Toady came up with this gem this morning at 0710 as an introduction to coverage of the Barcelona attacks. I quote, with a little paraphrasing.
” Nice, Paris , two bridges in London, Charlottesville, Barcelona”
Sometimes no words are enough to describe the bBBC.
Only a matter of time before the BBC blame muslim terrorism on White Supremicists. The BBC are totally out of control and they know it. They are free to tell lies, spread Fake News, bias including by omission, relentless Left Wing propaganda etc. The Tories have made it clear that they are going to give the BBC free rein and not abolish the licence fee. They were the last potential obstacle but the spineless cowards have surrendered. God help us.
Twitter is of course a spotlight on most media mindsets.
So we have BBC darling Mehdi Hassn digging a moral equivalence hole big enough to make Mishal Husain blush, and this tweet (already noted) from fellow BBC gob for hire YAB. I share again as it was on my timeline thanks to an RT from Amol Rajan.
#Barcelona Oh my God we were there until Friday, staying just off the Ramblas. What have Catalan's ever done to Muslims?
These people are following the fine traditions of Nazi and Stalinist propagandists.
Someone should be holding these feckers to account. There is an army of Islamic legal activists protecting Muslims and pushing the inter-generational Islamification process of Europe and elsewhere, but absolutely nothing against it.
Yes, but it’s the direct fault of every Tory and Labour voter. They haven’t worked it out yet, but they have worked out that Farage, Wilders and Le Pen are waaaycists.
A society gets the politicians it deserves.
Henceforth we can expect a lot of conflation of muslim terror attacks with the extremely rare ‘right wing’ or anti-muslim ones, e.g. Finsbury Park and Charlottesville. This serves all sorts of beeboid agendas: it vilifies the ‘Right’ and creates an equivalence in people’s minds between the ‘right’ and islamic terrorists; it deflects attention from the incessant threat posed by islam; it confuses people so they can’t identify the real enemy.
Thus the beebistan earlier posted a list of ‘vehicle attacks’, including ‘white supremacists’ in Charlottesville, an anti-islamic man in Finsbury Park, a van here, a car there, a jihadi somewhere else. The intended impression to an uninformed reader being, ‘the world’s gone mad, all these weird extremists everywhere; I don’t understand.’
They will need to be careful with that one though. If the ‘far right’ and radical Islam are too closely connected it might lead to people thinking that non-radical Islam is also ‘far right’. It could quite badly backfire. I agree though the idea is probably just to push the ‘everyone’s as bad as each other’ line.
Various ‘peaceful activists’ people in the Southern states of the US have been tearing down statues to General E Lee in the last 24 hours.
Incredibly, on Toady, they interviewed someone in the style that this was OK behaviour and thus him having to defend the status quo and justify why this was NOT appropriate !!!
Proof positive that in bBBC la la land, it’s acceptable to be a violent thug, providing you are ‘progressive left wing’.
CBBC Newsround the channel through which the BBC indoctrinates and brainwashes our children Within a few HOURS of the incident in Charlottesville USA, the BBC were headlining this as their CBBC main story – calling it a white supremacist attack.
Within a few HOURS of the attack outside Finnsbury Mosque London, the BBC were headlining this as their CBBC main story – calling it an attack by racists in Britain. This also led to their CBBC guide to Islamophobia, which has remained a featured news item ever since.
Contrast that with:
After the conviction in early August of another major Muslim Paedophile Gang in Britain, involved in the rape of hundreds of English girls, the BBC did not cover it at all on their CBBC news channel.
After this latest Islamic atrocity in Barcelona – the BBC have yet to cover it at all on their CBBC news channel.
I popped round to see a lady chum the other day. She lives on her own and is a witty and friendly gal with a huge sense of humour.
It was a strange experience, but as her door was open, I poked my head around and couldn’t see her or make her hear, as the wireless was on, so I just lobbed the bag of runner beans on her table and wandered away.
The main problem was wondering why I had to endure that little prick Andy Hamilton gabbling his usual crap for a few seconds, but as my chum lives by herself, I suppose some trashy unfunny stuff is better than hearing the bbbc opinions on things they know feck all about.
Peace reigns here now, with no bbbc ‘news’ (leftie opinions), and just a pair of earphones for real humour and music by others, or a good book!
The BBC have hit the jackpot in Barcelona!! The positive discrimination and diversity department who have
taken charge of the “incident” must of sent out instructions to find FIRST, an ethnic witness of the collateral
damage caused by the van . And who did they find AAMER ANWAR!! The actual Aamer Anwar the humane
rights lawyer from Glasgow!
The van boys in Barcelona must be told who’s in town .Can somebody from the positive discrimination department
at the BBC let them know, so Mr Anwar can tell them their rights.
Daily Mail story today: ” My party should applaud Sarah Champion – not silence her: Lord Blunkett says he has been left aghast by the unacceptable treatment of the Labour MP”. But, so far as I know, he has been notably absent from the BBC air-waves, especially from the Today programme where he had, for many years been on speed-dial. The BBC Rule Book: Protect Corbyn and protect muslims.
Good spot Martin. This is a huge issue which the bBBC will try and bury. Blunkett doesn’t tick the boxes anymore so little chance of him being given airtime to pursue. I’m not a fan of Champion but at least she has brought it out along with Trevor Kavanagh who was shouted down PDQ.
Blunkett makes his point, but still repeats the absurdity that the Pakistanis involved ‘come from isolated rural communities where they reflect mediaeval attitudes to women’.
No they don’t. No they are not. They are enacting the precise and clear instructions from their manual on the subject, widely available and implicitly adhered to via a range of restrictions and punishments.
All the ‘powers that be’ desperately trying to debunk Donald Trump’s claims that Gen. ‘Black Jack’ Pershing ordered the execution of Islamic militants in the Philippines with bullets dipped in pig’s blood, back around 1900. Apparently ‘the story’ has been disproved by a series of noted, and no doubt MSM approved historians – who evidently overlooked the entry in Pershing’s memoirs which confirmed that the bodies of similar heroes were buried with a dead pig for company – a decision he described as: ‘Unsavoury but necessary’.
Not a giant step, I’d have thought, to use the same philosophy for execution, and most certainly typical of the hard-assed General. He would, without a doubt, have taken the idea from Jenghiz Khan who drowned islamics in large vats of pig’s blood in retaliation for them beheading his envoys. He went on to slaughter huge numbers, back in the days when giving deep offence meant paying a significant price.
Can anyone please fact check this?
I too have heard the story about the Muslims being shot with bullets dipped in pigs blood/fat but the deniers are accusing POTUS of lying?
Trump just said look it up
Snopes spends some time telling that the general did order pig blood bullets
.. But then eventually does say there a contemporary newspaper story saying the General had insurgents sprinkled with pigs blood and then released.
As usual when someone talks sense about how to deal with “so called Islamic extremists” the do gooders are more concerned with respecting the perpetrators’ so called religion than they are about stopping the filth from murdering our kids on the streets.
Politics shaped by brainless morons who accuse those with solutions of being the morons!
Safe to listen to LBC now
Cos James O’Brien the vile hate preacher is on holiday
So Majid Nawaz is covering
Majid just hit O’Brien’s brainwashed listeners with the paradox.
“People on the political left like me have a problem.
– When there’s a far right attack, people rush to condemn the ideology
..yet when there’s a jidahi atack instead of condemning the ideology, we talk peace and tolerance”.
Note the paradox with Antifa thinking
– “Yeh we westerners cause Islamic terrorism, cos we invaded their territories, and of course that’s very provocative”
– “Hey the far right are having a march in Charlottesville park , so let’s go right in their in there in their faces and stick it to them”
I love how Trump Tweets instantly in wake of Barcelona attack about Islamic terrorism. Our leaders are still ‘considering the possible motive.’ And he is supposed to be the one who is not fit for office? How can you win a war if you refuse to name an enemy, let alone fight it? They only respect strength. How they must laugh at our pathetic appeasement at every turn.
We sack a politician who wants to stop children being raped by invaders. This must go down as one of the greatest examples of mass insanity in history, on a par with the Easter Islanders who they think probably exhausted all their country’s natural resources just so they could build monuments to their ancestors. The greatest civilisation in history could be destroyed because we would prefer that to hurting our enemies’ feelings.
“Madness in individuals is rare; but in groups, parties and ages it is the rule”
F. Nietzsche.
Maajid Nawaz has balls. Telling the simple truth. (Which incidentally we’ve been doing here on bbbc for years.) Good man. Hope he doesn’t have a, erm, van related incident.
