The BBC brings us the odd interview with Brexit supporters though far more with Remainers, but more insidious is the relentless undercurrent of pro-EU propaganda that is slipped into programming under the guise of other subjects. Guests interviewed on say their latest book or record or some non-directly EU related subject will often volunteer, or failing that be asked to talk about, their opinion on the EU and/or Brexit. They may not mention Brexit but tell us how wonderful the EU is, how great it is to be able to travel so freely and have so much cultural interchange, knowing we will get the message. BBC presenters always love this and even when Brexit is damned in no uncertain terms they never bother to intervene and qualify what is being said. The presenters themselves very often use the same tricks slipping in sly references to the EU that make it appear as if we just can’t live without it and life would be infinitely worse without it.
Roger Harrabin is one such person. Having corrupted the BBC’s climate change programming turning it into propaganda he has turned his dubious talents towards the EU.
This morning on the Today show (08:52) we were told that no-one understands how EU legislation has brought down prices of products, increased efficiency and increased innovation…as if none of that could have happened in Britain if it had stood alone…or in co-operation with other sovereign states…such as the US. Oddly he didn’t mention Grenfell Tower which had to be clad to meet EU regulations on climate change, to reduce CO2 emissions, increase thermal efficiency and lower costs.
A few days earlier he was banging the drum for one of his green Guardian mates, Monbiot, and making a case for ‘rewilding’ Britain…essentially the Highland Clearances all over again as George and his liberal cosmopolitian elites want to clear the hill farmers and their sheep from the Scottish and Welsh hills in order to have a rural playground for themselves. The land should be put back to some idyllic golden age using ‘EU’ subsidies.
Farmers are getting too many subsidies in money that ‘comes from the EU’…curious how that money ‘comes from the EU’ but when the Leave camp said we would get the infamous £350m back from the EU the BBC set about destroying that argument telling us it wasn’t EU money as it was money that came back to us anyway being spent on projects in the UK…hmmm…like farm subsidies? So it’s not EU money…or is it? Depends of course what the BBC is trying to sell us.
Following the plug for rewilding we had a bit of alarmism that farming would collapse, farmers out of jobs and the countryside and environment destroyed if we Brexited.
We even had a programme about the rise of the beard in current fashion…now how uncontroversial could that be? The BBC however can always find an angle…men who grow beards are looking back to a safe past in current times of trouble and uncertainty [code for Brexit…and ‘Trump’]…they even managed to lever in ‘Islam’ into the discussion…not that Muslims suddenly growing beards was a sign of anything. They managed to find a Muslim who said he was just too lazy to shave or just liked a beard…very little to do with religion. Now that’s just untrue….why does the BBC not mention that after 9/11 Muslims suddenly became more devout and as part of that began growing out their beards as well as dressing the apart…including women in headscarves and veils?
Even in death you can be a soldier for the EU as Martin Roth, the former head of London’s Victoria & Albert museum, was recruited, posthumously, for the cause, as we were told by Today that he was very upset at the rising ‘nationalism’ and was keen on cultural collaboration overcoming geopolitical concerns. Oddly one of those cultural collaborations of the V&A is with China…hardly the EU….just how on earth did the V&A manage to organise such a thing outside the safe confines of the EU? And of course there is nothing nationalist about China.
How will we survive let alone thrive out in the cold?