Sorry if someone has already mentioned this, but the story of National Trust volunteers refusing to wear badges supporting LGBT rights could be the most inane SJW ‘news’ story ever. Of 350 people, 10 refused to wear them. Just ten! How do they get hold of these stories? A volunteer refused to wear a badge, are you f**king serious? That is 10 out of 350 is actually quite impressive given that many elderly people must work for the National Trust.
Where on earth do they get these stories from? They clearly have trougher mates working for all manner of ‘equality’ organisations which Hoover up taxpayers’ money.
O the horror! Someone somewhere refused to wear a badge! Get me to a safe space fast so I can weep for the rest of the weekend.
Honestly, I am shocked that 340 out of 350 agreed to wear that stupid badge – what a dreadful way to treat volunteers! BTW, I wonder how many of the refuseniks were took their stance on religious grounds? And what percentage of those were Muslim?
Persecuting a minority for having a way of doing things the majority find reprehensible. Hmmmm, where have we seen that before? Talk about absolute power corrupting absolutely.
If people personally have an issue with homosexuality, they should be free to think what they want as long as they do not persecute anyone on the basis of those beliefs.
Dame Helen Ghosh, Director General of The National Trust comes across as one of these angst ridden middle class left wing worthies who probably hates her background, her class and probably middle England to boot.I expect though she is more than able to quell her disgust at her class at the end of every month,
She appears to be spearheading a drive to dumb the National Trust Down and make it more right on.
Good luck with that Helen – Looks like you might be creating a National Irrelevance instead!
Got to say that I found thie National Trust story a complete windup.
1. These people are volunteers.
2. Anybody knows that the NT is just another trough surfing cartel what has been allowed to buy up old folks homes and small farms, only to turn them into outdoor centres for the confused and jihadi trainees.
This is not a story-why the heck ANYBODY would lift a finger, let alone any other appendage-simply to prop up the State and all its agenda forming orifices-is beyond me.
Keep well away-and all volunteers should walk out and make Lord Ponsonby pay for the garden centre rip offs himself.
The gays have plenty time-let THEM do this.
We put-upon hideously white 50+ types need to plot the revolution.
The National Trust were on Today the other day, apparently to tell us how Brexit would screw with farmers…as if the NT haven`t creamed the fat off the land since the fifties.
When did our pensioners and underemployed become such ninnnies-do NOT work for free with anything that the State uses to peddle its Soros Shite.
Her CV reads as if she is one of those public sector revolving door specialists who keep moving jobs ( and/or conveniently being moved out and into jobs) regularly thus never being anywhere long enogh to be accountable for the outcomes of their decisions.
She’s already off to Balliol College Oxford next year.
I started reading it but stopped when I got to the bit ” Her career blossomed under Tony Blair’s Government “. But I like the bit when some gays criticised her . What a revolting woman.
I think the NT gay badge thing IS a story, but not in the shock-horror bbc way, but in the sense, What is the NT doing pushing gay rights anyway, not their remit!
I’ve often wondered how the national press gets hold of these suburban stories. Until I discovered that on news shortage days, there’s a ring round to the provincials to see if there is any news worthy of gracing the pages of the big boys.
I did a ‘photo-shoot’ back in the early 90’s at the D/Mail (myself and 2 others won a competition – the prize being kitted out in the person from history we would like to be and then photographed – I was um, ahem…… Ginger Rogers) ; anyway, us prizewinners were ferociously scanning the paper every day after being promised the photos would surface within a week. Sadly they never did – we were told that they were ‘in the basket’ for an empty news day ! so much for that and our 15 minutes of fame. As for me looking like Ginger Rogers – well after seeing the make-up artist’s feeble attempts, I was more Jessie Matthews than Fred’s esteemed partner !
I see the Americans have learnt that if some English kid breaks into their computers they will never be extradited because they’ll use the Mackinnon ‘mad’ defence plus having a mum with sharp elbows.
This time the yanks invited their boy to a conference in the States – can’t blame them. Saves on the legal aid fees too.
Even better it makes it difficult for al beeb to turn the criminal into a victim
The Biased BBC is pumping women’t sport for all it is worth – so they never broadcast this ‘news’ – because it is against the message and we want to keep pretending that everyone deserves equal pay –
They had a cringeworthy segment this morning talking to young girls playing sport, who spouted the party slogans of ‘sport is for everyone.’ One girl said she wanted to be a footballer when she is older! Is that not fantastic?
No – it is denying reality. Getting women to agree to an acceptable level of football has been the great struggle of my life – it is the same for so many men. I had a date with a lovely girl once during a World Cup semi final and it went disastrously. You can see it from children in the playground as young as 6: the boys are running around chasing balls and the girls are in groups talking to each other.
Equality is a fine and noble thing but denying reality is just creepy, as is persecuting those who refuse to go along with your delusions. I would not want my little girl to grow up and become a footballer. All that aggression is testosterone on a stick and it is a biological fact that males have more testosterone.
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
1984, George Orwell.
Sadly sport-like the NHS and Green politics-has become the lefts mincing machine for all their groomings and mind massages.
Sports only use is to skewer the likes of Meryl Streep as she scorns NFL in favour of Clinton…to signal her taste and discernment.
Only possible argument for sport is that it gives a transcendal moment every ten years or so. Homoerotic, drug dealing nastiness with the occasional case where a white kid can hit the lottery with some talent and an obsessive work ethic.
I remember sport being used by Black Power, PLO and the likes of the Eastern Bloc and Blair-all for political purposes that are so all pervading now that nobody notices.
Why do we have to watch it?
That`s what subscription is for-the one world rollerball alternative is already on its way.
Mohammad Farah won last night and the Daily Telegraph (pay-walled) leads with the headline,
“A Mo Farah win in this stadium, in London, is a colossal event, audible across the city he has always called home”
A bit strange – I thought he only came to London to earn as much as he can before returning to the city he lives in and calls home – Portland, Oregon, USA
I thought I read that this was his last race , or was that just wishful thinking. I do hope that it is so he can leave our shores and never return. I am sick to death of this man being put up as a British hero and an example of how just like us Muslims really are. As far as I am concerned he is a great athlete who represents a country somewhere in Africa but he does not in anyway represent GB.
Mohamid Farah is to the pro-Islamic multiculty fascists of the BBC and media an example of the superior people we should look up to. Exactly the mirror image of Hitler’s projection of superior Aryan athletes.
He’s never referred to as Mohammed Farah though is he, its always the westernised ‘Mo’. Still if he’s finished at least I wont have to see any more photos of the same arms outstretched and eye popping out, almost as bad as the continued and unfortunate shots of Andy Murray’s wide open mouth.
London, the city he loves and that inspired him ,was being pushed over and over by the commentator,Brendan Foster I think
Not to take away from his achievements ,but Britain and London was a flag of convenience for Mo ,to get the funding he needed.He hasn’t lived here for years nor does he intend to.He should be running for Somalia.
“The BBC has suspended a star of its Asian Network in a row over online messages littered with lewd comments and racist slurs. Host Tommy Sandhu, 40, was one of at least four colleagues allegedly part of WhatsApp groups sharing sexist comments as well as homophobic remarks and a derogatory term for Pakistanis.
BBC Asian Network staff also used the messaging groups to make vile homophobic slurs, calling one colleague a “batty boy” and another a “Gandu”, Indian slang for bottom and a derogatory term for a homosexual. They also accused a fellow radio host of being gay, even though he is married.
Embarrassingly for the BBC, the WhatsApp groups were also used to take racist pot-shots at Pakistanis. According to insiders, one of the men suggested they refuse to play any music by Pakistanis on the breakfast show even though the network was set up to cater to all Asian groups.
Another message referred to BBC entertainment reporter Haroon Rashid as a “Paki”. When one of the men did some work with Noreen Khan, another BBC Asian Network DJ, they were asked on the messaging group “have them Pakis converted you?”, according to sources.”
Here in Birmingham it’s well known that Indians and Pakistanis absolutely hate each other. A Pakistani I work with regularly refers to Africans and West Indians as ‘monkeys’.
“Here in Birmingham it’s well known that Indians and Pakistanis absolutely hate each other. A Pakistani I work with regularly refers to Africans and West Indians as ‘monkeys’.”
We are all ‘monkeys’. When I first started in the world of work one of the most popular characters was an Indian who would greet everyone within hearing range with a loud “Good morning monkeys!” He maintained that there were black, brown and white monkeys, but that they were all monkeys just the same.
To be fair, to categorise us all as black, brown or white monkeys would be a good thing.
Would crush the Race Relations industry, and please the Green misanthropes who hate humans, but love foxes and badgers instead of a parent, a child or a Tory.
Climate Change is back centre stage on the BBC’s Radio 4 TODAY Programme due to some hot weather in Europe but don’t look for the running order on the programme’s web-site because someone has forgotten to put it up. The item where Sarah interviews an Italian ‘scientist’ working for the EU comes in the section after Thought for the Day and just before our own weather forecast supplied by the Met Office.
I wanted to check the man’s name. He spoke very good English but was obviously having to put a lot of effort into speaking a second or perhaps third or fourth language, so Sarah helped him along with some leading questions. This being someone working for the EU – and on Climate Change (different to weather but similar) – he may not have needed the help.
Sarah apparently did not know the prevailing summer weather conditions of the continental land mass formerly known as Europe. I could hear the waiting Met Office man’s eyeballs rolling in the background.
The gist of the research is that lots and lots of people are going to die at the end of the 21st century due to the heat in summer. Up to 100,000, it is claimed. Good idea to leave the door open on that prediction. Care to offer a prediction on how many will die from extreme cold at the end of the 21st century? No? Why not? It is usually more than those who die from extreme heat.
So, there we have it. (I use the word ‘so’ at the start of the sentence, even though I am beginning to hate that habit because so many BBC ‘scientific’ and ‘academic’ radio interviewees do so, hopefully here enhancing my own academic and scientific standing. Smirk. Coughs, splutters in background. “Quiet back there!”) From the BBC this morning, definite scientific research that again confirms that Global Warming and Climate Change has now been put off to the end of the twenty-first century.
It is getting later than a late, overcrowded Southern Rail train in to Waterloo.
Sarah did not think to ask how many people died specifically due to the heat in the 2003 and 1999 hot summers that Europe enjoyed. That might have been an illuminating piece of information too much for the BBC. Then, purely for scientific and statistical interest how many people die from attributable cold in winter. That, too, may have been too much for a BBC interviewer to think to ask.
It is suggested/claimed/predicted that ‘Extreme weather ‘could kill up to 100,000 a year’ in Europe by 2100.’
