This actually got 10 seconds on tonight’s news. This was after another lengthy news (?) item which, straight faced, talked about Voodoo worship in West Africa and how it is fighting back against bad publicity in the past. From a BBC that takes every opportunity to sneer at British Christian history and traditions, not one word of cynicism about this utter mumbo jumbo of a religion.
They get worse. Didn’t think it possible but they actually do get worse with each passing day.
F-D-R. The one other item on the news which got my goat was the UN report on the UK having to do better for the disabled. The reporter noted with glee that the UK had more findings against it than any other country! My first thought was of India where some are crippled on purpose from an early age to improve earning potential begging on the streets.
I wonder if Saudia Arabia have a disable program for their ex thiefs with no left hands?
Where is the UN when you need them – busy sticking it to a soft target like the UK who payrolls them.
On the voodoo item, I won’t hold my breath for the BBC doing an item on the culture of FMG in various African countries or about the vast majority of people living in abject poverty whilst their political masters live in the lap of luxury from the spoils of corruption and robbing their own people.
Totally correct – I don’t know why all you racist white people living in the UK are so against ‘traditional healing’. You have unfairly given the whole practice a bad name. Why not just watch and learn?
I have witnessed the effect of ju-ju ( voodoo ) at first hand in Gambia and Senegal. I certainly would not describe it as a religion. It causes much pain , suffering and many deaths. My wife believed in it before she came to Scotland for 2 years. Now, back in Gambia, she often says to me about someone “He is really stupid, he believes in ju-ju ! ” . A bit like Islam , I suppose.
I never thought of the contrast between Blair and Corbyn in this way
‘But I do think people should grasp that Blair’s one-time close aide Peter Hyman was telling the truth when he confessed last Christmas that New Labour’s project was far more radical than Jeremy Corbyn. Dim people can’t seem to grasp that the absence of Little Red Books or plans to storm the Winter Palace doesn’t mean there’s no revolution going on. This lot captured the BBC, the schools, the civil service and the courts, not the railway station, the barracks and the post office’.
Christopher Hitchens Laura Perrins interview
Agree entirely.
Blairs New Labour lot were lucky in the craven uselessness of the Tory opposition.
The Lefty project by stealth was a classic capture of the commanding heights of the culture, whilst the Tories were paddling in the fountains looking for old pennies by way of the economic argument they obsessed on.
To be fair, few of us by then knew of Gramsci, Alinsky, Kalergi or the records of Mandelson, Ashton, Blair, Darling, Reid and Mc Nulty etc-but all had far-left backgrounds, covered and seemingly spent. Not so.
Even better for the left-they were so culturally overwhelming that few of us even THINK we were pawned and our kids turned to multiculti snowflakes. But we were.
Never forget tha Blair said his Party was to be the “political arm of the British People”…and how they dealt with Walter Wolfgang in 2005 shows what the Left always does.
Corbyns not smart or sly enough to match Blair-but his goons are now the Brownshirts that we will need to fight. But they only work in packs with black balaclavas, so we should win if we don`t let them spawn.
Thankfully, they`re not parenting material.
The stealth continues and I’m afraid there are all too few of us aware of it. A term the MSM seem to have deleted from the handbook is “spin”. It’s still very much a legacy from Blairs years and we now have the whole MSM using it to suit but not mentioning the word in reports. Stealth is one thing but it has morphed into deceit.
Snchro – Unfortunately the difference then with now is that the MSM and in particular the BBC have totally bought unto the deceit , thus becoming complicit in the destruction of our own society, culture and democracy that have taken so many years and so much blood to create.
It was interesting seeing the pictures of Blair and Junker together playing tonsil tennis. Excluding Sorris these must be two of the most anti democratic “politicians” in existence today.
Said it all really – All they were missing was a paddling pool and extra virgin olive oil .
GWF – the article was Peter Hitchens and not Christopher Hitchens, but I feel the brothers had the same opinion over the Diana Frances Mountbatten-Windsor mania and watching out for totalitarian regimes/religions.
I’ve just seen the latest cover of the Charlie Hebdo magazine where they conflate Texans with Nazis.
I guess they’re more comfortable with that than targeting the people who would machine gun their staff.
Satire has to be defended, but note that it does not work when targeted at victims of natural disasters.
Can we remind the Frogs at Charlie Hebdo that Texans are not going to retaliate with guns and bombs shouting Allah Ackibar.
The caption says
God exists, he drowned all Neo Nazis of Texas
Can Charlie Hebdo do a satire on the US graves in Normandy where Texans are among those who liberated the surrender monkeys of France from the Nazis
Pure class, that. So the terrorists have won. Charlie Hebdo has been forced to find targets several thousand miles away.
Opportunities have been lost at key moments over several decades. Enoch Powell was not listened to and is actually accused of making things worse (not sure how that worked in Sweden, France, Germany etc). Ray Honeyford was not supported. We caved in over The Satanic Verses. Nick Griffin and Ann Cryer should have been taken seriously in Keighley. There should have been mass arrests in Rotherham. The Danish cartoons should have been projected onto every major building in Europe with the caption “This is how we do things here. Get used to it!”.
Lord Wreath, I think it’s easy in retrospect to say ‘this was the turning point’. For me it would be the Satanic Verses. But I recall at the time (I may be wrong) the feeling was that this was a foreign, not domestic problem – that the Fatwah was something pronounced by a mad mullah thousands of miles away. There’s a line in one of Orwell’s essays that goes something like ‘British people still think that fascists are just funny foreigners waving their arms about in other countries that are nothing to do with them.’ There didn’t seem to be a sense that it was happening HERE. That didn’t happen until 7/7, and even then, the prevailing sense (again, if I remember rightly ) was that it was a one-off, an exception that proved the rule that we were an integrated, happy multi-culti society. Despite all the recent horrors there are still people who think that. We have a long way to go.
Cast your mind back to the aftermath of the HEBDO killings when the great and the good of the political elite all rallied together in support. Anyone else spot the join with the above.
P.S. The current generation of satire writers only live in the here and now and most wouldn’t know the front or the back of a history book let alone be bothered to research it.
Not the BBc but then I hardly watch the BBc at all these days. I decided to watch Educating Greater Manchester Ooops I forgot it was channel 4. It turned from a fly on the wall view of the education system to an all out propaganda event for immigrants. Spot the Hitler & Donald Trump comment thrown in? Watch the suppression of certain comments.
“Not the BBc but then I hardly watch the BBc at all these days.”
Join the Club. With so many TV channels and the MSM, does anyone watch Al Beeb any more?
Hence – why the telly Poll Tax?
Perhaps Maxincony will justify this absurd Tax?
Over to you Maxi boy………………
“VW launches new UK diesel scrappage scheme”
“VW launched a more generous scheme in Germany in August in the wake of its diesel emissions scandal.”
VW are Brexit worried, very Brexit worried.
When we leave the EU they will have to scrap the lot if the EU Parliament doesn’t play ball .
“Inefficient vacuum cleaner sales banned”
“Sir James Dyson has been in a court battle with the EU because he says the vacuum standards test doesn’t replicate real world conditions.”
“Ukip MEP Roger Helmer said: “By all means let’s make pathetic under-powered vacuum cleaners for export to the EU. ”
Another good reason why the nation (except Maxincony) voted for BREXIT ?
Did read the article, funnily enough after a hour behind Henry (oo er) here at the home.
Our EEB…the EUs Heath Robinson Compliance Agency…says that-I quote “Power does not equal performance”. If that is not the very embodiment of the grotesque EUs failures re currency, migration and all else it screws up-then I don`t know what is.
When poor Henry dies, I can buy a Swedish twiglet braided broom with a woolly plug and then spend TWO hours cleaning with half the power.
Suits me. As they`re turning my hairdryer into a half power piece of birthday candle tickling, it now means I get twice the time under the hairdryer simply to look a sight.
All men at the EUs science balsa wood and rubber band departments I `ll guess.
No wonder Sir James wanted us out-one of the few clever people who actually MAKES things any more( hence the BBC won`t be asking him anytime soon, good joke from UKIP has to do).
Was that the one with Charles & Di on the front, with her given a caption “It’s a bit of a car crash”? I wasn’t much of a fan, but thought that to be in very poor taste.
Unfortunately I renewed my sub a few months ago. 6 unread copies there now. The “car crash ” cover is a disgrace. I started reading that one today. So boring now and relentlessly anti-Brexit. Peter Cook would turn in his grave. Hislop is just a teenage, silly little prick. I shall not be renewing. Have graduated to ” The Oldie ” now. Much better.
Not so much glass ceiling, more a bin lid
This morning fake conservative David Cameron – albeit retrospectively – gets one of those rare moments of praise from the BBC and Guardian for which he craved – the particular bit of unforseen consequence provoking left liberal virtue signalling is the admission of women into front line active service with the RAF Regiment. The merits or otherwise of that can be put to one side for the moment as the viewer of BBC News may perhaps notice an awkward little juxtaposition with the next headline concerning the Birmingham Binmen Strike. Yes, you heard that right – BinMEN. A quick survey of the picket line will confirm that although no particular sexist ban exists the girls are not exactly queuing up to haul trash in our second city – or not, as the case may be – let’s not get into the merits or otherwise of the strike. But we do learn something here. You see there are some well paid plum jobs the females may want a bigger share of and there are some institutions the activists are keen to feminise or should we say emasculate. And then again there are other occupations, in say, scafolding, sewerage etc… that don’t seem to tickle the fancy of our BBC wimin.
If you watch that Hong Kong junk with Dan Snow in it from the other night AISI?
You`ll see that “yes”-women ARE up for a bit of scaffolding!
The teenage poppet with the sumptuous fluorescent orange talons seemed quite the whizz at tying cables round the bamboo poles. And the Chinese who may well be relying on her to make those poles secure at 45 stories and more seemed reassured , so I`m sure.
Wonder if the black lad who does wheelies in his wheelchair has a nail bar option in his basket?
Only the BBC could give us such fatuous and tokenistic twaddle on every outlet and orifice.
CCTV can only laugh at what we pay the Honk Kong gangmasters to show pretty nails and urgent wheelchair techniques.
Hi all, including Maxincony – does maxincony work for the BBC? I think it would be good for this site to have someone from the BBC acting as a representative so that we can ask them questions (in a civilised manner).
I have asked him before as well as that other chap (forget the name) but they ignored my enquiry. I think it is fair that they reveal themselves to be BBC employees or linked to the BBC IF they do work for the BBC – as it is we the British taxpayers that keep them in a job.
And is it legal for BBC employees and hence the BBC to defend the BBC on blogs such as this, or verbally attack bloggers and commentators, without revealing themselves?
If I remember correctly a chap named David Gregory (who is a BBC correspondent in the Midlands) used to post on here some years ago. Unlike our friend Maxicony, he was always impeccably polite and managed to put the BBC case forward in a civilised and reasoned manner. How things have changed …..
Maxiboy has never answered the question of whether he is linked to the BBC. He has also repeatedly failed to give one example of right wing bias at the BBC. Yet he accuses some posters here of changing the subject when they do not want to answer a question. But he is unique. He is the only poster here who has no sense of humour. Can you imagine being stuck in a lift with him ?
