‘The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.’
Douglas Murray in 2016 talks about the way in which free speech has been controlled and censored by the Establishment on the subject of immigration and suggests that mass, uncontrolled immigration is the ‘clearest possible threat to our societies’.…but Merkel and Co don’t want you to know that or if you do know it not to be able to discuss it with other like-minded people or especially not with anyone who might have their eyes ‘opened’ to what is really happening having been gulled by Merkel and Co for so long.
Everything he says applies as much to the BBC as to Merkel…the BBC that sets the tone of the debate and tries to close down the real debate by painting anyone who wants to control immigration as Nazis, of the Far-Right and racists making anyone who has such thoughts self-censor as they are afraid of being labelled a right-wing extremist.
I note Amber Rudd on breakfast news talking about “the enemy” using the internet to “weaponise people at home”. I’m not sure they know who “the enemy ” actually is anyway. It appears to me this is just an excuse to impose more censorship onto so called “right wing extremists” i.e. anyone who has an alternative view to theirs.
Yes, Camoron tried the “internet censorship / state control” thing with that moron female based on the threat of “paedophile porn / grooming”. She was so thick that the whole plan died before it got off the ground, so Rudd is trying it again on the basis of “anti-terrorism”.
They’ll serve a Venezuelian menu in due course.
Venezuelan cafes already serve a dystopian one. Allegedly.
“this is just an excuse to impose more censorship onto so called “right wing extremists” i.e. anyone who has an alternative view to theirs.”
Correct! Another example was heard this morning – 03/08/2017 – on Radio5Live.
That Nicky Campbell bloke was discussing “good neighbours”. He asked his listeners to ring in if your neighbour is good or bad. Out of the many people phoning the show only 3 people were chosen to tell the listeners their good neighbour stories. And of course, one of the 3 callers was “a man-turning into a woman”. Of course this Campbell chap addressed the man as a “she”. Can you believe it! Out of so many million listeners only 3 were allowed to share their “good or bad neighbour” stories and one was a man /it/she/zit. And of course “it” was given far more time then the other 2 callers.
Shame to you BBC for promoting “unnatural affections” so openly.
Yes this couples nicely to the other strand of restriction on thinking – the assumption that something is just correct – a kind of group think. For instance the assumption that equal numbers of men and women in jobs is a good thing. But if either women or men are better at certain things this is ignored.
Or the assumption that representation by racial groups is good – for instance in the police ‘ it’s meant to make people from minority groups more confident in law and order. The same with al Beeb which thinks putting non white faces and backing Islam against Christianity – which it only sees in terms of paedophilia – is also a good thing. Just wrong thinking and wrong assumptions .
Here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total_fertility_rate is the reason why the stream of unwanted immigrants from Africa will only get worse. Murray talks about the possible numbers of legitimate asylum seekers, again the numbers are staggering.
Combination of two things – high fertility rate in one area, with low fertility rate in another area. Looking at this you can see which side will win – it’s not even a fair fight.
“…is Britain sustainable (be kept alive!), educationally we are unsustainable, economically we are unsustainable, racially we are unsustainable, and culturally we are unsustainable. And in order to fix that requires, huge amounts of endeavour and sacrifice. And no mainstream politician today is going to do that. Because all they care about … is the next election.” @1:25
– Paul Weston – Britain’s Muslim Demographic Disaster, June 2014
“We’ve all seen what Islam is like. We know that it is not peaceful. We know that it is supremacist. We know everything about it now. .. So our future (UK) will be Syria. @1:04
We need to extricate ourselves from the 1951 Treaty on asylum. It was designed for a different age, and will be the very death of our nation.
In future, we need to say that asylum will be at the absolute discretion of the British government, and will only be granted to bona fide dissidents who support our way of life, in other words, who support Western democratic values. We cannot give asylum to a Shi’ite extremist, just because he is threatened by a Sunni government, nor can we take in Africans claiming to be gay just because homosexuality is illegal where they come from.
I doubt that there would be more than a few hundred asylum seekers who should really qualify. The rest are not our problem. Our country is less than 100,000 square miles and is one of the most densely populated in the world. We need to think about ourselves for a change.
Fred, we need to pull out of the asylum treaties. And not give a damn about the criticism. Let the Russians and chinese take them .
Get “The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon affiliate}” to #1 and send it to 10 Downing Street, London.
Let’s see if we can get Douglas Murray back into the top #1 and give the PM and team something good to read, another book would be – “Seeing Things as They Are! {amazon affiliate}“.