I wonder what proposals the scientists have for dealing with a land mass that by its very nature, tends to become excessively cold in some winters and excessively hot in some summers? After all, we can control climate – we are in charge now, which means we can control weather, doesn’t it?
The BBC left that unasked. For a future programme, perchance?
Up2, I thought that scientists had warned us a couple of weeks ago that due to a solar flare (or some other solar event) the temperature would get to 104 degrees for a while.
Isn’t that what is happening in Southetn Europe or are they claiming it on climate change.
*on predictive text, when I typed in climate, ‘change’ appeared on the options on my iPad.
EG, are you asking what is the Beeb saying (propaganda) or what is the Beeb claiming on behalf of science and humankind (propaganda) or what is the Beeb stating as concerning world governments and ‘actions’ (propaganda) ?
I’ll be gone by mid-century, if not before, but I sort of now want to live way into the hundreds just to listen to a BBC R4 TODAY Programme in 2115, explaining how a very hot summer in central Europe has led to a handful of extra deaths of people who were in mid-life, aged around fifty and sixty years of age.
“Why could not modern science and technology do more to save them?” “Is it because Government is not spending enough?” “Climate change is a real threat and the Environment Minister was asked what they would do about it.” “Climate Change was a real threat one hundred years ago and we have the grandperson of the scientist behind that original research and who is a scientist itself, to tell us why we should be concerned about Climate Change, affecting the way we live toward the end of the twenty-second century in about eighty or ninety years time.” “Do we need an extra tax on items that have minimal emissions, would more CO2 help us warm up or cool down?” “Should the Government invest in teleportation systems or stop investing in teleportation systems?” “Is building more underground the answer or could it be releasing dangerous levels of heat?”
Of course when they finally stop making claims that the planet is getting hotter, they will claim that the temperature has started coming down due to all the green initiatives campaigned for by them (despite the biggest polluters – e.g. China, India, USA etc. – are doing roughly bugger-all about it).
As Clive James has recently pointed out, the problem with the Climate Change warriors is that as predictors of future events they are hopeless (the acid test of science is that its ‘laws’ are provable, as Popper explained).
In any other profession, someone whose predictions were so at variance with reality would be laughed at but one only becomes a ‘Climate Scientist’ (it’s a new trade) by studying under other ‘Climate Scientists’, so it’s small wonder that the majority of these ‘experts’ all say the same thing. We have seen similar problems in many other disciplines down the ages but the mature ones (particularly the sciences) eventually succumb to the effects of reason when repeatedly challenged. This will eventually happen with climate activism too, but in the meantime we will all suffer. As a theory, it perfectly fits the Left-liberal mindset, so the BBC sticks to it like glue and will be one of the last to admit that it has failed almost every objective test.
“In any other profession, someone whose predictions were so at variance with reality would be laughed at but one only becomes a ‘Climate Scientist’” – Not forgetting the Treasury, IMF and all the rest of the pro-EU army.
As Clive overstays his welcome in lifes departure lounge, I`ve got to say that his politics have got much better(now he no longer needs to care about the lefties no-platforming him).
Duff poetry-but right on Islam, migration and (now) Green bollocks!
Finally found his inner Aussie…what the hell happened to those great people and their scorn for the pantywaists of lefty culture?
I blame bloody Rudd!
He has also written some blurb on the back cover of Douglas Murray’s book. Anyway, back to more important matters. Can England get SA all out by close of play ?
“The temperature reached 48 °C (118.4 °F) in both Athens and Elefsina, Greece on July 10, 1977, setting the official European record high. There’s also an unofficial record of the temperature climbing to 50 °C (122 °F) in Seville, Spain on August 4, 1881.”
I happen to know Seville, it gets notoriously hot in summer. That’s why the narrow streets, not created last year in response to some EU “climate change” directive, are a blessing.
If Clare would like to send a scrumpy voucher for the price of a Tim Martin Cider to be redeemed at the local `Spoons-then we here at Wessex Uni would be delighted to confer either a Doctorate or a Professorship in Weather Worries and Warts.
Don`t fall for that Gambia Uni Scam either from a rival based up on Speyside or suchlike…Scottish degrees are not what they were.
Yes, chris, serious attempts were made to inflate Scottish degrees way back in the 1990s by something over 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and even 4.0 but it still snows on Stirling and in Kirriemuir in winter. Summer temps may be none too hot either.
I can remember the moans & complaints from last year when us ‘Suvverners’ mentioned how toasty things were for us.
Left unregulated by distracted conservative politicians the lefty bias of the BBC has intensified in recent months with the preservation of some form of on-going if subtle EU membership becoming the chief rallying call of the corporation.
The BBC has gone merrily unchallenged by Number 10 in their new post-referedum broadcast strategy of ‘forget equal air time for Brexit and Remain… the BBC’s job is to question and point out the difficulties’ (see Nick Robinson and various BBC news editors). The result has been to present us with times when the bias is so obvious it takes the breath away.
This morning Remainer Lord Peter Hain pontificates to our Naga Munchetty that for the sake of peace in Northern Ireland we must Remain in the Customs Union. The reasonably informed will know this entails remaining in the Common Market (I refuse to call it “Free” – it’s a Tariff Block by another name). In fact emboldened by the fee platform he is gifted by the BBC Hain goes on to explicitly declare that we must indeed Remain in the ‘Free’ Market – ie Remain in the EU.
If they cannot sort out some arrangement for the Irish border, have a proper border there, just like almost every other Country has. They seem to manage just fine.
Think Finland and Sweden for example.
OK, maybe it will inconvenience some who want to cross the border but so what.
Comradeship between BBC and the left-wing Statist Guardian grows ever closer this morning as Guardianista movie critic Peter Bradshaw gets the newspaper review gig. Quite why the movie man is selected to bring insight into those topics covered at just before 8.30am on BBC Breakfast must remain a mystery – perhaps it was just his turn. I can well imagine the call coming into the Guardian office on the BBC hot phone and the request being for any Guardianista available – anyone there not busy with a frittata ?
The bias is clumsy as we are told Peter will talk about a press story on Charlie Gard – but not the significant story of the Mail interview with his parents, oh no it has to be the Guardian interview with an anonymous physician. Ouch! No Journalism points for that second best.
But BBC and Guardian are obviously keen to brazen it out to deliver what comes over as a rather lame and desperate rearguard action on behalf of the legal and NHS authorities. ‘Politicans’ are blamed for inflaming the situation. “The Pope, Trump and Boris” get a driveby attack from our Peter. Elected representatives and religious leaders note: The Bureaucratic State will not tolerate criticism about how it deals with the little people as it sees fit. Well, not from anyone even vaguely right of centre.
You see the Guardian and BBC speaking on behalf of the doctor and colleagues who wield power over life and death decisions of us plebs – but dare not speak their name even to the Guardian – are upset that they “suddenly found themselves the bad guys” – so it’s the bad PR that worries this lot.
It’s all about making your mark, ASI. When forced to slum through life on £150k while realising that your equals are on twice that and rising, finding something different to draw the early morning audience is an imperative for your average Production Assistant’s Assistant.
Hence, with the main news of the day, apparently, a vitriolic onslaught on politicians (or to be specific, Boris Johnson) and others and their interference in the unfolding tragedy that was Baby GARD, what better than a play on words involving the GUARDian? It’s a clever use of semantics, you have to agree? Try as I might, I can think of no better reason.
Jean Lambert ( yes me neither ) has led an EU delegation to little Gambia , where the EU has an office, to give support (and our money ) to the new Barrow Government’s reforms.. At first thought you may wonder why the EU takes an interest in such an insignificant country apart from it being a lovely place to have a posting. They are easily recognisable by the big 4-wheel drive cars parked outside the most expensive restaurants.
But , dig deeoer and you find that the EU had a deal with the previous vile Jammeh regime (they are not fussy who they deal with ) for EU industrial boats to clean out the waters around the coast to the detriment of the local traditional fishermen. Wouldn’t want to lose that agreement would we ? Isn’t the EU wonderful ? And who cares if some Gambian families are deprived of a little bit of protein ? They can always eat grass. No doubt the BBC will expose this and similar scandals.
GW, they (BBC) were all over Somerset when they thought they had a story about which they could bash the Coalition government and principally the Tories before they had to face an election year. Not much coverage since. When it was obvious that they (BBC) had missed that EU directives had an influence on Environment Agency activity, they switched attack to Chris Smith and wheeled out George Monbiot as a diversionary tactic.
Where are the BBC holding their Glasto substitute?
Pretty poor bill too.
Bucks Fizz and John Miles, a member of Five Star maybe?
Mike Read?
I certainly didn`t become a right wing nutter due to their music anyway!
Thanks. Well, they are total hypocrites, arnen’t they ? They have an even bigger deal with Senegal whose coastline is much bigger. The EU is morally bankrupt , just like the BBC, and do not give a damn about ordinary poor people.
Grant, yep, certainly not ‘ordinary poor British countryside people’ although if you are a Palestinian ‘ordinary poor people’ then I have been led to understand that you get a share in the £350m per week that our EU membership costs the ‘ordinary poor British countryside people’, the ‘ordinary poor British city people’, the ‘ordinary middling to quite well off British people’ and the ‘ordinary really wealthy and high earning British city and countryside people’.
National Trust, BBC celebrating fifty years of homosexuality being made legal….Must not press “Post Comment” button, must not press “Post Comment” butt….
Just taken delivery of Douglas Murray’s ” The strange death of Europe “. Will try and start on it today but have to choose between it and the cricket !
I am so pleased the organization that covered upn for Jimmy Saville and others is showing concern for sexual exploitation of children on You Tube.
BBC worried about grooming.
And being part of the cover-up of muslim paedophilia and rape. Hypocrites. Their only concern with YouTube is that it is a competitor. The BBC do not give a damn about the kids. They disgust me.
Shame you had no chance to shut down that organisation that created a safe space for paedophiles by defunding it. Oh wait, if you stopped funding it you would be arrested.
2 things stand out, they ”top comment” the order of response, and secondly the amount of responses from people with 2 post facebook profiles, no details just London as place lived, and 2 meaningless timeline posts, they are employee accounts, fake ones so as they can insult blasphemers, and make counter positive replies to criticism’s.
The rest who are real its 90% criticism, 10% emotive wingnutz.
But reading that 10% or so, is funny at first, then it gets depressing to read them, the blind being led by led by a one eye’d monster, and it is all paid for by us, we pay for them to create a 5th column of weak feeble of mind culture hating filth, in the end i just get angry at the smug double/triple barrel named ”climate change is societies greatest threat” cunts.
