Time for a new one of these. As Alan points out, why the BBC are virtually breathless with excitment about a possible “Neo Nazi cell” in the British Army. (Even as they ignore the 30,000 suspected Jihadi amongst us). Detail the bias here!
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Typical example of Al Beeb . Scraping the bottom of the barrel for any morsel of dirt.
They are not fit to have “British” in their name as our state broadcaster.
I think it is partly jealousy. The British military are generally very professional, whereas the BBC are third rate amateurs. Also the military are generally well regarded by the public who have a low opinion of journalists and politicians.
The Blue Peter Broadcasting Corporation .
Grant, the BBC were not always that way. Until relatively recently, on both the engineering side and on the programming side, they were the best. As they should have been with a guaranteed income.
It is probably only since the late 1980/early 1990s that that income became seriously out of control. Excessive money often spoils things and brings corruption in its wake. Professional football, for example?
Really Snuff , where were you in the 60’s 70’s and early 80’s ? Obviously watching a different BBC to me !
Conservative PM’s and Republican Presidents were always their target branded either stupid or evil. Picket violence was ignored or at best trivialized…..etc etc.
Right. The rot started in the 60s and the BBC have continued downhill ever since .
According to Antony Jay (Yes, Minister and ex BBC producer) it started when he worked at the BBC in the 50s:
Click to access 111027171128-20070713PublicServicesConfessionsOfAReformedBBCProducer.pdf
“And the social system was at least as
restrictive and authoritarian as the political system. It was
shocking for an unmarried couple to sleep together and a disgrace
to have a baby out of wedlock – it brought shame on the whole
family. A homosexual act incurred a jail sentence. Divorcees would
not be considered for the honours list or the Royal Enclosure at
Ascot. Procuring an abortion was a criminal offence – a doctor
would be struck off the register. Violent young criminals were
birched, older ones were flogged with the cat-o’-nine tails, and
murderers were hanged. Two years National Service was
compulsory for 18-year-olds. Small children sat in rows in the
classroom and were caned if they misbehaved. Drugs were
confined to the surgery (and the aristocracy). And the bobby on
the beat made sure the streets were safe at night. And for an
England cricket captain to miss a test match by flying home to be
present at the birth of his child would have ruled him out of
serious consideration not just as a cricketer but as a man.”
Sheeesh, it sounds awful! Thank goodness for the Wilson years, that’s what I say. Whaddya mean, that’s what you want us to return to?
So a ‘Nazi’ is anyone who has the temerity to consider that British people, British culture and values have any place in this World?
” Nazi ” is anyone who is not a Lefty.
The Alt-Left is Nazi so it describes anyone outside Alt-Left as Nazi as a diversion, so as to camouflage their own beliefs and activities.
The Nazi Party evolved from the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party. As the Nazi Party were an abomination the term Nazi has been branded by the Left as Ultra Right Wing even though its roots were Socialist.
“The Nazi Party evolved from the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”
Take care where you mention such inconvenient facts. Last week I had a post deleted from a Daily Telegraph discussion on fake news for pointing out that Hitler was the leader of The National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Interesting … “The Anti-Fascist Network is non-hierarchical, will never work with the police and is not affiliated to any political party. {antifascistnetwork.org}”
– ‘will never work with the police’ – does this mean they are criminals? Gosh this is confusing stuff.
These are vital times for those of us fighting for a better world and we are at a turning point. There is a real danger that the UK could see increasing attacks on Muslims and immigrants, fascists marching in greater numbers on the streets, a UK state allied with Trump, the bigots of the DUP calling the shots in government, hard Brexit. But the election showed a huge and no longer hidden desire for a different politics. There is the possibility that with renewed organising we could turn things around and create a future with more hope for working class people, for migrants, for everyone left out at the moment – turn around austerity, get rid of a brutal and racist government and drive the fascists back into shame and hiding.
Another poster sometime ago pointed out that it was paradoxical to think that Nazis and socialists were at opposite ends of the “right -left spectrum” yet were “the same thing”.
If you look at a different axis say “totalitaranism – anarchy” Fascist Germany, the Soviet union, Communist China are all at the totalitarian end of the spectrum because they are police states. Islamic states are also at the totalitarian end of the spectrum. So it may be form of government rather than shared ideology that makes them similar. If you follow a rigid, utopian ideology you have to use coercion or force to ensure the majority also believe.
Link to last page of “START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD….” 2017-09-04
I was checking the history of women in space and so had a look at what Wikipedia had to say:
1) Valentina Tereshkova: Soviet Union. First woman in space. Only woman to make solo spaceflight. 1963.
2) Svetlana Savitskaya: Soviet Union. 1982 & 1984. First woman to perform spacewalk 1984.
3) Sally Ride: United States. 1983 & 1984. First American woman in space. First LGBT person in space.
And then I thought – who fecking cares about the first lesbian in space! Why do we have to have the LGBT sex agenda rammed down our throats at every opportunity. Homosexuality was legalised a long time ago in the West. Please no more turning human history into the history of homosexuality and transgenderism.
71 Genders MUST have a contribution to the space race … Facebook’s 71 gender options come to UK users {telegraph.co.uk jun2014}
MM, remember there are strange and alien worlds out there, so as we boldly set foot where no hand has been before, as we seek new worlds and nude civilisations to explore and concur with and expect them to totally agree with us, we can only be united, representative and non-divisive if we blast at least one from all seventy-one genders into deep space.
“Warped Factor Three. Engage.”
By the time they (71 genders) reach the new alien race there will be 71*71*71 new genders. Each wanting to be the first to say “Hello”.
Remember this:
Now its this:
The guy in the top photo is telling you about an Adult – namely, Jesus Christ.
The guy in the bottom photo is telling you that he is campaigning for access to children.
None of this is true, it’s just fake white supremacist propaganda. The BBC have recently broadcast a documentary which conclusively proves that Muslims made it into space in 1280 and that a women in a burka was the first female to achieve a full orbit in 1284. Of course the first human in space was Mo who rode up to heaven on his white horse in about 450. It says so in the Koran so dispute it at your peril.
the first human in space was Mo who rode up to heaven on his white horse in about 450
That’s outrageous. He didn’t use a white horse, his preferred mode of transport was a buraq, which everyone knows was “handsome-faced and bridled, a tall, white beast, bigger than the donkey but smaller than the mule. He could place his hooves at the farthest boundary of his gaze. He had long ears. Whenever he faced a mountain his hind legs would extend, and whenever he went downhill his front legs would extend. He had two wings on his thighs which lent strength to his legs.” But usually depicted with a female face, so might have been a trans-buraq.
Need to know about wheelbarrows, spark plugs or similar objects? Go to Wikipedia. Where you will find reliable data thereupon. Or, if the information is unreliable, this is due to genuine human error. The editors of the articles will be doing their, unpaid, best to provide accurate, relevant, facts.
Need reliable information about Donald Trump, recent historical events? Go to Wikipedia. Where you will enter the other Wikipedia. Where some editors are paid. Where almost all editors are lefties. Where almost all editors are determined that no revisionist material (truthful, but unwelcome to the Communists) shall enter their beloved propaganda (also known as encyclopedia articles). Go, especially, to the “talk” pages. Where the acronymn NPOV and the four pillars appear as reliably as night following day, and are habitually ignored.
Welcome to Leftypedia, not as much naked hate as the Guardian, but just as much bias. Full of carpets which look like the surface of the moon, so many disgusting truths about Islam having been brushed thereunder.
There are alternatives to Wikipedia (aka WinstonSmithpedia), such as http://www.conservapedia.com. Okay, it’s from an American and Christian perspective but compare and contrast:
Conservapedia – Feminism
Feminism is an ideology that causes an alienation in affection by women for men. Feminism denies or downplays differences between men and women, feminism opposes homemaking, child-rearing, and homeschooling by women, and feminism promotes participation by women in predominantly male activities. Most prominent modern feminists support abortion. Attributes common to many feminists include an entitlement mentality and a bit of an attitude, such as a “chip on one’s shoulder” despite benefiting from a life of privilege. On a personal level feminism can disrupt marriages, relationships, child-rearing, education and the workplace. The feminist ideology is particularly dominant in elite universities, many large corporations, and competitive women’s team sports.
Wikipedia – Feminism
Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for men. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Changes in dress and acceptable physical activity have often been part of feminist movements.
Conservapedia – Islam
Islam is a major world socio-political system based on the teachings of Muhammad (sometimes Mohammed), a seventh century Arab. Muhammad claimed descent from Ishmael, the son of Abraham. Muhammad claimed to have received revelations from Allah, the entity which adherents of Islam claim to resemble the God of Judaism and Christianity, via the archangel Gabriel, which were written in the Koran – thus forming the core teachings of Islam. Adherents of Islam, along with their liberal allies (including in the mainstream media), claim it to be a “religion”, although unlike Christianity, Judaism and other religions, Islam is presented and acts in ways opposite to the teachings of legitimate religions, but more akin to the totalitarian ideologies of Nazism and Communism, based on the history of Islam and its followers.
Wikipedia – Islam
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/) is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God (Allah) and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion in the world, with over 1.8 billion followers or 24.1% of the global population, who are known as Muslims. Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful, unique, and has guided mankind through prophets, revealed scriptures and natural signs. The primary scriptures of Islam are the Quran, viewed by Muslims as the verbatim word of God, and the teachings and normative example (called the sunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570–8 June 632 CE).
“who fecking cares about the first lesbian in space!”
Oh, I don’t know:
Remember, in space, no one can hear you whine
BBC launches sweeping pay reviews after star salary row {bbc.co.uk sep2017} – this is only part of the story …
… BBC reveals inflated pay of its employees from a tax imposed on it’s customers by threat of going to prison
… TV Tax Payers request to know the stars schedule to know they get value for money (hours worked) : Lineker BBC + Walkers + BT = is he superman?
… TV Tax Payers request to know which politicians have been appearing on TV and getting paid, which party and how long on screen.
… TV Tax Payers request Gary Lineker responds to all people (200,000 in 2013) who have been charged with not paying his wages, sorry I mean the TV Tax, sorry I mean avoiding the TV License, sorry I mean undocumented TV License usage.
…. TV Tax Payers request for information on all stars that are hiding their wages in different companies – will these stars step forward and say how much they are being paid from the publics purse?
… TV Tax Payers request how long these inflated wages have been paid – last 20 years
… TV Tax Payers request that the BBC employees wages 80K or above are added to the website just like Lord Hall’s £450K + expense claims of £34.76 {2014} for hospitality
…. TV Tax Payers request all expenses and claims for employees above 80K are shown
…. TV Tax Payers request all employees above 80K respond to ‘Is it OK to work for an organisation that forces money out of people to pay your wages?’
