health issues’?
“Coming to a town or city near you soon” -They are feeling their feet and the power they have had bestowed upon them –
Naturally, to show any effort to defend yourself, thanks to the Government listening to islamic Pressure Groups, you would be described as a racist Islamophobe.
Note the final paragraph of the article. ‘No chance’ would be the response of any contributor here.
Saw that here as well G,
“Muslim Gang Jailed after Rampaging Through UK Streets Attacking Non-Muslims”
Haven’t bothered wasting my time looking for this on the BBC, reportedly the events happened in March 2016, if the assailant and victim roles had been reversed we would have been hearing nothing else but from the BBC.
I agree. Stephen Lawrence was one case of a black youth being killed by whites, and we never hear the end of it. Since he died, literally hundreds of black youths have been murdered by other black youths. Tumbleweed from the BBC.
8pm R4 Organised crime expert features in prog about EU Migrant crisis
Why is there still a migrant crisis in Europe? Merkel! Next programme please …
“Why is there still a migrant crisis in Europe?”
there isn’t one, its a plan
the only part not going right is they cant seem ship them in fast enough and some of the newer EU nations have the wrong kind of governments in place
Scaramucci did so well in that interview with Maitlis. Note how he kept using her first name, touching her, flattering her and disarming her through his honesty and making himself a bit vulnerable. When he spoke of his tough upbringing, love of America and being new to a tough game you could not help like him. He also came across as very genuine. He even apologised to her at the end for calling her an elitist! The fact that he is handsome and talks like a character from one of those fantastic gangster films helped as well. In spite of her best efforts to take him on, I think he almost cast a spell on her, such was his magnetism.
He says he is looking forward to chatting to her again. Who wouldn’t want to chat to a handsome, powerful Italian American on the White House lawn? She could not be human and not feel a bit overawed. I for one have got one hell of a man crush.
Another Jedi Knight to add to Trump’s circle! I really feel like we are starting to finally fight back against the PC Empire
He totally took her to the cleaners ! It was a naive ( and he defined the word for her ) little girl and a real man. She is so stupid, she did not even realise that he was taking the piss out of her !
The dynamic is intriguing. The Beeb like to be fighting for the underdog and holding power to account, but they are the power and have been spitting on the underdog. It gives the interviewee the upper hand which Mooch used so skilfully here – throwing in one lethal jab about Maitlis being an elitist without ever fully going on the attack, then ostensibly apologising for calling her an elitist at the end which only served to remind the viewer of this fact.
I would love to see Trump and Mooch do a press conference together. What a team! Trump more of a bare knuckle finger whilst Mooch operates in a more smooth and subtle way but fights just as hard.
Trump is Yoda. Gorka is Obi Wan. Mooch is Skywalker!
This is all a big shock to Beeboids . They are not used to people hitting hard at them. I did not like the Mooch’s finger-pointing, but it sent a signal ! Great interview. For him !
BB – He definitely handed her her arse on a plate, but the funny thing was she had absolutely no idea she had been so unequivocally taken apart. The more aggressive she became, the more desperate she appeared. I think at one point (I think in relation to the elite comment) he said to her (or words to the effect that) you speak a different language to people in working class places who voted for Trump. I think the profound nature of what he said was totally lost on her.
Glad it was on U tube – More interviews like this and I shall have to think about getting a telly again!
Maitlis ..the archetypal bottle blonde dozy bint..she is quite clearly as thick as mince!
from Wiki..”Her first occupation was as a trainee hairdresser”
..she should have stuck to an honourable profession…now she’s just another media slapper.
The former Obama supporter and Hillary donor Scaramooch, is just another ex-Goldman Sachs character to go with Cohen and Munchkin, that Trump has brought into the White House; despite attacking Goldman Sachs in his campaign, Goldman Sachs told its employees if they gave money to the Trump campaign they would be fired.
Trump is starting to disappoint with his appointments: he jettisoned Flynn; sidelined Bannon and attacks Jeff Sessions via Twitter. Sessions supported him from very early on and gave up a rock solid seat for life in the Senate to serve as A-G. He is one of the very few politicians in the Senate who try and represent white Americans and attempted to enforce the border before Trump came along; he has also tried to get things done as A-G but has first had to fire a lot of Obama “hold-overs” still in post and the replacements haven’t been confirmed by Congress.
If he fires Sessions he will have lost someone whose views coincide more with the ordinary American Trump supporter than any of the ex-banker elite he has surrounded himself with or his son in law Jared Kushner, whose a pal of George Soros, and whose politics (prior to Trump’s run) were the virtual opposite of his father in law.
Anthony is indeed fanciable, but where is Ted Malloch?
