Remember Star Trek when Mr Spock confronted with some new strange and alien phenomenon used to arch an eyebrow and exclaim ‘fascinating’
Well this morning on BBC London News our news anchor Asad Ahmad brings us the headline that testing at the point of new registration with a GP in the borough of Hackney has increased HIV diagnosis by four.
Our second headline tells us of a new initiative in London schools to help protect children from involvement in gangs.
‘Fascinating’ – but this seems to be a rather one-dimentional BBC take on the issues. The BBC habitually tends to look at issues from a ‘supply side’ point of view. Would these problems not be better tackled by an open discussion of why it is that HIV and youth gang activity are on the increase in our capital?
Perhaps the BBC ought to act less like a public sector notice board and more like a general public news source.
Oh dear. Look at some of those responses. Their idiocy knows no bounds. They really just don’t get it do they! All of those negatives they attribute to “Brexit” (no NHS, housing crisis, rising food prices etc etc) can ALL be blamed on mass immigration. Are they truly that thick? It’s simple mathematics, supply and demand. When demand is huge supplies run out. Go figure! Total fucking idiots.
2. … I have to suck up living in a shit country *for the rest of my life* just because you don’t like Belgians.
N o he doesnt even if it did pan out like that, there wouldnt be any national mourning, if he simply fucked off now, he and 23,000 of his colleagues, they produce no wealth to/for the country, they are infact the opposite, they suck wealth, parasites in the true dictionary sense…………..just shut up and fuck off
What jumps out at you is their group-think cowardness, no more wars etc, now you see why they appease their muslim brothers, like piers morgan, the fear of reprisal, when tommy held a book up, he shit himself.
“I have to suck up living in a shit country *for the rest of my life* just because you don’t like Belgians.”
Belgians? Really not the problem but two things come to mind…
1) No you don’t HAVE to suck up living in a “shit” country. If you don’t like it here fek off!
2)”for the rest of my life” ….oh well it might be a lot shorter than you think if the ROPers get their way!
Wasn’t Mitch Benn one of the white men who was replaced by affirmative action hires on the Now Show? He is so stupid that he is happy to let politically correct leftists take his job away, and he does not dare to defend himself. He is the sort of useless, self-hating cuckold who will be the death of Britain.
Well he’s holding out a begging bowl . . errrr, I mean he’s set up a Patreon account, so I expect he’s hoping Leave voters will send him some of their parent’s money.
Like most R4 ‘comedians’, I can’t imagine there are any other organisations that’d employ him.
Poor Mitch clearly stayed at the BBC too long.
He could be quite funny and clever in 2004 etc, when Blairworld was all that the BBC knew.
But once they`d lost the election in 2010, it`s been nothing but bile.
His sense of humour probably disappeared when he could only live off BBC cheques.
Jeremy Hardy would be a similar case of replacing any efforts at finesse or compassion with material that only made him pathetically reliant on the Left Herd for his kudos. Very sad.
Day 13 … BBC Tax Payers ask the BBC to help itself by creating a Kickstarter project.
Donate £1 I wish to donate a token amount to say when my TV License renews I will not pay it.
Donate £10 I wish to donate money to support the funding of a lawyer to help with court cases against those not paying their license.
Donate £145 I wish to donate the equivalent TV License/Tax to remove the unique way the BBC is funded, which has lead to unequal pay in workers and the 71 genders, and has aided people such as Jimmy Savile which I find wrong.
Donate £1000 I work for the BBC on £80K or more and don’t want my wages to be sourced from a tax forced onto the public by threat of prison and backed by the Government.
Donate £1million To give back to those families in prison or being prosecuted for paying my wages.
All money raised will be used to pay for Lawyers to stop people going to prison or court for not paying the BBC TV Tax and to help those who have already been affected.
A bit late with this post, but I want to mention something quite concerning that I heard on BBC’s Broadcasting House yesterday morning. Starting at about 47 mins:
Reviewing the Sunday papers – former top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, free speech advocate Ella Whelan and screenwriter Gareth McLean.
Hogan-Howe we are all familiar with, and I doubt there are many here with much respect for him. Ella Whelan writes for Spiked and seems quite sound. But it’s something that Gareth McLean said that pissed me off, and the fact that he has significant influence at the BBC and The Guardian and his views are probably very typical there that is concerning.
Here is the exchange with Paddy O’Connell that I am referring to:
PO: “Ella Whelan, where would you like to begin?”
EW: “Let’s start with the news about this Cambridge student officer who’s got into trouble for a tweet. His name is Jason Okundaye, he runs the black and minority ethnic society at Cambridge University. Following the riots and the protests in Dalston, over the death of Rashan Charles, he sent out a tweet which if I can just read a bit from it said “all white people are racist, white middle-class people, white working class people, white men, white women, white gays, white children” and for that tweet and several others along those lines he’s now being investigated by the University, which it’s an open case obviously, but the point is it’s a silly tweet in my opinion, it might be wrong, but to be investigated for it seems to me a bit of an overstep, a bit strange actually.”
PO: “It is wrong isn’t it? Because all white people are not racist. That’s a racist remark”.
GM: “Well, it’s ..”
EW: “It annoys me when we get into this like ‘racist’ to and fro thing, where quite a ridiculous statement this is, quite overblown, and he should just be jibed at and laughed at for saying such a stupid thing, but whether he should be investigated for racism is a quite another matter”.
GM: “I think it’s not a racist tweet. It’s a prejudiced tweet perhaps. But racism is prejudice backed up by the systematic, sort of thousands of years of like institutional oppression, so it’s not a racist. It’s not a racist tweet, it’s prejudiced, it’s silly, it’s daft, and there might be an element of truth in it, who knows we can’t see our own prejudices, unconscious bias is a massive thing. I like how gays get their own separate clause in this sentence though”.
BHH: “I think everyone would accept that they’re prejudiced, we all have prejudices we have things that we can’t justify, things we have feelings about, and he could probably have got away with saying that. But even if it’s the wrong thing, I don’t think it’s a crime. The question for the University or students union is whether it’s a discipline issue, because I don’t know what his role is and whether it’s outside his role. I suppose at times like these, because this was following the disorder in Hackney, you always want people to make measured statements and not things that are going to aggravate things. I don’t know the context in which he said it, it might not have been to that point it might have been something else.
EW: “It was in response to the riots, and I think the main thing just from that is I think he’s very wrong that dividing, kind of hyper-racialising this issue in terms of the community he’s talking not just about the police but about people in that area. Completely ridiculous but for the University to investigate him, I think that’s infringing on his free speech”.
Now what sort of idiot gets to redefine ‘racism’ like that? It won’t come as a surprise to know that Mr McLean works for the BBC and The Guardian, he is one of the guys behind ‘Gay Britannia’. I bet his views are shared by many more at the BBC, maybe even the majority. Needless to say, such is the groupthink there, he had a rant about Brexit too.
There’s something quite satisfying about the white, bourgeois, bohemian, metro, trendy, sandal-wearing, Guardian-reading, limp-wristed, Champagne Socialist bed-wetters, that inhabit Dalston, getting up close and personal with some real diversity.
Regarding the insufferably stupid and manifestly wrong remarks of GM highlighted above (in bold font), the girlish giggle he made at the end of it was nearly as objectionable! He’s a queer fish, and somebody I’d previously not come across (mercifully).
It’s the hypocrisy of the faux outrge when a poli in a meeting accidentally dropped the N-word
against the slow deliberate racism of the Cambridge black guy
Isn`t our Cambridge bunny yet another black privilege tosser like Dianne Abbott and her son(who to be fair is not as corrupt as Prescott,Kinnock, Straw, Corbyn , Gould etc)?
Didn`t this Cambridge poseur go to a top private boarding school? Who else to tell the rest of us that we`ve oppressed him?
When kids like this get away with this, then we`ll get real trouble very soon.
A woman from Devon says ‘n**ger in w woodpile’ in a context which was in no way confrontational, whilst this man openly and successfully incites riots and racial hatred? The Beeb are all over the innocuous comment about Brexit which led to no racist acts whilst this man is given a free pass, although parts of London has burned, people have been assaulted and our Police’s job has been made even harder?
Racism is about judging people by the colour of their skin and not the content of their character; all this ‘prejudice plus power’ is more lefty nonsense to give a free pass to their favoured groups. Equality means we should all be judged by the same standards. W white man would be in prison for saying what he said.
It is also implicitly racist to say that he cannot be expected to behave decently because he is not white. Of course he should.
Will Sadiq Khan ask the London police for police car designs for Al Quds day parade next year just like Gay Pride? If you want to treat everyone equal, and support all groups, it’s only fair. Also need ones for Eid and EDL.
“Policing with pride. The LGBT car is getting lots of attention and positive comments.”
Policing with pride. The LGBT car is getting lots of attention and positive comments.
Is that a real Police car on active duty??? Hope so ….
It really is!! The vehicle will be out on patrol in the gay village, Manchester City Centre tonight….
This car connects to public & is priceless in the message it sends out, ‘together we are insurrmountable’.BRILL
* Sadiq Khan was asked to deny Al Quds protest but did not
* Jeremy Corbyn appears and supports these rallies
* In Pakistan (Sadiq Khan’s parents country) they celebrate Al Quds {google images} seriously
‘Let’s End Hate Crime:Report It’ – hate is not a crime. If I HATE this colour scheme on the Gay Pride Police Car and the way the police are spending tax payers money, is it a CRIME?
hate – Feel intense dislike for. Intense dislike.
“synonyms: loathe, detest, dislike greatly, abhor, abominate, despise, execrate, feel aversion towards, feel revulsion towards, feel hostile towards, be repelled by, be revolted by, regard with disgust, not be able to bear/stand, be unable to stomach, find intolerable, shudder at, recoil from, shrink from;”
Murder is a crime. Unprovoked physical violence is a crime. Stealing is a crime.
Dear Police, you need to define what ‘Hate Crime’ is on the car so we are clear … the above crimes are very clear. If I Hate your car colour scheme, the waste money and the fact that you choose Gary Pride over other causes (Eid/EDL/Al Quds/Muslim Anti-Democracy Marches) – is that a ‘Hate Crime’?
* just noticed that hate crime was mentioned and felt I needed to find clarification.
Hate crime is thought crime – the state should not Police people’s opinions or we have tyranny.
Repeatedly abusing someone constitutes harassment which is a crime, as is physical assault. But you must be free to hate whatever you want. Without standards and expectations we are nothing.
A Hate Incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someones prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.
If you, or anyone you know, has been called names, been bullied or had anything happen to them that you think may be because of one of these factors, then you should report this as a hate incident. Even if you don’t want the incident to be investigated, it is important that the police know about it, so that they can build up a picture of how many incidents are happening and where. This information can help police investigating other hate incidents.
Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but those that do become hate crimes. The Association of Chief Police Officers and the CPS have agreed a common definition of hate crime: “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
perceived – become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. Interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way.
– So the Independent article is wrong – as there are hate incidents and hate (serious) crimes and should be separated as such. And broken down by type of incident. Was there a campaign to make it easier to report incidents? How many incidents turned into crimes? Very misleading, as hate crimes might have gone down but incidents gone up.
They seem to like and enjoy “crime”. But if it`s in any way allocated an adjective like “hate” or “thought”…then somehow this is not enjoiyed in the same way.
The more crime they can garner-the more jobs, mitherings and counsellors on fat salaries for themselves.
We manufacture nothing but grievance and offence now, and we therefore have no supporting economy in anything but therapeutic new age synthetic indolence.
Maybe if we learn sand sculpture for Islam to come-we might create a few jobs, because Islam will make soap out of these lefty idiots.
On the one hundredth anniversary of Wipers 3 – in which my grandfathers regular battalion took part al Beeb is broadcasting a docmentary about Paki/India partition. That outfit really has lost it. I’m not looking any further for their output today. I’m sure any they put out will have a gay Muslim multicultural German on it.
Those tommys who died for their country would never believe what has been allowed to happen to it.
As I posted at the end of the last open thread. Mr D’s grandfather was killed at Passchendale. He started to watch yesterday’s ever so politically correct coverage of the remembrance event on BBC2 and felt so angry that his grandfather had given his life to enable Britain to become what it has, he switched off.
I remember watching the coverage for the last big occasion on the D Day landings a couple of years back. Breakfast Louis Minchin mentioned her Gt Uncle was a military officer who died at that time, her sofa colleague Naga M didn’t respond, she couldn’t, her upbringing and family are from Ethiopia. And that’s the thing, the migrants – whether first or 3rd generation have no history here to speak of, apart from when they started to arrive here from the 1950’s onwards. Another couple of generations and Remembrance Day will become a distant memory by the few who will be old enough to remember it.
Anybody with any connection to the appalling death count in WW1 surely wonders what the hell their sacrifice has now ended up as.
All it did was to give Ben Elton and Richard Curtis their pernicious influence in our popular culture, and allow our teachers to peddle the party line.
Ah well- the Ottoman Empire might merit a quick look before Erdogan turns South East Europe into his Eurabian Caliphate.
More car crash radio on the TOADY Programme this morning. Where is Richard Dawkins when you really need him? TODAY only use him to bash Brexit & Christians & the Church of England. I think he should be used to stimulate some thinking and memory at the BBC, especially in News & Current Affairs.
He’s not available to join up the dots on …
> A drastic reduction in numbers of Traffic Police on Britain’s ‘vast’ road network v. all the new crimes & service requirements that our Forces have to deal with
> ‘Probleme du jour’ of vehicle emissions & air quality v. closing streets for children to play outdoors
> Recruiting 21,000 workers for NHS Mental Health services (where will they all come from?) v. Artificial Intelligence & self-driving cars & robotics making half the workforce redundant
> Massive increase in people, especially children, needing those NHS Mental Health services v. merely asking why and identifying the cause in order to remove that?
> A lack of cheap childcare to enable 1.3m extra women into the workforce v. at least two if not three or perhaps all of the above
> The loss of 1000 jobs in London when two EU agencies move to mainland Europe & all the 40,000 visits to those London-based agencies v. overcrowded Heathrow & London Docklands, extra traffic congestion & pollution
> Researchers say GP surgeries should give many more people (expensive) HIV tests v. the NHS doesn’t have enough money, especially when it wants to recruit 21,000 more workers for mental health services
I could go on but that is more than enough. Judging from what ‘colleagues’ on here post concerning the News & Current Affairs TV output, when combined with the radio that I hear, then I reckon it is in a serious state of decline and definitely not worth the vast salaries paid.
Time for substantial cuts in executive pay to concentrate some minds?
Yes, has anyone actually proved that 40,000 people die each year because of diesel emissions? This figure now seems to be treated as gospel by the BBC and others and I suspect that it’s some sort of guess (at best).
Julia Hartley Brewer on Any Questions did explain how the 40,000 had been reached. It was some sort of average and actually meant that we all would lose about 30 days of our lives, which as Julia said, if they were in a care home in our 90s might be a blessing. Needless to say Dimbleby then allowed Labour MP Barry Gardener (don’t know the man but he sounded very wet and I think is Labour’s spokesman for environment) to refute Julia’s explanation.
Barry Gardener said “It’s 40,000 people each dying 8.5 years early”
Which is factually incorrect
JHB pointed out the correct thing that’s its an EQUIVALENT lives lost by adding up the lost days of 65 million people. Some people might be losing 100 days some 5, the margins of error are huge.
BBC should know this cos they explained it Dec 2016
No death certificate states air pollution as the cause of death. These claims are seated on the misuse of statistics and the output of dodgy models where GIGO applies. It is all conjecture and does not withstand serious scrutiny
Air pollution is far less today than it was 60 years ago when we had the infamous London Smog. The idea that air pollution levels today is a problem does not stack up, and most medical research has been found to be difficult to replicate. That is why one week one is told that butter is bad, the next it is good, ditto wine, ditto high fat diets, low carbohydrate diets, statins, MMR vacines etc. The list goes on and on.
One should take any medical research with a pinch of salt, especially when money is involved as is the case with the push for green environmentalism.
The Sage, yes and no. The ONS has published its annual survey of avoidable deaths in England & Wales for 2015, earlier this year. Note that it is not for the whole UK and other causes are lumped in with auto & aero-engine and industrial emissions. Those for respiratory deaths – remember: all causes – are reckoned to be just under 26% per 100,000. The figure has increased slightly having fallen in some of the years before 2014, primarily having increased in Wales. (I wonder if exceptionally wet weather is a factor there?) If my maths is correct, and assuming similar outcomes in Scotland and Northern Ireland, that appears to indicate a number of 16,900 for the UK as a whole.
What is interesting is that it took me about five to ten minutes or so of determined searching via computer to come up with that ONS report.
Why has the BBC not put in that effort?
Two other warnings. There is another complication. If I recall correctly, on avoidable mortality and respiratory deaths, some of the cardiovascular (heart) and ischaemic (blood circulation) deaths are cross-attributed to vehicle pollution. In addition, avoidable mortality changes as new treatments are proved successful. I have only skim-read the report but it seems definitions and inclusions and exclusions change, year to year.
It will be interesting to see in 2016 & 2017 whether the upgrading of the UK private car fleet (if sales figures are correct – it is now at its newest and ‘greenest’ and cleanest ever, especially post VW scandal) pushes the England figure down further. It will also be interesting in view of the increasing road mileage that has occurred in the last two years. Prior to that UK road mileage (all vehicles) had not recovered from the 2007-2009 crash and recession.
Finally, my memory of BBC’s N&CA reports is that in the UK overall, deaths from respiratory disease attributable to traffic emissions (all vehicles) reached an all time high of over c.30,000 many years ago and have consistently fallen both because of improvements to IC powered vehicles, increases in cycling and the effects of economic downturns and recessions reducing national road mileage.
Up2 I think you are mistaken : Traffic pollution appears on approximately ZERO death certificates as cause of death.
It may be a contributory factor in some
Just watch the above video Frew and Spiegelhalter explain
You also put a % sign where there wasn’t one
“The largest change was in respiratory diseases, which increased from 24 deaths per 100,000 population to 26 deaths as a result of 1,374 more deaths in 2015.”
2 points = 1374 so 26 points =
BTW That means all respiratory diseases = 17862
Stew, you are right. It does not appear on Death Certs but we know that a lot of causes do not appear there. Remember lead in petrol? Asbestos? Seat belts including compulsory ones? There are others.
Sorry for missing the end bit of the link.
Thanks for the maths check. What figure were you using for the UK population?
I don’t think lead in petrol ever killed anybody, though it may have had some harmful effects.
The BBC has got its left wing knickers in a twist over pollution caused by cars, because they hate the freedom cars give. Apparently, the pollution caused by buses does not count.
In the 1950s the buildings were black with soot, pea souper smogs were a reality, and everybody smoked. That was pollution. There is nothing now to compare to that, but leftists can never accept that things have got better, they always need a new cause to fight.
