Its been tough, but have managed to avoid all BBC coverage of the Labour moderates’ surrender at Brighton. I bet its been a right ole BBC celebration of the newly adopted Corbyn Cult, formerly known as the Labour Party.
I’m wondering to what extent the message is reaching non-members and cultists, and whether the voter at large is hunkering down and simply keeping schtoom at all the nonsense coming out of the conference hall or whether they have bought into it, but I imagine I wouldn’t be able to tell. Certainly can’t from SkyNews reporting.
nfop, sure was! Another piece of evidence of possible BBC pro-Labour bias was heard at approx. 8.20am with Mishal Husain speaking ‘very warmly’ on R4’s TODAY Programme about the Party conference. Listen again on iPlayer.
Hmmmn …..
… it will be very interesting to hear the tone used for the Conservative Party conference.
Cassandra, bit of a giveaway, isn’t it? That’s the trouble with radio at times. It provides a lot more information to the careful listener than speakers expect.
I heard this too Cassandra – But did not mention it as I thought my ears were playing tricks on me!
Mishel – Dont you think youre getting just a little bit too cosy with ” Oh Jeremy” these days
Whats that you say Mishel – “No because the BBC and the left are now one and the same, professionalism is so very, very yesterday darlings and besides my bosses said they will be cool with it because these days we are all working for the same end anyway”
Oh OK Mishel thats alright then!
Its funny sometimes that is the little things that make the biggest noise!
Apparently comrade Robinson is delivering a lecture for the first Steve Hewlett commemoration tomorrow night . Apparently there is a lot of albeeb navel gazing about the young and others bi passing albeeb another’s to get their news / info from other sources .
One issue seems to be that msm won’t give air time to views it doesn’t follow . As I live and breath they need a speech for that !!
I didn’t bother as I could guess the left al beeb love in so I’m guessing the anti Corbin part of the socialist party have been packed away . They normally roll out Kinnock and an ‘ elder statesman ” of the party like Hattie or some other Blair babe . Not this time eh?
No fan,
I’ve avoided it too – haven’t listen to much Toady programme but today felt like a celebration of the new labour government under that wonderful statesman – Corbin . Next week will be a mournful expression of splits and fights to give fellow socialists and remainers.
I notice £650k pa Humphrey’s take a new line when chatting to a cheese eating surrender monkey (French enemy) asking when the conditions will be right for our return to the EU.
Perhaps that’s the new line. Assume we will actually leave but immediately agitate like 6th formers for our inevitable return to the EU and thus the EU army and Euro. Then the eureich army can run Barbarossa again and get Russia invaded before the winter sets in.
Without American help, the EU army will not get any further then the Rhine. And with having to stock up on “all gender” items, there wont be much space in an armoured personnel carrier for any shells.
Ha ha I know – I think the cause of the next European civil war will be the argument between the krauts and the frogs over which language will be EU speak now that we are withdrawing our language from them .
I joke because 27 countries could never decide whether to go to war . The Russian army would be paddling in the English Channel first .
Fedup2 – That isn’t a joke. The infighting in the old EEC about languages to use in certan technical sessions had to be heard to be believed. When simultaneous translation was not provided English was most common but the French always tried to insist on French. I was never asked to use German. The best we got on where there was a problem was each using his(her) preferred tongue.
I disagree – I believe it is joke – I am fully aware of the language issue having had the misfortune of having to study EU competition law at post grad. Which is why I am also amused by al beeb and others accusing me of being ill informed about understanding Brexit .
And no fan,
I do worry about the electorate being worn down by transition which might make the economy shaky as a ressession sets in due to the economic cycle – int rates or oil rising
I can’t prove that the US sticking a draconian import tax on Canadian Bombardier jets, part built in Ireland and the UK providing over 1000 jobs, has anything to do with anything Trudeau, Khan and May etc., said about Trump.
They are such f*****g idiots to think that they can pour vitriol on a country’s President and there could never be consequences.
May did make a call to Trump on the matter and voilà.
Clare is quite right. The history of the British aircraft industry post WWII is a depressing study. Effectively, it was wiped out by US muscle power (often applied corruptly) and the usual government ineptitude from our own side.
The attack on Bombardier by the US is symptomatic of what goes on is US courts on a daily basis, where US companies are allowed to get away with murder and foreign competitors are routinely disadvantaged and discriminated against.
The story of the Avro Arrow is similarly depressing. When the Canadian government cancelled it, they virtually wiped out the Canadian aerospace industry. Now what is left may be destroyed, and with it many jobs in Northern Ireland.
It’s a good thing the Prime Ministers of Britain and Canada have not spent the last nine months lecturing the President of the United States about how he is wrong about everything. Now would be a good time to use some of that goodwill they must have built up with him to try and get this problem sorted.
I know, but if you keep an eye on the BBC’s coverage of such matters it is beyond doubt that the Corporation strongly favours Airbus. There can only be one reason.
Rob, you are being sarcastic, surely?
“It’s a good thing the Prime Ministers of Britain and Canada have not spent the last nine months lecturing the President of the United States about how he is wrong about everything.”
Trump, I think, is well aware of our state backed broadcaster, the Mayor of our capitol, our MPs etc., etc..
Pinheads like Trudeau, May and Khan think they can disrespect the President and there will be no consequences.
President Trump is half-British, he was ready to be our best friend, and all he got was snide lectures about how he was “wrong” about everything. Imagine the response Trudeau or May will get if they pick up the phone now and try to talk to the President. As for the pathetic prick Khan, I doubt the President would even take his call.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
Donald Trump – the real person, that you can never get from the BBC, is very shrewd & worked out May early on – when he criticised her publicly after he had seen May talking with a BBC correspondent – who later in a joint news conference with the President, fed May a question, intended for May’s imagined home audience, offering May the chance to criticise Donald Trump on some perceived Trump policy or comment.
That incident was during Theresa May’s first visit to Washington as Prime-Minister. Mr Trump responding to that question from the BBC stooge inferred that Theresa May was a back-stabber – saying one thing to your face and doing another thing in private.
And that is exactly one of the personality traits of Theresa May that can be ascertained from reading stuff that people who know her have written. And this is one of the reasons why Theresa May is not a good leader.
I’ve seen the figure of £10 billion being quoted as our payment to the eu for our pension liabilities.
Why not tell them we will pay our own mep’s pensions instead of handing such a huge sum over to them.
What sort of pension for a few hundred workers has a pension pot of £10,000,000,000.00
What do each of them get a year? £500,000?
Puts my £6,000 into perspective, especially as the bbc keep telling me that nurses (on a minimum of £24,000) have to use food banks to exist.
If you include this £10 billion to the £20 billion that May couldn’t offer quick enough that now becomes £30 billion and I’m sure there will be lots more billions the eu will demand.
They really want to screw us for as much as possible. Some ‘friends’ eh!
If only places like the bbc would give true impartial news we would get another 20-30% of the population behind us leavers but they only want to show their eu loving/UK hating spin of the news.
With Teresa selling out the treasury, soon we will be told that it is far too expensive to leave the EU. Therefore, we have to have a new referendum to sign of on the deal to give away the bank.
With Teresa insulting the USA at every opportunity, it will be back to the EU on bended knee.
With annuity rates down to 3% I can quite believe any telephone number value for pensions.
For example a newly qualified teacher earns a right to a pension in their first year equivalent to their whole salary, when expressed as a lump sum needed to buy the equivalent pension right as an annuity on the open market.
A £45k ‘package’ does not however tug the heartstrings of the gullible in the way that a £23k ‘salary’ does.
But I do agree with you that we should just look after our own liabilities ourselves.
If ever a split in the Conservative party is justified it must surely be know. Boris, JRM, Redwood and all other high profile politicos and business leaders must get together and have a concerted campaign to put an end to this farce. I couldn’t give a flying f%$* if it postpones their future careers, they need to realise this needs to be done now. May has become a traitor while holding the highest office in this country and needs to be stopped now.
Amazed how quickly opinion can turn against a politician – she can’t lead her two parties for much longer because she can’t run an election campaign to save her political life
Synch & Fed, I think May has to make a serious attempt to deliver Brexit now otherwise anything less will lead to a Party fight, her loss of leadership and a successor (doesn’t matter who) unable to carry on without calling a GE to justify their Premiership. That will open up the risk of a Corbyn-led Labour getting into No.10.
Think the Tories will try to spin this out all the way to 2022. That was the view on the TODAY (that’s twice this Thread without a typo?!!!) Programme this a.m. and I agree.
1. There will be trouble at constituency level in getting out canvassers for those Ministers and others who were ‘no-shows’ back in June AND also getting out those who are concerned that Brexit may be sabotaged
2. It’s very much up to Philip Hammond now to come up with a successful Budget (a series of them, really), a) to save his backside, b) to re-energise Party workers, c) to counter-Corbyn & make his avowed policies appear undeliverable, and, d) put the UK in a strong economic position anyway but also to do so because a ‘bump’/the next recession/The Big Economic Crisis gets ever closer as the years pass.
3. The more time that passes before the next GE provides the possibility of Labour in-fighting erupting again … and again … and again.
They just need to promise the earth like labour did – free elderly care – subsidised this and low tax that – they were stupid enough to vote labour on the strength of that so modernist it – national free wi fi system – stuff under 40 voters will like
Nis ,
It’s the memory problem. Older people remember what labour did to Blighty and the kids will have to cause us all pain again .
Corbin will spend his time blaming , you, me , the markets , and Uncle Tom Cobley before it all comes crashing down again
There is a major problem for Labour, which has fast been turned into a cult, the cult of Corbyn.
All cults, and similar organisations have a major issue in the event that something happens to their leader.
Corbyn is 70-odd. If he were to fall seriously ill, or worse, what would happen? None of his acolytes have anything resembling leadership ability (its arguable whether he has) and none of the moderates are acceptable to the membership.
Someone could be a great leader. But then again he might be a great leader at directing a party and a country (if he gets into power) over a cliff and into the abyss.
Yes, none of these ‘kids’ remember that on Labour’s way out last time, there was a note on the Chancellors desk saying ‘there’s no money left’ !
That’s the trouble with being ‘old’ we have memories. Earlier this week Cleggy said that all those oldies who voted for Brexit are dying off and wont be around to witness the damage they’ve done. FFS !
ANOTHER MEMORY – the film LOGAN’S RUN a world where everyone over 21 is bumped off. Cleggy should be careful what he wishes for, this could become a reality should the time arrive when he becomes a nappy wearing ‘oldy’ !
“Yes, none of these ‘kids’ remember that on Labour’s way out last time, there was a note on the Chancellors desk saying ‘there’s no money left’ !”