… TV Tax Payers show that BBC wages went up as public and private sector stagnated
… TV Tax Payers request how many payments made to all the criminal paedophiles in the BBC
… TV Tax Payers Request how many payments made to Anjem Choudry and other known extremists
… TV Tax Payers request information on BBC employees who have taken from their pensions before retiring
.. TV Tax Payers want a response from the BBC on employees using their twitter accounts, which promote their BBC job, to promote a political view
Something there for Ofcom to get its diseased gums into?
All very good questions that one could most reasonably expect answer from what is publicly funded body with a clear political agenda that in no way speaks for the values or represents the interests of the country.
Way past the time to end the special bbc privilege that does not apply to our other institutions.
I just don’t understand how an ideology – National Socialism – that has been effectively dead and buried for over 70 years is somehow, in the eyes of all regressive lunatics – the biggest single threat facing our society?
Actually, I’m fibbing: of course I understand how this is the case. Forget the frothing, irrelevant media – we need to look at education. For the past thirty years ‘the Academy’ has been wilfully misdirecting, obfuscating, indoctrinating and censoring the teaching of true political history to the the point at which a long-dead allegedly ‘right wing’ ideology (National Socialism), which was responsible for perhaps as many as 15 million deaths in the 20th century, has been elevated to the status of ULTIMATE EVIL in all classrooms and lecture halls across western education.
Nobody talks about the bigger, far more deadly, still extant ideology that left a death toll many times greater than that of the National Socialists in its wake, from Moscow to Phnom Penh via Beijing, North Korea and Cuba. 100 million+ murdered, disappeared, imprisoned, tortured… and still it lives, still it wreaks havoc and suffering across the world, be it Venezuela or the concentration camps of North Korea… Communism gets all the free passes it needs from the cowards in academia and the msm. Communism lives in the brutal street thuggery of ANTIFA and BLM to name but a couple (there are many more such violent Communist organisations now emerging). These are – and always have been – the real fascists in our midst. They censor and they de-platform, they pepper spray and they roam the streets as black-clad, armed, masked mobs. If it looks like a black shirt and acts like a black shirt it’s a black shirt. Mussolini – that ridiculous, pompous, self-important died-in-the-wool socialist – would be proud.
The reason the BBC – like so much of our present msm – is such a toxic truth denier and selective historical revisionist is that it is staffed by three generations of progressive activists, trained by universities to think only one way, to block out or completely ignore all historical fact which might challenge their socialist prejudices. This is what 30+ years of Marxist education was designed to produce – the ‘long slow march through the institutions’ is all going exactly according to plan, comrades.
Forget Stalin’s murdered millions. Forget Mao’s murdered millions. Forget Pol Pot’s genocidal mania in Cambodia – he just ‘wasn’t doing Communism properly’ – right? 2 million+ murdered in the name of his Communist agrarian utopia..? Pah! Who cares about the many, many crimes of Communism now? We’ve got Nazis to fight!
Was it here or somewhere else that someone recently posted a short video of a teacher saying that Trump was just like Hitler? Can’t find it.
Why do parents tolerate this? They should be getting together and knocking on the headmaster’s door, telling him/her that it is going to stop, or else.
It’s like Rotherham – some people will put up with anything. But then I’ve been called a troublemaker more than once. If you can’t be tough when necessary, you become a doormat. Some immigrants understand this.
It was from educating Greater Manchester from Channel 4. Thursday at 21:00. I think it was more what are the similarities between Hitler & Trump It will be on catch up.
It is just ‘scaremongering’, calling people you don’t agree with nasty scarey names like ‘Nazis’, is a simple way to make them look bad and evil in the eyes of the brain dead population, and it always of course gives them a great excuse to call for a ban on any organization they belong to.
ObiWan, good post. I suspect that you may not find in the history of WW2 taught in UK schools, the fact that initially Stalin and Hitler were seeking to form an Empire that stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific and would also stretch from the Arctic to the tip of South Africa.
After that, they had designs on North America because they knew that in the first two decades of the 20th Century, there was considerable socialist sympathy there in the United States. That remained so, pretty much until 1942.
Obiwan – solid post.
Dear ObiWan; excellent, excellent post and history lesson reminder. It would seem no one in the MSM or even much of the general public has been exposed to these facts. It struck me listening to the BBC narrative that these thought-criminals were fine, upstanding citizens willing to serve and defend their country and its traditions; rather than the usual recently arrived or second generation Muslim malcontent creating the REAL problems in European countries — i.e., raping women (and children) , living on the dole, and blowing things up or stabbing random people. And my understanding is the far-right “HATE” group these gentlemen were involved in is guilty of mostly “confrontational” protests/demonstrations and expressions of disrespect for the demise of Jo Cox ?? The strange death of the West, indeed!
As the saying goes, history is written by the victors. The victors of WW2 have therefore written the history of the past century at least, and so Nazism, despite it lasting for only 12 years and killing only a fraction of the death toll of communism, has to be painted as the ultimate evil. It has to be held up constantly as an example of how not to behave, despite having effectively been dead as an ideology for over 70 years.
Similar things have happened throughout history. The church demonised the pagans; the House of Lancaster (the Tudors) demonised the House of York (Shakespeare was still playing to this idea 100 years after York was destroyed at Bosworth).Pre-reformation England was demonised by the Protestant Whigs, etc.
BBC website reports that the BBC is launching sweeping pay reviews; too many stars are white and male. There will be a greater push for ‘diversity’ meaning anti white racism.So lovely to hear about race and gender all the time.
They are not comparing like for like. Why should a newsreader be rewarded equally for what Chris Evans does? Many could read from an autocue. To come up with a new radio show every morning which gets ten million listeners is not easy and has real commercial value. Maybe they should just get rid of Evans as he is so hideously white and replace him Baroness Warsi, who could lecture us for three hours a day on how horrible the British are? She would lose every listener within days but who cares about quality when ‘diversity’ is at stake? Humans need food, water and diversity.
There is a group of menacing old white men at a local church planning a cake sale! They must be Nazis. They are using the proceeds to fund a trip to Chichester, where apparently a fundamentalist strain of Englishness is being practised. I have called the ‘Prevent’ hotline.
RE: Nazi cake sale: No doubt they insisted on all cakes being of pure white flour in origin!
Interesting though – a baker can be forced to bake a gay cake but ………………..
Can you ask for one made with pork fat?
Beeb Brother
Good for you. I am so proud of my daughter. I took my dog for a walk on Sunday, went for pint, and stopped and had a chat with my neighbour about the roses in his garden.
My seven year old daughter followed me, took photographs, and forwarded them to Prevent as evidence of my Nazi connections..
I am to be sent on a Diversity programme, but my daughter has been singled out for praise at her school and is to be interviewed by the BBC
G.W.F., are you Chinese by any chance? I know, thanks to the BBC in the days when they did inform and educate us that, back then, one in three people in the world are Chinese. I agree that your daughter carried out a revolutionary act of cultural endeavour that should be applauded.*
* and denounced as ‘old hat’. So 1960s! What is old hat in Chinese? Would they use an expression like that?
One of the old men got bad service in a restaurant so wrote the manager a letter of complaint. These guys are hardcore.
“The Minister may be aware of a YouGov poll that was done immediately after this ruling which showed that 42% of Brits would support such a ban (Burka) in the workplace {yougov.co.uk aug2016}, or at least employers having the ability to impose such a ban in the workplace. Will my noble friend take back to her colleagues the possibility of further work under the integration strategy (morality police?) to ensure that these kinds of opinion held in country are pushed back by views within government?”
– Baroness Warsi Conservative {theyworkforyou.com mar2017}
… could Warsi possibly reconcile this contradiction … 83% UK Muslims proud to be British (Warsi 2013) verses 1% of UK Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press to be able to print cartoons of religious Prophets (Channel 4 Survey // Murray 2015).
Therein lies the problem of British politics in a nutshell. This ‘Warsi’ person thinks that it is the role of Parliament to influence opinion and to force ideological conformity upon citizens, rather than to uphold the rights and carry out the wishes of those they are elected to serve.
And do these limitations apply to the kids in the video?
I suspect not.
And the answer is … give the Government control of the children from birth.
New pupils ‘don’t have basic skills like being able to take a coat off, know what a book is – this adds to teacher workload’
– Can I have the report please, this can’t be global or else there would be lots of kids always wearing the same coat.
More importantly can boys get their dresses on? Do boys know if they’re really boys?
Dear God it’s hard enough being a kid these days without these SJW bot flies trying to burrow under their skin.
You have to guess what you are.
When you say you are a boy and like blue then you are wrong and need to try again …
When you say you are happy being a boy, you are told are you sure …
….until you get the right answer.
If you say you are non-binary you get praise for saying the right thing and being brave …
gaxvil, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4_eSW6D6sc
Sorry, couldn’t resist the temptation to post that!
Gender Hate Speech – sit in the rainbow police car for 10 minutes.
MM*, but, But, BUT ….. I am supporting a Child in Gender Crisis there.
That should earn me considerable Bonus Points, not a telling off from Old Wilhemina!
* actually LOL!
They’re at it again, aren’t they? Negative stories about children always show white kids, positive stories show ethnics. I truly suspect that the children he is talking about really comprise those whose families speak (or maybe don’t speak) English as a second language but looking at the accompanying clip you would be forgiven for thinking the problem lies exclusively with thick white families!
So i mentioned really to the above bBC clip. I then find that Surrey Uni has knocked out this video:
Hooray for Douglas Murray for not just giving up ….
“We’ve got people preaching a lot of hatred and poison against Muslims. Give me one case, even in Muslim countries where they practice Sharia law. Where they go as a routine , most Muslim countries do not do the death penalty, do not do the stoning, they do not do all these things. This is most Muslim countries that are supposed to run under Sharia law.”
– Mr.Islam (don’t know his name)
“It shouldn’t be necessary to shoot this down, but let me do it. Sunni, Shia two most important distinctions in Islam. Most important Sunni state is Saudi Arabia, executes people for being gay. Recently sentence to beheading then crucifixion an under-age Shia man, because of his connections with a Shia family.”
