Chaos in the White House. We’re destined for a Brexit that keeps us in the EU. Yes, just a few items pushed by the rancid BBC today. Here’s a new Open Thread so please detail the bias here!
Imagine a perfect star formation made of synchronized swimmers. Just found one outside my front door. Made of slugs. Don't ask what I did.
Imagine a perfect star formation made of synchronized swimmers. Just found one outside my front door. Made of slugs. Don't ask what I did.
More diversity to celebrate in Sydney. The fun never ends, does it? Car attacks in Westminster; bombs at concerts in Manchester; now back to that old favourite planes; riots in Tottenham and now Hackney; rape gangs across the land, with one enterprising fellow charging over £100 for his sex slave – now that shows serious entrepreneurial spirit, just the sort of vibrant, go get it attitude which us staid Brits lack. Just like moped robberies – what a clever idea! All the fun of mugging with an added adventurous element. We boring Brits would never have thought of something as cool as that.
Please release the BBC, set it free of the shackles of balance
It must be an enormous mental strain for editors and presenters alike to have to maintain this pretence at balance meanwhile denying their own soft-left pro-EU bias.
This morning the BBC News Channel finds it improssible to let the Passchendaele anniversary go by without some heavy-handed pan European plea for unity on behalf of the Brussels crew. So they invite a reliably lefty young she-historian to review the papers and make all the right noises whilst the presenters sit by nodding and cooing all innocent like.
It was a tour de force. Without actually shouting ‘Up the left-liberals!’ or ‘Keep us in the EU!’ all the boxes were ticked and all the button pressed.
For example, contrast the thumbnail descriptions of two politicians mentioned:
Sadiq Khan = “Bullish, popular”
Theresa May = “Oh dear, everything she touches turns to dust”
Kinnock, Falconer, Heseltine, Major, Patten – every Remainer big beast got a name check.
You can tell the BBC looks to the Labour Party as the next battle for the EU. Unusually dear this morning Corbyn is sidelined and dissed as a Bennite far-leftist.
The mask almost slipped when we were flashed some newspaper inside pages showing four large photos of the PM and two cabinet members but also EU negotiator Michel Barnier. The rather flip comment “you could be forgiven for thinking that’s also a member of the cabinet…” I think blew the gaff as to whether the BBC and their friends want us ever to be free of the EU, don’t you think?
There is no doubt in my mind that the UK’s viewing public is under siege. They are increasingly and daily suffering a barrage of, bad Brexit, bad Trump, good muslims, good islam, bad typical British way of life, bad UK history, good EU, good LGBT, good Labour/Liberals, bad Conservatives, bad UKIP, good black people, good asian people, bad statistics that show Brexit in a good light, bad statistics that show concentrations of crime in immigrant areas, good multikulti, good European ‘refugee crisis’, good Med rescues of same, bad showing soaring crime rates in Europe by immigrants, good that Sweden is on the point of civil war as a result of muslims, good for very young children to question their sex, good that we (the BBC) grossly exaggerate the existence of foreign nationals within the general population by disproportionately showing them as numerically superior or equal as against the indigenous population.
Have I missed anything off the daily diet feast?
Negative News and its impact –
But note one interesting finding of the experiment: “We found that those people who had watched the negative news bulletin spent more time thinking and talking about their worry….”
The ‘upside’ of BBC negativity is that we, (forgive the expression), spread the glad tidings of our absorbed negativity to others. In conversation with other perhaps not-so-informed people about BBC bias, I give examples and I know it will effectively dawn on them when they watch/listen themselves to the examples I give, ‘in the privacy of their own homes’. They will also then solidify their thoughts on the topic and pass them on to others.
Slowly but surely the mantle: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” is daily gaining another layer of tarnish – by the oldest method on the planet – ‘Word of Mouth’. That prevails as always.
Thanks asiseeit, luckily for me the days of albeeb breakfast news are long gone . How I miss Naga and her friends . All I have to do is achieve the same with Toady and my detox will be on a roll .
Sometimes a try for a bit of humour so go to RT which is good honest propaganda and has no pretensions of high ground of honesty . It’s enjoyable watching people who have sold their souls to the Russians as opposed to the deceitful Hypocrites taking taxpayers money and then rubbishing its values and judeo -Christian beliefs .
Segregation in state funded school school.
Shut it down or keep paying for ancient traditions with tax payers money. Are the religious texts bought with tax payers money?
Is halal food (positive employment discrimination, animal discrimination, support of sharia, used in Sadiq Khan campaign) paid with tax payers money in schools?
I thought I would inform you that the ladies 1/4 final between Germany and Denmark will now take place
at 11AM this morning. It was postponed last night. You can listen to the commentary on Five live or follow it
on the BBC Website. Or you can watch paint dry or take your kids or grand-children for a walk in the park.
The choice is yours. Actually Peter Hitchens for whom I am not his number one fan ,writes a very good article
on the biased BBC in the Mail on Sunday today. I don’t really know why it’s called the Mail on Sunday, because
it’s politics are diametrically different to the Daily Mail. At least on Brexit.
That is the problem with the EU.Too many Indians ,no chief. (Am i allowed to say that or will the hate crime lot be after me ?) Five presidents but not a sane decision among them.
The void has been left to mad Merkel.
I can see the Eastern states splitting away once we have left and the sky doesn’t fall in.They are not going to allow their identities to be obliterated by incomers.They have been through too much.
Deb, but don’t mention the War (John Cleese immediately comes to mind……….). Perhaps MM is planning long term direct domination of Europe by Germany again? Topped up by belicose mussies, then conscript them all (they are all the right age and a ready waiting army) and start by entering Poland by force. In 2019 it could be eighty-years on exactly…………………
Not BBC but the BBC has certainly set the media climate for this one
Talk Sport Radio – is there anything more toe curlingly excrutiating than male football presenters and pundits talking about women’s football? The absolute desperation to sound encouragingly enthusiatic. The palpable moral trepidation in their voices not to fall through the Politically Correct thin ice into the oblivian of apparent male chauvinism that lies beneath. It takes just one little slip…
As this weekend we remember the Great War these tortured poor soccer guys perhaps should take Admiral Jellicoe as their patron saint : “the only man on either side who could lose the war in an afternoon”
If I hear one more quote about “the women showing the men how it`s done”, then I`ll go nuts.
Sick of this one-they are two completely different games, cultures and traditions, and do not read across to any sports comparison. But only make a justice warriors cheap shot at blokes.
These sporting dollies don`t speak for me, and when some metrosexual fop of a bloke lets them get way with this, then the sperm count gets even more obvious.
These people don`t know or care about sport, just their own BBC wannabe agendas.
So finally the biased broadcasting corp covers the riots in Hackney. But what a misleading headline: “Rashan Charles family calls for peace.”
Oh and look who’s there stirring up race hatred, strife and community disorder, along with BLM et al: if it isn’t our very own Shadow Home Secretary, The Flabbott. Lord help us.
I notice they’ve slightly buried the story under England on their webshite. Could it be because they want to hide yet more black criminality and rioting? And perhaps they sense the Great British public might not react in the beeb approved, Korrect way, ie sympathy for the poor blacks and condemnation of the ‘racist’ police. Perhaps they’re beginning to see through the beeb lies, and thinking Enough. Stop committing crimes, resisting arrest and swallowing your stash, and these incidents might not happen. As Pam Geller put it, the well of white middle class guilt is running dry.
Charlie – So here we have Fatbott in her natural habitat.
– She really is bloody ghastly!
A race hustler and hypocrite of the highest order. Always willing to play the victim when it suits her, yet at the same time quite happy to create real victims by stirring up discontent within her own community which will often result in violence both directly and indirectly.
What depresses me about people like her is that on the whole instead encouraging these youngsters to better themselves, to me it appears she is much happier playing the race race hustler. It is a lazy approach which plays to the “victim” inside of us but is ultimately futile as it does not ask people to address the faults within themselves as to why they are not doing as well as they might.
I suppose in some ways this picture of Abbot and this motley crew epitomises much that is wrong with inner cities. False victimhood rather than a desire to better themselves and their communities.
Whether they dispute it or not – the death of Rashan Charles “young father” (I suppose that makes him sound a bit more virtuous) would probably have not have happened if he had not in some ways been involved in drugs. Here could have been a good opportunity to use his death as an example as to why the drugs culture is not necessarily a good thing. Instead as ever it will be exploited by race hustlers such as Fatbott in the normal cynical attempt to feed the victim mentality and ensure Fatbott as ever cleans up at her regular re-election. Endlessily suppressing the will of black youngsters to get on in life unless it is “gangsta” related.
In WW2 the all black US fighter squadrons known as the Tuskegee airmen – had to deal with real racism and oppression and yet had real dignity and pride in themselves and did much to further the cause of black identity and respect for them as individuals and as a race. And what do they have these days to look up to these days – Snoop Dogg, Tu Pac and Duggan not forgetting of course Fatbott and Lammy.
I guess for the likes of Fatbott victimhood pays – just a pity “her” people do not ever seem to have the awareness to realise who is exploiting who.
And of course ultimately it will always be whiteys fault.
Come on oak,
She’s a kind of politician – needs to do what’s necessary to keep her seat and cash to send the kid to private school. She can strain right and wrong according to circumstances . Jump on the band wagon when evil terrorists get shot by hero police but demand charges when a druggy low life “bro” decides not to choose life. Shows how the general calibrate of politicians when she is deemed fit to be shadow Home Secretary .
Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of crimes.
Why? Basically it is because of intelligence and temperament. Blacks have on average a lower IQ than whites. A lower IQ means a less developed moral sense. They are also more impulsive than whites. This means they are less inclined to weigh up the consequences of their actions.
Zelazek, this is very true, but its an observation that will never be said publicly. Much is made of slavery and how the white man plundered third world countries, and quite right that it is discussed. However, over the hundreds of years, the black man doesn’t appear to have progressed intelligently otherwise the African continent would rival the Arab states for wealth with all the minerals that land holds. Yes, they are ‘educated’ enough to be corrupt and emerge as dictators with the backing of the military, and many have been to universities in the UK, but this intelligence has not manifested in creating wealth for the ‘many not the few’ (where’ve I heard THAT before).
I’ve often wondered why black youngsters – despite being 3rd generation British, still speak with the W.I patois; of course grandparents who arrived in the 50’s would have spoken in that way, but that was 60 years ago, and yet listen to any black teenager in the inner cities and the accent hasn’t been watered down at all. Its inbred that they are more impulsive and highly excitable than whites – but that can be said for a lot of the countries that border the Mediterranean – most of the populations are highly strung when agitated, unlike us with the stiff upper lip.
I worked with a lot of black nurses, and very good they were too, however it was nigh on impossible to have an everyday conversation with them aside from work. Their responses were very slow and measured, as though what I said either hadn’t sunk in, or they didn’t know how to reply. C’est la vie.
So true Brissles.
I worked with many blacks and have black friends and with me they speak Ordinary English.But when they get in a group they go into the patois. Adults and elders,makes no difference. It can make you feel excluded if you are not used to it.
One of my teenage sons picked up the inner city patois from his friends including the N word My father used to say he couldn’t understand a word .
Fortunately son has grown through it.
Don’t think they cannot speak English when they want to They choose not to Its the victim mentality that the BBC love to perpetuate.
Wholeheartedly agree but, “…otherwise the African continent would rival the Arab states for wealth with all the minerals that land holds.” No, if it were not for oil and ex-pats, the Arab states would be no different to Africa. Well, slight correction: they would be well destroyed by now as a result of their ‘religion of peace’ and the conflicts that promotes.
PS I have never met an Arab that I liked and I have met hundreds. On the other hand, I have met many Africans who I like . Maybe I have just been unlucky with Arabs. On the other hand, maybe they are all dogs .
I run a small business that involves me dealing with small independent shops where the owners are from very diverse countries and religions.
To be truthful, most people are decent hard working, pleasant and polite.
However, I do have the occasional issues. I will list them.
Pakistan, Bangladesh muslims. This is the group that give me the most problems.
Typical response from them is “that is too much”. Or “I have a brother that can do that for half”. They always want to barter and never accept the price
Jews. Usually okay, but often “What is your best price?”. They always accept the deal.
