A useful feature of the ‘a href’ tag is that the bit between the quotes “” (the link) doesn’t need to (and arguably shouldn’t) be the same as the text between the opening and closing tags.
The parsing of the URL (the link) is for the webserver; the text is for us poor mortals that would like some human-friendly context – please!
In the Express today the eu is making threatening noises to Poland.
Here’s a question for you.
If Poland had to leave would they also be landed with a £100 billion bill to pay for the privilege of leaving.
If no, why not.
If yes, does that also mean if a Country like Malta were to leave would they also be hit with a £100 billion exit fee.
If all but one Country were to leave the eu would the last Country left in get the £2700 billion collected from the other leavers.
Or is it only us who must pay an exit fee even though we’ve already paid in a couple of hundred billion not to mention handing over our fish stocks.
Rule No.1. Have nothing whatever to do with muslims! They are like shit*hawks: patiently waiting for any sign or symptom of disagreement with islam no matter how small or insignificant to claim the alleged perpetrator is a ‘racist’ and ‘islamaphobe’. Trouble is, if it officially gets as far as Victoria Wasterney’s issue did, you no longer will be assured of an objective, legal conclusion being reached. That goes for the Thought Police as well.
Notice the difference in the news titles … Christian health worker says NHS made her ‘look crazy’ {bbc apr2017}
“She also alleged an incident when Miss Wasteney put her hand on her knee in a prayer that lasted for 10 minutes, asking God to come to her. The colleague said she felt like she was being groomed (were those her words or an editorial selection I wonder?).”
– Christian / NHS / Crazy : bbc
– Christian / Prosecuted / Muslim : jihadwatch
NHS Christian worker loses appeal after ‘giving book to Muslim colleague’ {bbc april2017}
“Following the decision, Miss Wasteney, from Epping, Essex, said: “What the court clearly failed to do was to say how, in today’s politically correct world, any Christian can even enter into a conversation with a fellow employee on the subject of religion and not, potentially, later end up in an employment tribunal.”
This is very interesting, why? Because if the shoe was on the other foot nothing would have been said. Remember this is the very same NHS which dictated to non-Islamic staff a few years back not to eat in front of Muslins during Ramadan because they are fasting. The same NHS which hasn’t pushed for one prosecution regards FGM, the same NHS which spent millions trying to find a non alcoholic hand sanitiser as some Muslims found it offensive (Muslims are only told not to drink the fucking stuff, the irony here is, Alcohol is an Islamic word)
There simply isnt a physical or skill or hand eye co-ordination sport that women can compete equally against men in.
They havent the strength skill or dexterity to compete on equal terms.
It is the equivalent of mainstreaming pub darts or pub pool, minor league beginners stuff.
They can jizz-up the premier league, 5 wimmin 5 blokes and a tranny in goal, men can only tackle men and wimmin wimmin, make it fair.
Four countries
Tirej Brimo travelled from Syria/Aleppo 2007 (war) .. to .. Lebanon (no wars, why leave?) .. to .. Egypt (no wars, says ‘situation unstable’, why leave?) .. to .. England (was he persecuted? Economic refugee? Where are his family and will they be joining him?) @0:44
21 Homes
Tirej Brimo has had 21 homes – in the UK? Was not talked about in the interview. Were they all paid for by UK tax payer?
– how many refugees have joined, tried to take a course and failed? – Tirej Brimo is a handsome chap with a nice soft voice.
IMO this issue doesn’t get enough publicity and attention. The fear is that the government will use it as a ‘bargaining chip’ and hope nobody notices.
I consider our maritime waters as part and parcel of our borders, and should be protected as such.
I don’t expect the BBC to highlight this, as it doesn’t fit in with their agenda.
Besides, they probably don’t realise that fish come from our waters – they think it comes from Waitrose.
The cabinet (to a man and woman) is composed of people who are all very bright, all very well educated and probably have never had to get their hands dirty in any way to make money. They see coastal towns and villages as either run down places beyond help or picture box places where they can have cream teas and dine at posh eateries, or buy second homes for their summer holidays to relax after all those tough arguments over tea and biscuits over brexit.
With Remain tossers like Hammond in the ascendancy the lives and livelihoods of people in fishing ports is obviously far less important than those who work in the city and therefore it is seen as acceptable to barter away our fishing rights so the rich can continue to make disgusting amounts of money purely by the ability to press buttons at the same time and knowing the right people. We would not want to upset the metropolitan elite – would we?
It is obvious there was never any intention to re-build our fishing industry. As as far as I know there is little in the way of new fishery protection vessels ordered. Though there seems to be plenty of money to give legal aid to asylum seekers fighting deportation, aircraft carriers with no aircraft or foreign aid money for useless vanity projects that make us feel good.
Apparently one of the reasons Gove gave for still allowing EU vessels into our waters was because “Britain has no fish cutters [those employed to clean, trim and bone fish] and production facilities enough to catch all the fish in British waters. [sic]” Obviously no money left for investing in real industries!
It is interesting that probably one of the most significant incidents in winning the referendum was when that arrogant, sneering millionaire Geldof was making the the “wanker” sign to the fishermen.
Well it looks like the government is doing the same thing. Lets just hope that the electorate doesn’t forget this incident also.
it is not a question of “bartering” anything . We need unilateral action. We are in a much stronger position that the EU. Most of the politicians are spineless cowards and third rate. Every day I hate them more and more. Nelson would turn in his grave.
Unfortunately we don’t have a Royal Navy any more, our successive governments have run it down.
A neglect that will be a cost to our nation in the future .
Why hasn’t that idiot built a wall yet? Can’t he see that it’s causing a flood of people … leaving his Country, draining it of talent and potential. Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto – build that wall!
Mexico – show America that you can do better that them with your own people and resources.
US immigration proposals: What’s in the Raise Act? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
US President Donald Trump has backed proposals for changes to the country’s immigration law.
The changes in the Raise Act (the initials stand for Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) would attempt to reduce the number of legal immigrants by 50% over the next 10 years.
The proposals are a long way off being made law. They are likely to face resistance in Congress from Democrats and some Republicans.
Mr Trump said the system would prioritise English speakers, and those who can support themselves and their families financially and demonstrate skills that contribute to the US economy.
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to Feed ALL Children, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
* Please note that these people are paid with money extracted from the public in the form of taxes.
** Please note that the BBC wages are paid under a threat of prison and possibly fines
*** Salaries based on data found internet, willing to adjust if wrong!
Being Bisexual {bbc.co.uk Radio WorldService}
“More and more people are identifying as bisexual (got any proof?) yet bi-phobia is rife and the world’s media remains guilty of regular bi-erasure (or other important things are happening in the world? terrorism, religious conflict, poverty, mass migrations, North Korea, EU). Journalist and writer Nichi Hodgson who is openly bisexual herself, examines what it is like to be bisexual for both men and women in different parts of the world.
In the 1950s, the Kinsey scale suggested sexuality for many people was not necessarily 100% heterosexual or homosexual, yet understanding of bisexuality among the media and the wider public is still largely unchanged.
As we hear bisexuality can mean different things. There are people who identify more straight or gay but still feel bisexual. Others who feel completely 50:50 and others for whom sexuality is fluid and has shifted hugely over time.”
– does not mention any future impact on society as a whole in the introduction text
– will it talk about destroying/uprooting the traditional home and it’s impact on future society?
– has this experiment been tried elsewhere in the World with success? Is the 60s free love a comparison? {dailymail jan2011}
– how do you settle down if you are 50:50? Is polygamy the answer? An examples of lasting relationships?
I just caught the end of an item where two men were claiming to be the parents of a baby and that one of these men was the first man to get pregnant, carry for 9 months and give birth.
However, one of these men was actually born a woman but decided to change sex.
I think I missed out a few years ago.
