Chaos in the White House. We’re destined for a Brexit that keeps us in the EU. Yes, just a few items pushed by the rancid BBC today. Here’s a new Open Thread so please detail the bias here!
Another example of the BBC trying to present a soft and cuddly interpretation of Islam in 21st century Britain. All aspects of Islam that Brits find objectionable are airbrushed out and replaced with fairy tales about how Muslims are just like us really , so good and wholesome that we should be happy that they form a greater and greater proportion of our population. Any news stories that expose the unpleasant truth about Islam are suppressed or distorted . The BBC is on a mission , fully supported by politicians from all parties, to anethesatise the Brits to the horror of Islam so as to buy time and hope that a miracle occurs and muslims and Brits settle down peacefully together. Of course this policy is very likely to result in our country being taken over by Islam, but our spineless politicians can’t think of any other way of dealing with the existentialist crisis that they have created over the past thirty years.
“Another example of the BBC trying to present a soft and cuddly interpretation of Islam in 21st century Britain”
Thinker. Has I understand history I’m sure I heard a quote from some British General that
Hitler’s favourite movie was a 1890s B/W movie about the British Empire military in I think it was Afghanistan. He, Hitler, is on record as saying – paraphrase here: That is my favourite movie of all time!
But I’m undecided whether he wanted to copy the Islamic method or the British method?
I’m certain that he meant his military would go the way of the Sword rather than democratic discussions as would happen if the UK parliament continues to cane-in to every will and demand from this creeping Islamic darkness!
I think the film was “The Lives of a Bengal Lancer”. Hitler admired Britain and the Empire. We could have made a seperate peace with him in 1940, but we chose to fight on and save Europe, in the process losing the Empire. Some thanks we got!
Alternative histories is a hobby of mine. My read is – if we’d done a deal with Hitler with Halifax as PM there would have been no war between the British and German empires until the Germans got the bomb before us. Then it would have been game over for us. Sooner or later we’d have been seen as a threat .,
Maybe, but the Germans had not made much progress with atomic weapons, whereas the British took it seriously. Maybe we would have got the A Bomb first?
As I said, Hitler did not see the British Empire as an enemy, and would have been willing to cut a peace deal leaving him free to invade the USSR. It is to our credit that we chose to fight on alone, it would just be nice if the rest of the EU sometimes acknowledged that fact. As far as they are concerned, we are just the schmucks who pay in £10 billion a year. They won’t miss us, they just miss our money!
Yes Rob. I think we’d have had the bomb first because Rutherford and the rest were ahead an the Germans were too busy killing their Jewish scientists. It amways pains me that America broke the promise to share the bomb because of infiltration be stalins’ crew and cost us enormous resources to get our own bomb at a time – after 1945 we we didn’t have much but our freedom and moral superiority.
If I was President Fedup of the UK the Germans would still be paying for what they started and did.
DT -I think they know that there is exactly zero chance of most of these invaders will ever practically integrate. I think they also know that there a lot more of these chancers in the country than they will ever admit and I suspect that a few years down the line with us still in the “transitional period” Merkel will pressure us to take the the rubbish that German and France do not want. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, Prime Minister Hammond will roll over and we will finally be buggered.
If/When Corbyn gets in (with the help of the snowflakes) I suspect that many of these illegals will then be granted an amnesty and Hey presto Labour for ever – or at least until we become a proper Islamic nation – Inshalla.
You outline my worst nightmare. I feel sure that the survival of our country, culture and values is under serious threat , both from within and without and yet there is no leader , no party willing to resist Islamification. Rather the opposite is true, our politicians are using the power of the state to suppress any opposition to Islamification by banning free speech or passing extreme laws on hate speech, when for the first time in our history a person is found guilty merely on the basis of the testimony of the so called victim, no other evidence being required. Additionally they allow a separate Islamic system of justice to grow .
All of this would have been unthinkable forty years ago, there would have been public outrage and a heavy price to be paid at the ballot box for any party that even thought of doing this. But thanks to the left gaining control of the education system and the BBC in the sixties and seventies people have been brainwashed into acceptance. This battle was lost decades before people even realised it was being fought.
We’ve already had a double dose of diversity today then as Charlie and Naga this morning provided a nice bit of PR for Conor Ibrahiem, possibly Muslim/ Irish hence doubling the potential for piety, from Bradford, who has made a film aimed at tackling Islamofauxbia call ‘Freesia’.
Dignified Islamic scholar/ victim. Angry, disadvantaged youth. Radically violent whites. Strong, principled hijabbed female. Striving to gain acceptance, to promote identity, to gain rights and respect for their peaceful but misunderstood diverse and rich culture, just waiting to be allowed to benefit and enrich their confused and misinformed non-Muslim neighbours.
Bullshit. Same old, same old, the blunt cutting edge. Ffs BBC, catch yourselves on.
Who watches this self-indulgent crap, why do the BBC think that their viewers empathise with these narratives in anyway or are in anyway interested. Why are we being constantly bombarded by the views and believes of such an arrogantly opinionated and self-righteous minority ideology and culture.
I’ve never heard of Conor Ibrahiem, he’s been in Corrie apparently, as his work appears to be aimed at a niche market I’m not, nor want to be, familiar with.
I’d never heard of him when he used the name Conor Alexander either, probably before he founded his Islamic theatre company, but the change of name seems to have been really lucky for him.
Smart career move, maybe his diversity wasn’t being celebrated often enough.
Thanks To, appreciate that.
I like to know how other people think and how cultures evolve to adapt and improve their environments, but Islam doesn’t seem to do either, and the BBC are dishonest in their portrayal of Islam in Britain.
How many Muslims watch the BBC? Satellite channels are freely available and Eastern European rentals are easily identified by the massive dishes stuck on front of them. It seems that the first thing many migrants do in their new country is to make sure they have access to their old one. Why would Muslims, arrived in Britain within the past decade or entrenched in their own communities in our cities and northern towns for a few generations, not having to speak English,not eating local produce, not using services or trades run by non-Muslims or Muslims of a different ethnicity, watch an English language programme on a British channel with a Christian male and an ethnic Sri Lankan, possibly Hindu, non-niqabbed woman presenting it? How many pay a licence? Does sharia law enforce it?
Who are these Muslim heavy features for? Why would BBC viewers, in the main white and Christian, find Islamic culture anymore important and interesting than Chinese culture, or Sikh culture, or Polish culture, or Jewish culture, or what about English culture?
What are the BBC trying to achieve and why? I don’t get it.
Another great post!
The BBC are part of the attempted destruction of Western Judaeo-Christian civilisation.
The Marxists want this because they blame the existence of it for the repeated failure of their deadly ideology.
More interesting questions for both Nadiya Hussain and Sadiq Khan …
1. If a man who writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
2. If a man who is homosexual should he be killed?
3. If a man who draws a cartoon should he be killed?
4. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
5. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
6. Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
1. If no then please write to Iran and remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
2. If not then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
3. If not then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
4. If no then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Employment Discrimination)
5. If no then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
6. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia.
Or we can avoid the hard questions and talk about arranged marriages with Nadiya Hussain, rather than polygamy, apostates, Halal, homosexuals, Sharia , blasphemy and cartoons … cartoons still needs to be discussed in 2017 but can’t be … blasphemy in 2017 … *sigh*
I’m sorry if this has been mentioned before but, if anyone watched an interview given to Diane Abbott by Kirsty Wark (last night?), could someone please explain to me her answers? Could you imagine a Conservative or UKIP type person getting such a friendly ride for mouthing absolute drivel?
It’s worth a viewing…I can almost guarantee your jaw will drop!
Oh we are not taking anything off the table, we’re not taking anything off the table, off the table, off the table. Comments were disabled from the You Tube recording
How much did Diane Abbott get paid for this by the BBC? Was she being paid as an MP at the same time or did she clock off and walk down the street to claim £600 (guess) for a BBC appearance?
Honestly – just record her at home saying “We are not taking options off the table” and press repeat. Or, why not ask Diane Abbott …
– “What is the difference between the Customs Union and the Single Market?”
– “As Shadow Home Secretary, what do you think of the stance Hungary and Poland are taking against the EU?”
– “Have you read the Harris Review (London’s security 2016) yet, can you tell me the summary of the findings?”
– can they please replace Diane Abbott with someone who answers questions and doesn’t take so long to speak.
Two things we are not going see on the BBC. Firstly, any explanation of why Obamacare has been such a disaster for the average US citizen (and there are plenty of reasons); they are perfectly happy to imply that Trump is trying to abolish something that is worthwhile and wonderful. Secondly, any proper coverage of the looming scandal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and her Pakistani aide who also worked for many years for other Democrats. He has been arrested for bank fraud, but many other serious matters are under investigation. Still, it’s the Democrats, so as far as the BBC is concerned, there is nothing to see.
I suspect that the far-left bbc regard these things as ” matters ” rather than crimes. That’s what Loretta Lynch and James Comey agreed to call lying Hillary’s crimes.
