Here you go, a new Open Thread. The BBC disgusts me at the best of times BUT last night (Friday) on it’s 10PM BBC1 news, it chose to entirely ignore the Jihad killings in Finland. What an abhorrence of a broadcaster.
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But BBC Website reports that Finnish police say it was a terror attack. The headline says ” Terror attack “. Clearly the cnuts at the BBC do not believe it. Beeboids are so stupid they think that we do not know what is happening in reality. They really are evil.
Grant-I have just arrived from an outer Galaxy. What does ” Terror Attack” mean please? Is it just
coincidence that in Spain and Finland that the lads causing the collateral damage come from
Morocco ? Is Morocco a Buddhist country? “Allahu Akbar ” is this a phrase from one of the Gospels?
I am very confused. I was told before I came here from outer space that the BBC was one of the
major media outlets in the World. But I still don’t know if there is any pattern in these white vans
being driven badly ? Please help me.
LOL ! The man from Mars would find it all very confusing.
As a man from Mars, may I suggest to you that you not bother trying to understand the far-left bbc but that you take out your Raygun and zap the organisation to ashes.
Foscari, you aren’t the only one who is confused.
“Were they (London terrorists) all going by their original names?” – Male Presenter
“No, Kurt – Omar Islam was born Brian Young after he converted.” – Terrorist Expert
“Converted? Converted! To what?” – Male Presenter
“To Islam.” – Male Presenter
“Oh, jees another dead end. ” – Female Presenter
“Everyone knows Islam is a religion of peace.” – Male Presenter
Produced in March 2007 (10 years ago!) would you believe?{youtube @ 2:06}
And where are now?
Good find Mr. Boohanna.
BBC news website Sunday: “Police in Finland are treating the attack as a terrorist incident.”
Of course not the slightest suggestion as to what sort of terrorism is involved.
Why can’t they say?
Do they think it wrong?
Are we fanning the flames to specify the source?
The BBC have as their main story on their Newsbeat channel (for older teens and early twenty-somethings) a non-story that totally ignores the carnage in Barcelona. The headline is “I’ve Never Felt Unsafe in this City” with a big picture of a smiling bespectacled blonde girl.
Click on the link and you are taken to a report with the title: ‘I’ve never once felt unsafe in this city’ says Brit in Barcelona. The BBC tells us that Georgie Thomas, 25, from the UK has worked in Spain for two years and she currently lives close to Las Ramblas. The BBC tell us she has never once felt unsafe in Barcelona and she is going to carry on as normal. Well all-righty then. Everything is fine according to the BBC.
Except the BBC fail to show us any images of the aftermath of the terrorist attack with squashed bodies and the injured with limbs missing strewn along Las Ramblas. Strange that? What is the point of this non-story? Well of course the BBC are down playing yet again the rise in Islamic terror in Europe.
Nothing less than Propaganda from a futuristic Sci Fi Thriller. Quite chilling
It’s not noble but reckless to just carry on as if there is no risk. The Beeb line seems to be better off dead than intolerant.
We keep hearing this ‘carry on as normal’ stuff as if it’s somehow noble. But it’s a way of appearing to be strong without actually doing anything. I believe people are getting this idea from a folk-memory of WW2 and the Blitz. But consider this: in WW2 the British people had to keep calm and carry on as normal because they knew that their government and armed forces were engaged in a struggle to the death with the enemy. In 2017 there is no such struggle – in fact, quite the opposite – so this ‘carrying on as normal’ business is similar to someone saying it in occupied France – which does not quite have the same ring and indeed, savours of collaboration.
I can’t help thinking it is symptomatic of the attitude of our entire ruling class – the so-called ‘elite’. Since WWII they have adopted the manner of whipped dogs – apologising for Britain’s past at every opportunity, running down and then selling off our industries and armed forces, disposing of every last remnant of the Empire, repeatedly surrendering to foreign rule (the UN. the EU, caving in to US demands) and now bending the knee to islam.
I’ve heard it likened to a ‘collective nervous breakdown’ and I think there’s something in that. It’s as if we have made a negative of the towering self-confidence of the Victorians and become their insipid shadow.
‘collective nervous breakdown’
There is little doubt that WWI destroyed both the will and authority of the ruling classes to continue, by undermining both the social and moral structures that held it all together. That’s not to say that it was a just or good society, nor that there weren’t fundamental contradictions within in. There’s a book by Frank Furedi with the clever title of ‘First World War: Still No End in Sight’ which explores these themes: in essence, the war destroyed the cultural status quo, created a vacuum and we’ve yet to agree on something to fulfil it. I would add that liberals and communists seem to act as cultural and societal maggots, feeding on the decaying flesh of that civilisation (that’s meant as an analogy with the natural world, by the way, not personal).
I very much agree with Furedi about this, I have to say. The Great War was the turning point. Which isn’t to say I would have enjoyed being a member of the working class in late Victorian or Edwardian society, it must have been awful but a society that had evolved over thousands of years was delivered a blow from which it clearly has yet to recover.
That said, the real decline in morale, I think, was after WWII. Some spirit survived the Great War but little seems to have survived 1939-45.
Much as its sad that Bruce Forsyth has died, and natural that the news yesterday was full of it, its on overkill now by being on all the channels again today. He was a talented man in his interaction with an audience, but he wanted to be another Sammy Davis Jnr – which didn’t quite come off. When I read that he was ‘in trauma’ because he’d been passed over for a knighthood several times, that was at odds with the ‘self-deprecating’ comments that have been reported since his death. It seems that because you do a bit of charity work aka Beckham, its hoped for a fast track route to a knighthood. I suppose the press will be in overdrive this weekend with 4 page spreads and magazine articles of his life and career. He was good but he wasn’t God !
Might I be the first to suggest that the ‘National Treasure’ was a petulant, vastly over-rated hoofer with a sad and revealing succession of trophy wives.
When Britain’s Nobel Prize winner Sir Harry Kroto died last year, the BBC ran one small report in their Science News section. It wasn’t featured in their news homepage, nor UK news or English news sections so was easy to miss.
In the article itself it said the “science community” pays tribute to him, but nowhere did the BBC say he would be missed.
Harry Kroto was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with two others in 1996 for work that led to the discovery and production of a third fundamental form of carbon known as fullerenes (buckyballs). Their work opened up a whole new field of research into carbon structures and technologies that in subsequent years would lead to the discovery and production of carbon nanotubes and more recently graphene (one atom thick carbon sheets).
2 reasons. Beeboids are too thick to understand science and Kroto was Jewish. Imagine if he had been a frigging muslim !
I find it hard to imagine a muslim winning a hard science Nobel Prize.
Grant: Beeboids are too thick to understand science and Kroto was Jewish.
A Jewish Nobel Prize winner?! The BBC would definitely want to obscure that fact. It might lead to more awareness of the large number of Nobel prizes won by Jews – way out of proportion to their numbers on this planet. And that in turn might lead to appreciation of the contributions Israelis have made to the well being of humanity. And the BBC can’t have that!