– Douglas Murray
“YOU WHAT?” Douglas Murray @2:33
“A great deal would be improved in this country. If people like you (Mr Islam) came into studios like this, and admitted there is a problem. And admitted that you wanted to join in to find a solution to that problem. Instead of pretending that the problem doesn’t exist.” – Douglas Murray {@3:52}
Just listened to the first clip and Douglas Murray did very well. However “Mohammad” was allowed the last word (surprising – not!) and asked the question “If Islam is so bad why is it the fastest growing religion in the world?”. Difficult one that – is it because their Book tells them to out-breed their enemies? Plus many “reverts” are from the poorest countries encouraged by Saudi money, or from amongst the most stupid persons in the West. Then you have the likes of Cherie’s sister who does it to get noticed, and how devout is she now?
popeye , check the end and hear what people are saying as the programme ends …. that’s very telling.
I adore Sherlock Holmes stories. In todays UK, imagine him on the trail of, “The Sign of Bacon” or “The Muslim Ritual”, “The Black Flagged League”, “The Crooked Man/Woman/Gender Neutral”.
Saudi Arabia’s executions, 2014-2017
– 438 executions in under four years – 123 per year
– Over 2,000 to be executed by 2030
– 41% of executions this year for nonviolent crimes
– Migrants disproportionately targeted
– ‘Terrorism’ charges used on protesters {reprieve.org.uk}
This crackdown coincides with Kingdom carrying its first mass execution in years on 2
January 2016, executing 47 people in just one day for so called “terrorism” offences.
However, among those executed were juveniles and peaceful protesters, in clear violation of
the prohibition against the death penalty for children.
In May 2017 – days after the first visit to Riyadh by President Donald Trump – the Saudi
Specialized Criminal Court upheld several death sentences handed down to protestors,
including disabled man Munir Adam.6 The move follows a pause, of several months, during
which there were no protester-related death sentences or executions. These latest
developments raise concerns that the US President’s visit – where human rights were not
mentioned – has emboldened the Kingdom’s leaders to resume the worst abuses.
I adore Sherlock Holmes stories. In todays UK, imagine him on the trail of, “The Sign of Bacon” or “The Muslim Ritual”, “The Black Flagged League”, “The Crooked Man/Woman/Gender Neutral”.
Well there always was:
The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger
I’ve actually read all the stories (A long time ago) and to me, there is only one SH, Jeremy Brett
Agreed – Jeremy Brett in his heyday in the role of Sherlock Holmes was, for me, the very personification of the character. The first couple of series were spectacular. Sadly, as his illness (cancer) progressed it began to tell in his performance and physical appearance – but when he was great he truly was the best (and, for me, still is – interestingly, he was in the closet for most of his adult life. Different generation, I guess – back then, they didn’t like to parade their sexuality like a badge of honour with which to shamelessly garner virtue signalling points). Must be one of the reasons why I’ve always been a fan of the late Dirk Bogarde, too. These gentlemen had a certain class. Dirty laundry shouldn’t ever be washed in public.
Totally agree with you about Jeremy Brett and Dirk Bogarde. Real gentlemen. Who gives a damn about their sexuality.
Questions raised about prominent FGM campaigner (Comfort Momoh) {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
“A BBC Newsnight investigation has revealed a series of concerns about some aspects of the work of a celebrated FGM campaigner. Comfort Momoh established one of the UK’s first FGM clinics and has recently retired as a midwife from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust in London. She has also received an MBE for her work in women’s health.”
There are also suggestions Ms Momoh may be exaggerating her professional qualifications. She has repeatedly described herself as “Dr Momoh” – including on the website of Guys and St Thomas’s hospital, but she is not a qualified medical doctor – instead, she has an honorary doctorate from Middlesex University.
Sir James Munby, the President of the Family Division, described her report as “a remarkably shoddy piece of work” and “worse than useless”. He said she was “not a reliable witness”.
Doctor Dhanuson Dharmasena was found not guilty of performing FGM
– Doctor gave evidence which is shoddy and gets another Doctor off the hook. Any links between these doctors? Fire up the BBCs £3.5bn news machine…
– How many other cases has Comfort Momoh managed to bring confusion to? BBC to scan court cases with it’s £3.5bn news machine?
– In the article ‘described herself as “Dr Momoh”‘ is this not perjury in a court case if she accepted this title when introduced?
Beeb website: businesses warn of “catastrophic” effects of proposals to slash unskilled migrants.
Ignoring the hate fact that such immigration has already been catastrophic, how can thy expect us to believe them this time? The world was meant to collapse when we voted for Brexit but it did not. Beware the boy who cried wolf. The media seem to solely cry wolf these days which is why increasingly people are ignoring them.
Right now on bbc WS – Chap from the area accusing Western media and Saudi Jihadists of bias by giving very little mention of Rohingya terrorism/insurgency.
Stumbled on this from the Clinton Foundation … how does Bill Clinton introduce himself at these events?
“… the Muslim World will be able to be treated the way everyone would like to be treated. As individuals. Without prejudice.” {The Courage to Create: Panel Q & A – CGI U 2016 @44:45}
R4 Drama just started : Schoolboy mentions kissing other schoolboy.
Seems to be another petissue show.
Next moment he’s in a near coma, having been beaten up by a bunch of WHITE schoolboys from the same school, which has just rebranded away from its Isaac Newton name after another incident.
Never in a million years if you’d told me I’d ever stop listening to Radio 4, I’d have laughed. But I did stop around the time of Brexit and feel so much better for it. BBC TV so called NEWS went long ago.
I worked in a school where the overwhelming majority were of a certain peaceful ideology. There was one especially camp boy who was bullied relentlessly. I wonder if the Beeb would make a play about that?
With most of their pet issues they are thirty years too late but want something safe to feel virtuous about. For the overwhelming majority gender equality or sexual preference is just not an issue.
Without ‘issues’ the regressive left is rudderless. Division, ‘intersectionality’… these are straight out of the My First Communist Handbook (taught on syllabus, required reading, in every Western University these days). For regressives, unless you can be compartmentalised, put into a specific box or group – well, what good are you to the Revolution, comrade?
Their biggest fear is Trump getting everyone to see themselves as Americans first and whatever else second.
It’s so reductive to define yourself through one thing, whether it be race, sexuality or whatever. I am a heterosexual man but I also like food, football, books, computer games and many other things. The idea that you are not an individual and part of some ‘community’ based on some minor aspect of your character or genetics is ridiculous.
Maybe time for a rebrand, RBC – Rogue Broadcasting Corporation.
Rogue: Out of control, outside the rules, dangerous and requiring the sanction.
Someone in Breitbart comments (the JRM story) said BBC stands for ‘Big Blubbering Criminals’.
Yasmin just exploded on Twitter
Provoked by
Saying that immigrants are a category higher in intelligence ..seems like racism to me.
That being the case what is he, she or it doing in this dreadful country?
Anyhow, Slovakia and Hungary, not to mention Poland are holding out against immigration quotas.
As they point out they have large Jewish populations AND the speight of European terrorism has come from Islamist immigration. You can’t argue that but when you’ve given up your sovereignty it’s tricky.
Her Languages are : Stupid, Moron, Bullcrap and tosh.
“I speak four languages. I am an immigrant. Both make me smarter than little Englanders.”
From The Independent :
“I can speak four other languages which my children refuse to learn. Saddened by their indifference and wilful ignorance, I can understand why. I could not communicate the thoughts in this paragraph in Hindi, Swahili, Gujarati or Kutchi. English has infinite reach and depth.”
– Really? So “Little Englanders” speak a superior language?
– I note she calls herself an “immigrant”, I thought the correct term was “migrant”.
– Why is this not racist? Imagine her comment the other way around.
– Genuinely smart people don’t generally need to point it out. It has certainly come as a surprise to me, her TV appearances suggest a very mediocre brain.
May I suggest that she makes use of her amazing linguistic skills, and buggers off?
“The future looks bright then, until you notice those who use new technology without due care. Some crazed demons on Twitter believe anything goes. Written words matter and hold meanings beyond that narcissistic urge to send off instant thoughts. The Tory councillor who sent out a vile and scary message about me says it was a joke. After some thought I decided I will not press charges. My objections have been made and there is no need for more. Yet having read many blogs and tweets that followed the incident, I do wonder whether our manners and morals will survive and if English itself, the best thing about us, is now seriously endangered.”
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Our most precious possession :: Post-colonials and their children in Britain have reclaimed English and made it their own {independent – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – nov2010}
… forward 7 years to 2017 …
Yasmin alibhai-brown@y_alibhai
Replying to @aidanjmcg @sunny_hundal
“I speak four languages. I am an immigrant. Both make me smarter than little Englanders. Shame you can’t see that. Open your eyes.”
3:56 AM – 4 Sep 2017
Or as Katie Hopkins would say:
Oops, can’t delete duplicate. Why?
What an arrogant ungrateful bitch. Why should we have to suffer scum like her in our country ? And I do not mean Katie.
Reminds me of a quote from the Turkish-German author Akif Pirinçci “Instead of whining about Islamaphobia and racism, these Muslims should fall to their knees and kiss the feet of every native German they encounter as these “racists” have rescued them from the miseries of whatever thirdworld shithole they hail from”. Pirinçci explains that muslims are attracted to the west by the money and as they would see it “available half-naked women flaunting themselves” everywhere. But as they have been brought up from childhood to believe they are superior as they are muslim, every day they spend in the west brings home the humiliating realisation that this is not the case. As Douglas Murray says they realise they are the “slow learners” in the class and this engenders a profound hatred of the west. They have to betray their heritage day in day out to access the benefits of living in the west. No wonder we have a problem with Muslim terrorism!
Mensa was founded in England, and now spans the World. Mensa International HQ is in England.
Like the United Nations and virtually all International Organisations in the World, it uses the mother tongue of the English as its Global Language of communication, as do Astronomers and Scientists throughout the World.
Therefore as an Englishman with an IQ of 164, I can only understand and need to understand one language, called English, because of the superior Cultural dominance of my people over the last 200 years.
So you would expect little Englanders to only speak one language because little Englanders have been more Globally dominant than the inverted and insular members of the white European master race in Brussels, who think they should continue to rule over the little Englanders.
The Commonwealth may not be as white as the European Union, but it promotes freedom and self governance and is more friendly towards little Englanders.
Proves that you can speak 5 languages and still be thick as shit.
Actually, a brief bit of googling suggests that Gujarati, Kutchi, and possibly Hindi, are related to some extent. I’m not qualified to comment further, but she did not say how well she speaks these languages. Might not be half as “smart” as she makes out.
Who says that intelligence is related to the number of languages a person speaks ? I would turn it around and say despite speaking some languages she is still stupid.
And then some.
We should give her due respect, after all the ability to talk bollocks in four different languages is no mean achievement.
