Nasty shock this morning. Channel selection on our oldish TV was playing up so I unplugged it and started again. Somehow I ended up with CBBC. Idiot with some Muppets type creature making jokes about Trump farts, shortly followed by other anal (so-called) jokes.
I knew CBBC was nothing like the Blue Peter I grew up with but I had no idea how far it had degenerated.
Any parent who allows a child anywhere near this stuff will only have themselves to blame when they end up stacking shelves at Sainsburys, if they’re lucky. Meanwhile, our replacement TV will probably be made in Korea, which was a third world shithole when I was enjoying Blue Peter.
Anyone get the feeling the beebistan prefer Crazy Kim Jong-un to Trump?
Kim gives them the opportunity to use headlines like ‘Deranged’ Trump (below).
They’re building up the case that it’s all Trump’s fault – ignoring the fact that for years crazy Kim has been building up his nuclear arsenal in defiance of the rest of the world, including Saint O’barmy and all the impotent liberal hand-wringers.
Talk-talk and Appeasement clearly haven’t worked, so Trump is trying to get tough. It may not work, but neither did the previous softly-softly policy. And it’s likely that if Trump had been on the case years ago, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
At the very least beebistan are edging towards presenting the stand-off as a moral equivalency between ‘two madmen’.
If war does kick off in Korea, guess who’ll get all the blame? Not the murderous dictator who threatens the world, but the man who tried to stop him.
“Kim says ‘deranged’ Trump shows need for nuclear programme
Kim Jong-un has said remarks by “deranged” US President Donald Trump have convinced him he is right to develop weapons for North Korea.”
So I see the BBC is now the willing mouthpiece for North Korean Tyrant Kim Jong Un, with homepage and news homepage headlines: “Deranged Trump” and “Dotard Trump“. The BBC constantly create headlines that flings shit at the President of the United States – and the BBC are allowed to get away with it. It is so obvious what the BBC are doing and it is worse than juvenile – they have a proper campaign going at the expense of Britain and the British taxpayers. The BBC act like fanatical zealots when pushing their own agendas.
Any one would think, if you listen to the BBC, that North Korea has only just started being a problem – and that Trump is handing it badly – no mention of the history behind it and the failure of other presidents to deal with it. Didn’t Obhama ‘win’ the peace prize? What did he do? Well according to other sources of news “what Trump said has been said by President Obama, with the wording being different and in a different format”,
And there are other sources saying the same thing – the difference between these sources and the BBC is that they paint a balanced picture, which just exposes the BBC bias.
Not much mention of the situation in Venezuela, except to give voice (to those In power) condemning Trump– maybe that situation impacts on their belief in the power of the left …
Clearly the BBC is run by people who have no sense of history, no desire to learn about it, but are content to live in a bubble bounded by limited beliefs…reinforced by facebook and twitter
Quite revealing piece on Germany on bbc WS.
South is affluent, the North has food banks. And I didn’t quite realise the car with IC engine is pretty much their whole nation’s economy.
It employs 800,000 and were they to move to electric cars – they could lose 600,000. At least Jaguar is getting ahead on that one.
gaxvil – thank you for mentioning this piece. I have now listened to it on WS and found it quite revealing. Germany is always held up as the European ‘powerhouse’, something we should all emulate, etc. but it sounds as though they could have just as many problems as us. Surprised the BBC has put out this ‘dampener’ on the heart of the EU ‘miracle’.
Leading Story on the BBC’s Sports News relates to the now open position of England Manager of the Women’s National Football team and it is headlined: “I’d like a female England coach …” The BBC have also put this message, masquerading as news, straight onto the BBC homepage as well.
This is so fecking predictable – it has been one of the reasons the BBC have been hounding the FA and creating a shitstorm around Mark Sampson – the now sacked former coach of the Women’s team. The BBC hate the idea of a man, especially a white man, coaching the Women’s National Football team.
Surely not Margaret Attwood herself, in old age?!!! She was quite a looker, once, & I thought she still was. Nope, must definitely be her lead character in her next book.
Rory Cellan Jones has special knowledge ” We know that the Russians interfered in the American elections ”
He says in the Kaspersky interview 5 mins into last weeks Tech Tent.
By that he must be referring to something more substantial than a couple of biased news reports.
I think “view” is too weak. The BBC clearly have evolved several management systems for CREATING, DISTORTING, MANIPULATING, HIDING the news. On many issues it is straight out propaganda along the lines of authoritarian systems – Nazism, Stalinism, Communism and the like.
World Anti-Bending or World Pro-Bending or World Right-Bending or World Left-Bending?
“Campaigners have spent several (2 years) years trying to obtain detailed information about officials’ expenses (EU officials), with the commission arguing that collating it poses a big administrative burden (so keeping up-to-date accounts and being transparent are burdens for the EU!).”
Ps – It seems Alan or David Vance or someone else has updated the software for this site – the site gave me a warning saying it had sensed me trying to post something I had just posted.
It seems the new software prevents you posting that duplicate post, but in so doing doesn’t give you the usual 15 minute edit feature for your original first post – the edit time available drops away to zero.
I’ve had that warning in the past if trying to post something I didn’t think went through first time – which always struck me as strange given the number of duplicate posts we do see.
Interesting. Maybe it is a case of different platforms have different software or something (this is beyond my “expertise”). I am using Internet Explorer 11 on a laptop with Windows 10.
Today was the first time I remember getting that message having in the past accidentally posted duplicate and even triplicate posts. Not sure what happened today – I think it must have been a nervous twitch that caused a double press within moments of each other. What normally happens is you press return then nothing seems to happen and you press return again, thinking perhaps you accidently pressed another key the first time around.
Send this to the impartial bbc.
And spread it around on things like Facebook.
Wronged done a running total pre referendum of the leaver and remain guests on qt.
It was something like three times as many remainers to leavers (not including Dimbleby)
I suppose it matched the ‘impartial’ selected audiences.
But in only two countries, China(67%) and the UK(53%), did a majority want their governments to regulate the internet.
The countries where people were most hostile to regulation were Greece with 84% and Nigeria, where 82% of people opposed the idea.
– BBC happy with 53% as majority in article, but not when it comes to Brexit at 52%?
– Who paid for this survey for the BBC WS?
– No Iran or Saudi poll?
– No mention of Gavin Hewitt’s migrant report sep2015?
– No link to survey, so this is Fake News in because it does not reveal the dataset. Well done BBC!
“BBC poll claims British public want the internet censored against fake news.”
This in itself is FAKE NEWS as today on talk radio they discussed a proper poll of 16000 people in 16 countries found that 58% of 16000 people said the Internet must NEVER be censored.
In the infamous words of Alanis Morisette (who’s song “Ironic” ironically had nothing ironic in it!)…..
Isn’t it ironic!
Find myself enjoying both Fawlty Towers and Monty Python reruns.
Nearly everything I`ve seen applies to today-but what was once surreal comedy is now actual “news”.
The playright with his Yorkshire accent scorning his poncey sharp-suited miners son who left the Hampstead warzone to act the arse up in Barnsley-well, how relevant is THAT today?
End up appreciating that line of parrot boyfriends who knew the scripts off by heart-all makes sense now, and is really funny.
Maybe they`ll run The Day Today and Brass Eye again-even better for todays lunacy.
AND-no need to bother with “news” after 9pm until bedtime…win, win.
The depths to which anti-Trump propaganda has sunk were graphically illustrated to me in a Twitter thread from BBC News about the attack on him by the Iranians following his UN speech. Most replies would rather support the crane-hanging thugs of Iran over the elected leader of the free world, rather than countenance the possibility that Trump might have a point.
‘Most replies would rather support the crane-hanging thugs of Iran over the elected leader of the free world’
Indeed, Dolly Dimwit Naga Munchetty this morning on BBC Breakfast introduced the anti-western rhetorical blatherings of the North Korean dictator against the elected President of the US with the nicely BBC-balanced phrase : “Kim Jong-un has said some interesting things about Trump”
Exactly, my son argued that the N.Korea leader is just defending himself against being overthrown as Gadafi and Saddam Hussein were, this shows the Lefty desperate ideas.
Don`t know, don`t care about what May says in Florence.
Boris spoke for me last weekend, I need hear(let alone read) no more.
Of course, the likes of Tim Martin can worry-the man`s a hero, but a millionaire, maybe schooled into how “democracy” works.
Last June 23rd was the hinge on which we either have a door slammed into our faces-or we “blow the bleeding doors off”.
I don`t give a damn about the “Deep State”-we know what they`re up to, what they`ve been doing now since Ted Heaths era.
If May doesn`t get a grip and follow on from her promise-she was not elected by us remember, in any way but a token manner?-then we will indeed “take back control”. From Islam, from unions, from Occupy, from the BBC, from quangos, universities, schools and hospitals/NHS.
I have learned plenty. McDonnell and Duggan, Brand and Rushdie all happened on our watch.
They want a civil war-well, try and keep us in the EU and see what happens.
Boris and Nigel are as good as they`re getting.
I’ll be honest here… I don’t trust Boris and treat what he says with deep suspicion, as I feel he does what he considers is best for Boris rather than the country.