I could have decided to be a woman at 60 years old and then I would get the pension five years earlier.
I also would live about 5 or 6 years more as a woman.
It’s my human right after all.
What’s the rules?
Do I just decide what I want to be and then I become one.
Maybe one of these BLT’s or whatever.
I’ve just seen that on the news Emm, and I’ve got a headache trying to work it out. So, he started off as a woman, then halfway becomes a man, but was enough of a woman to become pregnant, and ends up in a hospital bed having giving birth but sporting a beard and a deep voice ! Its almost like trying to envisage what’s beyond our Galaxy !!! Society is becoming worse than Soddom and Gomorrah, where shall we be next? – oh, hang on, I see Owen Jones is reviewing the papers on Sky, perhaps I should tweet and ask him !
I see the bBC gets its figures from asylum seekers who all claim to be bent (But not in the way we presume) in order to get a council house, money for old rope and a pass to bring their entire city over
The interesting question to me is how many people at the BBC are aware of this agenda and how many are simply following the prevailing political fashion. The latter are dangerous but the former are deeply sinister and as dangerous to Western society as any Islamist maniac.
I don’t know whether my view is a result of age or something else but I think the 20-35 year olds who run al Beeb are different from previous brits because of a general easier life – easier travel – easier communications – everything on a plate. Their biggest hardship s are housing costs and pay – caused by a combination of immigration and some cutbacks in pay and conditions.
Inevitable they are going to be multicultural and left minded because of what I listed as well as constant propaganda from schools and main stream. I believe it will change for the better – probably when this country faces serious hardship again.
If you read this and feel your life is a hardship – I am not talking about individual positions but the country as a whole.
Some youtube comments from 3 Female Swedish Cops struggling to arrest 1 migrant {youtube} …
– feminism meets reality
– LMFAO. 4 fucking cops and 3 are chicks. Unreal. The bystander was the most useful one. Jesus christ man it would be comedy gold if it wasn’t so fucking sad.
– The only thing stopping this guy from killing all those women, stealing that car and killing more people was that he chose not to. You are putting innocent people in danger needlessly. But hey small price to you have a liberal utopia.
270 respondents living in four locations. Of those, 136 respondents were living in Boston, including 130 who migrated from Europe.
Population of Boston 58,124
– ‘Two thirds of migrants in Boston’ equates to 2/3 of 130 = 85 people, out of how many possible migrants?
– What did the other third of the migrants say? Now that would be interesting – did not want to come together?
Amazing. Unbelievable. Well, maybe not.
‘Pointless’ the light pre- news quiz on BBC1 at 1715 features the second transgender person in two and a half weeks.
Isn’t it amazing. All the transgender people I have never seen in public in the last several decades have been queuing up to take part in bBBC quizzes all that time.
Thank goodness our fine impartial state broadcaster is there to put me straight. To coin a phrase.
bBBC news at 6pm.
A headline that families are suffering their worst financial squeeze for 100 years !!!! Guess what? ‘Because of Brexit’!
Cue the usual whingeing vox pop.
“For the same amount if money, we’re only getting two thirds of what we used to get” says a featured lady in a seaside shelter.
Yep, I know it’s total crap, I know we had the Depression of the 30s, I know my father with his family ate animal fat from the butcher in that era because meat was out of the question, but that is the actual headline on the Socialist Broadcasting Corporation this evening.
Perhaps I misunderstood and they were talking about Venezuela ! LOL.
If only some insider would reveal the BBC’s quota list. Come to that, the same would be true of advertising agencies – especially those handling the accounts of sofa sheds!
“MPs to hold inquiry over Bank of England’s use of QE”
“Mark Carney: some politicians have called on the BoE’s governor to stand down for what they see as politically motivated comments ” https://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/10/mark-carney-has-to-go-heres-why/
He wasn’t in favour of Brexit was he? Both he and AlBeeb have been talking ‘doom and gloom’ following the Brexit dash for freedom. This puts businesses and consumers off spending.
‘A self and fulfilling prophesy’ .
Time to get Jacob Rees – Mogg in .
I have no problem now with this as it merely makes clear the failure of the multicultural model. So completely counterproductive but the BBC is too thick to get it.
Women in burkhas become invisible to the rest of us . There can then be no chance of any personal contacts. Which seems to suit them and to be frank us as well.
“…if people stare, I don’t mind.” – Girl In Burqa on left
“I just smile.” – Girl In Burqa on right
“How do you smile?” – Girl In Burqa on left Girl smiles in Burqa on right, but you can’t see it, she has to squash her eyes and tilt her head to suggest she is smiling.
“So you don’t think there are passages in the Koran that encourage the murder of gay people?” – Interviewer
“No there isn’t. Have you read the Koran?” – Girls response, with an attack
… then later response ….
“I can’t be arsed…(mumbles, giggles, walks off, learns nothing)”
Oh look a poor vulnerable child the likes of the child rapists at the bBC want to import in their millions from Europe, so they can bugger them all:
????‼️???????? #Italy: Resources at the station in Milan. Wild insults and aggressive behavior! Admirable is the patience of the Italian policemen. pic.twitter.com/mFjglp9HPA
Oh look peaceful black thugs who can only be victims according to the arse bandits at the bBC:
????‼️???????? #USA: Father is brutally beaten by a gang of youths after asking them to stop smoking marijuana on the #Dallas train. pic.twitter.com/DbENhpQEhi
Two down and game continues to be a fine example of how to both lose and fail to gain possession. It is not simply an anticlimax it’s also a farce, relieved only by the inspired comedy choice of Victoria Wood on the commentary team and – though I feel his sexuality really should be re-examined – Freddie Mercury for the Dutch.
I see Carney has made another appearance…… and yet again it is to the detriment of the British economy (every time he appears the pound loses value)………Why doesn’t Treezer the appeezer sack the pair of them both Carney (wants to be the Canadian prime minister) and that very lethal, mendacious snake Hammond……….
All of them (politicians)are just sitting on their arses doing nothing while these people destroy the UK and then blame Brexit………..
Is there no leader and statesman who can step forward and save us …………?.
Why doesn’t Treezer sack the pair of them? Because they’re doing the work she wants them to – that’s why they are there. You don’t think Carney and the cabinet are coincidences, surely?
He must be sacked now surely. I could not believe what I was hearing. May is just a ditherer and I really want the Tory party to lose big time at the hopefully soon election So we get Corbyn but at least i know where I am.
Even the Beeb, with their desire to see an end to Brexit, suggested this week that Hammond has only the next Budget to redeem himself. He’d better make it a good one otherwise he may take his boss down with him. But …
Dave S, the other mutters this week are not so good news for your then: one or two senior figures seemed to be suggesting the Cabinet is rather more united than the BBC & some newspapers make out and that Theresa May may be leading the Party into the 2022 GE with Brexit all done & dusted.
That is really weird ..it gives you ONLY pictures of BLACK people
..and it’s the same in Bing
Whereas searching : white people history
gets you pics mostly portraying white people as racist or mocking them
Then searching https://twitter.com/MsBlaireWhite/status/891694874558320641
"Stop erasing black history!" Okay fine great but try googling "European people history" and "white people history" ???? pic.twitter.com/R4HzZbdQbT
After more than a year, still no pro-Brexit programme by the BBC.
“”Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone.
Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.””
The bBC reports (about 4 weeks later than everybody else) what freebes MPs receive: MPs declare Wimbledon and Glastonbury tickets MPs have enjoyed free activities from Wimbledon to Glastonbury, according to their latest register of interests.
Commons Speaker John Bercow, a tennis fan, received two tickets for the Royal Box at Wimbledon, worth £8,590.
