All right who’s the Isle of Wight Russian spy here ?
Times is running with that conspiracy theory on its front page.
Alleging that Ukip supporting Twitter account David Jones is somehow really in Russia.
I’m taken by the, ‘Outraged May’ headline at the top.
Gosh and we know what follows May’s outrage at World and national events?
A preponderance of tumbleweed.
Really, I fully expect now, if not soon a bbc department within Whitehall to approve or not all May’s words and actions. Sad state of affairs.
Can ANYBODY image May being “outraged” at anything? So why the verbal inflations of the reptiles in the media then? If May can remain catatonic in the face of Borough Market, the scum at Grenfell Towers pot stirrings(as opposed to the few who have reason to rage there)-as well as MEN Arena, the disgusting likes of Juncker and Barnier, let alone the likes of Soubry, Morgan and Heseltine?
Then she`ll hardly be bovvered at anything that North Korea do-it`s not as if they jump the queue at Maidenheads Waitrose is it now?
The account did tweet that the Times story isfake and did show his location as Southampton earlier. Libmob shouted ‘ah that’s faked”
Now he turned his account to protected status so non friends can’t see his tweets
I’m a little bit confused………..I always thought that if I went into a pub and rubbed my crutch up against the backside of a woman who happened to be bending over it was sexual harassment?
It appears the police think otherwise when they do it themselves.
Beeb website reports on ‘sexist’ hats being removed from the National Trust at Tatton Park. Boy must it be exciting in the cut and thrust of their newsroom, daring to speak truth to power in a turbulent world. This is the stuff of high octane movies.
“Can I speak to you off the record? We may have a sexist hat on sale somewhere! Get round here fast and don’t forget to bring a gun!”
‘On’ button just – BBC Radio 4. Martha Carney trying desperately to persuade a groveller from the North East to tell the listener that it would be a disaster for the Japanese to pull out the UK and in particular, Sunderland. He wouldn’t bite but went on to demonstrate his brain (and grovelling) capacity to imply there was not a ‘Plan B’ if Japanese investment vanished elsewhere. Is it just me? I had a particularly bright, totally new idea for a business and I started that, alone: it grew and grew to attract a national clientele. I ran it for about ten years before the business was sold and I retired. Having said that, just wind the clock back on Carney’s question to groveller from the NE: ‘is there a plan b?’ “Yes, there is, he replied, “if the Japanese disappear overnight they will leave a solid modern factory C/W a highly skilled “motivated” work force” [just joking in respect of the hypothetical response!]. Duh!!!! What ever could we do with that I wonder? Hint: build fuc*ing British cars there and export worldwide………………
Any body got a decent design of a new model on the drawing board (electric would be good)? I may know of a production facility going spare.
‘Off’ button………….
I can see no reason why the Japanese would disinvest in the UK. They are investing a lot in many countries which are not in the EU. The problem with narrow-minded , parochial ” Little Europeans” like Martha Kearney is that they are totally unaware of the big wide world outside their little baby pram. The rest of the world, generally, is moving forward. The EU is stagnant and living in the past. Europhiliacs are dinosaurs soon to be extinct.
I suspect that not an awful lot of anything goes on inside Martha Kearney’s head that she doesn’t glean from the pages of the Guardian. You only have to listen to her unfailingly tame questioning on WATO to realise she is clueless. In just the way the BBC likes, of course.
Grant, I was thinking more about the lack of dynamic positive thinking rather than would the J’s dis-invest. If the groveller is representative of what we’ve sent to the EU to negotiate on behalf of the UK – God help us.
One of the very things we watch is University Challenge. We note increasingly teams include a women who looks like a man and seriously butch women. Under the genderism directive which is very much to the fore, ethnics have simply gone by the board.
Noted that this “who did better in exams-boys or girls?” kind of medai kerfuffle after the GCSE/A Levels come out every year is now going to come to an end.
When they`re all gender fliud and neutral-then we`ll never know and James Damore can surely get his job back at Google too.
And Muslims will hopefully not get accused of being sexist as they rape whatever is under the burka that they find themselves upon.
Maybe we should welcome the new sore vision-to quote Sirlady KevinaRowland…
I remember reading somewhere that the programmes such as Pointless were contacting Transgender groups asking for them to provide contestants to appear on the programme. Do you think UChallenge teams are offered 10% easier questions if they have a transgender on the team (and maybe 5% easier for an obviously gay man or woman on the team?).
BBC Website reports the Judge’s decision about the poor christian girl fostered to a muslim family but they do not give details of the Judge’s ruling. However, they give full publicity to Tower Hamlet’s justification for this child abuse. Mind you, when it comes to child abuse we all know where the BBC stand !
Quite unusual to have the Council named isn`t it?
Most scandals I know are not giving the names of the Councils involved…”for legal reasons”you understand.
Not as if we couldn`t guess though…these days there is at least twenty councils I could have predicted to do something like this.
Let`s hope the Muslim Burkan tribes involved didn`t vote for Nigel….THAT gets you banned from fostering in Rotherham as I recall.
Tampa Professor of Sociology sacked for tweeting that Harvey is karma for voting Trump.
Trump derangement yes but had he confined his statement to the coffee shop he’d still be in his job.
It was his free speech after and we trash the, ‘…….. defend your right to say it’ by silencing and sanctioning.
Sociology Professor Kenneth Storey was relieved of his duties, after admittedly tweeting “I dont believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesnt care about them” Sunday afternoon.
He has since removed the tweet, but it didn’t stop UT (University of Tampa) from removing him from its staff.
– Kenneth Storey doesn’t believe in instant karma, but believes in karma (eventual karma)
– Pay back for voting Trump. But the storm would have happened if Hillary Clinton was voted in … so his point is?