But then I don’t trust many other politicians either. I certainly don’t trust Theresa May, but there’s one very small optimistic part of me that wonders if the supposed offer of money to the EU is because she knows they’ll turn it down, saying it’s not good enough. Which would put the UK in a strong position to turn around and say “You’re clearly not interested in negotiations, we’re off”.
No, that would be expecting too much. I really don’t know what came over me.
Speaking at Kanal D TV”s Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term “moderate Islam”, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, “˜These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.” {jihadwatch sep2007}
12:55 R4
“Catch our podcast for why women-of-colour are excited about Rhianna’s new make up range”
Followed by a trailer of Jim Al-khalili telling about his next guest and the effects of Global Warming in Antarctica …(where its actually colder these days than previous decades)
Committed Brexiteers like Boris Johnson, who often see themselves as mavericks, may take something from another flashpoint in the church’s history.
It was the venue for one of the first attacks against Galileo, who along with other mathematicians was accused of heresy by Tommaso Caccini in December 1614 for claiming the earth moves around the sun. The Renaissance man was of course proved right in the end and Leave supporters will hope the prophecies of doom from so-called “Remoaners” similarly fall away once the UK leaves the EU.
The church is also home to a number of notable artworks by Renaissance artists including Botticelli, Masaccio and Giotto.
The Italian city is the birthplace of that movement, widely seen as the cultural catalyst for the beginning of modern European history. May will hope that Brexit is another chapter which proves as successful. {theguardian 22sep2017}
… Florence is where the enlightenment flourished and religion no longer ruled the day, put wait in 2015 this happened …
V Derbyshire is on R2 Vine Show plugging her Cancer diary book.
Write your book in BBC time
Plug it using BBC shows
.. Keep the income secret.
That’s how it works isn’t it Jon Sopel ?
Vine, whose salary was surpassed only by three men; Chris Evans (at least £2.24m), Gary Lineker (at least £1.75m) and Graham Norton (£850,000), still earned at least £200,000 more than top earning woman Claudia Winkleman.
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, 3 years earlier Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 for more Halal and Chicken Cottage …
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
The knife-wielding terrorist who killed two and wounded eight in a rampage through a busy market in southwestern Finland appeared to target women, authorities said Saturday.
Both of those killed by the 18-year-old Moroccan asylum seeker were female, as were six of the eight people wounded in the attack Friday in Turku, about 100 miles west of Helsinki.
1.If the terrorist shouts allah akibar don’t tell the cops or you will be arrested for Islamophobia.
2. The cops will be in a state of panic and total disarray. Try to film them as it will go down well on You Tube.
3. Don’t make it too public that you followed the advice to run and hide, it will merely reinforce the view that infidels are cowards and deserve to die
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
Assuming that gender fluidity is the order of the day it is important that appropriate gender pronouns are taught to migrants
as part of their English classes.
Nothing like a bit of propaganda mixed in with teaching
R4Today show is WOMANING-up
The new producer made the mistake of using male presenters to cover for staff summer holidays, so now she’s brought in outside women for Guest presenter days.
This week they brought in ex-Beeboid Stephanie Flanders
Next month they are using a CNN presenter.
that’s all in page 3 Times in a long article about people complaining about the dumbing down, cos Sarah Sands put in more ‘girly items’ like fashion/art
Lancashire-27 Christian schools w total of 12000 pupils serve meat from halal suppliers that don’t stun animals under council contract. Inc CofE & RC.
Muslims are threatening school meal boycott if things change.
We've written to councillors in Lancashire urging them to stop imposing non-stunned #halal meat on school pupils
For Halal (as supported by Sadiq Khan)– MUSLIMS NEED ONLY APPLY – if this is true then it’s religious and employment discrimination and privilege at the slaughter work place.
Halal is not just about stunning, it is about creating a Muslim only slaughter house workforce. Thus forcing non-Muslims out of work, or asking non-Muslims to convert prior to taking the job.
From the Book of Acts, In a letter from the apostles to the Gentile believers at Antioch, Syria & Cilicia (In modern Turkey)
“Chapter 15: 28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.
Christian rules for Christian Schools?
Or Submission (Islam) to the ways of a false god?
Allah is an idol. A false god. Our territory, our definitions. Not Islamic ones.
People in the West have not considered these guidelines for centuries because we left certain practices behind in Medieval times. And that is where they should stay.
Now if a group of newcomers challenges these things, the church leaders should be resisting.
Jesus came to abolish all food regulations as well as the restrictions on the Sabbath.
A new circumcision was established for the Christians in effect.
So any social gospel crap re vegetarianism or having to go to church are typical liberal goods maybe? But not Christian in any way.
God accepts that the Jews are uniquely exempted as He sees fit.
But Islam is heresy, a parody and ensures hell if they continue to tell us that what Christians and Jews do is satanic or a distortions of a warlord with under age issues.
Any Christian who indulges halal or mockery of the one atoning death and resurrection of their leader is in the deepest of trouble, and no removal of words like “hell” or “sin” is going to save them.
“…we left certain practices behind in Medieval times. And that is where they should stay.”
I don’t think Vance got the memo:
“I take the Biblical view; ’Whoever sheds man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God, He made man.’ Genesis 9;6.”; David Vance.
WATCH | @Nigel_Farage: "We leave the EU but in name only. We stay part of all the current structures and rebadge the current status quo."
I have said all along that May will keep us in.
When Cameron stood on the steps of Downing Street and threw in the towel, it was all a ploy in my opinion. She is just a puppet.
“Time for a new government”
Led by Jacob Rees Mogg.
“Rees-Mogg, an outspoken supporter of Brexit, recently topped a poll of Conservative Party members as the most popular candidate for the leadership. In his Goodbye, Europe essay, the MP for North East Somerset writes: “Leaving the European Union is a great liberation for the United Kingdom, as worthy for celebration as victory at Waterloo or the Glorious Revolution.”
I suspect that there will be many unhappy Tories after today’s news.
I`ll be happy when a few of them grow a pair and put “we the people” , ahead of a non-job in the next shadow cabinet.
If they don`t yet know how this Brexitrump go-slow and subversion tactics are going down with us-well, they`ll know soon enough.
And peaceful handovers of power options are now receding with every passing day.
I want what we voted for. I did not vote for Lord Heseltine, Adonis or Ashdown. Let alone the endless BBC cretins who want to pretend that this is difficult. It`s not-get out in March 2019, get making trade deals now and stuff their rules…put the scum out of business unless and until they get Brussels off their tails.
That damn flag of theirs will be 27 crescent moons with an Islamic green background very soon.
The Euros going anyway. Get out before the whole tower of babel falls onto our heads.
Stop the cheques and tell them to fuck off.
Export all EU immigrants immediately.
Real Europeans will understand.
Close the English Channel to EU shipping other than French.
May seems to be on a kamikaze mission.
I will do all I can to get back involved with any serious Brexit efforts, cross party or outside the so called “democratic process”.
And the MPs-with the few honourable exceptions like Rees Mogg and Skinner etc-are now enemies. Sod democracy, we tried that last June and it means nothing to the Deep State and its bolster cushions like the BBC.
We need to stop paying licenses and save the money for the grammar schools we ought to be forcing into areas that will provoke the elite.
What a farce, after all the hard grind Nigel Farage put in to get us out of the troughers crowd somewhere in a small country – Belgium I believe, or is it Plopravia…
UKIP shot themselves in the foot, the ankle, the shins and finally the knees, and then decided to do feck all.
Shame really, thousands would have voted for them if they knew who the hell they were voting for!
Nigel needs now to go beyong Parliament and get leading us in a Peoples Rebellion.
The lily livered panda cars and hi-viz jackets, effete judges who do whatever Juncker craves will dissolve in their own panties if we remember how close we came to a decent clean out of the eilte in 2009, with their expenses.
If we let Brexit be anything but the end of the EU, then we`re a bunch of jellies who probably will deserve Lutons finest to put us all out of our misery.
Erdogan and Putin supporters need to be our examples-they take no shit from the EU, or their useless lefties(now removed-a national need that we ought to have figured is needed here too)
I have been keeping track of a BBC breaking news story that I caught about two hours ago.
It is about the police now formally charging in court an “18-year-old man” with attempted murder in connection with the bomb attack on a London Tube at Parsons Green.
The following is a link to the second update to this story. The initial report was about 7 lines of text. The first update was actually a reduction to 6 lines of text. And now this second update – well the BBC have fecking added a Muslim victimhood piece that through inference lambasts the English for being bigoted and racist.
From the BBC: “Mr Sarwar said abuse began after the arrest of Yahyah Farroukh … whose name emerged in the media … He said: “The investigation brought … the wider Muslim community under scrutiny and indignity. Once again, the community has received backlash and animosity from the public.”
This is a demonstration of the BBC yet again turning an Islamic Jihadi attack on the English (the London tube bombing), into an article attacking the English for being bigoted and racist. It is brazen and shameless. And the BBC are allowed to get away with it time and again.