You are aptly named !
Thank you, Grant!
Has the BBC blamed Trump for his death yet?
I wonder when the mail will do a pay comparison between Sir Bruce and an all round entertainer like the ever popular ginger one and that Norton chappie. ?
The passing of Sir Bruce was a sick blessing for al Beeb . They can do wall to wall stories about him and not worry about terrorism without a cause like Barca or Finland . And even more importantly our highly paid beeboids and politicians can continue to spend taxpayers money on their much needed holiday for another couple of weeks.
The fuss about Bruce surprises me as I did not really think he was Left-wing.
Like Burgess and Maclean et al there was one that got away.
Saville, Harris, Hall, F????.
I don’t know Bruce’s politics but his death is very useful in taking terrorism off the front pages.
The Daily Mail has been regularly publishing photos of a young lady who lost her leg in a fairground incident. Just this week we have seen her, with her prosthetic leg, wading into the sea. But we never see the ‘journeys’ that people recovering from injuries sustained in terrorist attacks make to return to what will be the new normal lives they will now lead. Imagine any other circumstance and the BBC and the dead wood press would be all over similar stories; the psychological effects that have to be overcome, learning to live with new limbs, returning to work after such injuries, etc etc. These stories could be on the One Show, books of the week, interviewed on Richard Coles’ Saturday morning programme, even the money programme could investigate the financial effects of being caught up in these bombs – the stories that we never hear are endless. If we heard these stories we might remember who caused them.
Deborah – I am glad someone else has noticed this. We never seem to see BBC items about, say, ‘Nice victims one year on’ etc. It’s almost as if they want us to forget all about these atrocities. But you can bet that come next June Grenfell Tower will have been turned into the BBC’s equivalent of the Wailing Wall.
Dear me – the last thing I was suggesting was that Sir Bruce Forsyth might be of the left. I’m guessing he might be the type of person who earns his money and wanted to spend it how he chose – for instance on family.
The point I was trying to make was that he was worth the money and the current al Beeb favourites are not.
Sorry, I did quite mean that. What I was trying to say was that , normally, the BBC only make a fuss about people of the Left when they die and there is no evidence that I am aware of that Bruce was a Lefty. Agreed, he was a real entertainer in the old-fashioned sense.
Yes got that on a re read .
I normally do reread what people write because it can be to easy to engage without fault . Failed this time . Coffee too strong.
Appreciate you comments
I think that some of us, including me , sometimes are posting so quickly because we are wound up and don’t word things as well as we could. None of us us perfect, of course. Except for the Trolls.
Come back Maxi we miss you ..
It is still school holidays .
Most of us watch the carnage of terrorists attack on the tele, and because its becoming a regularity we are becoming desensitised to it, unless of course we are immediately involved with the loss of friends or family. Hate to say it but its like Groundhog Day, same reporters being sent to the site of the attack, same shot of the Eiffel Tower in colourful solidarity, same format of interviewing eye witnesses, and same camera angles of vigils at candle and flower shrines. Same scenario just different city, and same reporting of released victims names. This time next week the reporters will have dispersed, and if lucky the attack will be mentioned as a sound bite before the weather.
Its crackers ! we roll over and let it happen, and its oh dear never mind, until a few weeks later when its another attack in another city. Shrug of shoulders here we go again.
How big an attack will it take before anything is done ? we’ve had a catalogue of atrocities from priests having their throats cut in church, children killed at a concert, soldiers beheaded, countless people mown down and killed, and still its the cry of ‘we will not let them change our lives’. Greater migration checks are needed, pull aside swarthy young men for pat-downs and security checks, not waste time with old ladies from Suffolk.
I am puzzled by these Islamist attacks which indicate that the attackers must be stupid. Why attack in this way when you are winning the war hands down?
They did not need to attack London, as they already rule there, same with Manchester and the Northern cities. The Governments of Europe have handed over their countries to moslem migrants, and modified their laws to avoid prosecuting the victors when they enjoy the spoils of war.
Invaders usually seize control of the media as a prelude to taking power. And this has long been established with the BBC and the press. Ditto for the European media.
G.W.F wrote:
“I am puzzled by these Islamist attacks which indicate that the attackers must be stupid. Why attack in this way when you are winning the war hands down?”
You have to see it from the mindset of the Muslim. They have a plan and that is to rule the world, So you relocate to new areas, you strike fear into their midst and with that fear you win concessions in which to further your agenda. We are in 2017, yet for all advancement of human rights, due to the threat of death, we not only remain silent on those who question the mores of Islam, we character assassinate them and destroy them. Only this week, we saw the Shadow equalities minister resign after been hounded out of Office for pointing out that Pakistani Muslim men have a problem with women. The UK was the first Western European country to outlaw FGM (1985) yet with the media reporting new cases in their thousands of British born girls with hundreds of thousands of women in the UK who have had this done to them. Not one person has been prosecuted. Everybody knows that women wear the hijab (and its ilk) not for religious purposes but rather because they are bullied into it and yet the likes of the bBC promotes its cause as a basic human right. The UK is not a religious country , why the bBC has no problem airing an opera which took the piss out of Jesus Christ (Jerry Springer the Opera) Yet this is an org which won’t even publish a picture of the founder of Islam.
After every Terrorist attack, Muslims are granted more concessions, not only that but by some strange twist of logic they are actually remade into the real victims. Look funny at a Muslim and its a hate crime, yet the rape of thousands of underage white girls is whitewashed by denying it every took place, not only that but we have now gone full circle and again target those who speak out about these Islamic hate crimes.
The left have become the sycophants of radical Islam and in their rush to make everybody equal they have lost all sight of common sense , decency and logic. In otherwords they have become what they claim they say they hate the most.
This pretence by BBC and the Socialists is becoming less and less believable even to themselves.
Excellent comment Pounce.
With all the enriching going on recently in Spain, Finland, Russia, Germany and wherever, the Eiffel Tower will have to allocate time slots to fit all the different flag colours lighting it up.
Still, it’s got to be worth it seeing that our main weapon against international Muslim terrorism is lighting tea candles, flags on avatars, teddy bears and shining colours on some buildings.
I expect it will start working soon and the Muslims will realise they can’t win against these powerful weapons.
I haven’t even mentioned somebody singing imagine yet, that’s kept in reserve, they’ve got no chance.
Brissles, I am minded of the rocket attacks in Orwell’s ‘1984’. The occur daily but are ignored by the population because they have been brainwashed by propaganda. I seem to recall reading that Orwell based this on the daily V1 and V2 rocket attacks on London from 1944-45 which were hushed up by the authorities.
Brissles, I am minded of the rocket attacks in Orwell’s ‘1984’. The occur daily but are ignored by the population because they have been brainwashed by propaganda. I seem to recall reading that Orwell based this on the daily V1 and V2 rocket attacks on London from 1944-45 which were hushed up by the authorities.