“This was taken out of context. I was referring to the GOP denial of climate change science and push to decrease funds from agencies that can help in a time like this. I hope all affected by the storm are safe and recover quickly. I also hope this helps the GOP realize the need to support climate change research and put in place better funding for agencies like NOAA and FEMA.
I’ve been clear with that through various tweets that followed the initial tweet. It is hard to express one’s full thoughts in 140 characters and I realize that taken out of context the original tweet may sound extremely off-putting. I never intended it to be that.
After receiving threats, I have protected my twitter account for the time being.
For all those on here who may face a stormy battering from so-called ‘Climatologists’ and mentalist-enviros, ask them what part of the year Harvey happened in. Then ask what part of the year Carla and Katrina happened in. Then ask “When is the normal hurricane season, the non-snowstorm (ie warm-weather) storm season for Gulf Mexico and East coast USA?”
When they have answered that last question, if there is no realisation spreading over their face about so-called Climate Change then you may have to carefully join the dots for them.
You may get a bucket of stormy cold water poured over you, metaphorically speaking, for your trouble but at least you will have tried.
Listening to the WW2 letters of the Mom of Julius Norwich – “Every building that survives the bombing should have a brick inserted – lest we forget – because if we don’t keep an eye on them, the Germans will do it again.”
Gaxvil, three times within the last 150 years Germany has caused devastation in Europe through its own pride and hubris. They are in danger of doing it yet again; this time not through militarism but with greed and twisted ideology, disguised by a veneer of humanitarianism.
I have posted here before that the Germans and Germany should have been destroyed after WW1 let alone WW2. The country should have been dismembered and Germans relocated to other countries where they would always be a minority.
“Where is Turkey’s guilt for stealing Constantinople and the Armenian Genocide? Where is the Arab guilt for stealing Egypt, Syria and Libya from our Roman ancestors? Where’s the Pakistani guilt for murdering Christians and grooming Non-Muslim children en-masse?
Why is Europe so hell bent on castrating itself!? We have the military and the technology, and yet cower and let ourselves be slaughtered. It’s simply insane”
– Comment by Bruce Wayne
Can only imagine that , after Turku-he might finally get to see why the Muslim travel ban was the LEAST he could be doing to save his benighted country.
Barcelona…Cologne…Buckingham Palace…Brussels…and Turku…
If it`s not enough dead, it`s not going to bother the BBC is it?
I mean-who else heard the BBC say nothing about all of these and more(except for Barcelona, which even they had to report).
The real news is out there and in here-the BBC and our liberal carpet bagging liars who are similarly enculturated won`t tell you any more. Time to go elsewhere.
gax – same as when Macron gave him the full treatment in Paris. No problem, no demos, some commentators saying it had raised both their profiles and prestige etc. Whereas in UK there’s be a collective meltdown. And so we lose out on the trade deals and other benefits, from a once Anglo-friendly President (not sure if he still is after all the abuse he’s received from both press and ‘parliament’).
Hmm yes, principles can come expensive, that’s where diplomacy comes in. We used to be good at that but when our Governments stance is dictated by our infantile media and SJWs – no chance.
“State visits are different from a normal visit and at a time when the President of the USA has policies that many in our country disagree with (3% of the electorate, online poll), I am not sure it is appropriate for our government to roll out the red carpet,” he (Sadiq Khan) told CNN.
See the use of language here ‘many in our country disagree’, why not mention the value of 3% of electorate, from an online petition? Because it turns the ‘Many’ into the ‘Few’.
When Sadiq Khan speaks the response should always be, in no particular order …
– #LondonIsOpen … you mean open to everyone, except the President of the largest economy in the World.
– Halal Food Production … positive discrimination for Muslims?
– Chicken Cottage … more for the Islamic Companies (2012) or less for citizens of London (2015)?
– Funds … London had £37 million in reserves to spend on protecting the citizens of London
– Religious dilemma …. gambling and drink under Islam (abomination) verses looking after a modern city
When Sadiq Khan answers the above to the public, then he might be ready to look after a modern civilised city … depending on his answers.
Obama had a State visit to UK and many of us disagreed with his policies, or lack of them. What that wanker Khan is really saying is that he does not like Trump. Who gives a 4X what Khan thinks ? He does not represent the UK. Trivial little squit.
Once you piss any faith up the walls as the BBC have done-well, you`ll never get it back.
Time was when I`d have thought “Streets Apart” on Radio 4 as a harmless diversion-something we British could take as a fair view of our history,
But no-in the light of Rhodes Must Fall and the Charlottesville pish-we know now what the BBC are up to.
So when they amble into Port Sunlight or Saltaire-it won`t be to commend the social entrepreneurial gifts of the Cadbury or Lever families will it?
So we`ll get all manner of crap like lack of disability ramps, not allowing same sex marriages in their chapels or-well just being patronising, patriarchal, manspreading or refusing to take enough Hugenots…that kind of crap.
The commentary built up to just this kind of whining…if Lord Leverhulme or Joe Cadbury are still standing this time next year, then it will not be because the BBC didn`t tell their friends that WeAreFarrakhan#…
As for New Lanark-well, no mention of that-Robert Owen was a Scottish lefty I expect and Sturgeon/Dugdale probably refused permission to mention them, let alone dare to criticise him as they do Salt or Lever .
Oh fuck off BBC-we know what you`re up to, you scummards….
Is Martha Kearney related to Mark…spellings being flexible an `all?
I only ask because Martha the Muffin Top spent an age restimulating(oo her) some lady doctor who doubtless wanted more NHS funding, migration for her NHS…which the Manchester kids bombed out by Muslims allowing her to praise herself and her “teams” professionalism…oh, and a big shout out for the free pizzas and booze laid on for their heroics.
Cake . pizzas and booze…does Nanny at Health England approve?
Free ciggies as well?…wasn`t asked.