Sobering thought: By 2080 Migration Watch estimate that England will be the most densely populated amongst all our European neighbours –
Note that taking the UK as a whole i.e. including the regions, brings that statistic down meaning that, to achieve the Governments aim of, ‘Standing room only’ for the UK population, future mass immigration, will have to be dispersed amongst the regions. If migration continues to fill England alone, and to use my deceased mother’s expression, “there (will not be) enough room to swing a cat around”. Thank goodness I won’t be here.
‘…helping the BBC achieve its 2020 disability portrayal targets’
OK, but by then will the BBC have any audience left other than the diversity checkers ? And will that rarefied grouping be prepared to shoulder all of the Licence fee?
Thanks for the link Guest Who. A very revealing read! Even by the lamentable standards of the BBC, Simpson is a special case. It’s good to see him being exposed.
Didn’t read it all . ” Is the Independent still independent ? ” Is the BBC independent of the Labour Party ? One thing is for sure, the BBC IS independent of the TV taxpayer !
ms is about SPIN, not TRUTH
2 Dec Boris says many works leaders are British educated, so UK can stand alone after Brexit’.
…They reply “see how deluded Boris is”
5 the August : “British Universities are best at turning out world leaders
….. raises questions about wisdom of May’s crackdown on overseas students *” HEPI
Britain has a long history of educating leaders in all fields. Strict #Immigration rules will jeopardise these important connections.
* What crackdown on foreign students ?
“threatened by Conservative manifesto”
#2 IMHO its BS cos simply British universities are mafia, who charge ripoff prices to foreign corrupt fathers
#3 The report quotes as one example of a leader
“The GAMBIAN president studied Property Management in London while working as a security guard at Argos”
Report says “UK government is attempting to discourage them …immigration targets. .. Stricter English language requirements.. clampdown on their ability to bring dependents ”
..isn’t that fair enough ?
They use a few examples of successes to justify the many failures.
By the way, President Barrow came from a poor family in Basse Santa Su in up country Gambia and worked his way up from nothing in Gambia, before coming to the UK. I do not know who sponsored him, but it could not have been his family. He has just moved in as a neighbour of mine in Gambia so , maybe I should ask him for tea and he can explain. But he is certainly not typical of African “leaders “.
A few pages later an article about cuts to the British Council an org which is a PR front for Britain’s mafia universities hoovering up corrupt wealth by selling expensive university dream to foreign parents.
Screenshot of one third of the article.
My God, how dumb is she ? And she thinks higher education should be free for people like her ? Why do the BBC not have interviewers like him ( sorry don’t know his name ) or Tucker ? I could not imagine an interview like that on British TV. God bless America !
Certainly not well-prepared, Grant. Trouble is much of the mainstream media is like that, especially our dear – some might say expensive – BBC, on both sides of the econo-political divide.
BTW, no-one has really pressed the UK Governments since Tuition Fees were introduced as to why we haven’t had a refund on our taxes that used to go toward University education? [Rhetorical question – I know the ‘Redwood’ answer. 😉 ] How come the low and mid-paid are paying more tax through yet more taxes than ever before, certainly than say, thirty years ago? c/f British Gas electricity price increase announced this week.
Why does the BBC call people travelling from Afghanistan and Pakistan “refugees fleeing a war zone”. The US & Britain have invested a lot of money, military effort and soldiers lives in making Afghanistan to a large extent a safe zone. Just move Afghanis who feel unsafe to safer parts of Afghanistan. And Pakistan – feck off BBC – trying to convince us there exists refugees from Pakistan!
In this story the BBC weep on behalf of “Afghani and Pakistani refugees” who are being mistreated by Serbia and Hungary who are refusing them to travel on to Britain and elsewhere in Europe. To overcome their mental and physical torture at the hands of the Serbian and Hungarian authorities – they spend their time playing cricket. A team of BBC reporters are at hand to report their “appalling” situation:
Looks like a Radio One Seaside Special Van from the Seventies!
Smiley Miley and all-maybe NOT what we should be allowing around our seaside towns with young kids…given the BBCs track record.
An ice cream van or an AIDS rolling street theatre?….creepy in all possible answers.
Times correction page today apologizes to
– Chris Huhne
– Ian Botham for misrepresenting his Radio5 Live interview
‘He didn’t swear and there are not so many waste pheasants, that edible ones are buried.’
(Suppose they just CutNpasted from activist propaganda)
I see BBC doesn’t do such apologies/correction s people have to get the heavy weight lawyers in
Just seen this too.
Thanks for posting-what a joy to see REAL Americans, as opposed to the Occupy mob that tend to get onto the BBC by way of the Voice of America.
He needs to bang these couple of drums on every media show he gets. And needs to get a bit nasty over Islam, which he still seems to know little about.
Vote Anne Marie Watters whilst you still can!
Those of us who have listened to many of Nigel Farage’s speeches will have heard his message over and over! There wasn’t much additional material. I found Newt Gingrich’s contribution at the same Conference much more stimulating, with interesting historical perspectives and anecdotes, and some thoroughly upbeat views on Pres. Trump.
Don’t give them ideas. What sort of sex would be given priority on the BBC, do you think?
Anyway, correlation does not imply causation. Lots of countries have low teenage pregnancy rates, including I believe Catholic, southern European ones, which are very different to Norway.
Just what we need: more cheap, controversial TV which, in the BBC’s view, upsets all the right people.
LOL ! Well they all have sexlessness in common. Why have sex in TV anyway ? The old joke remains ” What do you think of sex on the TV ? “. ” I think it is uncomfortable and dangerous “.
Why in their infinite wisdom did the BBC shift Sounds of the 60’s from its 8am Radio 2 Saturday slot to the stupid time of 6am (live) and gift Dermot O’Leary the Breakfast Show? Yet because of his X-Factor commitments O’Leary is regularly off.
Recently we’ve ended up with radio non entities like Kate Thornton, Ricky Wilson, this morning Mel ‘C’ (WTF?) and to a lesser degree O’Leary in the slot previously filled by radio legend Brian Matthew.
It would appear that to accommodate O’Leary’s commitments to a rival network the BBC as well as no doubt remunerating him very well, are also paying ‘celebs’ a top rate to regularly stand in.
Blackburn doesn’t fit all tastes but at least he’s a time served radio presenter and knows his stuff, but 6am?
Geoff, they almost seem to desire failure at the BBC.
Any Answers was a complete train wreck this afternoon; it used to be unmissable. The excellent Home Truths could have continued with several existing BBC people as presenters but no, the BBC R4 Controller insisted on us having Saturday Live instead. I listened to the first couple of programmes but it was so drear, and just a repeat of the same old, same-oh celebrity rubbish – with an extra half hour of same again bolted on – that I have resolutely switched off at 9am since then.
Looks like they wish to extend that killing of the past glory to Sounds of the Sixties. Have they got rid of Phil ‘The Collector’ Swern?
Re Sounds Of the Sixties.
I was one of those “green ink blokes” who used to write in to the BBC to complain at their treatment of Brian Matthew.
Well remember Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman who used to compile the show with Brian, who seemed to go off the face of the earth around 2010…given the BBC, can only hope it was for the right reasons.
Phil “The Collector” Swerne seemed a bit “Northern Soul” to me-a poseurs charter for the BBC seeing as the likes of Stuart Maconie and Martin Freeman can ponce around their record bins and affect a northern superiority. But Tony Blackburn works OK with him, so let`s be kind.
My point is this-because Brians show was so popular and unashamedly traditional-and with a knowing wise guide who didn`t need Jamie Theakston or Louise Redknapp to tell him what went on in the sixties-then he was a man out of time.
Cue therefore, the charlatan O Leary…aimed at McDonalds dad and helicopter mums who wasted too much time at Spike Island…the new breed , and therefore at odds with us older folk who listened to Brian and honoured our departed parents in the process.
Me?…I listen to Angel Radio on Saturday mornings who seem happy to collect Brians old audience. Should send them my license fee shouldn`t I?
Much more worthy of it.
Brian took much of any residual respect for the BBC to the grave earlier this year.
“Sounds of the Sixties” was the ONLY BBC radio programme I listened to for some years, since long abandoning “Today” in disgust and abject despair. Now, since Brian’s departure and ultimate death, I never listen to the BBC, nor does it infest my television.
Heart-warming story on BBC London news of a young Asian man who set up a football team in the wake of the London riots to give something for young men to do, because otherwise they are so bored they have to commit crime. How patronising is that? They have reached the first round of the FA Cup! Isn’t that fantastic?
I used to run a youth club. We were closed over the summer holidays. At no point did the kids start rioting or joining gangs because they had nothing else to do.
Are the only choices available to young men crime or athletics? Read a book. Watch a film. Maybe even get a job. We’re supposed to be impressed that they managed to resist the urge to become criminals?
BBC’s advocacy of the Burka is getting clobbered world wide.
This crap must be coming from Government sources – to combat Islamophobia and the far right.
Do I smell the influence of Amber Amber Rudd and Treezer here?
Thinking about the bBBC continuing campaign to indoctrinate us a la Big Brother that women’s sport is the equivalent of men’s. Here are thecresults of the Men and Women’s world athletics championship 10,000 m events.
Men. Won in time of 26m 49 s, silver, bronze, 4th places all within two seconds of winner.
Women. Won in time of 30m 15s. Silver medallist was 45 seconds behind.
Wish the buggers luck, because anything they come up with, will be a total failure, as always, and everyone will still end up paying more in order not to achieve any “climate goals” whatsoever.
Any policy decided by politicians is a disaster. With a very few exceptions, The Mogginator being one, they are totally useless parasites who have screwed up the UK.
“Brexit: UK and EU at odds over ‘exit bill”
Stuff the “exit bill”!
We should send them a bill for the heavy cost of British lives lost in liberating Europe from Napoleon, The Kaieser , Hitler , Mussolini, Et All !
I thought I would catch up on the results of Bolts race last night and couldn’t find it .so thought I’d log on to the BBC website because if he won I knew it would be emblazoned as a headline .
It wasn’t there so I knew he lost.I found it tucked away in the sports section. He lost to multiple drugs cheat Justin Gatling .The BBC must be so conflicted.Athletics has been losing my interest for some years.
I’m sorry he lost .I admire Bolt.He runs for his birth country and is proud of his achievements on their behalf .He probably should have retired after Rio. Losing to someone who should have been banned for life is sick .
Why don’t we officially make Mo Farah a God? He could be like the Pharoahs in Ancient Egypt who were considered not only kings but also Gods. They could have the coronation at broadcasting house, only the Beeb staff might be too busy masturbating in a circle. He is absolute proof that multiculturalism works, open borders are a fantastic idea and all Muslim immigrants are patriotic, loyal and upstanding citizens.
