Hi can Lucy Pevensey repost her latest comment here: OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit. …
Lucy Pevensey’s post indicates the BBC receives cash from external organisations to promote the EU and anti-Brexit rhetoric … and it wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC also received large amounts of cash to promote Islam, and various other agendas.
This also links to Scroblene’s previous post about the difficulty in trying to account for the BBC’s commercial revenue (over £1 billion per year).
Seems a slight waste of funds to bombard the people who didn’t, can’t and will not be able to vote the last time.
Maybe a way for the EU to pop some money BBC’s way like the BBC does the Graun?
The British Government may like to explain to the British people why the British state broadcaster is trying to skew perceptions in a way designed to disadvantage the British people.
I would like to know why the Tax Payers money, via the Government, was used to produce £9m worth of leaflets siding with the Remain campaign and showed a bias towards staying in the EU when the idea of democracy is the citizen’s choice.
A leaflet showing arguments for and against I would agree with, a one side piece leaning towards Remain was not very helpful for a democratic Government.
– Has this document been reviewed since the referendum to see how it stands up now we know more about the EU’s intentions. Dear BBC, is time for a follow up?
The elected government of the day took the view that we should Remain and , as this was a referendum not an election , it was quite proper for the government to campaign for Remain and to use public money to do so.
Where things have become less than proper is for the Government of the day not to take the referendum result as a clear instruction from the people that we are to leave the EU cleanly and in a timely manner such that ECJ has no writ in the UK and only Westminster can make legislation which affects the UK. The mealy mouthed approach taken by the present government and the endless prevarication is frustrating and makes you doubt if we will ever leave in any meaningful way. The Remainer elite are working hard to ensure that we don’t. The GE result was very unhelpful to the Leave cause as it undermined the will of the people argument.
What is indisputably wrong is the approach taken by the BBC post the referendum. They were fairly even handed during the campaign but I suspect that was because they thought Remain had it in the bag. The shock of Leave winning has really upset this bastion of the liberal left. Even worse they are being criticised by their elitist chums for being too impartial in the campaign and not working hard enough for Remain. Criticism from the Guardian of the BBC is intolerable at Broadcadting House. So they have abandoned any pretence of impartiality and are going full on for Remain using all the tricks, suppression or distortion of unhelpful news, fake news and lies if it helps the cause.
The BBC performance since the referendum has been so brazen in support of Remain. My hope is that millions of people see through their game and start to wonder about the BBC role in that other even greater issue of our time, Immigration. Will the people realise that the BBC has been using its power to dupe them for years and years about the Islamisation of their country.
Just my thoughts spilling out onto the web …. a Leave list would be interesting … it’s interesting to see how over time the conversation and language changes.
Even now Hillary Clinton is on tour blaming everyone and herself … is she now in the basket of deplorables herself?
I certainly disagree that taxpayers money should have been used in that campaign for either side. I’m for reducing government spending – including money wasted in al beeb -,such as last week when they sent an autocue reader to Vegas to stand in a car park for 2 days .
” The GE result was very unhelpful to the Leave cause as it undermined the will of the people argument.”
Both the Conservative and Labour parties campaigned on the basis of Brexit and their votes went up by 5.5% and 9.5% respectively. The LibDems and SNP campaigned to remain and their votes went down by 0.5% and 1.7% respectively.
The most ‘Brexit’ party of all had their vote fall by 10.7% but as they are an essentially single-issue party that could be interpreted as ‘job done’, not needed anymore.
The will of the people was clearly “get on with it”.
Similarly, is there a legal definition of Rudd’s ‘far-right propaganda’ that we are not allowed to access for fear of imprisonment?
No of course not – like ‘hate crime’ it will be whatever some random perceives it to be.
“In 2011, a bodyguard assassinated Punjab provincial governor Salman Taseer after he called for the blasphemy laws to be reformed. Taseer’s killer, executed last year, has been hailed as a martyr by religious hardliners.”
… as Mark Steyn has said, when we lose the ability to debate and talk, out come the fists …
“There was widespread outrage across Pakistan in April last year when student Mashal Khan was beaten to death at his university in Mardan following a dormitory debate about religion.”
– This is modern technology combined with barbaric and odious laws causing unnecessary deaths and stopping debate…in the year 2017!
Pro-Brexit comments.
Anti-EU dictatorship comments.
Pro-Britain/British people comments.
Direct quotes from the Koran.
Anti-Islamic terror comments.
Anti-rape gang comments.
Cowardly online crime on Planet Libtard, where everything is inside-out, upside-down & back to front.
Pro-Brexit comments.
Anti-EU dictatorship comments.
Pro-Britain/British people comments.
Direct quotes from the Koran.
Anti-Islamic terror comments.
Anti-rape gang comments.
Cowardly online crime on Planet Libtard, where everything is inside-out, upside-down & back to front.
Hate Crimes against Mosques double.
Bias by omitting context that its a very rare event and cherry picked period of of 5 months.
110 but majority were threats ..actual violence against people was 11
42 police forces recorded at least 110 hate crimes at mosques in March – June this year, compared to 47 last year. Some examples of reports and crimes: pic.twitter.com/tuHGHWOLId
The problem with the referendum arrangements in this country is entirely the fault of Tony Blair and Jack Straw, who were trying to rig a vote on joining the euro. At the time, the Conservatives were having their post-Major leadership election and the Labour government was convinced Ken Clarke would win.
The change to referendum rules meant that public finances would be allotted to the “For” and “Against” campaigns according to party representation in Parliament, despite the fact that the entire point of a referendum is that Parliament is being bypassed. With Labour, the Scots Nats, Libdims and Plaid Cymru all led by euro-supporters, if Ken Clarke had ended up leader of the Conservatives, the only official funding for the anti-euro campaign would have been whatever was allotted on the basis of the number of Northern Ireland Unionist MPs.
Of course, Clarke never became leader, but Labour did try out their referendum-rigging kit, when a vote was held in the North-East of England on whether a regional parliament should be established. Thanks to typical stupidity in Conservative Central Office, a Conservative-led campaign was set up, in a part of the country where only Hexham ever elects a Conservative MP, despite the existence of a popular opposition campaign with no party affiliation. John Prescott triumphantly ensured that the ineffectual Conservative campaign got any public money going, but, to his chagrin, still lost the vote.
Incidentally, the day the North-East vote was held, the Beebyanka had an interview with a television journalist (Libby Wiener, from ITV, if memory serves), then moonlighting as the spokeswoman advocating devolution for the North-West, in which she proclaimed that support for devolution in the North-West was so total that no referendum should be held. I don’t recall that the Beebyanka interviewer felt any need to challenge her.
Incidentally (2), a full decade after the North-East vote, the Independent was still bewailing the result. It seems these Remoaners have had a bit of practice.
I would like to add that the BBC may not be declaring all earnings made from its commercial operations. Unaccounted earning may include free use of accommodation, transport, food, equipment, gifts, brown envelops stuffed with cash, free tickets to concerts …
OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit.
Those wanting to access bbc. co.uk from abroad are automatically redirected to bbc.com, which carries paid-for adverts.
A story headlined “Catalan separatists defiant on voting day” last week featured a series of adverts for the New European newspaper, which wants to block Brexit and claims to sell 20,000 copies a week.
The advert reads “Stay Angry. Fight Brexit. Read the New European”.
Another reads: “Faith. Hope. Clarity. The newspaper for the 48%”.
The editor-at-large of the New European is Tony Blair’s former spin doctor and “Remoaner in chief” Alastair Campbell, who has declared that Britain would vote Remain if the referendum was held again.
David Keighley, managing director of the political monitoring organisation News-Watch, questioned the corporation’s impartiality in featuring the adverts.
He said: “The BBC’s EU coverage, though supposedly neutral, is already outrageously biased against Brexit.
“Now its overseas arm is overtly taking cash to advertise an antiBrexit and pro-EU newspaper.
“This is surely yet again a major breach of the BBC’s Charter requirement to be impartial.”
Balance would not be being achieved if the BBC accepts advertising from Remainiac newspapers and disproportionately little from Daily Mail , Breitbart, Telegraph, Express etc.
Rule 2.3
c) not bring the BBC into disrepute
d) not give rise to doubts about the editorial integrity and independence or
impartiality of the BBC
(This NE advert appears directly under the BBC banner)
2.4 All advertising must be clearly presented as commercial content, distinct from
editorial content.
(Remainisn is a religion ?)
2.9 To protect the BBC’s reputation, the following categories of advertising are
a) advertising for faith, religion and equivalent systems of belief
2.10 Political advertising is not allowed on any UK commercial service. In other territories, political advertising is only allowed where approval has been given by
the Advertising Governance Committee.
** OK stick that on your complaint askijng who authorised this political advertising**
further rules after 2.15 mention political advertising
The Forum on Radio 4 was about the 13th century Islamic poet Rumi; Beyoncé named her child after him we were patronisingly informed. Of course Rumi was a mere point d’appui for an hour of sickening Islamophilia.
Alas, we hear little of Muslims writing poetry these days. And even if they did write poems I would not want to read them.
I loitered horny in a car
That lurks outside the school gates,
When at once I saw from afar,
Some innocent white girls to rape.
Nicholas Clegg, unemployed because he lost hi seat in the election , has written a book about how to stop Brexit . I was thinking of writing a book about how to stop Nick Clegg – beyond his constituents.
Humph£650k had a chat with him today – wasn’t a normal humphaphon and Senor Clegg got an easy time (shock).
One of his ideas is to have Major and aDutchman re negotiate the ‘No’ Cameron got . I think Major should go to the Dentist again like he did when he dragged thatcher down . How can a remainer like him negotiate with the organisation he believes in?
Fedup, ” I was thinking of writing a book about how to stop Nick Clegg”
More power to your elbow. I look forward to publication. We could lobby the BBC to have you interviewed on TODAY, Start the Week, WatO, PM and Front Row and everywhere else the BBC provide free advertising for authors.
Can you do a good Irish, South African, Australian, New Zealand, American or Canadian accent? That will almost guarantee you air time at the BBC.
Up, I would be happy to oblige on the interview offer if you can fix them up .
I look forward to Toady but I think I’d get the 5 to 9 bit which is reserved for Brexiters so that they can cut them down in order to advertise the daily snippet on Wimmins house about FGM or MGF or whatever it is.
Clegg got a 715 spot so plenty of time for his poison.
You have to feel sorry for Lord Clegg in waiting . His missis must have bought her hat for the ceremony by now. He can then sit with paddy pants down righting the world . What larks.
The easy time continued on the Breakfast sofa where Minchkin allowed the statesman a full five minutes of uninterrupted belching out all the Brexit negatives without, somehow, getting round to all the outrageous lies from Osborne and Carney. Two book plugs slipped in among the bile completed the absurdly biased and unchallenged performance. Beebing at its best.
The BBC often uses other people’s words when they want to get a claim across that is not actually substantiated. Here Katty Kay reduces from her usual one word intro:
"I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him,” Mr. Corker said
Imagine what it must be like behind the scenes in BBC newsrooms? I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the meeting where they decided to run with the farcical ‘pissgate’ fake news. Sadly nobody has been able to contain the alt-left BBC which is why we are in such a mess.
Beeb Bro.
I think the Channel 4 series “Drop the Dead Donkey” gave us a little glimpse all those years ago. However I can imagine it’s got a hundred times worse now.
From precisely anywhere else but the UK is growing in popularity for the BBC who pledges to increase its BAME staff. Personally, I’m fed up with foreigners telling us about what’s happening (so called “News”) in our own country. Until my licence runs out and as an interim measure, I use the off button now-a-days.
“Mr Cheshire told MailOnline the cab driver had three female passengers in his car at the time of the crash.
The girls in his car said he was an Uber driver.” {source: dailmail 07oct2017}
Naughtie asking Sturgeon leading questions on R4 about Brexit displaying yet again the BBCs desire to stir up remainer discontent. Talk about Parliament voting to stay in the Single Market and ‘the disaster’ of the UK ‘ crashing’ out of the EU – Sturgeons oft repeated phrase . All that means is the UK having the same relationship with the EU as has the rest of the non EU world. That’s quite manageable , no disaster and certainly not a crash.
Sturgeon was also on BBC Breakfast, interviewed by the hard hitting Dan Walker. Ha Ha. It was akin to a SNP party political broadcast and the only pressure she was under was trying not to crack her face in a big beaming smile which would give the game away that she was amongst friends. And she was invited to and obliged in a de rigueur condemnation of Boris. Unintentionally hilarious.
Note how Catalonia’s Referendum a week or so is described by the BBC as, “…the disputed Referendum” rather than, accurately, “the ILLEGAL Referendum”. The BBC as ever, fanning the flames of anarchy Worldwide.
I vote (perhaps illegally?) that the BBC’s slogan of: “The Most Trusted Broadcaster” be changed to the more accurate format: “The BBC, steadfast supporters of Anarchy wherever it appears”.
But the good thing about the Catalonia question is that it makes the EU look like a facist superpower quashing a democratic uprising . The reality of the EU open for all to see. Come Catalans declare UDI and then the EU , forced to side with Spain, will look even worse.
On R4 “Today” Cleggy was invited to plug his book “How to stop Brexit (and make Britain great again)”. We did not hear much of Clegg’s plans for British greatness but we did hear more of the constant remainer’s whine of “broken promises” of the Brexiteers (£350mpw etc ad nauseam). Whilst Humphrys maintained a generally sceptical position towards Clegg & his motives, he (& the BBC) missed another oppotunity to silence that specious argument.
In the Referendum campaign the “Brexiteers” were not offering a manifesto, having won the argument they were not put into power to implement any of their views. We have the continuation of a Conservative government that opposed Brexit but are, at least, making an effort to implement the wish of the Referendum’s majority.
According to the BBC Radio 4, Theresa May will tell MPs today that she is optimistic about EU negotiations. The EU will have to show more flexibility.
According to the BBC Radio 4.
EU. Flexibility. That’s a laugh! That is one reason why I voted LEAVE. The EU is inflexible. Not the sort of ‘governance’ that Member States need in the 21st century. It is time to go forward on our way out of the EU.
from this mornings news.
‘EU Commission chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas said: “This is not exactly a ball game. There’s a clear sequencing of these talks and there’s been so far no solution found on step one, which is the divorce proceedings, so the ball is entirely in the UK court for the rest to happen.” ‘
Despite Mays concessions during her Florence speech, the EU’s intransigence and inflexibility can be relied upon to deliver what most of us wanted from the start. An immediate exit and straight onto WTO rules.
EU/UK negotiations = whatever the EU ask for.
Honestus, indeed, again! If only ‘Dave’ had filed Article 50 on 30 June. 1 July 2018 would have been an excellent day to have as a permanent Public Holiday to mark our independence from the EU.
EU/UK negotiations = whatever the EU ask for. ? > To the PM and David Davis, in the words of the Downing Street ‘Nudge Unit’ of a previous administration “Just say ‘No’.”
UN secretary general on the news last night telling us all these Hurricanes are the fault of climate change. Wait till we have fewer or possibly no Hurricanes one season. My money is on climate change being the problem.
As one of my old work mates used to exclaim when exasperated “Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear. Oh Poxy Fcuking dear”
It always cracked me up but I sure got his drift.
I do belly-flops every time I hear some scruffy tattood 16-25 yr old Yuff lecturing every one else who does belly flops about how leaving the Euro would be catastrophic for said age groups of GB! Those kind of squatters/benefit claimers don’t even vote!
R4 Today:
Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) – allowed plenty of opportunity, uninterrupted and unquestioned by fellow Scot and supporter of independence “Jim” Naughtie, to speak at length how Brexit is a disaster and that Scottish independence will happen eventually.
Jonathan Bartlett (Greens) – the usual ludicrous claims about ‘climate change’ etc, allowed to speak uninterrupted by Sarah Montague
Bernard Jenkin (Conservative) – constant interruptions by Sarah Montague, followed by the Kuennsberg wheeled on to explain, and especially defuse, what Bernard Jenkin had said (happily cut off half way through).
Yes, politically balanced as usual. Ah, Naughtie has a second bite with journalists from the Daily Record (a Labour supporting newspaper) and from the Nationalist (supporting Scottish independence). Further complete balance.
R4’s Toady set a new record in the ‘Is there anything you would like to say to the public, Prime Minister?’ stakes this morning, when it held a pat-a-cake interview with demented Green Party Commissar, Jonathan Bartley.