Basically a self congratulatory love-in between the NHS and the BBC. And not a mention at all of who gave them their pin cushions to embroider back to happiness-or why a Libyan student at Salford Uni was paid for years as he set up his atrocity in their “lovely loving Manchester”. Now don`t get me wrong-they do great things, but don`t we get this all the time these days when it comes to the NHS and the BBC?
I`m sick of the love-ins-this is not news, it`s an endless tolerating padded card of love between Cornbyns goons and the BBC.
We had none of this as the RVI in Belfast were similarly wonderful in dealing with tarred and feathered girls and women…with gunshot wounds to the knees and elbows, as well as ceaseless trauma surgery.
Guess there was no will to cover for the IRA and UDA etc back then at the BBC…whereas these days, there`s a systemaic effort to keep Islam and our Godless idiocies out of the firing line of public anger.
Piss out and peace off BBC…as ever, no praise for the mortuary attendants-no Corbyn bloc vote to mug off Jeremy Hunt and the Tories there I imagine.
News it ain`t.
And Rohingya Muslims – Buddhist Burma doesn’t want them BUT neither does Muslim Bangladesh.
The Economist calls them the, ‘Most Persecuted People on Earth’. Wow!
Exactly. bbc WS is getting some stick, poor things, because it’s not observing the correct victimhood rankings but then, when you claim omniscience it’s tough
Benefits of Saudi Arabia? They don’t let anyone in practising Christianity so they never will be blamed for Genocide. Not to say, though, that they don’t back other countries and organisation that do.
Beebistan regularly delights in commenting on Trump’s low satisfaction ratings in surveys. Given the incessant, hysterical, vitriolic attacks he receives from virtually the entire msm, and the establishment, it’s a miracle he does as well as he does in polls. Latest example: attacks on Melania for wearing heels, not AT the Texas floods, but ON HER WAY there. So what?
Effect: to create the impression of an uncaring, out-of-touch First Lady, a la Marie Antoinette, ‘let them eat cake’. Job done.
Yes, and had she worn sneakers, it would have been, ‘scruffy’ and ‘disrespectful’. Even with all the, giving the dog a bad name, they remain aghast that Trump simply will not bow down to the mighty media.
But no mention of Macrons tanking approval ratings…whcih are worse than Trumps and are going to get VERY nasty when he goes out without his make up.
Hopefully TRump realises that the more the left squeal at all he is-the more certain he is of a personal landslide in 2020.
Hope to God he drains that pustule of a Republican Party-what a nest of oily vipers they are.
ChrisH, the real test of M.Macron’s popularity will come when, God help them, the next major jihadi attack is carried out on the French. If he can come out of that smelling of roses his career is safe.
Remember those 2 beeboids who got a £4m grant to start a Wales film company .. The Welsh Govt also gave a civil servant to work there .. Natasha Hale acted as Chief Operating Officer.
R4 this morning Nick ( I,ll tell you) Robinson the DJ handling the interview with a gentleman on the subject of AI , Artifcial Intelligence.
This i/view was very enlightening with an excellent example offered on how A.I .might provide a decent benefit for us all with regards to a major acceleration on how quickly scans/diagnostics results could be delivered through use of A.I
DJ Robinson,s silence up to this point was notable until the gentleman providing the great news failed to see a ” Brexit Sniper” with a bald head and thick rimmed glasses taking his position.
The bullet duly arrived along the lines of” Brexit could seriously undermine the availability of talent willing to come to the UK and we expand the whole Life Sciences area. Would that be correct? asked Nick”.Or rather Told Nick.
It was the classic bBC example;e of here is some good news………… let’s see how it can be undermined by bringing up Brexit negatives.
Hopefully one day his sniper’s bullet will ricochet and enter him through his keister!
BBC Trending prog told us the trending topic is that police are hyping up NottingHill crimes cos they included the hashtag in a tweet about a drug bust in Catford … Which is south of the river.
Yes but drugs could have been destined for carnival
Jeremy Vine this lunchtime seemed to be determined to paint them as misunderstood and in need of our sympathy and understanding. I expect it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ following ‘President’ Trump’s ‘outbursts’.
We even had a useful idiot on to tell us that firing missiles over Japan was no different to what the UK does, as we fire missiles at the USA! (A disingenous reference to a US-made Trident missile performing a US-designed auto-destruct sequence after being fired from British-crewed submarine on an established US Atlantic firing range under US control).
** Jeremy Vine Broadcasting Warning, as required by new EU law when broadcasting on the BBC …
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
Listened to the Jeremy Whine show in my car from 12 -12.30 today.
30 minutes of my life wasted.
A non stop tirade of left wing pacifist all appearing to support the government of North Korea. It’s all our fault was the agenda.
If the west can have Nuclear weapons, why can’t everyone else.
The USA are making the situation worse with their bellicose language aimed at a harmless republic. They are not really threatening anyone. The only way the DPRK will back down is with dialogue.
The BBC must go out of their way to find such a bunch of lily livered whimps with their same views.
I could have changed channels, but I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Thankfully my journey ended so I didn’t have to listen to the next 30 minutes.
Discussing the Christian child fostered out to a Muslim family……
As President Trump rightly says, we have been appeasing North Korea for years. All we get back is contempt. The likes of Kim view dialogue as a sign of weakness, and despise us accordingly. The only thing they respect is force, and I for one am looking forward to the day the portly psychopath is vapourised.
Of course President Trump will get dog’s abuse if he takes out the North Korean regime, but the left wing MSM will abuse him whatever he does, so that is not worth worrying about. I hope he will do the right thing.
Would anyone out there have a clue as to what the heck is going on as regards to The Times report on the Tower Hamlets fostering case. I’m very uncomfortable with every aspect of this and someone somewhere is either making up a story or some other body is playing smoke and mirrors. I’m just getting the impression the wagons are being conveniently arranged.
Latest from the BBC seems like a whitewash for Tower Hamlets.
