1. Burma: despite listening to several broadcasts about this I still cannot work out what is going on and so had to delve around on the internet reading reports from various sources (including local Burmese) to get any sort of clear picture. Why the hell should I have to do this – surely it is the job of the BBC? It is spun as ‘persecution of the country’s muslim minority’ but what they don’t mention is that a lot of the tensions are caused, apparently, by cross-border population movements from Bangladesh and all the problems that we know well when a Muslim majority overwhelms locals. A spokesman on TWATO today did, at least, remind us that the clampdown was started because of a Rohinga muslim terrorist outbreak.
2. Ludicrous item on TWATO about ‘holiday hunger’ among schoolchildren, and a bill by Frank Field to use taxpayers’ money to set up lunch clubs for children. Interview with a parent who claimed he could not afford to feed his children during the holidays. This went completely unchallenged by the interviewer; in fact there was no question at all that massive state intervention on this level was acceptable.
3. Radio Times: interview with comedian Robert Webb. Interviewer stated that as Webb was a Labour party member he is ‘held to higher standards’ and ‘supposed to be virtuous.’ Why? is Labour now a religious organisation?
4. TWATO. Interview with some ‘vegan comedian’ from Brighton who sounded about as funny as the anaemia she probably suffers from.
My next task is to write my investigations from this site as an invoice to the BBC – allocating time to each story I have had to chase. Then invoice BBC back and asking Chris ‘£2.2m’ Evans and Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker will mind taking this from their wages and then cancel my TV License based on these facts like …
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 {biasedbbc post}
– Gary Lineker is paid a wage by the BBC £1.75million,payers pay under threat of prison, to talk to the nation and represent the BBC brand (has BBC Sport in twitter title), but then states ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘.
– BBC mix Dictator who can destroy world with celebrity who generates fantasy world stories/programmes every day {biasedbbc post}
– etc …
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political.
The author of the publications was listed as al-Hayat Media Centre, which is IS’s Western-focused media arm. Islamic State is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK. The magazines were being sold in paperback form on Amazon sites in the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. It can be downloaded for free elsewhere.
Amazon’s websites list the publisher of the magazines as “CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform”, which is an Amazon-owned self-publishing company. (not very strong reporting by the BBC, almost got to a story here .. it almost suggests something that needs further investigation …)
What’s the betting that the news that four soldiers have links to a ‘far right’ organisation is used as an excuse for root and branch reform (ie saturation with lefties and PC nonsense) of the armed forces? After all, they are the last significant British institution that has so far resisted total capitulation to cultural marxism.
These chaps may well have been set up to provide living evidence of the far right ogres that the BBC et al use to justify the clamp down on free speech. I have no doubt that this case will be used to provide justification for further measures to censor and control the internet. Other cases may well be set up on the back of this one to show there was a wide spread network of far right lunatics , which in turn will be used as justification for even harsher measures to be taken against anyone who objects in whatever form to seeing their country swamped by third worlders. The likes of this site will in time be targeted. Freedom of speech is on life support in our country. The whole apparatus of liberal left establishment is being used against its own citizens in defence of what Mark Steyn calls the Official Lie , that mass migration is inevitable and it is good.
PS it is a pity that resources such as those used to root out these four chaps weren’t available to protect white girls from gang rape on an industrial scale or to arrest more of the Muslim terrorists who stalk our country, or to arrest the numerous Muslim purveyors of hate that appear Daily on our TV screens.
The news these days is the best comedy the Beeb has produced in years. They lead breathlessly with the story of these ‘Neo Nazis’ who posed no threat to public safety. What did they do, eat a bacon sandwich?
Do they honestly expect us to swallow this? It is farcical. Is there really an organised Neo Nazi movement we should be worried about? Hold on – remember that MP from Devon who said ‘nigger in the woodpile ‘? We all know what a hotbed of Nazism Devon is, with their racist pastys and pitchfork wielding farmers. That posh MP is clearly a modern day Goebbels.
In one of its most notorious events some people made Hitler salutes, we are told. O the horror! My big worry used to be being blown up or mown down by a truck, but imagine seeing someone doing a Hitler salute? That would be far, far worse. Thank God we have the Beeb to protect us from clear and present dangers. Their licence fee is worth every penny.
The important thing for the BBC is that they think they’ve finally captured their mythical Nazis. That’s all that matters. Having spent the past 6 months pounding to death the spectre of ‘Nazis in our midst’ it has been incumbent upon all progressives to actually cough up the goods. Okay, so they think they’ve finally collared a few. We’ll see. But however you slice this one it hardly amounts to more than pinprick compared to, say, well that other elephant in the room – you know, the sneaky loud one with special privileges and all kinds of exceptions.
What about that JK Rowling detective drama “Strike” ?
I wasn’t Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie
Some character building …but the plot was crap.
‘Murder was thought to be suicide, but the scot free killer hired Strike to investigate, so that he could frame someone else’
I knew from the beginning that if the JK Rowling thing was very good it would have been made into a movie, but with it being second class her mates at the BBC made it into a 3 hour TV movie or 3 part drama.
Live Event Friday : Swansea University tackles Islamic online terrorism
..no they take the soft route and pretend its about “Far-right extremism “
Extremism and the Internet
Far-right extremism is a rising issue in our society, and social media is the main weapon that such groups wield in cyber space in order to recruit and radicalize others. In this panel discussion, experts from the College of Law and Criminology look at:
What social media analytics tell us about how far-right groups are using the internet.
The use of the internet in radicalisation and violent extremism.
The use of child images in terrorist propaganda.
Speakers: Dr Lella Nouri, Joe Whittaker and Amy-Louise Watkin
Location: The Warehouse, National Waterfront Museum
Date: Friday 8 September Time: 3.30pm – 4.45pm
This has been dubbed the post-truth age, when facts are abandoned in pursuit of personal and political gain. But what does truth mean? Like it or not, facts alone are not enough. Human beliefs, values and brains influence what we believe to be true: one person’s truth may be another’s falsehood. Bringing their own interpretations of truth are climate scientist Mary Gagen, artist Karen Ingham and psychologist Ruth Horry.
Location: The Warehouse, National Waterfront Museum
Date: Friday 8 September Time: 4pm – 5.15pm
One of the 40 exhibition stands
“Across all forms of media we are bombarded by images every day. When we see images of people at work we tend to make an instant judgement about what is going on and who is in charge.
This exhibition will explore how stereotypes about gender and age are reinforced through media images. ”
plus the obligatory Green propaganda stands : make solar panel, make hydrogen
“BBC World News: Always championing the truth
We know you value the truth, and so do we. Our new TV advert examines what it really means to be a trusted news source. It highlights the elements at the core of rigorous journalism, which enable us to uphold the promise of being independent, impartial and honest. Always striving to champion the truth whatever obstacles might come our way.”
In a time when history can be freely re-written to suit the dominant narrative, when a nation’s memory can be spirited away in the dead of night and a culture can be treacherously disabused of its past… yes, I guess anything is possible.
We’ve seen what happens when an ideology decides national history is too inconvenient. When books and words and learning become objects of hate and censure. We know how that goes, where it eventually – inevitably – leads to. As if the blood-stained history of the 20th century has taught us nothing and left us in the care of indoctrinaire tyrants.
Could it be that this is exactly what “those we are not allowed to criticize” are striving to bring about?
What a splendid tool with which to bash those evil, traitorous patriots.
MarkyMark, I am reminded of the very funny sci-fi spoof by the (Jewish) comedian Mel Brooks: ‘Jews in Space’. Only this time it’s ‘Muslims in Flight’! (And it’s not intended to be funny, although it still is…)
And just when you thought the bBC couldn’t go any lower they come out with this shite: Families left devastated by false claims of FGM in girls
In a nutshell, parents feel guilty when told that somebody is going to check up on their little girls to see if they have had the snip and they don’t like it. In fact according to the bBC, the scourge of FGM isn’t as big as everybody tells us: ” some doctors have told the BBC that they do not believe that FGM is taking place on the scale politicians have suggested.”
and how does the bBC substantiate the above: “So far no-one has been successfully prosecuted in the UK.”
Which is strange as the bBC then reports this: “Since mandatory reporting came in, there have been more than 40 referrals in Manchester, of which 14 were confirmed as cases of FGM. All had been performed before the child came to the UK. A similar picture was found in Birmingham, where all nine confirmed cases of FGM between April and August this year were in children who had had the procedure before moving to the country.
So just in Birmingham alone between April and August 9 newcases have been found. (And that’s only the ones we know about) So 27 in a year. extrapolate that to each and every town and city with a large Islamic population and you are looking at least 500 new cases every year and yet nobody has been prosecuted. Sorry did I say 500, I should have quoted 5391 .Which funny enough is the figure released by the NHS on how many cases of FGM they exposed this past year (As of July 17) FGM: More than 5,000 newly-recorded cases in England
Shouldn’t the question the bBC (and its ilk) be asking, why has nobody been prosecuted, instead of pushing a sob story about how somebody feels.
The bBC, the defender of child abuse in the UK paid for by you.
Anybody from the bBC wish to explain to me how 5391 new cases of FGM in one year is a very low figure? and why is there no link to that story from just 2 months ago.
“A mother has described the distress of discovering her baby son had been circumcised without her consent.
The woman, from Nottingham, said she opened her son’s nappy to find him covered in blood – and was so distraught she had to leave the room.