The Eu deserve this man to wipe them out.
Kirsty Wark seemed exercised by this one. Newsnight a few minutes ago.
Utter confusion among the gals at Newsnight in that Kirsty was worried about that word “elite”. Did Anthony mean the BBC-ladies like HER?
Ten minutes later, she was still hoping for a guest to say no, she and her BBC filiies on fortunes were little match girls or whatever.
But no-still the elite-and we need to keep telling them that this is why we no longer listen to them.
Trump is not-he speaks for many, and he hates those who are entitled snobs like the BBC.
“Brexit: UK-EU freedom of movement ‘to end in March 2019”
Why all the ‘Ho Ha’ about immigration?
Other ‘free and independent’ nations the world over have no problem with migrant workers, they issue work visas. Simples!
After all, despite the guff in the media about all the good work that migrants do for us, they get paid don’t they? They are not coming here out of the goodness of their hearts. Europe is full of unemployed youngsters desperate for work, give them work visas.
More smoke and mirrors to allow Merkel to off load her ‘big mistake’ upon us .
The Tory Government is betraying its voters , remember this promise ……..
A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge…it is one that controls immigration. Because if you have uncontrolled immigration, you have uncontrolled pressure on public services. And that is a basic issue of fairness.
Uncontrolled immigration can damage our labour market and push down wages. It means too many people entering the UK legally but staying illegally. The British people want these things sorted.
The Prime Minister said: (May 2015)
“The British people want these things sorted.” Spot on !
You have uncontrolled pressure on public services because of immigration.
The Tory Government aint getting things sorted – The British people are starting to get angry.
Brexit was about Immigration and Sovereignty,
Despite the Biased Government booklet on the referendum,
Despite Al Beeb’s and MSM’s Biased reporting,
Despite parachuting POTUS Obama over to ‘advise’ us to remain or we will be “last in line”,
Despite Cameron’s big European Deal. – The British people voted for Freedom and Out.
Fact is that we don’t have a Government at present. This bunch of charlatans couldn’t run a tea room successfully. They are amateur and reactive rather than professional and proactive in approach. That’s been the problem though for many decades. “Two wheels on my wagon……..”. If we had to go to war tomorrow, we would be doomed. What will they F**k up next?
“Brexit: David Davis plays down trade talks delay claims”
One hundred years after the First World War the statement “Lions led by donkeys” still holds and applies to the present Members of Parliament – all parties ! Yes, “Lions led by donkeys”.
BBC Parliament: Ed Vaizey – “…the BBC is not biased or impartial. And the people who claim it is have simply lost the argument.”
(refers to himself defending George Osborne’s Emergency Budget on Andrew O’neil show)
– when he says not biased or impartial does him mean the BBC are NOT “treating all rivals or disputants equally.”. A simple slip?
– BBC Parliament // House of Commons // 06Jul2017 // Ed Vaizey / Conservative / Wantage
Can all UK MPs before speaking say how much they stole from the public purse in 2009, like this “I, Vaizey, MP of Wantage in 2009 stole £74K and have paid back £100 so far. Once I have paid it all back I won’t have to say this full comment but will have to say I can not be trusted hence forth.”
WANTAGE MP Ed Vaizey has spent more than £74,000 of taxpayers’ money to pay for a second home in Oxfordshire since becoming an MP in 2005.
He (Vaizey) said those claims were “an error of judgement” and apologised.
“Michael Gove: UK won’t accept US chlorinated chickens”
Please correct me if I am wrong – I am not a chemist – but don’t we drink chlorinated water from the tap?
Perhaps Al Beeb’s so called “Science” Editor can tell us ?
The BBC do not do science.
Oh yes they do !…………………………
“Flobbalobbalob, shobbalob,”
“Flobbalobbalob, shobbalob”
You can laugh, but that makes far more sense than conversations heard on the bus, upstairs, at around 4pm on any weekday in the UK.
Don`t remember any BBC types ever declining the KFCs when blagging freebies in America. Those of us who`ve been there would never have known or cared.
It`s the EU that`s had horsemeat in the food chain and not recovered. It`s Labour that gave us foot and mouth and mad cow, alongside the likes of Gummer. US litigation would surely make their food squeaky clan, as opposed to the EU carve ups from Thailand etc.
Alicia Sinclair
Yes Mad Cow Disease remember this …..
Watchdog tonight is PC heaven. There’s a female presenter in a wheelchair and a female black researcher. In Morecambe at the seaside is a liberal sprinkling of Sikh men and black people positioned strategically in camera shot. The person who made me laugh the most though was the black chap in the studio. Whilst his colleagues fingers were tapping their keyboards and their eyes followed the text on the screen he just stared at his computer monitor, his eyes did not moving at all; his hands remained motionless all the time. It was as if someone had sat him down in a prominent behind the disabled woman and told him to look at the screen.