‘No concerns’ with mixed faith foster case, By Martin Bashir and Callum May
More to the point, the judge in the case was a Bangladeshi born female Muslim. Even if she were justice personified, having to handle this mess redefines hot potato.
The question is, who decided to give her this case? And how do we get rid of him?
Spot the spat with Hugh Sykes in that Twitter thread beginning
HughSykes : Are you mocking her for courteously participating in a #Japan #teaceremony ?
Nick Robinson : I do not mock. I merely invite others …
HughSykes : To do what?
Apologies if this has been already noted, I just needed to let some steam off.
AlBeeb World 2017-08-30
“Who was behind the jihadist attacks on Europe and North America?”
Followed by an “analysis”
Jihadists, So-called Islamists, etc.
“Attacks motivated by other ideologies – such as the murder of Jo Cox – are not included in this study”
“Murder of Jo Cox” in BOLD.
Well they would not be in the study, would they, you traitors? But let’s mention JO COX anyway.
There is plenty of other disgusting stuff, a seriatim analysis would fill pages.
I am going the pub, if I meet a Muslim on the way, I do hope they do not give me the impression of terroristic tendencies.
He was a fixated loner, fixated on her, there was no ideology, the bbc mythical bogey men the alt-right,….
A few 60 yr old pissed up skinheaded ex-footie hoolies, and a few young nephews and mates maybe at a push, only people in fear are the beeb in their fortress offices.
Honestly, it was outrageous when this tool was commentating on a protective wall, that protects the elephants from wandering into farmland (and presumably, being shot by the farmers). He just had to, JUST HAD TO, comment on walls “not being the answer to anything in the world”. You could plainly see who he was referring to (the “elephant in the room”).
I mean, this c*nt, would rather have elephants go extinct, just to have a go at The Donald. Utterly outrageous!
The Radio 2 Folk Show with Mark Radcliffe continues with the BBC’s worship of the migrant by giving us the ‘heart-warming’ song Ghafoor’s Bus by The Young’uns.
“The song celebrates Ghafoor’s inspirational humanitarian work. In December 2015 in the refugee camp in Dunkirk he was serving 3,000 hot meals and 10,000 cups of tea a day – extraordinary”.
Radcliffe makes the comparison between the ‘small ships’ setting out to rescue the BEF and ‘the hero of Stockton’ venturing across the channel to feed the ‘refugees’ from Dunkirk. I would think the comparison would be more like a German in Britain escaping internment by driving a WRVS canteen van to Dunkirk to boost the moral of German Army Group A.
Unlike Mark Radcliffe I don’t think the world will be a better place when 4 billion ‘refugees’ test the hypothesis that the Isle of Weight is big enough, (standing room only), to accomodate them.
I first came across the young ‘uns at the Fishguard Folk Festival several years back.
Their unaccompanied harmonies are great to listen to, but only if you ignore the lyrics lol.
By the way, if folk is your thing, the Fishy Folk weekend runs throughout the late may bank hol from Friday to monday am every year, with most of the items/venues free.
Well worth a visit provided you dont pay heed to the sjw crowd.
BRISSLESDec 28, 01:18 Weekend 28th December 2024 Thanks Debs. I’ve discovered the delights of hot mulled wine – it’s like warm cough linctus – does the job…
StewGreenDec 28, 01:03 Weekend 28th December 2024 BBC’s Misleading Headline and Mistranslation by Sky News
tomoDec 28, 00:39 Christmas 2024 Spring’s bubble is impenetrable – she’ s the closest thing we have to Taylor Lorenz this side of the pond…
tomoDec 28, 00:34 Christmas 2024 Trivia of the day “kamala” means “dismal” in Finnish why did we have to wait to find that out?
StewGreenDec 28, 00:12 Weekend 28th December 2024 Other Zerohedge articles about BBC
StewGreenDec 28, 00:10 Weekend 28th December 2024 New big Zerohedge article “This year’s minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012. @BBCNews 2007 article said…
pugnaziousDec 27, 23:49 Christmas 2024 BBC once again obsessing about Musk…an ‘indepth’ smear campaign by SpringtimeforHitler… ‘Elon Musk’s ‘social experiment on humanity’: How X evolved…
DeborahDec 27, 23:38 Weekend 28th December 2024 Brissles, wishing you better. Enjoy 42nd Street with a hot toddy in hand.
BRISSLESDec 27, 23:27 Weekend 28th December 2024 Having the lurgy this past week. My Christmas bliss happened today. The tv listings on Sky Arts simply said 42nd…
pugnaziousDec 27, 23:25 Christmas 2024 The BBC continues to pump out climate change propaganda…not a word questioning any of it…everyone was totally onboard and pushing…
All right who’s the Isle of Wight Russian spy here ?
Times is running with that conspiracy theory on its front page.
Alleging that Ukip supporting Twitter account David Jones is somehow really in Russia.
I’m taken by the, ‘Outraged May’ headline at the top.
Gosh and we know what follows May’s outrage at World and national events?
A preponderance of tumbleweed.
Really, I fully expect now, if not soon a bbc department within Whitehall to approve or not all May’s words and actions. Sad state of affairs.
Can ANYBODY image May being “outraged” at anything? So why the verbal inflations of the reptiles in the media then? If May can remain catatonic in the face of Borough Market, the scum at Grenfell Towers pot stirrings(as opposed to the few who have reason to rage there)-as well as MEN Arena, the disgusting likes of Juncker and Barnier, let alone the likes of Soubry, Morgan and Heseltine?
Then she`ll hardly be bovvered at anything that North Korea do-it`s not as if they jump the queue at Maidenheads Waitrose is it now?
Yes, it’s the impression she gives and it’s not good but if you snapped the heels off her fabulous shoes ……
The account did tweet that the Times story isfake and did show his location as Southampton earlier. Libmob shouted ‘ah that’s faked”
Now he turned his account to protected status so non friends can’t see his tweets
What a disgrace
I’m a little bit confused………..I always thought that if I went into a pub and rubbed my crutch up against the backside of a woman who happened to be bending over it was sexual harassment?