Other than gently questioning whether the hippies had been done over by Momentum when they declined to stand in over 20 seats so as to give Our Jeremy an easy ride, Bartley wasn’t asked a single question probing his party’s policies of lies and fabrications and he was allowed to blatantly lie about hurricanes and ‘global warming’ without the slightest hint of demur.
The BBC is determined to inflict socialist policies on this country, whatever it takes – and if the bitter pill of Marxism-Leninism can be wrapped in hippie self-righteousness, so much the better. That’s why programme after programme from the Corporation propagandises the Green cause – from gardening shows to Horizon, nothing is free of this dangerous pseudo-religious claptrap which hides communism in a sugar coating. And the BBC just loves it!
Weinstein made a public confession, like Emmanuel Goldstein in ‘1984’. Once the media have got that, it’s like a ‘money shot’ for them and there’s not much more interest for them. Trump is unrepentant of his alleged ‘crimes’, and so the howls of outrage just get louder and louder.
In his whining mea culpa he even tried to earn liberal brownie points by saying from now on he would be fighting the NRA! I don’t know what gun control has to do with it, Harvey Weinstein seems unable to control his penis when a young woman enters the room. I can’t imagine what he and Bill Clinton talked about at those $35,000 a plate liberal fundraisers.
Equally, why was Marine Le Pen not held up as a feminist icon like Clinton? Wouldn’t it have been great to have the first female French President? And why wasn’t Milo on the BBC as much as that other gay political commentator Owen Jones?
Not BBC bias but have to share this photo, which is probably faked.
After all we have a Government and its BBC which is trying to combat fears that the perfect region is wrongly demonised
GWF, I see no reason to believe that photo is faked. Many, if not most, of the UK border staff at London airports seem to be of an ethnic disposition. This is probably partly due to the areas around them being largely ethnic anyway, but I suspect there is also a deliberate policy of using them to show Britain as multi-culti. (And perhaps also a darkly secret belief that it might help allay a terrorist attack. Would a mad mullah go on a shooting rampage in an airport if he saw someone like the lady on the left above?)
Was going through terminal 5 at heathrow around a month ago heading to argentina and it s the gay agenda writ large in massive billboards showing us gay men finding love in far off places. It didnt stop there once onboard british airways and watching the inflight entertainment you are hit with lesbians finding love and all the safety stuff is brought to you by beeb approved lefty luvvies.
Once in argentina not a sign of that nonsense and whats more obvious is not a sign of islam anywhere, no burqas head scarves niqab s or anything else. Once you off the plane in heathrow its like being in saudia arabia. A complete 180
Whilst some Muslims are scanning in airports… some Muslims are actually slitting throats everyday …. on animals of course! Do you see a confusion this leads to …
Just noticed … “Animal to be slaughtered should be placed in the direction of Mecca, the animal must be awake at the time of slaughter (so animals last time of earth is looking towards Mecca and hearing Arabic as it leaves the World).”
I’m back! Been away from commenting for a while but still reading all the comments.
Getting ahead of myself here since we’re not even past the beginning of the beginning of Brexit, never mind the beginning of the end. But let’s indulge for a moment and consider how we protect our borders post-EU.
We need two things, the will to protect and the means. By will I mean that instead of the overt saboteurs like the Flabbopotamus who would work to actively increase the flow of migrants if Labour win power, we need a general political consensus that migration via any non official channel will categorically not be tolerated. I am deeply sceptical that any of our current political parties are even prepared to give this lip service. The Tories bus in children with beards in coaches with curtains so that the plebs can’t see what’s happening. We pretend that the NOT refugees in the French and Belgian cross channel ferry ports have legitimacy and fail to acknowledge what we all know, they are political and economic migrants with no legitimate refugee status. None. We send the Royal Navy to Libya to taxi migrants across the Med. We fail to stop stowaways on trucks though we have the means to do so if we wanted – this is 2017, it is not rocket science. We don’t have the will because we don’t have any political commitment to preventing freedom of movement, quite the opposite. Until we are able to elect a party prepared to implement policies that reflect the British people’s true wishes on freedom of movement then we will never solve this problem.
With respect to the means, we have decimated our own navy but this can be reversed. It can be reversed in an intelligent and fit for purpose, cost effective way that reflects the current, emerging and sustainable threat, in the near to long term, to our borders. We are an island nation, unique in Europe. We face a real and ongoing threat from illegal invasion. If we accept that economic migrants prepared to flout the law and use violence to achieve their goals of reaching the UK are not going to reform and become tax paying engineers the moment they step onto British soil then we must accept that they are hostile invaders. Stop callig them migrants, they are invaders. A burglar walking to a property is not a rambler, he is a burglar. A foreigner with no right of abode in the UK walking into the country is not a migrant, he’s an invader.
In 2017 we are able to deploy technology that can detect the presence of boats off our coasts using advanced satellite, radar (and other) technology. It already exists, indeed it’s already in use. It is affordable, low profile and effective. We need the will to deploy it. We already have autonomous terrain following drone technology that is capable of automatically responding to a potential threat and engaging it (and nobody is talking about “engaging” in the same way as drones engage jihadis in Aleppo). We need the will to deploy it.
And then what? Right now anyone who enters the country illegally (via any non-approved channel) is theoretically detained for processing. I say theoretically – decide for yourself how many undocumented migrants are in the UK today. They entered the country illegally, therefore they are de facto illegal immigrants and so qualify to be immediately deported. Where to? It is argued by the open border enthusiasts that those without documents cannot be deported because their country of origin cannot be determined. Deport them to the country of departure immediately before arriving in the UK. And that generally means France. Sorry France but your porous border is not Britain’s problem.
Before they are deported photograph them. Fingerprint them and take DNA samples. They committed an offence, they are criminals and this is standard procedure for anyone arrested in the UK. And introduce legislation that permanently bans any person who has attempted to enter the country illegally from residence. In fact, from visiting.
It is simplistic in concept but realistic in practice.
Many good points soyel, regarding migrants, especially the stowaways and other illegals and rejected asylum seekers, the technology to defeat them is there, the political desire is not. Every time I read of illegals jumping out of lorries or other vehicles I wonder if they are formally arrested, get a criminal record , hence documented, are DNA checked, finger printed, placed somewhere secure and sent back as quickly as possible? Or are they given a hotel room or a shared house all free of charge, and the £30 a week I hear of, so that they can then disappear into ‘the community’ never to be traced again?
I’d like to see a regular statistical report on these people , how many in, how many deported etc even though that’s only the ones who are caught.
So many migrants who fall foul of the law are found to be illegal immigrants who have been in the country a number of years . How many of these are deported after their sentence is served? Could they be deported beforehand to save prison costs?
Could we be using technology to do more to detect all illegal migrants in this country? For example could all migrants be obliged to have a smart ID card for say their first 10 years here?
So many questions the politicians don’t want us to ask.
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
May occasionally talked tough as Home Secretary but took no effective action other than in a few individual cases of deportation e.g. Hate preachers . Major technical changes, a revamped Border Force, tougher police culture etc could all have been introduced. Cameron may not have been supportive but Strong and Stable could always have resigned in protest couldn’t she?
Once we have the political will all of your suggestions could be implemented swiftly, cheaply and effectively. But how do we generate the political will? You are right to say that every current politicians , including NIgel in my view, would never dare to campaign on this basis. They would be roasted alive by the MSM , politicians and the snowflakes. It would take years of grief for them and their families before they could build up a party with even a sniff of power.
The biggest reason for this is the death slumber of the British people. Years of brainwashing by the BBC and the Educational establishment has led to them either being duped into believing that enrichment is good and that it isn’t just a preliminary phase in the ongoing Islamisation of their country, or of being terrified of voicing their anti Islamification views for fear of state sponsored reprisal.
Breaking the BBC is the best way to promote free speech on this issue and until we have free speech it will be impossible to unite enough people under an anti Islamification banner to be a political force. But once again no current party will allow the BBC to be closed down because they need it to keep the people in their death slumber.
To break out of this circle there needs to be something that acts as a catalyst, a game changer that causes a discontinuity in the politics of the country. As even mass terrorist murder doesn’t seem to waken the great British people from their death slumber , I have no idea what it could be.
Well DT, a few years back I’d have bet money that the terrorist atrocities we have seen ( Hebdoe, Bataclan, London ad nauseam) would awaken the morons from their apathy. I would have lost my bet, as is obvious to see.
The ‘bread and circuses’ approach of Governments of different hues and our treacherous media, is keeping the fools in their comatose state.
All of our broadcast media and most of the print version continues to con too many people.
I become enfuriated by the clowns on FB with their ‘Je Suis Charlie’ or their profile pics draped in the flag of the latest people to suffer death and injury. Their ‘light a candle’ bollox etc and a prayer seems to make them feel that all is well with the world just so long as we ‘come together’ and dont get ‘divided’.
It’s ok to get blown to bits, just dont get ‘divided’ eh?
I know I’m preaching to the converted here, sorry to harp on, but I need to say stuff.
We actually had the small beginnings of a revolution with UKIP. It wasn’t perfect, but when we had enough non-brainwashed folk onboard to get a majority brexit vote, my hopes were rising.
UKIP eh! The answer to my prayers ! Like hell it was.
So, we had at one point 15% of the electorate voting UKIP ( no need to corrct my approx figures , lol)
And everyone of them on my side vis a vis Islam. Wrong
Utterly wrong.
Leaving aside the conveyor belt of leaders we’ve had n UKIP, the recent election has killed off any hope of them being the answer. I go to UKIP branch meetings ( currently a caretaker branch secretary) and the majority view I see, and it’s reflected in the new leaders majority) is that we need to be an MSM pleasing party. People were unable to elect Anne Marie Waters because the media would call us racists, nazis, ( insert your own insults here).
The bottom line, is that they will anyway. I keep on reminding them that appeasement simply does not work. History proves it.
The new leader has managed to avoid saying the word ‘islam’ forever.
He is an ex limp dumb for fuck sake. What do people think they are going to get?
To me he seems like a classic common purpose plant.
But the rank and file cant/wont see it.
The word from people like (even) Farage prior to the ballot for leader was that an anti-islam leader like AMW would split the party, and cause us to be seen as racists eyc etc ( repeat as above).
Well, I think the party WILL split, and by half or more if AMW launches her own party.
But then of course, the numbers of voters we have are useless in our first past the post system.
There is, therefore, no hope democratically DT, and like you, I simply ask WTF can be done?
I think we have to hope for our catalyst to come from outside the UK. The first past the post point that you make is a very good one. UK parties either need a strong local concentration , e.g. SNP, or mass support . Getting 15% of the vote spread pretty evenly gets you no seats in the UK but the AfD got 100 seats with a smaller % in the Bundestag. So perhaps the anti Islamification movements and governments in the Visegrad countries or Austria can jolt us out of our death slumber and make the Brits wake up to what is really happening.
Of course if the Austrians seek the self protection of an anti Islam government the BBC et al will treat them as Pariahs. Stand by for the twenty first screening of ‘ The Nazis AWarning From History ‘ and for all manner of totally fictitious and ludicrous parallels to be drawn. Misinformation will rain down upon us like hail , fake news will blossom as never before. The luvvies will refuse to go to Christmas Fairs in Salzburg and Vienna and to book skiing holidays in Austria. Geldorf will say he will never appear in Vienna ( lucky for them) Some wag may even see the Danube Foaming with Much Blood . All because the Austrians don’t want their children and grand children to be forced to become Muslims in about 2075.
BBC always looking out for the opportunity to attack Trump and his administration. This time it is VP Pence, who is criticized for spending tax payer’s money by travelling to a football game to walk out when kneelers disrespect the flag and anthem.
But guess what?
Zurcher for the BBC quotes the kneeling players who criticise Pence for pulling off a political stunt by walking out in protest at the player’s political stunt.
Got to hand it to the BBC.
‘Some of the NFL players were clearly irritated by what they saw as a political publicity stunt.’
This weekend I settled down to watch a new bluray. Just purchased, David Gilmour Live at Pompeii.
I was at the warm up gig for this tour & wanted to see the Pompeii film because it was special.
Included in the extras of the blu ray set is the BBC Documentary- David Gilmour Wider Horizons.
I saw it when it was first aired on BBC2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06pyrbs
“This programme is not currently available on BBC iPlayer” (but you can BUY it on bluray)
I wonder if Beeby is earning anything from the inclusion of the program on the bluray?
Guest Who, I was hitherto blissfully ignorant of the work of this person! I was about to blame her for the decline and fall of the west, but really, the fact she gets any attention at all is just a symptom of a civilization in its death throes.
On Sunday, 15th October, BBC 4 is broadcasting a documentary on Jonas Kaufmann, followed by a performance of Otello from the Royal Opera House. Very nice, but why does it finish at 1am, on a channel that claims to have been set up for this sort of thing?
Just more DWEM stuff that nobody wants, I suppose.
– Kate Tempest does not mention all the good things that have been created? But hey – how do you coordinate 6.5billion people? North Korea? China? Russia? USA? UK? Africa? How do you love a drug baron or a person into human trafficking … wake up and love them more?
– So much anger – but without thought and reflection.
She said, ‘Wake up and love more’
At the risk of sounding misogynist I would love someone to grab her by the p****y and throw her in the nearest duckpond
Talking of pussies … Pussy Riot to put audience ‘in prison’ in theatrical show {bbc.co.uk 02oct2017}
“Russian punk protest group Pussy Riot are to put followers in mock Russian cells, labour camps and courtrooms as part of a new performance based on their own detention in 2012 and 2013. … They will include Pyotr Pavlensky, who has sewn his lips together, nailed himself to Red Square by the scrotum and set fire to a door at the headquarters of Russia’s security service, the FSB.”
– Very odd that these are Political Artists but BBC tag them as ‘Art’ (Entertainment & Arts).
– Strange that the BBC tag for the Pussy article is not even tagged as ‘Russia’ (nothing to see here) where as the article on Pyotr Pavlensky is labelled ‘Art’ and ‘Russia’ but not politics, but is in the Europe section?
The beeb know full well what they are doing by having her on. Shes a nasty bile filled corbynista and she ticks boxes by being a lesbian. They have been pushing her for the past couple of years and a couple of saturdays ago she had her own special on bbc 2. Its the same hate filled shit she spouts everytime shes on under the guise of music and art much like the beeb approved comics who are nothing more than political activists.. They are going to keep pushing her on us much like they are trying to sanitise the likes of owen jones and calman by having them on primetime tv shows. The absolute hate you see from tempest is the future if jezza and the gang get in
I don’t think yesterday’s R4 ‘A Point of View’ has been mentioned on this blog. It was the second of the egregious Andrew Sullivan’s opinion pieces, this time being a sustained rant against Donald Trump, full of lies and half-truths (something he constantly, and erroneously, lambasted Trump for) and the most shocking show of bias one could wish for. It was like MSNBC on steroids. Not only is Sullivan distorting reality and provided an example par excellence of ‘fake news’, the BBC’s policy of constant anti-trumpism is surely damaging the UK’s relationship with one of its oldest allies. Is there no-one in our supposedly patriotic government who will instruct our ‘poll-tax’ broadcaster to put a stop to Trump-bashing?
Sullivan is a nasty piece of work and a favourite of Richard bacon who brought him on many times to attack Sarah Palin.On one hand hes all about love but on the other hes a hate merchant who wants certain people dead
I move beyond criticism … religion used to be the cloak but now it’s victimhood …
Chris Packham: Asperger’s and Me {bbc.co.uk 17oct2017
“For most of his life, broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham didn’t tell anyone about the one thing that in many ways has defined his entire existence. Chris is autistic – he has Asperger’s Syndrome, which means he struggles in social situations, has difficulty with human relationships and is, by his own admission, ‘a little bit weird’. But what if there was a way of taking away these autistic traits? Would Chris ever choose to be ‘normal’?”
“…but he also meets those who are challenging the idea that autistic people need to change in order to fit into society.” – there is no normal, there is no society, there are no laws, everyone is unique, society should change for each individual …
– Man has Asperger’s and leads normal life for 30 years showing that you don’t need to hide behind your infliction and you become stronger by pushing forward.
– Man talks about his infliction and can never be criticised again … without person applying critique being told to tread carefully, watch out for his Asperger, don’t mock him.
i have noticed all these lefties especially corbyn approving musicians are all jumping on the mental health bandwagon telling us they have problems and blaming their problems on the tories for not pouring money at it. A good kick up the arse for these brats would be a good starting point. Cheap as chips as well.
