Anyone seen the plan to build the new power stations needed to generate the electricity to charge all the new electric cars?
Nope, me neither.
Think the bBBC ‘science journalists’ and eco snowflakes think it can be produced from the energy created by lighting candles.
It’s the reason why you see more studies every year about how drinking moderately dramatically lowers your risk of heart disease: The muslim community doesn’t drink but it consumes a vast quantity of fried food, plus tobacco (and marijuana for the youth) to the extent that a survey in somewhere like [insert urban area] will be hugely distorted against tee-totalers.
Of course, I just opened a second bottle of wine because right now, I’d rather trust the bulls**t on radio 4 and drink myself healthy than rely on rational thought…
The bBC and the subtle ways it bemoans Brexit: Shy holiday Britons ‘point at menus’ to avoid foreign words “Over half of Britons who holiday abroad say they have pointed at a restaurant menu to avoid having to pronounce non-English words, a survey suggests. And almost half said they were embarrassed at not being able to speak the local language while away. But 80% of more than 1,700 people questioned for the British Council felt it was important to learn some phrases.
“Trying out a few words is the perfect way to get started,” said Vicky Gough, British Council schools advisor.
And the moral of the story from the bBC: “Previous research by the British Council, the UK’s international culture and education organisation, has found that the UK has a shortage of people able to speak the 10 most important world languages, which is likely to hamper the country’s future prosperity and global standing.”
And what the bBC doesn’t point out, is we use people who speak the lingo, interpretors and of course the other side will do likewise. I mean, how else would the likes of the bBC do business across the world. Other than pointing at little boys at the Blue Oyster Bar.
“..the UK has a shortage of people able to speak the 10 most important world languages, which is likely to hamper the country’s future prosperity and global standing”
This is arrant nonsense from the British Council and the BBC are stupid to parrot such twaddle. Although the BBC get over-excited about some rather challenging tech developments, such as driverless cars, a far more likely near-term advance will be the mobile phone app universal translator. I would seriouslly advise youngsters against going for translation as a career.
“..the UK has a shortage of people able to speak the 10 most important world languages, which is likely to hamper the country’s future prosperity and global standing”
Honest reporting would have pointed out that English is the world’s most common second language enabling people from all over the globe to speak with one another, and is the primary language of international trade, shipping and air-travel, and long will continue to be so.
Much more of a problem is the fact that the UK has a shortage of people able to speak English. This is a particular problem for schools and is driving educational standards lower, which ultimately will have a severe adverse impact upon the UK’s ability to compete with the best on a global basis.
English not the first language in 240 schools – with five primary schools having no native-speakers at all
Number of children without English as their mother tongue hits 1.1 million – a rise of 54,000 in the last year
There are 240 schools in England where over 90 per cent of pupils do not speak English as a first language, with five primary schools having absolutely no first language English speakers at all.
This is from a report in 2013. The situation is far worse today since 33% of all 5 year olds entering primary school are from migrant backgrounds, and the figure is even larger if one includes children from second and third generation immigrants. Even after two or three generations, there are still many who have not been bothered to learn English and still speak their historic/cultural language at home.
Of course one cannot expect the BBC to report on these sort of issues and the problems they are creating for the future of our once great country.
When I can’t get the foreign waiter to understand, I simply shout louder.
Funny you should mention that trait. When I was based in Cyprus, I joined a Gym at one of the hotels on the Strip. One day as I was training, this oldish Brummie guy, started shouting at me , that I was training wrong (mulit-gym) and then proceeded to go through the motions of a boxer. I smiled, pretend not to understand and carried on. I asked the staff who ran the gym, to find out how long they were staying and on the day they were leaving, I went up to him and in perfect English, said, “So you’re leaving tomorrow!’ His face was a right picture, when I told him I was a Sgt in the British Army based just down the road. His wife couldn’t stop laughing.
Bring back Basil Fawlty. He had a way of getting waiters to understand (not)!
Basil: “There’s too much butter on those trays. ON THOSE TRAYS!!”
Manuel, “No, no, not ‘on those trays’ sir. Uno, dos, tres”.
“Britain has a disadvantage cos British people can’t speak foreign language”
em that comes from something
That actually Britain already has the massive ADVANTAGE over every other European country that in every corner we have people who speak fluently the worlds leading language.
Always a fruitful area for raising the spirits, this morning’s headlines on the text pages include:
Carney warns Brexit uncertainty is building
Gove confirms foreign access to UK fish stocks
Universities need more Brexit certainty
Countryside faces damaging Brexit uncertainty
That’s four out of ten items in the Politics section, the others being inconsequential blather – proof positive of BBC impartiality….
I went to Japan and pointed to plastic food in a window to order a meal, we laughed with the chef at our ignorance of the language and then sat to a nice meal. We said goodbye in Japanese, managed to pay and everyone was happy. It was all very nice. (bbc story)
Meanwhile … whilst journalism at the BBC slips, other stories that could still be followed …
Interesting take on the Japanese propensity to use models of the food on offer in the windows of restaurants. These models are not just for ‘foreigners’, and is not just about ignorance of the Japanese language. I asked about this whilst visiting Japan for the first time some years ago. It started way long ago, when the restaurants in Japanese towns and cities used images on the menu to show their wares because Japanese visiting towns from the countryside had to eat, and didn’t know how to read and write, or spoke with dialects unknown to the restaurant staff. Even today, a great many popular restaurants in Japanese cities still continue this tradition.
Many others have moved on to models of the food,and there’s a whole, amazing, section of the ‘restaurant supply street’ in Tokyo (Kappabashi-dori) devoted to varying sizes of these models, representations of meals provided in Japanese restaurants. It’s obviously a good business to be in, and they really are exquisitely detailed and accurate models.
I do recall, in adition, my wife and I visiting a small restaurant in Odawara, on the outskirts of the Hakone region in Japan, when we sat down, to be immediately presented with the ‘English’ menus. Most of it was reasonably understandable, but we were a bit puzzled by the ‘Pasta Polonaise’ item. We exhibited our puzzlement to the waitress, who immediately took us to another entrance (the main one it turns out) to the small restaurant, and pointed to the perfect model of a Spaghetti Bolognese dish amongst a whole window display. We then simply chose our meals by pointing to the models of the food we wanted. Simple – but very effective.
Why does the BBC still employ John Simpson? He’s rarely seen these days but still seems to be on a retainer to come to the phone from home and pontificate about some world development. The old liberal leftie was busy doing the BBCs work on Venezuela on Today this morning. After all, Corbyn’s been given a hard time for his silence on Madura so doubtless the BBC is justified in coming to Jezza’s defence. He’s on holiday in Croatia it seems, too busy to go to WW1 commemorations and certainly, too busy to have his appalling record on Venezuela subject to interview. So Simpson does Jezza’s work for him and explains why Madura faces difficult problems due to Venezuela’s class system, rooted in its settler culture. He doesn’t go as far as Ken and demand that these ‘oligarchs’ be shot, but the line is similar.
I think al Beeb has a trait of deciding someone is ‘talent’ then keeping them for ever and sending them into stuff they didn’t originally plan to be doing. Newsreaders do holiday shows or auction stuff – and on and on. Or they get a DJ from the 1960s and give him a programme on the television called ‘ Jim ll fix it’.
These characters become venerated just because they’ve been sucking on the public teet for so long. Humpreys is the same. It gets even better when it becomes a family business like the Snows, Dimblebys and others you might recall.
John Simpson’s real name is Fidler-Simpson, and I wish he had kept it, as it sums him up quite well.
I once read a piece by him, where he said that on his first day at Cambridge he paid a porter half a crown to repaint his name on his door from Fidler-Simpson to Simpson, and has been known as Simpson ever since. It is quite possible he never actually changed his name formally. I wonder what it says on his passport (the British one, not the KGB one)?
The Beeb are gloating about the jury for the Trump/Russia nonsense, some spicy sauce for the nothing burger. Do they ever consider how boring it is to hear this same stuff over and over and over? Someone had a conversation with someone from another country briefly – how fascinating. It’s not exactly a Bond movie. I guess pushing the agenda is more important than informing and entertaining the audience.
Beeb , I think it’s funny when al Beeb interview one of their own and a democrat and they all sing from the ‘isn’t it terrible ‘ song sheet. I think they tend to avoid Trump supporters because they tend to rip the liberal view apart. All part of the scheme to keep the swamp filled and Hilary on course to have another go.
Having just watched the PBS documentary on Clinton it’s a reminder of how amoral this pair are and that they’ll do anything for self advancement
Read Clinton Cash – it is such an insight into why politicians become so dishonest and corrupt. They had the most fantastic, jet- setting lifestyle and she clearly wanted more of the same. I got the same impression reading Blair’s book – what a fantastically fulfilling, exciting and munificent job politics is.
Their ‘journalism’ would shame a Sixth Form project: they just get someone on their side to comment on how bad they obviously consider something Trump has done to be.
“Shocking news; Liverpool supporter says Manchester United are rubbish!”
I have never heard a single word against Clinton, and so many in the States have profound and visceral hatred for her.
I think the Democrat Party may once have been an ethical political party. Certainly, it is hard to imagine Jimmy Carter taking a contract out on anyone (Lyndon Johnson, less so). But ever since they were taken over by the Clintons in 1992, they have degenerated into a criminal conspiracy dedicated to the advantage and enrichment of the Clinton crime family.
The whole point about the “Russian hack” (which wasn’t) was that it revealed that the Democratic National Committee conspired to steal the nomination from Bernie Saunders and give it to Hillary Clinton.
When Seth Rich, a Bernie supporter, found this out, he downloaded the contents of the DNC server and sent it to Wikileaks via an anonymous drop box. And then he was murdered.
An MSM which wasn’t a bunch of left wing pukes would find something interesting to report on there, especially as it has now come out that the IT for the DNC and 30 Democrat members of the House of Representatives was provided by a Pakistani with no security clearance who has just been arrested for bank fraud.
Then again, Don Jr once met a Russian for 20 minutes while she talked to him about adoption laws. The conclusion is clear… IMPEACH TRUMP NOW!
I find it strange when the BBC claims that Russia influenced the American Election, just who interfered more than the BBC who wanted Obama, twice and then Hillarious Clinton. The BBC should beware where it throws stones, one day they are going to come back, painfully I hope. The BBC are scum.
It’s a shame comments about the National Trust have been orphaned as part of the Midweek Thread because the same caste that runs the BBC (university ‘educated’, middle-upper class ‘liberals’) has suborned the National Trust and is using it in a very similar way to spread its cultural Marxist ideas.
It is absolutely not a coincidence that while the BBC runs more or less continuous propaganda designed to encourage, promote and celebrate homosexuality, the Trust has decided to do the same. There is no darkened room in which conspiracies are hatched, but there is a very well adapted mechanism whereby memes are created and passed, like contagious diseases, from one Left-dominated organism to another.
There are other similarities between the two organisations as well. Those at the top do fabulously well out of it, however badly they perform, while the ‘poor bloody infantry’ are despised when they are not patronised. It is high time both bodies were held to account for having been stolen.
Pounce said
\\ There’s a story in the Eastern Daily Press about how volunteers at Felbrigg Hall (National Trust) have been told they will not be allowed to perform meet and greet roles if they decline to wear a rainbow badge or lanyard.
A comment there caught my eye and it sums the bBC to a Tee.
“Because the love that dare not speak its name is now the love that won’t STFU.”
Volunteers at Felbrigg Hall have described their “heartbreak” after being forced away from their volunteering posts.
That’s a great story . Reminds me of a requirement to wear other badges in living memory on pain of punishment . Insane this is an example of taking dogoodery to an extreme and may well breach charity law – if true.
I assume the local al beeb hasn’t picked up the story even though it’s their ginger beer week.
Right now Derbyshire prog; talking about Grenfell, no alternative view, just the ‘justice for Grenfell’. That and the ‘Charlie Gard’ illustrates the ‘Saintdom’ attitude. A story where there must not be any alternative even opposing views.
I think this is bad, as all it encourages is groupthink and very dangerous. Of course no one does it more than the bBC.
‘The Legal Occupier’ of my house has been sent a brown envelope with an extra label asking if they will be in on a certain day, (does that mean that squatters don’t need a TV licence?).
Inside is one of those letters of the type beloved of all those fake ‘your a competition winner’ style with a pretend red ‘visit approved’ stamp in the corner. At the bottom is some random eleven digit number below the request ‘please do not write below this line’, (why not? who would want to?).