Martin, try to find Prof Mallory Factor talking to Ben Brown on the news BBC channel at about 11.30 this morning, don’t know if it will be on iPlayer or youtube, but you might be able to find it.
Ben Brown is the one who looks like a Harry Enfield/ Dick Emery love child. Mallory Factor is an American visiting Professor at both Oxford and Cambridge and a FOX News contributor. He’s no dozer. Don’t know how he made it onto the BBC but efficiently and elegantly he basically said what you’re saying with regards to media coverage.
Media and White House at war, always had been conflict but now it was in the open, things being blown out of proportion, media only presenting one side of the story. At one point, to paraphrase, Factor said, ‘ I know you don’t like it, Trump removing the US from the Paris treaty, but he did what he said he would do’.
Brown didn’t really know what to do as Factor was so reasonably sensible and concise.
That’s the way I remember it anyway, worth having a look.
Hasn’t stopped the BBC trying to stir things up anyway, using a now all to a wearily familiar ‘one degree of separation’ technique of asking a question of an audience perhaps less obsessed with the US political scene than every BBC tea lady.
Thank you for the info on Mallory Factor. I found the schedule for BBC News, and the programme to which you refer is, I think, “BBC Newsroom Live” 1100-1300. Unfortunately, the BBC has not made it available on iPlayer, even though programmes each side of it (the Derbyshire programme, and News at One) are both available. Anyway, I shall remember the name, and keep a lookout for him on You Tube. It sounds as though the good Prof. is not going to be on BBC’s speed-dial.
BBC post this drivel but don’t report on the three Muslim thugs in Liverpool who attack everyone who isn’t Muslim. Of course, I forgot, the middle class elitists at the BBC, in government and across Europe want Islam to become the main religion, because it will make the populace easier to control for the New World Order. Thus, Muslims get the special treatment and our media are ordered to spew out propaganda.
But in fairness, the BBC’s ‘news’ website does carry this important story from Liverpool which also, oddly enough (not), involves cakes, ethnics and trash TV:
“A Ministry of Justice spokesman told MailOnline they do not comment on individual cases, but said: ‘Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, most prisoners must be automatically released at the halfway point of their sentence”.
Well, our esteemed leaders, you can amend that Act for a start – and bring back the death penalty.
A clever comment Lobster – time to ask for 50% rebate, parking fines are less serious than crimes
of murder and rape so maybe a 75% rebate after paying it?
We should have a national holiday on the day he is released to truly celebrate this diversity. If you do not approve of children being raped and tortured, you are a white nationalist.
Last Friday the Beeb ran a long article on their front page about a Syrian woman who was reading an innocuous book – complete with friendly cartoons of beheadings – who had suffered the terrible ordeal of being questioned by airport officials. She demanded an apology and says she was stopped just because of her race. Nothing to do with the book featuring pictures of beheadings.
So a girl is raped by two different men because of the colour of her skin. What is worse – legitimate questioning or double rape? Of course the story is nowhere to be found on the Beeb website. Instead we hear that Nadiya’s children will not have an arranged marriage – isn’t that lovely? Clearly this insane multicultural experiment that was forced upon us is working our fantastically. Never mind the rape, a Muslim woman is not forcing an arranged marriage on her children! How progressive!
TMS Radio 4. Aggers with Tuffers talking nonsense. For some reason they were discussing ” Are you being served ” ( I won’t go into the reason, but Tuffers is bonkers ). Aggers says, ” those were the days when the BBC made real comedy “. I wonder when his contract is up ?
I wonder if those climactic stalwarts Harrabin and Monbiot might be added to the list of those in line to be charged with corporate manslaughter? Since their rabid support for ‘climate change’ has played such a significant part in the decision to fit those highly inflammable and pointless Grenfell panels, they really should carry the can – even though the subject is being effectively ignored, so far. And since the BBC has virtually created the pair and given them carte blanche to make ever more spurious claims, they should be charged too. Mind you, if they were, we’d pay the legal bill anyway.
You fella’s are in for good fishing weather look, Al Beeb reckon lots will be able to do it from their bedroom window, all down to unquestioned Global warming, the fact the planet hasn’t had any global warming since 1998 of not the slightest importance, ”super-computer” says yes yes YES…………..and not any old super-computer,…………theres super computers and theres climate super computers, and this one is the ultimate dog’s bollox of super computing, thats what makes the forecasts of impending disaster so so exciting, and un-precedented in magnitude, 2014 mere showers, worse than eva eva eva eva, could be biblical proportions. and yall just aint ready for it, #duetobrexit #duetotories
I remember when I did a Chemistry project at school (I was about 12 at the time) I did a report on fuels and the front page had spell-checked it to “fools” but I didn’t get marks off because the teacher assumed I’d done it as a pun. If only he knew the petrolhead free market capitalist I’d turn out to be…
I’m not too sure how/if to get the video quality to match the scans. I shoot the video on a mounted iPhone7 and scan on a proper Epson. If anyone is technical when it comes to these things I’d love to know any tips/filters to sharpen up the videos, if such a thing is possible. The iPhone does great quality photos yet the video on these isn’t as sharp as I’d like them to be…
At last the BBC have done a bit of coverage of Venezuela protests and collapse, on the V D show.But it hardly touched the crux of what’s going on .They give the impression it is to do with a change in the constitution .
They had several Venezuelans who live in UK ,but their English was not great so couldn’t really express what’s going on. They got no help from the female presenter. They also interviewed several brave masked protesters In fear of their lives , but did not ask them any thing of any consequence .
Any casual viewer would be none the wiser about the socialist paradise of Venezuela.
And yet it’s crystal clear what has gone wrong in Venezuela, like it’s gone wrong EVERYWHERE:
Must I spell it out? S.O.C.I.A.L.I.S.M.
So naturally the socialist Beeb will obfuscate the matter as much as possible.
After all, they owe their very existence to a socialist-type tax extortion. It’s the only model they understand: subsidy from the magic money tree of Other People’s Money.
This horrifying attack merely demonstrates the differences between islam and Christianity. The muslim is expected to have compassion, but only for another muslim. This poor girl was a kuffar, and so unworthy of a muslim’s compassion, and fit to be a muslim’s sex slave. In this context, the fact that a muslim, flagged down to help a girl who had been raped by a muslim, should decide to rape her himself, makes perfect sense.
The do-gooding dhimmis at the BBC and the left wing establishment are going to have to face facts sooner or later, but for now they are busy denying the reality of islam with fluffy stories about Nadiya. The multiple rape of a white girl is, it seems, a price they are willing to pay for their pathetic multi-culti fantasy about a “religion of peace”.
There have been a few instances in this country where girls have been raped by Muslims, asked for help from other Muslim males and then been raped by them too; any Islamic ghetto where such atrocities happen should just be torn down to the tarmac.
“Brexit transition must end by 2022, says Hammond”
“What people in this country will want to know is that the day after we leave the European Union they are still able to go about their business.
“They will want to know that when they go to the supermarket, French and Spanish produce will be on the shelves, in the normal way. They will want to know that if they want to travel to Europe or go on holiday they will able to go to the airport, get on a plane and fly to their destination……”
More Anti Brexit propaganda and guff. Personally, I am not worried if there is no French cheese or Spanish wine on the shelves, but I bet the French and Spanish would be concerned. I don’t think the Europeans would be happy if less UK tourists were allowed to enter their countries to spend holiday money. A ‘win win’ for GB I would say.
A poor reason to slow down Brexit Mr Hammond.
Mr Hammond, I think you should be replaced by someone more up to the job – Mr Rees Mogg for instance.
Nick Ferrari this morning debated Rochdale perps getting legal aid to right extradition.
Well in UK the accused get lawyers otherwise it’s an unfair trial.
Once found guilty should a perp be able to challenge nature of the punishment ?
No that is the job of parliament.
The rule could be deport now, then appeal for re-admission.
Being deported is a lifelong punishment, but so are many other things like being put of Sex Offenders register.
Strong anti-licence video I have not seen before, seems brand new
cos mentions salary list etc.
Features people digging into the BBC like BBC ex-employees ..and Terry Christian.
Thank you stew – a long video but worth it. I wonder if this site has ever been mentioned on the main state broadcaster ? Perhaps RT could do the honours. We would risk more maxi guardian types but we do know we a right and more importantly it is about the safety and future of this country.
As an aside
In enjoying the albeeb riot ritual
1. Show some report about a black yoof coming to his end with the police involved
2. Question the circumstances to promote unease
3 say that the police complaints outfit are investigating ( insinuate wrongdoing )
4 say what lovely loving kid the dead one was
5 get the local labour mouthpiece to call for calm and achieve the opposite
6 crying mum/ family with picture of kid when he was 6
7 report there’s gonna be a march from scene to knock – family calls for calm
8 film march as it goes violent and accuse police of heaving handed / losing control
9 call for public inquiry – get someone from the race industry on albeeb dame Doreen Lawrence is ideal
10 more trouble more coverage – why didn’t police stop riot? What they covering up?
