I would be grateful for any theories why the BBC have gone bat shit crazy over the total solar eclipse in the US? For example they have it as their lead story in their CBBC Newsround Channel (homepage and news page) telling our kids how they should go about building a pinhole camera and getting themselves special solar filters – except it is not viewable in the UK nor in Europe.
So since it is not viewable in the UK and since total solar eclipses occur somewhere on earth twice every three years – why have they been flooding the BBC homepage, the BBC News homepage, the World news section, the US & Canada news section, the CBBC channel, and the Science news section with this?
Perhaps an allegory on the darkness spreading over the land? United States of Mordor, sort of thing? Watch out for Newsnight later, Kirsty or Gollum could well confirm.
Social media ( facebook anyway) has been posting a piece of ‘logic’ saying if everyone trusts scientists to make predictions of astronomical events with such accuracy, why distrust them on climate change.
Maybe they’ve gone mad for it to help alleviate the proportionality of negative coverage given to Trump and Brexit. If they go bonkers on this they can say ‘See, we don’t just go about Brexit and Trump’.
I’ve started a petition to save Nelsons Column from demolition demanded by the Guardian and left wing. Please sign it if you care at all about your country.
“Why the BBC have gone bat shit crazy over the total solar eclipse?” – Inventor of pinhole camera was apparently Al Hazen Ibn al-Haytham (Muslim/10th Century), might be the reason?
Apparently ‘Antifa’ was one of the most googled words last week. The Beeb’s faux outrage when Trump mentioned violence on both sides was sickening. In the age of smart phones the MSM cannot get away with their lies anymore.
It’s like in the Dark Ages when the Bible was written in Latin and only the clergy could understand it. They exploited this power and lied to the people to serve their own ends. Oncs the King James translation made the Bible widely accessible, the clergy could no longer keep people in the dark. This is why the MSM are getting increasingly hysterical about Trump – he is an existential threat to them.
BB – Your well made point also applies equally well to the ghastly Amber lowering the bar on the “Hate” legislation. With the BBC and the Guardian breathlessly telling us that they will be looking more at prosecuting more of these on line “crimes”
They have been deliberatly vague about what constitutes a ” Hate” crime – knowing full well that this will only play into the hands of the left leaving professional race hustlers such as Abbot and stir shitting little creeps such as Owen Jones to carry on with the “Devils work” whilst the rest of us are wondering whether we are committing a “hate crime” when complaining about the lack of establishment/msm interest into the reasons why there is a tsunami of sexual abuse visited upon of our own population by by “integrated” members “our” society who all come from the same religious /ethnic background.
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory’,” Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t- till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!'”
“But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean ‘a nice knock-down argument’,” Alice objected.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”
Got that plebs?
What must be annoying to the Left in America and the world, is that Americans have the First and Second Amendment – which are actually Founding Principles. The Second protects the First.
The amusing thing about Islam is that you can just use quotes from the Koran to make it look really bad, or just make factual statements about child rape, batchi boys, or stonings… we are not at the state yet where quoting facts is illigal… althogh Sarah Champion got it in the neck…
Of course one will not see the full story on the BBC. It goes against their mantra of nasty white right wing supremacists, and their never ending criticism of President Trump. The BBC must censor anything that might disrupt, or question, the narrative that the BBC promotes.
There are a number of videos on Youtube showing how ugly the demonstration was. Many demonstrators from the left (AntiFa) were clad in balaclavas and tooled up with base ball bats.
There are also some videos showing that the car (the car driver) was being attacked by a man wielding a baseball bat, and the bat hit the back of the car. It may be that the driver sped up so as to avoid being hid be the protestor wielding this baseball bat, and this may have played a part in the accident. It is not clear and until all the evidence is out, one cannot usefully judge.
I am not surprised that President Trump condemned violence on both sides. He was right to do so.
The problem is, all future proposed, ‘peaceful’ protest gatherings merely need to have a visitation from the left/ANTIFA to become transformed into violence and following (when people need to protect themselves) it will be alleged that the peaceful protesters were ‘Nazi’s’. The press will see to that. This is the point made here – https://www.steynonline.com/8048/looking-at-the-world-through-total-eclipse-glasses
All part of the process of strangling ‘free-speech’.
England women’s footballer has ‘spoken out’ about her hatrassment. Apparently the manager made a flippant comment about someone from her family maybe having Ebola. It’s not exactly Rosa Parks, is it? Of course the Beeb reporter could not fathom a universe in which banter and light-heartedness exist.
The player got an 80k pay off. It must be great being part of a minority – everyone is so terrified of offending you that the mere threat of litigation, however spurious, ends with you quids in. Must be a great back up plan for it you do not like your job or are no good at it.
She was one of the pitchside pundits during the recent Womens’ Euros.
She got £80,000 plus a year-long FA England contract worth a further £20,000, even though she declared herself unwilling to represent the country while the current manager is in post.
She is also a Nigerian born qualified solicitor. Knew exactly what she was doing.
Nigerian born.
Like that incompetent “German” doctor who killed a patient in the UK by injecting them with 10X the normal dose of medication.
Then took legal action against a relative (son from memory) of the deceased to prevent truthful reporting of his incompetence.
Not that it is of any consequence.
As I pointed out some time ago about the Stafford Hospital “problems”, all those abused, neglected, malnourished, starved, left to die, helped to die, or actually killed, were white.
Whereas the nursing staff. . .
Seemingly, whilst not contradicting what BB says, this is quite a big deal in the girlie footie world.
Seems the manager made a number off the record comments which didn’t go down well. FA (as is their wont) paid £80k in hush money to shut the woman up. Needless to say, somehow the story came out and a Barrister expert in this kind of stuff was employed by the FA to investigate what went on.
He reported at the end of last week, and came up with a few recommendations, one of which seemed to suggest that no corroborating facts could be found and that the manager needed to do some work on his management and communication skills.
Its all a bit he said she said, it seems but the BBC are all over it until some other piece of news comes all over them.
A few facts about the current white male English women’s football coach and his predecessor:-
2013 – present, England Women coached by Mark Sampson – played 57 won 35 – 61.40% winning record
1998 – 2013, England Women coached by Hope Powell* – played 162 won 85 – 52.47% winning record
* Hope Powell OBE, CBE, English Football Hall of Fame member, recipient of Honorary Doctorate from University of East London. Ticks a lot of boxes; black female and gay, just not a particularly good coach compared to her successor.
The fact that after just two years Mark Sampson led the England Women’s team to their best ever World Cup performance when finishing 3rd in 2015 is clearly not enough for the BBC. As an accused racist, albeit fully cleared by an independent enquiry, he has to be hounded out of his position to be replaced by someone more “suitable”.
I’ve started reading up on this story. It revolves around around what MS said to
The bbC says this:
Sampson made what she says was a “racist comment” about her family in Nigeria being infected with the Ebola virus that left her “shocked and intimidated”.
The Guardian offers more:
She told the Guardian: “On the wall, there was a list of the family and friends who were coming to watch us and I just happened to be next to Mark. “He asked me if I had anyone who would be there and I said I had family coming over from Nigeria. ‘Oh’, he said. ‘Nigeria? Make sure they don’t bring Ebola with them’.
So she had family coming over from Nigeria during the Ebola crisis and he said what everybody else would have thought and maybe said, That isn’t racism .
The other allegations centred around these snippets: Her case alleged another incident, in the video analysis of one match, when one coach praised her fitness results and another replied: “Yeah, but she is lazy as fuck.” In another instance, one coach could be heard saying: “Fuck off Eni” after she lost possession.
The above happens to all players and not just non-whites, just look at the abuse Beckham/Rooney have received on the pitch. A hell of a lot worse.
For the above she was paid £80K and a £20K contract and the bbC thinks she is a fucking victim. Bollocks.
If she is born in Nigeria and her family still lives in Nigeria, why is she not playing for the Nigerian football squad?
What a ridiculous non story. What about if it had been raining for the last four days and he had joked by saying ‘get them to bring the sunshine with them will you’. I guess that would have been racist as well.
She sounds so weak, spineless and primed for tearful triggering that I would usually call this individual the thing that falls from the sky when it’s really cold but I guess that would also be racist…
I’ve started reading up on this story. It revolves around around what MS said to this moaning minny:
The bbC says this:
Sampson made what she says was a “racist comment” about her family in Nigeria being infected with the Ebola virus that left her “shocked and intimidated”.
The Guardian offers more:
She told the Guardian: “On the wall, there was a list of the family and friends who were coming to watch us and I just happened to be next to Mark. “He asked me if I had anyone who would be there and I said I had family coming over from Nigeria. ‘Oh’, he said. ‘Nigeria? Make sure they don’t bring Ebola with them’.
So she had family coming over from Nigeria during the Ebola crisis and he said what everybody else would have thought and maybe said, That isn’t racism .
The other allegations centred around these snippets: Her case alleged another incident, in the video analysis of one match, when one coach praised her fitness results and another replied: “Yeah, but she is lazy as fuck.” In another instance, one coach could be heard saying: “Fuck off Eni” after she lost possession.
The above happens to all players and not just non-whites, just look at the abuse Beckham/Rooney have received on the pitch. A hell of a lot worse.
For the above she was paid £80K and a £20K contract and the bbC thinks she is a fucking victim. Bollocks.
Another interesting fact, this time actually taken from an earlier BBC article:-
“Aluko – a qualified lawyer – claimed that during a meeting in 2015, Sampson made a “highly inappropriate remark” with “derogatory, racial and prejudicial connotations” to an unnamed player, asking how many times she had been arrested because she was of mixed race. However, the independent review found no evidence to support that allegation and a video of the meeting did not show the comment being said”.
Actually , I have known some Nigerian lawyers and also Nigerian judges. They are not all bad. Mind you most of them were christian Igbo. Can’t comment on this one though.
3 years ago , on a flight from Gambia to UK, I was taken very ill. Ended up in hospital in Edinburgh for 3 weeks, where they saved my life. At first they were concerned that it may have been Ebola . I do not think that racism came into it. But then I have white skin. The doctors and nurses were superb and the best nurse , Sandra, a christian Nigerian from the superb Igbo tribe.
I did actually complain to the BBc a few years ago as to why they were not calling illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants. Unfortunately I can’t find their reply. Although obviously I was wrong.
I listened to the DPP on Toady this morning, re the heightened efforts to prosecute those committing “hate” (?) online.
The woman offered no definition as to what specifically constitutes “hate” but, judging from her responses, it’s basically a catch-all crime whereby the State can investigate / prosecute / scare s**tless anybody that expresses a view of a minority group which they or the members of said group don’t care for.
How can you legislate against “hate”? It is the expression of an individual’s emotional opinion, unless it is defamatory (and as such a civil matter) or inciting violence or criminality WTF is it any business of the police or CPS?
No doubt these cases will be pursued a good deal more sedulously than the innumerable ones involving Islamic rape gangs.
I have a friend who is lactose intolerant.
I really think I should report her to the CPS and police forthwith. After all, lactophobia has got to be a hate crime, hasn’t it?
Ha my thought too. I would think some newbee at gchq ( lower case ) has the job of sifting through our comments and putting them in the eclectronic file we all have. If not us it’ll be some other agency – probably tv licence hq.
I thought the current DPP _ by coming out with some hairbrained crap about hate crime ? Was just angling for a peerage so she can go sit with shami or someone else who sold their soul long ago – I wonder if those words amount to hate crime? Better go lock the door.
This poor bloody country – its beyond belief how fast it is descending.
This is another stage in the crackdown against free speech, or rather speech that the elite don’t like. They use the catch all of hate speech so they can interpret as they like. We are already seeing censorship by the tech companies of tweets posts etc that don’t conform to the liberal left elite consensus. No doubt they will inform the authorities of those who tweets they take down and prosecutions will follow . I very much doubt if anyone will be prosecuted for calling someone Nazi scum, racist etc , because the liberal left don’t see this as challenging their world view . But many of the posts on this site , including many of my own, will probably fall foul of this new interpretation of the barmy hate crime law. We really do live in dangerous times when only the consensus view is acceptable to the authorities and no other view is tolerated. It all seems an Orwellian nightmare to me and has happened within five or ten years. God knows what I will be like in 2022.
All those “edgy” comedians that the BBC employs, who to me aren’t funny. They’re going to have to watch their step as they try to push their so-called comedy across the fringe. Some snowflakes might get upset at some of their content and make a complaint.
They might even now have to, you know, start being funny.
No fan,
It’s many years since I bothered with this type of unfunny comedy but all that will happen is that the so called comedians will concentrate even more than presently on soft targets i.e. Those who don’t conform to the liberal left world view. They will do with the assurance of not being prosecuted no matter how hateful the victims find their abusive jokes and with the full support of the establishment.
The law will not be applied equally and Abbotts rule will be expanded from POCs being unable to be racis , to include ordinary white folks being unable to be victims of hate crimes. The only exception to this extension will be those whom the elite approve of.
Hate Crime.
Well we do have a big job on our hands,
Islam is built on a hatred of Infidels, Marxism is built on a hatred of the Capitalists.
The vast number of victims demonstrates just how deep their hatreds were.
Or rather still are. Marx welcomed lost strikes specifically, because they caused more hatred than successful strikes.
The EU leaders cannot wait until they have an EU controlled military.
The day after the EU army is created tens of millions will be arrested, most of whom will be killed.
Killed because of thought crime, they thought the example of Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al was sufficient
to prevent more mass murder by the nastiest scum ever.
TWMTB will be there to denounce those arrested in the EU, and claim we need this in the UK.
