The BBC are interviewing a lot of ex civil servants ( who are now earning a a good bit from suspect organisations ) about Brexit , the effect on the governance of the country and the stresses put upon — civil servants .
Well the extra stress , if they ever were stressed , won’t last too long because they retire with good pensions at sixty .
All new contracts are 65 retirement, Nibor. I was 60 – after 11 years’ service. Pension contributions have also been increased….. BUT! nowhere near enough to cover what is received under the CPI-linked pension scheme. In addition, whenever the PCS union went on strike, not all civil servants joined it – many in my East Kilbride contact centre worked and crossed the picket line.
I’ll tick you you for that joadamsmith . The ones I’m gunning for are grade 5 and above , like Jery Sreanan and James Fells of the Department against Transport .
They don’t want to have to get visa s to get to their villas in Southern Europe well away from the rabble they have turned Blighty into with their open door immigration policies and slavish obedience to Eu directives and regulations .
Al beeb is yet to broadcast a pro brexit civil servant . I guess it might have been neutral once but by the time Blair had finished with it it became an extension of the Labour Party like the rest of the so called public service
Sorry not the Beeb, but it was reported on here yesterday about the Pledge on Sky being a toxic view. Which it was, and I felt so strongly that I complained to Sky – who, to be fair, replied that the edition was ‘under investigation’. I see the usual repeat tonight is not the episode shown on Thursday, but an older edition from a few weeks ago. Clearly someone cocked up in having an imbalance of views, 4-1 which left Carole Malone valiantly fighting her corner on her own. At least Sky have had the decency to pull it from the schedules.
I watched some of that show, and was frankly amazed. It was like a kangaroo court, and Carole Malone was the one accused of thought crime. The fact that the views of the majority of British voters were represented by one person against four was utterly bizarre, and Carole was treated like one of the accused at the Salem witch trial.
The BBC are much better at bias than Sky, who are relative newcomers. This show was so over the top as to be completely indefensible.
To Maxi and friends: if you ever see a show on British TV where four Brexiteers berate and browbeat one Remainer, do be good enough to let us know. I am sure that happens as often as examples of that right wing bias on the BBC which you seem to have been unable to spot so far.
Pounce – Top Gaurdian pedigree this bloke – Bit of a Gary Younge without the pies. ” Andrews is associate professor in sociology at Birmingham City University. His research specialism is race and racism and is author of ‘Resisting Racism: Race, Inequality and the Black Supplementary School Movement’ (2013) and co-editor of ‘Blackness in Britain’ (2016) ”
In other words another “master race bater” of the highest order who has found that one of the easiest ways to make money is to sow division and bitterness to over educated, workshy intellectuals dressed up as some sort of intellectual comment.
Sociology is a nothing degree; something people do when they can’t do anything else……three years of University consisting of one lecture a week and a group hug. Lots of “reading around the subject” needed – all conducted either in the pub or whilst fast asleep until mid-day.
Lots of people follow up this joke of a qualification with a quick course in journalism and then become experts on everything. I’ve met better qualified lollipop ladies.
Dead right Option 3!
The recent “Revolution In Ideas” on Radio 4 let its own cat out of the bag when it linked the Russian Revolution of 1917 to a sudden turbocharging of both sociology and psychology. Neither had been other than cranial bump rubs or Engels-post it notes until the “useful idiots of the west” decided that it would remove God, families and create a world for gays, abortionist feminazis, black supremacists and commie pot stirrers funded by Lenin-in secret.
Oh-and pagan earth worshippers who love nature and green issues-but hate people , and any attempt to seek facts from the mush.
Worked like a charm too-we western goons and fainthearts swallowed the lot, even as Uncle Joe Stalin was failing to live up to the useful idiots mantras.
We live with the consequences today.
Sociology, psychology and psychiatry-as well as educational and child development are all Soviet domains, with Nazi add ins…which is why the left insist on them. Black quackery, masquerading as “science”…
Still-as long as there`s a poll, an advert or a screen-then these totalising musings will get treated as if there`s truth to them.
Home movies of Vygotsky by Riefenstahl seems to sum it all up.
Funny how people from other cultures who are allowed to share our civilisation are so easy to rubbish it.
Perhaps they’d burn their British passports and apply for their fathers( if they know who that is ) – in the relevant commonwealth country and then perhaps go there .
There are plenty of them happily making a living out of the rights industry and justifying everything because of what our empire did life times ago . It wasn’t great for the British working class who did the dirty work for the aristocracy.i am proud of our past .
“Funny how people from other cultures who are allowed to share our civilisation are so easy to rubbish it.”
Fedup2, not just finding it easy to rubbish our civilization, but encouraged to do so. Given air space on the BBC without any one allowed to contradict.
when was the last time anyone on the BBC used the term ‘British Values’ without a sneer?
“The flag is not a symbol of pride but oppression”
Really? Talking of “oppression”, how about this:
At least the UK Government is elected. The system might not be perfect, but no system is. If you think it’s acceptable to behave in this way, I should be free to disrespect any damn religion, in any way I see fit. Religion is not compulsory, and it is not selected by us, by popular vote. It is a personal choice and, accordingly, there is no reason why it should be above criticism or ridicule any more than any other lifestyle choice.
Freedom should cut both ways.
And another thing. We’re not so “oppressive” that we prevent malcontents from seeking happier lives elsewhere. Please feel free to avail yourself of this option.
Piss poor, pale imitations of American campaigns, no matter how much you wish the British Empire still existed for you to resist and the Klan had a UK branch and black lives were regularly taken by UK Police remain, piss poor pale imitations. If you are black in the UK – you already have a, shoulder chip gold card. You could always leave this country of ‘oppression’.
Lord god every time the police shoot a gangster dead ( x5 a year?) the’ community / blacks / industry – are screaming via al beeb for ‘ justice’ ( otherwise known as taxpayers cash ) which politicians support for their personal ambitions – Lammy – Abbot – Corbyn – the usual rubbish
Tell them to piss off. Let them have their own athletics and sport and fund it themselves.
And given that so many black children are without fathers and brought up by the state and its army of social workers, funding for that should be cut out too
How pathetic that our British race baiters cannot come up with anything better than just copying the Americans. How derivative. Cannot they think up their own pointless and self-satisfied ways to disrespect the flag and the country it represents?
Fox News: Teen sexually assaulted three separate times in under an hour
A 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted three times in the span of an hour as she walked home from a night out in London, police said.
The teenager, who was not identified, became separated from her friends following a night at the Tower Hamlets club in east London when she was attacked three times in quick succession. The terrifying incidents happened between 11:55 p.m. on Sept. 29 and 12:55 a.m. on Sept. 30.
Stop and search : notice that BBC studio doors are open to non-white men to air grievance about being stopped.
Yet studio doors are firmly closed against the families of knife/acid victims.
.. I’m hearing the grievance guys every few days on BBC radio.
PS Surely acid is already covered, by the law against carrying an offensive weapon ?
Radio 4 The 30min magazine prog iPM is presented by the ultra sneerer Eddy Mair so features Lib stories every week.
They get listeners to send in their one sentence of news, then they read 15 out.
One today was :
… ” I am sick of Radio4’s constant negativity in Radio4 news, so I won’t be listening any news ever again”
And so they might quote the odd anti bbc line from their lofty position. It no doubt gives them wry amusement.
They know their jobs and pensions are safe. They know they are beyond criticism, beyond sanction and beyond the pale.
They lie with impunity in the manner of Putin over Ukraine.
Just heard a bit of Today and was reminded why I don’t listen anymore.
They don’t have to trouble with getting a Remainer on with a Brexiteer – the bbc provide sufficient insistent doom as to make the leave option a cast iron recipe for disaster. The bbc must be getting tired, bored with the one view – we are.
Any chance of some authenticated and independent figures on how their audience ratings are doing?
Who the hell is still listening to them?
Proof please-and money back if the figures are as shit as I think them to be.
Nobody under 35 is bothering with them-Trumps “fake news” charge has stuck.
Radio 4 headlines at 9am on Radio 4 tells me what Hillary Clinton thinks of Brexit. How is THAT news?
The BBCs arse scraping, copper bottoming caterwaulings over Brexitrump are all to apparent-like endless farts in their space suit, they`re only gassing themselves, but I hate to see it, let alone have to pay to watch like some snuff film.
Their girl editor is introducing ‘ cultural ‘ stuff which normally means some black actor saying how tough their world is. Maybe they’d go get a real job instead of dreaming of fame and fortune pretending to be someone else for a living .,
Two BBC Islamist Propaganda Video Stories currently on their World News section.
1) Meet Ted, US Marine. Angered after the Paris 2015 Terrorist attack he fired a gun at a Mosque. But later he realised he was wrong. He came to recognise that Islam is Peace. The Quran had been misquoted by evil white supremacists. He now realises the Quran teaches peace and love to all person-kind. This is Ted’s redemption story:
I have just visited Tomar in Portugal. The town virtually supports itself with Templar souvenirs. Perhaps having a national Muslim population of estimated 40,000 from a total 10.32 million reduces complaints?
Anticlimaxing on a regular basis
There’s probably some more pithy and fitting – but decidedly x-rated – phrase for what BBC Newswatch does with viewer concerns about the news served to us by the corporation.
With anticipation we hear the complaints, we nod in recognition and we await redress…
The plausible but inadequate Samira Ahmed plays the role of the on-call-at-all-hours legal-aid duty advocate going through the motions for her imprisoned clientele – but inevitably she is ultimately and sadly deferential to the BBC news managers.
I’ll sum it up for you for this Saturday’s edition. I hardly need paraphrase the rather hackneyed entirely entitled arguments…
Yesterday’s court news I didn’t hear on the BBC
While police were away policing tweets a Muslim immigrant couple bought knife and plastic torso after dream about beheading Katie Hopkins and Paul Golding
all recorded in WhatsApp conversations
I guess it wasn’t important enough for the BBC to ask what two men aged 24 and 25 at filming were doing to attract the attention of Israel’s air force or of what organisations they were members.
Times pg 18 covers new Ofcom rules
– “You’re not so funny, Ofcom tells BBC”
– BBC budget must be spent equally per head in the 4 nations
eg is get the London production co to open fake sub-branches in Cardiff etc.
And pay your London writers, actors +flunkies thru a Cardiff Bank
Regulator not amused with BBC. Ofcom says comedy is a "particular area of weakness" for the BBC. What an odd regulatory job.