BBC R4 Today plugging a forthcoming drama about British youths who travel to the Middle East to fight for ISIS.
The writer explains that we need to “engage” with ISIS, and “understand it before we can defeat it”. The protagonists in his drama are “not wholly bad people” he says.
Anyone who does not understand ISIS must be thick as 2 short planks.
Won’t be watching al beeb but let’s hope it ends with a Big Bang from a predictor drone .
If al beeb try neutrality with Isis – an enemy with whom we are at war – there really will have to be proper questions asked.
Apparently someone was carving the turkey and the knife slipped.
The Government called for calm over the incident, saying that
“in the interests of public calm and also of the investigation, citizens and media are recommended to use reliable information in assessing the situation until all the circumstances are established.”
No point switching channels to TWMTB then.
Is it my imagination or as there are more and more terrorist attacks the words muslim or islam seem to be written less and less ?
Yes Seismic. It’s all part of the plan to create in people’s minds the category of ‘Terrorism’ in which to drop all muslim murders. So the sheeple won’t ask questions. It’s working too. People have some vague notion that bad men in the Middle East are orchestrating these killings for reasons too complicated for us to understand, something to do with Iraq maybe (our fault), or Syria (our fault), oh and Palestine (terrible what Israel’s doing to them), but nothing to do with Islam, which as we all know is a religion of peace cos the beeb tells us so, and even Treezer.
‘Our fault.” well pointed out.
Government policy
After every muslim terror attack the beebistan miraculously find witnesses and even friends and family of victims to make statements like ‘We will not give in to hate and fear’ (see Finland).
Yet I bet most of those involved feel just that: overwhelming hate and fear – I sure would. How come we never hear a victim saying: “I hate those bastards and want them all dead”, which would be a very natural human response?
Or have we lost the will to live after decades of beeb indoctrination?
In Spain they haven’t apparently:
“Angry crowd screams at Barcelona suspect”.
Somehow I don’t think they were screaming Imagine. or Kumbaya, or We won’t let you divide us!
Now, let’s get back to mourning Brucie.
Charlie, I recall in the aftermath of the Brussels attacks you could clearly hear angry shouting and demonstrating in the background while the BBC showed the usual candles, teddies etc. The reporter made no mention of these outcries.
Not BBC but Attila Lajos, the EU ” Ambassador ” to Gambia ( nice work if you can get it ) last week gave a press conference. He explains that it is for individual EU countries to decide on the deportation of Gambians, not the EU. Gambian journalist says
” We do have problems understanding what is the role of the EU generally “. LOL ! Lajos a bit flummoxed by that one.
But the EU are pumping millions of Euros into the country as a bribe to retain industrial fishing rights . I wonder if they are aware that the Chinese already have Gambia sewn up. Difficult to know which is more corrupt, Africa or the EU.
PS or the Chinese !
Grant, that journalist hit the nail on the head perfectly about the EU. Still laughing!
Surely a kick in teeth for those EU-philes who like to think their tinpot Ruritanian cabal is some sort of major player on the world stage. A similar one was when Henry Kissinger (supposedly) said ‘who do I dial when I want to call Europe?’
Black only photos were taken by Simon Frederick for a BBC documentary
Tweets by artistSimonF
So some people are more equal that others.
Not exactly the most admirable icons of “blackness ” !
Who is this Tiny Todger person?
Can you imagine an exhibition called ’70 outstanding white Britons’? You would get lynched. And I think it was Trevor Nelson (black BBC DJ if I have his name correct) who said on the 10pm news on BBC1 how this black people portrayed ALL of British history. Other than saying this comment was a little over the top – what can one say? Mind, he was the commentator at the opening of the Olympics, who was so well briefed, that all he could say was that his aunt/uncle/cousin whoever it was, was in one of the teams. Thank heavens for Claire Balding.
Listening to the late Sir Terry Wogan’s morning show on R2, I can remember hearing a trailer for the programme that Trevor Nelson was doing then. In it, Nelson insisted that the criteria for the music that he played (i.e. black music) was that it had to have “Soul.”
When the trailer was over, Wogan’s comment was something like, “Music with soul, Trevor? How about Mozart?”
“Music with soul, Trevor? How about Mozart?”
Wonderful. I do miss Wogan.
Darn I didn’t mean to post his twitter feed
And now edit time has expired
If you want see see black faces open the London Evening Standard any average night and see the mugshots. There is an argument for saying the criminal justice unfairly victimises blacks more than whitee . But there’s an aregument that when a black (old enough to be named ugh) stabs, robs, rapes someone then they deserve get caught. I know – very illiberal of me.
Al Beeb try not to describe suspects but give the game away by saying the incident is being investigated by the gang unit or similar,
Here’s a few of the fake news headlines the media are pedalling this morning:-
“Ousted but defiant Steve Bannon declares Trump presidency is over”
“Trump sacks Bannon to get critics off his back”
“Trump’s presidency is OVER says Steve Bannon”
“Steve Bannon is fired by Trump”
When you delve a little deeper it turns out that Steve Bannon resigned as he felt he could do more for the Trump presidency by returning to Breitbart. He handed in his resignation last week but stayed on until now due to Charlottesville.
When he said Trump’s presidency was over he said it in a completely different context than that being reported and was actually saying that the initial phase of his presidency was over, it was time to move on to the next phase.
He said that he remained fully committed to the policies that carried Mr Trump to power and emphasised it by then saying “If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents – on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America.”
I guess there’s a good reason that the saying “never believe anything you read in the newspapers” came about
No doubt about Turku now
Moroccan named
Still no mention of Islam though
Not BBC bias but among websites and emails I am finding this same theme. This quote comes from an American blog but I am hearing it repeated and repeated in various quarters.
“This was a painful post to research and write. It was made even more painful by the events in Charlottesville this past weekend. How can we still be seeing swastikas and Nazis in 2017? How do people learn to hate those who differ from them? When will we ever conquer racism and prejudice of all kinds?”
I feel that Trump hit the nail on the head when he said words to the effect of ‘a plague on both your houses’. But as portrayed constantly on and by the BBC, Black = good, White = bad. I don’t want to judge people by the colour of their skin, I want to judge people (if indeed I want to judge at all), by who they are, what they achieve, their ability to make me laugh, etc etc. It is the BBC and the Left they represent that are racist and encouraging it in the rest of us.
I love the bit ” How do people learn to hate those who differ from them ? ” . Maybe the author should ask that question of a muslim hate preacher and see the response.
Deborah. ……………..When will we ever conquer racism and prejudice of all kinds?” …..
It’ll never happen. While ever there is a species called mankind there will always be racism, prejudice and religious intolerance. Those that believe otherwise are misguided fools who believe in Disneyland.
BBC News culture of bias on climate
Times :
” Waitrose Weekend ” . Can’t live without it. Living the dream.
John Humphreys describes Al Gore’s entrance into the BBC newsroom
“like a champion boxer receiving the applause of a packed arena”
And like a true bBC champion, soon on his knees getting battered around the ring.
