No, the real one is at the top of the page.
Or was when this was typed.
Midweek thread by lunchtime?
Better two than none.
Or is this an alleged, so-called . . .
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’, Nick Robinson gleefully proclaimed on Radio 4 this morning to Laura Kuensberg, clearly feeling that he had ‘won’ his interview with Chancellor Hammond hands down. It all illustrates how the BBC is openly and enthusiastically pushing socialism down our throats now, in an unprecedented manner.
The Labour conference was a love-in: harmonious interviews, soft questions, a feeling that the BBC was a ‘we’, at one with Labour, enthusiastically spearheading its message that Labour was ready to take over government.
I expected the Quinns and Robinsons of this world to latch on to the divisions in the Tory party and stage a negative interpretation of everything that happened at conference, trying to sow division and contrast this with Labour ‘unity’.
Not even I expected the blatant, partisan pro-Jeremy cheering on Radio 4 to go on during the Tory conference, that every Conservative proposal would be rubbished rather than discussed, and that the tone would be an outright ‘the BBC and Labour think that…’
Granted: Corbyn is a skillful and cunning politician, qiute personable and erudite (but with crap policies which would require an unprecedented and fatal borrowing spree). Treezer is hopeless politician, lacking in judgement and charm, given to endlessly repeating meaningless slogans, not really committed to Brexit in her heart. But she and her party should easily be able to defend the free market against the socialist ramblings from Labour.
If we had an impartial broadcaster, not obsessed by pushing for a Labour government NOW, such issues could actually be sorted out by rational discussion. But the BBC is no longer rational; the beast has smelled blood. Now it wants the kill, regardless.
Jez could say ‘I dem tinking wibble’ and the BBC would see it as proof positive he is the the only statesperson who can talk, like them, for the people.
True, Treeza has zero clue, but the bearded wonder has even less.
In other news, JRM is being quoted for a view on chlorinated chicken that further endears him to me as one of few who actually understand choice, free will and leadership.
Corbyn is not a skilful politician, unless we think that the Moonies leader, Andeas Baader, Pol Pot , Kim Jong Un are alsoe good leaders.
He`s a gnomic cretin who is merely Chauncey the Gardener from Being There. His every anodyne and reflex idiocy seen as a cult leaders zen koan.
Tony Benn did all his thinking for him until the old scrote died in March 2014.
But he`s so 1983, so we`re getting to see the start of socialism without the need for shared baths and candlelight.
Those candles stored for the next Muslim atrocity might best be saved for the economic “over a cliff” catastrophe to come, should that bearded zelig ever get near the levers of power. And don`t think that you`ll get them back after-elections are a disposable throwaway to the left once they get into power.
No-I`d keep Anne Marie in a glass case with lots of spoiling, untl we need her again.
I remember a while back when all the buzz was Corbyn being challenged for leadership, and the talk was he could never win the general election. Too extreme and toxic; and, I completely agreed. I was praying for his demise but have watched, mesmerized, as that cancerous snake has morphed into quite possibly your next Prime Minister through the most sinister manipulations of the discontent of the naive youth and the assorted so-called “oppressed” . I’m very worried for the U.K.
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’, Nick Robinson gleefully proclaimed on Radio 4 this morning to Laura Kuensberg, clearly feeling that he had ‘won’ his interview with Chancellor Hammond hands down. It all illustrates how the BBC is openly and enthusiastically pushing socialism down our throats now, in an unprecedented manner.
The Labour conference was a love-in: harmonious interviews, soft questions, a feeling that the BBC was a ‘we’, at one with Labour, enthusiastically spearheading its message that Labour was ready to take over government.
I expected the Quinns and Robinsons of this world to latch on to the divisions in the Tory party and stage a negative interpretation of everything that happened at conference, trying to sow division and contrast this with Labour ‘unity’.
Not even I expected the blatant, partisan pro-Jeremy cheering on Radio 4 to go on during the Tory conference, that every Conservative proposal would be rubbished rather than discussed, and that the tone would be an outright ‘the BBC and Labour think that…’
Granted: Corbyn is a skillful and cunning politician, qiute personable and erudite (but with crap policies which would require an unprecedented and fatal borrowing spree). Treezer is hopeless politician, lacking in judgement and charm, given to endlessly repeating meaningless slogans, not really committed to Brexit in her heart. But she and her party should easily be able to defend the free market against the socialist ramblings from Labour.
If we had an impartial broadcaster, not obsessed by pushing for a Labour government NOW, such issues could actually be sorted out by rational discussion. But the BBC is no longer rational; the beast has smelled blood. Now it wants the kill, regardless.
Can the BBC Poll Tax licence payer still be expected to fork out for this non-stop propaganda?
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’ – reminds me of those desperate propaganda newsreels the Germans made in late 1944 showing V2 rockets and jet fighter planes in colour to pretend they still had a chance.
I wouldn’t like to claim that Jezza doesn’t stand a chance but I think if he does get lucky he will be the 2nd J.C. in 2000 years to struggle uphill with a cross on his back and the vultures circling overhead.
Think we`re all aware now of how the BBC set up their match plays these days in regard of any political items.
It`s ritual baseball game plans, none of us care or know-but it goes on. Basically mummers plays and pantomine with allocated ritual villains, compassionates and passionates…”and no religion too” to quote Vladimir Lennon.
1. Who`s in the dock
2. Radio car, studio or phoneline with fat Controller fingers on the faders with Sound Effects to hand to close down the topic as needed.
3. Percentages allowed uninterrupted
4. General drive by slashes at others in the party, or policy as opposed to sticking to specific line responsibility.
5. Is the interviewee sandwiched or doughnutted by “And Labour says” personnel
6. Are they speaking as an expert with sources and proofs-or sounding off with opinions but sailing under an academic false flag of neutrality?
7. Time allocated.
8. Compliance questions as opposed to confrontational
9. No sequiters
10. Personal abuse and insinuations…back to 1 above.
We need a book here don`t we?…would save us all a lot of fatuous listening.
(With thanks to Craig , Sue etc from days of yore!)
BBC R4 Today this morning. Robinson interviews Hammond, then Kuennsberg comes on to tell us what Hammond “really” thinks / said. Opinion, opinion, opinion. Everyone’s got one. Kuennsberg’s opinion really doesn’t interest me and I resent having to pay to hear it.