LOL ! Reminds me of the Dorothy Parker joke about someone. ” She speaks 18 different languages and can’t say “no” in any of them ” .
Agreed Lobby – she is actually being quite modest, being fluent in bollox means she actually speaks six languages not five.
Yasmin will be spitting bullets her mighty representative insights were not chosen over, well, surprise…. The Graun…
She is actually a ‘refugee’..rescued by us from persecution by Idi Amin…so blame him for foisting this rank creature upon us….She has done nothing for this country..she is a Race hustler…she dams all white men…yet we gave her hideous family a place to go…gratitude. She makes great play of her ‘learning’ and her ‘educated’ friends,,,she is in fact a charlatan, her family treated their african staff like dirt…She is an absolute shit…
Enoch 2, Yasmin 1.
As someone has suggested/pointed out, most Indian languages are closely related, at least the Northern ones are (the Southern ones are as different from them as they are from, say, English). The grammar has become simplified, and there are many common or near identical words. Hindi and Urdu are the same to all intents and purposes (think British English vs American English), although the former is written in Devanagari script and the latter in a derivative of the Persian alphabet (itself largely derived from Arabic). If you speak Hindi/Urdu you can understand quite a bit of Punjabi, Gujurati, Marathi and so on (it’s akin to the relationship between Latin, Italian, French etc). Needless to say, much of our understanding of Indian languages comes from British Orientalists scholars, such as William Jones in the 18th Century, who understood the significance of Sanskrit (the bedrock of Northern Indian languages, their equivalent to Latin if you like).
I do not decry Ms Alibhai-Brown her ability to speak four languages. By her reckoning, she is only half as intelligent as Enoch Powell, who spoke eight fluently. Including Urdu and Hindi.
So what if one immigrant speaks four languages, composes symphonies using just her arsehole or whatever – what are the facts as a whole? One isolated narrative should never trump the broader facts. I very much doubt she is representative of unskilled migrants as a whole.
“composes symphonies using just her arsehole or whatever”
Dear BBC, if you are running out of ideas … “Eco-sexual: Have sex with the Earth to save it. “{youtube #RegressiveNews: 5th of September 2017}, when can I join your organisation?
That’s dirty!
gax ,
I’ve never really thought that shagging a compost heap was a good idea. Perhaps I just don’t think that way, but just think what a load of rotting veg might do for your libido!
I mean, a soggy cabbage, slimed with an old marrow and a pile of bean husks might just make your life so much better, and who knows, one might just begin to understand why so many poor people have to buy their food from McDonalds or KFC, as that is all that is left in this world!
I have my eye on a special curved courgette at the moment, it has the shape of a dick, only smaller, but that is because I’m minimalist, and may have to ask for more room at some stage in the engagement.
The high point of the session will be with a Savile orange, as there will be nobody to watch, and the sting will be just another BBC whitewash…
I heard that Turkish boys use watermelons (oo er missus), so never eat one if you see a round hole in it. Sorry to bring that up.
I lived many years on and off in Turkey. Never heard that one. But their watermelons are the best I ever tasted , especially the ones from Diyarbakir. Never thought that they may have alternative uses !
Looby – saw a Rab C Nesbitt sketch on just such a theme years ago – extremely funny
Europe migrant crisis:: EU court rejects quota challenge.
Who would have thought it?
Nasty Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania rejecting fluffy migrants.
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
The East see those ‘immigrants’ as introducing crime and terror.
The might of the EU suits in conflict with common sense, recent history and patriotism. The EU suits aren’t equipped to handle such concepts.
An early warning that biased bBC contributors should carefully note that the bBC Complaints Handler, in chief, has moved jobs.
I spotted him while accidentally catching the final 5 minutes of Noel Edmonds new show CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP.
( surely inspired by cosmic forces!)
It was the brown work coat ( you will have seen them on Are you Being Served) which was the giveaway.
Just in case anyone sends in a complaint you should know the Handler’s prime job objectives are wheelbarrow loading, skip filling and incineration duties.
Out of the blue, Kirsty Wark asked Anne Marie Waters the other night on Newsnight if she was in favour of capital punishment. Wark clearly hoped for an affirmative, a gotcha moment when Anne Marie’s insanity would have been confirmed. I was as disappointed as Wark that Anne Marie said No, but for a different reason. I have done a lot of reading on the death penalty and have come to the conclusion that it is the appropriate punishment for the crimes of murder and treason. Briefly, it can be justified in three ways. 1. Incapacitation. It is the one sure way a murderer will never commit his crime again. 2. Desert. A murderer deserves a punishment that is in proportion to the gravity of his crime. 3. Deterrence. Since people fear death more than any other punishment, potential murderers will be deterred from committing murder more by the death penalty than by any other punishment.
So a cogent case can be made for the death penalty using both moral and utilitarian arguments but you never hear this discussed on the BBC. Every presenter blithely and unthinkingly assumes, like Kirsty Wark, that it is obviously wrong and all its proponents are nutcases.
Well yes, I reckon death would be far more preferable and humane than life in a cell.
Thing is it’s rarely life, it’s around 10 years, which is insulting, so where does that leave us?
I had another thought, whilst listening to Peter Hitchens and that was that the prisoner accepts death for themselves, walks up to the gallows, puts a rope around their necks and hang’s themselves (or injects).
The theory being that they did something so heinous that they don’t want to keep a drain on society or can live with it.
Funny that the people who are against the death penalty in this country and USA have little to say about it in other countries such as muslim countries or China, for example.
Shit scared that Google will get their names and addresses no doubt, Grant!
Au contraire, mon petit! We have a great deal to say about capital punishment in Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Singapore, Belarus and elsewhere. Do I need to add that we deplore it? But we expect better of the US.
Having death penalty leaves no flexibility.
eg nutcase gets into a siege accidentally kills one of his hostages
.. Well he might as well go ahead and kill the rest and blow himself up.
..but otherwise the police can persuade him to give up by guaranteeing if he cooperates then he will get a lesser sentence.
– The second reason is that death is a lower punishment than years of incarceration.
Stew – I don’t think there are too many hostage-takers who are unprepared to die or kill their hostages. But proponents like me don’t say the death penalty deters everyone in every situation, just enough potential murderers to make it of utilitarian value.
If you mean by “death is a lower punishment than years of incarceration” that you’d prefer to be hanged than face a life sentence in jail, then I think you would be in a tiny minority. I bet you’d change your mind as you were eating your last hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs.
Grant – yes, you never hear these people protesting about the mass executions in China of people who hold the wrong opinion. The death penalty as administered in China is utterly unjust. But it’s the usual story. Only Britain, America and Israel are evil. The rest of the world can do no wrong.
And the death penalty is cheaper than keeping them in prison.
Make prisoners survive for a living and keep them tired …
Out of reoffending, overcrowding, prison population and cost – this would definitely reduce the costs, and possibly reduce all of the others.
* Gardening daily for all prisoners – life skills, manual labour, exercise, time to reflect
* Persistent weeding as an activity – no pesticides
* Vegan diet – waste into manure?
* Self sustaining where possible on all aspects
* Grow hemp to create own clothes
* Generate own electricity for needs
* Water wheel to bring in water – manual process
* Not much concept of leisure time – work/sleep/think during labour
* Work only in daylight – reduces power consumption
* Goods sold as money – for when released
* Food produced given to prisoners’ own family – a way to provide for them in a big way
* Prisoners given choice between Lazy Prison (current system) and Active Prison (garden, dynamo)
A Lasting Grand Design {bright-spark-mark}
When it can be said by any country in the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them, my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars, the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive, the rational world is my friend because I am the friend of happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast its constitution and government.” – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man
I have often thought of the treadmill to generate electricity.
Number of days and hours per day relative to the crime.
Now why haven’t the Greens thought of this?
Interesting, you could take that further and if they stop the treadmill too early they fall into a fiery bit – which is a bit like hell.
@Zelazek No the death penalty leaves us with ZERO leverage
The bad guys might have lots of good info ..eg where the loot is, where your kidnapped child is etc.
If they know they are going to get the death penalty, they are not likely to hand that info over
“don’t say the death penalty deters everyone in every situation”
The problem is it does deter GOOD people like you or ME
the BAD people either do not think they are going to be caught, or become bad in the heat of the moment : so don’t contemplate it
” I bet you’d change your mind as you were eating your last hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs.”
..Being dead is preferable to being Mike Tyson’s f@ck buddy.
… And it’s quite common to sentence people to death and then find they were innocent.
Some lady from the BPAS was chiding Rees Mogg for not being with the majority in his views on abortion and gay marriage.
She said that 70% of voters disagreed with him, so he really ought to get with the programme of progressive thought in the 21st Century.
As for the majority of people who`d want capital punishment back for terrorists and treason?..well, presumably this majority are populist, and its the job of MPs to NOT represent this tyrannical view; but to vote with their consciences.
The left have it both ways don`t they?
But we know.
Given the number of muslims in London I very much doubt her 70 per cent figure is even remotely accurate.
Archbishop of Canterbury calls for radical economic reform {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
“The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, says Britain’s economic model is broken, as the gap between the richest and poorest parts of the UK widens.”
… meanwhile …
Church of England made stunning 17% return on investments in 2016 {theguardian may2017}
A focus on ethical investing has long been part of the body’s mandate, although some of its investment picks have still provoked debate. In 2012, it sold its shares in Rupert Murdoch’s media group after the phone-hacking scandal. However, the following year the church’s pension fund was found to have taken an indirect stake in controversial payday lender Wonga, while it has also invested in areas of finance that many view as contentious such as hedge funds.
… the above Church Investments do not include members Tithes ….
How Much Should I Tithe? – While it is true that the word tithe literally means “10 percent,” the Israelite tithe in the Old Testament Law was the expectation of actually “giving 10 percent of one’s increase from crops grown in the land of Israel or cattle that feed off the land of Israel.” {todayschristianwoman.com jan2015}
The Vatican Bank has $8 billion in assets {money.cnn sep2015}
“We are failing those who will grow up into a world where the gap between the richest and poorest parts of the country is significant and destabilising.” – Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby
And that moron Welby is failing christians by continually failing to speak out against the Genocide in the Middle East .
What qualifications does he have to comment on the economy ? It is none of his business. Where does the Church find idiots like him ?
“…What qualifications does he have to comment on the economy?”
Welby’s a paid-up member of the upper-echelon regressive cadre. That’s his qualification. Amazing how that works, isn’t it? As long as you stay on-message, comrade, you are guaranteed all the privileges of belonging. Step off the ideological reservation however, and all privileges are rescinded. Welby’s a useful idiot – the ideological Left has no love for religion, but whether it’s Christians or Muslims, if they make the right noises they’re safe. For now. It’s a dangerous game – eventually the bullies will come for them, too.