Oh and Steph the giantess presenter has a tramp stamp on the back of her neck which she tries to hide without much success.
Also add that Steph is Northern and androgynous. PC jackpot!
A few months ago when London was highlighted as having bad air pollution my local newspaper in France illustrated the dire pollution in Paris that had occurred a few weeks beforehand. The newspaper also highlighted the source of much of the pollution as being from Saharan Desert dust, uncontrolled fires in North Africa and the circulation of a large anticyclone airflow that was bringing much of the pollution from outside Europe. This airflow moved northwards and certainly covered much of the sout-east of England whilst the north-west of the UK rejoiced in fresh Atlantic breezes, largely pollution free.
The BBC have a habit of compartmentalising the British Isles when it comes to describing the weather, rarely showing these islands in relation to Europe and the Atlantic influence. We do not live in a weather bubble (except in W1A) and it would certainly be instructive and educational to frequently show weather patterns covering all of Europe and the western Atlantic so that an appreciation of the whole can be made and understood.
Good post, david01. Those African winds (Maserati named a string of their cars after them – and Matra may have briefly joined the trend?) sometimes reach Britain. They often carry dust pollution and some of us remember a string of ‘visits’ in the 1970s and 1980s that created media interest with red blotches of Saharan dust on roofs, pavements and cars.
I wonder if Mayor Khan waited for a spell like that recently in which to take pollution measurements in London?
Just a small correction, though. The UK does, if I recall correctly, live in something of a weather bubble – or – to be more correct – one weather bubble with three or four distinct parts to it. It is due to our geographic position relative to the Gulf Stream and being a group of relatively small islands off a continental mass, Europe. I hope that if I have got that wrong, some of the more knowledgeable weather & climate folk on here will be along to correct this post.
Watchdog not only rigs the BAME in the studio
Had they borrowed Whitby’s Zimbabwean fishermen?
(BBC TV series “Coast”, about three years ago.)
A BBC staffer appreciated the audience stuffing with BAME for virtue signalling.

Satnam Rana : BBC TV Arts Correspondent/Reporter.
ONS ” 423,000 people identified as Sikh”
A possible bit of an undercount cos some ethnic-Sikhs might not tick the religion box
Of course the number of turban wearing Sikhs is even smaller
but they even have a special twitter handle that mentions everytime a turban man gets on TV
So searching Twitter with : LookASingh BBC
brings up a listing of latest BBC appearances
‘Satnav’ raises her head – it would be nice to see UK society represented among BBC reporters and performers, surely not all ‘BME British’ and homosexuals work for the BBC? They are certainly a lot rarer ‘out in the wild’.
Al Beeb are making a big song and dance about Gay Britannia, with lots of programmes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offences act which decriminalised homosexuality.
It would be interesting for them to mention the attitudes of their favourite and fastest growing minority. Why not film a gay couple proudly holding hands and kissing in Tower Hamlets? Apparently many Muslims are becoming more accepting of homosexuality, as we all know how reformist and malleable the Koran’s teachings can be.
In growing enclaves homosexuality is de facto illegal – you would get beaten up if you kissed your boyfriend in Dewsbury. Are the Beeb outraged at this? No – they go out of their way to defend that ideology and say anyone who is wary of it has a mental illness. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling, double think on stilts.
Paedophile rights will be next.
The BBC will already be getting their weeks of revising the contribution of Jimmy Savile and Sidney Cooke.
Oh how we misunderstood these sexual pioneers at the time, can we rescind their convictions seeing as it was a different time and we`re so much more enlightened and knowledgeable re brain chemistry and genes.
Labour will say they have nothing to apologise for and Hewitt was wrong to do so.
Harman and Dromey will get some retrospective award as well.
Give it five years tops.
These are the response when I contacted my local MP … non-answers …
1) Do you think those who didn’t vote, but had the chance to vote, should be included in the final EU Referendum Result?
– This takes it to a 65% for “Leave EU + Could Vote but didn’t”
Non-Answer: Although I would have liked to stay in the EU, she fully respects the result of the EU referendum in its most simplistic state.
2) Does the following surprise you? Do you agree?
– Regarding Theresa May’s speech on immigration ‘when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society’ (06.10.2015)
Reply: The Government is currently in the consultation stage regarding new immigration measures. It will be looking across work and study routes to refocus them on the brightest and best, building a system that works for everyone, while making sure that Britain remains open for business.