Clearly TV Licensing’s computer has got its number bases mixed up as ‘We’ visit 10101 addresses a day (21?). They claim to make a visit every five seconds, which is 6.3 million per year or about one in ten of us getting a call!
I’m proud to say I’m going to get a visit later this month. They said they were coming last month so I stayed in all day waiting for them. No one showed. I had a good mind to complain about their breach of promise .
They seem to have given up saying that “detector vans are in your area”.
Women are, apparently , more likely to get prosecuted . Can’t understand that.
I like the irony that on the day the albeeb gestapo is due to visit chez fedup in Blighty – I will be in another country able to watch al Beeb ( not that I want to) without the threat of a visit from some poor creature making an immoral living from causing misery to others. Probably on a par with traffic wardens.
Ha – I did , at one stage , post the letters back. It weighs me down sometimes because I don’t like being selective about obeying laws . The cost of the licence itself is over generous but it’s not like that. I just cannot, in conscience , pay it. That would weigh me down even more.
Can only hope as people move more onto the internet and reduce viewing figures the demise of al Beeb might be hastened. There are the expectional high quality old style programmes but I reckon maybe an hour or two a week . That’s being generous. The rest is just dumbed down smug self satisfied tosh pushing al beebs agenda
I sent a postcard to one of the names they sign off their stupid letters . I thought I would repay in the same coin so I put Your Gay Times subscription has expired please renew urgently !
Fedup – you touch on something I and probably many others feel: despite their bias and agenda-driven output, the BBC still produces the odd superb programme and they still provide a good service in some areas. For example, I love Radio 3’s coverage of the Proms – Monteverdi’s Vespers was wonderful the other night. I am inclined to still have respect for them but then I turn on the TV and see my bete noir the Trumpophobe Jon Sopel reporting from America and I turn against the organisation I grew up loving.
Just write on the envelope “Chris ‘£2.2m’ Evans can answer questions on the forced payment of BBC TV Licence, which pays his wages.” FAO:
Chris “£2.2m + CarFest” Evans
Gary “£1.7m + BT Sport + Crisps” Lineker
Tony “£450K + expenses” Hall
BBC Broadcasting House, Egton Wing, Portland Place , London , W1A 1AA
BBC Tax Payers, who have to pay by threat of a prison cell (18,000 BBC TV License convictions in 2016, more women than men) request that the BBC do a Panorama special hosted by Gary Lineker and Chris Evans justifying the high wages throughout the BBC and answering the following:
BBC TV Tax revealed its inflated pay of it’s employees, why did it take so long to publish.
BBC TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked)
– GaryLineker (£1.2m) + Crisps + BT Sport + hidden companies = is he superman!
– Chris Evans (£2.2m) + CarFest + hidden companies
BBC TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on screen.
– BBC to cross reference with MP Register of Interests, such as Diane Abbotts
BBC TV Tax Payers request Gary Lineker responds to all people (18,000 in 2016) who have been charged with not paying his wages.
BBC TV Tax Payers request for information on all stars that are hiding their wages in different companies – will these stars step forward and say how much they are being paid from the publics purse?
BBC TV Tax Payers request how long these inflated wages have been paid – last 20 years
BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees wages 80K or above are added to the website just like Lord Hall’s £450K + expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality
BBC TV Tax Payers request all expenses and claims for employees above 80K are shown
BBC TV Tax Payers request ALL BBC employees to respond to ‘Is it ok to force money out of people to pay your wages?’
BBC TV Tax Payers show that BBC wages went up as public and private sector stagnated
BBC TV Tax Payers request payments made to all the criminal paedophiles in the BBC such as Jimmy Savile
BBC TV Tax Payers request payments made to Anjem Choudry and other known extremists
BBC TV Tax Payers request all BBC Presenter twitter feeds be reviewed and do they follow the BBC guidelines. ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘. 6.34Million Twitter Ears Waiting to Listen.
The BBC TV Tax/License pays £3.5bn a year and with such, its resources should be able to produce a self reflective programme about BBC wages in less than two weeks.
They love to virtue signal about the bedroom tax and countless other anti Tory things, but how many poor and vulnerable people are in prison because they refuse to fund their champagne lifestyle? You’re right – this sort of programme is right up their street.
Nothing to do with any BBC show but I’ve been pointing this out a few times and this post copied from the DE today gives more examples.
In order to match England’s population density of 413 people per square kilometre, other European countries would need to take in the following numbers of people:–
Austria 26.4 million
Denmark 12.4 million
France 162.3 million
Germany 65.6 million
Greece 42.8 million
Italy 64.7 million
Irish Republic 24.4 million
Northern Ireland 4.0 million
Poland 90.5 million
Romania 79.4 million
Spain 162.1 million
Sweden 176.3 million
Scotland 27.1 million
Wales 8.6 million
Conversely, if England had the same population density as say France, its population would be 14.5 million.
However, the BBC does fully support mass immigration.
Fact Check: is the UK the most crowded country in Europe? {}
“In his flagship speech on immigration, it appears that the claims above made by UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s are incorrect. … The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage that the UK is “the most crowded country in Europe” and “one dwelling must be built every seven minutes just to cope with the current rates of immigration” is partly untrue. … However, the story is much more complex than this. … Especially low skilled immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption than native or permanent residents.”
– Interesting article, but I see it does not take into account family birth rates and family traditions
– Compare a family with 2 children average (over simplified) – 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32
– Compare a family with 8 children average (over simplified) – 8 / 64 / 512 / 4096 / 32768
– Remember, as the number increases so does the number of old people over time.
– Now consider a devout religious family that does not believe in abortion and whose state media says stay at home and have babies, such as in {Iran 2014}.
– What happens if a state ran media chooses to focus all its effort towards kids in a non-gender society {Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? bbc – 2017} or promote homosexuality 24/7?
You are aware what the online publication called the Conversation is ?
..It’s a LibMob propaganda outlet organised a coalition of UK/Australian iniversities and paid for by the taxpayer.
Hence about Farage they say “The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage is partly untrue.”
Instead of saying “The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage is largely true and could be an underestimate”
They dwell on their idea that Netherlands, and Belgium have slightly higher density.
In fact the current population density of Netherlands seems lower that England’s
“412 people per km2 – 507 (January 2017) ”
I think their other figs are wrong as well
Though of course Malta has a higher density.
StewGreen – like I say and the article sort of does say it is more complex and yes I believe it’s an underestimate due to the number of kids being potentially born. Though the article says ‘immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption‘.
Arguably, but not revealed with facts and they don’t bother to make the argument, so it is a get out clause, a lazy statement to end the article on.
Arguably I’m an elephant, although if I was, you wouldn’t be able to argue with me … does that mean I’d win the argument?
“One woman among thousands of infertile couples in the programme is eight weeks pregnant,” Antinori is reported as saying at a meeting in the United Arab Emirates. If true, this would represent the first human cloning pregnancy.
Antinori refused to reveal the nationality of the woman or her location at the meeting, according to the Gulf News. Almost 5000 couples are now involved in the programme, he said. {newscientist apr2002}“
MM, probably should read ‘some temporary’ ‘immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption‘.
Many of the young eastern Europeans here in the UK have no intention – at least at first – of staying more than a few years. In fact, there are now stories how some have already gone back, having spent three or four years sharing accommodation (perhaps four to a room) in order to save as much money as possible to buy a home back in Poland/Romania/whereever or to start a business in their homeland.
I know of some of these migrants who have lived here long enough to buy properties in their home countries ( Brazil , Lithuania ) to live in and rent out . ( These countries were not in the EU , Lithuania is now , the Brazilian used a Portugese passport ) .
Fine hardworking honest fellows , but what’s in it for us ?
Can the EU please create a law to add labels, with warnings, on their European MPs.
Jean-Claude Juncker’s label – ‘When it becomes serious, you have to lie. (by the way it’s always serious with me.)‘.
Angela Merkel’s label – ‘We can do it (but I won’t tell you what it will cost. The ‘we’ means ‘you’)‘
Tonight is St Duggan’s Eve, six years since the racist cops upholding the Neo Liberal Paradigm executed this man because of the colour of his skin
The demo might clash with one for the plastic bag swallower
Clare-Have the Londonistan programme sponsored this? Riz Lateef swoons
everytime she mentions his name. I am surprised there isn’t a statue of him in
the studio.
Actually the Londonistan programme is one of the chief culprits of
alienating the Metropolitan Police and stopping them wanting to chase the
motor scooter scum criminals. Day after day after day this Trotskyist, Anarchist,
Fifth Columnist programme , attacks the Met!!!
On 5 October 1985 four policemen burst into the home of Broadwater Farm resident Cynthia Jarrett looking for stolen property.
They failed to find any, but Ms Jarrett had a heart attack and died.
In the hours that followed, up to 500 officers were drafted in, battling with rioters throwing bottles and cans from the walkways within the estate.
By midnight, 58 policemen and 24 other people had been taken to hospital.
Police in riot gear occupied the estate for two months after the disturbance, using police dogs, helicopters and surveillance equipment.
A force spokesman said the investigation into the murder of PC Blakelock remains open.
Rob ,
Al beeb is probably running a whole week themed on the Mark Duggan story. Phone ins , where were you ? Your “mark” stories . Marks slavery past . Marks favourite baking recipes and a rock concert with bono, Lilly
And others desperate to do teli .
As I said yesterday, this is the silly season. So it`s an easy analysis really.
Once you take out the Brexit and Trump Chicken licking stories-you`re left with very little news.
Beneath these overriding agendas, come the second order stories. These are the socialist and Islamic promotions, advocating the left and all things Muslim.
The left includes all deviancies from gay and hyperfeminism to criminals, trannies to botched tattooes…but these only get the bandwagon once the Muslims are safely around the corner.
The third order stories are the sports crap and all things that the BBC will be broadcasting or snooping around for future agenda settings.
The above accounts for about 90% of all BBC output and issues I think.
Once it clicks that all stories ultimately end in Trump or Brexit, then it makes sense…and OUR need to help Donald drain the swamp(or at least dig some good ditches for his cause this side of the Atlantic) becomes all the clearer.
Time to fight back. Turn off the BBC and do something more useful instead.
And forcing the hardest of Brexits down a condom and making the BBC and Soubry pretend it`s paracetemol is a good aim to begin with.
Safe to say that our “lionesses” lost, just as our blokes do isn`t it? Only gather this Because garry Richardson had his Churchills Funeral voice on and was only half bothered with Usain and Mo running later today…clearly a death in the BBC Sporting Family.
Patronising Hornbys the BBC “sporting gobshites” aren`t they?
BBC becoming excited about the Grand Jury being formed in the US, alluding again to impeachment. It is proposed they investigate President Trump and his family, his businesses, his dental records, his medical health, his regular medication, what he has for breakfast in the mornings (and later meals), how he feels about scratching the bottoms of his feet and more, probably also exploring his daily ‘motions’. McCarthyism all over again. I don’t know anyone that does not have the feeling that the Democrats are trying desperately including (“a woman scorned”(?)) to dig up something on him and/or his family, ‘hook or by crook’. The level of coverage by the BBC is disproportionate to their American viewers/listeners. In the 2011 Census, it was recorded that there were 197,000 Americans living in the UK as a whole –
Having said that, the level of islamic coverage is similarly disproportionate. But unlike the muslims and other foreigners filling our screens and ears, I don’t see the Americans packing out the BBC studios and reading out the news for us, or reporting on sport or finance. As we have much in common with the Americans, perhaps we should petition the BBC to engage more Americans in a similar fashion to black and asian faces? At least we won’t be reminded of islam continually.
I think Theresa May should invoke Article ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’ 1 Clause which stipulates:
Provision 1: If during leaving the EU you grow tired, then Jacob Rees-Mogg will step in as caretaker PM.
Provision 2: If you are still tired,then let Jacob Rees-Mogg become PM.
Provision 3: If you require help on how to handle the press regarding initiating a ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’, then confer with Diane as she has already issued a Article Type 2 clause during the General Election June2017, miss handled several interviews and still won her seat in Hackney (42,265 votes / 75.1%/ change in seats+12.2).
Provision 4: Please review some of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s material ….
EU Referendum has done some good in the World.
It has revealed that the political class in the UK and Europe are followers and not leaders. It has shown that politicians are fighting for themselves, as a group. They make the right noises but don’t want to do anything. They believe it will all work out as long as they say the right thing at the right time.
I have reviewed many politicians and was in agreement with Jeremy Corbyn at one point, but the more I read, oh dear, the more I read the more I find out that I know nothing … the key is holding all these peoples actions in your head all at once, a skill that has been lost.