Another fine example of what it is the BBC sees in guest presenter James O’Brien:
The only mystery is whether they believe this guff themselves (stupid) or are just doubling down on gulling the poor saps who do (sinister).
His views on state riot police suppressing wrong think about governance will be interesting, unless BBC editorial integrity sees all focus needs to be still on kneeling black millionaires and ditsy blondes in baseball caps across the pond.
Writing BBC pidgin is my new hobby. The spat between Archbishop Welby and the BBC over child abuse for example could be described thus: ‘Head juju man him say BBC magic talking box men done bad fo piccannis’. The Catalan question: ‘One tribe dem want leave fo make new tribe but done got mashup wid de head warriors. Many many get hurted from de sticks dat speak thunder.’ Any chance of a job?
Possibly. But due to ToreeKutz and further unique diversion of funds to Botney’s retirement stash, you may need to hot desk with the forthcoming BBC Esperanto and Klingon desks.
You`ve got a great Thesausus coming here Cranmer-more please!
Solidarity, xenophobia, social justice, Torikutz, appropriate, diversity and inclusion, fairness and sexist, racist…looking forward to dem mash up in de Moss man!
Does anybody know if Al Beeb has covered the disgusting ‘hang the tories’ effigy in Liverpool and also the left wing fascist violence at the tory party conference?
Good Question Jerry. I have a supplementary one. Will the people who owned that banner be charged with hate speech? And if not why not?
And also would like to know if there is a single Tory MP with the spine to take the issue up and make something of it.
A good acid test for the efficacy of your faith, politcs or whatever-is whether you really are worthy of being persecuted and hated by those enemies that you need.
Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka pass with distinction , whereas a Hammond or a Shapps aren`t worth the bile or venom as far as the enemy are concerned.
When Christians and REAL Conservatives are worth the bile as thrown at Nazir Ali, Gove, Rees Mogg/Paterson, Redwood and Ashenden…as well as Boris of course-then, and only then will be on the side of the angels like Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters and Katie Hopkins, Hirsi Ali etc.
Currently the crap Tories are on one endless punchbag of a masochism strategy, seeing as they felt that Blair and Campbell have all their answers.
For political day to day survival. Only shows the ahistorical and venal moral pigmies and bankrupts that run the Tories doesn`t it?
Pillocks-we did NOT vote for Tories like May-we voted to get out of the EU and she seemed genuinely able to be honourable and competent to do that. She`s not now-and if she continues to fail over Brexit as she promised, then she and her rotten party will have to be mulched into an AfD tribute act that will NOT be nice to Occupy, the BBC and the Grenfell chiselling rentier class.
And right on cue, predictably, the beebistan manage to have a sly dig at Trump in connection to the Las Vegas shooting, with some US commentator saying that (saint) Obama was going to tighten gun control, whereas she didn’t expect anything like that from (wicked) Trump.
The 5 o clock R4 News ended with a mini speach by Obama after the last shooting . ( I was waiting for the weather ) .
Al beeb is still grieving for the loss of Obama. All his words counted for nothing when it came to gun control. In fact his attitude increased gun sales .
Al beeb is letting the dust to settle and the victims ( bless them ) grow cold as they cannot wait to blame Trump . That Katty and her fella will have a field day in their daily anti Trump half hour.
“And right on cue, predictably, the beebistan manage to have a sly dig at Trump in connection to the Las Vegas shooting, with some US commentator saying that (saint) Obama was going to tighten gun control, whereas she didn’t expect anything like that from (wicked) Trump.”
Ah well maybe the bBBC ought to use their own much relied upon so called ‘fact checker’, because the firearms used were illegal so no amount of gun control would have made any difference.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.”
Diversity is our strength?!? Can you believe it? Diversity just tried to murder and maim your citizens, moron.
Bebistan desperately feeding a Las Vegas witness leading questions like ‘what should be done in the future?’ hoping for a diatribe against gun ownership and, if they’re really lucky, the jackpot: some anti Trump vitriol.
Unfortunately the ignorant redneck won’t play ball: “I grew up with guns, guns don’t kill, people kill.”
Completely off message, terminate interview immediately!
Erm, is bbc American then? No, well why TF is it any of their business.
Oh but I forget the bbc rules the World not just Britain. Their power and arrogance with zero responsibility, zero accountability and zero morality never fails to amaze.
Handgun control went well in this country did it NOT. No target shooting allowed – something to do with Bliar.
Seems to be enough ‘target shooting’ happening in London.
“Possibly the greatest achievement your entire life”
So maxi , what is the greatest achievement your entire life? Please tell us .
Is it advertising this…………………………………
Or was it getting a job at Al Beeb ?
maxi, great to have you here to debate. My question to you is how did taking legal target shooting weapons away from sports people, including Olympic & ParaOlympic competitors, as well as forcing them to train outside mainland Britain, keep people safer in that same mainland UK?
I seem to recall a recent murder of a wife and a daughter by a husband … with a gun.
No.7, think it was the Conservatives who introduced radical restrictions in the UK. BBC on TODAY this a.m. are suggesting ‘Trump should have legislated on gun control yesterday’ when the Conservatives knee-jerk legislation on guns and dogs created bad law in the 1990s.
The recent incident in Canada where a Somali immigrant was the perpertrator also seems to have been sidelined. The strategy now seems to be to play down moslem terrorism abroad. Newsshite had a soul doctor giving the “deprive mass murderers the oxygen of publicity” shtick. I wonder when the crude relativisation of moslem atrocities using the Las Vegas blood bath will start. It’s all part and parcel of city life.
Sinniberg, not just them, but all the others killed by these deranged fanatics. Their names should be inscribed on public memorials, like the dead of the two world wars, ‘lest we forget’.
I do have words, but since this is a family forum, I won’t share them.
The BBC and indeed the entire “progressive” Left live completely inauthentic lives, lying by omission and sometimes by commission in pursuit of an agenda.
I’ve thought quite a bit about this and can only conclude that there is such an internal void, a self-loathing, that is common to these people, which causes them to resent and lash out at anything that speaks of truth and decency.
They are chronically uncomfortable with who they are, and as a defence mechanism, project that hatred outwards towards anything that seems secure and reasonable and comfortable, seeking to tear things down and f**k up as many other people’s lives as possible, as the only way of making themselves feel, temporarily, better.