I share your joy that Sir Mo is quitting the track after his last race on Wednesday but unfortunately the BBC hero worship is going to follow him as he steps up to the Marathon .So expect more Obama style worship from the BEEB for the foreseeable future.
When he does finally hang up his boots ,you can be sure the BEEB will have a plethora of programmes lined up for him to present.
Does the bBBC allocate an amount of its budget solely for the advertising of Usain Bolt ?
I watched the athletics and it was one long Bolt show. Why? Of course he’s good. I admire him. But why the idolotry? Even Sir Mo gets far less. Are the bBBC just using Bolt to suck up to the effnic minorities? A very strange choice as both Bolt and Blake genuflect just before the race. Some producer must not have noticed this. When he got beat, the narrative quickly changed from that of the champion to that of the old warrior. But the cameras were still only on him.
Note to bBBC. We don’t need you to choose our idols for us. We can do that for ourselves, than you.
I have very little interest in sport in general. I was more into climbing mountains and sailing. I watch a little tennis very infrequently but that’s about it. So, when I take a small amount of time out to observe for myself what these characters are all about, Mo, Usain, I see only Roman gladiatorial pursuits: its a black mans pursuit while the whites watch on and cheer. I suggest that the handful of whites competing should be banned leaving a clear run (forgive me) for the blacks to be totally unique in what they do well.
I watched the 100m World Championship race last night. I was genuinely disappointed at the reaction of the audience in the stadium. The winner was, admittedly, a two-time ‘drugs cheat’ (and I have no time whatsoever for the use of performance-enhancing drugs – I actually think it should be a lifetime ban from sports if you are found deliberately using these things), but, the rules are that you can be ‘rehabilitated’ – and if you want to change that, then you need to pursue that path across the world. The guy, as far as I know, has not been using drugs to enhance his performance for this event.
But it made me think – should we have a similar policy for other crimes – burglary, etc., where the criminal is just excluded from civil society because he refuses to comply with the ‘rules’ ?. Should we have a similar rule for ‘benefits cheats’ – should they be excluded from ever again receiving benefits after one incident ? I suspect the Beeboids drowning in their tears last night would never agree with either of these positions.
The BBC has been utterly relentless in their hounding of Justin Gatlin, and commented that he was right not to take a celebratory lap of the track, despite legitimately (at least under the rules as they are today) winning the world championship. In addition, in all of the hair-shirt-waving by the BBC, it was all but ignored that a young American, potentially a future star of the track, the 21-year old Christian Coleman, had also beaten Usain Bolt.
Mr Bolt was a beaten man, now a man of the past, but that didn’t fit the Beeboids’ picture of the perfect end to his career, so thy almost obliterated the race from the memory, once of them saying that ‘this was the race that no-one will ever replay’. I think the young Mr Coleman might just not agree with that.
The BBC and its adulation of Usain Bolt will not tolerate the fact that he was beaten by not one, but two other runners.
Debs…………….. you can be sure the BEEB will have a plethora of programmes lined up for him to present…..
Well Sunday mornings are already taken up with the ‘diversity’ gang – both BBC 1 and 2, but as he presents Quorn on the ads, I suppose there’s always another cookery spot available.
(Off piste a bit…. I see another sporting mixed race relationship has hit the buffers – Chris Eubank’s wife calls him a few choice words as she heads for the divorce courts. Then there was Frank Bruno and ex wife Laura; and Sharon Davies with ex Derek Redmond. Wonder how long before Lady ‘Mo’ calls it a day . Can’t be easy living with someone who is glorified by the press and believes his own publicity behind closed doors.)
I must confess when I read Mr Cable’s latest vainglorious blather, my first reaction was to say: ‘What a nasty, shit-stirring, dribble-wanking old bastard you are, to be sure.’ But then, being Sunday, I thought it best to moderate my language.
What is strange is that although Cable was an economist, he always gets things on the economy wrong. The BBC don’t pick him up on it because they do not understand economics. Yes , he is a repulsive creature.
“The BBC don’t pick him up on it because they do not understand economics.”
And it would be cruel. The party has very little talent to choose from, all the younger ones being daft or weird. I’m sure he’d rather be at home, in his slippers, sitting near the window watching the kids play in the street. Instead, he’s dragged into the studio, looking worn out, his breath reeking of Horlicks. Sad.
Thats a British education for you! Perhaps that’s why we have a Canadian running the Treasury. Oh, just thought: Carney’s predictions are equally wrong!
True. He is certainly no Eddie George or Mervyn King. Seems to me that the political establishment have lost all confidence in the indiginous British people and Britain. But it is the political establishment which is rotten to the core.
Beltane, when the doctor asked Cable for a stool,urine and semen sample he asked his wife what the doctor had just said.
His wife said “He wants your underpants”
Sun Tel headline ” UK to offer EU £36 bilion in Brexit bill ” according to “senior Whitehall officials”. If true, someone should be disciplined for leaking. If not true, Treezer should deny it. This has been a total balls-up from the start. Not unexpected since we have a PM and ministers who are total incompetents.
I understand there’s a portion to be paid into the EU pension pot. Can you help me out here? – I pay into a company pension scheme, hypothetically, and I decide to leave the company. Do I have to continue paying into the old pension pot so the lifestyle of my old colleagues can be maintained?
Good point ! I think we all know that the EU has always just screwed the UK for money . What is totally disgusting is that much of the British Elite have colluded. We should have stopped all contributions after the referendum and told them that , if they want a trade war , they will suffer more than us. But our so-called “leaders” are spineless pussycats. Useless.
Still completely devoid of new ideas and dead horse flogging, I note the BBC are announcing the first Strictly contestant this week (yes its that time of year) what odds that in this time of wall to wall ‘Pride’ that there will be a same sex couple this year?
How about a bit of equality in the presenting roles this year as well.
If the Beeb decide to bite the bullet and do show same sex couples dancing, I think that will be the death knell of the programme. Watching 2 women or 2 men dancing the Argentine Tango will be a step too far for its mainly older audience group. Viewpoints may have changed a hundredthfold over the past 50 years, but explaining this format with young children wont cut the mustard with younger couples either !
I would like to see the bastards at the BBC try that with my daughter. As I have said before , the BBC obsession with children is unhealthy, especially for the kids. What an evil organisation. Is that man the teacher or a Beeboid ? Obviously he can’t be a muslim.
Dr Javid has history for having a chip on his shoulder against white people.
And note that school for the experiment seems to be super white instead of having ethnicities where gender roles are clearly split.
\\Towards the middle of his month-long shift at the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kailahun, in Sierra Leone, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim notes that the Ebola epidemic has passed a milestone: 4,000 deaths. “The world only wakes up when a few white people are infected,” says Abdelmoneim. “It bugs me that that’s the nature of the world.”//
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
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JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
Things not to say to someone who wears a burqa
Are you taking Vitamin D tablets?
We should make a list.
Sorry deegee,
Accidently pressed report button (annoying screen shift due slow broadband) ?
Well done England !!! Just in time !
Good point deegee. Rickets likely but the NHS will help !
Sorry if someone has already mentioned this, but the story of National Trust volunteers refusing to wear badges supporting LGBT rights could be the most inane SJW ‘news’ story ever. Of 350 people, 10 refused to wear them. Just ten! How do they get hold of these stories? A volunteer refused to wear a badge, are you f**king serious? That is 10 out of 350 is actually quite impressive given that many elderly people must work for the National Trust.
Where on earth do they get these stories from? They clearly have trougher mates working for all manner of ‘equality’ organisations which Hoover up taxpayers’ money.
O the horror! Someone somewhere refused to wear a badge! Get me to a safe space fast so I can weep for the rest of the weekend.
Making people wear badges, never the sign of a tolerant society.
Honestly, I am shocked that 340 out of 350 agreed to wear that stupid badge – what a dreadful way to treat volunteers! BTW, I wonder how many of the refuseniks were took their stance on religious grounds? And what percentage of those were Muslim?
Doh! Now we’ll need TWO separate safe spaces …
Persecuting a minority for having a way of doing things the majority find reprehensible. Hmmmm, where have we seen that before? Talk about absolute power corrupting absolutely.
If people personally have an issue with homosexuality, they should be free to think what they want as long as they do not persecute anyone on the basis of those beliefs.
Dame Helen Ghosh, Director General of The National Trust comes across as one of these angst ridden middle class left wing worthies who probably hates her background, her class and probably middle England to boot.I expect though she is more than able to quell her disgust at her class at the end of every month,
She appears to be spearheading a drive to dumb the National Trust Down and make it more right on.
Good luck with that Helen – Looks like you might be creating a National Irrelevance instead!
Had a faint whiff of common purpose about it, (is that still going or has it morphed into another form of indoctrination?) the Trust has put money in before,
But couldn’t find a link to Ghosh, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence of course. The higher ups are probably excused the more mundane aspects of brain washing anyway. She has been at it for some time as well,
Got to say that I found thie National Trust story a complete windup.
1. These people are volunteers.
2. Anybody knows that the NT is just another trough surfing cartel what has been allowed to buy up old folks homes and small farms, only to turn them into outdoor centres for the confused and jihadi trainees.
This is not a story-why the heck ANYBODY would lift a finger, let alone any other appendage-simply to prop up the State and all its agenda forming orifices-is beyond me.
Keep well away-and all volunteers should walk out and make Lord Ponsonby pay for the garden centre rip offs himself.
The gays have plenty time-let THEM do this.
We put-upon hideously white 50+ types need to plot the revolution.
The National Trust were on Today the other day, apparently to tell us how Brexit would screw with farmers…as if the NT haven`t creamed the fat off the land since the fifties.
When did our pensioners and underemployed become such ninnnies-do NOT work for free with anything that the State uses to peddle its Soros Shite.
Her CV reads as if she is one of those public sector revolving door specialists who keep moving jobs ( and/or conveniently being moved out and into jobs) regularly thus never being anywhere long enogh to be accountable for the outcomes of their decisions.
She’s already off to Balliol College Oxford next year.
All anyone needs to know about Ghosh is contained the today’s Sunday Mail article:
Balliol should be ashamed – but it won’t be.
I started reading it but stopped when I got to the bit ” Her career blossomed under Tony Blair’s Government “. But I like the bit when some gays criticised her . What a revolting woman.
Yes, I thought that was very telling, too.
Do I sense a disturbance in The Farce?
I think the NT gay badge thing IS a story, but not in the shock-horror bbc way, but in the sense, What is the NT doing pushing gay rights anyway, not their remit!
I’ve often wondered how the national press gets hold of these suburban stories. Until I discovered that on news shortage days, there’s a ring round to the provincials to see if there is any news worthy of gracing the pages of the big boys.