I didn’t use a fig for popn I just used the ONS figs
They said the rate of deaths moved from 24 to 26 meant 1,374 more deaths in 2015.”
2 points = 1374
so 26 points = 13 x 1374 = 17,862
and that’s for s all respiratory diseases across England/Wales
The main cause of death does appear on death certs and that includes asbestos related mesothelioma. “Mortality rates for mesothelioma are projected to fall to 3 deaths per 100,000 people by 2035.”
Never mind, Stew, our numbers were close and at least between us we have demonstrated that maybe the claim that there are 40,000 deaths per year in the UK due to N²O pollution, let alone N²O and CO², is a wee bit excessive.
No they are not close
cos my stats for UK pollution deaths are almost zero
There are people with respiratory problems from things like infections, which maybe exacerbated by local air pollution
Such that they would live dozens of days longer were they living in clean air.
No one dies from excess Co2 of course, it’s presence in the atmosphere is nowhere near dangerous levels.
Stew, 16,900 and 17,862 for all avoidable respiratory deaths ARE CLOSE (medically, less than 1000 in nearly 20,000) especially when set against the claimed 40,000 deaths trumpeted by campaigners, mentalist-enviros and MPs and then lazily misreported as FakeNews by the BBC.
I don’t think near-zero deaths from pollution is a viable claim, especially with reference to the history & geography of UK life expectancy, let alone elsewhere in the world. I have heard people from Royal College of Surgeons and/or GMC speak on this subject and they felt that under 30,000 might be an acceptable figure for people troubled (but not killed) by dirty air.
What we have established is that the ONS has a figure much lower than that currently claimed for air road pollution deaths.
Thanks for that. Think I have come across ‘Energy Matters’ before but had not seen that particular Blog. Euan Mearns growing up in Kirriemuir reminds me of this: and the obvious contrast between the two.
BTW, PM2.5s are tiny. The Environment Agency (and I assume the TRL also) are also interested in PM10s & 20s, some of which can also be found in distillate (petrol) fuels as well as oil fuels and from other sources such as tyres.
Was that Justin Webb getting stuck in the dock by Sarah Montague this morning?
Poor phone line and all his morality getting filtered through Dawkins muslim socks?
If so, seems all Sarah wanted was for our prelate to bemoan a divided nation in need of staying in the EU, as all good liberals on the BBC requires.
My point?…as long as Welby stays in the dock and agrees to nail us to the Remoaners planks, then he can get on the radio again. Dawkins is the REAL BBC Bishop and final arbiter.
But not in regard of islam of course. He`d not be qualified for that one.
Few have noticed, few really care. There is a war in progress with islam in all Western countries apart from those sensible ones like the Visegrad Four who simply keep islam out. The powerful islamic states have been plotting and financing the war for decades if not centuries but now, they feel it time to mount the big push worldwide hence the dramatic increase in international terror. You have to, at the very least, admire the coordination of billions to achieve this. The ‘phoney war’ is coming to an end: the muslims have tested every countries legal system and have concluded that is it utterly weak and islamically pliable. For the immediate future every effort will be made by muslims all over the world to now go all-out for complete domination. Just for a nudge in the right direction –
Re-writing history? right up the BBC’s street.
G, interesting post. “The ‘phoney war’ is coming to an end: the muslims have tested every countries legal system”. They have also tested our financial system and found it wanting. 😉
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal as in the above situation creates more work and cost for the prison service, thus the tax payer and possibly the victim has to foot the bill. Halal is Kryptonite! {biasedbbc post}
G – Am thinking of applying for asylum in one of the Visegrad countries as an embattled member of a minority oppressed on many counts: hideously white, middle class, middle aged, male, heterosexual, patriotic, conservative, in work, and sort-of Christian. My country hates me for all the above reasons, and the beebistan continuously commit hate speech against me and incite others to hate crimes.
BBc Breakfast and it’s another one of “those” stories that they have done before. Children playing on the streets. I know they did this a while back. This time in a multi culture Street in Bristol? How lovely. It helps neighbours get closer. Well I have a particular dislike for my neighbours. Before the paedophile who was living here got jailed they were all best mates with him and sided with him when I had a standoff with him in the Street. Of course once he had been jailed for the attempted rape of another neighbours 14 year old daughter suddenly no one was his mate and apparently they never were. It’s nice to see as well that these residents in the story don’t have to move their cars to go to work which is just as well as they have coned off and put a big “Road closed” sign up. I wonder what happens when someone’s property gets damaged. My ex neighbour revealed a story of how he came out the house to find two kids on his drive throwing stones at his car. I caught two of them on his drive but waving fence slats around that had come off our fence with the nails still in them right next to our cars. Any of those types of comments mentioned ? No of course not everything is fluffy loverly in sofa land.
True value of the BBC, for less than the price of the Sun each day (Polly Toynbee). An excellent comparison on content and price, but I can choose not to buy the Sun.
The BBC have a prison cell waiting for me if I choose NOT to pay for the BBC content, wages of it’s employees and the opinions from BBC Sports presenter Gary Lineker (‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘ / 6.33M followers / BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers in Twitter title. It does not say in Gary Lineker’s twitter title – ‘All opinions my own’, so they must be the BBCs as well?
True value of the BBC, for less than the price of the Sun each day
Polly ToynbeeVerified account @pollytoynbee Jul 20
Replying to @JamesDMorris @BowenBBC True value of the BBC (3.5bn/£145 per household/Enforced Tax), for less than the price of the Sun each day(you can decide to buy or not)
Poor old Pol forgot to note that the value and effectiveness of the BBC also makes buying the Guardian a bit pointless – but at least the current sales figures make that very obvious.
“Amazon got picked up by the parliamentary committee for running its sales out Luxembourg. When you buy a book on, you actually enter into a legal contract with, and pay your money to, Amazon Luxembourg.
One reason is under current EU rules (being replaced from 2015), if you buy an ebook from Amazon, it is the Luxembourg VAT rate of only 3% that you end up paying. (VAT@20% in UK)”
“Juncker has also campaigned hard for greater tax cooperation among member states in the battle against international businesses that avoid tax. The latest leaked cables, however, raise further questions about whether he is the right person to champion such reforms.”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
– Bindis – to create a red dot worn on the centre of the forehead, commonly by Hindu and Jain women.
– Sindoor – a traditional vermilion red or orange-red colored cosmetic powder from India.
– Bangles – as in bracelets.
India is fighting old traditions and religious beliefs in 2017, if a feminist wants a cause …
SJW stuff on R4 Today
9 – Partition of INDIA
9:45 : Book of the Week : Heroism of Soviet WW2 Army women
10am Aforementioned Bristol magic play in the street scheme
+ “what it is like identifying as bisexual in the 21st century”
2:15pm Drama : * Gibraltar declares itself Spanish. *
It’s 31 July 2017 and an increasingly certifiable Prime Minister is about to call another snap election when she is told that Gibraltar wants to stay in Europe .. the Gibbies .. declare they are Spanish.
She goes into gigantic decline declaring history will write her off as the PM who lost more than her majority – if Gib goes, so will Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
The Queen, cousin of the Spanish King, .. cost of large animal vets that look after the Gibraltar monkeys.
4pm Queer Art : about Joe Orton and his partner Kenneth Halliwell deface library books with lewd covers, etc.
8pm “The Invention of Free Speech” we’ll see
8:30pm Transgender Pakistan
10:45 pm : The Lie of the Land : black comedy: London people are forced to move to the country
11:30 Josie Long presents stories of messages sent across borders.
I have gone from being someone who switched R4 on as a reflex action, to someone who now does the same with the Off switch. I do not think I have become more ‘woke’ (as the saying goes). Radio Four has been subverted by the far Left to such an extent that it is now a manifest health hazard for anyone Right of Corbyn and Momentum.
The line-up posted there by StewGreen is pretty typical of what drove me away. And, one wonders, how many more like me…?
Tragically, Grant, I have even lost touch with cricket, which I once used to follow to some degree, and part of the reason has been the slow death of TMS.
Coincidentally, I actually tuned in over the weekend and heard a snatch of some sort of retrospective they were broadcasting. I had read elsewhere that it was very PC (it was) but what really struck me was the sense of comfort listening to John Arlott’s unparalleled, velvety mastery of the language and his ability to create an aural canvas. Don Mosey was a worthy second, before they knifed him, and even CMJ had his moments.
Today’s TMS, in comparison, is just BBC bland with only The Greatest Living Yorkshireman flying the flag for excellence.
This isn’t nostalgia and it hasn’t happened by accident. TMS reflects the way the BBC wants it to be.
Agree – I thought Don Mosey was underrated in the pantheon of TMS commentators.
Was ‘the Alderman’ knifed because of his political views? Mosey did describe himself as politically ‘somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun’. That would not do on the BBC. I was a bit worried for Boycs, too, what with his support for Mrs May who, along with her husband, is a great fan of his. Still, at least he doesn’t support UKIP!!
I don’t know if it was Mosey’s political hue that got him into trouble. It’s possible as I’ve heard it said that Arlott, for all his genius, was a bit of a Leftie. What I had heard was that it was Mosey’s ‘blunt Yorkshireman’ act that counted against him and that he wasn’t very impressed when CMJ was whisked, silver spoon and all, into the team. That’s not to denigrate CMJ, incidentally, I liked him.
It’s hard to imagine any of them getting a job with the BBC today. In an article I read recently, it was claimed that Arlott was starting on the red from the first over and after lunch was well away. All I can say is if that it was what it took to produce such eloquence, good luck to him! Today, I gather organic mineral water from ‘Fairtrade’ sources is more the approved tipple. Probably to wash down the Walker’s crisps.
GC: “What I had heard was that it was Mosey’s ‘blunt Yorkshireman’ act that counted against him” – if Don Mosey was a blunt Yorkshireman, then Geoffrey Boycott is a complete half-brick. Give me Mosey over Boycott any day.
He is the reason I started to actively switch off TMS when he came on. The decline of TMS for me started when Boycott laughed when a batsman was hit by a quick delivery. When he got into his rants it became ever more grating. The fact that some Summarisers are omitted from the team at some tests – especially the really good ones: Vic Marks and Phil Tufnell – has been another reason to stop listening.
Then there was the reverse swing nonsense where it became apparent we were being lied to by the commentary team. Funny how reversing has disappeared!
Finally, the newer commentators have not been well trained by the old hands, especially with CMJ’s ‘premature’ death & Blower’s health problems taking two of the best away at critical moments.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on the Boycott issue, I’m afraid. I was, and remain, a fan, and when I listen to TMS these days (rarely, I admit) find Boycott’s always astute analysis extremely helpful – which is a lot more than I can say of Michael Vaughan’s!
As for the younger contingent, I have no more idea why Agnew or Vic Marks are there than I can understand why Hislop was chosen to replace Richard Ingrams at Private Eye. And don’t get me started on some of the others, whose names, accents, ideas and descriptive powers are blurred by their utter interchangeable insignificance.
I’m going to risk a very female view of cricket. I just know that I’m going to regret it.
Many years ago I went to quite a few cricket matches with family. I was primarily attracted to the atmosphere, which I considered very English and civilised, with no noisy colours, air punching or high fives.
Now I don’t need anyone to point out that this has little to do with sport, and I’m sure that modern players are more aggressive and successful – or are they, I don’t know. However, I can’t believe that I’m the only person in the UK who thinks that cricket has lost something valuable.
Many women have enjoyed cricket down the ages, the game having always attracted women spectators, as well as players. It was a woman who invented overarm bowling, after all (try bowling in a crinoline).
Cricket, being a more cerebral sport than most, has a lot more too offer than the usual thud and blunder and I think many would agree with you that it has lost something vital and civilised, something that not only women will miss.
Please report me as I’ve committed a Hate Crime {biasedbbc post}, but I am unsure what one is, but if it hurts your feelings regarding cricket then it counts, I think?
Policing with pride. The LGBT car is getting lots of attention and positive comments.
Clare, I agree. I hate One Day and 20:20 pizzazz and razzamatazz. I used to loathe the drunks at Lords who, during a Test Match, would get going after lunch in front of the Tavern stand and keep up their racket sometimes until close.
Same with Wimbledon. I started going regularly just at the start of the Borg era but grew up on Dan Maskell’s ‘Vicarage Lawn’ TV commentary and decorum and love all that. I don’t like bear pit tennis. Or noisy golf. I did cheer on Jimmy Connors a couple of times and would definitely go for a “Beef, beef, BEEF, MOOOOVE” if there when Andrew Johnston looked like getting close to the leaders and winning The Open.
GC, sure. Happy to do that. But I was never a fan. He threw away too many England victories for my liking. Makes him well qualified, in a way, to comment on more recent England disasters. I have to confess a slight ancestral Lancashire bias, too. I have to agree that at times Boycott’s analysis can be really insightful and good. Am also not keen about the newer players efforts.
Vic Marks, to my mind is one of the ‘Senior’ summarisers and is also the best. He’s being going longer, I think, than any of the current crop but I haven’t checked that. He doesn’t grate like Boycott and has a gentle manner & great humour. Nor does Tuffers grate, despite the gravel in his voice from his ciggies! On a bad morning, I can do a good impression, despite being a lifelong non-smoker.
GCooper. unfortunately for me, I am still someone who switches on Radio 4 as a reflex reaction before listening to perhaps all of 20 seconds before realising that all the programmes are similar to the ones StewG highlights above….then go for the off switch. But like the news on BBC1, I am actually learning just not to bother with either of them.
GC, made me chuckle! I remember giving up sugar but was helped by being really sick (stomach upset) at the time as a kid. Used to have two spoonfuls up until then. Suddenly the prospect of sugared tea made me feel nauseous.
With Radio Four it is the blether. And their obsessions. I sometimes hit the OFF switch and find the peace and quiet very tangible, washing down over me.
GCooper, self included. As an undergraduate in the 90s I used to work at a shabby desk in a run-down bedsit. I used to sit in a haze of pipe or fag smoke drinking tea with Radio Four (or sometimes Radio Three) on in the background constantly, right up until Sailing By and the National Anthem. Hard to believe now.
StewGreen – sorry, are you watching a new channel ‘Minority TV’?
UK ‘BBC/R4/4pm Queer Art : about Joe Orton and his partner Kenneth Halliwell deface library books with lewd covers ‘ meanwhile North Korea have the capacity to destroy all this nonsense and themselves in the process …
Superb example of total lack of self awareness from the BBC’s Justin Webb in the Times this morning. He writes that the liberal left elite, well he should certainly know about the doings of liberal left elites being a fully paid up member, in the USA have brought about the Presidency of Donald Trump because in the seventies it was they who , however well intentioned, stopped the teaching of civics and value of the American constitution in schools. ( no doubt because they felt that it was in some way racist or supremacist or extolled the virtues of their country) . Poor Justin thinks that if more people had understood more about civics then they would never have been conned into voting for President Trump.
The liberal elite can’t understand that people voted for DT because they had , at last, seen through the lies of the liberal left and were fed up of seeing their country and their lives sacrificed on the alter of the false God of globalisation . It wasn’t because they didn’t understand something Justin, just the opposite in fact, they finally understood that the liberal leftdidnt give a toss about them, so they voted for someone who said he would put them first. And if he does put them first they will vote for him again no matter how much bile the lickspittels of the liberal left MSM such as dear Justin, spew forth about him..
Double – doncha just love our Justin. Being on the al Beeb rich list he knows all about the views of Americans not in big cities.
I was pondering what albeeb is planning for the first anniversary of Trump winning the election. Particularly since they were fixed on the first 100 days. Criticise Trump for doing what he promised to do or criticise him for failing to do what he wanted to do.
Albeeb seems to think it is an American broadcaster judging by the amount of coverage he gets. I still like what I heard between one of the temps who turn up as Today presenters and comrade Sopel last week when sopel was gleefully describing Trump sacking people. At the end the al beeboid just said ‘ it sounds like chaos ‘ . I thought ‘yes’ – a true example of bias .
I am sure Justin bases his opinion on the views of all the ordinary Americans he has met at the target range, or deer hunting, or at NASCAR races and the like. I am quite sure he would not have restricted himself to talking to East Coast liberals who share his views. That would be totally unprofessional, and he would never do it.
Well, there are Americans and there are Americans. It depends. The BBC does seem to like Adam Gopnik who, when I last heard, was relating how smoking weed got him through a shingles outbreak (honestly!)
SJW TV Today
One and half hour special on Usain Bolt ..We’ll se how much they air his Christian faith
8:30pm Nadiya making British food, more foreign
9pm 2 part drama about Gay life changing form WW2 to now
8pm Horizon on Driverless Cars ( expect the usual lack of critical thinking)
10-11:50 progs about “queers”
Can the BBC save time and combine these programs to save money for the BBC Tax Payers ala Brass Eye?
Usain Bolt races alongside a driverless camper van in which Nadiya uncomfortably cooks some bacon, showing how it was cooked and prepared in WW2 by gay cooks. Nadiya and Bolt talk about differences in arranged marriages, skirting around any serious moral differences and guidance in their religions such as slicing pieces off babies.
BBC 30 minutes programme – rather than all those wasted hours. Think of the License Payers!
More Wipers 3 today. Not much feeling of reverence but people like hislop who has made money out of war – unless of course he donates all his profit to The Royal British Legion. Albeeb found a black historian who merrily celebrated the diversity of the allies.
I like the irony the al Beeb hires the hon. Dan Snow for this -whose great grandfather was one of those less than imaginative generals who sent boys in uniform to their death again and again.
Easily overlooked in all the excitement I suppose, but you might have thought that someone in the BBC team busy stirring emotions near Ypres might have pointed something out by now. The generous quantities of fertiliser in the soil on which they stand helped no end in the creation and current success of the EU and without the meaningless sacrifice of British and Empire troops, Europe would look very different today.
Then again perhaps you could also say that the very ‘European’ and spiteful Treaty of Versailles not only laid the foundation stone of EU attitudes but without doubt contributed directly to the rise of Hitler and Nazism – which also made a bit of a nonsense of the phrase ‘never again’.
Would anyone in the BBC recognise such facts and voice them? Answers on a postage stamp, please.
I can’t stand Hislop, and the short pieces from his play “The Wipers Times” were unfunny and crass. The actors also wore World War II era greatcoats, but why bother about historical accuracy at an event like the centenary of Passchendaele?
I am sure Hislop will however have paid the BBC for the extended advert for his play carried on primetime Tv last night.
The TV play was great and I wondered why al Beeb hasn’t repeated it now. The play was awful as I thought, the extracts in the shaky albeeb presentation of the anniversary were embarrassing and out of place. 100 years on – I can’t see a cause for humour in such death.