I’m no psychologist, so I could easily be wrong about this, but when I see hate and deceit emanate from people, I tend to think that they are very unhappy, harbouring toxic feelings of being losers.
Hmm ………… do you think the likes of Nick Robinson in his affluent, arrogant bubble loaths himself ?
I’d say quite the opposite. He’s so far up himself as are his colleagues.
While he’s in his “affluent, arrogant bubble”, I think he can maintain an acceptable exterior.
If that is attacked, or the bubble collapses, I think he’d crack like a water biscuit. There’s nothing genuine at his core to sustain him. (I’m speaking generally, not just about Robinson).
Just look at their overwrought emotional reactions to Brexit and the Trump victory to see how they react when their comfortable worldview is threatened.
“A friend given to scouring the net is telling me that in the US people monitoring Police radios say the perpetrators were a Muslim couple…”
11:33 am:
“Stephen Paddock doesn’t sound like a Muslim name, but then again people do convert…”
“There are suggestions that Paddock was a member of known terror group antifa”
3:51 pm:
“On a dreadful awful day it might be useful to change the subject…”
8:20 pm:
“Those Americans who do know about these weapons are saying that what happened is more or less impossible… are [we] being told the truth of what has happened.”
9:39 pm:
“Which of course all depends on him actually being the shooter and not being a victim who was shot and left to take the blame – or alternatively acting under duress.”
So to summarise:
1) The killer was a Muslim.
2) The killer doesn’t sound like a Muslim but he might have been.
3) The killer wasn’t a Muslim so let’s talk about something else.
4) Oh hang on, something fishy going on.
5) If the killer wasn’t a Muslim; he must have been made to do it by… a Muslim.
Taffman, I’ll make a stab at what motivates him. But it is important to see the way he operates. See him as a crocodile. An ambush hunter that lies in wait hidden in the murk. If people are not wary or become over-confident and make a slip the croc will grab them with amazing efficiency.
Notice most of the content of maxi’s posts are the careless statements of others. Each night he patrols the columns looking for the careless and unwary posts and seizes on them and quotes them back at their authors. Such is the moment of joy for him and that makes his day. His mission is accomplished. He has won a battle against a relentless horde of right wing fascists/racists/red neckers whatever. He is doing his bit for the progressive cause and can sleep well gorging on his imagined humiliation of his victim.
It is a clever tactic and not easy to combat. But that does not mean that he himself is clever.
Think crocodile again. The croc stays hidden for as long as possible being careful to show very little of himself when going for the kill. Likewise Maxi tends not to engage in debate or parade his own opinions very often. He likes to keep them hidden. A good tactic on his part because when he does make a rare slip and is tempted into fair debate and show himself he does not look good. Remember a few months back when he came out with the Westminster Abbey hat tosh? He revealed himself to be lacking somewhat in intellectual capacity. Just like the crocodile. He does well to stay hidden.
The best way to deal with them is to be cautious when posting here. Remembering that the enemy could well be there, in the murk.
maxi, have you apologised to Alan yet after you called him a liar recently? He was actually correct and you were wrong, so maybe a double apology is due?
I have asked you a number of times now on various threads, will you withdraw your false quoting of Alan on a previous blog, to date you just run away for a few days only to pop up with tedious monotony elsewhere?
In short if you not merely misquote people but actively falsely attribute a quote to someone, I ask you this question..
Why should anyone believe anything you post?
I look forward to your reasoning of falsely attributing quotes to the owners of this blog.
Maxicony instead of claiming that the BBC is politically neutral, seeks to prove that the people whom the BBC attack are deplorable, which in his eyes justifies the BBC tax. A deplorable person being of course is anybody to the right of him politically, to which the obvious response is why should those people be forced to pay for a media giant which (in their eyes) distorts and poisons political discourse, simply because it promotes views with which Maxicony agrees.
I despise the Labour Party, I dislike the EU, I have no respect for President Obama, indeed I have little or no sympathy for most of the Leftist assumptions promoted by the BBC, but I do not expect anybody else to be forced to pay for a broadcaster just because it promotes political views with which I agree. That is contrary to the justification for a free society. I believe in freedom of choice, that we should not be forced to pay for the BBC. You either believe in a free society or you don’t.
So Maxicony, either the BBC is politically neutral, and I have yet to see you produce any evidence which contradicts the claims made by most of the contributors to this site, that the BBC is biased to the Left politically, or you accept that it is biased to the Left, but you think that this is a good thing; in which case you have to be honest and admit that you are an opponent of a free society.
Justify your attack on a free society, or justify the assumption that the BBC is politically neutral. So long as you fail to do either, the contributors to this site will view you with contempt, because you give the impression of being a man without honesty or courage.
The BBC’s number one concern is to dispel the slightest of possibilities that Stephen Paddock might of
been a converted Moslem. Apparently they have an expert by the name of Mina-l-Lami who monitors
Jihadist groups for the BBC. She tells us that if he committed suicide after slaughtering at least 58 souls
it would be wholly islamic to commit suicide to shoot oneself. The Islamic way is to blow yourself up..
Thank’s Mina . If I am in a terrorist situation and can have a chat to the perpetrator I will ask him or her
if they are going to blow themselves up after killing us.. Actually Mr Pollock seems to have had the right
genes in him to commit to his horrendous act. But of course the NRA in the States will tell us that
people kill people and not automatic or semi automatic weapons or something like that . Because I am not
an expert.
I have only a few words about Las Vegas and the coverage by pretty much all of the UK Media so far. It starts with disgusting.
Not all the facts are known yet they all have an opinion that seems to be taken almost exclusively from US MSM without the slightest bit of research.
I watched part of Robert Moore on ITV and his first statement was on how clumsy Donald Trump’s Tweets were. His main report consisted of him talking over footage from social media giving us his opinions and conjecture, not facts.
Enter the BBC and to a man/woman/gender fluid it was superiority complex, gun control and US MSM without the slightest bit of research. What was missing was any kind of empathy towards the victims and their families.
Innuendo, superiority complex and conjecture is all we get. Occasionally a fact that is against the narrative might get through but that is quickly ignored.
Just had my BBC email and it follows the template you describe to perfection.
Kicks off with a ‘What was his motivation?’ Handwring when no one has a clue as yet.