How about as boring as Father Paul Stone, in Father Ted, or even worse, Graham Norton…
And there’s an even more boring priest there somewhere, who keeps annoying people about their funniest noises. I think Father Jack thumps him in the end!
I suppose working for the politically correct bbbc everyday just has that sort of effect on people. Presumably they have to sign some sort of paper before they start ‘work’, and it’s all downhill from thereon, except for the bulging suitcases of tax-payer’s money they get, plus pensions and expensive trips abroad to watch whales or something.
Piers Morgan is one of the few high profile people to actively support President Trump and Brexit.
The Evening Standard, now led by George Osbourne, uses every opportunity to have a dig at him. Piers is co-presenter of the breakfast show with Suzanna Reid and has been away for a while. In this piece it states that Suzanna is going for a night out with him so she can “ease herself back into his company” prior to his return to the show.
In fact they have a night out together every year so this is nothing unusual, but the piece implies that she doesn’t like him and needs to get used to his presence before he returns to work along side her. The piece could just as easily have said that he needs to “ease himself back into her company”.
Everything George Osbourne now does is biased and poisoned against Brexit, Trump and anyone who supports them. What a nasty, bitter little man he is.
I thought the Evening Standard was on its last legs now, Third. Isn’t revenue very low now, as advertisers realise that such a dreary editor can only make things worse!
Didn’t some Labour bloke finish up at the bbc as well? He had ‘stylish’ hippy sideburns and a sneer? I don’t understand why these people fail in politics, and don’t then try and do some real work, rather than just grab the easiest non-job going. Perhaps that’s why they’re politicians in the first place.
They certainly are struggling but still have the backing of their Russian billionaire owner, Alexander Lebedev, the owner of that other famously impartial and fair publication, the Independent.
You’d have to think that Osbourne will be receiving a very substantial salary to do, what is effectively his full-time job, judging by the amount he receives from his other business interests. Remember, Boris Johnson used to be paid £250,000 per year by the Daily Telegraph just for writing one article a week.
At first you’d think it was an absurd appointment – a former Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer becoming an editor of a free newspaper owned by a left-wing Russian billionaire who supports the Labour party. Then you read the anti-Brexit, anti-Trump bile that Osbourne comes out with and it all makes perfect sense.
“I don’t understand why these people fail in politics, and don’t then try and do some real work, rather than just grab the easiest non-job going”.
The concept of real work, something tangible, is beyond their capability. Osborne and the like fear Brexit simply because the highest paid non job is in the EU. A place where failed politicians go to die…but just won’t.
Luckily, I don’t ever see a Standard now, so the advertising they seem to attract doesn’t figure here. I’ve saved hundreds of pounds not reading The Telegraph now, having stopped paying for vouchers in 2007!
My favourite paper years ago (sixties) was The Evening News but that went the way of all good papers, i.e. money talked and proprietors changed banks and also governments…
Sopel actually said something positive about Trump regarding his response to the hurricane! I think this is the first praise of Trump I have ever heard on the Beeb. Not bad for a supposedly impartial broadcaster.
On Radio 4 “Today” this morning about 8:25am was a discussion about punctuation. Great I thought, I was never any good at English so I may learn something new…
Interviewer: “we also have here Hadley Freeman the Guardian columnist who has strong views on exclamation marks and Donald Trump….conveniently (snigger). Hadley, does Donald Trump reveal something about himself with his use of punctuation”?
Freeman : “well Donald Trump is one of the most insecure man to have ever been born. The exclamation mark is one of the most insecure punctuation marks that you use when you feel your words are not conveying excitement or humour or when you don’t trust your own language. Donald Trump writes like a man who doesn’t read – he has for the past 30 years been reading the same one book… ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ ”
Interviewer: “(snigger) (snort)”
Freeman : “he writes like he talks which is an insecure bombastic man. He writes about everything with exclamation marks because he is insecure”
So thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded I have learned loads about the correct use of punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apart from the digs at Donald Trump, all I would say is that, if Mr Freeman’s verbal skills in answering questions is anything to go by, I don’t hold out much hope for his written English, that’s for sure.
…does Donald Trump review something about….???
…one of the most insecure man to have….???
…has been reading the same one book….???
However, the fact that the BBC is filling the airwaves with petty, infantile, invective of this kind, just shows how completely unhinged they have become after two major shocks have shattered their smug worldview. Their neverending wailing and whining about Trump and Brexit is music to my ears. Long may their misery and torment continue!!!!!!
Another example of BBC dross is “The Cold Swedish Winter” on R4. I caught the last 10 meinutes or so and was enthralled by its awfulness. It’s suppossed to be a sitcom, a semi-autobiographical retelling of the author’s, Danny Robins time in Sweden. Robins seems to be another talentless member of the army of stand-up comedians that the BBC deploys at every opportunity to provide us with incisive politcal analysis. This side-splitting comedy included the usual anti-Brexit, anti-Trump comments as per tick box and the refugee Trashkhan whose trials and trubulations we were supposed to emote over. Narrowminded Swede who initially dislikes Trashkhan sees the error of his racist ways. Oh joy!! Oh rapture!! The rather short clichee “More unites us than divides us” is turned into a dreary 30 min platitude. Who listens to this crap! There seems to have been more than one series. Someone is a real glutton for punishment!!!!!!!!
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
MarkyMark – that’s what you get when you elect a black president with a strong lick of the whitewash brush about him! All that greedy capitalist stuff must be his white side coming out.
I heard this garbage. Only the BBC could turn a piece about exclamation marks into an anti-Trump sneerfest by a journalist from the dying left wing rag The Guardian.
To top it off, twenty minutes later they wheeled out none other than Polly Toynbee to discuss something or other. I don’t know what, because I turned off at that point. I expect she managed to have a go at Trump and Brexit, whatever the subject was.
How odd that the only journalists the BBC managed to find for these items came from The Guardian, the national newspaper with the lowest circulation, but their left wing soulmates.
Has our friend Max managed to find a single piece of right wing bias on the BBC yet? I’d love to see it.
Jazznick1 – thanks very much for pointing this out. This is the kind of story we need to watch closely in order to gauge the BBC’s response. It would seem they have three ways of responding:
1. An unbiased impartial report on the mission and whether it achieved what it set out to do; and if not, why not.
2. Some sort of spinning, or simple regurgitating of an official expedition press release with no attempt to ask any awkward questions.
3. The whole story gets quietly dropped in that little incinerator thing that Winston Smith had by his desk in the film of ‘1984’.
Cranmer, not a chance of any response resembling reality. Here is the BBC’s go-to Arctic ice expert. Like any other climate ‘scientist’ on their list, once a favourite always a favourite (regardless of how comprehensively and often their pronouncements get debunked).
A million square kilometres of ice is known as a ”Wadham” in climate debate, and has been since his dire predictions never panned out, quell surprise, the sea ice volumes grew a Wadham or 2.
I heard the Today programme bigging up this dick’s so-called expedition, and I just knew it was going to fail. Part of me wished the fate of the Erebus and Terror on him, and I am not normally a vindictive man, but these posturing eco-warriors really get my goat.
The only sensible way to get to the North Pole is to drive there, sipping a gin and tonic, as Jeremy Clarkson and James May proved a few years ago.
The BBC – nowhere near good enough to be deplorable.
They are despicably bad. If you did not hear the item on the Birmingham Bin Dispute on TODAY (BBC R4 6-9am) in the half hour after 7am listen again on radio iPlayer and see if you can spot anything amiss with the BBC being politically neutral. The Horrorsbin restarted for us at 7.19am, IIRC, with an item where the BBC show their brains are in need of some Global Warming-causing electricity to spark a bit of life into their two desperately under-powered cells. They could, of course, try rubbing their brain cells on their £550 angora sweaters to generate some non-Global Warming-causing electricity of the static kind instead but BBC Engineering may get a bit upset if it grounds via a microphone.
It would be much more helpful and useful if the EU, instead of spending months or years legislating on the power of future vacuum cleaners, had instead checked and legislated for reducing the power consumption of ‘always on’ electrical goods, such as refrigerators. It would have also been even more helpful and useful if the EU, especially before June 2017, had been thoroughly legislating and checking for the electrical safety of refrigerators. Taking some time to also check the competence and thoroughness of the EU safety engineers who test such things might have saved a lot of lives in London.
Of course, there was no mention of that from the overwhelmingly EU-compliant BBC and its presenter.
The disasters of the BBC this morning are well balanced by Ed Vaizey MP, BBC Spokesman for being on the BBC, who was invited on to talk about poor or no high-speed broadband connectivity for rural communities. Here was a former Minister not on top of his previous brief. In fact, he wasn’t even underneath or alongside it. Fair enough. He did leave the job in 2016. A week in politics, after all, is a long time.
He could have a new job from Theresa May, in order to help demonstrate her leadership qualities: Ed Vaizey MP, Secretary of State for Vague Adjacency.
So, I was reading up on the resumption of strike action by Bin men in Birmingham as reported by the bBC and I noticed this picture which for some strange reason has been slightly blurred at the bottom of the picture:
I thought this was strange, so a few seconds on the net reveals what the bBC doesn’t want you to find out:
and when you go on the birmighamworkerwebsite which was slightly blurred out you find this: “No more faith in Labour, no more shouts of “Victory” until the deal is done and the bin men have won their demands!”
Makes you wonder why the bBC didn’t want you to visit the website, newspaper and blog of the Birmingham Branch of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).
This is not the Communist Party of the Morning Star and the old trade unions.. This is a separate Communist Party which is dedicated to Stalin and Mao. Hence the different title – Marxist-Leninist. They very proudly carrier the banner of Joe Stalin on their demonstrations.
Would somebody please tell me what “One Show” was about last night? I am indigenous
Londoner and except that my London accent is not diverse enough anymore for the likes of
the One Show.
There was this gentleman from the Republic of Ireland talking at an amazingly rapid speed
with an Irish brogue about something. I could understand the odd word about space I believe.
But it was made even more incoherent by Alex Jones laughing at everything he said. I
know it doesn’t take much for Alex Jones to laugh,but I gave up after a few minutes of the blarney.
However it was interesting to hear a young disabled Syrian lady ,who now lives in Germany speaking
in English which was almost word perfect and very easy to understand.
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? { jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
I just posted a comment on this above. Notice that your quotes are from Africans who are familiar with the effects. Not some ignorant teenage Beeboid who knows nothing. I could give many examples similar to the ones you mention.
I think my post above shows a difference in reporting at the BBC from 2005 to 2017.
In 2017 the BBC articles are like an article in Hello Magazine or for CBBC – a pretty World where every culture is equal, no awkward questions asked. I have seen this with politicians such as Jeremy Corbyn who says both sides are to blame, but does not reveal any truth about the evils or good when saying this – especially to the audience he is talking to. Listen to Corbyn’s talks and ask yourself what did you learn or did you just feel good afterwards?
LOL two things strike me about that article.