11 why no copper charged
12 follow up with annual reminder with hope of starting another riot – it makes good tele.
13 . Lastly forget to mention yoof was gang member, on bail for rape , drugs etc. And was responsible for
own death – lessons leant der der der
Mohamed Elmouelhy, the CEO of the largest Australian Halal certification organisation showing his hatred of Australians.
Wrote on his Facebook page that Australian women need Muslim men to fertilise them to ‘keep them surrounded by Muslim brown babies’.》
Deleted post after storm
Pauline Hanson said
” Australian businesses take note, your Halal certification fees pay Mohamed Elmouelhy wages. Disgraceful! ” link to screenshot of his Facebook post
Would recommend the saintly Sebastian Gorka as he effortlessly squashes the BBC in the run up to the 8am news on Today this morning. Shooting fish in a barrel for this great man.
Listen to his magesterial crashing of the transgender crap in the US military…our BBC nomark was clueless, as Gorka cited the suicide rates of this troubled group-and why the military might not be for them, what with all that stress and having to get up early!
Can always tell that the BBC are shit scared of Gorka-this was an edit, they simply will not let him on live if they can help it.
Enjoy it.
Surely the Tories could get him to speak for them, or train a few of them how to grow a spine from the petri dish.
: Momemtum did a video against nepotism, then someone explained Corbyn’s son works for Labour
: Media “Sarah Montague accuses co presenter of mansplaining on Today ”
It’s nothing the clip the sports guy filled time with one sentence>
She JOKED quickly ‘thanks for mansplaining’ ..over in 10 seconds
Then on Woman’s Hour Jane Garvey laid into a guy for daring to express a truth than women rarely asked for a payrise and women didn’t.
Her long spiel “out of touch” etc. see,ed the very essence of patronising bossy explaining that is called mansplaining.
yet Guardian put her on the frontpage.
Interesting to hear Sopel respond as criticism of his anti-Trump biased reporting was put to him.
Nobody took the trouble to spell out the nature of the alleged Russian intervention i.e. helping to make public Crooked Hillary’s actual misdeeds, but which Al Beeb and other MSM prefer not to talk about.
Roger Bolton talks to Jon Sopel.
Some interrogation.
Utter crap-anybody with even a basic count on stories from the BBc would know that their bias is rabid, overt, relentless and so easily proved with a stop watch and a grid.
Bolton of course does no such research, Sopel well paid and indulged with yet ANOTHER bit of airtime to trash the Trump Administration.
Nobody listens and believes any more, time to roll up the circus tent and start again.
As long as we pay for the BBC and Channel 4-well, Islam is doing Gods work.
We really should have burned the BBC tick off our body politic by now-why are we so supine?
Notice any difference?
“One person was killed and several injured in a knife attack in a supermarket in the northern German city of Hamburg on Friday, the city’s police said.
The man ran into a supermarket in the Barmbek neighbourhood and attacked customers with a knife at around 3pm local time (2pm). “He struck out at customers without warning. There are one dead and several injured,” Heike Uhde, a police spokeswoman said.
German daily Bild published a picture of the attacker in the back of a police car with a white, blood-soaked bag over his head, and reported that he cried “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest) in the supermarket.”
“One person has been killed and several injured in a knife attack in a Hamburg supermarket, German police say.
Hamburg police said on Twitter that one suspect had been arrested but that it was too soon to pinpoint a motive.
Bild newspaper published a photo of a man purported to be the attacker covered in blood.”
Squatter-Expect the BBC to cover it up as much as possible. BUT if you go to the BILD website you
don’t need to understand too much German in fact next to nothing to understand what the
assailant was screaming. I expect you will hear from the German police that he was mentally
disturbed. This of course is the line that the BBC will take also.
Following yesterday’s Maitlis interview , Al Beeb dont like Scaramucci now .
“Scaramucci in vulgar tirade against White House colleague Priebus”
The media v Trump war continues ……………
top cop Mike Barton who was on with Amol now has a Times column saying the same thing that Facebook /Twiiter should pay for policing
..The answer to which is that the police should stop bothering with fake-online-crime “Hate-Crime” that snowflakes report
and concentrate on real crime
Branson sells much of Virgin Atlantic to AirFrance-KLM
..cos of Brexit
..What a French Dutch airline is so frightened of Brexit it’s buying a UK based airline ?
Branson share goes down from 51% to 20%
I wonder if the BBC will ever report about the Red Team/Blue Team program to evaluate climate science.
With the Heartland Institute involved, indications are that Scott Pruitt is about to include Ned Nikolov in this initiative, since he and Karl Zeller have produced the only properly quantified alternative to the unproven radiative greenhouse hypothesis.
His and Karl Zeller’s Unified Theory of Climate is a scientific revelation and has been met with great enthusiasm from Astronomers, Atmospheric Physicists, Independent Meteorologists and Mensa members.
The Unified Theory of Climate shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Mercury and the Moon are used to prove that the Grey body temperature and the average surface temperature are equal when there is no Atmosphere.
It successfully predicts surface temperatures across a range of planetary bodies, whereas the mainstream theory fails when it is applied to any other planet or moon.
U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is leading a formal initiative to challenge mainstream climate science using a “back-and-forth critique” by real experts, not the fake experts used by the BBC, who turned out to be mostly scientifically unqualified environmental activists.
The program will use “red team, blue team” exercises to conduct an “at-length evaluation of U.S. climate science,” a concept developed by the military to identify vulnerabilities in field operations.
An unknown theory that always succeeds, against the theory of the mainstream consensus, that always fails (as can be seen in all computer models using the formula of the consensus theory, since 1997).
Which one do you think would win in a Red Team/Blue Team evaluation?
Perhaps we should crowd fund some charity to help the deaf Germans who cannot hear terrorists shout allah Akbar before getting the knife into an unsuspecting kaffir .
02:00 The story has now morphed slightly “There are unconfirmed reports that the man shouted “Allahu akhbar”, Arabic for “God is great” while attacking people.
Police said they were still seeking to confirm his current nationality. Mr Sholz said he was a failed asylum seeker”
Do we Welsh who voted to get out of an undemocratic bureaucratic oligarchy really care?
Not on your Nelly! There are plenty of Welsh musicians in Wales looking for work .
What a poor attempt at propaganda by Al Beeb.
There is a HYS running !
Gosh we are so enjoying the bbc’s, “Gay Britannia” and “Round Bisexual Quiz” (made that one up, although?).
Coming sooner than you might think, “Rape and Paedo Britannia”.
I am regressing towards childhood. Just been listening to the 1932 recording by Henry Hall of ” Teddy Bears’ Picnic “. I always felt it was a sinister song. Today, it suddenly struck me that it is about politicians !!!
Apparently al beeb is moving on to another “awful brexit” story – this time it’s aerospace and the wings of airbuses which are made here and then sent to the surrender monkeys
I said here the other day that albeeb would just run through a list for the next 18 months attempting to wear good people down.
It’s a blessing that the vast majority of the viewing public don’t watch c4 news or newsnight – it’s probably the same remains anyway. So these people are ranting to themselves. Any claim to neutrality is rapidly being seen as a lie – it’s just an EU funded propaganda tool now.
They are mentally deranged. China and India seem to be doing ok. And Japan surviving. USA still ok. The “Little Europeans” are living in the past. The world has moved on , leaving them stranded.
It would appear that our Hammond is fast becoming an “EU propaganda tool now” while May is Away.
May better sort out Al Beeb and her cabinet out or she will be out .
Indeed !
Where the hell are all the Tory Brexiteer Members of Parliament?
If Corbyn made a stronger noise abouit a determined Brexit he would win the next GE.
Good point. Labour were historicallly against the EU. I suspect Corbyn has a chance here. So long as the Tories keep faffing around and drifting, they are playing into his hands . They are idiots .
May is living the life of the Happy Wanderer singing her way across Europe on her walking holiday.
Perhaps our older readers might remember this song which was ever so popular during the fifties.
Yep, remember it very well. A regular favourite on Saturday morning listening to ‘Uncle Mac’ !!
Regardless of thoughts of Theresa May, I think the double page spreads of criticism given to her holiday wear was pretty pathetic. Jesus, hands up those who actually ‘get it right’ when we go away. British blokes look stooopid in football shirts, shorts below the knee, and don’t get me started on the footwear. Women expose acres of doughy looking flesh in ill fitting frocks (and then there are the tattoos). I doubt if all those fashion critics would love to be snapped when not at their best. Clearly not enough ‘news’ to keep them occupied.
Let’s not forget that Uncle Mac was very much a proto Jimmy Savile and employed by, guess who, the BBC. Like Savile, here was a man whom the BBC gave unfettered access to young children. This is confirmed by BBC reporter John Simpson.
Loved that song at Saturday morning cinema with the bouncing ball going along the words. Then onto the Navy with many parody versions – “I’d love to go an eskimo, upon a block of ice…..”
