Not sure quite when it happened but to be gay / black / female or any combination of such, bestows a superiority that may not be questioned or bettered.
They don’t like it up ’em!
‘Former women’s college fields all-male University Challenge team’
What about imposing a quota bBBC?
It’s similar to the girlie oriented questions that female contestants get on mastermind . My special subject would be al Beeb bias with £650k humph asking the questions. Qu1. What sort of schools did the TOADY presenters go to ? Ans – No state ones. { correct }
The latest on Guido prompts me to speculate how the BBC will react to Alan Duncan’s remark that ” Brexit is a working class tantrum”. I think it presents tricky dilemma for them, and my guess is that the BBC will keep a low profile.
If you remember, it was snotty little Alan Duncan who was one of Theresa’s main hit-men during the leadership contest.
I recall his poisonous remarks about Andrea Leadsome after she had spoken about being a mother.
Her comments were innocent and innocuous. Unfortunately for her…and as it has transpired, for us too, the Tory smear machine distorted what she had said and forced her to retire from the fray.
He really is a despicable, seething, hypocritical old queen.
In case you haven’t already guessed.
I don’t like him…
Fake conservatives like Duncan are the real problem . I have no time for our Jeremy but he would never say anything so crass and that is part of his appeal. Tantrum implies childishness and that is how far too many politicians see us voters. As children to be scolded and given sweeties if we behave.
Driving the Duncans from public life is essential now.
I wondered which chief beeboid auto cue reader would be sent to Vagas – answer – the black one – Myree. Al Beeb not content with their local staff. I bet sopel, Katy and comrade C4 snow turn up to mock the president of another country as though he is responsible to them.
Not a lot about the Islamic bomb factory and cell found in Paris. Looks like al Beeb has tipexed out Islamic terrorism and prefers other subjects .
As I write this al Beeb 6 o’clock news is gleefully reporting the EU parliament criticising the British government in its negotiations. – politely we should tell al Beeb and the EU to Eff Off. 453? Days to Brexit.
Hmm! The Conservative Party Conference got short shrift on BBC’s Six O’clock News, despite high profile speeches today from Liam Fox, David Davis, Michael Fallon and Boris Johnson. Well, they did manage to broadcast a full 16 seconds of Boris’s rather good speech. Mercifully, there was no to-the-camera piece from Kuennsberg, though she was shown earlier impertinently asking the Prime Minister whether Boris should be sacked. That particular moment was crying out for the response “it is none of your damn business”, but no politician has the guts or sense to say what needs to be said.
P.S. no mention of Alan Duncan, I noticed!
I’m guess mr Duncan is assuming he ll be just a rich back bencher again when the next reshuffle takes place. I’m thinking he s one of those wealthy types who likes power for its own sake and needs to be listened too by an adoring audience. As a thick member of the proletariat I had no clue what I was voting for, was deluded and I shouldn’t have to worry my simple under educated head with issues far below my working class pay grade.
I would enjoy seeing that one lose his seat ( no doubt he d buy a pew in the peers retirement club with the rest of the dead expenses claimers).
Watching boris’s speech it explains why the knives have been out for him all week on all networks. He done well today and there was nothing wrong with the speech to criticise so they won’t report it as it goes against the narrative. Can’t be having that happen can we, tories are evil. It was nice hearing him having a go at jezza, Johnny ira and the prat in charge of London. More of that please. Hope Theresa was watching and taking notes . Take the war to these cretins and no surrender
Alice Roberts is with the Khalihari Busmen , as appears the same ones who were with the Scottish cameraman bloke the other week (her prog is a 2015 repeat )
There concerns about traditional tribal people , such that you should stay away from their area and have zero contact.
#1 They have less immunity that us so are vulnerable to the diseases we city dwellers carry.
#2 The moment you contact them that changes their culture.
No matter how well intentioned and that should not be your choice.
If they come to town and make contact that is their decision.
Those two white ‘comedians’ were the casualties of diversity even though they championed it and called anyone against it a racist. They ain’t laughing now
You’d have to hope that in their miserably ill-educated lives, somewhere they would have encountered the phrase ‘hoist with your own petard’ wouldn’t you?
Mitch Ben now pours his remainer bile every Thursday in the new European calling brexiters racist and thick and all cheered on by tones good buddy Campbell
This prat started out as Matthew wrights microphone holder on his morning show on 5 seven or eight years ago. He was a smug prat even back then. Left that and joined the independent and became the editor. Used to come back on the Wright stuff as a double act with that other independent journo the superstar known as alibi brown. These two kept telling us they were balanced journos on the show and I just happened to see pink unicorns walking down the road every time they said this. As left as they come. The independent goes online and lo and behold rajan turns up at the Beeb and they are trying to make him one of their new stars. All I see is a biased arrogant smug little git with vote labour oozing out of every pore, just perfect for the beeb
Channel4 – 7pm – Jon Snow –
“I sat down with the Prime Minister, earlier, in Manchester. I began by asking her ‘Why is everyone at the conference so miserable?'” – Jon Snow
Is this really journalism or even impartial presenting. This is emoting. Setting the tone. Did he speak to ‘everyone’ at the conference? Don’t think so. He mixes miserable with half filled conference rooms. Not the same.
“What about the distress? What about the distress of those people living in social housing, who know that only 2% of the Tower Blocks they live in have sprinklers? You said you’d provide sprinkler money. We studied Nottingham last week and they’ve been begging for it, but cannot get it and have been refused it.” – Jon Snow (note that John keeps jabbing a finger at May, which is very uncivilised)
p.s. May was not very convincing and looked uncomfortable.
Next … Race Disparity Report
– 9 in 10 Headteachers are White British
– Unemployment Rate : White British – 4.6% ; BAME – 8%
– Home ownership : White British 2 in 3; Other Ethnic Groups 2 in 5;
“You’re approaching this in the spirit of enquiry? You don’t know the answer?” – Presenter
“No, that’s the point of an Audit. You get the evidence and look at it and have a conversation in Government and the external stakeholders and communities affected.” – MP
“Do you need to shine light? Other people have. You could have acted before on their (other reports) findings?”
(Presenter is about to cry when saying these things. I think I see a tear …)
I don’t miss c4 news as I gave it up a while ago because of the kind of presentation you described .
Comrade Snow was on r5 last weekend being interviewed about something or other and started to describe how he was almost rodgered by the burser at his private school . Being a pleb – I didn’t go to private school – so I thought being rodgered by the burser was a rite of passage as it were. Snow was saved by the calls of a staff member who knew what the burser was about to do to snow the younger.
Snow is the archetypal beeboid who got a fright when he went to a council estate where a block had been burnt.
The locals didn’t like him . The locals – plebs – had good taste . I grew up on a council estate.
The great thing about being on a lucrative bbc salary – you don’t have to live or shop near any of the types your heart bleeds for.
The country could do an awful lot of good the TV Tax, even address problems of ‘inhumanity’ that they bang on about.
It really is an obscenity – some things you wish you didn’t need, police, military, prisons etc but you have to have them.
No similar rationale exists for a bbc.
At my old secondary school ALL the girls are now ‘brown’.
No chance of any of them being hauled before the head mistress for breaking the ‘skirt hems must touch the ground when kneeling’, (ignored by the sixth-form!).
With 1400 children being tortured and raped for 16 years in Rotherham – how many mix classed babies are going to be born? BBC to report on this?
Not upholding the law and ignoring criminals has dire consequences for society ….
Rotherham abuse: ‘She was raped by six men’ { 23aug2017}
Julie Roberts’ foster daughter Gemma was one of more than 1,400 girls abused by gangs of men in Rotherham between 1997 and 2003. But despite the scandal being exposed in 2014 (after 16 years, why does this article say it ended in 2003?), she continued to be preyed upon until she died following a morphine overdose.
– BBC, Use ‘3 Girls’ (Rochdale) programme so people aren’t reminded of the number 1400+ (and counting!) which would cause disgust, ‘Hate’ and ‘Anger’ as perverts raped their way through 13 schools worth of children over 16 years (1400/110).
– Just ‘3 Girls’ is what the public talk about now.
– Well done BBC for using your ‘Bite Size’ learning on adults!
Found this wonderful article from 2007. The Guardian highlighting how the BBC retreated from a controversial storyline involving a Muslim suicide bomber.
Gone are the days that Europe was for the Europeans.
Europe4ALL – what does that mean?
How about Saudi Arabia4ALL, let’s start sending 100,000’s of Christians to Saudi Arabia every year and sit back and watch what happens.
or how about Pakistan4ALL, let’s start sending 100,000’s of Christians and 100,000’s of Hindu’s to Pakistan every year and sit back and watch what happens …
Africa for the Africans-Asia for the Asians -Europe for the Europeans.
Absolutely nothing racist about that. In fact I would wager that the majority of the worlds people would be quite happy with that. We feel more comfortable with our own kind but are always curious and interested in learning about other cultures and ways of life.
The problem is that in the Western World we are governed by a group of people who think that they know better than Mother Nature and insist on changing Her laws by force of arms. It cannot be done, but once again millions will have to die to prove it. As the song says “When will they ever learn.”
I tend to content myself these days at the ripe old age of 77 with the feeling that I was alive during the best years of my country’s history. I fear the worst is to come. The opinions that millions of us held in the 1950s are now branded as Nazi and yet many people who held those views died fighting the Nazis. For the sake of those who come after me I can only hope that history will prove me wrong and that they will at least have as good a life as I have had. As of now I cannot see that happening.
Totally agree. The future looks bleak and we can only hope that something happens which forces a rapid and dramatic change of course or the West is going onto the rocks.
This EU poster offends me. It is racist because it omits my religion – The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster a recognised religion in several EU countries, less violent than Islam and Communism and more coherent.
By my reckoning, it will only be 27 stars left on that flag of theirs once we`ve gone.
We should pass our star onto Catalonia as we`re exiting in a Gary Cooper kind of way. I also think that each time a country goes Muslim(as they will in mainland Europe)-the stars should be replaced by white crescents, and the background should turn from blue to Islamic green. Gradually-so we can see it happening.
I see the daily politics have been up to their usual tricks again. Last week at the nu hard left Labour Party conference nobody from the right or tories were seen or allowed on. Today we had the little scrote that made a fool of himself at the moggsters meeting yesterday on to voice his bile all decked out in his tories out t shirt and being guided and allowed to spout his rubbish by coburn. No debate just the usual ranting raving and sneering. Coburn signed off by smiling away. Not a chance in hell of this happening last week
Rees-Mogg’s fearless and disarming approach to that young person was a joy to behold. I almost feel sorry for the young man, as the Mogg politely showed him up to be an ill-informed lout. ‘Which policies in particular do you dislike, perhaps we can discuss them?’ ‘ALL OF THEM, INNIT!’
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
// “Delingpole with James Delin…” – youtube not available, sorry
Newsnight favourite ex alumnus Paul Mason seems to be going the ‘tell it often enough’ route in his ‘analysis’ of the exchange, though comments suggest he may be thinking more wishfully than sensibly:
This lad understood how to beat the patronising "let's debate" tactic used by these effete practitioners of coercive economics. Watch/learn
Oh I don’t know. Merit on Newsnight is surely a relative concept. In the Kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king. I would have thought that, judging by the content, the average intellect of the Newsnight crew was pretty low and so even Mason may have been there on merit.
