The Times reports that…
EU blamed for rise in trafficking and slaves
The National Crime Agency (NCA) has blamed freedom of movement in the EU for a rise in human trafficking and modern slavery in Britain.
Will Kerr, an NCA director, said the ability of EU citizens to move freely around the continent was ‘definitely a factor’ in the number of slavery gangs operating in every large town and city.
He said “Where you can move more freely…there will be gangs who will look to get involved in that process.”
Oddly the BBC forgets to mention any reference to freedom of movement and open borders, those things it has so assiduously promoted for so many years, in this ‘indepth’ report on slavery and trafficking….
Modern slavery and trafficking ‘in every UK town and city’
Lord Hall Hall’s latter day saints helping to traffic women and children into slavery.
Good on ’em.
And of course such open borders also permit guns, drugs, proceeds of crime and criminals themselves to move freely and rapidly around Europe….making crime easier and more lucrative.
I just hope HMG is training sufficient border control staff to deal with the hoards still coming our way in the Brexit period and raise the drawbridge thereafter. How we are going to deal with the Ireland situation I don’t know.
Dead easy. Give NI to the ROI and use the Irish Sea as the border. Not only des it solve several Irish problems simultaneously, it also saves the UK government a lot of money.
The opening sentence of the BBC report tells it all:
‘Modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK is “far more prevalent than previously thought,” the National Crime Agency has said.’
Far more prevalent than who previously thought? Anyone with a modicum of intelligence and humanity has known for many years exactly what is going on, and that this slavery is facilitated by the EU’s freedom of movement laws and Victorian legislation passed during the Blair regime, such as The Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004. But, in a nutshell, here’s how your cabbages and strawberries etc are obtained – you know, those things that we never had in the past and which are now ‘threatened’ by Brexit:
1.Gangsters from East European and Baltic countries setup shop here, operating recruitment agencies and striking exclusive deals with supermarkets and food distributors, often via legitimate middlemen.
2. Nationals from those countries come here courtesy of EU, looking for work (and you would do the same – some of those places are very poor). Said workers do not speak English, may be poorly educated, and are desperate. They sign up with the recruitment agencies operated by their fellow countrymen.
3. The recruitment agencies follow all the rules and are squeeky clean, offering the minimum wage. But they charge for transport, for documentation, maybe for clothing, maybe for accommodation for those who need it. The effect of this is that the workers do not receive the minimum wage after all the deductions.
4. Big supermarkets require ‘just in time’ (JIT) supply of fresh produce. At 10pm, the supermarkets’ computer systems send out the demand for, say, 100,000 punnets of strawberries, needed the next day, to the middlemen and agencies.
5. Just before midnight, the ‘lucky workers’ receive text messages on their phones, telling them to be waiting for the minibuses at 4am the next morning. And if they are not ready and waiting, they will lose their jobs.
This is how much of the farming operates in places like Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and elsewhere: a holy conspiracy of misery caused by the EU, successive UK goverments and Britain’s greedy, monopolistic supermarkets. Even the hard left Guardian has covered this in detail, with far more eloquence than I can express (e.g. So, if the National Crime Agency is surprised by any of this, they are stupid, incompetent, or lying as a result of political control.
Top post ! Hope it does not spoil Treezer’s 3-week holiday in Switzerland.
You know what, I can do without punnets ofstrawberries or whatever, especially all year round and out of season, our farmers can grow traditional British vegetables and employ our unemployed to harvest them, get back to how we used to be.
Wild ,
Quite right. I enjoyed some Scottish Perthshire strawberries today. Picked them myself at a farm near here. Of course, it is a short season , but none the worse for that. They were delicious.
Just the point I was making last week Ian on the midweek thread after the convictions in the slavery trial. Labour supply and demand, minimum wage policy are all contributory factors but the open border policy was always going to result in the situation we now find ourselves in. The Blair years really have left the most appalling legacy for future generations to rectify both economicly and more importantly politically. Whether the next couple of generations will have the stomach for the political struggle to reverse the wrongs of previous governments i have my doubts. They are more interested in their latest tattoo than looking around to see what’s happening.
Bias by omission from the BBC as usual they leave out the really important part of the headline.How can we fight it if we don’t know the full facts?
It always amazes me that these reports come to the conclusion that we ordinary citizens have known for years.Just ask the people who live amongst it. Why would anyone think criminals wouldn’t use the open borders to their advantage.
I’m kind of guessing that if your only experience of fresh fruit and veg is when Waitrose make a home delivery to your palatial town house in a trendy part of North or West London, and your only experience of East European women are the live-in nannies-cum-cleaners-cum-general-dogsbodies on £150 a week, then you may not be aware of the full facts. But then, it’s very difficult to imagine what a liberal or socialist thinks, if indeed they do ‘think’ at all in the conventional sense.
Interesting you should mention the ‘Waitrose effect’ of a BBC staple.
It’s the emperor and his clothes isn’t it? These BBC reports never go beyond the superficial . How much ‘ slavery’ do any of us remember before open borders and mass immigration? How many indigenous white British enslave similar? East Europeans, Irish tinkers , Africans, middle Easterners, cover most of the slavery cases. Usual BBC sly omissions to conceal underlying truths .