Heard this hammong bloke on Today this morning. Utterly useless, half arsed, vague and not fit for any job that requires a patriot with a backbone. Where DO the Tories find such bland jellyfish?
Montague was crap and could easily have been swatted-but Hammond made her look clever and cutting.
We need a New Patriotic Front with Brexit types from Left and Right.
We need the BBC broken up and sold off.
We need grammar schools, and a competion to retain only the top 100 universities.
We need Corbyns x10 limits between boss and cleaner-but only in the public sector.
Kate Hoey and Jacob Rees Mogg, Bill Cash and Peter Bone, Andrew Bridgen and Philip Davies-all co-ordinated by a freelancing Nigel Farage getting paid by results.
“…arguing for voting age to be lowered … young people have proven themselves to the be the most knowledgeable and most engaged as they have ever been.” – Kirsty Blackman, SNP, Aberdeen North.
– BBC Parliament / 19July / House Of Commons
… Theresa May could have responded …
“… Kirsty, where do you draw your data from? Can I have a look please? My cousin aged 8 has taken an interest in politics now Leaders wear a Harry Potter badge. With such interest they should now vote.” (suggested comment)
It doesn’t matter how many cuddly cake bakers or other such Islamophilia bullshit they shove down our throats; whilst the rape and terrorism continue people will struggle somehow to embrace the ideology.
It is all further nails in the coffin of the MSM. As every day brings more horrors engendered by this ideology, they still continue this farcical facade; it is like Comical Ali during the Iraq War saying how they were winning as everything exploded behind him. This level of ‘tolerance’ is not virtuous: it is like seeing someone innocent get beaten up and spat on yet looking the other way and applauding the perpetrators. May they rot in hell for destroying our great nation’s heritage. They are cowards and traitors.
– thank you Owen Jones, Keith Vaz, Diane Abbott, Chris Evans and Gary Lineker. We salute your efforts. Some 1%ers helping with 27%ers (for tax burden, if paying tax in this country of course)
No, no – they don’t pay any tax!! Remember, they all have offshore companies, registered where there is no tax, and take one-time loans from those companies, so they never do and never will pay any tax!! Remember Jimmy Carr 2012 – – and again in 2016 –
Now, I know that the 2016 article referred to historical offences, but we have never heard any more from these creeps, and we have no way of knowing if any of them are paying their fair share of tax – based on salaries that are totally sky-high compared to any normal person who works for his money – and paid out of taxpayers funds that are then hidden from the taxman.
Gary Lineker for one has been caught up in an “aggressive tax avoidance” scheme which fell foul of the courts. I am sure Keith Vaz would never stoop to such tactics though, he always pays his rentboys out of his taxed income. Such a gentleman.
Do you think Nadiya could leave the celebrity baking aside and go work for Asher’s Bakery?
What would she would do if requested to bake an Ernie n Bert Gay Marriage cake?
“…has not only the Institute of Fiscal Studies said that we (UK) have the lowest income gaps for decades, but the Office of National Statistics has also said that Britain has some of the lowest levels of persistent poverty in all of Europe (Anna Soubry heard saying ‘very good’ – shocked by fact?). Does my Right Honourable friend agree that it is right that this Country is governed by the true facts and no the fake news. And this Government is committed to building a strong economy for all.” – Vicky Ford, Conservative, Chelmsford
He makes me puke.
Every time his smug face appears on the TV screen I feel like hoying the remote at it.
He seems to have made it his own personal crusade against Trump ever since he was humiliated by the “that’s a beauty” statement it’s been nonstop.
An endless tirade of bile. Who is he trying to impress? His paymasters? The leftist libtards.
Perhaps even the viewer. This is not reporting. It’s just a childish attempt to get upmanship.
All he seems to be doing is making an utter prick of himself. Does anyone really take him seriously.
He’s like my dog. The dog thinks he can impress me by dumping an endless supply of toys I don’t want, at my feet to crave for attention and praise. Only thing is, the dog is a hell of a lot more intelligent and likeable. (Dog gets the praise but not Sopel)
I think so many media types are just making themselves look foolish with their endless attacks on Trump. Honestly, the nonsense these tyrants have been able to get away with for years. It is clearly deeply personal and indeed vital for them to attack Trump as he is such an existential threat to them. No politician has ever accused them over and over of being fake news – they have always bent over backwards to gain the approval of the media. The Faustian pact between politicians and the media has been broken and the devils are not happy.
I hate that smug tosser Sopel. Why does he have to have a jolly in Washington just to say the same agenda-driven bile over and over and over?
The BBC now moves into ‘nods and winks’ as ‘news’:
If a picture says a thousand words, this photograph of Reince Priebus and Anthony Scaramucci says two thousand words…
Beeb website suggests German attack may have been part of a robbery, in spite of the fact that he yelled a certain Arabic phrase.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Yeah – robbers always yell ‘Allahu Akbar.’ We all remember those great heist films where the robbers would break into the banks and yell ‘Allahu Akhbar, give us all your money!’ Who can forget that classic scene in the gangster film Goodfellas, where Robert DeNiro yells ‘Allahu Akbar’ whilst carrying out a robbery?
Ah, the good old Ministry of Truth keeping us informed.
Newspeak/Beebspeak: ‘Motive not known/not thought to be terror related’ means ‘Definitely an Islamic terror attack.’
I happened to have bbc brekkie-sofa on, when Burden and the Male-sofa-eunuch had to announce the breaking news.
The look on their sad disgusting faces said it all. It was a kind of ‘ oh fuck, I dont know how to spin this one yet, here I am, all alone out in front of the camera’ kind of panic stricken look.
Sad bastards, sick devious lying bastards.
Did I say bastards?
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
bBC and its daily Islamic promotion article:
Nadiya Hussain: ‘No arranged marriage for my children’
TV cook Nadiya Hussain says she does not want her children to follow her example by having an arranged marriage.
Any half decent journalist would have asked how would she feel if her children dated an Arab, somebody of the same sex or even worse a Jew.
We all know the answer to that don’t we.
Another example of the BBC trying to present a soft and cuddly interpretation of Islam in 21st century Britain. All aspects of Islam that Brits find objectionable are airbrushed out and replaced with fairy tales about how Muslims are just like us really , so good and wholesome that we should be happy that they form a greater and greater proportion of our population. Any news stories that expose the unpleasant truth about Islam are suppressed or distorted . The BBC is on a mission , fully supported by politicians from all parties, to anethesatise the Brits to the horror of Islam so as to buy time and hope that a miracle occurs and muslims and Brits settle down peacefully together. Of course this policy is very likely to result in our country being taken over by Islam, but our spineless politicians can’t think of any other way of dealing with the existentialist crisis that they have created over the past thirty years.
“Another example of the BBC trying to present a soft and cuddly interpretation of Islam in 21st century Britain”
Thinker. Has I understand history I’m sure I heard a quote from some British General that
Hitler’s favourite movie was a 1890s B/W movie about the British Empire military in I think it was Afghanistan. He, Hitler, is on record as saying – paraphrase here: That is my favourite movie of all time!
But I’m undecided whether he wanted to copy the Islamic method or the British method?
I’m certain that he meant his military would go the way of the Sword rather than democratic discussions as would happen if the UK parliament continues to cane-in to every will and demand from this creeping Islamic darkness!
I think the film was “The Lives of a Bengal Lancer”. Hitler admired Britain and the Empire. We could have made a seperate peace with him in 1940, but we chose to fight on and save Europe, in the process losing the Empire. Some thanks we got!
Alternative histories is a hobby of mine. My read is – if we’d done a deal with Hitler with Halifax as PM there would have been no war between the British and German empires until the Germans got the bomb before us. Then it would have been game over for us. Sooner or later we’d have been seen as a threat .,
Maybe, but the Germans had not made much progress with atomic weapons, whereas the British took it seriously. Maybe we would have got the A Bomb first?
As I said, Hitler did not see the British Empire as an enemy, and would have been willing to cut a peace deal leaving him free to invade the USSR. It is to our credit that we chose to fight on alone, it would just be nice if the rest of the EU sometimes acknowledged that fact. As far as they are concerned, we are just the schmucks who pay in £10 billion a year. They won’t miss us, they just miss our money!
Yes Rob. I think we’d have had the bomb first because Rutherford and the rest were ahead an the Germans were too busy killing their Jewish scientists. It amways pains me that America broke the promise to share the bomb because of infiltration be stalins’ crew and cost us enormous resources to get our own bomb at a time – after 1945 we we didn’t have much but our freedom and moral superiority.
If I was President Fedup of the UK the Germans would still be paying for what they started and did.
DT -I think they know that there is exactly zero chance of most of these invaders will ever practically integrate. I think they also know that there a lot more of these chancers in the country than they will ever admit and I suspect that a few years down the line with us still in the “transitional period” Merkel will pressure us to take the the rubbish that German and France do not want. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, Prime Minister Hammond will roll over and we will finally be buggered.
If/When Corbyn gets in (with the help of the snowflakes) I suspect that many of these illegals will then be granted an amnesty and Hey presto Labour for ever – or at least until we become a proper Islamic nation – Inshalla.