1. They have to get in a reference to slavery and the white oppressor. No BBC article on Africais complete without one!
2. Total moral relativism. They are keen to show that sticking pins in a wax doll or cutting off the head of a chicken are somehow the same as Holy Communion. Of course, to the average Beeboid, they are, because to them all religions are just delusions about ‘sky fairies’ anyway, so what does it matter whether you bow down before a snake, or before the Prince of Peace?
Yet oddly they don’t ask the following questions: where are the Beatitudes of Voodoo? Where is the Sermon on the Mount of Voodoo? Where is the St Francis of Assissi, the Mother Theresa, the John Wesley, the Isaac Watts, the Michaelangelo, the Thomas Tallis of Voodoo? I could go on but you get my drift.
There is one exception for the BBC and that is Islam.
Funny you should mention chicken heads. Some years ago I found one on our living room floor. It could only have been put there by me , my wife or the cleaner. I asked the cleaner to bring her handbag and I popped the head into it and in true Alan Sugar manner said to her “You’re fired ” !
My Gambian friends found it hilarious when I told them, one remarking ” I didn’t like her, she never smiled ” . Welcome to Africa.
I was in that Voodoo capital Dagbo Hounoun in 1998.
Most countries positives& negatives are to do with their own culture so its a waste to shovel aid money at them, tho imperialistic to force cultural change.
However the hundreds of women who have been forced into living in Ghana’s witch camps’ cos some stupid neighbor fingered them as “Witch !” would benefit from cultural change.
I think that indigenous white British pretty much got rid of this nonsense hundreds of years ago. I guess the BBC would like to bring it back. Oh, it is back and alive and well. I wonder why .
Grant – on a visit to Kenya some years ago I was browsing in a newsagent’s and saw a magazine called something like ‘Witches and Witchcraft’. A sort of Take a Break magazine for voodoo, spells etc with headlines like ‘My neighbour put a curse on me – while I was in the bath!’ etc. I wasn’t at all surprised when I looked at the front page and saw it was published in Harlesden, London NW10!
Woman on radio5 is saying on redunancy from the finance industry she went into the beauty industry.
.. I wonder if her male colleagues did the same.
..Makes me think how many of BBC make up jobs are done by men….. FOIA ?
Does the BBC have a special campaign to recruit MALE make-up people to balance up the sex ratio ?
If it doesn’t that would be sexist cos, it does seem to have campaigns to recruit female presenters and engineers.
It would be great if Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid under threat of prison by BBC + BT Sport + Crisps’ Lineker could talk to Jacob Rees-Mogg for two minutes to clarify his position, approved by the BBC editorial guidelines that ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT) {express jul2017}‘.
“Gary ‘£1.75m Labour Supporter whose wages come from an enforced tax’ Lineker on twitter stated his approved BBC opinion that ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)’ – is this the BBC’s opinion or just Gary’s opinion? How come Gary can’t find one thing – has he talked to people who voted for leaving the European Union within the BBC?”
Not the BBC for a change, well … not directly … but brought via the BBC w/s and its section showing the front pages of the UK newspapers plus the Metro. (Incidentally, why the Metro but never the Evening Standard?)
Joyous News! According to the FT the ‘typical non-domiciled’ worker in London pays £105,000 in tax per annum. When I read that the mental calculator in my head (maths is not my strong point) went to whizz on the numbers and came up with ‘Wow! That’s a lot!’
Some investigative journalism – BBC, please note – followed. How many non-doms are there in the UK and how many in London? Does the FT mean non-dom, I wonder, or do they have their own very select definition for that word and also for the word ‘typical’? If not, then the total paid in tax by overseas workers in London is interesting.
UK’s Migration Observatory reckons there were 7 million overseas workers of working age in the UK in 2015 and just over a third were in London. Seems a lot to me but they are academics (Oxford University) working on this and the BBC will therefore love them. Using outdated figures (the number must have increased to date) and taking typical to be ‘average’ that means that the total tax take every year from overseas workers in London alone is running at about 2.3m x £105,000 = £241.5 billion.
In that case, how come the NHS is permanently short of cash? How come the rest of us are paying so much tax?
My memory may be defective but I think the current UK total tax take is about £1.5 trillion. I also think the FT has ‘done a BBC’ here and not questioned some figures (supplied by a PR agency?) or bothered to run them through a calculator before going to press.
Or could they be ‘doing a BBC’ here and it is yet another attempt – this time from elsewhere in the media – to try to very subtly undermine Brexit?
It certainly begs the question: why haven’t all these non-domiciled workers got better tax advisors? Seems there is a waiting clientele for our very own Grant right here in London.
Glad to say I gave up my Tax Consultancy years ago and miss it like a hole in the head. There is a special tax definition of non-dom. However, I would have thought that most non-doms are low paid workers and the table in the link confirms that. It also refers to “foreign born workers ” which is not the same as “non-dom “. I have no idea where the figure of £105 k comes from. So far as I am aware HMRC do not publish these statistics.
If the FT article is written by a journalist it is almost certainly wrong. Most journalists are just as ignorant as most politicians. Look at the BBC for example !
jtf, just had a look. Tax position (for the FT and UK!) is even worse than that. HMRC’s take is actually just over £517bn for 2014/15, £536bn for 2015/16. That doesn’t include taxes for which HMRC has no responsibility, btw. It is UK’s total economy that is heading toward £1.5tn.
The FT’s numbers in that fp piece are likely to be fanciful then. It appears they may have fallen prey to the sort of spoof or dodgy freelance journalism that catches out the TODAY Programme every now and then.
Hi Stewgreen, as far as I can tell this was only placed on the English News Section of the BBC website and then fairly quickly removed.
I didn’t see it on the UK news section nor the main news section nor in the health news section. There are some stories the BBC have to be seen as covering – and this is how they deal with very major stories they don’t really want to cover. They place it on their lowest priority news section (English News section in this case) and then rapidly bury it.
If the doctor was white and this was done during medical checks on immigrants it would be headlined on the BBC homepage, the news homepage, the UK news section, the English news section and the health news section. Then they would find ways of repeating the story over the next few days, by finding new “perspectives” on the story to cover.
Wake up you lot, more good Brexit News from the BBC !
“UK manufacturing growth ‘accelerates”.
They are even running a HYS on it – go on, show your support for our liberation and freedom by posting on it………..
Just when you thought the BBC could not become any more duplicitous, just when you thought it could not get any more devious, the corporation goes and lowers the impartiality bar yet another notch lower. If you thought you had seen the worst excesses of the BBC’s naked anti-Brexit/pro-EU bias, in the words of the politician, ‘you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet’.
Ah the bBC have got round to reporting on the chick with a dick (he still hasn’t had the snip) getting sacked for being a f-ing racist and guess who they make out as the victim? L’Oreal sacks first transgender model Munroe Bergdorf L’Oreal has sacked its first transgender model after claims she posted racist comments online. Munroe Bergdorf reportedly wrote “all white people” are racist in a Facebook post.
and People supporting Munroe have been tweeting using the hashtag #boycottLOreal.
Can you imagine the outcry if any of the other people used by L’Oreal had written a racist rant against blacks, do you think the bBC would give space to anybody who tried to defend that person, would they even post the address for people to defend that twat. No.
The bBC, whose political agenda defies common sense.
Today she (Munroe Bergdorf*) has tried to clarify her* position saying: “When I* stated that ‘all white people are racist’, I* was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a system rooted in white supremacy – designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race.”
“Unknowingly, white people are socialised to be racist from birth onwards. It is not something genetic. No one is born racist.”
*she? he? they? Zhe? Munroe Bergdorf? Did they ask which pro-noun he/she likes to make sure the article wasn’t Genderist!
Times letter page has letter from retired Prof Philip Stott. Once a Radio4 regular, but BBC scrapped the Home Planet show seemingly cos it’s panel of scientists format was inconvenient for BBC’s desired Global Warming agenda.
The letter just says that National trust could do abetter by its volunteers if it stuck to opening 11-5 instead of asking vonteers to work long shifts.
“Warning over ‘looming secondary school place squeeze”
“The Local Government Association says schools will be thousands of places short over the next few years as a population bulge moves up from primary.”
Add that to the shortage of housing, of hospital places, of medical appointments add infinitum. Is there anyone that can explain the ‘Elephant in the Room’ that is causing the ‘so called’ Bulge?
Perhaps someone in the ‘HYS’ will work out this enigma?
Someone should point out that: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, means ordinary Romans going about their daily lives in 2017, not the f***ing Colosseum 2,000 years ago !
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is the official slogan for cultural equality.
More correct is the expression, ‘When in Rome we have to put up with what the Romans do’
Top post. However, the other colonisers were much worse than the British. What can we do now ? Emigrate. Unfortunately many are not in a position to do that and have to suffer the consequences of our useless politicians.
Was interesting to see a different view point – always good to see what others are agreeing on or how they see the world.
Honestly it was just a cut and paste job, no thought required.
The problems are everywhere I’m afraid. The issue is we can escape to a different place but the same problems of creating a ‘Just City’ will still stand. If not somewhere else, then definitely for our future generations.
It’s not just our looming financial collapse; it’s not just a culture that seems on a fast track to perdition, full of hapless, indulgent, childish people who think government has the answer for every problem; it’s not just America’s potential eclipse as a world power because of the drunken sailor policymaking in Washington—no, it’s all this and more that spells one word for America: Armageddon.
A few years ago, I ended up at Army College Shrivenham in which to do an equal opportunity course.
Anyway on the second day we all walked in (with first name badges on our jumpers) and in our classroom we found an Asian woman wearing a sari, who proceeded to paint everybody in the room (all military) as racists, that, they as different people bleed the same colour blood when cut etc. she then turned to me and calling my by my first name, explained she didn’t have to explain that to me. I went ballistic .
Taking control of the room, I pointed out that unlike the vast majority of people in the UK, we spend a lot of our time out of the country. Where we are the immigrant, where we have to fit in with the local population, where we learn the language, customs and where a number of us, marry local girls . In otherwords we learn to respect other people. Unlike so called enlightened people in the Uk who only go abroad for a fortnight at a time. I then finished off with a point about generalisation, she was quick to generalise the military as racists , yet without knowing anything about me, my background, she judged me as been different based simply on the colour of my skin. I sat down. Huge mistake on her behalf. At the tea break I had a female captain come up to me and thank me for standing up. she stated she wanted to say exactly what I had, but she was scared of been seen as a racist.
My wife is black African. I once had a “discussion ” with a black Afro-American online who said that all white people are racist. I mentioned my wife. His reply ” That proves it “. You just can’t win when their minds are so conditioned.
I’ve heard it said many times that African people are far more reasonable than Afro-Americans and Caribbeans, particularly in attitudes to slavery. In the short time that I’ve been here, I get the impression from your comments that this is true. As you are in a good position to say, would you agree with this Grant?
Marky, in the clip played to me by the BBC today, I thought David Davis sounded very firm & resilient and he really nailed the EU negotiators for their ridiculous intransigence.
It was always likely to be that way. Just look at that stupid vacuum cleaner thing, especially in the light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
A sensible EU would have kicked the vacuum cleaner thing into the long grass and be working flat out to tighten SAFETY rules on all electrical appliances AND more to the point, checking that the checkers were doing their jobs properly.