We need a UKIP Government.
Close ABeeb, no benefits or pensions for ex-BBC employees.
Most of the treasonous public sector needs a very new, very sharp, broom.
Consideration needs to be given to resurrecting banishment as a method of exporting traitors, they
can enrich somewhere else.
The BBC are reporting on their news homepage, their world news homepage and the US & Canada news section the breaking news that Donald Trump looked directly at the sun. As yet they haven’t done much with the “story” apart from creating the headline and showing a video of Donald Trump briefly squinting at the sun. Maybe in a few hours time they will have interviewed a left wing professor, an ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist to tell us what this all means. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-41003929/solar-eclipse-2017-donald-trump-looks-directly-at-the-sun
Pathetic basis for a news story plus it’s never really made sense has it. Yes, staring right into the sun is never a great idea but ancient mariners and people without watches have to see where the sun is to work out their East West bearing or the time of the day.
Hence I’m sure a glance, that millions of us have done, isn’t the end of the world.
Dangerous Borders.
BBC 2’s enriching documentary about a Pakistani bloke and an Indian woman, traveling the length of the Indian Pakistan borders. (Are we supposed to know these people?)
Anyway 10 minutes into the programme, Pakistani bloke starts whining about muslims being picked on
With things like travel bans etc.
Wind forwards another 20 minutes or so same bloke visits a Muslim shafi sect. Begins whining again. This sect is being picked on by guess who……. other Muslim sects.
What a hypocrite.
But then again that’s what the BBC is all about.
Min 14 : ‘ I know as a Muslim that these days Muslims are victimised what with the travel ban etc.
#1 There isn’t a Muslim travel ban..it’s just a meme in your head
#2 It’s incredible that the guy doesn’t understand the privileges Muslims have in the UK as authorities bend over backwards to Virtue Signal that they are not racist.
They seem to get away with stuff that if a white person did the same thing authority would be on them like a tonne of bricks.
The hyping solar came at minute 11 to 14 , with a lot of made up numbers from a plant which hasn’t actually launched yet.
#DangerousBorders "Are you English or Muslim" Muslim. The English presenter from Burnley replied. Says it all.
South Yorkshire Police show they’ve got their priorities these days
At least it saves you from doing real police work, like, you know, investigation of 1400 child rapes. We wouldn't want to call you racist.. https://t.co/utg1yHDCnY
See that’s the problems with these raped and abused girls. If they’d just come out and said that they heard their attackers using racist language, maybe some choice words about Dianne Abbott or questioned the sexuality of Boy George, they would have been properly listened to by the South Yorkshire police. A force that are only really interested in prosecuting speeding motorists because it’s a piss easy crime to catch and record.
Many thanks. I have just visited the web site and there is plenty of choice of anti BBC merchandise. I think it was designed for the SNP anti BBC campaign but it does just as well for my purposes even though they are very different to those of the SNP. I am going to purchase a selection of anti BBC stuff and wear it with PRIDE. I wonder if this constitutes a hate crime against the much loved and widely respected corporation.
Things BBC forget to report
You do recognise that is a Clinton/Gore Confederate flag election logo ?
Think about what these 2 did building Clinton Foundation and Gore AGW empire. Its mind boggling looking at what they actually said and did pic.twitter.com/yPVhZ2tcCD
Wow two proven liars, one who disrespected the office of the POTUS more than Trump ever could by performing sexual acts in the oval office and then blatantly lying about it and another who literally just makes shit up as he goes along. And both democrats campaigned under the Confederate flag.
All this time when we were trying to stick one on Bill and Al for being devious, corrupt, money grabbing individuals yet now with this history rewriting we could have them discarded and maybe even deported by the hysterical left because they were clearly confederate sympathisers.
HEV is transmitted by sausages and pork products from Europe, mainly Holland and Germany, the Sunday Times reported. Most infected people present few symptoms but others develop serious illness. UK-bred pork is not affected.
More unwanted crap coming from the EU
There is a second scandal attached to this story. While our government of faux conservatives is busy rounding us up for fantasy ‘hate crimes’ it knows, and has admitted it knows, which supermarket chain is responsible for having sold this imported filth from the EU. And it cares so much for our safety and security that it refuses to reveal which supermarket it is!
It’s about time this ridiculous government was turfed out on its ear – followed by a series of prosecutions of the ministers involved in these betrayals.
I got Hep E from living in Ghana , it’s not that serious, you can even get it and recover without even noticing.
It can live in sea water so is a little common with sailors.
Most people are over it within a month.
Just a bit freaky that your skin goes yellow.
I had cerebral malaria at the same time.
Wow, this and the recent egg alert. What’s going on? I thought everything in the EU was totally safe?
Surely it was considering the way that the Beeb were hysterical with warning us about the dangers of chlorinated chicken if we dared to strike a deal with the US with a remarkably arrogant air of ‘those stupid backward foreigners don’t know how to handle food like us elitist Europeans’.
Another example of their aloof, EU centric BS affecting their reporting. No bias of course…
Is the USA offering Great Britain an alternative to BMW, VW , Audi and the rest of the EU car makers?
“Ford announces £2,000 scrappage scheme for pre-2010 cars” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41005208
If I was Merkel I would be worried, very worried.
Time our Tory Government got a grip !
What a pity that Ford no longer assembles vehicles in the UK and moved all the jobs to mainland Europe.
That’s why I drive a (British built) Japanese car.
I have no doubt that Tory MPs and their researchers visit this site everyday and see the bias offered up by Al Beeb to the honest Telly Tax payer.
What concerns me is the that they do little to curb this anti-patriotic, pro EU broadcasting service. Are the Tory MPs more concerned with their jobs than that of our great country, or are they looking to betray us for “thirty pieces of European silver”? Could there be there something more sinister going on?
I look forward to loyal Tory supporters to give us some answers.
In my opinion the Tories decided years ago that despite the BBC being virulently anti Tory they needed it to keep the lid on the really big issue of these times , Opposition to Islamification. It seems that the liberal left elite , which the Tories are members of, have decided that Islamification is inevitable and want it to happen with as little resistance as possible. Perhaps they have a private deal with Saudi that they and theirs will be looked after well if they deliver the country on a plate. I know this is outlandish but I can’t think of a more plausible reason why the Tories should have protected the BBC for the past twenty years.
DT, I think you’ve summed up the situation perfectly. I have reached the same conclusion now that Sky is identical to Beeb, and even Private Eye has gone to the dark side.
I terminated my Private Eye subscription after many years and told them why – constant anti Brexit and Trump rubbish and lies – just like the BBC! I told all my friends to do the same.
Taff, Double.
If you add up the evidence of the last thirty years I’m not so sure your theory is as outlandish as some may think. We wondered long ago why the Chinese had a restaurant on every street corner jokingly saying the hooter will sound one day and that’s it, world domination. It would seem we got the world domination bit, just got the wrong bunch.
To Charlie Martel and others – I double posted my post and asked technical services here to delete my second post – but they deleted my first post.
My key message is I BELIEVE THE BBC’S MASSIVE COVERAGE OF THE US SOLAR ECLIPSE CAN BE EXPLAINED AS CORRUPTION – THE USE OF BRITISH TAXPAYERS MONEY FOR A FREE HOLIDAY IN AUGUST – THE PLACES THEY SENT TEAMS TO INCLUDE A CARIBBEAN CRUISE SHIP AND YELLOW STONE NATIONAL PARK. There really was nothing special about this solar eclipse on the global scale (there is one total eclipse on average every 18 months). In my view the BBC claimed this solar eclipse as special in order to send a huge number of themselves on expensive holidays.
What organisation can survive promoting paedophiles and give those paedophiles a safe space to operate?
– Jimmy Savile
What organisation can survive paying outlandish and increasing salaries and not be penalised or even when criticised can spin or down play the reporting of it?
– Chris “£2.3m” Evans
What organisation promotes people who make up a sexual attack on someones granddaughter – and then get offered more work afterwards?
– Jonathan Ross & Russell Brand
What organisation can write stories that do not show the true story and keep them on their website without apology – and then lecture people on how to spot misleading news?
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015
What organisation pays its top executives £450K pa and allows them to claim for a sandwich or drink (hospitality) at £34.76?
– Tony Hall
What organisation says it promotes equality and does not apply it and tries to hide the fact it does not want equality?
– Gender pay differences for same jobs
What organisation says it will change and then does nothing about it?
What organisation hides its expenses and employee’s salaries in secondary businesses and hides many of its employee salaries off the books?
What organisation sets up external auditing company filled with ex-employees who have a stake in hiding the truth or at least playing down the facts?
– Ofcom
What organisation allows its staff to use the company brand to promote themselves and their own opinions as agreed facts, or at least formed opinion of the organisation?
– e.g. CarFest and Crisps
What organisation forces people to pay for its product, under threat of going to prison and pays its staff wages from these threats?
– TV License
What organisation promotes frauds giving them air time when they have been shown to be liars and cheats?
– Uri Geller exposed by James Randi
What organisation behaves like this and its customers have no way to stop buying its product, and thus no way to stop its bad behaviour?
– BBC (because of the unique way it is funded)
Hi, I am thinking that the most likely reason the BBC went bat shit crazy over the US eclipse, was to downplay the fact they sent a huge team of BBC reporters and staff on a jolly to experience it (free holiday at the taxpayers expense). They likely produced the shit storm of reports and video reports, leading up to the eclipse and during the eclipse, bigging up its significance, in order to justify their free jolly.
So it seems to me we should not underestimate basic corruption (wasting taxpayers money on free holidays) as one of the motivating factors of BBC behaviour. I seem to recall the BBC being criticised in the past in sending out huge reporting teams to certain sporting events, music festivals and other events in exotic and luxurious places.
Same thing happened in Portugal reporting on Madeleine McCann. One massive never ending holiday for the reporters but strangely they were not so keen to report in vast numbers for Karen Matthews 18 months later. The latter being a council estate in Yorkshire.
In the wake of the Newcastle convictions, I would prefer all money put into prevention of ‘hate crime’ diverted to protecting vulnerable young girls. But that is probably a ‘far right’ opinion.
The news about hate crime legislation being toughened up must have helped with recruitment. You can just imagine noble young men getting tingles down their spine, thinking: “I could be out on the front line protecting people’s feelings! It’s what every true copper dreams of!”
Writers must have been equally inspired. We could have NYPD Blue Language: a crack team of maverick cops are trying to break a hate crime ring. One guy gets so upset that he hangs himself. Another loose cannon is so off the rails he even uses rude words himself once, though he is so ashamed when he does that he immediately hands in his badge and dictionary. (All cops on the NYPD Blue Language unit carry dictionaries instead of guns.) For the first season finale they confront the ring leader who has several transgender hostages whom he keeps ruthlessly misgendering through a loud speaker. The victims are so offended they die. . .
Yesterday I shared a headline from BBC Facebook that suggested the work experience and exchange students are running things chez Tante during the Summer hols.
Not sure anyone at the BBC actually reads what the BBC broadcasts ‘(actually quite wise), and certainly not the comments (actually no surprise)…
The BBC likes nothing more than a racism story. And yesterday we had another. Mark Sampson, the England women’s team manager, is cleared by an independent enquiry into alleged racism – a claim made by the grudge-holding Eniola Aluko.
Yet, the BBC ran an interview across the network with the sacked Aluko giving her air time to once again raise her unfounded allegations and you would be forgiven for thinking that the enquiry had found Sampson guilty.
And Aluko’s racism charges? Truly laughable and pathetic. Wait for it: a joke about Ebola. How racist can you get?
BBC ‘News’ has shared the BBC ‘Sport’ exclusive on this ‘story’:
Eniola Aluko says the reaction to her allegations of “bullying and discrimination” in the England football set-up means she doubts others would come forward in future.
Comments in response thus far suggest few sympathetic to Ms. Aluko’s new tack, or the BBC’s enthusiastic championing of it now Plan B has also gone awry. When the result is not to taste, from elections to judgements, the court of BBC is always open.
I saw that on the 10pm news. Everything about her demeanour shouted “fake” but the gullible BBC just ploughed on. Her body language and expressions indicated to me that she’d spotted an opportunity to play the victim card for compensation and taken it.
I wholly agree. It is reported she was given £80,000 by the F.A. – a sick joke. Many people spend a whole lifetime working hard, some in uncongenial jobs, to accumulate that sort of money (and many don’t even manage to save a tenth of that). That this ghastly little tart fakes outrage, and weak and stupid officials opt for the easy route. (sorry, nothing really to do with the BBC, except that they gave her a grievance platform.).
I don’t think that the BBC are gullible at all, not in the slightest. They know exactly what they are doing and what stories they can use, manipulate and present in a way that is in keeping with their mission to influence and change Britain to the left wing, multicultural PC paradise that it has decided it should be.
Rest assured that its newshounds are busy sniffing out its next story, outing the reactionary centre right and celebrating the progressive, agitating left.
In the last thread, Manxman asked for a list of lefty cliches we have to pretend to believe. After a bit of thought, I’ve come up with:
The BBC is a National Treasure, its employees universally respected for impartiality, erudition, integrity and modest remuneration.
Brexit voters are all loathsome old bigoted, failed, uneducated Little Englanders (and if there was any justice, they’d be jailed for hate crimes).
Nothing signals defiance of terrorism like singing ‘Imagine’ to a Toys R Us Paddington Bear by the light of a jasmine-scented candle.
A paedophile priest represents the entire Christian church. (But if half the population of Dewsbury get jailed for deflowering under-age natives, it will be nothing to do with Islam, and probably an unjust verdict by a racist white judge and jury anyway.)