Then the now inevitable ‘analysis’ by Nick Robinson stunt double Anthony Zurcher, heading straight for the Trumpugular raising gun control, which as I understand it would have had zero effect in this case as full autos are illegal and states with draconian control have the highest gun crimes.
Re Las Vegas
Is it day three or day four after a mass killing that a Muslim is brought out and paraded as one who helped to save the lives of
several victims?
Re Las Vegas
It appears to be totally about gun control now, SKY bringing on people opposed to the right to bear arms ( I don’t know about the BBC ). I do wonder now if this is some false flag op. You could be forgiven for forgetting that 50 plus people were brutally murdered. The sickening tweets from democrats is astonishing … they can be seen on BreitBart.
I think this whole thing is about banning guns in America and getting rid of the 2nd amendment, and an open attack on people that could be described as majoritively white and probably more inclined to be Republican than Democrat.. a race bait in other words against the perceived ‘right’ on the streets of America. It also masks many of the recent Islamic attacks in Europe as this will be a lead story for a while to come.
My personal loath of the day is Richard or should I say that right ‘Dick’ Dawkins and his unbelievably insensitive pi** take of the second amendment and guns on his twatter, he made a mockery of dead people for his political vanity. Evolution may be his pet theory and I would suggest that Dawkins is wrong and Neanderthal man isn’t extinct…. Dawkins is a living example… what a scum bag!
A little unfair on Neanderthals, who were apparently quite bright. Dawkins, on the other hand, is a shining example of the unevenness of intelligence. Sometimes clever people in one area do very stupid things in another.
Sky, meanwhile, is just Leftist froth for the hard of thinking. I don’t understand why anyone watches it unless they are dim, or stuck in an office reception with no alternative but to endure it on the flickering Samsung.
I’m sure you don’t mean to insult me about SKY news watchers… well I hope not!
I watch SKY like I sometimes watch the ‘One Show’ to see what the enemy is producing in terms of propaganda, just like Alan and David watch the BBC.
I read Dawkins ‘Selfish gene’ book and found that it left more questions unanswered than answered, so I’m not so sure how clever he is. Perhaps he is where he is because of his liberal credentials rather like Brian Cox who is well to the left on most issues hence the BBC’s infatuation with him.
Kay Burley started on the gun control thing straight after Trumps statement which in my opinion was at least a little comforting to the bereaved.
Burley wades in “Oh he didnt mention guns , he concentrated on faith ” This is only 6 hours after the atrocity. The media class are thick and crass beyond belief.
I haven’t bothered with the BEEBS take on it .
Unrelated but Boris gave an excellent speech yesterday and I see the pressure to get him sacked is ramped up this morning over a trivial remark about ISIS in Libya. They must really fear him. He is a real leader like him or not and everything remainers May and Hammond are not.
Much as I like JRM I think Boris is the only one with the brain and bravado to tear Corbyns policies apart and make it stuck in people’s minds..And to stick it to the EU.
You anticipated my similar comment about Boris Johnson’s completely innocuous remark about Libya, and the faux screams of outrage coming from the usual small-minded section of the journalistic and political classes. They are simply child-like (no, I’ll correct that – most children would show much more common sense). It is quite clear the BBC has issued a directive to staff to denigrate Boris at every opportunity, which they continued to do on the Today programme in the form of the egregious Sarah Wollaston MP, that self-satisfied prissy woman whose holier-than-thou attitude has been honed to perfection, and who is wheeled on to support whatever left-liberal view that the BBC wishes to promote at the particular moment. Why she is in the Conservative Party has always been a puzzle to me.
Yes, second item on Today I think. I rather enjoy the very dark humour which Boris is capable of. Calls for him to resign etc. The opposition is owned by Marxist terrorist sympathisers, anti-Semites etc. We are insulted on an almost daily basis by the EU’s puffed up functionaries, the demography of Europe is spelling out disaster for us in a generation or two. But BoJo makes a comment like that and it’s all over the place. FFS, grow up.
Just saying but the only person bought to Trial re: Benghazi, the Trial started same day as shooting. Hillary Clinton pops up to give her statement on Vegas, she should be the one being prosecuted at the Benghazi Trial. No mention of the court case on MSM. George Webb utube is the investigative reporter if you want to know what is really going on in US. He reported on the Awan case also recently took place with little MSM reporting, the Awan brothers bought in by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and HC to spy through their IT contacts on all major US Government Departments. George Webb does a daily webcast, he has been attending the Benghazi Trial. Watch his daily webcasts to be informed.
Today’s Monty Python feature on the BBC Website.On the Magazine feature we learn that
Mohamed lives in a spotlessly clean Bradford semi -detached house playing computer games
all day long. How very interesting.
Reading the BBC Magazine feature, in which the BBC reporter is very sympathetic to 14 year old Mohamed’s situation, it seems to me that young Mohamed is a few years away from finding Allah. Then instead of setting off fireworks at school in corridors filled with school pupils, which is what he did aged 13, Mohamed might decide to take it large.
Listen for an entire hour, as the despicable Jonathan Vernon-Smith on BBC 3CR “investigates” the deeply racist “proposition” that “White people do not care for their elderly relatives” – “white people are more selfish and do not want to make sacrifices for elderly members of their family” etc. It goes on and on….. numerous examples of brown people calling in and saying how they look after their elderly, and that white people do not, etc. etc. for a full hour!!
What is it with Eddie Mair? Sometimes he can be very nice man.
Listening on PM he is currently trying to out do James O’Brien with his childish nastyness.
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Yay first at last….. somewhat marred by the fact that Roland has just kicked off the other thread!
Ah, but this is the real one!
Sorry. Clicked report by mistake.
No, the real one is at the top of the page.
Or was when this was typed.
Midweek thread by lunchtime?
Better two than none.
Or is this an alleged, so-called . . .
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’, Nick Robinson gleefully proclaimed on Radio 4 this morning to Laura Kuensberg, clearly feeling that he had ‘won’ his interview with Chancellor Hammond hands down. It all illustrates how the BBC is openly and enthusiastically pushing socialism down our throats now, in an unprecedented manner.
The Labour conference was a love-in: harmonious interviews, soft questions, a feeling that the BBC was a ‘we’, at one with Labour, enthusiastically spearheading its message that Labour was ready to take over government.