‘Mental health’ like ‘transgender’ is one of those ‘isshoos’ that, because it is hard to define, is an absolute gift for grievance-mongers, NGOs, charities etc. Physical illness is relatively easy to diagnose but mental illness is not. I don’t for one minute mean to denigrate people with genuine mental illness, which is a serious problem, but when people like Chris ‘Nasty Brigade’ Packham start claiming they have some sort of problem (despite holding down a successful career in the media) it trivialises the problem and could make it less likely for really ill people to be taken seriously.
I’ve just stumbled across VD on Bbc2 to find the racist, bi-racial, transgender ‘model’ Munroe Bergdorf spouting about the racist Dove advert. The usual under-representation rhetoric, racial insensitivity bullshit.
No mention of the change of the white woman to an asian female, only of the change from black to white. Why? Didn’t Michael Jackson use this in a video 30 years ago? What about Godley and Creme before that?
It was stupid of Dove, they should have expected this response, they must have known it would be wilfully misinterpreted then gleefully seized upon by that shower of shit in W1A.
So who better to talk of the need for understanding than a proven racist who, let’s be honest, is only a model because she is transgender? Unquestioned and the incomplete hypothetics went unchallenged.
Also on board is Habeed Akande, who someone mentioned in a post here in the past couple of days.
Who is he? An author specialising in race, Afro-Brazilian culture and erotic Arabic literature, responsible for such fortune-cookie classics as ‘If you can’t be inspired, be the inspiration’ .
His problem is with who controls the narrative. What he means is, he wants to control the narrative, a narrative ingrained in the Egyptian Islamic university he attended to study Arabic, Islamic Law and Islamic History. He’s of Nigerian ancestry, just like the brothers Michael, Muslim I’d say. So is he black or is he Muslim? I suppose it depends on what the Bbc want him to be.
Not enough blacks in advertising and the blacks who are used in advertising look too white, ‘aquiline noses, thin lips’. Is that not racist?
One again it’s the Bbc setting the narrative Habeeby, not you. Politics, economy, environment, culture and race the Bbc think that they control the narrative, you are just their pawn, ebony or ivory, and they do not give a shit about Dove or your agenda, an agenda which concerns me a little anyway.
More blatant race baiting by the Bbc, making news not reporting it, creating and raising tensions to fill dead air.
As someone who is white, I find it really, really offensive.
Yeah you’re right G.
The Bbc are having a detrimental affect on our society.
Perhaps nothing new but, in my view, the negatives are beginning to outweigh any positives there once may have been or that might still exist.
They are poisonous.
Sky had this racist bloke munroe on as well and were lapping up every word he said. This twat is a racist piece of shite but yet they keep having him on and no mention of his racist remarks about white people like it never happened. If a white man or woman had said what he said about black or asian people they wouldnt be seeing a tv studio ever again. Well Munroe you are a nasty racist piece of shit.
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50} // YouTube has been taken down….
40 -45 years ago in my dyed in the wool lefty days I remember reading in my then bible The New Statesman, an article written by I think it was Richard Crossman who was at that time a prominent Labour MP, suggesting that sex could be used as a political weapon. Well here we are today and the Left must think they’ve hit the jackpot with just that. Jackpot? Let’s all hope that all they’ve done is kicked over the pisspot.
I saw the Dove advert play on Sky, and for the life of me couldn’t understand where any offence comes in ! Dove have always promoted diversity in their ads, but clearly women of colour have a problem with this particular ad. This country is sinking deeper into the toilet (transgender ones of course – I cannot believe there would come a time when I would utter those words)
Is this the same Aleppo that held an international football match for Syria vs Australia a few days ago? As it would appear to be completely safe now, will we see all of the former inhabitants returning from Europe very soon?
Apparently some Tory MPs are calling on May to sack Hammond ‘because he’s deliberately dragging his heels over Brexit…’
Perhaps they should ask themselves who gave him his job the first place, and even more to the point, why?
Bbc2 are full of it this morning. I’m sure they are every morning, I just usually have better things to do.
Rita Chakrabarti has just introduced a ‘100 Women’ segment. You can watch it on the ‘100 women’ homepage.
‘The film star whose mother can’t read’.
What are we supposed to feel about this? Is this in anyway life-affirming? How many like her are in Doncaster not Delhi? I’m pretty sure this is still happening, and which not-mentioned regressive religion is involved? Great big Indian elephant in the room.
On a brighter note, Isabel Hardman has just been on. She seems rather lovely.
Oh shit, Caroline Flint, I think I’ll turn it off now.
Is the result of the BBC’s manufactured ‘gender pay gap’ saga that we will just have to shell out even more so there are even more overpaid staff there? So their whole PR spin will cost a fortune?
I guess it’s never an issue when you are spending other people’s money. Are we all supposed to feel better than the ‘gender gap’ has been ‘fixed’, meaning even more out of touch liberals will be troughing more thoroughly at our expense? I bet a woman working at a care home in Rochdale must feel so much better knowing the Beeb sisterhood is quids in.
‘… his analysis is not based on any verifiable evidence. No surveys seem to have been conducted. … But none of his observations are backed up by anything other than his own subjective judgments.’
Both sexes ‘should be taught about periods together’ – Boys and girls should be taught about periods at school, a charity (Plan International UK) says.
Can fewer women read this sentence than men? – Two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adults are women.
The country set on fixing the gender pay gap – How Iceland is trying to make sure men and women get equal pay.
Women. Women. Women. Three articles with the Society being made up 50/50 of men/women.
// Society: the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
The World Service sports report was happy to report that those responsible for the Norwegian national football teams have decided that members of the men’s & women’s teams will be paid the same. The principle of supply & demand is an unknown concept to BBC staff, except when it comes to the market rate for their salaries . In both Norway & Denmark (where similar moves are afoot) the women are happy to be subsidised by the men giving up some of their income
Absolute rubbish from Norman Smith on WATO, just now, proclaiming that the reason why ‘no deal’ seems to be looming is because the Cabinet is so divided that the UK is unable to tell the EU what sort of deal it is that Britain wants.
This, of course, is simply the BBC peddling the EU’s lies for it. The truth is that the EU is deliberately obfuscating and prevaricating in the hope that the massed voices of Quislings like the BBC will somehow magically convince the UK to change its decision.
This really is disgraceful behaviour from the BBC and there needs to be a reckoning.
I agree. For the EU, Britain is a £10 billion a year cash cow, and they see absolutely no reason to negotiate in good faith with the prospect of losing this money. It’s all about the money, and always has been.
Britain was mad to join the EEC in 1973, but I understand why we did so, at a historically low ebb. Since then, we have paid about half a trillion pounds into it. We have paid for roads and bridges across the EU, as well as making their farmers rich. Our payments are based on GDP, so that by 2022 we will probably be paying in a net, not gross, £350 million a week. The whole EU setup is the most exquisite scam played on Britain. No wonder they want us to stay, and have no interest in negotiating a fair and decent trade agreement with us. The are acting like a con man whose favourite mark has just seen through the scam, and they are bloody annoyed about it.
I had truly hoped that the EU would negotiate with us, their biggest trading partner after all, with a modicum of decency, and respect for our democratic decision. No such luck! Yannis Varoufakis was right, these people are simply fanatics for the European Project, the basic wishes of the little people for trade and work mean nothing to them, only the Project matters. Anything which threatens the Project must be destroyed, whatever the cost. If it means that German carmakers and French farmers sell less to Britain, then that means nothing to them. They are the true swivel eyed loons in this.
Sadly, I do not think we will get a workable agreement with the EU. We are not dealing with rational people. We are not dealing with people who respect our position, they have only contempt for anyone who would dare to leave their beloved EU. And they really, really resent the loss of our money. No, it seems that in 2019 we will be leaving without an agreement, and it won’t be our fault. If Mrs May has any sense and pride left, she will acknowledge this fact and make preparations accordingly. Trade with the EU will become more difficult and expensive, but it won’t stop. The sooner we face this reality, the better.
Caught WATO and an article about “middle-aged, middle-class” Poles demonstrating against their Government’s attitude to the EU. Quite a long item but strangely never heard anything on the Beeb about the hundreds of thousands of Poles praying at their border on Saturday. Perhaps there is a clue to their neglect “…..the event also commemorated the huge 16th-century naval battle of Lepanto, when a Christian alliance acting on the wishes of the Pope defeated Ottoman Empire forces on the Ionian Sea, “thus saving Europe from Islamisation,” as organisers put it”
Yes, this is a curious phenomenon whereby the BBC and the rest of the far Left media seem to have access to people’s voting records so can say with absolute confidence how the middle class or the middle aged vote. We have had the same stuff here with regard to the referendum.
The BBC website says the Christmas lights bomber was ‘radicalised reading books and websites in his bedroom.’ It’s that evil internet again. I wonder if he was reading several copies of the same book?
So nothing untoward whatsoever happened outside of his bedroom at any mosque, community association or whatever. He just got this totally twisted idea about his religion and spoke to nobody else about it, as all of them would have instantly told him how wrong this interpretation was. Surely he would have asked a religious authority he sees every week and trusted them over people online whom he had never met? If you had watched something which inspired you to seek martyrdom surely you would be bursting to tell someone about it?
But no – he just got all radicalised alone in his bedroom. If you don’t swallow this fake narrative you will be arrested. Go back to bed Britain your national broadcaster is in control. Nothing to worry about except that evil internet.
I remember a famous preacher … he spoke his version of the truth, under freedom of speech and believed what he said, and still does by all other records …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims (followers, where did these guys go? Prevent?)
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Choudary
It might possibly have provided the foundations (but I doubt it), but I think we have moved on from treating women like dirt, executing people for blasphemy, public executions, executing gay people, and tolerating slavery.
They haven’t.
Any Virtue Signalling adverts and agendas on Inside Out at 7:30pm BBC1 ?
BBC Inside Out South East
An environment special.
– Is seafood on the Kent coast polluted by plastic?
– What effect will climate change have on Romney Marsh?
– saving the wart biter crickets in the south east.
BBC Inside Out London
– Body modification – the hidden dangers. (tongue splitting)
– historic jewellery quarter Hatton Garden is under threat from Crossrail.
– 50 years on from the first conservation areas, Jo Good visits one of London’s oldest and newest.
(do they have a greenie story every week ?)
– rules that Teesside park-home owners say are costing them thousands
– Cumbria’s secret role in restoring a modern-art classic
– Lake District’s secret island gems.
BBC Inside Out Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
– Accountant fled with truckers money
– Motor neurone
– People leaving cos of Brexit
BBC Inside Out North West
– Wirral town of New Ferry six months after it was devastated by a gas explosion, feels abandoned by the authorities.
– field nurses are helping farmers who’re often isolated in rural communities by offering medical advice at cattle markets.
– Cumbria’s secret role in restoring a modern-art classic.
BBC Inside Out East
– corp failing vulnerable children in its care
– Essex, where residents have had enough of the boar farming on their doorstep.
– family snapshots of the Great War -field camera’
BBC Inside Out East Midlands
– accountants who disappeared leaving thousands of lorry drivers in debt.
– money launderers risking prison in pursuit of easy cash.
– 13-year-old girl from Derby who was bullied for taking part in beauty pageants.
(mixed race mother)
BBC Inside Out South
– dirty money washing around, there’s a queue of people only too happy to offer to launder it
– Bridport to hear from the customers, staff and owners of a shop that’s closing its doors one last time after 100 years
– whistle-stop tour of some of the south’s beautiful and historic piers.
BBC Inside Out South West
Jemma Woodman meets the legal duo determined to free the brothers convicted of the brutal murder of Cornwall couple Carol and Graham Fisher 14 years ago.
BBC Inside Out West
– impatient drivers are putting bin men’s lives at risk.
– one hospital’s novel approach to freeing up beds taken up by elderly patients.
– the man who inspired Banksy.
BBC Inside Out West Midlands
– how rife money laundering is, from big businesses to small traders.
West Mids
– A giant machine is creating three tunnels to ensure Birmingham’s residents continue to get water.
– short film is about Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement.
BBC Inside Out SW
– new potentially important testimony from a witness in the Perch Garage murder case
It’s almost a year since Trump was elected. Despite outrage in the liberal press at the time, stories of Russian influence on the result, there have been no charges against Trump or any of his cohorts. It almost as if the stories were faked.
It’s annoying how they had to send Sopel over the pond to just spout the same conspiracy nonsense over and over. He might as well have stayed here as he did zero actual journalism there.
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam if you felt (perceived) they were unjustly!
A prostitute church would be the biblical term. (Mixing worship of God with other gods)
The Lord God takes a dim view of it. Jesus doesn’t stand for it. Scripture references number in the hundreds. It’s probably the most forbidden thing in the bible. Difficult for a Vicar to overlook. The Bible defines the God of The Bible not The Koran. Regardless of the claims of Muslims & what Muslims believe
(A church shouldn’t be allowing Islam or secularists to define things. )
Allah is NOT the God of The Bible, The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, The God of Israel. Allah is identified in the Bible but not as God. He is a fraud.
I have to confess I know very little about The Holy Bible but I am aware that there are 2 Testaments, the Old and the New. The Old Testament must be the original text as written by the scribes so to me that is the authentic one. Why did the Christian Church accept the New Testament which today would be seen as re-writing history, a concept for which left wing people are renowned.
That baffles me.
“Why did the Christian Church accept the New Testament which today would be seen as re-writing history,”
The New Testament is not a rewrite of the Old Testament, the one follows on from the other. The Old Testament is primarily based on Hebrew scriptures and is the word of God before the coming of Jesus Christ. The New Testament is a word of God as revealed by Jesus Christ, with with addition of a fifth book, the Acts of the Apostles.
Thank you for that info. So both Testaments are valid and we can choose which one to follow. However it does seem to me that people who choose to adhere to the teachings of the Old Testament lay themselves open to a certain amount of ridicule. This being the case then it follows that the New teachings must in places contradict the Old,so I would call that re-writing. This surely also ridicules the writers of the Old Testament as fools or mistaken individuals and I don’t find that very reassuring.
As I stated earlier I know very little about the Holy Bible but there still seems to be a contradiction in the minds of some sections of the public as to what is valid and what is not.
Even the Church of England, I believe, preaches only from the perspective of the New Testament as though the old scriptures are now obsolete. I can’t help but feel that this is a weakness in the system. I’m still baffled.
Hi Left Wright there is a great deal of muddle created by militant atheists as regards the nature and meaning of the Old Testament and New Testament. Richard Dawkins in his book the God Delusion – was very damaging in the way he misrepresented those books and their relationship to the practice of Judaism and Christianity.
Richard Dawkins was part of a New Atheist movement that was taken over and destroyed by feminists and progressives – including Islamists practising taqiyya. All that is largely left is a brand of anti-Christian, anti-Judaic, pro- soft Islam – “atheist” movement. So in the West, Islam continues to flourish while Christianity declines.
I would be very interested in Lucy Pevensey & RJ’s view on this matter. It is possible I am mistaken but that is my view based on what I have read and seen. Best wishes.
Lefty, an Anglican divine called Richard Hooker in the 17th century taught that authority for Christians is a combination of scripture, tradition and reason, with none of those three to over-rule the other. So the Bible does not work as a rule book to be followed to the letter like the Highway Code. Anyone who tries that will soon come across contradictions; in fact that view of the Bible is a relatively recent development. My own view (and I know some will disagree) is that the Bible should be treated in the light of what it says about the character of Christ, or to put it in the terms of Americans, ‘What Would Jesus Do?’
Old & New Testaments are what we call them now probably for the sake of simplicity. The combined Old & New are actually a collection of 66 books penned by 40 authors. After years of study I can say that they really are an integrated whole. There are hundreds of scripture verses from the OT repeated or referred to in the new. The message of the NT is not an attempt to re-write the old but to bear witness to it. There are a lot of NT passages that would be difficult to interpret without cross-referencing the Old. Jesus himself was an Israeli Rabbi who is quoted as saying “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets” [Mathew Chapter 5 Vs 17] The Law he refers to is the Law of Moses, The Torah which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament. The Prophets books are included in the Tanakh section of the Hebrew Bible. All but one of the New Testament writers were Jewish, if you read it & delve into it you will see that they weren’t trying to supersede The Old Testament. What they did do was try to witness to the [by that time] “Greek” or Gentile world.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to post your reply. I have to bow to your superior knowledge. So are you saying that the NT was written as an attempt to witness the Truth of the OT and not to alter or correct it in any way? If so it seems to confirm my original observation that the OT is the original and therefore the most authentic document and should not be viewed with scorn as I know it sometimes is. Sorry, I know I can be a bit slow thinking sometimes.
