822 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. StewGreen says:

    Apparently 8 people arrested for explosives a few days ago is just a local story
    A story which doesn’t mention ethnicity means ….


  2. rthornton says:

    A typically sensible, sober analysis from John Redwood:

    The government needs to press on with the No Deal option

    I think he’d make a good PM, now particularly, but I accept that, to many, he’s just too dry and dull to attract the necessary votes. Shouldn’t matter, but it does.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      I agree re Redwood. He has been sound for long enough for us all to back him.
      I do wonder what the hell the Tories are doing,
      The left crave power enough to kill-the Tories come across as old Corinthians, getting led to destruction by oily nothings like Alan Duncan and Grant Shapps.
      Gove and Johnson need to walk out, put Leadsom up as leader and beg the likes of Redwood, Bone, Bridgen, Davis and Fox to give us the core of a new UKIP.
      Maximum offence to he chattering classes and their media saps-kamikaze, suicide bombing of the Tories so a new UKIP/Thatcher Independence Party is created for long enough to get us out on March 29th 2019. Tebbit, Lawson and Lillie to chair it, Skinner, Hoey, Stuart and Field to be given cabinet rank.
      Charge us all £5 to join, get Aaron Bank to log us in.
      And statues ensured for Thatcher, Goldsmith(J), Lawson and Tebbit, Skinner as well.
      With a new guard of youngsters to make them and defend them.


  3. Maturecheese says:


    Enough to make one want to vomit, talk about hero worship.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Does not mention gay marriage and her opposition to it? Odd?

      It’s all about what isn’t there!


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC editorial integrity clearly in full flow.

      I wonder if she has an Alsatian she dotes on too?


    • Guest Who says:

      Jenny seems proud:


    • Flexdream says:

      Apparently according to the BBC the German politicial party AfD is ‘far right’. Naturally this argument is never substantiated and is simply because the AfD puts the interests of native German culture and people ahead of those of illegal migrants.


  4. MarkyMark says:

    0 days since BBC’s Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans says sorry to those people prosecuted to pay his wages, under threat of prison.

    0 days since BBC’s Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker finds a positive in Brexit using the BBC brand to spread his message with his 6.5million twitter followers, one of which might have voted Leave.

    0 days since BBC’s Claudia ‘£450k’ Winkleman shares her wages in the name of equality.

    0 days since BBC’s Lord ‘£450k’ Hall says sorry for spending TV Tax payers money on hospitality at £30 when he has such a high wage.


  5. Guest Who says:

    Newsnight bit of rough Jimbo’s latest piece of leaving politics at the door still being savoured:


  6. Synchronised says:

    Beeb website all over Moodys downgrading our credit rating and Macron having a go all to do with keeping up the pressure. The EU elite are obviously aware how week our leadereship is and are exploiting it from every angle. Juncker must have been on the phone last night telling Macron “your turn “. As for the Moodys downgrading that confirms how in cahoots they all are to stop Brexit. I’m not Borris’s or Redwood’s greatest admirer but boy do we need to parachute them in PDQ to get the job done.


    • Flexdream says:

      The UK should be downgraded but this has little to do with Brexit. It’s more about a government spending beyond its means , which would be the case whether or not we’re in the EU. That said, I don’t think Moodys’ reputation has recovered yet from its sub-prime debacle.


  7. G says:

    BBC news 2200 hrs yesterday, two consecutive features during the programme: Correspondents – Nomia Iqbal; immediately followed by a report from – Ritula Shah………………….
    Where are we somewhere in the Middle East?
    Off switch immediately. Same with tv licence when it expires end October.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Sometimes I look around me and think I must have moved abroad while I was asleep.
      This cannot end well.


  8. G.W.F. says:

    Following Treezer’s appeasement speech the EU leaders want more. Macron is first up, others will follow. It is inevitable when you try to appease, others interpret it as cowardice and weakness.

    The woman should go now, and go in a blaze of public humiliation so that her successor will not tread the same cowardly path



    • MarkyMark says:

      May should have held up the EU list of demands for the Brexit bill at the Florence conference …. a sheet of blank paper.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I think she should have told them in the only language they understand. Namely FCUK OFF!


    • Flexdream says:

      She should have said ‘So long and say thanks for all the fish’.


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      Brexit would have been a small but vital start on the road to recovery, but now it appears that it isn’t going to be allowed.
      We are still needed to prop it up for however many years it has left. I’m certainly hoping to see it crumble before I die!

      What next for the future generations then? Follow the Catalonians maybe, get together a group of non-socialist shire counties and aim for secession from the UK. Or abandon England wholesale (after all we know we are no longer wanted here) and opt for ‘refugeedom’ in Eastern Europe.


    • chrisH says:

      May seems curiously autistic (and even stupid) for a so-called politician. She was given a fair wind last year-and surely to God, she`d know that throwing tempting offal over the boat for the media sharks is bloody stupid-you`ll never please them and they`ll tip you out , the more you give.
      Whether it`s Grenfell or Hillsborough at one end-or sacrificing Blackman and Parachute Regiment soldiers from the “troubles” at the other?….the more you try to please Labour and the BBC, the quangos , the academics or the activists-the more your certain doom.

      You`re a Tory you muppet!
      Not even any use when dead, unkissable and serially loathed.
      And if they `re not howling, rioting, striking or queening it up to the Old Baliey-you`re not doing your job May!
      Wake up-get ready for war, and be prepared to win it. Get lost if you`re not up to it, and give us Nigel-or give us Tommy if you won`t just be a Tory politician.
      As a leader you`re shit-the Home Office is your legacy, Rudd is your understudy-and we hate what you`re becoming. Gutless.