She has battled for four years for authorities to take action.
Three people have now been arrested, including a 61-year-old man – thought to be a doctor – on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent.
The boy was circumcised in July 2013 when he was three months old, and apparently staying with his paternal grandparents, who are Muslim.”
– I guess when it takes four years to get a conviction and grandparents are doing it behind the families back it’s hard to police that
The BBC is strangely ambiguous about “tribal practices” like honour killings, FGM, hyena men, circumcision etc.On the World Service, the BBC will often showcase various African women who, at considerable personal risk, oppose these practices in their own countries and want them made illegal. On Newshite last night, FGM performed abroad was referred to as “historic” – as if it was of no consequence. Yet in Britain, “historic child abuse” and its exposure post Saville is supposed to be a prime concern of the BBC. Presumably, the family of a girl that has undergone FGM abroad is at least complicit and so should be prosecuted. In any other, situation, the BBC would be demanding that child abusers should be prosecuted wherever in the world the crime was committed. In this case, the BBC does not mind that Britain is providing a safe haven for child abusers or the facilitators of child abuse.
I’m not going to speculate what the 4 army guys were up to and indeed it may have been illegal. However I don’t relish all the gloating from BBC News and even more so, C4 News now that the ‘far right ‘ are being arrested for anti terrorism offences. The Government and whole left-liberal establishment have been obsessing about far right threats for so long , their credibility was clearly questionable . Now we will be told with even more vehemence that the threats from Muslims and the far right are equivalent . This is clearly untrue . The upsurge in Muslim attacks this year and their nature has left the authorities looking powerless . This is the underlying reason for these arrests in my view.
Turning to another aspect, I think that in the absence of any willingness by any government to reverse the trend of Muslim population growth and ghettoisation of urban Britain, a civil war is inevitable. One thing that non-Muslims now know for sure is that when this happens they will be labelled as terrorists and their government will be fighting against them.
Jeremy Vine tells us that people are getting upset about “Cats Eyes Removed” signs. There was a time when people would have complained about missing or misplaced apostrophes but now it is because ‘children are getting upset’, so Suffolk council will be replacing them.
In other news, local authorities complain that they don’t have enough funds.
Still we should be glad that our BBC is recycling a story that the newspapers were running in mid-August!
Let us make the most of the EU, whilst we can, and add more regulation from the EU to label the BBC TV Programmes**.
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
** this is a repeat post, feel free to create one for Chris Evans etc …
As Douglas Murray says, ‘these are the debates we will be having when the Jihadis nuke us’. We have gone in less than a century from a nation which ruled a quarter of the earth to being one where the idea that children might be upset by road signs is actually given serious consideration. I seem to recall a theory that Rome fell because enough of the Romans decided that the Barbarians at the gates were actually preferable to their own rulers. I wonder how close to that situation we are in modern Britain!
Divide and rule. We certainly are divided, never more so perhaps. Same in the US.
Not sure if we’ve ever had so many working so hard to foster divisions. The bbc are loving it – gone are the days of simple male female divisions – they’ve now been split into various sub-species, all with a banner to wave, axe to grind and discrimination to bemoan.
Poland, not on the best of terms with the EU and in particular Germany is asking for reparations re. WW2.
Good idea – form an orderly queue and whatever bill we’re presented with we can just say it can be cancelled out by our reparation payments from the Austro Prussians.
Mentioned previously our government should be posturing towards a future alliance in view of Polands public criticism. What a house of card’s this EU palace could become.
Watched a BBC dateline programme a few weeks ago. Russian journalist on the panel suggested we just walk away. Others on the prog saying we couldn’t possibly do that to which he responded in a typically pragmatic way “why not”.
Initial BBC title:
Trump scraps Obama’s youth immigration scheme
Article BBC Title:
Daca Dreamers: US scraps young undocumented immigrants scheme (word ‘Trump’ disappears and is replaced with ‘US’. Introduce undocumented and dreamers)
BBC use words Youth and Young:
“In order to qualify for Daca, applicants under the age of 30 submit personal information to the Department of Homeland Security. {from BBC article}”
Text Search: illegal x 3; dreamers x 3; undocumented x 4; immigrant x 6; young x 4; age of 30 x 1
“In a stinging attack on the policy introduced by President Barack Obama, Mr Sessions said: ‘Such an open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.’ … ‘The nation must set a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year. We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here, it’s just that simple.'”
– And this is why language is so important – is it illegal or undocumented, young or 30 year olds, Trump or the US Government, dreamers or non-dreamers.
And I see we have a new and exiting bunch of refugees/terrorists to emote over – the Rohingyas.
Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh are kicking up a stink – lets see how many they take?
No doubt the moral duty will fall to the UK – cue Lily Allen and Kleenex.
Yes, the Rohinga situation is absolutely mouthwatering for SJWs. There is a ‘persecuted Muslim minority’ to take attention away from all the persecuting that Muslims are doing in other places, plus now the emerging narrative of the tarnished saint – Ang Su Chi, the darling of the progressive left, has now been turned on because she is ‘not doing enough.’ So that’s two massive enduring archetypal themes – 1. brave little people fighting against evil oppressor and 2. former messiah not performing miracles, so must be destroyed (you’ll recognise both of those themes from the Bible.) .
Here is where we are failing in using our language correctly. Let us take the word Muslim as an instance, you can apply this idea to different things as well, so don’t think the word “Muslim” is a special case.
If you use the word “Muslim” which of these is it?
A Muslim from Rohinga who is escaping their past?
A Muslim born in the UK?
A Muslim born outside the UK, emigrated to the UK?
A Muslim from Iran who has been raised as a child listening to Ayatollah Khomeini? (“…There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”)
A Muslim from Saudi Arabia who has seen beheadings in Deera Square as a child (unsure if there are age restrictions on viewing this sort of thing)? (After Friday prayers [Saudi Arabia,Deera Square], police and other officials clear the area to make way for the execution to take place. After the beheading of the condemned, the head is stitched to the body and the body is wrapped up for the final rites and taken away. a wiki ref)
A Muslim fighting ISIS reading the Dabiq everyday?
(ISIS Magazine. Dabiq is where Muslim and infidel forces will eventually face each other)
A Kurdish Muslim female fighter shooting ISIS soldiers?
A Muslim women being forced to stay hidden at home under a veil in a Western society?
A Muslim women free to talk in UK Parliament?
A Muslim imam preaching hate such as Anjem Choudary?
(Anjem Choudary allowed to spread hate speech 1999-2016). “..we will dominate this country (UK)” )
A Muslim from Bradford,UK who drives to Glasgow,UK to kill another Muslim (Asad Shah)?
(Tanveer Ahmed who murdered Asad Shah … shouts in courtroom “Praise for the Prophet Muhammad, there is only one Prophet!”)
A Muslim who visits Mecca,Saudi Arabia and has to leave his non-Muslim friend outside of Mecca?
(Sign on road to Mecca “Muslims Only (for Mecca in green)” “For Non Muslims (in red, not sure where you end up – scary)).
Which of these Muslims are you talking about? Just to be clear.
Gax – As it was an ex-British colony I’d be surprised if we didn’t just cave in and have them all flown over. I imagine the representatives of those neighbouring countries will be having a quiet word with Theresa any time now..
Having just watched a ‘money for nothing’ afternoon programme featuring rubbish in the homes of Louis Minchin and Chris Hollins; I was particularly pleased to see that Ms Minchin, having relocated with Breakfast 5 years ago to Cheshire, managed to find a suitable little pad for hubby and the boys with her relocation package that I contributed to. Georgian home complete with huge paddock, outbuildings, tennis court, and ginormous kitchen; Chris Hollins, character property with land in Oxfordshire. So pleased.
Funny when you search for salaries at BBC you don’t get the BBC Website – very strange … or not.
How much does Louise Minchin earn? {metro.co.uk jul2017}
Now, this is a controversial one.
Louise Minchin co-hosts BBC Breakfast with Dan Walker. While Mr Walker appeared on the list (earning £200,000 – £249,000), Ms Minchin did not, suggesting that she earns less than £150,000 from the BBC.
Many have claimed this to be a textbook example of the gender pay gap.
Dan Walker responded on his Twitter, claiming that he makes more than some of his colleagues as he presents on another BBC show as well, Football Focus.
– Rather than all these claims/suggestions, why didn’t someone just ask Louise Minchin how much she earned and how many hours they work compared to Dan Walker? Don’t they both like talking?
I have been having a pretty rough day today. Don’t know whether to blame it on the whisky or Brexit. But Doreen has just cheered me up. The piss-taking is superb !
Biased BBC going apoplectic over the Donald’s rescinding of DACA.
First news item. Live coverage.
Now first, this is an internal policy of a foreign country, so why is it headline news at all ( he asked rhetorically)?
Second, the Donald has stated explicity that he differentiates between criminals and gangs on the one hand, and long term residents contributing to the US and its economy on the other.
In another context we might call it ‘managed migration’. Clearly not good enough for the student marxists in the bBBC newsroom.
So what we actually have here is a clear proof positive of the bBBC’s LeftMob support for open door immigration policies.
In a kind of way, a result.
Anyone noticed that when a Muslim kills he/she is immediately diagnosed with a mental disorder – almost as if a psychiatrist is instantly on call at the scene; and of course we are lectured by the craven, spineless brown noser lefties that it has nothing to do with Islam. However when a nationalist white person kills someone, they are evil incarnate and there is no talk of mental health issues.