I have to say gax I’m not the sort to get angry that often but this has really got me p$**”d off. With this sort of sanctioned reporting from above and Mrs. Mays rolling over today I am in despair. I only drink when on holiday but tonight I may well need to make an exception.
Yes but here we have all been dumbed down and conditioned into thinking that we can’t even think anything that might upset anyone for fear of reprimand.
We are all comfortably numb in our cosy prison.
Why do they keep referencing the Parsons Green bomber as an 18 year old man. He was supposedly in foster care so that surely means he was perceived as a child-or was that just the narrative when he was “in danger” rather than himself being “a danger”?
Maxincony you are clearly playing your racism card there in stating the colour of the christians when colour isn’t the issue.
The difference between this case and the one I believe you are implying a link to is that the Muslim foster family of the non Muslim girl were clearly trying to brainwash/radicalise her.
In the Parsons Green case the foster parents did not attempt to radicalise the “child” but the Muslim (MAN according to BBC), was trying to maim and kill children.
So in both cases you have Muslims full of hatred towards non Muslims.
So much for multiculturalism.
So, now you can get back under your bridge and wait for those goats to come trip trapping along!
“Maxincony you are clearly playing your racism card there in stating the colour of the christians when colour isn’t the issue.”
He is not playing with any cards . He is an Al Beeb Troll, and he likes this petition ……..
So they follow up a story about a ‘man’ being charged with trying to murder innocents including schoolchildren with this victim story – and all this POS is bothered about is how it affects his ‘community’!
Oh dear, Muslims coming under scrutiny….well maybe the Muslims should take responsibility for the teachings of their ‘religion’ and bring about reform then.
Personally, I`d be after the “BBC Community” than the “Muslim” one.
At least Muslims have principles and do what their Koran says-like keeping a scorpion with a manual.
The BBC are the enemy within, and they need to know that treachery on this scale has consequences.
Today at TWLLV* and TWMTB.
95% non British people.
100% anti British opinions.
100% based on a feeling of superiority.
95% based on hatred, up from 94% in August.
100% more shreiking and vindictivness.
100% less reasoned argument supported by facts. [real facts, not lefty facts]
I sense imminent apoplexy in many of the contributors.
Hopefully some will not die from cerebral haemorrhages.
* The world’s leading liberal voice [sic and sick]
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by the BBC and Muslims who feel aggrieved …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
h. If a man eats bacon, will he die?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine. (Halal as a Tax)
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
h. If no, then why enforce Halal on everyone? (Eating Bacon)
This is about water shortages in South Africa, dressed up as a fun article.
Funny how the BBC can look back and reflect on previous history when they need to ….
Ms Zille is no stranger to controversy. She caused a storm recently after posting a tweet in which she suggested there were some positive aspects of colonialism.
Go to the story and you will find that you should be sorry for colonialism: “South Africa’s Helen Zille makes unreserved apology for tweets”
BBC title suggestion: ‘Possible water shortages in SA, one politician advise to shower every 3 days’ ?
EuroNews. Deported to iran and lashed 80 times. Norway’s asylum policy under fire … note that Iran is the victim here. Surely Iran to have more sanctions for it’s treatment of it’s people. Now she is taking Norway to court. Not Iran.
Hopefully the socialists at the top of the EU will give May a slap and force us into a clean break on 29 March 19 ( 553 days ) , that for me would be the best and clear the mess after that date. No money apart from that which is legally required and bilateral agreements on residents – otherwise they can go home . ( except the Irish of course due to the pre existing agreement ). And no bloody ECJ – then dump the echr for something better to kill Islamic terrorists with ,, or deport or interrogate or intern as needed.
Full time BBC employee again demonstrates how BBC editorial integrity can often see time or space constraints lead to certain awkward facts being left out:
BBC calls them 'expats' but they're UK-based members of New Europeans. The one on the left is Roger Casale, ex Labour MP!
Will be interested to see how Jacob Rees Mogg takes this May slobbering over Junckers jackboots.
He`s either a national leader in waiting…or a Tory apologist.
Basically, May hopes to get re-elected in 2022, based on her timing out the slitherings to get her party oiling the EUs gravy train as infinitum. Political gambling with our vote last year, this is not going to end nicely for them.
Anne Marie Waters or death, regarding “political discourse”…who the hell is going to listen to them or encourage them with a vote? Far more effective to pull down a few statues and drop extinguishers from the top of the BBC…we see they listen to THAT-not sniffy letters to the Mail.
Unfortunately Jacob Rees Mogg is not prepared to sacrifice himself to become leader. I think he was a supporter of Boris Johnson for PM. Theresa May has now proved beyond any doubt that she lacks any leadership quality. And I am not sure anyone within the Conservatives is willing to overthrow her or popular enough to gain the votes within the party to overthrow her. There are just too many career politicians unwilling to risk their political futures.
So there is a very good probability Corbyn’s Labour with his former bitch Abbot as Home Secretary will win the next election because of stay-at-home conservatives. Britain will implode economically under Corbyn’s Labour. There is not even a decent British military left to take over and run the country as a military dictatorship giving time for some sort of clear out of incompetent politicians. More likely the Islamists will use their fifth column and a policy of open borders to make a power grab. Sadiq Khan has ambitions of becoming PM as do several other Islamists in waiting.
Feel we`re like the passengers on the United 93 flight. We either take this lot on from the Deep State on both sides of the pond, following the clear mandates of last year-or we let their favoured Muslims take us down with them.
When will we prevent the liberal ducks in a row from hogging all media outlets to lie in our faces and mock us as they grow sleek on our taxes?
They are now delegitimised. Hoping that an Owen Paterson or a John Redwood, Andrea Leadsom will take soundings and smash the Tories so we get a clear right wing , clear Brexit.
We are now beyond “party”-this is a stuggle for the nation whilst we still have one.
If people are so stupid as to listen to the political class now, then I`ll be seeking a mosque for my safety.
Peter Hitchens was right-the Tories have got to go. If people want to practice an ungovernable Venezuela until we wipe the Euroarmy out when they get here-well, at least we`re making history.
“Feel we`re like the passengers on the United 93 flight. We either take this lot on from the Deep State on both sides of the pond, following the clear mandates of last year-or we let their favoured Muslims take us down with them.”
Well, like the passengers on UA93 it doesn’t matter what we do because the government will take us down before we get a chance (allegedly-well I don’t believe for one second that those fighter planes went the wrong way).
Of course as you would expect from the Leftie broadcaster the villain of the piece is the big business and not the Muslims. It would appear that when a purchase is made Amazon algorithms attempt to upsell by recommending other products based on what other purchasers have bought and other factors.
The BBC have chosen to ignore the glaringly obvious fact that many people must have ordered these products together with the other component necessary to make a bomb, to make the algorithm recommend them in the first place.
A normal sane society would be sounding the alarm, but this alas isn’t a sane society, and the BBC are largely to blame for that !
Not the BBC but did anyone happen to hear Talk Radio at around, well between about 5 and 6pm?
Some so called terrorism/national security “expert” from Oxford university discussing the motivation of the terrorists as being complicated, complex etc – can’t be put down to one particular reason (really?). The presenter suggests that they may be lonely or seeking attention and seeking to become famous, then goes onto say something on the lines of ‘but they aren’t going to be around [suicide bombers] to get the very attention they are seeking’
The “expert” seemed oblivious to the common denominator in these kind of terrorist attacks.
Solidarity in letting them get away with murder?
Or solidarity in the form of the SAS?
Talking to my fellow countrymen, solidarity does not appear to include candles and flowers.
I’d like to know how many people are awake to the tactics of the bBBC and MSM and if there are others besides those on this forum who can see right through the narrative?
How much desire is there for things to change and how is that likely to come about?
Cometh the hour cometh the man….so where the heck is he?
Monthy Python just now, would be banned on the modern BBC
A sketch taking the P out of camp cross dressers
The two camp male judges talk extremely camply
..and then remove their robes revealing their stockings and suspenders.
And a sketch taking the P out of deaf runners who can’t hear the pistol.
The section from Hollywood Bowl they had a woman in a sexy bikini just to point at the words to the song.
Also. Why are there so many foreign (Polish in this case) sounding people buying houses on “Homes Under the Hammer”.
Where do they get all their money from, to buy houses for cash at auction, if they are supposedly here for cheap labour?
Leave the EU immediately
The Government should walk away from the Article 50 negotiations and leave the EU immediately with no deal. The EU looks set to offer us a punishment deal out of spite. Why wait another 18 months when we could leave right away and fully take back control of our country, lawmaking powers and borders?
I have this weird belief that the BBC acts as a free advertising platform for certain causes
eg Team Hillary, the Labour Party
How else would you explain this prog ?
Chillaxed Hillary
Psychologist Dr Jim Taylor on Hillary Clinton’s new-found ease in front of the cameras. Presenter Paul Henley is joined by American professor of politics, Angelia Wilson, and Barnaby Phillips from Al Jazeera English.
An excellent account from Lauren above. We get used to the never-ending slurry in this warm bath of ours-so takes an outsider to show us how debased we now are.