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to REMOVE ALL FOOD BANKS, forever!
Chris Evans and Gary Lineker will lead the campaign, but you can join in by giving all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, Caribbean house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
“I see the daily politics have been up to their usual tricks again. Last week at the nu hard left Labour Party conference nobody from the right or tories were seen or allowed on.”
Nobody from the right or tories… apart from Alex Wickham (Guido Fawkes) on Tuesday or Kate McCann (Daily Telegraph) and Mathew Parris (Tory) on Wednesday.
Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…
Just been scouring some of Peter Sissons memoirs. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if he were given a job on the MSM on a regular basis. Wishful thinking I know but there really is no one left with any gravitas now that Andrew Neil is pretty much retired.
“Just been scouring some of Peter Sissons memoirs. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if he were given a job on the MSM on a regular basis.”
Yes wouldn’t it be great if he was given a job at the BBC on regular basis. Perhaps for, oh I don’t know, twenty years or so. Might even get to present ‘Question Time’!!!
Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…
No. Hard to be a buffoon if you support the actions of left wing regimes from Russia to China who eliminated millions of their own people for the creation of a socialist/communist nightmare
Maxi, The clue was in memoirs. By reading them I’m fully aware of his past employment. To make myself clear I mean a job now on any MSM platform.
P.S. If I can prove that I am not a buffoon does your comment constitute a hate crime?
For retired read sacked for not being sufficiently pro Remain . Brillo was walking a thin line when he filleted Nick Clegg on the Sunday Politics about a year ago. I knew then that it was likely they , the BBC, would give him the boot . There is no room at the BBC for any deviation from the BBC orthodox liberal left line on any subject. Brillo should think himself lucky that he doesn’t have an ice pick sticking out of his skull after showing such deviationist tendencies. But there is now not one single commentator/ presenter worth watching on the state funded broadcaster as they all parrot the same orthodoxy. If any broadcaster out there is looking for someone to bring gravitas and unbiased comment to their output then Brillo is the man to do it.
Totally agree on all points. Not sure if he ll call it a day or start looking for another place where he can practice his art. For our sake I really hope it’s the latter. There really is no one now who has the integrity to not follow the al Beeb editors words being shouted into their ear piece. Bloody sad and bad. I’m sure Russians would be very familiar with the state broadcaster uniformity.
Fair play to the BBC for a R4 programme tonight on Muslim sectarianism in the Urdu press, and its possible connection with the murder of that shopkeeper in Glasgow. However, their only solution seemed to be greater involvement by the Press Complaints Authority and the Advertising Standards Agency. That’s like saying the Germans in 1939 should have been given a stern ticking off for invading Poland. Still, in the words of Douglas Murray, at least the problem is being acknowledged.
Then on BBC TV, a doc by David Starkey about the Reformation, comparing it with Islamic Jihad and Brexit. I found the comparison rather tedious; usually the good doctor doesn’t stoop to such tabloid comparisons and I get the impression it was done to jazz up what most people would see as an irrelevant topic (which of course it is not, the Reformation is fundamental to modern western civilization). However, I had to smile when the announcer stressed the programme was Dr Starkey’s ‘PERSONAL view’, perhaps just in case anyone got worried he was saying something nasty about the Muslims.
Boris Johnson Libya ‘dead bodies’ comment provokes anger
They have got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next Dubai.
“The only thing they have got to do is clear the dead bodies away,” he said, before laughing.
Cranmer – I must admit to really rather liking the Starkey documentary (mainly because I enjoy him) but the Reformation is such an important and complex subject, the consequences of which really do echo down the centuries to us today, that it surely needs an entire series to do it any justice.
I don’t for a minute believe that al Beebus, would commission a series that was solely about Western Christianity and its primary schism. Although if it were about some other religion (the votaries of which are more in the Beeb’s favour) that had undergone a profound and permanent historic divide, then I’m sure such a series would be produced and no doubt lavishly so.
Why do you only post here during the early hours Max?
Is it because the sedatives have worn off by then and you haven’t yet been dosed up again?
You certainly visit here quite often considering your view of who populates this site, maybe because you feel right at home amongst all the “buffoons”?
Maxicony, the latter programme was presented by a Labour Party supporting anti-Christian called Tristram Hunt, and the former was presented by a gay Leftist academic who has renounced his Christianity. Some people (your “right wing buffoons” possibly”) might suggest that this selection by the BBC was entirely predictable.
Maybe Max is on Eastern Standard Time ? What’s in a name?
Max in City Of New York?….. or maybe he/she always cops for the late shift at the Rabbit Furriers?
BBC, A History of Christianity.
When Diarmaid MacCulloch was a small boy, his parents used to drive him round historic churches. Little did they know that they had created a monster, with the history of the Christian Church becoming his life’s work.
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch’s grandfather was a devout pillar of the local Anglican church and felt that any dabbling in Catholicism was liable to pollute the English way of life. But now Professor’s grandfather isn’t around to stop him exploring the extraordinary and unpredictable rise of the Roman Catholic Church.
Over one billion Christians look to Rome, more than half of all Christians on the planet. But how did a small Jewish sect from the backwoods of 1st-century Palestine, which preached humility and the virtue of poverty, become the established religion of western Europe – wealthy, powerful and expecting unfailing obedience from the faithful? Amongst the surprising revelations, MacCulloch tells how confession was invented by monks on a remote island off the coast of Ireland, and how the Crusades gave Britain the university system. Above all, it is a story of what can be achieved when you have friends in high places.
Today, Eastern Orthodox Christianity flourishes in the Balkans and Russia, with over 150 million members worldwide. It is unlike Catholicism or Protestantism – worship is carefully choreographed, icons pull the faithful into a mystical union with Christ, and everywhere there is a symbol of a fierce-looking bird, the double-headed eagle. What story is this ancient drama trying to tell us?
In the third part of his journey into the history of Christianity, Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch charts Orthodoxy’s extraordinary fight for survival. After its glory days in the eastern Roman Empire, it stood right in the path of Muslim expansion, suffered betrayal by crusading Catholics, was seized by the Russian tsars and faced near-extinction under Soviet communism.
MacCulloch visits the greatest collection of early icons in the Sinai desert, a surviving relic of the iconoclastic crisis in Istanbul and Ivan the Terrible’s cathedral in Moscow to discover the secret of Orthodoxy’s endurance.
Diarmaid MacCulloch’s own life story makes him a symbol of a distinctive feature about Western Christianity – scepticism, a tendency to doubt which has transformed both Western culture and Christianity.
In the final programme in the series, he asks where that change came from. He challenges the simplistic notion that faith in Christianity has steadily ebbed away before the relentless advance of science, reason and progress, and shows instead how the tide of faith perversely flows back in.
Despite the attacks of Newton, Voltaire, the French Revolutionaries and Darwin, Christianity has shown a remarkable resilience. The greatest damage to Christianity was actually inflicted to its moral credibility by the two great wars of the 20th century and by its entanglement with Fascism and Nazism. And yet it is during crisis that the Church has rediscovered deep and enduring truths about itself, which may even be a clue to its future.
Rageh Omaar visits Spain, Sicily and France in a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. He uncovers a tale of scientific advance and rich cultural influences that have had a profound impact on the way we are today, reveals how a flourishing Islamic culture was finally destroyed in Europe by ambition, betrayal and oppression and shows how the fall-out still resonates today. The journey begins in Spain.
Rageh Omaar visits Sicily and France on a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. It’s a journey of discovery for Rageh, who as a Moslem has a personal interest in the matter. From challenging ideas that changed the way people thought to major works of geography that quite literally altered the shape of the world, the seeds of modern Europe can be traced back to this Moslem invasion over a thousand years ago.
Rageh Omaar goes on a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. Omaar discovers how a flourishing Islamic culture was destroyed by ambition, betrayal and oppression. He visits the last stronghold of Islam in Spain, Granada, and reveals how the fall-out from the final conflict still resonates today in the ongoing divide between East and West.
– As an exercise study the tone and words used by the BBC in the above. (note that not all article summaries are present)
Bro Cali
Well President Trump did give us fair warning during his election campaign when he read out the poem about “The Snake”. Let’s all try to be a bit kinder to each other certainly but not totally f—–g naive.
“”Sydney and Melbourne could face 50C days ‘within decades'””
“”Sydney and Melbourne are likely to endure such summers even if global warming is contained to the Paris accord limit of a 2C rise above pre-industrial levels, scientists said.””
Seem to recall we were being told exactly that some time ago .. er.. how long ummh .. it wouldn’t have been over two decades ago, would it?
And can someone explain to me how Global just Sydney and Melbourne is in Global Warming terms? (Note the word GLOBAL there, in case you have missed it like some others I could mention.)
I can already hear the whinging coming from Perth, let alone from across the Tasman, mate, and whatever you do, don’t ever let Scotland hear about this.
That wee Krankie will be moaning all over this piece of discrimination for months on end.
its gone to decades now. Didnt the Brown buffoon tell us at one stage we had only 50 days to save the planet or was that the NHS. So confused with all this screaming from the left.
From the school of “Children will never know what snow is”
Or Prof Peter Wadhams continuous failed predictions “In a couple of years the Arctic will be ice free”
MetroBubble jump to report such empty speculation, but don’t follow up.
Mr Abbott also attacked research by the Australian National University which predicted Sydney and Melbourne would have 50 degree days by the end of the century, labelling the researchers “group thinkers”.
“I think people are thoroughly sick of this kind of alarmism,” he said.
“I don’t think we should take this so-called research very seriously and the researcher in question just few months ago was saying that she didn’t think she could have a baby because that would exacerbate climate change.
Cheadle Humles ‘ favourite private school graduate – Nick Robinson excelled himself with hostility to the conservative deputy pm – Damien green – this morning. Fair questioning is good but using the interviewee as a punch bag is not. Robinson is a journo with a Huge ego – even amongst self loving journos who all think they are more important than they really are.
I could never have been a politician but if one spoke to me the way Robinson treated Green I’d have decked him.
It was not ‘robust ‘ interviewing as al Beeb likes to describe it in response to complaints.
A possible big blooper from the BBC this morning on the TODAY Programme. Their inbuilt amnesia has led them to believe that Theresa May’s speech today that may contain an announcement from the PM about housebuilding will result in the Tories building – shock! horror! – Council houses!
If my memory is not letting me down, I recall one of the first measures of the new Conservative Government, coming out of Coalition in June 2015, was …
… the building of Council housing.
Unlike under the Blair and Brown administrations of 1997-2010 which restricted Local Authorities from building Council accommodation, Dave & GO, when released from Coalition went for it straight away. Or is it MY memory that is defective?
Hopefully maxincony, our Auditor (or Witchfinder General) will be along and checking up on me to see if I have spotted another bit of BBC FakeNews/FalseNews.