Stew Green, along with posts above, has reminded me that I intended to post something here about Sarah Dunant’s new series, ‘Generational Breakdown’ which started on R4 yesterday afternoon. (R4 Sundays monthly @ 1.30pm). It sounded interesting from the trails and in the first two or three minutes or so. However, it got seriously skewed out of the UK and stuck after about five minutes in segregation and the struggle to end it in the USA.
I switched off at that point. A shame. For the BBC. And Sarah.
Me? Yes, I was disappointed but there was an interesting book to read as an alternative. I came out OK. The BBC did not. They are playing a dangerous game.
Much is being made of the claim especially by the BBC, at present, that the young (35 and under) in Britain are going to have a ‘worse future’ and face a decline in ‘living standards’ (everything?) when compared at life end to their ‘Baby Boomer’ parents and grandparents. Apparently, until this recent point in time, in the UK every successive generation had had the prospect of finishing life ‘better off’ than their parents and grandparents. I think that that is sheer bunkum but she is the historian, not me.
But did they?
I’m on the tail of the BabyBoomers and have suffered economically as a result in the gap between them and Generation X. But I also remember that BabyBoomers lived with the constant conflict of East v West and a future that promised either Communist domination or nuclear war or both. Added to that we had the increase of terrorism, environmental degradation, the prospect of increasing mortality from a variety of causes: tobacco, alcohol, drug, traffic and cancer together with economic & financial hiatuses of high unemployment and high interest rates and ever higher taxation.
Sarah Dunant did not appear to know that and certainly, in the first ten minutes, did not mention it or explain how she would deal with that obvious flaw & contradiction to this ‘Worse Future’ thesis in this and later programmes. She just launched into a diversion. Very strange and disappointing.
Look up dunnant on wiki- a true daughter of the empire – born in India, private school, campaigns on wimmins issues and legalising herbal cigarettes – live in London and Italy. A total beeboid – but not on the rich list yet.
Nor, by any reasonable standard, is she a historian. Just a member of the BBC’s nomenklatura and thus tossed the occasional wireless programme as a reward by the Party.
GC, think you are right as she jumped from about five centuries back in Italy to 1920ws/30s and 1950s/60s USA. I’m sure medieval Italy had a big influence on New York (and still does!) but the Deep South?
Fedup, yes, that’s right. Back when the Snuffy household watched TV, I was a BBC 2 Newsnight and The Late Show addict. IIRC, Sarah Dunant was one of the ‘right on’ BBC-wise presenters and/or contributors to both. That is when she was not being featured for a new book that she had written.
Aren’t these the young folks who want open borders, more EU , more third world migration, voted For communist Corbyn and his pack of gangsters and thugs, despise the country and culture of their birth, protest about anything and everything ? Well sod em and I hope they enjoy the fruits of their stupidity as they they study the Koran and attend the mosque in the caliphate that they have done so little to prevent.
The President of Mexico should show how President Trump is useless and build his own wall between Mexico and the US to stop his own beautiful people from leaving. That would show how the Mexican President cares about his own people and doesn’t want his best and brightest to head to America.
… sort of related to EU Borders comment … Borders work both ways!
He could also raise the current Mexican minimum wage to higher than a dollar per hour. That could go a long way toward solving the migrant crisis not to mention helping the poor devils who have opted to stay in their homeland.
Cant open links from emails They suggest that active blocking by ‘the system’ may account for the blocking. Anybody else suffering this attack (if that’s what it is) on Free Speech?
I am bringing this to all here’s notice as it may happen on this, Biased BBC website.
Can you go directly to the site? I noticed that google replaced the links with redirect links to google in its gmail application – prior to jumping to the link required. This is normal behaviour and means they can intercept and control where the final link goes to, and block if required.
““What is unacceptable that in this case there was no attempt by the authorities to reach out these young women and prepare them for this wholly unexpected event,” Allan continued….”
I’ll bet they told the muzzie he will be released though.
I say again and again, we are witnessing the rapid erosion of law and order and justice! The ultimate goal? – the Mad Max scenario can be the only conclusion.
Bypassing the simple DNS poisoning method that is most commonly used is very simple: you just change the DNS servers that Cisco, the worldwide leader in IT and networking hardware, was kind enough to provide. Try or safer for sharing (which cannot be easily blocked). In fact, in many cases, OpenDNS may be a better service than your own service provider’s DNS. It is simply tested, but whatever happens in the future, keep that link handy to check if your favorite websites really did just vanish.
Here is a complete current list of free to use public DNS servers, Cisco just has great instructions to make the required changes. I believe they do this intentionally to assist in bypassing government censorship.
G you should avoid getting into the habit of clicking on links in emails
far better you type the address into your browser
I can get Jihadiwatch here fine
which is damn strange cos the council filter here blocks most blogs !
I note the article
“Google has bowed to Muslim pressure and changed its search results to conceal criticism of Islam and jihad.
Search results that Muslim leaders (whose motives Google apparently never questions or investigates) have made sure that sites such as Jihad Watch are buried in search results,”
BUT test searches work fine for me.
The BBC is keeping the fact that one of its past directors is facing disqualification as the Insolvency Service seeks banning orders against the directors of kids company – including one Alan Yentob. Banning him from holding a directorship – or a proxy one where he is in charge in reality but not on paper as well.
They have hidden this away on the business pages not the normal headlines. Those affected are:
Sunetra Devi Atkinson, Erica Jane Bolton, Richard Gordonn Handover, Vincent Gerald O’Brien, Francesca Mary Robinson, Jane Tyler, Andrew Webster and Alan Yentob
“The former chief executive Camila Batmanghelidjh was not formally a director at the time the charity collapsed. However, the proceedings will allege that she acted as a de facto director and should therefore also be disqualified from running or controlling other companies.”
This could effectively end Yentobs career as a TV supremo.
I listened to several news bulletins on R4 yesterday. In each programme the Kids Club story was told, but no mention of a certain stubble faced private lift owning Beeboid. I kept saying ‘What about Yentob?’ to the radio. Surely someone so high up in the Beeb should be mentioned in such a scandal?
#1 “Sunetra Atkinson, ex wife of the entertainer Rowan Atkinson, a former BBC make-up artist”
#2 Erica Bolton is mentioned on BBC website once as the PR contact for a BBC joint arts project
“19 Feb 2015 – Erica Bolton on Notes to Editors. Get Creative, led by the BBC and What Next?”
Yentob seeminly wasted government donation (and maybe BBC donations ?)
“A charity which had raised around £130m, and attracted £30m of government funding, spectacularly collapsed under his watch as chairman – and he did not see it coming.
generated a massive conflict of interest when he rang the BBC’s flagship television investigative programme Newsnight to influence a story about a charity”
(Ian Katz declined to cancel the item)
Not just that, Stew: Yentob stood in full view of the Radio 4 Today studio when one of the team was interviewing Batman’ about the debacle. No pressure intended on the interviewer, of course …
That would be Amol Rajan the Media Editor (late of Editor of Independent) – he was on BBC 1’o’clock news chatting to Rita Chakrabatti. A toss up between the Beeb or Sky with Gamul Fahnbulleh and Gavin Ramjaun.
No doubt as Merkel et al. prepare to dive under the desk for cover, things could not be shaping up better in Germany –
Real risk of direct street warfare looming i.e. civil disorder. It has been brewing for some while and, sooner or later, the lid will be blown off the can of worms proving that the politicians attitude of, ‘what we dictate will happen, will happen whether the public like it or not’ has a ‘shelf-life’. Seen in Sweden also. Which one will be first? any bets?
Ian Botham pledges to give 10,000 Pheasants to the poor, the BBC (always the first to bring up the subject of foodbanks) do they extol the virtues of Sir Ian for doing this? Do they chuff, they’re more worried that birds bred to be shot are being shot (maybe another form of slaughter would be more acceptable?)
Sir Ian Botham, quite possibly one of the last true English heroes and why the BBC hate him.
As a Scot, may I say that Both is a true englishman and a patriot. And he was a pretty damn good cricketer too. England poised now to clinch the Test and Rabada has just gone. Looks like an early tea !
‘Fraid I cannot supply a link to item as, it appears, website is being blocked.
Few international broadcasters are as fastidiously protective of their religion as the BBC is. Fall over themselves supporting a cake-baking nonentity muslim but fail to report fully and honestly (if even reporting at all) when her fellow muslims slaughter other human beings. Let’s interview Nadiya to gather her thoughts of Islamic international terrorism? Nah! Keep her discussing raspberries in Nottingham (or perhaps, ‘blowing’?).
BBC World Service headlines:
This news story should be rather heart warming to the BBC hence reporting fully but, those rather nice muslim chaps in Boko Haram that follow the BBC’s religion, just recently slaughtered 69 in Nigeria – Shame the BBC do not wish to inform their viewing/listening public:
“Nigeria: Muslims ambush oil exploration team, murder at least 69
By Robert Spencer on Jul 30, 2017 07:03 pm
“Experts said the attack — Boko Haram’s bloodiest this year — underscored the persistent threat it poses, despite government claims the group is a spent force.” The Nigerian government also vowed to defeat Boko Haram by the end of 2014. And by the end of 2015. And now it is a spent force that just […]”
Here’s the link to Jihad Watch for those wanting to know what’s really going on in the wonderful world of islam, that Great Faith (according to Treezer – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha).
Can’t decide which is more worthy of pity, sadness, respect or memory – blokes being blown to bits, drowning in mud with rotting corpses or not being legally permitted to bugger other men?
The bbc certainly knows where it’s priorities are.
Don’t these jerks (including the prime jerk @ No 10) realise that all those with differing views on Freedom of Movement, simply confirms that no-one, but no-one has a grip on reality anymore? –
Join with me in singing: “Two wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
Them Cherokees are after me
Flaming spears
Burn my ears But I’m singing a happy song”
This is exactly the gist of why in the old USSR it was impossible to take the regime seriously. Why Solzhenitsen was persecuted and why in the end the USSR collapsed.
It is going to happen here as well. You cannot sustain a lie indefinitely
Guido Fawkes has a clip of BBC R5 live Nicky Campbell interviewing Barbara Keeley who goes by the title of “Labour’s shadow mental health minister”.
During the interview, Nicky Campbell asks about her views on freedom of movement after Brexit and whether she agrees with her leader, Jeremy Corbyn, that it should come to an end. She, of course, made a complete Horlicks of the whole thing and then did a Diane Abbott and lied through her back teeth pretending she thought she was being asked about Jeremy Hunt rather than Jeremy Corbyn. Standard procedure for Labour’s front bench.
But more noticeable, and not commented on, was Nicky Campbell asking the question “but surely without freedom of movement where would we get the 21,000+ workers required; we’d be up the creek without a paddle….”
I’ll tell you where we’d get the workers Nicky – right here in the UK, from the 1000’s of capable individuals more than willing to do the jobs but who were turned down on application in favour of foreigners by the left-wing, liberal HR departments that infect all our public services.
Oh, and while I’m at it, maybe you could resign from your £500,000 a year position at the BBC and let someone far more talented, politically neutral and less greedy do the job.
Why can’t Beeboids see that ‘freedom of movement’ is not all or nothing. Restricting freedom of movement does not mean ending immigration. It will simply be done on an as-required basis using a visa system, just as it is in hundreds of countries throughout the world. Yet we are constantly peddled the lie that it means we won’t have enough workers!
Man tried to smuggle pipe bomb onto plane at Manchester Airport, court hears
Nadeem Muhammed, 43, from Bury, denies possession of explosives with intent to endanger life or property and an alternative charge of possession of explosives under suspicious circumstances
Nadeem Muhammad, 43, was attempting to board a flight to Bergamo, Italy, on January 30 when security officers at found the device, made from batteries, tape, a marker pen and pins.
Jonathan Sandiford, prosecuting, told the trial at Manchester Crown Court that Mr Muhammad, of Tinline Street, Bury, had intended to detonate the device once on board the Ryanair flight.
Maybe it’s a shame this didn’t go off, which would have perhaps shaken the British public out of their torper – oppress them all you like at home, but come between them and their cheap Mediterranean holidays at your peril !
Note how the young man was an ‘equalities officer’ at his university. In theory you would expect him to be the last person to incite racial hatred, that would be akin to a doctor prescribing poison to a patient. ‘Equality’ is too often a newspeak word for race baiter or sh*t stirrer. Such people are unaccountable, unelected and often unreasonable. A doctor would be struck off if he recklessly endangered a patient, but the more misery the better for the equalities industry as their livelihood depends on it – they are free to run amok and nobody dare question them. This young man probably has a career as an ‘activist’ planned, which will involve lots of fun demonstrating, complaining and never having to do a proper day’s work.
His mum apparently is very upset with him and told him off. She has enough to deal with having lost her husband – last year. The brother has ‘form’ to by tweeting equally racist comments, and equally well educated. The Yuni are “investigating” – so why aren’t our boys in blue hot footing to arrest him for a hate crime ? They clearly only arrest caucasions (that’s white if you didn’t understand Maxi !)
Wouldn’t the mostly sensible and cost-effective thing be to tell people to toughen up and ignore it when people call them names? You learn that at primary school. I just had a really rude man have a go at me. I took a few deep breaths, laughed it off then looked at some happy photos of my nephews to lift my mood. Is that so hard? Do we really have the resources to police people’s thoughts like this? And surely if you come from a tough place, as so many immigrants do, then you will have the requisite grit to deal with the very rare occasions when a ‘hate incident ‘ occurs?
The Beeb love to say the Police need more money, but think how much they must waste on PC insanity like this. I have heard their ‘diversity training’ is farcical and clearly is not helping actual crime prevention one iota. The Police should primarily prevent murder, theft, assault and other serious crimes.
The UK’s long history of contact with other nations has not resulted in a more aware, educated population. If anything, we now arguably have, more wilfully uninformed and senselessly jingoistic nationals than we had in the early seventies when I first arrived. British newspapers still maintained serious purpose, so too the broadcasters. Adult Education colleges were run by local authorities, I taught at one in Southwark. Britons had not been dumbed down. Margaret Thatcher started that process (is she saying Mrs Thatcher dumbed down the Nation?) and it carries on. Millions of Brits lack critical thinking and basic knowledge. (but weren’t the same people in the same schools who also voted to Remain?) That’s why so many were easily duped by the Brexit gang and why so many believe immigrants are scroungers, criminals, takers and enemies within.
It really is time we immigrants, settlers, refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants were shown more respect and gratitude for revivifying this nation. – doesn’t settlers mean the people who lived here prior to the whatever wave of immigration we are talking about?
That won’t happen unless we fight more assertively against constant debasement and claim our rightful place. – ‘ claim our rightful place’ – does this apply to the settlers as well as the current immigrants? – this applies both ways, migrants enjoyed a place to develop with fair laws and peace, would the same opportunities have arisen in their place of birth? Were/are there the same opportunities then and now?
If she wants to know where dumbing down started, Yasmin Alibi-for-Brown-Criminals should ask herself which PM advocated ‘Hedyukashun, Hedyukashun, Education’.
Afraid it cannot be ignored … 6.3 million potential viewers sourced from Gary Lineker’s twitter, approved as BBC opinion (possibly against BBC guidelines?) could end up at the New European articles. Gary Lineker has linked to New European regards Rees-Mogg before, thus validating the article as approved by one of BBCs top Earners of £1.7m, from public tax enforced by threat of prison.
As always Mark Steyn has it right, here talking about Dunkirk, something that Jasmin will never understand:
“They won the war, and lost their country anyway. Britain’s new invaders arrive at Dover, and Heathrow and Gatwick, every day of the week, annexing territory and incubating therein the men who run you down on London bridges, and stab you in restaurants, and blow you up at pop concerts, and decapitate you in the streets. A little after mid-century, there’ll still be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover, but the “white British” – ie, the men and women seen in this film – will be a minority in their own islands. Watching Nolan’s Dunkirk, you don’t get, as Conrad Black says, much sense of why the British Expeditionary Force was on the run, but you do a get a sense of how a people who share the same assumptions will share the burdens and sacrifices, too. In a lost Britain, it will not be like that again.”
How about Alibi-Brown showing some respect for the British Empire. After all, if it wasn’t for that her family would never have gone to Africa from India, Idi Amin would never have kicked her out and she might have had a rather more obscure career banging laundry against rocks by the Ganges instead of a rent-a-race-baiter on the BBC.
How the bBC conveniently leaves out History: Russia warns Poland not to touch Soviet WW2 memorials The Russian government has warned Poland that it will face sanctions if it removes monuments glorifying the Soviet victory in World War Two. Last month Poland updated its “de-communisation” legislation, banning “totalitarian” symbols, which would include Soviet propaganda monuments. Now Russian foreign ministry officials have warned of “asymmetric measures” if Poland removes Soviet war monuments….Many Poles viewed the Red Army as an occupation force, not as liberators, as the 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact had carved up Poland between two dictatorships.….The ministry accused Poland of “Russophobia” and of “striving to belittle the USSR’s role as liberator”. In 1943 a Soviet Jewish prisoner-of-war, Lt Alexander Pechersky, led a desperate uprising against the Nazi SS corps by Jewish inmates at Sobibor….”The USSR paid the highest price to liberate Poland – on that country’s soil, in battles with the enemy, more than 600,000 Soviet soldiers and officers died and were buried. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war, who died in Nazi concentration camps, also lie in Polish soil,”
Reading the entire bBC article, the Poles are in the wrong about not recognising the Russian sacrifice, yet the one fact the bBC doesn’t mentions is that 16 days after German invaded Poland from the West, Russia invaded Poland. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention that. Neither does the bBC mention how the all conquering Russian army simply sat on their arses outside Warsaw when the Poles rose up against the Nazis , allowing the Nazis to effectively eradicate the Polish resistance . In other words, If Stalin hadn’t Hitlers back in 1939, the world would be a very different place today. Russia is as much to blame for WW2 as Hitler was, they only changed sides after Hitler stabbed them in the back a few years later.
The bBC, the lying bastards who rewrite history in which to paint black white and white black.
Probably best not to mention Katyn Forest either. Twenty-one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight Polish army officers – some say machine gunned, some say the classic NKVD bullet to back of neck, either way, dead and buried. Discovered by the Germans, who were accused by the Russians, the massacre effectively made the Polish army leaderless, save for Sikorsky – who also disappeared in conveniently mysterious circumstances.
G,W.F – Girls on Wimmins Hour would have loved that one. Was channel hopping today and had to listen a bit when the girls were having a such great time discussing byphobia/transphobia and pansexuality.
I got to say this really is such a great programme and does sterling work raising these important issues which affect us all.
With all these important topics out there and battles to fight ,no wonder they never really have time to discuss the more insignificant issues such as FGM, sharia law and oppression of women or sex abuse of white girls by “asian” men.
Thank God for the BBC!. At least one broadcaster manages to keep its finger on the pulse.