Are we going to do something, or just accept our grandkids being raped, bombed or cowering in a North Korean Mosque as yet to be built?
Listen to tonights “Any Questions”.
We now have a cross section of privately educated blow-ins from Brighton who really think that Trump is as bad as Kim, who want an end to private schools but have used them for their own kids andof course, a “selected audience” who howl at the Tories who defend Brexit.
Moore mentioned the BBC bias, and might as well have beenHarold Shipman in an NHS hospice for saying so….this country needs a real righting before the fighting.
….I suspect JRM is keeping his powder dry and waiting for sh*t to hit the fan when the ’22 committee decide to put the current bunch of snowflakes back in their box.
JohnCJan 14, 06:15 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Gaza ceasefire deal being finalised, Palestinian official tells BBC ‘The terms of a deal between Israel and Hamas for…
ZephirJan 14, 05:31 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Nice to see the far left democrats in a fire ravaged state are getting their priorities sorted…. by suing elected…
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Guest WhoJan 13, 22:48 Start the Week 13th January 2025 You really have to wonder how dumb the bbc is. Charity staff ‘harassed’ after Musk shares X post
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SluffJan 13, 22:32 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Atlas Interesting. I have used FixMy Street and the response is invariably of the form ‘we have passed your comments…
tomoJan 13, 22:31 Start the Week 13th January 2025 [img][/img] archived here Not a surprise, should it be addressed by redundancies? [img][/img]
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tomoJan 13, 22:24 Start the Week 13th January 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenJan 13, 22:15 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Hey Twitter AI please list Labour peer/MP Nazir Ahmed’s convictions Attempted Rape: He was found guilty of two counts of…
Nasty shock this morning. Channel selection on our oldish TV was playing up so I unplugged it and started again. Somehow I ended up with CBBC. Idiot with some Muppets type creature making jokes about Trump farts, shortly followed by other anal (so-called) jokes.
I knew CBBC was nothing like the Blue Peter I grew up with but I had no idea how far it had degenerated.
Any parent who allows a child anywhere near this stuff will only have themselves to blame when they end up stacking shelves at Sainsburys, if they’re lucky. Meanwhile, our replacement TV will probably be made in Korea, which was a third world shithole when I was enjoying Blue Peter.
The Evil Empire has been poisoning the minds of children for decades.
Aristotle — ‘Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.’
BBC version: “Give me a white child until he is 7 and I will turn him into a confused, androgynous, cultureless loser”
Hi rthornton – the BBC just love promoting shit and it has become completely unconstrained – here are some recent examples:
Anyone get the feeling the beebistan prefer Crazy Kim Jong-un to Trump?
Kim gives them the opportunity to use headlines like ‘Deranged’ Trump (below).
They’re building up the case that it’s all Trump’s fault – ignoring the fact that for years crazy Kim has been building up his nuclear arsenal in defiance of the rest of the world, including Saint O’barmy and all the impotent liberal hand-wringers.
Talk-talk and Appeasement clearly haven’t worked, so Trump is trying to get tough. It may not work, but neither did the previous softly-softly policy. And it’s likely that if Trump had been on the case years ago, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
At the very least beebistan are edging towards presenting the stand-off as a moral equivalency between ‘two madmen’.
If war does kick off in Korea, guess who’ll get all the blame? Not the murderous dictator who threatens the world, but the man who tried to stop him.
“Kim says ‘deranged’ Trump shows need for nuclear programme
Kim Jong-un has said remarks by “deranged” US President Donald Trump have convinced him he is right to develop weapons for North Korea.”
The left will side with anyone they think can destroy the west more effectively.
So I see the BBC is now the willing mouthpiece for North Korean Tyrant Kim Jong Un, with homepage and news homepage headlines: “Deranged Trump” and “Dotard Trump“. The BBC constantly create headlines that flings shit at the President of the United States – and the BBC are allowed to get away with it. It is so obvious what the BBC are doing and it is worse than juvenile – they have a proper campaign going at the expense of Britain and the British taxpayers. The BBC act like fanatical zealots when pushing their own agendas.
‘My enemies, enemy is my friend’. After all, Trump poses an existential threat to the bbc.
Any one would think, if you listen to the BBC, that North Korea has only just started being a problem – and that Trump is handing it badly – no mention of the history behind it and the failure of other presidents to deal with it. Didn’t Obhama ‘win’ the peace prize? What did he do? Well according to other sources of news “what Trump said has been said by President Obama, with the wording being different and in a different format”,
And there are other sources saying the same thing – the difference between these sources and the BBC is that they paint a balanced picture, which just exposes the BBC bias.
Not much mention of the situation in Venezuela, except to give voice (to those In power) condemning Trump– maybe that situation impacts on their belief in the power of the left …
Clearly the BBC is run by people who have no sense of history, no desire to learn about it, but are content to live in a bubble bounded by limited beliefs…reinforced by facebook and twitter
Of course, the BBC is simply quoting Kim Wrong ‘Un, which is odd, as they seldom do just that.
It’s like one of the kids has farted in class and the rest think he’s a hero.
Quite revealing piece on Germany on bbc WS.
South is affluent, the North has food banks. And I didn’t quite realise the car with IC engine is pretty much their whole nation’s economy.
It employs 800,000 and were they to move to electric cars – they could lose 600,000. At least Jaguar is getting ahead on that one.
gaxvil – thank you for mentioning this piece. I have now listened to it on WS and found it quite revealing. Germany is always held up as the European ‘powerhouse’, something we should all emulate, etc. but it sounds as though they could have just as many problems as us. Surprised the BBC has put out this ‘dampener’ on the heart of the EU ‘miracle’.
Antifa arrested under law to unmask the KKK, irony? Four young people, three of them college students, were arrested after a recent anti-Confederate counter-protest in Richmond, Virginia. The four are being charged with felonies for wearing antifa masks, under a 1952 law that was passed to unmask the KKK. Each may serve up to five years in prison if convicted. { 22sep2017}
Leading Story on the BBC’s Sports News relates to the now open position of England Manager of the Women’s National Football team and it is headlined: “I’d like a female England coach …” The BBC have also put this message, masquerading as news, straight onto the BBC homepage as well.
This is so fecking predictable – it has been one of the reasons the BBC have been hounding the FA and creating a shitstorm around Mark Sampson – the now sacked former coach of the Women’s team. The BBC hate the idea of a man, especially a white man, coaching the Women’s National Football team.
In the report the BBC also act as a mouthpiece for the feminist pressure group called “Women in Football”:
Isn’t this positive discrimination based on sex and race? “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
– BBC says to build a fair and equal society it must contain 65.5% women (women + lesbians + 50% BME)
Our favourite troll, Maxicony, has been spotted. Approach with caution
GWF, Maxicony?
Looks more like a Miniconey to me.
Does anyone on here ever like their own posts apart from Maxi?
Because he is helping to promote this …………….
GWF…I don’t even understand what that thing in the picture is 🙁
The unhappy future?
I don’t even understand what that thing in the picture is
It’s a Sorosian foot soldier.
I’m willing to bet that thing has never been employed.
I’m willing to bet she is a lesbian and a secondary school teacher somewhere in the south of England.
Looks like a scene from one of those depressing, futuristic, dystopian end-of-the-world type films.
It’s a warning.
Is it just me or could that be Reichfuhrer Himmler reborn as a “woman”? Just younger uglier and more sinister?
Margaret Attwood’s next nightmare?
Surely not Margaret Attwood herself, in old age?!!! She was quite a looker, once, & I thought she still was. Nope, must definitely be her lead character in her next book.
Rory Cellan Jones has special knowledge ” We know that the Russians interfered in the American elections ”
He says in the Kaspersky interview 5 mins into last weeks Tech Tent.
By that he must be referring to something more substantial than a couple of biased news reports.
USA President Obama – back of the trade queue?
EU Juncker – “Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?”
PM David Cameron – £9m of Tax Payers money on leaflet on staying in the EU
– Who is interfering with whose individual choice?
Beeby let one slip in. A YOUNG person who wants Brexit. OH DEAR!
From comments …. “Question Time is seriously bent towards Remain/Left. Here’s the result of my research into QT for the first 6 months of this year.”
Hi Marky Mark – I am thinking it is time to drop the word bias for the word Agenda.
BBC Bias –> BBC Agenda.
BBC Left Wing Bias –> BBC Left Wing Agenda
etc etc
Can anyone suggest any other alternatives to bias for a stronger word.
Other replacement word I have used from time to time: Campaign and Activism.
Word View?
I think “view” is too weak. The BBC clearly have evolved several management systems for CREATING, DISTORTING, MANIPULATING, HIDING the news. On many issues it is straight out propaganda along the lines of authoritarian systems – Nazism, Stalinism, Communism and the like.
World Bending?
Careful now – the BBC will call you homophobic.
World Anti-Bending or World Pro-Bending or World Right-Bending or World Left-Bending?
“Campaigners have spent several (2 years) years trying to obtain detailed information about officials’ expenses (EU officials), with the commission arguing that collating it poses a big administrative burden (so keeping up-to-date accounts and being transparent are burdens for the EU!).”