I dispute your assertion that ” The UK is currently led by a bunch of imbeciles and xenophobes “. What evidence do you have for that?
BTW, this post should be under Marky Mark’s 3.42pm post. Why this site’s software has moved it down here, I have no idea.
….Plan where their next lobster (Welsh) supper is coming from. Have you tried buying shellfish when they are landing them in Porthgain? “all sold and heading for France.
Trump might not exactly be of the calibre of Obama or Clintons.
But he`s doing the job for free, and has just given a million dollars of his own money to the Texas Appeal victims. Does anybody REALLY believe that Obama or Clinton would ever have worked voluntarilly as the President, let alone given a cent from their lectures tours, Wall Street speeches or their legacy Foundations as Mr Trump has done, and is doing? Course not-and the BBC say nothing.
Imagine if all these lefties did their “jobs ” for free as Trump does, or gave from their own wealth-as opposed to opening a vein in Joe Public to bleed them dry for the liberal blood donations they never make.
About time, this got noted-especially when we see that Geldof gives nothing, Norton doesn`t work for free and Lineker and all BBC scroats clearly are riding us like wooden horses as their salaries revealed last month.
Trump-good for nothing! BBC-bloody evil and leeching us for the privilege.
Let Labour and the BBC show Trump true social justice ….
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + CarFest + gifts from companies Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
When it comes to money , socialists are, as they say in Scotland , mean as “cats’ keech “. I wonder if anyone on Any Questions tonight will ask Billy Bragg what he does with his wealth. Hypocrites.
You’d have thought that a statement by the EU security chief that UK has 35,000 islamic fanatics might be of interest to the beebistan, usually so keen to publish anything issuing from that institution.
Apparently not though, at least I couldn’t find any reference to it on their Home page.
No doubt they’ll sit on it as long as poss before slipping in a one line about it on some obscure page.
Oh, and Mr de Kerchove also warned that Islamic State will attempt a cyber-attack on nuclear power stations or air traffic control systems…
We have already had this discussion in UK/House of Lords – Oct2001 – Religious Liberty
The third category of contemporary religious persecution is linked with the ideology of violent Islamism, which must be clearly distinguished from the religion of Islam, in order to forestall the development of Islamophobia and a backlash against the vast majority of peaceable Muslims. (we’ve had 16 years to clearly distinguish the differences of violent Islam and Islam)
I had innocently thought that the coming of the Internet would mean that there could be no closed frontiers, but it is reported that e-mails are scrutinised and those containing suspect religious words such as “God”, “Church” or “Pray” are returned undelivered with the comment “message error”. Freedom of religion is seriously at risk and to worship is becoming dangerous. (this was in 2001 – now compare with facebook, twitter and how the BBC reports news)
Grant, I’m sorry but I got the report button when I was trying to reply. Doreen is brilliant isn’t she? Lobster will agree I’m sure when I say she’s like a lot of Black Country women, he don’t suffer fools gladly.
The item on the 6 O’clock news about the Birmingham bin strike caught my attention as the newsroom had obviously sent a reporter to Birmingham to cover this story instead of using one of the many staff in the Brum office.
Also, strangely, the item only covered areas like Balsall Heath and Small Heath where to be honest it’s spot the white face, it wouldn’t do to show how other areas are getting on. Talk about wasteful and only showing what the BBC want us to see. It’s strange all this is happening at a time Brum is trying to get the Commonwealth Games in 2022, our opponents are Liverpool. It wouldn’t do for the Second City of this country to get a important and lucrative games and take attention away from the most important cities in the BBC’s mind, London and Manchester.
God, you have to give the bbC credit on how women (and chicks with dicks) can only be victims: Mickey singer Toni Basil sues Disney and South Park Toni Basil, the one-hit-wonder who recorded Mickey, is suing several companies, saying they have used the song without permission. Media giants Disney and Viacom are among the defendants named in her case, filed in Los Angeles on Thursday. According to court documents, Basil only recently became aware that Mickey had been used in TV shows including South Park and Ru Paul’s Drag Race. She claims the discovery left her “despondent and physically ill”. Basil’s lawyers say the 73-year-old “has experienced sleep deprivation, nightmares and anxiety” as a result of use of the song. She has requested a jury trial.
Yeah right: 73 years old, no longer pulling in the money like she used to do, sees a load of money coming her way. (i’m not saying she wrong to sue) but sleepless nights?
BBC R4 News 6pm. Belated news of the monsoon season from Bihar Province. Where? The BBC inform me that it is in South Asia.
South Asia? If you accept that most of Russia is in Asia – IS ASIA – then OK. That, btw, also means all of China is in South Asia. What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bihar Province is in India. I knew that. The BBC knows that. Why not tell it like it is, BBC?
Bihar Province, northern India. Easy.
BBC: what is wrong with the names Indian sub-Continent and India?
Why are you distorting the language and distorting world geography?
Grant, my suspicious nature – especially after the evidence of last week – has me wondering whether there is something deeper behind this, not just brainlessness or even thoughtlessness. Other posters here claim the BBC is actively pro-Islam, pro-Muslim. I would normally demur and go along with Roger Scruton who has just delivered another excellent Point of View. His suggestion that it is more an accidental adjunct to Human Rights legislation and that that has become a new western religion makes some sense to me.
But this anti-India bee that the BBC appear to have in their bonnet does make me wonder.
Another up and comer for the BBC. Vera Sajrawi formerly Reuters, Al Jazeera, and BBC Arabic now has the job of monitoring media in the Middle East for the BBC.
She has made no secret of hostility to Israel and her belief that it should be destroyed. She will fit right in.
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP (Con) was excellent on Any Questions. If you did not listen, the repeat is on Radio Four at 1.15pm tomorrow. Billy Bragg was not too good; he seemed to be hesitant, uncertain and muddled on every question. Lisa Nandy MP (Lab) was OK, bit typical negative Labour at times and Minette Batters, the NFU Deputy President was ‘Curate’s Egg’-like, good in parts.
Rather more interesting was the fact that Jonathan Dimbleby involved the questioners in the wrong places, before questions had been answered by all Panellists. In addition and most notably, the audience seemed quite balanced and well-behaved.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Anybody heard the bBC mention this:
UK: At 35,000 Islamist fanatics,Britain has more than any other country in Europe.
Another story the bBC won’t be mentioning:
Zamurrad Khan, 57, denies buggery and indecency with young boy
Reality Check.
This actually got 10 seconds on tonight’s news. This was after another lengthy news (?) item which, straight faced, talked about Voodoo worship in West Africa and how it is fighting back against bad publicity in the past. From a BBC that takes every opportunity to sneer at British Christian history and traditions, not one word of cynicism about this utter mumbo jumbo of a religion.
They get worse. Didn’t think it possible but they actually do get worse with each passing day.
F-D-R. The one other item on the news which got my goat was the UN report on the UK having to do better for the disabled. The reporter noted with glee that the UK had more findings against it than any other country! My first thought was of India where some are crippled on purpose from an early age to improve earning potential begging on the streets.
I wonder if Saudia Arabia have a disable program for their ex thiefs with no left hands?
Where is the UN when you need them – busy sticking it to a soft target like the UK who payrolls them.
On the voodoo item, I won’t hold my breath for the BBC doing an item on the culture of FMG in various African countries or about the vast majority of people living in abject poverty whilst their political masters live in the lap of luxury from the spoils of corruption and robbing their own people.
Totally correct – I don’t know why all you racist white people living in the UK are so against ‘traditional healing’. You have unfairly given the whole practice a bad name. Why not just watch and learn?
I have witnessed the effect of ju-ju ( voodoo ) at first hand in Gambia and Senegal. I certainly would not describe it as a religion. It causes much pain , suffering and many deaths. My wife believed in it before she came to Scotland for 2 years. Now, back in Gambia, she often says to me about someone “He is really stupid, he believes in ju-ju ! ” . A bit like Islam , I suppose.
I never thought of the contrast between Blair and Corbyn in this way
‘But I do think people should grasp that Blair’s one-time close aide Peter Hyman was telling the truth when he confessed last Christmas that New Labour’s project was far more radical than Jeremy Corbyn. Dim people can’t seem to grasp that the absence of Little Red Books or plans to storm the Winter Palace doesn’t mean there’s no revolution going on. This lot captured the BBC, the schools, the civil service and the courts, not the railway station, the barracks and the post office’.
Christopher Hitchens Laura Perrins interview
Agree entirely.
Blairs New Labour lot were lucky in the craven uselessness of the Tory opposition.
The Lefty project by stealth was a classic capture of the commanding heights of the culture, whilst the Tories were paddling in the fountains looking for old pennies by way of the economic argument they obsessed on.
To be fair, few of us by then knew of Gramsci, Alinsky, Kalergi or the records of Mandelson, Ashton, Blair, Darling, Reid and Mc Nulty etc-but all had far-left backgrounds, covered and seemingly spent. Not so.
Even better for the left-they were so culturally overwhelming that few of us even THINK we were pawned and our kids turned to multiculti snowflakes. But we were.
Never forget tha Blair said his Party was to be the “political arm of the British People”…and how they dealt with Walter Wolfgang in 2005 shows what the Left always does.
Corbyns not smart or sly enough to match Blair-but his goons are now the Brownshirts that we will need to fight. But they only work in packs with black balaclavas, so we should win if we don`t let them spawn.
Thankfully, they`re not parenting material.
The stealth continues and I’m afraid there are all too few of us aware of it. A term the MSM seem to have deleted from the handbook is “spin”. It’s still very much a legacy from Blairs years and we now have the whole MSM using it to suit but not mentioning the word in reports. Stealth is one thing but it has morphed into deceit.
Snchro – Unfortunately the difference then with now is that the MSM and in particular the BBC have totally bought unto the deceit , thus becoming complicit in the destruction of our own society, culture and democracy that have taken so many years and so much blood to create.
It was interesting seeing the pictures of Blair and Junker together playing tonsil tennis. Excluding Sorris these must be two of the most anti democratic “politicians” in existence today.
Said it all really – All they were missing was a paddling pool and extra virgin olive oil .
GWF – the article was Peter Hitchens and not Christopher Hitchens, but I feel the brothers had the same opinion over the Diana Frances Mountbatten-Windsor mania and watching out for totalitarian regimes/religions.
Good article though …
“And equally instinctive republicans, such as Alastair Campbell (another political genius) and his glove-puppet, Blair, could see in Diana a weapon to be used against the monarchy, while still keeping the sentimental, patriotic parts of the population on their side, or at least neutral.” { aug2017}
I’ve just seen the latest cover of the Charlie Hebdo magazine where they conflate Texans with Nazis.
I guess they’re more comfortable with that than targeting the people who would machine gun their staff.
Satire has to be defended, but note that it does not work when targeted at victims of natural disasters.
Can we remind the Frogs at Charlie Hebdo that Texans are not going to retaliate with guns and bombs shouting Allah Ackibar.