It appears the police think otherwise when they do it themselves.
Beeb website reports on ‘sexist’ hats being removed from the National Trust at Tatton Park. Boy must it be exciting in the cut and thrust of their newsroom, daring to speak truth to power in a turbulent world. This is the stuff of high octane movies.
“Can I speak to you off the record? We may have a sexist hat on sale somewhere! Get round here fast and don’t forget to bring a gun!”
I was wondering at what point this country lost its sense of humour, then it came to me. May 1st 1997.
‘On’ button just – BBC Radio 4. Martha Carney trying desperately to persuade a groveller from the North East to tell the listener that it would be a disaster for the Japanese to pull out the UK and in particular, Sunderland. He wouldn’t bite but went on to demonstrate his brain (and grovelling) capacity to imply there was not a ‘Plan B’ if Japanese investment vanished elsewhere. Is it just me? I had a particularly bright, totally new idea for a business and I started that, alone: it grew and grew to attract a national clientele. I ran it for about ten years before the business was sold and I retired. Having said that, just wind the clock back on Carney’s question to groveller from the NE: ‘is there a plan b?’ “Yes, there is, he replied, “if the Japanese disappear overnight they will leave a solid modern factory C/W a highly skilled “motivated” work force” [just joking in respect of the hypothetical response!]. Duh!!!! What ever could we do with that I wonder? Hint: build fuc*ing British cars there and export worldwide………………
Any body got a decent design of a new model on the drawing board (electric would be good)? I may know of a production facility going spare.
‘Off’ button………….
I can see no reason why the Japanese would disinvest in the UK. They are investing a lot in many countries which are not in the EU. The problem with narrow-minded , parochial ” Little Europeans” like Martha Kearney is that they are totally unaware of the big wide world outside their little baby pram. The rest of the world, generally, is moving forward. The EU is stagnant and living in the past. Europhiliacs are dinosaurs soon to be extinct.
I suspect that not an awful lot of anything goes on inside Martha Kearney’s head that she doesn’t glean from the pages of the Guardian. You only have to listen to her unfailingly tame questioning on WATO to realise she is clueless. In just the way the BBC likes, of course.
Being clueless is a prerequisite for being a Beeboid.
Grant, I was thinking more about the lack of dynamic positive thinking rather than would the J’s dis-invest. If the groveller is representative of what we’ve sent to the EU to negotiate on behalf of the UK – God help us.
Presumably ‘casualisation’ also avoids nasty FOI salary numbers cropping up?
One of the very things we watch is University Challenge. We note increasingly teams include a women who looks like a man and seriously butch women. Under the genderism directive which is very much to the fore, ethnics have simply gone by the board.
Noted that this “who did better in exams-boys or girls?” kind of medai kerfuffle after the GCSE/A Levels come out every year is now going to come to an end.
When they`re all gender fliud and neutral-then we`ll never know and James Damore can surely get his job back at Google too.
And Muslims will hopefully not get accused of being sexist as they rape whatever is under the burka that they find themselves upon.
Maybe we should welcome the new sore vision-to quote Sirlady KevinaRowland…
gax, the ship BB (best boat) Current Correctness doesn’t tolerate any hasbeens, oldies or any hint of mutiny. Over the side you go.
I remember reading somewhere that the programmes such as Pointless were contacting Transgender groups asking for them to provide contestants to appear on the programme. Do you think UChallenge teams are offered 10% easier questions if they have a transgender on the team (and maybe 5% easier for an obviously gay man or woman on the team?).
Yes indeed and the poor old, people of colour shafted yet again!
BBC Website reports the Judge’s decision about the poor christian girl fostered to a muslim family but they do not give details of the Judge’s ruling. However, they give full publicity to Tower Hamlet’s justification for this child abuse. Mind you, when it comes to child abuse we all know where the BBC stand !
Quite unusual to have the Council named isn`t it?
Most scandals I know are not giving the names of the Councils involved…”for legal reasons”you understand.
Not as if we couldn`t guess though…these days there is at least twenty councils I could have predicted to do something like this.
Let`s hope the Muslim Burkan tribes involved didn`t vote for Nigel….THAT gets you banned from fostering in Rotherham as I recall.
Tampa Professor of Sociology sacked for tweeting that Harvey is karma for voting Trump.
Trump derangement yes but had he confined his statement to the coffee shop he’d still be in his job.
It was his free speech after and we trash the, ‘…….. defend your right to say it’ by silencing and sanctioning.
Sociology Professor Kenneth Storey was relieved of his duties, after admittedly tweeting “I dont believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesnt care about them” Sunday afternoon.
He has since removed the tweet, but it didn’t stop UT (University of Tampa) from removing him from its staff.
– Kenneth Storey doesn’t believe in instant karma, but believes in karma (eventual karma)
– Pay back for voting Trump. But the storm would have happened if Hillary Clinton was voted in … so his point is?
“This was taken out of context. I was referring to the GOP denial of climate change science and push to decrease funds from agencies that can help in a time like this. I hope all affected by the storm are safe and recover quickly. I also hope this helps the GOP realize the need to support climate change research and put in place better funding for agencies like NOAA and FEMA.
I’ve been clear with that through various tweets that followed the initial tweet. It is hard to express one’s full thoughts in 140 characters and I realize that taken out of context the original tweet may sound extremely off-putting. I never intended it to be that.
After receiving threats, I have protected my twitter account for the time being.
That is all I have to say regarding this tweet.”
For all those on here who may face a stormy battering from so-called ‘Climatologists’ and mentalist-enviros, ask them what part of the year Harvey happened in. Then ask what part of the year Carla and Katrina happened in. Then ask “When is the normal hurricane season, the non-snowstorm (ie warm-weather) storm season for Gulf Mexico and East coast USA?”