Labour deputy leader Tom Watson also got two cheaper Wimbledon tickets while Tories Damian Collins and Nigel Adams declared Glastonbury tickets. Meanwhile Theresa May registered a discount card from shoe shop Russell & Bromley. The prime minister, whose love of shoes is well documented, has worn the retailer’s shoes to Conservative Party conferences and registered a discount card valid from January 2017 to January 2018 – without details of what it entitled her to.
Funny enough whilst the bBC waxes lyrical about the discount card the PM has at R&B. It completely leaves out the Labour Leader:
Corbyn, Jeremy (Islington North)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
Address of donor: Unity House, 39 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 07 July 2017)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 07 July 2017)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 28 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £25,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan was for an indefinite period but was written off on 23 November 2016.
Date received: 7 July 2016
Date accepted: 7 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 03 August 2016; updated 20 December 2016)
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.
Date received: 12 July 2016
Date accepted: 12 July 2016
Donor status: company, registration 09654873
(Registered 04 August 2016)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: for my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party, serviced offices from 11 July 2016 to 28 September 2016, valued at £21,856.15
Date received: 11 July 2016
Date accepted: 11 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016; updated 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: serviced offices for my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party from 1 August 2016 to 30 September 2016, valued at £2,925.67
Date received: 1 August 2016
Date accepted: 1 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Matthew Wrack
Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 12 August 2016
Date accepted: 14 August 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Fire Brigades Union
Address of donor: Bradley House, 68 Coombe Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames KT2 7AE Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 15 August 2016
Date accepted: 15 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
Address of donor: Unity House, 39 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £25,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 19 August 2016
Date accepted: 19 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: secondment of staff to my leadership campaign, between 12 July and 30 September 2016, valued at £7,853.76
Date received: 12 July 2016
Date accepted: 12 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 26 August 2016)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party. This loan was for an indefinite period but was written off on 23 November 2016.
Date received: 11 August 2016
Date accepted: 11 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 26 August 2016; updated 20 December 2016)
Name of donor: Communication Workers Union
Address of donor: 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1RX Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £40,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 26 August 2016
Date accepted: 26 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
Address of donor: 77 St John street, London EC1M 4NN Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 14 September 2016
Date accepted: 14 September 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Jane Moores
Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 16 September 2016
Date accepted: 6 October 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 06 October 2016)
Name of donor: Jane Deighton
Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: legal services, valued at £2,780, for my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date of receipt: 11 October 2016
Date of acceptance: 8 November 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 09 November 2016)
Name of donor: John Hendy QC
Address of donor: private Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: legal services, valued at £3,440, for my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date of receipt: 11 October 2016
Date of acceptance: 8 November 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 09 November 2016)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £456, given to a member of my family.
Date received: 14 June 2016
Date accepted: 16 June 2016
Donor status: company, registration 04348175
(Registered 26 July 2016)
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy Farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £476, given to a member of my family
Date received: 24 June 2017
Date accepted: 24 June 2017
Donor status: company, registration 04348175
This is what the BBC do:
a) They tell the white traditional English / British people to feel shame for British “colonial” history, shame for racism, shame for islamophobia, shame for heterosexual normalcy etc.
b) They tell non-white minorities, blacks, Muslims etc to feel rage at the white English people for “British colonial history”, to feel rage for “English – British cultural racism”, to feel rage for “English – British cultural islamophobia” …
Conclusion: The BBC is a source of radicalisation against the indigenous English people and against traditional English – British culture.
Transgender…Remain…Impeachment…Religion of Peace.
Sorry media scum.
Like Leveson and Abu Gharib…all silly season rectal examinations of each others stools and gases. WGAF what CNN are saying to the BBC and what the HuffPo are reporting from the Guardian.
Look- we`re leaving the EU, and if it`s not brutal and offensive to the political elite , then it will need redoing…and it won`t be a Mr Nice like Farage that will force it.
Beauty of all this arse exploration on gay bandwagons under an IS flag is that we can read our Orwells and our Murrays, thereby ignoring all that the BBC choose to tell me about Phil Hammond or Mark Carney, Vince Cable or Lily Allen. We`re WAY beyond this now.
All good sappers seek the structural flows and faultlines…and schools, hospitals, prisons and the like are now ungovernable and irredeemable.
We need a REAL Nasty Party, one that puts the likes of Tommy and Katie well ahead of a flip flop like Gove or other poseurs going weak at the whiff of poncey grapeshot from Brussels or Silicon Valley.
I see there are reports that Bruce Forsyth may not perform again due to his current frailty. I’ve never been a big fan, but he’s had his moments. I was interested to read though, that before he was awarded his knighthood, he was ‘in trauma’ that he had been overlooked for a ‘K’. Whether true or not, who knows, but this award seems to be the be all and end all for those doing a job that they’re amply rewarded for. Beckham has done all but pay for one, and thankfully is unlikely to get one after his outburst. How long before Lineker is awarded one for his services to crisps !
Cardiff Billboard hacked
BBC radio and text report s focused on fact that ONE image was a swastika
Newspaper stories focused on the Halal Zone satire image
A better display would have contained …
If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
If a man is homosexual should he be killed?
If a man draws a cartoon should he be killed?
Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
Here today in the UK …
Islamic Fatwa / Islamic Sharia / Islamic Koran / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal & Islamic Suku
“No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn.”
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
Bondi Australia : cos MUSLIM terrorists might be drawn an area if a synagogue is built
… the JEWS have been refused planning permission..and right to practice their religion as they want.
#VictimBlaming ?
Monday : there was a Botham bust up on Radio 5
when Rachael Burden tried to ambush him with an animal rights question
‘Yes he’s giving 5,000 pheasants to charity, but isn’t shooting so very cruel
..and it’s not so generous cos what would you do with the birds anyway ?’
“A special counsel investigating claims of Russian meddling in the US election has reportedly impanelled a grand jury.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40820863
Active word “reportedly”.
We shall see………..
How does the BBC get away with misleading headlines such as the above suggesting that Marcus Hutchins is a “NHS cyber-defender”? The first line of the article exposes the flaw in the headline; Hutchins is not an employee of the NHS!
If he were, then the NHS might not have been hit in the first place!
BBC News telling us this morning about the second fire in two years at the Dubai Torch Tower (Nominative determinism? Anyway, this time they might consider re-naming the building). Our BBC newsmongers in passing add the detail that the previous blaze was blamed on the flammable tendencies of the insulating cladding. No blame attributed as yet to any scrimping, cost-cutting or Tory cutbacks in the petrodollar sheikdom.
We know it as Sicily, surely? Well, watch this BBC space… although our BBC reporters are still calling it Sicily this morning the spelling on their weather map (sorry temperature map – cos only temperatures – and then only maximum daily temperatures matter, right?) – well that map hints that the traditional and perfectly servicable English name for the island might soon go the way of Bombay.
Anyway, much as I suggested hereabouts yesterday, when the BBC is faced with local UK weather news that just doesn’t fit the global warming narrative (our forecaster this morning rather tellingly referred to UK temperatures as “nothing to write home about”) the BBC will naturally look elsewhere for a story to fit their agenda. And so the Beeboids happily bang in their travel expenses claims for various Med locations. And when our chap in Sicily feels constrained to utter the dread words “this is not just a silly season hot weather story…”, well the cynic in me thinks otherwise.
I see the bBC continues its green inspired fight against the humble washing machine which apparently is the source of so much CO2. (from 2013 by Environment expert Roger Harrabin Should we be owning our washing machines?
Well today, it’s a story about replacing the huge blocks of concrete found within your washing machine with a tub of water (Can anybody else see how this may actually cost you more in the long run) Device could make washing machines lighter and greener A simple device to cut the weight of washing machines could save fuel, cut carbon emissions, and reduce back injuries, according to researchers. A typical budget washing machine is weighted by 25kg of concrete to stop it moving while on a spin cycle. The alternative is a plastic container that is filled with water – but only once the machine is in place. The team at Nottingham Trent University says the change makes machines easier – and cheaper – to transport.