I expected the Quinns and Robinsons of this world to latch on to the divisions in the Tory party and stage a negative interpretation of everything that happened at conference, trying to sow division and contrast this with Labour ‘unity’.
Not even I expected the blatant, partisan pro-Jeremy cheering on Radio 4 to go on during the Tory conference, that every Conservative proposal would be rubbished rather than discussed, and that the tone would be an outright ‘the BBC and Labour think that…’
Granted: Corbyn is a skillful and cunning politician, qiute personable and erudite (but with crap policies which would require an unprecedented and fatal borrowing spree). Treezer is hopeless politician, lacking in judgement and charm, given to endlessly repeating meaningless slogans, not really committed to Brexit in her heart. But she and her party should easily be able to defend the free market against the socialist ramblings from Labour.
If we had an impartial broadcaster, not obsessed by pushing for a Labour government NOW, such issues could actually be sorted out by rational discussion. But the BBC is no longer rational; the beast has smelled blood. Now it wants the kill, regardless.
Jez could say ‘I dem tinking wibble’ and the BBC would see it as proof positive he is the the only statesperson who can talk, like them, for the people.
True, Treeza has zero clue, but the bearded wonder has even less.
In other news, JRM is being quoted for a view on chlorinated chicken that further endears him to me as one of few who actually understand choice, free will and leadership.
Corbyn is not a skilful politician, unless we think that the Moonies leader, Andeas Baader, Pol Pot , Kim Jong Un are alsoe good leaders.
He`s a gnomic cretin who is merely Chauncey the Gardener from Being There. His every anodyne and reflex idiocy seen as a cult leaders zen koan.
Tony Benn did all his thinking for him until the old scrote died in March 2014.
But he`s so 1983, so we`re getting to see the start of socialism without the need for shared baths and candlelight.
Those candles stored for the next Muslim atrocity might best be saved for the economic “over a cliff” catastrophe to come, should that bearded zelig ever get near the levers of power. And don`t think that you`ll get them back after-elections are a disposable throwaway to the left once they get into power.
No-I`d keep Anne Marie in a glass case with lots of spoiling, untl we need her again.
I remember a while back when all the buzz was Corbyn being challenged for leadership, and the talk was he could never win the general election. Too extreme and toxic; and, I completely agreed. I was praying for his demise but have watched, mesmerized, as that cancerous snake has morphed into quite possibly your next Prime Minister through the most sinister manipulations of the discontent of the naive youth and the assorted so-called “oppressed” . I’m very worried for the U.K.
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’, Nick Robinson gleefully proclaimed on Radio 4 this morning to Laura Kuensberg, clearly feeling that he had ‘won’ his interview with Chancellor Hammond hands down. It all illustrates how the BBC is openly and enthusiastically pushing socialism down our throats now, in an unprecedented manner.
The Labour conference was a love-in: harmonious interviews, soft questions, a feeling that the BBC was a ‘we’, at one with Labour, enthusiastically spearheading its message that Labour was ready to take over government.
I expected the Quinns and Robinsons of this world to latch on to the divisions in the Tory party and stage a negative interpretation of everything that happened at conference, trying to sow division and contrast this with Labour ‘unity’.
Not even I expected the blatant, partisan pro-Jeremy cheering on Radio 4 to go on during the Tory conference, that every Conservative proposal would be rubbished rather than discussed, and that the tone would be an outright ‘the BBC and Labour think that…’
Granted: Corbyn is a skillful and cunning politician, qiute personable and erudite (but with crap policies which would require an unprecedented and fatal borrowing spree). Treezer is hopeless politician, lacking in judgement and charm, given to endlessly repeating meaningless slogans, not really committed to Brexit in her heart. But she and her party should easily be able to defend the free market against the socialist ramblings from Labour.
If we had an impartial broadcaster, not obsessed by pushing for a Labour government NOW, such issues could actually be sorted out by rational discussion. But the BBC is no longer rational; the beast has smelled blood. Now it wants the kill, regardless.
Can the BBC Poll Tax licence payer still be expected to fork out for this non-stop propaganda?
‘Jeremy is winning the battle of ideas’ – reminds me of those desperate propaganda newsreels the Germans made in late 1944 showing V2 rockets and jet fighter planes in colour to pretend they still had a chance.
I wouldn’t like to claim that Jezza doesn’t stand a chance but I think if he does get lucky he will be the 2nd J.C. in 2000 years to struggle uphill with a cross on his back and the vultures circling overhead.
Think we`re all aware now of how the BBC set up their match plays these days in regard of any political items.
It`s ritual baseball game plans, none of us care or know-but it goes on. Basically mummers plays and pantomine with allocated ritual villains, compassionates and passionates…”and no religion too” to quote Vladimir Lennon.
1. Who`s in the dock
2. Radio car, studio or phoneline with fat Controller fingers on the faders with Sound Effects to hand to close down the topic as needed.
3. Percentages allowed uninterrupted
4. General drive by slashes at others in the party, or policy as opposed to sticking to specific line responsibility.
5. Is the interviewee sandwiched or doughnutted by “And Labour says” personnel
6. Are they speaking as an expert with sources and proofs-or sounding off with opinions but sailing under an academic false flag of neutrality?
7. Time allocated.
8. Compliance questions as opposed to confrontational
9. No sequiters
10. Personal abuse and insinuations…back to 1 above.
We need a book here don`t we?…would save us all a lot of fatuous listening.
(With thanks to Craig , Sue etc from days of yore!)
BBC R4 Today this morning. Robinson interviews Hammond, then Kuennsberg comes on to tell us what Hammond “really” thinks / said. Opinion, opinion, opinion. Everyone’s got one. Kuennsberg’s opinion really doesn’t interest me and I resent having to pay to hear it.
Another fine example of what it is the BBC sees in guest presenter James O’Brien:
His views on state riot police suppressing wrong think about governance will be interesting, unless BBC editorial integrity sees all focus needs to be still on kneeling black millionaires and ditsy blondes in baseball caps across the pond.
Can’t wait for Ian Katz to get the bearded wonder to hand over to the BBC reporter on de spot:
Writing BBC pidgin is my new hobby. The spat between Archbishop Welby and the BBC over child abuse for example could be described thus: ‘Head juju man him say BBC magic talking box men done bad fo piccannis’. The Catalan question: ‘One tribe dem want leave fo make new tribe but done got mashup wid de head warriors. Many many get hurted from de sticks dat speak thunder.’ Any chance of a job?