UKIP MEP Nigel Farage, whose own expenses claims have come under scrutiny in the past (BBC investigate this? What did they find?), said Mr Juncker’s use of a private plane over a commercial option was “outrageous”. { aug2017}
– Would be interesting if the BBC did a full summary on expenses and gifts for all their employees and trustees as well? Plus Ofcom workers.
BBC LibSupremacism
Ps – It seems Alan or David Vance or someone else has updated the software for this site – the site gave me a warning saying it had sensed me trying to post something I had just posted.
It seems the new software prevents you posting that duplicate post, but in so doing doesn’t give you the usual 15 minute edit feature for your original first post – the edit time available drops away to zero.
I’ve had that warning in the past if trying to post something I didn’t think went through first time – which always struck me as strange given the number of duplicate posts we do see.
Interesting. Maybe it is a case of different platforms have different software or something (this is beyond my “expertise”). I am using Internet Explorer 11 on a laptop with Windows 10.
Today was the first time I remember getting that message having in the past accidentally posted duplicate and even triplicate posts. Not sure what happened today – I think it must have been a nervous twitch that caused a double press within moments of each other. What normally happens is you press return then nothing seems to happen and you press return again, thinking perhaps you accidently pressed another key the first time around.
Unless you are prepared to insert LYING I’d leave it as it is.
BBC Traitors
Thanks Marky Mark.
A bloke called Craig does this -or did it anyway-on the “Is the BBC Biased” website .
Really appreciated.
Send this to the impartial bbc.
And spread it around on things like Facebook.
Wronged done a running total pre referendum of the leaver and remain guests on qt.
It was something like three times as many remainers to leavers (not including Dimbleby)
I suppose it matched the ‘impartial’ selected audiences.
Not my image – but if you link to original story I imagine the author will not mind.
Click on image and you will got to site.
BBC poll claims British public want the internet censored against fake news.
A poll… by the BBC… makes a claim on what the public wants?
Speaking for the nation again, clearly.
The Marines have been notified.
The title uses the present tense yet those people answered 5 to 9 months ago.
But in only two countries, China(67%) and the UK(53%), did a majority want their governments to regulate the internet.
The countries where people were most hostile to regulation were Greece with 84% and Nigeria, where 82% of people opposed the idea.
Fake news worries ‘are growing’ suggests BBC poll { 22sep2017}
– BBC happy with 53% as majority in article, but not when it comes to Brexit at 52%?
– Who paid for this survey for the BBC WS?
– No Iran or Saudi poll?
– No mention of Gavin Hewitt’s migrant report sep2015?
– No link to survey, so this is Fake News in because it does not reveal the dataset. Well done BBC!
Well of course people don’t want Fake News, i.e. lies. But who defines what’s Fake?
I consider most beebistan outpouring to be Fake News, or biased news.
So, like we’ve been saying all along, close down the beeb!
“BBC poll claims British public want the internet censored against fake news.”
This in itself is FAKE NEWS as today on talk radio they discussed a proper poll of 16000 people in 16 countries found that 58% of 16000 people said the Internet must NEVER be censored.
In the infamous words of Alanis Morisette (who’s song “Ironic” ironically had nothing ironic in it!)…..
Isn’t it ironic!
Guess the topic of this weeks Women’s Hour story ?
Bet you can’t
..story of a transgender teenager
I note that father has Yorkshire accent, and son has black London accent.
Find myself enjoying both Fawlty Towers and Monty Python reruns.
Nearly everything I`ve seen applies to today-but what was once surreal comedy is now actual “news”.
The playright with his Yorkshire accent scorning his poncey sharp-suited miners son who left the Hampstead warzone to act the arse up in Barnsley-well, how relevant is THAT today?
End up appreciating that line of parrot boyfriends who knew the scripts off by heart-all makes sense now, and is really funny.
Maybe they`ll run The Day Today and Brass Eye again-even better for todays lunacy.
AND-no need to bother with “news” after 9pm until bedtime…win, win.
Ah you’re talking about the current season on UKTV’s Yesterday channel.
Repeats if Python, and Flowery Tw*ts etc.
Some of Monty Python’s utterly surreal happenings have turned into 21st century reality.
This, for instance, has become bacon.
I’m sure others can come up with further examples.
This is probably why the younger generation just “don’t get it”.
Hillary Clinton memoir What Happened sells 300,000 copies { 22sep2017}
She has also written a book about society, called It takes a Village, which has now been adapted into a picture book for children.
… no mention of Democrats Are Asking Hillary Clinton to Step out of the Spotlight: Democrats are reportedly fed up with Hillary Clinton’s litany of excuses for losing the 2016 election and are asking her to step out of the limelight. {breitbart jun2016} in the BBC report?
‘What Happened?’ Hillary Clinton … you had … No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon}
What Happened? They didn’t like you, you shrew.
Just purchased No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon} … would be funny if it was placed next to Clinton’s book in top 10!
The corrosive effect of BBC anti-Trump brainwashing.
I was on a commuter train the other day and happened to overhear some priggish virtue-signaller sounding off:
“Huh, this Mexican earthquake, I wonder if Trump has tweeted yet, he’ll say something about them building a wall, ha ha”
The BBC is happily feeding the latent desire for a public bogey man.
And they choose for their scapegoat the leader of the western democratic world – because… they don’t like his politics.
The depths to which anti-Trump propaganda has sunk were graphically illustrated to me in a Twitter thread from BBC News about the attack on him by the Iranians following his UN speech. Most replies would rather support the crane-hanging thugs of Iran over the elected leader of the free world, rather than countenance the possibility that Trump might have a point.
‘Most replies would rather support the crane-hanging thugs of Iran over the elected leader of the free world’
Indeed, Dolly Dimwit Naga Munchetty this morning on BBC Breakfast introduced the anti-western rhetorical blatherings of the North Korean dictator against the elected President of the US with the nicely BBC-balanced phrase : “Kim Jong-un has said some interesting things about Trump”
You really have to revisit fourth form politics when she’s around.
So dim, it isn’t true.
Exactly, my son argued that the N.Korea leader is just defending himself against being overthrown as Gadafi and Saddam Hussein were, this shows the Lefty desperate ideas.
Don`t know, don`t care about what May says in Florence.
Boris spoke for me last weekend, I need hear(let alone read) no more.
Of course, the likes of Tim Martin can worry-the man`s a hero, but a millionaire, maybe schooled into how “democracy” works.
Last June 23rd was the hinge on which we either have a door slammed into our faces-or we “blow the bleeding doors off”.
I don`t give a damn about the “Deep State”-we know what they`re up to, what they`ve been doing now since Ted Heaths era.
If May doesn`t get a grip and follow on from her promise-she was not elected by us remember, in any way but a token manner?-then we will indeed “take back control”. From Islam, from unions, from Occupy, from the BBC, from quangos, universities, schools and hospitals/NHS.
I have learned plenty. McDonnell and Duggan, Brand and Rushdie all happened on our watch.
They want a civil war-well, try and keep us in the EU and see what happens.
Boris and Nigel are as good as they`re getting.
I’ll be honest here… I don’t trust Boris and treat what he says with deep suspicion, as I feel he does what he considers is best for Boris rather than the country.
But then I don’t trust many other politicians either. I certainly don’t trust Theresa May, but there’s one very small optimistic part of me that wonders if the supposed offer of money to the EU is because she knows they’ll turn it down, saying it’s not good enough. Which would put the UK in a strong position to turn around and say “You’re clearly not interested in negotiations, we’re off”.
No, that would be expecting too much. I really don’t know what came over me.
Seyran Ates, a moderate imam, has received “300 emails per day encouraging me to carry on,” but “3,000 a day full of hate,” some with death threats.{gatestoneinstitute 22sep2017}
“It is the first Islamic religious site open to unmarried women, homosexuals, atheists, Sufis, unveiled women — all those people that many fundamentalist Islamists have said they wish to silence or kill.”
Speaking at Kanal D TV”s Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term “moderate Islam”, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, “˜These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
{jihadwatch sep2007}
Missing a school trip is one thing, Missing a daughter is quite another. {twitter}
Response to: My Daughter is due to go to #London with school, I’m torn, don’t want her to miss out on trip but also don’t want her to go
12:55 R4
“Catch our podcast for why women-of-colour are excited about Rhianna’s new make up range”
Followed by a trailer of Jim Al-khalili telling about his next guest and the effects of Global Warming in Antarctica …(where its actually colder these days than previous decades)
Save the planet and stop Global Warming by using less of Rhianna’s makeup products?
The public is becoming increasingly aware of the health dangers posed by cosmetics and personal care products. Many consumer agencies have made great strides in educating consumers about the health risks of these products but their disastrous effects on the environment are less well known. Here’s a look at what the beauty industry is doing to the world around us.
The chemical components of many products don’t break down and instead accumulate in our ecosystems.
Committed Brexiteers like Boris Johnson, who often see themselves as mavericks, may take something from another flashpoint in the church’s history.
It was the venue for one of the first attacks against Galileo, who along with other mathematicians was accused of heresy by Tommaso Caccini in December 1614 for claiming the earth moves around the sun.