Ah , its all about reducing transport costs and cutting CO2 than anything else. Tell you what Rodger, you buy one and let us know how it goes, in the meantime me and the Mrs will continue with buying Meile. (They don’t use Concrete either, rather they use cast iron, which when it gets wet doesn’t crumble, lose its centre of gravity and shake the house down.
There’s a story in the Eastern Daily Press about how volunteers at Felbrigg Hall (National Trust) have been told they will not be allowed to perform meet and greet roles if they decline to wear a rainbow badge or lanyard. A comment there caught my eye and it sums the bBC to a Tee. “Because the love that dare not speak its name is now the love that won’t STFU.”
It’s the old joke about the old man finally wanting to emigrate before they make homosexuality compulsory. The National Trust appears to be leading that charge.
This is really interesting.
Is this a forced belief?
Should a heterosexual man wear Kylie’s hot pants to show solidarity?
Does it matter that they don’t comply?
But the odd thing is that these people are giving their own time to help a good cause. But the cause does not want them because of a change in expression in the owners core beliefs. When the volunteers signed up these beliefs were not shown to be required, they had been volunteering for 10 years.
– note that the Felbrigg Hall story starts with homophobia, then states they just didn’t want to wear the badges. Totalitarian means everyone must comply, no exceptions.
Now the Wimin’s football team have lost in a semi final when the BBC had deemed it to be a forgone conclusion they would be in the final how will they be covering the final? They have spent all week bigging up the team and how much better they are than the men. Seems to me they have proved to be the equal of the men by choking when it comes down to the wire.
I had some fun over on that facebook page, some fat mollagh [[ stevie 10 bellies ]] had a pop at me, and was met with full on scorn, a couple of ”pretty faced beeboids had a little go, got their petite ass’s handed to them, kidult foreplay runs into the sardonic manxman head first.
As donny says…….”Nobody knew scorn hurt so bad. Nobody knew.”
I’m on holiday this week with the family and the place we are staying has a Now TV internet box. I’ve never used one before but opening the iPlayer app it shows you some 4 or 5 watching suggestions for each of the BBC channels which currently are:
Man In An Orange Shirt (a gay drama)
Is it safe to be Gay in the UK?
BBC 3:
Olly Alexander: Growing up Gay
BBC Four:
Radio 1:
We are Gay and love football too.
50th anniversary of the Sexual offences act.
May I be the first to congratulate the BBC on providing a well rounded selection of subjects for the viewers to watch.
As a result of the disquiet felt by some ‘liberals’ following the release of Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk the BBC is rumoured to be producing a new version.
It is to be called Dunkerque.
The call goes out. An army is trapped on the coast of France, its enemies are closing in, if captured the best they can hope for is to be interned in concentration camps. A flotilla of ‘little ships’ sets out from southern England to rescue them.
The enemy is the French gendarmarie. The army is a diverse collection of children, women and sexually confused from Ethiopia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and China seeking a life on benefits, housed in luxury homes in Kensington.
The ‘little ships’ are booze cruise boats charterd by Sir Bob Geldolf, Lily Allen and Maxine Peake. As each boat lands its human cargo on English shores enthusiastic crowds (played by BAME) actors wave ‘Refugees Welcome Here’ placards and thrust bowls of rice into their hands before whisking them off in stretch limousines to their new lives in up-market London.
Geldolf is to be played by Lenny Henry, Allen by Pearl Mackie and Peake by herself, leading to some talk that the film will be ‘too white’.
As a German, and having sat through the hugely overblown Dunkirk, I would like to complain about the misrepresentation of German intentions with regard to Europe . All we wanted to do was to unify it . Those British soldiers who believed in the nation state should have given up and joined us – even your blessed BBC agrees!
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
A useful feature of the ‘a href’ tag is that the bit between the quotes “” (the link) doesn’t need to (and arguably shouldn’t) be the same as the text between the opening and closing tags.
The parsing of the URL (the link) is for the webserver; the text is for us poor mortals that would like some human-friendly context – please!
In the Express today the eu is making threatening noises to Poland.
Here’s a question for you.
If Poland had to leave would they also be landed with a £100 billion bill to pay for the privilege of leaving.
If no, why not.
If yes, does that also mean if a Country like Malta were to leave would they also be hit with a £100 billion exit fee.
If all but one Country were to leave the eu would the last Country left in get the £2700 billion collected from the other leavers.
Or is it only us who must pay an exit fee even though we’ve already paid in a couple of hundred billion not to mention handing over our fish stocks.
Here’s the EU strategy team working out where the 100 billion figure comes from
“…would the last Country left in get the £2700 billion..?”
That is called a tontine.
‘We need to talk about male rape’
No we dont. .. i wont bore you with the link, and the poor black victim- victim- victim, Victim.
I’ve just picked this up – https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/08/uk-christian-woman-prosecuted-for-talking-about-christianity-to-a-muslim-colleague
And the BBC’s version – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-32386927
Rule No.1. Have nothing whatever to do with muslims! They are like shit*hawks: patiently waiting for any sign or symptom of disagreement with islam no matter how small or insignificant to claim the alleged perpetrator is a ‘racist’ and ‘islamaphobe’. Trouble is, if it officially gets as far as Victoria Wasterney’s issue did, you no longer will be assured of an objective, legal conclusion being reached. That goes for the Thought Police as well.
Notice the difference in the news titles …
Christian health worker says NHS made her ‘look crazy’ {bbc apr2017}
“She also alleged an incident when Miss Wasteney put her hand on her knee in a prayer that lasted for 10 minutes, asking God to come to her. The colleague said she felt like she was being groomed (were those her words or an editorial selection I wonder?).”
UK: Christian woman prosecuted for talking about Christianity to a Muslim colleague {jihadwatch aug2017}
“I put my hand on her knee to comfort her and asked if that was okay, and said, ‘Would you like me to pray for you?’” Wasteney told the Daily Mail, “She said yes, so I asked for God to bring peace and healing. She left the office afterwards and said she was okay.”
– Christian / NHS / Crazy : bbc
– Christian / Prosecuted / Muslim : jihadwatch
NHS Christian worker loses appeal after ‘giving book to Muslim colleague’ {bbc april2017}
“Following the decision, Miss Wasteney, from Epping, Essex, said: “What the court clearly failed to do was to say how, in today’s politically correct world, any Christian can even enter into a conversation with a fellow employee on the subject of religion and not, potentially, later end up in an employment tribunal.”
This is very interesting, why? Because if the shoe was on the other foot nothing would have been said. Remember this is the very same NHS which dictated to non-Islamic staff a few years back not to eat in front of Muslins during Ramadan because they are fasting. The same NHS which hasn’t pushed for one prosecution regards FGM, the same NHS which spent millions trying to find a non alcoholic hand sanitiser as some Muslims found it offensive (Muslims are only told not to drink the fucking stuff, the irony here is, Alcohol is an Islamic word)
And what non-Moslem would make a fuss about the same thing happening in reverse, if it ever did?
There simply isnt a physical or skill or hand eye co-ordination sport that women can compete equally against men in.
They havent the strength skill or dexterity to compete on equal terms.
It is the equivalent of mainstreaming pub darts or pub pool, minor league beginners stuff.
They can jizz-up the premier league, 5 wimmin 5 blokes and a tranny in goal, men can only tackle men and wimmin wimmin, make it fair.
BBC Casualty pay pretend nurse £400K but could have 11.5 real Syrian nurses at £35K! {twitter link}
Syrian refugee becomes NHS doctor {bbc.co.uk – Today Programme – jul2017}
“After 10 years, four countries and 21 homes, Dr Tirej Brimo, a refugee from Syria who now lives in England, has graduated as a doctor.”