Mass immigration is essential to pay our pensions and do the jobs lazy whites won’t do.
Mass immigration has no impact whatsoever on a nation’s environment, wage levels, health and education services, housing supply, transport, security or social harmony.
‘Have I got news for you’ is a hilarious, fearless and subversive attack on the Establishment.
Donald Trump is a more loony and dangerous warmonger than Kim jong-un
Global warming is a bigger threat to the world than Kim, Trump, ISIS, overpopulation, Ebola and asteroids combined.
To have a large family is selfish, irresponsible and a contributory cause of global warming and third-world starvation (but only if it’s a large white family).
The police are brutal, repressive tools of the far right establishment (except when they’re clubbing right-wingers and defending Antifa demonstrators. Then our boys in blue are doing us proud).
Marcus Brigstocke is funny.
Theresa May is a hard-right conservative.
Without the EU, Europe would have been destroyed by nuclear war.
Without the EU, we would all have been insular Little Englanders who’d never been south of Margate.
Diversity is our strength.
We have always been a nation of immigrants.
No countries except Europe and US ever owned slaves or empires.
England was insipid and staid until vibrant immigration enriched us.
Nationalism and ethnic identity are admirable (except for white Anglos, who are Nazi white supremacists).
Nazi anti-Semitism was a stain on humanity (but hating Jews since the war has been fully justified by Israeli aggression).
We need mass immigration. We also need quotas to ensure employment for ethnic minorities. (But there is no contradiction in holding these positions.)
“home-grown” terrorism
Prrobably one of the most pernicious phrases ever invented by the media class.
“Cohesion through diversity” (Trudeau?) is like “Diversity is our strength” but no matter how you try to interpret it, it is really a self-contradiction. A completely Orwellian phrase.
Actualy ID “home -grown” terrorism is NOT an anachronism.A lot of the terrorism is grown at home.
With mothers telling their daughters at 4 years old that if they don’t wear a scarf when they reach puberty
or before they will burn in HELLFIRE. This of coures is child abuse which strikes terror into the young child.
Then of course the young boys are taught by their dads to despise infidels., Jews being the number one
on the list, but followed by everybody else close behind. So it really is home -grown terrorism.
Of course it is not only Islam where religious child abuse is practised . It’s just then if the children and
teenagers are then taught more hatred at faith schools or at their “churches” by the good men of faith.
They of course by this time by nature they will have mental problems to a lesser or higher degree. You
then have the ingredients for the perfect storm. But I reiterate ID, a lot of it is HOME GROWN.
Actually, MM, some of it is. Strictly segregated Catholic and Protestant schools teaching different versions of history in Northern Ireland did much to prolong and exacerbate the “troubles” in the 70s and 80s.
I think you have fallen into the linguistic trap set for you. This is why I said the phrase was pernicious.
The seeds of this form of terrorism were imported decades ago, as you seem to realise, but there is nothing “home-grown” about it. Words like “home” and “Heimat” are used to suggest feelings of belonging, security, a native place where you are surrounded by family and friends.
The phrase is used to suggest “It’s nothing to do with Islam”. Staunch British citizens, born in Britain, educated in Britain suddenly turn to violence. There must be something rotten in British society that is driving these fine young people to such acts of desperation. People “of us” i.e. home-grown have been radicalised by us and we are now getting our just deserts. Also, the people who were eager to import this form of enrichment can shift the blame for the problem from themselves to the rest of the population who have not been welcoming enough of diversity. It’s like introducing parasites into a host, them saying the host’s difficulties are “home grown”. The parasites are growing in the host, fed by the host, but are not “of the host”.
By conceding “a lot of it is home-grown” you are unwittingly accepting that you are partly to blame for muslim terrorism in Britain. As Douglas Murray says the problem is entirely imported and not home-grown or native to Britain.
ID- I understand your point. I am just using the term “home grown” as a n individual home unit.
Yes it is pernicious. But the start of all the radicalising of these kids start in their own homes by
their own parents.
Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein in nearly all their musicals had something to say
about racial and social matters. No more so than ” You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught ” From
South Pacific and this was 1949. This song caused uproar at the time especially in the Southern
Lt Joe Cable
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From Year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made
And people whose skin is a dff’rent shade
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late
Before you are six or seven or eight.
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
To a very large degree 68 years later in most homes this form of racism has ended.
BUT I am afraid it still goes on in many fundamentalist ” religious” HOMES in many
parts of the World. HOME GROWN, HOME GROWN, HOME GROWN!!!
Yes, In a narrow sense you are correct. The cultural transmission of Islam always takes place first and foremost in the home no matter where it is. That is how Roman children learnt about their gods, rituals and customs. But unfortunately large numbers of fervent muslims have their homes in our homeland. When the BBC uses the phrase “home-grown”, it is not pointing out that fervent muslims are home-owners in Britain.
One meaning of “home-grown ” is to refer to produce grown in your own garden. This is nearer to your sense. You can grow Japanese knot weed in your backgarden. It is home-grown in the sense that it is actually growing in your back garden, but don’t you think there is something funny about the phrase “home-grown Japanese knot weed”? In another sense Japanese knot is not indigenous and so can’t be “home-grown”. The BBC push the notion that anyone born here or anyone who acquires British citizenship is culturally British. In other words they would claim Japanese knotweed is an indigenous species just because it was found growing in Britain. The BBC think Anjem Choudry is a FELLOW! British citizen because he has a British passport. Choudry was more honest when he referred to his passport as a “useful travel document”.He feels no alligence whatsoever to Britain or British people. If you accept the phrase “home-grown ” terrorism, you are buying into the BBC worldview. These people have been brought up in Britain their parents have lived here for years, they are as British as you or I. A foreign religion cannot be what’s behind it all.
Grown in a home with a different approach to what is right and wrong.
A different approach on how treat people, women and animals.
A different approach on how to react to cartoons.
A different book to guide you through life …
The most scary statistic is that of 1% think it’s OK to print cartoon of Muhammad. Does this mean 99% think it’s justified to kill or enact violence? This question was not asked, but maybe it should have been.
Just caught David Liddington being interviewed on Toady, why on earth does Old Ma May have a blathering non-entity like him as Justice Secretary and yet can find no cabinet position at all for J R-M?
I used this one on the Mother-In-Law:
“I’ve had some bad news, My boyfriends left me to go to Syria:He wants to become a suicide bummer.”
Her reply:
“Yes dear”
Mrs Pounce went up the bloody wall. Shouting out, Mum, mum, he’s joking.
Talk about evil looks.
Please note that the CPS ‘Mate Hate’ document I linked to has been replaced. Google still shows old search results but links to a different document that no longer contains that information. i.e. the document has been replaced, but google has the search results based on the old document, which has not updated yet (2017.08.22)
“where the perpetrator can be a friend, carer or acquaintance, and befriends someone to exploit this ‘friendship’ for financial gain or some other criminal purpose. ”
“It can also include ‘mate crime’, where the perpetrator can be a friend, carer or acquaintance, and befriends someone to exploit this ‘friendship’ for financial gain or some other criminal purpose. … ‘Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, … Some crimes will have a time limit for prosecution.”
You’ve visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 21/08/17
In summary, you will no longer be able to find out about ‘Mate Hate’ from the CPS as they have changed the document, focusing on disabled people instead – ‘SUPPORT FOR DISABLED VICTIMS AND WITNESSES OF CRIME’. This is the old version using the google ‘cached’ button.
Fine – get rid of ALL statues, not forgetting the likes of Karl Marx but it won’t make any difference to anything unless maybe they are flown and dropped on Islamists.
Maybe the Left should consider their hero William Cobbett who opposed the abolition of slavery. Lefties have to be careful when they are playing this game.
Just caught the end of an interview with Afua Hirsch (knock down Nelson) on Sky News.
She said to the chap interviewing her “I’m British, I’m as British as you, but … bla bla …”
Sorry, not in my book.
Oh dear, I see that Geoff Boycott has been hauled over the coals (play on words here !) for saying on air something he should have commented on without microphones; that he ‘should have blacked up in order to get a knighthood”. Apparently everyone around him swooned and needed smelling salts – but are we really in a better place now than in the 70’s, when Charlie Williams would have responded with an equally clever remark ? We will always have vindictive racism until the end of time, but we laughed at it back then, with both black and white giving as good as they got, and despite the ‘always offended’ throwing a hissy fit, I personally think that Love Thy Neighbour should be repeated to show these airheads that we actually laughed without any animosity !
“I personally think that Love Thy Neighbour should be repeated to show these airheads that we actually laughed without any animosity !”
What! Love Thy Neighbour was a vile programme, the start of the conditioning by media of the indigenous population. The intelligent, ‘nice’ black couple, living next door to the sensible, welcoming white wife and her racist ‘stupid husband’, (a perenial media stereotype). It never dealt with real issues relating to immigration just a hate-fest against a man who said he didn’t like ‘nignogs’, yet who got on remarkably well with his neighbour, (nudge, nudge, learnt the lesson have we?)
Race relations would have been made a lot better if all parties were shown to have good and bad about them. Imagine if On The Buses had been made with a British driver and a West Indian conductor. Plenty of scope for making fun of both characters, plenty of scope for seeing them unite against common ‘enemies’, (inspectors/passengers), plenty of scope for using misunderstandings and their resolution as a basis of comedy that people could laugh with.
I don’t understand why people that ‘love the world’ display such hatred for their own. (Homosexuals claim that the ‘homophobic’ are repressing their inner homosexuality, could it be that we are seeing repressed racism here?)
With that outlook and analogy, Steptoe & Son should have had the social workers in to stop the abuse of the old man by his son / also the mental abuse of Olive by her husband in On the Buses / Faulty Towers would never get past Health & Safety / It ain’t half hot Mum would never have seen the light of day because the punkawaller was a white man blacked up and Gay rights would squeal about stereotypes / Open All Hours would be unwelcome with the grocer committing sexual assault on Nurse Gladys / and the Likely Lads ? oh dear all that alcohol and chasing women tutt tutt !!
Brissles you must have a very different interpretation of Love Thy Neighbour to me. The humour, such as it was, relied on painting the white husband as a stupid racist bigot. It, to me, was clearly made as propaganda not comedy, but then ITV comedy of that era was very poor. On The Buses, also ITV, was a poor comedy and, as you say, quite nasty.
All the other shows that you mention were made by the BBC when they allowed good writers to make comedy.
I think it helps if the audience can actually like the characters. In part that means letting every character ‘win’ at some point, something that ‘Eddie Booth’ never did. All of the BBC characters are likeable or at least the sort of people that we live with daily. Apart from the driver and his mum in On The Buses the rest of the cast were miserable, nasty or both.
While I’ll pass on Love Thy Neighbour I can assure you that my funny bone is in good fettle!
I was just about to comment on that. Does anyone know what the situation is in UK ? Do the “authorities ” just turn a blind eye to this as they do to all muslim crap ?
Like our impotent acceptance of being blown up / stabbed / run over, we are all to aware that the authorities default setting is pro Islam, pro scum and pro left at the expense of decent British people. They don’t even have to pay us lip-service anymore – we just meekly accept that this is how it is.
True British values, strong Government, law and order, national interest, representation of the majority of the country is all some kind of fantasy.
After all these years of trying to get a handle on politics and society, unless offered a genuine pro Britain choice, I won’t bother voting next time.
It appears that C4 have decided to outdo the BBC in ensuring that the Great British Bake Off is a celebration of all things LGBTQ.
We already know that one of the presenters is that famous lesbian and midget Sandi Toksvig. Another is some bloke called Noel Fielding who likes to wear make-up and woman’s clothes.
Below is one of the contestants, known affectionately as “cake boy” showing off his rainbow cake.
Could already be the winner. He’d make a great double act with Nadiya.
Brissles, I said that to the missus but she corrected me in that the awful women Heather Mills danced in an earlier series. She lost half her leg so I would class her as disabled. In more ways than one if we are honest!!
I seem to remember from my distant youth that the term “Navy Cake and Porthole Duff” were very popular with certain elements of the population – how long before they appear on Bake Off ?
I remember some lines in “The Thick of it” – one character pointing to another “who is that ? ‘ ‘ Answer ” I don’t know – but it’s a walking bloody lawsuit”. It gets to the stage where we have to have a 3 second time delay on anything said to certain people because they are just looking for an excuse to make an allegation. I bet the lady in this incident keeps a voice activated recorder just in case.
And she will claim loss of earnings because she would have gone on to win the wimmins World Cup or some other irrelevant award.
It is, of course ‘a view’, which means all is their own. No backsies.
“Where to start on just how far this misses the mark when it comes to real-life situations?
The nuclear, Caucasian family compete with mum, dad, and two kids?”
Got it in one there. Such families should be toppled… now! Though Diane Abbott’s caregiver may be upset at the cultural appropriation of the author’s barnet. Seems her house is more representative than any other house, apparently, as can happen in media world. Especially those dishing up spag bol. And she can find ‘proper’ representatives of nuclear families and the marketing folk who should be reaching out to them.
That said, the new ad looks pretty pants, but I do wonder if Mars was also suffering from the outrage stereotyping puppet community for itsa lasta series. O.
Bannon has gone, Bannon wanted a troop withdrawl from Afghanistan. Trump is going to send troops there. An Obama type surge? Looks as if Trump is collapsing and when Bannon said the Presidency was over he meant it literally.
The media wins.
“Nothing good has ever come out of foreign intervention in Afghanistan. It is a waste of time , money and lives.”