Having said all that I have to tell you that this is not a subject which greatly consumes me. I have never considered myself a religious man but I strongly believe that all of mankind has a strong and essential spiritual side to his/her nature without which we are not human.
Spirituality, however it manifests itself, is one of the things which distinguishes us from the beast in the field. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it . Amen
The bBC became well known for the clarity of its well spoken news reports which entailed anybody who spoke English to understand it. In the name of PC, that gold standard has been thrown out of the f-ing window: Zambian farmer: ‘Water is becoming a problem’
Myself, I have lived all over the world, I have met many forms of English (Home and foreign) and have understood them all, but the above really has me working hard in which to try and work out what is been said.
I happened across Newsround the other evening where they have been allowed a regular non-Asian reporter, a Scottish fella who sounded like one of the ‘Stoneybridge!’ councillors from Absolutely.
And don’t forget the Synagogues as well. We don’t want to be accused of antisemitism to add to all our other isms and obias we are told we suffer from.
“In many parts like Europe[Cambridge University], North America[CNN], Christian’s are getting away from their religious belief, On the contrary among the Muslim Population the faith to their religion is ever increasing [CNN]. Consequently the present so called higher no of Christian population as stated in different sources, practically do not have any significance. It is expected that if present rate of increase of Muslim population continues that by 2030 One out of Three person will be Muslim.”
News Headlines …
Machatte Massacre in Arakan (Burma)
Almost 2.1 billion Muslims across the globe will celebrate Eid al-Fitr
Myanmar Government Translator and His Distortions of Words in Broad Daylight
Conflict, theology and history make Muslims more religious than others, experts say
A The body of an elderly Imam was found fresh in a river erosion-ravaged grave on Monday, three decades after his burial
Without a mosque, Greece’s Muslims go underground
Secret £14million Bible in which ‘Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad’ unearthed in Turkey
A century-old Ottoman legacy in China
My Memories of Islam in Papua New Guinea
The future of Islamic Ireland
“Ireland’s Muslim population has grown tenfold in 20 years and is still expanding.”
Conversions to Islam in Genocide-Stricken Rwanda Increasing
Libya_Ottoman Legacy
Russian women turn to Islam
“The number of women turning to Islam in Turkey increases year after year. The first among foreigners who change religion are Russian women, Turkish Aksam daily reports..”
Muslims of France
“There are an estimated five million Muslims in France today, which is the largest …”
Islam finds a place in Haiti
Europe’s forgotten “religion”
An Islamist Uprising in Tajikistan
“A growing mood of protest there is benefitting the Islamic opposition. Hundreds of new mosques have opened …”
Today marks six weeks since the strange ‘gas’ overcame holiday-makers and day-trippers at Birling Gap on August Bank Holiday Monday. The BBC made much of it at the time on national news radio programmes such as TODAY.
Strange that they haven’t updated us – in my hearing at least – with news as to what the gas was and where it came from, if known.
They don’t know. They haven’t any idea, as is the norm with the BBC. Nobody died, they can’t blame it on white supremacists, Trump, climate change or Brexit, so it just faded away.
OG, apparently the leak was on the Sunday. (I should have corrected that in time in my post.) Funny thing, then, that the BBC reported it on Monday afternoon. It could be that I didn’t listen to the News on the Sunday afternoon/evening. I sometimes miss listening in at weekends.
The BBC have lots of journalists who do not appear to be at all curious to know what the lab analysing the gas has reported. Are they all discussing Bojo at the water-cooler or coffee machine?
Same as, it appears, all the national newspapers. A quick search reveals no updates in five pages.
Matt Ridley in the Times : Expose the gap between rhetoric and reality ..by highlighting Virtue Signaling
eg people who support wind turbines
which are made of 150 tonnes of coal
And need fossil fuel back up
And whose subsidies funnel money from poor people to rich people
And whose impact on emissions is so small its unmeasurable
The vast majority of the comments appear to be against the EU. I don’t expect comments to be open for much longer.
I did like this one
67. Posted by Jonathan on
8 hours ago
“If the BBC is going to insist on only representing Remoaners, perhaps the 17,410,742 of us that voted Leave should no longer have to pay the licence fee?
I can’t imagine Lineker tweeting quite as rambunctiously if he has to take a cut on his £2,000,000 salary.
But I had the facts, and this was the (The New York Times) Times. Right?
Wrong. The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors (hide words and deeds) or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section (bury deep in news articles), an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared? {thewrap.com 08oct2017}
New afternoon programme on the Beeb. Its called … Money for Nuffing . ….. as so eloquently pronounced by the clearly man of colour faceless announcer. I pay my licence fee, so the very least I can expect is to have someone in my sitting room articulate the Queens English properly, (and whilst we’re at it, I do wish those announcer/presenters from N.Ireland would say NOW instead of NIGH !)
I’m from NI and to be honest it grates on me too, especially Anita McVeigh and that tube Chris Buckler, a complete and utter gobshite.
It’s the sort of accent that the usual pricks came home with the Christmas after their first terms of university, a bastardised hybrid of affectation and self consciousness.
We don’t all sound like that, we have regional/ localised accents like every other of the Home Nations and I’ve never said nigh in my life unless I’m taking the piss out of a McCooey friend.
I’m usually mistaken for being Scottish when I’m in England but the fact that there are so many NI journalists on the Bbc has probably suggested to them that a James Nesbitt/ Gloria Hunniford mix works best.
At least it’s no longer the linguistic strangulations of John Cole! Remember the way he told ’em?
I believe that the voice-over for “Money For Nothing” is done by that unfunny “comedian” and BBC favourite Arthur Smith.
His Wikipedia entry has this little gem: “Smith is a socialist and is a supporter of the Labour Party.”
Who ever would have thought it ……?
Unfortunately, for the EU, the ball was long. Expect them to lose points for ‘racket abuse’ quite soon. The mis-spelling is deliberate as the EU is one big racket.
Dear Richard Burgon (Labour MP),
Who are the 1%ers? Who are the 99%ers?
Is Keith Vaz in the 1% (Few) or the 99% (Many)?
Please help as I am confused … who are the Establishment? Richard Burgon does this sound like a 1%er ….
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
a) Harvey Weinstein: white man from the US. Claims have been made of sexual harassment. The BBC have been running several different headlines on their Homepage, News Homepage, World News Section and various other places.
b) Cyril Smith: dead white British man. Allegations that he touched 8 young boys inappropriately nearly fifty years ago. BBC running headlines on their Homepage, News Homepage, UK News Section, England News Section, Political News section and elsewhere. http://www.bbc.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/news
c) A story that is hidden from view – it only makes the Tyne and Wear Regional News – it’s the conclusion of the Muslim rape gang trial that has been going on for about 6 weeks. Nadeem Aslam is convicted bringing the total number of convictions for Operation Sanctuary to 18. The BBC give it a few paragraphs – it doesn’t mention muslim, it doesn’t mention Islam. It does mention: During the investigation Northumbria Police said it paid a child rapist more than £10,000 to act as an informant. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-41266938
It is getting very hard to maintain the fiction that the law and reporting of crime by the media is applied equally to all crimes.
It is equally hard to believe that this policy is not in some way linked to Government and the so called national interest in protecting the multikiulty objective
When “Operation Sanctuary: Final member of sex grooming gang jailed” was first announced on BBC radio Newcastle his name wasn’t even mentioned.
They just announced….. A MAN was sentenced at the city’s crown court to 12 years for supplying drugs to victims and allowing premises to be used for the supply of drugs….
Some muzzie called Hussein jailed for life for planning to blow up a railway line to derail a train . I reckon that story is Islamic terrorism got 15 seconds at the most on the 6 o’clock Isis got mentioned . Islam or Muslim didn’t . Al beeb really doesn’t want to report this war
Hussein is from Alum Rock Birmingham. This cess pit and surrounding inner Birmingham has produced more terrorists than anywhere else in the UK in proportion to its population . My bet is that when Muslim numbers force an apartheid system onto us, Alum Rock will be one of the first formal no-go areas to non Muslims, our government and agencies such as police. Bury Hill in Luton and parts of Bradford will not be far behind.
Al beeb has some video of captures Isis fighters being held by the Kurds. I could not understand what they were still doing being alive. I think there is 500 of them . Would be far better to just “off “ them and save future problems .
JohnCFeb 24, 05:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Three years on, Ukraine’s extinction nightmare has returned https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2xngznyego The BBC’s extreme-Left fanatic Bowen is at it again. This time…
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjzrjsyUZSc&ab_channel=ConservativeVibes Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
Hi can Lucy Pevensey repost her latest comment here: OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit. …
Lucy Pevensey’s post indicates the BBC receives cash from external organisations to promote the EU and anti-Brexit rhetoric … and it wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC also received large amounts of cash to promote Islam, and various other agendas.
This also links to Scroblene’s previous post about the difficulty in trying to account for the BBC’s commercial revenue (over £1 billion per year).
Seems a slight waste of funds to bombard the people who didn’t, can’t and will not be able to vote the last time.
Maybe a way for the EU to pop some money BBC’s way like the BBC does the Graun?
The British Government may like to explain to the British people why the British state broadcaster is trying to skew perceptions in a way designed to disadvantage the British people.
I would like to know why the Tax Payers money, via the Government, was used to produce £9m worth of leaflets siding with the Remain campaign and showed a bias towards staying in the EU when the idea of democracy is the citizen’s choice.
A leaflet showing arguments for and against I would agree with, a one side piece leaning towards Remain was not very helpful for a democratic Government.
Reality Check: The government’s referendum leaflet {bbc.co.uk 07apr2016}
Here is a selection of some of the claims made in the leaflet.
The claim: Over three million UK jobs are linked to exports to the EU
Reality Check verdict: The methodology is suspect. …
– Has this document been reviewed since the referendum to see how it stands up now we know more about the EU’s intentions. Dear BBC, is time for a follow up?
It’s like the establishment are in cahoots and trying to rig things that went contrary to their wishes.
Impartially of course.
The elected government of the day took the view that we should Remain and , as this was a referendum not an election , it was quite proper for the government to campaign for Remain and to use public money to do so.
Where things have become less than proper is for the Government of the day not to take the referendum result as a clear instruction from the people that we are to leave the EU cleanly and in a timely manner such that ECJ has no writ in the UK and only Westminster can make legislation which affects the UK. The mealy mouthed approach taken by the present government and the endless prevarication is frustrating and makes you doubt if we will ever leave in any meaningful way. The Remainer elite are working hard to ensure that we don’t. The GE result was very unhelpful to the Leave cause as it undermined the will of the people argument.
What is indisputably wrong is the approach taken by the BBC post the referendum. They were fairly even handed during the campaign but I suspect that was because they thought Remain had it in the bag. The shock of Leave winning has really upset this bastion of the liberal left. Even worse they are being criticised by their elitist chums for being too impartial in the campaign and not working hard enough for Remain. Criticism from the Guardian of the BBC is intolerable at Broadcadting House. So they have abandoned any pretence of impartiality and are going full on for Remain using all the tricks, suppression or distortion of unhelpful news, fake news and lies if it helps the cause.
The BBC performance since the referendum has been so brazen in support of Remain. My hope is that millions of people see through their game and start to wonder about the BBC role in that other even greater issue of our time, Immigration. Will the people realise that the BBC has been using its power to dupe them for years and years about the Islamisation of their country.
Remain, because the EU is good
Remain, or the UK will lose influence in the EU
Remain, because all major political party leaders are backing the EU
Remain, because the Government shows why in a £9m leaflet campaign
Remain, because all the high paid actors believe it’s for the best
Remain, because the high paid actors will take in refugees to help out
Remain, or there will be an economic crash
Remain, or else you will lose your job
Remain, or you will see more terrorism
Remain, or there will be war
Remain, or you will see migrant children washed up on our shores
Remain, or you’re a bigot
Remain, or you’re Xenophobe
Remain, or you’re a racist.
Remain, or you’re an Islamophobic
Remain, or you’re stupid
Remain … won’t you think of the future children
You really wanted to Remain because in the year 2016 the result 48% is now greater than 52%!
I hope you are not aiming this at me.
Just my thoughts spilling out onto the web …. a Leave list would be interesting … it’s interesting to see how over time the conversation and language changes.
Even now Hillary Clinton is on tour blaming everyone and herself … is she now in the basket of deplorables herself?
She was never out of the basket in my view. Lock her up!
Double ,
I certainly disagree that taxpayers money should have been used in that campaign for either side. I’m for reducing government spending – including money wasted in al beeb -,such as last week when they sent an autocue reader to Vegas to stand in a car park for 2 days .
Just a wild guess…..is it aimed at the BBC?
” The GE result was very unhelpful to the Leave cause as it undermined the will of the people argument.”
Both the Conservative and Labour parties campaigned on the basis of Brexit and their votes went up by 5.5% and 9.5% respectively. The LibDems and SNP campaigned to remain and their votes went down by 0.5% and 1.7% respectively.
The most ‘Brexit’ party of all had their vote fall by 10.7% but as they are an essentially single-issue party that could be interpreted as ‘job done’, not needed anymore.
The will of the people was clearly “get on with it”.
That’s a clever summary JimS … Leave = UP; Remain = DOWN …
DON’T MENTION BREXIT! Fury from MPs as Labour refuse to allow debate on Brexit at party’s conference and Jeremy Corbyn writes the referendum out of history {thesun 25sep2017}
“LABOUR has avoided a damaging row over Brexit after delegates voted not to debate their EU policy during party conference – causing uproar among MPs.
And Caroline Flint said at a fringe meeting: ‘Our failure to listen to voters over immigration led to the rise of Ukip in the first place.’ ”
… be afraid, if we can’t even talk about it, or get enraged …
“The Home Secretary (Amber Rudd, Conservative) said: “Online hate crime (Perceived? Defined as? An opinion? ) is completely unacceptable. What is illegal offline is illegal online and those who commit these cowardly crimes should be met with the full force of the law.” {express 08oct2017}
Similarly, is there a legal definition of Rudd’s ‘far-right propaganda’ that we are not allowed to access for fear of imprisonment?
No of course not – like ‘hate crime’ it will be whatever some random perceives it to be.
We are getting there … “En Marche!” or “Forward!” as Macron would say ….what does Amber Rudd make of these hate crimes?
Pakistan (Christian Nadeem James, 35) man sentenced to death for ridiculing Prophet Muhammad on WhatsApp {theguardian 16sep2017}
Nadeem James was accused by a friend of sharing anti-Islamic material on messaging app last year
“A Christian (Nadeem James, 35) man has been sentenced to death for blasphemy by a court in eastern Pakistan after a close friend accused him of sharing material making fun of Islam, the defendant’s lawyer said on Friday.”
“In 2011, a bodyguard assassinated Punjab provincial governor Salman Taseer after he called for the blasphemy laws to be reformed. Taseer’s killer, executed last year, has been hailed as a martyr by religious hardliners.”
… as Mark Steyn has said, when we lose the ability to debate and talk, out come the fists …
“There was widespread outrage across Pakistan in April last year when student Mashal Khan was beaten to death at his university in Mardan following a dormitory debate about religion.”
– This is modern technology combined with barbaric and odious laws causing unnecessary deaths and stopping debate…in the year 2017!
Cowardly online crimes?
Pro-Brexit comments.
Anti-EU dictatorship comments.
Pro-Britain/British people comments.
Direct quotes from the Koran.
Anti-Islamic terror comments.
Anti-rape gang comments.
Cowardly online crime on Planet Libtard, where everything is inside-out, upside-down & back to front.
Cowardly online crimes?
Pro-Brexit comments.
Anti-EU dictatorship comments.
Pro-Britain/British people comments.
Direct quotes from the Koran.
Anti-Islamic terror comments.
Anti-rape gang comments.
Cowardly online crime on Planet Libtard, where everything is inside-out, upside-down & back to front.
Hate Crimes against Mosques double.
Bias by omitting context that its a very rare event and cherry picked period of of 5 months.
110 but majority were threats ..actual violence against people was 11
Flint is right there. And our betters continue not to listen . Which is why the Tory’s blew the election .
But surely no one really believes that Labour will take us out , do they!? Well if they voted Labour they could believe all sorts of rubbish.
Labour would redefine what ‘out’ means . They would give us open borders to buy votes
The problem with the referendum arrangements in this country is entirely the fault of Tony Blair and Jack Straw, who were trying to rig a vote on joining the euro. At the time, the Conservatives were having their post-Major leadership election and the Labour government was convinced Ken Clarke would win.