Four countries
Tirej Brimo travelled from Syria/Aleppo 2007 (war) .. to .. Lebanon (no wars, why leave?) .. to .. Egypt (no wars, says ‘situation unstable’, why leave?) .. to .. England (was he persecuted? Economic refugee? Where are his family and will they be joining him?) @0:44
21 Homes
Tirej Brimo has had 21 homes – in the UK? Was not talked about in the interview. Were they all paid for by UK tax payer?
– how many refugees have joined, tried to take a course and failed?
– Tirej Brimo is a handsome chap with a nice soft voice.
… Casualty stalwart Derek (Derek Thompson), who plays the legendary Charlie Fairhead, is paid in the salary bracket £350k-£399k while his colleague Amanda, who plays long suffering fan favourite Connie Beauchamp earns £250k-£299k. {metro jul2017 – see the use of words ‘long suffering’}
Michael Gove is failing badly. No balls.
IMO this issue doesn’t get enough publicity and attention. The fear is that the government will use it as a ‘bargaining chip’ and hope nobody notices.
I consider our maritime waters as part and parcel of our borders, and should be protected as such.
I don’t expect the BBC to highlight this, as it doesn’t fit in with their agenda.
Besides, they probably don’t realise that fish come from our waters – they think it comes from Waitrose.
Unless the fish has Allah written on it, then it comes from Heaven. Exactly the same place as benefits.
I am totally unsurprised that this has happened.
The cabinet (to a man and woman) is composed of people who are all very bright, all very well educated and probably have never had to get their hands dirty in any way to make money. They see coastal towns and villages as either run down places beyond help or picture box places where they can have cream teas and dine at posh eateries, or buy second homes for their summer holidays to relax after all those tough arguments over tea and biscuits over brexit.
With Remain tossers like Hammond in the ascendancy the lives and livelihoods of people in fishing ports is obviously far less important than those who work in the city and therefore it is seen as acceptable to barter away our fishing rights so the rich can continue to make disgusting amounts of money purely by the ability to press buttons at the same time and knowing the right people. We would not want to upset the metropolitan elite – would we?
It is obvious there was never any intention to re-build our fishing industry. As as far as I know there is little in the way of new fishery protection vessels ordered. Though there seems to be plenty of money to give legal aid to asylum seekers fighting deportation, aircraft carriers with no aircraft or foreign aid money for useless vanity projects that make us feel good.
Apparently one of the reasons Gove gave for still allowing EU vessels into our waters was because “Britain has no fish cutters [those employed to clean, trim and bone fish] and production facilities enough to catch all the fish in British waters. [sic]” Obviously no money left for investing in real industries!
It is interesting that probably one of the most significant incidents in winning the referendum was when that arrogant, sneering millionaire Geldof was making the the “wanker” sign to the fishermen.
Well it looks like the government is doing the same thing. Lets just hope that the electorate doesn’t forget this incident also.
Good post, Oaknash.
Gove has been vastly over rated. Ambitious he is and that is what drives him. If we do not get back our fishing grounds then Brexit is a farce.
it is not a question of “bartering” anything . We need unilateral action. We are in a much stronger position that the EU. Most of the politicians are spineless cowards and third rate. Every day I hate them more and more. Nelson would turn in his grave.
Bollocks I want to see the Royal Navy in our territorial waters re-enacting the cod wars as Iceland .
The Icelanders behaved with great courage in my opinion and were right. We should follow their example.
Unfortunately we don’t have a Royal Navy any more, our successive governments have run it down.
A neglect that will be a cost to our nation in the future .
“… the Navy, whereon, under the good Providence of God, the Wealth, Safety, and Strength of the Kingdom chiefly depend.”
from An Act to make Provision for the Discipline of the Navy. 10th August 1866.
No wonder the left/liberal multiculturalists at the BBC hate the American, “failure” who, we are consistently told by them, falls short at everything he endeavours to change. So, those that ignore the Beauty Broadcasting Corporations lies and deceit, enjoy –
[Why cannot we have a ‘Raise Act’?]
Why hasn’t that idiot built a wall yet? Can’t he see that it’s causing a flood of people … leaving his Country, draining it of talent and potential. Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto – build that wall!
Mexico – show America that you can do better that them with your own people and resources.
US immigration proposals: What’s in the Raise Act? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
US President Donald Trump has backed proposals for changes to the country’s immigration law.
The changes in the Raise Act (the initials stand for Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) would attempt to reduce the number of legal immigrants by 50% over the next 10 years.
The proposals are a long way off being made law. They are likely to face resistance in Congress from Democrats and some Republicans.
Mr Trump said the system would prioritise English speakers, and those who can support themselves and their families financially and demonstrate skills that contribute to the US economy.
The MSM in this country will simply ignore this or distort it for it’s own purposes. Just what is the BBC for now? Answers not really required!
“This is a national disgrace. We can’t have millions of children going hungry over the school holidays.”
Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn Jul 28
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to Feed ALL Children, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
* Please note that these people are paid with money extracted from the public in the form of taxes.
** Please note that the BBC wages are paid under a threat of prison and possibly fines
*** Salaries based on data found internet, willing to adjust if wrong!
Found here ClaudiaWebbe | {based on previous biasedbbc post 19jul17}
“Look at us we aren’t intolerant, we love LGBQT+” Virtue Signals the BBC
… as they shove yet another pro prog in your face
Being Bisexual {bbc.co.uk Radio WorldService}
“More and more people are identifying as bisexual (got any proof?) yet bi-phobia is rife and the world’s media remains guilty of regular bi-erasure (or other important things are happening in the world? terrorism, religious conflict, poverty, mass migrations, North Korea, EU). Journalist and writer Nichi Hodgson who is openly bisexual herself, examines what it is like to be bisexual for both men and women in different parts of the world.
In the 1950s, the Kinsey scale suggested sexuality for many people was not necessarily 100% heterosexual or homosexual, yet understanding of bisexuality among the media and the wider public is still largely unchanged.
As we hear bisexuality can mean different things. There are people who identify more straight or gay but still feel bisexual. Others who feel completely 50:50 and others for whom sexuality is fluid and has shifted hugely over time.”
– does not mention any future impact on society as a whole in the introduction text
– will it talk about destroying/uprooting the traditional home and it’s impact on future society?
– has this experiment been tried elsewhere in the World with success? Is the 60s free love a comparison? {dailymail jan2011}
– how do you settle down if you are 50:50? Is polygamy the answer? An examples of lasting relationships?
I just caught the end of an item where two men were claiming to be the parents of a baby and that one of these men was the first man to get pregnant, carry for 9 months and give birth.
However, one of these men was actually born a woman but decided to change sex.
I think I missed out a few years ago.
I could have decided to be a woman at 60 years old and then I would get the pension five years earlier.
I also would live about 5 or 6 years more as a woman.
It’s my human right after all.
What’s the rules?
Do I just decide what I want to be and then I become one.
Maybe one of these BLT’s or whatever.
dont think you can be a BLT if your muslim
I’ve just seen that on the news Emm, and I’ve got a headache trying to work it out. So, he started off as a woman, then halfway becomes a man, but was enough of a woman to become pregnant, and ends up in a hospital bed having giving birth but sporting a beard and a deep voice ! Its almost like trying to envisage what’s beyond our Galaxy !!! Society is becoming worse than Soddom and Gomorrah, where shall we be next? – oh, hang on, I see Owen Jones is reviewing the papers on Sky, perhaps I should tweet and ask him !
“More and more people are identifying as bisexual
I see the bBC gets its figures from asylum seekers who all claim to be bent (But not in the way we presume) in order to get a council house, money for old rope and a pass to bring their entire city over
No More Boys and Girls – Wednesday 16TH August BBC Two – advert just popped up.
Just 71 genders you can flip between with no consequence…*sign*
Just another everyday attempt by the BBC to destabalise the family and our society. Call it out for what it really is.