When they have answered that last question, if there is no realisation spreading over their face about so-called Climate Change then you may have to carefully join the dots for them.
You may get a bucket of stormy cold water poured over you, metaphorically speaking, for your trouble but at least you will have tried.
One Tim Pool set out to establish the precise position in Sweden in relation to Pres. Trumps condemnation – “…….look what is happening in Sweden” –
My only observation: Powderkeg.
Listening to the WW2 letters of the Mom of Julius Norwich – “Every building that survives the bombing should have a brick inserted – lest we forget – because if we don’t keep an eye on them, the Germans will do it again.”
Gaxvil, three times within the last 150 years Germany has caused devastation in Europe through its own pride and hubris. They are in danger of doing it yet again; this time not through militarism but with greed and twisted ideology, disguised by a veneer of humanitarianism.
I have posted here before that the Germans and Germany should have been destroyed after WW1 let alone WW2. The country should have been dismembered and Germans relocated to other countries where they would always be a minority.
They are currently working on that last bit quite voluntarily.
Hmm a kind of arrogance meets guilt thing.
Once Germany wipes itself out and has replaced itself, it will have succeeded in removing it’s guilt forever.
Douglas Murray: EU’s migrant crisis is rooted in German Holocaust guilt {youtube}
“Where is Turkey’s guilt for stealing Constantinople and the Armenian Genocide? Where is the Arab guilt for stealing Egypt, Syria and Libya from our Roman ancestors? Where’s the Pakistani guilt for murdering Christians and grooming Non-Muslim children en-masse?
Why is Europe so hell bent on castrating itself!? We have the military and the technology, and yet cower and let ourselves be slaughtered. It’s simply insane”
– Comment by Bruce Wayne
The Finnish PM is visiting Trump – no one seems much bothered? Where are the protests, media diatribes or spontaneous combustion?
Can only imagine that , after Turku-he might finally get to see why the Muslim travel ban was the LEAST he could be doing to save his benighted country.
Barcelona…Cologne…Buckingham Palace…Brussels…and Turku…
If it`s not enough dead, it`s not going to bother the BBC is it?
I mean-who else heard the BBC say nothing about all of these and more(except for Barcelona, which even they had to report).
The real news is out there and in here-the BBC and our liberal carpet bagging liars who are similarly enculturated won`t tell you any more. Time to go elsewhere.
gax – same as when Macron gave him the full treatment in Paris. No problem, no demos, some commentators saying it had raised both their profiles and prestige etc. Whereas in UK there’s be a collective meltdown. And so we lose out on the trade deals and other benefits, from a once Anglo-friendly President (not sure if he still is after all the abuse he’s received from both press and ‘parliament’).
Hmm yes, principles can come expensive, that’s where diplomacy comes in. We used to be good at that but when our Governments stance is dictated by our infantile media and SJWs – no chance.
Sadiq Khan says a Trump state visit to UK may not be ‘appropriate’ given how much British people disagree with him (1.8 million in petition of 46.5 million electorate / 3% of Electorate) { jul2017}
“State visits are different from a normal visit and at a time when the President of the USA has policies that many in our country disagree with (3% of the electorate, online poll), I am not sure it is appropriate for our government to roll out the red carpet,” he (Sadiq Khan) told CNN.
See the use of language here ‘many in our country disagree’, why not mention the value of 3% of electorate, from an online petition? Because it turns the ‘Many’ into the ‘Few’.
When Sadiq Khan speaks the response should always be, in no particular order …
– #LondonIsOpen … you mean open to everyone, except the President of the largest economy in the World.
– Halal Food Production … positive discrimination for Muslims?
– Chicken Cottage … more for the Islamic Companies (2012) or less for citizens of London (2015)?
– Funds … London had £37 million in reserves to spend on protecting the citizens of London
– Religious dilemma …. gambling and drink under Islam (abomination) verses looking after a modern city
When Sadiq Khan answers the above to the public, then he might be ready to look after a modern civilised city … depending on his answers.
Obama had a State visit to UK and many of us disagreed with his policies, or lack of them. What that wanker Khan is really saying is that he does not like Trump. Who gives a 4X what Khan thinks ? He does not represent the UK. Trivial little squit.
Once you piss any faith up the walls as the BBC have done-well, you`ll never get it back.
Time was when I`d have thought “Streets Apart” on Radio 4 as a harmless diversion-something we British could take as a fair view of our history,
But no-in the light of Rhodes Must Fall and the Charlottesville pish-we know now what the BBC are up to.
So when they amble into Port Sunlight or Saltaire-it won`t be to commend the social entrepreneurial gifts of the Cadbury or Lever families will it?
So we`ll get all manner of crap like lack of disability ramps, not allowing same sex marriages in their chapels or-well just being patronising, patriarchal, manspreading or refusing to take enough Hugenots…that kind of crap.
The commentary built up to just this kind of whining…if Lord Leverhulme or Joe Cadbury are still standing this time next year, then it will not be because the BBC didn`t tell their friends that WeAreFarrakhan#…
As for New Lanark-well, no mention of that-Robert Owen was a Scottish lefty I expect and Sturgeon/Dugdale probably refused permission to mention them, let alone dare to criticise him as they do Salt or Lever .
Oh fuck off BBC-we know what you`re up to, you scummards….
Is Martha Kearney related to Mark…spellings being flexible an `all?
I only ask because Martha the Muffin Top spent an age restimulating(oo her) some lady doctor who doubtless wanted more NHS funding, migration for her NHS…which the Manchester kids bombed out by Muslims allowing her to praise herself and her “teams” professionalism…oh, and a big shout out for the free pizzas and booze laid on for their heroics.
Cake . pizzas and booze…does Nanny at Health England approve?
Free ciggies as well?…wasn`t asked.