I did a ‘photo-shoot’ back in the early 90’s at the D/Mail (myself and 2 others won a competition – the prize being kitted out in the person from history we would like to be and then photographed – I was um, ahem…… Ginger Rogers) ; anyway, us prizewinners were ferociously scanning the paper every day after being promised the photos would surface within a week. Sadly they never did – we were told that they were ‘in the basket’ for an empty news day ! so much for that and our 15 minutes of fame. As for me looking like Ginger Rogers – well after seeing the make-up artist’s feeble attempts, I was more Jessie Matthews than Fred’s esteemed partner !
I see the Americans have learnt that if some English kid breaks into their computers they will never be extradited because they’ll use the Mackinnon ‘mad’ defence plus having a mum with sharp elbows.
This time the yanks invited their boy to a conference in the States – can’t blame them. Saves on the legal aid fees too.
Even better it makes it difficult for al beeb to turn the criminal into a victim
The Biased BBC is pumping women’t sport for all it is worth – so they never broadcast this ‘news’ – because it is against the message and we want to keep pretending that everyone deserves equal pay –
They had a cringeworthy segment this morning talking to young girls playing sport, who spouted the party slogans of ‘sport is for everyone.’ One girl said she wanted to be a footballer when she is older! Is that not fantastic?
No – it is denying reality. Getting women to agree to an acceptable level of football has been the great struggle of my life – it is the same for so many men. I had a date with a lovely girl once during a World Cup semi final and it went disastrously. You can see it from children in the playground as young as 6: the boys are running around chasing balls and the girls are in groups talking to each other.
Equality is a fine and noble thing but denying reality is just creepy, as is persecuting those who refuse to go along with your delusions. I would not want my little girl to grow up and become a footballer. All that aggression is testosterone on a stick and it is a biological fact that males have more testosterone.
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
1984, George Orwell.
Sadly sport-like the NHS and Green politics-has become the lefts mincing machine for all their groomings and mind massages.
Sports only use is to skewer the likes of Meryl Streep as she scorns NFL in favour of Clinton…to signal her taste and discernment.
Only possible argument for sport is that it gives a transcendal moment every ten years or so. Homoerotic, drug dealing nastiness with the occasional case where a white kid can hit the lottery with some talent and an obsessive work ethic.
I remember sport being used by Black Power, PLO and the likes of the Eastern Bloc and Blair-all for political purposes that are so all pervading now that nobody notices.
Why do we have to watch it?
That`s what subscription is for-the one world rollerball alternative is already on its way.
Mohammad Farah won last night and the Daily Telegraph (pay-walled) leads with the headline,
“A Mo Farah win in this stadium, in London, is a colossal event, audible across the city he has always called home”
A bit strange – I thought he only came to London to earn as much as he can before returning to the city he lives in and calls home – Portland, Oregon, USA
I thought I read that this was his last race , or was that just wishful thinking. I do hope that it is so he can leave our shores and never return. I am sick to death of this man being put up as a British hero and an example of how just like us Muslims really are. As far as I am concerned he is a great athlete who represents a country somewhere in Africa but he does not in anyway represent GB.
Won? But for who? I’ll wager that, if the truth be known, in his mind, he is winning for his God not the UK.
Mohamid Farah is to the pro-Islamic multiculty fascists of the BBC and media an example of the superior people we should look up to. Exactly the mirror image of Hitler’s projection of superior Aryan athletes.
Good point. All cut from the same cloth.
He’s never referred to as Mohammed Farah though is he, its always the westernised ‘Mo’. Still if he’s finished at least I wont have to see any more photos of the same arms outstretched and eye popping out, almost as bad as the continued and unfortunate shots of Andy Murray’s wide open mouth.
London, the city he loves and that inspired him ,was being pushed over and over by the commentator,Brendan Foster I think
Not to take away from his achievements ,but Britain and London was a flag of convenience for Mo ,to get the funding he needed.He hasn’t lived here for years nor does he intend to.He should be running for Somalia.
Don’t know if anyone has posted this before but it’s worth a look; I haven’t seen or heard anything about it on any BBC news reports:
“The BBC has suspended a star of its Asian Network in a row over online messages littered with lewd comments and racist slurs. Host Tommy Sandhu, 40, was one of at least four colleagues allegedly part of WhatsApp groups sharing sexist comments as well as homophobic remarks and a derogatory term for Pakistanis.
BBC Asian Network staff also used the messaging groups to make vile homophobic slurs, calling one colleague a “batty boy” and another a “Gandu”, Indian slang for bottom and a derogatory term for a homosexual. They also accused a fellow radio host of being gay, even though he is married.
Embarrassingly for the BBC, the WhatsApp groups were also used to take racist pot-shots at Pakistanis. According to insiders, one of the men suggested they refuse to play any music by Pakistanis on the breakfast show even though the network was set up to cater to all Asian groups.
Another message referred to BBC entertainment reporter Haroon Rashid as a “Paki”. When one of the men did some work with Noreen Khan, another BBC Asian Network DJ, they were asked on the messaging group “have them Pakis converted you?”, according to sources.”
Here in Birmingham it’s well known that Indians and Pakistanis absolutely hate each other. A Pakistani I work with regularly refers to Africans and West Indians as ‘monkeys’.
Probably the least racist people in the world are the white British. Not that you would guess that from the BBC.
“Here in Birmingham it’s well known that Indians and Pakistanis absolutely hate each other. A Pakistani I work with regularly refers to Africans and West Indians as ‘monkeys’.”
We are all ‘monkeys’. When I first started in the world of work one of the most popular characters was an Indian who would greet everyone within hearing range with a loud “Good morning monkeys!” He maintained that there were black, brown and white monkeys, but that they were all monkeys just the same.
To be fair, to categorise us all as black, brown or white monkeys would be a good thing.
Would crush the Race Relations industry, and please the Green misanthropes who hate humans, but love foxes and badgers instead of a parent, a child or a Tory.
You pipped me to it, Guest!
Climate Change is back centre stage on the BBC’s Radio 4 TODAY Programme due to some hot weather in Europe but don’t look for the running order on the programme’s web-site because someone has forgotten to put it up. The item where Sarah interviews an Italian ‘scientist’ working for the EU comes in the section after Thought for the Day and just before our own weather forecast supplied by the Met Office.
I wanted to check the man’s name. He spoke very good English but was obviously having to put a lot of effort into speaking a second or perhaps third or fourth language, so Sarah helped him along with some leading questions. This being someone working for the EU – and on Climate Change (different to weather but similar) – he may not have needed the help.
Sarah apparently did not know the prevailing summer weather conditions of the continental land mass formerly known as Europe. I could hear the waiting Met Office man’s eyeballs rolling in the background.
The gist of the research is that lots and lots of people are going to die at the end of the 21st century due to the heat in summer. Up to 100,000, it is claimed. Good idea to leave the door open on that prediction. Care to offer a prediction on how many will die from extreme cold at the end of the 21st century? No? Why not? It is usually more than those who die from extreme heat.
So, there we have it. (I use the word ‘so’ at the start of the sentence, even though I am beginning to hate that habit because so many BBC ‘scientific’ and ‘academic’ radio interviewees do so, hopefully here enhancing my own academic and scientific standing. Smirk. Coughs, splutters in background. “Quiet back there!”) From the BBC this morning, definite scientific research that again confirms that Global Warming and Climate Change has now been put off to the end of the twenty-first century.
It is getting later than a late, overcrowded Southern Rail train in to Waterloo.
Sarah did not think to ask how many people died specifically due to the heat in the 2003 and 1999 hot summers that Europe enjoyed. That might have been an illuminating piece of information too much for the BBC. Then, purely for scientific and statistical interest how many people die from attributable cold in winter. That, too, may have been too much for a BBC interviewer to think to ask.
It is suggested/claimed/predicted that ‘Extreme weather ‘could kill up to 100,000 a year’ in Europe by 2100.’
I wonder what proposals the scientists have for dealing with a land mass that by its very nature, tends to become excessively cold in some winters and excessively hot in some summers? After all, we can control climate – we are in charge now, which means we can control weather, doesn’t it?
The BBC left that unasked. For a future programme, perchance?
Up2, I thought that scientists had warned us a couple of weeks ago that due to a solar flare (or some other solar event) the temperature would get to 104 degrees for a while.
Isn’t that what is happening in Southetn Europe or are they claiming it on climate change.
*on predictive text, when I typed in climate, ‘change’ appeared on the options on my iPad.
EG, are you asking what is the Beeb saying (propaganda) or what is the Beeb claiming on behalf of science and humankind (propaganda) or what is the Beeb stating as concerning world governments and ‘actions’ (propaganda) ?
I’ll be gone by mid-century, if not before, but I sort of now want to live way into the hundreds just to listen to a BBC R4 TODAY Programme in 2115, explaining how a very hot summer in central Europe has led to a handful of extra deaths of people who were in mid-life, aged around fifty and sixty years of age.
“Why could not modern science and technology do more to save them?” “Is it because Government is not spending enough?” “Climate change is a real threat and the Environment Minister was asked what they would do about it.” “Climate Change was a real threat one hundred years ago and we have the grandperson of the scientist behind that original research and who is a scientist itself, to tell us why we should be concerned about Climate Change, affecting the way we live toward the end of the twenty-second century in about eighty or ninety years time.” “Do we need an extra tax on items that have minimal emissions, would more CO2 help us warm up or cool down?” “Should the Government invest in teleportation systems or stop investing in teleportation systems?” “Is building more underground the answer or could it be releasing dangerous levels of heat?”
Of course when they finally stop making claims that the planet is getting hotter, they will claim that the temperature has started coming down due to all the green initiatives campaigned for by them (despite the biggest polluters – e.g. China, India, USA etc. – are doing roughly bugger-all about it).
As Clive James has recently pointed out, the problem with the Climate Change warriors is that as predictors of future events they are hopeless (the acid test of science is that its ‘laws’ are provable, as Popper explained).
In any other profession, someone whose predictions were so at variance with reality would be laughed at but one only becomes a ‘Climate Scientist’ (it’s a new trade) by studying under other ‘Climate Scientists’, so it’s small wonder that the majority of these ‘experts’ all say the same thing. We have seen similar problems in many other disciplines down the ages but the mature ones (particularly the sciences) eventually succumb to the effects of reason when repeatedly challenged. This will eventually happen with climate activism too, but in the meantime we will all suffer. As a theory, it perfectly fits the Left-liberal mindset, so the BBC sticks to it like glue and will be one of the last to admit that it has failed almost every objective test.