The interesting question to me is how many people at the BBC are aware of this agenda and how many are simply following the prevailing political fashion. The latter are dangerous but the former are deeply sinister and as dangerous to Western society as any Islamist maniac.
I don’t know whether my view is a result of age or something else but I think the 20-35 year olds who run al Beeb are different from previous brits because of a general easier life – easier travel – easier communications – everything on a plate. Their biggest hardship s are housing costs and pay – caused by a combination of immigration and some cutbacks in pay and conditions.
Inevitable they are going to be multicultural and left minded because of what I listed as well as constant propaganda from schools and main stream. I believe it will change for the better – probably when this country faces serious hardship again.
If you read this and feel your life is a hardship – I am not talking about individual positions but the country as a whole.
“Swedish (3 female) cops struggle to control one violent asylum seeker (and need assistance from male bystander) {youtube apr2017}”
– an all female army unit?
– an all transgender police unit?
– Will a painted rainbow on the police car {biasedbbc post} have calmed the situation down?
Some youtube comments from 3 Female Swedish Cops struggling to arrest 1 migrant {youtube} …
– feminism meets reality
– LMFAO. 4 fucking cops and 3 are chicks. Unreal. The bystander was the most useful one. Jesus christ man it would be comedy gold if it wasn’t so fucking sad.
– The only thing stopping this guy from killing all those women, stealing that car and killing more people was that he chose not to. You are putting innocent people in danger needlessly. But hey small price to you have a liberal utopia.
BBC Lincs now ..report by Migrants Rights Network of Boston *
“people in the area talk about migration in a negative way”
“Two thirds of migrants living in Boston think immigration is talked about negatively and would like to see more action to bring together local communities together, research released today has found.”
What a surprise .
* Funny that Twitter has never heard of that group
“Director of MRN Fizza Qureshi said” so the head has a Muslim name
Twitter has heard of the second group
270 respondents living in four locations. Of those, 136 respondents were living in Boston, including 130 who migrated from Europe.
Population of Boston 58,124
130 / 58,124 = 0.2% of the Boston population.
Two thirds of migrants in Boston want to see more done to bring communities together, research finds {bostonstandard aug2017}
It is believed to be ‘the first quantification’ of migrant opinion (130 people, with population of 58K) in Boston on immigration examining migrants’ experiences of Brexit and immigration policies in the UK.
– ‘Two thirds of migrants in Boston’ equates to 2/3 of 130 = 85 people, out of how many possible migrants?
– What did the other third of the migrants say? Now that would be interesting – did not want to come together?
Don’t know if this has been posted before, taken from RT
BBC accused of ‘normalizing’ Islamic burqa in ‘propaganda’ video
Amazing. Unbelievable. Well, maybe not.
‘Pointless’ the light pre- news quiz on BBC1 at 1715 features the second transgender person in two and a half weeks.
Isn’t it amazing. All the transgender people I have never seen in public in the last several decades have been queuing up to take part in bBBC quizzes all that time.
Thank goodness our fine impartial state broadcaster is there to put me straight. To coin a phrase.
bBBC news at 6pm.
A headline that families are suffering their worst financial squeeze for 100 years !!!! Guess what? ‘Because of Brexit’!
Cue the usual whingeing vox pop.
“For the same amount if money, we’re only getting two thirds of what we used to get” says a featured lady in a seaside shelter.
Yep, I know it’s total crap, I know we had the Depression of the 30s, I know my father with his family ate animal fat from the butcher in that era because meat was out of the question, but that is the actual headline on the Socialist Broadcasting Corporation this evening.
Perhaps I misunderstood and they were talking about Venezuela ! LOL.
If only some insider would reveal the BBC’s quota list. Come to that, the same would be true of advertising agencies – especially those handling the accounts of sofa sheds!
“MPs to hold inquiry over Bank of England’s use of QE”
“Mark Carney: some politicians have called on the BoE’s governor to stand down for what they see as politically motivated comments ”
He wasn’t in favour of Brexit was he? Both he and AlBeeb have been talking ‘doom and gloom’ following the Brexit dash for freedom. This puts businesses and consumers off spending.
‘A self and fulfilling prophesy’ .
Time to get Jacob Rees – Mogg in .
Animal fat? Dripping? Blubber?
The bBC spends over six minutes defending the Burka:
Try asking how do you eat spaghetti.
You can’t tell whether they are pretty or not. I suppose it is wrong to say that as well.
Errrr, that’s not a burqa. It’s a Niqab.
I have no problem now with this as it merely makes clear the failure of the multicultural model. So completely counterproductive but the BBC is too thick to get it.
Women in burkhas become invisible to the rest of us . There can then be no chance of any personal contacts. Which seems to suit them and to be frank us as well.
More wasting licence payer’s money, I watched 20 seconds.
“…if people stare, I don’t mind.” – Girl In Burqa on left
“I just smile.” – Girl In Burqa on right
“How do you smile?” – Girl In Burqa on left
Girl smiles in Burqa on right, but you can’t see it, she has to squash her eyes and tilt her head to suggest she is smiling.
The emotional expressions presented by faces are not simply reflexive, but also have a communicative component. {Role of facial expressions in social interactions dec2009}
They are too stupid to realise how utterly ridiculous they are. But then intelligence and education have never been a feature of Islam.
Nor of the BBC, Grant – there being a profound difference between education and indoctrination.
Yes , Beeboids are not as clever as they think they are.
Smile! Wait … No, you in the black switch with her in the black. Ah, that’s better. Halal Cheese!
On the other side of the Islamic veil …
“So you don’t think there are passages in the Koran that encourage the murder of gay people?” – Interviewer
“No there isn’t. Have you read the Koran?” – Girls response, with an attack
… then later response ….
“I can’t be arsed…(mumbles, giggles, walks off, learns nothing)”
{biasedbbc post}
I see that the surgeon who was jailed for doing unnecessary operations has just had his sentence increased.
Have they just realised he’s white?
How else is the poor bugger to practise, and hone his “skills”?
Oh look a poor vulnerable child the likes of the child rapists at the bBC want to import in their millions from Europe, so they can bugger them all:
This is the way the child cock suckers at the bBC wants the UK to go:
Oh look peaceful black thugs who can only be victims according to the arse bandits at the bBC:
More poor black victims this time in London:
The bbC arse holes remain so quiet.
Is anyone else watching Dykeball……its torture .
Well, it proves that the women’s England football team are the equal of the men: simple errors and fail at semi-final stage. (With 25mins to go).
Two down and game continues to be a fine example of how to both lose and fail to gain possession. It is not simply an anticlimax it’s also a farce, relieved only by the inspired comedy choice of Victoria Wood on the commentary team and – though I feel his sexuality really should be re-examined – Freddie Mercury for the Dutch.
I see Carney has made another appearance…… and yet again it is to the detriment of the British economy (every time he appears the pound loses value)………Why doesn’t Treezer the appeezer sack the pair of them both Carney (wants to be the Canadian prime minister) and that very lethal, mendacious snake Hammond……….
All of them (politicians)are just sitting on their arses doing nothing while these people destroy the UK and then blame Brexit………..
Is there no leader and statesman who can step forward and save us …………?.
Soooo very depressing
Why doesn’t Treezer sack the pair of them? Because they’re doing the work she wants them to – that’s why they are there. You don’t think Carney and the cabinet are coincidences, surely?
He must be sacked now surely. I could not believe what I was hearing. May is just a ditherer and I really want the Tory party to lose big time at the hopefully soon election So we get Corbyn but at least i know where I am.
Carney is Osborne’s boy and Hammond is May’s boy.
Both are looking very lacklustre.