  9. StewGreen says:

    Time for a new weekend thread ?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Yes. I want to mention a BBC item for praise.

      Oh, OK, I’ll do it here as Australia is mentioned below. The Book at Bedtime on Radio 4 for 4th-8th and 11th-15th September @ 10.45pm – The Dry – was really good. For a change.

      BBC Book of the Week and BaB on R4 have tended to be dismal and very, very similar for a few years now. Great to have some more variety and for it to be very well done, too. Come on, Beeb, let us have some more like that.


  10. G says:

    This is the actual answering-machine message for the Maroochydore High School in Queensland, Australia. Wait for the phone to ring for the voice mail. This one is priceless. Listen to the very end.

    The voice comes on at the 30 second mark.


    • MartinW says:

      Hilarious, of course, and pointing out a few home truths that some parents need to learn. It was new to me (so thanks for posting it) and I wish it were true but, sadly, it is a hoax that has apparently been ‘doing the rounds’ for years.


    • Old Goat says:

      Funny, but ruined by the appalling grammar, spelling, and not actually representing word-for-word, the recorded message (or “messege”)…


  11. StewGreen says:

    Mail today lays into the BBC and LibMob media for the Harlow case.
    “On Twitter a former BBC science journalist called Rob Coppinger summed up the prevailing mood among Remainers using social media declaring,
    : ‘If you voted Brexit’ you contributed to this.’


  12. theisland says:

    Dipping in and out (busy, busy) but just saw this of JRM on Newsnight.
    He is being diplomatic and polite as ever, but insists we need to be out of the ECJ by the end of March 2019, and also rightly criticises the competence of the Home Office.
    (IMO deep corruption – as well as incompetence – at the highest levels of the Civil Service departments).

    Apologies if already posted.


    • chrisH says:

      JRM is measured and statesmanlike as ever.
      But it`s clear who`s to blame-May and Rudd with their disastrous Home Office droolings that have left us exposed.
      On this JRM is 100% correct.
      Meanwhile, we need Nigel back to terrorise them over at a rebooted UKIP.
      If not-well, there`ll be plans to make this nation ungovernable, the Left and the liberals need to know that we`ve seen how Duggan and Occupy have pushed the rest of us around, and the BBC seem to like to watch the fun.
      It`ll be our turn soon, believe me.
      The likes of Evan need to know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction-their social science crap seems to have forgotten the basic rules…and we`re getting provoked beyond endurance.
      Their laws won`t apply to me after 2019, nor ought they to you either.


  13. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    Do we have any University Academics on this site? It seems to me Media Studies has hugely expanded as an Academic Discipline. There must be many many research journals on the subject. The BBC bias – intentional misreporting etc – is easily proved. Why isn’t this stuff being published? It is public money that is being wasted by the BBC. Much of Academic research is funded publicly. So what is going on in that research field?

    If not university Academics – do we have anyone that is a Media Studies graduate or has children that have taken this course. There are related disciplines as well – such as journalism, business studies, social studies.


    • chrisH says:

      Bit like Father Ted or Mr Benn , BBC!
      When Ted is on the plane-then “all of us can be what we want to be”.
      Pilot or measuring out the sellotape?…”it`s all good” as WIA says.
      We are all post-grad clever dicks on an never-ending U3A binge ,if we go onto this site, and we study enough. I myself have been coming here since 2009 and the Climategate stuff-and have awarded myself no end of honorary degrees in subjects covered.
      No media school or geography/science department would ever teach us what this Open University…this Skippy-like Bush School of digital radio in effect…teaches me by the day.
      Am extremely grateful-and do thank Professors Pounce, Pinder and all manner of folk here who give their expertise gratis-Marky Marks maths analysis of yesterday(funnily enough) would never get onto “More Or Less”-but, believe me-we`re studying and linking up.
      My head is Wessex Univerity, with a scrumpy orchard attached….
      It`s all free-and no tuition fees either, god bless and thank you all!


    • G.W.F. says:


      Both my wife and I are university academics, have been for many years. We are not in media studies.
      Media studies has grown, but frankly it is not regarded as a serious subject by many. Rather like gender studies and hardly about to expose the BBC

      Link to the Cardiff Univ study, 2013 funded by the BBC. Good luck with that one

      Click to access content_analysis.pdf

      Commenting on the Cardiff Report in the New Statesman Mike Berry, Lecturer concludes that the BBC is not biased to the lib left.

      Tories get more airtime than Labour

      ‘What about the accusation that the BBC is anti-business? Once again the evidence shows that the opposite is the case.
      ‘So what about the accusation that the BBC is pro-EU? Again the evidence points in the opposite direction.
      In conclusion
      ‘So the evidence from the research is clear. The BBC tends to reproduce a Conservative, Eurosceptic, pro-business version of the world, not a left-wing, anti-business agenda.

      The funding for some of the research discussed in this article was provided directly by the BBC Trust.


      • GCooper says:

        Just to add a quick comment to G.W.F’s response, any discipline is dependent on its head to set policy and, most importantly, decide who works in his or her department. The Left has exploited this for several generations. Once they have seized control of a subject they don’t let go and they make damn sure that whoever works in that field toes the line.

        For this reason you will find few, if any, media academics who are not on the liberal Left (I have certainly never met one), ditto sociologists (though there are a couple of exceptions) and, increasingly, in more traditional fields such as history and geography.

        This is one of the great scandals de nos jours and until it is addressed (particularly with government policy misguidedly sending armies of teenagers to these socialist education camps) the woodworm will never stop feasting. Until the whole place crashes around our ankles, of course. Which it will.


        • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

          My training is in physical science. I am subscribed to the Times Higher Education (mainly for the book reviews) – and some of the things I read in that is an eye opener – with some academics happy to declare themselves activists and pushing for social, cultural and political change. All a bit worrying.


        • chrisH says:

          Worthwhile thinking about the motivations of those who elect to do Media Studies too.
          1.Draft dodgers in the 60s.
          2. Lazy Commies in the 70s
          3. Green justice warriors in the 80s.
          4. Stone Roses and New Order miserabalists and pill poppers in the 90s.

          In short-avoiding work, business unless the State pays them to say it or to pose by.
          Started with CND over here, Aldermaston etc-we`ve never recovered.

          Theoretical wankpots who feel no consequences for their anti-life theories, coccooned and lauded by their own graduates and with no need to do anything but visual literacy as tagged to socilogical marxism. Telly studies at the public teat, eco sustainable clipboard and cruise control for life round estates, drug dens and gents loos.

          Reagan and Thatcher ought not to have ever let this Lime disease ever take a grip.
          No self respecting independent thinker would debase themselves by seeking a state job for life and excusing George Soros for a lifetime…I blame Woodward, Bernstein, Redford, Hoffmann as well as the grave robbing scum like Snow and Pilger(who at least was honest, as opposed to Snow and Dimblebys etc)


          • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

            Hi ChrisH – I think there are a lot of employment opportunities within the media sector so I can understand why students would be attracted to the subject. My major concern is what is being taught in it and what the academics are doing by way of research. I agree with you about the possibility of academics cocooning themselves within their own theories and system of theories (paradigms) – I think such views led to the “Ivory Tower” image of academics.


      • Up2snuff says:

        GWF, “The funding for some of the research discussed in this article was provided directly by the BBC Trust.”

        No possible risk of bias then?


      • chrisH says:

        This country will really have to wake up about the corrosive effects of their Gods-namely the BBC and the NHS.
        Both were well-intended I`m sure but are 1930s type of answers to a new world that they were never intended for.
        There may not be time to have the discussion about these two genuflecting totems of “education” and “health” if we do not know their histories and how much they`ve deviated from their original concepts. They`re like two corpses propping each other up at a Fleetwood tram stop.
        And any brave “right wing” thinker could easily make the case.
        The NHS turned to shit when Beveridge was turfed out by Attlee, and the returning Tommies wanted an easy life. Bit like Corbyns students.
        The BBC died when Hugh Carleton Greene was seen to defeat Mary Whitehouse. Not true-we ended up with Jimmy Savile and Russell Brand and Ross.


      • Jagman84 says:

        “Tories get more airtime than Labour”. I’m sure that they do. It’s the same as saying that the pals of the school bully get less attention than the kids that they bully. They are invariably invited on to be attacked or abused.


        • taffman says:

          I have tried this before ………………………
          “Is there anyone out there that can offer an example of Right Wing bias by Al Beeb?”


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          Donald Trump gets more airime from the BBC and CNN /RT “fake news” than does Chuck Schumer too!
          This therefore means that the media “Favour Trump”-so what`s he bitching about?
          Not a day goes by without a synthetic abusing of Trump, via arts, visiting drag queens or sports jocks who despise the national anthem.
          All this evil content of course counts as impartial arts and sports coverage, as does comedy, satire and muslc.
          So there you go-not fake news at all.
          But do not look at thet content or endless hidden(indeed no longer so) bias and assumptions.
          The gloves are off.
          It`s bad enough that Chamberlain came home with a blank piece of paper-at least it wasn`t a white flag with “I surrender” embroidered onto it by a Florentine transexual migrant on piecework rates.
          Much prefer my Jenny Agutters at times like these…danger, danger indeed.


  14. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    I think someone who maybe has the time and the technical knowledge should set up a website focused on assessing the BBC World Service – offering people a website to add comments about these other services – so the commentators would need to be bilingual (second language English). I read a comment somewhere from someone who I think was Brazilian (Portuguese language) who said that they were used to the anti-English bias and rhetoric from BBC Brazil (I think?) – and it was generally a lot worse than the BBC (normal service) bias.


  15. Synchronised says:

    RT reporting Merkel heckled & booed on her final campaign speech. Nothing on beeb website about this surprise surprise.


  16. chrisH says:

    We here at the Nasty Party seem to have noted the phrase that all Britain is doing is “rebadging” the EU rules and regs. Both Moore and Farage said this I think, as well as someone on Sky last night.
    My suggestion is to move now to get those British passports in April 2019, and no other EU abominations to be issued after that date.
    I will also be seeing if car number plates can get that fucking provocative EU flag off the edge of them, and make it a criminal offence to have one on your car if it`s boughts in 2019, and companies had better get ready to remove it in manufacturing during 2018.

    Learn from Gina Miller-use their own laws, our consumer rights to shaft the lazy buggaz!

    I also suggest that we start to hit the Remainiacs in the pocket-I`ve never watched Cumberbatch, but know he`ll squeal if Brexiteers boycott his output and tell the media why we`re doing it.
    There`s LOADS of ways to hit their symbols-Remoaners think there`s no price to stiffing the 52%-we ought to make sure that there is.

    Finally-I`ve redrawn the flag with 28 crescents on it, not stars-and put it on an Islamic Green background to the sound of morning prayer in Cairo.
    Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstad as spiders in the tangled web that is in the middle of the “new european order” for April 2019. Am also working on versions of “Catch a falling Star”…”Waiting for a Star to fall”
    “Stardust” and “Swing on a star”(Tehran version, cherrypicker content-bit graphic).