Have just been listening to Madgit Naawaz on LBC. His quasi-Pauline realisation that it “Really does have something to do with Islam” is an impressive volte face, but far too little, 20 years too late. He is deluding himself if he thinks that those who believe the Koran is the divine relevelation of the will of a supreme supernatural entity are going to trust his opinings on the matter and ignore or modify the actual word of god as written. I have never understood the position of so called “liberal muslims” or “liberal christians”. Revelations handed down from a supreme supernatural enity, if you can believe such a thing exists, are a secure underpinning for your faith. If you can simply ignore or rewrite “the word of god” whenever you feel like it, you have undermined your belief. These people want to cling to the superstitious aspects of religion, like the football player kissing his crucifix before a match, rather than any moral obligations it may impose. Madgit has bowed to the inevitable, realising that when people talk about the “religion of peace”, they are being facetious. However, Madgit is still trying to apologise for muslim terrorism by working hard to conjure up the spectre of growing rightwing violence. The martyrdom of Cox, the recent events in the USA and the mosque incident are supposed to balance out the mountain of mutilated corpses that continue to pile up after every Muslim atrocity. Even Madgit must realise that the long-suffering and still surprisingly supine British public are going to put up with the “they will not divide us” crap and ritual candle lighting for very much longer. Even Farage was talking nonsense on LBC yesterday when he said that he would not want a war with Islam as we would lose!!!. Does he really think that wars are begun by the mutual agreement of gentlemen? The war has already started and all the “powers that be” can offer is the advice to accept muslim massacres as “part and parcel of normal life” whenever they occur.
I was speaking to a younger relative last night, one of those educated by Blair and in tune with today’s BBC comics.
He told me that he had just come in ‘from band practice’ and an image of Northerners huddled in a church hall with their brass instruments crossed my mind and I said, “Like the Salvation Army?”. I didn’t really expect a laugh, experience has taught me that they ‘know’ people of my age don’t ‘do’ humour, just ‘racist etc. etc rants’, but I was somewhat surprised by his instance response, “They are homophobic”.
So there you have it, our loving, tolerant, open-minded youth that loath ‘mother-in-law’ humour are so quick to label a whole group of sincere people. I must say I tend to think of the SA as working with the homeless all year round and collecting gifts for them at Christmas, but that’s just my predjudiced view.
As I write this Radio 3 tells me about Pakistan Music In Peril. Apparently it is ‘conservative’ clerics that are the problem. Damn Christians. That bastard Trump again, no doubt.
Yes, guitar-based, pack of anarchists that think only ‘queers’ do ‘punk’. I guess they are all ‘balanced’ though as every member has a chip on each shoulder, (with many spares in their ‘baggage’).
The loony lefties at the bBBC describe alt-right as “the anodyne term for the collection of white nationalist groups that have seen a resurgence in power and numbers as Mr Trump campaign gathered strength.” I wonder which editorial meeting decided this.
Ah that was published in the super left mag Mother Jones all the lib media use that quote again and again
claiming as source \\“We’re the platform for the alt-right,” Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.//
Yet isn’t it the case that Breitbart/Bannon has never been Alt Right ?
it’s just that MSM use the term to smear them
AFAIK Milo has always said that Breitbart is Conservative but not Alt-right and that he just wrote about them ..and that is he’s not one of them.
Three idiots on Jeremy Vine arguing how to stop access to ‘the weapon of choice’, i.e. trucks.
How about eliminating the people looking for ways to kill us?
How long before ‘Ishtiaq Hussain of Northampton’ gets his own BBC show? Isn’t it funny how his calls always get through? Yeah, right! Fake phone-ins, fake BBC.
Until convincing evidence to the contrary – I’ll continue to blame the stupidity on having a phone constantly stuck next to your face and scrambling brains.
How else do we explain how countries spend billions on intelligence, security cameras and now facial recognition software but if you’re a terrorist all you do is sit on a raft, get ‘rescued’ and you’re in. While governments allow ‘social media’ companies to facilitate covert communications between the terrorists and people get hysterical at the mere mention of border control and vetting.
Around 9,000 Moroccans ‘rescued’ by Spain so far this year.
Apparently the Spain attack is a ‘copycat’ of the Charlottesville incident – mind numbing level of mental and verbal gymnastics from the Left as usual.
Woman’s Hour paradox
Today long item condemning white nationalists in Charlottesville for dividing their worldview by skin colour
….WH had item with guest BlackGirlGamers
Why is the BBC promoting racists? What has gaming got to do with skin colour?
British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was “sickened by the senseless loss of life in Barcelona”
Reports AlBeeb.
I, too, am sickened.
Sickened, by the Muslim terrorists.
Sickened by Blair & Co who imported millions of them into the UK, for their votes.
Correction, their multiple votes.
Sickened by the Tory party acceptance, nay involvement, in the continuation of this treason.
Sickened by the Tory party election of a PM with wet blotting paper where the rest of us have neurones and oligodendrocytes. Senseless, AlMuzzie does not think it’s senseless, it has a definite purpose.
Sickended by the Left in Europe, and in the UK in particular, who rejoice in the Muslim murders of white
people, the rape of white children. Rejoice in anything at all as long as the British are suffering.
BBC News, 12:40 and over to our correspondent in Barcelona. A piece to camera then introduces a terrorist researcher to interview, a Nafees Hamid, based in Barcelona. Here’s an extract from an interview he gave yesterday:
“MCEVERS: What does your instinct say to you about what happened given what you know in your research?
HAMID: You know, there was a white van. There was a white van in the London attacks. We know since 2014 ISIS has been calling for people to get behind a car and to carry out attacks, to run people over with their cars, which has been – even been mimicked by far-right members, like what we saw in the Finsbury Park mosque attack in London or what we just saw in Charlottesville. So there’s definitely this reciprocity between extreme right-wing movements and then jihadist movements in terms of their respective acts of domestic terrorism.
But I mean the most important thing as a researcher is to caution people to not jump to conclusions. I think that’s probably the most important thing at this moment. That can stoke a lot of fires. There’s a lot – already a lot of tension in Europe and the United States, and we need to show reticence and be careful and not to jump to any conclusions.”
Another comparison between Islamist terrorism, so-called white supremacism and so-called right-wing extremism to drip into the mind of the viewer.
Par for the course but another useless attempt to change reality. What the authorities really fear is millions of us making individual decisions to alter our behaviour as this new age of terrorism escalates.
So we get the candles, vigils and the singing and the we are etc .
What is actually happening is that those of us with young children to take responsibility for and to protect will change our behaviour. It is called evolution.
I cannot risk my grandchildren under any circumstances. So I will not go to London or any other city where I think there is danger. Not for me but for the children. The same with my sons. They will not risk the children.
There are millions like us and I suspect the government knows it.
The only answer is to face reality and do what needs to be done.
The progressive elites are often childless and just do not get it . It is the fear for our children that is going to dominate our politics and our lives now and the sooner these fools in power understand this the the sooner we can start to return to normality .
Contributors here, help me out: Michael Fallon apologises for death in 2005 during the Iraq episode because the Land Rover ‘Snatch’ vehicles were insufficiently armoured. BBC all over this now sensing another nail in the coffin for the Tories as the viewer/listener, not possessing a memory that extends back any more than a day or so, will not recall that it was Bliars war and the incumbent in the role of Defence Secretary in 2005 was, John Reid.
What the f’s up with Fallon? The BBC will not, for their own agenda, remind the listener/viewer that it was Bliars war and that Labour were running the show at the time. It is for Fallon to redirect the venom that’s currently building up a head of steam cultivated by the BBC.
Have I got it all wrong?
Years ago Fallon was not too bad. Now he is just another Tory pussycat. Don’t expect the liars at the BBC to point out that it was a Labour Government at the time. Most Tories are so stupid that they just play into the hands of the BBC and the Left.
G and G,
Agree. The only reason that Corbyn has any chance of becoming PM is Tory stupidity, particularly when they agree to be interviewed on the BBC or Ch4 . Even the most stupid of them must realise that the BBC will be seeking to damage the Tory brand in any possible way. The Tories should ask that American woman, Anne Coulter I think, to give them courses in how to speak to leftists. She takes no prisoners, accepts no falsehoods, refuses to give way and always wins the debate.
As I heard the report of the apology on the BBC1 6pm news, I thought had it been a Conservative government at the time we would have been told in the report e.g. Sophie would have said about these snatch vehicles…..under Thatchers government.
But I still don’t understand the ability of politicians to apologise for things they had no control over. Fallon was not in government in 2005, so surely not his responsibility? Didn’t Blair apologise for the slave trade? I could apologise for the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve, but it wouldn’t change anything.
You are not wrong . On behalf of the government someone has to say sorry for sending your son into a meaningless war in order to get a kiss from George Bush .
And failing to provide the military with the equipment for them to do their job .
Someone in Tory hq needs sacking because fallon never explained it was labours fault .
Blair must have been the only PM to start a war and then walk away before it ended and the people he sent were still dying. History won’t forget that
Can anyone explain why the, Right Wing or Right of Centre Conservative Party seems only concerned with pleasing and appeasing the Left and the none British?
Because the Tories are scared to death of the BBC and try to currie favour with it. So they say whatever they think will go down well with the BBC. They simply don’t realise that the BBC will never love them nor that quite a lot of people in Britain despise the corporation and long to see it taken down a peg or two, well a lot more pegs than that actually.
But that then just leaves the unanswerable question of why the bbc espouse causes which will lead to their own destruction. It’s like a self harm thing that requires psychiatric help.
Agree. I think that the UK may be the first state to be ruled by a broadcasting organisation. Perhaps we could invent a new word to describe our predicament, like oligarchy for rule by plutocrats , democracy by rule by the people (at least theoretically) or meritocracy etc. My offering is turdocracy rules by a steaming pile of sh*t.