Question Time noise is caused by Corbynistas, Nats, and Ukippers*
says BBC news boss Roger Mosey in the Spectator
* Unbelievable since Ukup is carefully filtered out the audience.
says Question Time suffers from venomous studio atmosphere that scares away panelists
He suggested more Experts & Scientists … Cherrypicked Libs ?
If the BBC wants to see how to improve QT and AQ they should listen to the Brains Trust in the 1950s with people like Raph Wightman and Professor Joad at opposite ends of the educational spectrum but never, or at least rarely, a luvvie or a sitting MP on the panel.
WikiTribune Fail with first soft launch article : errors & anti-Trump Antu-Brexit bias
Founding Dream : ” facts, sources, no bias”…
The Practice : They use a list of “preferred sources”
Fail#1 cos that’s the fallacy of Argument from Authority don’t just go to the Emperor’s courtiers for news about the suit.
You don’t rule out any source like the small boy.
Fail #2 its written by volunteers so they will have Lib MiB agenda !
An east Antarctic Adelie penguin colony has been almost wiped out by chick deaths, only two currently surviving. Must be the increasing sea temperatures affecting the balance then? Well no. Apparently it’s all due to the parents having to travel ever further to fill up with food for their young, due to what are described as ‘unusually high amounts of ice’.
How very odd. But I thought….?
@Beltane there is an update on this story
Paul Homewood that far from being in decline from Climate Change , the last report on these penguins spoke of well increased numbers.
So the recent chick deaths have to be set against that context.
Dear mainstream media – and in particular, the BBC.
I would like you to know, that I never watch, or listen to, or read the bollocks you put out on a daily basis, purporting to be news, because it’s lies, make-believe, altered, fakery, changed out of all proportion by omission, and laughably stupid.
I, and increasingly others, tend to learn what we need to know, elsewhere, from sources which although not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, are at least trustworthy, and not tainted by agendas like yours are. It’s time you realised that the mainstream news phenomena is a dead duck, and really not worth the bother.
Thanks to President Trump, who correctly calls you out for the pile of shit you really are, the rubbish you broadcast each, and every day, and which is largely ignored, in favour of more reliable sources on the internet, and whilst the internet continues to survive, it is the preferred source of anything of importance now.
So fuck off, with your fakery – we don’t believe you any more.
Spot on Goat Man – But unfortunately the BBC wont f##k off!
The BBC has been allowed to act the way it does because (just like our current Government). It is just another arm of the Euro establishment which has spent so much time, effort and money trying to control us.
The wheels have been coming off the Euro project for a very long time. They thought they could control us by using population replacement and changing the demographic and expected that most people would still accept the MSM lies about migration which the MSM have been feeding us. That is why useful idiots like “o Brian” are paid so much as they are much better than Governments at weaving their lies and falsehoods into a “moral imperative” which the naive but compassionate middle classes readily buy into. The MSM/establishment is quite happy to talk about a woman in a burkah who got stared at in the street but not so interested in a muslim “apostate” who has been been beaten up and him and his family having to go into hiding.
Unfortunately for them, most people in this country still retained a degree of independent thought and could see what mass inward immigration into the UK (consisting of some people who culturally and religiously despise us) is going to mean for our culture and society.
As we can see after producing the “wrong” result in brexit the BBC/establishment are now panicking and using every trick in the book to rob us of what we voted for. And this is exactly the reason why the Authorities want to control “extremism” on the internet. They were overconfident on the brexit vote and had had their fingers burnt,. And we all know what sort of “extremism” they will be most interested in controlling – certainly not the “Islamic” sort – It will consist of controlling people who object their culture and values being destroyed by a Governments whos loyalties lie in the Hague rather than London.
They were overconfident on the brexit vote and had had their fingers burnt, In Catalonia the gloves finally came off and we can now see why a “Euro army” has become so important. Putin wont lose any sleep over it but unarmed civilians like us should.
The one thing that does scare them though is civil unrest – hence the non coverage of the “football lads” thing. I suspect that this is one of the reasons why internet control is so important to the likes of Amber. today it is the undefined “hate speech” to morrow it will be protest marches.
We know the demise of the EU is certain – and we must not let a morally bankrupt Government stop us. As they up the ante unfortunately so must we. And if our culture and moral values mean anything we must not blink first.
Some Tory MPs – and quite few normal people, I’d guess – are outraged by the disclosure that George Osborne and Phillip Hammond dined to discuss ways and means of ‘thwarting Brexit.’ No surprise to me – nor to quite a few normal people, I’d guess – but even if very probably true, that only makes Hammond’s appointment as Chancellor by Mrs. May all the more dubious – I doubt a plug from George would have carried much weight.
Our old pal, Jean-Claude Junker was offering his sage like advice again yesterday. Thankfully the charming old chap wasn’t in “revenge mood.” Oh, goody! “I am not hating the British,” he said. Hmm…
However, we were told that we would have to cough up the dosh, big time, if we wanted to trade with our European friends. This sounded to me almost like a 21st century form of Dane geld.
What had me chuckling was was his 28 drinks analogy. Perhaps it was the perfect phrasing for someone who is reputed to like a glass or six.
Blimey, the way the belligerent old piss-head was rambling and slurring I felt someone should have caught hold of him and said, “Come on Claude, you’ve had enough.”
Time gentlemen please…
Jeff, the business model that the eu want to impose on us is a bit like Sainsbury’s charging you £500 a year to do your shopping with them (eu) or Tesco charging £0 (rest of the world) to shop with them.
Which of the above is the better business model and is most likely to succeed.
If the UK only bought its own drinks, then the analogy that Juncker used would work. But the UK is buying drinks for itself and about a quarter of the rest. When we leave, they might have to buy their own drinks, and they are unhappy.
I think M. Juncker needs to sit down with a nice bottle of cognac and ponder this. After a few glasses, he might just realise that he has made a fool of himself yet again, but by the time he has finished his bottle, he will have forgotten all about it and be ready to start work for the day.
One question: has this man ever done a day’s work when he hasn’t been utterly pissed?
We’re just going do drink in a much friendlier and bigger pub. What they don’t get is that it’s not the other drinkers in the current pub, it’s the landlord we’ve got the problem with.
Two, very interesting linked perspectives on the Middle East. Further assurances that ‘Multiculturalism’ will not work for the muslim –
“……the new framework of “all of humanity” can be seen in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights promulgated by the United Nations, and endorsed by most countries of the world. However, Saudi Arabia abstained from the ratification vote.
“Saudi Arabia’s stated reservations to the Universal Declaration were that its call for freedom of religion violated the precepts of Islam, and that the human rights guaranteed by the Islamic-based law of Saudi Arabia surpassed those secured by the Universal Declaration.”
In 1984, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, said that the Declaration was “a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition” that could not be implemented by Muslims without conflict with Sharia.”
Islam only asks for one simple thing. Only one condition. Nothing more. Just one. That one thing that Islam demands is that everything becomes Islamic.
“Global powers defy US over Iran nuclear deal” is on the front page of the website. Of course, it’s more deliberate misrepresentation to smear Trump and glorify the globalist establishment. What’s actually happened is Trump has taken a principled stance against the dominant geopolitical agenda. It is, in fact, the US defying global powers.
Ah. So sorry. I thought we were allowed to make direct comments in reply to more specific points especially when, in relation to Donald Trump, they covered ‘new ground.’ My mistake.
Yep, good timing from Trump isn`t it? I sense the BBC will now be telling us that
a) the Iranians aren`t very good at this sort of thing-“fairy lights” if you will.
b) if MPs have nothing to hide, then no harm done.
c) Mere high spirited efforts to check our security for us-we ought to thank them really.
They`re Muslims you see-learning, bit daft but harmless really.
Hope the Russians will now compare and contrast re the propaganda value of how Iran are treated, comparend to themselves…not that RT won`t try to back the Iranians as ever.
Talk about fake news.
Trump doesn`t like Iran, so the worlds bed wetters will excuse them.
A joy to see Trump get out of their One Love/One World global shills for Al-Soros and the Davos dopes like Osborne and Bono.
Paris, UNESCO and now Iran…promising-needs the UN evicted next.
By the vehemence and star power summonsed up to camera to “denounce Trump”-you can tell what hierarchy of E.U.N grades our One World Suckers for Sharia currently hold in their own weird world.
Dominic Strauss Kahn, George Soros, Christine Lagarde, George Osborne, Harvey Weinstein, Valery Giscard-D`Estaing, Juncker and all the rest of them…like a league table of evil here.
So Trump is up against all this lot, and seems to be getting right up the Eurinary tract like bilharzia…if he`s popping at Iran, he`s doing us a great favour.
If Obama left it-it`s a turd, and if the BBC like it-then it`s got cholera in it.
Let Brussels groom it, let`s get as far away as possible.
The coming Austrian election seems to be worrying the liberal oafs of Freeview.
Apparently, they`re afraid-as ever-of a “far right” takeover.
Have yet to see any fears expressed of a migrant or a Muslim takeover though-which seems to anybody left on this planet that WE inhabit-to be FAR more the bigger threat, the bigger worry.
It`s all either fake news or flake news…or no news isn`t it?
Sexual abuse victims dont report abuse due to a “climate of fear”
Yet LibMob political correctness creates a “climate of fear”
” Ooh you can’t say this, you can’t say that, you’ll get into trouble” etc.
I wonder what the ‘hate crime’ and the associated other crimes would be if our government had not imported several millions of ‘immigrants’
There would be no rise in the ‘right’
Everybody would have a home having maybe 10 million less here taking up houses.
No queues at doctors and no waiting times at the nhs.
20 or less in school classes. (Or fewer?)
Crime would be massively reduced.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls would not have been raped and abused.
Just about everything you can think of giving a better quality of life would be improved.
We all know this and could fill pages with reasons why life would be far better.
The only downside would be you might get a slightly less authentic curry.
So, why do our politicians continue to do this to us against our will.
Why do we put up with it.
When are we going to do something about it.
When (not if) will the fight back (civil war) begin.
Why do we put up with it? Mr Green above just answered that question. Because our owners, A.K.A. special interests -not the Government because they have the same owners – have created a very effective climate of fear aimed at all of us and none of us want to do porridge or worse.
Great list E,G above. But a disaster for the grievance seekers, the media dangleberries who seek conflict and divisions in order to fill their screens, papers-and require riots and rage for the screengrabs. How else to these beautiful people get a living or a quango, if not in shafting the beige, the drab and the pleb civilians who prevent the endless waving of virtue and blagged shrouds?
It`s a cuture war as nasty as any…but the losers get chloroformed and tied in blue police tape before offered up to Al Soros. They still look alive, but are hollowed out zombies if the BBC is able to scoop out their brains(as well as those of their grandkids).