“like a champion boxer receiving the applause of a packed arena”
His boxing opponent is Reality, and after ten years it has boxed his brain into pulp. The BBC’s arena is packed with the BBC’s Environmental Activists and Al Gore’s Climate Leaders (he has no Climate followers), applauding a boxer who looks brain damaged, but is said to have Parkinson’s disease.
Neither the Boxer nor anyone in the BBC arena has any relevant scientific qualifications in causational climate science, such as Astronomers and Atmospheric Physics.
We are not invited on to the BBC to freely speak our minds, because the BBC has decided that the debate is over, and the boxer has won.
The BBC applauds the champion. Hip Hip Hooray.
Pounce ,
I suppose £650000pa Humphrey recognises another rich man when he sees him.
I remember when Gore was the standard smug cardboard cut out democrat with a huge self entitlement when he stood for the presidency and was beaten by a half wit .
Now he reinvents himself as a green and we are all meant to pay homage. Oxidise that carbon
John Humphreys describes Al Gore’s entrance into the BBC newsroom
“like a champion boxer receiving the applause of a packed arena”
And like a true bBC champion, soon on his knees getting battered around the ring.
The younger the ‘ring’ battered the better in beeb land, i will bet only the tip of the iceburg is known.
Let’s not forget that it was the Clinton/Gore administration that heavily supported Michael Mann’s hockey stick theory, brilliantly demolished as a deeply flawed theory in The Hockey Stick Illusion by Andrew Montford. Mann’s behaviour when challenged was most unacademic. The climate change fraud allowed governments to implement a raft of new taxes.
You also never see a mention by the bBC of the Comrade’s brother Piers Corbyn, an astrophysicist who is a well-known critic of man-made climate change.
‘John Humphreys describes Al Gore’s entrance into the BBC newsroom “like a champion boxer receiving the applause of a packed arena” ‘ – Ugh – Pass the sick bag!
a bit like the champagne bottles in 1997
Turned over to BBC for Football focus – I got Nadiya towel head (how your brothers doing mowing down little kids in the street?)
Mo (oh is that drug testers at the door ? I must get my doorbell fixed) Farah and some crap about Grenfell all in 10 seconds
BBC you are despicable
Mo, Mo??
You mean Mohammed – the favourite moniker of Jihadi mass murderers.
Janice Turner in the Times
‘Just cos a girl doesn’t want to wear dresses that doesn’t make her a boy”
‘Gender is not just a feeling’
Deny, deflect, ignore. All form part of the BBCs biased narrative led reporting of the terrorist war that has now spread all over Europe:
‘What looked at first to be a lone-wolf attack by just one, or possibly two, individuals has now emerged as a complex plot involving at least eight suspects, armed with knives and explosives, writes BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner. It suggests both an element of careful planning by the perpetrators and also a failure of intelligence’
‘a lone-wolf attack by just one, or possibly two, individuals’!!! – Yes that’s it, it’s a lone wolf! No, 2 lone wolves! No a pack of lone wolves! So ridiculous you just couldn’t make it up.
Get in a nice dig at the security services to deflect attention from where it should be focused.
No microphones shoved uncomfortably into the face of Europes’ useless politicians to ask them awkward questions about their utter failure to protect the public. As the body count piles up not one of the highly trained impartial journalists to ask: Whatever your security plan is it has failed hasn’t it? Far from getting better these attacks are now spreading – what are you going to do about it? You are failing to protect the public aren’t you? There are countless things you could be doing security wise but you just refuse to do them don’t you? When you say things like standing shoulder to shoulder with victim cities it’s just a meaningless thing you say to avoid really doing anything about this isn’t it?
No, none of this is allowed, instead its all gone John Lennon. Imagine. We’re not afraid. Light a candle. Hug a teddy bear. Nothing will be allowed to disturb or upset the BBCs leftist narrative.
That moron Gardner is one of those who describes terrorist “leaders” as ” masterminds “. By comparison, our intelligence services are stupid. Gardner, like all Beeboids , totally unaware that he is thick as shit. What a disgusting creature.
That’s the bloke who thought he had lots of friends in Saudi until some one put an ak47 round in him despite thinking the words ” I’m a BBC journalist ” would stop the bullet .
He makes those scum sound respectable .
Frank Gardner on the BBC yesterday mentioned a couple of things that indicated that he is trying to get the truth out without losing his BBC lucre.
Frank Gardner
1. The problem of catching Jihadis is that there is a large Muslim population in Europe, which the Jihadis can easily hide in.
Oops. BBC journo aghast
2. As Spain is not in the US alliance in the ME, the reason Spain got attacked is that Muslims believe that as Spain was part/colony of the caliphate for over 500 years, it must be returned to Islam.
BBC journo struck dumb.
As I say, Gardner is thick as shit.
Yes – someone gave an awful book he has penned. Bloody awful amateur pap
I just hope that the missing Islamic terrorist is found in France or Belgium having gone across the eu non border . I just hope he doesn’t repeat the same sort of attack there . I dislike the eu not Europe – a lot of remainders don’t get that .
Fedup, declaring oneself pro-European but anti-EU often causes confusion in the minds of Remainers. It’s quite fun to watch.
From the listings in TV Times for today:
“BBC1, 8.45 Casualty
1 of 2: Dylan finds himself emotionally involved in the plight of two Sudanese orphans as he and a team of Holby medics head to France to help migrant refugees.”
I would love to comment on the endless lunacy of this programme and its ridiculous propaganda, but I’ll just restrict myself to saying that I don’t understand the point of this story – why on Earth would the staff of a British A&E need to travel to France to charitably treat foreigners?
Casualty is a must miss every week – just an excuse to get loads of blokes to have a snog
I thought that the NHS in UK had shortages of doctors and nurses ( although no shortages of useless managers ). Obviously I was wrong on the first point .
Too busy importing fraudulent quacks from the third world who can nearly speak English . No one checks their papers for fear of racist – or their friends are checking the papers…
It sounds like one of those 1940s films where the propaganda ministry wanted to get a message across using drama . Except this story is designed to indoctrinate into accepting more foreigners who may wish to kill us.,
“why on Earth would the staff of a British A&E need to travel to France to charitably treat foreigners?”
Well it saves the foreigners the trouble of health tourism
This programme is a must watch for the virtue signallers to masturbate to – just smell the diversity !!
come now everybody knows france is a war torn racist filled country. Its like a second dunkirk at calais.
come now everybody knows france is a war torn racist filled country. Its like a second dunkirk at calais.
Quick Link back to Yesterdays comments from open thread
My sympathies for the kids having to play Jewish roles.
Junckers condemns, in the strongest terms, the Finland attack. The sheep have their attention unwaveringly directed to the grass. Do we have to have to suffer these people pissing on our shoes and telling us it’s rain to the bitter end?
“Junckers condemns ” and the muslims quake in their boots. What an idiot.
Would they be the Islamic Supremacists?