“Who governs Britain?”, led by the Tories by the nose by the BBC continually pushing a favoured agenda. In that way, the Tories continually appear inept as they are constantly reacting to the BBC’s agenda.
Easy, because there is no such things as right or left in UK: There is one centralist, BBC-approved Liberal party masquerading as 2 separate parties. Those within these parties that are truly left or right are labelled ‘extremist’ by the BBC, thus ensuring politicians do not step out of line.
Because the Tories know, gaxvil, that they are guaranteed a certain vote level. Come what may. To win well, esp. in the old pre-SNP days, they needed to win over a large number of people who would normally be considered ‘of the Left’ ie Labour Party voters although those people are probably deeply small c conservative. Maggie did it in 1979 and again in 1983 but treated the folk badly. She squeaked by in 1987 because Labour were no-hopers and Major did, likewise, in 1992.
In 1992/1993 a lot of Conservative voters plus the Labour conservative floaters were lost by Major & Lamont. It is these that Theresa May looked like she would win back this June. To an extent she did, if you look at the overall voting record as others in the aftermath have analysed on this web-site. But it was just not in the right places to win seats, so with Labour also doing better than usual in overall votes, they were able to pinch some seats.
That’s why the Conservatives have to go for a whole nation vote, wooing the left – they are a One Nation Party after all. Their policies have to be geared that way. It is because they need the numbers.
Theresa May has – possibly – just two months to start saving the Conservative Party. A poor Conference followed by the wrong Budget may lead to a leadership bid. That, in turn, may lead to overwhelming calls for a General Election unless the leader was, miraculously, an incredibly popular choice and could undo the Budget damage. Even then, like John Major, they may be a ‘Dead-to-very-wounded Man/Woman Walking’.
In that event, that might just be the end of the Conservative Party and lead to five years of a Corbyn-led Government. Well, most of five years. I could imagine a convenient coup happening in Labour, too, after about three years, depending on how the polls were going. Maybe helped along by the BBC!
As I understand it CNN are very angry that the term alt-left is being deployed to categorise Antifa etc.
With their tacit support of Antifa and BLM etc, wouldn’t it be a shame if the BBC started to b branded as
an alt-left media organisation. Imagine the horror 🙂
You know what to do….
Rotherham : In the Times Denis Macshane has a long article championing the calling out of the Pakistani rape gang problem
only thing is he was MP for that area all the time the abuse was going on
“I knew nothing about it until 2012” ..and then he was kicked out of parliament for expenses fraud.
So maybe prior to 2012 he was so busy with getting out of fraud charges that he hadn’t been paying attention to what happened in his constituency ?
Krankie is out of touch with the people of Scotland. She does not understand the history. She lives in a narrow-minded SNP bubble and she is losing support.
I wonder if Leanne thinks that as , in her distorted view, ISIS is far right , the Koran is a far right tract? Perhaps she should try burning a copy in public and see what happens. Then she might grasp what differentiates us from the mad Muslims she seems to support.
Leanne Wood needs to be reminded of her connection to the Free Wales Army. She was recorded swearing an oath of allegiance to that paramilitary organisation
According to the Wels news website Walesonline, Leanne Wood, the new Plaid Cymru leader, has been attacked for sharing a platform with the Free Wales Army and anti-English people.
She has appeared on a You Tube video saying, as she stands adjacent to a red, white and green Welsh republican flag: “We attest this flag is a symbol of Republican Wales. We will fight for the truth against the world. All nations are born of one people. All laws are born of one justice. All freedoms are born of one peace.” She then says: “Is there peace?”, to which those present respond: “Peace”. A member of Balchder Cymru is later seen on the 25 minute video engaging in a verbally aggressive anti-English rant during which he refers to Welsh “traitors”. At one point he says: “There are members of the Free Wales Army in here, the workers army of the Welsh republic and other members in here that I can see but I can’t tell you who they are that have served time.
The Labour AM Ken Skates said: “It is frankly bizarre to see Leanne Wood swearing an oath of allegiance to this group and taking part in such a strange ceremony. Most worryingly of all it highlights a serious lack of political judgement on her part to share a stage with individuals who hold such extreme political views. Leanne Wood needs to decide whether she wants to spend her time in backstreet pubs pretending to be a radical political freedom fighter or take up the role she was elected to perform as the leader of a mainstream Welsh political party. Plaid Cymru and its leadership are at a crossroads: either they are a serious party focused on solving the big challenges we have to face in Wales or they are content to play gesture politics with radical fringe groups.”
Well I got blocked on Twitter by a Media bubbleworld person today Lisa Holdsworth apparent a TV script writer who calls herself WorksWithWords
Seems one non-hating mention of Donald Trump was enough to anger her
And my second tweet pitying people as the media only give them selected info, provoked another rant from her about how I didn’t understand how cash strapped BBC regional news teams are.
But before I could reply they have a lot of money for trivial SJW stuff, she’d thought again and deleted her tweet and blocked me
One dead, eight injured in Finland – Daily Mirror. Reports that the ‘usual slogan’ was shouted, but oddly this sounds similar to the Finnish for ‘Watch out!’ A good defence lawyer could have a field day with that one, like Derek Bentley and the ‘Let him have it’ murder of 1953.
Don’t bother telling us Theresa, we already know we stand shoulder to shoulder with Finland and, yes BBC, I’m forming a circle and spontaneously singing ‘Imagine’ while I’m typing.
4:30 R4 Feedback is a special on Gay Britannia
And there’ll be a whingerthon about Nigel Lawson being allowed on , Even tho over 2 days his polical opponents like AlGore got 6 times than him.
Absolute travesty as Feedback took the opportunity to replay lits of propaganda
Now Steve Jones is on pushing his idea that allowing a small boy to challenge the emperor’s new clothes is a thing called False Balance
Jones invented a fallacy there.
My favourite moment of the week was watching the MSM squirm when Trump said there was violence on both sides. He knows the first rules to survive an SJW attack: never apologise. They then reluctantly admit that maybe there was some violence from the ‘counter protestors’ as well; the Beeb suggests they just had a can of pepper spray between them but anyone with an iota of common sense and the ability to search the internet will realise that is a lie. Then in trying to turn it back on Trump for saying he was standing up for ‘white nationalists’, and sensationalising his comments and pretending to be ultra offended, all they really do is draw more attention to how dishonest their original portrayal of the events had been. Another round to the Donald.
“I don’t start these fights, but I sure as hell win them.”
16:55 Operation drip drip drip
The Listening Project featured girl whining oh how can people dare think of a law that means my friend from Bangladesh wouldn’t have been able to come here
The Listening Project – Faiza and Lauren – Two Sides of the Same Coin – @bbcradio4 Cf 'Ruby Tania' -Robert Swindells
What planet do they live on? The law will always deliver hard results in certain cases. How do they think it works? Anyone is allowed in as long as someone else can prove they really love them and keeping them out might hurt someone’s feelings.
Charlie, it seems that al Beeb doesn’t care about the people of Finland. Two stabbed to death and a lot more injured by Islamic terrorists. Listening to the radio news- no mention 25 minutes in. Islam or Muslim not mentioned.
It’s as though the IRA was just the republican Army without the word “Irish” mentioned . Just not right.
I bet the BBC won’t be publishing this story from Morocco:
15 Muslims Forced To Get Rabies Shots As Police Order Their ‘Pleasure Donkey’ Be Killed
Georgette Walrath Aug 17, 2017
Hospitals in Morocco had to treat 15 patients for rabies after a group of Muslims teens raped an infected donkey. Authorities believe that many others were involved and are urging parents to bring their sons for treatment.
And we have to treat this culture as equal to ours?
There is plenty of evidence that Muslims from third-world countries can’t function in Western society. Even if all the terror activities are not considered, the lack of hygiene and oppressive society just isn’t compatible with civilization. In the latest example of Islamic depravity, at least 15 teens in Morocco, and most likely more, are being treated for rabies after gang raping an infected donkey.
Islamic culture is totally foreign to the basic morals and activities of educated nations. Their entire perception of right and wrong is horrifically alien to anyone raised in a developed country. Muslim terrorists brutally slaughter hundreds of people each year who they think are “infidels,” and their barbaric fundamental beliefs are completely opposite to every normal behavior in a civilized society.
Local authorities are desperately pleading with anyone who “admired” the animal to report to a health facility for rabies treatment. It is thought that the numbers are higher than the original 15 because many parents took their sons outside the immediate area to avoid ridicule.
The Koran does not prohibit sex with animals, it simply explains how to clean afterward. In Morocco the practice is more common than expected.
Rabies is a dreadful disease. The ignorant migrants who abused the animal began to show symptoms and were taken to hospitals. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Mayo Clinic report that the disease is almost always fatal after that occurs. “Once a person begins to exhibit signs of the disease, survival is rare. To date less than 10 documented cases of human survival from clinical rabies have been reported,” according to the CDC.