The England women’s football manager Mark Sampson refuses to speak to the BBC regarding allegations of bullying and discrimination. Why would he speak to the BBC when the BBC’s coverage of this story has been one sided from the start and they’ve been determined to reopen an investigation that is over and settled.
Weird coincidence how the only trained lawyer in the squad happened to be the only person who complained of bullying. I would happily take £80k to be a ‘victim’ of a flippant comment. Her complaint was well-timed as well – in the run up to a major tournament when hush money would be more forthcoming. She knew exactly what she was doing.
The. BBC 6 o’clock news
Wetting themselves over this leading headline…… four serving British soldiers were arrested on being allegedly members of National Action, the banned neo-Nazi group, and suspicion of preparing acts of terrorism. A police spokesman added: “The arrests were pre-planned and intelligence-led; there was no threat to the public’s safety.”
I quote. “there was no threat to the public’s safety.”.
Another non story turned into a national headline. Oh, and of course, Jo cox was mentioned..
Now this is news in the public interest. “Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle sex groomers handed jail terms”..
No mention…
They could easily be trumped up charges brought out of political expedience.
Is it not too early to speculate? Being in the forces surely they have mental health problems?
Until the facts are put before a court it is too early to formulate an opinion, but the noble Beeb never let facts get in the way of some alt-left propaganda.
Did hear about the latter sentencing on R4.
For some reason, they added the sentences together and reported a total sentence of 41 years.
Only two people were sentenced, do R4 think that each serves the other’s sentence as well as his own.
Feeble attempt to suggest that the poweers that be are “really coming down on this type of offence like a ton of bricks”.
Visit BBC studios this weekend : as many will be open for heritage open days
They usually have a booking list, so phone up first so you can get a slot
Here’s an example https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/visiting/event/bbc-tours
Don’t forget to sign the visitors book, you don’t have to use your real name.
“In such a wealthy society so much of that wealth has ended up in the hands of so few.”
Does the establishment still exist? Owen Jones and Ferdinand Mount debate. More here ? http://bbc.in/2iXk09g
The Today Programme
“The public should decide the “destination” of Brexit, says Sir Vince Cable.
What do you think – should there be a referendum on the result of the Brexit negotiation?”
So they are rigging the narrative and skewing the people people in the studio to answer the questions they ask.
Like usual.
A world run by the likes of Owen and Vince may appeal to those with unique funding.
– thank you JK Rowling, Owen Jones, Keith Vaz, Diane Abbott, Chris Evans and Gary Lineker. We salute your efforts. Some 1%ers helping with 27%ers (for tax burden, if paying tax in this country of course)
What the bbc does with it’s oodles of TV tax? Sponsors a black and ethnic minority orchestra in order to point up divisions? Then there’s the sponsoring of left wing comedians and countless other propagandizing schemes. None actually essential for their business as a broadcaster.
EuroNews @19:54 – “Shortage of Eastern European Labour in UK”
Before Brexit has happened. For fruit picking.
“What will happen with all this beautiful fruit if it is not picked.”
“It will fall on the floor and rot”
Pete Bawn, General Manager, NewMAFRUIT FARMS IN KENT
“I advertise for British people as fruit pickers but don’t get any applicants.” – “I’d have no farm if”
Many farms say that 90% of their manual labour is done by Eastern Europeans.
– Many? 90%? Wages any good? Government can arrange people on job course to go and work?
Why does the bbc see EVERYTHING that happens in the World as it’s business? They speak with the arrogance we supposedly possessed in days of Empire – at time that they so revile.
America fought a war for independence from Britain – maybe someone should tell them.
Oxford and Cambridge top world university rankings {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
The University of Oxford is top of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, with Cambridge University second, up from fourth place last year.
A key factor in the rankings is income and both universities saw this rise in the past year, partly in the form of European Union research grants.
But this income could fall with Brexit, warned rankings director Phil Baty.
“They are a huge national asset, and one that the country can ill-afford to undermine at a time when its place in the global order is under intense scrutiny.”
BBC miss a golden opportunity to say that Islam is helping fund our Government {independent} and Universities … ” In many cases Oxford (University) has knowingly accepted money from undemocratic states with poor human rights records.” {page35}
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities: Sources of Arabic and Islamic funding available on public record {pdf page21}
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China, however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.” {page163}
– BBC can investigate further the monies and influence from foreign investors in our Universities, with BBCs £3.5bn news machine and top presenters like Chris ‘£2.3million + CarFest’ Evans might have some time to complete a proper news investigation.
Stopped reading that article when it referred to eu grants. Blatant propaganda. I did read the first twenty or do comments though which I was pleased to see all bashed it for what it is.
I don’t understand what income has to do with it. A university could have a high income but low quality of education. Another could have lower income and a higher quality of education. I find it hard to believe that Oxford and Cambridge are the best two in the world but have no evidence to the contrary.
BBc North West at it again. This time it is a Lancashire farmer who has decided to sell halal certified meat and has been subject to a “torrent of abuse” on line. Apparently the animals are sent to a “specialist” slaughter house, some people think the method is slaughter is “unnecessarily cruel”. Farmers wife informs us “if you go to an Indian restaurant it’s all haal ” Well it’s probably a Pakastani restaurant and I don’t eat at any of these food outlets. BBc North West finish off the article reminding the viewers it’s a crime to say anything nasty and Manchester plod are investigating. Got the message?
“Typical BBC effort to hide the inconvenient truth that Brexit hasn’t wrecked the economy…far from it…….UK manufacturing hits four month high and the BBC hardly notice at all, the report not being on the frontpage, nor the UK page, not even top billing on the business page…merely a small additional story buried in the small print half way down the page…..”
Translation, looking for, and claiming to find, ONE example of AlBeeb moderation and understatement in the field of economic reporting.
Then reporting your “scoop” triumphantly on this site, as a vindication of, and proof of, the general impartiality and neutrality of TWLTB (The World’s Least Trusted Broadcaster), is not very persuasive.
Revert to the usual insults, no thinking on your part required, and your contributions do not make you look such a big cunt as this puerile attempt does.
Your intermittent visits to this blog, Maxicony, can only be due to the considerable research efforts you put in during your absences to find anything pro-BBC to highlight for we plebs.
It’s GROWTH ; that has slowed . Not stopped, or gone backwards. It’s still growth in that part of the economy . Nah it’s not a real doom message, keep it half hidden .
“Robust manufacturing growth means the economy may be rebalancing towards goods production, aided by the weaker pound, but the slowdowns in services and construction send warning signals about the health of the economy.”
– this would a suggest a shift in the UK,early days, from a service economy (pleasing people) to a manufacturing economy (creating things). In my opinion.
– thanks for finding it, it was an interesting article
The First Law of Economics: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.
The Second Law of Economics: They’re both wrong. the Economist’s Joke Book {website}
BBC website tells us that we are being mislead by the John Lewis ‘boys will be girls’ story as it all happened last year! As if the BBC never ran with a story well past its sell-by date. [I remember a BBC story that sounded familiar once. It was a re-run of a story that a relative had sent me from Canada nine months before. The Canadian newspaper had picked up the story from a US newspaper a month before].
Still it’s interesting to see who John Lewis thinks its customers are nowadays:
“all happened last year! ” Really ?
Go to google and set the date range to 2016 only
No stories appear about John Lewis gender neutral clothing lines.
(Twitter is blocked on this network, but I expect the same there)
I must say Newsshite was back on form again tonight.
Dateless and diverse great and goods pondering Britain’s lack of productivity
Millions of low-skilled migrants, some who are illiterate in their own languages, have helped create a low wage economy over the last decades. The “East European fruit pickers” who are the stock media example of essential foreign workers could have been replaced by machines years ago and, of course, increased productivity. All that union opposition to reduced manning and automation on trains also does nothing to increase productivity.
Defunct Übermandrin goes over the usual economic problems in Britain. Various pay gaps, more government industrial planning etc. Dateless is suddenly moved to point out that the Great Prophet Corbyn had already pointed out all these things. Vote Corbyn! Vote for national salvation. Nice, unbiased political intervention on behalf of the Neo-Stalinists.
Dateless does not mention nationalisation, confiscation of private property, more redistribution. But hasn’t all that been tried before in the State of Peasants and Workers?
After reciting this litany of British economic failure – I thought the EU had brought us all vast wealth and joy neverending by curing the Sick Man of Europe – defunct Übermandrin claims the work of the civil service post Brexit is “damage limitation”. However ZDF’s London correspondent revealed the real reason for mandarin opposition to Brexit a few weeks before the referendum. Her high-level civil service contacts had been whining and moaning to her about all the work Brexit would entail. All those long, tedious free-trade negotiations!
Nice piece exposing the “FGM myth”. All offences NS encountered are “historic”. As in “historic child abuse”? What’s all the fuss? “Some say”, “doubts have been raised”. “Concerns have been brought to us”. By whom? Woman falsely accused of FGM. Camera focuses on heart rending wringing of hands to tug at our heart strings. Let’s stop stigmatising this harmless cultural practice by repealing the discriminatory FGM legislation.
Anyone hear Jon Sopel on Simon Mayo yesterday? He was pretty fair and balanced! No Trump bashing, explained why people voted for him, said Hillary was an awful candidate, thought that Trump might get in for a second term and would certainly not be impeached….he was promoting his book though. Does make me wonder though, if his other output has to fit a certain agenda. A friend of mine heard him speak on a cruise and was surprisingly impressed..