I have been to the proms again tonight. It was the BBC Philharmonic. I looked at the gender split across the orchestra (the first piece, world premier, very avant garde, so I had to do something to entertain myself). The brass section was very male (naughty BBC) but the strings section was interesting. Far fewer men than women AND men were in general over 50 if not sixtry, with a paunch and what hair they had was white or grey. Women string players looked in general under 30. Now how could that happen? Could it possibly be that when there is a vacancy a woman is always selected? Probably an edict from James Parnell or his boss, the evil Lord.
But the arena audience was 75-80% male i.e. the cheapest standing room, whereas the stalls (most expensive) where approx 60% female. What can the BBC do to help these poor disadvantaged males and address the balance? Perhaps they should put on some proms suitable for men (perhaps have Clarkson narrating Peter and the Wolf?)
A few years ago there was a fad for groups of young female string-playing strumpets doing pop classics. Perhaps that led to a lot of ‘me too-ing’ and then the realisation that ‘first violin’ in a provincial orchestra was the best they could hope for?
When they put up a young solo violinist, (invariably female?), I look at the fading beauties in the string section and wonder how many started that way!
There is a lot to be said for just listening to the music!
I think I’m right in saying that members of the BBC orchestras, the Halle, and the Birmingham, Liverpool and Scottish orchestras are salaried, whereas the London (non opera) orchestras are self-employed, giving the members more freedom to do other things such as film and session work. It would be interesting to know if there are age and sex differences between the BBC and non-BBC Manchester orchestras. I’m fairly sure that the Halle looks younger.
It used to be said that touring reduced the number of females in very busy orchestras such as the LSO, although this is now visibly different, with quite a few female SE Asians in most orchestras (black whiners please note). The average age of the LSO many years ago was calculated to be 33 and it still looks much the same (18 year old co-principal trombone for example), so perhaps BBC and, maybe, salaried orchestras tend to attract a different type – older musicians with families perhaps.
There’s always been a “gender bias” in choice of instruments, due in some cases to physical demands, but plenty of exceptions as well. Some orchestras do blind auditions, particularly in the US. Not sure whether the BBC does.
“6 things that could topple Donald Trump’s border wall”
Despite Al Beeb’s attempts to scupper it, I bet he builds it ! 😉
The BBC’s involvement in the Russiagate smears to derail the Trump presidency.
Surely there’s no option now but to shut the BBC down and invoke criminal charges against the management.
Strong anti-licence video I have not seen before
Has maxincony seen it ?
I think he’s on strike after finding out he’s not on the BBC’s rich list.
In the interest of impartiality, this weekly appeal should be made…………..
“Is there anyone out there that has any example of Al Beeb’s right wing Bias ?”
“Becoming a professional mermaid is a huge investment – tails, training, insurance, marketing and so much more – not to mention the amount of time it takes out of your life if you’re serious.
Nuff said, your licence dollar working for you. ‘ if you’re serious’.
He’s a good lad, but I wish he’d buy a shirt.
Well worth sharing. Though the comments, as ever, could be going better.
I look forward to hearing about the engagement of her children to nice Jewish boys and girls.
With metal detectors as wedding presents?
No arranged marriage for my children, either.
Now, why does Ms Hussain get front coverage for her ‘news’ but I don’t get any coverage for my comparable news?
Is it a sexism thing?
Is it racism?
Is it is a religious/ideological thing?
Is it because she has a TV programme on the BBC that the BBC is promoting?
Is it because this article is really an advertisement? One that the BBC does not have to pay for?
Is it an abuse of power by the state broadcaster, using the funds it has press-ganged out of the population on pain of imprisonment?
One word answer on a postcard, please.
Rather looking forward to ours finding a soul mate and doing what they feel is best, without any parental meddling.
Or by the BBC.
“Coming this Autumn on BBC1: The Great GAME (Gay Arranged Marriage in England). An exciting synthesis of cultures in which stereotypes are thrown away, as Ibrahim travels from Pakistan for an arranged gay wedding with his cousin Mohammed in Bradford, whom he has never met. We start with an in-depth exploration of the vibrant and dynamic gay scene in Lahore, which is a far more tolerant and open city than many will expect. Coming to the UK for the first time, Ibrahim is initially shocked by the bigotry and intolerance, but a friendly Iman from Mannigham ensures that true love finds it way. Wedding cake by Nadiya.”
Not true. But all the elements have been covered on the BBC website during the past few weeks and it just needs an imaginative producer on a six-figure salary to draw the lines inbetween the dots.
Nadiya Hussain is a manufactured figure of a propaganda industry determined to normalise Muslims, she probably has never said or thought anything about her childrens marriage other than what her husband tells her.