“THE STRANGE DEATH OF EUROPE by @DouglasKMurray has now been on the Sunday Times bestseller list for three months… @BloomsburyBooks”
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell @2:04 in video above!
I would also recommend a viewing of Mark Steyn’s pod casts . He lays out in very stark detail how the simple arithmetic of Muslim birth rates v those of Europeans means that within two generations there will be more Muslim children in Europe than European ones. We are indeed witnessing the end of the civilisation that made the modern world. only drastic increases in European birth rates i.e. Increasing from the current 1.3 to 4 plus children per woman , or an equally drastic reduction in Muslim birth rates, can reverse the trend.
I have been amongst the first to Condemn those scroungers who have multiple children whilst on benefits so as to increase their payments, but perhaps they were doing the right thing. If we had a policy of huge cash incentives for any woman to have more than three children we might be onto a winner. Of course there would have to be a suite of policies to make sure that the invaders were not eligible for these payments. Or perhaps there are scientific ways to increase the population . But whatever way you look at it we really do face the triumph of Islam within two generations unless something unprecedented occurs.This ought to keep the outraged deniers at the BBC going for a while.
Seriously things are grim and as always the best immediate advice is that when you are in a hole , stop digging, i.e. Stop all Muslim immigration immediately.
Ironically, we’ve created some very odd maths.
1 + 1 – choice = 1
man + (wife or man or transgender) – optional abortion = 1 kid maybe or maybe 0
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + religion fervour = 15
man + wife + wife + wife + religion fervour = 15 kids definitely
Will LGBT increase the British birth rate………………….
[the fatal flaw]
Women are encouraged to go out to work, live alone or ‘go gay’.
Despite all this, if they do get pregnant, 18% of conceptions end in an abortion. That’s about 180,000 ‘missing’ children each year.
But don’t worry they can be ‘replaced’ by immigrant children, (each with two parents and possibly an aged grandparent).
The irony is that the culture of the replacements is everything that The Guardian and the BBC claims to oppose.
Gaby Hinsliff in the Guardian (May 6th) doesn’t agree. Now that isn’t a surprise – I have never read such a one sided review of a book, no positives at all and complete with snide comments about Farage and Brexit and by reviewing it in such a way shows her for what she is. No mention of its sales or that he may have some valid points. She is the archetypal Guardianista….
Tommy Robinson’s book, Enemy of the State, according to its sales ranking on Amazon, is selling c.11,000 copies per month – an incredible amount. It also has 1277 reviews and an overall review rating of 4.5 out of 5. Yet this person is supposed to be a pariah. Something’s seriously wrong with mainstream media when something like this happens.
I ordered 3 copies – one for me, and 2 for Christmas presents !!! don’t know whether the recipients will be shocked or not – but I don’t care — they’re family and they’ll get what’s given.
Anyone got any stats re ratio male to female
immigration ?
refugees ?
Like in both categories are the numbers hugely male so leading to an imbalance in UK society like the effect in Sweden
reported on More or Less.
You might find a statistics you are after here … Germany: Infectious Diseases Spreading as Migrants Settle In {muslimstatistics.wordpress.com}
“A failed asylum seeker from Yemen who was given sanctuary at a church in northern Germany to prevent him from being deported has potentially infected more than 50 German children with a highly contagious strain of tuberculosis.”
I had a business meeting today with a Pole who lives in Scotland. Very nice guy and intelligent. We chatted about other things after. His views :-
1. Biggest threat to Europe is Islam and the Poles accept muslims who behave but not the others .
2. Second biggest threat is the EU , but Brexit is good and will speed its destruction.
3. Global warming is Fake News.
4. Donald Trump is not a threat to world security.
I think I am going to start drinking Polish vodka !
Was out with some Germans last month – in early 30’s. They pretty much said same as Poles…I think many of the ‘normal’ indigenous populations in Europe are feeling the same way as they see their culture slowly eroded – not enhanced as the lefties and Brussels would want you to believe.
James. I would disagree on only one point. The cultures are not being slowly eroded. It’s happening very quickly. I’m nearly 60 and I think my country will probably be gone in my lifetime.
Conservatives are the true social justice warriors, we’re the ones on the side of working people and against big corporate interests in mass importation of cheap labour. The likes of legacy media James O’Brien types have pulled off the greatest hoax of all time, seeking to frame themselves as Apostles on the side of the unprotected, but their actions harm the unprotected class.
We’re the environmental champions wanting to preserve what’s left of rural England, championing wild spaces, whilst the protected liberal class champion importing ever more people and the congestion and strains that result.