    Mark Steyn`s the man! We need to get creative and scabrous-having heard the Newskwizz earlier, the left and liberals are shit and unfunny.


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Lord God
    I turned on the wireless to get the hammers spurs game but the digital gave me just 5 minutes of r4 ‘Any questions ‘
    Which was enough to make me feel ill listening to a biased audience and great and good ( not Diane Abbot ) scheming for how not to Brexit. – based on an independent newspaper ( remainer editor ) saying a poll was now 52 stay 48 leave.
    Please can those 552 days please go soon with no bloody ever lasting extension .

    Can I encourage anyone to sign the petition to abolish the licence tax. If would be sad if the bloated budget of the bbc came out of general taxation as I would not be able to refuse to pay it now. There are excellent clips on YouTube on how to deal with licence tax inspectors ( ie don’t say one word)


  18. StewGreen says:

    Malaysian couple took a risk of holidaying in UK whilst 7 months pregnant and thought their insurance would cover it.
    Baby intensive care =£2,000/day


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      It is either them or the British taxpayer (again) that pays. The trouble is how does Britain get the couple (or the Malaysian Government = Malaysian taxpayer) to pay once the service has been provided? Also I would like to know how the figure of £2000 a day is arrived at? £100,000 suggests 50 days NHS provision. I may be wrong but it seems to me the NHS has grown to be a behemoth – and not at all what was envisaged upon introduction in the 1940s.


      • StewGreen says:

        Caliphate NHS rule is foreigners pay 150% cost of retail, to cover admin and non payers etc.
        Cost of birth + baby was born 2 months premature , so yes 50 days in incubator.
        BTW it’s the same for us in Malaysia
        Locals pay £X and foreigners pay 5-10 times more

        The story is a month old. They have already raised £22K
        The article is a bit misleading ..it quotes an average salary in Malaysia as £300/month
        Yet the mother is a 35 year old surgeon
        I expect the family will have at least one servant at their house.


    • chrisH says:

      Jeremy Hunt must go, this is Brexit for ya!
      Got to be a charity run here-will close down half of Taunton tomorrow, hurl abuse from my lycra bike as I stuff my face with drugs and protein cup cakes.
      More C.diff matron…keep the health hobbits away from our beloved NHS.


  19. StewGreen says:

    You can rearch people going into transgender surgery.
    … BUT you can’t research if they REGRET it.
    Bath University

    Janice Turner column has more
    This old guy is an expert from a transgender charity, his experience was that lots more young women ate coming forward and seemingly instead if admitting they are lesbian , go thinking they are transsexual


    • StewGreen says:

      Hey they could have a conference to discuss “attacks on thinking ”


      • chrisH says:

        The Left have had the pitch to themselves for over fifty years now. No wonder they cannot argue or do independent research any more, especially after Blair weaponised it all so thoroughly at the turn of the century.
        Universities have long been bastions of Thatcher hatred and Commie luvvies as we say with Scruton, Honeyford and Margaret herself at Oxford 84.
        Climategate finished them in 2009-imagine Jean Monnet, King Saud, George Soros decide on what needs to be studied and how best to ensure the next generation are as mentally screwed and groomed as the last one.
        State-sponsored ciphers who only get paid if they sing the company song, as left them by Fred Mulley, blind grievance seekers like Blunkett, slips of nothing like Estelle Morris and now the recent crap like Morgan and Greening.


        • G.W.F. says:


          The future



          • Old Goat says:

            Is anyone listening? Does anyone give a shit? I have my doubts.


            • Lefty Wright says:

              Before anyone listens they have to learn to think . When they begin to think,anything is possible.
              Unfortunately most of those in positions of power and influence are dedicated to keeping all of us in ignorance. TV is the opium of the people and the peddlers know how to use it to maintain their control.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      Ban the research all they like, are they going to ban the suicide and suicidal tendency stats as well? Between 31% and 50% according to some studies. Oddly enough not totally dissimilar to suicide stats for those with personality disorders running at between 25% and 50%, funny that.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Truly we have lost the age of reason. Feeling trumps fact. Submission trumps responsibility.


    • Jagman84 says:

      Ain’t no such thing as ‘transgender’. You may ask a surgeon to mutilate you and pump you full of hormones but your biological sex will be unchanged. Isn’t nature a bitch, eh?


  20. MarkyMark says:


  21. countryblues says:

    Blimey! I just remembered I watched BBC QT the other night and realised I hardly listen to it any longer…it doesn’t even make me angry these days. I know, they could replace it with one of their achingly unfunny left-wing comedy sketch shows…YAY…oh…wait a minute 🙁


  22. StewGreen says:

    5pm news : New Zealand Labour Party didn’t pull off the miracle, it was the rightwing gov that got the most seats, but needs to form a coalition with the NZ ukip guys…. So BBC played the Labour leader’s ‘unvictory’ clip anyway.
    Just like Corbyn


    • StewGreen says:

      How non lefty media report the result


    • Doublethinker says:

      The Guardian is claiming that NZ labour was prevented from winning more seats due to, yes you have guessed it, fake news, the lefts favourite excuse when the people don’t vote for them in sufficient numbers. Similar clap trap is being reported by those other bastions of liberal left lunacy the NY Times and ABC. Hopefully the New Zealand first party will form a coalition and keep the Kiwis on the right track, no pun intended.
      My advice is keep Muslim out and you will proper from being able to charge the rich and wealthy in the rest of the West a fortune to seek sanctuary in NZ as they realise how awful Islamisation really is. You may even get that prize fool Lineacker applying . My second piece of advice is to refuse entry to air heads like him into your country no matter how much they offer you. The irony is of course that it is precisely these idiots who have done so much to create our Muslim problem in the first place but the rest of us can’t afford to move home to the other side of the world.