Initial symptoms are similar to the flu, but the infection spreads quickly. The progression occurs “within days,” getting worse until eventually “cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, confusion, agitation” are evident. The final stages typically include a person experiencing “delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, and insomnia.”
The 15 boys from Sidi Al Kamel have already spent one week in the Mechraa Belksiri Hospital undergoing vaccinations because of their bestiality. The Moroccan town has mocked the perverted act, so migrants are ashamed by the disgust of their neighbors.
The donkey abused by the teens was killed, for fear that its attractions would entice other “admirers.”
The treatment involves five injections of a rabies immune globulin shot, which is necessary for preventing the infection if caught immediately. If the symptoms have already appeared, as is the case with these animals, the best that can be hoped for is supportive care.
This activity is much more wide-spread than Western journalists would like people to believe. Because liberals are constantly calling for the open borders that would allow Muslims to enter civilized nations, the frequent bestiality within the Islamic culture is typically hushed up.
In fact, although political groups like CAIR, which are intent on bringing more deviants to American and European shores, will condemn the story, such practices are common in third-world Muslim countries.
The Koran does not prohibit bestiality. Penalties for adultery and homosexuality result in death, but sexually abusing an animal is only mentioned in their holy book as it relates to cleanliness.
Sahih Muslim – Book of Menstruation – hadith #525 states, “if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus, or a man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old, whether it was done intentionally or absentmindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully.”
Experts Allen Edwardes and Robert Masters, Ph.D report that in Morocco, which is 98 percent Muslim, many believe that sexual relations with a donkey “make the penis grow big and strong.”
The political left feigns surprise when instance after instance of Muslim atrocities occur. Many crimes aren’t made public for fear of righteous anger overcoming the public’s good sense. However, the Islamic regimes that operate under sharia law give males supreme power. If man can’t find an unattended female or child to violate, any animal will do.
Muslim beliefs, culture, and activities are incompatible with developed, civilized nations. In order to keep global peace, open borders policies must be stopped.
Because this donkey was infected with rabies, the practice has been made public. This is just another example of the foreign mindset of Muslims. To ensure that cultures around the world are protected, these deviants must remain in the land of their birth.
Moroccan authorities have killed the donkey for fear that he would attract other “admirers” and spread the disease. The atrocities against animals that Muslims consider normal are just too incompatible with developed nations.
I would not be at all surprised if the entire rally at Charlottesville was staged. Some of these ‘white nationalists’ were just a bit too photogenic I thought. Very odd how just as the Russia story goes quiet this pops up – such convenient timing for the Left.
May should make a recording to be played each time the enrichers have one of their events.
She could leave the place name blank and insert it depending on where the latest atrocity has happened.
Like the automated responses you get on some phone lines.
Just record a load of city and Country names ready to be placed in the appropriate gaps.
All of the responses by her so far have sounded exactly the same so why not save some time and money by pre recording her response and playing it when each atrocity happens.
Another thing, how is it that, despite all the teddy bears, Facebook flag marking, tea lights and saying they will not win they are still doing these things. Have they not got the message. We have loads more teddy bears etc so they should give up.
I bet they are quaking in their flip flops at the furious responses by so many of the snowflakes.
Their takeover of Europe will end up costing them up to dozens of their ‘soldiers’
Is it a price worth paying they must be thinking.
The logistics….they will probably need a couple of thousand virgins (or is it raisins) for their lads who will number in at least the tens……
Emmanuel, I think a similar idea was suggested weeks or months ago – it’s hard to keep track.
It will just keep on happening. The only way things might change is if attacks increase to a daily frequency in all major European cities and/or there are killings of senior politicians or other prominent people, especially pro-migration types.
I think the terrorists realise this, so it probably will not happen.
RIP Brucie, who the BBC are leading with, but I’m more interested in Barcelona. Not that terrorism is news for us any more, more a way of life. Especially, I am interested in the motivation of these ‘people’. Could they have been Real Madrid supporters pushing their rivalry a bit too far? For all the debate about the motivation, it might as well have been.
Stop press: ‘a burning question – why?’ But we all know why. Every single one of us. We only need to listen to what the terrorists say, read the scriptures in their pockets.
We need to wake up before it’s too late. I’m sorry that Sir Bruce has died, but I have more important things on my mind.
So she’s saying the Barcelona killers are an ISIS sleeper cell rather than lone wolves.
Of course that’s important to know, especially for security services, but in a way, who cares? Lone wolf muslim murderers or ISIS muslim murderers? Deranged cnuts either way.
When the Beeb try and equate such attacks with ‘right wing extremism’ they just put more nails in their coffin in my opinion. As Milo says, they talk down their noses to us. It is insulting our intelligence to suggest they are comparing like with like.
Barcelona, Finland, eagerly awaiting Treezers condemnation of the ideology behind these attacks. No moral equivalence between terrorists who drive vans into crowds, knife slashers and folk like the EDL who march in protest against Jihadism.
Finsbury Park and Charlottesville have provided the beebistan with the perfect excuse for fudging all future muslim terror attacks even more. We will forever hear the line: “We mustn’t jump to conclusions, remember Charlottesville and Finsbury.”
With the bBC and labour promoting the line that Muslims are a peaceful people and shouldn’t be painted with any brush (other than that of victim) Here is just another story regards the peccadilloes of the religion of peace: Bedfordshire detective ‘Jamal Hassan ‘jailed for filming sex act in child’s bedroom: A detective has been jailed for filming performing a sex act on himself in a child’s bedroom while on duty. Bedfordshire Police Detective Constable Jamal Hassan, 36, admitted four counts of misconduct in public office. Hassan, of Corncastle Road, Luton, also pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent photographs of children and covertly filming up the skirt of a woman in a shop.
The local rag in Luton describes the above a little better than the bBC makeover:
A LOCAL police officer has been removed from the force and jailed for six years after pleading guilty to possessing indecent images of children. Jamal Hassan, 36, admitted three charges of making indecent photographs of children, possession of an extreme pornographic image, outraging public decency, four counts of misconduct and perverting the course of justice. Hassan, who was dismissed without notice for gross misconduct at a Special Case Hearing held earlier this month, was sentenced to a total of six years imprisonment at Peterborough Crown Court today….Bedfordshire Police was notified that his online activity indicated he may have a sexual interest in children on May 16. An investigation was launched and officers from Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) arrested Hassan at his home address in Luton the following morning. Hassan was immediately suspended from duty. Searches of Hassan’s home revealed almost 7,000 indecent images and videos of children stored on various devices. Further examination revealed inappropriate videos Hassan had made of himself at various locations including while in victims’ homes dating back to 2006 and 2009. Evidence was also gathered which showed Hassan had destroyed other storage devices in a bid to cover his tracks.
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Toady came up with this gem this morning at 0710 as an introduction to coverage of the Barcelona attacks. I quote, with a little paraphrasing.
” Nice, Paris , two bridges in London, Charlottesville, Barcelona”
Sometimes no words are enough to describe the bBBC.
Only a matter of time before the BBC blame muslim terrorism on White Supremicists. The BBC are totally out of control and they know it. They are free to tell lies, spread Fake News, bias including by omission, relentless Left Wing propaganda etc. The Tories have made it clear that they are going to give the BBC free rein and not abolish the licence fee. They were the last potential obstacle but the spineless cowards have surrendered. God help us.
Twitter is of course a spotlight on most media mindsets.
So we have BBC darling Mehdi Hassn digging a moral equivalence hole big enough to make Mishal Husain blush, and this tweet (already noted) from fellow BBC gob for hire YAB. I share again as it was on my timeline thanks to an RT from Amol Rajan.
He may need to reflect on how it has been greeted.
That’s this Amol Rajan, hired for his DNA. Apparently.
Do any Left-Wing magazines have poor draftsmanship, I wonder ?
These people are following the fine traditions of Nazi and Stalinist propagandists.
Someone should be holding these feckers to account. There is an army of Islamic legal activists protecting Muslims and pushing the inter-generational Islamification process of Europe and elsewhere, but absolutely nothing against it.
Yes, but it’s the direct fault of every Tory and Labour voter. They haven’t worked it out yet, but they have worked out that Farage, Wilders and Le Pen are waaaycists.
A society gets the politicians it deserves.
Would YAB be implying that victims of other attacks are in some way deserving if their misfortune.
Henceforth we can expect a lot of conflation of muslim terror attacks with the extremely rare ‘right wing’ or anti-muslim ones, e.g. Finsbury Park and Charlottesville. This serves all sorts of beeboid agendas: it vilifies the ‘Right’ and creates an equivalence in people’s minds between the ‘right’ and islamic terrorists; it deflects attention from the incessant threat posed by islam; it confuses people so they can’t identify the real enemy.
Thus the beebistan earlier posted a list of ‘vehicle attacks’, including ‘white supremacists’ in Charlottesville, an anti-islamic man in Finsbury Park, a van here, a car there, a jihadi somewhere else. The intended impression to an uninformed reader being, ‘the world’s gone mad, all these weird extremists everywhere; I don’t understand.’
Bbc mission statement: “Our task is to confuse.”
Job done.