Chinese. Never a problem.
Sikh. Never a problem.
Kurdish Islam. Never a problem.
Black Africans. On hearing the price. “Why.?” or “Oh no” but always nice.
White European. Never have enough money. To do the deal.
But as I said, most people wherever they come from are actually okay.
It’s just a few rotten apples that spoil the world for everyone else.
You can see the results from my small unscientific survey
You will know that I am married to a black African and live in Gambia. I love Africa. But I do not dispute what you say. The good Africans are great. But they get very frustrated with the majority who are lazy, dishonest and of low intelligence. In my view there is no hope for Africa.
As to slavery, I always ask the black Africans ” who sold the slaves to the white man and which country was the first to abolish slavery ?”. That closes the conversation.
However, Africa is wonderful for me and my best African friends are the best friends I ever had anywhere in my life. So, Abdou, Saikou, Fams , Tombo, Sulayman, thank you for all your help . ( Not mentioning the ladies here ! ). It is just a shame about the others.
Grant who ? The problems with Africa and Africans are pretty clear to see if you are there. My sadness is that the bad ones are holding back the good ones. I look at Gambia and the number of Gambians in high positions in the world. They punch well above their weight.
For example, my erstwhile lawyer in Gambia, Fatou Bensouda , is now Chief Prosecutor at the ICC in the Hague. And, believe me, she is even more clever than Cherie Blair. ! That is one example.
But Joseph Conrad in “Heart of Darkness ” pretty much got it right. Some years ago I sacked Binta, my cleaner , for leaving a chicken head in my living room and blaming it on my wife. Bad ju-ju ( voodoo ). And belief in that rubbish is just part of Africa’s problems. I could go on ……
That’s not much to go on. Where does the culture come from in the first instance, why does it develop in a certain direction. and why does it follow them everywhere, over several generations?
Good questions. Despite living in Africa on and off for over 15 years , I do not know. But , another question is why a minority of Africans and descendants break free of the slavery of that mindset. And some of them do !
The culture comes from the people , their land and history . People and countries can have advanced or retarded cultures at different times in history ,the present and the future .
Britain had a backward civilisation when compared to the Romans , the Greeks , the Egyptians , Indians , Phonecians etc , but we became the dominant civilisation and culture about 200 years ago .
People and lands change from dominant to backward or vice versa over time . Our own island story tells this .
You are right. And now British and European culture is going down the toilet. It is finished. I doubt if Africa will ever come up. But China is doing well. The smell of death in Europe is everywhere. Canada is probably finished. The USA may survive.
Sorry, not sure I agree with that. The British Isles, on the fringe of Europe, was almost certainly settled later than the places you mention, yet we learned quickly, taking geography and climate into account. The oldest parts of Stonehenge are much older than the pyramids and the Dark Ages were not as dark as originally thought. Furthermore, we have excelled in a very wide range of disciplines, perhaps uniquely so and, this is most telling, been able to compete on equal or better terms in alien territories. Certain immigrants show no sign of being able to do this in spite of a helping hand, reasonable familiarity with our ways of doing things and, in many cases, a common language.
IMO, race shapes culture and it is interesting that the civilisations you mention were not lacking in intelligence. (In the case of Egypt, I understand that it was not the place we know today.) I realise that this is a dangerously unfashionable viewpoint, but what the hell. Bermuda and the Channel Islands have more in common than many people realise. Small islands with mild climates and strong economies, but Bermuda is 60% black and has a very different “feel”. It is hard to imagine the two converging culturally under any circumstances.
If our culture is going to die, and I’m not convinced that it is, it will not be due to lack of intelligence. In a sense we have too much, and we think too much. If we had the will, we could retake what we own in no time at all. We’re not up against a superior culture, just a fast breeding violent one which, let’s remember, is extremely fractious, backwardly superstitious, and generally not up to much. They’ve shown their hand far too soon IMO. People are getting pissed off. I see it every day, and some friends are saying things that I would not have believed possible a few years ago, and will not repeat here. The MSM are totally irrelevant but still have the knack of giving the impression that they know what people are thinking. They don’t, not even close.
Our own island shows how times change the fortunes of places , and I mean within our own island .
For example the Breckland district was once the most advanced in the Flint age , then paled away , then became a leading part of our island before the Danish conquest , then faded again until the 1960s .
Surprising how many people still seem to think that “racist” is an argument in itself and are naive enough to think that it might actually have some impact.
The most Caribbean thing about Bermuda is that some Bermudians feel they have to import the worst aspects of Caribbean culture, and it does them no good whatsoever.
Well I’m being open and honest , and discussing race and culture .
Using my empirical evidence I put it down to culture . I’ve driven in a European country where the inhabitants were only a notch above children . Now that the political situation has changed , I see the younger generation being ” normal ” .
The climate is what forged Northern Europeans into the race we became.
The Ice Age caused the humans who lived in the areas affected by it to develop survival strategies which didn’t need to be replicated by those who lived on the African continent.
The critical necessity for cooperation to stay alive: in hunting for food; in building shelters; in developing specializations such as making fire, keeping those fires alight and supplied with fuel as well being able to ensure that nothing of the mammoths (which were the main prey) was wasted.
Food in Africa was much more abundant and survival there was easier, hence the people there developed differently.
“The climate is what forged Northern Europeans into the race we became. The Ice Age caused the humans who lived in the areas affected by it to develop survival strategies which didn’t need to be replicated by those who lived on the African continent.”
LOL. Northern Europeans were wiped out by the Ice Age and the handful who survived only did so by moving south to warmer climates, where; “Food was much more abundant and survival was easier.”
At the end of the Ice Age, Northern Europe was repopulated by peoples from Southern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
As an advertisement for the Genetic Superiority of “The White Race” you’re not doing yourself many favours, Al.
You are not so clever yourself, you cannot give us any example of Al Beeb’s right wing bias?
Why do you post here and why do you expend so much effort? A simple question .
You are not doing Al Beeb any favours at all . Think of the exorbitant wages they get there .
Perhaps you would like to make yourself useful by signing and advertise this ………….
“During most of the last 80,000 years, Europe endured temperatures much colder than today. Modern Europeans emerged about 35,000 years and met the crucible of the Wurm glaciation (24,000 – 10,000 B.C.)”
“In an extremely cold and inhospitable natural environment, higher human intelligence is dramatically favoured. Europe demanded a higher technology for survival…effectice hunting, trapping and fishing in such an environment demand well-developed cognitive skills.”
“Navigation on long winter hunts with nondescript landscapes favoured survival of Europeans and East Asians with high levels of spatial reasoning. Tracking the movement of reindeer and other animals demanded the intelligence to weigh past information and develop strategies to anticipate herd movement.”
‘Hunters Of The Northern Ice’ R.K. Nelson
“Races evolved quite differently. Those differences can be seen in the racial boundaries of the modern world and the nature of the societies that thrive in them.
The unique genotype that the cold climes of Europe fashioned has enabled European man to do all that he has achieved.”
“The achievements of the European people can be contrasted with the centuries of the African race’s inability to even successfully copy what Europeans originated”
‘Origin Of The Races’ C.S. Coon
Good post Clare. Its sad that these viewpoints cannot be discussed openly and rationally in debate without it being a red rag to the bull for some. Its ok to talk about disability and homosexuality in a courteous manner, but start a conversation on race and culture and all hell breaks loose.
“Good post Clare. Its sad that these viewpoints cannot be discussed openly and rationally in debate without it being a red rag to the bull for some.”
Absolutely. Just why oh why can’t I ‘rationally’ call Grant’s wife and daughters dumb, work-shy, genetically-inferior niggers without someone telling me I’m an idiot? It’s political correctness gone mad!!!
I’m not the sort of person who normally reports comments but have.reported the above comment for being offensive to another contributers family members and also the way you seem to think you are better than this blog. Quite frankly, if you find it so offensive, why bother to contribute apart from to annoy other readers.
I dont notice colour, it doesnt matter, its religion i notice, one in particular, and i have nothing but scorn for it, and any other that fecks peoples lives up.
Lefties mistake this……………
the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.
“I do not wish to become the object of scorn”
synonyms: contempt, derision, contemptuousness, disdain, derisiveness, mockery, sneering
“he was unable to hide the scorn in his voice”
feel or express contempt or derision for.
“I was routinely ridiculed and scorned by conservatives and liberals alike”
synonyms: deride, hold in contempt, treat with contempt, pour/heap scorn on, look down on, look down one’s nose at, disdain, curl one’s lip at, mock, scoff at, sneer at, jeer at, laugh at, laugh out of court; disparage, slight; dismiss, thumb one’s nose at; informalturn one’s nose up at.
for this…………….
feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).
“the boys hate each other”
synonyms: loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; More
have a strong aversion to (something).
Same as the mistake this…………..
each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
“people of all races, colors, and creeds”
synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
“students of many different races”
a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group.
“we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then”
synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
for this…………..
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
“ideas about the relationship between science and religion”
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
“the world’s great religions”
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
“consumerism is the new religion”
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved”
I think a lot of people moving house would disagree as well, although few would admit it openly.
well it’s easy for me to say, i only know one black guy, we knocked about together when i still clubbed it, full jamacan black as a rook, not a gramm of malice in him, he wanders around the village, in bright clothes and shorts everyday, all spindly legs and teeth, and if and when i take the piss, a big warm grin,,, Hayyyyyyy Monnnnnnnnnn
I am not a regular viewer of the reality/documentary, ‘Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away’ series but, as above in the Crimewatch Wanted Faces, you should view it again I suggest, as a good ‘rule of thumb’. The only time I watch the programme is when the tv is turned on and it opens that channel/programme. I am invariably enthralled. Difficult to then leave that station. What you find on this programme is a preponderance of blacks and asians on the wrong side of the HC Enforcement team. We see and hear all their pathetic excuses to avoid seizure or eviction. It dawned on me watching part of yesterday evening’s episode that much of what comes about is down to the reputation of this country worldwide. The UK clearly has a reputation of, ‘anything goes’, ‘laid-back approach’ and, ‘you can get away with anything’ as being the norm. No wonder people want to come here. When, miraculously, the end of the road comes, the evictee is horrified that it is happening to him/her. Disbelief. We watched a black couple being evicted. She with two small children and pregnant. He, overstayed a college course on its conclusion by, if I recall correctly, FIVE YEARS. Yes, that’s right FIVE. As a Nigerian person overstaying, he cannot obtain papers to enable him to work. How they survived on no state payments (I guess) is anybody’s guess. Probably some charity support by a gravy train outfit that thinks its already tapped into some socialist/liberal money tree. This swamp desperately needs draining as an absolute priority before there is any hope of regaining the British public’s trust in the, ‘system’.
I read that the behaviour is not part of IQ, but due to the fact that impulsive people in northern latitudes tend to be evolutionarily culled by winters, as those who plan and store food in Autumn are more likely to survive harsh winters. The latest updates on the genetics and evolution of IQ are rather revealing and provide some answers to what seemed confusing facts.
IQ is higher due to the fact that cold environments open the door to higher brain activity which generates heat, which is not a problem in cool environments. As our primitive ancestors more than 40,000 years ago were also Black Africans, whose bodies where designed to maximise brain cooling, to maximise IQ in the tropics.
But the genetics implies that high IQ genes originated in Africa amongst black people who were more active during the cool nights, such as Witch doctors. So these high IQ genes gradually increased their ratio and influence in cool daytime environments, eventually causing hunting to become more and more intellectually based to the point of becoming planned domestication of animals. And also gathering to become more and more intellectual based to the point of becoming planned agriculture.
Richard i have often thought about the trial and error of witch-doctoring,..
I mean burn this plant and that, crush some root extract, crush some rock salt, boil some roots/plants, mix it all together, and cure a disease……
ofcourse its the mix of compounds, and modern medicine just synthesizers
them, but the mind boggles at the learning and the passing on of that learning.
Richard (and bear with me here), the theory that you gave with hot and cold environments – would the extremes in temperature be a reason why blacks and whites excel in some sports and not others ? I’m thinking no black skiers at world level, or Olympic swimmers. Its only in recent times that black athletes have dominated athletics, but (as far as I know) there has only been one black dressage rider. Or does the genetic make up play a part ?