You outline my worst nightmare. I feel sure that the survival of our country, culture and values is under serious threat , both from within and without and yet there is no leader , no party willing to resist Islamification. Rather the opposite is true, our politicians are using the power of the state to suppress any opposition to Islamification by banning free speech or passing extreme laws on hate speech, when for the first time in our history a person is found guilty merely on the basis of the testimony of the so called victim, no other evidence being required. Additionally they allow a separate Islamic system of justice to grow .
All of this would have been unthinkable forty years ago, there would have been public outrage and a heavy price to be paid at the ballot box for any party that even thought of doing this. But thanks to the left gaining control of the education system and the BBC in the sixties and seventies people have been brainwashed into acceptance. This battle was lost decades before people even realised it was being fought.
We’ve already had a double dose of diversity today then as Charlie and Naga this morning provided a nice bit of PR for Conor Ibrahiem, possibly Muslim/ Irish hence doubling the potential for piety, from Bradford, who has made a film aimed at tackling Islamofauxbia call ‘Freesia’.
Dignified Islamic scholar/ victim. Angry, disadvantaged youth. Radically violent whites. Strong, principled hijabbed female. Striving to gain acceptance, to promote identity, to gain rights and respect for their peaceful but misunderstood diverse and rich culture, just waiting to be allowed to benefit and enrich their confused and misinformed non-Muslim neighbours.
Bullshit. Same old, same old, the blunt cutting edge. Ffs BBC, catch yourselves on.
Who watches this self-indulgent crap, why do the BBC think that their viewers empathise with these narratives in anyway or are in anyway interested. Why are we being constantly bombarded by the views and believes of such an arrogantly opinionated and self-righteous minority ideology and culture.
I’ve never heard of Conor Ibrahiem, he’s been in Corrie apparently, as his work appears to be aimed at a niche market I’m not, nor want to be, familiar with.
I’d never heard of him when he used the name Conor Alexander either, probably before he founded his Islamic theatre company, but the change of name seems to have been really lucky for him.
Smart career move, maybe his diversity wasn’t being celebrated often enough.
Great post Rich
Thanks To, appreciate that.
I like to know how other people think and how cultures evolve to adapt and improve their environments, but Islam doesn’t seem to do either, and the BBC are dishonest in their portrayal of Islam in Britain.
How many Muslims watch the BBC? Satellite channels are freely available and Eastern European rentals are easily identified by the massive dishes stuck on front of them. It seems that the first thing many migrants do in their new country is to make sure they have access to their old one. Why would Muslims, arrived in Britain within the past decade or entrenched in their own communities in our cities and northern towns for a few generations, not having to speak English,not eating local produce, not using services or trades run by non-Muslims or Muslims of a different ethnicity, watch an English language programme on a British channel with a Christian male and an ethnic Sri Lankan, possibly Hindu, non-niqabbed woman presenting it? How many pay a licence? Does sharia law enforce it?
Who are these Muslim heavy features for? Why would BBC viewers, in the main white and Christian, find Islamic culture anymore important and interesting than Chinese culture, or Sikh culture, or Polish culture, or Jewish culture, or what about English culture?
What are the BBC trying to achieve and why? I don’t get it.
Another great post!
The BBC are part of the attempted destruction of Western Judaeo-Christian civilisation.
The Marxists want this because they blame the existence of it for the repeated failure of their deadly ideology.
More interesting questions for both Nadiya Hussain and Sadiq Khan …
1. If a man who writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
2. If a man who is homosexual should he be killed?
3. If a man who draws a cartoon should he be killed?
4. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
5. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
6. Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
1. If no then please write to Iran and remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
2. If not then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
3. If not then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
4. If no then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Employment Discrimination)
5. If no then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
6. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia.
Or we can avoid the hard questions and talk about arranged marriages with Nadiya Hussain, rather than polygamy, apostates, Halal, homosexuals, Sharia , blasphemy and cartoons … cartoons still needs to be discussed in 2017 but can’t be … blasphemy in 2017 … *sigh*
Philly Archbishop: Europe’s Future Has the Face of ‘Young Muslim Immigrants’
I’m really sorry I hit the Report Comment in error while I was scrolling on my tablet. Nothing at all wrong with the comment in my opinion.
I’m sorry if this has been mentioned before but, if anyone watched an interview given to Diane Abbott by Kirsty Wark (last night?), could someone please explain to me her answers? Could you imagine a Conservative or UKIP type person getting such a friendly ride for mouthing absolute drivel?
It’s worth a viewing…I can almost guarantee your jaw will drop!
Oh we are not taking anything off the table, we’re not taking anything off the table, off the table, off the table. Comments were disabled from the You Tube recording
Please GWF, not just after lunch.
How much did Diane Abbott get paid for this by the BBC? Was she being paid as an MP at the same time or did she clock off and walk down the street to claim £600 (guess) for a BBC appearance?
Honestly – just record her at home saying “We are not taking options off the table” and press repeat. Or, why not ask Diane Abbott …
– “What is the difference between the Customs Union and the Single Market?”
– “As Shadow Home Secretary, what do you think of the stance Hungary and Poland are taking against the EU?”
– “Have you read the Harris Review (London’s security 2016) yet, can you tell me the summary of the findings?”
– can they please replace Diane Abbott with someone who answers questions and doesn’t take so long to speak.
Two things we are not going see on the BBC. Firstly, any explanation of why Obamacare has been such a disaster for the average US citizen (and there are plenty of reasons); they are perfectly happy to imply that Trump is trying to abolish something that is worthwhile and wonderful. Secondly, any proper coverage of the looming scandal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and her Pakistani aide who also worked for many years for other Democrats. He has been arrested for bank fraud, but many other serious matters are under investigation. Still, it’s the Democrats, so as far as the BBC is concerned, there is nothing to see.
I suspect that the far-left bbc regard these things as ” matters ” rather than crimes. That’s what Loretta Lynch and James Comey agreed to call lying Hillary’s crimes.
Martin, try to find Prof Mallory Factor talking to Ben Brown on the news BBC channel at about 11.30 this morning, don’t know if it will be on iPlayer or youtube, but you might be able to find it.
Ben Brown is the one who looks like a Harry Enfield/ Dick Emery love child. Mallory Factor is an American visiting Professor at both Oxford and Cambridge and a FOX News contributor. He’s no dozer. Don’t know how he made it onto the BBC but efficiently and elegantly he basically said what you’re saying with regards to media coverage.
Media and White House at war, always had been conflict but now it was in the open, things being blown out of proportion, media only presenting one side of the story. At one point, to paraphrase, Factor said, ‘ I know you don’t like it, Trump removing the US from the Paris treaty, but he did what he said he would do’.
Brown didn’t really know what to do as Factor was so reasonably sensible and concise.
That’s the way I remember it anyway, worth having a look.
Hasn’t stopped the BBC trying to stir things up anyway, using a now all to a wearily familiar ‘one degree of separation’ technique of asking a question of an audience perhaps less obsessed with the US political scene than every BBC tea lady.
Thank you for the info on Mallory Factor. I found the schedule for BBC News, and the programme to which you refer is, I think, “BBC Newsroom Live” 1100-1300. Unfortunately, the BBC has not made it available on iPlayer, even though programmes each side of it (the Derbyshire programme, and News at One) are both available. Anyway, I shall remember the name, and keep a lookout for him on You Tube. It sounds as though the good Prof. is not going to be on BBC’s speed-dial.
And why is this ‘news’? Who gives a s***.
BBC post this drivel but don’t report on the three Muslim thugs in Liverpool who attack everyone who isn’t Muslim. Of course, I forgot, the middle class elitists at the BBC, in government and across Europe want Islam to become the main religion, because it will make the populace easier to control for the New World Order. Thus, Muslims get the special treatment and our media are ordered to spew out propaganda.
But in fairness, the BBC’s ‘news’ website does carry this important story from Liverpool which also, oddly enough (not), involves cakes, ethnics and trash TV:
“I don’t think [my children] need me to find them a husband or a wife. They will do a better job than I will.”
Bet that went down a storm with Abdal and his family.
She best whip the battery out of the Nissan.
I wonder if the snooty BBC will report in depth on this story?
Personally, I would tie the scum to a cannon, aim for the sun and light the fuse.
“A Ministry of Justice spokesman told MailOnline they do not comment on individual cases, but said: ‘Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, most prisoners must be automatically released at the halfway point of their sentence”.
Well, our esteemed leaders, you can amend that Act for a start – and bring back the death penalty.
Has anybody ever had an automatic 50% refund on a speeding fine? Funny, that …..
A clever comment Lobster – time to ask for 50% rebate, parking fines are less serious than crimes
of murder and rape so maybe a 75% rebate after paying it?
Come on. Be fair. You get a bit off if you agree to be re-programmed on a defensive driver course.
Run by ex-policemen.
You pay them to be reprogrammed… genius idea!