Every time some shit law is written to prevent an acid attack , or each time some bollards get put around a landmark at risk of a lorry…we`ve quietly ceded yet more ground to the enemy.
But who`s checking-who`s ready to fight?
Mail : Amanda Platell asks the obvious question BBC LibMob refuse to ask.
“A shaming week for the cowardly sisterhood”
‘Now you are a big powerful actress, yet you made 3 films with HW well after you CLIM he abused you, why didn’t you speak up before ?”
LibMob are spitting bile at this
“I would argue that with their silence they colluded in his activities — enabling him to continue to paw and grope and harass and abuse women for decades when they could have shamed him. This sorry saga has not been a good advert for the sisterhood, however much they might scream about Weinstein now”
Spendlove Show story reaches the Mail
His prog of military reminiscences spoke positively of Marine A
So BBC sacked him
Yet it’s OK for LibMob presenters to support Hollywood actresses.
Veteran radio host, 78, quits the BBC after it ruled he breached impartiality rules for supporting Marine A on air
I’ve not been watching/listening to BBC much recently but I am interested in knowing what is happening in Austria. Elections tomorrow. Can’t confirm, but I imagine the BBC are broadcasting, ‘Austria Light’ news as, in keeping with their policy of non or biased reporting, they’re keeping a low profile on the expectations that the “Far Right” will succeed in a good showing if not leading the Government. For those interested in what may be the next shock to the BBC’s system, the FT has a good report –
Fingers crossed…………
The issue will be if the OVP have the largest number of seats ,as is likely , and they seek to form a coalition with the FPO , who are vehemently opposed to the Islamification of Austria, how will the EU respond? It’s only about 15 years ago that Brussels imposed sanctions against Austria when the same coalition was trying to form a government. Times have changed , there are now several countries in the EU who oppose Islamification but all of these are being pressured by Brussels . So if the polls are right and the OVP and FPO do seek to form a coalition things might get hot for Brussels. Great fun , the EU has problems a plenty, Brexit, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Catalonia, and Italy looking likely to elect a Eurosceptic government next spring.
A couple of weeks ago I posted that I thought that despite all its problems the EU would soldier on , creaking badly like the old Hapsburg Empire did , kept afloat by the political will of the European elites and bankrolled by Germany. I asked who could get rid of the EU within ten years and someone on the site said that the EU could destroy itself. If Brussels keeps on seeking to overturn the democratic decision of the people of its member states, then that poster might be proved right.
The Kurds – remember them? They were fighting IS before anyone else and the Iraqis were running scared.
Seems Iraq is threatening them with war because the Kurds want their own homeland and the Iraqis want their oil.
Unfortunately the Kurds have no friends and are being censured by the UN and the EU because they want independence, although no one complained much when their Kurdish women folk were out there blotting IS fighters.
Just received this email about the ‘End the BBC Licence Fee’ petition:
“TV licence debate POSTPONED again!
Well, well, call me cynical, but it’s funny how that debate keep being pushed back again and again.
Parliament will now debate the future of the TV licence on 20th November 2017 at 4:30 pm. Rumour has it, the visitors’ section will be packed out with BBC execs. Please, don’t let them turn this into a BBC love fest. If you can, go and fill the seats.
In the meantime, there will be a rally against BBC bias on Sunday 5th November 2017 at 1 pm at BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London. W1A 1AA
Regular updates on twitter @lalionneUK
Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by You website.”
Surely the TV license if not plain old unfair and immoral is a Human Rights issue?
It’s not a tax for essential services and it is directed toward just one commercial entity.
Having said that, Road tax doesn’t go on roads and N.I. doesn’t go on health – all just part of the cost of living here.
Have you thought about how much Brexit payments will cost.
For each billion that May gives the eu it costs each UK taxpayer about £50.
This figure is an estimate but I don’t think it’s too far off the mark and I know that some pay little income tax and some pay loads. It’s a rough levelling out to give an idea of the figures.
With her offer of £20 billion for starters that means about £1,000 each.
If it gets to 50-60 billion then it’s £2,500 – £3,000 each and so on.
These huge numbers being bandied about have real consequences to ordinary folk.
Labour seem to be ready to offer anything and everything the eu demands.
If we simply leave and go onto wto rules (as we voted for) every taxpayer could get a multi thousand pound rebate instead of giving it to the eu.
More likely, it could go to paying off our huge deficit.
Oh dear, it would appear certain BBC ‘stars have not been paying their fair share despite the constant demands from the luvvies that we spend our money on their insane schemes.
Philip Glenister lost a case against the HMRC over his tax status which has seen him liable for 10 years’ worth of National Insurance contributions of £147,547.
An earlier case revealed that 100 on-air stars are under investigation over the use of Personal Service Companies
Up to 800 on air staff have been using PSCs (must have been nearly all of them).
Another scandal at the BBC brewing with the Glenister case being a test case, but it reallt does show the rot at the heart of the propaganda machine with the hypocritical luvvies telling everyone else how their money should be spent whilst avoiding paying their fair share.
OK so Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia has been working on a project
WikiTribune is supposed to be the antedote to FakeNews
It will be an online newspaper of pure truth
I pointed out earlier that they FAIL to understand bias/evidence cos they first list 18 places as “Preferred sources”
Putting the BBC down as one of the 3 sources that doesn’t even need to be double checked.
The Times article speaks of the Fail of their first test article
Hardly surprising cos it’s SJW missionary crap
The original on wayback was so bad they’ve rehashed it View at
So then I looked the last thing Jimmy retweeted FFS look how LibFascist it is
“National calamity of Brexit”
First lines of that taster story : see how it kicks at Trump & Brexit
\\New York, 18th September 2017
An unusual coalition of figures from the movie and music industries, fantastically wealthy philanthropists, human rights leaders, politicians, and diplomats are pushing against the nationalism and *gloom evident* since Brexit and the U.S. elections to push for bold new goals to combat poverty, health and security.
While some critics may see the “Goalkeepers” group as what the British call a collection of the “great and good”, it has the explicit backing of the United Nations and meets this week in New York alongside the General Assembly — the annual pinnacle of global diplomacy and the first for President Donald J. Trump.
His predecessor President Barack Obama leads the list of international figures from politics, industry, philanthropy, and entertainment at Global Goals in one of his first keynote speeches since leaving office last November.//
FFS ..I looked at the reedit ..and the first paragraph now ends
: ” despite the rise of nativism and populism.”
Hi Pounce, unable to access your site (as mentioned previously). Assuming this is the same story – the BBC covered this on the Technology News section and maybe here and there a little. I almost missed the story because it had no bells and whistle alarms attached to it. I am thinking of taking a break from all this. As a working model I have the BBC as an activist / propagandist front for many different agendas along a neo-Marxist – Islamists – Feminist – “progressive” – anti-white – anti- traditional English etc line.
It caught my attention because there was something odd in the headlining. I seem to recall there were links on the World News section, the European section, the Middle-East section and the Technology Section. On different sections they either had the link headlined as “Russian Spies blah blah blah” or had the link headlined as “Israel Spies blah blah blah”. I thought that was odd. I printed the various sectional news pages to pdf files, and filed them for latter viewing / analysis – if I get the time.
ps: I think on the European news the BBC headlined the link as “Russian spies …” whereas on the middle east news section it was headlined as “Israel spies …”.
So people interested in European news would be greeted with a negative headline about Russia and people interested in Middle East news would be greeted with a negative headline about Israel.
The difference in the way the SAME story at the SAME time was headlined within the two different news sections proves something additional was going on than simple reporting. It is consistent with purposely projecting an anti-Russian bias in European news and purposely projecting an anti-Israel bias in Middle-East news.
I have got various other evidences that show the inner workings of the BBC agendas.
I am sure others have noticed that the intensity by which the BBC have covered the Harvey Weinstein story outweighs by an order of magnitude the intensity by which they covered the Rochdale Muslim rape gang story of English white girls.
Notice how little attention the BBC give to stories that really do affect the ordinary English person or ordinary British person. The BBC is just too focused on preparing the grounds for revolutionary social change in England and Britain – it is agenda driven, it gets shriller and shriller every day. They seem to gain confidence in the way politicians such as Theresa May and others have embraced and are pushing the various agendas through legal reform, enquiries, commissioned reports etc.
For most of us Rochdale is realityand TVland a distance place
For media people TVland/Hollywood is reality and Rochadale a distant place
When I pointed out on LibMob forum the contrast between the magnitude of coverage
that on the one side you have 5,000 CHILDREN passed around and raped multiple times with actual guilty verdicts and that one the other hand you have one sleazy guy with so far hearsay evidence.
Libmobber seriously said “That’s false equivalence ..the Harvey case is more newsworthy racist !”
.and BTW I hadn’t even mentioned race, but the normal rule applies if LibMob throw out an accusation it’s actually them projecting their own flaws.
I meant the FB forum Radio4 “Its not just for the MIddle Aged”
7 years ago it was OK, then LibMob turned up with entryism trick, they invited all their mates then systematically added a load of people including BBC staff who said “Oh I’ve been added to this group but I never made a request to”
The founder never moderated any posts, they didn’t need to , there was juist free discussion with no dramaqueening. But the LibMob guys somehow got moderator positions and then when people started reacting their dramaqueening they closed posts and booted them out the group.
All those previous years no posts were closed.
Now so many posts are complaints about a non-Labour person being allowed on air or begin with “Isn’t Eddie Mair great ?”
A Conservative Austrian who takes a hard line on immigration. So the BBC run with a photo of him that looks like he’s giving a Hitler salute. This is the BBC, therefore it’s no coincidence.
Just so people are aware. There were two main variants of Hitler’s salute. The iconic straight arm salute, and a more informal salute that resembled to what you see in the photo.
True Razza, but the ‘more informal’ salute was given exclusively by Hitler in recognition and reply to the straight arm version. Sebastian Kurz is simply waving, only the profoundly biased would see it, or want to see it, as anything else.
Bradley apparently making a Balls up on the HR front, but interesting that Ian’s little sideline to HIGNFY seems more excercised by procedural ineptitude than rigged policy influence.
Orwell Corporation #MoreEqualThanOthers brings you
.. A celebration of Baroness Warsi
Intro : …daughter of a bus driver
Started “Ooh you’re a bit of a pioneer”
Inevitable Qn “Did you ever experience racism ?”