I think someone high up has had a word. My mum said the Trump bashing has abated. They must have realised that their constant attacks were upsetting people and causing them to switch off. Plus no matter what they throw at Trump he fights back and always seems to end up winning. Their climb down about Antifa having totally denied they even existed was so humiliating. Trump has been playing the media for years, he probably understands them better than most of their employees do.
“I don’t start these fights but I sure as hell win them!”
Lovely story on BBC website about a female refugee doctor who is learning Glaswegian. Entirely representative. I do worry for the Middle East – they seem to have a real shortage of men.
On my cycle to work this morning I saw an entire army of old English men discussing indoor bowls and gardening. One even wielded a croquet mallet!
It was a Nazi army just as the BBC warned!
They are working on a very English form of Nazism (instead of a swastika they have two crossed cups of tea.) They are demanding an end to all impoliteness and have even written a letter to someone about it!
“….indoor bowls and gardening.” A new petition? Perhaps the Home Office could ban these pursuits and anybody collectively discussing these Nazi activities.
There’s a bowls club 35 walking paces from me . I’ll keep an eye on them . They wear a uniform of white clothes , so must be racist as there’s never anyone with a burqa there. I once heard some mild clapping but couldn’t see anything. They must have secretly burned crosses then .
After yesterday’s enjoyable Today programme gaffe just after 7.00am, (how on earth did they let that Icelandic Finance Minister speak so freely), this morning it’s business as usual. The Beeb are appalled by the proposed controls to unskilled EU migrants post brexit, they howl that EU migrants increase GDP and hence benefit all of us, apparently. This is why we must de-mechanise, no more mechanical car washes, no more mechanisation of farming, no mechanical sorting of waste,just bring in more people, they all earn over £ 27k PA in PAYE employment don’t they so they are not a nett cost to society. Oh, hang on a minute………..
An acquaintance of mine runs some stables. He employes Hungarians: they have some tradition of horsemanship, are good workers, do not cause trouble and so on. He treats them well, providing accommodation, internet, satellite TV and so on. He ensures that tax and national insurance are paid, although as they earn minimum wage there is not a huge amount of it. He’s worried about the effects of Brexit. Ultimately, of course, it is about the money. Or as he puts it: “It’s like having slaves, but all perfectly legal!”.
I must admit I thought Rod Liddle, on Toady yesterday was very funny up against Charles Moore, re fox hunting. I especially enjoyed his closing quip which was something along the lines of:
“Thank you Charles, for canvassing the fox population to discover by which method they prefer to be killed.”
I’m ambivalent about fox hunting but I do enjoy it when Rod cuts loose: though I’m not sure those on the receiving end do; as Simon Schama exhibited to his cost once on Question Time.
Joe ..what’s that ?
“We’re the biggest premium *male-focused* publisher in the UK,
and are on course to be one of the biggest entertainment brands in the UK within the next year.”
So James O’brien has joined a self declared sexist media network.
Radio 4 Today this morning and there’s a piece about the success of Oxford University being the top of the league tables together with Cambridge, which for some reason wasn’t mentioned.
The BBC send some aggressive lefty interviewer to harangue the vice chancellor of Oxford – after all success is an undesirable outcome in a world where all must have prizes.
After a short preamble the main question comes, “Will Brexit affect the university adversely if migration is stopped” !
Jaw dropping – literally, how the hell they managed to squeeze an anti Brexit rant into the success of the UKs top universities beggars belief.
The next question was only slightly less jaw dropping, with the BBC attacking the vice chancellor over her £350 K salary. Clearly irritated she compared it to other universities, showing it was a lower amount and pointing out that she was in charge of a £1.4 billion budget.
Undeterred the beeboid then started insinuating her salary was excessive because it didn’t even include pension contributions.
An opportunity to showcase a British success destroyed by the negative left wing bias, which knows only destructive moaning and failure.
‘A leaked Home Office document’. Surprise, surprise. BBC at pains to explain in detail the content of the ‘leaked document’. It appears it concerns immigration into the UK when (if) we leave the EU. One feature outlined, apparently, is limiting unskilled labour arriving from that source. For those who voted ‘out’ in the 2015 Referendum that will be good news. However, those voters voted ‘out’ to stop migration into the UK period, not, I think realising that the EU element is LESS than those outside the EU arriving and I suspect there will be a greater number of ‘unskilled’ arriving from that source for ever more. No mention naturally of the family members joining their families in the UK virtually all will be elderly and non-economic contributing but actually taking benefits such as pensions, housing benefits etc. And so, increasing the muslim content appears to be the only result.
So the leaked papers went to the Guardian….wonder why? The BBC have jumped on it like a cowboy on a horse….despite it being unofficial….
Not sure who the woman interviewing the French ambassador on R4 was but she was determined to get the Ambassador to say the report was not right – but she didn’t. All I have heard this morning on R4 is a trail of people from the left being asked about the immigration report..with no questions on how it might work quite well..just why it is wrong…..
If I didn’t know better I would be thinking the BBC were looking for reasons to dismiss the report….
BBC Search ‘GQ Solo’ …
2017 Sep “Stormzy handed best solo artist prize at GQ Awards by Jeremy Corbyn”
2015 Sep “GQ Awards: Sam Smith wins top solo prize (missing person who handed it out in 2015, not so important?)”
“Never had a MAC-10 ( Military Armament Corporation Model 10 similar to an Uzi) or a trey pound (357 magnum gun/revolver)
You were never bad then, you ain’t bad now
Never had the MAC then, little nigga, back down” – Big for Your Boots by Stormzy
Someone posted that bbc are letting up on Trump. Would that were so but sadly it’s just the news cycle. Syrians and migrants in the Med were all the rage not so long ago – now it’s Rohingyas and An Sung Su Chi has knocked Trump from the devil incarnate spot.
Other news – Lego sales have dropped – bbc asks Lego CEO if it’s because Lego isn’t ‘gender neutral’? He replies that a Lego brick doesn’t have a gender. And isn’t it great – you can now buy a dress for your son from John Lewis – purveyor of very expensive foreign made tat. My ten year old has serious concerns about this nonsense.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Some recent gems of BBC bias;
1. Burma: despite listening to several broadcasts about this I still cannot work out what is going on and so had to delve around on the internet reading reports from various sources (including local Burmese) to get any sort of clear picture. Why the hell should I have to do this – surely it is the job of the BBC? It is spun as ‘persecution of the country’s muslim minority’ but what they don’t mention is that a lot of the tensions are caused, apparently, by cross-border population movements from Bangladesh and all the problems that we know well when a Muslim majority overwhelms locals. A spokesman on TWATO today did, at least, remind us that the clampdown was started because of a Rohinga muslim terrorist outbreak.
2. Ludicrous item on TWATO about ‘holiday hunger’ among schoolchildren, and a bill by Frank Field to use taxpayers’ money to set up lunch clubs for children. Interview with a parent who claimed he could not afford to feed his children during the holidays. This went completely unchallenged by the interviewer; in fact there was no question at all that massive state intervention on this level was acceptable.
3. Radio Times: interview with comedian Robert Webb. Interviewer stated that as Webb was a Labour party member he is ‘held to higher standards’ and ‘supposed to be virtuous.’ Why? is Labour now a religious organisation?
4. TWATO. Interview with some ‘vegan comedian’ from Brighton who sounded about as funny as the anaemia she probably suffers from.
And here is the solution – this site!
My next task is to write my investigations from this site as an invoice to the BBC – allocating time to each story I have had to chase. Then invoice BBC back and asking Chris ‘£2.2m’ Evans and Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker will mind taking this from their wages and then cancel my TV License based on these facts like …
– Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 {biasedbbc post}
– Gary Lineker is paid a wage by the BBC £1.75million,payers pay under threat of prison, to talk to the nation and represent the BBC brand (has BBC Sport in twitter title), but then states ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘.
– BBC mix Dictator who can destroy world with celebrity who generates fantasy world stories/programmes every day {biasedbbc post}
– etc …
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political.
Parents would have more money to feed their children if they did not have to pay the tv tax.
I was working with a vegan recently, who was becoming concerned because she kept passing out!
“Am I doing the right thing?”, she asked
No wonder the Guardian is losing readers, they are all dying out.
Islamic States magazine DABIQ – the only magazine that promotes it’s readers to do the right thing and reduce it’s own readership.
The magazine also exhorts supporters to carry out terror attacks and ran an article explaining the importance of patience in the face of difficulties, perhaps geared towards explaining towards ISIS supporters why it seems they are losing.
Another feature called on women to take care of the home while their husbands wage war. {clarionproject.org sep2014}
Islamic State magazine Dabiq withdrawn from sale by Amazon {bbc.co.uk jun2015}
The author of the publications was listed as al-Hayat Media Centre, which is IS’s Western-focused media arm. Islamic State is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK. The magazines were being sold in paperback form on Amazon sites in the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. It can be downloaded for free elsewhere.
Amazon’s websites list the publisher of the magazines as “CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform”, which is an Amazon-owned self-publishing company. (not very strong reporting by the BBC, almost got to a story here .. it almost suggests something that needs further investigation …)
What’s the betting that the news that four soldiers have links to a ‘far right’ organisation is used as an excuse for root and branch reform (ie saturation with lefties and PC nonsense) of the armed forces? After all, they are the last significant British institution that has so far resisted total capitulation to cultural marxism.