Asking tough questions means you have to come up with tough answers.
Asking how many genders do you want (71 flavours of ice cream!) just produces a list to confuse the population, ready for the new flavours to be added, then keep asking if the list is right or have we missed anybody?
Parliament channel; As it quiet they are doing selective transmissions. One I object to is Steve Richards on Brown. This is a left wing reporter who specialises in Bliar Brown etc. To say the presentation is sympathetic is a gross understatement. Any right wing propaganda getting the same national exposure.
No, it’s about we the public being forced to fund the BBC’s politically correct, left-wing shit. Apart from social justice warriors and Labour voters no-one gives a shit about diversity.
There really is no respite, is there? To help with the tea making ceremony, I switched on R4. Gardener’s Question Time to find some idiot wittering about ‘carbon footprints’ and how you can (and by implication ‘should’) grow plants that don’t need watering.
We endured this sort of twaddle ten years ago, when TV gardening ‘experts’ were regularly advising people to plant things that, on average, managed onem at most two, winters before keeling over from the damp conditions – which have not changed.
BBC’s Matt Baker is given an excuse, he’s over worked … put does not show his hours and input to the shows …
“Countryfile’s Matt Baker also co-presents The One Show
Matt Baker was the only Countryfile presenter to appear on the list, due to his other presenting roles on The One Show and the BBC’s Olympics coverage.”
Article ends with a pretend doctor asking to be paid the equivalent of 11.5 real nurses @£35K … he could have ended with “I’m on a good wage and happy”. What pay increases have all these BBC actors/presenters/directors had over the years last 10 years, since the 2008 crash that froze wages for everyone else?
“Holby City’s Hugh Quarshie (pretend doctor) said this week that he should be paid a similar salary to Casualty’s Derek Thompson, who earns between £350,000-£399,000 per year. (which equals 11.5 real nurses) … Quarshie has played Ric Griffin in Holby City for 15 years.”
BBC can get more value for money if we go to a Venezuelan style economy …
Sly bbcR4feedback have done a change this week.
Before it was obvious that they were only fishing for LiMob views cos they’d stick the invitation under the person’s Liberal tweet.
But now they send the invitation independently
@judeinlondon Hi, we're the audience feedback programme and would love to talk. Could you follow so we can DM? thanks.
Isn’t it interesting how the BBC et al no longer prefix the ‘asylum seeker’ tag with the word ‘Syrian’?
I suppose even they realise you can only show so many inflatables filled with sub-Saharan African economic migrants before people work out what is really going on.
I dont know GP – If you pressed the BBC they would tell us that they are all called Allen and are 13 years of age and all want to be engineers.
But on the whole you are right. The BBC S work is finished here. Borders are now wide open and no European Government (and especially the UK) have the balls to do what should have been done a long time ago.
Fake News. All of the Gambians who have tried to get to Europe the “back way ” are young men. I have never heard of a woman trying it. Socially, the men would not allow it. This whole nonsense is a total fraud.
There was a time Nations would repel or protect its borders from invasion *sigh*.
– who provides the boats?
– get some army satellite footage of what is happening.
– who provides the orange nice looking jackets?
– do they all have mobile phones?
– ask tough questions and you have to have some tough answers!
– will I see this on the BBC News tonight?
She’s Labour Grant…they are gauche and thick and see this as a badge of honour. She is pro -muslim because she has muslim voters, hordes of them. Until…..such a time she or her replacement get booted down the road by a muslim candidate…sooner than she thinks..and her constituency becomes Islamabad Minor, if it doesn’t resemble it already. Muppets…read Dougies book…
Agree with Grant. Portillo made a key point: the people have never been asked about quantity while being denied the products of their taxes. Kendall was interesting too. Dismiss the problem & peoples’ concerns by leadership. Touch of Labour Big Brother there lurking behind the style while trying to outshoe Theresa.
Portillo is a strange character. But he made some good points there. Liz Kendall just trying to jump down Murray’s throat whenever he said anything she did not agree with. Typical socialist, does not care what the people think even though she is the least intelligent of the four in that discussion.
Grant, indeed. BBC make-up and lighting do him no favours with that nose. He is obviously a thinker, though. Probably why he could not win the Conservative leadership. Same with Frank Field in Labour, or the Conservatives for that matter.
Ever wonder how the BBC combines support for feminism and Islam?
Our American cousins have the answer.
Sometimes when I read of Moslem immigrants being primarily men of military age I think that is also the age when men are most fertile.
Just the ticket for the feminists who have contributed to the emasculation of European men, but for whom biology dictates they mate with the fittest.
Watch the post by Russell Burton on Youtube, called, ‘Saville and the Ninth Circle’..about 48 mins….an eye-opener….there are others too, all good viewing. If these don’t make you angry, there’s something wrong….
Not available on the BBC Site … Egyptian Islamic authority sets up fatwa kiosk in Cairo metro {theguardian aug2017}
“Travellers passing through al-Shohada station are being offered chance to get advice from religious scholars inside booth (consistent teachings? has it been tested?).We’re targeting people on the street who are ignorant of religious matters – they come to us and we try to put them on the right track of moderation.”
– Is a Christian box on offer next door? A Buddhism box? A Jewish Box? A Mormon Box?
– Egypt Demographics {wiki} : Muslim 90% (Mostly Sunni) // Christianity 10% // Bahá’í ( 2,000 ) // Judaism ( 200 )
They should do a Watchdog special about the BBC. You know how they show some dishonourable businessman who has broken his contract, interviewing his broken victims along the way?
They could use their narrative expertise to focus on a woman with mental health problems whose husband had died; she only watched the television as it was her only company to stop her from crying. She never watched the Beeb as its output was so dire and deceitful – her daughter was a grooming victim which the Beeb had wilfully covered up.
They could go through the contract/charter which this shady organisation breaches shamelessly, showing the most egregious examples of its bias.
The camera crew goes to an exclusive bar where they are all quaffing champagne smugly and talking about sports cars, villas in France and other ill-gotten gains. They ask them to confront this poor woman who had to go to prison on top of all that had happened to her as she refused to pay for their Ferraris.
Just watching the Athletics opening ceremony on BBC 2. We had my mother in her late eighties watching as well. She asked, when announced, ” who is Sadiq Con?”. I thought to myself how apt. I will be using that name in all future correspondence.
“Sadiq Khan attends the Al-Muzzammil Mosque in Tooting, London were the preaching of hatred towards the Ahmadiyya Muslims is encouraged all because Ahmadiyya Muslim’s reject Muhammed as a man of god but instead accept Jesus as the man of god. What so called political individual would have ties or attend a venue where they preach hatred towards another group of people.
The newly elected London Mayor shared platforms on nine occasions with radical Islamic Tooting, London, Imam Suliman Gani who supports the Islamic State and the non-existence of Israel. Now if you got it wrong for the first time by accidentally sharing a platform with a Islamic extremist individual then you thought you would learn from this, but to continue to share the same platform with, Imam Suliman Gani on nine separate occasions is concerning and questionable.
Let’s not forget that Imam Suliman Gani appeared at an event in Bedford last November 2015, on the night of the Paris terror attacks, where speakers called on British Muslims to struggle for an Islamic state.
So when the London mayor election race began and the Tories and even various other political commentators where questioning Sadiq Khans past and current event attending they were right to do so because an individual who has all this baggage should have a lot of answering to do and should be monitored by a magnified glass. Even the British Prime Minister, David Cameron during his attendance at the House of Commons questioned and criticised the associations and the shared platforms Sadiq Khan has done so.
Sadiq Khan uses that same old cheap and easy kop out excuse that his law background of being a solicitor and active within the Human Rights field is why he represents, attends and communicates with individuals associated with such Islamic extremist/anti-Israeli views. The issue is that the left/far left are so separated from reality that they only take word from face value and what mainstream media provides in information as gospel, when that is at time’s biased and misleading information for personal political agendas, but instead the left/far left should deal with situations based on factual evidence and actions instead of this learning disability and mental health issue of that Utopia actually exists when it doesn’t and it will not.”
All in all a little shitbag!
night all!..sleep well.
Sadiq Khan will be stopped by the funky Halal chicken. It exposes him for flipping on stance (more for islam/less for London) and positive employment for Muslims only jobs, positive religious employment and enforcing Sharia practices.
He knows his history and does a nice talk. Listen to his YouTube videos then ask did he answer the question, what would have been a better question to force an exact answer.
Muslims/jobs?…Mark, these creatures do not want to work…they expect us, dhimmies, to work and keep them in benefits, while they pump out kids, the future Muslim Army….fantasy.?…no it’s not…
Khan – a mere pawn in the even bigger islamic agenda. The best muslim candidate to hand to mayor London. When he demonstrates finally that he and others like him are unsuitable for such a position when his muzzie voters are baying for blood – we’ll see who calls the tune then.
BBc 4 World news. Apparently it’s hot in southern Europe. We are informed these events are more likely to happen more likely than in the 2000s. So this is the first time this has happened in over a decade. So glad we are clear on that one.
Currently on Ch4 news, discussing lack of social housing in Newham/Southwark for all the migrants working here ! My blood is boiling ! Iranians interviewed, a new Muslim mother etc etc, and believe it or not, a couple from COLOMBIA !! who don’t speak a word of English but have 3 kids and are waiting to be housed in Southwark – How the F did they get here and why ???? It just brings home the amount of aliens in our country and how they all believe its the land of milk and honey – which it is for those that get here. Mrs Fuming signing off.
I was just amazed listening to Roger Graef and Pru Leith (both immigrants to Europe and the UK) talk about UK prisons on Museum of Curiosity. No recognition of why our prison system is on the point of failing, merely condemnation of existing practices and recidivism. Graef even went so far as to say he did not like or hated the country of his birth so he has decided to take ours.
Prior to this I had heard a lengthy trail for a gentleman who has apparently become a star on University Challenge for gurning while coming up with the right answer. A Canadian, he has been given a radio show – which should allow his facial expressions to be seen by a wider audience – by the BBC.
I guess he is not the first UC contestant to wear glasses, look studious and pull faces while trying to think of the right answer. Most, I suspect, will have been British born and thus not good enough for the BBC to offer a programme to. They will just have to try to migrate to Canada for the opportunities to do a similar thing. Except that Canada, even in the age of Premier Trudeau II, operates a strict qualifying system for would be immigrants and they may not qualify.
I watch uc and mastermind to see how dumbed down the questions are. In fairness to the Canadian fella he is good television and par for the course for al beeb to desperately find something new.
I’m surprised the format of UC hasn’t been screwed up by albeeb yet . Black girly questioner next time I suppose – with a thick Nigerian accent .
Fed, LOL! Apparently something of a mania, that Mr Monkman. It was just the way they introduced his claim to fame and then blankly said “he has been given a radio show” demonstrated to me – again – how hopeless & helpless the BBC are at present.
Huh ! see that its the new ‘regular’ Dawn Foster of the Guardian flying the flag for the migrants. What a transformation being on the tele has made – first few appearances greasy hair, glasses, no make-up; now its glossy hair, no specs and even a touch of lippy ! sorry luv you still are what you are – and I’m too much of a lady to call it.
Six hours to go up the M5 to Bristol when normally it takes one hour . An accident and spillage and resurfacing so down to one lane . The reason for the huge delays ; too much traffic . The reason for too much traffic , too many people .
And idiots like Vince Cable (Lord or sir ? ) and the BBC want even more people to come into the country .
The chart earlier, showing the millions needed by Euro countries to match our Pop. density of 413 people per sq Kilometre is shocking reading….but unsurprising…our leaders and the stupid Left will ignore it…
Strange really that al Beeb, guardian and other msm concentrate of alleged election irregularities but don’t talk about sky high stock markets and falling unemployments rates. Which is more important to ordinary people than the American election process .
When the fashionable correction comes albeeb will be all over it blaming all their favourite targets.
The Today crew will be in happy ‘told you so’ heaven .
Why can’t the awful bbbc do a programme on how many recent immigrants have taken on good jobs, made a better life for themselves, and made their neighbours proud of them? Maybe they’ve bought their own homes! Maybe they’re more than doctors or nurses. Some may be engineers or scientists…
Surely someone has in the bbbc has thought of this!
C’mon bbbc, do a bit of work for a change, make a real programme.
If you listen to a programme on the wireless on Sunday morning called Broadcasting House ( I don’t ) this week we are promised a Dickensian themed programme where they take the immigrant plucky survivor kids from Grenfell Tower out to the countryside to see it.