The fact that even people here on a site dedicated to exposing the bias of the BBC and other media are prepared to take this story at face value proves what an effective propaganda tool the media really is.
Islam does not move with the time and it never has – it never will !
One to gladden the heart.
On Toady at 0755 one Matthew Price was interviewing a Trump supporter, whose name I did not catch, something like Sebastien Gauke. Matthew was clearly expecting to make progress with some bBBC virtue signalling and trying to embarrass. No chance.
“But Trump is losing the support of Conservatives” “No! These are not Conservative. These are the Establishment” Thwack!
“And what about Trump’s attack on Transgender people in the military”
“The military is not there to represent America, they are there to kill people and blow stuff up!”
What a pleasure to hear centre-right people not cower defensively into a corner but get out there and sock it to the virtue-signalling LeftMob. Oh that we had such people in our government.
That’ll be Sebastian Gorka – what a man!
The wonders of being unique…
Lovely story about the double Muslim rape in Birmingham. I checked the BBC website – we know how much they hate any sort of hate crime or gender gap – yet all I see is Nadiya saying there will be no arranged marriage for her children! Their memory hole is getting so big it might swallow the entire organisation if they are not careful.
Are heterosexuals no longer allowed on the bBBC??
We seem to have wall to wall programming about only gay issues because of the 50th anniversary of decriminalisation.
Oh, and by the way, to ensure ‘equality and impartiality’ will the bBBC be providing wall to wall coverage of aborted foetuses later this year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the abortion laws?
I’m not taking a position on the matter, just asking a question.
Not quite my cup of tea so I haven’t watched any of the programmes, but I notice that in the adverts on the BBC website they constantly refer to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967. Not strictly true: homosexuality was not illegal in this country, it was homosexuals acts that were outlawed. The effect of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 was to decriminalise such activity between consenting men aged 21 or over in private (or rather partially – did not cover the armed forces, for instance).
No, I don’t suppose the BBC will be celebrating the Abortion Act 1967, other than perhaps a programme to declare that there is still some way to go before utopia is acheived. If it does, it will make the claim that abortion was illegal before 1967. Totally untrue: abortion was legalised in the Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929, which permitted abortion in circumstances where the mother’s life was in danger and the baby was less than 28 weeks. The boundaries of this were effectively pushed and modified in the subsequent years, to cover cases of incest and rape e.g. the trial of Dr Aleck Bourne in 1938 is particularly significant. During the 1930s, around 4,000 legal abortions per year were performed in London. The real significance of the 1967 Act was to permit abortion on social rather than medical grounds, thereby opening up ‘the market’ to what effectively became abortion on demand.
Nadiya for Prime Minister.
At least she tells her audience things they do NOT want to hear.Something noone is ever going to accuse May or Corbyn of doing unless it is as a fake PR stunt
Now – 5 Live is doing : Are fathers overworked and denied enough time with their children ?
And LBC now is debating that the Rochdale perps are getting massive legal aid to fight deportation.
The Sky TV documentary ‘The Outcast Comic’ is now available on Youtube. It is about comedian Andrew Lawrence who was ostracised by fellow comedians and major broadcasters when he dared speak out about left wing bias in comedy. Well worth a watch for an insight into how complacent and doctrinaire comedy has become, and why most BBC comedy output just isn’t very funny any more.
Cranmer, is that why the BBC has postponed the return of The News Quiz this Friday and Dead Ringers has only had a short run? The Museum of Curiosity has been switched to a new day of the week.
R4 Today Programme, Friday 28 July. 8am News. “Refuge workers in the Midlands continue their strike.”
Another bit of post-broadcast re-editing for the iPlayer will be required.
Why does the BBC persist with using spell checkers when producing written copy for News readers and presenters? It has been especially funny in the last couple of weeks when, I guess, staff are covering different jobs with people away on holiday and also with ‘work experience’ teens and early-20s, together with new graduate entrants working at the BBC.
Mohamed Elmouelhy, the CEO of the largest Australian Halal certification organisation showing his hatred of Australians.
Wrote on his Facebook page that Australian women need Muslim men to fertilise them to ‘keep them surrounded by Muslim brown babies’.》
Deleted post after storm
Pauline Hanson said
” Australian businesses take note, your Halal certification fees pay Mohamed Elmouelhy wages. Disgraceful! ”
It was nice of this gentlemen to be so honest. We know what they really think of us, but it is good to see it confirmed in writing.
As to dreaming of what muslim men are capable of, rape, murder and suicide bombing spring to mind. Advances in science, art and human understanding are not the first things one thinks of.