(The Nicky Campbell free kick)
..”Oh yes, but you know what hurts is when the establishments & thinktanks rationalise racism … My book”
Item finished now … tickbox
..there was no challenging question…
What is it with this promotion of sons (Sadiq) and daughters(Warsi) of bus drivers as if this is something unusual in British politics?
There have been many politicians coming from humble origins. Let’s take a look at some of our PMs for example.
Lloyd George was the son of a teacher(NB Leanne he was an fluent Welsh speaker). Ramsay MacDonald the son of farm labourer, John Major the son of a music hall performer and Margaret Thatcher the daughter of a grocer (eventually a chain of 2 shops).
Being somewhat of a fan of new or unusual verbal coinage and obviously since posting hereabouts also being attuned to journalistic lefty biases, I was fascinated to catch this expression within the BBC News Channel Paper Review.
It seems White Poppies (in some way in protest to our traditional observation of Remembrance Sunday) will or perhaps may be coming to a school near you.
Did you drop your marmalade?
Well, not to worry, we’re told, that’s just typical of the sort of news headline the Sunday Times uses to upset the breakfast peace of ‘their readership’.
‘Their readership’ being metropolitan journo code for anyone still backwards enough to leave the Guardian to one side and still be just a tad conservatively-minded (I’m guessing). Makes us sound like retired army majors inhabiting some Agatha Christie plot.
Of course this isn’t really happening, or so we are rather unconvincingly reassured.
It’s just that the teacher union the NUT voted for it at conference. And so it sort of might happen. It certainly tells us quite a lot about our teachers these days.
Worrying sign of the times or just a souped up Marmalade Dropper designed to feed on the prejudices of the conservatively-minded – as our BBC-friendly metro lefties would have us believe?
Just a little googling tells me this expression surfaced in the 1990s. Which feels about right. A decade we tend to associate with Blairism, the victory of cultural leftism and rubbing the right’s nose in diversity.
The problem – which the BBC and their pals will never admit – in fact pretend is not happening – is that there are indeed many lefty teachers pushing pacifist anti-patriotic sentiment on our kids in our schools on our tax.
It’s not just that there is a bit of marmalade dropped every once in while. The Left have thrown the entire pot of marmalade up the wall, chucked the cornflakes all over the carpet and now they’re lobbing softboiled eggs out of the window.
It’s about people mistakenly thinking the Red Poppy celebrates violence
so that they need a white poppy to show piece
but since the red poppy doesn’t celebrate violence what they are doing is hijacking Remembrance for Political cause.
“It’s like hijacking a gay pride parade by having a hetero-pride event next door”
Absolutely right, Stew. This white poppy poppycock really makes my blood boil. It is a symbol invented by moronic virtue-signallers who just don’t understand the first thing about our national traditions and rituals.
By wearing a red poppy what we are doing – and it is the only thing we are doing – is recognising the ultimate sacrifice that someone made in the past to preserve our liberty. People were prepared to die defending the freedom that we enjoy today. They did it willingly. Wearing the red poppy is our way of showing our gratitude to them for our not being in concentration camps today. I don’t think these white poppy advocates even understand what a sacrifice is, never mind what the ultimate sacrifice means.
The white poppy cannot coexist with the red poppy on the same lapel. It would be a contradiction. The white poppy stands, they say, for a commitment to peace, for remembering all the victims of war, and for challenging militarism. That is, for pacifism, for insulting our dead and for undermining our armed forces.
White poppy wearers mistakenly believe it is only they who want to live a quiet and peaceful life. But we all do. Some of us recognise though that sometimes we have to fight and die for that quiet and peaceful life and that we are eternally grateful to those who have enabled us to enjoy it today. It is a sacred act to wear the red poppy. It is a sacrilege to wear a white poppy. The red poppy is all about honouring our dead heroes. The white poppy is all about narcissistic exhibitionism.
Lauren Southern draws comparisons between the cover up of Harvey Weinstein and Jimmy Saville. In both cases the truth was known by large numbers, but they kept silent. Why?
If it is possible to keep large numbers of people silent over these sex scandals it strikes me that the same applies to manipulating news about other events such as the LA shooter, cars that mount the pavement, and bin lorries that crash into crowds. It can be done. Secrets only emerge when it is convenient.
The end of Jihadist attacks might well be in sight.
This has nothing directly to do with the BBC, but it draws attention to what I regard as weird shift in the way some people think, and I believe that the BBC and much of the MSM in general is largely responsible for this.
Taken to see War for the Planet of the Apes yesterday. Wonderful photography, excellent effects (I would expect nothing less these days) but spoilt for me by a mediocre script and a very predictable, schmaltzy story.
Decided to have a look at the reviews in IMDB. Overall score 7.7, quite high. However, quite a few criticisms which I agree with. I was struck, however, by a fan’s comment with the title: “Don’t understand all the hate”.
Hate? Look, you bloody fool, these are movie reviews, not the last draft of the Final Solution at Wannsee. What has happened to people? Growing intolerance by some of any opinion, on any subject, which he or she doesn’t agree with. Worrying – sensible discussion on virtually any subject seems to be becoming more difficult, year by year. So much is off limits.
Ffs both our national broadcasters are now pushing pro-EU, pro-liebour/pro-Islamist left-wing fake news. I’m f******* sick of having no alternative. You have that big wimp Marr on the communist supporting BBC giving Labour an easy ride as always – is Marr SNP or Liebour? Haven’t devided yet- and on Sky ‘Left-wing Views, you have that miserable, smug motor mouth Niall Paterson on presenting a ideologically-charged report on alternatives to capitalism (whilst displaying all the middle class privilege of someone who enjoys the fruits of a neoliberal career and lifestyle). Do these snooty metro-trendy chattering classes not understand what the anti-English Corbyn will bring? Surely they cannot expect Corbyn to be an alternative?
Finally, I think we all now know why Sky UK got rid of Fox; to silence right-wing views. We are experiencing a Left-wing affront on democracy.
Enjoy your freedom to comment … the Hate Crime Hub from Amber Rudd starts for real at the end of the year.
2017 = 1984
48% is geater than 52%
Remain = Leave
Minority = Majority
Hillary = standing up for women on the BBC
I watched a bit of Marr earlier. Whenever I see McDonnell or Corbyn, I am reminded of a expression from the late 40’s/50’s –
“Reds under the bed”. Times don’t really change.
On another issue, there is a good record of ‘Islamophobia’ Worldwide per country here
I note that there has been 25 PROVEN incidents of violence/property damage between 12th July 2005 and 24th September 2017 in the UK. The list is updated as an when. 25 incidents? Compared with how many islamic terror attacks? But all the Governments efforts (backed no doubt by islamic charity groups) to reduce so-called Islamophobia with preventative legislation or ‘guidance’, is to halt any increase in the 25 incidents. Cock-eyed? I’m not emphasising any ‘tally’ of equivalence but many more people in the UK have been murdered by islamic terrorists during the same period than all the incidents of Islamophobia totalled. We have to take the load but islam doesn’t. Another sign (if one were needed) of the growing imbalance. I sense a growing awareness of the imbalance and a commensurate simmering hatred and I suggest the Government can produce all the legislation and guidance it wants to protect its cult but, eventually, the people will say, loud and clear (echoing a certain Treezer), “enough is enough”.
The BBC are in a flap about The Sun’s exposure of its Brexit bias.
“One newspaper reporter who asked its press office for a statement was even threatened with “Twitter bombs” — a form of online attack — if she dared to quote The Sun’s statistics.”
Interesting, why are the BBC so confident of being able to attack a journalist through twitter, or any other social media?
On thinks of the appallingly destructive attacks on Sir Tim Hunt after the BBC ‘wrongly’ accused him of sexism. When I say wrongly, I actually mean they appear to have lied through their collective teeth.
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
The BBC are interviewing a lot of ex civil servants ( who are now earning a a good bit from suspect organisations ) about Brexit , the effect on the governance of the country and the stresses put upon — civil servants .
Well the extra stress , if they ever were stressed , won’t last too long because they retire with good pensions at sixty .
Civil service having to think for a living and come up with solutions? No. No. No. We should be told what to think …. so much easier.
All new contracts are 65 retirement, Nibor. I was 60 – after 11 years’ service. Pension contributions have also been increased….. BUT! nowhere near enough to cover what is received under the CPI-linked pension scheme. In addition, whenever the PCS union went on strike, not all civil servants joined it – many in my East Kilbride contact centre worked and crossed the picket line.
I’ll tick you you for that joadamsmith . The ones I’m gunning for are grade 5 and above , like Jery Sreanan and James Fells of the Department against Transport .
They don’t want to have to get visa s to get to their villas in Southern Europe well away from the rabble they have turned Blighty into with their open door immigration policies and slavish obedience to Eu directives and regulations .
Al beeb is yet to broadcast a pro brexit civil servant . I guess it might have been neutral once but by the time Blair had finished with it it became an extension of the Labour Party like the rest of the so called public service
Sorry not the Beeb, but it was reported on here yesterday about the Pledge on Sky being a toxic view. Which it was, and I felt so strongly that I complained to Sky – who, to be fair, replied that the edition was ‘under investigation’. I see the usual repeat tonight is not the episode shown on Thursday, but an older edition from a few weeks ago. Clearly someone cocked up in having an imbalance of views, 4-1 which left Carole Malone valiantly fighting her corner on her own. At least Sky have had the decency to pull it from the schedules.
Good for you.
I watched some of that show, and was frankly amazed. It was like a kangaroo court, and Carole Malone was the one accused of thought crime. The fact that the views of the majority of British voters were represented by one person against four was utterly bizarre, and Carole was treated like one of the accused at the Salem witch trial.
The BBC are much better at bias than Sky, who are relative newcomers. This show was so over the top as to be completely indefensible.
To Maxi and friends: if you ever see a show on British TV where four Brexiteers berate and browbeat one Remainer, do be good enough to let us know. I am sure that happens as often as examples of that right wing bias on the BBC which you seem to have been unable to spot so far.
The bBC simply can’t help itself:
Pounce – Top Gaurdian pedigree this bloke – Bit of a Gary Younge without the pies. ” Andrews is associate professor in sociology at Birmingham City University. His research specialism is race and racism and is author of ‘Resisting Racism: Race, Inequality and the Black Supplementary School Movement’ (2013) and co-editor of ‘Blackness in Britain’ (2016) ”
In other words another “master race bater” of the highest order who has found that one of the easiest ways to make money is to sow division and bitterness to over educated, workshy intellectuals dressed up as some sort of intellectual comment.
I see glorious career on the BBC for this twat.