We’re those that believe black people are capable of building up their own societies, whilst liberals infantilise Africans with great white missionaries aid. Our message is for the young to stay and fight the cause and build the schools. White liberals instead urge them to run away leaving the vulnerable, the children, the elderly to their fate.
Don’t let the liberal left crown themselves as virtuous Saints any longer.
I’ve come to believe that the Right want/need someone to argue with, but the Left want to remove the argument and always want to be (morally) right.
Two different mind sets.
I could be wrong!
Dead right Torybush.
Those of us of a certain age still think of ourselves as the voice of common sense, real England and the patriotic majority.
As if the Tories were the norm and the lefties were the deviants and aberrations.
WRONG-wrong end of the stick, the telescope.
WE are now the insurgents, the deviants and outliers.
We lost our culture sometime in the mid 80s.
Unless we begin to act like sappers, like saboteurs or the Viet Cong/IRA-and actively fight back and cause them maximum pain and disruption-then we will lose.
Thank the Lord for Murray, Steyn, Waters, Condell, Sultan Knish, Spencer and all the other online heroes…let alone Orwell, Solzhenitsyn and Sharansky.
THESE are our exemplars now. If we think we can dislodge the liberal globalising elite with mere votes, referenda and opinions, then we`re deluding ourselves.
Once we accept this-then we can see our plight and reasonably fight back and maybe stem the haemmorhage.
If not, then it won`t be pretty.
Need to adjust the mindset,recallibrate the scales and start again.
The above quote is Chomsky I think-the Left have shown us how to do it if we`re prepared to learn from how they stole all this from us.
Theres truth in what you say TB – however I assume you are referring to people with conservative principles rather than the Tory party which inflicted David Cameron/George Osbourne/Theresa May/Phillip Hammond and Amber Rudd upon us to name but a few. All of whom are less than committed to a real brexit and seem more than willing for us to be dragged down with an unrepentant, unchangeable, globally motivated and irresponsible EU.
Whilst there are a few principled individuals such as Mogg/Davies and Fox – the vast majority of Tories appear more than willing to sway and embrace the liberal media sirocco providing they get a good press – or at least no “bad” press.. Most of these bastards can not contemplate any future outside the current economic conventions (that have been so good to them) and will fight to the end to preserve these, even if it results in the long term wrecking of our economy and the destruction of our culture and way of life.
Certainly the Tory party as it currently is – would not be considered a good advert for conviction politics – more interested in not being seen as the “nasty” party rather than telling the people the truth about immigration and the EU. I suspect if people had been told in no uncertain terms the bitter truth of what is really happening, many “undecideds” may not have been quite so keen in giving comrade Jessa their vote.
If anything the Tories have become the Conservative “Light” party closer to the Lib dems than the Tory party of old.
Think about it, we had a referendum about the EU with a clear and concise question. Which had a clear result. Yet everything the current Government has done appears to have been to undermine that mandate rather than using the momentum of the election to strengthen our position.
As Mogg said we are not a supplicant in this negotiation – yet thanks to May, Hammond and Rudd we are acting like beggars at a rich mans table desperate for any small crumb he deigns to spare us (even though we grew the grain and made the bread in the first place) Not only that I consider that Mays appointment of Hammond was one of the reasons the Tories did badly in the election. Yet perversely because of this, this treacherous character with the smug grin now appears untouchable.
The EU cannot afford to grant us any reasonable leaving deal because it will start an exit avalanche of other nations. Yet still the Government allows the BBC to be the spearpoint for project fear and allows us to think that we have a weak negotiating hand when clearly we have not.
So TB the way I feel now – conservative = good, Conservatives = Generally tossers
Sorry to be so grumpy – but I do feel very let down
I also apologise if I have misinterpreted your post – but the Tory bit in your name roused me!
It’s not grumpy. I must hope – as I’ve said here before – that after Brexit we might get a real conservative government but I fear the electorate has forgotten what labour does in office so we could be faced with a bit of a wait before a decent government comes in. Gonna be painful before that though.
Labour is still canvassing in key areas now trying to position itself for a majority should that fool May come back from another walking holiday and have a great idea about another election.
Fedup – I agree but I think that they missed a golden opportunity to broach some unpalatable truths about the EU and the migration crisis. Those who voted brexit know the truth anyway and as for our Corbyn loving snowflakes (they need to be told the truth and we have little to lose anyway).