Watching Sky news. People taking selfies and photos of tributes in Barcelona. I wonder what the hell goes on in some people’s minds.
Will Europeans ever wake up to this nightmare ? I very much doubt it .
RT showing skirmishes in Barcelona.
Maybe wrong but not seen a sign of MSM reporting it. Some people’s frustrations boiling over and no doubt MSM will be reporting it as right wing extremists causing it by not adhering to the “they’re not all like that” Doctrine. No amount of hand holding and candle lighting by people is going to stop this. Some people haven’t got time at the moment to light a candle as they are either in a morg identifying a body or by a Hospital bed distraught beyond comprehension.
I saw that too on RT. The Spanish might just be getting the “Ferdinand and Isabella” spirit.
Go Spain.
The Spanish might do well to channel the spirit of King Pelayo:
Sync and Grant,
I do think that as the death toll increases more people are understanding that Islam is incompatible with the Western way of life. But the politicians and the MSM have invested so much of their lives in extolling the virtues of multiculturalism or diversity or migration , that they simply can’t admit that they have made a gigantic error. So until enough people wake up and vote for one of the very few politicians who will do something about the undeclared war that is being fought by one side at least, we are stuck in this state of denial. The best example around is Germany which seems likely to re-electMekel who has made things so much worse. The majority of Germans are in denial about what awaits them and of course the media wants to do nothing to wake them up.
Unfortunately it now seems fashionable for the liberal elites to seek to overthrow the results of the democratic will of the people on both sides of the Atlantic, sadly and outrageously with the full support of the liberal MSM. So even if there is a democratic vote to oppose Islamification it may well be contested by the elite and of course the rapidly growing Muslim population. All in all we are in deep trouble and the window to get out of it is rapidly closing. My view is that there is realistic chance of a European caliphate by the end of the century , possibly earlier. Of course this won’t happen without some eventual resistance , but without new leaders with a new mind set and no baggage , the resistance is likely to be fragmented and even to be opposed by the governments.
The future looks gloomy.
the masses in Britain realised that long ago. I was back in England a couple of months ago and a friend was telling me just how angry the people that she knows were. It just goes to show how out of touch the MSM is with the people. You’re absolutely right, they’ve nailed their colours to the mast and can’t back down now. They’re going to be in deep brown stuff when women and children are second class citizens, gay people are imprisoned or even executed, workers’ rights are thrown out of the window and all dogs are rounded up and killed. Hopefully I’ll not be around any more when that happens.
I went to visit Auschwitz last year; people were taking selfies inside the gas chambers. I am really not sure why on earth anybody would want to, but it was the young snowflake looking that were doing it.
This type of young people are so ignorant of history that they probably don’t really understand what dreadful things happened there. To them using the word Nazi is just a fashion term for someone who their celeb idols disagree with. I know that some of the younger members of my extended family have no real idea what Fascism was nor that communism has killed many more people than fascism did. I feel that they have been deliberately kept in this state of almost total ignorance by an education system and by the media so that their thinking can be more easily molded to whatever the liberal left want it to be at any given time. It isn’t that they are stupid but just that they know nothing of history and have never been taught to think for themselves.
Think it’s a side effect of being bought up on the internet . There is a sort of concertina – ing of things . Some things are deemed important and others not , reality becomes distorted and even when it interferes with their bubble world they want to take a picture of it.
Leads to seeing a concentration camp as a theme park and giving it marks out of 5 on that trip thing.
So far as I am aware, British schools are obsessed with WW2 and the Nazis but teach very little about the true nature of communism . I wonder why ?
I saw a friend’s son’s GCSE History modules recently – China, South Africa and America. Not a single one on British, or even European, history.
Deborah, I went to Auschwitz a few years ago. I took pictures as a record. I did not take a picture of anyone (some random people were in the pictures but were not the purpose of the photo).
What I saw were people from the East posing and smiling for family group photos. I realised that, to them, being from so far away the Holocaust does not have the same meaning as it does to Westerners. I suspect that for some young snowflakes time is the great distance for them. They probably never knew anyone who survived the Holocaust or was close to it. So to them it’s like taking selfies in the Tower of London where the horrors enacted there were so long ago it’s now just distant history.
It doesn’t excuse their behaviour but possibly explains it.
Demon, you are probably right, though I recall similar behaviour when I visited Dachau concentration camp in 1990. I think the average mass-market tourist, especially in large groups that are hustled around, just doesn’t have much idea of what he is looking at. Just look at the way some tourist behave in churches and cathedrals, for example – no sense of being in a sacred place. Anything outside his own lifetime and immediate frame of reference has little meaning.
I used to read with fits of laughter in the year 2000, now I realise it was a glimpse into the future with such listings as …
5.30pm Man vs the Mindspool
10.00pm Now ‘n Shit
Youth orientated news programme
10:15pm Nicky Campbell: Swimming with Cats
Charlie from Casualty gets a mention on this page at 9pm
9.00pm Aunties 16:9 Unsafe Christmas Bloomer
Contains footage of Charlie from Casualty standing slightly too far to the left and rendering himself invisible to people with widescreen televisions.
I guess BBC TV was never meant to reflect reality … but to create one.
This is the Farage being interviewed by Tucker Carlson about the recent Jihad attack in Spain.
Thanks for that. Great stuff . Would never be broadcast on British TV. God bless America.
I do hope that the ditherer in no 10 is replaced before she destroys our one hope “Brexit. I hope too that Mogg replaces her, Farage re-joins the conservatives and is appointed Home secretary.
Churchill’s lapse from the Tories, and then rejoining them when the danger was far to near, comes to mind.
Thank you al,
I’m trying to work out why there is not a news channel which operates like RT but gives us news from a non extreme left wing point of view. I can understand why Murdock wouldn’t do it because of his commercial interest in sky and newspapers .
There must be someone of the right to finance it but i wonder if ofcom ( the BBC alter ego) would prevent it . Not much free speech around these days apart from the likes of this site although often I feel we are just calling “help” to each other.
BBC R4 Any Questions right now: “How can we stop everyday objects being used to do terrorism?”
Even the panellists who point out that that is the wrong question are too PC to ask the right one!
Everyday objects like planes, knives, vans and welfare payments plus words to stop you asking awkward questions.
if laura perrins hadnt of been on, the radio would have been out the window
the labour woman should hang her head in shame, or preferably just HANG
dont mention the I or M word in relation to gang rapeing nonces (its mostly white men)
dont mention the I or M word in relation to barcelona
dont mention the other terror attacks virtually simultaneously happening around europe at all
I really really wish the parliament attacker had been smarter and made it into the chamber
Well, there was the Ikea response to a stabbing in a Swedish Ikea store – withdraw all kitchen knives from sale.
One ring to rule them all
Spelling mistake
…. r-u-i-n not rule
You are right.
The ring could only be destroyed by little Hobbits from the shires by casting it into the fires of hell. But our shires are now infested by Orcs.