The change to referendum rules meant that public finances would be allotted to the “For” and “Against” campaigns according to party representation in Parliament, despite the fact that the entire point of a referendum is that Parliament is being bypassed. With Labour, the Scots Nats, Libdims and Plaid Cymru all led by euro-supporters, if Ken Clarke had ended up leader of the Conservatives, the only official funding for the anti-euro campaign would have been whatever was allotted on the basis of the number of Northern Ireland Unionist MPs.
Of course, Clarke never became leader, but Labour did try out their referendum-rigging kit, when a vote was held in the North-East of England on whether a regional parliament should be established. Thanks to typical stupidity in Conservative Central Office, a Conservative-led campaign was set up, in a part of the country where only Hexham ever elects a Conservative MP, despite the existence of a popular opposition campaign with no party affiliation. John Prescott triumphantly ensured that the ineffectual Conservative campaign got any public money going, but, to his chagrin, still lost the vote.
Incidentally, the day the North-East vote was held, the Beebyanka had an interview with a television journalist (Libby Wiener, from ITV, if memory serves), then moonlighting as the spokeswoman advocating devolution for the North-West, in which she proclaimed that support for devolution in the North-West was so total that no referendum should be held. I don’t recall that the Beebyanka interviewer felt any need to challenge her.
Incidentally (2), a full decade after the North-East vote, the Independent was still bewailing the result. It seems these Remoaners have had a bit of practice.
Lucy Pevensey’s post was taken from a website called “tv licence resistance” and the link to the story is:
I would like to add that the BBC may not be declaring all earnings made from its commercial operations. Unaccounted earning may include free use of accommodation, transport, food, equipment, gifts, brown envelops stuffed with cash, free tickets to concerts …
“A BBC spokeswoman said: “Adverts carried on the commercial site outside the UK do not represent the BBC’s views and we do not control the content”
Ahhh, the ubiquitous BollocksBollocksCrap ‘spokeswoman’.
Followed by yet another BBC ‘views their own’ weasel for stuff they carry to promote BBC propaganda behind one degree of separation.
And in what world do commercial channels not have say, and hence control over what they broadcast if they so choose?
Maybe it is based on content approved of, versus that not…
Hello Mr BB Caliphate,
OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit.
Those wanting to access bbc. co.uk from abroad are automatically redirected to bbc.com, which carries paid-for adverts.
A story headlined “Catalan separatists defiant on voting day” last week featured a series of adverts for the New European newspaper, which wants to block Brexit and claims to sell 20,000 copies a week.
The advert reads “Stay Angry. Fight Brexit. Read the New European”.
Another reads: “Faith. Hope. Clarity. The newspaper for the 48%”.
The editor-at-large of the New European is Tony Blair’s former spin doctor and “Remoaner in chief” Alastair Campbell, who has declared that Britain would vote Remain if the referendum was held again.
David Keighley, managing director of the political monitoring organisation News-Watch, questioned the corporation’s impartiality in featuring the adverts.
He said: “The BBC’s EU coverage, though supposedly neutral, is already outrageously biased against Brexit.
“Now its overseas arm is overtly taking cash to advertise an antiBrexit and pro-EU newspaper.
“This is surely yet again a major breach of the BBC’s Charter requirement to be impartial.”
A BBC spokeswoman said: “Adverts carried on the commercial site outside the UK do not represent the BBC’s views and we do not control the content of newspapers.”

Someone could go thru the guide lines PDF
“Advertising and Sponsorship Guidelines for BBC Commercial Services”
Balance would not be being achieved if the BBC accepts advertising from Remainiac newspapers and disproportionately little from Daily Mail , Breitbart, Telegraph, Express etc.
Rule 2.3
c) not bring the BBC into disrepute
d) not give rise to doubts about the editorial integrity and independence or
impartiality of the BBC
(This NE advert appears directly under the BBC banner)
2.4 All advertising must be clearly presented as commercial content, distinct from
editorial content.
(Remainisn is a religion ?)
2.9 To protect the BBC’s reputation, the following categories of advertising are
a) advertising for faith, religion and equivalent systems of belief
2.10 Political advertising is not allowed on any UK commercial service.
In other territories, political advertising is only allowed where approval has been given by
the Advertising Governance Committee.
** OK stick that on your complaint askijng who authorised this political advertising**
further rules after 2.15 mention political advertising
The Forum on Radio 4 was about the 13th century Islamic poet Rumi; Beyoncé named her child after him we were patronisingly informed. Of course Rumi was a mere point d’appui for an hour of sickening Islamophilia.
Alas, we hear little of Muslims writing poetry these days. And even if they did write poems I would not want to read them.
I loitered horny in a car
That lurks outside the school gates,
When at once I saw from afar,
Some innocent white girls to rape.
Nicholas Clegg, unemployed because he lost hi seat in the election , has written a book about how to stop Brexit . I was thinking of writing a book about how to stop Nick Clegg – beyond his constituents.
Humph£650k had a chat with him today – wasn’t a normal humphaphon and Senor Clegg got an easy time (shock).
One of his ideas is to have Major and aDutchman re negotiate the ‘No’ Cameron got . I think Major should go to the Dentist again like he did when he dragged thatcher down . How can a remainer like him negotiate with the organisation he believes in?
They might as well give Clegg his own channel.
Fedup, ” I was thinking of writing a book about how to stop Nick Clegg”
More power to your elbow. I look forward to publication. We could lobby the BBC to have you interviewed on TODAY, Start the Week, WatO, PM and Front Row and everywhere else the BBC provide free advertising for authors.
Can you do a good Irish, South African, Australian, New Zealand, American or Canadian accent? That will almost guarantee you air time at the BBC.
Up, I would be happy to oblige on the interview offer if you can fix them up .
I look forward to Toady but I think I’d get the 5 to 9 bit which is reserved for Brexiters so that they can cut them down in order to advertise the daily snippet on Wimmins house about FGM or MGF or whatever it is.
Clegg got a 715 spot so plenty of time for his poison.
You have to feel sorry for Lord Clegg in waiting . His missis must have bought her hat for the ceremony by now. He can then sit with paddy pants down righting the world . What larks.
The easy time continued on the Breakfast sofa where Minchkin allowed the statesman a full five minutes of uninterrupted belching out all the Brexit negatives without, somehow, getting round to all the outrageous lies from Osborne and Carney. Two book plugs slipped in among the bile completed the absurdly biased and unchallenged performance. Beebing at its best.
Boris Johnson wins The Spectator’s President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition {spectator.co.uk 18may2016}
There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
A grey non-event name of Hammond
Persistently acted like Salmond
He beavered away, despite feet of clay
And ensured that his country was dammond.
Leave Vidkun out of it – unless you can find a rhyme for Quisling.
The BBC often uses other people’s words when they want to get a claim across that is not actually substantiated. Here Katty Kay reduces from her usual one word intro:
Imagine what it must be like behind the scenes in BBC newsrooms? I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the meeting where they decided to run with the farcical ‘pissgate’ fake news. Sadly nobody has been able to contain the alt-left BBC which is why we are in such a mess.
Beeb Brother
I would imagine there are quite a few flies on the wall at the BBC.
They do tend to be attracted by sh*t.
Beeb Bro.
I think the Channel 4 series “Drop the Dead Donkey” gave us a little glimpse all those years ago. However I can imagine it’s got a hundred times worse now.
What, “fact”?
She has BBC ‘quoted’ a ‘source’ who says ‘fact’ as it suits her agenda and just popped it out there. Job done.
The BBC’s in-country editors are amongst the worst for this risible technique, but she is one of the most repetitive offenders.
Quite who Harvey Weinstein introduced her to to get the gig is likely a BBC FOI exemption.
Do you have to come from Australia or New Zealand to be a business correspondent on Toady?
Jon Donnison commutes by canoe, which may explain him filing a story about once a decade.
From precisely anywhere else but the UK is growing in popularity for the BBC who pledges to increase its BAME staff. Personally, I’m fed up with foreigners telling us about what’s happening (so called “News”) in our own country. Until my licence runs out and as an interim measure, I use the off button now-a-days.
I think you would have to be seriously deranged not to recognise the huge over-representation of BME faces in TV news, both on BBC and Sky.
If these two companies are trying to provoke a reaction, they are going about it in just the right way.
“Mr Cheshire told MailOnline the cab driver had three female passengers in his car at the time of the crash.
The girls in his car said he was an Uber driver.” {source: dailmail 07oct2017}
– Was it Uber or not Uber?
– Car had 3 passengers who would be able to confirm what happened?
– Why is everyone on edge … ‘Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 26, of Luton, is charged with “engaging in conduct in preparation for giving effect to his intention to commit an act or acts of terrorism (Buckingham Palace Attack)”. {bbc.co.u 21sep2017}‘
– London Mayor realises that Uber is a conduit for potential attacks and bans it immediately, without discussion?
Naughtie asking Sturgeon leading questions on R4 about Brexit displaying yet again the BBCs desire to stir up remainer discontent. Talk about Parliament voting to stay in the Single Market and ‘the disaster’ of the UK ‘ crashing’ out of the EU – Sturgeons oft repeated phrase . All that means is the UK having the same relationship with the EU as has the rest of the non EU world. That’s quite manageable , no disaster and certainly not a crash.
Sturgeon was also on BBC Breakfast, interviewed by the hard hitting Dan Walker. Ha Ha. It was akin to a SNP party political broadcast and the only pressure she was under was trying not to crack her face in a big beaming smile which would give the game away that she was amongst friends. And she was invited to and obliged in a de rigueur condemnation of Boris. Unintentionally hilarious.
Note how Catalonia’s Referendum a week or so is described by the BBC as, “…the disputed Referendum” rather than, accurately, “the ILLEGAL Referendum”. The BBC as ever, fanning the flames of anarchy Worldwide.
I vote (perhaps illegally?) that the BBC’s slogan of: “The Most Trusted Broadcaster” be changed to the more accurate format: “The BBC, steadfast supporters of Anarchy wherever it appears”.
But the good thing about the Catalonia question is that it makes the EU look like a facist superpower quashing a democratic uprising . The reality of the EU open for all to see. Come Catalans declare UDI and then the EU , forced to side with Spain, will look even worse.
On R4 “Today” Cleggy was invited to plug his book “How to stop Brexit (and make Britain great again)”. We did not hear much of Clegg’s plans for British greatness but we did hear more of the constant remainer’s whine of “broken promises” of the Brexiteers (£350mpw etc ad nauseam). Whilst Humphrys maintained a generally sceptical position towards Clegg & his motives, he (& the BBC) missed another oppotunity to silence that specious argument.
In the Referendum campaign the “Brexiteers” were not offering a manifesto, having won the argument they were not put into power to implement any of their views. We have the continuation of a Conservative government that opposed Brexit but are, at least, making an effort to implement the wish of the Referendum’s majority.
According to the BBC Radio 4, Theresa May will tell MPs today that she is optimistic about EU negotiations. The EU will have to show more flexibility.
According to the BBC Radio 4.
EU. Flexibility. That’s a laugh! That is one reason why I voted LEAVE. The EU is inflexible. Not the sort of ‘governance’ that Member States need in the 21st century. It is time to go forward on our way out of the EU.
“The EU is inflexible.” David Cameron springs to mind……………
G, indeed!
from this mornings news.
‘EU Commission chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas said: “This is not exactly a ball game. There’s a clear sequencing of these talks and there’s been so far no solution found on step one, which is the divorce proceedings, so the ball is entirely in the UK court for the rest to happen.” ‘
Despite Mays concessions during her Florence speech, the EU’s intransigence and inflexibility can be relied upon to deliver what most of us wanted from the start. An immediate exit and straight onto WTO rules.
EU/UK negotiations = whatever the EU ask for.
Honestus, indeed, again! If only ‘Dave’ had filed Article 50 on 30 June. 1 July 2018 would have been an excellent day to have as a permanent Public Holiday to mark our independence from the EU.
EU/UK negotiations = whatever the EU ask for. ? > To the PM and David Davis, in the words of the Downing Street ‘Nudge Unit’ of a previous administration “Just say ‘No’.”
Radio 4 obsessions of the morning
Brexit is a disaster ( Clegg and Sturgeon as support cast)
Climate change ( proven by recent hurricanes)
In other words a normal morning.
EE, you forgot ‘Boris’ and ‘re-shuffles’. Sarah is talking about that with Nick Soames as I type!
UN secretary general on the news last night telling us all these Hurricanes are the fault of climate change. Wait till we have fewer or possibly no Hurricanes one season. My money is on climate change being the problem.
As one of my old work mates used to exclaim when exasperated “Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear. Oh Poxy Fcuking dear”
It always cracked me up but I sure got his drift.
I do belly-flops every time I hear some scruffy tattood 16-25 yr old Yuff lecturing every one else who does belly flops about how leaving the Euro would be catastrophic for said age groups of GB! Those kind of squatters/benefit claimers don’t even vote!
Thank Christ for that!
R4 Today:
Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) – allowed plenty of opportunity, uninterrupted and unquestioned by fellow Scot and supporter of independence “Jim” Naughtie, to speak at length how Brexit is a disaster and that Scottish independence will happen eventually.
Jonathan Bartlett (Greens) – the usual ludicrous claims about ‘climate change’ etc, allowed to speak uninterrupted by Sarah Montague
Bernard Jenkin (Conservative) – constant interruptions by Sarah Montague, followed by the Kuennsberg wheeled on to explain, and especially defuse, what Bernard Jenkin had said (happily cut off half way through).
Yes, politically balanced as usual. Ah, Naughtie has a second bite with journalists from the Daily Record (a Labour supporting newspaper) and from the Nationalist (supporting Scottish independence). Further complete balance.
Just saw Bernard Jenkin being ‘interviewed’ by ?Boulton on Sky. It was the same – constant interruptions, refusal to accept the EU are being deliberately obstructive, and an obsession with personality rather than policy.
R4’s Toady set a new record in the ‘Is there anything you would like to say to the public, Prime Minister?’ stakes this morning, when it held a pat-a-cake interview with demented Green Party Commissar, Jonathan Bartley.
Other than gently questioning whether the hippies had been done over by Momentum when they declined to stand in over 20 seats so as to give Our Jeremy an easy ride, Bartley wasn’t asked a single question probing his party’s policies of lies and fabrications and he was allowed to blatantly lie about hurricanes and ‘global warming’ without the slightest hint of demur.
The BBC is determined to inflict socialist policies on this country, whatever it takes – and if the bitter pill of Marxism-Leninism can be wrapped in hippie self-righteousness, so much the better. That’s why programme after programme from the Corporation propagandises the Green cause – from gardening shows to Horizon, nothing is free of this dangerous pseudo-religious claptrap which hides communism in a sugar coating. And the BBC just loves it!
Question for the BBC …
Why is Donald Trump a horrible sexist misogynistic beast and Harvey Weinstein not?
The silence there is deafening.
Weinstein made a public confession, like Emmanuel Goldstein in ‘1984’. Once the media have got that, it’s like a ‘money shot’ for them and there’s not much more interest for them. Trump is unrepentant of his alleged ‘crimes’, and so the howls of outrage just get louder and louder.
Harvey Weinstein is a real piece of scum.
In his whining mea culpa he even tried to earn liberal brownie points by saying from now on he would be fighting the NRA! I don’t know what gun control has to do with it, Harvey Weinstein seems unable to control his penis when a young woman enters the room. I can’t imagine what he and Bill Clinton talked about at those $35,000 a plate liberal fundraisers.
Another one for that humongous memory hole.
Equally, why was Marine Le Pen not held up as a feminist icon like Clinton? Wouldn’t it have been great to have the first female French President? And why wasn’t Milo on the BBC as much as that other gay political commentator Owen Jones?
Beeb Bro
I think we buffoons know the answers to all those questions.
Radio5 now : phone-in ‘Are we all Brexiteers now ?’
So far Remainiacs phoning in ..with their magic certainty that ‘Brexit will be a disaster’
Not BBC bias but have to share this photo, which is probably faked.
After all we have a Government and its BBC which is trying to combat fears that the perfect region is wrongly demonised
GWF, I see no reason to believe that photo is faked. Many, if not most, of the UK border staff at London airports seem to be of an ethnic disposition. This is probably partly due to the areas around them being largely ethnic anyway, but I suspect there is also a deliberate policy of using them to show Britain as multi-culti. (And perhaps also a darkly secret belief that it might help allay a terrorist attack. Would a mad mullah go on a shooting rampage in an airport if he saw someone like the lady on the left above?)