Possibly. But due to ToreeKutz and further unique diversion of funds to Botney’s retirement stash, you may need to hot desk with the forthcoming BBC Esperanto and Klingon desks.
You`ve got a great Thesausus coming here Cranmer-more please!
Solidarity, xenophobia, social justice, Torikutz, appropriate, diversity and inclusion, fairness and sexist, racist…looking forward to dem mash up in de Moss man!
Aah … dem grate Bibbycee!
‘im all buggerup.
Does anybody know if Al Beeb has covered the disgusting ‘hang the tories’ effigy in Liverpool and also the left wing fascist violence at the tory party conference?
Good Question Jerry. I have a supplementary one. Will the people who owned that banner be charged with hate speech? And if not why not?
And also would like to know if there is a single Tory MP with the spine to take the issue up and make something of it.
Agree, Yasser. I’ve been mulling over sending an e-mail to Sarah Sands asking why her flagship News programme does not appear to have considered that.
Don’t bother.
“We got it about right”.
A good acid test for the efficacy of your faith, politcs or whatever-is whether you really are worthy of being persecuted and hated by those enemies that you need.
Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka pass with distinction , whereas a Hammond or a Shapps aren`t worth the bile or venom as far as the enemy are concerned.
When Christians and REAL Conservatives are worth the bile as thrown at Nazir Ali, Gove, Rees Mogg/Paterson, Redwood and Ashenden…as well as Boris of course-then, and only then will be on the side of the angels like Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters and Katie Hopkins, Hirsi Ali etc.
Currently the crap Tories are on one endless punchbag of a masochism strategy, seeing as they felt that Blair and Campbell have all their answers.
For political day to day survival. Only shows the ahistorical and venal moral pigmies and bankrupts that run the Tories doesn`t it?
Pillocks-we did NOT vote for Tories like May-we voted to get out of the EU and she seemed genuinely able to be honourable and competent to do that. She`s not now-and if she continues to fail over Brexit as she promised, then she and her rotten party will have to be mulched into an AfD tribute act that will NOT be nice to Occupy, the BBC and the Grenfell chiselling rentier class.
And right on cue, predictably, the beebistan manage to have a sly dig at Trump in connection to the Las Vegas shooting, with some US commentator saying that (saint) Obama was going to tighten gun control, whereas she didn’t expect anything like that from (wicked) Trump.
The 5 o clock R4 News ended with a mini speach by Obama after the last shooting . ( I was waiting for the weather ) .
Al beeb is still grieving for the loss of Obama. All his words counted for nothing when it came to gun control. In fact his attitude increased gun sales .
Al beeb is letting the dust to settle and the victims ( bless them ) grow cold as they cannot wait to blame Trump . That Katty and her fella will have a field day in their daily anti Trump half hour.
“And right on cue, predictably, the beebistan manage to have a sly dig at Trump in connection to the Las Vegas shooting, with some US commentator saying that (saint) Obama was going to tighten gun control, whereas she didn’t expect anything like that from (wicked) Trump.”
Ah well maybe the bBBC ought to use their own much relied upon so called ‘fact checker’, because the firearms used were illegal so no amount of gun control would have made any difference.
Trudeau gets it 180 degrees wrong as usual:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.”
Diversity is our strength?!? Can you believe it? Diversity just tried to murder and maim your citizens, moron.
Bebistan desperately feeding a Las Vegas witness leading questions like ‘what should be done in the future?’ hoping for a diatribe against gun ownership and, if they’re really lucky, the jackpot: some anti Trump vitriol.
Unfortunately the ignorant redneck won’t play ball: “I grew up with guns, guns don’t kill, people kill.”
Completely off message, terminate interview immediately!
Erm, is bbc American then? No, well why TF is it any of their business.
Oh but I forget the bbc rules the World not just Britain. Their power and arrogance with zero responsibility, zero accountability and zero morality never fails to amaze.
Handgun control went well in this country did it NOT. No target shooting allowed – something to do with Bliar.
Seems to be enough ‘target shooting’ happening in London.
I got that one past the mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number 7,
“Handgun control went well in this country did it NOT.”
I see, so because some people are still able to get their hands on a gun; making guns harder to get is a waste of time?
Great argument.
“I got that one past the mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Possibly the greatest achievement your entire life, ‘Number 7’. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Possibly the greatest achievement your entire life”
So maxi , what is the greatest achievement your entire life? Please tell us .
Is it advertising this…………………………………
Or was it getting a job at Al Beeb ?
maxi, great to have you here to debate. My question to you is how did taking legal target shooting weapons away from sports people, including Olympic & ParaOlympic competitors, as well as forcing them to train outside mainland Britain, keep people safer in that same mainland UK?
I seem to recall a recent murder of a wife and a daughter by a husband … with a gun.
Please respond to my post at 9.09 below.
No.7, think it was the Conservatives who introduced radical restrictions in the UK. BBC on TODAY this a.m. are suggesting ‘Trump should have legislated on gun control yesterday’ when the Conservatives knee-jerk legislation on guns and dogs created bad law in the 1990s.
The BBC and MSM don’t seem to care about the two young women murdered in France a few days ago.
Not just murdered but one had her throat slit.
It was little more than a side story and now it has completely gone.
I’d like to post this in memory of Laura and Mauranne who were cousins out celebrating Laura’sr birthday.
Laura was training to be a nurse and Mauranne was undertaking a medicine degree.
The world lost two beautiful young lives that day, and lives which by their chosen careers would have helped thousands.
I have no words.
The recent incident in Canada where a Somali immigrant was the perpertrator also seems to have been sidelined. The strategy now seems to be to play down moslem terrorism abroad. Newsshite had a soul doctor giving the “deprive mass murderers the oxygen of publicity” shtick. I wonder when the crude relativisation of moslem atrocities using the Las Vegas blood bath will start. It’s all part and parcel of city life.
Sinniberg, not just them, but all the others killed by these deranged fanatics. Their names should be inscribed on public memorials, like the dead of the two world wars, ‘lest we forget’.
I do have words, but since this is a family forum, I won’t share them.
The BBC and indeed the entire “progressive” Left live completely inauthentic lives, lying by omission and sometimes by commission in pursuit of an agenda.