Instead we had a Prime MInister who appointed to powerful positions an establishment elite who not only appear determined to employ smoke and mirrors to frustrate the will of the people. But also in the shape of Hammond to try and force through unpopular economic policies which probably also had a fairly decisive impact on the election.
Oak I really do fear that the next government will be a corbyn socialist one. Even if we get a successful Brexit there will be enough remainers, deluded kids who believe labour money tree promises and welfare collectors to vote the comrades it. Plus , of course , al Beeb to help their friends.
Many of us have long accepted that there is a cultural war. That the liberal dominated law/academia/media and the BBC is on the other side. That the Tory party is not to be considered reliable and at present is hostile to conservative values.
The one real edge we have is that we are on the side of realism and that in the end this cannot be denied. That our strength comes from ourselves and those we know we can trust and from our families which is why the elite is so determind to attack the family. It is the repository of our values and without it we will go down.
So from now on we must not give an inch or compromise even if the abuse and the attacks are hard to take.
In the US it is clear that the President is under continual assault by the forces of degeneracy. That he is having to change his men and women so frequently is not to my mind a fault but an indication that to win you must be surrounded by people who you can trust implicitly. This he is doing as all those down the ages have done if they are to succeed in any great enterprise.
The same here. Hammond ,May, Gove and many others need to go . They are not on our side. Only then can we drain our swamp and renew this country.
Consider yourself right if your opinions upset the fearful and the compromised.
I`m hoping that Trump is learning fast.
Who his press team is matters to the dead press, but not to me.
Just because CNN don`t think much of the goings on?…well, as if they`d be pleased at anything he says or does. Trump needs to own that and wallow in the swamp, splash around and go for their throats.
1. Those leaks
2. Hillary and Obamas role in all this
3. CNN and the like getting confidential leaks and getting THEM put on trial.
Can`t say I like the Russian sanctions stuff-it`s a no-brainer that if the liberal scum “like” the idea-then it`ll be wrong, worng and wrong. The Democrats let Russians snoop on their servers-WGAF.
There`d be none of this had they won.
This is just Brexit bitching by the Soros losers…if they`re NOT howling then we`re failing in our duty to hear where the wheels squeak, before crushing their bloody vehicles.
This is war-Bannon knows it, don`t we?
I think that we`ll win all ends up.
The current runners and riders crap about Tories is-like Trump and the Russians-one big media souffle that nobody but the bubble cares about.
Whether Wycombe Town changes its ball boys or second strip for away games is equally irrelevant to the pecking order of Tories.
They gave us our vote for which I`m grateful-that we gave them their wrong answer is neither here nor there.
I want no Cologne, Charlie Hebdo or Bataclan, no Nice or Brussels, no Herrons or Rigbys, no Munichs or Malmos.
Just because we`re not marching over London Bridge or crying on Channel 4 doesn`t mean that we`ll let our vote to leave the EU get groomed or fiddled with by the usual abusers, pervs and chancers in the governing elite and their opinion holders.
They play a dangerous game. Democracy means just that-if they want the EU version of it, then they can learn to live with a Continental response by those of us with nothing to lose. I`m damned if they`re locking me and mine in their burning Eurozone building with their favoured Somalis minding the wives and nieces.
The Euro is soon to go, who eats the crabs shell?
Which is what Junckers fossils is…we need to get to the meat of fellow democratic Europeans and take the EU shell off. I want trade deals with each country now, and we should be threatening those hiding behing EU rules and timings with less favoured trade deals once we`ve gone .
Just because THEY cling to the corpse of Strasbourg for permission to piss does not mean that WE have to take their timings.
The EU is evil-go for its fat throat and double chins, two faced fascists!
Well said Chris
In some ways I think we are are in a race against time
The EU as it currently exists is in a downward spiral. It is unsustainable in its current form and totally bankrupt – financially, culturally and politically.
I am sure the EU leaders (and especially Merkel) realise this and hence their rush to centralise control over the population of Europe thus preserving their OWN positions and privileges at the expense of individual member states. I expect they welcomed the influx of enrichers into the EU hoping they would perform the dual tasks of
1 Out breeding the awkward, independent indigenous population (which they are doing quite successfully) thus making up for the falling birth rates
2 Provide malleable “factory fodder” and do what they are told (this is not quite so successful)
3 Probably provide an additional “overspill” area for the rubbish that the rest of the EU dont want
Merkel and co have totally underestimated the corrosive effect these newcomers will have on European culture and because they are cowards and lack the will political will to deal with this problem “head on” They are ignoring it and hope that it will go away.
So where does this leave the UK.