It was in an envelope left by the outgoing Chief Secretary to the Treasury (not the Chancellor) Liam Byrne for his successor, who happened to be the rather clueless David Laws. Mr Laws was clearly unaware that it has been a tradition going back generations for outgoing ministers to leave light-hearted notes for their successors.
IT WAS A JOKE. Not a very good joke, to be sure, but a joke all the same. People as clueless as Mr Laws have been trying to milk it ever since, unaware that the rest of the world knows it’s not to be taken seriously. After all, there was plenty found in the Treasury when David Cameron wanted to bomb Libya. That ended well, didn’t it!
BBC = Radio Greenpeace
Today I spot a whole series of “Our green dogma” programmes
8:42am R4Today Organization called PlanB Earth are to sue government over the Energy scedule re CO2 for keeping temp rise to 1.5%(sic)
… like Client earth sued over air quality.
…David King was speaking in support.
9am R5 Had a phone in about phasing out plastics
Incredibly the presenter moved into eco-campaigner mode, insisting to each caller
“I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
9:30am R4 The colour Green :”It’s used without limitation to boost the environmental credentials … “green-washing”,
…. A current Royal Horticultural Society campaign, Greening of the Grey, aims to bring more green spaces to our towns and cities. Wayne visits RHS Wisley to meet Science Director Alistair Griffiths, gardeners and visitors to discover more about the power of green.”
9pm R4’s weekly Green Programme Costing The Earth :
Senior Conservative politician, John Gummer, now Lord Deben, created the Environment Agency in 1995. He tells us that the organisation has become too cosy to government and has lost its independence.
(The won’t mention that Lord Deben sist on the Climate Committee has directorship in companies that benefit from green subsidies)
9am R5 R5 now presenter getting each caller to say “I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
..FFS it’s not her job to take a side and campaign
Especially since she uses £1.50 stainless steel straw which would have 1000 years if equivalent CO2 in manufacture
Green is NOT a universal good, cos her kind of green (lots of kids + buying green gimmicks) different from my kind of green (proper science and maths, zero subsidies and gimmicks, discouraging children, getting fracking etc.)
It’s the time of the Nazi party – oops Labour (for now) party conference. The BBC have sent their star reporter Laura Kuenssberg to cover it, yet the Fascists are so full of hate and aggression (allegedly) the BBC has been forced (they claim) to provide Kuenssberg with a bodyguard.
Consider this though. Kuenssberg doesn’t appear to have had any violence directed at her other than the Boos & Hisses expected of the Fascist rabble, although having a body guard might have prevented any. Is there therefore a credible threat? It certainly suits the BBC narrative to say that they are being physically threatened by those on the Left so therefore the accusations of Left wing bias are without foundation.
Wimmins hour on Radio 4 invited Harriet Harperson on for a predictably biased and unchallenged interview in which she almost unbelievably claimed that it was because Laura Kuenssberg was a woman that these threats were being made and that it was sexism within the party, not something more sinister. She went on to claim that it was unacceptable to silence womens voices, again unchallenged.
Well I got news for you Fascists, it’s unacceptable to silence anyone’s voice regardless of their gender, and that is the true equality.
Harperson again unchallenged went on to say that it is unacceptable for any party to intimidate women, well, I don’t see any intimidation from any of the other parties or their supporters, so I think that tells a tale in itself !
Next week sees the Tory conference, and I expect we will see the serried ranks of the Sturmabteilung again attempting to visit violence on those they don’t agree with, all covered up by the BBC and the MEN (Mirror Group), until one of their own gets attacked and then all bets are off (like last time).
We just haven’t got a clue what to do will get on her hind legs and make another appalling misjudged speech which will shy away from dealing with anything difficult or which requires a spine, and the darkness will be deeper than it was before.
Most of us posting here believe that the BBC as a corporate entity is massively biased to the left, but how many believe it is supporting Corbyn and his thugs?
My opinion is that the BBC is a centre Left liberal biased outfit, comfortable in its middle class well paid jobs and careers. It is not as a whole supportive of a hard left agenda which would see them taxed until the pips squeak. Having said that, it will seek to use that position between a hard Left Labour Party and a soft Left Tory party to claim it is neutral and balanced.
The BBC is totalitarian in it’s views (agree or don’t progress or even get in) and cannot be penalised for doing anything wrong such as giving a paedophile celebrity status and allowing him to groom kids on national TV.
Personally, I can’t help wondering if the whole Kuenssberg goon squad business is just a smokescreen. The BBC has been as droolingly sycophantic as ever in its coverage of the comrades’ tea part in Brighton this week. Claiming that they are having to protect Kuenssberg from the Paul Mason lookalikes with the donkey jackets and socks filled with wet sand is awfully convenient.
You are right when you say the BBC is generally liberal Left and probably not fully behind McDonnell and his Stasi types but enough inside the Corporation are to make it a serious threat.
Where is Maxwell Knight and MI5 as it once was? Someone needs to be rooting out this nest of Marxist vipers and it isn’t being done.
I guess the question is: given the choice between a further Conservative government or a Corbyn/Momentum-led Labour (in name only) government, which would the BBC prefer?
I think we all know the answer to that one. Even though the BBC are fully-aware that the Labour Party is now little more than an outpost of radical Communists posing (for now) as ‘democratic socialists’ they would be more than happy to welcome in Chairman Corbyn and his Red Guards at the next election. They are already preparing the mood music, gladly couching Corbyn and his cronies as a ‘government-in-waiting’.
I posted this elsewhere yesterday, but I think it’s appropriate:
“…When Khmer Rouge tanks entered Phnom Penh in 1975 they were greeted with flowers and cheers. Within two days the brutal, rag-tag regime had emptied the entire city at gun-point of almost 3 million people. It took another year for Pol Pot to reveal to the world that the Khmer Rouge were, in fact, called The Communist Party of Kampuchea. In all, the CPK would go on to murder almost a fifth of Cambodia’s population as it pursued its ‘super great leap forward’ towards a Communist agrarian utopia.”
Thoughtful “Most of us posting here believe that the BBC as a corporate entity is massively biased to the left, but how many believe it is supporting Corbyn and his thugs?
My opinion is that the BBC is a centre Left liberal biased outfit, comfortable in its middle class well paid jobs and careers. It is not as a whole supportive of a hard left agenda which would see them taxed until the pips squeak. Having said that, it will seek to use that position between a hard Left Labour Party and a soft Left Tory party to claim it is neutral and balanced.
Don’t be fooled. It is not.”
I agree.
I think that’s why Laura P-t Kuenssberg went for Labour leaders during GE2017 because she saw her Edinburgh/London lifestyle reduced somewhat. Labour from 1997-2010 handed big money to the BBC (and others) and taxed them lightly. I don’t think Labour’s spending plans add up but they have indicated a clear Income Tax increase not just for Top Rate band earners.
One expert caller managed to get thru
If like Sheffield and most of Europe you use plastic as a fuel in high temperature incinerators, it’s safe and there are no harmful residues
Point is all plastic can be burned safely in high temperature incinerators.
Stew, quite right but sadly the wider public do not know that. Earth to earth. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. Could it be because their ‘favourite’ broadcaster has not informed and educated them?
It could – in the process – be used to generate electricity.
For the life of me I fail to understand why, us the consumer, are being blamed for the destruction of wildlife by plastic. ITS THE MANUFACTURERS you dumbos ! we only use what they produce. STOP the manufacturing and the problem is solved. I didn’t put in a requisition for a container other than glass in which to put my lemonade. As kids we took the bottles back for 2d to spend on sweets. I have my milk delivered – still in glass bottles, yet millions buy milk in plastic from the shops ! Get the scientists to come up with an alternative, but don’t browbeat us that its OUR fault.
Given the extent to which the UK’s broadcast media is in hock to the Green industry (Greenpeace, FoE, WWF etc etc) I’m waiting for some impartial evidence before I start worrying about this.
We’ve been lied to too many times in the past by ecoloons and the BBC.
Exactly mostly what we get is emotional blackmail and assertion
..rather than proper evidence
One sick turtle is sad, but that shouldn’t change a whole industry
“Baby out with the bathwater”
Aside : by subsidising solar/wind/biofuel you discourage plastic being used as a fuel
Exactly mostly what we get is emotional blackmail and assertion
..rather than proper evidence
One sick turtle is sad, but that shouldn’t change a whole industry
“Baby out with the bathwater”
Aside : by subsidising solar/wind/biofuel you discourage plastic being used as a fuel
Love him or loathe him, Trump has guts. He’s taken on, at various times, not just the Democrats, but the entire so-called Liberal Establishment, the Deep State, half his own Party, the msm and broadcast networks, Hollywood, the luvvies and the music industry, his own Intelligence Services, some of his military, the Judiciary, Gays, Transgenders and Feminists, Academia, East and West Coast ‘Liberals’ and ‘Progressives’, assorted minority interest groups like BLM and Antifa; the Chinese, the Mexicans, the North Koreans, the Germans, Merkel, the EU, Muslims worldwide. Most recently the NFL and that most sacred of sacred cows: ‘Blackism’ and the black victimhood and grievance industry to which we are all expected to genuflect, unquestioningly, in perpetuity.
Oh, and the Pope for good measure.
And best of all, our very own dearly beloathed Beebistan, with his immortal ‘another beauty’ comment.
Even the cashier at my local supermarket was telling all and sundry that she hated Trump, in the cosy certainty that all agreed. He’s the one man it’s ok to hate – nay, it’s ‘de rigueur’ in polite society and among the chatterati and the bien-pensants.
The question is, can he possibly survive such an array of raging enemies for long?
Jon Sopel and Tesco cashiers are formidable foes. Well, more the latter, he’s a bit of a drip.
Trump has been voted ‘The most dangerous man in the world’ ahead of Kim Jung Un !
One dippy snowflake when asked why she had voted for Trump instead of Jung Un replied that ‘he’s just a bit naughty’.
A man heading a totally oppressive state which murders its citizens on a whim and now has control of thermo nuclear weapons, with the possible delivery vehicle as well is “just a bit naughty”! What planet are these snowflakes on, because who ever is telling them this rubbish needs to be taken out and shot!
– Is this sarcasm from Gary ‘£1.75m 100% BBC Approved Guideline Twitter Comments’ Lineker?
– Does he feel he speaks ‘eloquently and sensibly’ about politics?
– Does he mean it and wants to apply it to himself?
– Has Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker found a single positive in Brexit (political debate) yet from one of his 6.6M Twitter Followers (up 0.1M). One twitter follower must have voted for leaving the EU?