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
If Joseph Stalin had invaded Afghanistan, he would have demonstrated your inaccuracy.
Cannot believe that Trump is wasting more lives in Afghanistan for no reason. Mind you , Obama did nothing about it. But then he did nothing full stop.
” Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it “. But I would have thought that people would have learned from the more recent Russian failure there.
Ah but humans are essentially human and it’s still better to fight them over there otherwise we need to exist in a stockade, bar the gates and what? But we can have no say on who enters our ‘stockade’ and we already have many enemies living among us.
By the same token could you say that we should have learned from WW1 and not embarked on WW2?
Well , actually , I think that Britain should have stayed neutral in WW2. The Allies had the chance to destroy Germany and the Germans at the end of WW1 and again at the end of WW2 and failed on both occasions. And now we are paying the price.
But fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan is one thing. It may or may not be effective. But the West does not have the resources or the will to fight right across the globe.
It is too late for a “stockade ” . As you say the enemy is already within. Either way the West is doomed . The war has already been lost. Why waste more soldiers’ lives for no reason ?
My point about Bannon leaving was that the forces within the WH could return to involvement in Afghanistan. Trump has gone with them on this ocasion. The question is how many other concessions will he make now Bannon had gone? And how will Bannon react to them.
I would not send troops to die in that shithole, but it might be worth bribing their corrupt politicians to accept large amounts of our radio active toxic waste. Soon they would scatter it around that stupid country and they would all mutate into the desirable pre-historic freaks they emulate.
We all know that Owen Jones is a thick shit but surely he was being facetious here ? If not, the Police should be investigating him for hate crime and incitement to rape.
Yes – a fake OJ account (apparently). DV discussed it on his Periscope last night. https://www.pscp.tv/DVATW/1YpKkmqpnzwJj?t=1
But the issue is that Naz Shah liked and retweeted it.
Is that tweet real? If it is he should be immediately forced to resign from every post and job that he has. Perhaps the one law for the elites favoured folks and one for those they don’t like is already in force.
Interesting position for al Beeb to be in since they pretend to be whiter than white in morality issues. Since this kid is for ever reviewing things on al Beeb perhaps his contract will be cancelled. No doubt he will escape censure by saying it was bait or a joke or he was drugged up or similar.
On the upside I believe in free speech and he is entitled to say that, but also to pay the price.
Won’t miss him but the Guardian will keep him whatever he says – bit like that scatty creature – Toynbee
Beeb website: what do Germans think of Charlottesville? Ten days on and keeping the Nazi associations rolling. Nothing but hugs and ‘defiance’ regarding the real enemy though. Las Ramblas was clearly an isolated event whereas Charlottesville is part of an organised and ongoing war.
A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted tunnel connection over a less secure network, such as the internet.
You can get a VPN for a few quid.
In the BBC2 show last night presenter Adnan Sarwar (the Economists community editor) claimed “we Muslims are victimised”
Well his LibMob are always trying to stop people speaking up against the BBC, PC, GlobalWarming/GreenReligion yet he just tweeted this
“Journalists Adnan Sarwar and Babita Sharma are on the second part of their epic journey taking them both through the province of Punjab, along the volatile border that divides India and Pakistan.
A hundred and fifty miles away across the border in Lahore, Adnan meets a couple who, in 1947, spent over two months walking from India to the safety of Muslim-dominated Pakistan.”
Well, like ISIS getting ‘victimised’. What a perfect illustration of derangement and these brainless, shit for brains twats have prominent media platforms.
So the BBC have created a new story and are giving it the big push: it is headlined on the BBC homepage, their News homepage, the UK News Section, the English News Section and the Sports News homepage.
The story is headlined “Boycott apologises for unacceptable race comment” and the BBC are inferring Geoff Boycott (one of the legends of English cricket) is a racist.
They are obsessed with race, yet all the racist offences they report on are so laughably minuscule: a joke about Ebola; someone being flippant about blacking up. Their SJW obsession with sexuality and race is 30 years too late as the Left has already won these battles. I wish they could spend our money investigating stuff that matters rather than petty race-based finger-wagging. It is not like we have anything else to worry about.
Those were the days when the BBC did comedy. I used to take Harry and Paul for granted. We shall never see the likes of them again. Certainly not on the BBC.
I think we’ve done this list before…with the old cross-dressers, but even pretty recent stuff like Fly-low, Little Britain etc surely wouldn’t get done now. Those comedians must see that they have been silenced. Made me laugh so much when Ricky Gervais got a Twitter bashing. Ha bloody ha.
When we don’t have enough new comedy talent, what to do …..report a poll of comedy made in the past….would be fun if we weren’t paying through the nose for it.
This is what they call comedy these days …………………………………
“Pound coin gag scoops best Edinburgh Fringe joke award” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-40999000
There is a HYS running – some of the comments are even funnier.
1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years
8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry
26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” (was given an award prior to actually doing anything!)
I listen to quite a few Economist podcasts but for a publication which was once intelligent now it’s just another Trump brexit basher. Ready to give up on that too . I suppose it’s another thing al beeb spends shed loads of tax money on to keep it afloat – like the Guardian
From the bbc WS -” The Why Factor” made me smile – a superb advert for not having to pay the TV tax and not listening to the bbc.
“News has a powerful pull. We spend so much of our time checking it, absorbing it and talking about it. And some of us even claim to be addicted to it. But why, asks David Baker, do we need news in the first place? So much of what goes on in the world is beyond our control and hearing about it can just make us more depressed. Would we be better off just disconnecting from the news? Or is it part of our civic duty to be informed? And is news really just another form of entertainment – a modern-day version of that basic human pleasure of swapping stories around the campfire?”
Geoff Boycott made a joke about blacking up – I wish they had issued a trigger warning before I read that as I am so horribly triggered now. We should have an hour’s silence before all cricket games to respect the victims of his crime. Boycott and all his family should be publicly hung, drawn and quartered in vengeance for this truly revolting offence.
As a non consumer of Al beeb products at the moment I wonder how much prominence the government surplus for July will receive.
Given that we were all going to die after the brexit vote it is apparently the first time this has happened since 2002. Doing the sums that’s 15 years ago .
So who is to blame for this good news? Al beeb will find a downside somewhere -,but no al beeb news for me for the time being
It is one of their main news stories! 3000 journalists and a budget of £3 mbillion and this is the fruit of their labours – finger wagging at an old man making an off-key comment directed at nobody in particular? What right-minded person gives a flying f**k?
The same old ‘journalistic’ quality: talk to a couple of people about how offended they are. This is not ‘news’ or ‘journalism.’
Plus they bully him into apologising. Where’s our apology, BBC? Whoops – we took the Great out of the Britain and the United out of the Kingdom. Sorry for denying reality. Sorry yelling ‘arsonist!’ At anybody who warned of the fire. Sorry we turned a blind eye to rape gangs and now you live in a world where everyone constantly dreads the next inevitable atrocity. Whoopsie daisy – you wouldn’t want to bring children into the cacophonous dystopia we have created, but so what? An old man said something ‘offensive.’ That’s the real tragedy.
If you read the Geoff Boycott story the BBC quote one man objecting to Boycott words and that man is:
“Waheed Saleem, who was in the audience of the Q&A when Boycott made the remarks, told BBC Sport: “I was completely disgusted. I don’t think anyone saw it as a light-hearted joke. I was absolutely gobsmacked.”
Waheed Saleem doesn’t sound like a West Indian name – it sounds like an Islamic – Muslim name. The BBC are all for demonising white old English blokes and pushing forward the agenda of Islamic voices who find British humour disgusting if it comes from English white men.
In Other But Related News
The governments sports minister has been forcing UK Sports Committees that receive lottery money to get rid of old white English men in favour of younger “more diverse” Committee members. The sport loses all its lottery money if it doesn’t bring in the changes. The two pushing the agenda was previous sports minister Helen Grant and current sports minister Tracy Crouch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Grant_(politician) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minister_for_Sport_and_Civil_Society
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
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StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
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FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I would be grateful for any theories why the BBC have gone bat shit crazy over the total solar eclipse in the US? For example they have it as their lead story in their CBBC Newsround Channel (homepage and news page) telling our kids how they should go about building a pinhole camera and getting themselves special solar filters – except it is not viewable in the UK nor in Europe.
So since it is not viewable in the UK and since total solar eclipses occur somewhere on earth twice every three years – why have they been flooding the BBC homepage, the BBC News homepage, the World news section, the US & Canada news section, the CBBC channel, and the Science news section with this?
My guess is that it’s to fill up news space that otherwise could be devoted to errant vans and their mentally ill drivers.
Yes, easy to report for lazy Beeboids .
Perhaps an allegory on the darkness spreading over the land? United States of Mordor, sort of thing? Watch out for Newsnight later, Kirsty or Gollum could well confirm.
The first time I saw any Eclipse, was in the film – A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (Bing Crosby, William Bendix).
It is probably easier to write about the eclipse that scan Twitter for comments to copy and present as journalism
Here is an example
Leftists Smash Christopher Columbus Monument
So what is the difference between Antifa and ISIS
Social media ( facebook anyway) has been posting a piece of ‘logic’ saying if everyone trusts scientists to make predictions of astronomical events with such accuracy, why distrust them on climate change.
Maybe they’ve gone mad for it to help alleviate the proportionality of negative coverage given to Trump and Brexit. If they go bonkers on this they can say ‘See, we don’t just go about Brexit and Trump’.
I’ve started a petition to save Nelsons Column from demolition demanded by the Guardian and left wing. Please sign it if you care at all about your country.
“Why the BBC have gone bat shit crazy over the total solar eclipse?” – Inventor of pinhole camera was apparently Al Hazen Ibn al-Haytham (Muslim/10th Century), might be the reason?
Early known descriptions are found in the Chinese Mozi writings (circa 500 BC) and the Aristotelian Problems (circa 300 BC – 600 AD). Starting with Alhazen (965–1039) the effect was used in dark rooms, mostly to study the nature of light and to safely watch solar eclipses. {wiki}
Around 3,30 watch the BBC spokeswoman for remain divert Nigel when he says we need a new Prime Minister.
Treezer is not for Brexit; she is the BBC plant until they find a better stooge.
Get a new Prime Minister now.
Petition started up in the US. After 3 days approaching 200,000 signatures. Anyone can sign it and it goes to the White House.
“Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization”
Just needs your forename, surname and email.
Apparently ‘Antifa’ was one of the most googled words last week. The Beeb’s faux outrage when Trump mentioned violence on both sides was sickening. In the age of smart phones the MSM cannot get away with their lies anymore.
It’s like in the Dark Ages when the Bible was written in Latin and only the clergy could understand it. They exploited this power and lied to the people to serve their own ends. Oncs the King James translation made the Bible widely accessible, the clergy could no longer keep people in the dark. This is why the MSM are getting increasingly hysterical about Trump – he is an existential threat to them.
BB – Your well made point also applies equally well to the ghastly Amber lowering the bar on the “Hate” legislation. With the BBC and the Guardian breathlessly telling us that they will be looking more at prosecuting more of these on line “crimes”
They have been deliberatly vague about what constitutes a ” Hate” crime – knowing full well that this will only play into the hands of the left leaving professional race hustlers such as Abbot and stir shitting little creeps such as Owen Jones to carry on with the “Devils work” whilst the rest of us are wondering whether we are committing a “hate crime” when complaining about the lack of establishment/msm interest into the reasons why there is a tsunami of sexual abuse visited upon of our own population by by “integrated” members “our” society who all come from the same religious /ethnic background.
Discuss – But not anymore!
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory’,” Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t- till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!'”
“But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean ‘a nice knock-down argument’,” Alice objected.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”
Got that plebs?
What must be annoying to the Left in America and the world, is that Americans have the First and Second Amendment – which are actually Founding Principles. The Second protects the First.
The amusing thing about Islam is that you can just use quotes from the Koran to make it look really bad, or just make factual statements about child rape, batchi boys, or stonings… we are not at the state yet where quoting facts is illigal… althogh Sarah Champion got it in the neck…
Of course one will not see the full story on the BBC. It goes against their mantra of nasty white right wing supremacists, and their never ending criticism of President Trump. The BBC must censor anything that might disrupt, or question, the narrative that the BBC promotes.
There are a number of videos on Youtube showing how ugly the demonstration was. Many demonstrators from the left (AntiFa) were clad in balaclavas and tooled up with base ball bats.
There are also some videos showing that the car (the car driver) was being attacked by a man wielding a baseball bat, and the bat hit the back of the car. It may be that the driver sped up so as to avoid being hid be the protestor wielding this baseball bat, and this may have played a part in the accident. It is not clear and until all the evidence is out, one cannot usefully judge.
I am not surprised that President Trump condemned violence on both sides. He was right to do so.
The problem is, all future proposed, ‘peaceful’ protest gatherings merely need to have a visitation from the left/ANTIFA to become transformed into violence and following (when people need to protect themselves) it will be alleged that the peaceful protesters were ‘Nazi’s’. The press will see to that. This is the point made here – https://www.steynonline.com/8048/looking-at-the-world-through-total-eclipse-glasses
All part of the process of strangling ‘free-speech’.
Well said. If Freedom of Speech is only allowed when that person is saying something that you agree with it, then it isn’t Freedom is it?
Beeb website: “Hugs and defiance at Las Ramblas”
Nothing says defiance like a hug.
England women’s footballer has ‘spoken out’ about her hatrassment. Apparently the manager made a flippant comment about someone from her family maybe having Ebola. It’s not exactly Rosa Parks, is it? Of course the Beeb reporter could not fathom a universe in which banter and light-heartedness exist.