They will need to be careful with that one though. If the ‘far right’ and radical Islam are too closely connected it might lead to people thinking that non-radical Islam is also ‘far right’. It could quite badly backfire. I agree though the idea is probably just to push the ‘everyone’s as bad as each other’ line.
Various ‘peaceful activists’ people in the Southern states of the US have been tearing down statues to General E Lee in the last 24 hours.
Incredibly, on Toady, they interviewed someone in the style that this was OK behaviour and thus him having to defend the status quo and justify why this was NOT appropriate !!!
Proof positive that in bBBC la la land, it’s acceptable to be a violent thug, providing you are ‘progressive left wing’.
Not just the BBC. It’s the government’s view as well.
That bears repeating. If you call yourself anti-Nazi any behaviour towards those you disagree with is fine with our government.
Well Stalin was an anti-Nazi that makes him good Javid ?
Sajid Javid is ignorant of history . Hey, Sajid have you heard of the ” Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact ” ? Probably not. You would think it is a cocktail !
CBBC Newsround the channel through which the BBC indoctrinates and brainwashes our children
Within a few HOURS of the incident in Charlottesville USA, the BBC were headlining this as their CBBC main story – calling it a white supremacist attack.
Within a few HOURS of the attack outside Finnsbury Mosque London, the BBC were headlining this as their CBBC main story – calling it an attack by racists in Britain. This also led to their CBBC guide to Islamophobia, which has remained a featured news item ever since.
Contrast that with:
After the conviction in early August of another major Muslim Paedophile Gang in Britain, involved in the rape of hundreds of English girls, the BBC did not cover it at all on their CBBC news channel.
After this latest Islamic atrocity in Barcelona – the BBC have yet to cover it at all on their CBBC news channel.
You would think that CBBC would be wanting to alert kids to the dangers of paedophilia. Ooops……… I forgot, silly me.
I popped round to see a lady chum the other day. She lives on her own and is a witty and friendly gal with a huge sense of humour.
It was a strange experience, but as her door was open, I poked my head around and couldn’t see her or make her hear, as the wireless was on, so I just lobbed the bag of runner beans on her table and wandered away.
The main problem was wondering why I had to endure that little prick Andy Hamilton gabbling his usual crap for a few seconds, but as my chum lives by herself, I suppose some trashy unfunny stuff is better than hearing the bbbc opinions on things they know feck all about.
Peace reigns here now, with no bbbc ‘news’ (leftie opinions), and just a pair of earphones for real humour and music by others, or a good book!
The BBC have hit the jackpot in Barcelona!! The positive discrimination and diversity department who have
taken charge of the “incident” must of sent out instructions to find FIRST, an ethnic witness of the collateral
damage caused by the van . And who did they find AAMER ANWAR!! The actual Aamer Anwar the humane
rights lawyer from Glasgow!
The van boys in Barcelona must be told who’s in town .Can somebody from the positive discrimination department
at the BBC let them know, so Mr Anwar can tell them their rights.
Daily Mail story today: ” My party should applaud Sarah Champion – not silence her: Lord Blunkett says he has been left aghast by the unacceptable treatment of the Labour MP”. But, so far as I know, he has been notably absent from the BBC air-waves, especially from the Today programme where he had, for many years been on speed-dial. The BBC Rule Book: Protect Corbyn and protect muslims.
Good spot Martin. This is a huge issue which the bBBC will try and bury. Blunkett doesn’t tick the boxes anymore so little chance of him being given airtime to pursue. I’m not a fan of Champion but at least she has brought it out along with Trevor Kavanagh who was shouted down PDQ.
Blunkett makes his point, but still repeats the absurdity that the Pakistanis involved ‘come from isolated rural communities where they reflect mediaeval attitudes to women’.
No they don’t. No they are not. They are enacting the precise and clear instructions from their manual on the subject, widely available and implicitly adhered to via a range of restrictions and punishments.
Spanish PM calls it “Jihadist attack “. Couldn’t imagine Treezer using that language.
All the ‘powers that be’ desperately trying to debunk Donald Trump’s claims that Gen. ‘Black Jack’ Pershing ordered the execution of Islamic militants in the Philippines with bullets dipped in pig’s blood, back around 1900. Apparently ‘the story’ has been disproved by a series of noted, and no doubt MSM approved historians – who evidently overlooked the entry in Pershing’s memoirs which confirmed that the bodies of similar heroes were buried with a dead pig for company – a decision he described as: ‘Unsavoury but necessary’.
Not a giant step, I’d have thought, to use the same philosophy for execution, and most certainly typical of the hard-assed General. He would, without a doubt, have taken the idea from Jenghiz Khan who drowned islamics in large vats of pig’s blood in retaliation for them beheading his envoys. He went on to slaughter huge numbers, back in the days when giving deep offence meant paying a significant price.
Can anyone please fact check this?
I too have heard the story about the Muslims being shot with bullets dipped in pigs blood/fat but the deniers are accusing POTUS of lying?
“Trump Again Referenced A Gruesome (And False) Story About Executing Muslims – BuzzFeed News”
Trump just said look it up
Snopes spends some time telling that the general did order pig blood bullets
.. But then eventually does say there a contemporary newspaper story saying the General had insurgents sprinkled with pigs blood and then released.
“Rodgers inaugurated a system of burying all dead juramentados in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs.”
Ok so Trump got the details wrong?
But it was Colonel Rodgers who used a similar method.
I wonder if this is the origin of the term “given a good Rodgering”!
“Ok so Trump got the details wrong?”
Did he? Here’s what he said:
Perhaps he’s left it to his detractors to jump to the wrong conclusion.
As usual when someone talks sense about how to deal with “so called Islamic extremists” the do gooders are more concerned with respecting the perpetrators’ so called religion than they are about stopping the filth from murdering our kids on the streets.
Politics shaped by brainless morons who accuse those with solutions of being the morons!
Safe to listen to LBC now
Cos James O’Brien the vile hate preacher is on holiday
So Majid Nawaz is covering
Majid just hit O’Brien’s brainwashed listeners with the paradox.
“People on the political left like me have a problem.
– When there’s a far right attack, people rush to condemn the ideology
..yet when there’s a jidahi atack instead of condemning the ideology, we talk peace and tolerance”.
Note the paradox with Antifa thinking
– “Yeh we westerners cause Islamic terrorism, cos we invaded their territories, and of course that’s very provocative”
– “Hey the far right are having a march in Charlottesville park , so let’s go right in their in there in their faces and stick it to them”
I love how Trump Tweets instantly in wake of Barcelona attack about Islamic terrorism. Our leaders are still ‘considering the possible motive.’ And he is supposed to be the one who is not fit for office? How can you win a war if you refuse to name an enemy, let alone fight it? They only respect strength. How they must laugh at our pathetic appeasement at every turn.
We sack a politician who wants to stop children being raped by invaders. This must go down as one of the greatest examples of mass insanity in history, on a par with the Easter Islanders who they think probably exhausted all their country’s natural resources just so they could build monuments to their ancestors. The greatest civilisation in history could be destroyed because we would prefer that to hurting our enemies’ feelings.
“Madness in individuals is rare; but in groups, parties and ages it is the rule”
F. Nietzsche.
If Trump is far Right was Stalin far Left ?
Yesterday Majid hosted a show on rape gangs.
Maajid “Child abuse to put your kid in a hijab”
Apologise for too much Masjid, but thought it worth sharing.
Is that the front of her head or the back?
Maajid Nawaz has balls. Telling the simple truth. (Which incidentally we’ve been doing here on bbbc for years.) Good man. Hope he doesn’t have a, erm, van related incident.
What is his motivation-is he not also a Muslim?
Have just been listening to Madgit Naawaz on LBC. His quasi-Pauline realisation that it “Really does have something to do with Islam” is an impressive volte face, but far too little, 20 years too late. He is deluding himself if he thinks that those who believe the Koran is the divine relevelation of the will of a supreme supernatural entity are going to trust his opinings on the matter and ignore or modify the actual word of god as written. I have never understood the position of so called “liberal muslims” or “liberal christians”. Revelations handed down from a supreme supernatural enity, if you can believe such a thing exists, are a secure underpinning for your faith. If you can simply ignore or rewrite “the word of god” whenever you feel like it, you have undermined your belief. These people want to cling to the superstitious aspects of religion, like the football player kissing his crucifix before a match, rather than any moral obligations it may impose. Madgit has bowed to the inevitable, realising that when people talk about the “religion of peace”, they are being facetious. However, Madgit is still trying to apologise for muslim terrorism by working hard to conjure up the spectre of growing rightwing violence. The martyrdom of Cox, the recent events in the USA and the mosque incident are supposed to balance out the mountain of mutilated corpses that continue to pile up after every Muslim atrocity. Even Madgit must realise that the long-suffering and still surprisingly supine British public are going to put up with the “they will not divide us” crap and ritual candle lighting for very much longer. Even Farage was talking nonsense on LBC yesterday when he said that he would not want a war with Islam as we would lose!!!. Does he really think that wars are begun by the mutual agreement of gentlemen? The war has already started and all the “powers that be” can offer is the advice to accept muslim massacres as “part and parcel of normal life” whenever they occur.