“In any other profession, someone whose predictions were so at variance with reality would be laughed at but one only becomes a ‘Climate Scientist’” – Not forgetting the Treasury, IMF and all the rest of the pro-EU army.
It’s true. And that is because no one holds them to account. Or, to be more accurate, anyone who tries to is silenced – one way or another.
As Clive overstays his welcome in lifes departure lounge, I`ve got to say that his politics have got much better(now he no longer needs to care about the lefties no-platforming him).
Duff poetry-but right on Islam, migration and (now) Green bollocks!
Finally found his inner Aussie…what the hell happened to those great people and their scorn for the pantywaists of lefty culture?
I blame bloody Rudd!
He has also written some blurb on the back cover of Douglas Murray’s book. Anyway, back to more important matters. Can England get SA all out by close of play ?
A couple of minutes on Google brought up this:
Record-Setting Weather in Europe
“The temperature reached 48 °C (118.4 °F) in both Athens and Elefsina, Greece on July 10, 1977, setting the official European record high. There’s also an unofficial record of the temperature climbing to 50 °C (122 °F) in Seville, Spain on August 4, 1881.”
I happen to know Seville, it gets notoriously hot in summer. That’s why the narrow streets, not created last year in response to some EU “climate change” directive, are a blessing.
Can I call myself a “climate scientist” now?
Clare you seem supremely qualified via practical, scientific observation.
If Clare would like to send a scrumpy voucher for the price of a Tim Martin Cider to be redeemed at the local `Spoons-then we here at Wessex Uni would be delighted to confer either a Doctorate or a Professorship in Weather Worries and Warts.
Don`t fall for that Gambia Uni Scam either from a rival based up on Speyside or suchlike…Scottish degrees are not what they were.
Yes, chris, serious attempts were made to inflate Scottish degrees way back in the 1990s by something over 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and even 4.0 but it still snows on Stirling and in Kirriemuir in winter. Summer temps may be none too hot either.
I can remember the moans & complaints from last year when us ‘Suvverners’ mentioned how toasty things were for us.
Thanks, but I already have Doctorates in Gender Studies and Islamic Baking from the University of Las Vegas.
Left unregulated by distracted conservative politicians the lefty bias of the BBC has intensified in recent months with the preservation of some form of on-going if subtle EU membership becoming the chief rallying call of the corporation.
The BBC has gone merrily unchallenged by Number 10 in their new post-referedum broadcast strategy of ‘forget equal air time for Brexit and Remain… the BBC’s job is to question and point out the difficulties’ (see Nick Robinson and various BBC news editors). The result has been to present us with times when the bias is so obvious it takes the breath away.
This morning Remainer Lord Peter Hain pontificates to our Naga Munchetty that for the sake of peace in Northern Ireland we must Remain in the Customs Union. The reasonably informed will know this entails remaining in the Common Market (I refuse to call it “Free” – it’s a Tariff Block by another name). In fact emboldened by the fee platform he is gifted by the BBC Hain goes on to explicitly declare that we must indeed Remain in the ‘Free’ Market – ie Remain in the EU.
If they cannot sort out some arrangement for the Irish border, have a proper border there, just like almost every other Country has. They seem to manage just fine.
Think Finland and Sweden for example.
OK, maybe it will inconvenience some who want to cross the border but so what.
Grant, I hate to say it but i think our tolerance will be our undoing!
Quite agree.
Baby rear Gard action
Comradeship between BBC and the left-wing Statist Guardian grows ever closer this morning as Guardianista movie critic Peter Bradshaw gets the newspaper review gig. Quite why the movie man is selected to bring insight into those topics covered at just before 8.30am on BBC Breakfast must remain a mystery – perhaps it was just his turn. I can well imagine the call coming into the Guardian office on the BBC hot phone and the request being for any Guardianista available – anyone there not busy with a frittata ?
The bias is clumsy as we are told Peter will talk about a press story on Charlie Gard – but not the significant story of the Mail interview with his parents, oh no it has to be the Guardian interview with an anonymous physician. Ouch! No Journalism points for that second best.
But BBC and Guardian are obviously keen to brazen it out to deliver what comes over as a rather lame and desperate rearguard action on behalf of the legal and NHS authorities. ‘Politicans’ are blamed for inflaming the situation. “The Pope, Trump and Boris” get a driveby attack from our Peter. Elected representatives and religious leaders note: The Bureaucratic State will not tolerate criticism about how it deals with the little people as it sees fit. Well, not from anyone even vaguely right of centre.
You see the Guardian and BBC speaking on behalf of the doctor and colleagues who wield power over life and death decisions of us plebs – but dare not speak their name even to the Guardian – are upset that they “suddenly found themselves the bad guys” – so it’s the bad PR that worries this lot.
It’s all about making your mark, ASI. When forced to slum through life on £150k while realising that your equals are on twice that and rising, finding something different to draw the early morning audience is an imperative for your average Production Assistant’s Assistant.
Hence, with the main news of the day, apparently, a vitriolic onslaught on politicians (or to be specific, Boris Johnson) and others and their interference in the unfolding tragedy that was Baby GARD, what better than a play on words involving the GUARDian? It’s a clever use of semantics, you have to agree? Try as I might, I can think of no better reason.
Jean Lambert ( yes me neither ) has led an EU delegation to little Gambia , where the EU has an office, to give support (and our money ) to the new Barrow Government’s reforms.. At first thought you may wonder why the EU takes an interest in such an insignificant country apart from it being a lovely place to have a posting. They are easily recognisable by the big 4-wheel drive cars parked outside the most expensive restaurants.
But , dig deeoer and you find that the EU had a deal with the previous vile Jammeh regime (they are not fussy who they deal with ) for EU industrial boats to clean out the waters around the coast to the detriment of the local traditional fishermen. Wouldn’t want to lose that agreement would we ? Isn’t the EU wonderful ? And who cares if some Gambian families are deprived of a little bit of protein ? They can always eat grass. No doubt the BBC will expose this and similar scandals.
Grant, good post. How come the EU can dredge in Gambia but stops the UK managing its own waterways and lakes?
Maybe we need a Dredge Report to Level the BBC’s lack of editorial time or money to go there (or Somerset)?
GW, they (BBC) were all over Somerset when they thought they had a story about which they could bash the Coalition government and principally the Tories before they had to face an election year. Not much coverage since. When it was obvious that they (BBC) had missed that EU directives had an influence on Environment Agency activity, they switched attack to Chris Smith and wheeled out George Monbiot as a diversionary tactic.
Where are the BBC holding their Glasto substitute?
Bet it’s not Somerset.
Conservative MP George Freeman has revealed he is organising a ‘Tory Glastonbury’ following the boost given to Jeremy Corbyn at the music festival this year.
What an oaf.
If the Tories would just give us some policies-then they`d not need a Glastonbury.
That ship has sailed Tory Boy!
True, do they really think that by copying Labour, they will get the yoof vote ? Idiots.
Pretty poor bill too.
Bucks Fizz and John Miles, a member of Five Star maybe?
Mike Read?
I certainly didn`t become a right wing nutter due to their music anyway!
LOL, chris. So right on the policy front. I see Nick Timothy writing for the Torygraph has passed here without a murmur today.
Thanks. Well, they are total hypocrites, arnen’t they ? They have an even bigger deal with Senegal whose coastline is much bigger. The EU is morally bankrupt , just like the BBC, and do not give a damn about ordinary poor people.
Grant, yep, certainly not ‘ordinary poor British countryside people’ although if you are a Palestinian ‘ordinary poor people’ then I have been led to understand that you get a share in the £350m per week that our EU membership costs the ‘ordinary poor British countryside people’, the ‘ordinary poor British city people’, the ‘ordinary middling to quite well off British people’ and the ‘ordinary really wealthy and high earning British city and countryside people’.
National Trust, BBC celebrating fifty years of homosexuality being made legal….Must not press “Post Comment” button, must not press “Post Comment” butt….
Be interesting to see if the Italians seize any UK controlled boats or, indeed, any Royal Navy taxi working in the area –
Just taken delivery of Douglas Murray’s ” The strange death of Europe “. Will try and start on it today but have to choose between it and the cricket !
Still trying to figure out the meaning of the cover…all those little patterns. Once I`ve figured the pictures, I then try to read.
Typical! Doing the difficult bits first!
Yes, I started off looking at picture books before I learned to read .
I`m told that Murrays book has spaceships on it in miniature.
Until I hear otherwise, I hope that helps.
Update-turns out it`s all people as seen from the air and wandering into our continent.
I need to get out more.
I am so pleased the organization that covered upn for Jimmy Saville and others is showing concern for sexual exploitation of children on You Tube.
BBC worried about grooming.
And being part of the cover-up of muslim paedophilia and rape. Hypocrites. Their only concern with YouTube is that it is a competitor. The BBC do not give a damn about the kids. They disgust me.
Shame you had no chance to shut down that organisation that created a safe space for paedophiles by defunding it. Oh wait, if you stopped funding it you would be arrested.
Questions for the Burka wearer. Step in Zero, Maxicony, and answer Paul Watson
The trolls seem to have been quiet recently. But I have not been here that much.
PJW is just brilliant here, just brilliant.
He seems a tad upset!
I have been trawling the BBC facebook pages.
2 things stand out, they ”top comment” the order of response, and secondly the amount of responses from people with 2 post facebook profiles, no details just London as place lived, and 2 meaningless timeline posts, they are employee accounts, fake ones so as they can insult blasphemers, and make counter positive replies to criticism’s.
The rest who are real its 90% criticism, 10% emotive wingnutz.
But reading that 10% or so, is funny at first, then it gets depressing to read them, the blind being led by led by a one eye’d monster, and it is all paid for by us, we pay for them to create a 5th column of weak feeble of mind culture hating filth, in the end i just get angry at the smug double/triple barrel named ”climate change is societies greatest threat” cunts.
Sobering thought: By 2080 Migration Watch estimate that England will be the most densely populated amongst all our European neighbours –
Note that taking the UK as a whole i.e. including the regions, brings that statistic down meaning that, to achieve the Governments aim of, ‘Standing room only’ for the UK population, future mass immigration, will have to be dispersed amongst the regions. If migration continues to fill England alone, and to use my deceased mother’s expression, “there (will not be) enough room to swing a cat around”. Thank goodness I won’t be here.
we used to do alot of cat swinging, so our cats evolved to knock it on the head…

Has its tail gone because of Brexit?
Don’t be silly EG. Its gone despite Brexit!
‘the Disability on-air and on screen focal point’
It’s the cuts.
‘…helping the BBC achieve its 2020 disability portrayal targets’
OK, but by then will the BBC have any audience left other than the diversity checkers ? And will that rarefied grouping be prepared to shoulder all of the Licence fee?