Sadly true .
It’s why churches are bereft of congregations these days.
We live next door to a church and the turnout is abysmal every Sunday.
We hear the boring hymns, the slow chants, the weedy voices, and wonder why a great body of the UK could just lay back and actually do sod-all for communities any more.
I suppose the rents the CoE get makes them feel better.
The C of E appear to have £7.9 billion of ” investable assets “, so that presumably does not include land and buildings. Yet, they fail to maintain many of their cathedrals and churches. So far as falling congregations are concerned, I would blame a series of useless Left-wing Archbishops and Bishops who are failing their ” followers” but clearly not lacking a bob or two.
“We hear the boring hymns, the slow chants, the weedy voices.”
Strange. But the Christian Church has worshipped in that way for 2.000 yrs or more and its done the heathen world – mainly poor souls – ok so far!
The Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr Rowan Williams) says the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”. {bbc.co.uk feb2008}
Dr Williams argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion (2008).
Last month (jan2008), the Bishop of Rochester, the Right Reverend Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, said some places in the UK were no-go areas for non-Muslims (2008).
Dr Williams said it was “not at all the case that we have absolute social exclusion”.
– And Christopher Hitchens’ thoughts on this …
To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury {slate.com feb2008}
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil.
Rowan may be right in that Sharia Law may be unavoidable.
But that`s not his job-his job is to tell us why it is wrong that this should be the case-and describe how (and in his lifetime in the church) we got to this stage with-dare I say?-some kind of repentance from himself and his church?
But-as you`ll know-the church will never say if its right or wrong unless its migration, climate change(right) and Brexit, Trump(wrong…WRONG!). Hence the news that less than half the population now regard themseves as christian in any way whatsover…and this has finally happened over forty years when it used to be 75% and more.
Well done Rowan-who presided over the biggest drop in church membership in his disastrous tenure.
Is it true that in commitment to honesty and to attract new members the Church of England is about to rename itself as “The Church of Islam” ?
Grant, he’s a businessman with considerable experience in various aspects of international business, not least trading and finance. Have a look at his CV.
He has spoken about the Middle East, too.
Actually, until now, I had not realised that he had worked in business. In a way that makes it worse !
He protected bankers like himself … In July 2013, following the report of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards Commission, Welby explained that senior bank executives avoided being given information about difficult issues to allow them to “plead ignorance”.[23] He also said he would possibly have behaved in the same way and warned against punishing by naming and shaming individual bankers which he compared to the behaviour of a lynch mob. {wiki Justin Portal Welby (born 6 January 1956) is the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury}
Clearly not an honest , admirable man.
Grant, that seems refreshingly honest, not as you describe! Do you really believe that every CA specialising in tax blows the whistle on clients who engages in dubious schemes & accounting?
I am not talking about CAs and tax. But I would love to hear about Welby’s dealings with bankers. Are his hands clean ???? Did he speak out about bankers when he was in business ?
MM, who wrote the piece before the Wiki link? Where does it come from?
Normally there is a reference such as [1]. If you view the history you will see which author did what. If you disagree you can delete the lot ….
wiki history {wiki Justin Portal Welby (born 6 January 1956) is the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury}
MM, I only read the wiki page on Welby at high speed but I did not see the passage that you put up on & ostensibly from that page.
The fault may be mine but DID it come from the wiki page?
Oh joy! Classic FM ridiculing the BBC radio elite (who said it could not be done). Just listened to the history of Classic FM last night (8pm to 10pm Tuesday 5th). Its a bit unusual in that you don’t usually expect to hear a radio drama being played on a purely music station. Its probably a ‘first’ and its to celebrate its 25 years in the radio business – against the BBC and other competition (strictly speaking the BBC is not in competition – it is ANTI-COMPETITIVE. The real drama is that the BBC, here is hardly disguised in this comedy of the BBC practices of ‘undermining’ all radio competition (i.e. the public monopoly at its best). The BBC are still reeling from the fact that ‘ordinary people’ prefer to listen to Classic FM (even with Ads) than the overstuffed museum exhibits on Radio 3. This is radio drama with added ‘sarcasm’ – mainly against the the BBC ‘elites’ snarling in the background about the loss of their ‘elite’ radio audience. Classic FM has not only trumped the BBC R3 audience but increased listeners by doubling it, which rattled the BBC so much, it tried to copy its format (and failed).
Classic FM ( it’s in celebration of 25 years of broadcasting) is pitched against its spoilt-brat opponent. Its a comedy of sorts based on actual known facts – not BBC fake news, this is, as it happened. The BBC did try to ‘stop’ the station, stating that it would never work, and has tried to undermine its commercial rival in various ways – which even resulted in BBC trying to copy its format (reported to OFCOM) and even banning (BBC) staff from exodus. That also failed.
The Classic FM 25 years celebration drama is called ‘THE PAZZA FACTOR’ and is the story of Classic FM (and its problems of getting on air) in a historic comedy.
You can hear it here: Highly recommended for those of who prefer the radio to TV.
Thank you for the recommendation – I’d have missed that otherwise.
Of course, Classic FM is very badly let down by its own version of the BBC – Global FM’s ‘news’ which flows straight out of the Guardian’s sewer.
Grant I think I am sure that when Classic FM started out it used SKY news service rather than Global FM. Its also fairly easy to get a ‘news-feed’ via REUTER for example. The Guardian has more news than the BBC, which is why the BBC spend so much time pouring over it.
Sadly, Classic FM is now actually owned by Global, thus giving the lie to the notion of independent radio stations in the UK. In fact, most of our ‘independent’ radio is simply another kind of near-monopoly. Which is just how the politicians and globalists (the clue is in the name) like it.
Sadly, Classic FM is now actually owned by Global, thus giving the lie to the notion of independent radio stations in the UK. In fact, most of our ‘independent’ radio is simply another kind of near-monopoly. Which is just how the politicians and globalists (the clue is in the name) like it.
I’m afraid that my original love affair with Classic FM has worn thin enough for me to search for alternatives. In the last few years that I have been listening, it’s fallen from a reasonably sane radio station, with good classical music, to a radio 2 sound-alike, with a number of naff, patronising fluffy presenters, an over-abundance of film music (most of which score highly in their ‘classical music’ charts), and a plethora of advertisements which are driving me nuts.
I have searched for an alternative, the best of which I can find is this one: http://stream.srg-ssr.ch/rsc_de/aacp_96.m3u
Failing that, I listen more to Smooth, and Gold to relieve the monotony, although still subjected to the stupid ads, the dopey presenters and the awful Global “news”
I have also virtually abandoned television.
A while ago you recommended Swiss Classic and I gave that a try. I can live with the announcements being in German, I love the lack of adverts (Classic FM has some of the worst) but the selection is often not to my taste – too many (often deservedly) unheard of minor local composers and far too much Mozart (a pet hate of mine).
I agree about Classic FM in its current incarnation – it is often ‘music for morons’. The film music in particular is laughably bad and some the presenters set insincerity levels that Hughie Green would have envied.
BBC Radio 3 used to be described as ‘dons speaking to dons’. Perhaps it still is, when you live in a land where people like Brian Cox and Janina ‘Oh Wow!’ Ramirez wear the title ‘professor’.
But Classic FM did a superb concert this evening to celebrate their 25th.
Agree. Classic FM is so afraid of sounding “elitist” that it will play virtually anything.
Thanks for the link, OG. Playing now.
A good piece in the Mail or Sunday Telegraph last week along the same lines.
The Article below is not a satire about Black people and Black Culture.
Hull City of Culture: Massive BBC flags in the Railway station. The BBC’s face of Hull 2017 is Kofi Smiles, born outside the city to Ghanaian parents, he was seen by the white left-wing middle class outsiders, as better reflecting the essence of the native residents of Hull, more so than the Brexit voting white working-class residents of Hull. Who are also snubbed by the Southern posh white left-wing metropolitan Arts and Media morons, in the events below.
It started with a massive windmill wing in the City centre. Tubular Brass: No, nearest is Barnsley. Cliff Richard: No, nearest was Scarborough. Beach Boys: No, nearest was Scarborough. Mrs Brown: No, nearest is Sheffield. Lord of the Dance: No, nearest was Leeds. Count Arthur Strong: No, nearest was York.
But we are having the Freedom Festival, celebrating Hull MP, William Wilberforce’s contribution to the emancipation of the black slaves, as well as Hull’s twinning with Freetown, Sierra Leone, a British Colony set up as a settlement for freed black slaves returned to Africa, it includes having to listen to a speech by Kofi Annan.
Thanks to the BBC we are also having the privileged of a Poetry Festival with lots of unknown but very left-wing middle-class poets. But then the BBC selects not the poets from Hull, but all four of the Black poets from the Poetry Festival, for a half hour TV program, Isaiah Hull, Asma Elbadawi, Amina Jama, Solomon O.B. and two token white poets, probably gay as well as left-wing.
Then a Festival of Theatre with stories about Lillian Bilocca and the Health and Safety of Trawlers, as well as a short history of tractors in Ukraine and two Climate Change pieces, one about a Great Flood with black skinned heroes, and the other about coral reefs facing extinction by 2057, “Frogman” will enable audiences to experience the reefs in a uniquely immersive way and see the damage taking place with their own eyes. We had the “Women of the World Festival” and we are having a “Jazz Festival” and the Hull Philharmonic Orchestra is going to celebrate the centenary of the great socialist “Revolution”
Also we have the privilege of seeing the four short listed artists for the 2017 Turner prize exhibiting their work at the Ferens Art Gallery.
(1) Hurvin Anderson: Is it OK to be black?: A picture with black people in it. He poses questions about identity and belonging, drawing from his Caribbean heritage.
(2) Lubaina Himid: Naming the Money: A picture with black people in it. She is a key figure of the Black Arts Movement, Himid has consistently foregrounded the contribution of African diaspora to Western culture.
(3) Andrea Büttner: Gesamtzusammenhang at Kunsthalle Sankt Gallen: A picture with an Orange Square in it. She poses questions about religion, morality and ethics, investigating shame, vulnerability and poverty.
(4) Rosalind Nashashibi: Electrical Gaza: A picture of the Rafah Crossing Point between Egypt and the Gaza strip. She examines sites of human occupation and the coded relationships that occur within those spaces contrasting reality with moments of fantasy and myth and shows how the intimate and everyday collide with issues of surveillance and control.