That might make you proud – personally I’d either laugh or be sick .
Just turned over to watch Monty on Gardener’s World but had to watch two blokes kissing in a trailer first – put me of my cheese roll . Really BBC Just fk off with this sht
The BBC should have a warning on programmes – ‘ This programme contains no gay kissing’ . Ratings would probably go through the roof – do these dufus’ in charge realise that they are the product of a normal man/woman relationship or do they think their parents found them at the end of a rainbow?
I’m originally from Angus Robertson’s (now) old seat, one of the most pro-Brexit places in Scotland. I do find it annoying that the Scottish BBC is based in Glasgow so the rest of the UK gets the same impression of Scotland as if, per say, the English BBC had been based in Liverpool during the post war period.
That is interesting. I always say that the only worse people in the UK than Glaswegians are Liverpudlians. I can get away with it here, but not in a public forum ! Don’t think there are any on this site anyway !
It’s why people think a Scottish accent is a Glasgow accent, I always tell people to go look up what people from the Western Isles sound like or youtube up a Doric accent. Again, it’s the same as foreigners thinking everyone in England speaks with RP. We’re just as bad mind, assuming all Americans or French people etc sound the same.
I did live in Glasgow for a decade though and it’s a fun city but there is a real insidious undertone of envy of wealth. Like if you turned up in a flash car and said you’d stolen it it then you’d be a rogue and someone might buy you a drink for sticking it to the man, but if you said you’d bought it after starting a successful company then you’d be treated with suspicion.
Still, I always encourage people to visit Glasgow over Edinburgh. People spending an afternoon looking at Edinburgh Castle and saying they’ve “seen Scotland” is like visiting Disneyland Florida and saying you’ve “seen America” and I think Glasgow’s got more interesting stuff to see (even if there’s admittedly no castle)
Good points all. I went to Aberdeen Uni and needed an interpreter for the first few weeks ! Lived in Edinburgh for many years but never really felt I was part of it. But I am not too keen on cities anyway. Bit of a bumpkin, I guess !
Good points. Liverpudlians are the English weegies.
Same victimhood and disproportionate criminality.
With regard to Scottish envy, apparently Andrew Carnegie recounted a story when in America, if someone saw a nice car, they would say – ‘That’s fantastic. I’m going to work hard and maybe one day get one of those’.
In Scotland – ‘It’s not fair. I want one of those. Why don’t I get one?’ Then he would go and damage the car.
5 Live having an SJW orgasm talking about Mo Farah, cutting to an excited commentator saying, “This is what Great Britain is all about!”
Of all the absurd and annoying arguments in favour of mass immigration and multiculturalism this could be the most annoying. Matthew Syed made a similar point in The Times, saying how great it was that medalists came from all races, and that this would unite us. Yeah – say that to grooming victims, people who cannot go out at night or the mother whose daughter’s bedroom is still empty as she was killed by a nail bomb. So what if she was killed? Someone called Mo just ran really fast and made himself millions in endorsements. So what if his brother is a violent criminal? As long as one in a million becomes a world- beating athlete, everything is going to be ok.
And I love the way he vociferously complained, a few years back, that the UK wasn’t doing enough to clamp down on tax avoidance, and the next minute decided to declare he would rather pay (lower) taxes in the US, than his ‘adopted/adoptive’ country – having, since childhood, benefited from all of the services and support the UK had provided for him and his family. Lovely fella !
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer. In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together. (was the Mo and the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism? Would be an interesting question.)
And he is a Somali…a horrible race…i detest all muslims, all of them….They mess up every where they go. I resent the way the Govt appeases the muslims, panders to them…..i reserve my right to hate. Muslims hate us…hate them right back. What moulded my hatred?…Forty years ago, a muslim employee wh
ere i worked was regularly absent, prayed when he should have been working, was abusive and surly to fellow employees, and moaned constantly about his ‘ rights ‘. He was eventually sacked….and was reported killed fighting the Russians in Afghanistan…what a tragedy. I was driving through Slough one night, trying to get to the M4,….As i stopped to adjust the Sat Nav, a knock on the window, i cautiously wound it down a touch, the guy, with guys behind him said i was in a muslim area, and to leave…I said i can’t wait mate, who the hell do you think you are?…he got abusive when i said i will call the Police….he said the Police were in their pockets…. i believed him….what a shithole these muslim areas are….see why i detest them?…..BBC should go into these areas and film the response…..will they hell!
A friend of mine emailed me this the other day, so I thought I’d share it with you. The BBC student tree huggers may not like it though.
A young woman was about to finish her first year of university. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be Labour Party minded, and she was very much in favour of higher taxes to support her education and for more government programs – in other words, the redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch blue-ribbon Conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had attended, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harboured a selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs.
The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors must be the truth, and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing at university.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 90% average, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many university friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, “How is your friend Audrey doing?” She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 50% average. She is so popular on campus; university for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.”
Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 20% off your average and give it to your friend who only has 50%. That way you will both have a 70% average, it would be fair and you would both be equal.”
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, “That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the Conservative side of the fence.”
If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Conservative and Labour/Greens, I’m all ears.
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Conservative supporter doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Labour/Green doesn’t like guns, they want all guns outlawed.
If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Labour/Green is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Conservative is gay, he quietly leads his life.
If a Labour/Green is gay, he demands legislated respect.
If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Labour/Green wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.
If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Labour/Green non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)
If a Conservative reads this, he’ll show it so his/her friends so they can have a good laugh.
A Labour/Green will delete it because he’s “offended.”
If a Conservative doesn’t want to wear a rainbow badge he doesn’t have to.
A Labour/Green will demand you wear a rainbow badge, respect it and stop pulling an awkward smile and love it, don’t hate, because hate is crime or rather an incident, but use the word crime because it stops people thinking immediately. {biasedbbc post – Felbrigg Hall}
I popped my head over the garden fence today to find my Muslim neighbour had buried his wife up to her neck, and was ready to throw stones at her. I immediately phone the police and now I’m being prosecuted for religious intolerance, bigotry and waycism.
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this series, “Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South”, but what a pleasant and totally unexpected surprise this gave me when I have just watched the first two episodes on the iPlayer and shall watch the last episode tomorrow.
When I saw the description of the programme on my electronic TV Guide – “black standup comedian born in the Deep South of America, now living in London” and returning to his home roots to review his prejudices and Southern music – WELL! say no more! I almost just passed it by, expecting it to be yet another “Lenny Hendry Type” programme, just running down and denigrating most things outside of Hendry’s well known biased points of view whereby his beliefs about his *own* biased outlook on the world takes precedence over everything else.
However, I decided to give it an eyeball on the BBC iPlayer and I am very glad that I did – I suppose one of the real reasons I decided to take a look at the programme is that I am quite fond of music from the American Deep South. The results of watching Reginald D. Hunter’s travels were most entertaining, informative, enjoyable *and* absolutely totally unbiased regarding black/white relations in his coverage of the Deep South of America, when the programme could have easily meandered into the usual BBC PC doctrine and just ended up being worth the “off-switch” after 10 minutes.
This series of programmes is truly outstanding and it leads me to wonder a couple of things:
1. It is not the usual BBC PC output and whoever commissioned this is to be commended.
2. If they can make programmes like this once, why on earth can they not make others in a similar vein, so that instead of being a programme that stands out for being so politically, ethnically and truly a balanced view, why cannot they do it more often?
For a programme which is *truly* representative of the way that the BBC *used* to be, many, many years ago, I would highly recommend viewing “Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South”. Most enjoyable!
I liked what I’ve seen of the programme. No doubt it helps that I like the music too but I also get the feeling that Hunter, having become something of an ‘anywhere’ person or at any rate surrounded by them in the BBC, has discovered that he has roots too which makes him a ‘somewhere’ person here.
I also think that he was pleasantly surprised to find that ‘the folks back home’ are getting on together pretty well, which isn’t what he expected, either from his own memories or those false memories that we all have from watching too much TV. (We all remember the Hindenburgh disaster don’t we.. in 1937.. perhaps not).
Hunter is a good choice for presenter as he knows the land but has been away long enough to give it a fresh look. A British presenter would either be going there as a fan of the music or a student of race wars. Some years ago there was a programme about Martin Luther King presented by Trevor McDonald so obviously because he was famous and ‘black’. Unfortunately he is from Trinidad and knew no more about King than the rest of us and it showed. They could have use Julian Pettifer but he was ‘white’. However he had spent half his career as the BBC’s USA reporter following King’s life first hand. Too often it feels like TV ‘personalities’ have been taken on to do a series of programmes, subject unknown, and they get the next one on the list. “Einstein and his Theories? Ah yes, Ms. Winkleman is free that week”.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Same old, same old, all the usual biases will be here I expect. And no sign of anyone doing anything about it.
And when the UK has sharia law by act of parliment where will the government get the money to replace the alcohol tax and the tobacco tax?
There’s still all the tax from petrol and diesel.
Oh, hang on……..
Don’t worry Emmanuel, the cost of electricity will skyrocket to cover that.
Anyone seen the plan to build the new power stations needed to generate the electricity to charge all the new electric cars?
Nope, me neither.
Think the bBBC ‘science journalists’ and eco snowflakes think it can be produced from the energy created by lighting candles.
Charm, tobacco use is fine under Sharia – have you not seen all the women & children refugees pictured on the BBC web-site, nearly all smoking.
The NHS, though, may face a major problem some years ahead.
It’s the reason why you see more studies every year about how drinking moderately dramatically lowers your risk of heart disease: The muslim community doesn’t drink but it consumes a vast quantity of fried food, plus tobacco (and marijuana for the youth) to the extent that a survey in somewhere like [insert urban area] will be hugely distorted against tee-totalers.
Of course, I just opened a second bottle of wine because right now, I’d rather trust the bulls**t on radio 4 and drink myself healthy than rely on rational thought…
The bBC and the subtle ways it bemoans Brexit:
Shy holiday Britons ‘point at menus’ to avoid foreign words
“Over half of Britons who holiday abroad say they have pointed at a restaurant menu to avoid having to pronounce non-English words, a survey suggests. And almost half said they were embarrassed at not being able to speak the local language while away. But 80% of more than 1,700 people questioned for the British Council felt it was important to learn some phrases.
“Trying out a few words is the perfect way to get started,” said Vicky Gough, British Council schools advisor.
And the moral of the story from the bBC:
“Previous research by the British Council, the UK’s international culture and education organisation, has found that the UK has a shortage of people able to speak the 10 most important world languages, which is likely to hamper the country’s future prosperity and global standing.”
And what the bBC doesn’t point out, is we use people who speak the lingo, interpretors and of course the other side will do likewise. I mean, how else would the likes of the bBC do business across the world. Other than pointing at little boys at the Blue Oyster Bar.
“..the UK has a shortage of people able to speak the 10 most important world languages, which is likely to hamper the country’s future prosperity and global standing”
This is arrant nonsense from the British Council and the BBC are stupid to parrot such twaddle. Although the BBC get over-excited about some rather challenging tech developments, such as driverless cars, a far more likely near-term advance will be the mobile phone app universal translator. I would seriouslly advise youngsters against going for translation as a career.
AISI, quite correct. Son of a friend is working on English><Japanese translation software for lawyers!
Honest reporting would have pointed out that English is the world’s most common second language enabling people from all over the globe to speak with one another, and is the primary language of international trade, shipping and air-travel, and long will continue to be so.
Much more of a problem is the fact that the UK has a shortage of people able to speak English. This is a particular problem for schools and is driving educational standards lower, which ultimately will have a severe adverse impact upon the UK’s ability to compete with the best on a global basis.
For example
This is from a report in 2013. The situation is far worse today since 33% of all 5 year olds entering primary school are from migrant backgrounds, and the figure is even larger if one includes children from second and third generation immigrants. Even after two or three generations, there are still many who have not been bothered to learn English and still speak their historic/cultural language at home.
Of course one cannot expect the BBC to report on these sort of issues and the problems they are creating for the future of our once great country.
What nonsense.
When I can’t get the foreign waiter to understand, I simply shout louder.
When I can’t get the foreign waiter to understand, I simply shout louder.
Funny you should mention that trait. When I was based in Cyprus, I joined a Gym at one of the hotels on the Strip. One day as I was training, this oldish Brummie guy, started shouting at me , that I was training wrong (mulit-gym) and then proceeded to go through the motions of a boxer. I smiled, pretend not to understand and carried on. I asked the staff who ran the gym, to find out how long they were staying and on the day they were leaving, I went up to him and in perfect English, said, “So you’re leaving tomorrow!’ His face was a right picture, when I told him I was a Sgt in the British Army based just down the road. His wife couldn’t stop laughing.