I’ve thought quite a bit about this and can only conclude that there is such an internal void, a self-loathing, that is common to these people, which causes them to resent and lash out at anything that speaks of truth and decency.
They are chronically uncomfortable with who they are, and as a defence mechanism, project that hatred outwards towards anything that seems secure and reasonable and comfortable, seeking to tear things down and f**k up as many other people’s lives as possible, as the only way of making themselves feel, temporarily, better.
I’m no psychologist, so I could easily be wrong about this, but when I see hate and deceit emanate from people, I tend to think that they are very unhappy, harbouring toxic feelings of being losers.
It was Freud – ‘projection’ – though the idea predated him by many hundreds of years.
Hmm ………… do you think the likes of Nick Robinson in his affluent, arrogant bubble loaths himself ?
I’d say quite the opposite. He’s so far up himself as are his colleagues.
While he’s in his “affluent, arrogant bubble”, I think he can maintain an acceptable exterior.
If that is attacked, or the bubble collapses, I think he’d crack like a water biscuit. There’s nothing genuine at his core to sustain him. (I’m speaking generally, not just about Robinson).
Just look at their overwrought emotional reactions to Brexit and the Trump victory to see how they react when their comfortable worldview is threatened.
10:14 am:
“A friend given to scouring the net is telling me that in the US people monitoring Police radios say the perpetrators were a Muslim couple…”
11:33 am:
“Stephen Paddock doesn’t sound like a Muslim name, but then again people do convert…”
“There are suggestions that Paddock was a member of known terror group antifa”
3:51 pm:
“On a dreadful awful day it might be useful to change the subject…”
8:20 pm:
“Those Americans who do know about these weapons are saying that what happened is more or less impossible… are [we] being told the truth of what has happened.”
9:39 pm:
“Which of course all depends on him actually being the shooter and not being a victim who was shot and left to take the blame – or alternatively acting under duress.”
So to summarise:
1) The killer was a Muslim.
2) The killer doesn’t sound like a Muslim but he might have been.
3) The killer wasn’t a Muslim so let’s talk about something else.
4) Oh hang on, something fishy going on.
5) If the killer wasn’t a Muslim; he must have been made to do it by… a Muslim.
Perfect, ‘Thoughtful’. Absolutely perfect.
What motivates you ?
Taffman, I’ll make a stab at what motivates him. But it is important to see the way he operates. See him as a crocodile. An ambush hunter that lies in wait hidden in the murk. If people are not wary or become over-confident and make a slip the croc will grab them with amazing efficiency.
Notice most of the content of maxi’s posts are the careless statements of others. Each night he patrols the columns looking for the careless and unwary posts and seizes on them and quotes them back at their authors. Such is the moment of joy for him and that makes his day. His mission is accomplished. He has won a battle against a relentless horde of right wing fascists/racists/red neckers whatever. He is doing his bit for the progressive cause and can sleep well gorging on his imagined humiliation of his victim.
It is a clever tactic and not easy to combat. But that does not mean that he himself is clever.
Think crocodile again. The croc stays hidden for as long as possible being careful to show very little of himself when going for the kill. Likewise Maxi tends not to engage in debate or parade his own opinions very often. He likes to keep them hidden. A good tactic on his part because when he does make a rare slip and is tempted into fair debate and show himself he does not look good. Remember a few months back when he came out with the Westminster Abbey hat tosh? He revealed himself to be lacking somewhat in intellectual capacity. Just like the crocodile. He does well to stay hidden.
The best way to deal with them is to be cautious when posting here. Remembering that the enemy could well be there, in the murk.
You give him way too much credit. He is motivated by his best friend… his sock puppet!
maxi, have you apologised to Alan yet after you called him a liar recently? He was actually correct and you were wrong, so maybe a double apology is due?
I have asked you a number of times now on various threads, will you withdraw your false quoting of Alan on a previous blog, to date you just run away for a few days only to pop up with tedious monotony elsewhere?
In short if you not merely misquote people but actively falsely attribute a quote to someone, I ask you this question..
Why should anyone believe anything you post?
I look forward to your reasoning of falsely attributing quotes to the owners of this blog.
Maxicony instead of claiming that the BBC is politically neutral, seeks to prove that the people whom the BBC attack are deplorable, which in his eyes justifies the BBC tax. A deplorable person being of course is anybody to the right of him politically, to which the obvious response is why should those people be forced to pay for a media giant which (in their eyes) distorts and poisons political discourse, simply because it promotes views with which Maxicony agrees.
I despise the Labour Party, I dislike the EU, I have no respect for President Obama, indeed I have little or no sympathy for most of the Leftist assumptions promoted by the BBC, but I do not expect anybody else to be forced to pay for a broadcaster just because it promotes political views with which I agree. That is contrary to the justification for a free society. I believe in freedom of choice, that we should not be forced to pay for the BBC. You either believe in a free society or you don’t.
So Maxicony, either the BBC is politically neutral, and I have yet to see you produce any evidence which contradicts the claims made by most of the contributors to this site, that the BBC is biased to the Left politically, or you accept that it is biased to the Left, but you think that this is a good thing; in which case you have to be honest and admit that you are an opponent of a free society.
Justify your attack on a free society, or justify the assumption that the BBC is politically neutral. So long as you fail to do either, the contributors to this site will view you with contempt, because you give the impression of being a man without honesty or courage.
Outstanding post, Wild.
The BBC’s number one concern is to dispel the slightest of possibilities that Stephen Paddock might of
been a converted Moslem. Apparently they have an expert by the name of Mina-l-Lami who monitors
Jihadist groups for the BBC. She tells us that if he committed suicide after slaughtering at least 58 souls
it would be wholly islamic to commit suicide to shoot oneself. The Islamic way is to blow yourself up..
Thank’s Mina . If I am in a terrorist situation and can have a chat to the perpetrator I will ask him or her
if they are going to blow themselves up after killing us.. Actually Mr Pollock seems to have had the right
genes in him to commit to his horrendous act. But of course the NRA in the States will tell us that
people kill people and not automatic or semi automatic weapons or something like that . Because I am not
an expert.
I have only a few words about Las Vegas and the coverage by pretty much all of the UK Media so far. It starts with disgusting.
Not all the facts are known yet they all have an opinion that seems to be taken almost exclusively from US MSM without the slightest bit of research.