Speaking of them cutz… a solution from the more mature staff…
Thanks for the link Guest Who. A very revealing read! Even by the lamentable standards of the BBC, Simpson is a special case. It’s good to see him being exposed.
For the lolz.
‘The new staff, while talented and digitally savvy, are on average younger and cheaper too”
Which is why it is a free, online, rabble-rousing, trivia-wallowing joke. And the berk actually mentions DNA too.
He was doubtless perfect for the lucrative BBC role when hired.
Didn’t read it all . ” Is the Independent still independent ? ” Is the BBC independent of the Labour Party ? One thing is for sure, the BBC IS independent of the TV taxpayer !
Grant, I think Amol has embraced the BBC ‘tell it often enough’ policy in the copy, and topped it with their new ‘pose a question that really isn’t’.
Many things, but not impartial journalism. An unprofessional waste of money for this beat.
Hence perfect in the role.
Yes, the infantile question posing on the BBC Website is really irritating.
ms is about SPIN, not TRUTH
2 Dec Boris says many works leaders are British educated, so UK can stand alone after Brexit’.
…They reply “see how deluded Boris is”
5 the August : “British Universities are best at turning out world leaders
….. raises questions about wisdom of May’s crackdown on overseas students *” HEPI
Dec 4th
* What crackdown on foreign students ?
“threatened by Conservative manifesto”
#2 IMHO its BS cos simply British universities are mafia, who charge ripoff prices to foreign corrupt fathers
#3 The report quotes as one example of a leader
“The GAMBIAN president studied Property Management in London while working as a security guard at Argos”
Report says “UK government is attempting to discourage them …immigration targets. .. Stricter English language requirements.. clampdown on their ability to bring dependents ”
..isn’t that fair enough ?
They use a few examples of successes to justify the many failures.
By the way, President Barrow came from a poor family in Basse Santa Su in up country Gambia and worked his way up from nothing in Gambia, before coming to the UK. I do not know who sponsored him, but it could not have been his family. He has just moved in as a neighbour of mine in Gambia so , maybe I should ask him for tea and he can explain. But he is certainly not typical of African “leaders “.
A few pages later an article about cuts to the British Council an org which is a PR front for Britain’s mafia universities hoovering up corrupt wealth by selling expensive university dream to foreign parents.
Screenshot of one third of the article.
My previous typo MS = MSM
1 in 7 world leaders ”were” educated in………………whatz wiv da ”was” educated in man.
Corbyn politics USA style, not BBC but a nice piece of light relief, is it any wonder the left would like to see the voting age reduced.
My God, how dumb is she ? And she thinks higher education should be free for people like her ? Why do the BBC not have interviewers like him ( sorry don’t know his name ) or Tucker ? I could not imagine an interview like that on British TV. God bless America !
Excellent interviewer. Unlike the BBC, including Brillo who has to argue and shout down, this guy helped her to drown herself in stupidity.
Certainly not well-prepared, Grant. Trouble is much of the mainstream media is like that, especially our dear – some might say expensive – BBC, on both sides of the econo-political divide.
BTW, no-one has really pressed the UK Governments since Tuition Fees were introduced as to why we haven’t had a refund on our taxes that used to go toward University education? [Rhetorical question – I know the ‘Redwood’ answer. 😉 ] How come the low and mid-paid are paying more tax through yet more taxes than ever before, certainly than say, thirty years ago? c/f British Gas electricity price increase announced this week.
I think she went to the Abbott School of Economics.
LOL ! What qualifications do I need to go there ?
Why does the BBC call people travelling from Afghanistan and Pakistan “refugees fleeing a war zone”. The US & Britain have invested a lot of money, military effort and soldiers lives in making Afghanistan to a large extent a safe zone. Just move Afghanis who feel unsafe to safer parts of Afghanistan. And Pakistan – feck off BBC – trying to convince us there exists refugees from Pakistan!
In this story the BBC weep on behalf of “Afghani and Pakistani refugees” who are being mistreated by Serbia and Hungary who are refusing them to travel on to Britain and elsewhere in Europe. To overcome their mental and physical torture at the hands of the Serbian and Hungarian authorities – they spend their time playing cricket. A team of BBC reporters are at hand to report their “appalling” situation:
We owe the Serbs and the Hungarians a considerable debt. All we owe the BBC is our contempt.
Cuts ? No plenty of £££ for Pride Virtue Signalling
.. Claim it cost £300 each vehicle for paint job plus £190 to enter parade.
Looks like a Radio One Seaside Special Van from the Seventies!
Smiley Miley and all-maybe NOT what we should be allowing around our seaside towns with young kids…given the BBCs track record.
An ice cream van or an AIDS rolling street theatre?….creepy in all possible answers.
Times correction page today apologizes to
– Chris Huhne
– Ian Botham for misrepresenting his Radio5 Live interview
‘He didn’t swear and there are not so many waste pheasants, that edible ones are buried.’
(Suppose they just CutNpasted from activist propaganda)
I see BBC doesn’t do such apologies/correction s people have to get the heavy weight lawyers in
Nigel’s speech at the Young America’s Foundation conference, Washington DC.
The Q&A session is the most interesting part, from 25 mins onwards.
Thanks for the link. What a great speech and the US young people were so polite and knowledgeable. So refreshing !
Just seen this too.
Thanks for posting-what a joy to see REAL Americans, as opposed to the Occupy mob that tend to get onto the BBC by way of the Voice of America.
He needs to bang these couple of drums on every media show he gets. And needs to get a bit nasty over Islam, which he still seems to know little about.
Vote Anne Marie Watters whilst you still can!
Those of us who have listened to many of Nigel Farage’s speeches will have heard his message over and over! There wasn’t much additional material. I found Newt Gingrich’s contribution at the same Conference much more stimulating, with interesting historical perspectives and anecdotes, and some thoroughly upbeat views on Pres. Trump.
Benefits of enrichers
He abducted his children and took them to Oman
The British mother has no rights.
Will BBC follow Norway’s TV excuse to show actual sex on TV ?
Haven’t they done it already once ? For Horizon ?
Don’t give them ideas. What sort of sex would be given priority on the BBC, do you think?
Anyway, correlation does not imply causation. Lots of countries have low teenage pregnancy rates, including I believe Catholic, southern European ones, which are very different to Norway.
Just what we need: more cheap, controversial TV which, in the BBC’s view, upsets all the right people.
Don’t give them ideas. What sort of sex would be given priority on the BBC, do you think?
Dare I answer?
It would involve the most regular appearing characters on the BBC.
Abbot, Yappy Alibaba Brown, Owen Jones, Hislop,
LOL ! Well they all have sexlessness in common. Why have sex in TV anyway ? The old joke remains ” What do you think of sex on the TV ? “. ” I think it is uncomfortable and dangerous “.
Exactly Grant.
Why in their infinite wisdom did the BBC shift Sounds of the 60’s from its 8am Radio 2 Saturday slot to the stupid time of 6am (live) and gift Dermot O’Leary the Breakfast Show? Yet because of his X-Factor commitments O’Leary is regularly off.
Recently we’ve ended up with radio non entities like Kate Thornton, Ricky Wilson, this morning Mel ‘C’ (WTF?) and to a lesser degree O’Leary in the slot previously filled by radio legend Brian Matthew.
It would appear that to accommodate O’Leary’s commitments to a rival network the BBC as well as no doubt remunerating him very well, are also paying ‘celebs’ a top rate to regularly stand in.
Blackburn doesn’t fit all tastes but at least he’s a time served radio presenter and knows his stuff, but 6am?
Geoff, they almost seem to desire failure at the BBC.
Any Answers was a complete train wreck this afternoon; it used to be unmissable. The excellent Home Truths could have continued with several existing BBC people as presenters but no, the BBC R4 Controller insisted on us having Saturday Live instead. I listened to the first couple of programmes but it was so drear, and just a repeat of the same old, same-oh celebrity rubbish – with an extra half hour of same again bolted on – that I have resolutely switched off at 9am since then.
Looks like they wish to extend that killing of the past glory to Sounds of the Sixties. Have they got rid of Phil ‘The Collector’ Swern?
Re Sounds Of the Sixties.
I was one of those “green ink blokes” who used to write in to the BBC to complain at their treatment of Brian Matthew.
Well remember Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman who used to compile the show with Brian, who seemed to go off the face of the earth around 2010…given the BBC, can only hope it was for the right reasons.
Phil “The Collector” Swerne seemed a bit “Northern Soul” to me-a poseurs charter for the BBC seeing as the likes of Stuart Maconie and Martin Freeman can ponce around their record bins and affect a northern superiority. But Tony Blackburn works OK with him, so let`s be kind.
My point is this-because Brians show was so popular and unashamedly traditional-and with a knowing wise guide who didn`t need Jamie Theakston or Louise Redknapp to tell him what went on in the sixties-then he was a man out of time.
Cue therefore, the charlatan O Leary…aimed at McDonalds dad and helicopter mums who wasted too much time at Spike Island…the new breed , and therefore at odds with us older folk who listened to Brian and honoured our departed parents in the process.
Me?…I listen to Angel Radio on Saturday mornings who seem happy to collect Brians old audience. Should send them my license fee shouldn`t I?
Much more worthy of it.
Brian took much of any residual respect for the BBC to the grave earlier this year.
“Sounds of the Sixties” was the ONLY BBC radio programme I listened to for some years, since long abandoning “Today” in disgust and abject despair. Now, since Brian’s departure and ultimate death, I never listen to the BBC, nor does it infest my television.
Heart-warming story on BBC London news of a young Asian man who set up a football team in the wake of the London riots to give something for young men to do, because otherwise they are so bored they have to commit crime. How patronising is that? They have reached the first round of the FA Cup! Isn’t that fantastic?
I used to run a youth club. We were closed over the summer holidays. At no point did the kids start rioting or joining gangs because they had nothing else to do.
Are the only choices available to young men crime or athletics? Read a book. Watch a film. Maybe even get a job. We’re supposed to be impressed that they managed to resist the urge to become criminals?
I wonder what Lord Tone thought of all this?:
I am guessing, maybe, ‘not helpful’?
BBC Website reports that National Trust have done a U-turn over Gay Badges .
BBC’s advocacy of the Burka is getting clobbered world wide.
This crap must be coming from Government sources – to combat Islamophobia and the far right.
Do I smell the influence of Amber Amber Rudd and Treezer here?
Rebel Media have a go here.
It does not get much more profound than this:
Thinking about the bBBC continuing campaign to indoctrinate us a la Big Brother that women’s sport is the equivalent of men’s. Here are thecresults of the Men and Women’s world athletics championship 10,000 m events.