Bring back Basil Fawlty. He had a way of getting waiters to understand (not)!
Basil: “There’s too much butter on those trays. ON THOSE TRAYS!!”
Manuel, “No, no, not ‘on those trays’ sir. Uno, dos, tres”.
“Britain has a disadvantage cos British people can’t speak foreign language”
em that comes from something
That actually Britain already has the massive ADVANTAGE over every other European country that in every corner we have people who speak fluently the worlds leading language.
Always a fruitful area for raising the spirits, this morning’s headlines on the text pages include:
Carney warns Brexit uncertainty is building
Gove confirms foreign access to UK fish stocks
Universities need more Brexit certainty
Countryside faces damaging Brexit uncertainty
That’s four out of ten items in the Politics section, the others being inconsequential blather – proof positive of BBC impartiality….
I went to Japan and pointed to plastic food in a window to order a meal, we laughed with the chef at our ignorance of the language and then sat to a nice meal. We said goodbye in Japanese, managed to pay and everyone was happy. It was all very nice. (bbc story)
Meanwhile … whilst journalism at the BBC slips, other stories that could still be followed …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament. Avoids question on ethics. {youtube}
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93) {thetrasnlator 2014}
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary {euractiv}
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017 {youtube}.
Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission 2017) blocked EU curbs on tax avoidance, cables show . “Leaked papers reveal that as Luxembourg’s PM (Jean-Claude Juncker), the European commission president obstructed the bloc’s tax reforms efforts”
BBC fake far left news which hides a Hungarian male migrant being nasty to a female migrant. Misleading people as of September 2015 and should be corrected or followed up.
Interesting take on the Japanese propensity to use models of the food on offer in the windows of restaurants. These models are not just for ‘foreigners’, and is not just about ignorance of the Japanese language. I asked about this whilst visiting Japan for the first time some years ago. It started way long ago, when the restaurants in Japanese towns and cities used images on the menu to show their wares because Japanese visiting towns from the countryside had to eat, and didn’t know how to read and write, or spoke with dialects unknown to the restaurant staff. Even today, a great many popular restaurants in Japanese cities still continue this tradition.
Many others have moved on to models of the food,and there’s a whole, amazing, section of the ‘restaurant supply street’ in Tokyo (Kappabashi-dori) devoted to varying sizes of these models, representations of meals provided in Japanese restaurants. It’s obviously a good business to be in, and they really are exquisitely detailed and accurate models.
I do recall, in adition, my wife and I visiting a small restaurant in Odawara, on the outskirts of the Hakone region in Japan, when we sat down, to be immediately presented with the ‘English’ menus. Most of it was reasonably understandable, but we were a bit puzzled by the ‘Pasta Polonaise’ item. We exhibited our puzzlement to the waitress, who immediately took us to another entrance (the main one it turns out) to the small restaurant, and pointed to the perfect model of a Spaghetti Bolognese dish amongst a whole window display. We then simply chose our meals by pointing to the models of the food we wanted. Simple – but very effective.
Why does the BBC still employ John Simpson? He’s rarely seen these days but still seems to be on a retainer to come to the phone from home and pontificate about some world development. The old liberal leftie was busy doing the BBCs work on Venezuela on Today this morning. After all, Corbyn’s been given a hard time for his silence on Madura so doubtless the BBC is justified in coming to Jezza’s defence. He’s on holiday in Croatia it seems, too busy to go to WW1 commemorations and certainly, too busy to have his appalling record on Venezuela subject to interview. So Simpson does Jezza’s work for him and explains why Madura faces difficult problems due to Venezuela’s class system, rooted in its settler culture. He doesn’t go as far as Ken and demand that these ‘oligarchs’ be shot, but the line is similar.
I think al Beeb has a trait of deciding someone is ‘talent’ then keeping them for ever and sending them into stuff they didn’t originally plan to be doing. Newsreaders do holiday shows or auction stuff – and on and on. Or they get a DJ from the 1960s and give him a programme on the television called ‘ Jim ll fix it’.
These characters become venerated just because they’ve been sucking on the public teet for so long. Humpreys is the same. It gets even better when it becomes a family business like the Snows, Dimblebys and others you might recall.
Arts and politics is the same isn’t it?
John Simpson’s real name is Fidler-Simpson, and I wish he had kept it, as it sums him up quite well.
I once read a piece by him, where he said that on his first day at Cambridge he paid a porter half a crown to repaint his name on his door from Fidler-Simpson to Simpson, and has been known as Simpson ever since. It is quite possible he never actually changed his name formally. I wonder what it says on his passport (the British one, not the KGB one)?
The Beeb are gloating about the jury for the Trump/Russia nonsense, some spicy sauce for the nothing burger. Do they ever consider how boring it is to hear this same stuff over and over and over? Someone had a conversation with someone from another country briefly – how fascinating. It’s not exactly a Bond movie. I guess pushing the agenda is more important than informing and entertaining the audience.
Beeb , I think it’s funny when al Beeb interview one of their own and a democrat and they all sing from the ‘isn’t it terrible ‘ song sheet. I think they tend to avoid Trump supporters because they tend to rip the liberal view apart. All part of the scheme to keep the swamp filled and Hilary on course to have another go.
Having just watched the PBS documentary on Clinton it’s a reminder of how amoral this pair are and that they’ll do anything for self advancement
Read Clinton Cash – it is such an insight into why politicians become so dishonest and corrupt. They had the most fantastic, jet- setting lifestyle and she clearly wanted more of the same. I got the same impression reading Blair’s book – what a fantastically fulfilling, exciting and munificent job politics is.
Their ‘journalism’ would shame a Sixth Form project: they just get someone on their side to comment on how bad they obviously consider something Trump has done to be.
“Shocking news; Liverpool supporter says Manchester United are rubbish!”
I have never heard a single word against Clinton, and so many in the States have profound and visceral hatred for her.
I think the Democrat Party may once have been an ethical political party. Certainly, it is hard to imagine Jimmy Carter taking a contract out on anyone (Lyndon Johnson, less so). But ever since they were taken over by the Clintons in 1992, they have degenerated into a criminal conspiracy dedicated to the advantage and enrichment of the Clinton crime family.
The whole point about the “Russian hack” (which wasn’t) was that it revealed that the Democratic National Committee conspired to steal the nomination from Bernie Saunders and give it to Hillary Clinton.
When Seth Rich, a Bernie supporter, found this out, he downloaded the contents of the DNC server and sent it to Wikileaks via an anonymous drop box. And then he was murdered.
An MSM which wasn’t a bunch of left wing pukes would find something interesting to report on there, especially as it has now come out that the IT for the DNC and 30 Democrat members of the House of Representatives was provided by a Pakistani with no security clearance who has just been arrested for bank fraud.
Then again, Don Jr once met a Russian for 20 minutes while she talked to him about adoption laws. The conclusion is clear… IMPEACH TRUMP NOW!
I find it strange when the BBC claims that Russia influenced the American Election, just who interfered more than the BBC who wanted Obama, twice and then Hillarious Clinton. The BBC should beware where it throws stones, one day they are going to come back, painfully I hope. The BBC are scum.
It’s a shame comments about the National Trust have been orphaned as part of the Midweek Thread because the same caste that runs the BBC (university ‘educated’, middle-upper class ‘liberals’) has suborned the National Trust and is using it in a very similar way to spread its cultural Marxist ideas.
It is absolutely not a coincidence that while the BBC runs more or less continuous propaganda designed to encourage, promote and celebrate homosexuality, the Trust has decided to do the same. There is no darkened room in which conspiracies are hatched, but there is a very well adapted mechanism whereby memes are created and passed, like contagious diseases, from one Left-dominated organism to another.
There are other similarities between the two organisations as well. Those at the top do fabulously well out of it, however badly they perform, while the ‘poor bloody infantry’ are despised when they are not patronised. It is high time both bodies were held to account for having been stolen.
Pounce said
\\ There’s a story in the Eastern Daily Press about how volunteers at Felbrigg Hall (National Trust) have been told they will not be allowed to perform meet and greet roles if they decline to wear a rainbow badge or lanyard.
A comment there caught my eye and it sums the bBC to a Tee.
“Because the love that dare not speak its name is now the love that won’t STFU.”
That’s a great story . Reminds me of a requirement to wear other badges in living memory on pain of punishment . Insane this is an example of taking dogoodery to an extreme and may well breach charity law – if true.
I assume the local al beeb hasn’t picked up the story even though it’s their ginger beer week.
Isn’t that discrimination? If they can discriminate, so can I. I never did like the National trust anyway, they fail on so many levels.
Right now Derbyshire prog; talking about Grenfell, no alternative view, just the ‘justice for Grenfell’. That and the ‘Charlie Gard’ illustrates the ‘Saintdom’ attitude. A story where there must not be any alternative even opposing views.
I think this is bad, as all it encourages is groupthink and very dangerous. Of course no one does it more than the bBC.
Has al-Beeb, Corbyn and Sad Dick Kahn he moon god man blamed the Tories, Brexit and Trump for the ongoing tower fire in Dubai yet?
‘The Legal Occupier’ of my house has been sent a brown envelope with an extra label asking if they will be in on a certain day, (does that mean that squatters don’t need a TV licence?).
Inside is one of those letters of the type beloved of all those fake ‘your a competition winner’ style with a pretend red ‘visit approved’ stamp in the corner. At the bottom is some random eleven digit number below the request ‘please do not write below this line’, (why not? who would want to?).
Clearly TV Licensing’s computer has got its number bases mixed up as ‘We’ visit 10101 addresses a day (21?). They claim to make a visit every five seconds, which is 6.3 million per year or about one in ten of us getting a call!
What a waste of time and money.
I feel a little hurt .
They haven’t tried to contact me once last month , with ” we are visiting your area ” on the envelopes .
I’m proud to say I’m going to get a visit later this month. They said they were coming last month so I stayed in all day waiting for them. No one showed. I had a good mind to complain about their breach of promise .
They seem to have given up saying that “detector vans are in your area”.
Women are, apparently , more likely to get prosecuted . Can’t understand that.
Fedup ,
How can we trust a word they say when they act like that ?
I’ll bring that up in court .
I like the irony that on the day the albeeb gestapo is due to visit chez fedup in Blighty – I will be in another country able to watch al Beeb ( not that I want to) without the threat of a visit from some poor creature making an immoral living from causing misery to others. Probably on a par with traffic wardens.
Fedup ,
Don’t forget to send them a postcard .
Ha – I did , at one stage , post the letters back. It weighs me down sometimes because I don’t like being selective about obeying laws . The cost of the licence itself is over generous but it’s not like that. I just cannot, in conscience , pay it. That would weigh me down even more.
Can only hope as people move more onto the internet and reduce viewing figures the demise of al Beeb might be hastened. There are the expectional high quality old style programmes but I reckon maybe an hour or two a week . That’s being generous. The rest is just dumbed down smug self satisfied tosh pushing al beebs agenda
I sent a postcard to one of the names they sign off their stupid letters . I thought I would repay in the same coin so I put Your Gay Times subscription has expired please renew urgently !
Fedup – you touch on something I and probably many others feel: despite their bias and agenda-driven output, the BBC still produces the odd superb programme and they still provide a good service in some areas. For example, I love Radio 3’s coverage of the Proms – Monteverdi’s Vespers was wonderful the other night. I am inclined to still have respect for them but then I turn on the TV and see my bete noir the Trumpophobe Jon Sopel reporting from America and I turn against the organisation I grew up loving.
Just write on the envelope “Chris ‘£2.2m’ Evans can answer questions on the forced payment of BBC TV Licence, which pays his wages.”
Chris “£2.2m + CarFest” Evans
Gary “£1.7m + BT Sport + Crisps” Lineker
Tony “£450K + expenses” Hall
BBC Broadcasting House, Egton Wing, Portland Place , London , W1A 1AA
BBC Tax Payers, who have to pay by threat of a prison cell (18,000 BBC TV License convictions in 2016, more women than men) request that the BBC do a Panorama special hosted by Gary Lineker and Chris Evans justifying the high wages throughout the BBC and answering the following:
BBC TV Tax revealed its inflated pay of it’s employees, why did it take so long to publish.
BBC TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked)
– GaryLineker (£1.2m) + Crisps + BT Sport + hidden companies = is he superman!
– Chris Evans (£2.2m) + CarFest + hidden companies
BBC TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on screen.