On Friday night they spent about five minutes discussing ‘abuse’ they had received online, really wallowing in victimhood. One way to not get trolled is to not talk a load of bol**cks.
So many SJW videos get slated in the comments on YouTube. If anyone fancies a real laugh watch a video on YouTube called ‘Tuck Trump.’ It is so bad that it is hard to believe it is for real. Last time I looked it had 1000 likes and 100,000 dislikes.
BB – I actually think that much of this avalanche of par boiled, total bollocks. is a filibustering/red herring excercise in that it takes attention away from real issues (such as islamic enriching of our society, EU corruption, stabbings by all of these mentally ill people or PC madness) it also reduces the the amount of air time that is available to broadcast real issues that the BBC does not want to talk about.
I am sure that those who commission such tripe recognise it for the utter irrelevant and profoundly self indulgent shite it truly is. But I expect that many of those who take part in such programmes have probably got degrees in “gender studies” or similair and cant wait for such an opportunity to strut their right on credentials probably in the hopes that they can forge some sort of career from spouting such pathetic, self centered tosh and if they are lucky maybe even a column as the new Laura Penny or Jack (please dont remove any of my girl bits) Monroe.
Biased BBC brexit doom alert!
Featured on bBBC London news- the competition for the new sites of the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority, moving from London after Brexit. What fun to see all those countries in the EU trying to knock seven bells out of each other in order to win the ‘bid’. Ha ha ha.
Doom. Gloom.
Nope. i don’t care either.
If Glaxo or AZ or Shire find some effective new drugs, I guarantee they will be able to sell them across the world. And create 1000+ jobs in the process.
In spite of Brexit and in some cases, because of Brexit !
Yes, gay character Adam spelt it out for anybody slow on the uptake: the Referendum leave vote result seemed to have unleashed racist sentiment, hence the graffiti on the caravans.
But, seriously, why would it? A narrow defeat for Brexit, especially with the suspicion that the vote was fixed, might plausibly have led to outbursts of anger. Instead, Brexit clearly prevailed in spite of everything, so a ‘racist’ (i.e. someone merely sceptical about uncontrolled mass immigration) might reason that there would be fewer Bulgarian crop-pickers in future, if Britain so decided, and thus that the battle was half won … so why scrawl graffiti?
Another tedious example of political indoctrination shoe-horned into Radio 4 was ‘The Infinite Monkey Cage’ (from 16:30). One discussion, about the probability of our reality being merely a simulation by higher beings, might have been interesting but, predictably, it was brought crashing back down to earth: it was suggested that our present world, with Donald Trump as US President, might be a warning simulation, along the lines of what-not-to-do.
In a foreign country a chief of communications has been fired after 10 days in the job . The Toady programme will hyperventilate in the morning . But I won’t be hearing it . I’ll listen to the air con humming . .
Emily nomaits will claim a scalp although she had a love in with scaramuchi
A couple of funnies trim today’s news. Firstly the Hamburg killer says he was a jihadist but the police insist he wasn’t but that he was mentally ill. Surely even the dumbest snowflake can see what is going on when we reach this level of absurdity.
Then a news report from the commemoration in Flanders said that in the battle of Passchendaele there were 500000 VICTIMS , not dead or wounded or casualties or missing in action, but victims. It seems that the word victims is now the in word and can be used for just about every situation. I suppose that in mind of the liberal left journalist all the casualties of the entire First World War were indeed victims of capitalism or the Tories or some other sinister force. Indeed the left seem to regard everyone as a victim of something or someone. If the ‘ victim’ isn’t presently aware that they are a victim , the we can rely on the BBC to raise their awareness of being so and then turn them into demonstrators and rioters.
Because the BBC is a bit like the alpha dog for Brit TV channels, it sets the tone of how the others behave. It creates the stars the other channels like to poach. It sets the market value on those stars. The BBC is in a position to be churning out new stars and programme makers on a regular basis and yet it doesn’t. So not only does the BBC have a slow turnover of staff, the others do too. Like many people who are too secure of their position, they start to think that they’re special. They think ’cause I’m worth it’, where in fact they’re just the result of a very small pool. This arrogance comes out in their behaviour and their attitude to the public. No need for them to consider the different sides of their captive audience. They don’t produce programmes for climate sceptics or Tories or Jews or anyone who wants to watch something upbeat for a change.
Their soaps in particular are unrelentingly miserable and dystopian. They revel in the worst of society and then treat the public as if we are all like that. They fall for their own propaganda. Sure, they love historical drama, with the stories of cruel masters abusing innocent little peasants. They see the modern workplace in much the same way, so businesses are automatically the bad guy and unavoidably dirty businesses, doubly so. They don’t even show many of the US TV shows and there is plenty of evidence that there is an audience for them. In fact, off hand I can’t think of a single show. They were keen on antisocial US cartoons, no doubt as another sneer at law abiding middle classes but it turned out that their Mini-Me rivals wanted the cartoons more.
The BBC is now so confident of its position that it barely conceals how much it loves itself and hates its audience. Things like Glastonbury become equivalent to a staff bonding week, so much so that because Glasto isn’t running next year the BBC is going to host its own festival. What? Are there no other music festivals they could attend? Or are the others just not luvvy enough? Might Jeremy Corbyn not go? He’s such a nice guy, promising to give loads of the nation’s money away.
I’m fed up of the BBC’s constant message that the British are awful and owe the World massive reparation. Listen to the BBC and you’ll hear that everything is our fault. Muslims murder Muslims and it’s our fault. Dictators pillage their own countries and it’s our fault. Climate Change is our fault, right back to the Industrial Revolution. Whenever we do something the BBC approves of it’s always ‘too little, too late’. The BBC is dribbling with excitement that Brexit will be a failure, to show conclusively that everything is OUR fault. Not the EU’s fault at all. No, it’s not like they are trying to form a super state with zero mandate. It’s not like the EU isn’t inventing every reason under the sun to relieve the gullible British of every penny we’ve got. It’s not like the EU hasn’t made Europe a defenceless, spineless morsel for anyone to prey on. No, it’s just our chickens coming home to roost that are endangering our stability. If the BBC staff had behaved the way they do now, during the two World Wars, they’d have been shot for treason and be reviled for cowardice. Lord Haw Haw could have been the Lord Hall of the day.
I don’t care that the BBC produces some decent programmes, I loath paying for a bunch of people who so openly urinate on us.
Al B Beeb’s continuous negative and false reporting of the economy pre. Brexit must have a detrimental effect on the opinion of potential investors in this great country.
It is as if they deliberately want it to fail.
Why hasn’t the government done something about it?
Anyway, we are still getting out. See the HYS and do your damnedest.
Up and coming meat scandal – Halal is positive religious/employment discrimination (Muslim must do slaughtering/reciting pray only) and to be Sharia financed (Which possibly goes to fund terrorism) is a Worldwide concern.
European Court of Auditors – JOURNAL11_07_EN – page 63 | {halal search}
Companies which derive significant income from defence and munitions, from adult entertainment or gambling are not permitted (Haram), nor are the production and consumption of alcohol and non halal food. (See the introduction of Sharia, using food and finance to stop/reduce alcohol and introduce Muslim only practices)
Brazil is the largest exporter of halal food to the Muslim world and is concerned about a new trend. It is no longer sufficient (Muslims demand!) for many Muslims just to know that the animals were slaughtered according to the rule. They actually want to be sure that the entire food process is halal (Positive employment discrimination/Sharia compliant) and they want to know how it was financed. (Muslim only banking systems) By and large, most of the financing is done conventionally and Brazil is anticipating that there will be a change and is looking at issuing corporate sukūk (Islamic bonds) raising finances in a Sharī`ah compliant way (Islamic bonds/Saudi Arabia and Iran benefit).
There is an opportunity for islamic finance to grow further. (This is only the beginning … once one demand is met, there will be others…)
– you can see the direction of travel in the above paragraphs, the demands, the introduction of Sharia compliance, the word Sharia no longer limited to beheadings, stoning and reducing a woman’s testimony. Sharia is now food and finance and capitalism – so it must be OK.
JK Rowling apologises over Trump disabled boy tweets
Ha bloody ha!
Can we have a petition to get her to apologise to Trump?
She’ll get a kicking from her own side ~cos altho many disabled are comfortable with the word, the PC brigade prefer something like “differently abled”so not imply they are inferior.
The BBc report ended
“Mr Trump is said to have shaken* the boy’s hand as the president entered the room.
* Ms Weer wrote on Facebook:
“If someone can please get a message to JK Rowling: Trump didn’t snub my son & Monty wasn’t even trying to shake his hand.” *
She also said her son was not all that keen on shaking hands anyway.
Rowling has deleted her initial tweets on the subject.
* Strange choice of words, as if that is disputed when witnesses all accept it as fact.
Rowling tweeted “I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly.”
No you didn’t Rowling… you clearly projected your own hatred of Trump – just like the BBC do.
Projection is when you project your own BAD behaviour onto others, in the way you describe them.
So when she shouts that ‘Trump behaves in an arrogant, intolerant and bigotted way’
…that actually describes her own behaviour.
JK Rowling has 11.4 Million Twitter followers and the backing of the BBC in everything she does. This is enough to carefully watch her because like Gary “£1.7m TV Tax + BT Sport + Crisp Adverts” Lineker, she has the ear of the young and impressionable.
She talks as though she knows best …
I’ll use my influence whatever way I want. This country needs to be freed of fascists on both right and left.J.K. Rowling added, – 3K Likes
(reply) – left wing fascism isn’t a thing
I'll use my influence whatever way I want. This country needs to be freed of fascists on both right and left.
Reports are saying that UK courts prevent Blair being tried for war crimes. Surely there must be some leftist lawyer wanting to milk the public purse and to appeal this judgement on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Middle East victims , in the true sense of the word, of Blair’s illegal wars. Imagine if Lady T had done anything remotely similar to Blair, the BBC would have been like a dog with a bone , the Guardian would have carried at least one article about these horrendous crimes against humanity every day for a decade, we would have had the likes of Chakribahti and Ali Brown going apoplectic on every TV show imaginable, endless Labour MPs putting down questions in the HoC, silly Farron wetting himself, endless demos probably descending into riots and citing police brutality as provocation . But it’s Blair so it is allowed to pass with hardly a ripple. Bias, double standards , just the liberal left establishment looking after its main piece of dog excrement.
Blair must face justice {}
This site offers a reward to people attempting a peaceful citizen’s arrest of the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, for crimes against peace. Anyone attempting an arrest which meets the rules laid down here will be entitled to one quarter of the money collected at the time of his or her application.
Sadly, the only one of Bliar’s crimes that the BBC is interested in is the invasion of Iraq. In the greater scheme of things his far more damaging act of treason was the wholesale importation of millions of incompatible invaders – and the BBC will never attack the charlatan for that.
Yes GC, which ties in with another new thread on this site.
“The-clearest-possible-threat-to-our-society …etc.”
The Blairites continue with their groupthink.
The politicians march on in cowardice.
Their ultimate personal aims are fat EU type pensions (plenty of examples of this).
Splitting up the UK, setting up the Supreme Court, stuffing the House of Lords with his mates, giving up English Common (sense) Law in favour of lawyer ‘gravy train’ ECHR-driven foreign law etc. etc. spawning Brown, Cameron and May, (also clones Trudeau and Macron!).
Al Beeb broadcast a documentary on r4 about the counter radicalisation strategy – Contest. Can you guess the example they spent the first 5 of 30 minutes talking about and too? Yes friends – a white right wing extremist who was successfully reprogrammed to be less patriotic . So, as the blood pressure rose I thought I’d start counting key words like Islam, Isis, Muslim, mosque and imam, neither the Koran nor maddras was mentioned. Nor any of the attacks by Muslims.
Al Beeb gave a voice to some mad wahabi who rubbished Contest and said it was being used to spy on the community. Probably true in the case of non Muslims.
In short it was a standard piece of tick box to support the al Beeb bias and , I thought, was a bloody insult to the victims. Shameful
@Fedup you used the wrong word; it’s not “Contest”
Prevent’s de-radicalisation programme is called *Channel*
As you said they found the 1% of people caught up in what they described as EDF and EDL bombmaking*
and ignored that majority of violent radicals are Islamic
* Also a bit strange cos although EDL might have some vandals I am not aware of them being bombers, just there was a wacky soldier who once attended an EDL rally who was found to have a nail bomb in his house.
Whereas Muslims bombers were jailed cos of a plan to attack an EDL rally
Thanks Stew – what ever the name for it everyone knows it’s just peeing in the wind. Blighty has merrily imported so much of this rubbish that we are overwhelmed by their hate. I suppose diverting on 14 year old either watch beheadings or looking at porn might help but it’s nothing compared to the mosques and maddrases pumping out the hate .
I wish I hadn’t wasted a half hour listening to al Beeb or indeed writing about it.
Toady this morning was attempting to give British Gas a grilling (ho ho) over its latest pricing scandal. When the hapless chump from Centrica tried to excuse his company’s greed by pointing to the government’s role in causing price rises, Robinson conspicuously failed to ask him what he meant by this.
Now, why on earth would the BBC avoid an opportunity to attack the gummint? It was because Robinson and his producer knew full well that what Mr Centrica was referring to was the raft of ‘Green’ insanity, which keeps the UK’s energy prices sky high. And nothing – nothing – can be allowed to challenge ‘Green’ politics on the BBC. Even the prospect of little old ladies freezing to death.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Remember Star Trek when Mr Spock confronted with some new strange and alien phenomenon used to arch an eyebrow and exclaim ‘fascinating’
Well this morning on BBC London News our news anchor Asad Ahmad brings us the headline that testing at the point of new registration with a GP in the borough of Hackney has increased HIV diagnosis by four.
Our second headline tells us of a new initiative in London schools to help protect children from involvement in gangs.
‘Fascinating’ – but this seems to be a rather one-dimentional BBC take on the issues. The BBC habitually tends to look at issues from a ‘supply side’ point of view. Would these problems not be better tackled by an open discussion of why it is that HIV and youth gang activity are on the increase in our capital?
Perhaps the BBC ought to act less like a public sector notice board and more like a general public news source.
Crybaby, libtard, hissy fit level – BBC
Click to see fully extended temper-tantrum.
Hopefully that will be the end of his career.
Oh dear. Look at some of those responses. Their idiocy knows no bounds. They really just don’t get it do they! All of those negatives they attribute to “Brexit” (no NHS, housing crisis, rising food prices etc etc) can ALL be blamed on mass immigration. Are they truly that thick? It’s simple mathematics, supply and demand. When demand is huge supplies run out. Go figure! Total fucking idiots.
You hum it, Mitch… the BBC will play it all week.
2. … I have to suck up living in a shit country *for the rest of my life* just because you don’t like Belgians.
N o he doesnt even if it did pan out like that, there wouldnt be any national mourning, if he simply fucked off now, he and 23,000 of his colleagues, they produce no wealth to/for the country, they are infact the opposite, they suck wealth, parasites in the true dictionary sense…………..just shut up and fuck off
What jumps out at you is their group-think cowardness, no more wars etc, now you see why they appease their muslim brothers, like piers morgan, the fear of reprisal, when tommy held a book up, he shit himself.
“I have to suck up living in a shit country *for the rest of my life* just because you don’t like Belgians.”
Belgians? Really not the problem but two things come to mind…
1) No you don’t HAVE to suck up living in a “shit” country. If you don’t like it here fek off!
2)”for the rest of my life” ….oh well it might be a lot shorter than you think if the ROPers get their way!
There are a lot of people with Belgian passorts who I don’t want coming here. Has this brain dead left wing fucktard never heard of Molenbeek?
Wasn’t Mitch Benn one of the white men who was replaced by affirmative action hires on the Now Show? He is so stupid that he is happy to let politically correct leftists take his job away, and he does not dare to defend himself. He is the sort of useless, self-hating cuckold who will be the death of Britain.
I suspect he is desperately trying to prove his ‘right on’ ie pro remain credentials so that he is offered another job by the BBC.
Well he’s holding out a begging bowl . . errrr, I mean he’s set up a Patreon account, so I expect he’s hoping Leave voters will send him some of their parent’s money.
Like most R4 ‘comedians’, I can’t imagine there are any other organisations that’d employ him.
Poor Mitch clearly stayed at the BBC too long.
He could be quite funny and clever in 2004 etc, when Blairworld was all that the BBC knew.
But once they`d lost the election in 2010, it`s been nothing but bile.
His sense of humour probably disappeared when he could only live off BBC cheques.
Jeremy Hardy would be a similar case of replacing any efforts at finesse or compassion with material that only made him pathetically reliant on the Left Herd for his kudos. Very sad.
Day 13 … BBC Tax Payers ask the BBC to help itself by creating a Kickstarter project.
Donate £1
I wish to donate a token amount to say when my TV License renews I will not pay it.
Donate £10
I wish to donate money to support the funding of a lawyer to help with court cases against those not paying their license.
Donate £145
I wish to donate the equivalent TV License/Tax to remove the unique way the BBC is funded, which has lead to unequal pay in workers and the 71 genders, and has aided people such as Jimmy Savile which I find wrong.
Donate £1000
I work for the BBC on £80K or more and don’t want my wages to be sourced from a tax forced onto the public by threat of prison and backed by the Government.
Donate £1million
To give back to those families in prison or being prosecuted for paying my wages.
By starting this BBC TV Tax Kickstarter project, it will hopefully resolve some short comings within the BBC:
To keep giving frauds a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political. {biasedbbc post}
All money raised will be used to pay for Lawyers to stop people going to prison or court for not paying the BBC TV Tax and to help those who have already been affected.
A bit late with this post, but I want to mention something quite concerning that I heard on BBC’s Broadcasting House yesterday morning. Starting at about 47 mins:
Reviewing the Sunday papers – former top cop Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, free speech advocate Ella Whelan and screenwriter Gareth McLean.
Hogan-Howe we are all familiar with, and I doubt there are many here with much respect for him. Ella Whelan writes for Spiked and seems quite sound. But it’s something that Gareth McLean said that pissed me off, and the fact that he has significant influence at the BBC and The Guardian and his views are probably very typical there that is concerning.
Here is the exchange with Paddy O’Connell that I am referring to:
PO: “Ella Whelan, where would you like to begin?”
EW: “Let’s start with the news about this Cambridge student officer who’s got into trouble for a tweet. His name is Jason Okundaye, he runs the black and minority ethnic society at Cambridge University. Following the riots and the protests in Dalston, over the death of Rashan Charles, he sent out a tweet which if I can just read a bit from it said “all white people are racist, white middle-class people, white working class people, white men, white women, white gays, white children” and for that tweet and several others along those lines he’s now being investigated by the University, which it’s an open case obviously, but the point is it’s a silly tweet in my opinion, it might be wrong, but to be investigated for it seems to me a bit of an overstep, a bit strange actually.”