Sociology is a nothing degree; something people do when they can’t do anything else……three years of University consisting of one lecture a week and a group hug. Lots of “reading around the subject” needed – all conducted either in the pub or whilst fast asleep until mid-day.
Lots of people follow up this joke of a qualification with a quick course in journalism and then become experts on everything. I’ve met better qualified lollipop ladies.
Dead right Option 3!
The recent “Revolution In Ideas” on Radio 4 let its own cat out of the bag when it linked the Russian Revolution of 1917 to a sudden turbocharging of both sociology and psychology. Neither had been other than cranial bump rubs or Engels-post it notes until the “useful idiots of the west” decided that it would remove God, families and create a world for gays, abortionist feminazis, black supremacists and commie pot stirrers funded by Lenin-in secret.
Oh-and pagan earth worshippers who love nature and green issues-but hate people , and any attempt to seek facts from the mush.
Worked like a charm too-we western goons and fainthearts swallowed the lot, even as Uncle Joe Stalin was failing to live up to the useful idiots mantras.
We live with the consequences today.
Sociology, psychology and psychiatry-as well as educational and child development are all Soviet domains, with Nazi add ins…which is why the left insist on them. Black quackery, masquerading as “science”…
Still-as long as there`s a poll, an advert or a screen-then these totalising musings will get treated as if there`s truth to them.
Home movies of Vygotsky by Riefenstahl seems to sum it all up.
Funny how people from other cultures who are allowed to share our civilisation are so easy to rubbish it.
Perhaps they’d burn their British passports and apply for their fathers( if they know who that is ) – in the relevant commonwealth country and then perhaps go there .
There are plenty of them happily making a living out of the rights industry and justifying everything because of what our empire did life times ago . It wasn’t great for the British working class who did the dirty work for the aristocracy.i am proud of our past .
“Funny how people from other cultures who are allowed to share our civilisation are so easy to rubbish it.”
Fedup2, not just finding it easy to rubbish our civilization, but encouraged to do so. Given air space on the BBC without any one allowed to contradict.
when was the last time anyone on the BBC used the term ‘British Values’ without a sneer?
The BBC doesn’t have to.
For now.
“The flag is not a symbol of pride but oppression”
Really? Talking of “oppression”, how about this:
At least the UK Government is elected. The system might not be perfect, but no system is. If you think it’s acceptable to behave in this way, I should be free to disrespect any damn religion, in any way I see fit. Religion is not compulsory, and it is not selected by us, by popular vote. It is a personal choice and, accordingly, there is no reason why it should be above criticism or ridicule any more than any other lifestyle choice.
Freedom should cut both ways.
And another thing. We’re not so “oppressive” that we prevent malcontents from seeking happier lives elsewhere. Please feel free to avail yourself of this option.
So oppressive that any one can criticize the flag.
Remove a poster from a North Korean building and find the true meaning of oppression. …
… these are soft talking targets to divide people’s opinions and crate hate. A Hate Crime by the BBC.
Piss poor, pale imitations of American campaigns, no matter how much you wish the British Empire still existed for you to resist and the Klan had a UK branch and black lives were regularly taken by UK Police remain, piss poor pale imitations. If you are black in the UK – you already have a, shoulder chip gold card. You could always leave this country of ‘oppression’.
Lord god every time the police shoot a gangster dead ( x5 a year?) the’ community / blacks / industry – are screaming via al beeb for ‘ justice’ ( otherwise known as taxpayers cash ) which politicians support for their personal ambitions – Lammy – Abbot – Corbyn – the usual rubbish
Tell them to piss off. Let them have their own athletics and sport and fund it themselves.
And given that so many black children are without fathers and brought up by the state and its army of social workers, funding for that should be cut out too
How pathetic that our British race baiters cannot come up with anything better than just copying the Americans. How derivative. Cannot they think up their own pointless and self-satisfied ways to disrespect the flag and the country it represents?
Fox News: Teen sexually assaulted three separate times in under an hour
A 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted three times in the span of an hour as she walked home from a night out in London, police said.
The teenager, who was not identified, became separated from her friends following a night at the Tower Hamlets club in east London when she was attacked three times in quick succession. The terrifying incidents happened between 11:55 p.m. on Sept. 29 and 12:55 a.m. on Sept. 30.
Read more at:
I probably missed someone posting this. Very alarming.
She shouldn’t have been out after dark o’clock, should she?
‘Wot no sharia curfew in place?’ I’m surprised at Tower Hamlets. innit.
Only to be expected in a major international city. All ‘part and parcel’.
Stop and search : notice that BBC studio doors are open to non-white men to air grievance about being stopped.
Yet studio doors are firmly closed against the families of knife/acid victims.
.. I’m hearing the grievance guys every few days on BBC radio.
PS Surely acid is already covered, by the law against carrying an offensive weapon ?
White plumbers are going to have to be very careful about what they keep in their vans, in case plod is short of an arrest or two.
Especially the putty joint sealing compound known as “Boss White”…
There’s something called “Boss White” ? OMG
Pure hate and oppression. No wonder I’ve never seen a black plumber.
Old Goat
More headaches for plumbers who have to fit male to female joints when connecting pipes. With gender fluidity, there will be leaks everywhere
And don’t even mention ballcocks …….
Radio 4 The 30min magazine prog iPM is presented by the ultra sneerer Eddy Mair so features Lib stories every week.
They get listeners to send in their one sentence of news, then they read 15 out.
One today was :
… ” I am sick of Radio4’s constant negativity in Radio4 news, so I won’t be listening any news ever again”
And so they might quote the odd anti bbc line from their lofty position. It no doubt gives them wry amusement.
They know their jobs and pensions are safe. They know they are beyond criticism, beyond sanction and beyond the pale.
They lie with impunity in the manner of Putin over Ukraine.
Just heard a bit of Today and was reminded why I don’t listen anymore.
They don’t have to trouble with getting a Remainer on with a Brexiteer – the bbc provide sufficient insistent doom as to make the leave option a cast iron recipe for disaster. The bbc must be getting tired, bored with the one view – we are.
Any chance of some authenticated and independent figures on how their audience ratings are doing?
Who the hell is still listening to them?
Proof please-and money back if the figures are as shit as I think them to be.
Nobody under 35 is bothering with them-Trumps “fake news” charge has stuck.
Radio 4 headlines at 9am on Radio 4 tells me what Hillary Clinton thinks of Brexit. How is THAT news?
The BBCs arse scraping, copper bottoming caterwaulings over Brexitrump are all to apparent-like endless farts in their space suit, they`re only gassing themselves, but I hate to see it, let alone have to pay to watch like some snuff film.
Right there Chris.
Their girl editor is introducing ‘ cultural ‘ stuff which normally means some black actor saying how tough their world is. Maybe they’d go get a real job instead of dreaming of fame and fortune pretending to be someone else for a living .,
Two BBC Islamist Propaganda Video Stories currently on their World News section.
1) Meet Ted, US Marine. Angered after the Paris 2015 Terrorist attack he fired a gun at a Mosque. But later he realised he was wrong. He came to recognise that Islam is Peace. The Quran had been misquoted by evil white supremacists. He now realises the Quran teaches peace and love to all person-kind. This is Ted’s redemption story:
2) In this sad story the BBC report that the US coalition are refusing safe passage to Islamic State fighters and so consequently are putting at risk the lives of 5000 civilians. City elders had worked tirelessly to broker the deal with IS fighters but Donald Trump’s mad, bad and racist United States have scuppered the deal:
3) In light of story 2 what can we the ordinary people do to declare our anger at the US? Let’s all take a knee:
A complaint from a muslim might have stopped these being sold but it won’t stop me ordering one and drinking my tea from it with pride.
I have just visited Tomar in Portugal. The town virtually supports itself with Templar souvenirs. Perhaps having a national Muslim population of estimated 40,000 from a total 10.32 million reduces complaints?
That town is now on my holiday list.
I want one.
Anticlimaxing on a regular basis
There’s probably some more pithy and fitting – but decidedly x-rated – phrase for what BBC Newswatch does with viewer concerns about the news served to us by the corporation.
With anticipation we hear the complaints, we nod in recognition and we await redress…
The plausible but inadequate Samira Ahmed plays the role of the on-call-at-all-hours legal-aid duty advocate going through the motions for her imprisoned clientele – but inevitably she is ultimately and sadly deferential to the BBC news managers.
I’ll sum it up for you for this Saturday’s edition. I hardly need paraphrase the rather hackneyed entirely entitled arguments…
“It was all within editorial guidelines”
“We think were right to do it that way”
Summer Parliament hacking : Russians, Russians, Russians
Er no we meant Iranians
Odd the BBC hasnt followed up on this as it means Trump is right about Iran. Ah i see why the BBC hasnt.
Yesterday’s court news I didn’t hear on the BBC
While police were away policing tweets a Muslim immigrant couple bought knife and plastic torso after dream about beheading Katie Hopkins and Paul Golding
all recorded in WhatsApp conversations
Gaza amputees explain their unique friendship
After suffering injuries in Israeli air strikes, Mansour and Adly formed a special friendship.
I guess it wasn’t important enough for the BBC to ask what two men aged 24 and 25 at filming were doing to attract the attention of Israel’s air force or of what organisations they were members.
Times pg 18 covers new Ofcom rules
– “You’re not so funny, Ofcom tells BBC”
– BBC budget must be spent equally per head in the 4 nations
eg is get the London production co to open fake sub-branches in Cardiff etc.
And pay your London writers, actors +flunkies thru a Cardiff Bank
Question Time noise is caused by Corbynistas, Nats, and Ukippers*
says BBC news boss Roger Mosey in the Spectator
* Unbelievable since Ukup is carefully filtered out the audience.
says Question Time suffers from venomous studio atmosphere that scares away panelists
He suggested more Experts & Scientists … Cherrypicked Libs ?
If the BBC wants to see how to improve QT and AQ they should listen to the Brains Trust in the 1950s with people like Raph Wightman and Professor Joad at opposite ends of the educational spectrum but never, or at least rarely, a luvvie or a sitting MP on the panel.
He suggested more Experts & Scientists.
Starting with a panel full of settled science advocates from the Michael Mann Hockey Stick Academy….
WikiTribune Fail with first soft launch article : errors & anti-Trump Antu-Brexit bias
Founding Dream : ” facts, sources, no bias”…
The Practice : They use a list of “preferred sources”
Fail#1 cos that’s the fallacy of Argument from Authority don’t just go to the Emperor’s courtiers for news about the suit.
You don’t rule out any source like the small boy.
Fail #2 its written by volunteers so they will have Lib MiB agenda !