We thought it was going to be a celebration of Hull’s Culture, but the BBC has used licence fee payers money to turn it into a satirical looking celebration of African Culture, but there seems to be more Chinese in Hull these days. In fact the whole Culture thing has turned out to be about unwatchable and unemployable left-wing social parasites being introduced into an alternative unemployment benefits scheme called the BBC or “British Benefits Culture” Scheme.
Anyway I note that the Cultural highlight of the year for me and the intelligent white working-class people of Hull is the “Ken Dodd Happiness Show” in November.
I wish I could laugh at this but it is sadly far too depressing and a perfect indictment of the BBC’s cultural vandalism.
Good post, RP.
You fully illustrate how the BBC perverts local culture towards that of the ‘Elitist London Bubble’.
Richard, there was the one Rembrandt at the Ferens. But for those who don’t know Hull, you should highlight the fact that Hull is a particularly white city. It takes a long time for immigrants to chose to go there and as for the satellite suburb known as Bransholme, black is even rarer. But whenever Look North shows a group of people such as a school choir, or do a vox pop, the BBC will concentrate on black faces without fail.
This week the BBC was doing the Listening project from Hull. Did the transgender (male to female) with her female partner find the BBC or did the BBC find her?
I remember being told about an incident when a Bridlington school choir won a contest. They went down to London and the BBC planted a black kid from a London school into the choir. The BBC then as usual, focused in on the black kid as the caption of the name of the choir came on screen.
The BBC is probably doing this propaganda exercise on a regular basis, with teachers and parents reluctant to complain, or more likely, the complaints dismissed by “BBC Complaints” as racist.
Pro-Trump British student facing probe for mocking ISIS
See it but find it hard to believe, but then …………………………
Increasingly reality is outpacing satire. I could just imagine this as a joke in Private Eye.
The BBC are reporting and agreeing to a “report” that exonerates Rotherham Council over its handling of child sexual exploitation.
No legal or disciplinary proceedings should be brought against any current or former senior officers at Rotherham Council over its handling of child sexual exploitation, a report has said.
The failure to tackle the problem was “not the fault of any one person” but was the result of “multiple and systemic failures”, the report found. Its author Mark Greenburgh said it was “more cock-up than conspiracy”.
The last comment is fecking sick. If this was anything else – such as the perceived use of racist language by a white councillor then the BBC would be demanding resignations and creating headlines all over their website.
I suppose supporting a ‘great British cover-up’ is a rare example of the BBC supporting a fine old tradition in this country.
Amnesty for all.
Everyone is equal.
Enough is Just Enough.
For the Many (who cock up), not the Few (who should be responsible).
Still have no real figures, do we start including Oxford and Newcastle now?
“More than 1,400 children were sexually abused in the town from 1997 to 2013.” {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
– 6 years of undetected abuse
– 1400 girls (plus others not yet known), say 250 girls in a school means that rapists raped their way through 5.5 schools without being detected for 6 years.
– In conclusion ‘cock up’ – suppose more meaningful in a sick BBC world kind of way
– And how did the BBC report during these 6 years I wonder? Time to activate the BBC £3.5bn news machine … to find some lessons to be learnt.
“Its author”
Should have his fee withheld.
Just one more example of why we do not need a public sector.
Sack the lot, stop the pensions permanently, block all benefits permanently.
Perhaps a few of them, whilst starving to death, will have time for introspection, and realise they all deserve it.
Thursday update on new Rotherham whitewash inquiry.
(Some councillors had bad memories & others refused to cooperate : inc Roger Stone former leader… Shaun Wright councillor overseeing Children’s Services)
The second most-read story on the Beeb website is a rehashed urban myth about a poo that would not flush.
The BBC truly is the envy of the world.
You beat me to it! (not the poo – which by the way, irritates me (?!) as a respected high class broadcaster would use the correct term, shit!
The BBC is the TV version of “The Sun ” newspaper. But that is an insult to “The Sun ” .
Well they think they are cool and hip, cos they are cooperating with Buzzfeed.
…. but majority like you think they are just a Lefty student Daily Mail
Shock News : “Catholic holds to Catholic Church values”
Re Jacob Rees Mogg and his views on gay marriage and abortion
So all LibMob media is building a “horrified” narrative to bash him.
– TalkRadio @delaneyman SHOW seems to have gone a bit nutty
5:20pm they did Hurricane Global warming scary scary
Then they just did naive Trump bashing before 6pm and then moved to this
He is a sitting duck for a Libmob take down when they see him as enough of a threat. ‘Posh’, privileged, Eton, principled and those principles including anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage – shame on him! He is right, he’s better off staying on the back benches where he will be tolerated and not lambasted by this thought crime mob. And I forgot – pro Brexit!
Think the libmob on the media are backtracking already on Rees Mogg.
You can get as many pregnancy advisory quangos on as you like-as many lefty women on too-but, we`re all bored with their faux outrage.
Reckon the media know this-Rees Mogg is unusual in sticking to his guns in the face of their predictable attacks-and he comes out of it all even more loved.
His views will be a revelation to many under 40, so he`ll prosper.
I mean-a catholic with six kids doesn`t agree with abortion?
Well, hold the front page!
The standard leftie argument for abortion is beginning to fall apart. Benny Butterworth will need to rely on more than leftie slogans and claims that a fetus does not matter.
German MPs approve same-sex marriage but Merkel votes against (same sex marriage) {bbc.co.uk jun2017}
During her 2013 election campaign, Mrs Merkel argued against gay marriage on the grounds of “children’s welfare,” and admitted that she had a “hard time” with the issue.
– now ask all Labour MPs and Labour supporters within the BBC what they think. Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker? Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans?
relates to : discussing the bumbling bigot that is Jacob Rees-Mogg {twitter sep2017}
“Bumbling bigot “. LOL ! Yeah, right !
PS Never heard of Ben Butterworth so I googled him. He considers Tony Blair to be a ” Gay icon ” !
Projection is a standard LibMob characteristic
So where’s the station with the word on, ‘Corbyn the Muddle Headed Marxist’ – for kind of, sort of, like, balance kind of thing.
Another fool who doesn’t know what “bigot” means, presenting himself as a first class example at the same time.
More proof that the BBC is shit, and is not fit for purpose:
“Woman stuck after throwing big poo into window gap”
has been the mediabubble story of the day
…they’ve been banging on about all day.
..with their usual lack of awareness that people are often having a meal while listening to this ‘crap’.
The story touches on the “too wow to be true” line, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it is a made up stunt by media/art students.
But firebrigade claim it’s true
As I’ve said before, there are too many instances of BBC bias to keep up with. Are they taking the piss, or do they foresee their demise and are making a final thrust of their agenda? Andy Pandy asks me why I torture myself by looking at the BBC, but I think I am saddened at one more example of a great british institution that has been rubbished by the Leftwing mob, and metro elites.
Interesting that the main page heading is:Bomb demo dinner lady back at school – sounds like she was demonstrating a bomb.
Main article entitled: Manchester attack demo dinner lady allowed back at school – Nice of the BBC to give a photo of her, whilst allowing the demonstrator pictured to have his face covered, whilst holding the ‘Muslims are not the Enemy’ banner. EDL mentioned once and Tommy Robinson mentioned twice. Also quotes that ‘a video message of Mr Robinson….’ what?where? not cited. Another shit quality article, which I suspect is to provide Antifa types with information about this potential bigot. Maybe a demo outside her school?
You are right there @Loobyloo
That BBC newspage could be used in an class about : bias in the media
Which is why I stuck in on https://archive.org/web/ to keep a record in case BBC delete i or do their normal stealth edits.
BBC2 now has a documentary about farming in the Isle of Mull
.. Channel 5 has a documentary at the same time about a woman farming at John o Groats.
..At the time.
Archers fans. Adam and Ian are going to be Mum/Dad Dad/Mum.
Just when you think you might get a rest from the gay agenda.
I’m not anti gay but yuk yuk yuk.
Wonder if they will feature later episodes where the child has to receive therapy.
The bbcites are so against screwing with nature – when it suits.
But if you’re not actively pro, then yes, in their minds, you are anti.
Having watched Location x 3 tonight, there was once again a gay couple intending to adopt. There seems to be an awful lot ‘of this’ going on from what I read or hear on the box. I’m confused by this information, because I was always led to believe from heterosexual couples that far fewer babies/children are put up for adoption these days, so where are all these children coming from that enables gay couples to adopt ? I have a family member who has endured several rounds of IVF without success, and despite her being a ‘professional’ she has been told that her chances of adopting a baby are equally remote because of ‘non-availability’. Decades ago before the Pill, it was much easier – even more so if you were Catholic, as the church was a sure fire way of being accepted as adoptees. So, just wondering.
Hungary, after EU court ruling on allocation of migrants not best pleased. More cracks showing along with Polands disgruntled comments towards France and Germany. Momentum? Let’s hope so.
Sanity up against beaurocracy ?
Why aren`t we backing the Hungarians and Poles now?
We`ll need their support very soon-the EU Commission is an unelected bunch of parasites, soon to be gone-but Poland and Hungary etc are our future trading friends and they need our support re migration.
Wake up May-speak for Britain, stop cowering under the EUs fetid biodome, you coward!
PS-saw RT mention earlier that the EU want a load of new money for their new buildings.
a) why no mention on the BBC?
b) this had better not be part of what Brussels seeks to winkle out of our spineless political class.
When I was in work and this was pre 9/11 – had occasion to deal with two sets of Muslims, one from Burma, one from Afghanistan. Both sets assured me they were the most high and holy Muslims and wanted precedence over the other set. Both wanted and expected preferential treatment over the none Islamics. And I just wonder how those expectations came about and became set in stone.
Not a BBC story yet – But probably soon will be as the Judge in not so many words has now said “thats alright then”
I suspect that Alison Saunders will be champing at the bit to prosecute any one who calls these bastards racists (after all we dont want to hurt their feelings do we)
How dare the courts say that raping what you describe as white trash is racist?
If an organised group of white men had systematically raped black girls and described them as ‘Black Trash’, what would have been the reaction of the Judge? I wonder…..
let use the correct words here these are “CHILDREN” these are muslim “NONCES”
I think it all goes to show how sick and unbalanced the caring/sharing liberals have become when conventional morality and common decency are conveniently forgotten when heinous crimes are committed by members of a favoured minority.
What a sad and decadent society – weak Government and the media have fashioned.
There are striking similarities with the way Governments are acting these days and the Nazis. Where any crime, however revolting can be tolerated and rationalised if it is politically expedient.