  23. Old Goat says:

    No weekend threads, any more?


  24. tvlicensingblog says:

    New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
    TV Licensing goon convicted of drink driving on the Isle of Man: John Marcus Rodgers was almost twice the legal limit when he was stopped by police after a late night trip to Tesco. The court heard how the 39-year-old tried to delay a roadside breath test after an off-duty police officer informed colleagues about his drunken state.


  25. Thoughtful says:

    So much for an enquiring media !

    So London Transport decides to strip Uber of its licence, and I can’t help but think whether there might be something which doesn’t smell right simply being ignored by all of the lying media which purportedly exists to tell us the truth.

    There are an awful lot of ethnic Uber drivers, and the statement from LT claims that there is a problem with these drivers committing crimes, some of which have made the papers.

    Secondly there are an awful lot of ethnic Taxi drivers in London (and the rest of the country) who stand to gain by this, and yet no one is asking if there was any motivation of a corrupt nature behind this move. The media appear to have concentrated on the white cabbies ignoring the rest.

    There have been tales of London licenced Uber drivers picking up fares as far away as Leeds, but again there’s nothing about the ethnicity which as far as I’m concerned is highly relevant.

    All in all this is a story which has more than a whiff of something wrong, and a media doing its collective best to turn a blind eye. “Watch the wall my darling while the gentlemen go by”.


    • TruthSeeker says:

      “an awful lot of ethnic Taxi drivers”
      A lot of awful ethnics who are, allegedly, taxi drivers. I prefer my version.

      Meanwhile, it is Saturday evening and we are still, again, on the mid-week thread.
      Please tell us what the problem is. A daily thread has been requested numerous times, for months.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Uber grooming? Under reported crime.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Thoughtful – solid post.

      I was thinking along similar lines. Citizen Khan knows that a lot of these Uber drivers are Eastern europeans but many of the mini-cab drivers in London are Muslims and so part of the constituency which helped, in no small part, to get him elected mayor of the great wen.

      He doesn’t want to lose that support so by pulling the rug out from under Uber’s feet, he has reduced the competition for these Islamic drivers and so maintained his support base amongst his co-religionists.


  26. chrisH says:

    Saw the BBC welcoming Corbyn to Brighton -live-as they`d previously shown him playing table tennis. Also saw Sadiq Khan grinning in his creepy way from the carriage of a tube train.
    Bit of a break for the BBC to show “Iran defiantly doing missile tests to thwart Trump”. The back to Brighton again to reflect on Corbyns greatness as he deigns to dwell among us.
    As I saw-saw this lot, sound turned down-can`t bear the lies.
    Seems to me that they`ve decided to lock down and crowd out any Brexit or Trump positions.
    Just not hearing it except as an excuse to further marginalise those who refuse to go along with them.
    Sense too that people are now losing jobs,friends and income-coverage, let alone any respect if they fail to match the BBC and its endless Corbyn, Khan, Muslim and Barnier promotions.
    This puts us at physical threat, real or to come. Unless we get ready to fight back.
    Once there`s no words allowed, or coverage given for dissent-then we`ll have to find other, more direct ways of expression.


  27. MarkyMark says:

    Russell Brand on Jonathan Ross show … didn’t listen to show but this is really bad. What two grown men did on BBC radio show, saying they had sex with someone’s granddaughter for a joke, and they still stand tall on Saturday night TV.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Along with Lord Andrew MacAlpine, Lord Leon Brittan, Lord Greville Janner and (of course) the beloved Andrew Sachs?
      We REALLY need to get vengeance on the BBC-these were somebodys grandads, husbands and fathers who suffered grievous abuse and insinuations from the Labour Left and the BBC.
      Had they been favoured lefties like Clement Freud or Cyril Smith, Tom Driberg or Jimmy Savile…they too would have been thrown under the bandwagon.
      But the left get away with it because Tom Watson has judged who the BBC ought to sniff into-and the BBC does it.
      The “stardust” free pass for Cyrll, Clem, Tom and Jimmy extends to the likes of our rock elite too-the Stones,Led Zep etc can sleep easy, whereas naff acts like Cliff, DLT, Procter and Davidson, Tarby etc -well , they`re hardly Brand now are they?
      If we had a real moral media they`d already wondered about taking down the rock aristocracy, the Labour Lords and Ladies who let all this happen.
      But no-recrucify Rolf Harris and convince me that Gary Glitter had nothing to do with the glam rock era or the univeristy circuit of the nineties eh?
      But the Glitter Band-well, THEY were massive weren`t they?
      How stupid are we?


  28. StewGreen says:

    Anyone else watching that Alice Roberts doco BBC at 7pm
    and think think “hang on” ?
    Basically the progs stance was that out of Africa is a proven explanation for human origins

    What’s going on ? cos that’s contradicted by discoveries in the last 2 years when signs of ancient humanoids outside Africa were found
    Previously the only ancient human signs had all been in Africa
    But absence of evidence is not proof ..so it was always possible humans didn’t originate in Africa.
    Modern Africans have newer DNA so Europeans are not descended from them but supposedly an earlier race of Africans is the common descendent.
    Then I realised the prog is a repeat and ore than 2 years old
    Then I check Twitter and I see AR also tweeted about modern discoveries


    • StewGreen says:

      We know not to trust photos
      But the same applies to TV ..they set up narratives as 100% true
      When actually is not the only explanation.
      ie the producers are asserting certainty beyond the available evidence/science.