The Renaissance man was of course proved right in the end and Leave supporters will hope the prophecies of doom from so-called “Remoaners” similarly fall away once the UK leaves the EU.
The church is also home to a number of notable artworks by Renaissance artists including Botticelli, Masaccio and Giotto.
The Italian city is the birthplace of that movement, widely seen as the cultural catalyst for the beginning of modern European history.
May will hope that Brexit is another chapter which proves as successful. {theguardian 22sep2017}
… Florence is where the enlightenment flourished and religion no longer ruled the day, put wait in 2015 this happened …
PM (Italian premier Matteo Renzi) covers nude statue to spare Sheikh’s (Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan) blushes { oct2015}
A naked statue in Florence was covered by the Italian premier Matteo Renzi’s team so as not to offend the visiting crown prince of Abu Dhabi on Wednesday.
V Derbyshire is on R2 Vine Show plugging her Cancer diary book.
Write your book in BBC time
Plug it using BBC shows
.. Keep the income secret.
That’s how it works isn’t it Jon Sopel ?
JVine tweeted the link so you can buy the book
Is Victoria Derbyshire reading Jeremy Vine’s “It’s All News to Me: How I Got Locked in the BBC for 25 Years” book at the moment as well?
The presenter, who earned between £700,000 and £749,999 in 2016, shared a cartoon by artist Matt, which commented on the controversial gender pay gap revealed by the list. {huffingtonpost jul2017}
Vine, whose salary was surpassed only by three men; Chris Evans (at least £2.24m), Gary Lineker (at least £1.75m) and Graham Norton (£850,000), still earned at least £200,000 more than top earning woman Claudia Winkleman.
– Cartoon : “And now my male colleague will read the autocue more expensively”
– Jeremy’s response: “As the father of two young girls, I hope they won’t understand this cartoon by the time they start work”
– ‘understand this cartoon’ – I hope my daughters are ignorant to the history?
– Jeremy could forfeit his pay NOW and spread it with all the women?
We don’t know that many women don’t earn much more than JVine cos all we’ve been shown is the top PAYE earners
Ann Robinson didn’t her £40m thru PAYE
The Mayor of Londonistan – “all part and parcel” of being a Human Rights lawyer –
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, 3 years earlier Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 for more Halal and Chicken Cottage …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
{previous halal post}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
Hankies out. BBC laying the plight of the Burma moslems with a trowel. Baby born fleeing from Burma.
Baby music in the background to increase the flow of tears
Guess the BBC can’t create a slow moving video of Terrorist in Finland stabbing frenzy appeared to target women {nypost 19aug2017}, might create the wrong reaction.
The knife-wielding terrorist who killed two and wounded eight in a rampage through a busy market in southwestern Finland appeared to target women, authorities said Saturday.
Both of those killed by the 18-year-old Moroccan asylum seeker were female, as were six of the eight people wounded in the attack Friday in Turku, about 100 miles west of Helsinki.
Meanwhile in the UK … “Run, Hide, Tell: Firearms and Weapons Attack”
1.If the terrorist shouts allah akibar don’t tell the cops or you will be arrested for Islamophobia.
2. The cops will be in a state of panic and total disarray. Try to film them as it will go down well on You Tube.
3. Don’t make it too public that you followed the advice to run and hide, it will merely reinforce the view that infidels are cowards and deserve to die
1. Police chief apologises after ‘suicide bomber’ shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during Trafford Centre training exercise
2. All those arrested (22 people in relation to suspected terrorism) since Manchester Arena attack released without charge as police issue new images of bomber
3. Roy Larner, 47, branded a hero as he took on the three London Bridge attackers (He shouts: ‘W******, people like you stink like s***. Foreigners. Foreign c****’)
“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
At 12 seconds a firearms attack is an unlikely event.
By 38 seconds the threat level is severe meaning an attack is highly likely.
So which is it?
And at 1:38….NO-don’t go into that room alone with him!
Assuming that gender fluidity is the order of the day it is important that appropriate gender pronouns are taught to migrants
as part of their English classes.
Nothing like a bit of propaganda mixed in with teaching
Brasseye Special – Paedophile Slang Names {youtube brasseye}
“Yeah, you just mention some of the names we (pedophiles) have to put up with everyday , it’s just another form of racism.”
MarkyMark….Careful. You will be arrested for paedophobia at some point in the not so distant future!
Haha that’s funny!
But was it meant to be?
I can no longer tell these days
R4Today show is WOMANING-up
The new producer made the mistake of using male presenters to cover for staff summer holidays, so now she’s brought in outside women for Guest presenter days.
This week they brought in ex-Beeboid Stephanie Flanders
Next month they are using a CNN presenter.
that’s all in page 3 Times in a long article about people complaining about the dumbing down, cos Sarah Sands put in more ‘girly items’ like fashion/art
Doh visual things in the radio.
The Demasculinization of France {youtube} … verses … China Tackles ‘Masculinity Crisis,’ Tries to Stop ‘Effeminate’ Boys { jan2019}.
“… I’ve got to tell you something, there is no macho culture in France.”@3:40
Which society will win? You get to decide …
They’ve got to get a shot of a well manicured muzzie in the picture……………..
“Who are you routing for tonight? (awards ceremony)” “I’m routing for ,errm, everyone black.” (smiles and giggles all round) @4:55 {youtube – Computing Forever} *sigh*
Lancashire-27 Christian schools w total of 12000 pupils serve meat from halal suppliers that don’t stun animals under council contract. Inc CofE & RC.
Muslims are threatening school meal boycott if things change.
For Halal (as supported by Sadiq Khan)– MUSLIMS NEED ONLY APPLY – if this is true then it’s religious and employment discrimination and privilege at the slaughter work place.
Halal is not just about stunning, it is about creating a Muslim only slaughter house workforce. Thus forcing non-Muslims out of work, or asking non-Muslims to convert prior to taking the job.
It is sick and blatant animal cruelty so where are all the protesting animal lovers?
Where are the RSPCA?
Wild Bill – RSPCA
Is that the ROPers Society for the Prevention of Christians in Abattoirs?
“It is sick and blatant animal cruelty so where are all the protesting animal lovers?”
You will of course be giving these people your full support…
“You will of course be giving these people your full support…”
Every little helps!
“…MUSLIMS NEED ONLY APPLY – if this is true then it’s religious and employment discrimination…”
It’s not true, Marky.
“Halal is not just about stunning, it is about creating a Muslim only slaughter house workforce.”
Halal slaughter houses do not employ a ‘Muslim only’ workforce. You are spouting complete garbage.
85% of Halal meat in the UK comes from pre-stunned animals.
0% of Kosher meat in the UK comes from pre-stunned animals.
So why aren’t you protesting about Kosher slaughter houses, MarkyMark?
“What is halal meat?”
Now vote here …………
Christian Schools? Christian? Really?
From the Book of Acts, In a letter from the apostles to the Gentile believers at Antioch, Syria & Cilicia (In modern Turkey)
“Chapter 15: 28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.
Christian rules for Christian Schools?
Or Submission (Islam) to the ways of a false god?
Allah is an idol. A false god. Our territory, our definitions. Not Islamic ones.
People in the West have not considered these guidelines for centuries because we left certain practices behind in Medieval times. And that is where they should stay.
Now if a group of newcomers challenges these things, the church leaders should be resisting.
Cadbury and National Trust accused of ‘airbrushing faith’ by Church of England for dropping ‘Easter’ from egg hunt {apr2017}
However, this year the events have been rebranded as “Cadbury Eggs Hunts” sparking anger among senior members of the Church.
… linked story …
Cadbury forced to explain why its chocolate is halal after being accused of ‘Muslim appeasement’
Under Sharia law, or Islamic law, products that contain pork are not considered halal, and so should not be consumed by Muslims.
“None of our UK products are halal certified and we have never made any changes to our chocolate to specifically make them halal.”
– Note that companies have to pay to become Halal compliant. Thus you are paying for Sharia compliance – paying for your own rope (e.g. £30 per month for a restaurant) {}
– This is what an Australian Halal Businessman said, then retracted it as a joke ”Australian women need Muslims to fertilise them because their beer-swilling, drug-injecting men are incapable” { jul2017}
– Halal Compliance or Halal Submission?
Jesus came to abolish all food regulations as well as the restrictions on the Sabbath.
A new circumcision was established for the Christians in effect.
So any social gospel crap re vegetarianism or having to go to church are typical liberal goods maybe? But not Christian in any way.
God accepts that the Jews are uniquely exempted as He sees fit.
But Islam is heresy, a parody and ensures hell if they continue to tell us that what Christians and Jews do is satanic or a distortions of a warlord with under age issues.
Any Christian who indulges halal or mockery of the one atoning death and resurrection of their leader is in the deepest of trouble, and no removal of words like “hell” or “sin” is going to save them.
Lucy Pevensey
“…we left certain practices behind in Medieval times. And that is where they should stay.”
I don’t think Vance got the memo:
“I take the Biblical view; ’Whoever sheds man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God, He made man.’ Genesis 9;6.”; David Vance.