The player got an 80k pay off. It must be great being part of a minority – everyone is so terrified of offending you that the mere threat of litigation, however spurious, ends with you quids in. Must be a great back up plan for it you do not like your job or are no good at it.
I expect the diversity department at the BBC are lining her up to replace Gary Lineker on Match of the Day.
She was one of the pitchside pundits during the recent Womens’ Euros.
She got £80,000 plus a year-long FA England contract worth a further £20,000, even though she declared herself unwilling to represent the country while the current manager is in post.
She is also a Nigerian born qualified solicitor. Knew exactly what she was doing.
Nigerian born.
Like that incompetent “German” doctor who killed a patient in the UK by injecting them with 10X the normal dose of medication.
Then took legal action against a relative (son from memory) of the deceased to prevent truthful reporting of his incompetence.
Not that it is of any consequence.
As I pointed out some time ago about the Stafford Hospital “problems”, all those abused, neglected, malnourished, starved, left to die, helped to die, or actually killed, were white.
Whereas the nursing staff. . .
That would be an improvement . The less we see of Line acher the better
Seemingly, whilst not contradicting what BB says, this is quite a big deal in the girlie footie world.
Seems the manager made a number off the record comments which didn’t go down well. FA (as is their wont) paid £80k in hush money to shut the woman up. Needless to say, somehow the story came out and a Barrister expert in this kind of stuff was employed by the FA to investigate what went on.
He reported at the end of last week, and came up with a few recommendations, one of which seemed to suggest that no corroborating facts could be found and that the manager needed to do some work on his management and communication skills.
Its all a bit he said she said, it seems but the BBC are all over it until some other piece of news comes all over them.
A few facts about the current white male English women’s football coach and his predecessor:-
2013 – present, England Women coached by Mark Sampson – played 57 won 35 – 61.40% winning record
1998 – 2013, England Women coached by Hope Powell* – played 162 won 85 – 52.47% winning record
* Hope Powell OBE, CBE, English Football Hall of Fame member, recipient of Honorary Doctorate from University of East London. Ticks a lot of boxes; black female and gay, just not a particularly good coach compared to her successor.
The fact that after just two years Mark Sampson led the England Women’s team to their best ever World Cup performance when finishing 3rd in 2015 is clearly not enough for the BBC. As an accused racist, albeit fully cleared by an independent enquiry, he has to be hounded out of his position to be replaced by someone more “suitable”.
I’ve started reading up on this story. It revolves around around what MS said to
The bbC says this:
Sampson made what she says was a “racist comment” about her family in Nigeria being infected with the Ebola virus that left her “shocked and intimidated”.
The Guardian offers more:
She told the Guardian: “On the wall, there was a list of the family and friends who were coming to watch us and I just happened to be next to Mark. “He asked me if I had anyone who would be there and I said I had family coming over from Nigeria. ‘Oh’, he said. ‘Nigeria? Make sure they don’t bring Ebola with them’.
So she had family coming over from Nigeria during the Ebola crisis and he said what everybody else would have thought and maybe said, That isn’t racism .
The other allegations centred around these snippets:
Her case alleged another incident, in the video analysis of one match, when one coach praised her fitness results and another replied: “Yeah, but she is lazy as fuck.” In another instance, one coach could be heard saying: “Fuck off Eni” after she lost possession.
The above happens to all players and not just non-whites, just look at the abuse Beckham/Rooney have received on the pitch. A hell of a lot worse.
For the above she was paid £80K and a £20K contract and the bbC thinks she is a fucking victim. Bollocks.
If she is born in Nigeria and her family still lives in Nigeria, why is she not playing for the Nigerian football squad?
What a ridiculous non story. What about if it had been raining for the last four days and he had joked by saying ‘get them to bring the sunshine with them will you’. I guess that would have been racist as well.
She sounds so weak, spineless and primed for tearful triggering that I would usually call this individual the thing that falls from the sky when it’s really cold but I guess that would also be racist…
I’ve started reading up on this story. It revolves around around what MS said to this moaning minny:
The bbC says this:
Sampson made what she says was a “racist comment” about her family in Nigeria being infected with the Ebola virus that left her “shocked and intimidated”.
The Guardian offers more:
She told the Guardian: “On the wall, there was a list of the family and friends who were coming to watch us and I just happened to be next to Mark. “He asked me if I had anyone who would be there and I said I had family coming over from Nigeria. ‘Oh’, he said. ‘Nigeria? Make sure they don’t bring Ebola with them’.
So she had family coming over from Nigeria during the Ebola crisis and he said what everybody else would have thought and maybe said, That isn’t racism .
The other allegations centred around these snippets:
Her case alleged another incident, in the video analysis of one match, when one coach praised her fitness results and another replied: “Yeah, but she is lazy as fuck.” In another instance, one coach could be heard saying: “Fuck off Eni” after she lost possession.
The above happens to all players and not just non-whites, just look at the abuse Beckham/Rooney have received on the pitch. A hell of a lot worse.
For the above she was paid £80K and a £20K contract and the bbC thinks she is a fucking victim. Bollocks.
Another interesting fact, this time actually taken from an earlier BBC article:-
“Aluko – a qualified lawyer – claimed that during a meeting in 2015, Sampson made a “highly inappropriate remark” with “derogatory, racial and prejudicial connotations” to an unnamed player, asking how many times she had been arrested because she was of mixed race. However, the independent review found no evidence to support that allegation and a video of the meeting did not show the comment being said”.
Someone isn’t telling the truth.
Surely you’re not suggesting that a Nigerian lawyer would break her Hippocritic Oath?
and why did her latest claim not surface at the time
and when she gets anoth £80k for this one
what will the next one be worth
Actually , I have known some Nigerian lawyers and also Nigerian judges. They are not all bad. Mind you most of them were christian Igbo. Can’t comment on this one though.
Pounce ,
3 years ago , on a flight from Gambia to UK, I was taken very ill. Ended up in hospital in Edinburgh for 3 weeks, where they saved my life. At first they were concerned that it may have been Ebola . I do not think that racism came into it. But then I have white skin. The doctors and nurses were superb and the best nurse , Sandra, a christian Nigerian from the superb Igbo tribe.
Apparently all of Rome is now clean thanks to TWO illegal migrants, at least according to the Beeb – though they don’t use the word illegal.
Maybe we should ask Italy to send them down to Cromer and Weston-super-Mare clean up the mess from our “traveller” friends.
I did actually complain to the BBc a few years ago as to why they were not calling illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants. Unfortunately I can’t find their reply. Although obviously I was wrong.
I listened to the DPP on Toady this morning, re the heightened efforts to prosecute those committing “hate” (?) online.
The woman offered no definition as to what specifically constitutes “hate” but, judging from her responses, it’s basically a catch-all crime whereby the State can investigate / prosecute / scare s**tless anybody that expresses a view of a minority group which they or the members of said group don’t care for.
How can you legislate against “hate”? It is the expression of an individual’s emotional opinion, unless it is defamatory (and as such a civil matter) or inciting violence or criminality WTF is it any business of the police or CPS?
No doubt these cases will be pursued a good deal more sedulously than the innumerable ones involving Islamic rape gangs.
I have a friend who is lactose intolerant.
I really think I should report her to the CPS and police forthwith. After all, lactophobia has got to be a hate crime, hasn’t it?
She’s got a case. Tell her to milk it for all it’s worth.
All of us will be going to Jail for a very long time if we continue to post our mantra on here.
There is a bloody great spider in my bath, and I must confess I just made an arachnophobic remark.
Looks like a stretch in Dartmoor for me then.
Ha my thought too. I would think some newbee at gchq ( lower case ) has the job of sifting through our comments and putting them in the eclectronic file we all have. If not us it’ll be some other agency – probably tv licence hq.
I thought the current DPP _ by coming out with some hairbrained crap about hate crime ? Was just angling for a peerage so she can go sit with shami or someone else who sold their soul long ago – I wonder if those words amount to hate crime? Better go lock the door.
This poor bloody country – its beyond belief how fast it is descending.
I go to Cheltenham for the racing every March. Joked with my friends on Friday evening that this is the year I might not be coming back!!!!
Once upon a time we were brainwashed with:
“Nicam TV” “CD ROM” “FLOPPY DISC” ……now its “HATE CRIMES”!
This is another stage in the crackdown against free speech, or rather speech that the elite don’t like. They use the catch all of hate speech so they can interpret as they like. We are already seeing censorship by the tech companies of tweets posts etc that don’t conform to the liberal left elite consensus. No doubt they will inform the authorities of those who tweets they take down and prosecutions will follow . I very much doubt if anyone will be prosecuted for calling someone Nazi scum, racist etc , because the liberal left don’t see this as challenging their world view . But many of the posts on this site , including many of my own, will probably fall foul of this new interpretation of the barmy hate crime law. We really do live in dangerous times when only the consensus view is acceptable to the authorities and no other view is tolerated. It all seems an Orwellian nightmare to me and has happened within five or ten years. God knows what I will be like in 2022.
DT – islamic terraforming in preparation for their take-over.
I can see one upside though.
All those “edgy” comedians that the BBC employs, who to me aren’t funny. They’re going to have to watch their step as they try to push their so-called comedy across the fringe. Some snowflakes might get upset at some of their content and make a complaint.
They might even now have to, you know, start being funny.
No fan,
It’s many years since I bothered with this type of unfunny comedy but all that will happen is that the so called comedians will concentrate even more than presently on soft targets i.e. Those who don’t conform to the liberal left world view. They will do with the assurance of not being prosecuted no matter how hateful the victims find their abusive jokes and with the full support of the establishment.
The law will not be applied equally and Abbotts rule will be expanded from POCs being unable to be racis , to include ordinary white folks being unable to be victims of hate crimes. The only exception to this extension will be those whom the elite approve of.
Hate Crime.
Well we do have a big job on our hands,
Islam is built on a hatred of Infidels, Marxism is built on a hatred of the Capitalists.
The vast number of victims demonstrates just how deep their hatreds were.
Or rather still are. Marx welcomed lost strikes specifically, because they caused more hatred than successful strikes.
The EU leaders cannot wait until they have an EU controlled military.
The day after the EU army is created tens of millions will be arrested, most of whom will be killed.
Killed because of thought crime, they thought the example of Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al was sufficient
to prevent more mass murder by the nastiest scum ever.
TWMTB will be there to denounce those arrested in the EU, and claim we need this in the UK.
We need a UKIP Government.
Close ABeeb, no benefits or pensions for ex-BBC employees.
Most of the treasonous public sector needs a very new, very sharp, broom.
Consideration needs to be given to resurrecting banishment as a method of exporting traitors, they
can enrich somewhere else.
Breaking BBC News.
The BBC are reporting on their news homepage, their world news homepage and the US & Canada news section the breaking news that Donald Trump looked directly at the sun. As yet they haven’t done much with the “story” apart from creating the headline and showing a video of Donald Trump briefly squinting at the sun. Maybe in a few hours time they will have interviewed a left wing professor, an ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist to tell us what this all means.
The President needs to be more specific, it’s the MSM who are out of control.
More specific still, the Broadcast media.
Yes, Unfortunate that his tweet could be misconstrued.
Pathetic basis for a news story plus it’s never really made sense has it. Yes, staring right into the sun is never a great idea but ancient mariners and people without watches have to see where the sun is to work out their East West bearing or the time of the day.
Hence I’m sure a glance, that millions of us have done, isn’t the end of the world.
Dangerous Borders.
BBC 2’s enriching documentary about a Pakistani bloke and an Indian woman, traveling the length of the Indian Pakistan borders. (Are we supposed to know these people?)
Anyway 10 minutes into the programme, Pakistani bloke starts whining about muslims being picked on
With things like travel bans etc.
Wind forwards another 20 minutes or so same bloke visits a Muslim shafi sect. Begins whining again. This sect is being picked on by guess who……. other Muslim sects.
What a hypocrite.
But then again that’s what the BBC is all about.
Min 14 : ‘ I know as a Muslim that these days Muslims are victimised what with the travel ban etc.
#1 There isn’t a Muslim travel ban..it’s just a meme in your head
#2 It’s incredible that the guy doesn’t understand the privileges Muslims have in the UK as authorities bend over backwards to Virtue Signal that they are not racist.
They seem to get away with stuff that if a white person did the same thing authority would be on them like a tonne of bricks.
The hyping solar came at minute 11 to 14 , with a lot of made up numbers from a plant which hasn’t actually launched yet.
Quick link back to comments from earlier today
South Yorkshire Police show they’ve got their priorities these days
See that’s the problems with these raped and abused girls. If they’d just come out and said that they heard their attackers using racist language, maybe some choice words about Dianne Abbott or questioned the sexuality of Boy George, they would have been properly listened to by the South Yorkshire police. A force that are only really interested in prosecuting speeding motorists because it’s a piss easy crime to catch and record.
I’m a transgender in transition who has been hurt on twitter vs I’ve been raped by a Muslim man and have physical proof?
CNN literally scrubbed a headline which called Antifa violent because Antifa did not like it.
BBC Badge

Can you buy these? I want some.
I was searching yesterday and this seems to be the place to buy:
Many thanks.
Many thanks. I have just visited the web site and there is plenty of choice of anti BBC merchandise. I think it was designed for the SNP anti BBC campaign but it does just as well for my purposes even though they are very different to those of the SNP. I am going to purchase a selection of anti BBC stuff and wear it with PRIDE. I wonder if this constitutes a hate crime against the much loved and widely respected corporation.