      Midway she said most likely first humans crossed from Africa at Sinai
      And I’m thinking “hang on the ancient land/sea geography was completely different” ..eg GB connected to Scandi
      Then in next item on climate, a mp pops up and it shows landbridges at Tangiers and Sicily
      130K outside Africa


  29. G.W.F. says:

    I’ve always thought of Treezer as the BBC’s creature, a remainer and enemy of Trump.
    The argument is put well here, maintaining that Treezer will blame Trump for remaining in the EU, Note her constant sniping at Trump over immigration, climate change etc and her lack of interest in a US trade deal. When Trump eventually tells her to put sock in it she will turn to her EU pals and tell us that facing US hostility our place is with them. Yesterday part of the strategy emerged. The lady is not for Brexiting. The BBC’s remain plan B



  30. G.W.F. says:

    I wonder how many incidents like this are not reported beyond local news. Bomb squad out on M3 near Winchester, roads blocked.
    I understand that motorists waiting for hours decided to play golf at the side of the road. That should teach the Taliban tarts or whoever, that we are carrying on



  31. Thoughtful says:

    mass acid attack in London prolly Roppers as there are no reports of theft.

    I’d just like to say a big thank you Tony BLiar as there were no terror attacks by Muslims until he decided we should be enriched by a few.
    Never him that suffers though.


    • taffman says:

      My father and grandfather fought in two world wars to keep this country safe from these attacks but someone deliberately opened the doors and left them open, in the interest of diversity!


    • taffman says:

      “I’d just like to say a big thank you Tony BLiar as there were no terror attacks by Muslims until he decided we should be enriched by a few.”
      And Merkel .


      • G.W.F. says:

        Raheem Kassam has drawn attention to an EU agreement to include large parts of Muslim lands within the free movement of the EU. If true, Blair, Merkel and May are fulfilling their commitment to a larger EU.
        From Raheem Kassam on Facebook
        One of the worst things about the European Union is that so much of what it does is invisible to the public – for example, did you know the European Parliament voted to gradually extend Free Movement to the Middle East and North Africa years ago?
        MEPs “solemnly reaffirmed [their] commitment to Euro-Mediterranean integration” by voting through a report by the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament – which includes The Labour Party – in 2010.
        Its purpose was to lay down long-term plans for the development of a Union for the Mediterranean. You’ve probably never heard of that, but it already exists, with a permanent secretariat and regular input from the similarly unknown Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. It includes all 28 members of the EU – including the UK – and much of the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab League participates in all its meetings.
        Perhaps you agree with Labour and the distant Euro group which incorporates it that “Europe needs the South now more than ever”. Perhaps you think the European Parliament is so toothless and its proposals so ambitious that the scheme can’t possibly be implemented – at least, not completely.
        But surely anyone who believes in democracy and accountability can see a problem with EU politicians signing their citizens up to plans to open their borders to the Islamic world – inch by painful inch – without even a modicum of public scrutiny?
        ‘(We have no idea if #Brexit removes the United Kingdom from this unhinged Euro-Mediterranean project, by the way. Most of our hopeless politicians don’t even realise that it exists.)
        No automatic alt text available.
        No automatic alt text available.
        FB link


  32. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Have noticed that Macrons carping re our Brexit has slipped down the Red Button chart today.
    Started at No1 this morning-was number 5 at lunchtime and is now no 11(out of 12).
    It`s left the UK section and is struggling to hang on in the “world section”.

    I`m assuming that 150,000 protestors from all over France today has taken the gloss off the BBCs wish to use him to slate us.
    Funnily enough-no mention of this mass protest( not the first, there was a massive one last week too).

    Wonder why the BBC like to quote Macron when it comes to his view on Mats Brexit talk, but seem to have no quotes about seeing loads of French workers marching into Bastille Place.


  33. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Note too that Iran seem to be doing the BBCs bidding in regard of testing ballistic missiles. Their reporting is clearly intended to imply that Trump asks for these kind of reactions.
    This hacks me off-when you side with North Korea and Iran over the democratically-elected President of your biggest ally, then you are pretty evil-and the BBC is nothing if not that.
    Currently a dual national Iranian mother is captive, kidnapped and a hostage in Iran-been so for a year or so now…the Iranians also hang gays from cranes too. But hey-as long as they can stick it to Trump, then the BBC will ask no questions of them. Unbelievably bad.
    Say a prayer for her-she`s called Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, young wife and mother who made the mistake of taking her kid home to meet the grandparents. The BBC won`t bother, unless she calls Trump a “bum” or such.


  34. StewGreen says:

    R4 Law prog 10:50pm they are going on about BAME being underrepresented in the profession
    quoting ” a new report by David Lammy raising serious concerns about the treatment of black, Asian and minority ethnic young people in the youth justice system.”
    #PetIssue on and on and on etc.

    Next week they are doing Law and Climate Change
    ..I can guess who they invite on and who they won’t
    then they played The Jim al Khalili trailer where he tells us of big Climate Change effects in Antarctica


    • BRISSLES says:

      Lammy clearly doesn’t watch a lot of tele. They’re represented as barristers, judges, clerk of the court, solicitors, ushers – but rarely as defendants.


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        But they`ve got rap on Freeview, childrens TV and the adverts covered.
        Tomorrow belongs to them because our kids only see and hear this stuff from our kid targetted free output.
        If only Savile had been black…until they can turn him into Cliff Richards manager, the BBC lovers will continue to watch Frreview porn on the rap channels, as well as kiddies TV.
        “For research purposes only” though eh?