“But the genetics implies that high IQ genes originated in Africa amongst black people who were more active during the cool nights, such as Witch doctors.”
Richard, you are living, walking (well shuffling perhaps) proof that a high IQ score has nothing to do with intelligence.
They are without any shadow of a doubt still the lowest I.Q.’d Nations on the planet, obviously their simpleness makes them more prone to emotion and sudden lethal violence , a mass of seething bedsheets results in someone swinging from the nearest lamp-post within minutes, fair trial included.
They have an average I.Q. of british 14yr olds, thats the uncontrolled armed mentality we are confronted by.
They are what they are, 200yrs behind the world, and 10,000 yrs morally……allahu akbar maxi lad.
The chickens are coming home to roost for MERKEL.. But it appears that she may be lucky with
this latest atrocity in Constance. The gentleman involved although from Iraq was not a terrorist
or an asylum seeker, according to the BBC. Let’s hope for Merkel and the BBC’S sake that nobody heard him
shouting out Allahu Akbar. And that he was at the most just an Islamist with psychological problems..
We all hope that he was just a Christian,a Catholic, a Jew ,a Hindu, a Buddhist.An Atheist. Let’s hope for Merkel and
the BBC that he might of even been a Jainist!
The Amish strike again in Germany. Phew, nothing to do with terrorism, say the brilliant German cops. Nothing terryfying about being shot at.
‘Police have ruled out a terrorist motive. A spokesperson told N-TV that the gunman was a 34-year-old Iraqi citizen, but not an asylum seeker. He is believed to have lived in Germany for a long time’.
Nevertheless, despite ruling out terrorism the cops say ‘The motive for the shooting remains unclear.’
Surely everyone in the whole of Europe has become wise to the lies the police , politicians and media regurgitate after every attack , about mental issues, lone wolves, drugs, nothing to do with Islam , robberies etc etc. It is a joke but one at our expense as we are the ones, ordinary Europeans I mean, who will suffer most in the forthcoming religious wars.
As to Merkel’s chickens coming home to roost. Well the Germans ought to give her the boot for inflicting all these third worlders on them, but I bet they still vote for her. People right across Europe just seem happy to whistle in the dark and hope the storm clouds gathering on the horizon by some miracle fade away, rather than vote for politicians who will take on the problem.
Merkel’s motives are clear to me. She wants to use the rest of the EU’s aim for “ever closer union” to achieve the Fourth Reich under a German led Marxist Politbureau. After all she was an official in the East German youth movement under the communists and clearly believes the end justifies the means.
DT – No different to our “snowflakes” trying to vote Comrade Jessa into power. They know Labour is always even more pro uncontrolled immigration than the current Tory Government (and that says a lot). And even the most uninformed lefty must now be aware that muslim immigration into our society brings more problems than it solves- Yet they all pretty much voted for this man choosing to focus on their own personal selfish desires (such as student debt) rather than bigger picture of the future stability of our society.
The lights may well be going off in Germany – but they are also going off here.
Another top post ! I am going to be booking a flight back home to Gambia. The lights are always going out there but my house has solar energy. I can never understand why the Western European Establish ment are committing suicide. But I do not want to be here to witness it. So sad.
Grant – I think this has been mentioned before but it is similair to HG Wells “Time Machine” where our once great society has – subdivided itself into Moorlocks and the Eloi. – I think we all know who the Moorlocks are! Fair play to us, we seem to have managed it without even the help of global nuclear war!
I wish I could join you mate – But my “snowflake kids” wont be going anywhere soon and looks like, I with many others will be here for the duration – come what may. I agree what you say, it is more than just a tragedy it is sheer bloody stupidity – just such a pity we are led by such a disgusting collection of vile, gutless politicians. Pity because it still does not have to be this way – sigh!
Well said. It totally puzzles me . Even the Romans and Ottomans did not destroy their Empires on purpose. I am really at a loss for words .
Meanwhile , in Gambia , my watchman, Saikou has told me that he is getting married on 15 september to Jainaba , who he met once about 5 years ago. The bride price is £170 and I have agreed to pay half. So he is happy . And even happier that Arsenal beat Benfica 5-2.
If I place my hand on someone, I can’t say my touch was not ‘touch- related.’ By definition, physical contact with the fingers is touching.
If you do something like fire a gun which induces terror, this is by definition a terrorist act.
Some of the newspeak phrases are quite clever and effective, like ‘undocumented worker’ or ‘refugee.’ This habit of describing something terrifying then saying it is ‘not terror related’ is just moronic.
Seen in a major London tube station, posted on notice boards all over many concourses: “An altercation took place yesterday on the Northbound Line between 3 women and a couple, in the course of which one woman had her face veil removed.”
See where this is going?
“If you have any information contact the British Transport police on xxxxxx.”
So, while vibrant multicultural London burns in the course of race riots, while knife crime, gun crime, acid attacks, motorbike attacks, muggings of all sorts, have become a daily occurrence, while our overstretched finest don’t even pretend to investigate whole categories of crime, our fearless pc PCs will spare no efforts in uncovering the veil uncoverers, that most heinous of crimes. And once found, be sure the perpetrators will feel the full force of the law. Hate crime? lock ’em up and throw away the keys!
Got me thinking.
Maybe a face veil IS the way to go to prevent acid attacks. Is THAT was Islam wants?
Maybe if soaked in caustic soda or bicarb, it could save a few faces.
Who`d ever have thought we`d now be living in a country where this is a line of discussion in 2017?
Unfortunately that scumbag comes from the same town as I do and as Lobster will probably agree with me, it is not the largest of towns, he lived fairly close to where I live so there is a good chance I have passed by him when walking my dog or generally out and about. Quite a scary thought.
The video ‘Justice for Rash’ clearly shows the young man throwing his drugs into his mouth at 0.08. So not only has he chosen to break the law, he has also attempted to resist arrest then to cop the lot he has placed himself in fatal danger by putting the drugs in his mouth. It seems that the so-called ‘brutality’ was the officer desperately trying to remove the drugs from his mouth to save his life.
Are we honestly expected to feel guilty for what this young man did? To not only break the law, but to then compound it through his own reckless actions?
You should do as you would be done by. They are complaining that this policeman did not follow protocol, but neither did this young man, to put it mildly. If you are insistent on breaking the law, could you at least not evade arrest? Then after you have evaded arrest don’t put the officer in such an awful position where he has to use force to try and save your life? You want ‘justice’ and for the Police to ‘take responsibility’, but when you take no responsibility whatsoever for your own actions reasonable people will struggle to feel any sympathy for your predicament.
Who cares about moral arguments anyway – a good riot should solve everything. So true what Milo says: identity politics are universally popular as they release people from the burden of personal responsibility. It is so much easier just to blame your ills on ‘oppression’ and ‘racism.’
Until we nobble the media, so they are held liable for the cost of policing and riot damage, we are only going to get more of this hive prodding and shit stirring from the Social Justice Documentary makers at the BBC and Channel 4.
Maybe a Class Action from the people who had their windows put out.
Media DOES have an influence-why else would they stay on air and advertise stuff, unles this was true.
This is just malicious agitprop, same as winding up the Brownshirt S.A in effect.
This mini-Duggan obviously gulped his drugs(or was it “an object”?), and the policeman tried to save him.
Didn`t the Guardian once sell their paper on the basis of an advert that showed us NOT to leap to prejudiced conclusions? Yet this is ALL the liberal media do these days.
There will have to be a reckoning.
Rioting may not always be a Lefty concern, we are fed up.
Trump and Albeeb,
I think I read her about some watching the impressively names ‘dateline London ‘ on al Beeb news channel. I got to see it by accident today – I was a guest where the TV was on. I’m not writing about the obvious bias but the complexion of the programme. There were 5 people sitting around. None of them were American. None of them professed to have been to Washington/America lately nor having spoken to anyone of influence there.
Yes all 5 sung from the chaos impeachment sad America songbook. No challenge, no alternative view. In short amateur half hour which the world leading state broadcaster should be truly ashamed. I won’t talk about the content or 5 punters names but it was truly poor and so pleased I’ll never pay for it again.
PS I use the term punters is appropriate because they certainly didn’t rank as journalists. Come back alistair cook .
Grant – as far as I can see – not yet. Their best bet is the Russian / foreign power involvement in a GE . I dust of my memories from Nixon and Watergate – but the circumstances are so different. I have no doubt that if they tried to get Trump to go he just wouldn’t.
As they will never understand he is not like them- not a career politician dependant on careers by benefactors of the left or right. It’s why they call recent events chaos. In their world it would be . But I just think Trump knows he has a mandate, a job to start and will do what he wants within the constitution.
You are right about the term ‘punters’ it really was awful – I suppose anyone of any value for comment is on their summer hols. Personally I think Blighty is great in July and august.
How the hell does Zeb Soanes-Radio 4 bland newsreading monkey-manage to live in a house worth half a million in NW3?
Sorry BBC-as you moan about Trump and Brexit, can only hope that most of us remember what a bunch of overpaid libtards you are. And we`re no longer listening to you.
I`m really pleased with Donald Trump.
The mainstream media and opinions of the respectable elite seem to think that he`s had a bad week, but I don`t think so.
The job is NOT to look statesmanlike or reasonable to CNN, but to drain that swamp.
If we see his Presidency as an entreprenerial, results-led business that he`s creating in his image, then nothing I`ve seen has been a problem. Yes, he`s slow at times, and gauche-but he has really put the wind up the elite and they simply are mad with rage and confusion that he`s endlessly bypassing them and hates them as much as they hate him. He gave them the offer as he won the Presidency to be in role “for all Americans, including those who didn`t vote for him”.
But the left scorned him, saw this as weakness. So now he`s getting a good team around him, and those leaks and attacks on him and his family will surely get traced and dealt with,
This is not difficult, lop the head off the liberal snake and then get on once more with running the country. We need him as a lightning rod for the Brexit wars to come.
Hitler failed on two fronts, happen to think that Brexit and Trump will end up destroying the liberal elites efforts to create a Soviet EU Caliphate here-and a Mexican warlords hellhole over across the pond.
This is existential, sense the liberal elite know this too. We have got to win.
If you fancy a good laugh read some o the opinion pieces on the Guardian about Trump- extreme emotional incontinence and finger wagging.
“What would Scaramucci’s mother think of his foul language!”
Oh f**k off with all your joyless finger wagging. I want leaders to be rude and offensive sometimes – it shows they are human. I am so sick to death of identikit politicians: careerist; evasive; all talk no action; devious; always pandering to everyone and never causing offence. I want a genuine leader with balls who will say it as it is.
How many politicians have spoken of ‘change’ yet every time it is the same old people doing the same old sh*t, whether they be male, black, gay or whatever? With Trump it genuinely is different and I am loving every minute.
This is an excellent article by Pat Buchanan about how dangerous for Trump’s Presidency (The Donald knows this) the Special Prosecutor is.
Why the f**k Trump doesn’t have him in the WH advising him, someone who served three former Republican Presidents, instead of people like his daughter; son-in-law and ex-hedge fund manager Sacramaramoochie?
Looking around on the news we get, wouldn’t it have been a much more pleasant land if the government had done what we wanted instead of doing their mass immigration project.
No, or at least very few, child sex abuse.
No, no go zones.
No riots when a black is arrested or dies by swallowing his drugs.
No overcrowding everywhere.
Immediate doctors appointments.
Cheaper and plentiful housing.
We all know, and can add, lots more to the list and they all enhance the quality of life.
Instead we have so many bad things because some politicians decide what they reckon is best for us.
They are trying to do the same with Brexit, go against the wishes of the majority.
Why are they against us, they are supposed to be there to make things better for everyone and not just for themselves.
Future generations will look back at our politicians with revulsion at what they are doing to us.
Until the future lot are the enrichers when they rule over us after out breeding the Brits and taking over, city by city such as they have done in londonistan with their little mayor.
About 2050-60 I reckon.