Yes that made me laugh but more interesting is why they can’t see that changes in population change policy…and the Labour governments haven’t exactly led the way in building social housing
What struck me though was the completely negative comments towards the Tories in a sneering attitude and this bizarre contest to see who can get the name Boris and Sack into any interview.
If you have been to Libya you would know what he says is true and rather than worry about sensitive people – they should see the positive…not the BBC…
I can’t wait to see the MayFest they have after her speech…prizes for positive comments
Nick Robinson’s tone of voice was hilarious to hear.
There is also no acknowledgement from the BBC, whose political journalists should know a thing or two about government & governance, that Local Authorities might choose – if of a certain political inclination – to either plunge in willingly & fulfil national objectives or perhaps, on the other hand, drag their feet or even actively disrupt nationally set policy.
Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !
Goodbye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’
“Theresa May to unveil plans to build more council homes”……………………….
“Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !”
I know. Don’t they do basic mathematics at private schools?
To me it’s blatantly obvious. More immigrants having more babies (than the indigenous population) = more demand on social housing. Also, when certain “communities” wives aren’t “allowed” to work that means more benefits.
It must be different rules for them as well, as to claim benefits you must be actively seeking work (allegedly). I take it they are excused from this as it is against their “religion”?
Antisemitisn at the labour lovein last week which goes all the way to the top and its tumbleweed from these tossers. Cant be digging into that as we want jezza and the gang in power. Hes going to save us all
He’s going to save us all —From being Independent,free thinking individuals who can change our own nappies and who do not wish to spend our lives sucking away on Mummy States tit.
Sorry about those disgusting words FREE THINKING but they have to be said.
Indeed – it’s all designed to trammel thought.
Same reason why Islamists don’t like education, theatre, the arts etc..
They lead to diversity of thought, ideas, opinions.
The BBC can’t help themselves. The series ‘Our Girl’ returns next week when ‘Our Girl’ finds herself in Nepal. Anyone that watched the short trailer to the new series will spot the important shot of ‘Our Girl’ snogging with what appears a local…………..
And so the brainwashing goes on and on and on and on……………………..
Perhaps the subliminal message is, ‘hey service girl, it’s all right to get hooked to a foreign national and bring them back to the UK where you can both live happily ever after’. After all, multiculturism is more important that anything else, right? The main religion in Nepal is Hinduism.
Islam is practised by a few. Any bets on out of all the religions in Nepal, ‘Our Girl’ is probably going to fancy?
Green Beret Who Beat Up Afghan Officer for Raping Boy Can Stay in Army { apr2016}
“A decorated United States Army sergeant who hit an American-backed Afghan commander for raping a boy will be allowed to remain in the military, a spokesman said Friday.”
‘…Afghan militia commander, Abdul Rahman, in 2011 after he abducted a boy and kept him chained to his bed as a sex slave. Sergeant Martland later told Army officials that he and a Special Forces captain, Dan Quinn, “felt that morally we could no longer stand by” and allow the Afghan local police “to commit atrocities.”’
– A real question for women in the Army as dramatised by BBC ‘Our Girl’, when a women has her period can she still go out on combat duty?
– I ask because my wife, when on her period, has mood swings (glad she doesn’t have a rifle) and feels very drained and tired. (not good when carrying large packs out in the heat).
‘Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !’
Taffman, since when have politicians understood the blinking obvious. Immigrants need housing, which puts a cost on the NHS, the transport system, education places, interpreters, social workers, social care, pensions etc,etc!!!
Doh! Immigrants, on the whole, do not earn over £22,000 a year which is when someone actually begins to start contributing to the tax pot.
BBC never mention this fact, intentionally
Different point, I think any statue of Martin Luther King should be taken down because he was anti gay marriage, he was also a smoker and I am anti smoking and he also ‘suppposedly ‘ engaged himself with prostitutes and I oppose this as a mode of work also.Poor role model for children.
I have a dream!
Wronged – exactly. It isn’t rocket science that too many people in a small space places stress on society in all forms but apparently the lefties don’t seem to be able to do the calculations.
Controlled immigration is okay….if somebody with a brain is controiling it.
My friends emigrated to Canada few years ago…you would not believe how long it took them and they are both professionals good pensions and salaries, they had to prove they could live for a year without state help.. and if their job let them go in year 1 they had to leave! However if you are a muslim you can just walk into any country you like ( except saudi)…Hmmm seems sensible and fair
Sadly, Canada has not adopted such stringent controls evenly (and nor has the USA, come to that). Rather like the UK, where immigrants from places with which we have few or no ties at all are allowed in more or less willy nilly, while Australians, Canadian and New Zealanders are treated like dangerous aliens, Canada has eagerly imported a growing problem with the usual suspects.
Nicky Campbell “A long time back I was sitting in a pub with a BBC colleague and I asked what would you do if Margaret Thatcher walked in.
‘My friend’ replied he would walk out.”
Currrent R5 Phone in topic : having to hide your political views from colleagues/friends.
I like to think I might have at least gone some way in the reverse direction of that depicted ie:- AFTER — BEFORE
I mentioned this to the wife and her reply was “Nah your still an ugly old bastard” Oh well —
Talking to Indian woman – husband took taxi. Taxi and driver calls him brother and extols the virtues of the latest Islamic atrocity.
Husband puts taxi driver straight. Days later husband receives visit from Police having received complaint from Taxi driver.
Police decide not to proceed with case because husband is not white?
Not just how long or how many times in prayer but the pressure put on followers or adherents to achieve.
It is human-attainment oriented salvation, not a long way from what Roman ‘Catholicism’ took Christianity to. True faith trusts in the all sufficient grace, mercy, expiation and propitiation coming not from human-selves but from on high.
– This story shows how to make data not seem as bad by grouping and looking for a story that fits your point of view.
– Please look at the data and decide yourself. I suggest you look at it and think of what trend you would determine, then read Mehdi Hasan interpretation.
– 106 vs 119 killings
– During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others wounded, which is missing from the graph because it is since 9/11.
Any example used by infiltrator jihadi’s (Mishal & Mehdi) or the brain-dead Dhimmi traitors to manipulate data to show ‘white supremacists’ are more deadly than the death cult, is complete bullshit! Facts are everything in an argument, which is why these traitors and militants ignore them, and carry out David Copperfield styled slight of hand using whatever minuscule pieces of information they can find to pull the wool over the thick, brain dead morons at home who fall for this shit.
These are the real questions and real data required to find out how the death cult compares to ‘white supremacists’
1: What is the % of muslims in the Countries used in this data? What % of muslims and white people carry out these attacks? We all know what sort of answer we will get by doing this, which is why we never get this sort of ‘fact checking’ by the Dhimmi traitors. Current estimations (always underplayed) are between 3,000 to 20,000 muslims carrying out Muhammed’s instruction as intended. The UK is 5% Islamic. Therefore, we should see 60,000 to 400,000 white people wanting to slaughter non white people, and being monitored every day by the state. We know this isnt happening. We know this isnt true.
2: How is this % in relation to other religions?
3: How many ‘white supremacists’ are carrying out attacks or are on watch lists in Islamic countries?
4: (and most importantly) How many deaths all over the world, per population, are carried out by muslims (in the name of their prophet), and are carried out by ‘white supremacists’?
Once I see the data of these questions displayed by the Islamic Al ShaBBC, then I will know they want to protect the innocent (white, black, Hindu, Sikh, homosexuals..) and not an ideology that was perfectly carried out by the man who instructs all who followed after…Muhammed. And he slaughtered, and raped thousands, and mandated all who was with him to live the life of the Islamic state. The Caliphate
Don’t know if BBC “journalists” similarly guilty but I’ll grouch about Sky News personnel anyway. In covering Boris’s colourful Libyan comments Sky people are referring to “glib”, “offensive” etc. Questions using these judgmental terms are put to simpering Damian Green. He just squirms, why doesn’t he call the news broadcasters out for using loaded language? The BBC (used to?) use “critics/some say” etc
As Boris says, the place is littered with corpses, their removal impeded by IUDs. The place could be a thriving business and tourist centre. Again someone is pilloried just for speaking the truth and the gutter bbc is wringing out the dregs.
Indeed language on TV News is terrible. Here is Jon Snow setting the scene … “I sat down with the Prime Minister (Theresa May), earlier, in Manchester. I began by asking her ‘Why is everyone* at the conference so miserable?‘” – Jon Snow – Channel4 – 04oct2017@7pm
*everyone – for this to be true he would have to talk to everyone.
Academic science cheating is bad in UK, but in Turkey you get a bigger salary if you gain a qualification or publish a paper, so copying an existing PhD or paying to publish journals seem widespread.
I know cos a client came to me with this problem and I had to research it.
Like India, Pakistan and the ME then?
We had a so called professor one time, trained in Pakistan and Saudi. Didn’t know her arse from her elbow but excelled at putting in expenses claims.
R4 prog now seems to be about a homeschooled issue with Muslim children
… Although the prog blurb doesn’t say its a Muslim issues most of their examples seem to be.
– Cos a school is like a business now, rather than deal with problem children they are saying “hey you know we could keep fining you for all this truancy, or you could home educate”
So a non English speaking mother ended up home educating.
This happened yesterday but nothing from the media as it goes against the trump is evil and does nothing narrative
or this where he speaks with one of the motorcycle cops who had an accident while protecting him a few days ago. Note his colour and again nothing about this
Maybe that was it? Anyhow most everyone you talk to refers to bbc/sky so there’s a striking lack of ‘plurality’.
Quote from Fox News – ‘Had the Vegas shooter shouted, Allah Akbar – no one would be discussing gun control.
If Sugar only had had the drive, guts, consistency and vision of Microsoft (or even Apple then)……………
He didn’t and that’s why he can only be viewed as a business failure.
Recently on bbc WS they discussed what single project could one spend £10 m on. People put cases and a panel voted.
I would love to hear similar on, ‘What Single Project Could the TV License Fee be Spent On’.
Here’s mine – Scrap parking charges in English hospitals. To use a word from Abbott – it’s inhumane.
BBC’s “Diversity Strategy”?
Every (but every) business has a client/customer ‘hardcore’ base who, provided they’re not ripped off or abused, return year-in-year-out as customers. A profoundly sensible business understands this very basic fact and makes sure (like Ratner) they don’t disturb that income. Those that don’t recognise this, fail. Fact of life. And that goes for non-profit making organisations as well. In the case of the BBC, its hardcore base is the annual licence fee payer – ‘thee and I’, simply. Facts escaping the BBC (no ‘Factcheck’ needed here):
“The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.”
Compared with the BBC’s “Diversity” plans, there is a serious ‘miss-match’. However, if one considers the BBC in its normal habitat, London, you can see why they are anxious to appear more diversely ‘customer friendly’. That’s one reason why there’s lots more black and asian faces (et al.) coming to a tv screen near you soon.