The caption says
God exists, he drowned all Neo Nazis of Texas
Can Charlie Hebdo do a satire on the US graves in Normandy where Texans are among those who liberated the surrender monkeys of France from the Nazis
Pure class, that. So the terrorists have won. Charlie Hebdo has been forced to find targets several thousand miles away.
Opportunities have been lost at key moments over several decades. Enoch Powell was not listened to and is actually accused of making things worse (not sure how that worked in Sweden, France, Germany etc). Ray Honeyford was not supported. We caved in over The Satanic Verses. Nick Griffin and Ann Cryer should have been taken seriously in Keighley. There should have been mass arrests in Rotherham. The Danish cartoons should have been projected onto every major building in Europe with the caption “This is how we do things here. Get used to it!”.
Lord Wreath, I think it’s easy in retrospect to say ‘this was the turning point’. For me it would be the Satanic Verses. But I recall at the time (I may be wrong) the feeling was that this was a foreign, not domestic problem – that the Fatwah was something pronounced by a mad mullah thousands of miles away. There’s a line in one of Orwell’s essays that goes something like ‘British people still think that fascists are just funny foreigners waving their arms about in other countries that are nothing to do with them.’ There didn’t seem to be a sense that it was happening HERE. That didn’t happen until 7/7, and even then, the prevailing sense (again, if I remember rightly ) was that it was a one-off, an exception that proved the rule that we were an integrated, happy multi-culti society. Despite all the recent horrors there are still people who think that. We have a long way to go.
Cast your mind back to the aftermath of the HEBDO killings when the great and the good of the political elite all rallied together in support. Anyone else spot the join with the above.
P.S. The current generation of satire writers only live in the here and now and most wouldn’t know the front or the back of a history book let alone be bothered to research it.
‘Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own’ –
Dean Jonathan Swift
If that’s satire, I don’t get it 🙁
Nasty, not Nazi.
Shouldn’t there be an element of humour in satire? I can’t say that I see the humour in accusing those who died of being neo-Nazis.
Exactly what i thought, same for msm, they are sh1t scared of Allah’s assassins.
Not the BBc but then I hardly watch the BBc at all these days. I decided to watch Educating Greater Manchester Ooops I forgot it was channel 4. It turned from a fly on the wall view of the education system to an all out propaganda event for immigrants. Spot the Hitler & Donald Trump comment thrown in? Watch the suppression of certain comments.
“Not the BBc but then I hardly watch the BBc at all these days.”
Join the Club. With so many TV channels and the MSM, does anyone watch Al Beeb any more?
Hence – why the telly Poll Tax?
Perhaps Maxincony will justify this absurd Tax?
Over to you Maxi boy………………
“VW launches new UK diesel scrappage scheme”
“VW launched a more generous scheme in Germany in August in the wake of its diesel emissions scandal.”
VW are Brexit worried, very Brexit worried.
When we leave the EU they will have to scrap the lot if the EU Parliament doesn’t play ball .
“Inefficient vacuum cleaner sales banned”
“Sir James Dyson has been in a court battle with the EU because he says the vacuum standards test doesn’t replicate real world conditions.”
“Ukip MEP Roger Helmer said: “By all means let’s make pathetic under-powered vacuum cleaners for export to the EU. ”
Another good reason why the nation (except Maxincony) voted for BREXIT ?
Did read the article, funnily enough after a hour behind Henry (oo er) here at the home.
Our EEB…the EUs Heath Robinson Compliance Agency…says that-I quote “Power does not equal performance”. If that is not the very embodiment of the grotesque EUs failures re currency, migration and all else it screws up-then I don`t know what is.
When poor Henry dies, I can buy a Swedish twiglet braided broom with a woolly plug and then spend TWO hours cleaning with half the power.
Suits me. As they`re turning my hairdryer into a half power piece of birthday candle tickling, it now means I get twice the time under the hairdryer simply to look a sight.
All men at the EUs science balsa wood and rubber band departments I `ll guess.
No wonder Sir James wanted us out-one of the few clever people who actually MAKES things any more( hence the BBC won`t be asking him anytime soon, good joke from UKIP has to do).
Nice to see The Daily Express giving the finger to two of the most boring and unfunny ‘comedians’ on ‘Have I got crap for you’, last Monday.
I saw a copy of Private Eye in Tesco yesterday, and wondered why it was still there, it was about eight years out of date.
(Note to Hislop and Merton, ‘just pack it up, and bugger off somewhere else – please’).
Was that the one with Charles & Di on the front, with her given a caption “It’s a bit of a car crash”? I wasn’t much of a fan, but thought that to be in very poor taste.
Not really sure, Roland, but that headline was indeed pretty nasty.
Come back Ingrams, Foot and co, and kick these little prats out.
Roland/ Scrobbie,
Unfortunately I renewed my sub a few months ago. 6 unread copies there now. The “car crash ” cover is a disgrace. I started reading that one today. So boring now and relentlessly anti-Brexit. Peter Cook would turn in his grave. Hislop is just a teenage, silly little prick. I shall not be renewing. Have graduated to ” The Oldie ” now. Much better.
Not so much glass ceiling, more a bin lid
This morning fake conservative David Cameron – albeit retrospectively – gets one of those rare moments of praise from the BBC and Guardian for which he craved – the particular bit of unforseen consequence provoking left liberal virtue signalling is the admission of women into front line active service with the RAF Regiment. The merits or otherwise of that can be put to one side for the moment as the viewer of BBC News may perhaps notice an awkward little juxtaposition with the next headline concerning the Birmingham Binmen Strike. Yes, you heard that right – BinMEN. A quick survey of the picket line will confirm that although no particular sexist ban exists the girls are not exactly queuing up to haul trash in our second city – or not, as the case may be – let’s not get into the merits or otherwise of the strike. But we do learn something here. You see there are some well paid plum jobs the females may want a bigger share of and there are some institutions the activists are keen to feminise or should we say emasculate. And then again there are other occupations, in say, scafolding, sewerage etc… that don’t seem to tickle the fancy of our BBC wimin.
If you watch that Hong Kong junk with Dan Snow in it from the other night AISI?
You`ll see that “yes”-women ARE up for a bit of scaffolding!
The teenage poppet with the sumptuous fluorescent orange talons seemed quite the whizz at tying cables round the bamboo poles. And the Chinese who may well be relying on her to make those poles secure at 45 stories and more seemed reassured , so I`m sure.
Wonder if the black lad who does wheelies in his wheelchair has a nail bar option in his basket?
Only the BBC could give us such fatuous and tokenistic twaddle on every outlet and orifice.
CCTV can only laugh at what we pay the Honk Kong gangmasters to show pretty nails and urgent wheelchair techniques.
Hi all, including Maxincony – does maxincony work for the BBC? I think it would be good for this site to have someone from the BBC acting as a representative so that we can ask them questions (in a civilised manner).
I have asked him before as well as that other chap (forget the name) but they ignored my enquiry. I think it is fair that they reveal themselves to be BBC employees or linked to the BBC IF they do work for the BBC – as it is we the British taxpayers that keep them in a job.
And is it legal for BBC employees and hence the BBC to defend the BBC on blogs such as this, or verbally attack bloggers and commentators, without revealing themselves?
If I remember correctly a chap named David Gregory (who is a BBC correspondent in the Midlands) used to post on here some years ago. Unlike our friend Maxicony, he was always impeccably polite and managed to put the BBC case forward in a civilised and reasoned manner. How things have changed …..
Maxiboy has never answered the question of whether he is linked to the BBC. He has also repeatedly failed to give one example of right wing bias at the BBC. Yet he accuses some posters here of changing the subject when they do not want to answer a question. But he is unique. He is the only poster here who has no sense of humour. Can you imagine being stuck in a lift with him ?
” Can you imagine being stuck in a lift with him ?”
Especially if he had flatulence, after all he is full of it!
How about as boring as Father Paul Stone, in Father Ted, or even worse, Graham Norton…
And there’s an even more boring priest there somewhere, who keeps annoying people about their funniest noises. I think Father Jack thumps him in the end!
I suppose working for the politically correct bbbc everyday just has that sort of effect on people. Presumably they have to sign some sort of paper before they start ‘work’, and it’s all downhill from thereon, except for the bulging suitcases of tax-payer’s money they get, plus pensions and expensive trips abroad to watch whales or something.
Piers Morgan is one of the few high profile people to actively support President Trump and Brexit.
The Evening Standard, now led by George Osbourne, uses every opportunity to have a dig at him. Piers is co-presenter of the breakfast show with Suzanna Reid and has been away for a while. In this piece it states that Suzanna is going for a night out with him so she can “ease herself back into his company” prior to his return to the show.
In fact they have a night out together every year so this is nothing unusual, but the piece implies that she doesn’t like him and needs to get used to his presence before he returns to work along side her. The piece could just as easily have said that he needs to “ease himself back into her company”.
Everything George Osbourne now does is biased and poisoned against Brexit, Trump and anyone who supports them. What a nasty, bitter little man he is.
I thought the Evening Standard was on its last legs now, Third. Isn’t revenue very low now, as advertisers realise that such a dreary editor can only make things worse!
Didn’t some Labour bloke finish up at the bbc as well? He had ‘stylish’ hippy sideburns and a sneer? I don’t understand why these people fail in politics, and don’t then try and do some real work, rather than just grab the easiest non-job going. Perhaps that’s why they’re politicians in the first place.
Was that Jacqui Smith?
They certainly are struggling but still have the backing of their Russian billionaire owner, Alexander Lebedev, the owner of that other famously impartial and fair publication, the Independent.
You’d have to think that Osbourne will be receiving a very substantial salary to do, what is effectively his full-time job, judging by the amount he receives from his other business interests. Remember, Boris Johnson used to be paid £250,000 per year by the Daily Telegraph just for writing one article a week.
At first you’d think it was an absurd appointment – a former Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer becoming an editor of a free newspaper owned by a left-wing Russian billionaire who supports the Labour party. Then you read the anti-Brexit, anti-Trump bile that Osbourne comes out with and it all makes perfect sense.
“I don’t understand why these people fail in politics, and don’t then try and do some real work, rather than just grab the easiest non-job going”.
The concept of real work, something tangible, is beyond their capability. Osborne and the like fear Brexit simply because the highest paid non job is in the EU. A place where failed politicians go to die…but just won’t.
All of the above, Flak, Third and Emmanuel.
Luckily, I don’t ever see a Standard now, so the advertising they seem to attract doesn’t figure here. I’ve saved hundreds of pounds not reading The Telegraph now, having stopped paying for vouchers in 2007!
My favourite paper years ago (sixties) was The Evening News but that went the way of all good papers, i.e. money talked and proprietors changed banks and also governments…
Sopel actually said something positive about Trump regarding his response to the hurricane! I think this is the first praise of Trump I have ever heard on the Beeb. Not bad for a supposedly impartial broadcaster.
Beeb, please refer yourself to the nearest hearing aid place, and wash your mouth out…
Sopel just sneers and waffles, and I don’t believe a word he says – that’s when I listen for more than a few seconds and turn off the set!
