The BBC’s coverage of the police failure to get any evidence against Ted Heath seems somewhat careless with its innuendo leaving you with the impression the BBC is declaring Heath guilty...their major narrative all day has been that …
Sir Edward Heath ‘would have been questioned’ over abuse claims
The over emphasis on this and manner it is pronounced as if somehow massively legally meaningful suggests guilt despite this being a standard procedure and that absolutely no evidence has been found to back up any claims and indeed out of 118 claims 112 were thrown out almost instantly.
One BBC journalist ‘analysing’ the issues told us that there ‘was a big question mark as Edward Heath is not alive to defend himself’ [Didn’t stop investigations and judgement on Savile]…no, there is a big question mark as the case against him seems to be based upon a large number of false claims…that doesn’t stop the BBC gratuitously listing in lurid detail the attacks Heath is supposed to have done. Why do that unless you want to try and disgust people and, despite no evidence, still associate this to Tory Heath….mud slinging and some sticks?….and as you may think from this quote the BBC looks as if it is still intent on creating that cloud of suspicion…
Operation Conifer has gathered a vast amount of evidence – pursuing a total of 1,580 lines of inquiry and it has made public the most serious allegations against the former prime minister, but it can’t tell us whether they are true.
More than anything else, this report prompts more questions than it answers
Hmmm….so an enormous amount of, er, ‘evidence’, and yet they cannot make a single thing stick? Never mind, the BBC can make the mud stick.
Nick knows the score:
There are comments enabled, but all those I saw on the landing page were removed.
Which is kind of ironic.
What else do you expect from the buggering British Children crowd, who go well out of their way in which to emulate the founder of the so called peaceful Islamic faith.
Makes me laugh how the biggest enclave in Yorkshire is called….Saville town, Not ted, Not Cliff or even McAlpine but Saville town.
I’ve said it elsewhere here. It’s not about what political party someone represented . If the ‘suspect’ was Wilson I would think the same – really sorry alleged victim – but the suspect is dead and has gone to the highest of courts for judgement. Do you want us to dig him up and stick him in a court. Ridiculous times . Hysteria .
Look on the bright side – Heath took us into the common market without our consent, likely knowing it was a precursor to the EU. The BBC is finally damning someone influentially associated with the EU, albeit over questionable allegations and clearly as a right-wing scapegoat to try and compensate for their lack of interest in Islamic grooming and their ineptitude with Yewtree suspects.
Same reason they hold their obtuse and patronising “100 Women” season. They think it’s a substitute for real journalism exposing actual misogyny.
‘ likely knowing it was a precursor to the EU’ there is no ‘likely’ about it. He knew it’s aim was political union. He lied at the time of our decision to join the Common Market. I wouldn’t trust the scumbag.There again, I cannot think of a politician whose word I would trust.
Will never forgive him for bringing 40,000 Ugandans to our shores. As a group they have contributed little to a country that saved them. Very ungrateful people. Drugs, ghettoes, stabbings,race hate,anti police, anti authority, riots,etc.
Heath was a flawed charater, very snide towards the blessed Margaret. I would never trust him.
Wronged –
But Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has contributed so much ……..
She doesn’t do much for my blood pressure, I must admit.
I remember that when the voters were concerned about plane loads of these people were pictured on TV the politicians reassured us with ‘don’t worry – there’s only a few – and there won’t be any more after this lot
‘. This was obviously before the Race Industry got going and the likes of shabby and Abbot made a full time living for it and being a victim of the nasty whitee with the ready help of the liberal news bods and othe sons of the Empire.
Alibi-Jones aside, I was always under the impression that the Ugandan Asians have made a contribution to this country out of all proportion to their (by modern standards tiny) numbers. Even A-J herself hasn’t much in the way of the crimes you describe.
The aspect of this that you haven’t mentioned is that Wiltshire Police are the ones who issued the loaded press release in a desperate attempt to justify their ludicrous investigation. The BBC and other media have then gleefully reported what Wiltshire Police have told them, but have failed to make clear that any investigation had failed to uncover any evidence of wrongdoing at all, never mind any personal involvement of Ted Heath. The actual report states
“Where it is concluded that, if he had still been alive, Sir Edward Heath would have been interviewed under caution to gain an account, it is emphasised that his account would be as important as other evidence gathered as part of the wider investigation.
“Accordingly, it is critical to stress that no inference of guilt should be drawn from the fact that Sir Edward Heath would have been interviewed under caution.”
This doesn’t seem to have been been given its appropriate emphasis in the BBC (and other media)’s reporting.
For the record, I would not give Sir Edward Heath the steam off my piss.