Only problem is, BBC, you are primarily financed by the, “….80 per cent of the population…” and they may increasingly dislike having black and asian faces presented to them on their screens 24/7. Maybe, BBC, you focus entirely on the diverse bubble you occupy and allow other broadcasters to step in and take the 80% who actually support you (financially that is). I’m sure that if possible, there would be many takers that will provide a service tailored to the 80% and, unlike you, BBC, relish providing programs tailored to suit.
BbcAsianNetwork 1/2 The Care Minister @JackieDP is urging families to follow the example of ethnic minority communities of looking after elderly relatives”
They are thinking Many Asians respect elderly so take care.
#1 what about the ones that fly their elderly parents here to use the NHS
#2 ‘BAME socially responsible ?’ : Black missing dads
I think this is a good point – give people an incentive to look after their family or build it into the culture.
But this would only work if their was someone at home to help (possibly).
– offer incentive to help older family members move into children’s home
– offer incentive for older generation to move into a single house, thus removing being a alone and releasing properties
– remove all taxes on grandparents pensions if they live at home
Christ on a bike, you’d think that all the bloody media journalists had never had a cough or sore throat the way they’ve pounced on Treezer’s delivery speech. Is it really THAT important that she coughs or sneezes – at least she got through it. And then the way that the journos bated each of the walking heads at the conference in trying to get them criticise one another, was disgusting. Islam and Cohen couldn’t wait to Twatter their thoughts – it must be my age, but I’m finding it all so pathetic.
They have been bitching since the election like kids having a tantrum as jezza isnt in power to stop the evil brexit from happening to them. Whatever your view of theresa and the gang its plainly obvious the media are out to destroy them as their real target is brexit. That hoaxer today is known to them and his name is lee nelson and hes had a show on 4 recently going after the mega rich. Somebody helped him to get in there and my suspicions would be channel 4 followed by the twats at the beeb.
Security must be rubbish, as there’s no way he should have gotten anywhere near the stage, whether he was harmless or not. Childish stunt, and another ‘comedian’ who needs reporting under Trade Description. What world are we living in ?
The news report on Radio 2s Whine show tells us that the EU have directed Luxembourg to recover £221 million in unpaid tax from Amazon. A dodgy deal was made between the Luxembourg govt and Amazon. Prime Minister at the time? Juncker.
The radio report didn’t even mention his name and online he is mentioned, as if by way of an aside, in the final paragraph. Pathetic.
Also in the online report, EU taking Eire to court because they won’t claim £13 billion in unpaid tax from Apple. It seems that our moral guardians and domestic policy advisors across the border would be better sorting out their own affairs. Ireland’s external debt in US dollars is 780% of GDP, who needs £13 billion?
So blatant corruption at the very top, member states in hoc to private companies, Spain crumbling and the Bbcs biggest concern about the EU is that the EU think Boris and May don’t get on.
Absolutely useless.
And then watching a true murder pro gramme. American person of colour, Mom dies, cuts school, cuts work, turns to drugs and prostitution. Killed by ‘boyfriend’.
I’m thinking, is this due to racism, sexism, white supremacy – no but I ‘d bet plenty would argue otherwise.
Times :”Ofcom, which attacked ‘woeful’ lack of diversity in TV, employs lower % of women and disabled people than broadcasters it criticised ”
2 days ago
Management age population does not reflect BAME cos that is skewed towards school age
By that measure Ofcom has too many BAME
Ofcom, which attacked 'woeful' lack of diversity in TV, employs lower % of women and disabled people than broadcasters it criticised
Khan maybe is hoping that a few poor souls who weren`t Muslim might end up getting lobbed into the kebab meat.
Halal is despicable like much else of Islamic practice-yes, kosher won`t be much better but at least they were first , and there`s far less of a market for mass slaughter of animals.
That’s the thing – these MPs, celeb’s, politicos, SJWs, MSM types who tell us how to think and act seldom inhabit the world they pontificate to us on. Their arrogance and presumptuousness really pisses me off every time they open their elitist gobs.
I think Theresa May should invoke Article ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’ 1 Clause which stipulates:
Provision 1: If during leaving the EU you grow tired, then Jacob Rees-Mogg will step in as caretaker PM.
Provision 2: If you are still tired,then let Jacob Rees-Mogg become PM.
Provision 3: If you require help on how to handle the press regarding initiating a ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’, then confer with Diane as she has already issued a Article Type 2 clause during the General Election June2017, miss handled several interviews and still won her seat in Hackney (42,265 votes / 75.1%/ change in seats+12.2).
Provision 4: Please review some of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s material ….
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
“Let’s leave my despicability to one side ”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
Not sure quite when it happened but to be gay / black / female or any combination of such, bestows a superiority that may not be questioned or bettered.
They don’t like it up ’em!
‘Former women’s college fields all-male University Challenge team’
What about imposing a quota bBBC?
It’s similar to the girlie oriented questions that female contestants get on mastermind . My special subject would be al Beeb bias with £650k humph asking the questions. Qu1. What sort of schools did the TOADY presenters go to ? Ans – No state ones. { correct }
These are good speeches, I admit not recent ones …
“One should still register how ludicrous it is to talk about the cartoon crisis.”
“Which do you value more? Truth or freedom?”
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Restrictions and limitations on the freedoms of speech undermine the foundations of justice…”
{reference to Boris Johnson’s speech – – 03oct2017}
The latest on Guido prompts me to speculate how the BBC will react to Alan Duncan’s remark that ” Brexit is a working class tantrum”. I think it presents tricky dilemma for them, and my guess is that the BBC will keep a low profile.
Great minds…………….. !
How long will it take until Al Beeb put this up ?………………………….
“Brexit vote was ‘tantrum’ by British working class, says Alan Duncan” That’s Sir Alan .
Will they dare ?
“Alan Duncan MP – Embarrassing U-Turn on MP’s expenses”
// thanks to
If you remember, it was snotty little Alan Duncan who was one of Theresa’s main hit-men during the leadership contest.
I recall his poisonous remarks about Andrea Leadsome after she had spoken about being a mother.
Her comments were innocent and innocuous. Unfortunately for her…and as it has transpired, for us too, the Tory smear machine distorted what she had said and forced her to retire from the fray.
He really is a despicable, seething, hypocritical old queen.
In case you haven’t already guessed.
I don’t like him…
Perceived Hate detected by ‘Jeff’ towards Alan Duncan … please step into my car for correction …
Fake conservatives like Duncan are the real problem . I have no time for our Jeremy but he would never say anything so crass and that is part of his appeal. Tantrum implies childishness and that is how far too many politicians see us voters. As children to be scolded and given sweeties if we behave.
Driving the Duncans from public life is essential now.
I wondered which chief beeboid auto cue reader would be sent to Vagas – answer – the black one – Myree. Al Beeb not content with their local staff. I bet sopel, Katy and comrade C4 snow turn up to mock the president of another country as though he is responsible to them.
Not a lot about the Islamic bomb factory and cell found in Paris. Looks like al Beeb has tipexed out Islamic terrorism and prefers other subjects .
As I write this al Beeb 6 o’clock news is gleefully reporting the EU parliament criticising the British government in its negotiations. – politely we should tell al Beeb and the EU to Eff Off. 453? Days to Brexit.
Hmm! The Conservative Party Conference got short shrift on BBC’s Six O’clock News, despite high profile speeches today from Liam Fox, David Davis, Michael Fallon and Boris Johnson. Well, they did manage to broadcast a full 16 seconds of Boris’s rather good speech. Mercifully, there was no to-the-camera piece from Kuennsberg, though she was shown earlier impertinently asking the Prime Minister whether Boris should be sacked. That particular moment was crying out for the response “it is none of your damn business”, but no politician has the guts or sense to say what needs to be said.
P.S. no mention of Alan Duncan, I noticed!
Looking forward to Treezer’s resignation speech tomorrow.
I’m guess mr Duncan is assuming he ll be just a rich back bencher again when the next reshuffle takes place. I’m thinking he s one of those wealthy types who likes power for its own sake and needs to be listened too by an adoring audience. As a thick member of the proletariat I had no clue what I was voting for, was deluded and I shouldn’t have to worry my simple under educated head with issues far below my working class pay grade.
I would enjoy seeing that one lose his seat ( no doubt he d buy a pew in the peers retirement club with the rest of the dead expenses claimers).
Is ‘back bencher’ a euphemism?
Watching boris’s speech it explains why the knives have been out for him all week on all networks. He done well today and there was nothing wrong with the speech to criticise so they won’t report it as it goes against the narrative. Can’t be having that happen can we, tories are evil. It was nice hearing him having a go at jezza, Johnny ira and the prat in charge of London. More of that please. Hope Theresa was watching and taking notes . Take the war to these cretins and no surrender
Alice Roberts is with the Khalihari Busmen , as appears the same ones who were with the Scottish cameraman bloke the other week (her prog is a 2015 repeat )
There concerns about traditional tribal people , such that you should stay away from their area and have zero contact.
#1 They have less immunity that us so are vulnerable to the diseases we city dwellers carry.
#2 The moment you contact them that changes their culture.
No matter how well intentioned and that should not be your choice.
If they come to town and make contact that is their decision.
Ffs They’ve put Amol Rajan on to present the Wonk Show
..anything to get him up to the £150K salary . they can say see we pay BAMEs big money.
Whatever happened to John Holmes and Mitch Benn? Are we still allowed to mention their names?
Those two white ‘comedians’ were the casualties of diversity even though they championed it and called anyone against it a racist. They ain’t laughing now
You’d have to hope that in their miserably ill-educated lives, somewhere they would have encountered the phrase ‘hoist with your own petard’ wouldn’t you?
Really really surprised they got away with that . Is that where the reggae sauce bloke got his idea from – is he Lord Rasta yet?
Mitch Ben now pours his remainer bile every Thursday in the new European calling brexiters racist and thick and all cheered on by tones good buddy Campbell
He had a little hissy fit here once. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, that’s for sure.
This prat started out as Matthew wrights microphone holder on his morning show on 5 seven or eight years ago. He was a smug prat even back then. Left that and joined the independent and became the editor. Used to come back on the Wright stuff as a double act with that other independent journo the superstar known as alibi brown. These two kept telling us they were balanced journos on the show and I just happened to see pink unicorns walking down the road every time they said this. As left as they come. The independent goes online and lo and behold rajan turns up at the Beeb and they are trying to make him one of their new stars. All I see is a biased arrogant smug little git with vote labour oozing out of every pore, just perfect for the beeb
Get you, Amol trashed the Independent next he’ll trash the BBC
Channel4 – 7pm – Jon Snow –
“I sat down with the Prime Minister, earlier, in Manchester. I began by asking her ‘Why is everyone at the conference so miserable?'” – Jon Snow
Is this really journalism or even impartial presenting. This is emoting. Setting the tone. Did he speak to ‘everyone’ at the conference? Don’t think so. He mixes miserable with half filled conference rooms. Not the same.
“What about the distress? What about the distress of those people living in social housing, who know that only 2% of the Tower Blocks they live in have sprinklers? You said you’d provide sprinkler money. We studied Nottingham last week and they’ve been begging for it, but cannot get it and have been refused it.” – Jon Snow
(note that John keeps jabbing a finger at May, which is very uncivilised)
p.s. May was not very convincing and looked uncomfortable.