(Sorry if I offend, of course I hope your hearing is normal and you still have a mouthful of teeth…;0)
On Radio 4 “Today” this morning about 8:25am was a discussion about punctuation. Great I thought, I was never any good at English so I may learn something new…
Interviewer: “we also have here Hadley Freeman the Guardian columnist who has strong views on exclamation marks and Donald Trump….conveniently (snigger). Hadley, does Donald Trump reveal something about himself with his use of punctuation”?
Freeman : “well Donald Trump is one of the most insecure man to have ever been born. The exclamation mark is one of the most insecure punctuation marks that you use when you feel your words are not conveying excitement or humour or when you don’t trust your own language. Donald Trump writes like a man who doesn’t read – he has for the past 30 years been reading the same one book… ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ ”
Interviewer: “(snigger) (snort)”
Freeman : “he writes like he talks which is an insecure bombastic man. He writes about everything with exclamation marks because he is insecure”
So thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded I have learned loads about the correct use of punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tabs….thank you for that. I missed it.
Apart from the digs at Donald Trump, all I would say is that, if Mr Freeman’s verbal skills in answering questions is anything to go by, I don’t hold out much hope for his written English, that’s for sure.
…does Donald Trump review something about….???
…one of the most insecure man to have….???
…has been reading the same one book….???
What verbal rubbish!
Verbal rubbish indeed!
However, the fact that the BBC is filling the airwaves with petty, infantile, invective of this kind, just shows how completely unhinged they have become after two major shocks have shattered their smug worldview. Their neverending wailing and whining about Trump and Brexit is music to my ears. Long may their misery and torment continue!!!!!!
Another example of BBC dross is “The Cold Swedish Winter” on R4. I caught the last 10 meinutes or so and was enthralled by its awfulness. It’s suppossed to be a sitcom, a semi-autobiographical retelling of the author’s, Danny Robins time in Sweden. Robins seems to be another talentless member of the army of stand-up comedians that the BBC deploys at every opportunity to provide us with incisive politcal analysis. This side-splitting comedy included the usual anti-Brexit, anti-Trump comments as per tick box and the refugee Trashkhan whose trials and trubulations we were supposed to emote over. Narrowminded Swede who initially dislikes Trashkhan sees the error of his racist ways. Oh joy!! Oh rapture!! The rather short clichee “More unites us than divides us” is turned into a dreary 30 min platitude. Who listens to this crap! There seems to have been more than one series. Someone is a real glutton for punishment!!!!!!!!
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
MarkyMark – that’s what you get when you elect a black president with a strong lick of the whitewash brush about him! All that greedy capitalist stuff must be his white side coming out.
I heard this garbage. Only the BBC could turn a piece about exclamation marks into an anti-Trump sneerfest by a journalist from the dying left wing rag The Guardian.
To top it off, twenty minutes later they wheeled out none other than Polly Toynbee to discuss something or other. I don’t know what, because I turned off at that point. I expect she managed to have a go at Trump and Brexit, whatever the subject was.
How odd that the only journalists the BBC managed to find for these items came from The Guardian, the national newspaper with the lowest circulation, but their left wing soulmates.
Has our friend Max managed to find a single piece of right wing bias on the BBC yet? I’d love to see it.
The BBC’s favourite climate failure – Pen Hadow – popped off for a sail to the North Pole !
Seems that, not unexpectedly, he’s got stuck (again)
That’s bound to make it to the headlines………../sarc off
Jazznick1 – thanks very much for pointing this out. This is the kind of story we need to watch closely in order to gauge the BBC’s response. It would seem they have three ways of responding:
1. An unbiased impartial report on the mission and whether it achieved what it set out to do; and if not, why not.
2. Some sort of spinning, or simple regurgitating of an official expedition press release with no attempt to ask any awkward questions.
3. The whole story gets quietly dropped in that little incinerator thing that Winston Smith had by his desk in the film of ‘1984’.
Cranmer, not a chance of any response resembling reality. Here is the BBC’s go-to Arctic ice expert. Like any other climate ‘scientist’ on their list, once a favourite always a favourite (regardless of how comprehensively and often their pronouncements get debunked).
Time’s up, so-called Professor Wadhams.
It is now exactly four years ago that you forecast the demise of Arctic sea ice this summer:
One of the world’s leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years.
Be honest. You are not actually very good at your job, are you? {notalotofpeopleknowthat sep2016}
Arctic could become ice-free for first time in more than 100,000 years, claims leading scientist {independent jun2016}
“I think we are going to see perhaps a new record [in September 2016], that’s very possible.” – Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University
Here’s an update for you
A year on and he’s still clueless……………..
“Arctic Refuses To Melt As Predicted {aug2017}” or “World refuses to conform to how humans want it to work for political gain”?
“…we can recognise a short coming, sometimes serious, in our ability to understand the World. Characteristically, willy nilly, we seem compelled to project our own nature onto nature. Man in his arrogance thinks himself a great work….” {youtube – Man in his arrogance – A Great Speech By Carl Sagan }
A million square kilometres of ice is known as a ”Wadham” in climate debate, and has been since his dire predictions never panned out, quell surprise, the sea ice volumes grew a Wadham or 2.
This news has given me a much needed laugh.
I heard the Today programme bigging up this dick’s so-called expedition, and I just knew it was going to fail. Part of me wished the fate of the Erebus and Terror on him, and I am not normally a vindictive man, but these posturing eco-warriors really get my goat.
The only sensible way to get to the North Pole is to drive there, sipping a gin and tonic, as Jeremy Clarkson and James May proved a few years ago.
BBC News presenter sighs as he sums up Barnier’s Brexit speech – ‘What did you think?’
Beeb incapable of reporting.
The BBC – nowhere near good enough to be deplorable.
They are despicably bad. If you did not hear the item on the Birmingham Bin Dispute on TODAY (BBC R4 6-9am) in the half hour after 7am listen again on radio iPlayer and see if you can spot anything amiss with the BBC being politically neutral. The Horrorsbin restarted for us at 7.19am, IIRC, with an item where the BBC show their brains are in need of some Global Warming-causing electricity to spark a bit of life into their two desperately under-powered cells. They could, of course, try rubbing their brain cells on their £550 angora sweaters to generate some non-Global Warming-causing electricity of the static kind instead but BBC Engineering may get a bit upset if it grounds via a microphone.
It would be much more helpful and useful if the EU, instead of spending months or years legislating on the power of future vacuum cleaners, had instead checked and legislated for reducing the power consumption of ‘always on’ electrical goods, such as refrigerators. It would have also been even more helpful and useful if the EU, especially before June 2017, had been thoroughly legislating and checking for the electrical safety of refrigerators. Taking some time to also check the competence and thoroughness of the EU safety engineers who test such things might have saved a lot of lives in London.
Of course, there was no mention of that from the overwhelmingly EU-compliant BBC and its presenter.
The disasters of the BBC this morning are well balanced by Ed Vaizey MP, BBC Spokesman for being on the BBC, who was invited on to talk about poor or no high-speed broadband connectivity for rural communities. Here was a former Minister not on top of his previous brief. In fact, he wasn’t even underneath or alongside it. Fair enough. He did leave the job in 2016. A week in politics, after all, is a long time.
He could have a new job from Theresa May, in order to help demonstrate her leadership qualities: Ed Vaizey MP, Secretary of State for Vague Adjacency.
So, I was reading up on the resumption of strike action by Bin men in Birmingham as reported by the bBC and I noticed this picture which for some strange reason has been slightly blurred at the bottom of the picture:

I thought this was strange, so a few seconds on the net reveals what the bBC doesn’t want you to find out:
and when you go on the birmighamworkerwebsite which was slightly blurred out you find this:
“No more faith in Labour, no more shouts of “Victory” until the deal is done and the bin men have won their demands!”
Makes you wonder why the bBC didn’t want you to visit the website, newspaper and blog of the Birmingham Branch of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).
Well spotted. I did not know that there is still a Communist Party !
Pounce, Grant
This is not the Communist Party of the Morning Star and the old trade unions.. This is a separate Communist Party which is dedicated to Stalin and Mao. Hence the different title – Marxist-Leninist. They very proudly carrier the banner of Joe Stalin on their demonstrations.
I love the bit that says ‘not for fly posting.’ Surely if ‘all property is theft’ it doesn’t matter where you stick their propaganda?
Would somebody please tell me what “One Show” was about last night? I am indigenous
Londoner and except that my London accent is not diverse enough anymore for the likes of
the One Show.
There was this gentleman from the Republic of Ireland talking at an amazingly rapid speed
with an Irish brogue about something. I could understand the odd word about space I believe.
But it was made even more incoherent by Alex Jones laughing at everything he said. I
know it doesn’t take much for Alex Jones to laugh,but I gave up after a few minutes of the blarney.
However it was interesting to hear a young disabled Syrian lady ,who now lives in Germany speaking
in English which was almost word perfect and very easy to understand.
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? { jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
I just posted a comment on this above. Notice that your quotes are from Africans who are familiar with the effects. Not some ignorant teenage Beeboid who knows nothing. I could give many examples similar to the ones you mention.
I think my post above shows a difference in reporting at the BBC from 2005 to 2017.
In 2017 the BBC articles are like an article in Hello Magazine or for CBBC – a pretty World where every culture is equal, no awkward questions asked. I have seen this with politicians such as Jeremy Corbyn who says both sides are to blame, but does not reveal any truth about the evils or good when saying this – especially to the audience he is talking to. Listen to Corbyn’s talks and ask yourself what did you learn or did you just feel good afterwards?
Mark Steyn explains if better than I could here …
‘Mark Steyn – The Fraud of Multiculturalism “Cultures are not Equal”{youtube}’.
” … if you’re a women and you’re raped in many Islamic countries, you get punished (the women). You are the one who has bought dishonour on your family … @2:46″
LOL two things strike me about that article.
1. They have to get in a reference to slavery and the white oppressor. No BBC article on Africais complete without one!
2. Total moral relativism. They are keen to show that sticking pins in a wax doll or cutting off the head of a chicken are somehow the same as Holy Communion. Of course, to the average Beeboid, they are, because to them all religions are just delusions about ‘sky fairies’ anyway, so what does it matter whether you bow down before a snake, or before the Prince of Peace?
Yet oddly they don’t ask the following questions: where are the Beatitudes of Voodoo? Where is the Sermon on the Mount of Voodoo? Where is the St Francis of Assissi, the Mother Theresa, the John Wesley, the Isaac Watts, the Michaelangelo, the Thomas Tallis of Voodoo? I could go on but you get my drift.
There is one exception for the BBC and that is Islam.
Funny you should mention chicken heads. Some years ago I found one on our living room floor. It could only have been put there by me , my wife or the cleaner. I asked the cleaner to bring her handbag and I popped the head into it and in true Alan Sugar manner said to her “You’re fired ” !
My Gambian friends found it hilarious when I told them, one remarking ” I didn’t like her, she never smiled ” . Welcome to Africa.
I was in that Voodoo capital Dagbo Hounoun in 1998.
Most countries positives& negatives are to do with their own culture so its a waste to shovel aid money at them, tho imperialistic to force cultural change.
However the hundreds of women who have been forced into living in Ghana’s witch camps’ cos some stupid neighbor fingered them as “Witch !” would benefit from cultural change.