– BBC to cross reference with MP Register of Interests, such as Diane Abbotts
BBC TV Tax Payers request Gary Lineker responds to all people (18,000 in 2016) who have been charged with not paying his wages.
BBC TV Tax Payers request for information on all stars that are hiding their wages in different companies – will these stars step forward and say how much they are being paid from the publics purse?
BBC TV Tax Payers request how long these inflated wages have been paid – last 20 years
BBC TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees wages 80K or above are added to the website just like Lord Hall’s £450K + expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality
BBC TV Tax Payers request all expenses and claims for employees above 80K are shown
BBC TV Tax Payers request ALL BBC employees to respond to ‘Is it ok to force money out of people to pay your wages?’
BBC TV Tax Payers show that BBC wages went up as public and private sector stagnated
BBC TV Tax Payers request payments made to all the criminal paedophiles in the BBC such as Jimmy Savile
BBC TV Tax Payers request payments made to Anjem Choudry and other known extremists
BBC TV Tax Payers request all BBC Presenter twitter feeds be reviewed and do they follow the BBC guidelines. ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘. 6.34Million Twitter Ears Waiting to Listen.
The BBC TV Tax/License pays £3.5bn a year and with such, its resources should be able to produce a self reflective programme about BBC wages in less than two weeks.
They love to virtue signal about the bedroom tax and countless other anti Tory things, but how many poor and vulnerable people are in prison because they refuse to fund their champagne lifestyle? You’re right – this sort of programme is right up their street.
Nothing to do with any BBC show but I’ve been pointing this out a few times and this post copied from the DE today gives more examples.
In order to match England’s population density of 413 people per square kilometre, other European countries would need to take in the following numbers of people:–
Austria 26.4 million
Denmark 12.4 million
France 162.3 million
Germany 65.6 million
Greece 42.8 million
Italy 64.7 million
Irish Republic 24.4 million
Northern Ireland 4.0 million
Poland 90.5 million
Romania 79.4 million
Spain 162.1 million
Sweden 176.3 million
Scotland 27.1 million
Wales 8.6 million
Conversely, if England had the same population density as say France, its population would be 14.5 million.
However, the BBC does fully support mass immigration.
Fact Check: is the UK the most crowded country in Europe? {}
“In his flagship speech on immigration, it appears that the claims above made by UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s are incorrect. … The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage that the UK is “the most crowded country in Europe” and “one dwelling must be built every seven minutes just to cope with the current rates of immigration” is partly untrue. … However, the story is much more complex than this. … Especially low skilled immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption than native or permanent residents.”
– Interesting article, but I see it does not take into account family birth rates and family traditions
– Compare a family with 2 children average (over simplified) – 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32
– Compare a family with 8 children average (over simplified) – 8 / 64 / 512 / 4096 / 32768
– Remember, as the number increases so does the number of old people over time.
– Now consider a devout religious family that does not believe in abortion and whose state media says stay at home and have babies, such as in {Iran 2014}.
– What happens if a state ran media chooses to focus all its effort towards kids in a non-gender society {Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? bbc – 2017} or promote homosexuality 24/7?
Population density { – eurostat} MW250
You are aware what the online publication called the Conversation is ?
..It’s a LibMob propaganda outlet organised a coalition of UK/Australian iniversities and paid for by the taxpayer.
Hence about Farage they say “The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage is partly untrue.”
Instead of saying “The statement by UKIP’s Nigel Farage is largely true and could be an underestimate”
They dwell on their idea that Netherlands, and Belgium have slightly higher density.
In fact the current population density of Netherlands seems lower that England’s
“412 people per km2 – 507 (January 2017) ”
I think their other figs are wrong as well
Though of course Malta has a higher density.
They try to confuse people by saying the UK population whereas I’m on about the population of England.
StewGreen – like I say and the article sort of does say it is more complex and yes I believe it’s an underestimate due to the number of kids being potentially born. Though the article says ‘immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption‘.
Arguably, but not revealed with facts and they don’t bother to make the argument, so it is a get out clause, a lazy statement to end the article on.
Arguably I’m an elephant, although if I was, you wouldn’t be able to argue with me … does that mean I’d win the argument?
Baby boomers – we haven’t seen anything yet!
THE world’s first cloned human embryo is the son of a rich Arab, according to claims made by Severino Antinori, the Italian fertility specialist. {telegraph apr2002}
According to Gulf News, Dr Antinori told delegates at the meeting in Abu Dhabi that “like atomic energy” cloning could be used for “beneficial purposes – to increase population and open the window of genetic programming”.
“One woman among thousands of infertile couples in the programme is eight weeks pregnant,” Antinori is reported as saying at a meeting in the United Arab Emirates. If true, this would represent the first human cloning pregnancy.
Antinori refused to reveal the nationality of the woman or her location at the meeting, according to the Gulf News. Almost 5000 couples are now involved in the programme, he said. {newscientist apr2002}“
MM, probably should read ‘some temporary’ ‘immigrants arguably have a much lower housing consumption‘.
Many of the young eastern Europeans here in the UK have no intention – at least at first – of staying more than a few years. In fact, there are now stories how some have already gone back, having spent three or four years sharing accommodation (perhaps four to a room) in order to save as much money as possible to buy a home back in Poland/Romania/whereever or to start a business in their homeland.
Up2 ,
I know of some of these migrants who have lived here long enough to buy properties in their home countries ( Brazil , Lithuania ) to live in and rent out . ( These countries were not in the EU , Lithuania is now , the Brazilian used a Portugese passport ) .
Fine hardworking honest fellows , but what’s in it for us ?
Nibor, Q: “Fine hardworking honest fellows, but what’s in it for us ?”
A: A loss to net off against the economic contribution to the UK that they have made while here.
I assume the reason why the polish number is so is that the entire population of Poland is already here.
Despite Brexit….
Brexit – Frankfurt & Paris WON’T match London post Brexit says expert | UK | News | –
EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker admits Brexit is INEVITABLE | UK | News | –
Anyone seen this one on the BBC?
I suspect not.
Can the EU please create a law to add labels, with warnings, on their European MPs.
Jean-Claude Juncker’s label – ‘When it becomes serious, you have to lie. (by the way it’s always serious with me.)‘.
Angela Merkel’s label – ‘We can do it (but I won’t tell you what it will cost. The ‘we’ means ‘you’)‘
Jean-Claude Juncker profile: ‘When it becomes serious, you have to lie’ { nov2014}
Brexit fisheries BOMBSHELL: Gove vows EU fishermen can STILL use UK waters AFTER divorce – Express
Gove needs to GO!
Gove is a traitor who is siding with the enemy. I think Maggie would have sacked him but Treezer is no Maggie. She is utterly useless.
Just checked and , during the campaign, Gove said we would reclaim our fishing waters. What a snivelling little cnut.
Yes, Grove is proving to be a snivelling little Quisling. Then again, I can’t think of a single member of this vile cabinet that isn’t, can you?
Let me take a rain check on that one.
That’s why they are the cabinet GC, chosen for a purpose – but not the one democratically voted for.
Brought back memories (not fond) of living and working in Saudi Arabia –
I’m very surprised that there appears to be no replication of this behaviour in the UK. Yet……………..
Tonight is St Duggan’s Eve, six years since the racist cops upholding the Neo Liberal Paradigm executed this man because of the colour of his skin
The demo might clash with one for the plastic bag swallower
Hmmmm – Broadwater Farm – didn’t something else happen there?
Must have imagined it.
Clare-Have the Londonistan programme sponsored this? Riz Lateef swoons
everytime she mentions his name. I am surprised there isn’t a statue of him in
the studio.
Actually the Londonistan programme is one of the chief culprits of
alienating the Metropolitan Police and stopping them wanting to chase the
motor scooter scum criminals. Day after day after day this Trotskyist, Anarchist,
Fifth Columnist programme , attacks the Met!!!
Broadwater Farm riots: PC Keith Blakelock’s 1985 murder recalled { oct2015}
On 5 October 1985 four policemen burst into the home of Broadwater Farm resident Cynthia Jarrett looking for stolen property.
They failed to find any, but Ms Jarrett had a heart attack and died.
In the hours that followed, up to 500 officers were drafted in, battling with rioters throwing bottles and cans from the walkways within the estate.
By midnight, 58 policemen and 24 other people had been taken to hospital.
Police in riot gear occupied the estate for two months after the disturbance, using police dogs, helicopters and surveillance equipment.
A force spokesman said the investigation into the murder of PC Blakelock remains open.
I’m sure that Saint Jo Cox’s husband will volunteer to lend a hand.
I’m sure that Saint Jo Cox’s husband will volunteer to lend a hand.
He’s very “hands on” our Brendon.
Justice for Mark Duggan?
I thought that’s what he got.
Rob ,
Al beeb is probably running a whole week themed on the Mark Duggan story. Phone ins , where were you ? Your “mark” stories . Marks slavery past . Marks favourite baking recipes and a rock concert with bono, Lilly
And others desperate to do teli .
As I said yesterday, this is the silly season. So it`s an easy analysis really.
Once you take out the Brexit and Trump Chicken licking stories-you`re left with very little news.
Beneath these overriding agendas, come the second order stories. These are the socialist and Islamic promotions, advocating the left and all things Muslim.
The left includes all deviancies from gay and hyperfeminism to criminals, trannies to botched tattooes…but these only get the bandwagon once the Muslims are safely around the corner.
The third order stories are the sports crap and all things that the BBC will be broadcasting or snooping around for future agenda settings.
The above accounts for about 90% of all BBC output and issues I think.
Once it clicks that all stories ultimately end in Trump or Brexit, then it makes sense…and OUR need to help Donald drain the swamp(or at least dig some good ditches for his cause this side of the Atlantic) becomes all the clearer.
Time to fight back. Turn off the BBC and do something more useful instead.
And forcing the hardest of Brexits down a condom and making the BBC and Soubry pretend it`s paracetemol is a good aim to begin with.
Safe to say that our “lionesses” lost, just as our blokes do isn`t it? Only gather this Because garry Richardson had his Churchills Funeral voice on and was only half bothered with Usain and Mo running later today…clearly a death in the BBC Sporting Family.
Patronising Hornbys the BBC “sporting gobshites” aren`t they?
BBC becoming excited about the Grand Jury being formed in the US, alluding again to impeachment. It is proposed they investigate President Trump and his family, his businesses, his dental records, his medical health, his regular medication, what he has for breakfast in the mornings (and later meals), how he feels about scratching the bottoms of his feet and more, probably also exploring his daily ‘motions’. McCarthyism all over again. I don’t know anyone that does not have the feeling that the Democrats are trying desperately including (“a woman scorned”(?)) to dig up something on him and/or his family, ‘hook or by crook’. The level of coverage by the BBC is disproportionate to their American viewers/listeners. In the 2011 Census, it was recorded that there were 197,000 Americans living in the UK as a whole –
Having said that, the level of islamic coverage is similarly disproportionate. But unlike the muslims and other foreigners filling our screens and ears, I don’t see the Americans packing out the BBC studios and reading out the news for us, or reporting on sport or finance. As we have much in common with the Americans, perhaps we should petition the BBC to engage more Americans in a similar fashion to black and asian faces? At least we won’t be reminded of islam continually.
BBC Radio Lincs had time for only 3 headlines this morning
.. and the Trump story was one of them !
I think Theresa May should invoke Article ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’ 1 Clause which stipulates:
Provision 1: If during leaving the EU you grow tired, then Jacob Rees-Mogg will step in as caretaker PM.
Provision 2: If you are still tired,then let Jacob Rees-Mogg become PM.
Provision 3: If you require help on how to handle the press regarding initiating a ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’, then confer with Diane as she has already issued a Article Type 2 clause during the General Election June2017, miss handled several interviews and still won her seat in Hackney (42,265 votes / 75.1%/ change in seats+12.2).
Provision 4: Please review some of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s material ….
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
Are trying to hint that The Mogginator should be PM ? As for Carney, what a wanker.
EU Referendum has done some good in the World.
It has revealed that the political class in the UK and Europe are followers and not leaders. It has shown that politicians are fighting for themselves, as a group. They make the right noises but don’t want to do anything. They believe it will all work out as long as they say the right thing at the right time.
I have reviewed many politicians and was in agreement with Jeremy Corbyn at one point, but the more I read, oh dear, the more I read the more I find out that I know nothing … the key is holding all these peoples actions in your head all at once, a skill that has been lost.
Asking tough questions means you have to come up with tough answers.