Even the Beeb, with their desire to see an end to Brexit, suggested this week that Hammond has only the next Budget to redeem himself. He’d better make it a good one otherwise he may take his boss down with him. But …
Dave S, the other mutters this week are not so good news for your then: one or two senior figures seemed to be suggesting the Cabinet is rather more united than the BBC & some newspapers make out and that Theresa May may be leading the Party into the 2022 GE with Brexit all done & dusted.
How the likes of the bBC rewrite history:
European people history
Then go to images
It’s like a Tesco advert.
That is really weird ..it gives you ONLY pictures of BLACK people
..and it’s the same in Bing
Whereas searching : white people history
gets you pics mostly portraying white people as racist or mocking them
Then searching https://twitter.com/MsBlaireWhite/status/891694874558320641
After more than a year, still no pro-Brexit programme by the BBC.
“”Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone.
Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.””
The bBC reports (about 4 weeks later than everybody else) what freebes MPs receive:
MPs declare Wimbledon and Glastonbury tickets
MPs have enjoyed free activities from Wimbledon to Glastonbury, according to their latest register of interests.
Commons Speaker John Bercow, a tennis fan, received two tickets for the Royal Box at Wimbledon, worth £8,590.
Labour deputy leader Tom Watson also got two cheaper Wimbledon tickets while Tories Damian Collins and Nigel Adams declared Glastonbury tickets. Meanwhile Theresa May registered a discount card from shoe shop Russell & Bromley. The prime minister, whose love of shoes is well documented, has worn the retailer’s shoes to Conservative Party conferences and registered a discount card valid from January 2017 to January 2018 – without details of what it entitled her to.
Funny enough whilst the bBC waxes lyrical about the discount card the PM has at R&B. It completely leaves out the Labour Leader:
Corbyn, Jeremy (Islington North)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
Address of donor: Unity House, 39 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 07 July 2017)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 07 July 2017)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 28 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £25,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan was for an indefinite period but was written off on 23 November 2016.
Date received: 7 July 2016
Date accepted: 7 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 03 August 2016; updated 20 December 2016)
Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.
Date received: 12 July 2016
Date accepted: 12 July 2016
Donor status: company, registration 09654873
(Registered 04 August 2016)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: for my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party, serviced offices from 11 July 2016 to 28 September 2016, valued at £21,856.15
Date received: 11 July 2016
Date accepted: 11 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016; updated 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: serviced offices for my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party from 1 August 2016 to 30 September 2016, valued at £2,925.67
Date received: 1 August 2016
Date accepted: 1 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Matthew Wrack
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 12 August 2016
Date accepted: 14 August 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Fire Brigades Union
Address of donor: Bradley House, 68 Coombe Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames KT2 7AE
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 15 August 2016
Date accepted: 15 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
Address of donor: Unity House, 39 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £25,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 19 August 2016
Date accepted: 19 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 25 August 2016)
Name of donor: Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: secondment of staff to my leadership campaign, between 12 July and 30 September 2016, valued at £7,853.76
Date received: 12 July 2016
Date accepted: 12 July 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 26 August 2016)
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party. This loan was for an indefinite period but was written off on 23 November 2016.
Date received: 11 August 2016
Date accepted: 11 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 26 August 2016; updated 20 December 2016)
Name of donor: Communication Workers Union
Address of donor: 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1RX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £40,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 26 August 2016
Date accepted: 26 August 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
Address of donor: 77 St John street, London EC1M 4NN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 14 September 2016
Date accepted: 14 September 2016
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 23 September 2016)
Name of donor: Jane Moores
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 16 September 2016
Date accepted: 6 October 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 06 October 2016)
Name of donor: Jane Deighton
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: legal services, valued at £2,780, for my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date of receipt: 11 October 2016
Date of acceptance: 8 November 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 09 November 2016)
Name of donor: John Hendy QC
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: legal services, valued at £3,440, for my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party
Date of receipt: 11 October 2016
Date of acceptance: 8 November 2016
Donor status: individual
(Registered 09 November 2016)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £456, given to a member of my family.
Date received: 14 June 2016
Date accepted: 16 June 2016
Donor status: company, registration 04348175
(Registered 26 July 2016)
Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy Farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £476, given to a member of my family
Date received: 24 June 2017
Date accepted: 24 June 2017
Donor status: company, registration 04348175
I wonder why the bBC left out the leftwing prick
Another BBC channel full of subversion is BBC 3. Here are some of the editors picks for today:
Supporting the burqa: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/3e533c4f-7f35-49a0-a9a0-6e5c92ecfe1d
Supporting British Pakistanis: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/6af25e7b-0545-42ba-a6fa-82ac1023b4ed
Supporting men with small penises: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/e496fdb3-70d7-4536-ab04-cccf35a0a67b [even this story has an anti-trump image – so pervasive is the Trump hatred at the BBC]
Supporting vaginas: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/fc3d3f13-60c8-424a-98a1-85fd2393b3c4
The BBC are a nest-bed of subversion and perversion.
This is what the BBC do:
a) They tell the white traditional English / British people to feel shame for British “colonial” history, shame for racism, shame for islamophobia, shame for heterosexual normalcy etc.
b) They tell non-white minorities, blacks, Muslims etc to feel rage at the white English people for “British colonial history”, to feel rage for “English – British cultural racism”, to feel rage for “English – British cultural islamophobia” …
Conclusion: The BBC is a source of radicalisation against the indigenous English people and against traditional English – British culture.
And all this paid for by the British taxpayer.
And the government do nothing about it ?
Transgender…Remain…Impeachment…Religion of Peace.
Sorry media scum.
Like Leveson and Abu Gharib…all silly season rectal examinations of each others stools and gases. WGAF what CNN are saying to the BBC and what the HuffPo are reporting from the Guardian.
Look- we`re leaving the EU, and if it`s not brutal and offensive to the political elite , then it will need redoing…and it won`t be a Mr Nice like Farage that will force it.
Beauty of all this arse exploration on gay bandwagons under an IS flag is that we can read our Orwells and our Murrays, thereby ignoring all that the BBC choose to tell me about Phil Hammond or Mark Carney, Vince Cable or Lily Allen. We`re WAY beyond this now.
All good sappers seek the structural flows and faultlines…and schools, hospitals, prisons and the like are now ungovernable and irredeemable.
We need a REAL Nasty Party, one that puts the likes of Tommy and Katie well ahead of a flip flop like Gove or other poseurs going weak at the whiff of poncey grapeshot from Brussels or Silicon Valley.
I see there are reports that Bruce Forsyth may not perform again due to his current frailty. I’ve never been a big fan, but he’s had his moments. I was interested to read though, that before he was awarded his knighthood, he was ‘in trauma’ that he had been overlooked for a ‘K’. Whether true or not, who knows, but this award seems to be the be all and end all for those doing a job that they’re amply rewarded for. Beckham has done all but pay for one, and thankfully is unlikely to get one after his outburst. How long before Lineker is awarded one for his services to crisps !
It will be nice to see Brucie, to see him nice. ………………..
”We asked a hundred people” do you now regret voting for brexit, now its so clearly going wrong.
”all right my love” why did you vote brexit.
Nigel Farage……..”Didn’t he do well”.
Cardiff Billboard hacked
BBC radio and text report s focused on fact that ONE image was a swastika
Newspaper stories focused on the Halal Zone satire image
Just a dry run to see how we react to the message “Warning: This is a Sharia Controlled Zone – No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn. {twitter Cardiff Billboard Hacked}”
A better display would have contained …
If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
If a man is homosexual should he be killed?
If a man draws a cartoon should he be killed?
Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
Do you think we should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
Here today in the UK …
Islamic Fatwa / Islamic Sharia / Islamic Koran / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal / Islamic Halal & Islamic Suku
“No Alcohol. No Gambling. No Porn.”
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
Bondi Australia : cos MUSLIM terrorists might be drawn an area if a synagogue is built
… the JEWS have been refused planning permission..and right to practice their religion as they want.