Politicians like Sarah Campion have obviously made the mistake that she is there to serve her constituents (even the hideously white ones) Nice old Uncle Jeremy in all reality is really Uncle Joe.
Vote Labour kids , you know it makes sense!
5:50 pm TalkRadio Who is this presenter character Sam Delaney ? Is he a parody like Al the Pub Landlord ?
He had a guest Geoff Steward plugging his book* about travelling across America”
The item was completely MetroBubbleworld
They get into their anti-Trump rant
‘How did all these thick white people get into voting for thicko Trump’
.. Showing their usual LibMob lack of self awareness they don’t get that a large part of the people they are sneering at …actually really resent being sneered at by the LibMob establishment
The author kept saying “I really can’t comprehend why they voted for him”
..And I’m thinking : You’ve come on the prog saying you are some expert on America, but it seems you are so in MetroBubble you can’t see the real world the rest of us see.
* Titled sneeringly “In Search Of Nice Americans
Apparently rated highly by the Guardian.
I find it quite rare for we white trash to be called out so often these days.
Hence the bile and venom aimed at Trump and at Brexiteers in politics. They`re usually too scared to trash us…but they have to save their scorn and contempt for the few renegades from their tents who chose to trust US and not Jon Snow or Kier Starmer.
You always sense they`d love to give us both barrels, but they want gun control.
Their anti-Trumpexit ceaseless bellyaching and sinister bluster reminds me of that Nazi bully rag that Hitlers Brownshirts came out with…”Der Starmer”being a good approximation of ots name that i`ll stick with.
Alicia ……………for we white trash to be called out so often……..
Your comment made me think of an NHS form I filled in recently, asking me to circle my ethnicity from about 50 odd choices. Perhaps “White British” should be re-assigned as “White Trash British”. Lol !
How long has Trump been in office? Can a country suddenly turn in 9 months times? This is nothing more than finding people with affectionate and odd ball stories (ala Louis Theroux).
Label it with Trump, why not call it ‘A Post-Obama World’ – does it work then? Surely Off-Grid americans are not bothered about the modern state of the World if I’ve read that correctly.
In Search Of Nice Americans Off-grid, on the road and state to state in Trump’s America
For anyone at a crossroads, contemplating a temporary or permanent career break, this affectionate travel romp is essential reading. Journeying coast-to-coast across the US with Steward might just remind you that, despite the post-Trump hysteria, there are many normal and decent Americans out there.
I think I’m right in saying that Sam Delaney is the objectionable person who chairs (or chaired) a ‘Russia Today’ discussion programme which, when I misguidedly watched bits of it a while ago, was populated by ignorant puerile lefties accompanied by much swearing and bad language. Never again to watch that stuff. I was surprised at RT permitting that sort of stuff, since that organisation, though patently propagandist where Russia is concerned (of course) and where one has to exercise caution, generally behaves in adult manner.
“Who is this presenter character Sam Delaney ?”
He used to review papers on SKY’s morning show. Seriously obnoxious.
How do the liberal media get away with a full days ranting over a leaked document that is only a draft copy of ideas re migration and the EU?
Isn`t it illegal at times to leak such stuff, especially when Juncker and his pals are aided and abetted.
I`d call that treason myself-imagine if Churchills plans were getting fed to Hitler by the BBC way back?
How also do the media get away with ringing round their favourite businesses and public sector unions to whip up words like “catastrophic” and “disastrous” by way of soundbites?
This has been going on all day, and in the homes of those on benefits, dependent state junkies and the feeble minded surely-won`t they get depressed again?
Seems it`s OK to leak Government meetings, but not OK to leak BBC pay reports before the “embargo” as agreed by all media(Piers Morgan breached it with his exclusive, and other media were very unhappy).
Even Aung San Suu Kyi knows them all as “fake news” now-Dr Trumps diagnosis is right on the money.
Staggering bias here. The story concerns a Dinner Lady who attended the UK against hate march in the wake of the Manchester bombing, and was subsequently suspended from work.
Nowhere does the BBC mention that it is against the human rights act to discriminate against someone on the basis of their political beliefs (Redfearn Vs Serco) Nor that the BLiar government missed this part of the Human rights act out when he brought it into UK law, and nowhere is it mentioned that every case brought subsequently has been the Fascist Left doing the discriminating.
They make much of the connection Tommy Robinson had to the EDL, and make repeated references to ‘far right’ when there is no such connection at all.
There is no questioning of the motives of the head teacher in suspending the woman and breaching her human rights, which do not seem to count if you are white.
End of BBC article has man holding banner saying “Muslims are Not The Enemy {bbc.co.uk sep2017}” with caption “Hundreds of counter-demonstrators also attended the rally” (but does not show numbers)
– man holding banner is wearing a mask to hide his identity?
– ‘counter-demonstrators’ do not identify themselves or show faces?
– ‘counter-demonstrators’ are not shown i.e. numbers and what they look like
– linked article says ‘The event caused delays to transport services, including those taking people to the city’s Parklife music festival at Heaton Park.’ – wonder if the BBC have said at the end of Austerity marches etc? Would be interesting to review BBC reporting of these marches in the name of unbiased reporting.
BBC Online News:
“”Hurricane Irma damage considerable – Macron””
The BBC give this foreign weather incident headline status.
Far more coverage than a Terrorist atrocity committed by brown eyed lone-wolves with mental health problems.
Is Macron the name of the hurricane to hit France? En Marche!
Poor Aung San Suu Kyi once the darling of the BBC now has Fergal Keane on her case for informing the press that the exodus of muslims is being misreported as government forces take on terrorist within the muslim communities of Myanmar. Then Kirsty Wark on Newsnight. BBC are working themselves in to a froth without any independent reports from within the country – not that they would take any notice of any such report. They did quote Amnasty International -which says it all for the BBC.
Earlier bbc WS spoke to a reporter from the region who accused the bbc of bias but the interviewer informed him that he was quite wrong.
The bbc fount of all knowledge, omnipotent, omnipresent and why the hell do they even bother?
Just write your news stories without reference to any reality except your own. Oh, what’s that? You do that anyway.
Very sensibly, the Vatican waits until death and then lets some time elapse before beatification and canonization.
Living saints may disappoint by “blotting their copybook” in some way. St Jimmy of the BBC’s lack of saintliness was soon revealed when his malign influence dissipated on croaking. Plaster saints like Obama who have done little to earn their santification, probably won’t do anything horrid to remove themselves from their pedestal. At least St. ASSK of the BBC’s fall from grace shows yet again how poor the BBC are as moral arbiters.
“Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.”
l’m still trying to figure what is so cool, noble and wonderfully aspirational about abortion?
These are the same people who cry buckets over dead children – right?
Hi all, I noticed the following BBC story on the BBC China News Section. I haven’t had the time to examine the story in detail but on first glance it appears to be one of the most disgusting pieces of journalism possible.
There were two Chinese people in Pakistan that were murdered in Pakistan – they seem to have been Christians – and they were murdered because they were Christians. Pakistan Military may have colluded in their murder and a group claiming to be Islamic State said they murdered them because they were Christians.
But the BBC reporters are not interested in investigating the Islam-Muslim-Pakistan angle in the killing of these Chinese Christians, instead the report seems to be a combination of a condemnation of Christian Missionaries being in Pakistan and a condemnation of China for not doing enough to protect them when they were in Pakistan.
It is a long piece, and I may have misunderstood the report – but at first glance it looks to be a disgrace.
Re: Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate
I have read it and you are correct. The message is that these Chinese Christians shouldn’t have been preaching ( subtext..deserved to die) and the Chinese Government don’t know what to do about it..
“It was only after they were killed that Pakistani authorities accused the pair of being preachers who had misused business visas”
How many people would die in the UK if that was the punishment for breaching visa? Or god forbid preaching an alternative religion?
The BBC really don’t want to address the real issues do they?
Let’s play ‘what’s the real point of this story?’
Why is Bulgaria’s population falling off a cliff?
Well, they waited till about two thirds of the way in before informing us that they don’t want migrants, the big meanies!
Speak to people in Bulgaria and you cannot fail to be impressed by their patriotism and sense of pride in their country and culture. It is restrained and humble: they wish to preserve what they have; have no interest in imposing their views on others; certainly do not wish to have alien, outside ‘cultures’ imposed on them. Their experience has been shaped by the centuries of brutal Ottoman occupation and the imposition of Soviet-style communism after WWII. Basically: they’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt, do not wish to experience it again. Their problem is that the country is desperately poor, heavily dependent on EU largesse and that insufficient reforms were put in place following the end of communism (the West turned a blind eye in order to get them into NATO and the EU asap). Many of those who work in the UK, Germany and Spain have no intention of remaining there, simply wanting to make some money and then return home to make a decent life. Traditional family values and attitudes are strong, so hopefully they will be able to restore their population. What the BBC article does not mention is the disparity between the ethnic Bulgarian birthrate and that of the gypsies (‘Roma’), such that many locals are worried they will be outnumbered in a couple of generations by – how shall we put this delicately? – people who do not share their culture and traditions.
Anyone seen any Nazis yet? Me neither! If our broadcaster were to be believed the country would be swarming with them.
On the website: a video about someone being punched for being gay, and Canada grants asylum rights to LGBT Chechens. Gay rights are about 257th on our list of things to be concerned about, as Lobster said. What about all the deaths from gang violence this week? Spiralling moped crime? The silence at the Beeb is deafening.
I have sympathy for the assaulted homosexual, but people get punched in the face all the time for all sorts of reasons. Sadly there will always be a minority of horrible people. It is not ‘news’ but propaghanda to report this.How about someone getting punched in the face for being a Conservative? It happens a lot.
The World Service complains Trump’s repeal of DACA discriminates against Mexicans.
Let it sink in how moronic that statement is.
The law is essentially discrimination writ-large: it prejudges certain behaviours, such as theft, murder or invasion.
‘Discrimination’ used to have a positive connotation, as in someone with a ‘discriminating judgment’ had high standards and was wise to the ways of the world. Now it is one of those flaky, meaningless buzz words like ‘diversity’ which are just parroted by morons who have never learned how to think properly.
The law of the US must discriminate against foreign nationals, otherwise the US would cease to be a sovereign state. That work of genius the US Constitution sets out long lists of long thought-out ‘discriminations’ which have made it the greatest nation on Earth. And DACA was unconstitutional.
Mark Steyn also shows how the use of the word Dreamers effectively makes the argument more emotional with language. People are not discussing policy, they are discussing people’s dreams.