Was going through terminal 5 at heathrow around a month ago heading to argentina and it s the gay agenda writ large in massive billboards showing us gay men finding love in far off places. It didnt stop there once onboard british airways and watching the inflight entertainment you are hit with lesbians finding love and all the safety stuff is brought to you by beeb approved lefty luvvies.
Once in argentina not a sign of that nonsense and whats more obvious is not a sign of islam anywhere, no burqas head scarves niqab s or anything else. Once you off the plane in heathrow its like being in saudia arabia. A complete 180
Just out of interest, how much is the air fare to Argentina?
I flew into buenos Aires done two internal flights and flew back from Rio in Brazil. Came to just over a grand for the flights
Thanks. I’ll start saving hard.
” Would a mad mullah go on a shooting rampage in an airport if he saw someone like the lady on the left above?”. History say’s “YES”.
Whilst some Muslims are scanning in airports… some Muslims are actually slitting throats everyday …. on animals of course! Do you see a confusion this leads to …
Just noticed … “Animal to be slaughtered should be placed in the direction of Mecca, the animal must be awake at the time of slaughter (so animals last time of earth is looking towards Mecca and hearing Arabic as it leaves the World).”
I’m back! Been away from commenting for a while but still reading all the comments.
Getting ahead of myself here since we’re not even past the beginning of the beginning of Brexit, never mind the beginning of the end. But let’s indulge for a moment and consider how we protect our borders post-EU.
We need two things, the will to protect and the means. By will I mean that instead of the overt saboteurs like the Flabbopotamus who would work to actively increase the flow of migrants if Labour win power, we need a general political consensus that migration via any non official channel will categorically not be tolerated. I am deeply sceptical that any of our current political parties are even prepared to give this lip service. The Tories bus in children with beards in coaches with curtains so that the plebs can’t see what’s happening. We pretend that the NOT refugees in the French and Belgian cross channel ferry ports have legitimacy and fail to acknowledge what we all know, they are political and economic migrants with no legitimate refugee status. None. We send the Royal Navy to Libya to taxi migrants across the Med. We fail to stop stowaways on trucks though we have the means to do so if we wanted – this is 2017, it is not rocket science. We don’t have the will because we don’t have any political commitment to preventing freedom of movement, quite the opposite. Until we are able to elect a party prepared to implement policies that reflect the British people’s true wishes on freedom of movement then we will never solve this problem.
With respect to the means, we have decimated our own navy but this can be reversed. It can be reversed in an intelligent and fit for purpose, cost effective way that reflects the current, emerging and sustainable threat, in the near to long term, to our borders. We are an island nation, unique in Europe. We face a real and ongoing threat from illegal invasion. If we accept that economic migrants prepared to flout the law and use violence to achieve their goals of reaching the UK are not going to reform and become tax paying engineers the moment they step onto British soil then we must accept that they are hostile invaders. Stop callig them migrants, they are invaders. A burglar walking to a property is not a rambler, he is a burglar. A foreigner with no right of abode in the UK walking into the country is not a migrant, he’s an invader.
In 2017 we are able to deploy technology that can detect the presence of boats off our coasts using advanced satellite, radar (and other) technology. It already exists, indeed it’s already in use. It is affordable, low profile and effective. We need the will to deploy it. We already have autonomous terrain following drone technology that is capable of automatically responding to a potential threat and engaging it (and nobody is talking about “engaging” in the same way as drones engage jihadis in Aleppo). We need the will to deploy it.
And then what? Right now anyone who enters the country illegally (via any non-approved channel) is theoretically detained for processing. I say theoretically – decide for yourself how many undocumented migrants are in the UK today. They entered the country illegally, therefore they are de facto illegal immigrants and so qualify to be immediately deported. Where to? It is argued by the open border enthusiasts that those without documents cannot be deported because their country of origin cannot be determined. Deport them to the country of departure immediately before arriving in the UK. And that generally means France. Sorry France but your porous border is not Britain’s problem.
Before they are deported photograph them. Fingerprint them and take DNA samples. They committed an offence, they are criminals and this is standard procedure for anyone arrested in the UK. And introduce legislation that permanently bans any person who has attempted to enter the country illegally from residence. In fact, from visiting.
It is simplistic in concept but realistic in practice.
Many good points soyel, regarding migrants, especially the stowaways and other illegals and rejected asylum seekers, the technology to defeat them is there, the political desire is not. Every time I read of illegals jumping out of lorries or other vehicles I wonder if they are formally arrested, get a criminal record , hence documented, are DNA checked, finger printed, placed somewhere secure and sent back as quickly as possible? Or are they given a hotel room or a shared house all free of charge, and the £30 a week I hear of, so that they can then disappear into ‘the community’ never to be traced again?
I’d like to see a regular statistical report on these people , how many in, how many deported etc even though that’s only the ones who are caught.
So many migrants who fall foul of the law are found to be illegal immigrants who have been in the country a number of years . How many of these are deported after their sentence is served? Could they be deported beforehand to save prison costs?
Could we be using technology to do more to detect all illegal migrants in this country? For example could all migrants be obliged to have a smart ID card for say their first 10 years here?
So many questions the politicians don’t want us to ask.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
May occasionally talked tough as Home Secretary but took no effective action other than in a few individual cases of deportation e.g. Hate preachers . Major technical changes, a revamped Border Force, tougher police culture etc could all have been introduced. Cameron may not have been supportive but Strong and Stable could always have resigned in protest couldn’t she?
Once we have the political will all of your suggestions could be implemented swiftly, cheaply and effectively. But how do we generate the political will? You are right to say that every current politicians , including NIgel in my view, would never dare to campaign on this basis. They would be roasted alive by the MSM , politicians and the snowflakes. It would take years of grief for them and their families before they could build up a party with even a sniff of power.
The biggest reason for this is the death slumber of the British people. Years of brainwashing by the BBC and the Educational establishment has led to them either being duped into believing that enrichment is good and that it isn’t just a preliminary phase in the ongoing Islamisation of their country, or of being terrified of voicing their anti Islamification views for fear of state sponsored reprisal.
Breaking the BBC is the best way to promote free speech on this issue and until we have free speech it will be impossible to unite enough people under an anti Islamification banner to be a political force. But once again no current party will allow the BBC to be closed down because they need it to keep the people in their death slumber.
To break out of this circle there needs to be something that acts as a catalyst, a game changer that causes a discontinuity in the politics of the country. As even mass terrorist murder doesn’t seem to waken the great British people from their death slumber , I have no idea what it could be.
Well DT, a few years back I’d have bet money that the terrorist atrocities we have seen ( Hebdoe, Bataclan, London ad nauseam) would awaken the morons from their apathy. I would have lost my bet, as is obvious to see.
The ‘bread and circuses’ approach of Governments of different hues and our treacherous media, is keeping the fools in their comatose state.
All of our broadcast media and most of the print version continues to con too many people.
I become enfuriated by the clowns on FB with their ‘Je Suis Charlie’ or their profile pics draped in the flag of the latest people to suffer death and injury. Their ‘light a candle’ bollox etc and a prayer seems to make them feel that all is well with the world just so long as we ‘come together’ and dont get ‘divided’.
It’s ok to get blown to bits, just dont get ‘divided’ eh?
I know I’m preaching to the converted here, sorry to harp on, but I need to say stuff.
We actually had the small beginnings of a revolution with UKIP. It wasn’t perfect, but when we had enough non-brainwashed folk onboard to get a majority brexit vote, my hopes were rising.
UKIP eh! The answer to my prayers ! Like hell it was.
So, we had at one point 15% of the electorate voting UKIP ( no need to corrct my approx figures , lol)
And everyone of them on my side vis a vis Islam. Wrong
Utterly wrong.
Leaving aside the conveyor belt of leaders we’ve had n UKIP, the recent election has killed off any hope of them being the answer. I go to UKIP branch meetings ( currently a caretaker branch secretary) and the majority view I see, and it’s reflected in the new leaders majority) is that we need to be an MSM pleasing party. People were unable to elect Anne Marie Waters because the media would call us racists, nazis, ( insert your own insults here).
The bottom line, is that they will anyway. I keep on reminding them that appeasement simply does not work. History proves it.
The new leader has managed to avoid saying the word ‘islam’ forever.
He is an ex limp dumb for fuck sake. What do people think they are going to get?
To me he seems like a classic common purpose plant.
But the rank and file cant/wont see it.
The word from people like (even) Farage prior to the ballot for leader was that an anti-islam leader like AMW would split the party, and cause us to be seen as racists eyc etc ( repeat as above).
Well, I think the party WILL split, and by half or more if AMW launches her own party.
But then of course, the numbers of voters we have are useless in our first past the post system.
There is, therefore, no hope democratically DT, and like you, I simply ask WTF can be done?
I think we have to hope for our catalyst to come from outside the UK. The first past the post point that you make is a very good one. UK parties either need a strong local concentration , e.g. SNP, or mass support . Getting 15% of the vote spread pretty evenly gets you no seats in the UK but the AfD got 100 seats with a smaller % in the Bundestag. So perhaps the anti Islamification movements and governments in the Visegrad countries or Austria can jolt us out of our death slumber and make the Brits wake up to what is really happening.
Of course if the Austrians seek the self protection of an anti Islam government the BBC et al will treat them as Pariahs. Stand by for the twenty first screening of ‘ The Nazis AWarning From History ‘ and for all manner of totally fictitious and ludicrous parallels to be drawn. Misinformation will rain down upon us like hail , fake news will blossom as never before. The luvvies will refuse to go to Christmas Fairs in Salzburg and Vienna and to book skiing holidays in Austria. Geldorf will say he will never appear in Vienna ( lucky for them) Some wag may even see the Danube Foaming with Much Blood . All because the Austrians don’t want their children and grand children to be forced to become Muslims in about 2075.
BBC always looking out for the opportunity to attack Trump and his administration. This time it is VP Pence, who is criticized for spending tax payer’s money by travelling to a football game to walk out when kneelers disrespect the flag and anthem.
But guess what?
Zurcher for the BBC quotes the kneeling players who criticise Pence for pulling off a political stunt by walking out in protest at the player’s political stunt.
Got to hand it to the BBC.
‘Some of the NFL players were clearly irritated by what they saw as a political publicity stunt.’
Can’t wait until Katty gets out her ‘Wow’ stamp.
I read of this via Paul Mason, once a BBC Editor, breathlessly passing on how a bloke exercising his right to leave as ‘opptession’.
Paul not doing well in the comments. So he’ll be in the Newsnight studio again soon for a hug and some money.
Licence fee payers may find how that money is sourced to be equally ironic.
This weekend I settled down to watch a new bluray. Just purchased, David Gilmour Live at Pompeii.
I was at the warm up gig for this tour & wanted to see the Pompeii film because it was special.
Included in the extras of the blu ray set is the BBC Documentary- David Gilmour Wider Horizons.
I saw it when it was first aired on BBC2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06pyrbs
“This programme is not currently available on BBC iPlayer” (but you can BUY it on bluray)
I wonder if Beeby is earning anything from the inclusion of the program on the bluray?
If we get Katty Kay’s hourly rate (which the BBC does not report on) we could work out how much each letter in ‘Wow…’ tweet {twitter} is costing the TV Tax Payer, having to pay under threat of prison.
W = £1*
O = £1*
W = £1*
. = £1*
. = £1*
. = £1*
* estimated because the BBC don’t report hourly rates or additional wages.
Related to value for money in the BBC, if we had the hourly rate we could compare Katty Kay with Graham Ellis ….
BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! {bbc.co.uk – pdf – expenses for Graham Ellis}
Speaking of Newsnight, and who the BBC has no option but to carry over the airwaves:
“Obsession with Equality: The Religion of the Left // Computing Forever // Women Should be Paid More Than Men Because Shoes”
“… Women need more (pay than men). Our (women’s) haircuts are more expensive (than men’s haircuts)…” @3:27
Guest Who, I was hitherto blissfully ignorant of the work of this person! I was about to blame her for the decline and fall of the west, but really, the fact she gets any attention at all is just a symptom of a civilization in its death throes.
On Sunday, 15th October, BBC 4 is broadcasting a documentary on Jonas Kaufmann, followed by a performance of Otello from the Royal Opera House. Very nice, but why does it finish at 1am, on a channel that claims to have been set up for this sort of thing?
Just more DWEM stuff that nobody wants, I suppose.
At least Lenny Henry isn’t in the title role.
“It was our bombs that started this war.
It was our boats that sailed
Killed stole and made frail
it was our boots that stamped
it was our courts that jailed
and it was our fucking banks that got bailed.
Till love is unconditional
Wake up
And love more.”
{wetransfer.com KATE TEMPEST: TUNNEL VISION – full transcript}
– Kate Tempest does not mention all the good things that have been created? But hey – how do you coordinate 6.5billion people? North Korea? China? Russia? USA? UK? Africa? How do you love a drug baron or a person into human trafficking … wake up and love them more?
– So much anger – but without thought and reflection.
Cool name “Tempest – a violent windy storm.”
She said, ‘Wake up and love more’
At the risk of sounding misogynist I would love someone to grab her by the p****y and throw her in the nearest duckpond
Talking of pussies … Pussy Riot to put audience ‘in prison’ in theatrical show {bbc.co.uk 02oct2017}
“Russian punk protest group Pussy Riot are to put followers in mock Russian cells, labour camps and courtrooms as part of a new performance based on their own detention in 2012 and 2013. … They will include Pyotr Pavlensky, who has sewn his lips together, nailed himself to Red Square by the scrotum and set fire to a door at the headquarters of Russia’s security service, the FSB.”
– Very odd that these are Political Artists but BBC tag them as ‘Art’ (Entertainment & Arts).
– Strange that the BBC tag for the Pussy article is not even tagged as ‘Russia’ (nothing to see here) where as the article on Pyotr Pavlensky is labelled ‘Art’ and ‘Russia’ but not politics, but is in the Europe section?
The beeb know full well what they are doing by having her on. Shes a nasty bile filled corbynista and she ticks boxes by being a lesbian. They have been pushing her for the past couple of years and a couple of saturdays ago she had her own special on bbc 2. Its the same hate filled shit she spouts everytime shes on under the guise of music and art much like the beeb approved comics who are nothing more than political activists.. They are going to keep pushing her on us much like they are trying to sanitise the likes of owen jones and calman by having them on primetime tv shows. The absolute hate you see from tempest is the future if jezza and the gang get in
I know its only Monday G.W.F. but I doubt if I’ll have a better chuckle this week. Do they ever listen to themselves.
I don’t think yesterday’s R4 ‘A Point of View’ has been mentioned on this blog. It was the second of the egregious Andrew Sullivan’s opinion pieces, this time being a sustained rant against Donald Trump, full of lies and half-truths (something he constantly, and erroneously, lambasted Trump for) and the most shocking show of bias one could wish for. It was like MSNBC on steroids. Not only is Sullivan distorting reality and provided an example par excellence of ‘fake news’, the BBC’s policy of constant anti-trumpism is surely damaging the UK’s relationship with one of its oldest allies. Is there no-one in our supposedly patriotic government who will instruct our ‘poll-tax’ broadcaster to put a stop to Trump-bashing?
Sullivan is a nasty piece of work and a favourite of Richard bacon who brought him on many times to attack Sarah Palin.On one hand hes all about love but on the other hes a hate merchant who wants certain people dead
There I was thinking that Chris Packham was a smug t*at, but no he’s a victim
‘I’ve spent 30 years on the telly trying my best to act normal’
I move beyond criticism … religion used to be the cloak but now it’s victimhood …
Chris Packham: Asperger’s and Me {bbc.co.uk 17oct2017
“For most of his life, broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham didn’t tell anyone about the one thing that in many ways has defined his entire existence. Chris is autistic – he has Asperger’s Syndrome, which means he struggles in social situations, has difficulty with human relationships and is, by his own admission, ‘a little bit weird’. But what if there was a way of taking away these autistic traits? Would Chris ever choose to be ‘normal’?”
“…but he also meets those who are challenging the idea that autistic people need to change in order to fit into society.”
– there is no normal, there is no society, there are no laws, everyone is unique, society should change for each individual …
– Man has Asperger’s and leads normal life for 30 years showing that you don’t need to hide behind your infliction and you become stronger by pushing forward.
– Man talks about his infliction and can never be criticised again … without person applying critique being told to tread carefully, watch out for his Asperger, don’t mock him.
Give what would once have been regarded as a bad personality trait a pseudo-medical name and you can get away with anything.