Asking how many genders do you want (71 flavours of ice cream!) just produces a list to confuse the population, ready for the new flavours to be added, then keep asking if the list is right or have we missed anybody?
Parliament channel; As it quiet they are doing selective transmissions. One I object to is Steve Richards on Brown. This is a left wing reporter who specialises in Bliar Brown etc. To say the presentation is sympathetic is a gross understatement. Any right wing propaganda getting the same national exposure.
I am following the Test Match live on the BBC website. The cricket website lives down to all the low expectations I have of the BBC.
No, it’s about we the public being forced to fund the BBC’s politically correct, left-wing shit. Apart from social justice warriors and Labour voters no-one gives a shit about diversity.
There really is no respite, is there? To help with the tea making ceremony, I switched on R4. Gardener’s Question Time to find some idiot wittering about ‘carbon footprints’ and how you can (and by implication ‘should’) grow plants that don’t need watering.
We endured this sort of twaddle ten years ago, when TV gardening ‘experts’ were regularly advising people to plant things that, on average, managed onem at most two, winters before keeling over from the damp conditions – which have not changed.
Funny that no one at BBC mentions worth or skill or knowledge … BBC pay: Anita Rani ‘disappointed’ by race and class gap {bbc aug2017 – in response to Alex’s post above}
“Anita Rani has said the pay gap at the BBC is as much about race and class as it is about gender.”
BBC’s Matt Baker is given an excuse, he’s over worked … put does not show his hours and input to the shows …
“Countryfile’s Matt Baker also co-presents The One Show
Matt Baker was the only Countryfile presenter to appear on the list, due to his other presenting roles on The One Show and the BBC’s Olympics coverage.”
Article ends with a pretend doctor asking to be paid the equivalent of 11.5 real nurses @£35K … he could have ended with “I’m on a good wage and happy”. What pay increases have all these BBC actors/presenters/directors had over the years last 10 years, since the 2008 crash that froze wages for everyone else?
“Holby City’s Hugh Quarshie (pretend doctor) said this week that he should be paid a similar salary to Casualty’s Derek Thompson, who earns between £350,000-£399,000 per year. (which equals 11.5 real nurses) … Quarshie has played Ric Griffin in Holby City for 15 years.”
BBC can get more value for money if we go to a Venezuelan style economy …
“1 BBC Derek Thompson Pretend Nurse (£400K)” = “2898 Venezuelan Real Nurses (£138)” a year
Feedback is normal BS
Now Kevin Myers called antisemitic.
Every voice so far agreed with Emma Barnett.
Ah now 2 other voices.
EB refused to come on Feedback
Sly bbcR4feedback have done a change this week.
Before it was obvious that they were only fishing for LiMob views cos they’d stick the invitation under the person’s Liberal tweet.
But now they send the invitation independently
Mel P : How journalism’s standards slipped¬if_t=group_highlights¬if_id=1501591559761078&ref=m_notif
Med NGO taxi service
Isn’t it interesting how the BBC et al no longer prefix the ‘asylum seeker’ tag with the word ‘Syrian’?
I suppose even they realise you can only show so many inflatables filled with sub-Saharan African economic migrants before people work out what is really going on.
I dont know GP – If you pressed the BBC they would tell us that they are all called Allen and are 13 years of age and all want to be engineers.
But on the whole you are right. The BBC S work is finished here. Borders are now wide open and no European Government (and especially the UK) have the balls to do what should have been done a long time ago.
More evidence of collusion; the boats are not equipped for the complete journey
More evidence of collusion
Fake News. All of the Gambians who have tried to get to Europe the “back way ” are young men. I have never heard of a woman trying it. Socially, the men would not allow it. This whole nonsense is a total fraud.
There was a time Nations would repel or protect its borders from invasion *sigh*.
– who provides the boats?
– get some army satellite footage of what is happening.
– who provides the orange nice looking jackets?
– do they all have mobile phones?
– ask tough questions and you have to have some tough answers!
– will I see this on the BBC News tonight?
Portillo quite sensible there. The woman needs to learn some manners.
She’s Labour Grant…they are gauche and thick and see this as a badge of honour. She is pro -muslim because she has muslim voters, hordes of them. Until…..such a time she or her replacement get booted down the road by a muslim candidate…sooner than she thinks..and her constituency becomes Islamabad Minor, if it doesn’t resemble it already. Muppets…read Dougies book…
Agree with Grant. Portillo made a key point: the people have never been asked about quantity while being denied the products of their taxes. Kendall was interesting too. Dismiss the problem & peoples’ concerns by leadership. Touch of Labour Big Brother there lurking behind the style while trying to outshoe Theresa.
Portillo is a strange character. But he made some good points there. Liz Kendall just trying to jump down Murray’s throat whenever he said anything she did not agree with. Typical socialist, does not care what the people think even though she is the least intelligent of the four in that discussion.
Grant, indeed. BBC make-up and lighting do him no favours with that nose. He is obviously a thinker, though. Probably why he could not win the Conservative leadership. Same with Frank Field in Labour, or the Conservatives for that matter.
Not sure about his dress sense though !
You obviously have not seen his lurid jackets when doing his railway series…..what the wife of a certain comedian called a c… jacket….oh dear…..
Financial contribution to the ngo and police? Surely not…
Ever wonder how the BBC combines support for feminism and Islam?
Our American cousins have the answer.
Sometimes when I read of Moslem immigrants being primarily men of military age I think that is also the age when men are most fertile.
Just the ticket for the feminists who have contributed to the emasculation of European men, but for whom biology dictates they mate with the fittest.
Yes, the idea turns them on but the reality may not be quite so pleasant !
Like socialists, they are not forward thinkers.
Yes, totally fail to see the consequences of their own ideas and actions, just like children. And i love children but not in a BBC way !
Jimmy Saville loved children the BBC way….
LOL ! But not funny really.
Watch the post by Russell Burton on Youtube, called, ‘Saville and the Ninth Circle’..about 48 mins….an eye-opener….there are others too, all good viewing. If these don’t make you angry, there’s something wrong….
Not available on the BBC Site … Egyptian Islamic authority sets up fatwa kiosk in Cairo metro {theguardian aug2017}
“Travellers passing through al-Shohada station are being offered chance to get advice from religious scholars inside booth (consistent teachings? has it been tested?).We’re targeting people on the street who are ignorant of religious matters – they come to us and we try to put them on the right track of moderation.”
– Is a Christian box on offer next door? A Buddhism box? A Jewish Box? A Mormon Box?
– Egypt Demographics {wiki} : Muslim 90% (Mostly Sunni) // Christianity 10% // Bahá’í ( 2,000 ) // Judaism ( 200 )
Demand from Muslim millennials combined with public disaffection over recent food scandals sees Islamic food go mainstream {theguardian jun2017}
“Halal meat comes from animals slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law. They must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter, killed by hand and have all blood drained from the carcass. …. Its halal journey began with an approach from prison service catering contractors asking if the company could create a halal product for Muslim inmates. ”
– Article does not mention it is positive discrimination, Muslims must perform the slaughter and saying a pray to Allah to bless the meat. It does not report the facts, only the bits that make the story easy to swallow. {biasedbbc post}
They should do a Watchdog special about the BBC. You know how they show some dishonourable businessman who has broken his contract, interviewing his broken victims along the way?
They could use their narrative expertise to focus on a woman with mental health problems whose husband had died; she only watched the television as it was her only company to stop her from crying. She never watched the Beeb as its output was so dire and deceitful – her daughter was a grooming victim which the Beeb had wilfully covered up.
They could go through the contract/charter which this shady organisation breaches shamelessly, showing the most egregious examples of its bias.
The camera crew goes to an exclusive bar where they are all quaffing champagne smugly and talking about sports cars, villas in France and other ill-gotten gains. They ask them to confront this poor woman who had to go to prison on top of all that had happened to her as she refused to pay for their Ferraris.
Just watching the Athletics opening ceremony on BBC 2. We had my mother in her late eighties watching as well. She asked, when announced, ” who is Sadiq Con?”. I thought to myself how apt. I will be using that name in all future correspondence.
My mum is 92 now with dementia and comes out with similar comments. You just have to laugh !
brilliant!..with the emphasis on “sad” and “con”..what about the “iq”?
I.Q.? – who knows..will they ever do a “who do you think you are”? on our sadiq the saddo?
It might not be a long show?
“Sadiq Khan attends the Al-Muzzammil Mosque in Tooting, London were the preaching of hatred towards the Ahmadiyya Muslims is encouraged all because Ahmadiyya Muslim’s reject Muhammed as a man of god but instead accept Jesus as the man of god. What so called political individual would have ties or attend a venue where they preach hatred towards another group of people.
The newly elected London Mayor shared platforms on nine occasions with radical Islamic Tooting, London, Imam Suliman Gani who supports the Islamic State and the non-existence of Israel. Now if you got it wrong for the first time by accidentally sharing a platform with a Islamic extremist individual then you thought you would learn from this, but to continue to share the same platform with, Imam Suliman Gani on nine separate occasions is concerning and questionable.
Let’s not forget that Imam Suliman Gani appeared at an event in Bedford last November 2015, on the night of the Paris terror attacks, where speakers called on British Muslims to struggle for an Islamic state.
So when the London mayor election race began and the Tories and even various other political commentators where questioning Sadiq Khans past and current event attending they were right to do so because an individual who has all this baggage should have a lot of answering to do and should be monitored by a magnified glass. Even the British Prime Minister, David Cameron during his attendance at the House of Commons questioned and criticised the associations and the shared platforms Sadiq Khan has done so.
Sadiq Khan uses that same old cheap and easy kop out excuse that his law background of being a solicitor and active within the Human Rights field is why he represents, attends and communicates with individuals associated with such Islamic extremist/anti-Israeli views. The issue is that the left/far left are so separated from reality that they only take word from face value and what mainstream media provides in information as gospel, when that is at time’s biased and misleading information for personal political agendas, but instead the left/far left should deal with situations based on factual evidence and actions instead of this learning disability and mental health issue of that Utopia actually exists when it doesn’t and it will not.”
All in all a little shitbag!
night all!..sleep well.
Sadiq Khan will be stopped by the funky Halal chicken. It exposes him for flipping on stance (more for islam/less for London) and positive employment for Muslims only jobs, positive religious employment and enforcing Sharia practices.
He knows his history and does a nice talk. Listen to his YouTube videos then ask did he answer the question, what would have been a better question to force an exact answer.
See policies.
Muslims/jobs?…Mark, these creatures do not want to work…they expect us, dhimmies, to work and keep them in benefits, while they pump out kids, the future Muslim Army….fantasy.?…no it’s not…
HALAL HARAM. People don’t want to fight God, but jobs and employment rights! Now you are asking for a fight!
Khan – a mere pawn in the even bigger islamic agenda. The best muslim candidate to hand to mayor London. When he demonstrates finally that he and others like him are unsuitable for such a position when his muzzie voters are baying for blood – we’ll see who calls the tune then.
BBc 4 World news. Apparently it’s hot in southern Europe. We are informed these events are more likely to happen more likely than in the 2000s. So this is the first time this has happened in over a decade. So glad we are clear on that one.
Currently on Ch4 news, discussing lack of social housing in Newham/Southwark for all the migrants working here ! My blood is boiling ! Iranians interviewed, a new Muslim mother etc etc, and believe it or not, a couple from COLOMBIA !! who don’t speak a word of English but have 3 kids and are waiting to be housed in Southwark – How the F did they get here and why ???? It just brings home the amount of aliens in our country and how they all believe its the land of milk and honey – which it is for those that get here. Mrs Fuming signing off.
You do a good rant, Brissles old thing!
I was just amazed listening to Roger Graef and Pru Leith (both immigrants to Europe and the UK) talk about UK prisons on Museum of Curiosity. No recognition of why our prison system is on the point of failing, merely condemnation of existing practices and recidivism. Graef even went so far as to say he did not like or hated the country of his birth so he has decided to take ours.
Prior to this I had heard a lengthy trail for a gentleman who has apparently become a star on University Challenge for gurning while coming up with the right answer. A Canadian, he has been given a radio show – which should allow his facial expressions to be seen by a wider audience – by the BBC.
I guess he is not the first UC contestant to wear glasses, look studious and pull faces while trying to think of the right answer. Most, I suspect, will have been British born and thus not good enough for the BBC to offer a programme to. They will just have to try to migrate to Canada for the opportunities to do a similar thing. Except that Canada, even in the age of Premier Trudeau II, operates a strict qualifying system for would be immigrants and they may not qualify.