  35. MarkyMark says:


    • G.W.F. says:


      I have supervised research on bioprospecting – collecting samples of DNA for profit from entire indigenous communities. Sometimes the scientific evidence contradicts political beliefs. The response is to point out that science is a product of western capitalist exploitation and is not entirely accurate.


  36. StewGreen says:

    Next week they are doing Law and Climate Change
    * Prog page is already up here …. Full of BS
    Only lists 1 guest so far
    Koos van den Berg, one of the senior lawyers who forced the Dutch government to act more on global warming.


  37. StewGreen says:

    Apparently it’s OK for the Guardian to write in a sexist, racist, agist way
    WUWT and Spectator complain


  38. StewGreen says:

    Monday R4 11 am
    “Journalist Hugh Muir examines whether the newspaper industry is losing touch with Britain’s increasingly diverse society.”
    #bbcPetIssues #Projection


    • TruthSeeker says:

      This is not the Hugh Muir from Scotland.
      This Hugh Muir, is a racist, white hating, bite the hand that feeds you, parasite of Sub Saharan “heritage”, lying lefty who “contributes” to the Guardian.
      Whose “contributions” are rarely accompanied by comments because his hating “journalism” is torn apart BTL.
      Loved by AlBeeb.


      • StewGreen says:

        His tweet feed ..Basically says “All these white men, are racist and sexist”
        “Yeh Rotherham has nothing to do with PC” that 2014 article did have open comments and he got slaughtered.
        He looks like a professional race-baiter.


        • TruthSeeker says:

          An ugly one, too.
          I expect it’s our fault reflections in the Zambezi are not flattering.
          White waterism.


  39. Doublethinker says:

    If we are going to have hundreds and hundreds of posts on threads that last a week can I plead with site management to have a button to take us directly to the latest post. I am getting fatigued having to keep pressing the new posts what it’s. P


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      I think we’re going for the 1000 despite Brexit.


    • StewGreen says:

      There is a button that takes you to latest post , all pages have a sidebar at the top right.
      which lists recent comments.
      If you click the blue part of the words – it takes you direct to that posting.
      (If you don’t see the sidebar at top of page, then go to bottom of page and turn on show FULL view.

      The easiest way of tracking posts is by using https://www.inoreader.com/


      • TruthSeeker says:

        inoreader, I do not think so.
        Just another tracking device, tracking us.
        I cannot believe that the site administrators have not noticed the comments.
        Why no explanation?
        We are all on the same side.


      • Doublethinker says:

        Many thanks Stew. That will help me a lot. As you can see I’m at the limit of my it skill , a three year old knows much more than I do about I.


    • MartinW says:

      I also got fed up having to scroll through page after page to arrive at the most recent posts. Until, that is, a kind person on this blog pointed out to me that you can click on one of the ‘top’ entries in the ‘Recent comments’ column on the right hand side. I’m forever grateful to that person for alerting me to that quickest way to get to the most recent comment in a thread.


  40. AsISeeIt says:

    It’s all in the game

    BBC presenter Christian Fraser previously played second fiddle to Katy Kaye during their tireless anti-Trump work on the BBC’s 100 Days, This morning our Christian has come out with his own bit of off-the-cuff blatant anti-Trump editorialising.

    Commenting on Trump’s quite understandable irritation at the millionaire baseball and NFL players who are running an on-going series of media attention-grabbing anti-Trump protests our Christian tells us exactly which side of the argument he stands on:

    He tells us that Trump is pernicious

    “It’s quite pernicious what he’s insinuating”


  41. Dover Sentry says:

    What’s the cost of anew thread, these days?


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC News Channel anchor the goofy Ben Brown retells with obvious relish the North Korean comment about the US President as “Mentally Deranged”

    Is this perhaps one for the mental illness charities to come out and object the casual use of such terms as being derogatory to those diagnosed as mentally ill?


  43. Beeb Brother says:

    Beeb leading bulletins with how North Koreans think Trump is deranged, as if this were a bad thing. Russia and Nazism have failed, so their next pathetic ploy is to imply he is mentally unfit for office. I would say the Beeb are unfit to be our state broadcaster.

    They have an orgy of race baiting over Trump’s criticism of people refusing to stand during the national anthem; dredging up tenuous nonsense about ‘civil rights.’ The Beeb report on how ‘offended’ people are. When asked to apologise Trump doubles down. I love how Trump doubles down on points of principle. F*ck your feelings – you must have rules and standards or we get chaos. Of course you should respect the flag; it is an important symbol of unity.

    Even if by saying the sun rises in the morning I offend someone, I should not apologise for stating that fact. Leaders should tell us how it is and how it should be rather than pandering to every whining, attention-seeking moron. Imagine if we had had such a leader. If only during the Satanic verses affair everyone who demanded Rushdie’s head were arrested for inciting murder; if stop and search were massively increased in response to spiralling crime; if we demanded that all Islamic immigrants sign a contract whereby they agree to reject any interpretation or their faith which clashes with British values, or be deported. Our spineless leaders just capitulated to people’s ‘taking offence ‘ and every day brings new horrors engendered by their reckless unwillingness to set standards, rules and boundaries.


  44. BRISSLES says:

    Corbyn, currently on the Marr show, has clearly undergone media training. Low soft voice, measured responses, even a slick haircut and a tie !!! good lord.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      It still proves the old adage that you can’t polish a turd, particularly an old one.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Has he blacked up? He could with gender fluidity claim that he is a black woman in a white male politician’s body.