Dreams, Delusions and Duplicity {styenonline.com sep2017}
…and a zillion other headlines: “The Dreamers Are Ready to Fight President Trump.” “This Dreamer Is Ready to Go to the Army. Will Trump Let Him?” “Congress, It’s Up to You to Protect the Dreamers.” Etc.
So we have gone from “illegal aliens” to “undocumented workers” to “Dreamers”.
Words matter. Which is why seeing too many of the conservative commentariat meekly swallow the open-borders crowd’s framing of the issue is so dispiriting. In this case, the Dream is a nightmare – of the end of nations, and of ordered societies.
They are not the only ones.
You haven’t been listening to the BBC carefully enough. There are at least 17.4 million Nazis, racists and white supremacists in Britain – those who voted for Brexit. After all Britain has been classed as a racist country by the BBC for half a century. There is no excuse for not knowing your true nature. Why foreigners have flocked here in their millions over the years is a mystery. How could they be so unaware of the danger they would be in? Perhaps they are the ones who don’t listen to the World Service. Otherwise they would also be aware of our imperialist crimes and wicked slave owning.. Heil Brexit! But shouln’t we be the ones invading Poland, not the other way round??
“…There are at least 17.4 million Nazis, racists and white supremacists in Britain…”
Even if that were actually true, it would be a figure vastly overshadowed by the sheer number of
Communists‘democratic socialists’ in the UK. Communism, as you might know (and as history amply demonstrates) has always been as equally predisposed towards racism and nationalism as that of National Socialism.As an example, look no further than Cambodia 1975-79. The Khmer Rouge were, first and foremost, a Communist Nationalist organisation, fiercely and murderously anti-Vietnamese, viciously pro-Khmer and utterly intolerant of all non-Khmer races, even towards their allies the Chinese, whom they continually sought to undermine and belittle, both racially and politically (the ‘Gang of Four’ running China following Mao’s death were not considered sufficiently ‘revolutionary’ by Pol Pot and his cronies).
When the left today speaks about the ‘threat’ from ‘Nazis’ it is nothing but the squeaking, bawling ignorance of a mis-educated generation with no interest in the facts of history or any true idea of the massive price humanity has paid time and again around the world as their Communist ‘heroes’ sought to inflict their insane socialist experiments upon entire nations.
The sooner we declare the hammer and sickle as offensive and illegal as the swastika the better for all. Many more millions were slaughtered in its name than were ever killed beneath the shadow of the swastika. The left has a problem with this uncomfortable fact. So they just don’t talk about it and hope nobody else notices, or discovers the truth for themselves. It’s called lying by omission.
Of course there is no way that it could be “actually true”. It’s completely false, a political slur from he BBC. The BBC seems to sown doubt in a even a staunch critic of “real existing socialism.”
@ID: Yes, I know, I was playing devil’s advocate in the first sentence. Sometimes, one has to humour the left’s lunacy to make a point about just how insane their wilfully mendacious use of language (and historical revisionism) can be.
Calling everyone a ‘Nazi’ and setting up National Socialism as the Very Worst Of All Evils™ only works if historical fact (in terms of actual millions murdered) backs that claim up. As we all know, it doesn’t. We all know (or should, if we educate ourselves sufficiently) that the 20th century saw something far worse emerge, far more murderous over a much longer time and geographical span than goose-stepping fascists.
You are absolutely right. The BBC has been tutting about Trump’s “moral equivalence” between fascists and anti-fascists for weeks, but all the BBC are espousing is the moral relativism of the prison yard. Just because a child rapist gives the lowest of the low, say, a child rapist and murderer, a good kicking every now and again, it does not make the child rapist a paragon of virtue. The BBC share the views and hatreds of the neo-stalinists and so are naturally outraged by Trump’s equivalence – which they must take as a personal insult.
It’s odd how we are such an oppressive people yet everyone wants to come here. If the Somali culture is so wonderfully vibrant why does nobody want to go there?
Anyone seen any Nazis yet?
Yes! Any White person you see is one by definition. And a waycist. And a homophobe. And an
Islamo, Islama, Islamiperson who doesn’t like Muslims.whoops you got me
Excellent use of license payers money by the BBC as yet again we see them making an essential program called “Without Limits: Vietnam”.
Description in the radio times is “The first of a two-part documentary in which six people with big personalities and different physical disabilities embark on a 900-mile journey through Vietnam. Among them are Vicky Balch, who lost her leg after the infamous rollercoaster accident at Alton Towers in 2015. Others include Mary Russell, who was born with the most common type of dwarfism, Louise Halvey, who has progressive hearing loss and must negotiate the chaos of Hanoi traffic, and Andy Slade, the UK’s fastest one-armed man on a motorbike.”
Why ?
My thoughts exactly Grant. (I too wrote the one word ‘why’, before I saw your comment).
Um, I’ve been a Lupus sufferer for the past 23 years, any chance I can get to go on a ‘jolly’ to some exotic destination ? No, thought not.
Funny how these ‘documentaries’ never seem to take in Broadstairs, Kings Lynn or Mablethorpe do they !
Or Siberia in winter. However, I am surprised that they only found one black person. Also, I assume none are gay or transgender. Someone has slipped up. Heads will roll. The reaction of the vietnamese should be interesting. In my experience of poorer countries, attitudes towards the disabled can be quite ambivalent and unpredictable. As for a black, female dwarf , the reaction should be interesting.
It’s the modern day version of circus freaks and curiousities – the bearded lady, two headed man, that sort of thing. That’s not to say that the individuals themselves are freaks: the freakishness is in the attitudes of the liberals. The paralympics is another example; people who have overcome disabilities to compete in sport are to be commended, but the fetishtic attitudes of the media border on what some have described as ‘cripple porn’.
” Cripple porn ” just about sums it up. I wonder how many disabled people cringe at the attention ?
Why don’t they go on a trip around Northern England? That would be more insightful and character building plus save a load of money.
They should provide free vomit bags with the licence fee.
This morning I gave up on listening to flip-flop Ferrari on LBC and tuned to the BBC (which I don’t often do these days).
I was surprised at the plethora of plummy accents and lecturing tones ,but I persisted in listening anyway.
What an unpleasant shock to hear John Le Carre (whose books I like) join in with the elitist campaign of sneering condescension towards Trump and Brexit . His ‘reasoning’ ,if there can be said to be any , appeared to be based on contempt for the working classes and overweening belief in the status quo since the War (……since that’s done such a good job!)
The BBC do not appear to believe that people should be allowed to hold different opinions to the elite without being subject to totalitarian demonisation…….Time To Privatise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don’t agree with Lefties like Le Carre and the BBC , you are by definition stupid. By the way , love your moniker !
Grant, I am indeed honoured to have been called ‘stupid’ by a long-standing friend who works for the BBC.
Surprising really , as my Economics degree plus Chartered Accountant for 35 years was suddenly outranked by his Politics degree!!
The arrogance of these people knows no bounds.
Being called stupid by a Lefty is a compliment. I found qualifying as a CA much tougher than my BSc in zoology. As for a degree in politics, that has to be a joke.
British – NO
Broadcasting – YES
Corporation – NO
British – relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language.
Broadcasting – transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television.
Corporation – a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.
Strange that a Corporation, when not reflecting the beliefs of it’s customers cannot be nudged into realignment via commercial concerns from those concerned.
For example what if 17,410,742 people thought that leaving the EU was a good idea and then found out that a broadcasting corporation did not share their opinions and they wanted to no longer fund this organisation?
But if the customers do want to show this dis-satisfaction they will be sent to prison.
Death of Kevin Crehan
Looking forward to the fearless Panorama team investigating the death in prison of a bacon thrower
UK law is bifurcating before our very eyes – Kevin Crehan v Suleman Maknojioa http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2583243/Islamic-teacher-sexually-abused-girl-11-taught-Koran-spared-jail-hes-benefits-wife-doesnt-speak-English.html
The differences in the treatment of offenders can now be seen by all. Dangerous.
“father of six’s family were so dependent on him and he is ill with kidney problems.”
So they will be on mega benefits and no doubt he will be preaching hatred of us to his flock.
Can’t find this story on BBC site 07Sep17@15:06 {bbc.co.uk search for ‘Maknojioa’} – anyone else find it?
Islamic teacher who sexually abused girl, 11, as he taught her the Koran spared jail because his wife doesn’t speak English {dailymail.co.uk sep2017}
Suleman Maknojioa, 40, squeezed girl’s chest under her prayer scarf. Attacks took place as he gave lessons in Arabic to girl and her brothers. Father of six convicted of five counts of sexual activity with a child. He was handed a suspended sentence after judge told family rely on him.
Judge Michael Byrne told Maknojioa: ‘The parents invited you into the sanctity of their own home. They trusted you and left you with their children.
Maknojioa will be under supervision for two years and made the subject of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order for ten years.
The perfect political posture? – The Repeal Bill. All those undemocratic MP’s who fight to remain in the EU will be exposed by objection. It will sound like a legitimate position to adopt to the ordinary person but however and whichever it will be the anti-leavers way to thwart the Governments endeavours to leave the EU whilst maintaining the facade of, ‘jointly working toward exiting’.
This is one example of BBC stupidity as well as BBC hypocrisy.
A major story the BBC are flagging up is headlined: “Public Tricked into Buying Unhealthy Food” click on the link and the article begins “The UK’s obesity crisis is being fuelled by businesses pushing unhealthy food and larger portions on shoppers …” It is currently headlined on the BBC News homepage, the UK News section, the Business News section and is the lead story in the Health News section.
Now on the BBC homepage under the “3 things we love today” section – the top thing the BBC love is headlined:
“28,788 burgers? Five of the weirdest world records” with an image of a smiling man who is about to eat a McDonald’s Big Mac burger and is laying on top of a mountain of Big Mac burgers. This story is also headlined on the CBBC Newsround channel for kids to read and be inspired by.
Meanwhile, out here in the real world (a strange and wild place which few BBC employees have ever heard of, let alone visited) what actually concerns shoppers is food companies increasing prices by shrinking their products and using ‘obesity’ as the excuse!
Naga this morning in the middle of the latest lecture about food to the viewers mentioned buying a “giant” sized chocolate bar. Of course as we know the “larger” sized bars were withdrawn some time ago whilst the current products have continued to shrink.
She adds: “There are actually fewer calories in half a pint of beer than there are in a glass of orange juice.” {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
– BBC have found some good news, beer is better than orange. But you can’t drink beer at work and it is Haram (forbidden).
BBC online and Breakfast TV is very tabloid
Buzzfeed style ?