Westminster attack witness ‘inappropriately interrogated’ { }
A student caught up in the Westminster terror attack has told the BBC’s Asian Network she was inappropriately interrogated by counter-terrorism officers after the incident. Miriam Walker-Khan, 23, who is currently on a BBC training scheme, was at Portcullis House on a university trip when the attack took place in March. After witnessing the fallout of the attack and being locked down in the building for several hours, the journalism graduate, whose father is Muslim, provided police with a statement.
– Does not say how long interview/interrogation took. 2 minutes? 1 hour?
– Police ask awkward questions, person not arrested unjustly but felt like a criminal.
– Is her father an Iman possibly or on a watch list?
– Woman didn’t make a formal complaint (so couldn’t have been that bad) but was willing to talk to the BBC and say she felt like a criminal.
– Did the BBC contact the police (do some journalism) to say why questions asked or just let her talk?
– Story is one sided … and not formal complaint raised, so she was OK really?
Kuwaiti woman arrested for driving her father to hospital in Saudi Arabia { nov2013}
A Kuwaiti woman has reportedly been arrested in Saudi Arabia for trying to drive her father to hospital, a week after Saudi women protested against a ban on female drivers.
The woman, who said her diabetic father could not drive and needed to be taken to hospital for treatment, is being held in custody pending an investigation, the paper said, citing police.
I just got a news flash to my phone from the Beeb about how Labour are going to sort out housing. It might as well just be a press release from the Labour Party.
Where is the best place to be a woman in Britain? {old post}
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live.”
“Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety.”
What the BBC isn’t telling you today (there’s still time yet though!)
Corrupt police officer at centre of crime gang grew cannabis in his home
Hemayat Enayat, a former PC in GMP’s Trafford division, accessed police computer systems to pass on information to an organised crime group
So much for the vibrancy of diversity which ethnic and religious quotas have on sensitive state institutions, where the Fascists simply don’t care about what goes wrong, and because the statistics will not show the crimes committed by ethnics Fascists within the BBC will no doubt be claiming once again (yes they’ve done it before) that the Police are fitting up Muslims on corruption charges, rather than the truth that Muslims are in reality institutionally corrupt.
A lesson for young voters that freedom-hating Corbynistas would take away their cheap holidays and travel. Socialism isn’t cool kids
Stew, I spotted that too. Thought Cox was quite good though and was surprised how he stuck it – in a very subtle way (too subtle maybe?) – to the Global Climate Change Warming Mob. Thought I heard Horrorbin wincing. 🙂
If you keep telling people every single day, that they are the problem, that they are evil or stupid or dangerous…when these people are good people, only doing whats best for their families, they love their country, they never break the law and they know they are doing nothing wrong…when you keep telling people every day that they ARE bad people because of how they think, because of how they vote, because of what they believe is the best way to go forward as a country (which is all our right), or because they have white skin; then these very same people will look on those abusing them, attacking them, and calling them bad people, and realise those attacking them are the real bad people
Keep hope. Trump has set the trap for the enemies of America….its happening here too. Most people think like we do havent realised our way of life is being attacked. We can only be called names for so long before the effect loses its power (it already has on us)
I think I am called evil, because I tell the truth. I know I am not stupid because I am a Mensa member. I presume I am called dangerous by middle-class left-wing people because they are not well educated in important subjects such as European Union Governance, Atmospheric Physics, Solar Astronomy, etc. And therefore are fearful of those who are not really dangerous at all, just better educated than anyone employed by the BBC.
I presume that middle-class left-wing people employed by the BBC must be much less intelligent than Brexit voters. There are two pieces of evidence for this: (1) Ideas obtained for writing a satire called W1A (2) The opinion within the BBC that Black people seem more intelligent than the White people employed by the BBC.
I enjoy watching NFL and the Beeb’s coverage of it isn’t bad. The two American pundits, Osi and J Bell, are very entertaining and make a good pairing. Though I really can’t arsed with hearing about their politics and what their take is on Trump.
I watch for the sport and their knowledge and analysis of the sport. Not another bout of tedious, virtue signalling anti Trump lecturing that wouldn’t be able to stand up to even the lamest of questioning.
Rachel Shabi – a favourite talking head on Sky, dressed in designer red at Conference, in discussion with another lady in red – Jo Coburn, on the BBC. To make up the trio (such gravitas) is black and white Laura Kuenssberg – only needed a couple more for the line up, and it would have been a BBC version of Loose Women !
Eddie Izzard is already signed up. Apparently. Nothing says ‘impartiality’ like sticking inside your special bubble. Maybe just a tad hypocritical, perhaps, though?
Why is it that coverage of the Labour conference just seems like a week long party political broadcast replete with warm fuzzy socialism, beards and woolly hats yet the coverage of the Tory party conference is just a week long assault on everything wrong in the world replete with slick haired young Tories, out of control eyebrowed sleeping old Tories and attacks on everyone that wasn’t at the conference the previous week.
It swaps serious discussion for chatty promotion, or just chat, on virtually everything except a handful of right-on causes which, of course, it takes very seriously.
Whist the bBC sung a huge song and dance about how innocent the director of Cage was after he was fined for not passing over his phone codes to the old bill: Cage’s Muhammad Rabbani reacts to his conviction
They never mentioned this intimidation tactic used by Muslims:
TV cheats cos reality isn’t good enough.
Now proof that French It’s A Knockout was rigged.
A presenter confessed in a new lawsuit
‘1997 We did it routinely, to make better stories
when I was caught by photographers I took the rap and was fired and paid off with a confidentiality agreement, then let back into the company..
Now they’ve fired me again so I’ll tell..I was acting under orders’
– I wonder how much the BBC TV Tax payer, under threat of prison, paid the likes of Stuart Hall to give him access to children and a celebrity status to make him untouchable?
– The series (It’s a Knockout) was broadcast on BBC1 from 7 August 1966 to 30 July 1982,
Reflecting on the Labour conference. This lot are probably worse than I thought. If they win the next election we will be back in the USSR in the blink of an eye. Why has this bunch of no hopers suddenly been elevated to this position. I think that there are many reasons but some of the key ones are:
1The constant leftist propaganda of the BBC for the past forty years
2 The take over almost the entire educational establishment by the left which was consolidated under Blair and which has succeeded in so dumbing down education that many people under forty are incapable of thinking for themselves. Fertile ground for the BBC.
3 The Remainers who woke up the young and impressionable voters in their attempt to overturn the referendum result. Many Remainers also probably voted Labour at the last GE to teach the stories a lesson . I hope they return to the Tories for the next election.
The BBC are gladly parroting Momentum’s spin about Labour now being ‘a government in waiting’. In BBC Land, just saying something can really make it happen. Especially if they just keep saying it. Over. And. Over.
We now have years ahead in which Momentum can work with their comrades inside the msm to propagate the cult of the Dear Leader as the next Prime Minister Apparent. No longer will Chairman Corbyn be lampooned for being the ageing old socialist reactionary he is, but rather as a wise, beneficent Leader-in-Waiting, the champion of ‘social justice’ and defender of the worker-peasant class.
Meanwhile, the communists inside Momentum can draw up their plans for the collective. It’s as if the 20th century had no lessons to teach us.
I’m afraid Mrs May is pretty useless and a ditherer.No leadership qualities .She needs to retire gracefully.She has no vision .Corbyn has a vision albeit we will end up in penury. It needs someone to take apart his socialist dream and take apart the BBC.Every institution is stuffed with Marxists not only education .Some one needs to have the guts to dismantle it.But who ? Where is our Thatcher and Tebbitt?
Is that a Knob or a Nob? My dictionary gives 2 different definitions. The Rt.Hon. Member must hold some sort of attraction if he’s been married 3 times.
I think you have made some good points here. Also, speaking to some young and some not so young people I found that all of them were of the opinion that a Labour government would cancel all student debts which of course they felt would remove a great burden from both parents and students. I have read one quote at least by a former Labour minister saying that his government considered something like this but found it was not affordable.
I’m not sure that the Labour Party ever promised this but with the appropriate spin on the way it was reported in the largely left wing media and no doubt by college lecturers, it had the desired effect. All done by innuendo and the students took the bait and voted Labour and put the country in the hole it now finds itself in.
Labour believes education should be free, and we will restore this principle. No one should be put off educating themselves for lack of money or through fear of debt.
There is a real fear that students are being priced out of university education.
Last year saw the steepest fall in university applications for 30 years.
Since the Conservatives came to power, university tuition fees have been trebled to over £9,000 a year,
and maintenance grants have been abolished and replaced with loans.
The average student now graduates from university, and starts their working life, with debts of £44,000.
Labour will reintroduce maintenance grants for university students, and we will abolish university tuition fees.
University tuition is free in many northern European countries, and under a Labour government it will
be free here too.
19 th July 2017: Labour retracts tuition fees pledge as Angela Rayner says there are ‘no plans’ to write-off student debt. Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner said there had been “no plans” to write-off existing loans and her party “never promised to do so”. [The Telegraph]
The Corbyn is not for turning, he is a man that sticks to his principles.
4) People are not interested in the Real News or Politics because it’s too hard to think about it and we have new role models in the world ….
Keeping Up with the Kardashians … guidance for new parents …
She is also one of the worst parents I have seen presented on a TV show in a long time. This is a women who harassed her daughter into posing naked for Playboy that clearly made her uncomfortable; a daughter who was trying to fight off the stigma of the sex tape. This is a women who gave out her daughter’s private cellphone number in the middle of an argument because she criticized her (bad) management. This is a women who openly admits to living vicariously through her children (specifically in the Playboy episode).
Sudden backdated 8% payrise for 700 BBC journalism workers.
Team #1 at BBC news have traditionally been paid more cos of threat of poaching from ITV
Team #2 at BBC World Service & BBC monitoring were paid less
A survey by PWC has found this out.
How could people not have known ?
Is giving team #2 a big salary rise the best use of public money ?
He was effectively sacked from all but his late night programme , which has few viewers, because he was insufficiently pro Remain. So much for BBC impartiality. The BBC has form on this because many years ago, the early seventies , an equally famous presenter, Jack DeManio , was sacked for not being pro Europe when Heath was trying to get us into the Common Market, which of course he knew was just an early stage of the United States of Europe. Brillo has been quite disparaging of some influential Remainers e.g. Nick Clegg , of whom he asked why the Lib Dems bothered with the Democratic bit of their name when they refused to accept the referendum result. Do that often enough and the liberal left will get rid of you if they can and you are on very thin ice if you work for the BBC and don’t tow the liberal left agenda. Consequently few BBC presenters ever dare to spout anything other than the approved liberal left world view. I wonder if it written into their contracts that some of their pension depends on them supporting the BBC in retirement and never saying anything negative about it. Just like the EU does to its grandees.