Basically a self congratulatory love-in between the NHS and the BBC. And not a mention at all of who gave them their pin cushions to embroider back to happiness-or why a Libyan student at Salford Uni was paid for years as he set up his atrocity in their “lovely loving Manchester”. Now don`t get me wrong-they do great things, but don`t we get this all the time these days when it comes to the NHS and the BBC?
I`m sick of the love-ins-this is not news, it`s an endless tolerating padded card of love between Cornbyns goons and the BBC.
We had none of this as the RVI in Belfast were similarly wonderful in dealing with tarred and feathered girls and women…with gunshot wounds to the knees and elbows, as well as ceaseless trauma surgery.
Guess there was no will to cover for the IRA and UDA etc back then at the BBC…whereas these days, there`s a systemaic effort to keep Islam and our Godless idiocies out of the firing line of public anger.
Piss out and peace off BBC…as ever, no praise for the mortuary attendants-no Corbyn bloc vote to mug off Jeremy Hunt and the Tories there I imagine.
News it ain`t.
Excellent comment, ChrisH. I endured that Kearney love-in too and it put me off my lunch. Vomitous!
And Rohingya Muslims – Buddhist Burma doesn’t want them BUT neither does Muslim Bangladesh.
The Economist calls them the, ‘Most Persecuted People on Earth’. Wow!
As for the ongoing Genocide against Christians in muslim Arab countries ………… Who cares about them ?
Exactly. bbc WS is getting some stick, poor things, because it’s not observing the correct victimhood rankings but then, when you claim omniscience it’s tough
Benefits of Saudi Arabia? They don’t let anyone in practising Christianity so they never will be blamed for Genocide. Not to say, though, that they don’t back other countries and organisation that do.
The Economist clearly doesn’t employ any white middle aged Englishmen.
The BBc seemed awful quick to tag on that “Muslim” identifier, seeing as they`re the victims( so says the Economist-and therefore so says the BBC).
Never anything about when any OTHER faith get persecuted by selfsame Muslims is there?
The Yazidi Christians….the Pakistani Hindus?…nah…irrelevant.
Beebistan regularly delights in commenting on Trump’s low satisfaction ratings in surveys. Given the incessant, hysterical, vitriolic attacks he receives from virtually the entire msm, and the establishment, it’s a miracle he does as well as he does in polls. Latest example: attacks on Melania for wearing heels, not AT the Texas floods, but ON HER WAY there. So what?
Effect: to create the impression of an uncaring, out-of-touch First Lady, a la Marie Antoinette, ‘let them eat cake’. Job done.
I don’t believe the polls. Who would admit to a pollster they supported Trump in this insane environment?
Not the same comments about Michelle ” airhead ” Obama. Anyone would think it is bias !
Yes, and had she worn sneakers, it would have been, ‘scruffy’ and ‘disrespectful’. Even with all the, giving the dog a bad name, they remain aghast that Trump simply will not bow down to the mighty media.
But no mention of Macrons tanking approval ratings…whcih are worse than Trumps and are going to get VERY nasty when he goes out without his make up.
Hopefully TRump realises that the more the left squeal at all he is-the more certain he is of a personal landslide in 2020.
Hope to God he drains that pustule of a Republican Party-what a nest of oily vipers they are.
ChrisH, the real test of M.Macron’s popularity will come when, God help them, the next major jihadi attack is carried out on the French. If he can come out of that smelling of roses his career is safe.
Well, he’ll definitely come out smelling Yves St Laurent.
Remember those 2 beeboids who got a £4m grant to start a Wales film company .. The Welsh Govt also gave a civil servant to work there .. Natasha Hale acted as Chief Operating Officer.
R4 this morning Nick ( I,ll tell you) Robinson the DJ handling the interview with a gentleman on the subject of AI , Artifcial Intelligence.
This i/view was very enlightening with an excellent example offered on how A.I .might provide a decent benefit for us all with regards to a major acceleration on how quickly scans/diagnostics results could be delivered through use of A.I
DJ Robinson,s silence up to this point was notable until the gentleman providing the great news failed to see a ” Brexit Sniper” with a bald head and thick rimmed glasses taking his position.
The bullet duly arrived along the lines of” Brexit could seriously undermine the availability of talent willing to come to the UK and we expand the whole Life Sciences area. Would that be correct? asked Nick”.Or rather Told Nick.
It was the classic bBC example;e of here is some good news………… let’s see how it can be undermined by bringing up Brexit negatives.
Hopefully one day his sniper’s bullet will ricochet and enter him through his keister!
18 likes–sitcom-television.jpg
Nick Robinson at the bbc editorial presentation.
BBC Trending prog told us the trending topic is that police are hyping up NottingHill crimes cos they included the hashtag in a tweet about a drug bust in Catford … Which is south of the river.
Yes but drugs could have been destined for carnival
TR4MediaShow at 4.30
– BBC North Korea Service
– C4 BakeOff
– Amazon sports
Amol’s off again..must be preparing a Trump bashing special.
Westmonster –
The ICM Poll results directly –
Very interesting information contained. Browsing through seems the ‘Ol’ gits voting patterns are the n*gg** in the woodpile.
Are the North Koreans the new Muslims?
Jeremy Vine this lunchtime seemed to be determined to paint them as misunderstood and in need of our sympathy and understanding. I expect it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ following ‘President’ Trump’s ‘outbursts’.
We even had a useful idiot on to tell us that firing missiles over Japan was no different to what the UK does, as we fire missiles at the USA! (A disingenous reference to a US-made Trident missile performing a US-designed auto-destruct sequence after being fired from British-crewed submarine on an established US Atlantic firing range under US control).
Why not ask Sir Kim Jong-un to fire towards North Korean Allies Russia and China – to stop any further confusion?