Packham is simply obnoxious. There’s no need to dress it up with an ‘ism’.
i have noticed all these lefties especially corbyn approving musicians are all jumping on the mental health bandwagon telling us they have problems and blaming their problems on the tories for not pouring money at it. A good kick up the arse for these brats would be a good starting point. Cheap as chips as well.
‘Mental health’ like ‘transgender’ is one of those ‘isshoos’ that, because it is hard to define, is an absolute gift for grievance-mongers, NGOs, charities etc. Physical illness is relatively easy to diagnose but mental illness is not. I don’t for one minute mean to denigrate people with genuine mental illness, which is a serious problem, but when people like Chris ‘Nasty Brigade’ Packham start claiming they have some sort of problem (despite holding down a successful career in the media) it trivialises the problem and could make it less likely for really ill people to be taken seriously.
Christ Katie, you sound like my Dad. R.I.P.
I doubt that Chris would ever choose to be normal. He has his livelihood to consider.
Woman’s Hour : Mexican illegal is being given free time to rant on ….against “cabbage man* president” etc.
How do WH balance that ?
“Remember that next Monday we have Hillary Clinton on the show”
* Definition : “the Cabbage Man is a lonely merchant whose poor vegetables seem to always be under some subject of destruction. “
I’ve just stumbled across VD on Bbc2 to find the racist, bi-racial, transgender ‘model’ Munroe Bergdorf spouting about the racist Dove advert. The usual under-representation rhetoric, racial insensitivity bullshit.
No mention of the change of the white woman to an asian female, only of the change from black to white. Why? Didn’t Michael Jackson use this in a video 30 years ago? What about Godley and Creme before that?
It was stupid of Dove, they should have expected this response, they must have known it would be wilfully misinterpreted then gleefully seized upon by that shower of shit in W1A.
So who better to talk of the need for understanding than a proven racist who, let’s be honest, is only a model because she is transgender? Unquestioned and the incomplete hypothetics went unchallenged.
Also on board is Habeed Akande, who someone mentioned in a post here in the past couple of days.
Who is he? An author specialising in race, Afro-Brazilian culture and erotic Arabic literature, responsible for such fortune-cookie classics as ‘If you can’t be inspired, be the inspiration’ .
His problem is with who controls the narrative. What he means is, he wants to control the narrative, a narrative ingrained in the Egyptian Islamic university he attended to study Arabic, Islamic Law and Islamic History. He’s of Nigerian ancestry, just like the brothers Michael, Muslim I’d say. So is he black or is he Muslim? I suppose it depends on what the Bbc want him to be.
Not enough blacks in advertising and the blacks who are used in advertising look too white, ‘aquiline noses, thin lips’. Is that not racist?
One again it’s the Bbc setting the narrative Habeeby, not you. Politics, economy, environment, culture and race the Bbc think that they control the narrative, you are just their pawn, ebony or ivory, and they do not give a shit about Dove or your agenda, an agenda which concerns me a little anyway.
More blatant race baiting by the Bbc, making news not reporting it, creating and raising tensions to fill dead air.
As someone who is white, I find it really, really offensive.
Well said. And it isn’t just dead air.: it’s dead air that has been turned toxic by this poisonous nonsense.
Yeah you’re right G.
The Bbc are having a detrimental affect on our society.
Perhaps nothing new but, in my view, the negatives are beginning to outweigh any positives there once may have been or that might still exist.
They are poisonous.
Sky had this racist bloke munroe on as well and were lapping up every word he said. This twat is a racist piece of shite but yet they keep having him on and no mention of his racist remarks about white people like it never happened. If a white man or woman had said what he said about black or asian people they wouldnt be seeing a tv studio ever again. Well Munroe you are a nasty racist piece of shit.
What for?
She has a face like a well-skelped arse.
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50} // YouTube has been taken down….
– indeed this is backed up with words … “LOUISE O’NEILL: It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men {irishexaminer jan2017}”, then it goes into different degrees of sexism “Women cannot be ‘as sexist as men’”
{old post}
40 -45 years ago in my dyed in the wool lefty days I remember reading in my then bible The New Statesman, an article written by I think it was Richard Crossman who was at that time a prominent Labour MP, suggesting that sex could be used as a political weapon. Well here we are today and the Left must think they’ve hit the jackpot with just that. Jackpot? Let’s all hope that all they’ve done is kicked over the pisspot.
I saw the Dove advert play on Sky, and for the life of me couldn’t understand where any offence comes in ! Dove have always promoted diversity in their ads, but clearly women of colour have a problem with this particular ad. This country is sinking deeper into the toilet (transgender ones of course – I cannot believe there would come a time when I would utter those words)
Its still a he i’m afraid, hes still got all his bits in place
I know Katie, I’m just thinking about damage limitation in preparation for my defence.
They really only need front up a new version for balance, starring…
Why can’t people self-identify as stupid? New gender pronoun – Stupid.
“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump
Part of the solution? WTF!
BBC R5 right now is doing emotional blackmail by playing the tweeting child talking about Allepo bombing.
Is this the same Aleppo that held an international football match for Syria vs Australia a few days ago? As it would appear to be completely safe now, will we see all of the former inhabitants returning from Europe very soon?
Apparently some Tory MPs are calling on May to sack Hammond ‘because he’s deliberately dragging his heels over Brexit…’
Perhaps they should ask themselves who gave him his job the first place, and even more to the point, why?
Bbc2 are full of it this morning. I’m sure they are every morning, I just usually have better things to do.
Rita Chakrabarti has just introduced a ‘100 Women’ segment. You can watch it on the ‘100 women’ homepage.
‘The film star whose mother can’t read’.
What are we supposed to feel about this? Is this in anyway life-affirming? How many like her are in Doncaster not Delhi? I’m pretty sure this is still happening, and which not-mentioned regressive religion is involved? Great big Indian elephant in the room.
On a brighter note, Isabel Hardman has just been on. She seems rather lovely.
Oh shit, Caroline Flint, I think I’ll turn it off now.
So I found this, anybody think if there is any truth in it?
All Muslims are perverting Islam.
Islam is perverting Muslims.
Well it does have a certain ring of truth about it dontcha think?
Is the result of the BBC’s manufactured ‘gender pay gap’ saga that we will just have to shell out even more so there are even more overpaid staff there? So their whole PR spin will cost a fortune?
I guess it’s never an issue when you are spending other people’s money. Are we all supposed to feel better than the ‘gender gap’ has been ‘fixed’, meaning even more out of touch liberals will be troughing more thoroughly at our expense? I bet a woman working at a care home in Rochdale must feel so much better knowing the Beeb sisterhood is quids in.
Bishop Hill skewering nicely via understatement:
In complement:
‘… his analysis is not based on any verifiable evidence. No surveys seem to have been conducted. … But none of his observations are backed up by anything other than his own subjective judgments.’
Maybe he can quote Katty Kay “quoting” someone?
Alas, Robinson’s ‘best possible version of the truth’ means ignoring reality.
BBC Society on Monday 09oct2017 ….
Both sexes ‘should be taught about periods together’
– Boys and girls should be taught about periods at school, a charity (Plan International UK) says.
Can fewer women read this sentence than men?
– Two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adults are women.
The country set on fixing the gender pay gap
– How Iceland is trying to make sure men and women get equal pay.
Women. Women. Women. Three articles with the Society being made up 50/50 of men/women.
// Society: the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
The World Service sports report was happy to report that those responsible for the Norwegian national football teams have decided that members of the men’s & women’s teams will be paid the same. The principle of supply & demand is an unknown concept to BBC staff, except when it comes to the market rate for their salaries . In both Norway & Denmark (where similar moves are afoot) the women are happy to be subsidised by the men giving up some of their income
Absolute rubbish from Norman Smith on WATO, just now, proclaiming that the reason why ‘no deal’ seems to be looming is because the Cabinet is so divided that the UK is unable to tell the EU what sort of deal it is that Britain wants.
This, of course, is simply the BBC peddling the EU’s lies for it. The truth is that the EU is deliberately obfuscating and prevaricating in the hope that the massed voices of Quislings like the BBC will somehow magically convince the UK to change its decision.
This really is disgraceful behaviour from the BBC and there needs to be a reckoning.
I agree. For the EU, Britain is a £10 billion a year cash cow, and they see absolutely no reason to negotiate in good faith with the prospect of losing this money. It’s all about the money, and always has been.
Britain was mad to join the EEC in 1973, but I understand why we did so, at a historically low ebb. Since then, we have paid about half a trillion pounds into it. We have paid for roads and bridges across the EU, as well as making their farmers rich. Our payments are based on GDP, so that by 2022 we will probably be paying in a net, not gross, £350 million a week. The whole EU setup is the most exquisite scam played on Britain. No wonder they want us to stay, and have no interest in negotiating a fair and decent trade agreement with us. The are acting like a con man whose favourite mark has just seen through the scam, and they are bloody annoyed about it.
I had truly hoped that the EU would negotiate with us, their biggest trading partner after all, with a modicum of decency, and respect for our democratic decision. No such luck! Yannis Varoufakis was right, these people are simply fanatics for the European Project, the basic wishes of the little people for trade and work mean nothing to them, only the Project matters. Anything which threatens the Project must be destroyed, whatever the cost. If it means that German carmakers and French farmers sell less to Britain, then that means nothing to them. They are the true swivel eyed loons in this.
Sadly, I do not think we will get a workable agreement with the EU. We are not dealing with rational people. We are not dealing with people who respect our position, they have only contempt for anyone who would dare to leave their beloved EU. And they really, really resent the loss of our money. No, it seems that in 2019 we will be leaving without an agreement, and it won’t be our fault. If Mrs May has any sense and pride left, she will acknowledge this fact and make preparations accordingly. Trade with the EU will become more difficult and expensive, but it won’t stop. The sooner we face this reality, the better.
Much easier to say ‘Absolute rubbish from Norman Smith’ and leaving it at that GC – he can always be guaranteed to fulfil any conditions.
Let’s all do this! Go to the Carabinieri stations, to the prefectures and declare yourselves political refugees, so that they’ll give you board, lodging and pocket money! Who are the ones ruling here: ourselves or others? … Is it because the President of the Chamber or some other minister says: “All of you (refugees) , come to our country! We’re loaded with money and we’ll give you lots, too.” … Because this is racism in reverse! {gatesofvienna sep2017}
Why not send your local politician or 10 Downing Street “The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}” – I even offered it for free to my local politician, who never responded.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell
“In biology, evolution is not what we (Islamic Teachings) believe”@0:58 {bbc.co.uk – 09Jun2014 – From the section Education }
Michael Gove on extremism in schools: ‘We have to act’
“It is important that no-one allows concern about these finding to become a pretext for criticism of Islam itself,” he added.
– this was in 2014 – have things changed or been forgotten?
Caught WATO and an article about “middle-aged, middle-class” Poles demonstrating against their Government’s attitude to the EU. Quite a long item but strangely never heard anything on the Beeb about the hundreds of thousands of Poles praying at their border on Saturday. Perhaps there is a clue to their neglect “…..the event also commemorated the huge 16th-century naval battle of Lepanto, when a Christian alliance acting on the wishes of the Pope defeated Ottoman Empire forces on the Ionian Sea, “thus saving Europe from Islamisation,” as organisers put it”
Word Swap “Ottoman Empire” for “Islamic Invasion”.
Hold on there was another Empire other than the colonial British Empire?
The Islamic empire had a huge impact on the development of medieval Western Europe. It is possible to argue that the Islamic world provided the foundations for developments in western civilisation {bbc.co.uk – BiteSize Learning for Kids} (Good = Islamic / Bad = Ottoman)
Yes, this is a curious phenomenon whereby the BBC and the rest of the far Left media seem to have access to people’s voting records so can say with absolute confidence how the middle class or the middle aged vote. We have had the same stuff here with regard to the referendum.
They are, of course, lying.
The BBC website says the Christmas lights bomber was ‘radicalised reading books and websites in his bedroom.’ It’s that evil internet again. I wonder if he was reading several copies of the same book?
So nothing untoward whatsoever happened outside of his bedroom at any mosque, community association or whatever. He just got this totally twisted idea about his religion and spoke to nobody else about it, as all of them would have instantly told him how wrong this interpretation was. Surely he would have asked a religious authority he sees every week and trusted them over people online whom he had never met? If you had watched something which inspired you to seek martyrdom surely you would be bursting to tell someone about it?
But no – he just got all radicalised alone in his bedroom. If you don’t swallow this fake narrative you will be arrested. Go back to bed Britain your national broadcaster is in control. Nothing to worry about except that evil internet.
I remember a famous preacher … he spoke his version of the truth, under freedom of speech and believed what he said, and still does by all other records …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims (followers, where did these guys go? Prevent?)
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Choudary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. {youtube – May 2013}
” It is possible to argue that the Islamic world provided the foundations for developments in western civilisation”
Only by by someone who is either a Muslim propagandist or who learned history from a liar. As it is the BBC, either could be the case.
It might possibly have provided the foundations (but I doubt it), but I think we have moved on from treating women like dirt, executing people for blasphemy, public executions, executing gay people, and tolerating slavery.
They haven’t.
I suppose It’s also possible to argue that water is dry, but not with a straight face.
‘It is possible to argue…’ is this a variant of the BBC’s ‘Some people are saying’ rhetoric?
Any Virtue Signalling adverts and agendas on Inside Out at 7:30pm BBC1 ?
BBC Inside Out South East
An environment special.
– Is seafood on the Kent coast polluted by plastic?
– What effect will climate change have on Romney Marsh?
– saving the wart biter crickets in the south east.
BBC Inside Out London
– Body modification – the hidden dangers. (tongue splitting)
– historic jewellery quarter Hatton Garden is under threat from Crossrail.
– 50 years on from the first conservation areas, Jo Good visits one of London’s oldest and newest.
(do they have a greenie story every week ?)
– rules that Teesside park-home owners say are costing them thousands
– Cumbria’s secret role in restoring a modern-art classic
– Lake District’s secret island gems.
BBC Inside Out Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
– Accountant fled with truckers money
– Motor neurone
– People leaving cos of Brexit
BBC Inside Out North West
– Wirral town of New Ferry six months after it was devastated by a gas explosion, feels abandoned by the authorities.
– field nurses are helping farmers who’re often isolated in rural communities by offering medical advice at cattle markets.
– Cumbria’s secret role in restoring a modern-art classic.
BBC Inside Out East
– corp failing vulnerable children in its care
– Essex, where residents have had enough of the boar farming on their doorstep.
– family snapshots of the Great War -field camera’
BBC Inside Out East Midlands
– accountants who disappeared leaving thousands of lorry drivers in debt.
– money launderers risking prison in pursuit of easy cash.
– 13-year-old girl from Derby who was bullied for taking part in beauty pageants.
(mixed race mother)
BBC Inside Out South
– dirty money washing around, there’s a queue of people only too happy to offer to launder it
– Bridport to hear from the customers, staff and owners of a shop that’s closing its doors one last time after 100 years
– whistle-stop tour of some of the south’s beautiful and historic piers.
BBC Inside Out South West
Jemma Woodman meets the legal duo determined to free the brothers convicted of the brutal murder of Cornwall couple Carol and Graham Fisher 14 years ago.
BBC Inside Out West
– impatient drivers are putting bin men’s lives at risk.
– one hospital’s novel approach to freeing up beds taken up by elderly patients.
– the man who inspired Banksy.
BBC Inside Out West Midlands
– how rife money laundering is, from big businesses to small traders.
Extra bits
West Mids
– A giant machine is creating three tunnels to ensure Birmingham’s residents continue to get water.
– short film is about Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement.
BBC Inside Out SW
– new potentially important testimony from a witness in the Perch Garage murder case
It’s almost a year since Trump was elected. Despite outrage in the liberal press at the time, stories of Russian influence on the result, there have been no charges against Trump or any of his cohorts. It almost as if the stories were faked.
The Russia narrative just suddenly disappeared with no explanation. Whoever decided to run with it was stupid.
It’s annoying how they had to send Sopel over the pond to just spout the same conspiracy nonsense over and over. He might as well have stayed here as he did zero actual journalism there.
Sack him
Mosque in pledge to support armed forces {bbc.co.uk 02oct2017}: “Covenant signed between Birmingham Muslim Mosque and British Army … “
… find this USA Army Muslim Chaplin,Khallid Shabazz on youtube …
“The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube mar2015}”
– Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, March 2015
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam if you felt (perceived) they were unjustly!
Muslim mosque. What other types of mosques are there?