We should have a national holiday on the day he is released to truly celebrate this diversity. If you do not approve of children being raped and tortured, you are a white nationalist.
When you read, in that article, the answer Mdm May gave in the HoC; you just KNOW she’s no bloody good!
Last Friday the Beeb ran a long article on their front page about a Syrian woman who was reading an innocuous book – complete with friendly cartoons of beheadings – who had suffered the terrible ordeal of being questioned by airport officials. She demanded an apology and says she was stopped just because of her race. Nothing to do with the book featuring pictures of beheadings.
So a girl is raped by two different men because of the colour of her skin. What is worse – legitimate questioning or double rape? Of course the story is nowhere to be found on the Beeb website. Instead we hear that Nadiya’s children will not have an arranged marriage – isn’t that lovely? Clearly this insane multicultural experiment that was forced upon us is working our fantastically. Never mind the rape, a Muslim woman is not forcing an arranged marriage on her children! How progressive!
I wonder whether the BBC will be publicising Hillary Clinton’s forthcoming book?
“Of course they will! You don’t have to wonder about it!”
Ah, wait till you see the title:
Join in the hashtag fun! I’m sure President Trump will tweet a couple of contributions …
And here was me thinking it was going to be “Duck! Sniper!”
TMS Radio 4. Aggers with Tuffers talking nonsense. For some reason they were discussing ” Are you being served ” ( I won’t go into the reason, but Tuffers is bonkers ). Aggers says, ” those were the days when the BBC made real comedy “. I wonder when his contract is up ?
Yes I heard that. Proper comedy he said.
I agree Tuffers is nuts.
BBC in full propaganda mode today – yet again they are trying emotionally manipulate people with their pro-Muslim refugee propaganda –
Always impressed with the speed and degree of loss of bowel control at BBC complaints with some issues, if not all.
I wonder if those climactic stalwarts Harrabin and Monbiot might be added to the list of those in line to be charged with corporate manslaughter? Since their rabid support for ‘climate change’ has played such a significant part in the decision to fit those highly inflammable and pointless Grenfell panels, they really should carry the can – even though the subject is being effectively ignored, so far. And since the BBC has virtually created the pair and given them carte blanche to make ever more spurious claims, they should be charged too. Mind you, if they were, we’d pay the legal bill anyway.
You fella’s are in for good fishing weather look, Al Beeb reckon lots will be able to do it from their bedroom window, all down to unquestioned Global warming, the fact the planet hasn’t had any global warming since 1998 of not the slightest importance, ”super-computer” says yes yes YES…………..and not any old super-computer,…………theres super computers and theres climate super computers, and this one is the ultimate dog’s bollox of super computing, thats what makes the forecasts of impending disaster so so exciting, and un-precedented in magnitude, 2014 mere showers, worse than eva eva eva eva, could be biblical proportions. and yall just aint ready for it, #duetobrexit #duetotories
Crikey. It’s like OFCOM is just like the BBC Trust for some reason.
My cartoon summary of the week’s news:
LOL ! Did you say ” Corbyn ” or ” Carbon ” ?
I remember when I did a Chemistry project at school (I was about 12 at the time) I did a report on fuels and the front page had spell-checked it to “fools” but I didn’t get marks off because the teacher assumed I’d done it as a pun. If only he knew the petrolhead free market capitalist I’d turn out to be…
btw, I thought I’d add that I save these off as fairly nice jpegs to a website
I’m not too sure how/if to get the video quality to match the scans. I shoot the video on a mounted iPhone7 and scan on a proper Epson. If anyone is technical when it comes to these things I’d love to know any tips/filters to sharpen up the videos, if such a thing is possible. The iPhone does great quality photos yet the video on these isn’t as sharp as I’d like them to be…
At last the BBC have done a bit of coverage of Venezuela protests and collapse, on the V D show.But it hardly touched the crux of what’s going on .They give the impression it is to do with a change in the constitution .
They had several Venezuelans who live in UK ,but their English was not great so couldn’t really express what’s going on. They got no help from the female presenter. They also interviewed several brave masked protesters In fear of their lives , but did not ask them any thing of any consequence .
Any casual viewer would be none the wiser about the socialist paradise of Venezuela.
And yet it’s crystal clear what has gone wrong in Venezuela, like it’s gone wrong EVERYWHERE:
Must I spell it out? S.O.C.I.A.L.I.S.M.
So naturally the socialist Beeb will obfuscate the matter as much as possible.
After all, they owe their very existence to a socialist-type tax extortion. It’s the only model they understand: subsidy from the magic money tree of Other People’s Money.
Was there any mention on the Derbyshire show of the Cuban troops now in Venezuela? btw, the question is purely rhetorical.
Another “man”
arrested walking the streets with knife and crossbow!
Mohammed TellMaMa?
The Birmingham rape ..and samaritan rap
Both by code word “Asians”
“Both attackers Asian”
The police have issued this security camera picture of one of the suspects:
Certainly looks dangerous to me.
This horrifying attack merely demonstrates the differences between islam and Christianity. The muslim is expected to have compassion, but only for another muslim. This poor girl was a kuffar, and so unworthy of a muslim’s compassion, and fit to be a muslim’s sex slave. In this context, the fact that a muslim, flagged down to help a girl who had been raped by a muslim, should decide to rape her himself, makes perfect sense.
The do-gooding dhimmis at the BBC and the left wing establishment are going to have to face facts sooner or later, but for now they are busy denying the reality of islam with fluffy stories about Nadiya. The multiple rape of a white girl is, it seems, a price they are willing to pay for their pathetic multi-culti fantasy about a “religion of peace”.
There have been a few instances in this country where girls have been raped by Muslims, asked for help from other Muslim males and then been raped by them too; any Islamic ghetto where such atrocities happen should just be torn down to the tarmac.
“Brexit transition must end by 2022, says Hammond”
“What people in this country will want to know is that the day after we leave the European Union they are still able to go about their business.
“They will want to know that when they go to the supermarket, French and Spanish produce will be on the shelves, in the normal way. They will want to know that if they want to travel to Europe or go on holiday they will able to go to the airport, get on a plane and fly to their destination……”
More Anti Brexit propaganda and guff. Personally, I am not worried if there is no French cheese or Spanish wine on the shelves, but I bet the French and Spanish would be concerned. I don’t think the Europeans would be happy if less UK tourists were allowed to enter their countries to spend holiday money. A ‘win win’ for GB I would say.
A poor reason to slow down Brexit Mr Hammond.
Mr Hammond, I think you should be replaced by someone more up to the job – Mr Rees Mogg for instance.
Nick Ferrari this morning debated Rochdale perps getting legal aid to right extradition.
Well in UK the accused get lawyers otherwise it’s an unfair trial.
Once found guilty should a perp be able to challenge nature of the punishment ?
No that is the job of parliament.
The rule could be deport now, then appeal for re-admission.
Being deported is a lifelong punishment, but so are many other things like being put of Sex Offenders register.
Strong anti-licence video I have not seen before, seems brand new
cos mentions salary list etc.
Features people digging into the BBC like BBC ex-employees ..and Terry Christian.
Thank you stew – a long video but worth it. I wonder if this site has ever been mentioned on the main state broadcaster ? Perhaps RT could do the honours. We would risk more maxi guardian types but we do know we a right and more importantly it is about the safety and future of this country.
As an aside
In enjoying the albeeb riot ritual
1. Show some report about a black yoof coming to his end with the police involved
2. Question the circumstances to promote unease
3 say that the police complaints outfit are investigating ( insinuate wrongdoing )
4 say what lovely loving kid the dead one was
5 get the local labour mouthpiece to call for calm and achieve the opposite
6 crying mum/ family with picture of kid when he was 6
7 report there’s gonna be a march from scene to knock – family calls for calm
8 film march as it goes violent and accuse police of heaving handed / losing control
9 call for public inquiry – get someone from the race industry on albeeb dame Doreen Lawrence is ideal
10 more trouble more coverage – why didn’t police stop riot? What they covering up?
11 why no copper charged
12 follow up with annual reminder with hope of starting another riot – it makes good tele.
13 . Lastly forget to mention yoof was gang member, on bail for rape , drugs etc. And was responsible for
own death – lessons leant der der der
Mohamed Elmouelhy, the CEO of the largest Australian Halal certification organisation showing his hatred of Australians.
Wrote on his Facebook page that Australian women need Muslim men to fertilise them to ‘keep them surrounded by Muslim brown babies’.》
Deleted post after storm
Pauline Hanson said
” Australian businesses take note, your Halal certification fees pay Mohamed Elmouelhy wages. Disgraceful! ”
link to screenshot of his Facebook post
It won’t be free speech that tackles Islam. Halal chicken and employment rights … but we never saw boycotts and murder threats over cartoons!
BBC to launch half price licence …. for women .
As all women are SpecVics (Special victims)
Enjoying SVS (special victim status)
I guess transexuals are SpecVic level 2, and Muslim transexuals SpecVic level 3
I hereby want to be known as Loretta.