These chaps may well have been set up to provide living evidence of the far right ogres that the BBC et al use to justify the clamp down on free speech. I have no doubt that this case will be used to provide justification for further measures to censor and control the internet. Other cases may well be set up on the back of this one to show there was a wide spread network of far right lunatics , which in turn will be used as justification for even harsher measures to be taken against anyone who objects in whatever form to seeing their country swamped by third worlders. The likes of this site will in time be targeted. Freedom of speech is on life support in our country. The whole apparatus of liberal left establishment is being used against its own citizens in defence of what Mark Steyn calls the Official Lie , that mass migration is inevitable and it is good.
PS it is a pity that resources such as those used to root out these four chaps weren’t available to protect white girls from gang rape on an industrial scale or to arrest more of the Muslim terrorists who stalk our country, or to arrest the numerous Muslim purveyors of hate that appear Daily on our TV screens.
The news these days is the best comedy the Beeb has produced in years. They lead breathlessly with the story of these ‘Neo Nazis’ who posed no threat to public safety. What did they do, eat a bacon sandwich?
Do they honestly expect us to swallow this? It is farcical. Is there really an organised Neo Nazi movement we should be worried about? Hold on – remember that MP from Devon who said ‘nigger in the woodpile ‘? We all know what a hotbed of Nazism Devon is, with their racist pastys and pitchfork wielding farmers. That posh MP is clearly a modern day Goebbels.
In one of its most notorious events some people made Hitler salutes, we are told. O the horror! My big worry used to be being blown up or mown down by a truck, but imagine seeing someone doing a Hitler salute? That would be far, far worse. Thank God we have the Beeb to protect us from clear and present dangers. Their licence fee is worth every penny.
The important thing for the BBC is that they think they’ve finally captured their mythical Nazis. That’s all that matters. Having spent the past 6 months pounding to death the spectre of ‘Nazis in our midst’ it has been incumbent upon all progressives to actually cough up the goods. Okay, so they think they’ve finally collared a few. We’ll see. But however you slice this one it hardly amounts to more than pinprick compared to, say, well that other elephant in the room – you know, the sneaky loud one with special privileges and all kinds of exceptions.
The whole NF interview is on youtube.
Labour confirms it will whip MPs to vote against EU Withdrawal Bill
What about that JK Rowling detective drama “Strike” ?
I wasn’t Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie
Some character building …but the plot was crap.
‘Murder was thought to be suicide, but the scot free killer hired Strike to investigate, so that he could frame someone else’
I knew from the beginning that if the JK Rowling thing was very good it would have been made into a movie, but with it being second class her mates at the BBC made it into a 3 hour TV movie or 3 part drama.
Live Event Friday : Swansea University tackles Islamic online terrorism
..no they take the soft route and pretend its about “Far-right extremism “
second event : The Interpretation of Truth
One of the 40 exhibition stands
“Across all forms of media we are bombarded by images every day. When we see images of people at work we tend to make an instant judgement about what is going on and who is in charge.
This exhibition will explore how stereotypes about gender and age are reinforced through media images. ”
plus the obligatory Green propaganda stands : make solar panel, make hydrogen
“BBC World News: Always championing the truth
We know you value the truth, and so do we. Our new TV advert examines what it really means to be a trusted news source. It highlights the elements at the core of rigorous journalism, which enable us to uphold the promise of being independent, impartial and honest. Always striving to champion the truth whatever obstacles might come our way.”
Yeah, sure.
“BBC World News: Always championing the truth” {bbc sep2017} … What organisation can write stories that do not show the true story and keep them on their website without apology, and the customers cannot stop paying because of threat of prison and then lecture people on how to spot misleading news {bbc}?
See chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 {biasedbbc post}
BBC {bbc} vs Reality {youtube}
Ha ha ha ha ha.
The pertinent verse runs: “He flew faster than the phoenix in his flight when he dressed his body in the feathers of a vulture.”[6] No other surviving sources refer to the event.
… and the museum’s interpretation is here … 1001 Inventions ….
Facts / Fiction / Images!
In a time when history can be freely re-written to suit the dominant narrative, when a nation’s memory can be spirited away in the dead of night and a culture can be treacherously disabused of its past… yes, I guess anything is possible.
We’ve seen what happens when an ideology decides national history is too inconvenient. When books and words and learning become objects of hate and censure. We know how that goes, where it eventually – inevitably – leads to. As if the blood-stained history of the 20th century has taught us nothing and left us in the care of indoctrinaire tyrants.
Obi ,
Excellent post . We live in a very dangerous time . Enoch Powell ‘Tiber foaming with much blood ‘ is just around the corner.
It’s worth re-reading his speech in full. It is terrifyingly prescient. Even he could never have imagined it would get this bad.
Could it be that this is exactly what “those we are not allowed to criticize” are striving to bring about?
What a splendid tool with which to bash those evil, traitorous patriots.
MarkyMark, I am reminded of the very funny sci-fi spoof by the (Jewish) comedian Mel Brooks: ‘Jews in Space’. Only this time it’s ‘Muslims in Flight’! (And it’s not intended to be funny, although it still is…)
And just when you thought the bBC couldn’t go any lower they come out with this shite:
Families left devastated by false claims of FGM in girls
In a nutshell, parents feel guilty when told that somebody is going to check up on their little girls to see if they have had the snip and they don’t like it. In fact according to the bBC, the scourge of FGM isn’t as big as everybody tells us:
” some doctors have told the BBC that they do not believe that FGM is taking place on the scale politicians have suggested.”
and how does the bBC substantiate the above:
“So far no-one has been successfully prosecuted in the UK.”
Which is strange as the bBC then reports this:
“Since mandatory reporting came in, there have been more than 40 referrals in Manchester, of which 14 were confirmed as cases of FGM. All had been performed before the child came to the UK. A similar picture was found in Birmingham, where all nine confirmed cases of FGM between April and August this year were in children who had had the procedure before moving to the country.
So just in Birmingham alone between April and August 9 newcases have been found. (And that’s only the ones we know about) So 27 in a year. extrapolate that to each and every town and city with a large Islamic population and you are looking at least 500 new cases every year and yet nobody has been prosecuted. Sorry did I say 500, I should have quoted 5391 .Which funny enough is the figure released by the NHS on how many cases of FGM they exposed this past year (As of July 17)
FGM: More than 5,000 newly-recorded cases in England
Shouldn’t the question the bBC (and its ilk) be asking, why has nobody been prosecuted, instead of pushing a sob story about how somebody feels.
The bBC, the defender of child abuse in the UK paid for by you.
Anybody from the bBC wish to explain to me how 5391 new cases of FGM in one year is a very low figure? and why is there no link to that story from just 2 months ago.
Mum opened nappy to find son had been circumcised {bbc.co.uk jun2017}
“A mother has described the distress of discovering her baby son had been circumcised without her consent.
The woman, from Nottingham, said she opened her son’s nappy to find him covered in blood – and was so distraught she had to leave the room.
She has battled for four years for authorities to take action.
Three people have now been arrested, including a 61-year-old man – thought to be a doctor – on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent.
The boy was circumcised in July 2013 when he was three months old, and apparently staying with his paternal grandparents, who are Muslim.”
– I guess when it takes four years to get a conviction and grandparents are doing it behind the families back it’s hard to police that
It is like they are playing ‘disgrace limbo.’ How low can you go?
The BBC is strangely ambiguous about “tribal practices” like honour killings, FGM, hyena men, circumcision etc.On the World Service, the BBC will often showcase various African women who, at considerable personal risk, oppose these practices in their own countries and want them made illegal. On Newshite last night, FGM performed abroad was referred to as “historic” – as if it was of no consequence. Yet in Britain, “historic child abuse” and its exposure post Saville is supposed to be a prime concern of the BBC. Presumably, the family of a girl that has undergone FGM abroad is at least complicit and so should be prosecuted. In any other, situation, the BBC would be demanding that child abusers should be prosecuted wherever in the world the crime was committed. In this case, the BBC does not mind that Britain is providing a safe haven for child abusers or the facilitators of child abuse.
The BBC and Leftists do not give a damn about human suffering except when it can be used to further their twisted ideological agenda.
“In the end they will give up sexual self expression. They will keep their heads down and they in a sense will cover up to as this women is covering up… and in the end the Dutch will give up the sex stuff to. And then there will be nothing there but Islam.” @18:10 {youtube – mark steyn}
“In the Netherlands you’re free to choose your partner.”
“Are you free to choose?”
Pim Fortuyn (founder of party who has put poster up) was often regarded as controversial due to his outspoken views about multiculturalism, immigration and Islam in the Netherlands. He called Islam “a backward culture”, and was quoted as saying that if it were legally possible, he would close the borders for Muslim immigrants {wiki}
I’m not going to speculate what the 4 army guys were up to and indeed it may have been illegal. However I don’t relish all the gloating from BBC News and even more so, C4 News now that the ‘far right ‘ are being arrested for anti terrorism offences. The Government and whole left-liberal establishment have been obsessing about far right threats for so long , their credibility was clearly questionable . Now we will be told with even more vehemence that the threats from Muslims and the far right are equivalent . This is clearly untrue . The upsurge in Muslim attacks this year and their nature has left the authorities looking powerless . This is the underlying reason for these arrests in my view.