Allah ‘akbar.
The Muzzies are threatening to stop eating.
Wake me when they have carried out their threats.
Can you please urge them to stop forcing it on everyone else too.
I wish the Muslims were stunned themselves. Why have we got these barbaric scum in our country.
India slams Pakistan at UN. Calls Pakistan TERRORISTAN “Terroristan contribution to Globalisation of Terror is Unparralled” #IndiaAtUN {twitter – UN – 22sep2017} – it’s about time that we all started “Seeing Things as They Are (George Orwell) {amazon}“.
With many in the UK right now.
“Brexit: Theresa May sets out UK offer to break deadlock”.
Time for a new Prime Minister?
No, just time for, A PRIME MINISTER. Andrea LEDSON wouldn’t have stood for the crap.
I have said all along that May will keep us in.
When Cameron stood on the steps of Downing Street and threw in the towel, it was all a ploy in my opinion. She is just a puppet.
Time for a new government
“Time for a new government”
Led by Jacob Rees Mogg.
“Rees-Mogg, an outspoken supporter of Brexit, recently topped a poll of Conservative Party members as the most popular candidate for the leadership. In his Goodbye, Europe essay, the MP for North East Somerset writes: “Leaving the European Union is a great liberation for the United Kingdom, as worthy for celebration as victory at Waterloo or the Glorious Revolution.”
I suspect that there will be many unhappy Tories after today’s news.
I`ll be happy when a few of them grow a pair and put “we the people” , ahead of a non-job in the next shadow cabinet.
If they don`t yet know how this Brexitrump go-slow and subversion tactics are going down with us-well, they`ll know soon enough.
And peaceful handovers of power options are now receding with every passing day.
I want what we voted for. I did not vote for Lord Heseltine, Adonis or Ashdown. Let alone the endless BBC cretins who want to pretend that this is difficult. It`s not-get out in March 2019, get making trade deals now and stuff their rules…put the scum out of business unless and until they get Brussels off their tails.
That damn flag of theirs will be 27 crescent moons with an Islamic green background very soon.
The Euros going anyway. Get out before the whole tower of babel falls onto our heads.
Stop the cheques and tell them to fuck off.
Export all EU immigrants immediately.
Real Europeans will understand.
Close the English Channel to EU shipping other than French.
May seems to be on a kamikaze mission.
I will do all I can to get back involved with any serious Brexit efforts, cross party or outside the so called “democratic process”.
And the MPs-with the few honourable exceptions like Rees Mogg and Skinner etc-are now enemies. Sod democracy, we tried that last June and it means nothing to the Deep State and its bolster cushions like the BBC.
We need to stop paying licenses and save the money for the grammar schools we ought to be forcing into areas that will provoke the elite.
I hope UKIP can get their act together so they can have a few MPs who can speak out against May and her bunch of appeasers.
I wish they bloody well would.
What a farce, after all the hard grind Nigel Farage put in to get us out of the troughers crowd somewhere in a small country – Belgium I believe, or is it Plopravia…
UKIP shot themselves in the foot, the ankle, the shins and finally the knees, and then decided to do feck all.
Shame really, thousands would have voted for them if they knew who the hell they were voting for!
Then join UKIP and do something about it .
Nigel needs now to go beyong Parliament and get leading us in a Peoples Rebellion.
The lily livered panda cars and hi-viz jackets, effete judges who do whatever Juncker craves will dissolve in their own panties if we remember how close we came to a decent clean out of the eilte in 2009, with their expenses.
If we let Brexit be anything but the end of the EU, then we`re a bunch of jellies who probably will deserve Lutons finest to put us all out of our misery.
Erdogan and Putin supporters need to be our examples-they take no shit from the EU, or their useless lefties(now removed-a national need that we ought to have figured is needed here too)
I have been keeping track of a BBC breaking news story that I caught about two hours ago.
It is about the police now formally charging in court an “18-year-old man” with attempted murder in connection with the bomb attack on a London Tube at Parsons Green.
The following is a link to the second update to this story. The initial report was about 7 lines of text. The first update was actually a reduction to 6 lines of text. And now this second update – well the BBC have fecking added a Muslim victimhood piece that through inference lambasts the English for being bigoted and racist.
From the BBC: “Mr Sarwar said abuse began after the arrest of Yahyah Farroukh … whose name emerged in the media … He said: “The investigation brought … the wider Muslim community under scrutiny and indignity. Once again, the community has received backlash and animosity from the public.”
Meanwhile, Suleman Sarwar, of Aladdins chicken shop in Hounslow, said his takeaway has received abuse and threats after an employee was arrested as part of the investigation. { 22sep2017}
– What are the abuses and threats? BBC please show how many and examples please so we can see these nasty abusers for what they are.
Maybe someone looked at him funny. Or maybe the beeboid ‘journo’ prompted him to say that.
Or maybe he / they just made it up.
This is a demonstration of the BBC yet again turning an Islamic Jihadi attack on the English (the London tube bombing), into an article attacking the English for being bigoted and racist. It is brazen and shameless. And the BBC are allowed to get away with it time and again.
In their homeland, by now they’d have received mob justice and be smouldering corpses.
I have to say gax I’m not the sort to get angry that often but this has really got me p$**”d off. With this sort of sanctioned reporting from above and Mrs. Mays rolling over today I am in despair. I only drink when on holiday but tonight I may well need to make an exception.
Yes but here we have all been dumbed down and conditioned into thinking that we can’t even think anything that might upset anyone for fear of reprimand.
We are all comfortably numb in our cosy prison.
Quite right!
All these foreign food places are awful anyway, why not pop into Tesco and buy a great lasagna, or a real steak pie!
I gave up on these sorts of ‘restaurants’, when I had a chat with a good mate who ran ‘Environmental Services’ in a town near here.
But I’ll still murder a KFC as long as I can have a can of super strength lager, followed by a bottle of white!
“Once again, the community has received backlash and animosity from the public.”
A majority of Muslims refuse to integrate, a quarter of them supported the 7/7 bombings, and the BBC can’t arse kiss them enough.
The Left have always been evil.
Why do they keep referencing the Parsons Green bomber as an 18 year old man. He was supposedly in foster care so that surely means he was perceived as a child-or was that just the narrative when he was “in danger” rather than himself being “a danger”?
“He was supposedly in foster care so that surely means he was perceived as a child…”
Never mind that, where’s the moral outrage that a presumably Muslim child was placed into the home of White Christian foster carers?
The whole nonsense that happened less than four weeks ago; quietly forgotten about…
Hello Maxi ,
Voted here yet . No ?
Then how about advertising it then ?
Maxincony you are clearly playing your racism card there in stating the colour of the christians when colour isn’t the issue.
The difference between this case and the one I believe you are implying a link to is that the Muslim foster family of the non Muslim girl were clearly trying to brainwash/radicalise her.
In the Parsons Green case the foster parents did not attempt to radicalise the “child” but the Muslim (MAN according to BBC), was trying to maim and kill children.
So in both cases you have Muslims full of hatred towards non Muslims.
So much for multiculturalism.
So, now you can get back under your bridge and wait for those goats to come trip trapping along!
“Maxincony you are clearly playing your racism card there in stating the colour of the christians when colour isn’t the issue.”
He is not playing with any cards . He is an Al Beeb Troll, and he likes this petition ……..
Hi taffman
I am aware that he’s a troll hence the Billy goats jibe.
He must have run out of tissues already.
“Maxincony you are clearly playing your racism card there in stating the colour of the christians when colour isn’t the issue.”
“Today we hear a 5 year old white christian girl has been placed with quite clearly religious Muslims”; Alan, BiasedBBC.
So they follow up a story about a ‘man’ being charged with trying to murder innocents including schoolchildren with this victim story – and all this POS is bothered about is how it affects his ‘community’!
Oh dear, Muslims coming under scrutiny….well maybe the Muslims should take responsibility for the teachings of their ‘religion’ and bring about reform then.
“Chicken shop” aka front for drug money laundering business – (allegedly).
Personally, I`d be after the “BBC Community” than the “Muslim” one.
At least Muslims have principles and do what their Koran says-like keeping a scorpion with a manual.
The BBC are the enemy within, and they need to know that treachery on this scale has consequences.
Today at TWLLV* and TWMTB.
95% non British people.
100% anti British opinions.
100% based on a feeling of superiority.
95% based on hatred, up from 94% in August.
100% more shreiking and vindictivness.
100% less reasoned argument supported by facts. [real facts, not lefty facts]
I sense imminent apoplexy in many of the contributors.
Hopefully some will not die from cerebral haemorrhages.
* The world’s leading liberal voice [sic and sick]
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by the BBC and Muslims who feel aggrieved …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
h. If a man eats bacon, will he die?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine. (Halal as a Tax)
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
h. If no, then why enforce Halal on everyone? (Eating Bacon)
“a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?”
Bit harsh on those poor BBC journalists….then again….
BBC is officially Hello Magazine .. Helen Zille: Why South African politician will only shower every three days
This is about water shortages in South Africa, dressed up as a fun article.