Wikitribune list 3 top news sources that they say are OK to use without even double checking
: The BBC is one
These guys are supposed to be experts , yet a man/woman on the street like me knows more than them…Jesus
The Guardian appears on a second tier list if about 15
Dumb dumb dumb … So if Breitbart has the only video of a news event ..Wikitribune say the event never happened.
View at
So when Roger Harrabin stands under wind turbine and tells us we get wind energy ‘almost for free’, we don’t have to double-check.
Iran nuclear deal: Global powers stand by pact despite Trump threat
So excluding the USA what “global powers~ are there?
Would that be ‘global powers’ enjoying flogging stuff to Iran and so fearful of the reintroduction of sanctions?
An east Antarctic Adelie penguin colony has been almost wiped out by chick deaths, only two currently surviving. Must be the increasing sea temperatures affecting the balance then? Well no. Apparently it’s all due to the parents having to travel ever further to fill up with food for their young, due to what are described as ‘unusually high amounts of ice’.
How very odd. But I thought….?
It’s probably the wrong type of ice
@Beltane there is an update on this story
Paul Homewood that far from being in decline from Climate Change , the last report on these penguins spoke of well increased numbers.
So the recent chick deaths have to be set against that context.
Dear mainstream media – and in particular, the BBC.
I would like you to know, that I never watch, or listen to, or read the bollocks you put out on a daily basis, purporting to be news, because it’s lies, make-believe, altered, fakery, changed out of all proportion by omission, and laughably stupid.
I, and increasingly others, tend to learn what we need to know, elsewhere, from sources which although not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, are at least trustworthy, and not tainted by agendas like yours are. It’s time you realised that the mainstream news phenomena is a dead duck, and really not worth the bother.
Thanks to President Trump, who correctly calls you out for the pile of shit you really are, the rubbish you broadcast each, and every day, and which is largely ignored, in favour of more reliable sources on the internet, and whilst the internet continues to survive, it is the preferred source of anything of importance now.
So fuck off, with your fakery – we don’t believe you any more.
Well said.
Very well said in fact.
Spot on Goat Man – But unfortunately the BBC wont f##k off!
The BBC has been allowed to act the way it does because (just like our current Government). It is just another arm of the Euro establishment which has spent so much time, effort and money trying to control us.
The wheels have been coming off the Euro project for a very long time. They thought they could control us by using population replacement and changing the demographic and expected that most people would still accept the MSM lies about migration which the MSM have been feeding us. That is why useful idiots like “o Brian” are paid so much as they are much better than Governments at weaving their lies and falsehoods into a “moral imperative” which the naive but compassionate middle classes readily buy into. The MSM/establishment is quite happy to talk about a woman in a burkah who got stared at in the street but not so interested in a muslim “apostate” who has been been beaten up and him and his family having to go into hiding.
Unfortunately for them, most people in this country still retained a degree of independent thought and could see what mass inward immigration into the UK (consisting of some people who culturally and religiously despise us) is going to mean for our culture and society.
As we can see after producing the “wrong” result in brexit the BBC/establishment are now panicking and using every trick in the book to rob us of what we voted for. And this is exactly the reason why the Authorities want to control “extremism” on the internet. They were overconfident on the brexit vote and had had their fingers burnt,. And we all know what sort of “extremism” they will be most interested in controlling – certainly not the “Islamic” sort – It will consist of controlling people who object their culture and values being destroyed by a Governments whos loyalties lie in the Hague rather than London.
They were overconfident on the brexit vote and had had their fingers burnt, In Catalonia the gloves finally came off and we can now see why a “Euro army” has become so important. Putin wont lose any sleep over it but unarmed civilians like us should.
The one thing that does scare them though is civil unrest – hence the non coverage of the “football lads” thing. I suspect that this is one of the reasons why internet control is so important to the likes of Amber. today it is the undefined “hate speech” to morrow it will be protest marches.
We know the demise of the EU is certain – and we must not let a morally bankrupt Government stop us. As they up the ante unfortunately so must we. And if our culture and moral values mean anything we must not blink first.
Some Tory MPs – and quite few normal people, I’d guess – are outraged by the disclosure that George Osborne and Phillip Hammond dined to discuss ways and means of ‘thwarting Brexit.’ No surprise to me – nor to quite a few normal people, I’d guess – but even if very probably true, that only makes Hammond’s appointment as Chancellor by Mrs. May all the more dubious – I doubt a plug from George would have carried much weight.
Sounds like newspaper gossip rather than absolute truth
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licence Fee Statistics
– Culture Secretary Targeted by TV Licensing
– BBC Blows Millions on TV Licensing Threatograms
– Ofcom: BBC Must Cut Peak Time Repeats
Our old pal, Jean-Claude Junker was offering his sage like advice again yesterday. Thankfully the charming old chap wasn’t in “revenge mood.” Oh, goody! “I am not hating the British,” he said. Hmm…
However, we were told that we would have to cough up the dosh, big time, if we wanted to trade with our European friends. This sounded to me almost like a 21st century form of Dane geld.
What had me chuckling was was his 28 drinks analogy. Perhaps it was the perfect phrasing for someone who is reputed to like a glass or six.
Blimey, the way the belligerent old piss-head was rambling and slurring I felt someone should have caught hold of him and said, “Come on Claude, you’ve had enough.”
Time gentlemen please…
Jeff, the business model that the eu want to impose on us is a bit like Sainsbury’s charging you £500 a year to do your shopping with them (eu) or Tesco charging £0 (rest of the world) to shop with them.
Which of the above is the better business model and is most likely to succeed.
And by that we pay billions to trade and at the same time pay to boost our EU trade deficit.
If the UK only bought its own drinks, then the analogy that Juncker used would work. But the UK is buying drinks for itself and about a quarter of the rest. When we leave, they might have to buy their own drinks, and they are unhappy.
I think M. Juncker needs to sit down with a nice bottle of cognac and ponder this. After a few glasses, he might just realise that he has made a fool of himself yet again, but by the time he has finished his bottle, he will have forgotten all about it and be ready to start work for the day.
One question: has this man ever done a day’s work when he hasn’t been utterly pissed?
Blimey mate.Is what Wanker does classed as work these days? No wonder we’re in the shit.
We’re just going do drink in a much friendlier and bigger pub. What they don’t get is that it’s not the other drinkers in the current pub, it’s the landlord we’ve got the problem with.
Two, very interesting linked perspectives on the Middle East. Further assurances that ‘Multiculturalism’ will not work for the muslim –
“……the new framework of “all of humanity” can be seen in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights promulgated by the United Nations, and endorsed by most countries of the world. However, Saudi Arabia abstained from the ratification vote.
“Saudi Arabia’s stated reservations to the Universal Declaration were that its call for freedom of religion violated the precepts of Islam, and that the human rights guaranteed by the Islamic-based law of Saudi Arabia surpassed those secured by the Universal Declaration.”
In 1984, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, said that the Declaration was “a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition” that could not be implemented by Muslims without conflict with Sharia.”
Brainless politico’s in the West should read and digest the words of this knowledgeable individual – Philip Carl Salzman (
Problem is, the Western politico’s think they know more than anybody else and that, islam ‘will come to heel’ eventually…………
Islam only asks for one simple thing. Only one condition. Nothing more. Just one. That one thing that Islam demands is that everything becomes Islamic.
So simple, why can’t we all agree with Islam?
“Global powers defy US over Iran nuclear deal” is on the front page of the website. Of course, it’s more deliberate misrepresentation to smear Trump and glorify the globalist establishment. What’s actually happened is Trump has taken a principled stance against the dominant geopolitical agenda. It is, in fact, the US defying global powers.
And the cyber attack on parliament, back in the summer – screeched at the time as coming from those beastly Russians – was actually from Iran. Oops.
Ctrl-F saves you typing
By using it to bring up “find on page” you’ll see we already mentioned Iran above
Ah. So sorry. I thought we were allowed to make direct comments in reply to more specific points especially when, in relation to Donald Trump, they covered ‘new ground.’ My mistake.
OK I get it now. 🙂
Yep, good timing from Trump isn`t it? I sense the BBC will now be telling us that
a) the Iranians aren`t very good at this sort of thing-“fairy lights” if you will.
b) if MPs have nothing to hide, then no harm done.
c) Mere high spirited efforts to check our security for us-we ought to thank them really.
They`re Muslims you see-learning, bit daft but harmless really.
Hope the Russians will now compare and contrast re the propaganda value of how Iran are treated, comparend to themselves…not that RT won`t try to back the Iranians as ever.
Talk about fake news.
Trump doesn`t like Iran, so the worlds bed wetters will excuse them.
A joy to see Trump get out of their One Love/One World global shills for Al-Soros and the Davos dopes like Osborne and Bono.
Paris, UNESCO and now Iran…promising-needs the UN evicted next.
By the vehemence and star power summonsed up to camera to “denounce Trump”-you can tell what hierarchy of E.U.N grades our One World Suckers for Sharia currently hold in their own weird world.
Dominic Strauss Kahn, George Soros, Christine Lagarde, George Osborne, Harvey Weinstein, Valery Giscard-D`Estaing, Juncker and all the rest of them…like a league table of evil here.
So Trump is up against all this lot, and seems to be getting right up the Eurinary tract like bilharzia…if he`s popping at Iran, he`s doing us a great favour.
If Obama left it-it`s a turd, and if the BBC like it-then it`s got cholera in it.
Let Brussels groom it, let`s get as far away as possible.
Thanks for that chrisH. Brings a whole new angle to the term ‘smear’.
The coming Austrian election seems to be worrying the liberal oafs of Freeview.
Apparently, they`re afraid-as ever-of a “far right” takeover.
Have yet to see any fears expressed of a migrant or a Muslim takeover though-which seems to anybody left on this planet that WE inhabit-to be FAR more the bigger threat, the bigger worry.
It`s all either fake news or flake news…or no news isn`t it?
Sexual abuse victims dont report abuse due to a “climate of fear”
Yet LibMob political correctness creates a “climate of fear”
” Ooh you can’t say this, you can’t say that, you’ll get into trouble” etc.
I wonder what the ‘hate crime’ and the associated other crimes would be if our government had not imported several millions of ‘immigrants’
There would be no rise in the ‘right’
Everybody would have a home having maybe 10 million less here taking up houses.
No queues at doctors and no waiting times at the nhs.
20 or less in school classes. (Or fewer?)
Crime would be massively reduced.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls would not have been raped and abused.
Just about everything you can think of giving a better quality of life would be improved.
We all know this and could fill pages with reasons why life would be far better.