PO: “It is wrong isn’t it? Because all white people are not racist. That’s a racist remark”.
GM: “Well, it’s ..”
EW: “It annoys me when we get into this like ‘racist’ to and fro thing, where quite a ridiculous statement this is, quite overblown, and he should just be jibed at and laughed at for saying such a stupid thing, but whether he should be investigated for racism is a quite another matter”.
GM: “I think it’s not a racist tweet. It’s a prejudiced tweet perhaps. But racism is prejudice backed up by the systematic, sort of thousands of years of like institutional oppression, so it’s not a racist. It’s not a racist tweet, it’s prejudiced, it’s silly, it’s daft, and there might be an element of truth in it, who knows we can’t see our own prejudices, unconscious bias is a massive thing. I like how gays get their own separate clause in this sentence though”.
BHH: “I think everyone would accept that they’re prejudiced, we all have prejudices we have things that we can’t justify, things we have feelings about, and he could probably have got away with saying that. But even if it’s the wrong thing, I don’t think it’s a crime. The question for the University or students union is whether it’s a discipline issue, because I don’t know what his role is and whether it’s outside his role. I suppose at times like these, because this was following the disorder in Hackney, you always want people to make measured statements and not things that are going to aggravate things. I don’t know the context in which he said it, it might not have been to that point it might have been something else.
EW: “It was in response to the riots, and I think the main thing just from that is I think he’s very wrong that dividing, kind of hyper-racialising this issue in terms of the community he’s talking not just about the police but about people in that area. Completely ridiculous but for the University to investigate him, I think that’s infringing on his free speech”.
Now what sort of idiot gets to redefine ‘racism’ like that? It won’t come as a surprise to know that Mr McLean works for the BBC and The Guardian, he is one of the guys behind ‘Gay Britannia’. I bet his views are shared by many more at the BBC, maybe even the majority. Needless to say, such is the groupthink there, he had a rant about Brexit too.
There’s something quite satisfying about the white, bourgeois, bohemian, metro, trendy, sandal-wearing, Guardian-reading, limp-wristed, Champagne Socialist bed-wetters, that inhabit Dalston, getting up close and personal with some real diversity.
Regarding the insufferably stupid and manifestly wrong remarks of GM highlighted above (in bold font), the girlish giggle he made at the end of it was nearly as objectionable! He’s a queer fish, and somebody I’d previously not come across (mercifully).
It’s the hypocrisy of the faux outrge when a poli in a meeting accidentally dropped the N-word
against the slow deliberate racism of the Cambridge black guy
Isn`t our Cambridge bunny yet another black privilege tosser like Dianne Abbott and her son(who to be fair is not as corrupt as Prescott,Kinnock, Straw, Corbyn , Gould etc)?
Didn`t this Cambridge poseur go to a top private boarding school? Who else to tell the rest of us that we`ve oppressed him?
When kids like this get away with this, then we`ll get real trouble very soon.
hey @Bonn1eGreer was on @BBCRadio4 #BBCBH as well !
A woman from Devon says ‘n**ger in w woodpile’ in a context which was in no way confrontational, whilst this man openly and successfully incites riots and racial hatred? The Beeb are all over the innocuous comment about Brexit which led to no racist acts whilst this man is given a free pass, although parts of London has burned, people have been assaulted and our Police’s job has been made even harder?
Racism is about judging people by the colour of their skin and not the content of their character; all this ‘prejudice plus power’ is more lefty nonsense to give a free pass to their favoured groups. Equality means we should all be judged by the same standards. W white man would be in prison for saying what he said.
It is also implicitly racist to say that he cannot be expected to behave decently because he is not white. Of course he should.
Will Sadiq Khan ask the London police for police car designs for Al Quds day parade next year just like Gay Pride? If you want to treat everyone equal, and support all groups, it’s only fair. Also need ones for Eid and EDL.
“Policing with pride. The LGBT car is getting lots of attention and positive comments.”
Is that a real Police car on active duty??? Hope so ….
It really is!! The vehicle will be out on patrol in the gay village, Manchester City Centre tonight….
This car connects to public & is priceless in the message it sends out, ‘together we are insurrmountable’.BRILL
* Sadiq Khan was asked to deny Al Quds protest but did not
* Jeremy Corbyn appears and supports these rallies
* In Pakistan (Sadiq Khan’s parents country) they celebrate Al Quds {google images} seriously
‘Let’s End Hate Crime:Report It’ – hate is not a crime. If I HATE this colour scheme on the Gay Pride Police Car and the way the police are spending tax payers money, is it a CRIME?
hate – Feel intense dislike for. Intense dislike.
“synonyms: loathe, detest, dislike greatly, abhor, abominate, despise, execrate, feel aversion towards, feel revulsion towards, feel hostile towards, be repelled by, be revolted by, regard with disgust, not be able to bear/stand, be unable to stomach, find intolerable, shudder at, recoil from, shrink from;”
Murder is a crime. Unprovoked physical violence is a crime. Stealing is a crime.
Dear Police, you need to define what ‘Hate Crime’ is on the car so we are clear … the above crimes are very clear. If I Hate your car colour scheme, the waste money and the fact that you choose Gary Pride over other causes (Eid/EDL/Al Quds/Muslim Anti-Democracy Marches) – is that a ‘Hate Crime’?
* just noticed that hate crime was mentioned and felt I needed to find clarification.
Hate crime is thought crime – the state should not Police people’s opinions or we have tyranny.
Repeatedly abusing someone constitutes harassment which is a crime, as is physical assault. But you must be free to hate whatever you want. Without standards and expectations we are nothing.
Hate Crime What is it? {}
A Hate Incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someones prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.
If you, or anyone you know, has been called names, been bullied or had anything happen to them that you think may be because of one of these factors, then you should report this as a hate incident. Even if you don’t want the incident to be investigated, it is important that the police know about it, so that they can build up a picture of how many incidents are happening and where. This information can help police investigating other hate incidents.
Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but those that do become hate crimes. The Association of Chief Police Officers and the CPS have agreed a common definition of hate crime: “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
perceived – become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. Interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way.
– not all hate crimes are hate crimes, so when we see statistics we should ask what are the incidents and what are the crimes
– when does a perceived turn into an actual?
– ‘There is no statutory definition of a homophobic or transphobic incident. However, when prosecuting such cases …‘ … no definition? Doesn’t one get built up with each case?
– Huge rise in hate crime across London, new figures reveal: … Charities warn ‘toxic language’ of Brexit debate is to blame for increases as high as 216 per cent { mar2017}
– So the Independent article is wrong – as there are hate incidents and hate (serious) crimes and should be separated as such. And broken down by type of incident. Was there a campaign to make it easier to report incidents? How many incidents turned into crimes? Very misleading, as hate crimes might have gone down but incidents gone up.
They seem to like and enjoy “crime”. But if it`s in any way allocated an adjective like “hate” or “thought”…then somehow this is not enjoiyed in the same way.
The more crime they can garner-the more jobs, mitherings and counsellors on fat salaries for themselves.
We manufacture nothing but grievance and offence now, and we therefore have no supporting economy in anything but therapeutic new age synthetic indolence.
Maybe if we learn sand sculpture for Islam to come-we might create a few jobs, because Islam will make soap out of these lefty idiots.
Let’s celebrate diversity as long as it isn’t diversity of thought.
On the one hundredth anniversary of Wipers 3 – in which my grandfathers regular battalion took part al Beeb is broadcasting a docmentary about Paki/India partition. That outfit really has lost it. I’m not looking any further for their output today. I’m sure any they put out will have a gay Muslim multicultural German on it.
Those tommys who died for their country would never believe what has been allowed to happen to it.
As I posted at the end of the last open thread. Mr D’s grandfather was killed at Passchendale. He started to watch yesterday’s ever so politically correct coverage of the remembrance event on BBC2 and felt so angry that his grandfather had given his life to enable Britain to become what it has, he switched off.
I remember watching the coverage for the last big occasion on the D Day landings a couple of years back. Breakfast Louis Minchin mentioned her Gt Uncle was a military officer who died at that time, her sofa colleague Naga M didn’t respond, she couldn’t, her upbringing and family are from Ethiopia. And that’s the thing, the migrants – whether first or 3rd generation have no history here to speak of, apart from when they started to arrive here from the 1950’s onwards. Another couple of generations and Remembrance Day will become a distant memory by the few who will be old enough to remember it.
Anybody with any connection to the appalling death count in WW1 surely wonders what the hell their sacrifice has now ended up as.
All it did was to give Ben Elton and Richard Curtis their pernicious influence in our popular culture, and allow our teachers to peddle the party line.
Ah well- the Ottoman Empire might merit a quick look before Erdogan turns South East Europe into his Eurabian Caliphate.
More car crash radio on the TOADY Programme this morning. Where is Richard Dawkins when you really need him? TODAY only use him to bash Brexit & Christians & the Church of England. I think he should be used to stimulate some thinking and memory at the BBC, especially in News & Current Affairs.
He’s not available to join up the dots on …
> A drastic reduction in numbers of Traffic Police on Britain’s ‘vast’ road network v. all the new crimes & service requirements that our Forces have to deal with
> ‘Probleme du jour’ of vehicle emissions & air quality v. closing streets for children to play outdoors
> Recruiting 21,000 workers for NHS Mental Health services (where will they all come from?) v. Artificial Intelligence & self-driving cars & robotics making half the workforce redundant
> Massive increase in people, especially children, needing those NHS Mental Health services v. merely asking why and identifying the cause in order to remove that?
> A lack of cheap childcare to enable 1.3m extra women into the workforce v. at least two if not three or perhaps all of the above
> The loss of 1000 jobs in London when two EU agencies move to mainland Europe & all the 40,000 visits to those London-based agencies v. overcrowded Heathrow & London Docklands, extra traffic congestion & pollution
> Researchers say GP surgeries should give many more people (expensive) HIV tests v. the NHS doesn’t have enough money, especially when it wants to recruit 21,000 more workers for mental health services
I could go on but that is more than enough. Judging from what ‘colleagues’ on here post concerning the News & Current Affairs TV output, when combined with the radio that I hear, then I reckon it is in a serious state of decline and definitely not worth the vast salaries paid.
Time for substantial cuts in executive pay to concentrate some minds?
Yes, has anyone actually proved that 40,000 people die each year because of diesel emissions? This figure now seems to be treated as gospel by the BBC and others and I suspect that it’s some sort of guess (at best).
Julia Hartley Brewer on Any Questions did explain how the 40,000 had been reached. It was some sort of average and actually meant that we all would lose about 30 days of our lives, which as Julia said, if they were in a care home in our 90s might be a blessing. Needless to say Dimbleby then allowed Labour MP Barry Gardener (don’t know the man but he sounded very wet and I think is Labour’s spokesman for environment) to refute Julia’s explanation.
Barry Gardener said “It’s 40,000 people each dying 8.5 years early”
Which is factually incorrect
JHB pointed out the correct thing that’s its an EQUIVALENT lives lost by adding up the lost days of 65 million people. Some people might be losing 100 days some 5, the margins of error are huge.
BBC should know this cos they explained it Dec 2016
Barry Gardener sounds very wet , but looks and acts very angry and when ive seen him he has a very aggressive manner and mannerisms
and his strange creepy voice sets my spidy sense off all distrustful everytime I hear him.
He is the kind who if you met him in a pub you should be watching your back and keeping one eye on his actions.
I would not trust this man with anything , ever ever
No death certificate states air pollution as the cause of death. These claims are seated on the misuse of statistics and the output of dodgy models where GIGO applies. It is all conjecture and does not withstand serious scrutiny
Air pollution is far less today than it was 60 years ago when we had the infamous London Smog. The idea that air pollution levels today is a problem does not stack up, and most medical research has been found to be difficult to replicate. That is why one week one is told that butter is bad, the next it is good, ditto wine, ditto high fat diets, low carbohydrate diets, statins, MMR vacines etc. The list goes on and on.
One should take any medical research with a pinch of salt, especially when money is involved as is the case with the push for green environmentalism.
The Sage, yes and no. The ONS has published its annual survey of avoidable deaths in England & Wales for 2015, earlier this year. Note that it is not for the whole UK and other causes are lumped in with auto & aero-engine and industrial emissions. Those for respiratory deaths – remember: all causes – are reckoned to be just under 26% per 100,000. The figure has increased slightly having fallen in some of the years before 2014, primarily having increased in Wales. (I wonder if exceptionally wet weather is a factor there?) If my maths is correct, and assuming similar outcomes in Scotland and Northern Ireland, that appears to indicate a number of 16,900 for the UK as a whole.
I don’t trust my maths, so here’s the link and perhaps you would be kind enough to check it.
What is interesting is that it took me about five to ten minutes or so of determined searching via computer to come up with that ONS report.
Why has the BBC not put in that effort?
Two other warnings. There is another complication. If I recall correctly, on avoidable mortality and respiratory deaths, some of the cardiovascular (heart) and ischaemic (blood circulation) deaths are cross-attributed to vehicle pollution. In addition, avoidable mortality changes as new treatments are proved successful. I have only skim-read the report but it seems definitions and inclusions and exclusions change, year to year.
It will be interesting to see in 2016 & 2017 whether the upgrading of the UK private car fleet (if sales figures are correct – it is now at its newest and ‘greenest’ and cleanest ever, especially post VW scandal) pushes the England figure down further. It will also be interesting in view of the increasing road mileage that has occurred in the last two years. Prior to that UK road mileage (all vehicles) had not recovered from the 2007-2009 crash and recession.
Finally, my memory of BBC’s N&CA reports is that in the UK overall, deaths from respiratory disease attributable to traffic emissions (all vehicles) reached an all time high of over c.30,000 many years ago and have consistently fallen both because of improvements to IC powered vehicles, increases in cycling and the effects of economic downturns and recessions reducing national road mileage.
Up2 I think you are mistaken : Traffic pollution appears on approximately ZERO death certificates as cause of death.
It may be a contributory factor in some
Just watch the above video Frew and Spiegelhalter explain
Your link is dead, try this corrected one.
Note it doesn’t mention traffic or air pollution never mind diesel.
You also put a % sign where there wasn’t one
“The largest change was in respiratory diseases, which increased from 24 deaths per 100,000 population to 26 deaths as a result of 1,374 more deaths in 2015.”
2 points = 1374 so 26 points =
BTW That means all respiratory diseases = 17862
Stew, you are right. It does not appear on Death Certs but we know that a lot of causes do not appear there. Remember lead in petrol? Asbestos? Seat belts including compulsory ones? There are others.
Sorry for missing the end bit of the link.
Thanks for the maths check. What figure were you using for the UK population?
I don’t think lead in petrol ever killed anybody, though it may have had some harmful effects.
The BBC has got its left wing knickers in a twist over pollution caused by cars, because they hate the freedom cars give. Apparently, the pollution caused by buses does not count.
In the 1950s the buildings were black with soot, pea souper smogs were a reality, and everybody smoked. That was pollution. There is nothing now to compare to that, but leftists can never accept that things have got better, they always need a new cause to fight.
I didn’t use a fig for popn I just used the ONS figs
They said the rate of deaths moved from 24 to 26 meant 1,374 more deaths in 2015.”
2 points = 1374
so 26 points = 13 x 1374 = 17,862
and that’s for s all respiratory diseases across England/Wales
The main cause of death does appear on death certs and that includes asbestos related mesothelioma. “Mortality rates for mesothelioma are projected to fall to 3 deaths per 100,000 people by 2035.”
Never mind, Stew, our numbers were close and at least between us we have demonstrated that maybe the claim that there are 40,000 deaths per year in the UK due to N²O pollution, let alone N²O and CO², is a wee bit excessive.
No they are not close
cos my stats for UK pollution deaths are almost zero
There are people with respiratory problems from things like infections, which maybe exacerbated by local air pollution
Such that they would live dozens of days longer were they living in clean air.
No one dies from excess Co2 of course, it’s presence in the atmosphere is nowhere near dangerous levels.
Stew, 16,900 and 17,862 for all avoidable respiratory deaths ARE CLOSE (medically, less than 1000 in nearly 20,000) especially when set against the claimed 40,000 deaths trumpeted by campaigners, mentalist-enviros and MPs and then lazily misreported as FakeNews by the BBC.
I don’t think near-zero deaths from pollution is a viable claim, especially with reference to the history & geography of UK life expectancy, let alone elsewhere in the world. I have heard people from Royal College of Surgeons and/or GMC speak on this subject and they felt that under 30,000 might be an acceptable figure for people troubled (but not killed) by dirty air.
What we have established is that the ONS has a figure much lower than that currently claimed for air road pollution deaths.
BTW here’s a primer on air pollution ststs etc.
Thanks for that. Think I have come across ‘Energy Matters’ before but had not seen that particular Blog. Euan Mearns growing up in Kirriemuir reminds me of this: and the obvious contrast between the two.
BTW, PM2.5s are tiny. The Environment Agency (and I assume the TRL also) are also interested in PM10s & 20s, some of which can also be found in distillate (petrol) fuels as well as oil fuels and from other sources such as tyres.
Artificial Intelligence & self-driving cars & robotics making half the workforce redundant, hmmmm remind me again what all the immigrants are for?
Was that Justin Webb getting stuck in the dock by Sarah Montague this morning?
Poor phone line and all his morality getting filtered through Dawkins muslim socks?
If so, seems all Sarah wanted was for our prelate to bemoan a divided nation in need of staying in the EU, as all good liberals on the BBC requires.
My point?…as long as Welby stays in the dock and agrees to nail us to the Remoaners planks, then he can get on the radio again. Dawkins is the REAL BBC Bishop and final arbiter.
But not in regard of islam of course. He`d not be qualified for that one.
Muslin socks!
Now, there’s a thing.
Just right for hot summer weather.
With or without sandals.
Justin Webb looks like a sandals and socks sort of person.
Few have noticed, few really care. There is a war in progress with islam in all Western countries apart from those sensible ones like the Visegrad Four who simply keep islam out. The powerful islamic states have been plotting and financing the war for decades if not centuries but now, they feel it time to mount the big push worldwide hence the dramatic increase in international terror. You have to, at the very least, admire the coordination of billions to achieve this. The ‘phoney war’ is coming to an end: the muslims have tested every countries legal system and have concluded that is it utterly weak and islamically pliable. For the immediate future every effort will be made by muslims all over the world to now go all-out for complete domination. Just for a nudge in the right direction –
Re-writing history? right up the BBC’s street.