North Korean TV broadcasts music and missiles attacking US in video mock-up {youtube} – incase you were unsure of North Korea’s intentions Mr Jeremy ‘£750K’ Vine**
** Jeremy Vine Broadcasting Warning, as required by new EU law when broadcasting on the BBC …
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
Listened to the Jeremy Whine show in my car from 12 -12.30 today.
30 minutes of my life wasted.
A non stop tirade of left wing pacifist all appearing to support the government of North Korea. It’s all our fault was the agenda.
If the west can have Nuclear weapons, why can’t everyone else.
The USA are making the situation worse with their bellicose language aimed at a harmless republic. They are not really threatening anyone. The only way the DPRK will back down is with dialogue.
The BBC must go out of their way to find such a bunch of lily livered whimps with their same views.
I could have changed channels, but I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Thankfully my journey ended so I didn’t have to listen to the next 30 minutes.
Discussing the Christian child fostered out to a Muslim family……
As President Trump rightly says, we have been appeasing North Korea for years. All we get back is contempt. The likes of Kim view dialogue as a sign of weakness, and despise us accordingly. The only thing they respect is force, and I for one am looking forward to the day the portly psychopath is vapourised.
Of course President Trump will get dog’s abuse if he takes out the North Korean regime, but the left wing MSM will abuse him whatever he does, so that is not worth worrying about. I hope he will do the right thing.
Vile Sopel on 6 o’clock news would prefer nuclear Armageddon than Trump being correct.
Sopel ” There’s another beauty “.
Hey Farage is on 4-7pm this week on LBC
I miss KatieH
Me too. Farage knows what to say and what not to say, but Katie hits the target every time
Would anyone out there have a clue as to what the heck is going on as regards to The Times report on the Tower Hamlets fostering case. I’m very uncomfortable with every aspect of this and someone somewhere is either making up a story or some other body is playing smoke and mirrors. I’m just getting the impression the wagons are being conveniently arranged.
Latest from the BBC seems like a whitewash for Tower Hamlets.
‘No concerns’ with mixed faith foster case, By Martin Bashir and Callum May
Is this the Martin Bashir who had to leave his job in the US after advancing the idea of shitting in Sarah Palin’s mouth?
And now he is reporting on the welfare of Christian children with Moslem foster parents.
More to the point, the judge in the case was a Bangladeshi born female Muslim. Even if she were justice personified, having to handle this mess redefines hot potato.
The question is, who decided to give her this case? And how do we get rid of him?
Did I miss this report on the BBC news this week, or is it just more vile Russian propaganda..
“Notting Hill Carnival should be scrapped after spate of police injuries, says union boss”
The BBC is resorting more and more to asking questions of the public to generate ‘news’ they can ‘quote’.
Here is a nifty example from Nick ‘sources who say’ Robinson:
Guest Who
It is a model of an ass hole with the inscription BBC written on it, and she is dutifully licking it saying Allah akibar
Pop that on Toenail’s timeline and that’s a blocking…
Spot the spat with Hugh Sykes in that Twitter thread beginning
HughSykes : Are you mocking her for courteously participating in a #Japan #teaceremony ?
Nick Robinson : I do not mock. I merely invite others …
HughSykes : To do what?
Apologies if this has been already noted, I just needed to let some steam off.
AlBeeb World 2017-08-30
“Who was behind the jihadist attacks on Europe and North America?”
Followed by an “analysis”
Jihadists, So-called Islamists, etc.
“Attacks motivated by other ideologies – such as the murder of Jo Cox – are not included in this study”
“Murder of Jo Cox” in BOLD.
Well they would not be in the study, would they, you traitors? But let’s mention JO COX anyway.
There is plenty of other disgusting stuff, a seriatim analysis would fill pages.
I am going the pub, if I meet a Muslim on the way, I do hope they do not give me the impression of terroristic tendencies.
What was his ”ideology” anyway ?.
He was a fixated loner, fixated on her, there was no ideology, the bbc mythical bogey men the alt-right,….
A few 60 yr old pissed up skinheaded ex-footie hoolies, and a few young nephews and mates maybe at a push, only people in fear are the beeb in their fortress offices.
They can’t help themselves!
Did anyone see a nature documentary on earlier in the week, on saving the elephants;
starring some POS called Gordon Buchanan.
Honestly, it was outrageous when this tool was commentating on a protective wall, that protects the elephants from wandering into farmland (and presumably, being shot by the farmers). He just had to, JUST HAD TO, comment on walls “not being the answer to anything in the world”. You could plainly see who he was referring to (the “elephant in the room”).
I mean, this c*nt, would rather have elephants go extinct, just to have a go at The Donald. Utterly outrageous!
The Radio 2 Folk Show with Mark Radcliffe continues with the BBC’s worship of the migrant by giving us the ‘heart-warming’ song Ghafoor’s Bus by The Young’uns.
“The song celebrates Ghafoor’s inspirational humanitarian work. In December 2015 in the refugee camp in Dunkirk he was serving 3,000 hot meals and 10,000 cups of tea a day – extraordinary”.
Radcliffe makes the comparison between the ‘small ships’ setting out to rescue the BEF and ‘the hero of Stockton’ venturing across the channel to feed the ‘refugees’ from Dunkirk. I would think the comparison would be more like a German in Britain escaping internment by driving a WRVS canteen van to Dunkirk to boost the moral of German Army Group A.
Unlike Mark Radcliffe I don’t think the world will be a better place when 4 billion ‘refugees’ test the hypothesis that the Isle of Weight is big enough, (standing room only), to accomodate them.
I first came across the young ‘uns at the Fishguard Folk Festival several years back.
Their unaccompanied harmonies are great to listen to, but only if you ignore the lyrics lol.
By the way, if folk is your thing, the Fishy Folk weekend runs throughout the late may bank hol from Friday to monday am every year, with most of the items/venues free.
Well worth a visit provided you dont pay heed to the sjw crowd.