Corbyn won’t condemn what is happening in Venezuela. Why? Because he supports the Socialist policies that have caused the economic chaos.
— Conservatives (@Conservatives) August 3, 2017
There are some problems in Venezuela, the extent of which you may not realise if you rely on the BBC to report on them fully. Curiously in a report this morning on the Today show with Nick ‘let’s not report anything negative about Corbyn’ Robinson there was no mention of Corbyn’s long held support for hard left socialist regime in Venezuela that has reduced it to a complete basket case….nor of Ken Livingstone’s assertion that the problem was the government hadn’t shot enough rich people….
“One of the things that Chavez did when he came to power, he didn’t kill all the oligarchs, he allowed them to live, to carry on… a lot of them are using their power and control…to make it difficult and to undermine Maduro.”
The BBC wouldn’t go that far but a contribution from John Simpson wasn’t far off as he said the real problem was that of a ‘European settler culture imposed upon the indigenous one’. Remarkable bit of racism from the BBC there…because of course immigrants are a blessing who contribute to the economy and diversity of the population and anyway the government invited them in due to a shortage of labour [sound familiar?]….never mind that Europeans apparently make up over 60% of the population and the ‘indigenous’ a mere 2.8%…not sure how that then translates into blame for the problems the country has now…aren’t they down to corrupt government and insane, unworkable and economically illiterate socialist policies? Wouldn’t hear the likes of Simpson suggest that the ‘Muslim settler culture imposed upon the indigenous one’ is the cause of so much trouble in the UK with more to come. Simpson told us that it was really just those horrible Western countries that opposed Maduro but have no fear because across the West individuals give him lots of support… Corbyn?
Nick Robinson’s interviewee was a Chavez/Maduro supporter….he asked her if it was right that the opposition to Maduro is led by US puppets?[the US having done so many appalling things in South America as he told us]. Not surprisingly she agreed…Venezuela is the victim of US imperialism rather than left-wing lunacy. Nick Robinson…not mentioning his hero’s link to Venezuela and giving a Chavez supporter an unchallenged platform to schill for the socialist lunacy….he’s a complete waste of space as a reporter isn’t he?
What about Northern Ireland? The BBC’s reaction to Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar’s remarks about Brexit was a perfect illustration of its position on Brexit and how it has gone about reporting the subject as it gives his comments high prominence with no ciritical analysis, the comments being presented as rational common sense that is in stark contrast to the ‘madness’ of the Brexiteers. This is how the BBC reports all of what is plainly EU mischief making….the BBC making no attempt to interpret the comments and why they are really being made…instead what we get is the BBC nodding along in agreement, reporting them as ground truth and in fact actually adding to the anti-Brexit narrative themselves….in this case we hear that Brexit will end up with a plague of smugglers and criminals swarming the border and that any ‘checkpoint’, as the BBC called them instead of border posts, would mean that the customs officers manning them would be ‘sitting ducks’ for terrorists….er…isn’t there ‘peace’ in NI now? No scaremongering alarmism there then from the BBC.
What other rubbish masquerading as ‘real news’ did we get from the BBC? Oh yes…Trump has committed treason, his staff have been directing the Russians on what to hack, he consorted with prostitutes and is in hock to the Russian mafia and the Russian security services. All this was reeled off as if it was proven fact with just a nod to the reality…that all of it is just so much hot air and Democrat mud-slinging at the moment. The BBC’s conclusion? Trump is on the ropes and is very worried.
Just another day at The Bubble.
I suppose the reason albeeb has become like this is that they have space to fill and the resources – tax money to do it. Beeboids have job security and status if they toe the party line so it is inevitable that albeeb will reflect the values of the senior staff who were “educated “in the 1960s – choose what they see as wrong or right and are only exposed directly to each others’ values . So change is unlikely within
For all their right-on,revolutionary commie bluster, the hip(ocritical) comrades at the Guardian like to partake in the joys of free market property investment, too, just like the rest of us evil capitalists I suppose. Right-on dear comrades….
Snooty lefty Polly ‘two villas’ Toynbee would be most pleased.
Some of the comments below the article are pure gold from our Guardian property investment ‘experts’. In my expience, lefties seem to leave their communist ideals outside the estate agents when it comes to accruing property for the purposes of letting and making a quick buck. Oh yar darling Let’s invest…