Turning to another aspect, I think that in the absence of any willingness by any government to reverse the trend of Muslim population growth and ghettoisation of urban Britain, a civil war is inevitable. One thing that non-Muslims now know for sure is that when this happens they will be labelled as terrorists and their government will be fighting against them.
Obama administration had knowledge of Antifa violence (organised violence from the left), but did not raised any awareness on it … Ben Shapiro – How Obama Got Away With It @3:37 {youtube sep2017} … interesting.
England – The army boys were probably planning a bacon attack. For which their punishment will be severe, no doubt.
Jeremy Vine tells us that people are getting upset about “Cats Eyes Removed” signs. There was a time when people would have complained about missing or misplaced apostrophes but now it is because ‘children are getting upset’, so Suffolk council will be replacing them.
In other news, local authorities complain that they don’t have enough funds.
Still we should be glad that our BBC is recycling a story that the newspapers were running in mid-August!
Let us make the most of the EU, whilst we can, and add more regulation from the EU to label the BBC TV Programmes**.
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
** this is a repeat post, feel free to create one for Chris Evans etc …
As Douglas Murray says, ‘these are the debates we will be having when the Jihadis nuke us’. We have gone in less than a century from a nation which ruled a quarter of the earth to being one where the idea that children might be upset by road signs is actually given serious consideration. I seem to recall a theory that Rome fell because enough of the Romans decided that the Barbarians at the gates were actually preferable to their own rulers. I wonder how close to that situation we are in modern Britain!
Divide and rule. We certainly are divided, never more so perhaps. Same in the US.
Not sure if we’ve ever had so many working so hard to foster divisions. The bbc are loving it – gone are the days of simple male female divisions – they’ve now been split into various sub-species, all with a banner to wave, axe to grind and discrimination to bemoan.
Poland, not on the best of terms with the EU and in particular Germany is asking for reparations re. WW2.
Good idea – form an orderly queue and whatever bill we’re presented with we can just say it can be cancelled out by our reparation payments from the Austro Prussians.
Mentioned previously our government should be posturing towards a future alliance in view of Polands public criticism. What a house of card’s this EU palace could become.
True – the East Europeans do seem to have a bit more about them.
Watched a BBC dateline programme a few weeks ago. Russian journalist on the panel suggested we just walk away. Others on the prog saying we couldn’t possibly do that to which he responded in a typically pragmatic way “why not”.
Trump scraps Obama’s youth immigration scheme {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
Initial BBC title:
Trump scraps Obama’s youth immigration scheme
Article BBC Title:
Daca Dreamers: US scraps young undocumented immigrants scheme (word ‘Trump’ disappears and is replaced with ‘US’. Introduce undocumented and dreamers)
BBC use words Youth and Young:
“In order to qualify for Daca, applicants under the age of 30 submit personal information to the Department of Homeland Security. {from BBC article}”
Text Search: illegal x 3; dreamers x 3; undocumented x 4; immigrant x 6; young x 4; age of 30 x 1
“In a stinging attack on the policy introduced by President Barack Obama, Mr Sessions said: ‘Such an open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.’ … ‘The nation must set a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year. We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here, it’s just that simple.'”
– And this is why language is so important – is it illegal or undocumented, young or 30 year olds, Trump or the US Government, dreamers or non-dreamers.
And I see we have a new and exiting bunch of refugees/terrorists to emote over – the Rohingyas.
Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh are kicking up a stink – lets see how many they take?
No doubt the moral duty will fall to the UK – cue Lily Allen and Kleenex.
Yes, the Rohinga situation is absolutely mouthwatering for SJWs. There is a ‘persecuted Muslim minority’ to take attention away from all the persecuting that Muslims are doing in other places, plus now the emerging narrative of the tarnished saint – Ang Su Chi, the darling of the progressive left, has now been turned on because she is ‘not doing enough.’ So that’s two massive enduring archetypal themes – 1. brave little people fighting against evil oppressor and 2. former messiah not performing miracles, so must be destroyed (you’ll recognise both of those themes from the Bible.) .
Adding Rohinga to my list …
Here is where we are failing in using our language correctly. Let us take the word Muslim as an instance, you can apply this idea to different things as well, so don’t think the word “Muslim” is a special case.
If you use the word “Muslim” which of these is it?
A Muslim from Rohinga who is escaping their past?
A Muslim born in the UK?
A Muslim born outside the UK, emigrated to the UK?
A Muslim from Iran who has been raised as a child listening to Ayatollah Khomeini?
(“…There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”)
A Muslim from Saudi Arabia who has seen beheadings in Deera Square as a child (unsure if there are age restrictions on viewing this sort of thing)?
(After Friday prayers [Saudi Arabia,Deera Square], police and other officials clear the area to make way for the execution to take place. After the beheading of the condemned, the head is stitched to the body and the body is wrapped up for the final rites and taken away. a wiki ref)
A Muslim fighting ISIS reading the Dabiq everyday?
(ISIS Magazine. Dabiq is where Muslim and infidel forces will eventually face each other)
A Kurdish Muslim female fighter shooting ISIS soldiers?
A Muslim women being forced to stay hidden at home under a veil in a Western society?
A Muslim women free to talk in UK Parliament?
A Muslim imam preaching hate such as Anjem Choudary?
(Anjem Choudary allowed to spread hate speech 1999-2016). “..we will dominate this country (UK)” )
A Muslim from Bradford,UK who drives to Glasgow,UK to kill another Muslim (Asad Shah)?
(Tanveer Ahmed who murdered Asad Shah … shouts in courtroom “Praise for the Prophet Muhammad, there is only one Prophet!”)
A Muslim who visits Mecca,Saudi Arabia and has to leave his non-Muslim friend outside of Mecca?
(Sign on road to Mecca “Muslims Only (for Mecca in green)” “For Non Muslims (in red, not sure where you end up – scary)).
Which of these Muslims are you talking about? Just to be clear.
So true and while the many are normally so anxious to point up the slightest divisions – that just doesn’t apply to the Muslim brand.
Gax – As it was an ex-British colony I’d be surprised if we didn’t just cave in and have them all flown over. I imagine the representatives of those neighbouring countries will be having a quiet word with Theresa any time now..
Having just watched a ‘money for nothing’ afternoon programme featuring rubbish in the homes of Louis Minchin and Chris Hollins; I was particularly pleased to see that Ms Minchin, having relocated with Breakfast 5 years ago to Cheshire, managed to find a suitable little pad for hubby and the boys with her relocation package that I contributed to. Georgian home complete with huge paddock, outbuildings, tennis court, and ginormous kitchen; Chris Hollins, character property with land in Oxfordshire. So pleased.
So was Ms Minchin one of the £150K+ brigade or is she paid, like many others, by someone other than the BBC?
By the way, welcome back Brissles, I do hope you had a nice holiday!
Thank you FB.
Cyprus is loved by many (apparently). I think it will be alright – when its finished !
Funny when you search for salaries at BBC you don’t get the BBC Website – very strange … or not.
How much does Louise Minchin earn? {metro.co.uk jul2017}
Now, this is a controversial one.
Louise Minchin co-hosts BBC Breakfast with Dan Walker. While Mr Walker appeared on the list (earning £200,000 – £249,000), Ms Minchin did not, suggesting that she earns less than £150,000 from the BBC.
Many have claimed this to be a textbook example of the gender pay gap.
Dan Walker responded on his Twitter, claiming that he makes more than some of his colleagues as he presents on another BBC show as well, Football Focus.
– Rather than all these claims/suggestions, why didn’t someone just ask Louise Minchin how much she earned and how many hours they work compared to Dan Walker? Don’t they both like talking?
“Money for Nothing” is a show about how to sell rubbish and make money from it.
I can’t help thinking someone at the BBC has got a very dry sense of humour.
Latest from Doreen Tipton on the Royal baby
I have been having a pretty rough day today. Don’t know whether to blame it on the whisky or Brexit. But Doreen has just cheered me up. The piss-taking is superb !
She has totally captured the BBC’s Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia, if only we had a decent NEWS service in this country.
[I presume this video is only available to those on Facebook? I found it by googling ‘Doreen Royal Baby’.]
Also on Youtube, but seems to be a time delay before it appears there.
Biased BBC going apoplectic over the Donald’s rescinding of DACA.
First news item. Live coverage.
Now first, this is an internal policy of a foreign country, so why is it headline news at all ( he asked rhetorically)?
Second, the Donald has stated explicity that he differentiates between criminals and gangs on the one hand, and long term residents contributing to the US and its economy on the other.
In another context we might call it ‘managed migration’. Clearly not good enough for the student marxists in the bBBC newsroom.
So what we actually have here is a clear proof positive of the bBBC’s LeftMob support for open door immigration policies.
In a kind of way, a result.
Anyone noticed that when a Muslim kills he/she is immediately diagnosed with a mental disorder – almost as if a psychiatrist is instantly on call at the scene; and of course we are lectured by the craven, spineless brown noser lefties that it has nothing to do with Islam. However when a nationalist white person kills someone, they are evil incarnate and there is no talk of mental health issues.
FGM is not a problem.
The Nazis are a far greater concern than Islamic terrorism.
The economy will instantly collapse if we vote to leave the EU.
And the BBC had the audacity to say it was fake news which propelled Trump to victory?