#VictimBlaming ?
“Carney warns Brexit uncertainty is building”
Has Al Beeb got the ‘highest rated’ upside down in the HYS ?
..I expect someone is using bots, rather than real people
The top anti-Brexit comments got to the top of the list and then got more downvotes than they have upvotes
Something fishy going on ?
Monday : there was a Botham bust up on Radio 5
when Rachael Burden tried to ambush him with an animal rights question
‘Yes he’s giving 5,000 pheasants to charity, but isn’t shooting so very cruel
..and it’s not so generous cos what would you do with the birds anyway ?’
“The governor of the Bank of England has said the banking sector could double in size but still needs tough regulation.”
Good or Bad Brexit news ?
Is Carney deliberately talking down the economy? He is worse than Al Beeb……………
“A special counsel investigating claims of Russian meddling in the US election has reportedly impanelled a grand jury.”
Active word “reportedly”.
We shall see………..
The Italian ‘Navy’ are getting tough?………..
What would BBC ‘reporting’ do without “reportedly” (and quotes)?
NHS cyber-defender Marcus Hutchins charged in US
“The British cyber-security researcher who stalled WannaCry cyber-attack that hit the NHS has been arrested and charged in a US cyber-crime case.”
How does the BBC get away with misleading headlines such as the above suggesting that Marcus Hutchins is a “NHS cyber-defender”? The first line of the article exposes the flaw in the headline; Hutchins is not an employee of the NHS!
If he were, then the NHS might not have been hit in the first place!
BBC News telling us this morning about the second fire in two years at the Dubai Torch Tower (Nominative determinism? Anyway, this time they might consider re-naming the building). Our BBC newsmongers in passing add the detail that the previous blaze was blamed on the flammable tendencies of the insulating cladding. No blame attributed as yet to any scrimping, cost-cutting or Tory cutbacks in the petrodollar sheikdom.
Sicilia Season
We know it as Sicily, surely? Well, watch this BBC space… although our BBC reporters are still calling it Sicily this morning the spelling on their weather map (sorry temperature map – cos only temperatures – and then only maximum daily temperatures matter, right?) – well that map hints that the traditional and perfectly servicable English name for the island might soon go the way of Bombay.
Anyway, much as I suggested hereabouts yesterday, when the BBC is faced with local UK weather news that just doesn’t fit the global warming narrative (our forecaster this morning rather tellingly referred to UK temperatures as “nothing to write home about”) the BBC will naturally look elsewhere for a story to fit their agenda. And so the Beeboids happily bang in their travel expenses claims for various Med locations. And when our chap in Sicily feels constrained to utter the dread words “this is not just a silly season hot weather story…”, well the cynic in me thinks otherwise.
How long before their reporting from Paree?
Maybe Tabs can check if is Gay Paree?
I see the bBC continues its green inspired fight against the humble washing machine which apparently is the source of so much CO2. (from 2013 by Environment expert Roger Harrabin
Should we be owning our washing machines?
Well today, it’s a story about replacing the huge blocks of concrete found within your washing machine with a tub of water (Can anybody else see how this may actually cost you more in the long run)
Device could make washing machines lighter and greener
A simple device to cut the weight of washing machines could save fuel, cut carbon emissions, and reduce back injuries, according to researchers. A typical budget washing machine is weighted by 25kg of concrete to stop it moving while on a spin cycle. The alternative is a plastic container that is filled with water – but only once the machine is in place. The team at Nottingham Trent University says the change makes machines easier – and cheaper – to transport.
Ah , its all about reducing transport costs and cutting CO2 than anything else. Tell you what Rodger, you buy one and let us know how it goes, in the meantime me and the Mrs will continue with buying Meile. (They don’t use Concrete either, rather they use cast iron, which when it gets wet doesn’t crumble, lose its centre of gravity and shake the house down.
There’s a story in the Eastern Daily Press about how volunteers at Felbrigg Hall (National Trust) have been told they will not be allowed to perform meet and greet roles if they decline to wear a rainbow badge or lanyard. A comment there caught my eye and it sums the bBC to a Tee.
“Because the love that dare not speak its name is now the love that won’t STFU.”
It’s the old joke about the old man finally wanting to emigrate before they make homosexuality compulsory. The National Trust appears to be leading that charge.
This is really interesting.
Is this a forced belief?
Should a heterosexual man wear Kylie’s hot pants to show solidarity?
Does it matter that they don’t comply?
But the odd thing is that these people are giving their own time to help a good cause. But the cause does not want them because of a change in expression in the owners core beliefs. When the volunteers signed up these beliefs were not shown to be required, they had been volunteering for 10 years.
Volunteers at Felbrigg Hall have described their “heart break” after being forced away from their volunteering posts following the revelation that their beloved benefactor was homosexual (When volunteers said they would not wear a badge and lanyard supporting the campaign).{edp24.co.uk – aug2017}
– note that the Felbrigg Hall story starts with homophobia, then states they just didn’t want to wear the badges. Totalitarian means everyone must comply, no exceptions.
… can this be compared to the following …
THE religious strife in the Spice Islands (Indonesian) has extended to the violent conversion of local Christians (at least 1,000), followed by involuntary and unanaesthetised circumcisions. … They had already heard that two Protestant teachers from another village who had refused had been slaughtered. (compliance through fear) They had no choice.{telegraph feb2001}
Now the Wimin’s football team have lost in a semi final when the BBC had deemed it to be a forgone conclusion they would be in the final how will they be covering the final? They have spent all week bigging up the team and how much better they are than the men. Seems to me they have proved to be the equal of the men by choking when it comes down to the wire.
I had some fun over on that facebook page, some fat mollagh [[ stevie 10 bellies ]] had a pop at me, and was met with full on scorn, a couple of ”pretty faced beeboids had a little go, got their petite ass’s handed to them, kidult foreplay runs into the sardonic manxman head first.
As donny says…….”Nobody knew scorn hurt so bad. Nobody knew.”
I’m on holiday this week with the family and the place we are staying has a Now TV internet box. I’ve never used one before but opening the iPlayer app it shows you some 4 or 5 watching suggestions for each of the BBC channels which currently are:
Man In An Orange Shirt (a gay drama)
Is it safe to be Gay in the UK?
BBC 3:
Olly Alexander: Growing up Gay
BBC Four:
Radio 1:
We are Gay and love football too.
50th anniversary of the Sexual offences act.
May I be the first to congratulate the BBC on providing a well rounded selection of subjects for the viewers to watch.
As a result of the disquiet felt by some ‘liberals’ following the release of Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk the BBC is rumoured to be producing a new version.
It is to be called Dunkerque.
The call goes out. An army is trapped on the coast of France, its enemies are closing in, if captured the best they can hope for is to be interned in concentration camps. A flotilla of ‘little ships’ sets out from southern England to rescue them.
The enemy is the French gendarmarie. The army is a diverse collection of children, women and sexually confused from Ethiopia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and China seeking a life on benefits, housed in luxury homes in Kensington.
The ‘little ships’ are booze cruise boats charterd by Sir Bob Geldolf, Lily Allen and Maxine Peake. As each boat lands its human cargo on English shores enthusiastic crowds (played by BAME) actors wave ‘Refugees Welcome Here’ placards and thrust bowls of rice into their hands before whisking them off in stretch limousines to their new lives in up-market London.
Geldolf is to be played by Lenny Henry, Allen by Pearl Mackie and Peake by herself, leading to some talk that the film will be ‘too white’.
As a German, and having sat through the hugely overblown Dunkirk, I would like to complain about the misrepresentation of German intentions with regard to Europe . All we wanted to do was to unify it . Those British soldiers who believed in the nation state should have given up and joined us – even your blessed BBC agrees!
Is the beebs Dun-kirk part of its gay recruitment drive as in debbie dun dallas