G, interesting post. “The ‘phoney war’ is coming to an end: the muslims have tested every countries legal system”. They have also tested our financial system and found it wanting. 😉
Don’t forget the food route with Halal, a costly burden on prisons, society and the victims paying taxes for the upkeep … “Although, at the time of our visits four out of sixteen prisons were unable to store halal meats separately from other meat, measures had been taken to avoid cross contamination. At 11 prisons equipment for the production of Muslim food, such as knives and cutting boards, and cooking pots and pans, was not separately labelled.(doubles amount of equipment and production time) {HM Prison Service – Serving Time: Prisoner Diet and Exercise – mar2006}”
– Halal promotes a Muslim World view
– Halal creates jobs for Muslims only (positive employment discrimination)
– Halal creates jobs for the Muslim religion (positive religious discrimination)
– Halal cannot be mixed with pork (animal discrimination)
– Halal is Sharia compliant (makes Islamic Sharia acceptable)
Halal as in the above situation creates more work and cost for the prison service, thus the tax payer and possibly the victim has to foot the bill.
Halal is Kryptonite! {biasedbbc post}
G – Am thinking of applying for asylum in one of the Visegrad countries as an embattled member of a minority oppressed on many counts: hideously white, middle class, middle aged, male, heterosexual, patriotic, conservative, in work, and sort-of Christian. My country hates me for all the above reasons, and the beebistan continuously commit hate speech against me and incite others to hate crimes.
“Normality” in context. –
The Visegrad 4 are net recipients of EU handouts. We’ll see if they toe the line.
BBc Breakfast and it’s another one of “those” stories that they have done before. Children playing on the streets. I know they did this a while back. This time in a multi culture Street in Bristol? How lovely. It helps neighbours get closer. Well I have a particular dislike for my neighbours. Before the paedophile who was living here got jailed they were all best mates with him and sided with him when I had a standoff with him in the Street. Of course once he had been jailed for the attempted rape of another neighbours 14 year old daughter suddenly no one was his mate and apparently they never were. It’s nice to see as well that these residents in the story don’t have to move their cars to go to work which is just as well as they have coned off and put a big “Road closed” sign up. I wonder what happens when someone’s property gets damaged. My ex neighbour revealed a story of how he came out the house to find two kids on his drive throwing stones at his car. I caught two of them on his drive but waving fence slats around that had come off our fence with the nails still in them right next to our cars. Any of those types of comments mentioned ? No of course not everything is fluffy loverly in sofa land.
“What can be done?” (para. 18) – Simple: clear off back to where you come from and/or feel comfortable with, with your pious crap.
It’s nice that Jez has found an outlet for when the Graun is a bit beebed out.
Quick link back to Sunday’s Posts
True value of the BBC, for less than the price of the Sun each day (Polly Toynbee). An excellent comparison on content and price, but I can choose not to buy the Sun.
The BBC have a prison cell waiting for me if I choose NOT to pay for the BBC content, wages of it’s employees and the opinions from BBC Sports presenter Gary Lineker (‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘ / 6.33M followers / BBC Sport, BT Sport, Walkers in Twitter title. It does not say in Gary Lineker’s twitter title – ‘All opinions my own’, so they must be the BBCs as well?
Polly ToynbeeVerified account @pollytoynbee Jul 20
Replying to @JamesDMorris @BowenBBC
True value of the BBC (3.5bn/£145 per household/Enforced Tax), for less than the price of the Sun each day(you can decide to buy or not)
{refers to Guest Who Post above}
Poor old Pol forgot to note that the value and effectiveness of the BBC also makes buying the Guardian a bit pointless – but at least the current sales figures make that very obvious.
BBC Website ” UK won’t cut taxes , Hammond tells French “. And I thought Treezer is an idiot !
Corporate tax avoidance: How do companies do it? { dec2012} – Phil Hammond should confer with Jean-Claude Juncker …
“Amazon got picked up by the parliamentary committee for running its sales out Luxembourg. When you buy a book on, you actually enter into a legal contract with, and pay your money to, Amazon Luxembourg.
One reason is under current EU rules (being replaced from 2015), if you buy an ebook from Amazon, it is the Luxembourg VAT rate of only 3% that you end up paying. (VAT@20% in UK)”
Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission 2017) blocked EU curbs on tax avoidance, cables show
“Leaked papers reveal that as Luxembourg’s PM (Jean-Claude Juncker), the European commission president obstructed the bloc’s tax reforms efforts”
“Juncker has also campaigned hard for greater tax cooperation among member states in the battle against international businesses that avoid tax. The latest leaked cables, however, raise further questions about whether he is the right person to champion such reforms.”
… reminds me of Keith Vaz …
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. {dailymail nov2016} The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
David Cameron had to fight for Tampon Vat reductions with the EU, so what is India’s excuse? Welcome to a progressive India, where “essential” items like sindoor (vermilion), bindis and bangles will not be taxed at all, but sanitary pads (tampons) will be taxed at 12 per cent under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. { may2017}
– Bindis – to create a red dot worn on the centre of the forehead, commonly by Hindu and Jain women.
– Sindoor – a traditional vermilion red or orange-red colored cosmetic powder from India.
– Bangles – as in bracelets.
India is fighting old traditions and religious beliefs in 2017, if a feminist wants a cause …
Nothing changes:
(Galileo and Kepler – 1500’s)
Cosmos: “Kepler’s Persecution”
How can he possibly know whether we shall cut taxes or not?
Treezer is an idiot – because she hasn’t fired his ass!! Allowing open, naked defiance like this is going to be fatal for her tenure as PM.
SJW stuff on R4 Today
9 – Partition of INDIA
9:45 : Book of the Week : Heroism of Soviet WW2 Army women
10am Aforementioned Bristol magic play in the street scheme
+ “what it is like identifying as bisexual in the 21st century”
2:15pm Drama : * Gibraltar declares itself Spanish. *
4pm Queer Art : about Joe Orton and his partner Kenneth Halliwell deface library books with lewd covers, etc.
8pm “The Invention of Free Speech” we’ll see
8:30pm Transgender Pakistan
10:45 pm : The Lie of the Land : black comedy: London people are forced to move to the country
11:30 Josie Long presents stories of messages sent across borders.
I have gone from being someone who switched R4 on as a reflex action, to someone who now does the same with the Off switch. I do not think I have become more ‘woke’ (as the saying goes). Radio Four has been subverted by the far Left to such an extent that it is now a manifest health hazard for anyone Right of Corbyn and Momentum.
The line-up posted there by StewGreen is pretty typical of what drove me away. And, one wonders, how many more like me…?
Me too. My only contact with the BBC now is TMS.
Tragically, Grant, I have even lost touch with cricket, which I once used to follow to some degree, and part of the reason has been the slow death of TMS.
Coincidentally, I actually tuned in over the weekend and heard a snatch of some sort of retrospective they were broadcasting. I had read elsewhere that it was very PC (it was) but what really struck me was the sense of comfort listening to John Arlott’s unparalleled, velvety mastery of the language and his ability to create an aural canvas. Don Mosey was a worthy second, before they knifed him, and even CMJ had his moments.
Today’s TMS, in comparison, is just BBC bland with only The Greatest Living Yorkshireman flying the flag for excellence.
This isn’t nostalgia and it hasn’t happened by accident. TMS reflects the way the BBC wants it to be.
Agree – I thought Don Mosey was underrated in the pantheon of TMS commentators.
Was ‘the Alderman’ knifed because of his political views? Mosey did describe himself as politically ‘somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun’. That would not do on the BBC. I was a bit worried for Boycs, too, what with his support for Mrs May who, along with her husband, is a great fan of his. Still, at least he doesn’t support UKIP!!
I don’t know if it was Mosey’s political hue that got him into trouble. It’s possible as I’ve heard it said that Arlott, for all his genius, was a bit of a Leftie. What I had heard was that it was Mosey’s ‘blunt Yorkshireman’ act that counted against him and that he wasn’t very impressed when CMJ was whisked, silver spoon and all, into the team. That’s not to denigrate CMJ, incidentally, I liked him.
It’s hard to imagine any of them getting a job with the BBC today. In an article I read recently, it was claimed that Arlott was starting on the red from the first over and after lunch was well away. All I can say is if that it was what it took to produce such eloquence, good luck to him! Today, I gather organic mineral water from ‘Fairtrade’ sources is more the approved tipple. Probably to wash down the Walker’s crisps.
Nadiya will have to bake the TMS team a cricket-themed cake and Ebony Rainford Brent can serve it out.
GC: “What I had heard was that it was Mosey’s ‘blunt Yorkshireman’ act that counted against him” – if Don Mosey was a blunt Yorkshireman, then Geoffrey Boycott is a complete half-brick. Give me Mosey over Boycott any day.
He is the reason I started to actively switch off TMS when he came on. The decline of TMS for me started when Boycott laughed when a batsman was hit by a quick delivery. When he got into his rants it became ever more grating. The fact that some Summarisers are omitted from the team at some tests – especially the really good ones: Vic Marks and Phil Tufnell – has been another reason to stop listening.
Then there was the reverse swing nonsense where it became apparent we were being lied to by the commentary team. Funny how reversing has disappeared!
Finally, the newer commentators have not been well trained by the old hands, especially with CMJ’s ‘premature’ death & Blower’s health problems taking two of the best away at critical moments.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on the Boycott issue, I’m afraid. I was, and remain, a fan, and when I listen to TMS these days (rarely, I admit) find Boycott’s always astute analysis extremely helpful – which is a lot more than I can say of Michael Vaughan’s!
As for the younger contingent, I have no more idea why Agnew or Vic Marks are there than I can understand why Hislop was chosen to replace Richard Ingrams at Private Eye. And don’t get me started on some of the others, whose names, accents, ideas and descriptive powers are blurred by their utter interchangeable insignificance.
I’m going to risk a very female view of cricket. I just know that I’m going to regret it.
Many years ago I went to quite a few cricket matches with family. I was primarily attracted to the atmosphere, which I considered very English and civilised, with no noisy colours, air punching or high fives.
Now I don’t need anyone to point out that this has little to do with sport, and I’m sure that modern players are more aggressive and successful – or are they, I don’t know. However, I can’t believe that I’m the only person in the UK who thinks that cricket has lost something valuable.
There, I’ve said it.
Many women have enjoyed cricket down the ages, the game having always attracted women spectators, as well as players. It was a woman who invented overarm bowling, after all (try bowling in a crinoline).
Cricket, being a more cerebral sport than most, has a lot more too offer than the usual thud and blunder and I think many would agree with you that it has lost something vital and civilised, something that not only women will miss.
“I Hate Cricket”. There, I’ve said it.
Please report me as I’ve committed a Hate Crime {biasedbbc post}, but I am unsure what one is, but if it hurts your feelings regarding cricket then it counts, I think?
Clare, I agree. I hate One Day and 20:20 pizzazz and razzamatazz. I used to loathe the drunks at Lords who, during a Test Match, would get going after lunch in front of the Tavern stand and keep up their racket sometimes until close.
Same with Wimbledon. I started going regularly just at the start of the Borg era but grew up on Dan Maskell’s ‘Vicarage Lawn’ TV commentary and decorum and love all that. I don’t like bear pit tennis. Or noisy golf. I did cheer on Jimmy Connors a couple of times and would definitely go for a “Beef, beef, BEEF, MOOOOVE” if there when Andrew Johnston looked like getting close to the leaders and winning The Open.
GC, sure. Happy to do that. But I was never a fan. He threw away too many England victories for my liking. Makes him well qualified, in a way, to comment on more recent England disasters. I have to confess a slight ancestral Lancashire bias, too. I have to agree that at times Boycott’s analysis can be really insightful and good. Am also not keen about the newer players efforts.
Vic Marks, to my mind is one of the ‘Senior’ summarisers and is also the best. He’s being going longer, I think, than any of the current crop but I haven’t checked that. He doesn’t grate like Boycott and has a gentle manner & great humour. Nor does Tuffers grate, despite the gravel in his voice from his ciggies! On a bad morning, I can do a good impression, despite being a lifelong non-smoker.
GC & Grant, me too. Maybe I should post ‘me too too’ but then on the other hand, bearing in mind one of R4’s current obsessions, perhaps not!
GCooper. unfortunately for me, I am still someone who switches on Radio 4 as a reflex reaction before listening to perhaps all of 20 seconds before realising that all the programmes are similar to the ones StewG highlights above….then go for the off switch. But like the news on BBC1, I am actually learning just not to bother with either of them.
It’s like stopping taking sugar in your tea. It’s awkward for a few days, after which you wonder why you ever bothered.
Sadly, my fallback, Classic FM, gets its news from a similarly polluted source. I wish there was a genuinely impartial alteranative.
GC, made me chuckle! I remember giving up sugar but was helped by being really sick (stomach upset) at the time as a kid. Used to have two spoonfuls up until then. Suddenly the prospect of sugared tea made me feel nauseous.
With Radio Four it is the blether. And their obsessions. I sometimes hit the OFF switch and find the peace and quiet very tangible, washing down over me.
PS: You may enjoy this if you haven’t read it already:
I have just found a re-read enjoyable!
GCooper, self included. As an undergraduate in the 90s I used to work at a shabby desk in a run-down bedsit. I used to sit in a haze of pipe or fag smoke drinking tea with Radio Four (or sometimes Radio Three) on in the background constantly, right up until Sailing By and the National Anthem. Hard to believe now.
It’s just remorseless.
Diversity of everything but thought.
StewGreen – sorry, are you watching a new channel ‘Minority TV’?
UK ‘BBC/R4/4pm Queer Art : about Joe Orton and his partner Kenneth Halliwell deface library books with lewd covers ‘ meanwhile North Korea have the capacity to destroy all this nonsense and themselves in the process …
“North Korea destroys US city in bizarre video simulation”
“North Korea put on a musical show to mark the birthday of founding father Kim Il Sung, which ended with a mock-up video of missiles engulfing the United States in flames, prompting cheers from the audience and smiles from current leader Kim Jong Un. {sydneymorningherald apr2017}“
Superb example of total lack of self awareness from the BBC’s Justin Webb in the Times this morning. He writes that the liberal left elite, well he should certainly know about the doings of liberal left elites being a fully paid up member, in the USA have brought about the Presidency of Donald Trump because in the seventies it was they who , however well intentioned, stopped the teaching of civics and value of the American constitution in schools. ( no doubt because they felt that it was in some way racist or supremacist or extolled the virtues of their country) . Poor Justin thinks that if more people had understood more about civics then they would never have been conned into voting for President Trump.
The liberal elite can’t understand that people voted for DT because they had , at last, seen through the lies of the liberal left and were fed up of seeing their country and their lives sacrificed on the alter of the false God of globalisation . It wasn’t because they didn’t understand something Justin, just the opposite in fact, they finally understood that the liberal leftdidnt give a toss about them, so they voted for someone who said he would put them first. And if he does put them first they will vote for him again no matter how much bile the lickspittels of the liberal left MSM such as dear Justin, spew forth about him..
Double – doncha just love our Justin. Being on the al Beeb rich list he knows all about the views of Americans not in big cities.
I was pondering what albeeb is planning for the first anniversary of Trump winning the election. Particularly since they were fixed on the first 100 days. Criticise Trump for doing what he promised to do or criticise him for failing to do what he wanted to do.
Albeeb seems to think it is an American broadcaster judging by the amount of coverage he gets. I still like what I heard between one of the temps who turn up as Today presenters and comrade Sopel last week when sopel was gleefully describing Trump sacking people. At the end the al beeboid just said ‘ it sounds like chaos ‘ . I thought ‘yes’ – a true example of bias .
I am sure Justin bases his opinion on the views of all the ordinary Americans he has met at the target range, or deer hunting, or at NASCAR races and the like. I am quite sure he would not have restricted himself to talking to East Coast liberals who share his views. That would be totally unprofessional, and he would never do it.
Well, there are Americans and there are Americans. It depends. The BBC does seem to like Adam Gopnik who, when I last heard, was relating how smoking weed got him through a shingles outbreak (honestly!)
SJW TV Today
One and half hour special on Usain Bolt ..We’ll se how much they air his Christian faith
8:30pm Nadiya making British food, more foreign
9pm 2 part drama about Gay life changing form WW2 to now
8pm Horizon on Driverless Cars ( expect the usual lack of critical thinking)
10-11:50 progs about “queers”
Can the BBC save time and combine these programs to save money for the BBC Tax Payers ala Brass Eye?
Usain Bolt races alongside a driverless camper van in which Nadiya uncomfortably cooks some bacon, showing how it was cooked and prepared in WW2 by gay cooks. Nadiya and Bolt talk about differences in arranged marriages, skirting around any serious moral differences and guidance in their religions such as slicing pieces off babies.
BBC 30 minutes programme – rather than all those wasted hours. Think of the License Payers!
More Wipers 3 today. Not much feeling of reverence but people like hislop who has made money out of war – unless of course he donates all his profit to The Royal British Legion. Albeeb found a black historian who merrily celebrated the diversity of the allies.
I like the irony the al Beeb hires the hon. Dan Snow for this -whose great grandfather was one of those less than imaginative generals who sent boys in uniform to their death again and again.
Easily overlooked in all the excitement I suppose, but you might have thought that someone in the BBC team busy stirring emotions near Ypres might have pointed something out by now. The generous quantities of fertiliser in the soil on which they stand helped no end in the creation and current success of the EU and without the meaningless sacrifice of British and Empire troops, Europe would look very different today.
Then again perhaps you could also say that the very ‘European’ and spiteful Treaty of Versailles not only laid the foundation stone of EU attitudes but without doubt contributed directly to the rise of Hitler and Nazism – which also made a bit of a nonsense of the phrase ‘never again’.
Would anyone in the BBC recognise such facts and voice them? Answers on a postage stamp, please.
I can’t stand Hislop, and the short pieces from his play “The Wipers Times” were unfunny and crass. The actors also wore World War II era greatcoats, but why bother about historical accuracy at an event like the centenary of Passchendaele?
I am sure Hislop will however have paid the BBC for the extended advert for his play carried on primetime Tv last night.
The TV play was great and I wondered why al Beeb hasn’t repeated it now. The play was awful as I thought, the extracts in the shaky albeeb presentation of the anniversary were embarrassing and out of place. 100 years on – I can’t see a cause for humour in such death.
Stew Green, along with posts above, has reminded me that I intended to post something here about Sarah Dunant’s new series, ‘Generational Breakdown’ which started on R4 yesterday afternoon. (R4 Sundays monthly @ 1.30pm). It sounded interesting from the trails and in the first two or three minutes or so. However, it got seriously skewed out of the UK and stuck after about five minutes in segregation and the struggle to end it in the USA.
I switched off at that point. A shame. For the BBC. And Sarah.
Me? Yes, I was disappointed but there was an interesting book to read as an alternative. I came out OK. The BBC did not. They are playing a dangerous game.
Much is being made of the claim especially by the BBC, at present, that the young (35 and under) in Britain are going to have a ‘worse future’ and face a decline in ‘living standards’ (everything?) when compared at life end to their ‘Baby Boomer’ parents and grandparents. Apparently, until this recent point in time, in the UK every successive generation had had the prospect of finishing life ‘better off’ than their parents and grandparents. I think that that is sheer bunkum but she is the historian, not me.