I watched part of Robert Moore on ITV and his first statement was on how clumsy Donald Trump’s Tweets were. His main report consisted of him talking over footage from social media giving us his opinions and conjecture, not facts.
Enter the BBC and to a man/woman/gender fluid it was superiority complex, gun control and US MSM without the slightest bit of research. What was missing was any kind of empathy towards the victims and their families.
Innuendo, superiority complex and conjecture is all we get. Occasionally a fact that is against the narrative might get through but that is quickly ignored.
Just had my BBC email and it follows the template you describe to perfection.
Kicks off with a ‘What was his motivation?’ Handwring when no one has a clue as yet.
Then the now inevitable ‘analysis’ by Nick Robinson stunt double Anthony Zurcher, heading straight for the Trumpugular raising gun control, which as I understand it would have had zero effect in this case as full autos are illegal and states with draconian control have the highest gun crimes.
Re Las Vegas
Is it day three or day four after a mass killing that a Muslim is brought out and paraded as one who helped to save the lives of
several victims?
Re Las Vegas
It appears to be totally about gun control now, SKY bringing on people opposed to the right to bear arms ( I don’t know about the BBC ). I do wonder now if this is some false flag op. You could be forgiven for forgetting that 50 plus people were brutally murdered. The sickening tweets from democrats is astonishing … they can be seen on BreitBart.
I think this whole thing is about banning guns in America and getting rid of the 2nd amendment, and an open attack on people that could be described as majoritively white and probably more inclined to be Republican than Democrat.. a race bait in other words against the perceived ‘right’ on the streets of America. It also masks many of the recent Islamic attacks in Europe as this will be a lead story for a while to come.
My personal loath of the day is Richard or should I say that right ‘Dick’ Dawkins and his unbelievably insensitive pi** take of the second amendment and guns on his twatter, he made a mockery of dead people for his political vanity. Evolution may be his pet theory and I would suggest that Dawkins is wrong and Neanderthal man isn’t extinct…. Dawkins is a living example… what a scum bag!
A little unfair on Neanderthals, who were apparently quite bright. Dawkins, on the other hand, is a shining example of the unevenness of intelligence. Sometimes clever people in one area do very stupid things in another.
Sky, meanwhile, is just Leftist froth for the hard of thinking. I don’t understand why anyone watches it unless they are dim, or stuck in an office reception with no alternative but to endure it on the flickering Samsung.
I’m sure you don’t mean to insult me about SKY news watchers… well I hope not!
I watch SKY like I sometimes watch the ‘One Show’ to see what the enemy is producing in terms of propaganda, just like Alan and David watch the BBC.
I read Dawkins ‘Selfish gene’ book and found that it left more questions unanswered than answered, so I’m not so sure how clever he is. Perhaps he is where he is because of his liberal credentials rather like Brian Cox who is well to the left on most issues hence the BBC’s infatuation with him.
Kay Burley started on the gun control thing straight after Trumps statement which in my opinion was at least a little comforting to the bereaved.
Burley wades in “Oh he didnt mention guns , he concentrated on faith ” This is only 6 hours after the atrocity. The media class are thick and crass beyond belief.
I haven’t bothered with the BEEBS take on it .
Unrelated but Boris gave an excellent speech yesterday and I see the pressure to get him sacked is ramped up this morning over a trivial remark about ISIS in Libya. They must really fear him. He is a real leader like him or not and everything remainers May and Hammond are not.
Much as I like JRM I think Boris is the only one with the brain and bravado to tear Corbyns policies apart and make it stuck in people’s minds..And to stick it to the EU.
You anticipated my similar comment about Boris Johnson’s completely innocuous remark about Libya, and the faux screams of outrage coming from the usual small-minded section of the journalistic and political classes. They are simply child-like (no, I’ll correct that – most children would show much more common sense). It is quite clear the BBC has issued a directive to staff to denigrate Boris at every opportunity, which they continued to do on the Today programme in the form of the egregious Sarah Wollaston MP, that self-satisfied prissy woman whose holier-than-thou attitude has been honed to perfection, and who is wheeled on to support whatever left-liberal view that the BBC wishes to promote at the particular moment. Why she is in the Conservative Party has always been a puzzle to me.
Yes, second item on Today I think. I rather enjoy the very dark humour which Boris is capable of. Calls for him to resign etc. The opposition is owned by Marxist terrorist sympathisers, anti-Semites etc. We are insulted on an almost daily basis by the EU’s puffed up functionaries, the demography of Europe is spelling out disaster for us in a generation or two. But BoJo makes a comment like that and it’s all over the place. FFS, grow up.
Just saying but the only person bought to Trial re: Benghazi, the Trial started same day as shooting. Hillary Clinton pops up to give her statement on Vegas, she should be the one being prosecuted at the Benghazi Trial. No mention of the court case on MSM. George Webb utube is the investigative reporter if you want to know what is really going on in US. He reported on the Awan case also recently took place with little MSM reporting, the Awan brothers bought in by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and HC to spy through their IT contacts on all major US Government Departments. George Webb does a daily webcast, he has been attending the Benghazi Trial. Watch his daily webcasts to be informed.
Today’s Monty Python feature on the BBC Website.On the Magazine feature we learn that
Mohamed lives in a spotlessly clean Bradford semi -detached house playing computer games
all day long. How very interesting.
Reading the BBC Magazine feature, in which the BBC reporter is very sympathetic to 14 year old Mohamed’s situation, it seems to me that young Mohamed is a few years away from finding Allah. Then instead of setting off fireworks at school in corridors filled with school pupils, which is what he did aged 13, Mohamed might decide to take it large.
I have found someone who makes far more sense as a commentator than Nick Robinson.
Come to think of maybe he is posthumously writing speeches for the current crop of politicians as well
Listen for an entire hour, as the despicable Jonathan Vernon-Smith on BBC 3CR “investigates” the deeply racist “proposition” that “White people do not care for their elderly relatives” – “white people are more selfish and do not want to make sacrifices for elderly members of their family” etc. It goes on and on….. numerous examples of brown people calling in and saying how they look after their elderly, and that white people do not, etc. etc. for a full hour!!
I was spitting this morning – I am definitely going to complain to Ofcom.
What is it with Eddie Mair? Sometimes he can be very nice man.
Listening on PM he is currently trying to out do James O’Brien with his childish nastyness.