However: I can only conclude that there is not a shred of evidence against him. Allegations, perhaps, but actual evidence, none whatsoever.
What seems to have happened is that the fantasist “Nick” named Sir Edward as having raped him, in one of those non-existent sex parties which never happened in Dolphin Square. The brain dead plods of Wiltshire Police then decided to have a press conference outside the dead man’s house, pleading with people to come forward and say he had raped them (compo wasn’t mentioned, but let’s get real here folks). So 118 people came forward, 112 of whom have been dismissed (either “Nick” type fantasists or the usual compo merchants), leaving 6 allegations which the cops would like to talk to Sir Edward about. Except they can’t, because he is dead, and has been for many years.
People are dying because the NHS will not prescribe them medicines, but the British state manages to find money to urge fantasists to make allegations about a dead man who cannot defend himself and will never have to answer to any charges.
The country is officially mad.
Is this about timing? Was it to be released after the Conservative Party Conference? I say this not as a nut job wacko conspiracy theorist but because sometimes it does make sense when to release a story. If the report had a final date for release then so be it.
It just reminded me of Andrew Breitbart when he released his story about ACRON that he stored up and then kept releasing, week by week to give the impression that he had an endless supply of footage and to keep the story alive and made the ACRON Organisation crumble.
If it had been a one hit then ACRON might have recovered with a Government “We are dealing with it” response, until another story caught the public’s eye.
“ACORN employees (Government) in several cities providing advice to Giles and O’Keefe on how to avoid taxes and detection by the authorities with regard to their plans to engage in tax evasion, human smuggling, and child prostitution.”
Sir Edward Heath ‘would have been questioned’ over abuse claims { 05oct2017}
“No inference of guilt should be drawn from this, police stressed.”
“The report concluded there was not enough information to meet the threshold for interview for 19 of the claims.”
“As part of the £1.5m investigation, three people unconnected to Sir Edward were arrested for offences related to child abuse, one of whom is still being investigated.”
“The seven victim disclosures for which Sir Edward would have been interviewed under caution:”
– The BBC article ends with list of offences that will never be answered, but the last sentence/thought in your mind from the article is ‘Between 1990-1992, Wiltshire: Sir Edward allegedly indecently assaulted a male, aged between 12 and 14 years, in private gardens‘.
– Shouldn’t this article end with “No inference of guilt should be drawn from this, police stressed.”?
As far as I have heard, Heath actually disliked children, which seems more in keeping with his generally disagreeable character.
The left have tried to find a Tory to smear with this ever since they saw what it did to Cyril Smith’s reputation. Labour had Granville Janner, but I’m sure they were happy to have his reputation tarnished as he was a Jewish Friend-of-Israel.
Something went wrong, I was going to add that I always had my doubts about Janner’s guilt.
It makes sense for the Beeb to concentrate on a dead Tory PM who cant be prosecuted, as it saves them from having to pay too much attention to the contemporary activities of certain “men”
Twelve charged with Rotherham child sexual abuse offences
Even more convenient for the Beeb is the fact that you can spin, smear, twist, play Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink and even outright lie in the full knowledge that you are not t any risk at all of being taken to court.
Dead people cannot sue for defamation of character, however much you lie about them, there is no chance of you being stopped by a court order, you are under no risk of being prosecuted for conduct likely to pervert the course of justice and the Broadcasting Standards people will never bother to do anything to try to stop or get you cool off on the extents you choose to go to. In short, you are bulletproof and the Beeb rely on that fact in such circumstances.
The advantage the Beeb have when playing such despicable games is that whereas with the print media which can only push a story for so long before people switch of through boredom. With other outlets the Beeb itself is in the advantagios position that it can push the issue virtually forever and during every day by use of their countless outlets by using it as fodder for their supposed Comedy Programmes which they shamlessly use to push their Leftist-‘Liberal’ propaganda.
Just look at the way, even after well over thirty years, they still use such programmes to attack, mock, demean and abuse Maggie Thatcher, something no other media outlet, with their far more retricted numbers of outlets, could get away with over such a protracted period without everybody switching off to it whereas the Beeb can use different outlets to spread their vilifications to the differing groups tuning in to the Beeb outlets deliberately aimed at different sections of the public.
BBC editorial integrity is, of course, based on more than just ‘ease’
The police admitted they had to whittle down the large number who came forward issuing several with cautions for wasting police time.
I didnt care for Heath but this witch hunt on a dead man should be treated with the contempt it deserves.Good to see his family on the airwaves sticking up for him .
Remember they also tried to pin it on Leon Brittain as he was dying (like Janner).