I think that indigenous white British pretty much got rid of this nonsense hundreds of years ago. I guess the BBC would like to bring it back. Oh, it is back and alive and well. I wonder why .
Grant – on a visit to Kenya some years ago I was browsing in a newsagent’s and saw a magazine called something like ‘Witches and Witchcraft’. A sort of Take a Break magazine for voodoo, spells etc with headlines like ‘My neighbour put a curse on me – while I was in the bath!’ etc. I wasn’t at all surprised when I looked at the front page and saw it was published in Harlesden, London NW10!
Harlesden, hotbed of voodoo !
Woman on radio5 is saying on redunancy from the finance industry she went into the beauty industry.
.. I wonder if her male colleagues did the same.
..Makes me think how many of BBC make up jobs are done by men….. FOIA ?
Does the BBC have a special campaign to recruit MALE make-up people to balance up the sex ratio ?
If it doesn’t that would be sexist cos, it does seem to have campaigns to recruit female presenters and engineers.
JRM will be on Any Questions at 20:00.
the island, goodee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be great if Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid under threat of prison by BBC + BT Sport + Crisps’ Lineker could talk to Jacob Rees-Mogg for two minutes to clarify his position, approved by the BBC editorial guidelines that ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT) {express jul2017}‘.
{previous biasedbbc post on Gary and Brexit}
MM, great idea, I love it.
I see it’s from Devon, that’s handy. Billy Bragg won’t have far to travel from neighbouring Dorset.
I guess the BBC will, right now, be furiously vetting the audience to see if it can increase to 100% the Left/commie/Marxist audience element.
Even better if several people in the R4 audience or phone in repeat the following …
“Gary ‘£1.75m Labour Supporter whose wages come from an enforced tax’ Lineker on twitter stated his approved BBC opinion that ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)’ – is this the BBC’s opinion or just Gary’s opinion? How come Gary can’t find one thing – has he talked to people who voted for leaving the European Union within the BBC?”
Not the BBC for a change, well … not directly … but brought via the BBC w/s and its section showing the front pages of the UK newspapers plus the Metro. (Incidentally, why the Metro but never the Evening Standard?)
Joyous News! According to the FT the ‘typical non-domiciled’ worker in London pays £105,000 in tax per annum. When I read that the mental calculator in my head (maths is not my strong point) went to whizz on the numbers and came up with ‘Wow! That’s a lot!’
Some investigative journalism – BBC, please note – followed. How many non-doms are there in the UK and how many in London? Does the FT mean non-dom, I wonder, or do they have their own very select definition for that word and also for the word ‘typical’? If not, then the total paid in tax by overseas workers in London is interesting.
UK’s Migration Observatory reckons there were 7 million overseas workers of working age in the UK in 2015 and just over a third were in London. Seems a lot to me but they are academics (Oxford University) working on this and the BBC will therefore love them. Using outdated figures (the number must have increased to date) and taking typical to be ‘average’ that means that the total tax take every year from overseas workers in London alone is running at about 2.3m x £105,000 = £241.5 billion.
In that case, how come the NHS is permanently short of cash? How come the rest of us are paying so much tax?
My memory may be defective but I think the current UK total tax take is about £1.5 trillion. I also think the FT has ‘done a BBC’ here and not questioned some figures (supplied by a PR agency?) or bothered to run them through a calculator before going to press.
Or could they be ‘doing a BBC’ here and it is yet another attempt – this time from elsewhere in the media – to try to very subtly undermine Brexit?
It certainly begs the question: why haven’t all these non-domiciled workers got better tax advisors? Seems there is a waiting clientele for our very own Grant right here in London.
Glad to say I gave up my Tax Consultancy years ago and miss it like a hole in the head. There is a special tax definition of non-dom. However, I would have thought that most non-doms are low paid workers and the table in the link confirms that. It also refers to “foreign born workers ” which is not the same as “non-dom “. I have no idea where the figure of £105 k comes from. So far as I am aware HMRC do not publish these statistics.
If the FT article is written by a journalist it is almost certainly wrong. Most journalists are just as ignorant as most politicians. Look at the BBC for example !
Grant, I think there are some good journalists around but they are becoming thin on the ground.
The FT used to be a good paper but ownership has changed and that may have an effect.
FT used to have an ace guy on staff but I cannot remember his name, even before 10pm tonight. The ageing process – eeek! Wolf? Martin Wolf?
HMRC might not be responsible for the publishing – National Audit Office provided this:
My memory may be defective but I think the current UK total tax take is about £1.5 trillion
Only half that, I’m afraid, of which income tax contributed 33% (thus making their figure even more fanciful).
jtf, just had a look. Tax position (for the FT and UK!) is even worse than that. HMRC’s take is actually just over £517bn for 2014/15, £536bn for 2015/16. That doesn’t include taxes for which HMRC has no responsibility, btw. It is UK’s total economy that is heading toward £1.5tn.
The FT’s numbers in that fp piece are likely to be fanciful then. It appears they may have fallen prey to the sort of spoof or dodgy freelance journalism that catches out the TODAY Programme every now and then.
I guess Shah is not a Muslim name, otherwise they would have suppressed the enrichment story
Hi Stewgreen, as far as I can tell this was only placed on the English News Section of the BBC website and then fairly quickly removed.
I didn’t see it on the UK news section nor the main news section nor in the health news section. There are some stories the BBC have to be seen as covering – and this is how they deal with very major stories they don’t really want to cover. They place it on their lowest priority news section (English News section in this case) and then rapidly bury it.
If the doctor was white and this was done during medical checks on immigrants it would be headlined on the BBC homepage, the news homepage, the UK news section, the English news section and the health news section. Then they would find ways of repeating the story over the next few days, by finding new “perspectives” on the story to cover.
Wake up you lot, more good Brexit News from the BBC !
“UK manufacturing growth ‘accelerates”.
They are even running a HYS on it – go on, show your support for our liberation and freedom by posting on it………..
Good US growth was also reported yesterday.
Whereas Germany has bigger than expected inflation.
With Diane Abbott in mind … David Davis’s former chief of staff (James Chapman) launches extraordinary tirade against ‘drunk, bullying and inappropriate’ Brexit chief {independent – James Chapman – aug2017}
“Leered” over Labour MP Diane Abbott while allegedly “drunk”
Has been “working 3 day week since day one”
Keeps former Ukip leader Nigel Farage on “speed dial”
Could get easy rides in BBC interviews because of close relationships with top presenters
Conducted extraordinary outbursts against foreign leaders
The BBC’s fawning over the increasingly erratic James Chapman and his post-Brexit meltdown is alarming, says David Hardy.{commentcentral aug2017}
Just when you thought the BBC could not become any more duplicitous, just when you thought it could not get any more devious, the corporation goes and lowers the impartiality bar yet another notch lower. If you thought you had seen the worst excesses of the BBC’s naked anti-Brexit/pro-EU bias, in the words of the politician, ‘you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet’.
Please read & RT my piece on how the rights of millions of UK & EU citizens are in doubt {twitter – Diane Abbott @HackneyAbbott – Sep2017}
Would rather eat my own shit than read anything you wrote!!!!!!!
Sure it’s millions? Come on give us a clue how many millions where’s the data from? Did you count them?
Don’t mind taking murdochs cash
I think it would take more than booze to make anyone “leer” over Diane Abbott.
I doubt if even a near-lethal dose of LSD would induce that.
He was not leering at Diane Abbot. He was paralysed with catatonic shock.
Probably more a sneer than a leer or maybe a grimace !
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t got round to reporting this sacking of a man for racism:
UK: L’Oreal’s first transgender model sacked for racism
Maybe the bBC thinks, hes not worth it.
Ah the bBC have got round to reporting on the chick with a dick (he still hasn’t had the snip) getting sacked for being a f-ing racist and guess who they make out as the victim?
L’Oreal sacks first transgender model Munroe Bergdorf
L’Oreal has sacked its first transgender model after claims she posted racist comments online. Munroe Bergdorf reportedly wrote “all white people” are racist in a Facebook post.
People supporting Munroe have been tweeting using the hashtag #boycottLOreal.
Can you imagine the outcry if any of the other people used by L’Oreal had written a racist rant against blacks, do you think the bBC would give space to anybody who tried to defend that person, would they even post the address for people to defend that twat. No.
The bBC, whose political agenda defies common sense.
Out of the mouths of babes …
Today she (Munroe Bergdorf*) has tried to clarify her* position saying: “When I* stated that ‘all white people are racist’, I* was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a system rooted in white supremacy – designed to benefit, prioritise and protect white people before anyone of any other race.”
“Unknowingly, white people are socialised to be racist from birth onwards. It is not something genetic. No one is born racist.”
*she? he? they? Zhe? Munroe Bergdorf? Did they ask which pro-noun he/she likes to make sure the article wasn’t Genderist!
“L’Oreal sacks first transgender model Munroe Bergdorf” { aug2017}
– I see the BBC title does not include the word racist? Aren’t we all to be treated as equal racists?
Times letter page has letter from retired Prof Philip Stott. Once a Radio4 regular, but BBC scrapped the Home Planet show seemingly cos it’s panel of scientists format was inconvenient for BBC’s desired Global Warming agenda.
The letter just says that National trust could do abetter by its volunteers if it stuck to opening 11-5 instead of asking vonteers to work long shifts.
“Warning over ‘looming secondary school place squeeze”
“The Local Government Association says schools will be thousands of places short over the next few years as a population bulge moves up from primary.”
Add that to the shortage of housing, of hospital places, of medical appointments add infinitum. Is there anyone that can explain the ‘Elephant in the Room’ that is causing the ‘so called’ Bulge?
Perhaps someone in the ‘HYS’ will work out this enigma?
‘Population bulge’ – LOL! That suggests it’s a temporary bit of flab round the middle that can be worked off with a bit of exercise!
The cultural enrichment of Rome
Someone should point out that: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, means ordinary Romans going about their daily lives in 2017, not the f***ing Colosseum 2,000 years ago !
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is the official slogan for cultural equality.
More correct is the expression, ‘When in Rome we have to put up with what the Romans do’
The Romans were not very tolerant of that kind of behaviour !
From the clip it looks like the police need more ‘baton training’.
15 months after Brexit and the political reputation of the British is increasingly of being ill-prepared, unintelligent and xenophobic. {twitter Ian Dunt}
which makes even it even more mind-boggling how they colonised half the planet under the guise of ‘trade’. I guess gun powder always helps.
Colonial UK spent lot of resources understanding countries they wished to exploit – language, custom, politics, social distinctions etc.
They were bastards, but they were well researched bastards. Unlike this lot, who are proud of their ignorance.
Plus the RN was the key, and it was ruthless, prepared and extremely fast to learn and adapt.
Watching DDavis explain UK’s position is like that game show where you have to spot truth or lie without the truth bit.
Or the 3:2:1 clues.
Even at home on my own I cringe listening to the Tory arrogance. I am so embarrassed & ashamed to be British, I want to apologise for it.