I watch uc and mastermind to see how dumbed down the questions are. In fairness to the Canadian fella he is good television and par for the course for al beeb to desperately find something new.
I’m surprised the format of UC hasn’t been screwed up by albeeb yet . Black girly questioner next time I suppose – with a thick Nigerian accent .
A mastermind questioner with a stutter. Inclusive
Fed, LOL! Apparently something of a mania, that Mr Monkman. It was just the way they introduced his claim to fame and then blankly said “he has been given a radio show” demonstrated to me – again – how hopeless & helpless the BBC are at present.
Huh ! see that its the new ‘regular’ Dawn Foster of the Guardian flying the flag for the migrants. What a transformation being on the tele has made – first few appearances greasy hair, glasses, no make-up; now its glossy hair, no specs and even a touch of lippy ! sorry luv you still are what you are – and I’m too much of a lady to call it.
LOL ! So no-one could call you bitchy then ?
Six hours to go up the M5 to Bristol when normally it takes one hour . An accident and spillage and resurfacing so down to one lane . The reason for the huge delays ; too much traffic . The reason for too much traffic , too many people .
And idiots like Vince Cable (Lord or sir ? ) and the BBC want even more people to come into the country .
The chart earlier, showing the millions needed by Euro countries to match our Pop. density of 413 people per sq Kilometre is shocking reading….but unsurprising…our leaders and the stupid Left will ignore it…
Strange really that al Beeb, guardian and other msm concentrate of alleged election irregularities but don’t talk about sky high stock markets and falling unemployments rates. Which is more important to ordinary people than the American election process .
Yes, FT100 getting close to an alltime high. Should be big news on the BBC. Except it would be higher if it was not for Brexit.
When the fashionable correction comes albeeb will be all over it blaming all their favourite targets.
The Today crew will be in happy ‘told you so’ heaven .
Yes. But of course , if Beeboids had to rely on stock markets for their pensions , it ma y be another story. They really are shit.
Why can’t the awful bbbc do a programme on how many recent immigrants have taken on good jobs, made a better life for themselves, and made their neighbours proud of them? Maybe they’ve bought their own homes! Maybe they’re more than doctors or nurses. Some may be engineers or scientists…
Surely someone has in the bbbc has thought of this!
C’mon bbbc, do a bit of work for a change, make a real programme.
the answer is zero
If you listen to a programme on the wireless on Sunday morning called Broadcasting House ( I don’t ) this week we are promised a Dickensian themed programme where they take the immigrant plucky survivor kids from Grenfell Tower out to the countryside to see it.
That might make you proud – personally I’d either laugh or be sick .
The EU accounts for only 14% of world trade.
I didn’t learn this from the BBC and never will.
And it is declining. The UK’s share of trade with the EU is declining as a proportion on non-EU trade. The EU is on the decline in every way.
Just turned over to watch Monty on Gardener’s World but had to watch two blokes kissing in a trailer first – put me of my cheese roll . Really BBC Just fk off with this sht
The BBC should have a warning on programmes – ‘ This programme contains no gay kissing’ . Ratings would probably go through the roof – do these dufus’ in charge realise that they are the product of a normal man/woman relationship or do they think their parents found them at the end of a rainbow?
Lock, under a gooseberry bush?
My cartoon for the week:
Nice one , Calvin and good to show our friends south of the border that we are not all raving Lefties in Scotland !
I’m originally from Angus Robertson’s (now) old seat, one of the most pro-Brexit places in Scotland. I do find it annoying that the Scottish BBC is based in Glasgow so the rest of the UK gets the same impression of Scotland as if, per say, the English BBC had been based in Liverpool during the post war period.
That is interesting. I always say that the only worse people in the UK than Glaswegians are Liverpudlians. I can get away with it here, but not in a public forum ! Don’t think there are any on this site anyway !
It’s why people think a Scottish accent is a Glasgow accent, I always tell people to go look up what people from the Western Isles sound like or youtube up a Doric accent. Again, it’s the same as foreigners thinking everyone in England speaks with RP. We’re just as bad mind, assuming all Americans or French people etc sound the same.
I did live in Glasgow for a decade though and it’s a fun city but there is a real insidious undertone of envy of wealth. Like if you turned up in a flash car and said you’d stolen it it then you’d be a rogue and someone might buy you a drink for sticking it to the man, but if you said you’d bought it after starting a successful company then you’d be treated with suspicion.
Still, I always encourage people to visit Glasgow over Edinburgh. People spending an afternoon looking at Edinburgh Castle and saying they’ve “seen Scotland” is like visiting Disneyland Florida and saying you’ve “seen America” and I think Glasgow’s got more interesting stuff to see (even if there’s admittedly no castle)
Good points all. I went to Aberdeen Uni and needed an interpreter for the first few weeks ! Lived in Edinburgh for many years but never really felt I was part of it. But I am not too keen on cities anyway. Bit of a bumpkin, I guess !
Good points. Liverpudlians are the English weegies.
Same victimhood and disproportionate criminality.
With regard to Scottish envy, apparently Andrew Carnegie recounted a story when in America, if someone saw a nice car, they would say – ‘That’s fantastic. I’m going to work hard and maybe one day get one of those’.
In Scotland – ‘It’s not fair. I want one of those. Why don’t I get one?’ Then he would go and damage the car.
5 Live having an SJW orgasm talking about Mo Farah, cutting to an excited commentator saying, “This is what Great Britain is all about!”
Of all the absurd and annoying arguments in favour of mass immigration and multiculturalism this could be the most annoying. Matthew Syed made a similar point in The Times, saying how great it was that medalists came from all races, and that this would unite us. Yeah – say that to grooming victims, people who cannot go out at night or the mother whose daughter’s bedroom is still empty as she was killed by a nail bomb. So what if she was killed? Someone called Mo just ran really fast and made himself millions in endorsements. So what if his brother is a violent criminal? As long as one in a million becomes a world- beating athlete, everything is going to be ok.
and his name is Mohammed not Mo – I don’t remember being at Primary school in the 70’s with any English kids called Mohammed
And I love the way he vociferously complained, a few years back, that the UK wasn’t doing enough to clamp down on tax avoidance, and the next minute decided to declare he would rather pay (lower) taxes in the US, than his ‘adopted/adoptive’ country – having, since childhood, benefited from all of the services and support the UK had provided for him and his family. Lovely fella !
(Mind you – he could run.)
Our (UK) national hero is a practising Muslim. … Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) speech {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer. In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together. (was the Mo and the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism? Would be an interesting question.)
It is easy to be loyal when you are a millionaire and loyalty means prizes.
And he is a Somali…a horrible race…i detest all muslims, all of them….They mess up every where they go. I resent the way the Govt appeases the muslims, panders to them…..i reserve my right to hate. Muslims hate us…hate them right back. What moulded my hatred?…Forty years ago, a muslim employee wh
ere i worked was regularly absent, prayed when he should have been working, was abusive and surly to fellow employees, and moaned constantly about his ‘ rights ‘. He was eventually sacked….and was reported killed fighting the Russians in Afghanistan…what a tragedy. I was driving through Slough one night, trying to get to the M4,….As i stopped to adjust the Sat Nav, a knock on the window, i cautiously wound it down a touch, the guy, with guys behind him said i was in a muslim area, and to leave…I said i can’t wait mate, who the hell do you think you are?…he got abusive when i said i will call the Police….he said the Police were in their pockets…. i believed him….what a shithole these muslim areas are….see why i detest them?…..BBC should go into these areas and film the response…..will they hell!
I thought this was a photoshopped joke.
It isn’t.
A friend of mine emailed me this the other day, so I thought I’d share it with you. The BBC student tree huggers may not like it though.
A young woman was about to finish her first year of university. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be Labour Party minded, and she was very much in favour of higher taxes to support her education and for more government programs – in other words, the redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch blue-ribbon Conservative, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had attended, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harboured a selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs.
The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors must be the truth, and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing at university.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 90% average, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many university friends because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked, “How is your friend Audrey doing?” She replied, “Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies and she barely has a 50% average. She is so popular on campus; university for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties, and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.”
Her wise father asked his daughter, “Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 20% off your average and give it to your friend who only has 50%. That way you will both have a 70% average, it would be fair and you would both be equal.”
The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, “That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!”
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, “Welcome to the Conservative side of the fence.”
If anyone has a better explanation of the difference between Conservative and Labour/Greens, I’m all ears.
If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!
If a Conservative supporter doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Labour/Green doesn’t like guns, they want all guns outlawed.
If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Labour/Green is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Conservative is gay, he quietly leads his life.
If a Labour/Green is gay, he demands legislated respect.
If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Labour/Green wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Labour/Greens demand that those they don’t like should be banned.
If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Labour/Green non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)
If a Conservative reads this, he’ll show it so his/her friends so they can have a good laugh.
A Labour/Green will delete it because he’s “offended.”
If a Conservative doesn’t want to wear a rainbow badge he doesn’t have to.
A Labour/Green will demand you wear a rainbow badge, respect it and stop pulling an awkward smile and love it, don’t hate, because hate is crime or rather an incident, but use the word crime because it stops people thinking immediately.
{biasedbbc post – Felbrigg Hall}
How jokes reflect the times we live in:
I popped my head over the garden fence today to find my Muslim neighbour had buried his wife up to her neck, and was ready to throw stones at her. I immediately phone the police and now I’m being prosecuted for religious intolerance, bigotry and waycism.
Bacon Strikes Again
Love Bacon. Hate Crime. HALAL IS HARAM. Austerity Kills. Enough is Enough. For the Many, Not the Few paid big wages by the BBC.
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this series, “Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South”, but what a pleasant and totally unexpected surprise this gave me when I have just watched the first two episodes on the iPlayer and shall watch the last episode tomorrow.
When I saw the description of the programme on my electronic TV Guide – “black standup comedian born in the Deep South of America, now living in London” and returning to his home roots to review his prejudices and Southern music – WELL! say no more! I almost just passed it by, expecting it to be yet another “Lenny Hendry Type” programme, just running down and denigrating most things outside of Hendry’s well known biased points of view whereby his beliefs about his *own* biased outlook on the world takes precedence over everything else.
However, I decided to give it an eyeball on the BBC iPlayer and I am very glad that I did – I suppose one of the real reasons I decided to take a look at the programme is that I am quite fond of music from the American Deep South. The results of watching Reginald D. Hunter’s travels were most entertaining, informative, enjoyable *and* absolutely totally unbiased regarding black/white relations in his coverage of the Deep South of America, when the programme could have easily meandered into the usual BBC PC doctrine and just ended up being worth the “off-switch” after 10 minutes.
This series of programmes is truly outstanding and it leads me to wonder a couple of things:
1. It is not the usual BBC PC output and whoever commissioned this is to be commended.
2. If they can make programmes like this once, why on earth can they not make others in a similar vein, so that instead of being a programme that stands out for being so politically, ethnically and truly a balanced view, why cannot they do it more often?
For a programme which is *truly* representative of the way that the BBC *used* to be, many, many years ago, I would highly recommend viewing “Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South”. Most enjoyable!
Henry Wood (normally a BBC “hater”!)
Hunter used to be a regular on Have I Got News For You.
His invites stopped when he failed to play the BBC ‘race card’ game and was only entertaining…..
I have seen him a few times, very refreshing and genuinely funny.
I liked what I’ve seen of the programme. No doubt it helps that I like the music too but I also get the feeling that Hunter, having become something of an ‘anywhere’ person or at any rate surrounded by them in the BBC, has discovered that he has roots too which makes him a ‘somewhere’ person here.
I also think that he was pleasantly surprised to find that ‘the folks back home’ are getting on together pretty well, which isn’t what he expected, either from his own memories or those false memories that we all have from watching too much TV. (We all remember the Hindenburgh disaster don’t we.. in 1937.. perhaps not).
Hunter is a good choice for presenter as he knows the land but has been away long enough to give it a fresh look. A British presenter would either be going there as a fan of the music or a student of race wars. Some years ago there was a programme about Martin Luther King presented by Trevor McDonald so obviously because he was famous and ‘black’. Unfortunately he is from Trinidad and knew no more about King than the rest of us and it showed. They could have use Julian Pettifer but he was ‘white’. However he had spent half his career as the BBC’s USA reporter following King’s life first hand. Too often it feels like TV ‘personalities’ have been taken on to do a series of programmes, subject unknown, and they get the next one on the list. “Einstein and his Theories? Ah yes, Ms. Winkleman is free that week”.
An acronym i agree with ….