“This isn’t your country, and you’re not wanted.”
– Farmer Cotton to the ruffian leader in The Return of the King.
This is the real spirit of the flag!

That is certainly how die Führerin von und zu Vierte Reich sees the matter.
Why’s Turku Finland a BBC local story,
whereas Charlottesville is somehow mega important news ?
Is it cos Antifa and Muslims are ‘more equal than others’ as victims
Whilst nationalists are ‘more equal than others’ in the role as bad guys ?
Just been compiling my christmas ”wish-list”.
Sorry i am just unloading this here, its not facebook friendly, people think i am alt right………whatever that is, i may even be the only one in my village, i just dunno.
1] Jacob Rees-Mogg and Sir Nigel Farage form their own ”blue” party.
2] Tony Blair swinging on a rope, feet twitching, Saddam style optional.
3] The BBC broken up so small they are just a bad memory, like your first proper smack in the mouth.
4] Angela Merkel meeting full-on diversity, at a secluded holiday resort or similar.
5] Sir Nigel walking across the Thames barefoot to scold parliament, as they all watch from a bridge., whilst keeping a sharp eye-out for white vans.
I am sorry to inform you that al beeb has redesignated what was formerly known as Christmas – week 51 .’ Carols from Kings’ will be replaced by Carol King singing hits from the Jeremy Corbin songbook. The new game show ” guess the mosque will be on in what used to be called ‘Christmas Night with the Stars’ – that kind of stuff .
I couldn’t help thinking yesterday that poor old Brucie’s sad demise was a good day to bury bad news. The Beeb gave it to us wall to wall; nearly as absurd as when the sainted Nelson Mandela popped his clogs.
With terrorist murders taking place across Europe it was quite fortuitous that this opportunity arose.
I liked old Bruce and I’m sad that he has departed this mortal coil. As a very young kid I remember staying up Sunday evenings and laughing at “Beat the Clock” and I loved The Generation Game. However…he was 89, had been in very poor health for ages and 14 innocent people had been murdered in Barcelona and another couple were slaughtered in Finland.
Question of priorities. What the Beeb consider to be important.
Now, had someone been run over in America…
The BBC would be all over that!
8pm news bulletin on Radio 4 last night: announcer talks of the two terror attacks then says that an association of modernising imams has been formed to make sure a westernised form of Islam is taught here. Isn’t that fantastic? Do you think the Beeb could maybe for once stop trying to carry water for Islam? How did the news editor think that sort of juxtaposition was ok? At least wait until the bodies are cold.
President Erdogan – “There’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim”.
I do not think ignoring the motivating ideology will work. The fact that so many perpetrators are called Muhammad is a bit of a giveaway.
Some Beeboids lamenting the fact that England are thrashing the Windies at cricket. ” It’s a shame “. Someone replied ” It wasn’t a shame when England were dross against them in the 70s and 80s “. Even Beeboids would be pushed to blame the demise in West Indies cricket on white english !!! But we all know where their heart lies.
Lad’s & Lass’s.
Can you help me compile a list of things you have to lie about on a daily basis to be leftwing compliant, where anyone can see with their own eyes the absurdity of the lie.
you know islam is a religion of peace. etc
So after the Barcelona attack, the bBC quickly got into Islamic terrorist whitewash mode with this article:
Spain attacks: How Barcelona rejected hate
Human rights activists Luca Gervasoni Avila and Josep Maria Royo also turned up to observe the silence.
“We are all in shock,” said Luca. “It was not easy to come here, just 100 metres from the place where the attack started.”…Mass surveillance and intensive use of the military and the police did not work, he argued. Instead, “human rights, tolerance and democracy” should be promoted. “We are a city with a large number of immigrants, a city that wants to welcome refugees, a city that wants to offer a different model of response in the event of terrorism,” said Luca. “Now is a moment to think different.”
Josep Maria Royo’s immediate response to the violence in Barcelona was to go on social media in an effort to calm people down. “People were sharing images of their crime which showed children, blood, injured people,” he said. “It’s easy to spread a message of hate against the Islamic population. We must stop these expressions of hate.”
Meanwhile in the real world as reported by the bBC today:
Barcelona attack: Crowd screams as man arrested
The leftwing bBC which invents what it thinks should be the News, rather than simply reporting it.
I saw the sequence and its encouraging to see some genuine honest anger. But the majority, the snowflakes, behaved exactly like Elois. Sheep being herded to the slaughter, taking selfies of each other, laying tea candles and flowers as the Muslim Morlocks/Orcs headed them to the slaughter house.
Its discouraging, that in just 60 years after WWII, we have given rise to a generation that does not know how to defend itself.
How is it possible? Is there something in the water?
NCBBC – WW2 actually ended 72 years ago. I was wondering what the late Sir Bruce Forsyth’s war service had been and was surprised to realise that, at 89, he was too young to have been called up in the war. We’re really at the stage now where the fighting in the war has moved out of mainstream living memory. So very few people now have any concept of a national fight for survival.
Add to that the concerted effort across most European countries to demilitarise and denationalise following the war – in the case of Germany, the British went to considerable effort to de-nazify and pacify the population with years of counter- indoctrination. All this at the time was probably a good idea, as large-scale European infantry wars were thought to be a thing of the past. Unfortunately the baby was thrown out of the bathwater and any concept of there being an ‘enemy’ or a threat to national survival was removed; people now have no idea how to react when their culture is existentially threatened and will try to ignore it or pretend they don’t even have a culture to be threatened in the first place. .
Add to that the decades of marxist thought inculcated in our young people, aided and abetted at first by the Soviets and now as a sort of post-soviet relic, with left-over marxists still living up to communist ideals years after their empire has crumbled (Corbyn springs to mind), like those Romano-Britons who kept on the old ways in Britain after the fall of Rome, and you get to where we are now.
From the BBC report you cite
‘as a man with a guitar led others in a rendition of John Lennon’s song of peace and tolerance, Imagine.’
Is there any confirmation of this? I have looked on Google, checked You Tube and there are several accounts of a guitarist playing Lennon’s Imagine, but thy are from 2015. I wonder if the BBC are manufacturing fake news.
Maybe somebody had it on his ipod and a bBC schoolboy reporter imagined he heard it over his earphones
I assure you this is NOT fake news:- Today in Boston USA a march for free speech with rather more Leftist counter demonstrators. Yes, America, of all places, has people marching to protest free speech.
There’s also a petition going around to ban Katie Hopkins from a bBC R2 programme, the snowflakes have the right not to be upset EVER by ANYTHING so they try to ban anyone who says things that might upset them.
So whilst the bBC and its ilk scream out about austerity and about how people can’t feed their children. The DM reports this:
Mother of eight on £26,000 a year benefits has bought herself a horse costing more than £100 a month to help her beat depression
More importantly the report includes the statement “Ms Buchan’s agent Barry Tomes said the 35-year-old was on medication for depression and the new pony will improve her wellbeing.”