An objective history of uk immigration policy since 1945 surely will be sad reading .no consultation with the general white population on people coming from all parts of the world. Even in joining the common market no one foresaw hoards of Europeans coming to Britain . There was little justification for earlier waves immigration either as far as I am concerned .
I also do not buy the nonsense about Britain always suffering waves of immigration like a couple of hundred Hugenouts which is often used as an excuse / example.
According to a hard copy report in the newspaper version of al beeb by a bloke called Cohen today I’d be classed as a bigot . But from me examination of the definition mr Cohen is too.
As you say – it could have been so much nicer – it could have been Britain .
when it all falls apart and turns into the balkans and blood runs in the streets our past and present politicians better hope they have defrauded us of enough to run very very far away
which ever way the future goes some very unsavoury choices are going to be presented to our children
They have declared war on their peoples. There is nobody worth a light now. The Tory party is finished as a conservative force and I really hope it collapses in to chaos soon.
I have never wavered in my conviction that Mrs May is there to keep us in the EU. Wait and see but as a betting man I make it way odds on.
Yes indeed sobering .
If this continental level illegal immigration – I won’t use the term migration – is to be stopped it won’t be UK which will do it because we no longer have politicians with the strength of character or mind to do what needs to be done even though / because in our island existence we could put up the barriers and stop them .
It will have to be the southern mediterranean states getting politically and militarily ready to do what needs to be done. Ending the concept of refugees – preventing travel into Europe by military means . Targetting and killing traffickers and more .
I think it can be done – there would be resistance from those illegals already in European nations but they would need to be dealt with by forcible deportation if necesary. These actions are not acceptable in current circumstances but we are not too far away .
The media would have to be controlled or silenced to achieve this of course .
Just been watching the Hungarian Grand Prix highlights on channel 4. Keep with this.
At the end we had an ‘advert’ by Clare Balding who appears to be anchoring a women’s football match later on that tv channel.
You will recall Clare was listed in the 96 ‘stars’ at the bBBC earning over £150k.
You will also recall she had a high profile strop over the ‘inequality’ between men and women among the top salaries.
Maybe the reason she was near the bottom of the list was because she only works part-time for the bBBC.
Maybe we should also know what she gets at channel 4, so to get a total earnings?
How about it Clare? In the name of transparency and equality, of course.
And I’ve been watching al beebs commemoration of Pachendael ( apols spelling ) and the interview with the last tommy – harry patch . It’s strange listening to the coverage of Mr Patch because my grandfather was in the same battalion and thought harry patch was “windy” – his term and they were glad when he went home.
My granddad joined in 13 and was demobbed in 19 and spent his whole war on the western front .
If you’re interested do a wiki on Harry Patch and his regiment . I could not get my grandad to talk about it. He came out of the war deaf from the guns .,
That seemed par for the course – with much sadness. I never understood how my grandad survived it. He was tall which was also a big disadvantage in the trenches too. Luck as much as anything. They were the first to engage the Germans in 14 but got lucky – if you call it that – for Of not being rota d to go over the top until the second day of the Somme. Shocking.
I recall seeing two pictures of my grandfather in uniform: one just before he was sent to the Continent in WW1 and the other when he returned; the difference in the look in his eyes between the two was incredible and was captured even in these old sepia photographs.
I never knew him, as he died before I was born but I always wondered what things he must have seen and endured which wrought such a change.
The BBC are not really fit memorialise the fallen of our nation, from any war.
And what pearls of wisdom does Maxicony have I wonder on the atrocities of both World Wars – always assuming that he knows his history – and does he realise that Churchill is not only the name of the dog in the advert !!!
What if England women win the Euro 2017 football tournament?
Can you imagine the wall to wall SJW orgasm we would have to endure? The team would be on every sofa; every virtue signalling wanker like Lineker would go into overdrive; we’d probably have seven national holidays full of street parties where everyone has to pretend they give a sh*t. Please for the sake of sanity let them lose tonight.
What to make of the Proms .After the Barenboim lecture .
I switched to BBC 4 for a performance of Beethovens Ninth which i still admire despite Ode To Joy being hijacked by the EU. Whats being shown is its ” companion piece ” A European Requiem written by Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan. its the European premiere..I can’t decide if the BEEB are doing it deliberately or if I’m just paranoid.
To give them the benefit of the doubt I will imagine its to do with the First World War commemorations.
Deborah-I have written a concerto for the ” Rubab” I think the instrument has given me a chance
to get it played on the BBC Proms. Do you think if I call it the LGBT concerto for the Rubab .it will give
me more of a chance? What if I was to say it can only be played by a person with one hand as the
Ravel piano piece, will this increase my chances? Can you make any other suggestions to increase
my chances? By the way to those of you that don’t know that Bruckner’s 9th is the greatest of
all symphonic masterpieces. The Rubab is played in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I particularly like the comment: “Interestingly, a source in the arena reports on Twitter that they were fairly distracting throughout – talking during the music to the extent that they were actually ‘shushed’ at one point by one of the soloists – and made their first attempt to deploy the flags during the scherzo, apparently under the impression that the Ode to Joy was about to begin. Seems the great defenders of our shared European identity don’t actually listen to much Beethoven.”
Sure thing – bbc sounded embarrassed and was ill informed and unprofessional. You can feel they really would prefer not to mention the conflict with our Euro buddies. I00 years on and it’s Germany, France, Belgium that are demanding ‘reparations’ – good stuff eh?
My son was saying that in the new film, ‘ Dunkirk’, you never really see the enemy, I said, ” well we wouldn’t want to upset the Germans by making them look bad would we?”.
He thought I was being stupid, but that is what it is getting like in this politically correct world.
Davylars. Right on. A dazzling example of the utterly inept biased BBC, so busy wallowing in their own politically correct self-importance to be bothered with little items of accuracy for those who died for………increasingly for what exactly………for the loathsome BBC ?
Mr D lost his grandfather at Passchendale so is very sensitive to the commemoration of this battle. He does look at the UK today and thinks his grandfather’s death was in vain.
We switched on tonight’s programme on BBC, a female interviewer, the panel discussing the battle included someone who was from an ethnic minority, a woman and a white man. Mention was made of understanding the German point of view, that it was something to be considered from a joint European viewpoint and emphasis on the pacifism of those who survived. Mr D switched off.
I’m afraid this is sadly typical. There was a comment the other day about cathedrals in Britain’s “towns and cities”. Not as potentially offensive as the Passchendaele comment, obviously, but an indicator of what passes for general knowledge these days.
In fact schools don’t seem to attach any importance whatsoever to general knowledge. We used to have an annual competition with a decent prize at the end of it.
Mayors question time Sadiq Khan. City Hall. London Mayor, BBC Parliament
“What percentage in the document, aims and aspirations, are fully funded?” Gareth Bacon
“100% of first 5 years fully funded” Sadiq Khan
“How much (now) is fully funded?” Gareth Bacon
“The reason why that can’t be answered….cross rail 2 …” Sadiq Khan
…. Gareth gives up …
– so transport strategy is not 100% funded, but Sadiq Khan says his aspirational document is 100% funded?
A remarkable edition of Feedback tonight, ‘everyone’ was happy with the BBC!
Several listeners told us how much they approved of the BBC’s anti-Trump campaign and the master John Sopel himself made a guest appearance to lap it up and assure us how ‘he held power to account’.
More approval that the BBC wasn’t going to remove a programme that it said it would remove, (isn’t that a U-turn?). Some rubbish about how an old actress sounded different when she was young but praise for letting The Archers fans get their fix of soap.
Then on to Dead Ringers. I must live in a different world because I didn’t know we in a disaster/crisis situation. The penny dropped, this was the Brexit Bashing Campaign broadcasting to itself. A few made up characters to suit their narrative, as they used to say, ‘any resemblance to any living person is purely coincidental’. Throw in a bit of Trump and then some Bush. Did I miss the eight years of holding Obama to account (and ridicule)?
I was not listening to I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue at lunchtime but the radio was on, Barry Crier going on about Trump. The BBC never gives up nor lets an opportunity go by. Trouble is it works. Many of my friends add a sneer should Trump be mentioned or even a trip to the US. When I ask them how they know so much, and is it correct the response is often that they heard it on the BBC.
Barry Crier is surprisingly in his early 80’s, but looked that age 50 years ago ! I’ve never rated him although he’s made a career out of scriptwriting ‘funnies’ for many of the old comedians and radio shows. He’s the type that makes a crack then waits for the applause, so I wouldn’t take any notice of what he says on current affairs.
I think his strength has always been his writing rather than his delivery. Haven’t seen him for years because I watch little broadcast TV but he always struck me as rather clever. Pity he’s succumbed.
With regard to Trump, Mark Steyn made a good comment in his on-line show: “The wrong person asking the right questions.” Some truth in that. He’s not anti-Trump as such, best to watch the programme if you haven’t already.
Have you posters noticed that every time Al Beeb becomes unpopular and under pressure, eg the disgraceful and obscene wage bill that has come to light, our resident Troll maxincony makes an appearance.
maxincony supports the archaic Telly Poll Tax which is extracted by threat of law from the poor people of this nation although they watch little if any, of the absurdly biased channel.
Notice also that there is no ‘I love Al Beeb website’ for maxi to wollow in ?
If you post here and are unhappy with the annual ‘mugging’ sign the petition ………………………….
230,692 so far !
Tell your mates .
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Newswatch must be a blast.
Hopefully she joined them
Newswatch must be a blast.
One has to wonder if, eventually, a lightbulb may flicker in the BBC bunker that they have been sussed….
More diversity to celebrate in Sydney. The fun never ends, does it? Car attacks in Westminster; bombs at concerts in Manchester; now back to that old favourite planes; riots in Tottenham and now Hackney; rape gangs across the land, with one enterprising fellow charging over £100 for his sex slave – now that shows serious entrepreneurial spirit, just the sort of vibrant, go get it attitude which us staid Brits lack. Just like moped robberies – what a clever idea! All the fun of mugging with an added adventurous element. We boring Brits would never have thought of something as cool as that.
Or the lateral thinking with drain cleaner BB.
Please release the BBC, set it free of the shackles of balance
It must be an enormous mental strain for editors and presenters alike to have to maintain this pretence at balance meanwhile denying their own soft-left pro-EU bias.
This morning the BBC News Channel finds it improssible to let the Passchendaele anniversary go by without some heavy-handed pan European plea for unity on behalf of the Brussels crew. So they invite a reliably lefty young she-historian to review the papers and make all the right noises whilst the presenters sit by nodding and cooing all innocent like.
It was a tour de force. Without actually shouting ‘Up the left-liberals!’ or ‘Keep us in the EU!’ all the boxes were ticked and all the button pressed.
For example, contrast the thumbnail descriptions of two politicians mentioned:
Sadiq Khan = “Bullish, popular”
Theresa May = “Oh dear, everything she touches turns to dust”
Kinnock, Falconer, Heseltine, Major, Patten – every Remainer big beast got a name check.
You can tell the BBC looks to the Labour Party as the next battle for the EU. Unusually dear this morning Corbyn is sidelined and dissed as a Bennite far-leftist.
The mask almost slipped when we were flashed some newspaper inside pages showing four large photos of the PM and two cabinet members but also EU negotiator Michel Barnier. The rather flip comment “you could be forgiven for thinking that’s also a member of the cabinet…” I think blew the gaff as to whether the BBC and their friends want us ever to be free of the EU, don’t you think?
There is no doubt in my mind that the UK’s viewing public is under siege. They are increasingly and daily suffering a barrage of, bad Brexit, bad Trump, good muslims, good islam, bad typical British way of life, bad UK history, good EU, good LGBT, good Labour/Liberals, bad Conservatives, bad UKIP, good black people, good asian people, bad statistics that show Brexit in a good light, bad statistics that show concentrations of crime in immigrant areas, good multikulti, good European ‘refugee crisis’, good Med rescues of same, bad showing soaring crime rates in Europe by immigrants, good that Sweden is on the point of civil war as a result of muslims, good for very young children to question their sex, good that we (the BBC) grossly exaggerate the existence of foreign nationals within the general population by disproportionately showing them as numerically superior or equal as against the indigenous population.
Have I missed anything off the daily diet feast?