Watched Corbin s over hyped – under deliveredspeach. . When I heard a beeboid called Eleanor garnier deliver an ‘ analysis’ in the 5 o’clock news I thought she was a Labour Party spokes man .
She either feels threatened by the extreme left or wants s better job to have delivered such biased tripe
Corbyns 75 minute speech had some very chilling aspects about it
Hailing a shift to the Left among voters, he said a ‘modern socialism’ of nationalisation, state regulation and increased union influence was now the political centre ground and his team was a ‘government in waiting.
Worrying….. I am sure 60,000,000 people died the last time a lunatic came out with this type of rhetoric.
Ah, ‘Union influence’ – I remember that. Beer and sandwiches at number 10, closed shops, restrictive practices, ghost workers and what was it? Ah yes, strikes, lots and lot’s of strikes.
If Corbyn gets in, just as in Russia 1917 we’ll have the mad scramble followed by disappointment, frustration, bankruptcy, and failure. And lot’s of shocked faces, just as then, all wondering what on Earth went wrong.
With his usual calm, erudition, eloquence and wit, Douglas Murray exposes how good our political classes are at mercilessly crushing the ‘secondary problems’ while wilfully ignoring the primary problem.
Sorry to re-post this from earlier (thank you MarkyMark) but it deserves to be seen – before the fast-approaching day when it’s illegal. Sad.
At the risk of boring the esteemed readers of this blog, I’ve typed out a short extract of the final words of Douglas Murray’s above talk:
“We’ve learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards; we’ve learned that most of our artistic establishment are cowards; and that most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learned that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves and each other on the back for their bravery stop when an actual act of bravery may be required; we have watched as the entire liberal class of artists and writers and thinkers stop just at the point where bravery is needed.”
Give that man a medal for bravery. That rarest of bravery: the intellectual courage to speak a deeply unpopular truth that must be spoken — or we’re doomed.
The United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a subpoena to the FBI and Department of Justice for documents including all internal FBI reports relating to the accusations about Trump’s behaviour in Russia. This dossier was compiled by a former British spy, Christopher Steele, who was commissioned by the opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, which is thought to have been paid for the work by wealthy supporters of Hillary Clinton.
The original deadline for producing these documents was 1st September. The deadline has been extended twice and yet the FBI has still not responded. Congress is thus being obstructed in its constitutional duty by the FBI.
In March I did say that it looks like the evidence that Obama and the Democrat swamp in the FBI used Russia mania as an excuse to get GCHQ to look at Trump’s emails, phone calls and financial transactions, is to be revealed in Congressional hearings. But up to now, the FBI are refusing to reveal their criminal acts to Congress.
The reasons for this obstruction are thought to be the decision to insert GCHQ as a back door to eavesdrop on Trump and his associates. GCHQ did not work from London or Cheltenham. In fact the British agents worked from NSA’s headquarters in Fort Meade, with direct NSA supervision and guidance to conduct sweeping surveillance on Trump associates.
The British GCHQ employees looked at his emails and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone using GTE.
Also, Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump. Obama got the Justice Department to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June 2016, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance. It has been reported that Trump was “named” in the application, but the FISA court apparently found the Justice Department’s presentation to be so weak that it refused to authorize the surveillance. Unwilling to take no for an answer, Obama got the Justice Department to go back to the FISA court in October 2016, this application was much narrower than the earlier one and did not mention Donald Trump. The FISA Court granted this application.
I suppose it’s a tradition for a nations first Black President to try and use the nations intelligence agencies to work in favour of himself and his political party. But it does look like the biggest crime of the Century would be exposed if the FBI complied with the request from Congress.
Richard Pinder
I would imagine that if the said documents contain anything damaging to Trump then the left wing media, (which includes the BBC) news reporters would by now be making snide insinuations and speculations with the customary serious and authoritative expression as they look into the camera.
How can anyone actually take these clowns seriously? Well for most of my life I did. Now I just feel contempt.
Drop The Dead Donkey was not too far from the truth. Repeats anyone? Only this time on the BBC.
It’s still there: ‘I want to get rid of my Polish accent’
A thinly veiled attack by al beeb on the nasty Brexiteers who make this Polish woman feel unwanted.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Poles, am thinking of moving to Poland when this country finally goes down, some time next week at this rate.
But this non-story is NOT of national interest: it’s a woman going to elocution classes ffs; just another piece of beebistan agitprop.
Given The Canary has been teed up as a nifty complement to the Graun and Independent for sage insights and true representation of the public by certain BBC programmes, this looks fun:
Maybe this "story" was suggested by one of those paying The Canary £250 a month to be an "Executive Producer"?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Beat you to it Brissles.
EG.. lol !
Bugger – I’ll have to set the alarm clock earlier !
I find it easier to come a close second or third by tagging onto the ‘reply’ option!.. until someone else tags on the ‘reply’ to the above!
Its been tough, but have managed to avoid all BBC coverage of the Labour moderates’ surrender at Brighton. I bet its been a right ole BBC celebration of the newly adopted Corbyn Cult, formerly known as the Labour Party.
I’m wondering to what extent the message is reaching non-members and cultists, and whether the voter at large is hunkering down and simply keeping schtoom at all the nonsense coming out of the conference hall or whether they have bought into it, but I imagine I wouldn’t be able to tell. Certainly can’t from SkyNews reporting.
nfop, sure was! Another piece of evidence of possible BBC pro-Labour bias was heard at approx. 8.20am with Mishal Husain speaking ‘very warmly’ on R4’s TODAY Programme about the Party conference. Listen again on iPlayer.
Hmmmn …..
… it will be very interesting to hear the tone used for the Conservative Party conference.
I wrote this this morning after I heard it, I think it’s worth reading again.
Radio 4 Today 6.45am……Mishel Hussain starts a new report with, “Jeremy will address the conference today…”.
Dang, you’re good, Cassandra! Excellent ear….
Cassandra, bit of a giveaway, isn’t it? That’s the trouble with radio at times. It provides a lot more information to the careful listener than speakers expect.
I heard this too Cassandra – But did not mention it as I thought my ears were playing tricks on me!
Mishel – Dont you think youre getting just a little bit too cosy with ” Oh Jeremy” these days
Whats that you say Mishel – “No because the BBC and the left are now one and the same, professionalism is so very, very yesterday darlings and besides my bosses said they will be cool with it because these days we are all working for the same end anyway”
Oh OK Mishel thats alright then!
Its funny sometimes that is the little things that make the biggest noise!
Apparently comrade Robinson is delivering a lecture for the first Steve Hewlett commemoration tomorrow night . Apparently there is a lot of albeeb navel gazing about the young and others bi passing albeeb another’s to get their news / info from other sources .
One issue seems to be that msm won’t give air time to views it doesn’t follow . As I live and breath they need a speech for that !!
I didn’t bother as I could guess the left al beeb love in so I’m guessing the anti Corbin part of the socialist party have been packed away . They normally roll out Kinnock and an ‘ elder statesman ” of the party like Hattie or some other Blair babe . Not this time eh?
No fan,
I’ve avoided it too – haven’t listen to much Toady programme but today felt like a celebration of the new labour government under that wonderful statesman – Corbin . Next week will be a mournful expression of splits and fights to give fellow socialists and remainers.
I notice £650k pa Humphrey’s take a new line when chatting to a cheese eating surrender monkey (French enemy) asking when the conditions will be right for our return to the EU.
Perhaps that’s the new line. Assume we will actually leave but immediately agitate like 6th formers for our inevitable return to the EU and thus the EU army and Euro. Then the eureich army can run Barbarossa again and get Russia invaded before the winter sets in.
Without American help, the EU army will not get any further then the Rhine. And with having to stock up on “all gender” items, there wont be much space in an armoured personnel carrier for any shells.
Ha ha I know – I think the cause of the next European civil war will be the argument between the krauts and the frogs over which language will be EU speak now that we are withdrawing our language from them .
I joke because 27 countries could never decide whether to go to war . The Russian army would be paddling in the English Channel first .
Fedup2 – That isn’t a joke. The infighting in the old EEC about languages to use in certan technical sessions had to be heard to be believed. When simultaneous translation was not provided English was most common but the French always tried to insist on French. I was never asked to use German. The best we got on where there was a problem was each using his(her) preferred tongue.
Fedup… I think the play with regard to Brexit cancellation lies within the transition period which ends (as you know) in 2021, theoretically.
Won’t take much to get to 2021 and the powers that be say we’re not ready. All of a sudden we’re into 2022 and the next GE becomes a 2nd Referendum.
Is that a plan?
I disagree – I believe it is joke – I am fully aware of the language issue having had the misfortune of having to study EU competition law at post grad. Which is why I am also amused by al beeb and others accusing me of being ill informed about understanding Brexit .
And no fan,
I do worry about the electorate being worn down by transition which might make the economy shaky as a ressession sets in due to the economic cycle – int rates or oil rising
Funny you should mention that inevitable return…Mr. Macron of France has a plan for that, I believe. ..
I can’t prove that the US sticking a draconian import tax on Canadian Bombardier jets, part built in Ireland and the UK providing over 1000 jobs, has anything to do with anything Trudeau, Khan and May etc., said about Trump.
They are such f*****g idiots to think that they can pour vitriol on a country’s President and there could never be consequences.
May did make a call to Trump on the matter and voilà.
There have always been elements in the US who believe that they have a God given right to supply the rest of the world with aircraft.
I don’t think it’s anything new.
Maybe so but Airbus get on fine.
Clare is quite right. The history of the British aircraft industry post WWII is a depressing study. Effectively, it was wiped out by US muscle power (often applied corruptly) and the usual government ineptitude from our own side.
The attack on Bombardier by the US is symptomatic of what goes on is US courts on a daily basis, where US companies are allowed to get away with murder and foreign competitors are routinely disadvantaged and discriminated against.
The story of the Avro Arrow is similarly depressing. When the Canadian government cancelled it, they virtually wiped out the Canadian aerospace industry. Now what is left may be destroyed, and with it many jobs in Northern Ireland.
It’s a good thing the Prime Ministers of Britain and Canada have not spent the last nine months lecturing the President of the United States about how he is wrong about everything. Now would be a good time to use some of that goodwill they must have built up with him to try and get this problem sorted.
That’s interesting. I recall being told some time ago that Canada had also been on the receiving end but I didn’t know the details.
So far as Airbus is concerned, I recall American accusations of European subsidies, ignoring indirect subsidies to Boeing through military contracts.
I don’t think there is much to say in favour of either Airbus or Boeing in that respect. Both get a lot of help they probably shouldn’t.
What is interesting, and particularly relevant to this site, is the way the BBC crawls all over Airbus, which it sees as a flag carrier for the EU.
