The BBC is up to its old tricks of splashing a big accusatory headline that states ‘as fact’ that something has happened when there is absolutely no proof that it did…but the target of the piece is ‘deplorable’ so facts just get in the way of justice don’t they?….
Trouble with that headline? It’s just not true…there’s absolutely no evidence of a link between ‘Trump son’ and the Kremlin. No evidence that the email makes any mention of any Kremlin connection, the man who contacted ‘Trump son’ didn’t know the source of his information and it is likely to have come through various ‘others’ before getting to him…all of which the New York Times [rabidly anti-Trump along with the Washington Post] eventually admits as does the BBC.
And where is the email? The NYT tells us that it is reporting what three people who say they have seen the email have said…but no email, not even a direct quote from the email. Remember how Comey’s infamous memo about Trump suddenly disappeared…Comey himself having destroyed his own copies…why would he do that when it was clearly such an important, crucial, document for his claims? Is this yet another NYT/WaPo fabrication built on whispers and lies from the dread ‘Deep State’?
Here’s the Times’ nonsense…
Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.
So it was all part of a Russian government conspiracy…or was it? The NYT muddies the water…and why ‘three sources’? Trying to make out it is credible?….and was it part of a Russian campaign or not part of a Russian campaign?….
Mr. Goldstone’s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information. It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign.
So…the Russian government was the source but no indication part of a Russian government campaign? How can the email indicate the Russian government was the source when the NYT then admits….
It is unclear whether Mr. Goldstone had direct knowledge of the origin of the damaging material. One person who was briefed on the emails said it appeared that he was passing along information that had been passed through several others.
So the NYT doesn’t know if the email sender, Goldstone, knew Russia may have been the source…and yet they say earlier it definitely was indicated to be the source.
As with all other ‘sourced’ material the NYT and WaPo never provide links to the original material…they haven’t even quoted the email here.
Much like all these leaks the sources are dodgy with vested interests in spreading anti-Trump misinformation…good of the BBC to help out….as usual.
And just who are the NYT’s sources? Looks like it was leaked by Comey’s pals in the intelligence services…
Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records described to The New York Times.
So not only are the intelligence services acting against the President but this shows that when Trump said they had been spying on him he was correct despite all the mockery and dismissive claims that he was paranoid and deluded….of course we know that Obama loosened the rules on who could see intelligence and what they could report….part of his campaign to undermine the Trump campaign by allowing intelligence information gathered for one purpose to be used by politicians for another, ie to attack Trump.
Curious how ‘Trump son’ is accused of collaborating with the Russians for having met a ‘Russian national’ who said they had information on Clinton…why would he not meet with them? The BBC had no qualms about our dodgy MI6 officer meeting supposedly ex Russian intelligence officers to get information on Trump for the Clinton campaign.
Claims about a Russian blackmail tape were made in one of a series of reports written by a former British intelligence agent. As a member of MI6, he had been posted to the UK’s embassy in Moscow and now runs a consultancy giving advice on doing business in Russia. He spoke to a number of his old contacts in the FSB, the successor to the KGB, paying some of them for information.
How on earth can anyone take seriously information fed to them by Russian intelligence…lol.
Interesting….the Russian who met ‘Trump son’ employs the private investigation firm that cobbled together that dodgy dossier...hmmm…any chance that the meeting with ‘Trump son’ was set up precisely to try and associate ‘Trump son’ with the Russians and hence provide headlines that Trump was helped by the Russians? [Corallo is a spokeman for the President’s lawyer and Ms. Veselnitskaya is the Russian contact]
In an interview, Mr. Corallo explained that Ms. Veselnitskaya, in her anti-Magnitsky campaign, employs a private investigator whose firm, Fusion GPS, produced an intelligence dossier that contained unproven allegations against the president. In a statement, the firm said, “Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is false.”