The BBC seems to have missed the latest from that Cambridge chappie, fellow alumnus Diane Abboot, and always good for a laugh JK Rowling.
See, ‘balance’.
Negative News and its impact –
But note one interesting finding of the experiment: “We found that those people who had watched the negative news bulletin spent more time thinking and talking about their worry….”
The ‘upside’ of BBC negativity is that we, (forgive the expression), spread the glad tidings of our absorbed negativity to others. In conversation with other perhaps not-so-informed people about BBC bias, I give examples and I know it will effectively dawn on them when they watch/listen themselves to the examples I give, ‘in the privacy of their own homes’. They will also then solidify their thoughts on the topic and pass them on to others.
Slowly but surely the mantle: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” is daily gaining another layer of tarnish – by the oldest method on the planet – ‘Word of Mouth’. That prevails as always.
Thanks asiseeit, luckily for me the days of albeeb breakfast news are long gone . How I miss Naga and her friends . All I have to do is achieve the same with Toady and my detox will be on a roll .
Sometimes a try for a bit of humour so go to RT which is good honest propaganda and has no pretensions of high ground of honesty . It’s enjoyable watching people who have sold their souls to the Russians as opposed to the deceitful Hypocrites taking taxpayers money and then rubbishing its values and judeo -Christian beliefs .
Close Islamic schools.
Ofsted not fit for purpose.
“Ofsted not fit for purpose”. That label pretty well fits all the rest of Government controlled departments.
Segregation in state funded school school.
Shut it down or keep paying for ancient traditions with tax payers money. Are the religious texts bought with tax payers money?
Is halal food (positive employment discrimination, animal discrimination, support of sharia, used in Sadiq Khan campaign) paid with tax payers money in schools?
True, but Sharon White is especially talented.
Crime Rates in England:
Note the locations of highest recorded crimes: North East and London. Spot the other locations down the list. What is the connection between all of them?
I thought I would inform you that the ladies 1/4 final between Germany and Denmark will now take place
at 11AM this morning. It was postponed last night. You can listen to the commentary on Five live or follow it
on the BBC Website. Or you can watch paint dry or take your kids or grand-children for a walk in the park.
The choice is yours. Actually Peter Hitchens for whom I am not his number one fan ,writes a very good article
on the biased BBC in the Mail on Sunday today. I don’t really know why it’s called the Mail on Sunday, because
it’s politics are diametrically different to the Daily Mail. At least on Brexit.
Nicely sums up the situation and the suggested, only two options. I would proffer a third: send them all back –
But who, if anyone, will step forward to take these duties on?
That is the problem with the EU.Too many Indians ,no chief. (Am i allowed to say that or will the hate crime lot be after me ?) Five presidents but not a sane decision among them.
The void has been left to mad Merkel.
I can see the Eastern states splitting away once we have left and the sky doesn’t fall in.They are not going to allow their identities to be obliterated by incomers.They have been through too much.
Deb, but don’t mention the War (John Cleese immediately comes to mind……….). Perhaps MM is planning long term direct domination of Europe by Germany again? Topped up by belicose mussies, then conscript them all (they are all the right age and a ready waiting army) and start by entering Poland by force. In 2019 it could be eighty-years on exactly…………………
Not BBC but the BBC has certainly set the media climate for this one
Talk Sport Radio – is there anything more toe curlingly excrutiating than male football presenters and pundits talking about women’s football? The absolute desperation to sound encouragingly enthusiatic. The palpable moral trepidation in their voices not to fall through the Politically Correct thin ice into the oblivian of apparent male chauvinism that lies beneath. It takes just one little slip…
As this weekend we remember the Great War these tortured poor soccer guys perhaps should take Admiral Jellicoe as their patron saint : “the only man on either side who could lose the war in an afternoon”
If I hear one more quote about “the women showing the men how it`s done”, then I`ll go nuts.
Sick of this one-they are two completely different games, cultures and traditions, and do not read across to any sports comparison. But only make a justice warriors cheap shot at blokes.
These sporting dollies don`t speak for me, and when some metrosexual fop of a bloke lets them get way with this, then the sperm count gets even more obvious.
These people don`t know or care about sport, just their own BBC wannabe agendas.
Why don’t they play a match against the men?
Then they can really show them how it’s done.
So finally the biased broadcasting corp covers the riots in Hackney. But what a misleading headline: “Rashan Charles family calls for peace.”
Oh and look who’s there stirring up race hatred, strife and community disorder, along with BLM et al: if it isn’t our very own Shadow Home Secretary, The Flabbott. Lord help us.
I notice they’ve slightly buried the story under England on their webshite. Could it be because they want to hide yet more black criminality and rioting? And perhaps they sense the Great British public might not react in the beeb approved, Korrect way, ie sympathy for the poor blacks and condemnation of the ‘racist’ police. Perhaps they’re beginning to see through the beeb lies, and thinking Enough. Stop committing crimes, resisting arrest and swallowing your stash, and these incidents might not happen. As Pam Geller put it, the well of white middle class guilt is running dry.
Charlie – So here we have Fatbott in her natural habitat.
– She really is bloody ghastly!
A race hustler and hypocrite of the highest order. Always willing to play the victim when it suits her, yet at the same time quite happy to create real victims by stirring up discontent within her own community which will often result in violence both directly and indirectly.
What depresses me about people like her is that on the whole instead encouraging these youngsters to better themselves, to me it appears she is much happier playing the race race hustler. It is a lazy approach which plays to the “victim” inside of us but is ultimately futile as it does not ask people to address the faults within themselves as to why they are not doing as well as they might.
I suppose in some ways this picture of Abbot and this motley crew epitomises much that is wrong with inner cities. False victimhood rather than a desire to better themselves and their communities.
Whether they dispute it or not – the death of Rashan Charles “young father” (I suppose that makes him sound a bit more virtuous) would probably have not have happened if he had not in some ways been involved in drugs. Here could have been a good opportunity to use his death as an example as to why the drugs culture is not necessarily a good thing. Instead as ever it will be exploited by race hustlers such as Fatbott in the normal cynical attempt to feed the victim mentality and ensure Fatbott as ever cleans up at her regular re-election. Endlessily suppressing the will of black youngsters to get on in life unless it is “gangsta” related.
In WW2 the all black US fighter squadrons known as the Tuskegee airmen – had to deal with real racism and oppression and yet had real dignity and pride in themselves and did much to further the cause of black identity and respect for them as individuals and as a race. And what do they have these days to look up to these days – Snoop Dogg, Tu Pac and Duggan not forgetting of course Fatbott and Lammy.
I guess for the likes of Fatbott victimhood pays – just a pity “her” people do not ever seem to have the awareness to realise who is exploiting who.
And of course ultimately it will always be whiteys fault.
Says it all really Island – Too bloody lazy and /or stupid to sort their own lives, so lets blame whitey (and probably by implication) take his stuff.
Works well I believe in the thriving economic powerhouse known as Zimbabwe!
Come on oak,
She’s a kind of politician – needs to do what’s necessary to keep her seat and cash to send the kid to private school. She can strain right and wrong according to circumstances . Jump on the band wagon when evil terrorists get shot by hero police but demand charges when a druggy low life “bro” decides not to choose life. Shows how the general calibrate of politicians when she is deemed fit to be shadow Home Secretary .
Here is a truth you will never hear on the BBC:
Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of crimes.
Why? Basically it is because of intelligence and temperament. Blacks have on average a lower IQ than whites. A lower IQ means a less developed moral sense. They are also more impulsive than whites. This means they are less inclined to weigh up the consequences of their actions.
Zelazek, this is very true, but its an observation that will never be said publicly. Much is made of slavery and how the white man plundered third world countries, and quite right that it is discussed. However, over the hundreds of years, the black man doesn’t appear to have progressed intelligently otherwise the African continent would rival the Arab states for wealth with all the minerals that land holds. Yes, they are ‘educated’ enough to be corrupt and emerge as dictators with the backing of the military, and many have been to universities in the UK, but this intelligence has not manifested in creating wealth for the ‘many not the few’ (where’ve I heard THAT before).
I’ve often wondered why black youngsters – despite being 3rd generation British, still speak with the W.I patois; of course grandparents who arrived in the 50’s would have spoken in that way, but that was 60 years ago, and yet listen to any black teenager in the inner cities and the accent hasn’t been watered down at all. Its inbred that they are more impulsive and highly excitable than whites – but that can be said for a lot of the countries that border the Mediterranean – most of the populations are highly strung when agitated, unlike us with the stiff upper lip.
I worked with a lot of black nurses, and very good they were too, however it was nigh on impossible to have an everyday conversation with them aside from work. Their responses were very slow and measured, as though what I said either hadn’t sunk in, or they didn’t know how to reply. C’est la vie.
So true Brissles.
I worked with many blacks and have black friends and with me they speak Ordinary English.But when they get in a group they go into the patois. Adults and elders,makes no difference. It can make you feel excluded if you are not used to it.
One of my teenage sons picked up the inner city patois from his friends including the N word My father used to say he couldn’t understand a word .
Fortunately son has grown through it.
Don’t think they cannot speak English when they want to They choose not to Its the victim mentality that the BBC love to perpetuate.
Wholeheartedly agree but, “…otherwise the African continent would rival the Arab states for wealth with all the minerals that land holds.” No, if it were not for oil and ex-pats, the Arab states would be no different to Africa. Well, slight correction: they would be well destroyed by now as a result of their ‘religion of peace’ and the conflicts that promotes.
I agree. Actually , I feel that Arabs are much worse than Africans and I have personal experience of both !
PS I have never met an Arab that I liked and I have met hundreds. On the other hand, I have met many Africans who I like . Maybe I have just been unlucky with Arabs. On the other hand, maybe they are all dogs .
I run a small business that involves me dealing with small independent shops where the owners are from very diverse countries and religions.
To be truthful, most people are decent hard working, pleasant and polite.
However, I do have the occasional issues. I will list them.
Pakistan, Bangladesh muslims. This is the group that give me the most problems.
Typical response from them is “that is too much”. Or “I have a brother that can do that for half”. They always want to barter and never accept the price
Jews. Usually okay, but often “What is your best price?”. They always accept the deal.
Chinese. Never a problem.
Sikh. Never a problem.
Kurdish Islam. Never a problem.
Black Africans. On hearing the price. “Why.?” or “Oh no” but always nice.
White European. Never have enough money. To do the deal.
But as I said, most people wherever they come from are actually okay.
It’s just a few rotten apples that spoil the world for everyone else.
You can see the results from my small unscientific survey
You will know that I am married to a black African and live in Gambia. I love Africa. But I do not dispute what you say. The good Africans are great. But they get very frustrated with the majority who are lazy, dishonest and of low intelligence. In my view there is no hope for Africa.
As to slavery, I always ask the black Africans ” who sold the slaves to the white man and which country was the first to abolish slavery ?”. That closes the conversation.
However, Africa is wonderful for me and my best African friends are the best friends I ever had anywhere in my life. So, Abdou, Saikou, Fams , Tombo, Sulayman, thank you for all your help . ( Not mentioning the ladies here ! ). It is just a shame about the others.
Yes Grant, when writing my piece, I was very mindful of yourself and others, so tried to write with candour without giving offence.
Grant who ? The problems with Africa and Africans are pretty clear to see if you are there. My sadness is that the bad ones are holding back the good ones. I look at Gambia and the number of Gambians in high positions in the world. They punch well above their weight.
For example, my erstwhile lawyer in Gambia, Fatou Bensouda , is now Chief Prosecutor at the ICC in the Hague. And, believe me, she is even more clever than Cherie Blair. ! That is one example.
But Joseph Conrad in “Heart of Darkness ” pretty much got it right. Some years ago I sacked Binta, my cleaner , for leaving a chicken head in my living room and blaming it on my wife. Bad ju-ju ( voodoo ). And belief in that rubbish is just part of Africa’s problems. I could go on ……
It’s not intelligence its culture . Thomas Sowell explains why Africa is more backward .
“It’s not intelligence its culture .”
That’s not much to go on. Where does the culture come from in the first instance, why does it develop in a certain direction. and why does it follow them everywhere, over several generations?