  45. MarkyMark says:

    BBC Home Page
    Six injured in east London ‘acid attack’
    (uses term ‘noxious substance’ in article – new terms being tried?)

    Will Angela Merkel secure a fourth term in office?
    (why just mention Merkel, there is more than one party – the German population are going to vote for multiple parties)

    Have you ever wondered what this yellow H means?
    (you could look it up if you really wanted to – google – don’t need £3.5bn news service for this)

    BBC News Page
    Corbyn urged to commit to single market
    The Syrian girl who sings through war
    Four hurt in guest house ‘gas explosion’ (would be better story than what does yellow H mean on home page?)
    HMS Ocean helps hurricane-hit British Virgin Islands (would be a better story than what does yellow H mean on home page?)

    Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn pressed to commit to single market {bbc.co.uk 24sep2017}
    The customs union is the EU’s tariff-free trading area, which imposes the same taxes on imports from certain countries outside the union.
    The single market also includes the free movement of goods, services, capital and people.

    The statement that there are no barriers to trade with EU countries isn’t entirely accurate. {fullfact.org}
    – At the heart of the European Union sit four key principles: the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour. The “four freedoms” were enshrined in the 1957 Treaty of Rome

    Word Search: manifesto x 0;

    NEGOTIATING BREXIT – {pdg page26}
    Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first. We will prioritise jobs and living standards, build a close new relationship with the EU, protect workers’ rights and environmental standards, provide certainty to EU nationals and give a meaningful role to Parliament throughout negotiations.

    We will scrap the Conservatives’ Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union – which are essential for maintaining industries, jobs and businesses in Britain. Labour will always put jobs and the economy first.

    IMMIGRATION {pdf page30}
    Freedom of movement will end when we leave the European Union. Britain’s immigration system will change, but Labour will not scapegoat migrants nor blame them for economic failures.

    Where Theresa May wants to shut down scrutiny and challenge, Labour will welcome it.

    … so Labour like open debate and don’t shut down scrutiny and challenges? …

    May’s attacks on Abbott are ‘RACIST’: Fury after former BBC journalist Paul Mason claims {dailymail 03jun2017}
    Diane Abbott may be flawed. But this is bullying {theguardian jun2017}
    Labour MP Naz Shah RETWEETS: ‘Abused girls in Rotherham need to shut their mouths’ {yourbrexit 21aug2017}

    – BBC over use of the word Merkel, when the election is about the people.
    – BBC Story about yellow sign when other news is available
    – Corbyn article is not revealing about the EU tariffs and does not compare with manifesto pledges, which were used by the Labour voters


  46. StewGreen says:

    Alternative name for BBC = Socialism First
    Hence why
    – News reports open with the The NZ Labour Party and Corbyn “winning” the election by coming second
    – Socialist negative stories are gatekeepered off
    but with non-Socialists stories it works the other way around
    – Negative stories are pushed ..about Trump and May etc.
    – The report will open with the socialist view
    eg on 5 Live they just did a piece about Trump criticising the NFL players who refused to stand for the National Anthem
    They went to an anti-Trump spokesman
    so I switched over
    to find simultaneous on Local Radio they were running the story about Trump tweeting bout North Korea
    ..they again opened with an anti-Trump spokesman
    ..report ended with no pro-Trump spokesman
    Switched back to 5-Live where their report did contain a pro-Trump spokesman.

    If you are a socialist there is no need for you to go to the Canary News-site, cos the BBC has covered it all for you.
    If you are a Non-Liberal ..then you certainly do need to go to Rightwing/Libertarian websites cos the BBC doesn’t cover those views.

    I could set up a Google-Docs spreadsheet
    where we could log those techniques : Socialist speaker, Socialist speaker, Socialist speaker, Socialist speaker, brief moment of a righty who is then shouted down or cut off.


  47. StewGreen says:

    Who’s on soon ?
    #BBCPetIssues #BBCSpecialFriends


    • StewGreen says:

      They also have an item
      “Discussion of internet trolling today on @bbcsml 10am BBC1 with a contribution from @BradfordPsychol @UniofBradford”
      Open with Yasmin “Take the vote off trolls”
      (At least Peter Hitchins is on, and the Telegraph’s young LyonsIzzy )
      The Conservative MP began by being sympathetic to Diane Abbott

      Emma Barnett gushes “we’ll be reporting from the Greenest football club : Forest Green Rovers where even a solar powered mower cuts the grass”
      (and where they are destroying an ancient meadow to build new stadium/commerial)
      Green= #BBCPetIssue
      ..The actual brief of the prog is to cover ethics and religion.
      (ah the angle is the Team is enforced vegan ..onsite only)


      • StewGreen says:

        Now up modest Muslim fashion
        ..with the tarty Muslim lady talking to hijabs
        ..who says “We see Islamic dress as a form of liberation”


  48. Wild Bill says:

    Andrew Marr could barely control his excitement this morning at the Labour conference and having Corblimey on the prog.


  49. StewGreen says:

    Nigel Farage is up now on LBC just had deputy leady of AfD on ..expecting 14% of vote
    BBC didn’t air AfD

    Meanwhile over on 5Live undercover report about Foreign drivers using devices to defeat tachograph rules
    “More and more lorry drivers are manipulating the on board computers which measure their driving time – putting their lives and the lives of other road users at risk.
    But the so-called ‘interrupters’ don’t just allow drivers to drive tired – they stop speedometers and anti-lock braking systems from working which could have catastrophic consequences on the roads”


  50. StewGreen says:

    Eh up Beeboid just spoke up
    Liz Kershaw account seems real (9,000 followers)