The only downside would be you might get a slightly less authentic curry.
So, why do our politicians continue to do this to us against our will.
Why do we put up with it.
When are we going to do something about it.
When (not if) will the fight back (civil war) begin.
Big business likes it because it keeps labour costs down and 10 million more consumers to sell to.
Why do we put up with it? Mr Green above just answered that question. Because our owners, A.K.A. special interests -not the Government because they have the same owners – have created a very effective climate of fear aimed at all of us and none of us want to do porridge or worse.
Great list E,G above. But a disaster for the grievance seekers, the media dangleberries who seek conflict and divisions in order to fill their screens, papers-and require riots and rage for the screengrabs. How else to these beautiful people get a living or a quango, if not in shafting the beige, the drab and the pleb civilians who prevent the endless waving of virtue and blagged shrouds?
It`s a cuture war as nasty as any…but the losers get chloroformed and tied in blue police tape before offered up to Al Soros. They still look alive, but are hollowed out zombies if the BBC is able to scoop out their brains(as well as those of their grandkids).
Every time some shit law is written to prevent an acid attack , or each time some bollards get put around a landmark at risk of a lorry…we`ve quietly ceded yet more ground to the enemy.
But who`s checking-who`s ready to fight?
Mail : Amanda Platell asks the obvious question BBC LibMob refuse to ask.
“A shaming week for the cowardly sisterhood”
‘Now you are a big powerful actress, yet you made 3 films with HW well after you CLIM he abused you, why didn’t you speak up before ?”
LibMob are spitting bile at this
“I would argue that with their silence they colluded in his activities — enabling him to continue to paw and grope and harass and abuse women for decades when they could have shamed him. This sorry saga has not been a good advert for the sisterhood, however much they might scream about Weinstein now”
Aaargh…I just imagined Harvey Weinstein interviewing Munroe Bergdorf for a film part 🙁
Spendlove Show story reaches the Mail
His prog of military reminiscences spoke positively of Marine A
So BBC sacked him
Yet it’s OK for LibMob presenters to support Hollywood actresses.
Look him up on Facebook ..he’s got some podcasts up
Breach of impartiality rules? Kafka’s ghost must stalk the bbc corridors.
The sound you can hear in the distance is Chris Packham laughing his cock off.
I’ve not been watching/listening to BBC much recently but I am interested in knowing what is happening in Austria. Elections tomorrow. Can’t confirm, but I imagine the BBC are broadcasting, ‘Austria Light’ news as, in keeping with their policy of non or biased reporting, they’re keeping a low profile on the expectations that the “Far Right” will succeed in a good showing if not leading the Government. For those interested in what may be the next shock to the BBC’s system, the FT has a good report –
Fingers crossed…………
The issue will be if the OVP have the largest number of seats ,as is likely , and they seek to form a coalition with the FPO , who are vehemently opposed to the Islamification of Austria, how will the EU respond? It’s only about 15 years ago that Brussels imposed sanctions against Austria when the same coalition was trying to form a government. Times have changed , there are now several countries in the EU who oppose Islamification but all of these are being pressured by Brussels . So if the polls are right and the OVP and FPO do seek to form a coalition things might get hot for Brussels. Great fun , the EU has problems a plenty, Brexit, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Catalonia, and Italy looking likely to elect a Eurosceptic government next spring.
A couple of weeks ago I posted that I thought that despite all its problems the EU would soldier on , creaking badly like the old Hapsburg Empire did , kept afloat by the political will of the European elites and bankrolled by Germany. I asked who could get rid of the EU within ten years and someone on the site said that the EU could destroy itself. If Brussels keeps on seeking to overturn the democratic decision of the people of its member states, then that poster might be proved right.
It’s only a matter of time Double, just like each compartment of the Titanic filling with water one by one.
BBC love the DramaGreens like Michael Mann
And they hate rationalists like Delingpole
Cultural Marxism infestation
The Kurds – remember them? They were fighting IS before anyone else and the Iraqis were running scared.
Seems Iraq is threatening them with war because the Kurds want their own homeland and the Iraqis want their oil.
Unfortunately the Kurds have no friends and are being censured by the UN and the EU because they want independence, although no one complained much when their Kurdish women folk were out there blotting IS fighters.
Just received this email about the ‘End the BBC Licence Fee’ petition:
“TV licence debate POSTPONED again!
Well, well, call me cynical, but it’s funny how that debate keep being pushed back again and again.
Parliament will now debate the future of the TV licence on 20th November 2017 at 4:30 pm. Rumour has it, the visitors’ section will be packed out with BBC execs. Please, don’t let them turn this into a BBC love fest. If you can, go and fill the seats.
In the meantime, there will be a rally against BBC bias on Sunday 5th November 2017 at 1 pm at BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London. W1A 1AA
Regular updates on twitter @lalionneUK
Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by You website.”
Liberal and leftwing Ideology is the biggest race hustler going.
Surely the TV license if not plain old unfair and immoral is a Human Rights issue?
It’s not a tax for essential services and it is directed toward just one commercial entity.
Having said that, Road tax doesn’t go on roads and N.I. doesn’t go on health – all just part of the cost of living here.
Have you thought about how much Brexit payments will cost.
For each billion that May gives the eu it costs each UK taxpayer about £50.
This figure is an estimate but I don’t think it’s too far off the mark and I know that some pay little income tax and some pay loads. It’s a rough levelling out to give an idea of the figures.
With her offer of £20 billion for starters that means about £1,000 each.
If it gets to 50-60 billion then it’s £2,500 – £3,000 each and so on.
These huge numbers being bandied about have real consequences to ordinary folk.
Labour seem to be ready to offer anything and everything the eu demands.
If we simply leave and go onto wto rules (as we voted for) every taxpayer could get a multi thousand pound rebate instead of giving it to the eu.
More likely, it could go to paying off our huge deficit.
And for those happy to pay the EU – £3000 is the price of a mediocre holiday or wages for the cleaner.
A party for many not the few, springs to mind and quickly springs off to bed down with the lions and the lambs on fantasy island.
Oh dear, it would appear certain BBC ‘stars have not been paying their fair share despite the constant demands from the luvvies that we spend our money on their insane schemes.
Philip Glenister lost a case against the HMRC over his tax status which has seen him liable for 10 years’ worth of National Insurance contributions of £147,547.
An earlier case revealed that 100 on-air stars are under investigation over the use of Personal Service Companies
Up to 800 on air staff have been using PSCs (must have been nearly all of them).
Another scandal at the BBC brewing with the Glenister case being a test case, but it reallt does show the rot at the heart of the propaganda machine with the hypocritical luvvies telling everyone else how their money should be spent whilst avoiding paying their fair share.
now R5 Nolan has the Brexit Central Editor + Prosecutor Nazir Afzal
but instead of asking him about Rochdale he’s getting him on the Harvey W case
OK so Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia has been working on a project
WikiTribune is supposed to be the antedote to FakeNews
It will be an online newspaper of pure truth
I pointed out earlier that they FAIL to understand bias/evidence cos they first list 18 places as “Preferred sources”
Putting the BBC down as one of the 3 sources that doesn’t even need to be double checked.
The Times article speaks of the Fail of their first test article
Hardly surprising cos it’s SJW missionary crap
The original on wayback was so bad they’ve rehashed it
View at
So then I looked the last thing Jimmy retweeted FFS look how LibFascist it is

“National calamity of Brexit”
First lines of that taster story : see how it kicks at Trump & Brexit
\\New York, 18th September 2017
An unusual coalition of figures from the movie and music industries, fantastically wealthy philanthropists, human rights leaders, politicians, and diplomats are pushing against the nationalism and *gloom evident* since Brexit and the U.S. elections to push for bold new goals to combat poverty, health and security.
While some critics may see the “Goalkeepers” group as what the British call a collection of the “great and good”, it has the explicit backing of the United Nations and meets this week in New York alongside the General Assembly — the annual pinnacle of global diplomacy and the first for President Donald J. Trump.
His predecessor President Barack Obama leads the list of international figures from politics, industry, philanthropy, and entertainment at Global Goals in one of his first keynote speeches since leaving office last November.//
FFS ..I looked at the reedit ..and the first paragraph now ends
: ” despite the rise of nativism and populism.”
Regards that Canadian who was released from captivity by the Pakistani army after the yanks tipped them off they were being moved from Afghanistan to Pakistan by the use of a car boot:
Freed hostage Joshua Boyle: There are good Muslims, bad Muslims and the rest are just Pagans.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned this story:
Israel Hacked Kaspersky; Discovered Russia was using the program to hack US computers, informed the Pentagon.
Hi Pounce, unable to access your site (as mentioned previously). Assuming this is the same story – the BBC covered this on the Technology News section and maybe here and there a little. I almost missed the story because it had no bells and whistle alarms attached to it. I am thinking of taking a break from all this. As a working model I have the BBC as an activist / propagandist front for many different agendas along a neo-Marxist – Islamists – Feminist – “progressive” – anti-white – anti- traditional English etc line.
It caught my attention because there was something odd in the headlining. I seem to recall there were links on the World News section, the European section, the Middle-East section and the Technology Section. On different sections they either had the link headlined as “Russian Spies blah blah blah” or had the link headlined as “Israel Spies blah blah blah”. I thought that was odd. I printed the various sectional news pages to pdf files, and filed them for latter viewing / analysis – if I get the time.
ps: I think on the European news the BBC headlined the link as “Russian spies …” whereas on the middle east news section it was headlined as “Israel spies …”.
So people interested in European news would be greeted with a negative headline about Russia and people interested in Middle East news would be greeted with a negative headline about Israel.
The difference in the way the SAME story at the SAME time was headlined within the two different news sections proves something additional was going on than simple reporting. It is consistent with purposely projecting an anti-Russian bias in European news and purposely projecting an anti-Israel bias in Middle-East news.
I have got various other evidences that show the inner workings of the BBC agendas.
“….and purposely projecting an anti-Israel bias in Middle-East news.” That’s the BBC being purely quaran compliant.
I am sure others have noticed that the intensity by which the BBC have covered the Harvey Weinstein story outweighs by an order of magnitude the intensity by which they covered the Rochdale Muslim rape gang story of English white girls.
Notice how little attention the BBC give to stories that really do affect the ordinary English person or ordinary British person. The BBC is just too focused on preparing the grounds for revolutionary social change in England and Britain – it is agenda driven, it gets shriller and shriller every day. They seem to gain confidence in the way politicians such as Theresa May and others have embraced and are pushing the various agendas through legal reform, enquiries, commissioned reports etc.