Minutes silence for yesterday’s attacks reported on BBC news. Usual BS about showing their defiance blah blah blah
The flowers and candles are out
“We’re not scared!” (But just keep murdering us anyway and we’ll light some more candles to show our “defiance”! )
Oh here we go….the suspects were “not on the police radar”
” We are not scared “. LOL ! They are very scared , they are shit scared.
I was speaking to a younger relative last night, one of those educated by Blair and in tune with today’s BBC comics.
He told me that he had just come in ‘from band practice’ and an image of Northerners huddled in a church hall with their brass instruments crossed my mind and I said, “Like the Salvation Army?”. I didn’t really expect a laugh, experience has taught me that they ‘know’ people of my age don’t ‘do’ humour, just ‘racist etc. etc rants’, but I was somewhat surprised by his instance response, “They are homophobic”.
So there you have it, our loving, tolerant, open-minded youth that loath ‘mother-in-law’ humour are so quick to label a whole group of sincere people. I must say I tend to think of the SA as working with the homeless all year round and collecting gifts for them at Christmas, but that’s just my predjudiced view.
As I write this Radio 3 tells me about Pakistan Music In Peril. Apparently it is ‘conservative’ clerics that are the problem. Damn Christians. That bastard Trump again, no doubt.
Just to clarify, by “band” I assume he meant what I think of as a “group”, a bit like the Beatles?
Or does he really play in what I think of as a “band”, – brass, military, big, jazz or dance?
In my experience, few young people have been within 100 miles of a “band”.
Yes, guitar-based, pack of anarchists that think only ‘queers’ do ‘punk’. I guess they are all ‘balanced’ though as every member has a chip on each shoulder, (with many spares in their ‘baggage’).
Jim, there are four million Anglicans in Pakistan!
Barcelona death toll now 14
The loony lefties at the bBBC describe alt-right as “the anodyne term for the collection of white nationalist groups that have seen a resurgence in power and numbers as Mr Trump campaign gathered strength.” I wonder which editorial meeting decided this.
Ah that was published in the super left mag Mother Jones all the lib media use that quote again and again
claiming as source \\“We’re the platform for the alt-right,” Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.//
Yet isn’t it the case that Breitbart/Bannon has never been Alt Right ?
it’s just that MSM use the term to smear them
AFAIK Milo has always said that Breitbart is Conservative but not Alt-right and that he just wrote about them ..and that is he’s not one of them.
Three idiots on Jeremy Vine arguing how to stop access to ‘the weapon of choice’, i.e. trucks.
How about eliminating the people looking for ways to kill us?
How long before ‘Ishtiaq Hussain of Northampton’ gets his own BBC show? Isn’t it funny how his calls always get through? Yeah, right! Fake phone-ins, fake BBC.
I noticed how Overpaid Vine didn’t go back for any more comments from the chap who said if Muslims hate the West so much they should just leave.
Until convincing evidence to the contrary – I’ll continue to blame the stupidity on having a phone constantly stuck next to your face and scrambling brains.
How else do we explain how countries spend billions on intelligence, security cameras and now facial recognition software but if you’re a terrorist all you do is sit on a raft, get ‘rescued’ and you’re in. While governments allow ‘social media’ companies to facilitate covert communications between the terrorists and people get hysterical at the mere mention of border control and vetting.
Around 9,000 Moroccans ‘rescued’ by Spain so far this year.
Apparently the driver in Charlottesville was a paranoid Schizophrenic. Can’t think why the MSM have not told us this.
Apparently the Spain attack is a ‘copycat’ of the Charlottesville incident – mind numbing level of mental and verbal gymnastics from the Left as usual.
There were two of them?
Got a link to that? It can’t be true, the BBC always tell us within 30 minutes about any mental health problems.
Woman’s Hour paradox
Today long item condemning white nationalists in Charlottesville for dividing their worldview by skin colour
….WH had item with guest BlackGirlGamers
Then they had item with guest BlackGirlGamers
..what which is somehow now just bigging up one racial froup ?
British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was “sickened by the senseless loss of life in Barcelona”
Reports AlBeeb.
I, too, am sickened.
Sickened, by the Muslim terrorists.
Sickened by Blair & Co who imported millions of them into the UK, for their votes.
Correction, their multiple votes.
Sickened by the Tory party acceptance, nay involvement, in the continuation of this treason.
Sickened by the Tory party election of a PM with wet blotting paper where the rest of us have neurones and oligodendrocytes. Senseless, AlMuzzie does not think it’s senseless, it has a definite purpose.
Sickended by the Left in Europe, and in the UK in particular, who rejoice in the Muslim murders of white
people, the rape of white children. Rejoice in anything at all as long as the British are suffering.
Well said !
BBC News, 12:40 and over to our correspondent in Barcelona. A piece to camera then introduces a terrorist researcher to interview, a Nafees Hamid, based in Barcelona. Here’s an extract from an interview he gave yesterday:
“MCEVERS: What does your instinct say to you about what happened given what you know in your research?
HAMID: You know, there was a white van. There was a white van in the London attacks. We know since 2014 ISIS has been calling for people to get behind a car and to carry out attacks, to run people over with their cars, which has been – even been mimicked by far-right members, like what we saw in the Finsbury Park mosque attack in London or what we just saw in Charlottesville. So there’s definitely this reciprocity between extreme right-wing movements and then jihadist movements in terms of their respective acts of domestic terrorism.
But I mean the most important thing as a researcher is to caution people to not jump to conclusions. I think that’s probably the most important thing at this moment. That can stoke a lot of fires. There’s a lot – already a lot of tension in Europe and the United States, and we need to show reticence and be careful and not to jump to any conclusions.”
Another comparison between Islamist terrorism, so-called white supremacism and so-called right-wing extremism to drip into the mind of the viewer.
Par for the course but another useless attempt to change reality. What the authorities really fear is millions of us making individual decisions to alter our behaviour as this new age of terrorism escalates.
So we get the candles, vigils and the singing and the we are etc .
What is actually happening is that those of us with young children to take responsibility for and to protect will change our behaviour. It is called evolution.
I cannot risk my grandchildren under any circumstances. So I will not go to London or any other city where I think there is danger. Not for me but for the children. The same with my sons. They will not risk the children.
There are millions like us and I suspect the government knows it.
The only answer is to face reality and do what needs to be done.
The progressive elites are often childless and just do not get it . It is the fear for our children that is going to dominate our politics and our lives now and the sooner these fools in power understand this the the sooner we can start to return to normality .
Contributors here, help me out: Michael Fallon apologises for death in 2005 during the Iraq episode because the Land Rover ‘Snatch’ vehicles were insufficiently armoured. BBC all over this now sensing another nail in the coffin for the Tories as the viewer/listener, not possessing a memory that extends back any more than a day or so, will not recall that it was Bliars war and the incumbent in the role of Defence Secretary in 2005 was, John Reid.
What the f’s up with Fallon? The BBC will not, for their own agenda, remind the listener/viewer that it was Bliars war and that Labour were running the show at the time. It is for Fallon to redirect the venom that’s currently building up a head of steam cultivated by the BBC.
Have I got it all wrong?
Years ago Fallon was not too bad. Now he is just another Tory pussycat. Don’t expect the liars at the BBC to point out that it was a Labour Government at the time. Most Tories are so stupid that they just play into the hands of the BBC and the Left.
G and G,
Agree. The only reason that Corbyn has any chance of becoming PM is Tory stupidity, particularly when they agree to be interviewed on the BBC or Ch4 . Even the most stupid of them must realise that the BBC will be seeking to damage the Tory brand in any possible way. The Tories should ask that American woman, Anne Coulter I think, to give them courses in how to speak to leftists. She takes no prisoners, accepts no falsehoods, refuses to give way and always wins the debate.
As I heard the report of the apology on the BBC1 6pm news, I thought had it been a Conservative government at the time we would have been told in the report e.g. Sophie would have said about these snatch vehicles…..under Thatchers government.
But I still don’t understand the ability of politicians to apologise for things they had no control over. Fallon was not in government in 2005, so surely not his responsibility? Didn’t Blair apologise for the slave trade? I could apologise for the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve, but it wouldn’t change anything.
You are not wrong . On behalf of the government someone has to say sorry for sending your son into a meaningless war in order to get a kiss from George Bush .
And failing to provide the military with the equipment for them to do their job .
Someone in Tory hq needs sacking because fallon never explained it was labours fault .
Blair must have been the only PM to start a war and then walk away before it ended and the people he sent were still dying. History won’t forget that
Can anyone explain why the, Right Wing or Right of Centre Conservative Party seems only concerned with pleasing and appeasing the Left and the none British?
Because the Tories are scared to death of the BBC and try to currie favour with it. So they say whatever they think will go down well with the BBC. They simply don’t realise that the BBC will never love them nor that quite a lot of people in Britain despise the corporation and long to see it taken down a peg or two, well a lot more pegs than that actually.
But that then just leaves the unanswerable question of why the bbc espouse causes which will lead to their own destruction. It’s like a self harm thing that requires psychiatric help.
It raises the question ” Who governs Britain ? “. To me it seems like the BBC.