Men. Won in time of 26m 49 s, silver, bronze, 4th places all within two seconds of winner.
Women. Won in time of 30m 15s. Silver medallist was 45 seconds behind.
Yeah, right. Equivalent. LOL.
The general secretary of the Borders, Immigration and Customs Union says Britain’s borders aren’t secure.
We need 3,000 more border guards.
We don’t need a ‘report’ to tell us that.
More border staff now, more military now, more ships now.
“‘We don’t have enough staff to respond to all the small vessels spotted. We don’t have enough cutters to intercept small vessels at sea.”
Surely this is a priority?
Yeah but yeah but yeah , the island .
It’s no good having 3 million border guards and 8 thousand coastguard vessels and 46 thousan d Nimrod planes if THE GRAMSCIANS WANT THEM IN .
Sod the Gramscians.
Pass the wine.
Here is just one example of the people that get in ……………………………………….
“Review into energy costs launched by government”
Has this got something to do with it ? Read on………….
“The study will examine how the UK can keep household bills down while also meeting its climate change targets.”
Wish the buggers luck, because anything they come up with, will be a total failure, as always, and everyone will still end up paying more in order not to achieve any “climate goals” whatsoever.
Taff, two negatives make a plus for the tax man whichever way it goes.
Any policy decided by politicians is a disaster. With a very few exceptions, The Mogginator being one, they are totally useless parasites who have screwed up the UK.
“Brexit: UK and EU at odds over ‘exit bill”
Stuff the “exit bill”!
We should send them a bill for the heavy cost of British lives lost in liberating Europe from Napoleon, The Kaieser , Hitler , Mussolini, Et All !
I thought I would catch up on the results of Bolts race last night and couldn’t find it .so thought I’d log on to the BBC website because if he won I knew it would be emblazoned as a headline .
It wasn’t there so I knew he lost.I found it tucked away in the sports section. He lost to multiple drugs cheat Justin Gatling .The BBC must be so conflicted.Athletics has been losing my interest for some years.
I’m sorry he lost .I admire Bolt.He runs for his birth country and is proud of his achievements on their behalf .He probably should have retired after Rio. Losing to someone who should have been banned for life is sick .
Why don’t we officially make Mo Farah a God? He could be like the Pharoahs in Ancient Egypt who were considered not only kings but also Gods. They could have the coronation at broadcasting house, only the Beeb staff might be too busy masturbating in a circle. He is absolute proof that multiculturalism works, open borders are a fantastic idea and all Muslim immigrants are patriotic, loyal and upstanding citizens.
Brissles ,
I share your joy that Sir Mo is quitting the track after his last race on Wednesday but unfortunately the BBC hero worship is going to follow him as he steps up to the Marathon .So expect more Obama style worship from the BEEB for the foreseeable future.
When he does finally hang up his boots ,you can be sure the BEEB will have a plethora of programmes lined up for him to present.
Does the bBBC allocate an amount of its budget solely for the advertising of Usain Bolt ?
I watched the athletics and it was one long Bolt show. Why? Of course he’s good. I admire him. But why the idolotry? Even Sir Mo gets far less. Are the bBBC just using Bolt to suck up to the effnic minorities? A very strange choice as both Bolt and Blake genuflect just before the race. Some producer must not have noticed this. When he got beat, the narrative quickly changed from that of the champion to that of the old warrior. But the cameras were still only on him.
Note to bBBC. We don’t need you to choose our idols for us. We can do that for ourselves, than you.
I have very little interest in sport in general. I was more into climbing mountains and sailing. I watch a little tennis very infrequently but that’s about it. So, when I take a small amount of time out to observe for myself what these characters are all about, Mo, Usain, I see only Roman gladiatorial pursuits: its a black mans pursuit while the whites watch on and cheer. I suggest that the handful of whites competing should be banned leaving a clear run (forgive me) for the blacks to be totally unique in what they do well.
Still waiting for ISIS to issue a Fatwa on the poor chap for shortening Muhammed to “Mo”.
I thought the tossers on the brekkie sofa were going to burst into tears.
Burden and idiot Jonson
He came was third FFS.
Not even second.
“A very strange choice as both Bolt and Blake genuflect just before the race.”
Because race trumps religion, just.
I’d like to see more diversity in athletics. It looks a bit, you know, monocultural and Afro-centric to me. How about quotas?
I watched the 100m World Championship race last night. I was genuinely disappointed at the reaction of the audience in the stadium. The winner was, admittedly, a two-time ‘drugs cheat’ (and I have no time whatsoever for the use of performance-enhancing drugs – I actually think it should be a lifetime ban from sports if you are found deliberately using these things), but, the rules are that you can be ‘rehabilitated’ – and if you want to change that, then you need to pursue that path across the world. The guy, as far as I know, has not been using drugs to enhance his performance for this event.
But it made me think – should we have a similar policy for other crimes – burglary, etc., where the criminal is just excluded from civil society because he refuses to comply with the ‘rules’ ?. Should we have a similar rule for ‘benefits cheats’ – should they be excluded from ever again receiving benefits after one incident ? I suspect the Beeboids drowning in their tears last night would never agree with either of these positions.
The BBC has been utterly relentless in their hounding of Justin Gatlin, and commented that he was right not to take a celebratory lap of the track, despite legitimately (at least under the rules as they are today) winning the world championship. In addition, in all of the hair-shirt-waving by the BBC, it was all but ignored that a young American, potentially a future star of the track, the 21-year old Christian Coleman, had also beaten Usain Bolt.
Mr Bolt was a beaten man, now a man of the past, but that didn’t fit the Beeboids’ picture of the perfect end to his career, so thy almost obliterated the race from the memory, once of them saying that ‘this was the race that no-one will ever replay’. I think the young Mr Coleman might just not agree with that.
The BBC and its adulation of Usain Bolt will not tolerate the fact that he was beaten by not one, but two other runners.
Debs & BB,
Perhaps the next Mayor of Londonistan? ‘Shift over Nadiya, the BBC want to establish me somewhere’.
Debs…………….. you can be sure the BEEB will have a plethora of programmes lined up for him to present…..
Well Sunday mornings are already taken up with the ‘diversity’ gang – both BBC 1 and 2, but as he presents Quorn on the ads, I suppose there’s always another cookery spot available.
(Off piste a bit…. I see another sporting mixed race relationship has hit the buffers – Chris Eubank’s wife calls him a few choice words as she heads for the divorce courts. Then there was Frank Bruno and ex wife Laura; and Sharon Davies with ex Derek Redmond. Wonder how long before Lady ‘Mo’ calls it a day . Can’t be easy living with someone who is glorified by the press and believes his own publicity behind closed doors.)
“Priya Dutta: Teacher trainers are only interested in social engineering”.
No kidding Priya?
There’s no fool like an old fool .
Vince Cable is proof of that .
I must confess when I read Mr Cable’s latest vainglorious blather, my first reaction was to say: ‘What a nasty, shit-stirring, dribble-wanking old bastard you are, to be sure.’ But then, being Sunday, I thought it best to moderate my language.
What is strange is that although Cable was an economist, he always gets things on the economy wrong. The BBC don’t pick him up on it because they do not understand economics. Yes , he is a repulsive creature.
“The BBC don’t pick him up on it because they do not understand economics.”
And it would be cruel. The party has very little talent to choose from, all the younger ones being daft or weird. I’m sure he’d rather be at home, in his slippers, sitting near the window watching the kids play in the street. Instead, he’s dragged into the studio, looking worn out, his breath reeking of Horlicks. Sad.
LOL ! It does seem strange that a party which worships youth pick a older, failed has been as leader.
Is this the same tit that was conned by two reporters a few years ago?
Thats a British education for you! Perhaps that’s why we have a Canadian running the Treasury. Oh, just thought: Carney’s predictions are equally wrong!
True. He is certainly no Eddie George or Mervyn King. Seems to me that the political establishment have lost all confidence in the indiginous British people and Britain. But it is the political establishment which is rotten to the core.
He gets it wrong because he is a Marxist. He is way left of the vast majority of the Labour party (and even Ken Clarke and Lord Heseltine) 😉
Beltane, when the doctor asked Cable for a stool,urine and semen sample he asked his wife what the doctor had just said.
His wife said “He wants your underpants”
Sun Tel headline ” UK to offer EU £36 bilion in Brexit bill ” according to “senior Whitehall officials”. If true, someone should be disciplined for leaking. If not true, Treezer should deny it. This has been a total balls-up from the start. Not unexpected since we have a PM and ministers who are total incompetents.
Money better spent on Defence.
and securing our borders through a bigger & better border force,
I understand there’s a portion to be paid into the EU pension pot. Can you help me out here? – I pay into a company pension scheme, hypothetically, and I decide to leave the company. Do I have to continue paying into the old pension pot so the lifestyle of my old colleagues can be maintained?
Good point ! I think we all know that the EU has always just screwed the UK for money . What is totally disgusting is that much of the British Elite have colluded. We should have stopped all contributions after the referendum and told them that , if they want a trade war , they will suffer more than us. But our so-called “leaders” are spineless pussycats. Useless.
Still completely devoid of new ideas and dead horse flogging, I note the BBC are announcing the first Strictly contestant this week (yes its that time of year) what odds that in this time of wall to wall ‘Pride’ that there will be a same sex couple this year?
How about a bit of equality in the presenting roles this year as well.
If the Beeb decide to bite the bullet and do show same sex couples dancing, I think that will be the death knell of the programme. Watching 2 women or 2 men dancing the Argentine Tango will be a step too far for its mainly older audience group. Viewpoints may have changed a hundredthfold over the past 50 years, but explaining this format with young children wont cut the mustard with younger couples either !
The NSPCC should be looking into this.
Nobody can say for certain what effect it might have. What are the parents thinking of? Their kids being 5 minute TV celebrities probably.
I would like to see the bastards at the BBC try that with my daughter. As I have said before , the BBC obsession with children is unhealthy, especially for the kids. What an evil organisation. Is that man the teacher or a Beeboid ? Obviously he can’t be a muslim.
Gender neutral eh. Come and meet uncle Jimmy from the BBC and play with his pink mouse
Dr Javid has history for having a chip on his shoulder against white people.
And note that school for the experiment seems to be super white instead of having ethnicities where gender roles are clearly split.
\\Towards the middle of his month-long shift at the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kailahun, in Sierra Leone, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim notes that the Ebola epidemic has passed a milestone: 4,000 deaths. “The world only wakes up when a few white people are infected,” says Abdelmoneim. “It bugs me that that’s the nature of the world.”//