But did they?
I’m on the tail of the BabyBoomers and have suffered economically as a result in the gap between them and Generation X. But I also remember that BabyBoomers lived with the constant conflict of East v West and a future that promised either Communist domination or nuclear war or both. Added to that we had the increase of terrorism, environmental degradation, the prospect of increasing mortality from a variety of causes: tobacco, alcohol, drug, traffic and cancer together with economic & financial hiatuses of high unemployment and high interest rates and ever higher taxation.
Sarah Dunant did not appear to know that and certainly, in the first ten minutes, did not mention it or explain how she would deal with that obvious flaw & contradiction to this ‘Worse Future’ thesis in this and later programmes. She just launched into a diversion. Very strange and disappointing.
Look up dunnant on wiki- a true daughter of the empire – born in India, private school, campaigns on wimmins issues and legalising herbal cigarettes – live in London and Italy. A total beeboid – but not on the rich list yet.
Nor, by any reasonable standard, is she a historian. Just a member of the BBC’s nomenklatura and thus tossed the occasional wireless programme as a reward by the Party.
GC, think you are right as she jumped from about five centuries back in Italy to 1920ws/30s and 1950s/60s USA. I’m sure medieval Italy had a big influence on New York (and still does!) but the Deep South?
Fedup, yes, that’s right. Back when the Snuffy household watched TV, I was a BBC 2 Newsnight and The Late Show addict. IIRC, Sarah Dunant was one of the ‘right on’ BBC-wise presenters and/or contributors to both. That is when she was not being featured for a new book that she had written.
I recovered.
I am cured of my addiction.
Ms Dunnant’s Wikipedia entry describes her as ‘an unrepentant liberal baby boomer’. No surprise there.
Aren’t these the young folks who want open borders, more EU , more third world migration, voted For communist Corbyn and his pack of gangsters and thugs, despise the country and culture of their birth, protest about anything and everything ? Well sod em and I hope they enjoy the fruits of their stupidity as they they study the Koran and attend the mosque in the caliphate that they have done so little to prevent.
The President of Mexico should show how President Trump is useless and build his own wall between Mexico and the US to stop his own beautiful people from leaving. That would show how the Mexican President cares about his own people and doesn’t want his best and brightest to head to America.
… sort of related to EU Borders comment …
Borders work both ways!
He could also raise the current Mexican minimum wage to higher than a dollar per hour. That could go a long way toward solving the migrant crisis not to mention helping the poor devils who have opted to stay in their homeland.
Cant open links from emails They suggest that active blocking by ‘the system’ may account for the blocking. Anybody else suffering this attack (if that’s what it is) on Free Speech?
I am bringing this to all here’s notice as it may happen on this, Biased BBC website.
Can you go directly to the site? I noticed that google replaced the links with redirect links to google in its gmail application – prior to jumping to the link required. This is normal behaviour and means they can intercept and control where the final link goes to, and block if required.
No, I cannot access their site directly. I’ve even tried following their directions and readjust my DNS details – all to no avail.
ok for me..i.e. the site not the disgraceful proposition in the article!
““What is unacceptable that in this case there was no attempt by the authorities to reach out these young women and prepare them for this wholly unexpected event,” Allan continued….”
I’ll bet they told the muzzie he will be released though.
I say again and again, we are witnessing the rapid erosion of law and order and justice! The ultimate goal? – the Mad Max scenario can be the only conclusion.
Bypassing the simple DNS poisoning method that is most commonly used is very simple: you just change the DNS servers that Cisco, the worldwide leader in IT and networking hardware, was kind enough to provide. Try or safer for sharing (which cannot be easily blocked). In fact, in many cases, OpenDNS may be a better service than your own service provider’s DNS. It is simply tested, but whatever happens in the future, keep that link handy to check if your favorite websites really did just vanish.
Here is a complete current list of free to use public DNS servers, Cisco just has great instructions to make the required changes. I believe they do this intentionally to assist in bypassing government censorship.
G you should avoid getting into the habit of clicking on links in emails
far better you type the address into your browser
I can get Jihadiwatch here fine
which is damn strange cos the council filter here blocks most blogs !
I note the article
“Google has bowed to Muslim pressure and changed its search results to conceal criticism of Islam and jihad.
Search results that Muslim leaders (whose motives Google apparently never questions or investigates) have made sure that sites such as Jihad Watch are buried in search results,”
BUT test searches work fine for me.
The BBC is keeping the fact that one of its past directors is facing disqualification as the Insolvency Service seeks banning orders against the directors of kids company – including one Alan Yentob. Banning him from holding a directorship – or a proxy one where he is in charge in reality but not on paper as well.
They have hidden this away on the business pages not the normal headlines. Those affected are:
Sunetra Devi Atkinson, Erica Jane Bolton, Richard Gordonn Handover, Vincent Gerald O’Brien, Francesca Mary Robinson, Jane Tyler, Andrew Webster and Alan Yentob
“The former chief executive Camila Batmanghelidjh was not formally a director at the time the charity collapsed. However, the proceedings will allege that she acted as a de facto director and should therefore also be disqualified from running or controlling other companies.”
This could effectively end Yentobs career as a TV supremo.
Well yes, it could, and certainly should. But will it? Previous examples suggest otherwise.
I listened to several news bulletins on R4 yesterday. In each programme the Kids Club story was told, but no mention of a certain stubble faced private lift owning Beeboid. I kept saying ‘What about Yentob?’ to the radio. Surely someone so high up in the Beeb should be mentioned in such a scandal?
The real story is why aren’t they being JAILED for fraud ?
The government is too gutless ?
Are any of the others beeboids or relations ?
#1 “Sunetra Atkinson, ex wife of the entertainer Rowan Atkinson, a former BBC make-up artist”
#2 Erica Bolton is mentioned on BBC website once as the PR contact for a BBC joint arts project
“19 Feb 2015 – Erica Bolton on Notes to Editors. Get Creative, led by the BBC and What Next?”
Yentob seeminly wasted government donation (and maybe BBC donations ?)
“A charity which had raised around £130m, and attracted £30m of government funding, spectacularly collapsed under his watch as chairman – and he did not see it coming.
generated a massive conflict of interest when he rang the BBC’s flagship television investigative programme Newsnight to influence a story about a charity”
(Ian Katz declined to cancel the item)
Not just that, Stew: Yentob stood in full view of the Radio 4 Today studio when one of the team was interviewing Batman’ about the debacle. No pressure intended on the interviewer, of course …
BTW that BBC webnews bears a time stamp marked “5 hours ago”
yet we know the story was published 9 hours ago at 1pm
Though I’d accidentally stumbled on the schedule for BBC Radio 1Xtra for this afternoon:
14:00 – Ore Oduba
17:00 – Amol Rajan
Nope its Radio 2….
That would be Amol Rajan the Media Editor (late of Editor of Independent) – he was on BBC 1’o’clock news chatting to Rita Chakrabatti. A toss up between the Beeb or Sky with Gamul Fahnbulleh and Gavin Ramjaun.
No doubt as Merkel et al. prepare to dive under the desk for cover, things could not be shaping up better in Germany –
Real risk of direct street warfare looming i.e. civil disorder. It has been brewing for some while and, sooner or later, the lid will be blown off the can of worms proving that the politicians attitude of, ‘what we dictate will happen, will happen whether the public like it or not’ has a ‘shelf-life’. Seen in Sweden also. Which one will be first? any bets?
Ian Botham pledges to give 10,000 Pheasants to the poor, the BBC (always the first to bring up the subject of foodbanks) do they extol the virtues of Sir Ian for doing this? Do they chuff, they’re more worried that birds bred to be shot are being shot (maybe another form of slaughter would be more acceptable?)
Sir Ian Botham, quite possibly one of the last true English heroes and why the BBC hate him.
As a Scot, may I say that Both is a true englishman and a patriot. And he was a pretty damn good cricketer too. England poised now to clinch the Test and Rabada has just gone. Looks like an early tea !
SA all out. Well done England ! The BBC will be celebrating !
aye Geoff for albeeb it would have to be despatched halal style!
‘Fraid I cannot supply a link to item as, it appears, website is being blocked.
Few international broadcasters are as fastidiously protective of their religion as the BBC is. Fall over themselves supporting a cake-baking nonentity muslim but fail to report fully and honestly (if even reporting at all) when her fellow muslims slaughter other human beings. Let’s interview Nadiya to gather her thoughts of Islamic international terrorism? Nah! Keep her discussing raspberries in Nottingham (or perhaps, ‘blowing’?).
BBC World Service headlines:
This news story should be rather heart warming to the BBC hence reporting fully but, those rather nice muslim chaps in Boko Haram that follow the BBC’s religion, just recently slaughtered 69 in Nigeria – Shame the BBC do not wish to inform their viewing/listening public:
“Nigeria: Muslims ambush oil exploration team, murder at least 69
By Robert Spencer on Jul 30, 2017 07:03 pm
“Experts said the attack — Boko Haram’s bloodiest this year — underscored the persistent threat it poses, despite government claims the group is a spent force.” The Nigerian government also vowed to defeat Boko Haram by the end of 2014. And by the end of 2015. And now it is a spent force that just […]”
Here’s the link to Jihad Watch for those wanting to know what’s really going on in the wonderful world of islam, that Great Faith (according to Treezer – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha).
Tried the links to jihadwatch and got “Safari cannot open the page because it could not establish a secure connection to the server”.
So is this the sites reporting on jihad being blocked rather than those supporting it?!
Thanks Charlie. The link for my contribution above is then –
Can’t decide which is more worthy of pity, sadness, respect or memory – blokes being blown to bits, drowning in mud with rotting corpses or not being legally permitted to bugger other men?
The bbc certainly knows where it’s priorities are.
My kids arrived back from the Y Not Festival yesterday, that’s pretty much what it was like.
Don’t these jerks (including the prime jerk @ No 10) realise that all those with differing views on Freedom of Movement, simply confirms that no-one, but no-one has a grip on reality anymore? –
Join with me in singing: “Two wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
Them Cherokees are after me
Flaming spears
Burn my ears But I’m singing a happy song”
“The migration crisis through which Europe is going at the moment, has been made infinitely worse, at absolutely every step of the way by our inability to understand the importance of free speech. Absolutely every step of that journey. It’s my belief, that when the speech goes wrong, the ideas go wrong, and when the ideas go wrong the politics goes wrong. And our politics has gone so very wrong in recent years because the speech has gone wrong, because the ideas has gone wrong. let me give you a couple of examples …”
– Douglas Murray, DANGEROUS WORDS 250 in Stockholm October 1st, 2016
{youtube – Douglas Murray: The Dishonesty About Immigration}
This is exactly the gist of why in the old USSR it was impossible to take the regime seriously. Why Solzhenitsen was persecuted and why in the end the USSR collapsed.
It is going to happen here as well. You cannot sustain a lie indefinitely
Guido Fawkes has a clip of BBC R5 live Nicky Campbell interviewing Barbara Keeley who goes by the title of “Labour’s shadow mental health minister”.
During the interview, Nicky Campbell asks about her views on freedom of movement after Brexit and whether she agrees with her leader, Jeremy Corbyn, that it should come to an end. She, of course, made a complete Horlicks of the whole thing and then did a Diane Abbott and lied through her back teeth pretending she thought she was being asked about Jeremy Hunt rather than Jeremy Corbyn. Standard procedure for Labour’s front bench.
But more noticeable, and not commented on, was Nicky Campbell asking the question “but surely without freedom of movement where would we get the 21,000+ workers required; we’d be up the creek without a paddle….”
I’ll tell you where we’d get the workers Nicky – right here in the UK, from the 1000’s of capable individuals more than willing to do the jobs but who were turned down on application in favour of foreigners by the left-wing, liberal HR departments that infect all our public services.
Oh, and while I’m at it, maybe you could resign from your £500,000 a year position at the BBC and let someone far more talented, politically neutral and less greedy do the job.
Dame Nicky is a wanker .
Thanks Grant,
If ever one word could perfectly sum him up, that would be it.
None of these twits seems to understand we ran our hospitals perfectly well before Blair flung open the gates.
That kind of BBC ‘questioning’ really is infuriating. The other day this Beeb woman questioned thus:
“People are saying the council have clearly been negligent here would you agree?”
Why can’t Beeboids see that ‘freedom of movement’ is not all or nothing. Restricting freedom of movement does not mean ending immigration. It will simply be done on an as-required basis using a visa system, just as it is in hundreds of countries throughout the world. Yet we are constantly peddled the lie that it means we won’t have enough workers!
Not on the BBC at the moment:
Man tried to smuggle pipe bomb onto plane at Manchester Airport, court hears
Nadeem Muhammed, 43, from Bury, denies possession of explosives with intent to endanger life or property and an alternative charge of possession of explosives under suspicious circumstances
Nadeem Muhammad, 43, was attempting to board a flight to Bergamo, Italy, on January 30 when security officers at found the device, made from batteries, tape, a marker pen and pins.
Jonathan Sandiford, prosecuting, told the trial at Manchester Crown Court that Mr Muhammad, of Tinline Street, Bury, had intended to detonate the device once on board the Ryanair flight.
Maybe it’s a shame this didn’t go off, which would have perhaps shaken the British public out of their torper – oppress them all you like at home, but come between them and their cheap Mediterranean holidays at your peril !
I doubt it, I thought the Manchester concert slaughter would shaken up the British public too, but it seems nothing will.
RE: Cambridge student.
Note how the young man was an ‘equalities officer’ at his university. In theory you would expect him to be the last person to incite racial hatred, that would be akin to a doctor prescribing poison to a patient. ‘Equality’ is too often a newspeak word for race baiter or sh*t stirrer. Such people are unaccountable, unelected and often unreasonable. A doctor would be struck off if he recklessly endangered a patient, but the more misery the better for the equalities industry as their livelihood depends on it – they are free to run amok and nobody dare question them. This young man probably has a career as an ‘activist’ planned, which will involve lots of fun demonstrating, complaining and never having to do a proper day’s work.
His mum apparently is very upset with him and told him off. She has enough to deal with having lost her husband – last year. The brother has ‘form’ to by tweeting equally racist comments, and equally well educated. The Yuni are “investigating” – so why aren’t our boys in blue hot footing to arrest him for a hate crime ? They clearly only arrest caucasions (that’s white if you didn’t understand Maxi !)
Be sure to complain about Dateline London which yet again had a panel made up exclusively of legacy media liberals.
RE: Hate crime.
Wouldn’t the mostly sensible and cost-effective thing be to tell people to toughen up and ignore it when people call them names? You learn that at primary school. I just had a really rude man have a go at me. I took a few deep breaths, laughed it off then looked at some happy photos of my nephews to lift my mood. Is that so hard? Do we really have the resources to police people’s thoughts like this? And surely if you come from a tough place, as so many immigrants do, then you will have the requisite grit to deal with the very rare occasions when a ‘hate incident ‘ occurs?
The Beeb love to say the Police need more money, but think how much they must waste on PC insanity like this. I have heard their ‘diversity training’ is farcical and clearly is not helping actual crime prevention one iota. The Police should primarily prevent murder, theft, assault and other serious crimes.
I am a Migrant. Treat me with Respect (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – jul2017)
The UK’s long history of contact with other nations has not resulted in a more aware, educated population. If anything, we now arguably have, more wilfully uninformed and senselessly jingoistic nationals than we had in the early seventies when I first arrived. British newspapers still maintained serious purpose, so too the broadcasters. Adult Education colleges were run by local authorities, I taught at one in Southwark. Britons had not been dumbed down. Margaret Thatcher started that process (is she saying Mrs Thatcher dumbed down the Nation?) and it carries on. Millions of Brits lack critical thinking and basic knowledge. (but weren’t the same people in the same schools who also voted to Remain?) That’s why so many were easily duped by the Brexit gang and why so many believe immigrants are scroungers, criminals, takers and enemies within.
It really is time we immigrants, settlers, refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants were shown more respect and gratitude for revivifying this nation.
– doesn’t settlers mean the people who lived here prior to the whatever wave of immigration we are talking about?
That won’t happen unless we fight more assertively against constant debasement and claim our rightful place.
– ‘ claim our rightful place’ – does this apply to the settlers as well as the current immigrants?
– this applies both ways, migrants enjoyed a place to develop with fair laws and peace, would the same opportunities have arisen in their place of birth? Were/are there the same opportunities then and now?
MM – Solid post.
They forever tell us, the age of deference has past so the only to get respect is to earn it. Otherwise it’s just obeisance via repression.
exactly you earn respect and most brits only feel any real kind of animosity to one particular kind of immigrant
my french dutch, german, polish, south african friends are not demanding anything
If she wants to know where dumbing down started, Yasmin Alibi-for-Brown-Criminals should ask herself which PM advocated ‘Hedyukashun, Hedyukashun, Education’.
It is the New European and hence propaganda and can be ignored.
And to add to that, it is run by Alastair Campbell and is, therefore, a pack of lies.
Afraid it cannot be ignored … 6.3 million potential viewers sourced from Gary Lineker’s twitter, approved as BBC opinion (possibly against BBC guidelines?) could end up at the New European articles. Gary Lineker has linked to New European regards Rees-Mogg before, thus validating the article as approved by one of BBCs top Earners of £1.7m, from public tax enforced by threat of prison.
As always Mark Steyn has it right, here talking about Dunkirk, something that Jasmin will never understand:
“They won the war, and lost their country anyway. Britain’s new invaders arrive at Dover, and Heathrow and Gatwick, every day of the week, annexing territory and incubating therein the men who run you down on London bridges, and stab you in restaurants, and blow you up at pop concerts, and decapitate you in the streets. A little after mid-century, there’ll still be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover, but the “white British” – ie, the men and women seen in this film – will be a minority in their own islands. Watching Nolan’s Dunkirk, you don’t get, as Conrad Black says, much sense of why the British Expeditionary Force was on the run, but you do a get a sense of how a people who share the same assumptions will share the burdens and sacrifices, too. In a lost Britain, it will not be like that again.”
Here is Peter Brimelow’s take on the film and it’s a bit more angry in conclusion than is Mark Steyn.
How about Alibi-Brown showing some respect for the British Empire. After all, if it wasn’t for that her family would never have gone to Africa from India, Idi Amin would never have kicked her out and she might have had a rather more obscure career banging laundry against rocks by the Ganges instead of a rent-a-race-baiter on the BBC.