Next … Race Disparity Report
– 9 in 10 Headteachers are White British
– Unemployment Rate : White British – 4.6% ; BAME – 8%
– Home ownership : White British 2 in 3; Other Ethnic Groups 2 in 5;
“You’re approaching this in the spirit of enquiry? You don’t know the answer?” – Presenter
“No, that’s the point of an Audit. You get the evidence and look at it and have a conversation in Government and the external stakeholders and communities affected.” – MP
“Do you need to shine light? Other people have. You could have acted before on their (other reports) findings?”
(Presenter is about to cry when saying these things. I think I see a tear …)
“What about the distress of those people living in social housing, who know that only 2% of the Tower Blocks they live in have sprinklers?”
Well they can always go back to Syria or wherever, maybe they have sprinklers in their tower blocks?
I don’t miss c4 news as I gave it up a while ago because of the kind of presentation you described .
Comrade Snow was on r5 last weekend being interviewed about something or other and started to describe how he was almost rodgered by the burser at his private school . Being a pleb – I didn’t go to private school – so I thought being rodgered by the burser was a rite of passage as it were. Snow was saved by the calls of a staff member who knew what the burser was about to do to snow the younger.
Snow is the archetypal beeboid who got a fright when he went to a council estate where a block had been burnt.
The locals didn’t like him . The locals – plebs – had good taste . I grew up on a council estate.
Who is this Boris? Speaking in a positive manner concerning Britain and The British people!
Why the young-uns have never heard such talk!
The great thing about being on a lucrative bbc salary – you don’t have to live or shop near any of the types your heart bleeds for.
The country could do an awful lot of good the TV Tax, even address problems of ‘inhumanity’ that they bang on about.
It really is an obscenity – some things you wish you didn’t need, police, military, prisons etc but you have to have them.
No similar rationale exists for a bbc.
Best comedy moment of the day:
Notice the BBC assumption that the average British child is a brown girl.
In another half-century such an assumption may prove to be a correct one to make.
At my old secondary school ALL the girls are now ‘brown’.
No chance of any of them being hauled before the head mistress for breaking the ‘skirt hems must touch the ground when kneeling’, (ignored by the sixth-form!).
With 1400 children being tortured and raped for 16 years in Rotherham – how many mix classed babies are going to be born? BBC to report on this?
Not upholding the law and ignoring criminals has dire consequences for society ….
Rotherham abuse: ‘She was raped by six men’ { 23aug2017}
Julie Roberts’ foster daughter Gemma was one of more than 1,400 girls abused by gangs of men in Rotherham between 1997 and 2003. But despite the scandal being exposed in 2014 (after 16 years, why does this article say it ended in 2003?), she continued to be preyed upon until she died following a morphine overdose.
No one knows the true scale of sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that there were more than 1400 victims in the period covered by the Inquiry, and an unknown number who were at risk of being exploited. … Even in 2014, young people told us they would be reluctant to come forward for help because they would feel ashamed or afraid. {pdf – – Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham}
– BBC, Use ‘3 Girls’ (Rochdale) programme so people aren’t reminded of the number 1400+ (and counting!) which would cause disgust, ‘Hate’ and ‘Anger’ as perverts raped their way through 13 schools worth of children over 16 years (1400/110).
– Just ‘3 Girls’ is what the public talk about now.
– Well done BBC for using your ‘Bite Size’ learning on adults!
Shari’ah law states that the punishment for murder, adultery and denying Islam is the death penalty. { – Muslim arguments in favour of capital punishment}
Anybody looking for some nostalgia?
Found this wonderful article from 2007. The Guardian highlighting how the BBC retreated from a controversial storyline involving a Muslim suicide bomber.
Ah.. the good old days
2012 EU Poster. For the many.
Gone are the days that Europe was for the Europeans.
Europe4ALL – what does that mean?
How about Saudi Arabia4ALL, let’s start sending 100,000’s of Christians to Saudi Arabia every year and sit back and watch what happens.
or how about Pakistan4ALL, let’s start sending 100,000’s of Christians and 100,000’s of Hindu’s to Pakistan every year and sit back and watch what happens …
For the Any, Not the Ew (you).
Africa for the Africans-Asia for the Asians -Europe for the Europeans.
Absolutely nothing racist about that. In fact I would wager that the majority of the worlds people would be quite happy with that. We feel more comfortable with our own kind but are always curious and interested in learning about other cultures and ways of life.
The problem is that in the Western World we are governed by a group of people who think that they know better than Mother Nature and insist on changing Her laws by force of arms. It cannot be done, but once again millions will have to die to prove it. As the song says “When will they ever learn.”
I tend to content myself these days at the ripe old age of 77 with the feeling that I was alive during the best years of my country’s history. I fear the worst is to come. The opinions that millions of us held in the 1950s are now branded as Nazi and yet many people who held those views died fighting the Nazis. For the sake of those who come after me I can only hope that history will prove me wrong and that they will at least have as good a life as I have had. As of now I cannot see that happening.
Totally agree. The future looks bleak and we can only hope that something happens which forces a rapid and dramatic change of course or the West is going onto the rocks.
Lucy Pevensey
This EU poster offends me. It is racist because it omits my religion – The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster a recognised religion in several EU countries, less violent than Islam and Communism and more coherent.
Wot no swastika? Five hammer and sickles though. Muslims trump Christians and Jews.
By my reckoning, it will only be 27 stars left on that flag of theirs once we`ve gone.
We should pass our star onto Catalonia as we`re exiting in a Gary Cooper kind of way. I also think that each time a country goes Muslim(as they will in mainland Europe)-the stars should be replaced by white crescents, and the background should turn from blue to Islamic green. Gradually-so we can see it happening.
I see the daily politics have been up to their usual tricks again. Last week at the nu hard left Labour Party conference nobody from the right or tories were seen or allowed on. Today we had the little scrote that made a fool of himself at the moggsters meeting yesterday on to voice his bile all decked out in his tories out t shirt and being guided and allowed to spout his rubbish by coburn. No debate just the usual ranting raving and sneering. Coburn signed off by smiling away. Not a chance in hell of this happening last week
Did they show the protestor talking to Jacob Rees-Mogg?
“Let’s leave my despicabilty to one side ” Best line from a politician I’ve heard in a very long time.
Rees-Mogg’s fearless and disarming approach to that young person was a joy to behold. I almost feel sorry for the young man, as the Mogg politely showed him up to be an ill-informed lout. ‘Which policies in particular do you dislike, perhaps we can discuss them?’ ‘ALL OF THEM, INNIT!’
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
// “Delingpole with James Delin…” – youtube not available, sorry
Newsnight favourite ex alumnus Paul Mason seems to be going the ‘tell it often enough’ route in his ‘analysis’ of the exchange, though comments suggest he may be thinking more wishfully than sensibly:
Yes, that sounds like Mason. Slogans trump reason.
The more he opens his mouth, the more obvious it is why he was employed by the BBC.
I really feel sorry for Mason. Not one of life’s brightest sparks. On Newsnight he always looked ill at ease as if he knew he was not there on merit.
Oh I don’t know. Merit on Newsnight is surely a relative concept. In the Kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king. I would have thought that, judging by the content, the average intellect of the Newsnight crew was pretty low and so even Mason may have been there on merit.
Not to everyone’s taste, but Mafia Lens can serve to find out facts ex BBC editors are less keen on being made widespread.
A call to all BBC and Labour Top Earners such as Chris Evans and Gary Lineker who are in the Labour Party, we are going to implement the socialist Labour dream today to REMOVE ALL FOOD BANKS, forever!
Chris Evans and Gary Lineker will lead the campaign, but you can join in by giving all your savings, wages, clothing, cars, house keys, Caribbean house keys, furniture, pets, future earnings, pensions and food to Jeremy Corbyn, he will then divide them all up and give everyone, what he thinks is an equal share.
To begin this momentous moment in history the top leaders and BBC presenters might drop their offerings into the Socialist Pot Of Glory Today – ready to be shared equally!
Jeremy Corbyn – Salary £125K* + expenses + gifts from companies
Chris Evans – £2.2million** + expenses + + CarFest + gifts from companies
Sadiq Khan – £143K + expenses + gifts from companies
Gary Lineker – £1.7million** + expenses + BT Sport + Crisps + gifts from companies
Keith Vaz – £75K *+ expenses + 5 houses (1 house is used for MP duties, so tax payer is paying for it) + expenses + gifts from companies
Diane Abbot – £75K* + expenses + BBC TV appearances + gifts from companies
… plenty will be willing to sign up! …
“I see the daily politics have been up to their usual tricks again. Last week at the nu hard left Labour Party conference nobody from the right or tories were seen or allowed on.”
Nobody from the right or tories… apart from Alex Wickham (Guido Fawkes) on Tuesday or Kate McCann (Daily Telegraph) and Mathew Parris (Tory) on Wednesday.
Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…
“Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…”
Thank you maxincony, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said about me on here; coming from you that’s a real compliment.
Do you always have to work night shifts ? You must be the ‘junior on the team’.
Why this is important ………………
Maxicony has the same offensive style as Zero who no longer appears here since he was outed as a fister in Camden public toilets.
Mathew Parris -Tory ?!
You’ll be saying Ken Clarke and Heseltine are Tory next .
Just been scouring some of Peter Sissons memoirs. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if he were given a job on the MSM on a regular basis. Wishful thinking I know but there really is no one left with any gravitas now that Andrew Neil is pretty much retired.
Wishful thinking indeed Synchro. But we can still dream can’t we? Or is THAT also politically incorrect.?
“Just been scouring some of Peter Sissons memoirs. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if he were given a job on the MSM on a regular basis.”
Yes wouldn’t it be great if he was given a job at the BBC on regular basis. Perhaps for, oh I don’t know, twenty years or so. Might even get to present ‘Question Time’!!!
Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…
Is there such a thing as a left-wing buffoon….?
Dover Sentry
No. Hard to be a buffoon if you support the actions of left wing regimes from Russia to China who eliminated millions of their own people for the creation of a socialist/communist nightmare
Maxi, The clue was in memoirs. By reading them I’m fully aware of his past employment. To make myself clear I mean a job now on any MSM platform.
P.S. If I can prove that I am not a buffoon does your comment constitute a hate crime?
I think maxi was nights again . He ll be tucked up in bed listening to a Corbin speach by now. If you get a response it will be 0030 Thursday.
For retired read sacked for not being sufficiently pro Remain . Brillo was walking a thin line when he filleted Nick Clegg on the Sunday Politics about a year ago. I knew then that it was likely they , the BBC, would give him the boot . There is no room at the BBC for any deviation from the BBC orthodox liberal left line on any subject. Brillo should think himself lucky that he doesn’t have an ice pick sticking out of his skull after showing such deviationist tendencies. But there is now not one single commentator/ presenter worth watching on the state funded broadcaster as they all parrot the same orthodoxy. If any broadcaster out there is looking for someone to bring gravitas and unbiased comment to their output then Brillo is the man to do it.