On benefits – how much does she pay HER AGENT?
These people really know how to play the system.
“.. cannot work because of depression “!
I’m depressed about having to go to work, can I have £26,000 a year too for sweet f a?
Benefits were only ever meant to be a temporary safety net not a lifestyle choice.
Amazing how these people manage to run a car which used to be a luxury. They don’t even need transport for commuting cos they don’t bloody well go to work!
I’m thinking in Europe and America it’s looking reminiscent of the 1930s. Back then the Jews were to blame for everything bad but now it’s small ‘c’ conservatives (and statues) who are becoming the scape goats – not Marxists, not liberal ‘progressives’ and certainly not Islamic supremacists.
Pounce August 19, 2017 at 4:48 pm
So whilst the bBC and its ilk scream out about austerity and about how people can’t feed their children. The DM reports this:
Mother of eight on £26,000 a year benefits has bought herself a horse costing more than £100 a month to help her beat depression
Neigh never, theres nothing worse than horses for depression, after all there is nothing funny about losing money.
So dont lose money.
Heres a freebie for you lucky people you have to back them all, Mr o’brien is a master trainer, because he only deals in the best horse flesh the market is always behind, he will provide you some great grade 1 profit year on year, one simple filter, never back his handicap runners, or older horses they are the duds silly owners keep in training, and they are over-backed grossly, for their ability over hundreds of runs.
I have a portfolio i run of 256 of these systems, simply un-complicated, they just eliminate the type of races a trainer in no good in, or over-bet in, leaving all the rest.
Heres aidens sstats.
5yrs £1 level stakes bookmakers SP worst case possible returns.
Date Range 01-Jan-12 to 31-Dec-16 Actual Range 05-May-12 to 08-Oct-16
Location Midlands South
Month May to Nov
Ages 2yo 3yo
Total Runs 231 £1 Win SP £162.11 (170.2% r.o.i.)
Total Wins 56 (24.2%) £1 EW SP £197.88 (143.3%)
Total Placed 110 (147.6%)
2008/9/10 are years that jockey corruption destroyed his seasons, both before and after Fallon he is class.
Last 7 seasons have produced a 165% R.O.I It would be 200%+ at Betfair or betdaq sp.
Truthfully i hope you have as much fun with aiden as i have for a decade or more, just back his 2yr olds in 2yr old non-handicaps, that doesnt includes novice stakes, as they are 2yr old handicaps, and only 3yr olds racing in 3yr old none handicaps.
Leave out april he is a slow starter,…………..and these are all uk runners he sends from Ireland.
Many on this site have often written about the BBC’s descent into irrelevancy. Just saw the end of Final Score, is there any programme that better embodies this pointlessness?
A presenter and two panellists watching Sky football on their monitors while getting reports from commentators around the country on matches that the Beeb can only show highlights of in a Saturday night/Sunday morning window.
Seems to satisfy the BBC as a box-ticking exercise, anyway – as well as presenter Jason Mohammad today we had Trevor Sinclair and Alex Scott (black AND female) as pundits. All to tell you stuff any football fan can find out on their phone or on Teletext.
It’s not even well done – this season has a new set/graphic design that’s a blaze of blue, yellow and white/cream. I’ve never seen so much ugly on the screen. And I’m not even including the presenters in that remark.
Sign here ……….
And tell your mates!
oops i changed the profit percentage to roi, with returned stakes, this is now right. Total Placed 110 (47.6%)
Trick…….your posting reminded me to check the footie,…..QPR 2.0 go on the hoops, i will miss QPR when that part of london falls to the invaders……atleast the saudi’s will keep our horse racing.
ps i am beginning to think the bbc think vehicles have feelings,……
Vehicles left hanging after car park collapse
Eight facts you
oh and 8 facts about bruciei couldnt give a fuck about…just what i had to wade thru for the footie results.
Little boy washed up on beach: BBC and MPs demand action.
Elperiodico, Barcelona That’s ‘fake news’ in Spanish innit?
I hope one day in the future this hypocrisy will be displayed and maybe taught in schools along with details of our award winning and over paid news producers. People will need to know the extent of treachery and evil within the slime that produce our news.
So trueGWF. The stench is overwhelming.
It’s been pointed out that the Kurdi photo just might not be genuine; correct me if you know more about drownings than I do and I’m wrong, but I read that when a person drowns, the body sinks and floats up again after about 2 days. If that is true, surely the corpse should look very grey and bloated, also possibly partly eaten by fish…
I think it has been pretty well documented that the “Kurdi photo ” is a fake.
I’m glad to hear that Grant, I have only come across one assessment of its authenticity that concluded that it was fake. It’s not something I mention widely as I know so many people who were so upset by it and at the time my FB feed was swamped by people’s indignation, accounts of how they can’t stop crying about it and “something must be done”. I always thought that the picture looked odd. His supposed father’s account and bio were full of inconsistencies too.
The sick fucks at the BBC. Some fking mudslime mows down our children I will kill him and bake him in pig fat – they make excuses
No, no, no.
Kill him By baking him in pig fat.
Then remember that all Muslims, ALL Muslims, are equally guilty.
Seems we need 2,000,000,000 pigs.
Beeb website reports that Trump is to skip an awards ceremony as some had threatened to boycott it; people are angry he might cut funding. Four paragraphs in we learn that Trump is under fire for his response to a white supremacist rally and suggesting the violence came from both sides. Wow – what a newsflash that is. I did not even know any rally had taken place last week. We then hear from a few famous people who do not like Trump.
Just saying the same thing over and over and over. What a glorious broadcaster – truly the envy of the world.
This week Trump is heading a Nazi revival, last week about to start a nuclear war with North Korea, the week before he was an accomplice in Russian dirty deals, and all the time manifesting racist, misogynistic views. I wonder what we can look forward to next week
Revealed ” Trump eats muslim babies for breakfast “. Funny how the N. Korea thing has gone quiet . I wonder why.
The US lefties, in both main political parties and in the MSM, are busy using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to destroy President Trump and his administration.
The onslaught against President Trump is overwhelming and I’m amazed at his resilience; a lesser man would have thrown in the towel by now; but I suspect he knows this is an existential war he has to win, not just for himself and his family but for the country.
Don’t forget when he had two scoops of ice cream at a white house dinner and the guests only had one.
Most information we receive about the real world is through electronic media, especially the internet. Internet information processing is increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft are open and boastful about their use of AI. Humans are involved in this processing but frequently play secondary roles, like classifying and tagging news stories for machine processing, as in the case of Facebook. These are hybrid computer-human AIs. Wikipedia is written mostly by humans, but decision-making employs machine oriented procedures (MOPs) – procedures that are more suitable for computers than humans. In other words, these procedures are algorithms removing human touch, even when performed by humans. In this sense, Wikipedia might be said to be a hybrid human-AI system as well. The same is true for Reddit. There is a large number of other services and websites that use AI, and the rest of the Web and everybody using the web are affected by them. But this is only the beginning. These hybrid AIs interact in ways that have not been anticipated by their creators and might be not appreciated even now. Together, they form a single hybrid AI entity, which will be referenced here as the San Francisco AI. Only six corporations referenced above are considered as components of the San Francisco AI. To narrow the discussion even further, only Google Search and Microsoft Bing from all the Google and Microsoft services are considered. The name San Francisco AI was selected because 5 out of 6 components of this hybrid AI (except for Bing, the least significant one) are headquartered in or near San Francisco, CA. This paper shows that the San Francisco AI exists and explains how it operates and distorts the public’s perception of reality into an extremely leftward and anti-American(1) direction.