Good questions. Despite living in Africa on and off for over 15 years , I do not know. But , another question is why a minority of Africans and descendants break free of the slavery of that mindset. And some of them do !
The culture comes from the people , their land and history . People and countries can have advanced or retarded cultures at different times in history ,the present and the future .
Britain had a backward civilisation when compared to the Romans , the Greeks , the Egyptians , Indians , Phonecians etc , but we became the dominant civilisation and culture about 200 years ago .
People and lands change from dominant to backward or vice versa over time . Our own island story tells this .
You are right. And now British and European culture is going down the toilet. It is finished. I doubt if Africa will ever come up. But China is doing well. The smell of death in Europe is everywhere. Canada is probably finished. The USA may survive.
Sorry, not sure I agree with that. The British Isles, on the fringe of Europe, was almost certainly settled later than the places you mention, yet we learned quickly, taking geography and climate into account. The oldest parts of Stonehenge are much older than the pyramids and the Dark Ages were not as dark as originally thought. Furthermore, we have excelled in a very wide range of disciplines, perhaps uniquely so and, this is most telling, been able to compete on equal or better terms in alien territories. Certain immigrants show no sign of being able to do this in spite of a helping hand, reasonable familiarity with our ways of doing things and, in many cases, a common language.
IMO, race shapes culture and it is interesting that the civilisations you mention were not lacking in intelligence. (In the case of Egypt, I understand that it was not the place we know today.) I realise that this is a dangerously unfashionable viewpoint, but what the hell. Bermuda and the Channel Islands have more in common than many people realise. Small islands with mild climates and strong economies, but Bermuda is 60% black and has a very different “feel”. It is hard to imagine the two converging culturally under any circumstances.
If our culture is going to die, and I’m not convinced that it is, it will not be due to lack of intelligence. In a sense we have too much, and we think too much. If we had the will, we could retake what we own in no time at all. We’re not up against a superior culture, just a fast breeding violent one which, let’s remember, is extremely fractious, backwardly superstitious, and generally not up to much. They’ve shown their hand far too soon IMO. People are getting pissed off. I see it every day, and some friends are saying things that I would not have believed possible a few years ago, and will not repeat here. The MSM are totally irrelevant but still have the knack of giving the impression that they know what people are thinking. They don’t, not even close.
Our own island shows how times change the fortunes of places , and I mean within our own island .
For example the Breckland district was once the most advanced in the Flint age , then paled away , then became a leading part of our island before the Danish conquest , then faded again until the 1960s .
What a load of racist c**p !
Mild climates? How can you compare the channel islands with a tropical Caribbean one, FFS.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Bermuda is neither tropical nor in the Caribbean. The winters can be surprisingly chilly.
I suggest Google maps or an atlas. A brain wouldn’t hurt either.
LOL ! So true. I love the idea of Breckland fading away until the 1960s !
Yes, I’ll have to look into Breckland.
Surprising how many people still seem to think that “racist” is an argument in itself and are naive enough to think that it might actually have some impact.
The most Caribbean thing about Bermuda is that some Bermudians feel they have to import the worst aspects of Caribbean culture, and it does them no good whatsoever.
Well I’m being open and honest , and discussing race and culture .
Using my empirical evidence I put it down to culture . I’ve driven in a European country where the inhabitants were only a notch above children . Now that the political situation has changed , I see the younger generation being ” normal ” .
All islands are the same . innit ?
The climate is what forged Northern Europeans into the race we became.
The Ice Age caused the humans who lived in the areas affected by it to develop survival strategies which didn’t need to be replicated by those who lived on the African continent.
The critical necessity for cooperation to stay alive: in hunting for food; in building shelters; in developing specializations such as making fire, keeping those fires alight and supplied with fuel as well being able to ensure that nothing of the mammoths (which were the main prey) was wasted.
Food in Africa was much more abundant and survival there was easier, hence the people there developed differently.
Al Shubtill,
“The climate is what forged Northern Europeans into the race we became. The Ice Age caused the humans who lived in the areas affected by it to develop survival strategies which didn’t need to be replicated by those who lived on the African continent.”
LOL. Northern Europeans were wiped out by the Ice Age and the handful who survived only did so by moving south to warmer climates, where; “Food was much more abundant and survival was easier.”
At the end of the Ice Age, Northern Europe was repopulated by peoples from Southern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
As an advertisement for the Genetic Superiority of “The White Race” you’re not doing yourself many favours, Al.
Al Shubtill,
“In an extremely cold and inhospitable natural environment, higher human intelligence is dramatically favoured…”
You’re reduced to quoting universally respected historian (cough) David Duke now? That didn’t take long…
Nah some are better, Grant.
I’m not saying which , theres enough of you here already.
You are not so clever yourself, you cannot give us any example of Al Beeb’s right wing bias?
Why do you post here and why do you expend so much effort? A simple question .
You are not doing Al Beeb any favours at all . Think of the exorbitant wages they get there .
Perhaps you would like to make yourself useful by signing and advertise this ………….
maxi – Nice try, but no cigar.
“During most of the last 80,000 years, Europe endured temperatures much colder than today. Modern Europeans emerged about 35,000 years and met the crucible of the Wurm glaciation (24,000 – 10,000 B.C.)”
“In an extremely cold and inhospitable natural environment, higher human intelligence is dramatically favoured. Europe demanded a higher technology for survival…effectice hunting, trapping and fishing in such an environment demand well-developed cognitive skills.”
“Navigation on long winter hunts with nondescript landscapes favoured survival of Europeans and East Asians with high levels of spatial reasoning. Tracking the movement of reindeer and other animals demanded the intelligence to weigh past information and develop strategies to anticipate herd movement.”
‘Hunters Of The Northern Ice’ R.K. Nelson
“Races evolved quite differently. Those differences can be seen in the racial boundaries of the modern world and the nature of the societies that thrive in them.
The unique genotype that the cold climes of Europe fashioned has enabled European man to do all that he has achieved.”
“The achievements of the European people can be contrasted with the centuries of the African race’s inability to even successfully copy what Europeans originated”
‘Origin Of The Races’ C.S. Coon
Good post Clare. Its sad that these viewpoints cannot be discussed openly and rationally in debate without it being a red rag to the bull for some. Its ok to talk about disability and homosexuality in a courteous manner, but start a conversation on race and culture and all hell breaks loose.
“Good post Clare. Its sad that these viewpoints cannot be discussed openly and rationally in debate without it being a red rag to the bull for some.”
Absolutely. Just why oh why can’t I ‘rationally’ call Grant’s wife and daughters dumb, work-shy, genetically-inferior niggers without someone telling me I’m an idiot? It’s political correctness gone mad!!!
Oh!, maxincony you have just used the “N” word .
As you have been very naughty, as a punishment you must send this link to at least ten of you friends……….
So far it 230,692
You’re always good for a giggle Maxi person !!! – see, I can be soooooo pc when I want to be.
I’m not the sort of person who normally reports comments but have.reported the above comment for being offensive to another contributers family members and also the way you seem to think you are better than this blog. Quite frankly, if you find it so offensive, why bother to contribute apart from to annoy other readers.
Your words, not mine. You do, however, demonstrate a singular skill in that direction.
Are you hedging your bets and secretly preparing to join the NF if it all goes pear shaped?
Knowing the Left’s propensity for violence, it wouldn’t surprise me.
I dont notice colour, it doesnt matter, its religion i notice, one in particular, and i have nothing but scorn for it, and any other that fecks peoples lives up.
Lefties mistake this……………
the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.
“I do not wish to become the object of scorn”
synonyms: contempt, derision, contemptuousness, disdain, derisiveness, mockery, sneering
“he was unable to hide the scorn in his voice”
feel or express contempt or derision for.
“I was routinely ridiculed and scorned by conservatives and liberals alike”
synonyms: deride, hold in contempt, treat with contempt, pour/heap scorn on, look down on, look down one’s nose at, disdain, curl one’s lip at, mock, scoff at, sneer at, jeer at, laugh at, laugh out of court; disparage, slight; dismiss, thumb one’s nose at; informalturn one’s nose up at.
for this…………….
feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).
“the boys hate each other”
synonyms: loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; More
have a strong aversion to (something).
Same as the mistake this…………..
each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
“people of all races, colors, and creeds”
synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
“students of many different races”
a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group.
“we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then”
synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
for this…………..
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
“ideas about the relationship between science and religion”
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
“the world’s great religions”
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
“consumerism is the new religion”
That is because they are full of this……………
“I dont notice colour, it doesnt matter”
Jesse Jackson might disagree:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved”
I think a lot of people moving house would disagree as well, although few would admit it openly.
well it’s easy for me to say, i only know one black guy, we knocked about together when i still clubbed it, full jamacan black as a rook, not a gramm of malice in him, he wanders around the village, in bright clothes and shorts everyday, all spindly legs and teeth, and if and when i take the piss, a big warm grin,,, Hayyyyyyy Monnnnnnnnnn
I treat is as a good, ‘rule of thumb’ – it works every time: View the BBC’s Crimewatch ‘Wanted Faces’.
No need to explain what you see……………….
I am not a regular viewer of the reality/documentary, ‘Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away’ series but, as above in the Crimewatch Wanted Faces, you should view it again I suggest, as a good ‘rule of thumb’. The only time I watch the programme is when the tv is turned on and it opens that channel/programme. I am invariably enthralled. Difficult to then leave that station. What you find on this programme is a preponderance of blacks and asians on the wrong side of the HC Enforcement team. We see and hear all their pathetic excuses to avoid seizure or eviction. It dawned on me watching part of yesterday evening’s episode that much of what comes about is down to the reputation of this country worldwide. The UK clearly has a reputation of, ‘anything goes’, ‘laid-back approach’ and, ‘you can get away with anything’ as being the norm. No wonder people want to come here. When, miraculously, the end of the road comes, the evictee is horrified that it is happening to him/her. Disbelief. We watched a black couple being evicted. She with two small children and pregnant. He, overstayed a college course on its conclusion by, if I recall correctly, FIVE YEARS. Yes, that’s right FIVE. As a Nigerian person overstaying, he cannot obtain papers to enable him to work. How they survived on no state payments (I guess) is anybody’s guess. Probably some charity support by a gravy train outfit that thinks its already tapped into some socialist/liberal money tree. This swamp desperately needs draining as an absolute priority before there is any hope of regaining the British public’s trust in the, ‘system’.
I read that the behaviour is not part of IQ, but due to the fact that impulsive people in northern latitudes tend to be evolutionarily culled by winters, as those who plan and store food in Autumn are more likely to survive harsh winters. The latest updates on the genetics and evolution of IQ are rather revealing and provide some answers to what seemed confusing facts.
IQ is higher due to the fact that cold environments open the door to higher brain activity which generates heat, which is not a problem in cool environments. As our primitive ancestors more than 40,000 years ago were also Black Africans, whose bodies where designed to maximise brain cooling, to maximise IQ in the tropics.
But the genetics implies that high IQ genes originated in Africa amongst black people who were more active during the cool nights, such as Witch doctors. So these high IQ genes gradually increased their ratio and influence in cool daytime environments, eventually causing hunting to become more and more intellectually based to the point of becoming planned domestication of animals. And also gathering to become more and more intellectual based to the point of becoming planned agriculture.
Richard i have often thought about the trial and error of witch-doctoring,..
I mean burn this plant and that, crush some root extract, crush some rock salt, boil some roots/plants, mix it all together, and cure a disease……
ofcourse its the mix of compounds, and modern medicine just synthesizers
them, but the mind boggles at the learning and the passing on of that learning.
Richard (and bear with me here), the theory that you gave with hot and cold environments – would the extremes in temperature be a reason why blacks and whites excel in some sports and not others ? I’m thinking no black skiers at world level, or Olympic swimmers. Its only in recent times that black athletes have dominated athletics, but (as far as I know) there has only been one black dressage rider. Or does the genetic make up play a part ?
Richard Pinder,
“But the genetics implies that high IQ genes originated in Africa amongst black people who were more active during the cool nights, such as Witch doctors.”
Richard, you are living, walking (well shuffling perhaps) proof that a high IQ score has nothing to do with intelligence.