Totally agree on all points. Not sure if he ll call it a day or start looking for another place where he can practice his art. For our sake I really hope it’s the latter. There really is no one now who has the integrity to not follow the al Beeb editors words being shouted into their ear piece. Bloody sad and bad. I’m sure Russians would be very familiar with the state broadcaster uniformity.
Fair play to the BBC for a R4 programme tonight on Muslim sectarianism in the Urdu press, and its possible connection with the murder of that shopkeeper in Glasgow. However, their only solution seemed to be greater involvement by the Press Complaints Authority and the Advertising Standards Agency. That’s like saying the Germans in 1939 should have been given a stern ticking off for invading Poland. Still, in the words of Douglas Murray, at least the problem is being acknowledged.
Then on BBC TV, a doc by David Starkey about the Reformation, comparing it with Islamic Jihad and Brexit. I found the comparison rather tedious; usually the good doctor doesn’t stoop to such tabloid comparisons and I get the impression it was done to jazz up what most people would see as an irrelevant topic (which of course it is not, the Reformation is fundamental to modern western civilization). However, I had to smile when the announcer stressed the programme was Dr Starkey’s ‘PERSONAL view’, perhaps just in case anyone got worried he was saying something nasty about the Muslims.
Boris Johnson Libya ‘dead bodies’ comment provokes anger
They have got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next Dubai.
“The only thing they have got to do is clear the dead bodies away,” he said, before laughing.
– I await the transcript
Don’t worry about the transcript MM.
You will be hearing it all day on both BBC and Sky.
No.7 “You will be hearing it all day on both BBC and Sky” but that will be what they think they heard and what they want ‘us’ to hear.
Cranmer – I must admit to really rather liking the Starkey documentary (mainly because I enjoy him) but the Reformation is such an important and complex subject, the consequences of which really do echo down the centuries to us today, that it surely needs an entire series to do it any justice.
I don’t for a minute believe that al Beebus, would commission a series that was solely about Western Christianity and its primary schism. Although if it were about some other religion (the votaries of which are more in the Beeb’s favour) that had undergone a profound and permanent historic divide, then I’m sure such a series would be produced and no doubt lavishly so.
Al Shubtill,
“I don’t for a minute believe that al Beebus, would commission a series that was solely about Western Christianity and its primary schism.”
It would indeed be a shame to waste all those precious minutes:
BBC, A History of Christianity.
BBC, The Protestant Revolution.
Some people might suggest this site is entirely populated by right-wing buffoons…
Why do you only post here during the early hours Max?
Is it because the sedatives have worn off by then and you haven’t yet been dosed up again?
You certainly visit here quite often considering your view of who populates this site, maybe because you feel right at home amongst all the “buffoons”?
Maxicony, the latter programme was presented by a Labour Party supporting anti-Christian called Tristram Hunt, and the former was presented by a gay Leftist academic who has renounced his Christianity. Some people (your “right wing buffoons” possibly”) might suggest that this selection by the BBC was entirely predictable.
Wild, love the ‘Some people’.
(Probably be lost on maxi, though.)
He’s busy writing all these responses from his 32nd floor hotel room overlooking the Tory party conference.
Maybe Max is on Eastern Standard Time ? What’s in a name?
Max in City Of New York?….. or maybe he/she always cops for the late shift at the Rabbit Furriers?
BBC, The Protestant Revolution.
BBC, A History of Christianity.
When Diarmaid MacCulloch was a small boy, his parents used to drive him round historic churches. Little did they know that they had created a monster, with the history of the Christian Church becoming his life’s work.
Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch’s grandfather was a devout pillar of the local Anglican church and felt that any dabbling in Catholicism was liable to pollute the English way of life. But now Professor’s grandfather isn’t around to stop him exploring the extraordinary and unpredictable rise of the Roman Catholic Church.
Over one billion Christians look to Rome, more than half of all Christians on the planet. But how did a small Jewish sect from the backwoods of 1st-century Palestine, which preached humility and the virtue of poverty, become the established religion of western Europe – wealthy, powerful and expecting unfailing obedience from the faithful? Amongst the surprising revelations, MacCulloch tells how confession was invented by monks on a remote island off the coast of Ireland, and how the Crusades gave Britain the university system. Above all, it is a story of what can be achieved when you have friends in high places.
Today, Eastern Orthodox Christianity flourishes in the Balkans and Russia, with over 150 million members worldwide. It is unlike Catholicism or Protestantism – worship is carefully choreographed, icons pull the faithful into a mystical union with Christ, and everywhere there is a symbol of a fierce-looking bird, the double-headed eagle. What story is this ancient drama trying to tell us?
In the third part of his journey into the history of Christianity, Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch charts Orthodoxy’s extraordinary fight for survival. After its glory days in the eastern Roman Empire, it stood right in the path of Muslim expansion, suffered betrayal by crusading Catholics, was seized by the Russian tsars and faced near-extinction under Soviet communism.
MacCulloch visits the greatest collection of early icons in the Sinai desert, a surviving relic of the iconoclastic crisis in Istanbul and Ivan the Terrible’s cathedral in Moscow to discover the secret of Orthodoxy’s endurance.
Diarmaid MacCulloch’s own life story makes him a symbol of a distinctive feature about Western Christianity – scepticism, a tendency to doubt which has transformed both Western culture and Christianity.
In the final programme in the series, he asks where that change came from. He challenges the simplistic notion that faith in Christianity has steadily ebbed away before the relentless advance of science, reason and progress, and shows instead how the tide of faith perversely flows back in.
Despite the attacks of Newton, Voltaire, the French Revolutionaries and Darwin, Christianity has shown a remarkable resilience. The greatest damage to Christianity was actually inflicted to its moral credibility by the two great wars of the 20th century and by its entanglement with Fascism and Nazism. And yet it is during crisis that the Church has rediscovered deep and enduring truths about itself, which may even be a clue to its future.
BBC An Islamic History of Europe {}
Rageh Omaar visits Spain, Sicily and France in a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. He uncovers a tale of scientific advance and rich cultural influences that have had a profound impact on the way we are today, reveals how a flourishing Islamic culture was finally destroyed in Europe by ambition, betrayal and oppression and shows how the fall-out still resonates today. The journey begins in Spain.
Rageh Omaar visits Sicily and France on a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. It’s a journey of discovery for Rageh, who as a Moslem has a personal interest in the matter. From challenging ideas that changed the way people thought to major works of geography that quite literally altered the shape of the world, the seeds of modern Europe can be traced back to this Moslem invasion over a thousand years ago.
Rageh Omaar goes on a fascinating journey in search of the story of Islam in Europe. Omaar discovers how a flourishing Islamic culture was destroyed by ambition, betrayal and oppression. He visits the last stronghold of Islam in Spain, Granada, and reveals how the fall-out from the final conflict still resonates today in the ongoing divide between East and West.
– As an exercise study the tone and words used by the BBC in the above. (note that not all article summaries are present)
It seems to me, in many ways, England is the Islamic Capital of the Western World:
English Imams:
The British Government: The following story is poorly written – the key message is that the British Government didn’t want the BBC to continue to use the term “Islamic State” or even “so-called Islamic State” because they said linking “Islam” to the Islamic State group was offensive to British Muslims.
Homeless man taken into family home by good people, and given food, shelter and a job, later returns the favour by killing them.
I can’t help but think there is an analogy to be drawn here with Europe and with Britain.
Bro Cali
Well President Trump did give us fair warning during his election campaign when he read out the poem about “The Snake”. Let’s all try to be a bit kinder to each other certainly but not totally f—–g naive.
BBC Online News:
“”Sydney and Melbourne could face 50C days ‘within decades'””
“”Sydney and Melbourne are likely to endure such summers even if global warming is contained to the Paris accord limit of a 2C rise above pre-industrial levels, scientists said.””
I’m still waiting for a BBC feature that questions climate change.
I’m still waiting for a BBC feature that supports Brexit.
They had me convinced when they moved from “could” to “likely”.
Seem to recall we were being told exactly that some time ago .. er.. how long ummh .. it wouldn’t have been over two decades ago, would it?
And can someone explain to me how Global just Sydney and Melbourne is in Global Warming terms? (Note the word GLOBAL there, in case you have missed it like some others I could mention.)
I can already hear the whinging coming from Perth, let alone from across the Tasman, mate, and whatever you do, don’t ever let Scotland hear about this.
That wee Krankie will be moaning all over this piece of discrimination for months on end.
its gone to decades now. Didnt the Brown buffoon tell us at one stage we had only 50 days to save the planet or was that the NHS. So confused with all this screaming from the left.
I think the late George Carlin’s YouTube video on saving the planet makes a lot of sense.
It should be shown in all the Yoonies.
From the school of “Children will never know what snow is”
Or Prof Peter Wadhams continuous failed predictions “In a couple of years the Arctic will be ice free”
MetroBubble jump to report such empty speculation, but don’t follow up.
Haven’t spotted the debunk yet
but I expect JoNova or Andrew Bolt will rebut soon
Meanwhile thwere’s some discussion here
The Australian newspaper quotes Ex-PM
Cheadle Humles ‘ favourite private school graduate – Nick Robinson excelled himself with hostility to the conservative deputy pm – Damien green – this morning. Fair questioning is good but using the interviewee as a punch bag is not. Robinson is a journo with a Huge ego – even amongst self loving journos who all think they are more important than they really are.
I could never have been a politician but if one spoke to me the way Robinson treated Green I’d have decked him.
It was not ‘robust ‘ interviewing as al Beeb likes to describe it in response to complaints.
Norman Smiff is in full sorrowful indignation mode having offered Boris a chance to be interviewed* by the great man but got declined.
*Harangued with ‘when are you going to resign?’ over and over being the BBC idea of an ‘interview’.
A possible big blooper from the BBC this morning on the TODAY Programme. Their inbuilt amnesia has led them to believe that Theresa May’s speech today that may contain an announcement from the PM about housebuilding will result in the Tories building – shock! horror! – Council houses!
If my memory is not letting me down, I recall one of the first measures of the new Conservative Government, coming out of Coalition in June 2015, was …
… the building of Council housing.
Unlike under the Blair and Brown administrations of 1997-2010 which restricted Local Authorities from building Council accommodation, Dave & GO, when released from Coalition went for it straight away. Or is it MY memory that is defective?
Hopefully maxincony, our Auditor (or Witchfinder General) will be along and checking up on me to see if I have spotted another bit of BBC FakeNews/FalseNews.
Yes that made me laugh but more interesting is why they can’t see that changes in population change policy…and the Labour governments haven’t exactly led the way in building social housing
What struck me though was the completely negative comments towards the Tories in a sneering attitude and this bizarre contest to see who can get the name Boris and Sack into any interview.
If you have been to Libya you would know what he says is true and rather than worry about sensitive people – they should see the positive…not the BBC…
I can’t wait to see the MayFest they have after her speech…prizes for positive comments
James, right on. It was the way they tell ’em!
Nick Robinson’s tone of voice was hilarious to hear.