The San Francisco AI should not be confused with the leftist echo chamber. The leftist echo chamber is formed by humans, while the San Francisco AI is formed by computer algorithms with human assistance and corporate support. The San Francisco AI is a significant contributing factor to the escalation of climate alarmism, the turning of MSM into FSM (fakestream media), political polarization, anti-Trump hysteria, and other social ills. The influence of the leftist echo chamber, governments, and other offline factors on the San Francisco AI is large, but is out of the scope of this paper. Offline suppression of conservative views and the hard Left’s empowerment by the Obama administration is out of scope, too.
Read the full paper here –
Scary stuff.
The San Francisco AI’s latest product – validates the hypothesis.
The U.S. government needs to look seriously at the amount of power that is concentrated in so very few huge internet companies, Google for example.
In the early part of the last century Standard Oil was deemed to be too powerful and was broken up because of its U.S. market dominance; by that same rationale there are even stronger reasons for companies like Google to undergo the same treatment, as they control the global flow of information.
Couldn’t agree more. Paul Joseph Watson explains the reality of the situation, the sheeple carry on.
Probably for the best health and safety reasons but the Boston Free Speech Rally has been shut down before it started. 500 or so ‘Free Speech’ people, Trump supporters and conservatives but around 15,000 ‘Antifa’, BLM, Hillary supporters, Globalists, Leftist black shirts, anarchists and an awful lot of sheep. All very sad. Unbelievable but anyone wearing a ‘Trump’ hat or t-shirt had to be escorted away. Trump is the lawfully elected President … right?
Just seen the Telegraph report on the shutting down of the Free Speech Rally. Threats of acid attacks by Antifa and friends with escalating violence were cited as the reason for closing it down. Seems like a familiar Antifa tactic.
My word Treezer must be feeling smug at her favourite side winning. Perhaps she could invite a few of her acid throwing anti fascists here on a state visit to replace Trump. Remember London is the world leader on acid attacks
Very true, very sad. Note how they suppress with the same tactics as our ROP types. The parallels, generally speaking. are quite uncanny.
Antifa are the Isis under 21s team.
Some of them play at senior level
BTW Treezer is the latter day shoe-in for the old quote:- “An empty car drew up and (Theresa May) got out”.
Well said. She must have had a personality by-pass from birth. A nonentity. Makes john Major seem exciting.
As a PS: We’ll never know if the Free Speech speakers were, Alt Right, far right, racist bigots – they didn’t get to speak although the bbc assures us that they were vile extremists.
Congratulations applauding the ‘success’ of the latest shutting down of free speech. Well done America supposed, home of the brave and land of the free where to support the incumbent President invites censure and violence.
It is very frightening. If the left don’t approve of you you have no right to be heard. Those not on the left need to adopt similar tactics, but of course that would be racist or facist or Nazi and would end in imprisonment. There will eventually be a backlash . If you keep suppressing legitimate views just because you don’t agree with them the other side will retaliate and in the USA that may be violent and it will be entirely the fault of the liberals who have allowed this antifa mob to do as they please. Perhaps Charlottesville was the shape of things to come.
As far as the USA is concerned the left is overestimating it’s power. The country boys are not going to lie down for them. Equating them with nazis is plain stupid but then the left is exactly that. I spent a deal of time in the south backalong and the men and women are not anything like your east or west coast liberal.
They probably won’t say much for a while but I am sure they will be thinking things out.
And they do have a lot of guns and they still go to church on Sundays and the US flag is everywhere.
when watching the reports on the beeb news about the boston free speech thing. the beeb cameras had the camera on the tiny group of ‘nazis’ and white supremacists in the park but werent zooming in. Well surprise surprise i now know why as could see some asian people in amongst those ‘nazis’. There were also some trangender people in there as well but the beeb refused to tell us this only going back to the antifa lot shouting racist and nazi and people telling us they are oppressed and standing up to hate. The only hate i saw was from the off the scale bile from the antifa crowd.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.”
John F. Kennedy, 13th March 1962.
Just been thinking about Trump’s General Pershing and pig blood thing. Wouldn’t it be great if we could pass a law stating that any person killed while committing an act of terrorism must be buried in a pig-blood soaked shroud? Think of the evolutions the lefties must mentally go through. If they say that it is racist (ignoring the obvious fact that Islam is not a race) the reply is that it applies to everyone. Then if they say it is anti-Islam they will have to state that they think that murderers should go to paradise, that is, they think it okay to kill innocent people. Rock and a hard place – exquisite! Plus if the perpetrators actually believed in their interpretation of the Book then they would be disinclined to carry out atrocities knowing they would be deprived of the much-vaunted 72-year old virgin lol. Not going to happen of course; there actually are people who think that Islamist murderers have rights
I’m going to start carrying a water pistol full of pig blood. If a so called Islamic extremist comes anywhere near me I will state loud and clear what it contains and that they can kiss goodbye to their 72 virgins.
PS as an aside, I have just noticed how my predictive typing gives me the options of “terrorists” or “terrorist” whenever I type the word Islamic. How very fitting.
A propos of nothing in particular.
Radio 4 has a programme called ‘A Point of View’.
Through the haze of my Saturday morning Lie-in I heard somewhat amazingly Roger Scruton give as fine a short summary of Conservatism, Liberalism, and Socialism, and the differences between them, as I’ve heard in a long time.
Well worth a listen.
Then of course you can reflect on the BBC and work out which of the three alternatives best sums up its behaviour!
This film about the Aden shows exactly how we should be dealing with both Arabs and Muslims more generally, it also reveals what an utter and complete POS Denis Healey was.
Feck! How far has Britain been allowed to decline since the British Empire, when Britain stood for something. Successive British Governments have sold Britain out to the state it finds itself today – over-run by subversives. You cannot sanitise war. If you do – you lose the war and enter into decline.
Funny, I am in the midst of reading Colin Mitchell’s memoirs. Any officer who was admired by his men and disliked by his superiors and politicians must have been good. I wonder what he would think of today’s PC military ? Well, actually, I don’t ! Nice quote about his wife ” She married me for better of worse, mostly worse “.
Yes Healey was a total shit in every way.
PS There is a BBC documentary on YouTube about the Crater operation which is ,needless to say, a hatchet job on Mitchell and the Argylls. Beeboids truly are the scum of the Earth.