We are needed as
1 A cash cow to enable the EU to carry on fuctioning until it has completed the re-alighnment of its political structures to increased central control
2 We are also to be used as an “example” to show other EU nations the “perils” of going it alone. Make no mistake they will do everything in their power to stop us getting any sort of reasonable “deal” and to be perfectly honest we would be far better just walking away now. The EU has been playing these sort of games for years – why should it change now.
Unfortunately for us we are currently led by weak and cowardly politicians who have let the pro EU MSM become the policy former’s rather than politicians of conviction. These are joined by an establishment that has done very well out the EU la la land policies and also spoilt selfish “children” who do not and probably cannot contemplate any changes to their current lifestyle (even though these will happen anyway)
Our enemies are formidable and have the power of the state behind them – but what they do lack is conviction and vision. I suspect that eventually even the “children” will realise the evident folly of their position. But I suspect by that time some sort of large scale inter communal conflicts within Europe will be inevitable.
If we can become truly outward looking and independent then we stand a chance – if however we remain tied to the EU in any substantial fashion then our destiny to as a nation will also be tied to it and its eventual collapse.
It is just a shame that the same country that has been at the back of the last couple of wars within Europe has yet again been instrumental in bringing us to a position where as a society and culture we will have to yet again fight for our right to exist.
We should have always been fighting/debating for our ‘right to exist’. How can we say it is ours unless we fought for it? Though it was passed on from a previous generation, like a tourch we still needed to add oxygen and the heat of debate.
BBC does not help because it hides news or focuses on trivia and does not add historical references.
I suppose every generation has to fight the battle anew.
But this could well have been avoided.
What Thatcher and Reagan left us was by no means perfect. But Bush and Major took the easy roads, and thought the battles won.
How we screwed Russia over has had catastrophic consequences, our cringing over Tiananmen Square showed the west to be broken backed and hypocritical.
Both of these windows opened in the early 90s, and we chose to create the Euro, and plan on African migrants to do our dirty work cheaper than the natives instead.
We decided not to fight any war on crime or drugs, debauched our education and university sectors and let the cultual marxists have full rein.
The 9/11 response sealed our fates, and our willingness to let Gadhaffi, Mubarak and Saddam go without any thought for what might take their places, only showed that we ought to have been watching Iran and Saudi, Turkey and The Horn Of Africa-and not removing defence or Arabic speakers and experts as we did.
Think the Green Revolution in Iran was our last call, but we had the problem of Obama and HIS agenda by then.
And don`t get me started on the dirty little wars of Blairs which created wrong headed nests of nastiness in the Balkans, the Sahel and Russian areas bordering Af-Pak areas.
This is global, is easily understood-but as you say Oaknash, we used to have Roy Masons and Denis Healeys…now we get Jacqui Smiths and Amber Rudds.
Just sorry that so many will soon have to learn the hard way-personally, those folk need to use Juncker, Schultz and Verhofsatds, Cleggs and Soubrys as their scapegoats, and not sacrifice themselves. But I sense they`ll stay ignorant right until Islams blade flashes above their fat rolled necks.
Unfortunately Chris the left dominated establishment and MSM in a very Orwellesque fashion has re-written all conventional ethics so that weakness is now seen as strength and compassion rules over common sense. Everyone is aware of their rights and entitlements, but duty towards ones country – well Christ knows where that has gone.
In short as a nation we have become fat, lazy , decadent – the wolves are howling outside the door and we have become too feckless and inattentive to even be bothered to shut it – but thats ok, they can come in as well because they must also get cold out there too – sheesh!!!!!
Missing on BBC Site – Muslim council secretary general ‘forced to resign’ after attending gay son’s wedding {independent jul2017}
… the original story was leading on the website at the time … Gay Muslim’s journey to same-sex marriage {bbc.co.uk jul2017} … 6 days later …
“A petition was started calling for Ali Reza’s mother, Siddika, to resign from her position as secretary general of NASIMCO (the Organisation of North American Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities).
The petition, which received nearly 1,000 signatures, said: “It is indisputable that the Secretary General, [Siddika], took part in the same-sex wedding of her son. The wedding was celebrated openly and proudly, with #AliandPaul2017 hashtag on social media.”
Traditionally, a wedding is a public demonstration of a relationship. This sin was not done in private, but rather was publicly celebrated and promoted. It goes against the legitimate majoritarian interpretations of Jaffari fiqh (school of jurisprudence of most Shia Muslims), which NASIMCO must uphold(No wiggle room? No appeal