The England women’s football manager Mark Sampson refuses to speak to the BBC regarding allegations of bullying and discrimination. Why would he speak to the BBC when the BBC’s coverage of this story has been one sided from the start and they’ve been determined to reopen an investigation that is over and settled.
Spotted this Luton.
Beeb will hound him out now. Glad to see he’s had the balls and hopefully he will stick to his principles.
Weird coincidence how the only trained lawyer in the squad happened to be the only person who complained of bullying. I would happily take £80k to be a ‘victim’ of a flippant comment. Her complaint was well-timed as well – in the run up to a major tournament when hush money would be more forthcoming. She knew exactly what she was doing.
ref. Ethnicity?
But I’m a ‘Waycist’ so I’m not allowed an opinion.
Looks like he’s been given a clean bill of health (Sky).
The. BBC 6 o’clock news
Wetting themselves over this leading headline…… four serving British soldiers were arrested on being allegedly members of National Action, the banned neo-Nazi group, and suspicion of preparing acts of terrorism. A police spokesman added: “The arrests were pre-planned and intelligence-led; there was no threat to the public’s safety.”
I quote. “there was no threat to the public’s safety.”.
Another non story turned into a national headline. Oh, and of course, Jo cox was mentioned..
Now this is news in the public interest. “Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle sex groomers handed jail terms”..
No mention…
They could easily be trumped up charges brought out of political expedience.
Is it not too early to speculate? Being in the forces surely they have mental health problems?
Until the facts are put before a court it is too early to formulate an opinion, but the noble Beeb never let facts get in the way of some alt-left propaganda.
Did hear about the latter sentencing on R4.
For some reason, they added the sentences together and reported a total sentence of 41 years.
Only two people were sentenced, do R4 think that each serves the other’s sentence as well as his own.
Feeble attempt to suggest that the poweers that be are “really coming down on this type of offence like a ton of bricks”.
Visit BBC studios this weekend : as many will be open for heritage open days
They usually have a booking list, so phone up first so you can get a slot
Here’s an example
Don’t forget to sign the visitors book, you don’t have to use your real name.
BBC on Facebook right now:
“In such a wealthy society so much of that wealth has ended up in the hands of so few.”
Does the establishment still exist? Owen Jones and Ferdinand Mount debate. More here ? http://bbc.in/2iXk09g
The Today Programme
“The public should decide the “destination” of Brexit, says Sir Vince Cable.
What do you think – should there be a referendum on the result of the Brexit negotiation?”
So they are rigging the narrative and skewing the people people in the studio to answer the questions they ask.
Like usual.
A world run by the likes of Owen and Vince may appeal to those with unique funding.
To me it does not.
“…top 1% tax payers, are bearing 27% of the tax burden…”
– Theresa May / BBC Parliament / 19 Jul / House of Commons
Britain’s wealth gap has narrowed since the recession{ifs jul2017}
– thank you JK Rowling, Owen Jones, Keith Vaz, Diane Abbott, Chris Evans and Gary Lineker. We salute your efforts. Some 1%ers helping with 27%ers (for tax burden, if paying tax in this country of course)
The wONk Show has a black runner on ..guess the name ?
– Next item the farm animal welfare NGO accuses M&S
What the bbc does with it’s oodles of TV tax? Sponsors a black and ethnic minority orchestra in order to point up divisions? Then there’s the sponsoring of left wing comedians and countless other propagandizing schemes. None actually essential for their business as a broadcaster.
EuroNews @19:54 – “Shortage of Eastern European Labour in UK”
Before Brexit has happened. For fruit picking.
“What will happen with all this beautiful fruit if it is not picked.”
“It will fall on the floor and rot”
Pete Bawn, General Manager, NewMAFRUIT FARMS IN KENT
“I advertise for British people as fruit pickers but don’t get any applicants.” – “I’d have no farm if”
Many farms say that 90% of their manual labour is done by Eastern Europeans.
– Many? 90%? Wages any good? Government can arrange people on job course to go and work?
Why does the bbc see EVERYTHING that happens in the World as it’s business? They speak with the arrogance we supposedly possessed in days of Empire – at time that they so revile.
America fought a war for independence from Britain – maybe someone should tell them.
Oxford and Cambridge top world university rankings {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
The University of Oxford is top of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, with Cambridge University second, up from fourth place last year.
A key factor in the rankings is income and both universities saw this rise in the past year, partly in the form of European Union research grants.
But this income could fall with Brexit, warned rankings director Phil Baty.
“They are a huge national asset, and one that the country can ill-afford to undermine at a time when its place in the global order is under intense scrutiny.”
BBC miss a golden opportunity to say that Islam is helping fund our Government {independent} and Universities … ” In many cases Oxford (University) has knowingly accepted money from undemocratic states with poor human rights records.” {page35}
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities: Sources of Arabic and Islamic funding available on public record {pdf page21}
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China, however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.” {page163}
– BBC can investigate further the monies and influence from foreign investors in our Universities, with BBCs £3.5bn news machine and top presenters like Chris ‘£2.3million + CarFest’ Evans might have some time to complete a proper news investigation.
Stopped reading that article when it referred to eu grants. Blatant propaganda. I did read the first twenty or do comments though which I was pleased to see all bashed it for what it is.
I don’t understand what income has to do with it. A university could have a high income but low quality of education. Another could have lower income and a higher quality of education. I find it hard to believe that Oxford and Cambridge are the best two in the world but have no evidence to the contrary.
BBc North West at it again. This time it is a Lancashire farmer who has decided to sell halal certified meat and has been subject to a “torrent of abuse” on line. Apparently the animals are sent to a “specialist” slaughter house, some people think the method is slaughter is “unnecessarily cruel”. Farmers wife informs us “if you go to an Indian restaurant it’s all haal ” Well it’s probably a Pakastani restaurant and I don’t eat at any of these food outlets. BBc North West finish off the article reminding the viewers it’s a crime to say anything nasty and Manchester plod are investigating. Got the message?
Alan, on this blog, September 1:
“Doom about the Boom”
“Typical BBC effort to hide the inconvenient truth that Brexit hasn’t wrecked the economy…far from it…….UK manufacturing hits four month high and the BBC hardly notice at all, the report not being on the frontpage, nor the UK page, not even top billing on the business page…merely a small additional story buried in the small print half way down the page…..”
Today, September 5:
“Growth in the UK services sector slowed to its lowest pace in nearly a year”
You will notice the report isn’t on the frontpage.
Nor the UK page.
Not even top billing on the business page.
Merely a small additional story buried in the small print half way down the page.
Where’s your blog post about the BBC hiding the inconvenient truth, Alan?
“One swallow does not a summer make”
Translation, looking for, and claiming to find, ONE example of AlBeeb moderation and understatement in the field of economic reporting.
Then reporting your “scoop” triumphantly on this site, as a vindication of, and proof of, the general impartiality and neutrality of TWLTB (The World’s Least Trusted Broadcaster), is not very persuasive.
Revert to the usual insults, no thinking on your part required, and your contributions do not make you look such a big cunt as this puerile attempt does.
Your intermittent visits to this blog, Maxicony, can only be due to the considerable research efforts you put in during your absences to find anything pro-BBC to highlight for we plebs.
As I posted before, Maxiboy is like a pigeon. He flies in, shits, and flies out again.
It’s GROWTH ; that has slowed . Not stopped, or gone backwards. It’s still growth in that part of the economy . Nah it’s not a real doom message, keep it half hidden .
Would a better title have been “Growth in the UK services sector slowed, with Manufacturing increasing” instead of “Growth slows in UK services sector” {bbc.co.uk 05sep2017}?
“Robust manufacturing growth means the economy may be rebalancing towards goods production, aided by the weaker pound, but the slowdowns in services and construction send warning signals about the health of the economy.”
– this would a suggest a shift in the UK,early days, from a service economy (pleasing people) to a manufacturing economy (creating things). In my opinion.
– thanks for finding it, it was an interesting article
The First Law of Economics: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.
The Second Law of Economics: They’re both wrong.
the Economist’s Joke Book {website}
Welcome back maxi lad.
Will you be reading to the all little kiddies again tomorrow, resplendent in your Friday night get-up?
BBC website tells us that we are being mislead by the John Lewis ‘boys will be girls’ story as it all happened last year! As if the BBC never ran with a story well past its sell-by date. [I remember a BBC story that sounded familiar once. It was a re-run of a story that a relative had sent me from Canada nine months before. The Canadian newspaper had picked up the story from a US newspaper a month before].
Still it’s interesting to see who John Lewis thinks its customers are nowadays:
Difficult to tell if they are Anglo-Saxon or Celtic.
Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi would be delighted.
“all happened last year! ” Really ?
Go to google and set the date range to 2016 only
No stories appear about John Lewis gender neutral clothing lines.
(Twitter is blocked on this network, but I expect the same there)
I must say Newsshite was back on form again tonight.
Dateless and diverse great and goods pondering Britain’s lack of productivity
Millions of low-skilled migrants, some who are illiterate in their own languages, have helped create a low wage economy over the last decades. The “East European fruit pickers” who are the stock media example of essential foreign workers could have been replaced by machines years ago and, of course, increased productivity. All that union opposition to reduced manning and automation on trains also does nothing to increase productivity.
Defunct Übermandrin goes over the usual economic problems in Britain. Various pay gaps, more government industrial planning etc. Dateless is suddenly moved to point out that the Great Prophet Corbyn had already pointed out all these things. Vote Corbyn! Vote for national salvation. Nice, unbiased political intervention on behalf of the Neo-Stalinists.