At least you couldn’t help it, feels even worse for one who chose to become British…
Never in the history of the British Isles has the reputation and good name of so many been besmirched by so few #Brexiteers
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Someone save us from the idiots running our country and the idiots who vote to keep them there…
Seriously, what the hell DO we do now? What can sane British citizens do to stop this madness?
Churchill and Disraeli and Wellington would all be turning in the grave. The UK is currently led by a bunch of imbeciles and xenophobes
I think you’ll find xenophobe applies to a few of them as well.
Top post. However, the other colonisers were much worse than the British. What can we do now ? Emigrate. Unfortunately many are not in a position to do that and have to suffer the consequences of our useless politicians.
Was interesting to see a different view point – always good to see what others are agreeing on or how they see the world.
Honestly it was just a cut and paste job, no thought required.
The problems are everywhere I’m afraid. The issue is we can escape to a different place but the same problems of creating a ‘Just City’ will still stand. If not somewhere else, then definitely for our future generations.
1) Stop paying for the TV License and tell the BBC why. (I still haven’t)
2) Hold people jump on high moral stools to their own standards – constantly.
3) Stop the rise of religious privilege for all religions – show it as privilege which an all powerful God does not need surely?
4) Send “The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray {amazon}” to a friend, your local MP or to 10 Downing Street (which I did)
Re. 4) , I am about half-way through now. Superb book, but the time will come when it and similar books will be banned.
Also recommend another soon to be banned just like ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ in China 1992 – After America: Get Ready for Armageddon- Mark Steyn.
It’s not just our looming financial collapse; it’s not just a culture that seems on a fast track to perdition, full of hapless, indulgent, childish people who think government has the answer for every problem; it’s not just America’s potential eclipse as a world power because of the drunken sailor policymaking in Washington—no, it’s all this and more that spells one word for America: Armageddon.
Thanks , I shall put Mark’s book on my list. If the USA goes down we are all doomed.
A few years ago, I ended up at Army College Shrivenham in which to do an equal opportunity course.
Anyway on the second day we all walked in (with first name badges on our jumpers) and in our classroom we found an Asian woman wearing a sari, who proceeded to paint everybody in the room (all military) as racists, that, they as different people bleed the same colour blood when cut etc. she then turned to me and calling my by my first name, explained she didn’t have to explain that to me. I went ballistic .
Taking control of the room, I pointed out that unlike the vast majority of people in the UK, we spend a lot of our time out of the country. Where we are the immigrant, where we have to fit in with the local population, where we learn the language, customs and where a number of us, marry local girls . In otherwords we learn to respect other people. Unlike so called enlightened people in the Uk who only go abroad for a fortnight at a time. I then finished off with a point about generalisation, she was quick to generalise the military as racists , yet without knowing anything about me, my background, she judged me as been different based simply on the colour of my skin. I sat down. Huge mistake on her behalf. At the tea break I had a female captain come up to me and thank me for standing up. she stated she wanted to say exactly what I had, but she was scared of been seen as a racist.
Well done. Sounds like there was probably only one racist it that room !
Yes, well done.
Sad that the captain couldn’t speak up though. This self censorship is a significant part of the problem I think.
On the other hand, it’s always easy to say that other people should risk their careers.
Lord ,
My wife is black African. I once had a “discussion ” with a black Afro-American online who said that all white people are racist. I mentioned my wife. His reply ” That proves it “. You just can’t win when their minds are so conditioned.
I’ve heard it said many times that African people are far more reasonable than Afro-Americans and Caribbeans, particularly in attitudes to slavery. In the short time that I’ve been here, I get the impression from your comments that this is true. As you are in a good position to say, would you agree with this Grant?
Marky, in the clip played to me by the BBC today, I thought David Davis sounded very firm & resilient and he really nailed the EU negotiators for their ridiculous intransigence.
It was always likely to be that way. Just look at that stupid vacuum cleaner thing, especially in the light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
A sensible EU would have kicked the vacuum cleaner thing into the long grass and be working flat out to tighten SAFETY rules on all electrical appliances AND more to the point, checking that the checkers were doing their jobs properly.
I dispute your assertion that ” The UK is currently led by a bunch of imbeciles and xenophobes “. What evidence do you have for that?
BTW, this post should be under Marky Mark’s 3.42pm post. Why this site’s software has moved it down here, I have no idea.
The EU should forget the vacuum cleaners and worry more about their borders .
What the hell do they do in the EU’s ivory towers ?
….Plan where their next lobster (Welsh) supper is coming from. Have you tried buying shellfish when they are landing them in Porthgain? “all sold and heading for France.
They’ve been taking the piss for 40 years.
Trump might not exactly be of the calibre of Obama or Clintons.
But he`s doing the job for free, and has just given a million dollars of his own money to the Texas Appeal victims. Does anybody REALLY believe that Obama or Clinton would ever have worked voluntarilly as the President, let alone given a cent from their lectures tours, Wall Street speeches or their legacy Foundations as Mr Trump has done, and is doing? Course not-and the BBC say nothing.
Imagine if all these lefties did their “jobs ” for free as Trump does, or gave from their own wealth-as opposed to opening a vein in Joe Public to bleed them dry for the liberal blood donations they never make.
About time, this got noted-especially when we see that Geldof gives nothing, Norton doesn`t work for free and Lineker and all BBC scroats clearly are riding us like wooden horses as their salaries revealed last month.
Trump-good for nothing! BBC-bloody evil and leeching us for the privilege.
Let Labour and the BBC show Trump true social justice ….
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today, forever!
You will give all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
When it comes to money , socialists are, as they say in Scotland , mean as “cats’ keech “. I wonder if anyone on Any Questions tonight will ask Billy Bragg what he does with his wealth. Hypocrites.
I thought Diane Abbot earned £80 per year just like the police she was going to employ!
DT: “TERROR WARNING: Britain home to 35,000 Islamist fanatics, says security chief.”
That’s a shitload of lone wolves! More like an army. As in War. Last one we had internment camps. Just saying.
You’d have thought that a statement by the EU security chief that UK has 35,000 islamic fanatics might be of interest to the beebistan, usually so keen to publish anything issuing from that institution.
Apparently not though, at least I couldn’t find any reference to it on their Home page.
No doubt they’ll sit on it as long as poss before slipping in a one line about it on some obscure page.
Oh, and Mr de Kerchove also warned that Islamic State will attempt a cyber-attack on nuclear power stations or air traffic control systems…
Sleep tight.
We dont want them this time, you can keep them,………….we will pick our own spuds ta.
We have already had this discussion in UK/House of Lords – Oct2001 – Religious Liberty
The third category of contemporary religious persecution is linked with the ideology of violent Islamism, which must be clearly distinguished from the religion of Islam, in order to forestall the development of Islamophobia and a backlash against the vast majority of peaceable Muslims. (we’ve had 16 years to clearly distinguish the differences of violent Islam and Islam)
I had innocently thought that the coming of the Internet would mean that there could be no closed frontiers, but it is reported that e-mails are scrutinised and those containing suspect religious words such as “God”, “Church” or “Pray” are returned undelivered with the comment “message error”. Freedom of religion is seriously at risk and to worship is becoming dangerous. (this was in 2001 – now compare with facebook, twitter and how the BBC reports news)
– then 16 years later from 2001 to 2017, what has changed … { oct2001}
So the BBC want to show baking programmes, Doreen Tipton can do it.
Doreen is great . ” You can’t beat a little prick , can you ? ” . I love the fag. Something tells me she won’t be on the BBC !
This little prick won’t be on the BBC either
Police joining in the Carnival fun.
Grant, I’m sorry but I got the report button when I was trying to reply. Doreen is brilliant isn’t she? Lobster will agree I’m sure when I say she’s like a lot of Black Country women, he don’t suffer fools gladly.
The item on the 6 O’clock news about the Birmingham bin strike caught my attention as the newsroom had obviously sent a reporter to Birmingham to cover this story instead of using one of the many staff in the Brum office.
Also, strangely, the item only covered areas like Balsall Heath and Small Heath where to be honest it’s spot the white face, it wouldn’t do to show how other areas are getting on. Talk about wasteful and only showing what the BBC want us to see. It’s strange all this is happening at a time Brum is trying to get the Commonwealth Games in 2022, our opponents are Liverpool. It wouldn’t do for the Second City of this country to get a important and lucrative games and take attention away from the most important cities in the BBC’s mind, London and Manchester.
God, you have to give the bbC credit on how women (and chicks with dicks) can only be victims:
Mickey singer Toni Basil sues Disney and South Park
Toni Basil, the one-hit-wonder who recorded Mickey, is suing several companies, saying they have used the song without permission. Media giants Disney and Viacom are among the defendants named in her case, filed in Los Angeles on Thursday. According to court documents, Basil only recently became aware that Mickey had been used in TV shows including South Park and Ru Paul’s Drag Race. She claims the discovery left her “despondent and physically ill”. Basil’s lawyers say the 73-year-old “has experienced sleep deprivation, nightmares and anxiety” as a result of use of the song. She has requested a jury trial.
Yeah right: 73 years old, no longer pulling in the money like she used to do, sees a load of money coming her way. (i’m not saying she wrong to sue) but sleepless nights?
I too have suffered sleep deprivation, nightmares and anxiety as a result of use of that song. Can I sue as well?
Pounce ,
She is great ! ” I wouldn’t mind if it was a well-hung Parliament “. LOL !
BBC R4 News 6pm. Belated news of the monsoon season from Bihar Province. Where? The BBC inform me that it is in South Asia.
South Asia? If you accept that most of Russia is in Asia – IS ASIA – then OK. That, btw, also means all of China is in South Asia. What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bihar Province is in India. I knew that. The BBC knows that. Why not tell it like it is, BBC?
Bihar Province, northern India. Easy.
BBC: what is wrong with the names Indian sub-Continent and India?
Why are you distorting the language and distorting world geography?
Beeboids are just ignorant of everything, not just geography. They are idiots.
Grant, my suspicious nature – especially after the evidence of last week – has me wondering whether there is something deeper behind this, not just brainlessness or even thoughtlessness. Other posters here claim the BBC is actively pro-Islam, pro-Muslim. I would normally demur and go along with Roger Scruton who has just delivered another excellent Point of View. His suggestion that it is more an accidental adjunct to Human Rights legislation and that that has become a new western religion makes some sense to me.
But this anti-India bee that the BBC appear to have in their bonnet does make me wonder.
Another up and comer for the BBC. Vera Sajrawi formerly Reuters, Al Jazeera, and BBC Arabic now has the job of monitoring media in the Middle East for the BBC.
She has made no secret of hostility to Israel and her belief that it should be destroyed. She will fit right in.
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP (Con) was excellent on Any Questions. If you did not listen, the repeat is on Radio Four at 1.15pm tomorrow. Billy Bragg was not too good; he seemed to be hesitant, uncertain and muddled on every question. Lisa Nandy MP (Lab) was OK, bit typical negative Labour at times and Minette Batters, the NFU Deputy President was ‘Curate’s Egg’-like, good in parts.
Rather more interesting was the fact that Jonathan Dimbleby involved the questioners in the wrong places, before questions had been answered by all Panellists. In addition and most notably, the audience seemed quite balanced and well-behaved.