Where is your intelligence ? You cannot tell us why you post here ?
Have you signed this yet ?
Up one so far to 230,693
They are without any shadow of a doubt still the lowest I.Q.’d Nations on the planet, obviously their simpleness makes them more prone to emotion and sudden lethal violence , a mass of seething bedsheets results in someone swinging from the nearest lamp-post within minutes, fair trial included.
They have an average I.Q. of british 14yr olds, thats the uncontrolled armed mentality we are confronted by.
They are what they are, 200yrs behind the world, and 10,000 yrs morally……allahu akbar maxi lad.
The chickens are coming home to roost for MERKEL.. But it appears that she may be lucky with
this latest atrocity in Constance. The gentleman involved although from Iraq was not a terrorist
or an asylum seeker, according to the BBC. Let’s hope for Merkel and the BBC’S sake that nobody heard him
shouting out Allahu Akbar. And that he was at the most just an Islamist with psychological problems..
We all hope that he was just a Christian,a Catholic, a Jew ,a Hindu, a Buddhist.An Atheist. Let’s hope for Merkel and
the BBC that he might of even been a Jainist!
The Amish strike again in Germany. Phew, nothing to do with terrorism, say the brilliant German cops. Nothing terryfying about being shot at.
‘Police have ruled out a terrorist motive. A spokesperson told N-TV that the gunman was a 34-year-old Iraqi citizen, but not an asylum seeker. He is believed to have lived in Germany for a long time’.
Nevertheless, despite ruling out terrorism the cops say ‘The motive for the shooting remains unclear.’
The police think we are stupid. How can they rule out terrorism when they do not have all the facts . Idiots or liars or both.
Surely everyone in the whole of Europe has become wise to the lies the police , politicians and media regurgitate after every attack , about mental issues, lone wolves, drugs, nothing to do with Islam , robberies etc etc. It is a joke but one at our expense as we are the ones, ordinary Europeans I mean, who will suffer most in the forthcoming religious wars.
As to Merkel’s chickens coming home to roost. Well the Germans ought to give her the boot for inflicting all these third worlders on them, but I bet they still vote for her. People right across Europe just seem happy to whistle in the dark and hope the storm clouds gathering on the horizon by some miracle fade away, rather than vote for politicians who will take on the problem.
Merkel’s motives are clear to me. She wants to use the rest of the EU’s aim for “ever closer union” to achieve the Fourth Reich under a German led Marxist Politbureau. After all she was an official in the East German youth movement under the communists and clearly believes the end justifies the means.
Top post. Agreed .
DT – No different to our “snowflakes” trying to vote Comrade Jessa into power. They know Labour is always even more pro uncontrolled immigration than the current Tory Government (and that says a lot). And even the most uninformed lefty must now be aware that muslim immigration into our society brings more problems than it solves- Yet they all pretty much voted for this man choosing to focus on their own personal selfish desires (such as student debt) rather than bigger picture of the future stability of our society.
The lights may well be going off in Germany – but they are also going off here.
Another top post ! I am going to be booking a flight back home to Gambia. The lights are always going out there but my house has solar energy. I can never understand why the Western European Establish ment are committing suicide. But I do not want to be here to witness it. So sad.
Grant – I think this has been mentioned before but it is similair to HG Wells “Time Machine” where our once great society has – subdivided itself into Moorlocks and the Eloi. – I think we all know who the Moorlocks are! Fair play to us, we seem to have managed it without even the help of global nuclear war!
I wish I could join you mate – But my “snowflake kids” wont be going anywhere soon and looks like, I with many others will be here for the duration – come what may. I agree what you say, it is more than just a tragedy it is sheer bloody stupidity – just such a pity we are led by such a disgusting collection of vile, gutless politicians. Pity because it still does not have to be this way – sigh!
Well said. It totally puzzles me . Even the Romans and Ottomans did not destroy their Empires on purpose. I am really at a loss for words .
Meanwhile , in Gambia , my watchman, Saikou has told me that he is getting married on 15 september to Jainaba , who he met once about 5 years ago. The bride price is £170 and I have agreed to pay half. So he is happy . And even happier that Arsenal beat Benfica 5-2.
Well , Africa has its problems but…
Blimey £170 sounds a bargain. I will soon need a new car and was wondering how much I would get for Mrs Oak in the Gambia as way of part exchange .
She is very experienced and has the patience of Jove!
Correction did have the patience of Jove!
LOL ! £170 may be a bargain ,but I have not checked her teeth yet ! The stable door is not open yet .
She musta made quite an impression.
Grantwho – Flameless candles (battery driven) are always a good standby for those power cut moments !!
If I place my hand on someone, I can’t say my touch was not ‘touch- related.’ By definition, physical contact with the fingers is touching.
If you do something like fire a gun which induces terror, this is by definition a terrorist act.
Some of the newspeak phrases are quite clever and effective, like ‘undocumented worker’ or ‘refugee.’ This habit of describing something terrifying then saying it is ‘not terror related’ is just moronic.
But do not forget that Israel is a “terrorist state “.
Seen in a major London tube station, posted on notice boards all over many concourses: “An altercation took place yesterday on the Northbound Line between 3 women and a couple, in the course of which one woman had her face veil removed.”
See where this is going?
“If you have any information contact the British Transport police on xxxxxx.”
So, while vibrant multicultural London burns in the course of race riots, while knife crime, gun crime, acid attacks, motorbike attacks, muggings of all sorts, have become a daily occurrence, while our overstretched finest don’t even pretend to investigate whole categories of crime, our fearless pc PCs will spare no efforts in uncovering the veil uncoverers, that most heinous of crimes. And once found, be sure the perpetrators will feel the full force of the law. Hate crime? lock ’em up and throw away the keys!
Got me thinking.
Maybe a face veil IS the way to go to prevent acid attacks. Is THAT was Islam wants?
Maybe if soaked in caustic soda or bicarb, it could save a few faces.
Who`d ever have thought we`d now be living in a country where this is a line of discussion in 2017?
I’m surprised London Underground allowed the use of gender specific descriptions.
Oh look, a ‘Man’ has been charged with the rape of girl, 14, in Birmingham.
Was this ‘man’ called John Smith? No? Peter Baker maybe? Oh no, he’s called Khurram Rahi, a good Brummie name if ever I heard one.
Why don’t all the white ‘community’ have a riot over it? Isn’t that the progressive way of dealing with things?
Unfortunately that scumbag comes from the same town as I do and as Lobster will probably agree with me, it is not the largest of towns, he lived fairly close to where I live so there is a good chance I have passed by him when walking my dog or generally out and about. Quite a scary thought.
The video ‘Justice for Rash’ clearly shows the young man throwing his drugs into his mouth at 0.08. So not only has he chosen to break the law, he has also attempted to resist arrest then to cop the lot he has placed himself in fatal danger by putting the drugs in his mouth. It seems that the so-called ‘brutality’ was the officer desperately trying to remove the drugs from his mouth to save his life.
Are we honestly expected to feel guilty for what this young man did? To not only break the law, but to then compound it through his own reckless actions?
You should do as you would be done by. They are complaining that this policeman did not follow protocol, but neither did this young man, to put it mildly. If you are insistent on breaking the law, could you at least not evade arrest? Then after you have evaded arrest don’t put the officer in such an awful position where he has to use force to try and save your life? You want ‘justice’ and for the Police to ‘take responsibility’, but when you take no responsibility whatsoever for your own actions reasonable people will struggle to feel any sympathy for your predicament.
Who cares about moral arguments anyway – a good riot should solve everything. So true what Milo says: identity politics are universally popular as they release people from the burden of personal responsibility. It is so much easier just to blame your ills on ‘oppression’ and ‘racism.’
Until we nobble the media, so they are held liable for the cost of policing and riot damage, we are only going to get more of this hive prodding and shit stirring from the Social Justice Documentary makers at the BBC and Channel 4.
Maybe a Class Action from the people who had their windows put out.
Media DOES have an influence-why else would they stay on air and advertise stuff, unles this was true.
This is just malicious agitprop, same as winding up the Brownshirt S.A in effect.
This mini-Duggan obviously gulped his drugs(or was it “an object”?), and the policeman tried to save him.
Didn`t the Guardian once sell their paper on the basis of an advert that showed us NOT to leap to prejudiced conclusions? Yet this is ALL the liberal media do these days.
There will have to be a reckoning.
Rioting may not always be a Lefty concern, we are fed up.
Trump and Albeeb,
I think I read her about some watching the impressively names ‘dateline London ‘ on al Beeb news channel. I got to see it by accident today – I was a guest where the TV was on. I’m not writing about the obvious bias but the complexion of the programme. There were 5 people sitting around. None of them were American. None of them professed to have been to Washington/America lately nor having spoken to anyone of influence there.
Yes all 5 sung from the chaos impeachment sad America songbook. No challenge, no alternative view. In short amateur half hour which the world leading state broadcaster should be truly ashamed. I won’t talk about the content or 5 punters names but it was truly poor and so pleased I’ll never pay for it again.
PS I use the term punters is appropriate because they certainly didn’t rank as journalists. Come back alistair cook .
“Punters ” . Are you sure your spelling is correct ? Has anyone come up with any credible grounds for impeachment ?
Grant – as far as I can see – not yet. Their best bet is the Russian / foreign power involvement in a GE . I dust of my memories from Nixon and Watergate – but the circumstances are so different. I have no doubt that if they tried to get Trump to go he just wouldn’t.
As they will never understand he is not like them- not a career politician dependant on careers by benefactors of the left or right. It’s why they call recent events chaos. In their world it would be . But I just think Trump knows he has a mandate, a job to start and will do what he wants within the constitution.
You are right about the term ‘punters’ it really was awful – I suppose anyone of any value for comment is on their summer hols. Personally I think Blighty is great in July and august.
How the hell does Zeb Soanes-Radio 4 bland newsreading monkey-manage to live in a house worth half a million in NW3?
Sorry BBC-as you moan about Trump and Brexit, can only hope that most of us remember what a bunch of overpaid libtards you are. And we`re no longer listening to you.
I`m really pleased with Donald Trump.
The mainstream media and opinions of the respectable elite seem to think that he`s had a bad week, but I don`t think so.
The job is NOT to look statesmanlike or reasonable to CNN, but to drain that swamp.
If we see his Presidency as an entreprenerial, results-led business that he`s creating in his image, then nothing I`ve seen has been a problem. Yes, he`s slow at times, and gauche-but he has really put the wind up the elite and they simply are mad with rage and confusion that he`s endlessly bypassing them and hates them as much as they hate him. He gave them the offer as he won the Presidency to be in role “for all Americans, including those who didn`t vote for him”.
But the left scorned him, saw this as weakness. So now he`s getting a good team around him, and those leaks and attacks on him and his family will surely get traced and dealt with,
This is not difficult, lop the head off the liberal snake and then get on once more with running the country. We need him as a lightning rod for the Brexit wars to come.
Hitler failed on two fronts, happen to think that Brexit and Trump will end up destroying the liberal elites efforts to create a Soviet EU Caliphate here-and a Mexican warlords hellhole over across the pond.
This is existential, sense the liberal elite know this too. We have got to win.
If you fancy a good laugh read some o the opinion pieces on the Guardian about Trump- extreme emotional incontinence and finger wagging.
“What would Scaramucci’s mother think of his foul language!”
Oh f**k off with all your joyless finger wagging. I want leaders to be rude and offensive sometimes – it shows they are human. I am so sick to death of identikit politicians: careerist; evasive; all talk no action; devious; always pandering to everyone and never causing offence. I want a genuine leader with balls who will say it as it is.
How many politicians have spoken of ‘change’ yet every time it is the same old people doing the same old sh*t, whether they be male, black, gay or whatever? With Trump it genuinely is different and I am loving every minute.
Top post ! Trump has got the Lefties on the run and they cannot cope with it. Wonderful !
This is an excellent article by Pat Buchanan about how dangerous for Trump’s Presidency (The Donald knows this) the Special Prosecutor is.
Why the f**k Trump doesn’t have him in the WH advising him, someone who served three former Republican Presidents, instead of people like his daughter; son-in-law and ex-hedge fund manager Sacramaramoochie?