Funny how the BBC can look back and reflect on previous history when they need to ….
Ms Zille is no stranger to controversy. She caused a storm recently after posting a tweet in which she suggested there were some positive aspects of colonialism.
Go to the story and you will find that you should be sorry for colonialism: “South Africa’s Helen Zille makes unreserved apology for tweets”
BBC title suggestion: ‘Possible water shortages in SA, one politician advise to shower every 3 days’ ?
” one politician advise to shower every 3 days’ ?”
Why so often?
“Zimbabwe, the country that just finished genociding its white people without consequence from the UN.”
Zimbabwe isnt genociding, they r deporting whites. Thats > like a pogrom, not genocide. Ann using false inflammatory rhetoric n race baiting
Mugabe’s regime made it about race when he specifically targeted the white people living in his country. Again, UN did nothing.
One of the saddest countries in the world.
Forget them, Mugabe trashed a whole generation, then the next one, and will die a traitor to humanity.
They had so much to give there. Breadbasket becomes basket-case.
EuroNews. Deported to iran and lashed 80 times. Norway’s asylum policy under fire … note that Iran is the victim here. Surely Iran to have more sanctions for it’s treatment of it’s people. Now she is taking Norway to court. Not Iran.
Hopefully the socialists at the top of the EU will give May a slap and force us into a clean break on 29 March 19 ( 553 days ) , that for me would be the best and clear the mess after that date. No money apart from that which is legally required and bilateral agreements on residents – otherwise they can go home . ( except the Irish of course due to the pre existing agreement ). And no bloody ECJ – then dump the echr for something better to kill Islamic terrorists with ,, or deport or interrogate or intern as needed.
An occasional BBC employee expresses his views, which are his own. And impartial. Apparently.
Full time BBC employee again demonstrates how BBC editorial integrity can often see time or space constraints lead to certain awkward facts being left out:
Will be interested to see how Jacob Rees Mogg takes this May slobbering over Junckers jackboots.
He`s either a national leader in waiting…or a Tory apologist.
Basically, May hopes to get re-elected in 2022, based on her timing out the slitherings to get her party oiling the EUs gravy train as infinitum. Political gambling with our vote last year, this is not going to end nicely for them.
Anne Marie Waters or death, regarding “political discourse”…who the hell is going to listen to them or encourage them with a vote? Far more effective to pull down a few statues and drop extinguishers from the top of the BBC…we see they listen to THAT-not sniffy letters to the Mail.
Unfortunately Jacob Rees Mogg is not prepared to sacrifice himself to become leader. I think he was a supporter of Boris Johnson for PM. Theresa May has now proved beyond any doubt that she lacks any leadership quality. And I am not sure anyone within the Conservatives is willing to overthrow her or popular enough to gain the votes within the party to overthrow her. There are just too many career politicians unwilling to risk their political futures.
So there is a very good probability Corbyn’s Labour with his former bitch Abbot as Home Secretary will win the next election because of stay-at-home conservatives. Britain will implode economically under Corbyn’s Labour. There is not even a decent British military left to take over and run the country as a military dictatorship giving time for some sort of clear out of incompetent politicians. More likely the Islamists will use their fifth column and a policy of open borders to make a power grab. Sadiq Khan has ambitions of becoming PM as do several other Islamists in waiting.
Feel we`re like the passengers on the United 93 flight. We either take this lot on from the Deep State on both sides of the pond, following the clear mandates of last year-or we let their favoured Muslims take us down with them.
When will we prevent the liberal ducks in a row from hogging all media outlets to lie in our faces and mock us as they grow sleek on our taxes?
They are now delegitimised. Hoping that an Owen Paterson or a John Redwood, Andrea Leadsom will take soundings and smash the Tories so we get a clear right wing , clear Brexit.
We are now beyond “party”-this is a stuggle for the nation whilst we still have one.
If people are so stupid as to listen to the political class now, then I`ll be seeking a mosque for my safety.
Peter Hitchens was right-the Tories have got to go. If people want to practice an ungovernable Venezuela until we wipe the Euroarmy out when they get here-well, at least we`re making history.
“Feel we`re like the passengers on the United 93 flight. We either take this lot on from the Deep State on both sides of the pond, following the clear mandates of last year-or we let their favoured Muslims take us down with them.”
Well, like the passengers on UA93 it doesn’t matter what we do because the government will take us down before we get a chance (allegedly-well I don’t believe for one second that those fighter planes went the wrong way).
Seems with May, we may not.
Enough is enough Theresa and we’ve had enough of you.
Pack your kitten heels efucicay off.
A kitten in a tiger’s shoes.
The BBC totally misses the bigger picture in the fight against reality and to remain in the fantasy of the RoP.
Is Amazon recommending bomb ingredients?
Of course as you would expect from the Leftie broadcaster the villain of the piece is the big business and not the Muslims. It would appear that when a purchase is made Amazon algorithms attempt to upsell by recommending other products based on what other purchasers have bought and other factors.
The BBC have chosen to ignore the glaringly obvious fact that many people must have ordered these products together with the other component necessary to make a bomb, to make the algorithm recommend them in the first place.
A normal sane society would be sounding the alarm, but this alas isn’t a sane society, and the BBC are largely to blame for that !
Not the BBC but did anyone happen to hear Talk Radio at around, well between about 5 and 6pm?
Some so called terrorism/national security “expert” from Oxford university discussing the motivation of the terrorists as being complicated, complex etc – can’t be put down to one particular reason (really?). The presenter suggests that they may be lonely or seeking attention and seeking to become famous, then goes onto say something on the lines of ‘but they aren’t going to be around [suicide bombers] to get the very attention they are seeking’
The “expert” seemed oblivious to the common denominator in these kind of terrorist attacks.
Are we trying to map our own society complexity onto others. All cultures are equal and all people want the same thing. Does this always apply?
A BBC ‘put up’ no doubt.
Yes probably. I recall the “expert” also saying that we mustn’t “over react” and “solidarity” is the way to beat them.
“Over react”? How does one over react to the murder of their children?
Solidarity in letting them get away with murder?
Or solidarity in the form of the SAS?
Talking to my fellow countrymen, solidarity does not appear to include candles and flowers.
Another snowflake story. Can’t find it on bBBC though.
Rumour has it they are bringing out a new device for fat girls sponsored by the shadow Home Secretary – called the “Fatbot”
The BBC reported May’s submissive speech this afternoon without a counter view.
Why? Because they heard exactly what they wanted to hear.
Sky however, interviewed Nigel Farage.
Time we closed the doors on the World and tell them all to f**k off and, in the process, tell the World that’s already here likewise.
Apart from the US.
I’d like to know how many people are awake to the tactics of the bBBC and MSM and if there are others besides those on this forum who can see right through the narrative?
How much desire is there for things to change and how is that likely to come about?
Cometh the hour cometh the man….so where the heck is he?
Monthy Python just now, would be banned on the modern BBC
A sketch taking the P out of camp cross dressers
The two camp male judges talk extremely camply
..and then remove their robes revealing their stockings and suspenders.
And a sketch taking the P out of deaf runners who can’t hear the pistol.
The section from Hollywood Bowl they had a woman in a sexy bikini just to point at the words to the song.
And isn’t the Ministry of Funny Walks disablist ?
Also. Why are there so many foreign (Polish in this case) sounding people buying houses on “Homes Under the Hammer”.
Where do they get all their money from, to buy houses for cash at auction, if they are supposedly here for cheap labour?
Leave the EU immediately
The Government should walk away from the Article 50 negotiations and leave the EU immediately with no deal. The EU looks set to offer us a punishment deal out of spite. Why wait another 18 months when we could leave right away and fully take back control of our country, lawmaking powers and borders?
Please sign here.
I have this weird belief that the BBC acts as a free advertising platform for certain causes
eg Team Hillary, the Labour Party
How else would you explain this prog ?
‘Chillaxed Hillary’.
They must have increased her prescription.
The BBC don’t do advertising…but if Islam was a brand they’d certainly have shares in it!
Lauren Southern takes the mickey out of Treezer.
An excellent account from Lauren above. We get used to the never-ending slurry in this warm bath of ours-so takes an outsider to show us how debased we now are.
Are we going to do something, or just accept our grandkids being raped, bombed or cowering in a North Korean Mosque as yet to be built?
Listen to tonights “Any Questions”.
We now have a cross section of privately educated blow-ins from Brighton who really think that Trump is as bad as Kim, who want an end to private schools but have used them for their own kids andof course, a “selected audience” who howl at the Tories who defend Brexit.
Moore mentioned the BBC bias, and might as well have beenHarold Shipman in an NHS hospice for saying so….this country needs a real righting before the fighting.
I’ve emailed my Conservative MP today and expressed my disgust at May’s submissive speech to the EU.
I mentioned that neither my wife or our friends and family will be voting Conservative in future.
Arise someone better than May…
….I suspect JRM is keeping his powder dry and waiting for sh*t to hit the fan when the ’22 committee decide to put the current bunch of snowflakes back in their box.
I wonder how many of the 1922 Committee are Remainers?