Agree. I think that the UK may be the first state to be ruled by a broadcasting organisation. Perhaps we could invent a new word to describe our predicament, like oligarchy for rule by plutocrats , democracy by rule by the people (at least theoretically) or meritocracy etc. My offering is turdocracy rules by a steaming pile of sh*t.
Surely we are ruled by a Media-ocracy?
Or does that imply too great a level of competence?
Correct – UK politicians terrified of BBC retribution (smears) if not toeing BBC line – e.g. Theresa May.
DT, DavidS ,
Spot on and it is pathetic cowardice
“Who governs Britain?”, led by the Tories by the nose by the BBC continually pushing a favoured agenda. In that way, the Tories continually appear inept as they are constantly reacting to the BBC’s agenda.
Apart from the Mogginator, it seems to me that the Tories have no balls
Easy, because there is no such things as right or left in UK: There is one centralist, BBC-approved Liberal party masquerading as 2 separate parties. Those within these parties that are truly left or right are labelled ‘extremist’ by the BBC, thus ensuring politicians do not step out of line.
Because the Tories know, gaxvil, that they are guaranteed a certain vote level. Come what may. To win well, esp. in the old pre-SNP days, they needed to win over a large number of people who would normally be considered ‘of the Left’ ie Labour Party voters although those people are probably deeply small c conservative. Maggie did it in 1979 and again in 1983 but treated the folk badly. She squeaked by in 1987 because Labour were no-hopers and Major did, likewise, in 1992.
In 1992/1993 a lot of Conservative voters plus the Labour conservative floaters were lost by Major & Lamont. It is these that Theresa May looked like she would win back this June. To an extent she did, if you look at the overall voting record as others in the aftermath have analysed on this web-site. But it was just not in the right places to win seats, so with Labour also doing better than usual in overall votes, they were able to pinch some seats.
That’s why the Conservatives have to go for a whole nation vote, wooing the left – they are a One Nation Party after all. Their policies have to be geared that way. It is because they need the numbers.
Theresa May has – possibly – just two months to start saving the Conservative Party. A poor Conference followed by the wrong Budget may lead to a leadership bid. That, in turn, may lead to overwhelming calls for a General Election unless the leader was, miraculously, an incredibly popular choice and could undo the Budget damage. Even then, like John Major, they may be a ‘Dead-to-very-wounded Man/Woman Walking’.
In that event, that might just be the end of the Conservative Party and lead to five years of a Corbyn-led Government. Well, most of five years. I could imagine a convenient coup happening in Labour, too, after about three years, depending on how the polls were going. Maybe helped along by the BBC!
We live in interesting times.
As I understand it CNN are very angry that the term alt-left is being deployed to categorise Antifa etc.
With their tacit support of Antifa and BLM etc, wouldn’t it be a shame if the BBC started to b branded as
an alt-left media organisation. Imagine the horror 🙂
You know what to do….
Rotherham : In the Times Denis Macshane has a long article championing the calling out of the Pakistani rape gang problem
only thing is he was MP for that area all the time the abuse was going on
“I knew nothing about it until 2012” ..and then he was kicked out of parliament for expenses fraud.
So maybe prior to 2012 he was so busy with getting out of fraud charges that he hadn’t been paying attention to what happened in his constituency ?
Gobby Leanne ‘austeritee’ Wood now rebranding Islamic terrorism as ‘far right’ to cover her ridiculous initial tweet.
Leanne Wood is a very silly lady.
She is out of touch with the people of Wales.
Krankie is out of touch with the people of Scotland. She does not understand the history. She lives in a narrow-minded SNP bubble and she is losing support.
I wonder if Leanne thinks that as , in her distorted view, ISIS is far right , the Koran is a far right tract? Perhaps she should try burning a copy in public and see what happens. Then she might grasp what differentiates us from the mad Muslims she seems to support.
Leanne Wood needs to be reminded of her connection to the Free Wales Army. She was recorded swearing an oath of allegiance to that paramilitary organisation
According to the Wels news website Walesonline, Leanne Wood, the new Plaid Cymru leader, has been attacked for sharing a platform with the Free Wales Army and anti-English people.
She has appeared on a You Tube video saying, as she stands adjacent to a red, white and green Welsh republican flag: “We attest this flag is a symbol of Republican Wales. We will fight for the truth against the world. All nations are born of one people. All laws are born of one justice. All freedoms are born of one peace.” She then says: “Is there peace?”, to which those present respond: “Peace”. A member of Balchder Cymru is later seen on the 25 minute video engaging in a verbally aggressive anti-English rant during which he refers to Welsh “traitors”. At one point he says: “There are members of the Free Wales Army in here, the workers army of the Welsh republic and other members in here that I can see but I can’t tell you who they are that have served time.
The Labour AM Ken Skates said: “It is frankly bizarre to see Leanne Wood swearing an oath of allegiance to this group and taking part in such a strange ceremony. Most worryingly of all it highlights a serious lack of political judgement on her part to share a stage with individuals who hold such extreme political views. Leanne Wood needs to decide whether she wants to spend her time in backstreet pubs pretending to be a radical political freedom fighter or take up the role she was elected to perform as the leader of a mainstream Welsh political party. Plaid Cymru and its leadership are at a crossroads: either they are a serious party focused on solving the big challenges we have to face in Wales or they are content to play gesture politics with radical fringe groups.”
Well I got blocked on Twitter by a Media bubbleworld person today Lisa Holdsworth apparent a TV script writer who calls herself WorksWithWords
Seems one non-hating mention of Donald Trump was enough to anger her
And my second tweet pitying people as the media only give them selected info, provoked another rant from her about how I didn’t understand how cash strapped BBC regional news teams are.
But before I could reply they have a lot of money for trivial SJW stuff, she’d thought again and deleted her tweet and blocked me
The ‘righteous’ don’t ‘do’ argument – least of all if there is any logic in it.
And theres more ………..
Those ‘men’ are it it again in Finland . Breaking news on the way !
Bloody Finns . Always causing problems . Shoot the lot of them .
Al beeb 1600 news channel . No mention of Finland . Repeating the Barca terrorism without mentioning Islam as usual .
RT at 1600 – leading with Islamic terrorists in Finland screaming allah Akbar before going on a stabbing spree.
One dead, eight injured in Finland – Daily Mirror. Reports that the ‘usual slogan’ was shouted, but oddly this sounds similar to the Finnish for ‘Watch out!’ A good defence lawyer could have a field day with that one, like Derek Bentley and the ‘Let him have it’ murder of 1953.
Don’t bother telling us Theresa, we already know we stand shoulder to shoulder with Finland and, yes BBC, I’m forming a circle and spontaneously singing ‘Imagine’ while I’m typing.
Have any of the BBC stars been ‘poached’ yet?
Lord Hall feared that disclosing their salaries would result in higher offers elsewhere.
Gary Lineker?
Graham ‘I’ll go back to Ireland if Brexit wins’ Norton?
I thought not….
Total effing hypocrites .
Do you think the comrades attitudes would change if some Jihad was effected on W1 or Salford?
Do you mean that it might change attitudes if WI or Salford were hit by friendly fire?
Reaction to al beeb’s Newsnight propaganda on Partition:
‘More c**p, more bias!’ Viewers FUME over ‘UK bashing’ on BBC Newsnight Partition special
VIEWERS have hit out at the BBC over its coverage marking 70 years since the Partition of India, branding it “biased” and “divisive”.
4:30 R4 Feedback is a special on Gay Britannia
And there’ll be a whingerthon about Nigel Lawson being allowed on , Even tho over 2 days his polical opponents like AlGore got 6 times than him.
Absolute travesty as Feedback took the opportunity to replay lits of propaganda
Now Steve Jones is on pushing his idea that allowing a small boy to challenge the emperor’s new clothes is a thing called False Balance
Jones invented a fallacy there.
My favourite moment of the week was watching the MSM squirm when Trump said there was violence on both sides. He knows the first rules to survive an SJW attack: never apologise. They then reluctantly admit that maybe there was some violence from the ‘counter protestors’ as well; the Beeb suggests they just had a can of pepper spray between them but anyone with an iota of common sense and the ability to search the internet will realise that is a lie. Then in trying to turn it back on Trump for saying he was standing up for ‘white nationalists’, and sensationalising his comments and pretending to be ultra offended, all they really do is draw more attention to how dishonest their original portrayal of the events had been. Another round to the Donald.
“I don’t start these fights, but I sure as hell win them.”
Has this been posted, yet?
If only 10% of this is fact its still bloody scary.
‘Night, ‘night, Brucie…
Didn’t he do well.
16:55 Operation drip drip drip
The Listening Project featured girl whining oh how can people dare think of a law that means my friend from Bangladesh wouldn’t have been able to come here
BBC is a pitying stock
Listened to this on the way home. I thought I was listening to a fairytale.
What planet do they live on? The law will always deliver hard results in certain cases. How do they think it works? Anyone is allowed in as long as someone else can prove they really love them and keeping them out might hurt someone’s feelings.
Hey up very old person dies so BBC will be banging on for days
Stew – Anything to push muslim murderers in Spain and Finland down the rankings and off the front page.