Dateless does not mention nationalisation, confiscation of private property, more redistribution. But hasn’t all that been tried before in the State of Peasants and Workers?
After reciting this litany of British economic failure – I thought the EU had brought us all vast wealth and joy neverending by curing the Sick Man of Europe – defunct Übermandrin claims the work of the civil service post Brexit is “damage limitation”. However ZDF’s London correspondent revealed the real reason for mandarin opposition to Brexit a few weeks before the referendum. Her high-level civil service contacts had been whining and moaning to her about all the work Brexit would entail. All those long, tedious free-trade negotiations!
Nice piece exposing the “FGM myth”. All offences NS encountered are “historic”. As in “historic child abuse”? What’s all the fuss? “Some say”, “doubts have been raised”. “Concerns have been brought to us”. By whom? Woman falsely accused of FGM. Camera focuses on heart rending wringing of hands to tug at our heart strings. Let’s stop stigmatising this harmless cultural practice by repealing the discriminatory FGM legislation.
Not bad for the dullard Dateless!
Anyone hear Jon Sopel on Simon Mayo yesterday? He was pretty fair and balanced! No Trump bashing, explained why people voted for him, said Hillary was an awful candidate, thought that Trump might get in for a second term and would certainly not be impeached….he was promoting his book though. Does make me wonder though, if his other output has to fit a certain agenda. A friend of mine heard him speak on a cruise and was surprisingly impressed..
I think someone high up has had a word. My mum said the Trump bashing has abated. They must have realised that their constant attacks were upsetting people and causing them to switch off. Plus no matter what they throw at Trump he fights back and always seems to end up winning. Their climb down about Antifa having totally denied they even existed was so humiliating. Trump has been playing the media for years, he probably understands them better than most of their employees do.
“I don’t start these fights but I sure as hell win them!”
Sopel’s clearly ill.
Lovely story on BBC website about a female refugee doctor who is learning Glaswegian. Entirely representative. I do worry for the Middle East – they seem to have a real shortage of men.
Lanky lightweight Dan Walker gives away the fact that the BBC cares little for its Licence Payers and rather more for its own hysterical agenda:
“We’re gonna be concentrating on Hurricane Irma, but here’s the weather here today…”
And the rationale for this somewhat skewed emphasis?
Well, Irma is described by the BBC as “Potentially Catastrophic” whereas our weather can only be characterised as “a quiet day”
One can’t help thinking of the BBC’s Brexit coverage.
On my cycle to work this morning I saw an entire army of old English men discussing indoor bowls and gardening. One even wielded a croquet mallet!
It was a Nazi army just as the BBC warned!
They are working on a very English form of Nazism (instead of a swastika they have two crossed cups of tea.) They are demanding an end to all impoliteness and have even written a letter to someone about it!
“….indoor bowls and gardening.” A new petition? Perhaps the Home Office could ban these pursuits and anybody collectively discussing these Nazi activities.
There’s a bowls club 35 walking paces from me . I’ll keep an eye on them . They wear a uniform of white clothes , so must be racist as there’s never anyone with a burqa there. I once heard some mild clapping but couldn’t see anything. They must have secretly burned crosses then .
After yesterday’s enjoyable Today programme gaffe just after 7.00am, (how on earth did they let that Icelandic Finance Minister speak so freely), this morning it’s business as usual. The Beeb are appalled by the proposed controls to unskilled EU migrants post brexit, they howl that EU migrants increase GDP and hence benefit all of us, apparently. This is why we must de-mechanise, no more mechanical car washes, no more mechanisation of farming, no mechanical sorting of waste,just bring in more people, they all earn over £ 27k PA in PAYE employment don’t they so they are not a nett cost to society. Oh, hang on a minute………..
An acquaintance of mine runs some stables. He employes Hungarians: they have some tradition of horsemanship, are good workers, do not cause trouble and so on. He treats them well, providing accommodation, internet, satellite TV and so on. He ensures that tax and national insurance are paid, although as they earn minimum wage there is not a huge amount of it. He’s worried about the effects of Brexit. Ultimately, of course, it is about the money. Or as he puts it: “It’s like having slaves, but all perfectly legal!”.
I must admit I thought Rod Liddle, on Toady yesterday was very funny up against Charles Moore, re fox hunting. I especially enjoyed his closing quip which was something along the lines of:
“Thank you Charles, for canvassing the fox population to discover by which method they prefer to be killed.”
I’m ambivalent about fox hunting but I do enjoy it when Rod cuts loose: though I’m not sure those on the receiving end do; as Simon Schama exhibited to his cost once on Question Time.
“Thank you Charles, for canvassing the fox population to discover by which method they prefer to be killed.”
Foxes and European Christians have a lot in common then.
Other than a couple of clever, funny, video memes, JOE is an obsessed, leftist online rag.
I wonder what first attracted them to the bearded wonder?
Ian Katz will be well jelly.
Joe ..what’s that ?
“We’re the biggest premium *male-focused* publisher in the UK,
and are on course to be one of the biggest entertainment brands in the UK within the next year.”
So James O’brien has joined a self declared sexist media network.
Radio 4 Today this morning and there’s a piece about the success of Oxford University being the top of the league tables together with Cambridge, which for some reason wasn’t mentioned.
The BBC send some aggressive lefty interviewer to harangue the vice chancellor of Oxford – after all success is an undesirable outcome in a world where all must have prizes.
After a short preamble the main question comes, “Will Brexit affect the university adversely if migration is stopped” !
Jaw dropping – literally, how the hell they managed to squeeze an anti Brexit rant into the success of the UKs top universities beggars belief.
The next question was only slightly less jaw dropping, with the BBC attacking the vice chancellor over her £350 K salary. Clearly irritated she compared it to other universities, showing it was a lower amount and pointing out that she was in charge of a £1.4 billion budget.
Undeterred the beeboid then started insinuating her salary was excessive because it didn’t even include pension contributions.
An opportunity to showcase a British success destroyed by the negative left wing bias, which knows only destructive moaning and failure.
‘A leaked Home Office document’. Surprise, surprise. BBC at pains to explain in detail the content of the ‘leaked document’. It appears it concerns immigration into the UK when (if) we leave the EU. One feature outlined, apparently, is limiting unskilled labour arriving from that source. For those who voted ‘out’ in the 2015 Referendum that will be good news. However, those voters voted ‘out’ to stop migration into the UK period, not, I think realising that the EU element is LESS than those outside the EU arriving and I suspect there will be a greater number of ‘unskilled’ arriving from that source for ever more. No mention naturally of the family members joining their families in the UK virtually all will be elderly and non-economic contributing but actually taking benefits such as pensions, housing benefits etc. And so, increasing the muslim content appears to be the only result.
So the leaked papers went to the Guardian….wonder why? The BBC have jumped on it like a cowboy on a horse….despite it being unofficial….
Not sure who the woman interviewing the French ambassador on R4 was but she was determined to get the Ambassador to say the report was not right – but she didn’t. All I have heard this morning on R4 is a trail of people from the left being asked about the immigration report..with no questions on how it might work quite well..just why it is wrong…..
If I didn’t know better I would be thinking the BBC were looking for reasons to dismiss the report….
BBC Search ‘GQ Solo’ …
2017 Sep “Stormzy handed best solo artist prize at GQ Awards by Jeremy Corbyn”
2015 Sep “GQ Awards: Sam Smith wins top solo prize (missing person who handed it out in 2015, not so important?)”
“Never had a MAC-10 ( Military Armament Corporation Model 10 similar to an Uzi) or a trey pound (357 magnum gun/revolver)
You were never bad then, you ain’t bad now
Never had the MAC then, little nigga, back down” – Big for Your Boots by Stormzy
– GQ Politician of the Year 2017: Sadiq Khan (or Kahn) (spelt incorrectly as ‘Kahn’ on the image {twitter – Kate Hopkins})
– GQ Politician of Year 2016 Sadiq Khan
– GQ Politician of Year 2015 George Osborne
– Rapper Stormzy calls Theresa May a ‘paigon’ {dailymail.co.uk sep2017}
– paigon. friend that lies betrays and isn’t true
– ‘Tories have been reduced to personal name-calling’: Jeremy Corbyn criticises Boris Johnson’s ‘mugwump’ comment {telegraph apr2017}
– STORMZY – OH JEREMY CORBYN at Glastonbury 2017 *MUST WATCH* {youtube} (p.s. not very good if you just went to Glastonbury for the songs and not a political broadcast)
– Diane Abbott discusses online abuse “We are very clear in the Labour Party. That if you are known and you are peddling racist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse, you will face a penalty. The problem with a lot of this abuse though is it’s anonymous. ” – Diane Abbott @1:56
Someone posted that bbc are letting up on Trump. Would that were so but sadly it’s just the news cycle. Syrians and migrants in the Med were all the rage not so long ago – now it’s Rohingyas and An Sung Su Chi has knocked Trump from the devil incarnate spot.
Other news – Lego sales have dropped – bbc asks Lego CEO if it’s because Lego isn’t ‘gender neutral’? He replies that a Lego brick doesn’t have a gender. And isn’t it great – you can now buy a dress for your son from John Lewis – purveyor of very expensive foreign made tat. My ten year old has serious concerns about this nonsense.