India is adding airline passengers faster than any other country, and it needs more planes to carry them: 1,080 more, to be precise.{money.cnn jun2017}
Air travel in Africa is needlessly hard and costly. Open skies would make it cheaper { feb2016}
“Airbus, which it sees as a flag carrier for the EU.”
Which is a bit silly since Concorde, an example of cooperation, was flying before we joined.
I know, but if you keep an eye on the BBC’s coverage of such matters it is beyond doubt that the Corporation strongly favours Airbus. There can only be one reason.
The “silly” refers to the BBC, not your comment, which is true.
It’s OK – I realised that.
Rob, you are being sarcastic, surely?
“It’s a good thing the Prime Ministers of Britain and Canada have not spent the last nine months lecturing the President of the United States about how he is wrong about everything.”
Trump, I think, is well aware of our state backed broadcaster, the Mayor of our capitol, our MPs etc., etc..
Pinheads like Trudeau, May and Khan think they can disrespect the President and there will be no consequences.
President Trump is half-British, he was ready to be our best friend, and all he got was snide lectures about how he was “wrong” about everything. Imagine the response Trudeau or May will get if they pick up the phone now and try to talk to the President. As for the pathetic prick Khan, I doubt the President would even take his call.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
{old post}
Add Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Haidt, Stephen Hicks, Thomas diLorenzo to that must-watch list.
The other way to say: “Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose” is “When everyone’s somebody, then nobody’s anybody.”
If every schoolkid gets A+ on their A-levels, then the entire point of exams is destroyed. Which of course is the way that the SJW activists want it.
Being losers as they are, they naturally want to level the playing field, which actually means tilting it against the majority of ordinary people.
Donald Trump – the real person, that you can never get from the BBC, is very shrewd & worked out May early on – when he criticised her publicly after he had seen May talking with a BBC correspondent – who later in a joint news conference with the President, fed May a question, intended for May’s imagined home audience, offering May the chance to criticise Donald Trump on some perceived Trump policy or comment.
That incident was during Theresa May’s first visit to Washington as Prime-Minister. Mr Trump responding to that question from the BBC stooge inferred that Theresa May was a back-stabber – saying one thing to your face and doing another thing in private.
And that is exactly one of the personality traits of Theresa May that can be ascertained from reading stuff that people who know her have written. And this is one of the reasons why Theresa May is not a good leader.
I’ve seen the figure of £10 billion being quoted as our payment to the eu for our pension liabilities.
Why not tell them we will pay our own mep’s pensions instead of handing such a huge sum over to them.
What sort of pension for a few hundred workers has a pension pot of £10,000,000,000.00
What do each of them get a year? £500,000?
Puts my £6,000 into perspective, especially as the bbc keep telling me that nurses (on a minimum of £24,000) have to use food banks to exist.
If you include this £10 billion to the £20 billion that May couldn’t offer quick enough that now becomes £30 billion and I’m sure there will be lots more billions the eu will demand.
They really want to screw us for as much as possible. Some ‘friends’ eh!
If only places like the bbc would give true impartial news we would get another 20-30% of the population behind us leavers but they only want to show their eu loving/UK hating spin of the news.
With Teresa selling out the treasury, soon we will be told that it is far too expensive to leave the EU. Therefore, we have to have a new referendum to sign of on the deal to give away the bank.
With Teresa insulting the USA at every opportunity, it will be back to the EU on bended knee.
With annuity rates down to 3% I can quite believe any telephone number value for pensions.
For example a newly qualified teacher earns a right to a pension in their first year equivalent to their whole salary, when expressed as a lump sum needed to buy the equivalent pension right as an annuity on the open market.
A £45k ‘package’ does not however tug the heartstrings of the gullible in the way that a £23k ‘salary’ does.
But I do agree with you that we should just look after our own liabilities ourselves.
Its not just MEPs though, there’s a whole host of ex-commissioners with their snouts in the trough. Without a great deal of thought, I can list:
Kinnock x 2
+ all those civil servants assigned to Brussels over the years.
£10bn is far too much though, and agree, we’d be better of managing this ourselves
‘Sign in and sod off’: MEPs (2) caught on camera ‘turning up to work for just a few minutes a day in order to claim €300 expenses’ {dailymail jun2013}
… wonder why the EU needs £100bn? (£20bn was the first cut of many) ….
Critics attack the EU for demanding that David Cameron pays a £1.7 billion bill despite an official audit failing to give a clean bill of health to more than £100 billion of Brussels spending {telegraph nov2014}
A Brussels whistleblower sacked for alleging that EU book-keeping was riddled with “slush funds and fraud” vowed to fight on after she lost her battle against wrongful dismissal. {telegraph nov2007}
“It is unbelievable for me that the judges would find it admissible that the chief accountant of the commission can be sacked merely for stating clearly what the Court of Auditors has done every year for more than a decade.”
“Mrs Andreasen was fired in 2005 by her then boss Neil Kinnock for going public three years earlier with revelations of a £130 million discrepancy between two sets of EU accounts.”
We need an accountant with all the figures to sit down and work it out, it’s not rocket science.
If ever a split in the Conservative party is justified it must surely be know. Boris, JRM, Redwood and all other high profile politicos and business leaders must get together and have a concerted campaign to put an end to this farce. I couldn’t give a flying f%$* if it postpones their future careers, they need to realise this needs to be done now. May has become a traitor while holding the highest office in this country and needs to be stopped now.
Sync ,
Amazed how quickly opinion can turn against a politician – she can’t lead her two parties for much longer because she can’t run an election campaign to save her political life
Synch & Fed, I think May has to make a serious attempt to deliver Brexit now otherwise anything less will lead to a Party fight, her loss of leadership and a successor (doesn’t matter who) unable to carry on without calling a GE to justify their Premiership. That will open up the risk of a Corbyn-led Labour getting into No.10.
Think the Tories will try to spin this out all the way to 2022. That was the view on the TODAY (that’s twice this Thread without a typo?!!!) Programme this a.m. and I agree.
1. There will be trouble at constituency level in getting out canvassers for those Ministers and others who were ‘no-shows’ back in June AND also getting out those who are concerned that Brexit may be sabotaged
2. It’s very much up to Philip Hammond now to come up with a successful Budget (a series of them, really), a) to save his backside, b) to re-energise Party workers, c) to counter-Corbyn & make his avowed policies appear undeliverable, and, d) put the UK in a strong economic position anyway but also to do so because a ‘bump’/the next recession/The Big Economic Crisis gets ever closer as the years pass.
3. The more time that passes before the next GE provides the possibility of Labour in-fighting erupting again … and again … and again.
They just need to promise the earth like labour did – free elderly care – subsidised this and low tax that – they were stupid enough to vote labour on the strength of that so modernist it – national free wi fi system – stuff under 40 voters will like
Time to call it a day, chaps. Moneysavingexpert’s poll this week asks for views on (re)nationalisation. All ages overwhelmingly support a totally socialist economy, only aviation gets a split vote. So no chance for a non-tax based BBC.
Nis ,
It’s the memory problem. Older people remember what labour did to Blighty and the kids will have to cause us all pain again .
Corbin will spend his time blaming , you, me , the markets , and Uncle Tom Cobley before it all comes crashing down again
There is a major problem for Labour, which has fast been turned into a cult, the cult of Corbyn.
All cults, and similar organisations have a major issue in the event that something happens to their leader.
Corbyn is 70-odd. If he were to fall seriously ill, or worse, what would happen? None of his acolytes have anything resembling leadership ability (its arguable whether he has) and none of the moderates are acceptable to the membership.
It’s a question someone should ask, surely?
Someone could be a great leader. But then again he might be a great leader at directing a party and a country (if he gets into power) over a cliff and into the abyss.
nfop, that was behind my point @3. above but should have added it in words. The Labour leadership is as elderly as the Tory leadership.
At least they are younger than the LibDems.
Hopefully John Stalin McDonald would take over and destroy the socialist party.
Yes, none of these ‘kids’ remember that on Labour’s way out last time, there was a note on the Chancellors desk saying ‘there’s no money left’ !
That’s the trouble with being ‘old’ we have memories. Earlier this week Cleggy said that all those oldies who voted for Brexit are dying off and wont be around to witness the damage they’ve done. FFS !
ANOTHER MEMORY – the film LOGAN’S RUN a world where everyone over 21 is bumped off. Cleggy should be careful what he wishes for, this could become a reality should the time arrive when he becomes a nappy wearing ‘oldy’ !
“Yes, none of these ‘kids’ remember that on Labour’s way out last time, there was a note on the Chancellors desk saying ‘there’s no money left’ !”
It was in an envelope left by the outgoing Chief Secretary to the Treasury (not the Chancellor) Liam Byrne for his successor, who happened to be the rather clueless David Laws. Mr Laws was clearly unaware that it has been a tradition going back generations for outgoing ministers to leave light-hearted notes for their successors.
IT WAS A JOKE. Not a very good joke, to be sure, but a joke all the same. People as clueless as Mr Laws have been trying to milk it ever since, unaware that the rest of the world knows it’s not to be taken seriously. After all, there was plenty found in the Treasury when David Cameron wanted to bomb Libya. That ended well, didn’t it!
Laws would be unaware of such a tradition going back generations, since it has been generations since the Liberals have been anywhere near government.
BBC = Radio Greenpeace
Today I spot a whole series of “Our green dogma” programmes
8:42am R4Today Organization called PlanB Earth are to sue government over the Energy scedule re CO2 for keeping temp rise to 1.5%(sic)
… like Client earth sued over air quality.
…David King was speaking in support.
9am R5 Had a phone in about phasing out plastics
Incredibly the presenter moved into eco-campaigner mode, insisting to each caller
“I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
9:30am R4 The colour Green :”It’s used without limitation to boost the environmental credentials … “green-washing”,
…. A current Royal Horticultural Society campaign, Greening of the Grey, aims to bring more green spaces to our towns and cities. Wayne visits RHS Wisley to meet Science Director Alistair Griffiths, gardeners and visitors to discover more about the power of green.”
8pm R4 : Clive Anderson and guests discuss the role the law can play in reducing climate change.
9pm R4’s weekly Green Programme Costing The Earth :
Senior Conservative politician, John Gummer, now Lord Deben, created the Environment Agency in 1995. He tells us that the organisation has become too cosy to government and has lost its independence.
(The won’t mention that Lord Deben sist on the Climate Committee has directorship in companies that benefit from green subsidies)
9am R5 R5 now presenter getting each caller to say “I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
..FFS it’s not her job to take a side and campaign
Especially since she uses £1.50 stainless steel straw which would have 1000 years if equivalent CO2 in manufacture
Green is NOT a universal good, cos her kind of green (lots of kids + buying green gimmicks) different from my kind of green (proper science and maths, zero subsidies and gimmicks, discouraging children, getting fracking etc.)