Would recommend the saintly Sebastian Gorka as he effortlessly squashes the BBC in the run up to the 8am news on Today this morning. Shooting fish in a barrel for this great man.
Listen to his magesterial crashing of the transgender crap in the US military…our BBC nomark was clueless, as Gorka cited the suicide rates of this troubled group-and why the military might not be for them, what with all that stress and having to get up early!
Can always tell that the BBC are shit scared of Gorka-this was an edit, they simply will not let him on live if they can help it.
Enjoy it.
Surely the Tories could get him to speak for them, or train a few of them how to grow a spine from the petri dish.
One dead, several injured, knife attack in Hamburg market. Another mentally challenged Norwegian, or a protest against chlorine-washed halal chickens?
Beltane …………………..
I think he was looking for the ‘snack bar’ ?
And a car ramming in Helsinki too I believe.
Until I hear otherwise, i`ll assume it was the Muslims again…who checks any more?
: Momemtum did a video against nepotism, then someone explained Corbyn’s son works for Labour
: Media “Sarah Montague accuses co presenter of mansplaining on Today ”
It’s nothing the clip the sports guy filled time with one sentence>
She JOKED quickly ‘thanks for mansplaining’ ..over in 10 seconds
Then on Woman’s Hour Jane Garvey laid into a guy for daring to express a truth than women rarely asked for a payrise and women didn’t.
Her long spiel “out of touch” etc. see,ed the very essence of patronising bossy explaining that is called mansplaining.
yet Guardian put her on the frontpage.
On the BBC News website “tech” pages is an advert for a gay dating game…
Gay ‘dad dating’ game is a surprise hit
A dating simulator that lets people flirt with gay, bisexual and trans “dream dads” has become a top-seller on the online game store Steam.
The game costs £10.99 and according to the reviews on Steam games store, out of the last 10 reviews 7 didn’t recommend it.
This is nothing more than a free advert for a gay game and to push the BBC LGBT agenda onto the tech pages.
Hetero game coming soon? Can I select my religion and 71 genders? Why Dad’s not mums?
Wow pg 17 Times : runs the story about the trial of the gang of racist Muslims hooligans in Liverpool.
R4 now : FakeNews Sopel is on Feedback
before item : 3 clips saying BBC is not biased .. 1 saying it is destroying itself
Sopel “we are not the opposition to Donald Trump, like some of the American networks seem to be”
Now they did mocking impersonation to announce the address
Using Trump, May and Blair voices. making fun of Left & Libs then
no sneering impressions of LibMob people like Corbyn/Abbott yet on & on at Trump
Shows prog does have an agenda
..that’s how they killed the BBC
Interesting to hear Sopel respond as criticism of his anti-Trump biased reporting was put to him.
Nobody took the trouble to spell out the nature of the alleged Russian intervention i.e. helping to make public Crooked Hillary’s actual misdeeds, but which Al Beeb and other MSM prefer not to talk about.
Roger Bolton talks to Jon Sopel.
Some interrogation.
Utter crap-anybody with even a basic count on stories from the BBc would know that their bias is rabid, overt, relentless and so easily proved with a stop watch and a grid.
Bolton of course does no such research, Sopel well paid and indulged with yet ANOTHER bit of airtime to trash the Trump Administration.
Nobody listens and believes any more, time to roll up the circus tent and start again.
As long as we pay for the BBC and Channel 4-well, Islam is doing Gods work.
We really should have burned the BBC tick off our body politic by now-why are we so supine?
Murder in Hamburg.
Notice any difference?
“One person was killed and several injured in a knife attack in a supermarket in the northern German city of Hamburg on Friday, the city’s police said.
The man ran into a supermarket in the Barmbek neighbourhood and attacked customers with a knife at around 3pm local time (2pm). “He struck out at customers without warning. There are one dead and several injured,” Heike Uhde, a police spokeswoman said.
German daily Bild published a picture of the attacker in the back of a police car with a white, blood-soaked bag over his head, and reported that he cried “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest) in the supermarket.”
“One person has been killed and several injured in a knife attack in a Hamburg supermarket, German police say.
Hamburg police said on Twitter that one suspect had been arrested but that it was too soon to pinpoint a motive.
Bild newspaper published a photo of a man purported to be the attacker covered in blood.”
Watertight Oversight in action.
This may not prevent an oddly well-rehearsed ‘community in fear’ series of interviews anyway.
Squatter-Expect the BBC to cover it up as much as possible. BUT if you go to the BILD website you
don’t need to understand too much German in fact next to nothing to understand what the
assailant was screaming. I expect you will hear from the German police that he was mentally
disturbed. This of course is the line that the BBC will take also.
Following yesterday’s Maitlis interview , Al Beeb dont like Scaramucci now .
“Scaramucci in vulgar tirade against White House colleague Priebus”
The media v Trump war continues ……………
top cop Mike Barton who was on with Amol now has a Times column saying the same thing that Facebook /Twiiter should pay for policing
..The answer to which is that the police should stop bothering with fake-online-crime “Hate-Crime” that snowflakes report
and concentrate on real crime
“Donald” Macron vows to clear streets of migrants
by turning 62 cheap hotels into shelters
Hilarious. 62 hotels, let’s estimate 100 rooms each. So what is he going to do with the other 2 million ‘immigrants’ ??
Branson sells much of Virgin Atlantic to AirFrance-KLM
..cos of Brexit
..What a French Dutch airline is so frightened of Brexit it’s buying a UK based airline ?
Branson share goes down from 51% to 20%
I wonder if the BBC will ever report about the Red Team/Blue Team program to evaluate climate science.
With the Heartland Institute involved, indications are that Scott Pruitt is about to include Ned Nikolov in this initiative, since he and Karl Zeller have produced the only properly quantified alternative to the unproven radiative greenhouse hypothesis.
His and Karl Zeller’s Unified Theory of Climate is a scientific revelation and has been met with great enthusiasm from Astronomers, Atmospheric Physicists, Independent Meteorologists and Mensa members.
The Unified Theory of Climate shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Mercury and the Moon are used to prove that the Grey body temperature and the average surface temperature are equal when there is no Atmosphere.
It successfully predicts surface temperatures across a range of planetary bodies, whereas the mainstream theory fails when it is applied to any other planet or moon.
U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is leading a formal initiative to challenge mainstream climate science using a “back-and-forth critique” by real experts, not the fake experts used by the BBC, who turned out to be mostly scientifically unqualified environmental activists.
The program will use “red team, blue team” exercises to conduct an “at-length evaluation of U.S. climate science,” a concept developed by the military to identify vulnerabilities in field operations.
An unknown theory that always succeeds, against the theory of the mainstream consensus, that always fails (as can be seen in all computer models using the formula of the consensus theory, since 1997).
Which one do you think would win in a Red Team/Blue Team evaluation?
The left are ready to drug us, if necessary, into believing in man-made climate change:
I see that as whistleblowing, as it is quite obvious those on the left have been victims of some type of chemical kosh, that makes them so gullible.
If the BBC have any influence it will be the Green team who win!
“Speculation in German media said the attack may have been part of a robbery attempt but police said that that motive could not be confirmed”
“German media say attacker screamed Allahu Akbar “
Perhaps we should crowd fund some charity to help the deaf Germans who cannot hear terrorists shout allah Akbar before getting the knife into an unsuspecting kaffir .
02:00 The story has now morphed slightly “There are unconfirmed reports that the man shouted “Allahu akhbar”, Arabic for “God is great” while attacking people.
Police said they were still seeking to confirm his current nationality. Mr Sholz said he was a failed asylum seeker”
“I have met more of my bosses in the last five days than in the last decade. I didn’t know they cared.”
Wonder if the empties were just lobbed out in the corridor afterwards?
Woe, Woe thrice Woe ! From Wales.
“Brexit: Owain Arwel Hughes fears musician exodus”
Do we Welsh who voted to get out of an undemocratic bureaucratic oligarchy really care?
Not on your Nelly! There are plenty of Welsh musicians in Wales looking for work .
What a poor attempt at propaganda by Al Beeb.
There is a HYS running !
Gosh we are so enjoying the bbc’s, “Gay Britannia” and “Round Bisexual Quiz” (made that one up, although?).
Coming sooner than you might think, “Rape and Paedo Britannia”.
“Rape and Paedo Britannia”.
The BBC had that one covered back in the 60s and 70s. In their own buildings.
I am regressing towards childhood. Just been listening to the 1932 recording by Henry Hall of ” Teddy Bears’ Picnic “. I always felt it was a sinister song. Today, it suddenly struck me that it is about politicians !!!
Apparently al beeb is moving on to another “awful brexit” story – this time it’s aerospace and the wings of airbuses which are made here and then sent to the surrender monkeys
I said here the other day that albeeb would just run through a list for the next 18 months attempting to wear good people down.
It’s a blessing that the vast majority of the viewing public don’t watch c4 news or newsnight – it’s probably the same remains anyway. So these people are ranting to themselves. Any claim to neutrality is rapidly being seen as a lie – it’s just an EU funded propaganda tool now.