Charlie, it seems that al Beeb doesn’t care about the people of Finland. Two stabbed to death and a lot more injured by Islamic terrorists. Listening to the radio news- no mention 25 minutes in. Islam or Muslim not mentioned.
It’s as though the IRA was just the republican Army without the word “Irish” mentioned . Just not right.
I bet the BBC won’t be publishing this story from Morocco:
15 Muslims Forced To Get Rabies Shots As Police Order Their ‘Pleasure Donkey’ Be Killed
Georgette Walrath Aug 17, 2017
Hospitals in Morocco had to treat 15 patients for rabies after a group of Muslims teens raped an infected donkey. Authorities believe that many others were involved and are urging parents to bring their sons for treatment.
And we have to treat this culture as equal to ours?
There is plenty of evidence that Muslims from third-world countries can’t function in Western society. Even if all the terror activities are not considered, the lack of hygiene and oppressive society just isn’t compatible with civilization. In the latest example of Islamic depravity, at least 15 teens in Morocco, and most likely more, are being treated for rabies after gang raping an infected donkey.
Islamic culture is totally foreign to the basic morals and activities of educated nations. Their entire perception of right and wrong is horrifically alien to anyone raised in a developed country. Muslim terrorists brutally slaughter hundreds of people each year who they think are “infidels,” and their barbaric fundamental beliefs are completely opposite to every normal behavior in a civilized society.
Local authorities are desperately pleading with anyone who “admired” the animal to report to a health facility for rabies treatment. It is thought that the numbers are higher than the original 15 because many parents took their sons outside the immediate area to avoid ridicule.
The Koran does not prohibit sex with animals, it simply explains how to clean afterward. In Morocco the practice is more common than expected.
Rabies is a dreadful disease. The ignorant migrants who abused the animal began to show symptoms and were taken to hospitals. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Mayo Clinic report that the disease is almost always fatal after that occurs. “Once a person begins to exhibit signs of the disease, survival is rare. To date less than 10 documented cases of human survival from clinical rabies have been reported,” according to the CDC.
Initial symptoms are similar to the flu, but the infection spreads quickly. The progression occurs “within days,” getting worse until eventually “cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, confusion, agitation” are evident. The final stages typically include a person experiencing “delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, and insomnia.”
The 15 boys from Sidi Al Kamel have already spent one week in the Mechraa Belksiri Hospital undergoing vaccinations because of their bestiality. The Moroccan town has mocked the perverted act, so migrants are ashamed by the disgust of their neighbors.
The donkey abused by the teens was killed, for fear that its attractions would entice other “admirers.”
The treatment involves five injections of a rabies immune globulin shot, which is necessary for preventing the infection if caught immediately. If the symptoms have already appeared, as is the case with these animals, the best that can be hoped for is supportive care.
This activity is much more wide-spread than Western journalists would like people to believe. Because liberals are constantly calling for the open borders that would allow Muslims to enter civilized nations, the frequent bestiality within the Islamic culture is typically hushed up.
In fact, although political groups like CAIR, which are intent on bringing more deviants to American and European shores, will condemn the story, such practices are common in third-world Muslim countries.
The Koran does not prohibit bestiality. Penalties for adultery and homosexuality result in death, but sexually abusing an animal is only mentioned in their holy book as it relates to cleanliness.
Sahih Muslim – Book of Menstruation – hadith #525 states, “if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus, or a man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old, whether it was done intentionally or absentmindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully.”
Experts Allen Edwardes and Robert Masters, Ph.D report that in Morocco, which is 98 percent Muslim, many believe that sexual relations with a donkey “make the penis grow big and strong.”
The political left feigns surprise when instance after instance of Muslim atrocities occur. Many crimes aren’t made public for fear of righteous anger overcoming the public’s good sense. However, the Islamic regimes that operate under sharia law give males supreme power. If man can’t find an unattended female or child to violate, any animal will do.
Muslim beliefs, culture, and activities are incompatible with developed, civilized nations. In order to keep global peace, open borders policies must be stopped.
Because this donkey was infected with rabies, the practice has been made public. This is just another example of the foreign mindset of Muslims. To ensure that cultures around the world are protected, these deviants must remain in the land of their birth.
Moroccan authorities have killed the donkey for fear that he would attract other “admirers” and spread the disease. The atrocities against animals that Muslims consider normal are just too incompatible with developed nations.
What a sick ideology.
As Saint Jo would say; ‘we have more in common that what divides us’.
I thought they threw blokes off buildings for giving it in the ass!
I would not be at all surprised if the entire rally at Charlottesville was staged. Some of these ‘white nationalists’ were just a bit too photogenic I thought. Very odd how just as the Russia story goes quiet this pops up – such convenient timing for the Left.
May should make a recording to be played each time the enrichers have one of their events.
She could leave the place name blank and insert it depending on where the latest atrocity has happened.
Like the automated responses you get on some phone lines.
Just record a load of city and Country names ready to be placed in the appropriate gaps.
All of the responses by her so far have sounded exactly the same so why not save some time and money by pre recording her response and playing it when each atrocity happens.
Another thing, how is it that, despite all the teddy bears, Facebook flag marking, tea lights and saying they will not win they are still doing these things. Have they not got the message. We have loads more teddy bears etc so they should give up.
I bet they are quaking in their flip flops at the furious responses by so many of the snowflakes.
Their takeover of Europe will end up costing them up to dozens of their ‘soldiers’
Is it a price worth paying they must be thinking.
The logistics….they will probably need a couple of thousand virgins (or is it raisins) for their lads who will number in at least the tens……
Come on – after Manchester some people got a tattoo! Grrrrrrr! That is muscular surrender!
Emmanuel, I think a similar idea was suggested weeks or months ago – it’s hard to keep track.
It will just keep on happening. The only way things might change is if attacks increase to a daily frequency in all major European cities and/or there are killings of senior politicians or other prominent people, especially pro-migration types.
I think the terrorists realise this, so it probably will not happen.
RIP Brucie, who the BBC are leading with, but I’m more interested in Barcelona. Not that terrorism is news for us any more, more a way of life. Especially, I am interested in the motivation of these ‘people’. Could they have been Real Madrid supporters pushing their rivalry a bit too far? For all the debate about the motivation, it might as well have been.
Stop press: ‘a burning question – why?’ But we all know why. Every single one of us. We only need to listen to what the terrorists say, read the scriptures in their pockets.
We need to wake up before it’s too late. I’m sorry that Sir Bruce has died, but I have more important things on my mind.
What the bBC is not telling you:
So she’s saying the Barcelona killers are an ISIS sleeper cell rather than lone wolves.
Of course that’s important to know, especially for security services, but in a way, who cares? Lone wolf muslim murderers or ISIS muslim murderers? Deranged cnuts either way.
When the Beeb try and equate such attacks with ‘right wing extremism’ they just put more nails in their coffin in my opinion. As Milo says, they talk down their noses to us. It is insulting our intelligence to suggest they are comparing like with like.
Barcelona, Finland, eagerly awaiting Treezers condemnation of the ideology behind these attacks. No moral equivalence between terrorists who drive vans into crowds, knife slashers and folk like the EDL who march in protest against Jihadism.
BBC alumnus Paul testing BBC editor Ian’s carte balance from management a tad:
There’s always another beeboid
Finsbury Park and Charlottesville have provided the beebistan with the perfect excuse for fudging all future muslim terror attacks even more. We will forever hear the line: “We mustn’t jump to conclusions, remember Charlottesville and Finsbury.”
With the bBC and labour promoting the line that Muslims are a peaceful people and shouldn’t be painted with any brush (other than that of victim) Here is just another story regards the peccadilloes of the religion of peace:
Bedfordshire detective ‘Jamal Hassan ‘jailed for filming sex act in child’s bedroom:
A detective has been jailed for filming performing a sex act on himself in a child’s bedroom while on duty. Bedfordshire Police Detective Constable Jamal Hassan, 36, admitted four counts of misconduct in public office. Hassan, of Corncastle Road, Luton, also pleaded guilty to three charges of making indecent photographs of children and covertly filming up the skirt of a woman in a shop.
The local rag in Luton describes the above a little better than the bBC makeover:
A LOCAL police officer has been removed from the force and jailed for six years after pleading guilty to possessing indecent images of children. Jamal Hassan, 36, admitted three charges of making indecent photographs of children, possession of an extreme pornographic image, outraging public decency, four counts of misconduct and perverting the course of justice. Hassan, who was dismissed without notice for gross misconduct at a Special Case Hearing held earlier this month, was sentenced to a total of six years imprisonment at Peterborough Crown Court today….Bedfordshire Police was notified that his online activity indicated he may have a sexual interest in children on May 16. An investigation was launched and officers from Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) arrested Hassan at his home address in Luton the following morning. Hassan was immediately suspended from duty. Searches of Hassan’s home revealed almost 7,000 indecent images and videos of children stored on various devices. Further examination revealed inappropriate videos Hassan had made of himself at various locations including while in victims’ homes dating back to 2006 and 2009. Evidence was also gathered which showed Hassan had destroyed other storage devices in a bid to cover his tracks.