There is also no acknowledgement from the BBC, whose political journalists should know a thing or two about government & governance, that Local Authorities might choose – if of a certain political inclination – to either plunge in willingly & fulfil national objectives or perhaps, on the other hand, drag their feet or even actively disrupt nationally set policy.
Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !
Goodbye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’
“Theresa May to unveil plans to build more council homes”……………………….
“Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !”
I know. Don’t they do basic mathematics at private schools?
To me it’s blatantly obvious. More immigrants having more babies (than the indigenous population) = more demand on social housing. Also, when certain “communities” wives aren’t “allowed” to work that means more benefits.
It must be different rules for them as well, as to claim benefits you must be actively seeking work (allegedly). I take it they are excused from this as it is against their “religion”?
These are all questions which a properly impartial news organisation would be asking.
The BBC, on the other hand, thinks it more important to promote women’s football and ‘non-binary gender’ issues.
Antisemitisn at the labour lovein last week which goes all the way to the top and its tumbleweed from these tossers. Cant be digging into that as we want jezza and the gang in power. Hes going to save us all
He’s going to save us all —From being Independent,free thinking individuals who can change our own nappies and who do not wish to spend our lives sucking away on Mummy States tit.
Sorry about those disgusting words FREE THINKING but they have to be said.
‘Free thinking’ two of the most hateful words to leftists. You are literally Hitler for using them or thinking that way.
‘Free thinking’ two of the most hateful words to leftists. You are literally Hitler for using them or thinking that way.
Free (of) Thinking …
Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime (HATE CRIME) literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.
Indeed – it’s all designed to trammel thought.
Same reason why Islamists don’t like education, theatre, the arts etc..
They lead to diversity of thought, ideas, opinions.
They lead to a world without Islam … free thinking is bad!
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)”
– David Starkey
The BBC can’t help themselves. The series ‘Our Girl’ returns next week when ‘Our Girl’ finds herself in Nepal. Anyone that watched the short trailer to the new series will spot the important shot of ‘Our Girl’ snogging with what appears a local…………..
And so the brainwashing goes on and on and on and on……………………..
Perhaps the subliminal message is, ‘hey service girl, it’s all right to get hooked to a foreign national and bring them back to the UK where you can both live happily ever after’. After all, multiculturism is more important that anything else, right? The main religion in Nepal is Hinduism.
Islam is practised by a few. Any bets on out of all the religions in Nepal, ‘Our Girl’ is probably going to fancy?
It’s called dereliction of duty { – Our Girl} … and blurs the lines … but makes an interesting story … the BBC might want to add these events into the story line as well ….
Child ‘suicide bomber’, 7, dressed in full ‘Hazard’ Chelsea football kit is caught by Iraqi troops who disarm him after finding explosives strapped to his chest {dailymail 22mar2017}
“The soldier then asks him to raise his arms and in the next few moments, the soldier slowly snips off bandages holding up the device, which appears to include a mobile phone and batteries”
The Taliban has claimed responsibility for an insider attack at a base in northern Afghanistan, which the US military said left at least one Afghan soldier dead and several American soldiers wounded. { 17jun2016}
“In April, scores of Afghan soldiers were killed when militants breached security at Camp Shaheen, detonating explosives and shooting hundreds of troops at a mosque and dining hall on the base. The attackers were disguised in Afghan army uniforms.”
Green Beret Who Beat Up Afghan Officer for Raping Boy Can Stay in Army { apr2016}
“A decorated United States Army sergeant who hit an American-backed Afghan commander for raping a boy will be allowed to remain in the military, a spokesman said Friday.”
‘…Afghan militia commander, Abdul Rahman, in 2011 after he abducted a boy and kept him chained to his bed as a sex slave. Sergeant Martland later told Army officials that he and a Special Forces captain, Dan Quinn, “felt that morally we could no longer stand by” and allow the Afghan local police “to commit atrocities.”’
– A real question for women in the Army as dramatised by BBC ‘Our Girl’, when a women has her period can she still go out on combat duty?
– I ask because my wife, when on her period, has mood swings (glad she doesn’t have a rifle) and feels very drained and tired. (not good when carrying large packs out in the heat).
‘Housing isn’t the problem, its uncontrolled immigration – Simples !’
Taffman, since when have politicians understood the blinking obvious. Immigrants need housing, which puts a cost on the NHS, the transport system, education places, interpreters, social workers, social care, pensions etc,etc!!!
Doh! Immigrants, on the whole, do not earn over £22,000 a year which is when someone actually begins to start contributing to the tax pot.
BBC never mention this fact, intentionally
Different point, I think any statue of Martin Luther King should be taken down because he was anti gay marriage, he was also a smoker and I am anti smoking and he also ‘suppposedly ‘ engaged himself with prostitutes and I oppose this as a mode of work also.Poor role model for children.
I have a dream!
Wronged – exactly. It isn’t rocket science that too many people in a small space places stress on society in all forms but apparently the lefties don’t seem to be able to do the calculations.
Controlled immigration is okay….if somebody with a brain is controiling it.
My friends emigrated to Canada few years ago…you would not believe how long it took them and they are both professionals good pensions and salaries, they had to prove they could live for a year without state help.. and if their job let them go in year 1 they had to leave! However if you are a muslim you can just walk into any country you like ( except saudi)…Hmmm seems sensible and fair
Sadly, Canada has not adopted such stringent controls evenly (and nor has the USA, come to that). Rather like the UK, where immigrants from places with which we have few or no ties at all are allowed in more or less willy nilly, while Australians, Canadian and New Zealanders are treated like dangerous aliens, Canada has eagerly imported a growing problem with the usual suspects.
Nicky Campbell “A long time back I was sitting in a pub with a BBC colleague and I asked what would you do if Margaret Thatcher walked in.
‘My friend’ replied he would walk out.”
Currrent R5 Phone in topic : having to hide your political views from colleagues/friends.
Look out look out the ‘politically correct police’ are about
“Boris Johnson Libya ‘dead bodies’ comment provokes anger”
Mark Dice sums things up nicely.
I like to think I might have at least gone some way in the reverse direction of that depicted ie:- AFTER — BEFORE
I mentioned this to the wife and her reply was “Nah your still an ugly old bastard” Oh well —
RAF scrambled…………….
Waiting for more news if any? from Al Beeb
Ah! its there now …………..
1pm news : ‘Based on concerns from Kuanas which have proved to be a hoax’
Talking to Indian woman – husband took taxi. Taxi and driver calls him brother and extols the virtues of the latest Islamic atrocity.
Husband puts taxi driver straight. Days later husband receives visit from Police having received complaint from Taxi driver.
Police decide not to proceed with case because husband is not white?
“How Cults Work” – compact info on brainwashing techniques –
How long do muslims pray for every day?
Not just how long or how many times in prayer but the pressure put on followers or adherents to achieve.
It is human-attainment oriented salvation, not a long way from what Roman ‘Catholicism’ took Christianity to. True faith trusts in the all sufficient grace, mercy, expiation and propitiation coming not from human-selves but from on high.
Apologies for the sermon.
500th Anniversary coming up! 🙂
Opportunity to warm some hearts?
The virtue signalling of Jimmy Kimmel over Vegas is taken apart
“I am starting to realise what is ‘trending” is what [ ]* want to be trending”.
‘Pattern of behaviour’.
‘Since 9/11… but not including 9/11’
I would be interested in this chap, actually both, ‘debating’ with Mishal Husain on numbers and acceptable relativity.
This Mishal Husain:
It’s still a thing because the MSM either does not know or chooses to lie about the facts. Don’t do a rudimentary search if you are happy with that.
Seen this ‘since 9/11’ before ….
Yet the numbers don’t lie — even if the Islamophobes do. “Since September 12, 2001,” noted a recent report prepared for Congress by the Government Accountability Office, “the number of fatalities caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year. … Fatalities resulting from attacks by far-right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001” Imagine that.! { 31may2017}
– This story shows how to make data not seem as bad by grouping and looking for a story that fits your point of view.
– Please look at the data and decide yourself. I suggest you look at it and think of what trend you would determine, then read Mehdi Hasan interpretation.
– 106 vs 119 killings
– During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others wounded, which is missing from the graph because it is since 9/11.
Any example used by infiltrator jihadi’s (Mishal & Mehdi) or the brain-dead Dhimmi traitors to manipulate data to show ‘white supremacists’ are more deadly than the death cult, is complete bullshit! Facts are everything in an argument, which is why these traitors and militants ignore them, and carry out David Copperfield styled slight of hand using whatever minuscule pieces of information they can find to pull the wool over the thick, brain dead morons at home who fall for this shit.
These are the real questions and real data required to find out how the death cult compares to ‘white supremacists’
1: What is the % of muslims in the Countries used in this data? What % of muslims and white people carry out these attacks? We all know what sort of answer we will get by doing this, which is why we never get this sort of ‘fact checking’ by the Dhimmi traitors. Current estimations (always underplayed) are between 3,000 to 20,000 muslims carrying out Muhammed’s instruction as intended. The UK is 5% Islamic. Therefore, we should see 60,000 to 400,000 white people wanting to slaughter non white people, and being monitored every day by the state. We know this isnt happening. We know this isnt true.
2: How is this % in relation to other religions?
3: How many ‘white supremacists’ are carrying out attacks or are on watch lists in Islamic countries?
4: (and most importantly) How many deaths all over the world, per population, are carried out by muslims (in the name of their prophet), and are carried out by ‘white supremacists’?
Once I see the data of these questions displayed by the Islamic Al ShaBBC, then I will know they want to protect the innocent (white, black, Hindu, Sikh, homosexuals..) and not an ideology that was perfectly carried out by the man who instructs all who followed after…Muhammed. And he slaughtered, and raped thousands, and mandated all who was with him to live the life of the Islamic state. The Caliphate
Don’t know if BBC “journalists” similarly guilty but I’ll grouch about Sky News personnel anyway. In covering Boris’s colourful Libyan comments Sky people are referring to “glib”, “offensive” etc. Questions using these judgmental terms are put to simpering Damian Green. He just squirms, why doesn’t he call the news broadcasters out for using loaded language? The BBC (used to?) use “critics/some say” etc
As Boris says, the place is littered with corpses, their removal impeded by IUDs. The place could be a thriving business and tourist centre. Again someone is pilloried just for speaking the truth and the gutter bbc is wringing out the dregs.
“As Boris says, the place is littered with corpses, their removal impeded by IUDs”
That would be somthing to see. I think you mean IEDs.
And I know that no one likes a smart arse.
I wish I could give that comment two upticks!
Ha! I looked up IUD and got “IUD coil – Contraception guide – NHS Choices”
Improvised underpant devices was what I meant to say.
Indeed language on TV News is terrible. Here is Jon Snow setting the scene … “I sat down with the Prime Minister (Theresa May), earlier, in Manchester. I began by asking her ‘Why is everyone* at the conference so miserable?‘” – Jon Snow – Channel4 – 04oct2017@7pm
*everyone – for this to be true he would have to talk to everyone.
Turkey? Darwin removed from schools and science exhibition destroyed by mob. What next? Mud huts and animal skins?