This is serious .. She broke editorial impartiality guidelines by a mile
The entire production team need to be taken off the show for a day for a refresher on the impartiality rules.
They’re out of control if they think their own LibSupremacist values are so superior they have the right to preach to the public.
It’s the time of the Nazi party – oops Labour (for now) party conference. The BBC have sent their star reporter Laura Kuenssberg to cover it, yet the Fascists are so full of hate and aggression (allegedly) the BBC has been forced (they claim) to provide Kuenssberg with a bodyguard.
Consider this though. Kuenssberg doesn’t appear to have had any violence directed at her other than the Boos & Hisses expected of the Fascist rabble, although having a body guard might have prevented any. Is there therefore a credible threat? It certainly suits the BBC narrative to say that they are being physically threatened by those on the Left so therefore the accusations of Left wing bias are without foundation.
Wimmins hour on Radio 4 invited Harriet Harperson on for a predictably biased and unchallenged interview in which she almost unbelievably claimed that it was because Laura Kuenssberg was a woman that these threats were being made and that it was sexism within the party, not something more sinister. She went on to claim that it was unacceptable to silence womens voices, again unchallenged.
Well I got news for you Fascists, it’s unacceptable to silence anyone’s voice regardless of their gender, and that is the true equality.
Harperson again unchallenged went on to say that it is unacceptable for any party to intimidate women, well, I don’t see any intimidation from any of the other parties or their supporters, so I think that tells a tale in itself !
Next week sees the Tory conference, and I expect we will see the serried ranks of the Sturmabteilung again attempting to visit violence on those they don’t agree with, all covered up by the BBC and the MEN (Mirror Group), until one of their own gets attacked and then all bets are off (like last time).
We just haven’t got a clue what to do will get on her hind legs and make another appalling misjudged speech which will shy away from dealing with anything difficult or which requires a spine, and the darkness will be deeper than it was before.
Most of us posting here believe that the BBC as a corporate entity is massively biased to the left, but how many believe it is supporting Corbyn and his thugs?
My opinion is that the BBC is a centre Left liberal biased outfit, comfortable in its middle class well paid jobs and careers. It is not as a whole supportive of a hard left agenda which would see them taxed until the pips squeak. Having said that, it will seek to use that position between a hard Left Labour Party and a soft Left Tory party to claim it is neutral and balanced.
Don’t be fooled. It is not.
The BBC is totalitarian in it’s views (agree or don’t progress or even get in) and cannot be penalised for doing anything wrong such as giving a paedophile celebrity status and allowing him to groom kids on national TV.
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of what a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
The BBC believe they can keep news on their website that hides refugee being nasty …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s”
The BBC can reveal news about EU Referendum campaign using £350 million per week but not refer to it’s own fact finding web pages which show £350m before rebate and £261m after rebate.
The BBC believe all it’s presenters are following the BBC impartial guidelines even when they twitter the following ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘
The BBC report on ‘Canada has quietly granted asylum to LGBT Chechens { sep2017}’ but don’t mention the why or what the leader believes.
A good post, Thoughtful
Personally, I can’t help wondering if the whole Kuenssberg goon squad business is just a smokescreen. The BBC has been as droolingly sycophantic as ever in its coverage of the comrades’ tea part in Brighton this week. Claiming that they are having to protect Kuenssberg from the Paul Mason lookalikes with the donkey jackets and socks filled with wet sand is awfully convenient.
You are right when you say the BBC is generally liberal Left and probably not fully behind McDonnell and his Stasi types but enough inside the Corporation are to make it a serious threat.
Where is Maxwell Knight and MI5 as it once was? Someone needs to be rooting out this nest of Marxist vipers and it isn’t being done.
I guess the question is: given the choice between a further Conservative government or a Corbyn/Momentum-led Labour (in name only) government, which would the BBC prefer?
I think we all know the answer to that one. Even though the BBC are fully-aware that the Labour Party is now little more than an outpost of radical Communists posing (for now) as ‘democratic socialists’ they would be more than happy to welcome in Chairman Corbyn and his Red Guards at the next election. They are already preparing the mood music, gladly couching Corbyn and his cronies as a ‘government-in-waiting’.
I posted this elsewhere yesterday, but I think it’s appropriate:
“…When Khmer Rouge tanks entered Phnom Penh in 1975 they were greeted with flowers and cheers. Within two days the brutal, rag-tag regime had emptied the entire city at gun-point of almost 3 million people. It took another year for Pol Pot to reveal to the world that the Khmer Rouge were, in fact, called The Communist Party of Kampuchea. In all, the CPK would go on to murder almost a fifth of Cambodia’s population as it pursued its ‘super great leap forward’ towards a Communist agrarian utopia.”
Thoughtful “Most of us posting here believe that the BBC as a corporate entity is massively biased to the left, but how many believe it is supporting Corbyn and his thugs?
My opinion is that the BBC is a centre Left liberal biased outfit, comfortable in its middle class well paid jobs and careers. It is not as a whole supportive of a hard left agenda which would see them taxed until the pips squeak. Having said that, it will seek to use that position between a hard Left Labour Party and a soft Left Tory party to claim it is neutral and balanced.
Don’t be fooled. It is not.”
I agree.
I think that’s why Laura P-t Kuenssberg went for Labour leaders during GE2017 because she saw her Edinburgh/London lifestyle reduced somewhat. Labour from 1997-2010 handed big money to the BBC (and others) and taxed them lightly. I don’t think Labour’s spending plans add up but they have indicated a clear Income Tax increase not just for Top Rate band earners.
Solid post Thoughtful.
That’s why they loved Blair when he got in.
Propaganda they’re tweeting
One expert caller managed to get thru
If like Sheffield and most of Europe you use plastic as a fuel in high temperature incinerators, it’s safe and there are no harmful residues
Point is all plastic can be burned safely in high temperature incinerators.
Stew, quite right but sadly the wider public do not know that. Earth to earth. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. Could it be because their ‘favourite’ broadcaster has not informed and educated them?
It could – in the process – be used to generate electricity.
For the life of me I fail to understand why, us the consumer, are being blamed for the destruction of wildlife by plastic. ITS THE MANUFACTURERS you dumbos ! we only use what they produce. STOP the manufacturing and the problem is solved. I didn’t put in a requisition for a container other than glass in which to put my lemonade. As kids we took the bottles back for 2d to spend on sweets. I have my milk delivered – still in glass bottles, yet millions buy milk in plastic from the shops ! Get the scientists to come up with an alternative, but don’t browbeat us that its OUR fault.
Given the extent to which the UK’s broadcast media is in hock to the Green industry (Greenpeace, FoE, WWF etc etc) I’m waiting for some impartial evidence before I start worrying about this.
We’ve been lied to too many times in the past by ecoloons and the BBC.
Exactly mostly what we get is emotional blackmail and assertion
..rather than proper evidence
One sick turtle is sad, but that shouldn’t change a whole industry
“Baby out with the bathwater”
Aside : by subsidising solar/wind/biofuel you discourage plastic being used as a fuel
“One sick turtle is sad, but that shouldn’t change a whole industry”
True, but the threatened extinction of entire species is a catastrophe and certainly should. Be careful what you wish for.
Exactly mostly what we get is emotional blackmail and assertion
..rather than proper evidence
One sick turtle is sad, but that shouldn’t change a whole industry
“Baby out with the bathwater”
Aside : by subsidising solar/wind/biofuel you discourage plastic being used as a fuel
Link back to previous thread first of Wednesday’s posts
Begins with Tucker Carlson
Love him or loathe him, Trump has guts. He’s taken on, at various times, not just the Democrats, but the entire so-called Liberal Establishment, the Deep State, half his own Party, the msm and broadcast networks, Hollywood, the luvvies and the music industry, his own Intelligence Services, some of his military, the Judiciary, Gays, Transgenders and Feminists, Academia, East and West Coast ‘Liberals’ and ‘Progressives’, assorted minority interest groups like BLM and Antifa; the Chinese, the Mexicans, the North Koreans, the Germans, Merkel, the EU, Muslims worldwide. Most recently the NFL and that most sacred of sacred cows: ‘Blackism’ and the black victimhood and grievance industry to which we are all expected to genuflect, unquestioningly, in perpetuity.
Oh, and the Pope for good measure.
And best of all, our very own dearly beloathed Beebistan, with his immortal ‘another beauty’ comment.
Even the cashier at my local supermarket was telling all and sundry that she hated Trump, in the cosy certainty that all agreed. He’s the one man it’s ok to hate – nay, it’s ‘de rigueur’ in polite society and among the chatterati and the bien-pensants.
The question is, can he possibly survive such an array of raging enemies for long?
Jon Sopel and Tesco cashiers are formidable foes. Well, more the latter, he’s a bit of a drip.
Trump has been voted ‘The most dangerous man in the world’ ahead of Kim Jung Un !
One dippy snowflake when asked why she had voted for Trump instead of Jung Un replied that ‘he’s just a bit naughty’.
A man heading a totally oppressive state which murders its citizens on a whim and now has control of thermo nuclear weapons, with the possible delivery vehicle as well is “just a bit naughty”! What planet are these snowflakes on, because who ever is telling them this rubbish needs to be taken out and shot!
Add to the list of his enemies the present Tory Government, the Prime Minister, Speaker of the House and the Mohamidan Mayor of London
“I don’t think it’s wise of politicians to be rude about potential future foreign leaders …. it is overwhelmingly in the British national interests to get on with the President of the United States … in a dangerous World our most important ally is the United States….”
– Jacob Rees-Mogg on Donald Trump – 02Oct2016 {youtube}
Oh dear, do you think it possible that he might just be the one who’s marching out of step?
I’m missing Brillo on the Beeb
KatieH says LBC LibMob are organising a sack campaign against Farage
It’s becoming rather tiresome to keep hearing sportspeople speaking eloquently and sensibly about political issues. Stick to sport. {twitter – Gary Lineker}
Lineker responds to – “Spurs coach Gregg Popovich: Time to decide ‘the decent America we all thought we had and want is more important’ than Pres. Trump’s conduct.”
– Is this sarcasm from Gary ‘£1.75m 100% BBC Approved Guideline Twitter Comments’ Lineker?
– Does he feel he speaks ‘eloquently and sensibly’ about politics?
– Does he mean it and wants to apply it to himself?
– Has Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker found a single positive in Brexit (political debate) yet from one of his 6.6M Twitter Followers (up 0.1M). One twitter follower must have voted for leaving the EU?