Along the same lines – bbc WS being taken to task for using, ‘tribe’ to describe the last true hunter/ gatherer ‘tribe’ in Africa.
James Purnell of course tells many things. Often.
I merely observe B’s for P’s can be easy to confuse.
And Botney is a true talent, in all markets.
Looking around on the news we get, wouldn’t it have been a much more pleasant land if the government had done what we wanted instead of doing their mass immigration project.
No, or at least very few, child sex abuse.
No, no go zones.
No riots when a black is arrested or dies by swallowing his drugs.
No overcrowding everywhere.
Immediate doctors appointments.
Cheaper and plentiful housing.
We all know, and can add, lots more to the list and they all enhance the quality of life.
Instead we have so many bad things because some politicians decide what they reckon is best for us.
They are trying to do the same with Brexit, go against the wishes of the majority.
Why are they against us, they are supposed to be there to make things better for everyone and not just for themselves.
Future generations will look back at our politicians with revulsion at what they are doing to us.
Until the future lot are the enrichers when they rule over us after out breeding the Brits and taking over, city by city such as they have done in londonistan with their little mayor.
About 2050-60 I reckon.
Politicians are vile on the whole (understatement).
Fat lot of good it’ll do (petition), but worth a shot.
An objective history of uk immigration policy since 1945 surely will be sad reading .no consultation with the general white population on people coming from all parts of the world. Even in joining the common market no one foresaw hoards of Europeans coming to Britain . There was little justification for earlier waves immigration either as far as I am concerned .
I also do not buy the nonsense about Britain always suffering waves of immigration like a couple of hundred Hugenouts which is often used as an excuse / example.
According to a hard copy report in the newspaper version of al beeb by a bloke called Cohen today I’d be classed as a bigot . But from me examination of the definition mr Cohen is too.
As you say – it could have been so much nicer – it could have been Britain .
this nonsense that we are a nation of immigrants and we are all immigrants needs to be challenged for the complete and utter bollox it is .
when it all falls apart and turns into the balkans and blood runs in the streets our past and present politicians better hope they have defrauded us of enough to run very very far away
which ever way the future goes some very unsavoury choices are going to be presented to our children
They have declared war on their peoples. There is nobody worth a light now. The Tory party is finished as a conservative force and I really hope it collapses in to chaos soon.
I have never wavered in my conviction that Mrs May is there to keep us in the EU. Wait and see but as a betting man I make it way odds on.
A sobering article by Ted Malloch on Breitbart
Yes indeed sobering .
If this continental level illegal immigration – I won’t use the term migration – is to be stopped it won’t be UK which will do it because we no longer have politicians with the strength of character or mind to do what needs to be done even though / because in our island existence we could put up the barriers and stop them .
It will have to be the southern mediterranean states getting politically and militarily ready to do what needs to be done. Ending the concept of refugees – preventing travel into Europe by military means . Targetting and killing traffickers and more .
I think it can be done – there would be resistance from those illegals already in European nations but they would need to be dealt with by forcible deportation if necesary. These actions are not acceptable in current circumstances but we are not too far away .
The media would have to be controlled or silenced to achieve this of course .
Sounds extreme doesn’t it?
no time to be wasted..bring it on!
Just been watching the Hungarian Grand Prix highlights on channel 4. Keep with this.
At the end we had an ‘advert’ by Clare Balding who appears to be anchoring a women’s football match later on that tv channel.
You will recall Clare was listed in the 96 ‘stars’ at the bBBC earning over £150k.
You will also recall she had a high profile strop over the ‘inequality’ between men and women among the top salaries.
Maybe the reason she was near the bottom of the list was because she only works part-time for the bBBC.
Maybe we should also know what she gets at channel 4, so to get a total earnings?
How about it Clare? In the name of transparency and equality, of course.
And I’ve been watching al beebs commemoration of Pachendael ( apols spelling ) and the interview with the last tommy – harry patch . It’s strange listening to the coverage of Mr Patch because my grandfather was in the same battalion and thought harry patch was “windy” – his term and they were glad when he went home.
My granddad joined in 13 and was demobbed in 19 and spent his whole war on the western front .
If you’re interested do a wiki on Harry Patch and his regiment . I could not get my grandad to talk about it. He came out of the war deaf from the guns .,
Yes Fedup, we’ve watched the Ypres Menin Gate ceremony too.
Been there. Seen it.
And also seen there my Great Uncle’s name on it…..blown up in 1915.
That seemed par for the course – with much sadness. I never understood how my grandad survived it. He was tall which was also a big disadvantage in the trenches too. Luck as much as anything. They were the first to engage the Germans in 14 but got lucky – if you call it that – for Of not being rota d to go over the top until the second day of the Somme. Shocking.
I recall seeing two pictures of my grandfather in uniform: one just before he was sent to the Continent in WW1 and the other when he returned; the difference in the look in his eyes between the two was incredible and was captured even in these old sepia photographs.
I never knew him, as he died before I was born but I always wondered what things he must have seen and endured which wrought such a change.
The BBC are not really fit memorialise the fallen of our nation, from any war.
And what pearls of wisdom does Maxicony have I wonder on the atrocities of both World Wars – always assuming that he knows his history – and does he realise that Churchill is not only the name of the dog in the advert !!!
I have just had a truly terrifying vision.
What if England women win the Euro 2017 football tournament?
Can you imagine the wall to wall SJW orgasm we would have to endure? The team would be on every sofa; every virtue signalling wanker like Lineker would go into overdrive; we’d probably have seven national holidays full of street parties where everyone has to pretend they give a sh*t. Please for the sake of sanity let them lose tonight.
Beeb how true . Fingers crossed for the loss. Let people here not be accused of jingoism !
What to make of the Proms .After the Barenboim lecture .
I switched to BBC 4 for a performance of Beethovens Ninth which i still admire despite Ode To Joy being hijacked by the EU. Whats being shown is its ” companion piece ” A European Requiem written by Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan. its the European premiere..I can’t decide if the BEEB are doing it deliberately or if I’m just paranoid.
To give them the benefit of the doubt I will imagine its to do with the First World War commemorations.
Deborah-I have written a concerto for the ” Rubab” I think the instrument has given me a chance
to get it played on the BBC Proms. Do you think if I call it the LGBT concerto for the Rubab .it will give
me more of a chance? What if I was to say it can only be played by a person with one hand as the
Ravel piano piece, will this increase my chances? Can you make any other suggestions to increase
my chances? By the way to those of you that don’t know that Bruckner’s 9th is the greatest of
all symphonic masterpieces. The Rubab is played in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I thought the rubab was something you had with custard.
Lol Dont give them any ideas.Not that they need any.
In our house it’s always referred to as the music from, ‘Die Hard’.
Seems some people at the BBC get the message – occasionally:
BBC under fire for tearing down EU flags during Beethoven’s Ninth
Might not last long.
I particularly like the comment: “Interestingly, a source in the arena reports on Twitter that they were fairly distracting throughout – talking during the music to the extent that they were actually ‘shushed’ at one point by one of the soloists – and made their first attempt to deploy the flags during the scherzo, apparently under the impression that the Ode to Joy was about to begin. Seems the great defenders of our shared European identity don’t actually listen to much Beethoven.”
I can’t believe what I just heard by some BBC announcer from the remembrance ceremony at Passchendaele.
“Nobody whose name is on this wall is alive today”
Does he not understand that their name are on the wall because they were killed at the battle. Not a roll call of the participants.
I realise I am may be a bit tetchy about this, but making stupid remarks about the sacrifice of all of those men is unacceptable.
Those poor souls laid down their lives for this?
Sure thing – bbc sounded embarrassed and was ill informed and unprofessional. You can feel they really would prefer not to mention the conflict with our Euro buddies. I00 years on and it’s Germany, France, Belgium that are demanding ‘reparations’ – good stuff eh?
My son was saying that in the new film, ‘ Dunkirk’, you never really see the enemy, I said, ” well we wouldn’t want to upset the Germans by making them look bad would we?”.
He thought I was being stupid, but that is what it is getting like in this politically correct world.
Davylars. Right on. A dazzling example of the utterly inept biased BBC, so busy wallowing in their own politically correct self-importance to be bothered with little items of accuracy for those who died for………increasingly for what exactly………for the loathsome BBC ?
Mr D lost his grandfather at Passchendale so is very sensitive to the commemoration of this battle. He does look at the UK today and thinks his grandfather’s death was in vain.
We switched on tonight’s programme on BBC, a female interviewer, the panel discussing the battle included someone who was from an ethnic minority, a woman and a white man. Mention was made of understanding the German point of view, that it was something to be considered from a joint European viewpoint and emphasis on the pacifism of those who survived. Mr D switched off.
I’m afraid this is sadly typical. There was a comment the other day about cathedrals in Britain’s “towns and cities”. Not as potentially offensive as the Passchendaele comment, obviously, but an indicator of what passes for general knowledge these days.
In fact schools don’t seem to attach any importance whatsoever to general knowledge. We used to have an annual competition with a decent prize at the end of it.
Mayors question time Sadiq Khan. City Hall. London Mayor, BBC Parliament
“What percentage in the document, aims and aspirations, are fully funded?” Gareth Bacon
“100% of first 5 years fully funded” Sadiq Khan
“How much (now) is fully funded?” Gareth Bacon
“The reason why that can’t be answered….cross rail 2 …” Sadiq Khan
…. Gareth gives up …
– so transport strategy is not 100% funded, but Sadiq Khan says his aspirational document is 100% funded?
How can two people not agree?
just switched over to Passchendaele in time to see the reading of a soldiers letter home,
by a suitably period dressed and hairdo’ed black lady
message received loud and clear so called bbc
turned over again, what next a transvestite biggles
Sure it wasn’t Eddie Izzard in drag ??
Eddie Izzard is always in drag.
A remarkable edition of Feedback tonight, ‘everyone’ was happy with the BBC!
Several listeners told us how much they approved of the BBC’s anti-Trump campaign and the master John Sopel himself made a guest appearance to lap it up and assure us how ‘he held power to account’.
More approval that the BBC wasn’t going to remove a programme that it said it would remove, (isn’t that a U-turn?). Some rubbish about how an old actress sounded different when she was young but praise for letting The Archers fans get their fix of soap.
Then on to Dead Ringers. I must live in a different world because I didn’t know we in a disaster/crisis situation. The penny dropped, this was the Brexit Bashing Campaign broadcasting to itself. A few made up characters to suit their narrative, as they used to say, ‘any resemblance to any living person is purely coincidental’. Throw in a bit of Trump and then some Bush. Did I miss the eight years of holding Obama to account (and ridicule)?
I was not listening to I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue at lunchtime but the radio was on, Barry Crier going on about Trump. The BBC never gives up nor lets an opportunity go by. Trouble is it works. Many of my friends add a sneer should Trump be mentioned or even a trip to the US. When I ask them how they know so much, and is it correct the response is often that they heard it on the BBC.
Barry Crier is surprisingly in his early 80’s, but looked that age 50 years ago ! I’ve never rated him although he’s made a career out of scriptwriting ‘funnies’ for many of the old comedians and radio shows. He’s the type that makes a crack then waits for the applause, so I wouldn’t take any notice of what he says on current affairs.
I think his strength has always been his writing rather than his delivery. Haven’t seen him for years because I watch little broadcast TV but he always struck me as rather clever. Pity he’s succumbed.
With regard to Trump, Mark Steyn made a good comment in his on-line show: “The wrong person asking the right questions.” Some truth in that. He’s not anti-Trump as such, best to watch the programme if you haven’t already.
Have you posters noticed that every time Al Beeb becomes unpopular and under pressure, eg the disgraceful and obscene wage bill that has come to light, our resident Troll maxincony makes an appearance.
maxincony supports the archaic Telly Poll Tax which is extracted by threat of law from the poor people of this nation although they watch little if any, of the absurdly biased channel.
Notice also that there is no ‘I love Al Beeb website’ for maxi to wollow in ?
If you post here and are unhappy with the annual ‘mugging’ sign the petition ………………………….
230,692 so far !
Tell your mates .