Things BBC forget to report
You do recognise that is a Clinton/Gore Confederate flag election logo ?
Wow two proven liars, one who disrespected the office of the POTUS more than Trump ever could by performing sexual acts in the oval office and then blatantly lying about it and another who literally just makes shit up as he goes along. And both democrats campaigned under the Confederate flag.
All this time when we were trying to stick one on Bill and Al for being devious, corrupt, money grabbing individuals yet now with this history rewriting we could have them discarded and maybe even deported by the hysterical left because they were clearly confederate sympathisers.
Just read this “beauty” via Yahoo news
Major UK Supermarket Sausages ‘May Have Infected Thousands With Hepatitis E’
HEV is transmitted by sausages and pork products from Europe, mainly Holland and Germany, the Sunday Times reported. Most infected people present few symptoms but others develop serious illness. UK-bred pork is not affected.
More unwanted crap coming from the EU
There is a second scandal attached to this story. While our government of faux conservatives is busy rounding us up for fantasy ‘hate crimes’ it knows, and has admitted it knows, which supermarket chain is responsible for having sold this imported filth from the EU. And it cares so much for our safety and security that it refuses to reveal which supermarket it is!
It’s about time this ridiculous government was turfed out on its ear – followed by a series of prosecutions of the ministers involved in these betrayals.
I got Hep E from living in Ghana , it’s not that serious, you can even get it and recover without even noticing.
It can live in sea water so is a little common with sailors.
Most people are over it within a month.
Just a bit freaky that your skin goes yellow.
I had cerebral malaria at the same time.
Wow, this and the recent egg alert. What’s going on? I thought everything in the EU was totally safe?
Surely it was considering the way that the Beeb were hysterical with warning us about the dangers of chlorinated chicken if we dared to strike a deal with the US with a remarkably arrogant air of ‘those stupid backward foreigners don’t know how to handle food like us elitist Europeans’.
Another example of their aloof, EU centric BS affecting their reporting. No bias of course…
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC iPlayer Legislation Flaws
– TV Licensing Target Students Using Orwellian Propaganda
Couldn’t make it up.
If I was a student I’d hang on to the tv licensing hate material as it might be worth something one day – like a £1000 fine and 6 months suspended .
Is the USA offering Great Britain an alternative to BMW, VW , Audi and the rest of the EU car makers?
“Ford announces £2,000 scrappage scheme for pre-2010 cars”
If I was Merkel I would be worried, very worried.
Time our Tory Government got a grip !
What a pity that Ford no longer assembles vehicles in the UK and moved all the jobs to mainland Europe.
That’s why I drive a (British built) Japanese car.
I have no doubt that Tory MPs and their researchers visit this site everyday and see the bias offered up by Al Beeb to the honest Telly Tax payer.
What concerns me is the that they do little to curb this anti-patriotic, pro EU broadcasting service. Are the Tory MPs more concerned with their jobs than that of our great country, or are they looking to betray us for “thirty pieces of European silver”? Could there be there something more sinister going on?
I look forward to loyal Tory supporters to give us some answers.
In my opinion the Tories decided years ago that despite the BBC being virulently anti Tory they needed it to keep the lid on the really big issue of these times , Opposition to Islamification. It seems that the liberal left elite , which the Tories are members of, have decided that Islamification is inevitable and want it to happen with as little resistance as possible. Perhaps they have a private deal with Saudi that they and theirs will be looked after well if they deliver the country on a plate. I know this is outlandish but I can’t think of a more plausible reason why the Tories should have protected the BBC for the past twenty years.
DT, I think you’ve summed up the situation perfectly. I have reached the same conclusion now that Sky is identical to Beeb, and even Private Eye has gone to the dark side.
I terminated my Private Eye subscription after many years and told them why – constant anti Brexit and Trump rubbish and lies – just like the BBC! I told all my friends to do the same.
Taff, Double.
If you add up the evidence of the last thirty years I’m not so sure your theory is as outlandish as some may think. We wondered long ago why the Chinese had a restaurant on every street corner jokingly saying the hooter will sound one day and that’s it, world domination. It would seem we got the world domination bit, just got the wrong bunch.
Forget the phoney bargaining, we should have got out a year ago. We want out and we want it now!……………………….
See the comments on HYS .
Caliphate – the beebistan are sick, corrupt and wasteful to the core. Sad.
A BBC team on board a cruise ship in the Caribbean during the solar eclipse – as evidenced by this BBC video report
“… Eighties singer Bonnie Tyler has performed her aptly-titled track, Total Eclipse of the Heart, on board a cruise ship in the Caribbean as the solar event swept the US. She was joined by the band DNCE … ”
Another BBC team is sent to Yellowstone National Park in the USA:
To Charlie Martel and others – I double posted my post and asked technical services here to delete my second post – but they deleted my first post.
My key message is I BELIEVE THE BBC’S MASSIVE COVERAGE OF THE US SOLAR ECLIPSE CAN BE EXPLAINED AS CORRUPTION – THE USE OF BRITISH TAXPAYERS MONEY FOR A FREE HOLIDAY IN AUGUST – THE PLACES THEY SENT TEAMS TO INCLUDE A CARIBBEAN CRUISE SHIP AND YELLOW STONE NATIONAL PARK. There really was nothing special about this solar eclipse on the global scale (there is one total eclipse on average every 18 months). In my view the BBC claimed this solar eclipse as special in order to send a huge number of themselves on expensive holidays.
What organisation can survive promoting paedophiles and give those paedophiles a safe space to operate?
– Jimmy Savile
What organisation can survive paying outlandish and increasing salaries and not be penalised or even when criticised can spin or down play the reporting of it?
– Chris “£2.3m” Evans
What organisation promotes people who make up a sexual attack on someones granddaughter – and then get offered more work afterwards?
– Jonathan Ross & Russell Brand
What organisation can write stories that do not show the true story and keep them on their website without apology – and then lecture people on how to spot misleading news?
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015
What organisation pays its top executives £450K pa and allows them to claim for a sandwich or drink (hospitality) at £34.76?
– Tony Hall
What organisation says it promotes equality and does not apply it and tries to hide the fact it does not want equality?
– Gender pay differences for same jobs
What organisation says it will change and then does nothing about it?
What organisation hides its expenses and employee’s salaries in secondary businesses and hides many of its employee salaries off the books?
What organisation sets up external auditing company filled with ex-employees who have a stake in hiding the truth or at least playing down the facts?
– Ofcom
What organisation allows its staff to use the company brand to promote themselves and their own opinions as agreed facts, or at least formed opinion of the organisation?
– e.g. CarFest and Crisps
What organisation forces people to pay for its product, under threat of going to prison and pays its staff wages from these threats?
– TV License
What organisation promotes frauds giving them air time when they have been shown to be liars and cheats?
– Uri Geller exposed by James Randi
What organisation behaves like this and its customers have no way to stop buying its product, and thus no way to stop its bad behaviour?
– BBC (because of the unique way it is funded)
Spot on. The BBC is totally corrupt from top to bottom .
Hi, I am thinking that the most likely reason the BBC went bat shit crazy over the US eclipse, was to downplay the fact they sent a huge team of BBC reporters and staff on a jolly to experience it (free holiday at the taxpayers expense). They likely produced the shit storm of reports and video reports, leading up to the eclipse and during the eclipse, bigging up its significance, in order to justify their free jolly.
So it seems to me we should not underestimate basic corruption (wasting taxpayers money on free holidays) as one of the motivating factors of BBC behaviour. I seem to recall the BBC being criticised in the past in sending out huge reporting teams to certain sporting events, music festivals and other events in exotic and luxurious places.
A quick google reveals the following:
407 sent to Glastonbury (2009):
250 to cover a golf major (2013):
175 to cover the US election on US soil (2008):
But not many sent to Siberia in winter, unfortunately. The BBC is rotten to the core.
Same thing happened in Portugal reporting on Madeleine McCann. One massive never ending holiday for the reporters but strangely they were not so keen to report in vast numbers for Karen Matthews 18 months later. The latter being a council estate in Yorkshire.
In the wake of the Newcastle convictions, I would prefer all money put into prevention of ‘hate crime’ diverted to protecting vulnerable young girls. But that is probably a ‘far right’ opinion.
The news about hate crime legislation being toughened up must have helped with recruitment. You can just imagine noble young men getting tingles down their spine, thinking: “I could be out on the front line protecting people’s feelings! It’s what every true copper dreams of!”
Writers must have been equally inspired. We could have NYPD Blue Language: a crack team of maverick cops are trying to break a hate crime ring. One guy gets so upset that he hangs himself. Another loose cannon is so off the rails he even uses rude words himself once, though he is so ashamed when he does that he immediately hands in his badge and dictionary. (All cops on the NYPD Blue Language unit carry dictionaries instead of guns.) For the first season finale they confront the ring leader who has several transgender hostages whom he keeps ruthlessly misgendering through a loud speaker. The victims are so offended they die. . .
CSI: Mean Words Division
Yesterday I shared a headline from BBC Facebook that suggested the work experience and exchange students are running things chez Tante during the Summer hols.
Not sure anyone at the BBC actually reads what the BBC broadcasts ‘(actually quite wise), and certainly not the comments (actually no surprise)…
Holes? Surely shome mistake.
But then again, maybe not this being the BBC ….
LOL ! Maybe he meant no “Hols ” barred !
Spell checker didn’t catch it and there is no-one left at the BBBC who can speak / write / spell English proper like….
And here… Is the BBC ‘news’. Or, is it?
Pouring “gasoline on fire”?
As tensions with North Korea continue, the US and South Korea conduct military drills.
The BBC likes nothing more than a racism story. And yesterday we had another. Mark Sampson, the England women’s team manager, is cleared by an independent enquiry into alleged racism – a claim made by the grudge-holding Eniola Aluko.
Yet, the BBC ran an interview across the network with the sacked Aluko giving her air time to once again raise her unfounded allegations and you would be forgiven for thinking that the enquiry had found Sampson guilty.
And Aluko’s racism charges? Truly laughable and pathetic. Wait for it: a joke about Ebola. How racist can you get?
BBC ‘News’ has shared the BBC ‘Sport’ exclusive on this ‘story’:
Eniola Aluko says the reaction to her allegations of “bullying and discrimination” in the England football set-up means she doubts others would come forward in future.
Comments in response thus far suggest few sympathetic to Ms. Aluko’s new tack, or the BBC’s enthusiastic championing of it now Plan B has also gone awry. When the result is not to taste, from elections to judgements, the court of BBC is always open.
I saw that on the 10pm news. Everything about her demeanour shouted “fake” but the gullible BBC just ploughed on. Her body language and expressions indicated to me that she’d spotted an opportunity to play the victim card for compensation and taken it.
I wholly agree. It is reported she was given £80,000 by the F.A. – a sick joke. Many people spend a whole lifetime working hard, some in uncongenial jobs, to accumulate that sort of money (and many don’t even manage to save a tenth of that). That this ghastly little tart fakes outrage, and weak and stupid officials opt for the easy route. (sorry, nothing really to do with the BBC, except that they gave her a grievance platform.).
So much crying zero tears. A nice performance and all egged on by the cretin that is dan roan
I don’t think that the BBC are gullible at all, not in the slightest. They know exactly what they are doing and what stories they can use, manipulate and present in a way that is in keeping with their mission to influence and change Britain to the left wing, multicultural PC paradise that it has decided it should be.
Rest assured that its newshounds are busy sniffing out its next story, outing the reactionary centre right and celebrating the progressive, agitating left.
In the last thread, Manxman asked for a list of lefty cliches we have to pretend to believe. After a bit of thought, I’ve come up with:
The BBC is a National Treasure, its employees universally respected for impartiality, erudition, integrity and modest remuneration.
Brexit voters are all loathsome old bigoted, failed, uneducated Little Englanders (and if there was any justice, they’d be jailed for hate crimes).
Nothing signals defiance of terrorism like singing ‘Imagine’ to a Toys R Us Paddington Bear by the light of a jasmine-scented candle.
A paedophile priest represents the entire Christian church. (But if half the population of Dewsbury get jailed for deflowering under-age natives, it will be nothing to do with Islam, and probably an unjust verdict by a racist white judge and jury anyway.)
Mass immigration is essential to pay our pensions and do the jobs lazy whites won’t do.
Mass immigration has no impact whatsoever on a nation’s environment, wage levels, health and education services, housing supply, transport, security or social harmony.
‘Have I got news for you’ is a hilarious, fearless and subversive attack on the Establishment.
Donald Trump is a more loony and dangerous warmonger than Kim jong-un
Global warming is a bigger threat to the world than Kim, Trump, ISIS, overpopulation, Ebola and asteroids combined.
To have a large family is selfish, irresponsible and a contributory cause of global warming and third-world starvation (but only if it’s a large white family).
The police are brutal, repressive tools of the far right establishment (except when they’re clubbing right-wingers and defending Antifa demonstrators. Then our boys in blue are doing us proud).
Marcus Brigstocke is funny.
Theresa May is a hard-right conservative.
Without the EU, Europe would have been destroyed by nuclear war.
Without the EU, we would all have been insular Little Englanders who’d never been south of Margate.
Diversity is our strength.
We have always been a nation of immigrants.
No countries except Europe and US ever owned slaves or empires.
England was insipid and staid until vibrant immigration enriched us.
Nationalism and ethnic identity are admirable (except for white Anglos, who are Nazi white supremacists).
Nazi anti-Semitism was a stain on humanity (but hating Jews since the war has been fully justified by Israeli aggression).