For most of us Rochdale is realityand TVland a distance place
For media people TVland/Hollywood is reality and Rochadale a distant place
When I pointed out on LibMob forum the contrast between the magnitude of coverage
that on the one side you have 5,000 CHILDREN passed around and raped multiple times with actual guilty verdicts and that one the other hand you have one sleazy guy with so far hearsay evidence.
Libmobber seriously said “That’s false equivalence ..the Harvey case is more newsworthy racist !”
.and BTW I hadn’t even mentioned race, but the normal rule applies if LibMob throw out an accusation it’s actually them projecting their own flaws.
Hi StewGreen – can you tell me what LibMob forum is? I may pay it a visit and investigate how they view the world.
I meant the FB forum Radio4 “Its not just for the MIddle Aged”
7 years ago it was OK, then LibMob turned up with entryism trick, they invited all their mates then systematically added a load of people including BBC staff who said “Oh I’ve been added to this group but I never made a request to”
The founder never moderated any posts, they didn’t need to , there was juist free discussion with no dramaqueening. But the LibMob guys somehow got moderator positions and then when people started reacting their dramaqueening they closed posts and booted them out the group.
All those previous years no posts were closed.
Now so many posts are complaints about a non-Labour person being allowed on air or begin with “Isn’t Eddie Mair great ?”
A Conservative Austrian who takes a hard line on immigration. So the BBC run with a photo of him that looks like he’s giving a Hitler salute. This is the BBC, therefore it’s no coincidence.
Just so people are aware. There were two main variants of Hitler’s salute. The iconic straight arm salute, and a more informal salute that resembled to what you see in the photo.
True Razza, but the ‘more informal’ salute was given exclusively by Hitler in recognition and reply to the straight arm version. Sebastian Kurz is simply waving, only the profoundly biased would see it, or want to see it, as anything else.
I wonder if they’ll show this one?
Bradley apparently making a Balls up on the HR front, but interesting that Ian’s little sideline to HIGNFY seems more excercised by procedural ineptitude than rigged policy influence.
Orwell Corporation #MoreEqualThanOthers brings you
.. A celebration of Baroness Warsi
Intro : …daughter of a bus driver
Started “Ooh you’re a bit of a pioneer”
Inevitable Qn “Did you ever experience racism ?”
(The Nicky Campbell free kick)
..”Oh yes, but you know what hurts is when the establishments & thinktanks rationalise racism … My book”
Item finished now … tickbox
..there was no challenging question…
What with her and Sadiq, these Pakistani bus drivers do have some pillocks as kids, don’t they?
saw her switched off !! its to early to get wound up
What is it with this promotion of sons (Sadiq) and daughters(Warsi) of bus drivers as if this is something unusual in British politics?
There have been many politicians coming from humble origins. Let’s take a look at some of our PMs for example.
Lloyd George was the son of a teacher(NB Leanne he was an fluent Welsh speaker). Ramsay MacDonald the son of farm labourer, John Major the son of a music hall performer and Margaret Thatcher the daughter of a grocer (eventually a chain of 2 shops).
What is the BBC reason I wonder?
Yes, no privately educated PMs between Alec Douglas-Home and Blair. Good and bad from both systems.
Marmalade Dropper
Being somewhat of a fan of new or unusual verbal coinage and obviously since posting hereabouts also being attuned to journalistic lefty biases, I was fascinated to catch this expression within the BBC News Channel Paper Review.
It seems White Poppies (in some way in protest to our traditional observation of Remembrance Sunday) will or perhaps may be coming to a school near you.
Did you drop your marmalade?
Well, not to worry, we’re told, that’s just typical of the sort of news headline the Sunday Times uses to upset the breakfast peace of ‘their readership’.
‘Their readership’ being metropolitan journo code for anyone still backwards enough to leave the Guardian to one side and still be just a tad conservatively-minded (I’m guessing). Makes us sound like retired army majors inhabiting some Agatha Christie plot.
Of course this isn’t really happening, or so we are rather unconvincingly reassured.
It’s just that the teacher union the NUT voted for it at conference. And so it sort of might happen. It certainly tells us quite a lot about our teachers these days.
Worrying sign of the times or just a souped up Marmalade Dropper designed to feed on the prejudices of the conservatively-minded – as our BBC-friendly metro lefties would have us believe?
Just a little googling tells me this expression surfaced in the 1990s. Which feels about right. A decade we tend to associate with Blairism, the victory of cultural leftism and rubbing the right’s nose in diversity.
The problem – which the BBC and their pals will never admit – in fact pretend is not happening – is that there are indeed many lefty teachers pushing pacifist anti-patriotic sentiment on our kids in our schools on our tax.
It’s not just that there is a bit of marmalade dropped every once in while. The Left have thrown the entire pot of marmalade up the wall, chucked the cornflakes all over the carpet and now they’re lobbing softboiled eggs out of the window.
“White Poppy” sales in schools are to be discussed on LBC Maajad Nawaz show
not at the start but probably towards 12 or after.
It’s about people mistakenly thinking the Red Poppy celebrates violence
so that they need a white poppy to show piece
but since the red poppy doesn’t celebrate violence what they are doing is hijacking Remembrance for Political cause.
“It’s like hijacking a gay pride parade by having a hetero-pride event next door”
Absolutely right, Stew. This white poppy poppycock really makes my blood boil. It is a symbol invented by moronic virtue-signallers who just don’t understand the first thing about our national traditions and rituals.
By wearing a red poppy what we are doing – and it is the only thing we are doing – is recognising the ultimate sacrifice that someone made in the past to preserve our liberty. People were prepared to die defending the freedom that we enjoy today. They did it willingly. Wearing the red poppy is our way of showing our gratitude to them for our not being in concentration camps today. I don’t think these white poppy advocates even understand what a sacrifice is, never mind what the ultimate sacrifice means.
The white poppy cannot coexist with the red poppy on the same lapel. It would be a contradiction. The white poppy stands, they say, for a commitment to peace, for remembering all the victims of war, and for challenging militarism. That is, for pacifism, for insulting our dead and for undermining our armed forces.
White poppy wearers mistakenly believe it is only they who want to live a quiet and peaceful life. But we all do. Some of us recognise though that sometimes we have to fight and die for that quiet and peaceful life and that we are eternally grateful to those who have enabled us to enjoy it today. It is a sacred act to wear the red poppy. It is a sacrilege to wear a white poppy. The red poppy is all about honouring our dead heroes. The white poppy is all about narcissistic exhibitionism.
Lauren Southern draws comparisons between the cover up of Harvey Weinstein and Jimmy Saville. In both cases the truth was known by large numbers, but they kept silent. Why?
If it is possible to keep large numbers of people silent over these sex scandals it strikes me that the same applies to manipulating news about other events such as the LA shooter, cars that mount the pavement, and bin lorries that crash into crowds. It can be done. Secrets only emerge when it is convenient.
The end of Jihadist attacks might well be in sight.
This has nothing directly to do with the BBC, but it draws attention to what I regard as weird shift in the way some people think, and I believe that the BBC and much of the MSM in general is largely responsible for this.
Taken to see War for the Planet of the Apes yesterday. Wonderful photography, excellent effects (I would expect nothing less these days) but spoilt for me by a mediocre script and a very predictable, schmaltzy story.
Decided to have a look at the reviews in IMDB. Overall score 7.7, quite high. However, quite a few criticisms which I agree with. I was struck, however, by a fan’s comment with the title: “Don’t understand all the hate”.
Hate? Look, you bloody fool, these are movie reviews, not the last draft of the Final Solution at Wannsee. What has happened to people? Growing intolerance by some of any opinion, on any subject, which he or she doesn’t agree with. Worrying – sensible discussion on virtually any subject seems to be becoming more difficult, year by year. So much is off limits.
Ffs both our national broadcasters are now pushing pro-EU, pro-liebour/pro-Islamist left-wing fake news. I’m f******* sick of having no alternative. You have that big wimp Marr on the communist supporting BBC giving Labour an easy ride as always – is Marr SNP or Liebour? Haven’t devided yet- and on Sky ‘Left-wing Views, you have that miserable, smug motor mouth Niall Paterson on presenting a ideologically-charged report on alternatives to capitalism (whilst displaying all the middle class privilege of someone who enjoys the fruits of a neoliberal career and lifestyle). Do these snooty metro-trendy chattering classes not understand what the anti-English Corbyn will bring? Surely they cannot expect Corbyn to be an alternative?
Finally, I think we all now know why Sky UK got rid of Fox; to silence right-wing views. We are experiencing a Left-wing affront on democracy.
Enjoy your freedom to comment … the Hate Crime Hub from Amber Rudd starts for real at the end of the year.
2017 = 1984
48% is geater than 52%
Remain = Leave
Minority = Majority
Hillary = standing up for women on the BBC
Wormwood Scrubs ‘ere we come then. Whatever became of my country? In 1939 white patriots were heroes, in 2017 they are evil.
I watched a bit of Marr earlier. Whenever I see McDonnell or Corbyn, I am reminded of a expression from the late 40’s/50’s –
“Reds under the bed”. Times don’t really change.
On another issue, there is a good record of ‘Islamophobia’ Worldwide per country here
I note that there has been 25 PROVEN incidents of violence/property damage between 12th July 2005 and 24th September 2017 in the UK. The list is updated as an when. 25 incidents? Compared with how many islamic terror attacks? But all the Governments efforts (backed no doubt by islamic charity groups) to reduce so-called Islamophobia with preventative legislation or ‘guidance’, is to halt any increase in the 25 incidents. Cock-eyed? I’m not emphasising any ‘tally’ of equivalence but many more people in the UK have been murdered by islamic terrorists during the same period than all the incidents of Islamophobia totalled. We have to take the load but islam doesn’t. Another sign (if one were needed) of the growing imbalance. I sense a growing awareness of the imbalance and a commensurate simmering hatred and I suggest the Government can produce all the legislation and guidance it wants to protect its cult but, eventually, the people will say, loud and clear (echoing a certain Treezer), “enough is enough”.
The BBC are in a flap about The Sun’s exposure of its Brexit bias.
“One newspaper reporter who asked its press office for a statement was even threatened with “Twitter bombs” — a form of online attack — if she dared to quote The Sun’s statistics.”
Interesting, why are the BBC so confident of being able to attack a journalist through twitter, or any other social media?
On thinks of the appallingly destructive attacks on Sir Tim Hunt after the BBC ‘wrongly’ accused him of sexism. When I say wrongly, I actually mean they appear to have lied through their collective teeth.