A Mosque that holds Christian Worship … or a Christian Church that holds Islamic worship … Controversy as Islamic CALL TO PRAYER held inside historic British CATHEDRAL (multi-cultural Faith Exhibition at Gloucester Cathedral) {express jan2017} … a transitioning Church?
A prostitute church would be the biblical term. (Mixing worship of God with other gods)
The Lord God takes a dim view of it. Jesus doesn’t stand for it. Scripture references number in the hundreds. It’s probably the most forbidden thing in the bible. Difficult for a Vicar to overlook. The Bible defines the God of The Bible not The Koran. Regardless of the claims of Muslims & what Muslims believe
(A church shouldn’t be allowing Islam or secularists to define things. )
Allah is NOT the God of The Bible, The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, The God of Israel. Allah is identified in the Bible but not as God. He is a fraud.
I have to confess I know very little about The Holy Bible but I am aware that there are 2 Testaments, the Old and the New. The Old Testament must be the original text as written by the scribes so to me that is the authentic one. Why did the Christian Church accept the New Testament which today would be seen as re-writing history, a concept for which left wing people are renowned.
That baffles me.
We are lucky it makes any sense at all … Bible that says ‘Thou shalt commit adultery’ goes on sale (circa 1631) {telegraph oct2015} … never mind any religious books that are passed on by word of mouth!
“Why did the Christian Church accept the New Testament which today would be seen as re-writing history,”
The New Testament is not a rewrite of the Old Testament, the one follows on from the other. The Old Testament is primarily based on Hebrew scriptures and is the word of God before the coming of Jesus Christ. The New Testament is a word of God as revealed by Jesus Christ, with with addition of a fifth book, the Acts of the Apostles.
Thank you for that info. So both Testaments are valid and we can choose which one to follow. However it does seem to me that people who choose to adhere to the teachings of the Old Testament lay themselves open to a certain amount of ridicule. This being the case then it follows that the New teachings must in places contradict the Old,so I would call that re-writing. This surely also ridicules the writers of the Old Testament as fools or mistaken individuals and I don’t find that very reassuring.
As I stated earlier I know very little about the Holy Bible but there still seems to be a contradiction in the minds of some sections of the public as to what is valid and what is not.
Even the Church of England, I believe, preaches only from the perspective of the New Testament as though the old scriptures are now obsolete. I can’t help but feel that this is a weakness in the system. I’m still baffled.
Hi Left Wright there is a great deal of muddle created by militant atheists as regards the nature and meaning of the Old Testament and New Testament. Richard Dawkins in his book the God Delusion – was very damaging in the way he misrepresented those books and their relationship to the practice of Judaism and Christianity.
Richard Dawkins was part of a New Atheist movement that was taken over and destroyed by feminists and progressives – including Islamists practising taqiyya. All that is largely left is a brand of anti-Christian, anti-Judaic, pro- soft Islam – “atheist” movement. So in the West, Islam continues to flourish while Christianity declines.
I would be very interested in Lucy Pevensey & RJ’s view on this matter. It is possible I am mistaken but that is my view based on what I have read and seen. Best wishes.
Lefty, an Anglican divine called Richard Hooker in the 17th century taught that authority for Christians is a combination of scripture, tradition and reason, with none of those three to over-rule the other. So the Bible does not work as a rule book to be followed to the letter like the Highway Code. Anyone who tries that will soon come across contradictions; in fact that view of the Bible is a relatively recent development. My own view (and I know some will disagree) is that the Bible should be treated in the light of what it says about the character of Christ, or to put it in the terms of Americans, ‘What Would Jesus Do?’
Old & New Testaments are what we call them now probably for the sake of simplicity. The combined Old & New are actually a collection of 66 books penned by 40 authors. After years of study I can say that they really are an integrated whole. There are hundreds of scripture verses from the OT repeated or referred to in the new. The message of the NT is not an attempt to re-write the old but to bear witness to it. There are a lot of NT passages that would be difficult to interpret without cross-referencing the Old. Jesus himself was an Israeli Rabbi who is quoted as saying “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets” [Mathew Chapter 5 Vs 17] The Law he refers to is the Law of Moses, The Torah which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament. The Prophets books are included in the Tanakh section of the Hebrew Bible. All but one of the New Testament writers were Jewish, if you read it & delve into it you will see that they weren’t trying to supersede The Old Testament. What they did do was try to witness to the [by that time] “Greek” or Gentile world.
See if this chart links clearly
Click to access percentageoftheoldtestamentfoundinthenewtestament.pdf
Thank you for taking the time and effort to post your reply. I have to bow to your superior knowledge. So are you saying that the NT was written as an attempt to witness the Truth of the OT and not to alter or correct it in any way? If so it seems to confirm my original observation that the OT is the original and therefore the most authentic document and should not be viewed with scorn as I know it sometimes is. Sorry, I know I can be a bit slow thinking sometimes.
Having said all that I have to tell you that this is not a subject which greatly consumes me. I have never considered myself a religious man but I strongly believe that all of mankind has a strong and essential spiritual side to his/her nature without which we are not human.
Spirituality, however it manifests itself, is one of the things which distinguishes us from the beast in the field. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it . Amen
Is a Mosquito a small Mosque in Spain?
The bBC became well known for the clarity of its well spoken news reports which entailed anybody who spoke English to understand it. In the name of PC, that gold standard has been thrown out of the f-ing window:
Zambian farmer: ‘Water is becoming a problem’
Myself, I have lived all over the world, I have met many forms of English (Home and foreign) and have understood them all, but the above really has me working hard in which to try and work out what is been said.
I happened across Newsround the other evening where they have been allowed a regular non-Asian reporter, a Scottish fella who sounded like one of the ‘Stoneybridge!’ councillors from Absolutely.
A bit like a Peterheed Punch & Judy.
error: fat fingers. Meant to comment on Pounces post and not report.
How can it be that four Zambians are easier to understand than the BBC “commentator”?
Jesus wept!
If you scrap the churches exemption from anti-sexist employment laws.
Well you’d have to apply that to Mosques as well.
And don’t forget the Synagogues as well. We don’t want to be accused of antisemitism to add to all our other isms and obias we are told we suffer from.
Whilst the Christian Religion gives up and becomes secular …. A Muslim website has good news that the Muslim population has been ever increasing through birth rate as well as high rate of conversions. {muslimpopulation.com}
“In many parts like Europe[Cambridge University], North America[CNN], Christian’s are getting away from their religious belief, On the contrary among the Muslim Population the faith to their religion is ever increasing [CNN]. Consequently the present so called higher no of Christian population as stated in different sources, practically do not have any significance. It is expected that if present rate of increase of Muslim population continues that by 2030 One out of Three person will be Muslim.”
News Headlines …
Machatte Massacre in Arakan (Burma)
Almost 2.1 billion Muslims across the globe will celebrate Eid al-Fitr
Myanmar Government Translator and His Distortions of Words in Broad Daylight
Conflict, theology and history make Muslims more religious than others, experts say
A The body of an elderly Imam was found fresh in a river erosion-ravaged grave on Monday, three decades after his burial
Without a mosque, Greece’s Muslims go underground
Secret £14million Bible in which ‘Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad’ unearthed in Turkey
A century-old Ottoman legacy in China
My Memories of Islam in Papua New Guinea
The future of Islamic Ireland
“Ireland’s Muslim population has grown tenfold in 20 years and is still expanding.”
Conversions to Islam in Genocide-Stricken Rwanda Increasing
Libya_Ottoman Legacy
Russian women turn to Islam
“The number of women turning to Islam in Turkey increases year after year. The first among foreigners who change religion are Russian women, Turkish Aksam daily reports..”
Muslims of France
“There are an estimated five million Muslims in France today, which is the largest …”
Islam finds a place in Haiti
Europe’s forgotten “religion”
An Islamist Uprising in Tajikistan
“A growing mood of protest there is benefitting the Islamic opposition. Hundreds of new mosques have opened …”
Today marks six weeks since the strange ‘gas’ overcame holiday-makers and day-trippers at Birling Gap on August Bank Holiday Monday. The BBC made much of it at the time on national news radio programmes such as TODAY.
Strange that they haven’t updated us – in my hearing at least – with news as to what the gas was and where it came from, if known.
They don’t know. They haven’t any idea, as is the norm with the BBC. Nobody died, they can’t blame it on white supremacists, Trump, climate change or Brexit, so it just faded away.
OG, apparently the leak was on the Sunday. (I should have corrected that in time in my post.) Funny thing, then, that the BBC reported it on Monday afternoon. It could be that I didn’t listen to the News on the Sunday afternoon/evening. I sometimes miss listening in at weekends.
The BBC have lots of journalists who do not appear to be at all curious to know what the lab analysing the gas has reported. Are they all discussing Bojo at the water-cooler or coffee machine?
Same as, it appears, all the national newspapers. A quick search reveals no updates in five pages.
However, this is quite interesting: https://www.irwinmitchell.com/newsandmedia/2017/september/demand-for-answers-regarding-birling-gap-mist-incident-jq-656254.
BBC: no interest. Ambulance chasers: “We are on the case.”
Matt Ridley in the Times : Expose the gap between rhetoric and reality ..by highlighting Virtue Signaling
eg people who support wind turbines
which are made of 150 tonnes of coal
And need fossil fuel back up
And whose subsidies funnel money from poor people to rich people
And whose impact on emissions is so small its unmeasurable
Crazy that such Intention trumps real outcomes.
It’ll be on http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/
next week
Am I beating Al Beeb to it ?
“Here we go, hear we go, here we go” or, “we’re doomed “……… ?
Interesting HYS comments here ……….
The vast majority of the comments appear to be against the EU. I don’t expect comments to be open for much longer.
I did like this one
67. Posted by Jonathan on
8 hours ago
“If the BBC is going to insist on only representing Remoaners, perhaps the 17,410,742 of us that voted Leave should no longer have to pay the licence fee?
I can’t imagine Lineker tweeting quite as rambunctiously if he has to take a cut on his £2,000,000 salary.
Can you?”
Oh, dear!
Does this sound like the BBC approach to reporting … I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known (BBC’s Alan Yentob applying pressure to a story for example). I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall.
But I had the facts, and this was the (The New York Times) Times. Right?
Wrong. The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors (hide words and deeds) or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section (bury deep in news articles), an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared? {thewrap.com 08oct2017}
New afternoon programme on the Beeb. Its called … Money for Nuffing . ….. as so eloquently pronounced by the clearly man of colour faceless announcer. I pay my licence fee, so the very least I can expect is to have someone in my sitting room articulate the Queens English properly, (and whilst we’re at it, I do wish those announcer/presenters from N.Ireland would say NOW instead of NIGH !)
Prince Charles says NIGH as well. Perhaps he has Irish genes in him.
‘2019 election no dey my mind’
Liberia Elections: Who go be di next president?
Norway go pay men and women di same thing
Charlottesville: White nationalists don come again
BBC Pidgin … the joy of Pidgin.
Me not pay dem BBC licence fee and me am save-save 147 clam shells every twelve moon turns. Me might speak pidgin English but me not got pidgin brain!
Nice bit of Chief Sitting Bull there. I watch a lot of Westerns too.
mi cash n pockt still shrinkin
dem grate conservtif no care
dem grate conservtif worry bout dead lefant
mi cash n pockt still shrinkin more
dem grate conservtif no care
dem worree bout leeedah ana Borriss ting
dem Lefty comalong, dem Lefty all look to spend mi coin an all
dem grate conservtif if no get umble an do good wuk, mean dem Lefty get aller powa an spend mi coin, spend aller boddee coin
den we aller like dem grate Bibbycee wee orl buggerup frevva
Thanks. I’ll start saving hard.
Good stuff
Nowhere near you standard but it rhymes.
” I do wish those announcer/presenters from N.Ireland would say NOW instead of NIGH”
And take their fingers out of their nostrils whilst talking.
I’m from NI and to be honest it grates on me too, especially Anita McVeigh and that tube Chris Buckler, a complete and utter gobshite.
It’s the sort of accent that the usual pricks came home with the Christmas after their first terms of university, a bastardised hybrid of affectation and self consciousness.
We don’t all sound like that, we have regional/ localised accents like every other of the Home Nations and I’ve never said nigh in my life unless I’m taking the piss out of a McCooey friend.
I’m usually mistaken for being Scottish when I’m in England but the fact that there are so many NI journalists on the Bbc has probably suggested to them that a James Nesbitt/ Gloria Hunniford mix works best.
At least it’s no longer the linguistic strangulations of John Cole! Remember the way he told ’em?
Dave Allen was my favorite. I don’t remember him saying NIGH either. On the other hand was he from the South?
Yeah Lefty, he was a Southerner.
No, comedy wise we’ve given the world Frank Carson, Jimmy Crickett and Roy Walker.
And Peter Kay’s mum.
More Tuesday night at the Phoenix Club than Sunday Night at the Palladium.
Rich, LOL x5!
I have worked alongside Irishmen and I found that they can laugh at themselves like no others. Great guys. Thanks.
You did mean to write NOSTRILS I suppose. Unless this is a spelling error!
I believe that the voice-over for “Money For Nothing” is done by that unfunny “comedian” and BBC favourite Arthur Smith.
His Wikipedia entry has this little gem: “Smith is a socialist and is a supporter of the Labour Party.”
Who ever would have thought it ……?
“the very least I can expect is to have someone in my sitting room articulate the Queens English properly”
Oh Brissles really! Good luck with that.
The sort of English spoken by any native Englishman would be an improvement.
Ever get the feeling the bbc is cheering on one team more than the other?
Next he’ll be elbowing JC, that Guy etc out the way and demanding to take penalties.
Unfortunately, for the EU, the ball was long. Expect them to lose points for ‘racket abuse’ quite soon. The mis-spelling is deliberate as the EU is one big racket.
Guest Who
No two ways about it. The BBC is rooting for TEAM INVADER. WE are the aliens now.
Establishment attacks my mate @LauraPidcockMP because she’s an inspiring socialist who articulates politics of class. A champion of the 99% {twitter}
2.8K Hearts // 1.1K Retweets
Dear Richard Burgon (Labour MP),
Who are the 1%ers? Who are the 99%ers?
Is Keith Vaz in the 1% (Few) or the 99% (Many)?
Please help as I am confused … who are the Establishment? Richard Burgon does this sound like a 1%er ….
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
a) Harvey Weinstein: white man from the US. Claims have been made of sexual harassment. The BBC have been running several different headlines on their Homepage, News Homepage, World News Section and various other places.
b) Cyril Smith: dead white British man. Allegations that he touched 8 young boys inappropriately nearly fifty years ago. BBC running headlines on their Homepage, News Homepage, UK News Section, England News Section, Political News section and elsewhere.
c) A story that is hidden from view – it only makes the Tyne and Wear Regional News – it’s the conclusion of the Muslim rape gang trial that has been going on for about 6 weeks. Nadeem Aslam is convicted bringing the total number of convictions for Operation Sanctuary to 18. The BBC give it a few paragraphs – it doesn’t mention muslim, it doesn’t mention Islam. It does mention: During the investigation Northumbria Police said it paid a child rapist more than £10,000 to act as an informant.
It is getting very hard to maintain the fiction that the law and reporting of crime by the media is applied equally to all crimes.
It is equally hard to believe that this policy is not in some way linked to Government and the so called national interest in protecting the multikiulty objective
When “Operation Sanctuary: Final member of sex grooming gang jailed” was first announced on BBC radio Newcastle his name wasn’t even mentioned.
They just announced….. A MAN was sentenced at the city’s crown court to 12 years for supplying drugs to victims and allowing premises to be used for the supply of drugs….
If you blinked you missed it .
Some muzzie called Hussein jailed for life for planning to blow up a railway line to derail a train . I reckon that story is Islamic terrorism got 15 seconds at the most on the 6 o’clock Isis got mentioned . Islam or Muslim didn’t . Al beeb really doesn’t want to report this war
I thought he used Christmas Tree lights as initiators so he must be Christian surely?
Think he might have been a bit on off .
Bring back the death penalty to save a bit of taxpayer cash on these enemies of Blighty .
Hussein is from Alum Rock Birmingham. This cess pit and surrounding inner Birmingham has produced more terrorists than anywhere else in the UK in proportion to its population . My bet is that when Muslim numbers force an apartheid system onto us, Alum Rock will be one of the first formal no-go areas to non Muslims, our government and agencies such as police. Bury Hill in Luton and parts of Bradford will not be far behind.
Al beeb has some video of captures Isis fighters being held by the Kurds. I could not understand what they were still doing being alive. I think there is 500 of them . Would be far better to just “off “ them and save future problems .