We need mass immigration. We also need quotas to ensure employment for ethnic minorities. (But there is no contradiction in holding these positions.)
Did I miss anything?
LOL ! How about
Cuba and Venezuela are proof that socialism works.
Love it Helena!
You will pay for these contradicting views to be spread on the airwaves 24/7 by threat of prison.
Mass immigration will only take X years to complete. But no politician dare say what X is.
When you promote free board and lodgings you will only get the brightest and best people applying.
The ‘housing crisis’ has nothing to do with immigration. The hundreds of thousands entering every year do not require homes.
“home-grown” terrorism
Prrobably one of the most pernicious phrases ever invented by the media class.
“Cohesion through diversity” (Trudeau?) is like “Diversity is our strength” but no matter how you try to interpret it, it is really a self-contradiction. A completely Orwellian phrase.
Actualy ID “home -grown” terrorism is NOT an anachronism.A lot of the terrorism is grown at home.
With mothers telling their daughters at 4 years old that if they don’t wear a scarf when they reach puberty
or before they will burn in HELLFIRE. This of coures is child abuse which strikes terror into the young child.
Then of course the young boys are taught by their dads to despise infidels., Jews being the number one
on the list, but followed by everybody else close behind. So it really is home -grown terrorism.
Of course it is not only Islam where religious child abuse is practised . It’s just then if the children and
teenagers are then taught more hatred at faith schools or at their “churches” by the good men of faith.
They of course by this time by nature they will have mental problems to a lesser or higher degree. You
then have the ingredients for the perfect storm. But I reiterate ID, a lot of it is HOME GROWN.
It is not grown from the seeds of the UK history, but grown from a foreign history seed. Nurtured at home with special privilege.
Maybe ‘Koran inspired terrorism’ or ‘anti-Koran inspired terrorism’ would sound better?
Actually, MM, some of it is. Strictly segregated Catholic and Protestant schools teaching different versions of history in Northern Ireland did much to prolong and exacerbate the “troubles” in the 70s and 80s.
I think you have fallen into the linguistic trap set for you. This is why I said the phrase was pernicious.
The seeds of this form of terrorism were imported decades ago, as you seem to realise, but there is nothing “home-grown” about it. Words like “home” and “Heimat” are used to suggest feelings of belonging, security, a native place where you are surrounded by family and friends.
The phrase is used to suggest “It’s nothing to do with Islam”. Staunch British citizens, born in Britain, educated in Britain suddenly turn to violence. There must be something rotten in British society that is driving these fine young people to such acts of desperation. People “of us” i.e. home-grown have been radicalised by us and we are now getting our just deserts. Also, the people who were eager to import this form of enrichment can shift the blame for the problem from themselves to the rest of the population who have not been welcoming enough of diversity. It’s like introducing parasites into a host, them saying the host’s difficulties are “home grown”. The parasites are growing in the host, fed by the host, but are not “of the host”.
By conceding “a lot of it is home-grown” you are unwittingly accepting that you are partly to blame for muslim terrorism in Britain. As Douglas Murray says the problem is entirely imported and not home-grown or native to Britain.
ID- I understand your point. I am just using the term “home grown” as a n individual home unit.
Yes it is pernicious. But the start of all the radicalising of these kids start in their own homes by
their own parents.
Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein in nearly all their musicals had something to say
about racial and social matters. No more so than ” You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught ” From
South Pacific and this was 1949. This song caused uproar at the time especially in the Southern
Lt Joe Cable
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From Year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made
And people whose skin is a dff’rent shade
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late
Before you are six or seven or eight.
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
To a very large degree 68 years later in most homes this form of racism has ended.
BUT I am afraid it still goes on in many fundamentalist ” religious” HOMES in many
parts of the World. HOME GROWN, HOME GROWN, HOME GROWN!!!
Yes, In a narrow sense you are correct. The cultural transmission of Islam always takes place first and foremost in the home no matter where it is. That is how Roman children learnt about their gods, rituals and customs. But unfortunately large numbers of fervent muslims have their homes in our homeland. When the BBC uses the phrase “home-grown”, it is not pointing out that fervent muslims are home-owners in Britain.
One meaning of “home-grown ” is to refer to produce grown in your own garden. This is nearer to your sense. You can grow Japanese knot weed in your backgarden. It is home-grown in the sense that it is actually growing in your back garden, but don’t you think there is something funny about the phrase “home-grown Japanese knot weed”? In another sense Japanese knot is not indigenous and so can’t be “home-grown”. The BBC push the notion that anyone born here or anyone who acquires British citizenship is culturally British. In other words they would claim Japanese knotweed is an indigenous species just because it was found growing in Britain. The BBC think Anjem Choudry is a FELLOW! British citizen because he has a British passport. Choudry was more honest when he referred to his passport as a “useful travel document”.He feels no alligence whatsoever to Britain or British people. If you accept the phrase “home-grown ” terrorism, you are buying into the BBC worldview. These people have been brought up in Britain their parents have lived here for years, they are as British as you or I. A foreign religion cannot be what’s behind it all.
Grown in a home with a different approach to what is right and wrong.
A different approach on how treat people, women and animals.
A different approach on how to react to cartoons.
A different book to guide you through life …
The most scary statistic is that of 1% think it’s OK to print cartoon of Muhammad. Does this mean 99% think it’s justified to kill or enact violence? This question was not asked, but maybe it should have been.
7 Times Douglas Murray Offended Your Idiotic Beliefs
– Douglas Murray {youtube @15:00}
“Marcus Brigstocke is funny.”
No, I’m sorry, but that’s just too much!
“Jihadism is a perversion of Islam”
“Islam belongs to Germany”
The Mad Mas May and Merkel
They are mentally deranged ! And dangerous !
Noticed that that the ever sensitive BBC didn’t feel the need to postpone its “bigging up” terrorist drama in the wake of events in Barcelona.
Just caught David Liddington being interviewed on Toady, why on earth does Old Ma May have a blathering non-entity like him as Justice Secretary and yet can find no cabinet position at all for J R-M?
Treezer has to find people who are less talented than her. That is not an easy job. But it rules out the Mogginator.
Leftie fringe just finished and our friends at Sky of course have a anti Trump joke as No 1.
My alternative.
3 east Europeans driving a taxed, insured and MOT car……..
Is that racist ?? That’s a question not a joke btw
I used this one on the Mother-In-Law:
“I’ve had some bad news, My boyfriends left me to go to Syria:He wants to become a suicide bummer.”
Her reply:
“Yes dear”
Mrs Pounce went up the bloody wall. Shouting out, Mum, mum, he’s joking.
Talk about evil looks.
Internet Censored {cloudflare.com Daily Stormer Blocked aug2017}.
Google Content Rewritten. {white couple google search vs black couple google search}
Statues Pulled down. {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
‘Mate Hate’ available. (note that document has been switched, so you won’t find this reference anymore)
Please note that the CPS ‘Mate Hate’ document I linked to has been replaced. Google still shows old search results but links to a different document that no longer contains that information. i.e. the document has been replaced, but google has the search results based on the old document, which has not updated yet (2017.08.22)
“where the perpetrator can be a friend, carer or acquaintance, and befriends someone to exploit this ‘friendship’ for financial gain or some other criminal purpose. ”
Hate Crime – The Crown Prosecution Service
Click to access hate_crime_leaflet_support.pdf
“It can also include ‘mate crime’, where the perpetrator can be a friend, carer or acquaintance, and befriends someone to exploit this ‘friendship’ for financial gain or some other criminal purpose. … ‘Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, … Some crimes will have a time limit for prosecution.”
You’ve visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 21/08/17
In summary, you will no longer be able to find out about ‘Mate Hate’ from the CPS as they have changed the document, focusing on disabled people instead – ‘SUPPORT FOR DISABLED VICTIMS AND WITNESSES OF CRIME’. This is the old version using the google ‘cached’ button.
Here we go.
Fine – get rid of ALL statues, not forgetting the likes of Karl Marx but it won’t make any difference to anything unless maybe they are flown and dropped on Islamists.
Maybe the Left should consider their hero William Cobbett who opposed the abolition of slavery. Lefties have to be careful when they are playing this game.
Just caught the end of an interview with Afua Hirsch (knock down Nelson) on Sky News.
She said to the chap interviewing her “I’m British, I’m as British as you, but … bla bla …”
Sorry, not in my book.
Oh dear, I see that Geoff Boycott has been hauled over the coals (play on words here !) for saying on air something he should have commented on without microphones; that he ‘should have blacked up in order to get a knighthood”. Apparently everyone around him swooned and needed smelling salts – but are we really in a better place now than in the 70’s, when Charlie Williams would have responded with an equally clever remark ? We will always have vindictive racism until the end of time, but we laughed at it back then, with both black and white giving as good as they got, and despite the ‘always offended’ throwing a hissy fit, I personally think that Love Thy Neighbour should be repeated to show these airheads that we actually laughed without any animosity !
Charlie, I believe, was another Yorkshireman and used to take the mickey out of black people. RIP. We could do with more of him today.
“I personally think that Love Thy Neighbour should be repeated to show these airheads that we actually laughed without any animosity !”
What! Love Thy Neighbour was a vile programme, the start of the conditioning by media of the indigenous population. The intelligent, ‘nice’ black couple, living next door to the sensible, welcoming white wife and her racist ‘stupid husband’, (a perenial media stereotype). It never dealt with real issues relating to immigration just a hate-fest against a man who said he didn’t like ‘nignogs’, yet who got on remarkably well with his neighbour, (nudge, nudge, learnt the lesson have we?)
Race relations would have been made a lot better if all parties were shown to have good and bad about them. Imagine if On The Buses had been made with a British driver and a West Indian conductor. Plenty of scope for making fun of both characters, plenty of scope for seeing them unite against common ‘enemies’, (inspectors/passengers), plenty of scope for using misunderstandings and their resolution as a basis of comedy that people could laugh with.
I don’t understand why people that ‘love the world’ display such hatred for their own. (Homosexuals claim that the ‘homophobic’ are repressing their inner homosexuality, could it be that we are seeing repressed racism here?)
“Vile” ????
With that outlook and analogy, Steptoe & Son should have had the social workers in to stop the abuse of the old man by his son / also the mental abuse of Olive by her husband in On the Buses / Faulty Towers would never get past Health & Safety / It ain’t half hot Mum would never have seen the light of day because the punkawaller was a white man blacked up and Gay rights would squeal about stereotypes / Open All Hours would be unwelcome with the grocer committing sexual assault on Nurse Gladys / and the Likely Lads ? oh dear all that alcohol and chasing women tutt tutt !!
I’m so glad I didn’t have a humour by-pass.
Brissles you must have a very different interpretation of Love Thy Neighbour to me. The humour, such as it was, relied on painting the white husband as a stupid racist bigot. It, to me, was clearly made as propaganda not comedy, but then ITV comedy of that era was very poor.
On The Buses, also ITV, was a poor comedy and, as you say, quite nasty.
All the other shows that you mention were made by the BBC when they allowed good writers to make comedy.
I think it helps if the audience can actually like the characters. In part that means letting every character ‘win’ at some point, something that ‘Eddie Booth’ never did. All of the BBC characters are likeable or at least the sort of people that we live with daily. Apart from the driver and his mum in On The Buses the rest of the cast were miserable, nasty or both.
While I’ll pass on Love Thy Neighbour I can assure you that my funny bone is in good fettle!
Seems India is ahead of timorous, islamified UK: “Triple talaq: India court bans Islamic instant divorce.”
I was just about to comment on that. Does anyone know what the situation is in UK ? Do the “authorities ” just turn a blind eye to this as they do to all muslim crap ?
Like our impotent acceptance of being blown up / stabbed / run over, we are all to aware that the authorities default setting is pro Islam, pro scum and pro left at the expense of decent British people. They don’t even have to pay us lip-service anymore – we just meekly accept that this is how it is.
True British values, strong Government, law and order, national interest, representation of the majority of the country is all some kind of fantasy.
After all these years of trying to get a handle on politics and society, unless offered a genuine pro Britain choice, I won’t bother voting next time.
Triple talaq divorce has no mention in Sharia Islamic law or the Koran, even though the practice has existed for decades. (why then? Surely it’s non-Islamic to do this?)
However, it quoted an executive member as saying that the judgement would have “wide ramifications” as it affected the religious rights of minority groups. (Time to use the minority word.) {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
– Note that 2 (of 5) Judges still wanted the practice or 40% like it.
– Does not mention which countries still practice it and why?
It appears that C4 have decided to outdo the BBC in ensuring that the Great British Bake Off is a celebration of all things LGBTQ.
We already know that one of the presenters is that famous lesbian and midget Sandi Toksvig. Another is some bloke called Noel Fielding who likes to wear make-up and woman’s clothes.
Below is one of the contestants, known affectionately as “cake boy” showing off his rainbow cake.
Could already be the winner. He’d make a great double act with Nadiya.
As with so much agenda pushing – people just switch off. Maybe C4 should simply become the Gay channel. Enough.
Could already be the winner
I recall that Ladbroke’s suspended voting quite early in the 2015 series (no, me neither) after 90% of the money was being placed on one of the contestants.
There’s also an oriental female NHS worker who has a ‘wife’ – so all areas are covered.
Not to be outdone, Strictly has announced its first disabled contestant. I’ll let you Google that one.
Brissles, I said that to the missus but she corrected me in that the awful women Heather Mills danced in an earlier series. She lost half her leg so I would class her as disabled. In more ways than one if we are honest!!