How beeboids like David Attenborough view YOU from inside their echo chamber of “enlightenment”
Stew, been taken down?
Needed to be screen captured, saved to your PC then uploaded to an image store website.
Corrected link
Westminster attack witness ‘inappropriately interrogated’ { }
A student caught up in the Westminster terror attack has told the BBC’s Asian Network she was inappropriately interrogated by counter-terrorism officers after the incident. Miriam Walker-Khan, 23, who is currently on a BBC training scheme, was at Portcullis House on a university trip when the attack took place in March. After witnessing the fallout of the attack and being locked down in the building for several hours, the journalism graduate, whose father is Muslim, provided police with a statement.
– Does not say how long interview/interrogation took. 2 minutes? 1 hour?
– Police ask awkward questions, person not arrested unjustly but felt like a criminal.
– Is her father an Iman possibly or on a watch list?
– Woman didn’t make a formal complaint (so couldn’t have been that bad) but was willing to talk to the BBC and say she felt like a criminal.
– Did the BBC contact the police (do some journalism) to say why questions asked or just let her talk?
– Story is one sided … and not formal complaint raised, so she was OK really?
Can anyone please clarify – if women in Saudi Arabia own convertibles are they allowed to go topless?
Kuwaiti woman arrested for driving her father to hospital in Saudi Arabia { nov2013}
A Kuwaiti woman has reportedly been arrested in Saudi Arabia for trying to drive her father to hospital, a week after Saudi women protested against a ban on female drivers.
The woman, who said her diabetic father could not drive and needed to be taken to hospital for treatment, is being held in custody pending an investigation, the paper said, citing police.
I just got a news flash to my phone from the Beeb about how Labour are going to sort out housing. It might as well just be a press release from the Labour Party.
Where is the best place to be a woman in Britain? {old post}
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live.”
“Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety.”
Islington North (UK Parliament constituency) {wiki} …
2017, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 40,086 73.0% +12.7
2015, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 29,659 60.2% +5.8
2010, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 24,276 54.5% +3.3
2005, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 16,118 51.2% −10.7
2001, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 18,699 61.9% −7.4
1997, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 24,834 69.3% +11.9
1992, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 21,742 57.4% +7.4
1987, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 19,577 50.0% +9.6
1983, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 14,951 40.4% −12.2
1979, Labour, Michael O’Halloran, 12,317 52.6% −5.3
– Jeremy Corbyn had 38 years to prove that he could turn Islington into a Labour Paradise.
*Soon to be renamed Corbyngrad.
What the BBC isn’t telling you today (there’s still time yet though!)
Corrupt police officer at centre of crime gang grew cannabis in his home
Hemayat Enayat, a former PC in GMP’s Trafford division, accessed police computer systems to pass on information to an organised crime group
So much for the vibrancy of diversity which ethnic and religious quotas have on sensitive state institutions, where the Fascists simply don’t care about what goes wrong, and because the statistics will not show the crimes committed by ethnics Fascists within the BBC will no doubt be claiming once again (yes they’ve done it before) that the Police are fitting up Muslims on corruption charges, rather than the truth that Muslims are in reality institutionally corrupt.
Meaning of Enayat. Name Enayat generally means or , is of Indian origin, Name Enayat is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Person with name Enayat are mainly Muslim by religion.
Greater Manchester PC (Hemayat Enayat) who ran drugs ring is jailed
One of the country’s most senior Muslim police officers has admitted gross misconduct after instructing a member of staff to pass topics to a candidate ahead of a promotion interview.
Naveed Malik (one of the first Muslim police officers in the UK), who is Assistant Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police, admitted gross misconduct by breaching the Standards of Professional Behaviour through Discreditable Conduct. { 25sep2017}
France: Muslim who was on terror watchlist accepted into police force … He has since been removed from the terror watchlist….{jihadwatch 26sep2017}
And they say the BBC cannot do great comedy.
Citizen Mason is beyond perfect.
Husband of TV producer ie Brian Cox twisting history to say 1950s Reith Lectures by Oppenheimer were about DIVERSITY
Previous prog edition was about “Britain in Europe”
Agenda, agenda, agenda
Stew, I spotted that too. Thought Cox was quite good though and was surprised how he stuck it – in a very subtle way (too subtle maybe?) – to the Global Climate Change Warming Mob. Thought I heard Horrorbin wincing. 🙂
If you keep telling people every single day, that they are the problem, that they are evil or stupid or dangerous…when these people are good people, only doing whats best for their families, they love their country, they never break the law and they know they are doing nothing wrong…when you keep telling people every day that they ARE bad people because of how they think, because of how they vote, because of what they believe is the best way to go forward as a country (which is all our right), or because they have white skin; then these very same people will look on those abusing them, attacking them, and calling them bad people, and realise those attacking them are the real bad people
Keep hope. Trump has set the trap for the enemies of America….its happening here too. Most people think like we do havent realised our way of life is being attacked. We can only be called names for so long before the effect loses its power (it already has on us)
I think I am called evil, because I tell the truth. I know I am not stupid because I am a Mensa member. I presume I am called dangerous by middle-class left-wing people because they are not well educated in important subjects such as European Union Governance, Atmospheric Physics, Solar Astronomy, etc. And therefore are fearful of those who are not really dangerous at all, just better educated than anyone employed by the BBC.
I presume that middle-class left-wing people employed by the BBC must be much less intelligent than Brexit voters. There are two pieces of evidence for this: (1) Ideas obtained for writing a satire called W1A (2) The opinion within the BBC that Black people seem more intelligent than the White people employed by the BBC.
I enjoy watching NFL and the Beeb’s coverage of it isn’t bad. The two American pundits, Osi and J Bell, are very entertaining and make a good pairing. Though I really can’t arsed with hearing about their politics and what their take is on Trump.
I watch for the sport and their knowledge and analysis of the sport. Not another bout of tedious, virtue signalling anti Trump lecturing that wouldn’t be able to stand up to even the lamest of questioning.
Rachel Shabi – a favourite talking head on Sky, dressed in designer red at Conference, in discussion with another lady in red – Jo Coburn, on the BBC. To make up the trio (such gravitas) is black and white Laura Kuenssberg – only needed a couple more for the line up, and it would have been a BBC version of Loose Women !
What Ellie Price a so called political Journalist for the bBC is tweeting:
The conference just sang Happy Birthday to Diane Abbott.
One Labour MP has “no intention” of being friends with a Conservative but @EllieJPrice used the moodbox to see what #lab17 delegates thought
Ellie sounds simply darling.
She should join this:
Eddie Izzard is already signed up. Apparently. Nothing says ‘impartiality’ like sticking inside your special bubble. Maybe just a tad hypocritical, perhaps, though?
A ladies only echo chamber? We are not solving the issue of bad journalism – we are skipping around it with newly created issues.
How the Coalition for Women in Journalism fosters collaboration and mentorship between female reporters
“It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993
Why is it that coverage of the Labour conference just seems like a week long party political broadcast replete with warm fuzzy socialism, beards and woolly hats yet the coverage of the Tory party conference is just a week long assault on everything wrong in the world replete with slick haired young Tories, out of control eyebrowed sleeping old Tories and attacks on everyone that wasn’t at the conference the previous week.
I wonder if Nicky and selected guests would like to get their heads around this one come Sunday?
Clicking the date gets to the cartoon, but it may be overwritten be a new post.
Bbc lets down theatregoers
“Avoids critical discussion & knowledgeable argument”
It swaps serious discussion for chatty promotion, or just chat, on virtually everything except a handful of right-on causes which, of course, it takes very seriously.
Whist the bBC sung a huge song and dance about how innocent the director of Cage was after he was fined for not passing over his phone codes to the old bill:
Cage’s Muhammad Rabbani reacts to his conviction
They never mentioned this intimidation tactic used by Muslims:
“We are not here to bash Muslims. You were the one who brought up the issue of most Muslims not us. And since you bought it up allow me to elaborate with my answer. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals, the majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimate to be between 15-25 percent according to all intelligence services around the world. That leaves 75 percent of them as peaceful people. … you’re looking at 180 million people to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilisation.”@4:59 – Brigitte Gabriel
“The inability to grapple with the primary problem.”
Just arrived … No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon} but even better is “Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“.
TV cheats cos reality isn’t good enough.
Now proof that French It’s A Knockout was rigged.
A presenter confessed in a new lawsuit
‘1997 We did it routinely, to make better stories
when I was caught by photographers I took the rap and was fired and paid off with a confidentiality agreement, then let back into the company..
Now they’ve fired me again so I’ll tell..I was acting under orders’
How fortunate that nothing untoward went on in the British version.
Presented by Stuart Hall, was’t it …….?
Not guilty! Not guilty! … OK, guilty!
“At a pre-trial hearing at Preston Crown Court on 16 April 2013, Hall pleaded guilty to 14 charges of indecent assault involving 13 girls aged between 9 and 17 years old. He (Stuart Hall) was released on bail pending sentencing on 17 June. Reporting restrictions prevented the media from making the news public until 2 May 2013, when the Crown Prosecution Service elected not to pursue the rape charge or three other indecent assault charges relating to the same complainant, who had decided not to give evidence. Hall made a statement through his barrister, issuing an “unreserved apology” to his victims” {wiki}
– I wonder how much the BBC TV Tax payer, under threat of prison, paid the likes of Stuart Hall to give him access to children and a celebrity status to make him untouchable?
– The series (It’s a Knockout) was broadcast on BBC1 from 7 August 1966 to 30 July 1982,
Reflecting on the Labour conference. This lot are probably worse than I thought. If they win the next election we will be back in the USSR in the blink of an eye. Why has this bunch of no hopers suddenly been elevated to this position. I think that there are many reasons but some of the key ones are:
1The constant leftist propaganda of the BBC for the past forty years
2 The take over almost the entire educational establishment by the left which was consolidated under Blair and which has succeeded in so dumbing down education that many people under forty are incapable of thinking for themselves. Fertile ground for the BBC.
3 The Remainers who woke up the young and impressionable voters in their attempt to overturn the referendum result. Many Remainers also probably voted Labour at the last GE to teach the stories a lesson . I hope they return to the Tories for the next election.
Please feel free to add your thoughts.
The BBC are gladly parroting Momentum’s spin about Labour now being ‘a government in waiting’. In BBC Land, just saying something can really make it happen. Especially if they just keep saying it. Over. And. Over.
We now have years ahead in which Momentum can work with their comrades inside the msm to propagate the cult of the Dear Leader as the next Prime Minister Apparent. No longer will Chairman Corbyn be lampooned for being the ageing old socialist reactionary he is, but rather as a wise, beneficent Leader-in-Waiting, the champion of ‘social justice’ and defender of the worker-peasant class.