Academic science cheating is bad in UK, but in Turkey you get a bigger salary if you gain a qualification or publish a paper, so copying an existing PhD or paying to publish journals seem widespread.
I know cos a client came to me with this problem and I had to research it.
Like India, Pakistan and the ME then?
We had a so called professor one time, trained in Pakistan and Saudi. Didn’t know her arse from her elbow but excelled at putting in expenses claims.
Just on our way back to cannibalism? I wonder what islam thinks about eating human flesh –
“when needs must”
Well, they can’t eat pork so that’s a tricky one. Maybe blessed infidel burgers?
@Gaxvil And Russia
Times : Russian Culture Minister’s PhD loaded with errors
Decision on whether to annul it is on Oct 20
R4 prog now seems to be about a homeschooled issue with Muslim children
… Although the prog blurb doesn’t say its a Muslim issues most of their examples seem to be.
– Cos a school is like a business now, rather than deal with problem children they are saying “hey you know we could keep fining you for all this truancy, or you could home educate”
So a non English speaking mother ended up home educating.
No mention of what problems the kid Mohammed (aged 14) has at the current school … “The school said if you don’t want him going into the pupil referral unit, then you have to home school him. I’m not that educated myself and I work in the mornings, I didn’t really know what I was agreeing to and it isn’t working for him.”
bbc:- ‘Tory MPs call for Boris to be sacked’ Names?
And ‘business has fallen out with the Tories’. Hmmm ……. so business wants Corbyn?
And bbc reports, ‘Attacks on trans-women have increased in Argentina.’
We’ve had gays forever but where have all these ‘trans’ people come from?
Local 1pm News “growing calls ..3 Tory MP have called”
That would be 3 of ……………..?
But while the media was complaining about Melania’s boots, President Trump was meeting the boots on the ground. Long before the Comfort(US Navy’s Comfort is a massive hospital ship) could arrive, the USS Kearsarge was already on its way. { – 04oct2017 – TRUMP BRINGS COMFORT TO PUERTO RICO}
Saturday on FOX NEWS – report showed four huge cargo ships heading in but we’re not permitted to view Fox News are we.
This happened yesterday but nothing from the media as it goes against the trump is evil and does nothing narrative
or this where he speaks with one of the motorcycle cops who had an accident while protecting him a few days ago. Note his colour and again nothing about this
A certain amount of popcorn required.
Meanwhile, the BBC will be focussing on internal ructions elsewhere.
“You (Gary “@750K from enforced TV Tax + BT Sport + Walkers” Lineker) should not worry (Indeed, look at your wage and your home in the Caribbean). You are in a market (BBC Only market, dominating 50% of news output) where presenters are paid at going rates ITV CH 4 pay (Examples Sugar please! What is Lineker’s hourly rate so we can compare.) more than the BBC. You have shown loyalty ( Loyalty to a BBC that forces payment from the public on threat of prison, that gives pedophiles a unquestionable platform, that lets its Directors claim £34 expense when they are on £450K salaries) ” – Lord Sugar – Twitter – jul2017
Mark, 68% of news.
Do you have stats for that 68%? I’ve looked but gave up too early I think …
i saw it quoted on here recently. It was a survey of what news source people are exposed to most.
I remember the Money Saving Expert one!
Maybe that was it? Anyhow most everyone you talk to refers to bbc/sky so there’s a striking lack of ‘plurality’.
Quote from Fox News – ‘Had the Vegas shooter shouted, Allah Akbar – no one would be discussing gun control.
I still love the man for making a stereo amplifier I could afford back in the 70s.
And Mr. Sugar added a tape deck to the side of an already working computer!
So cool !
If Sugar only had had the drive, guts, consistency and vision of Microsoft (or even Apple then)……………
He didn’t and that’s why he can only be viewed as a business failure.
Recently on bbc WS they discussed what single project could one spend £10 m on. People put cases and a panel voted.
I would love to hear similar on, ‘What Single Project Could the TV License Fee be Spent On’.
Here’s mine – Scrap parking charges in English hospitals. To use a word from Abbott – it’s inhumane.
BBC’s “Diversity Strategy”?
Every (but every) business has a client/customer ‘hardcore’ base who, provided they’re not ripped off or abused, return year-in-year-out as customers. A profoundly sensible business understands this very basic fact and makes sure (like Ratner) they don’t disturb that income. Those that don’t recognise this, fail. Fact of life. And that goes for non-profit making organisations as well. In the case of the BBC, its hardcore base is the annual licence fee payer – ‘thee and I’, simply. Facts escaping the BBC (no ‘Factcheck’ needed here):
“The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.”
Compared with the BBC’s “Diversity” plans, there is a serious ‘miss-match’. However, if one considers the BBC in its normal habitat, London, you can see why they are anxious to appear more diversely ‘customer friendly’. That’s one reason why there’s lots more black and asian faces (et al.) coming to a tv screen near you soon.
Only problem is, BBC, you are primarily financed by the, “….80 per cent of the population…” and they may increasingly dislike having black and asian faces presented to them on their screens 24/7. Maybe, BBC, you focus entirely on the diverse bubble you occupy and allow other broadcasters to step in and take the 80% who actually support you (financially that is). I’m sure that if possible, there would be many takers that will provide a service tailored to the 80% and, unlike you, BBC, relish providing programs tailored to suit.
BbcAsianNetwork 1/2 The Care Minister @JackieDP is urging families to follow the example of ethnic minority communities of looking after elderly relatives”
They are thinking Many Asians respect elderly so take care.
#1 what about the ones that fly their elderly parents here to use the NHS
#2 ‘BAME socially responsible ?’ : Black missing dads
I think this is a good point – give people an incentive to look after their family or build it into the culture.
But this would only work if their was someone at home to help (possibly).
– offer incentive to help older family members move into children’s home
– offer incentive for older generation to move into a single house, thus removing being a alone and releasing properties
– remove all taxes on grandparents pensions if they live at home
Just some ideas, not thought them through …
Christ on a bike, you’d think that all the bloody media journalists had never had a cough or sore throat the way they’ve pounced on Treezer’s delivery speech. Is it really THAT important that she coughs or sneezes – at least she got through it. And then the way that the journos bated each of the walking heads at the conference in trying to get them criticise one another, was disgusting. Islam and Cohen couldn’t wait to Twatter their thoughts – it must be my age, but I’m finding it all so pathetic.
Agreed – Utterly infantile, precious, easily outraged and always offended.
That’s the modern way.
They have been bitching since the election like kids having a tantrum as jezza isnt in power to stop the evil brexit from happening to them. Whatever your view of theresa and the gang its plainly obvious the media are out to destroy them as their real target is brexit. That hoaxer today is known to them and his name is lee nelson and hes had a show on 4 recently going after the mega rich. Somebody helped him to get in there and my suspicions would be channel 4 followed by the twats at the beeb.
Security must be rubbish, as there’s no way he should have gotten anywhere near the stage, whether he was harmless or not. Childish stunt, and another ‘comedian’ who needs reporting under Trade Description. What world are we living in ?
The news report on Radio 2s Whine show tells us that the EU have directed Luxembourg to recover £221 million in unpaid tax from Amazon. A dodgy deal was made between the Luxembourg govt and Amazon. Prime Minister at the time? Juncker.
The radio report didn’t even mention his name and online he is mentioned, as if by way of an aside, in the final paragraph. Pathetic.
Also in the online report, EU taking Eire to court because they won’t claim £13 billion in unpaid tax from Apple. It seems that our moral guardians and domestic policy advisors across the border would be better sorting out their own affairs. Ireland’s external debt in US dollars is 780% of GDP, who needs £13 billion?
So blatant corruption at the very top, member states in hoc to private companies, Spain crumbling and the Bbcs biggest concern about the EU is that the EU think Boris and May don’t get on.
Absolutely useless.
And then watching a true murder pro gramme. American person of colour, Mom dies, cuts school, cuts work, turns to drugs and prostitution. Killed by ‘boyfriend’.
I’m thinking, is this due to racism, sexism, white supremacy – no but I ‘d bet plenty would argue otherwise.
I had to laugh
A man has been escorted from the Tory Party conference after handing Theresa May her P45
Really she should step down sooner rather than later. She’s becoming Neil Kinnock.
This person is described as ‘the world’s greatest hoaxer’. Hardly up to Orson Welles’ ‘War of the Worlds’ standard, is it?’
Times :”Ofcom, which attacked ‘woeful’ lack of diversity in TV, employs lower % of women and disabled people than broadcasters it criticised ”
2 days ago
Management age population does not reflect BAME cos that is skewed towards school age
By that measure Ofcom has too many BAME
London Mayor of Pakistan heritage asks why Europeans are under represented in attacks in Pakistan …
2017.10.02 Pakistan Malam Jabba 1 killed 2 injured A bomb planted by religious radicals claims the life of a villager.
2017.09.26 Pakistan Raiwind 2 killed 0 injured A young couple is honor killed by the girl’s parents.
2017.09.23 Pakistan Rajgal 1 killed 0 injured A border guard is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2017.09.19 Pakistan Sukkur 5 killed 8 injured A bomb planted by suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leaves five dead, including two factory workers.
List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days
London Mayor of Islamic Faith asks why non-Muslims are under represented in Halal Slaughter houses…
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
Khan maybe is hoping that a few poor souls who weren`t Muslim might end up getting lobbed into the kebab meat.
Halal is despicable like much else of Islamic practice-yes, kosher won`t be much better but at least they were first , and there`s far less of a market for mass slaughter of animals.
Off-screen diversity. So Khan is still seeing too many white people in London. I guess his work isn’t finished yet.
I can’t imagine where in London he is finding them. He must inhabit some very expensive places. Typical ‘socialist’.
That’s the thing – these MPs, celeb’s, politicos, SJWs, MSM types who tell us how to think and act seldom inhabit the world they pontificate to us on. Their arrogance and presumptuousness really pisses me off every time they open their elitist gobs.
‘Sure I made terror videos, but you can’t extradite me cos that’s a breach of right to family life.’
Yesterday I expressed a wish, a fantasy, that today Treezer would resign.
That was, perhaps, too much to hope for.
BUT – was today’s cough an indication that the poor woman is too ill to continue is soon to resign and bugger off .
Clearly, judging by their lunchtime reports, the ‘impartiality is in our DNA’ BBC very much hopes so.
I think Theresa May should invoke Article ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’ 1 Clause which stipulates:
Provision 1: If during leaving the EU you grow tired, then Jacob Rees-Mogg will step in as caretaker PM.
Provision 2: If you are still tired,then let Jacob Rees-Mogg become PM.
Provision 3: If you require help on how to handle the press regarding initiating a ‘Abbott Diabetes Type’, then confer with Diane as she has already issued a Article Type 2 clause during the General Election June2017, miss handled several interviews and still won her seat in Hackney (42,265 votes / 75.1%/ change in seats+12.2).
Provision 4: Please review some of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s material ….
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
“Let’s leave my despicability to one side ”
-Jacob Rees Mogg
{old post}
The has been a worse speech than Treezer’s speech today.