I seem to remember from my distant youth that the term “Navy Cake and Porthole Duff” were very popular with certain elements of the population – how long before they appear on Bake Off ?
Eniola Aluko: Kick It Out wants new FA inquiry into England striker’s claims
As all BBC watchers know, a man is innocent … until he is accused by a woman … even if he has already been cleared by 2, yes 2, inquiries.
I have no idea who is right regarding this accusation but nor has the BBC and they should stop pretending they do.
The BBC clearly applying the same unique rules to inquiry outcomes they don’t like as they do referendum or election results.
And the KIO spokesweasel is on the VD couch with [sadface] to a cooing VD in 3…2…
I remember some lines in “The Thick of it” – one character pointing to another “who is that ? ‘ ‘ Answer ” I don’t know – but it’s a walking bloody lawsuit”. It gets to the stage where we have to have a 3 second time delay on anything said to certain people because they are just looking for an excuse to make an allegation. I bet the lady in this incident keeps a voice activated recorder just in case.
And she will claim loss of earnings because she would have gone on to win the wimmins World Cup or some other irrelevant award.
OT, but as the topic comes up I thought worth the share for the mindsets that are out there in media world.
It is, of course ‘a view’, which means all is their own. No backsies.
“Where to start on just how far this misses the mark when it comes to real-life situations?
The nuclear, Caucasian family compete with mum, dad, and two kids?”
Got it in one there. Such families should be toppled… now! Though Diane Abbott’s caregiver may be upset at the cultural appropriation of the author’s barnet. Seems her house is more representative than any other house, apparently, as can happen in media world. Especially those dishing up spag bol. And she can find ‘proper’ representatives of nuclear families and the marketing folk who should be reaching out to them.
That said, the new ad looks pretty pants, but I do wonder if Mars was also suffering from the outrage stereotyping puppet community for itsa lasta series. O.
Bannon has gone, Bannon wanted a troop withdrawl from Afghanistan. Trump is going to send troops there. An Obama type surge? Looks as if Trump is collapsing and when Bannon said the Presidency was over he meant it literally.
The media wins.
If the Trump Presidency is failing – I’d say, we could sure use some ‘failure’ over here.
What do you mean ? Treezer is a wonderful PM. Errr………
Grant, take some water with it!
To quote the late and great Tommy Cooper ” I don’t always drink my whisky neat. Sometimes I let my shirt hang out ” .
It’s only President Trump getting involved in the Great Game like so many before. No one cares about that pile of rocks – it’s just the location
Nothing good has ever come out of foreign intervention in Afghanistan. It is a waste of time , money and lives.
“Nothing good has ever come out of foreign intervention in Afghanistan. It is a waste of time , money and lives.”
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
If Joseph Stalin had invaded Afghanistan, he would have demonstrated your inaccuracy.
Cannot believe that Trump is wasting more lives in Afghanistan for no reason. Mind you , Obama did nothing about it. But then he did nothing full stop.
But then it’s a simple choice – maintain an outpost or let it become an even bigger better engine for terrorism.
But anywhere can be an engine for terrorism . Why pick on Afghanistan ?
You’d have to address that to the British who embarked on the First Afghan War in 1839 – in other words, history.
” Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it “. But I would have thought that people would have learned from the more recent Russian failure there.
Ah but humans are essentially human and it’s still better to fight them over there otherwise we need to exist in a stockade, bar the gates and what? But we can have no say on who enters our ‘stockade’ and we already have many enemies living among us.
By the same token could you say that we should have learned from WW1 and not embarked on WW2?
Well , actually , I think that Britain should have stayed neutral in WW2. The Allies had the chance to destroy Germany and the Germans at the end of WW1 and again at the end of WW2 and failed on both occasions. And now we are paying the price.
But fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan is one thing. It may or may not be effective. But the West does not have the resources or the will to fight right across the globe.
It is too late for a “stockade ” . As you say the enemy is already within. Either way the West is doomed . The war has already been lost. Why waste more soldiers’ lives for no reason ?
My point about Bannon leaving was that the forces within the WH could return to involvement in Afghanistan. Trump has gone with them on this ocasion. The question is how many other concessions will he make now Bannon had gone? And how will Bannon react to them.
I would not send troops to die in that shithole, but it might be worth bribing their corrupt politicians to accept large amounts of our radio active toxic waste. Soon they would scatter it around that stupid country and they would all mutate into the desirable pre-historic freaks they emulate.
Yes, just leave them alone to kill each other. Who cares ?
I guess we just wait for China to dominate the World – they can sort it out.
The Chinese will, on both counts, it is inevitable.
Drop a ton of books into Afghanistan, not troops.
The Mother of All Books – MOAB!
Books, books, books onto their heads. Books into their fields. Books onto their laps. 24 hours a day. Non-stop.
Drop the ‘Age of Reason’ onto their heads x 1,000,000, followed by Carl Sagan, followed by Christopher Hitchens.
Fill they skies with scientific facts to blow their minds. Tell them women can have equal rights and to stop being treated as cattle.
Send pictures of women dressed as astronauts going into the skies!
Fill the sky with facts for all to read in Afghanistan …
Anybody know when the bBC is going to mention this:
We all know that Owen Jones is a thick shit but surely he was being facetious here ? If not, the Police should be investigating him for hate crime and incitement to rape.
Pretty sure that’s a fake account.
Though I’m not sure you can fake a like.
I cannot believe that even Owen Jones would be stupid enough to post that even as a joke.
Yes – a fake OJ account (apparently). DV discussed it on his Periscope last night.
But the issue is that Naz Shah liked and retweeted it.
Is that tweet real? If it is he should be immediately forced to resign from every post and job that he has. Perhaps the one law for the elites favoured folks and one for those they don’t like is already in force.
Christ ! did Jones really tweet that ???? I’d like to see one of his paymasters – Sky, take him to task on THAT one.
Interesting position for al Beeb to be in since they pretend to be whiter than white in morality issues. Since this kid is for ever reviewing things on al Beeb perhaps his contract will be cancelled. No doubt he will escape censure by saying it was bait or a joke or he was drugged up or similar.
On the upside I believe in free speech and he is entitled to say that, but also to pay the price.
Won’t miss him but the Guardian will keep him whatever he says – bit like that scatty creature – Toynbee
Tut tut Fedup.
Who are you calling “whiter than white”? Surely the BBC is “diverser than diverse”.
Beeb website: what do Germans think of Charlottesville? Ten days on and keeping the Nazi associations rolling. Nothing but hugs and ‘defiance’ regarding the real enemy though. Las Ramblas was clearly an isolated event whereas Charlottesville is part of an organised and ongoing war.
A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted tunnel connection over a less secure network, such as the internet.
You can get a VPN for a few quid.
In the BBC2 show last night presenter Adnan Sarwar (the Economists community editor) claimed “we Muslims are victimised”
Well his LibMob are always trying to stop people speaking up against the BBC, PC, GlobalWarming/GreenReligion yet he just tweeted this
“Journalists Adnan Sarwar and Babita Sharma are on the second part of their epic journey taking them both through the province of Punjab, along the volatile border that divides India and Pakistan.
A hundred and fifty miles away across the border in Lahore, Adnan meets a couple who, in 1947, spent over two months walking from India to the safety of Muslim-dominated Pakistan.”
Well, like ISIS getting ‘victimised’. What a perfect illustration of derangement and these brainless, shit for brains twats have prominent media platforms.
So the BBC have created a new story and are giving it the big push: it is headlined on the BBC homepage, their News homepage, the UK News Section, the English News Section and the Sports News homepage.
The story is headlined “Boycott apologises for unacceptable race comment” and the BBC are inferring Geoff Boycott (one of the legends of English cricket) is a racist.
Boycott’s crime is suggesting that if he had blacked up his face he would have received a knighthood a long time ago.
They are obsessed with race, yet all the racist offences they report on are so laughably minuscule: a joke about Ebola; someone being flippant about blacking up. Their SJW obsession with sexuality and race is 30 years too late as the Left has already won these battles. I wish they could spend our money investigating stuff that matters rather than petty race-based finger-wagging. It is not like we have anything else to worry about.
I reckon their poor deranged brains can only deal with the most simplistic narratives that can be condensed into a few words on a placard.
Harry and Paul did a sketch related to the issue raised by Geoff Boycott.
Those were the days when the BBC did comedy. I used to take Harry and Paul for granted. We shall never see the likes of them again. Certainly not on the BBC.
I think we’ve done this list before…with the old cross-dressers, but even pretty recent stuff like Fly-low, Little Britain etc surely wouldn’t get done now. Those comedians must see that they have been silenced. Made me laugh so much when Ricky Gervais got a Twitter bashing. Ha bloody ha.
Funnily enough
When we don’t have enough new comedy talent, what to do …..report a poll of comedy made in the past….would be fun if we weren’t paying through the nose for it.
This is what they call comedy these days …………………………………
“Pound coin gag scoops best Edinburgh Fringe joke award”
There is a HYS running – some of the comments are even funnier.
But from this one could say that The Economist has let its standards slip
That’s an opinion. Ah, I remember when we were all allowed to have opinions – not just the few.
Are they talking about Trump or Obama ?
Trump vs Obama?
28 Of Barack Obama’s Greatest Achievements As President Of The United States {good.is jul2017}
1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years
8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry
26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” (was given an award prior to actually doing anything!)
Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama. … Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award. {bbc sep2015}
I listen to quite a few Economist podcasts but for a publication which was once intelligent now it’s just another Trump brexit basher. Ready to give up on that too . I suppose it’s another thing al beeb spends shed loads of tax money on to keep it afloat – like the Guardian
From the bbc WS -” The Why Factor” made me smile – a superb advert for not having to pay the TV tax and not listening to the bbc.
“News has a powerful pull. We spend so much of our time checking it, absorbing it and talking about it. And some of us even claim to be addicted to it. But why, asks David Baker, do we need news in the first place? So much of what goes on in the world is beyond our control and hearing about it can just make us more depressed. Would we be better off just disconnecting from the news? Or is it part of our civic duty to be informed? And is news really just another form of entertainment – a modern-day version of that basic human pleasure of swapping stories around the campfire?”
“According to the internal report of the nursery school in Renaix (Belgium) concerned, problematic behaviors observed include reciting verses from the Koran during recess, not attending school on Friday for religious reasons, or refusal to shake hands. But there are also “death threats” against “unbelievers” as well as children called “pigs” and gestures imitating a slaughter. {pamelageller aug2017}”
– Wonder what could be causing problematic behaviours? Must be kids being kids!
Geoff Boycott made a joke about blacking up – I wish they had issued a trigger warning before I read that as I am so horribly triggered now. We should have an hour’s silence before all cricket games to respect the victims of his crime. Boycott and all his family should be publicly hung, drawn and quartered in vengeance for this truly revolting offence.
That is too good for them. I was so shocked that I am going for counselling.
As a non consumer of Al beeb products at the moment I wonder how much prominence the government surplus for July will receive.
Given that we were all going to die after the brexit vote it is apparently the first time this has happened since 2002. Doing the sums that’s 15 years ago .
So who is to blame for this good news? Al beeb will find a downside somewhere -,but no al beeb news for me for the time being
RE: Geoffrey Boycott
It is one of their main news stories! 3000 journalists and a budget of £3 mbillion and this is the fruit of their labours – finger wagging at an old man making an off-key comment directed at nobody in particular? What right-minded person gives a flying f**k?
The same old ‘journalistic’ quality: talk to a couple of people about how offended they are. This is not ‘news’ or ‘journalism.’
Plus they bully him into apologising. Where’s our apology, BBC? Whoops – we took the Great out of the Britain and the United out of the Kingdom. Sorry for denying reality. Sorry yelling ‘arsonist!’ At anybody who warned of the fire. Sorry we turned a blind eye to rape gangs and now you live in a world where everyone constantly dreads the next inevitable atrocity. Whoopsie daisy – you wouldn’t want to bring children into the cacophonous dystopia we have created, but so what? An old man said something ‘offensive.’ That’s the real tragedy.
Reminds me of this … Two-time Olympic silver medallist Louis Smith apologized Monday for a video in which he and a fellow gymnast appear to mock Islam. {cbc.ca oct2016}
– when you can’t mock something, it must be very important and sacred.
– Blasphemy law?
A school district in Stonington, Connecticut, (USA) has removed George Orwell’s classic dystopia Animal Farm from the eight-grade curriculum despite the protestations of a popular longtime teacher and several parents in the district.{cbldf.org feb2017}
– this was done behind closed doors, nobody took ownership to requesting it being taken off the reading list.
– In America 2017 no less.
If you read the Geoff Boycott story the BBC quote one man objecting to Boycott words and that man is:
“Waheed Saleem, who was in the audience of the Q&A when Boycott made the remarks, told BBC Sport: “I was completely disgusted. I don’t think anyone saw it as a light-hearted joke. I was absolutely gobsmacked.”
Waheed Saleem doesn’t sound like a West Indian name – it sounds like an Islamic – Muslim name. The BBC are all for demonising white old English blokes and pushing forward the agenda of Islamic voices who find British humour disgusting if it comes from English white men.
In Other But Related News
The governments sports minister has been forcing UK Sports Committees that receive lottery money to get rid of old white English men in favour of younger “more diverse” Committee members. The sport loses all its lottery money if it doesn’t bring in the changes. The two pushing the agenda was previous sports minister Helen Grant and current sports minister Tracy Crouch
I doubt if most West Indians or Africans would take offence. They would just find it funny. But most muslims do not have a sense of humour.
As to Boycott’s remarks or joke all I can say is , that many a true word is spoken in jest.