Meanwhile, the communists inside Momentum can draw up their plans for the collective. It’s as if the 20th century had no lessons to teach us.
I’m afraid Mrs May is pretty useless and a ditherer.No leadership qualities .She needs to retire gracefully.She has no vision .Corbyn has a vision albeit we will end up in penury. It needs someone to take apart his socialist dream and take apart the BBC.Every institution is stuffed with Marxists not only education .Some one needs to have the guts to dismantle it.But who ? Where is our Thatcher and Tebbitt?
Venezuela with knobs on – Here we come!
Well, Corbyn is certainly a knob.
Is that a Knob or a Nob? My dictionary gives 2 different definitions. The Rt.Hon. Member must hold some sort of attraction if he’s been married 3 times.
Well everyone is good at something.
Well, Corbyn is certainly a knob.
Cometh the hour. Cometh the man.
I think you have made some good points here. Also, speaking to some young and some not so young people I found that all of them were of the opinion that a Labour government would cancel all student debts which of course they felt would remove a great burden from both parents and students. I have read one quote at least by a former Labour minister saying that his government considered something like this but found it was not affordable.
I’m not sure that the Labour Party ever promised this but with the appropriate spin on the way it was reported in the largely left wing media and no doubt by college lecturers, it had the desired effect. All done by innuendo and the students took the bait and voted Labour and put the country in the hole it now finds itself in.
[Labour Manifesto 2017 p. 43]
19 th July 2017: Labour retracts tuition fees pledge as Angela Rayner says there are ‘no plans’ to write-off student debt. Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner said there had been “no plans” to write-off existing loans and her party “never promised to do so”. [The Telegraph]
The Corbyn is not for turning, he is a man that sticks to his principles.
Well spotted. I think the lady has been caught with her knickers round her ankles.
4) People are not interested in the Real News or Politics because it’s too hard to think about it and we have new role models in the world ….
Keeping Up with the Kardashians … guidance for new parents …
She is also one of the worst parents I have seen presented on a TV show in a long time. This is a women who harassed her daughter into posing naked for Playboy that clearly made her uncomfortable; a daughter who was trying to fight off the stigma of the sex tape. This is a women who gave out her daughter’s private cellphone number in the middle of an argument because she criticized her (bad) management. This is a women who openly admits to living vicariously through her children (specifically in the Playboy episode).
Sudden backdated 8% payrise for 700 BBC journalism workers.
Team #1 at BBC news have traditionally been paid more cos of threat of poaching from ITV
Team #2 at BBC World Service & BBC monitoring were paid less
A survey by PWC has found this out.
How could people not have known ?
Is giving team #2 a big salary rise the best use of public money ?
Which is nice.
Under Corbyn, mass migration will continue –
No surprises there then.
Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but, apart from his evening shift-work with portaloo, I haven’t seen much of Andrew Neil lately.
He was effectively sacked from all but his late night programme , which has few viewers, because he was insufficiently pro Remain. So much for BBC impartiality. The BBC has form on this because many years ago, the early seventies , an equally famous presenter, Jack DeManio , was sacked for not being pro Europe when Heath was trying to get us into the Common Market, which of course he knew was just an early stage of the United States of Europe. Brillo has been quite disparaging of some influential Remainers e.g. Nick Clegg , of whom he asked why the Lib Dems bothered with the Democratic bit of their name when they refused to accept the referendum result. Do that often enough and the liberal left will get rid of you if they can and you are on very thin ice if you work for the BBC and don’t tow the liberal left agenda. Consequently few BBC presenters ever dare to spout anything other than the approved liberal left world view. I wonder if it written into their contracts that some of their pension depends on them supporting the BBC in retirement and never saying anything negative about it. Just like the EU does to its grandees.
Which ever way all the Worlds ills are going now, it will most certainly end in tears.
Watched Corbin s over hyped – under deliveredspeach. . When I heard a beeboid called Eleanor garnier deliver an ‘ analysis’ in the 5 o’clock news I thought she was a Labour Party spokes man .
She either feels threatened by the extreme left or wants s better job to have delivered such biased tripe
She did seem very enthusiastic didn’t she!
Will Corbyn’s vow to ‘prevent social cleansing’ mean that ‘white flight’ won’t be permitted in future?
Corbyns 75 minute speech had some very chilling aspects about it
Hailing a shift to the Left among voters, he said a ‘modern socialism’ of nationalisation, state regulation and increased union influence was now the political centre ground and his team was a ‘government in waiting.
Worrying….. I am sure 60,000,000 people died the last time a lunatic came out with this type of rhetoric.
Ah, ‘Union influence’ – I remember that. Beer and sandwiches at number 10, closed shops, restrictive practices, ghost workers and what was it? Ah yes, strikes, lots and lot’s of strikes.
If Corbyn gets in, just as in Russia 1917 we’ll have the mad scramble followed by disappointment, frustration, bankruptcy, and failure. And lot’s of shocked faces, just as then, all wondering what on Earth went wrong.
But British Leyland, British Steel and British Coal wouldn’t be the world class companies they are today without the Unions ………..
im seriously worried,
my small stash of share s will be decimated
my 35 years of pension contribution will be rendered worthless
my house will go into negative equity
my transport costs will double
my job will disappear
at 54 its unlikely i will have time to wait to carve a new late life career
and all that doesnt matter a jot becuase my sons life will be RUINED as jezzbolla turns britain back to the 70s and a third world cess pitt
and the alternative treasoner the appeaser wont do anything different
jeez even those national acton guys are starting to sound reasonable
With his usual calm, erudition, eloquence and wit, Douglas Murray exposes how good our political classes are at mercilessly crushing the ‘secondary problems’ while wilfully ignoring the primary problem.
Sorry to re-post this from earlier (thank you MarkyMark) but it deserves to be seen – before the fast-approaching day when it’s illegal. Sad.
Found some Media Garlic for everyone – Christopher Hitchens – How The New York Times sets the political agenda [2008] {youtube}
Watching the Labour Conference reminds me very much of those old newsreels of a Hitler rally. Frightening 🙁
Especially when the national broadcaster is on their side. Still, I may not work as well as hoped:
Certainly wheeling out Paul Mason at every opportunity may not be working as intended.
STORMZY – OH JEREMY CORBYN at Glastonbury 2017 *MUST WATCH* {youtube}
p.s. not very good if you just went to Glastonbury for the songs and not a political broadcast to JC
{old post}
At the risk of boring the esteemed readers of this blog, I’ve typed out a short extract of the final words of Douglas Murray’s above talk:
“We’ve learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards; we’ve learned that most of our artistic establishment are cowards; and that most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learned that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves and each other on the back for their bravery stop when an actual act of bravery may be required; we have watched as the entire liberal class of artists and writers and thinkers stop just at the point where bravery is needed.”
Give that man a medal for bravery. That rarest of bravery: the intellectual courage to speak a deeply unpopular truth that must be spoken — or we’re doomed.
@CharlieM Top tip : type in a key phrase into Google to check if someone else has already typed it in
Like here :
Thanks Stew. But anyway the message bears repeating imo.
I meant that you could save labour by cutting and pasting
Ta. And I’m a slow typist too!
I like listening to Douglas Murray and typing it out … makes me think about the words and what he is saying.
But the link to ‘Douglas Murray i Danmark, 26. september 2015: “… freedom never were a popular idea.”’ is a great find. Thanks!
Biggest story ever, censored by the BBC:
The United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a subpoena to the FBI and Department of Justice for documents including all internal FBI reports relating to the accusations about Trump’s behaviour in Russia. This dossier was compiled by a former British spy, Christopher Steele, who was commissioned by the opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, which is thought to have been paid for the work by wealthy supporters of Hillary Clinton.
The original deadline for producing these documents was 1st September. The deadline has been extended twice and yet the FBI has still not responded. Congress is thus being obstructed in its constitutional duty by the FBI.
In March I did say that it looks like the evidence that Obama and the Democrat swamp in the FBI used Russia mania as an excuse to get GCHQ to look at Trump’s emails, phone calls and financial transactions, is to be revealed in Congressional hearings. But up to now, the FBI are refusing to reveal their criminal acts to Congress.
The reasons for this obstruction are thought to be the decision to insert GCHQ as a back door to eavesdrop on Trump and his associates. GCHQ did not work from London or Cheltenham. In fact the British agents worked from NSA’s headquarters in Fort Meade, with direct NSA supervision and guidance to conduct sweeping surveillance on Trump associates.
The British GCHQ employees looked at his emails and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone using GTE.
Also, Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump. Obama got the Justice Department to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June 2016, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance. It has been reported that Trump was “named” in the application, but the FISA court apparently found the Justice Department’s presentation to be so weak that it refused to authorize the surveillance. Unwilling to take no for an answer, Obama got the Justice Department to go back to the FISA court in October 2016, this application was much narrower than the earlier one and did not mention Donald Trump. The FISA Court granted this application.
I suppose it’s a tradition for a nations first Black President to try and use the nations intelligence agencies to work in favour of himself and his political party. But it does look like the biggest crime of the Century would be exposed if the FBI complied with the request from Congress.
Richard Pinder
I would imagine that if the said documents contain anything damaging to Trump then the left wing media, (which includes the BBC) news reporters would by now be making snide insinuations and speculations with the customary serious and authoritative expression as they look into the camera.
How can anyone actually take these clowns seriously? Well for most of my life I did. Now I just feel contempt.
Drop The Dead Donkey was not too far from the truth. Repeats anyone? Only this time on the BBC.
It’s still there: ‘I want to get rid of my Polish accent’
A thinly veiled attack by al beeb on the nasty Brexiteers who make this Polish woman feel unwanted.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Poles, am thinking of moving to Poland when this country finally goes down, some time next week at this rate.
But this non-story is NOT of national interest: it’s a woman going to elocution classes ffs; just another piece of beebistan agitprop.
does anyone really care/notice/object to poles
their kids will all be flag waving british patriots if previous poles are anything to go by
The Poles come here to work unlike most others.
Drone on BBc North West repeatedly refers to the fascist left hope not hate as a “charity”
Given The Canary has been teed up as a nifty complement to the Graun and Independent for sage insights and true representation of the public by certain BBC programmes, this looks fun:
BBC1 “We interrupt the BBC’s wall to wall coverage of the Labour Party,
…. to bring you a party political broadcast for the Labour Party”
One correspondent solved the whole problem by asserting that society can get along perfectly well without artists. It can also get along without scientists, engineers, doctors, bricklayers or road-menders — for the time being. It can even get along without sowing next year’s harvest, provided it is understood that everyone is going to starve to death in about twelve months time. { – George Orwell / As I Please / 1944–1945}