How the bBC conveniently leaves out History:
Russia warns Poland not to touch Soviet WW2 memorials
The Russian government has warned Poland that it will face sanctions if it removes monuments glorifying the Soviet victory in World War Two. Last month Poland updated its “de-communisation” legislation, banning “totalitarian” symbols, which would include Soviet propaganda monuments. Now Russian foreign ministry officials have warned of “asymmetric measures” if Poland removes Soviet war monuments….Many Poles viewed the Red Army as an occupation force, not as liberators, as the 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact had carved up Poland between two dictatorships.….The ministry accused Poland of “Russophobia” and of “striving to belittle the USSR’s role as liberator”. In 1943 a Soviet Jewish prisoner-of-war, Lt Alexander Pechersky, led a desperate uprising against the Nazi SS corps by Jewish inmates at Sobibor….”The USSR paid the highest price to liberate Poland – on that country’s soil, in battles with the enemy, more than 600,000 Soviet soldiers and officers died and were buried. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war, who died in Nazi concentration camps, also lie in Polish soil,”
Reading the entire bBC article, the Poles are in the wrong about not recognising the Russian sacrifice, yet the one fact the bBC doesn’t mentions is that 16 days after German invaded Poland from the West, Russia invaded Poland. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention that. Neither does the bBC mention how the all conquering Russian army simply sat on their arses outside Warsaw when the Poles rose up against the Nazis , allowing the Nazis to effectively eradicate the Polish resistance . In other words, If Stalin hadn’t Hitlers back in 1939, the world would be a very different place today. Russia is as much to blame for WW2 as Hitler was, they only changed sides after Hitler stabbed them in the back a few years later.
The bBC, the lying bastards who rewrite history in which to paint black white and white black.
Probably best not to mention Katyn Forest either. Twenty-one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight Polish army officers – some say machine gunned, some say the classic NKVD bullet to back of neck, either way, dead and buried. Discovered by the Germans, who were accused by the Russians, the massacre effectively made the Polish army leaderless, save for Sikorsky – who also disappeared in conveniently mysterious circumstances.
Not really bias, but this is the BBC’s kind of movie
G,W.F – Girls on Wimmins Hour would have loved that one. Was channel hopping today and had to listen a bit when the girls were having a such great time discussing byphobia/transphobia and pansexuality.
I got to say this really is such a great programme and does sterling work raising these important issues which affect us all.
With all these important topics out there and battles to fight ,no wonder they never really have time to discuss the more insignificant issues such as FGM, sharia law and oppression of women or sex abuse of white girls by “asian” men.
Thank God for the BBC!. At least one broadcaster manages to keep its finger on the pulse.
On Friday night they spent about five minutes discussing ‘abuse’ they had received online, really wallowing in victimhood. One way to not get trolled is to not talk a load of bol**cks.
So many SJW videos get slated in the comments on YouTube. If anyone fancies a real laugh watch a video on YouTube called ‘Tuck Trump.’ It is so bad that it is hard to believe it is for real. Last time I looked it had 1000 likes and 100,000 dislikes.
BB – I actually think that much of this avalanche of par boiled, total bollocks. is a filibustering/red herring excercise in that it takes attention away from real issues (such as islamic enriching of our society, EU corruption, stabbings by all of these mentally ill people or PC madness) it also reduces the the amount of air time that is available to broadcast real issues that the BBC does not want to talk about.
I am sure that those who commission such tripe recognise it for the utter irrelevant and profoundly self indulgent shite it truly is. But I expect that many of those who take part in such programmes have probably got degrees in “gender studies” or similair and cant wait for such an opportunity to strut their right on credentials probably in the hopes that they can forge some sort of career from spouting such pathetic, self centered tosh and if they are lucky maybe even a column as the new Laura Penny or Jack (please dont remove any of my girl bits) Monroe.
Biased BBC brexit doom alert!
Featured on bBBC London news- the competition for the new sites of the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority, moving from London after Brexit. What fun to see all those countries in the EU trying to knock seven bells out of each other in order to win the ‘bid’. Ha ha ha.
Doom. Gloom.
Nope. i don’t care either.
If Glaxo or AZ or Shire find some effective new drugs, I guarantee they will be able to sell them across the world. And create 1000+ jobs in the process.
In spite of Brexit and in some cases, because of Brexit !
North West tonightm blessed is the cult. The sofa sloths fawn over Waheed Arian. Followed by a documentary from 19:000 to 19:30 The story of Waheed Arian, the Chester doctor who came to the UK as a child refugee and teenage asylum seeker, and whose telemedicine scheme is saving lives in global war zones. Well whoop de whoop.
I missed this, having long ago stopped listening but this is from UKIP Patrick O’Flynn’s twitter feed and doesn’t greatly come as a surprise;
Racist graffiti in the Archers being blamed on “the Brexit situation” – everyday Radio Fourism.
Yes, gay character Adam spelt it out for anybody slow on the uptake: the Referendum leave vote result seemed to have unleashed racist sentiment, hence the graffiti on the caravans.
But, seriously, why would it? A narrow defeat for Brexit, especially with the suspicion that the vote was fixed, might plausibly have led to outbursts of anger. Instead, Brexit clearly prevailed in spite of everything, so a ‘racist’ (i.e. someone merely sceptical about uncontrolled mass immigration) might reason that there would be fewer Bulgarian crop-pickers in future, if Britain so decided, and thus that the battle was half won … so why scrawl graffiti?
Another tedious example of political indoctrination shoe-horned into Radio 4 was ‘The Infinite Monkey Cage’ (from 16:30). One discussion, about the probability of our reality being merely a simulation by higher beings, might have been interesting but, predictably, it was brought crashing back down to earth: it was suggested that our present world, with Donald Trump as US President, might be a warning simulation, along the lines of what-not-to-do.
In a foreign country a chief of communications has been fired after 10 days in the job . The Toady programme will hyperventilate in the morning . But I won’t be hearing it . I’ll listen to the air con humming . .
Emily nomaits will claim a scalp although she had a love in with scaramuchi
A couple of funnies trim today’s news. Firstly the Hamburg killer says he was a jihadist but the police insist he wasn’t but that he was mentally ill. Surely even the dumbest snowflake can see what is going on when we reach this level of absurdity.
Then a news report from the commemoration in Flanders said that in the battle of Passchendaele there were 500000 VICTIMS , not dead or wounded or casualties or missing in action, but victims. It seems that the word victims is now the in word and can be used for just about every situation. I suppose that in mind of the liberal left journalist all the casualties of the entire First World War were indeed victims of capitalism or the Tories or some other sinister force. Indeed the left seem to regard everyone as a victim of something or someone. If the ‘ victim’ isn’t presently aware that they are a victim , the we can rely on the BBC to raise their awareness of being so and then turn them into demonstrators and rioters.
Repost of a rant from TinyCO2 made over on BH
Because the BBC is a bit like the alpha dog for Brit TV channels, it sets the tone of how the others behave. It creates the stars the other channels like to poach. It sets the market value on those stars. The BBC is in a position to be churning out new stars and programme makers on a regular basis and yet it doesn’t. So not only does the BBC have a slow turnover of staff, the others do too. Like many people who are too secure of their position, they start to think that they’re special. They think ’cause I’m worth it’, where in fact they’re just the result of a very small pool. This arrogance comes out in their behaviour and their attitude to the public. No need for them to consider the different sides of their captive audience. They don’t produce programmes for climate sceptics or Tories or Jews or anyone who wants to watch something upbeat for a change.
Their soaps in particular are unrelentingly miserable and dystopian. They revel in the worst of society and then treat the public as if we are all like that. They fall for their own propaganda. Sure, they love historical drama, with the stories of cruel masters abusing innocent little peasants. They see the modern workplace in much the same way, so businesses are automatically the bad guy and unavoidably dirty businesses, doubly so. They don’t even show many of the US TV shows and there is plenty of evidence that there is an audience for them. In fact, off hand I can’t think of a single show. They were keen on antisocial US cartoons, no doubt as another sneer at law abiding middle classes but it turned out that their Mini-Me rivals wanted the cartoons more.
The BBC is now so confident of its position that it barely conceals how much it loves itself and hates its audience. Things like Glastonbury become equivalent to a staff bonding week, so much so that because Glasto isn’t running next year the BBC is going to host its own festival. What? Are there no other music festivals they could attend? Or are the others just not luvvy enough? Might Jeremy Corbyn not go? He’s such a nice guy, promising to give loads of the nation’s money away.
I’m fed up of the BBC’s constant message that the British are awful and owe the World massive reparation. Listen to the BBC and you’ll hear that everything is our fault. Muslims murder Muslims and it’s our fault. Dictators pillage their own countries and it’s our fault. Climate Change is our fault, right back to the Industrial Revolution. Whenever we do something the BBC approves of it’s always ‘too little, too late’. The BBC is dribbling with excitement that Brexit will be a failure, to show conclusively that everything is OUR fault. Not the EU’s fault at all. No, it’s not like they are trying to form a super state with zero mandate. It’s not like the EU isn’t inventing every reason under the sun to relieve the gullible British of every penny we’ve got. It’s not like the EU hasn’t made Europe a defenceless, spineless morsel for anyone to prey on. No, it’s just our chickens coming home to roost that are endangering our stability. If the BBC staff had behaved the way they do now, during the two World Wars, they’d have been shot for treason and be reviled for cowardice. Lord Haw Haw could have been the Lord Hall of the day.
I don’t care that the BBC produces some decent programmes, I loath paying for a bunch of people who so openly urinate on us.
Al B Beeb’s continuous negative and false reporting of the economy pre. Brexit must have a detrimental effect on the opinion of potential investors in this great country.
It is as if they deliberately want it to fail.
Why hasn’t the government done something about it?
Anyway, we are still getting out. See the HYS and do your damnedest.
Why hasn’t this chap been done for treason ?……………………………………..
Some of the benefits of being in the EU…………………………………
The EU Horse Meat scam could have ran longer if it wasn’t for … Identification chips belonging to horses named Trak and Wiktor from the Lodz region of Poland, and a third Irish hunter horse called Carnesella Lady from county Galway were found in the meat in 2012.{ jul2017}
Up and coming meat scandal – Halal is positive religious/employment discrimination (Muslim must do slaughtering/reciting pray only) and to be Sharia financed (Which possibly goes to fund terrorism) is a Worldwide concern.
European Court of Auditors – JOURNAL11_07_EN – page 63 | {halal search}
Companies which derive significant income from defence and munitions, from adult entertainment or gambling are not permitted (Haram), nor are the production and consumption of alcohol and non halal food. (See the introduction of Sharia, using food and finance to stop/reduce alcohol and introduce Muslim only practices)
Brazil is the largest exporter of halal food to the Muslim world and is concerned about a new trend. It is no longer sufficient (Muslims demand!) for many Muslims just to know that the animals were slaughtered according to the rule. They actually want to be sure that the entire food process is halal (Positive employment discrimination/Sharia compliant) and they want to know how it was financed. (Muslim only banking systems) By and large, most of the financing is done conventionally and Brazil is anticipating that there will be a change and is looking at issuing corporate sukūk (Islamic bonds) raising finances in a Sharī`ah compliant way (Islamic bonds/Saudi Arabia and Iran benefit).
There is an opportunity for islamic finance to grow further. (This is only the beginning … once one demand is met, there will be others…)
– you can see the direction of travel in the above paragraphs, the demands, the introduction of Sharia compliance, the word Sharia no longer limited to beheadings, stoning and reducing a woman’s testimony. Sharia is now food and finance and capitalism – so it must be OK.
In 2003 and 2004, the court [European Court of Human Rights] ruled that “that sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy” (13/02/2003) ., because the sharia rules (incompatible with democracy) on inheritance, women rights and religious freedom violate human rights as established in the European Convention on Human Rights. {wikiislam sharia – Islamic Law}
JK Rowling apologises over Trump disabled boy tweets
Ha bloody ha!
Can we have a petition to get her to apologise to Trump?
Twitter in complement:
Seems to have taken the BBC’s finest almost as long to compose that headline.
It was a ‘JK Rowling ‘disabled boy’ tweet, using BBC style editing to smear’ you pondweed of the world remoras.
She’ll get a kicking from her own side ~cos altho many disabled are comfortable with the word, the PC brigade prefer something like “differently abled”so not imply they are inferior.
The BBc report ended
“Mr Trump is said to have shaken* the boy’s hand as the president entered the room.
* Ms Weer wrote on Facebook:
“If someone can please get a message to JK Rowling: Trump didn’t snub my son & Monty wasn’t even trying to shake his hand.” *
She also said her son was not all that keen on shaking hands anyway.
Rowling has deleted her initial tweets on the subject.
* Strange choice of words, as if that is disputed when witnesses all accept it as fact.
Rowling tweeted “I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly.”
No you didn’t Rowling… you clearly projected your own hatred of Trump – just like the BBC do.
Projection is when you project your own BAD behaviour onto others, in the way you describe them.
So when she shouts that ‘Trump behaves in an arrogant, intolerant and bigotted way’
…that actually describes her own behaviour.
“if that caused any distress to that boy”
Some may feel that is a tad third person about Monty, for one so literate.
Even the BBC seems to prefer him to remain ‘disabled’ more in description.
According to Paul Joseph Watson, people had their Twitter accounts suspended for calling Rowling a liar.
If so, and one presumes PJW substantiates a bit better than JKR, twitter may have some explaining to do.
Unless they operate the same system as the BBC.
To be fair he said he was “receiving messages” from people who said they had been suspended.
But it wouldn’t surprise me.
Ah. OK.
So to paraphrase the BBC, ‘it’s something they might have done’?
Not sure that will check Max Emptyspace’s headlong rush to the keyboard, but I have got your back.
Cheers Guest.
(Message to self – must be more precise).
Rowling is very ignorant. Why should anyone take any notice of her, just because she wrote some semi-literate books for kids ?
JK Rowling has 11.4 Million Twitter followers and the backing of the BBC in everything she does. This is enough to carefully watch her because like Gary “£1.7m TV Tax + BT Sport + Crisp Adverts” Lineker, she has the ear of the young and impressionable.
She talks as though she knows best …
I’ll use my influence whatever way I want. This country needs to be freed of fascists on both right and left.J.K. Rowling added, – 3K Likes
(reply) – left wing fascism isn’t a thing
“When I call for the filthy scum & traitors in my party to be eradicated, I mean it in a lovely moral lefty way!” 15K Likes
(reply) Corbyn represents the very opposite of this. This is insanity. He’s a very good man. Stop saying those terrible things.
Reports are saying that UK courts prevent Blair being tried for war crimes. Surely there must be some leftist lawyer wanting to milk the public purse and to appeal this judgement on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Middle East victims , in the true sense of the word, of Blair’s illegal wars. Imagine if Lady T had done anything remotely similar to Blair, the BBC would have been like a dog with a bone , the Guardian would have carried at least one article about these horrendous crimes against humanity every day for a decade, we would have had the likes of Chakribahti and Ali Brown going apoplectic on every TV show imaginable, endless Labour MPs putting down questions in the HoC, silly Farron wetting himself, endless demos probably descending into riots and citing police brutality as provocation . But it’s Blair so it is allowed to pass with hardly a ripple. Bias, double standards , just the liberal left establishment looking after its main piece of dog excrement.
Blair must face justice {}
This site offers a reward to people attempting a peaceful citizen’s arrest of the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, for crimes against peace. Anyone attempting an arrest which meets the rules laid down here will be entitled to one quarter of the money collected at the time of his or her application.
Amount in the pot at 05.09.16: £10,574.89
Attempts so far …
1. 29th January 2010. Grace McCann tried to arrest Tony Blair as he left the Chilcot Inquiry. She was restrained by police. Her attempt was reported by Sky News and the Independent (was it on the BBC I wonder?). She qualifies for the first bounty for an attempted citizen’s arrest of Tony Blair: £2,619.67. This is one quarter of the money in the pot at the time of her attempt. Grace has kindly donated £2000 to the ICRC and the remainder of her award to the Stop the War Coalition and Iraq Body Count.
Sadly, the only one of Bliar’s crimes that the BBC is interested in is the invasion of Iraq. In the greater scheme of things his far more damaging act of treason was the wholesale importation of millions of incompatible invaders – and the BBC will never attack the charlatan for that.
Yes GC, which ties in with another new thread on this site.
“The-clearest-possible-threat-to-our-society …etc.”
The Blairites continue with their groupthink.
The politicians march on in cowardice.
Their ultimate personal aims are fat EU type pensions (plenty of examples of this).
Splitting up the UK, setting up the Supreme Court, stuffing the House of Lords with his mates, giving up English Common (sense) Law in favour of lawyer ‘gravy train’ ECHR-driven foreign law etc. etc. spawning Brown, Cameron and May, (also clones Trudeau and Macron!).
That the banana republic style gift of the ‘Supreme Court’ is one of my pet hates.
Bliar’s charge sheet would be the longest in history.
Al Beeb broadcast a documentary on r4 about the counter radicalisation strategy – Contest. Can you guess the example they spent the first 5 of 30 minutes talking about and too? Yes friends – a white right wing extremist who was successfully reprogrammed to be less patriotic . So, as the blood pressure rose I thought I’d start counting key words like Islam, Isis, Muslim, mosque and imam, neither the Koran nor maddras was mentioned. Nor any of the attacks by Muslims.
Al Beeb gave a voice to some mad wahabi who rubbished Contest and said it was being used to spy on the community. Probably true in the case of non Muslims.
In short it was a standard piece of tick box to support the al Beeb bias and , I thought, was a bloody insult to the victims. Shameful
@Fedup you used the wrong word; it’s not “Contest”
Prevent’s de-radicalisation programme is called *Channel*
As you said they found the 1% of people caught up in what they described as EDF and EDL bombmaking*
and ignored that majority of violent radicals are Islamic
* Also a bit strange cos although EDL might have some vandals I am not aware of them being bombers, just there was a wacky soldier who once attended an EDL rally who was found to have a nail bomb in his house.
Whereas Muslims bombers were jailed cos of a plan to attack an EDL rally
Thanks Stew – what ever the name for it everyone knows it’s just peeing in the wind. Blighty has merrily imported so much of this rubbish that we are overwhelmed by their hate. I suppose diverting on 14 year old either watch beheadings or looking at porn might help but it’s nothing compared to the mosques and maddrases pumping out the hate .
I wish I hadn’t wasted a half hour listening to al Beeb or indeed writing about it.
Toady this morning was attempting to give British Gas a grilling (ho ho) over its latest pricing scandal. When the hapless chump from Centrica tried to excuse his company’s greed by pointing to the government’s role in causing price rises, Robinson conspicuously failed to ask him what he meant by this.
Now, why on earth would the BBC avoid an opportunity to attack the gummint? It was because Robinson and his producer knew full well that what Mr Centrica was referring to was the raft of ‘Green’ insanity, which keeps the UK’s energy prices sky high. And nothing – nothing – can be allowed to challenge ‘Green’ politics on the BBC. Even the prospect of little old ladies freezing to death.