They are mentally deranged. China and India seem to be doing ok. And Japan surviving. USA still ok. The “Little Europeans” are living in the past. The world has moved on , leaving them stranded.
It would appear that our Hammond is fast becoming an “EU propaganda tool now” while May is Away.
May better sort out Al Beeb and her cabinet out or she will be out .
Hammond is a wanker. May is useless . But the real Tories do not have the balls to get rid of them .
Indeed !
Where the hell are all the Tory Brexiteer Members of Parliament?
If Corbyn made a stronger noise abouit a determined Brexit he would win the next GE.
Good point. Labour were historicallly against the EU. I suspect Corbyn has a chance here. So long as the Tories keep faffing around and drifting, they are playing into his hands . They are idiots .
May is living the life of the Happy Wanderer singing her way across Europe on her walking holiday.
Perhaps our older readers might remember this song which was ever so popular during the fifties.
See picture below
Yep, remember it very well. A regular favourite on Saturday morning listening to ‘Uncle Mac’ !!
Regardless of thoughts of Theresa May, I think the double page spreads of criticism given to her holiday wear was pretty pathetic. Jesus, hands up those who actually ‘get it right’ when we go away. British blokes look stooopid in football shirts, shorts below the knee, and don’t get me started on the footwear. Women expose acres of doughy looking flesh in ill fitting frocks (and then there are the tattoos). I doubt if all those fashion critics would love to be snapped when not at their best. Clearly not enough ‘news’ to keep them occupied.
Let’s not forget that Uncle Mac was very much a proto Jimmy Savile and employed by, guess who, the BBC. Like Savile, here was a man whom the BBC gave unfettered access to young children. This is confirmed by BBC reporter John Simpson.
Lovely to hear that again. Thanks. It made me wonder: was it television that corrupted the BBC?
Loved that song at Saturday morning cinema with the bouncing ball going along the words. Then onto the Navy with many parody versions – “I’d love to go an eskimo, upon a block of ice…..”
Heard this hammong bloke on Today this morning. Utterly useless, half arsed, vague and not fit for any job that requires a patriot with a backbone. Where DO the Tories find such bland jellyfish?
Montague was crap and could easily have been swatted-but Hammond made her look clever and cutting.
We need a New Patriotic Front with Brexit types from Left and Right.
We need the BBC broken up and sold off.
We need grammar schools, and a competion to retain only the top 100 universities.
We need Corbyns x10 limits between boss and cleaner-but only in the public sector.
Kate Hoey and Jacob Rees Mogg, Bill Cash and Peter Bone, Andrew Bridgen and Philip Davies-all co-ordinated by a freelancing Nigel Farage getting paid by results.
I am sure Airbus will refuse to take delivery of non-EU wings. The new Airbus will just be a fuselage though, so it might not be a best seller.
That was terrible – flies whizzing around the man’s bum hole. Oh dear.
They were feasting, dirty bastard.
I think that egging trolls like Maxicony is one thing, but showing pictures of flies around Maxicony’s bum is going too far – even for a BBC supporter
“…arguing for voting age to be lowered … young people have proven themselves to the be the most knowledgeable and most engaged as they have ever been.” – Kirsty Blackman, SNP, Aberdeen North.
– BBC Parliament / 19July / House Of Commons
… Theresa May could have responded …
“… Kirsty, where do you draw your data from? Can I have a look please? My cousin aged 8 has taken an interest in politics now Leaders wear a Harry Potter badge. With such interest they should now vote.” (suggested comment)
It doesn’t matter how many cuddly cake bakers or other such Islamophilia bullshit they shove down our throats; whilst the rape and terrorism continue people will struggle somehow to embrace the ideology.
It is all further nails in the coffin of the MSM. As every day brings more horrors engendered by this ideology, they still continue this farcical facade; it is like Comical Ali during the Iraq War saying how they were winning as everything exploded behind him. This level of ‘tolerance’ is not virtuous: it is like seeing someone innocent get beaten up and spat on yet looking the other way and applauding the perpetrators. May they rot in hell for destroying our great nation’s heritage. They are cowards and traitors.
TV nepotism again
..You know Alistair Stewart of ITV News, his son organises Thief Trackers shown on BBC1
BTW the prog was a bit of an advert for C-Tracker , vehicle tracking corp
So probably broke editorial guidelines.
Says Ex BBC guy Chris Stewart
Exactly. I saw that and thought I was on C-Tracker channel. An extended advert.
“…top 1% tax payers, are bearing 27% of the tax burden…” – Theresa May
BBC Parliament / 19 Jul / House of Commons
Britain’s wealth gap has narrowed since the recession{ifs jul2017}
– thank you Owen Jones, Keith Vaz, Diane Abbott, Chris Evans and Gary Lineker. We salute your efforts. Some 1%ers helping with 27%ers (for tax burden, if paying tax in this country of course)
No, no – they don’t pay any tax!! Remember, they all have offshore companies, registered where there is no tax, and take one-time loans from those companies, so they never do and never will pay any tax!! Remember Jimmy Carr 2012 – – and again in 2016 –
Now, I know that the 2016 article referred to historical offences, but we have never heard any more from these creeps, and we have no way of knowing if any of them are paying their fair share of tax – based on salaries that are totally sky-high compared to any normal person who works for his money – and paid out of taxpayers funds that are then hidden from the taxman.
Gary Lineker for one has been caught up in an “aggressive tax avoidance” scheme which fell foul of the courts. I am sure Keith Vaz would never stoop to such tactics though, he always pays his rentboys out of his taxed income. Such a gentleman.
Breaking …………..Trump wants his police to get heavy handed with perpetrators. Al Beeb won’t like that when they pick it up – think of the ‘poor’ deprived criminals.
Do you think Nadiya could leave the celebrity baking aside and go work for Asher’s Bakery?
What would she would do if requested to bake an Ernie n Bert Gay Marriage cake?
“…has not only the Institute of Fiscal Studies said that we (UK) have the lowest income gaps for decades, but the Office of National Statistics has also said that Britain has some of the lowest levels of persistent poverty in all of Europe (Anna Soubry heard saying ‘very good’ – shocked by fact?). Does my Right Honourable friend agree that it is right that this Country is governed by the true facts and no the fake news. And this Government is committed to building a strong economy for all.” – Vicky Ford, Conservative, Chelmsford
BBC Parliament / 19 Jul / House of Commons
He makes me puke.
Every time his smug face appears on the TV screen I feel like hoying the remote at it.
He seems to have made it his own personal crusade against Trump ever since he was humiliated by the “that’s a beauty” statement it’s been nonstop.
An endless tirade of bile. Who is he trying to impress? His paymasters? The leftist libtards.
Perhaps even the viewer. This is not reporting. It’s just a childish attempt to get upmanship.
All he seems to be doing is making an utter prick of himself. Does anyone really take him seriously.
He’s like my dog. The dog thinks he can impress me by dumping an endless supply of toys I don’t want, at my feet to crave for attention and praise. Only thing is, the dog is a hell of a lot more intelligent and likeable. (Dog gets the praise but not Sopel)
I think so many media types are just making themselves look foolish with their endless attacks on Trump. Honestly, the nonsense these tyrants have been able to get away with for years. It is clearly deeply personal and indeed vital for them to attack Trump as he is such an existential threat to them. No politician has ever accused them over and over of being fake news – they have always bent over backwards to gain the approval of the media. The Faustian pact between politicians and the media has been broken and the devils are not happy.
I hate that smug tosser Sopel. Why does he have to have a jolly in Washington just to say the same agenda-driven bile over and over and over?
that trump can be the devil incarnate whilst they were all busy wanking over castro is really just beyond the realms of belief
Oh ”Another” beauty.
The BBC now moves into ‘nods and winks’ as ‘news’:
If a picture says a thousand words, this photograph of Reince Priebus and Anthony Scaramucci says two thousand words…
Beeb website suggests German attack may have been part of a robbery, in spite of the fact that he yelled a certain Arabic phrase.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Yeah – robbers always yell ‘Allahu Akbar.’ We all remember those great heist films where the robbers would break into the banks and yell ‘Allahu Akhbar, give us all your money!’ Who can forget that classic scene in the gangster film Goodfellas, where Robert DeNiro yells ‘Allahu Akbar’ whilst carrying out a robbery?
Ah, the good old Ministry of Truth keeping us informed.
Newspeak/Beebspeak: ‘Motive not known/not thought to be terror related’ means ‘Definitely an Islamic terror attack.’
motive not known lol
refugee islamist
I happened to have bbc brekkie-sofa on, when Burden and the Male-sofa-eunuch had to announce the breaking news.
The look on their sad disgusting faces said it all. It was a kind of ‘ oh fuck, I dont know how to spin this one yet, here I am, all alone out in front of the camera’ kind of panic stricken look.
Sad bastards, sick devious lying bastards.
Did I say bastards?
yeah you did, but you forgot childless as childless-bastards
Srry manx, my bad!