You can go on about the thousands killed, mutilated and raped by the rop but don’t forget that somebody left a bacon sandwich near a mosk (although he mysteriously died in a muslamic prison halfway through a 15 month sentence)
I know on the scale of things, Strictly is pretty low on the scale of importance, of how the BBC manipulates things, but this season is no different to past seasons – although it is becoming more obvious. Last night’s example was the jive by Alexandra Burke. Quite frankly, it was not very good, but to hear the judges talking you would think it was up there with the Jill Halfpenny from many moons ago. She was awarded 3 ’10s’ and likened to Tina Turner. She burst into tears and through her crying said that she wished her mother had seen it (apparently her mother died in August). Until this week there had been lots of discussion on-line about why the public didn’t like the woman. Even the Digital Spy site where I look for the spoiler so I knew who was knocked out a couple of hours after the programme finished had many comments saying how good her dance had been. Makes me suspect that the BBC’s PR department were on overdrive. I might have thought I was wrong and the other rights if I hadn’t seen the dance in previous series seen the judges and Its Takes Two programme talk up people the BBC want to keep but are not popular with the public. Last year Ore and Joanne’s jive was fantastic and left me gasping with awe so if Maxy is going to come on and criticise me for racism, he needn’t bother.
I think we all know who the Beeb have ‘earmarked’ for the winner – almost a re-run of last year.
No doubt the cost cutting seen on Strictly – the frocks are far less ‘glittery’ than in previous years (ladies will understand this !) – in order to up the pay of female presenters !!!
Good God, Sunday Politics Scotland is utterly pathetic!
Also BBC One Show surely breached impartiallity guidelines last week when one of its presenters got Hillary Clinton to say in Welsh to the audience ‘Vote for Hillary Clinton…’ etc. Might seem pedantic but I feel that was the BBC groupthink being channelled via the messiah Hillary
Yn wir, ychydig iawn o siaradwyr Cymraeg brodorol sy’n gallu pleidleisio yn Etholiadau’r UD. Ac yn realistig, mae’n debyg na fydd yn ymgeisydd y tro nesaf.
I see another British ‘actress’ has come out as being raped by HW. None other than Lysette Antony, who appears to have undergone yet another re-invention in her appearance, but still cant act her way out of a paper bag. I have every sympathy for her situation, as well as all the other ladies defiled by this grotesque man, but how badly did they want to ‘get in the movies’ if they remained alone in a room with a man wearing only a dressing gown ? so am glad to hear that most women legged it ! And how come the well placed knee in the groin didn’t work ?
Brissles “… other ladies defiled by this grotesque man …”
Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg is a rapist? Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg didn’t do more than try his luck? Magic Johnson the basketball player claimed he had over 500 women each year … Where is the revisionist history against these people … It is interesting how people suddenly believe information sources they had no faith in just a moment ago.
Repeat after the BBC … ‘3 girls’ and ‘grooming gangs’ and all hate is wrong. Conservatives are nasty. Labour are above criticism. Leave means remain. Repeat. Repeat. Believe!
BBC …. Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg is a rapist?
Where is your evidence that he isn’t ? and incidentally, I’m not ‘people’ that suddenly changes ‘faith’ in information ! And not being on the vipers nest that is ‘social media’, certainly don’t rely on that for information either.
You’re the one talking about “defiled by this grotesque man”. So you’re the one believing this stuff. I have seen it elsewhere – people are just willing to fall into line unquestioningly when it “feels” right. It is classic herd mentality. You have to go with the evidence not with hearsay – because as we have seen hearsay is very easy to manufacture. Let there be a court case – or maybe you want to string him up now. Yes maybe Harvey Weinstein is rapist, maybe it is typical of all white men. They should all be sacked and replaced immediately as a precautionary measure, without the need for a court case.
I agree that , if there is evidence that Weinberg committed criminal offences , he should be tried. As for the actresses, well the casting couch has a long history. But, compare the reporting by the BBC with that of Clinton ! All very strange. Weinberg is a Lefty and supporter of the Democrats but, of course, he is Jewish.
Brissles: “Am I man ???? How long have you been on here ?”
So you ARE a woman, and as a WOMAN you just KNOW that Harvey Weinberg IS GUILTY OF RAPE and is a GROTESQUE MAN BECAUSE HE IS AN UGLY WHITE MAN?
To answer your question I have been on this site for about 6 months I think and I am sorry if I haven’t particularly noticed you nor your gender. The world doesn’t necessarily revolve around … anyway, best wishes and keep believing in whatever you wish to believe.
I would estimate that maybe of the order of half the people here are with you in your view – which means success for the wall to wall propagandising by the BBC and the progressive liberal left. I think many seem to have bought into the idea that he was protected because he was a donor to the Democratic Party … but now the “truth” has finally been revealed – after breaking through a hideous white male culture in the US and British film industry that exploits women.
The way it works is that if they don’t fool you one way they will fool you another way. I will wait for the legal process – if there is going to be one – before joining the mob in blind condemnation.
It was the “progressive liberal left” who protected him for years, after all – he was one of them.
The New York Times and the NY District Attorney both had evidence of Weinstein’s behaviour yet the former suppressed stories about it and the latter wouldn’t prosecute him for it; in Hollyweird twas ever thus and what he did wouldn’t raise many eyebrows there.
It is also interesting that a couple of his…er…legal representatives, both women, who organized the pay-offs and non-disclosure agreements with the ladies unfortunate enough to have caught Bob’s roving eye; are the very same who presented the women that came forward during the presidential election alleging that Trump had sexually assaulted them on various planes and elsewhere – all of which went precisely nowhere, if memory serves.
If it hadn’t been for the internet this story would never have seen the light of day, just like the ‘events’ in Cologne on a certain New Year’s Eve; as more and more revelations appeared the media couldn’t ignore it: though if they could have, then they would have.
I’m not sure I’d describe it as “nice” but in my view it is certainly equivalent, both stories which leaked and then flooded out via social media, which the MSM would rather have left well alone.
Anyway, if it’s time for your cocoa I should hate to keep you from it.
ps Brissles – I have no beef with you – I was just commenting on your comment and the attitude and thinking behind it that I had also seen articulated elsewhere too. From time to time a bit of robust discussion is called for – otherwise we end up with echo chambers and safe spaces. Best wishes.
Innocent until guilty seems to have gone out of the window . If the press gets its way and gets this man to kill himself then in normal times that would be an end
Now they will want investigations beyond grave to get some form of pseudo closure nonsense for alleged victims .
If women put themselves into a position where this man was able to do what he wanted they bear some responsibility for allowing it and doing nothing to stop other victims .
My view is not politically correct . I am male and have no involvement in the acting trade but I guess there is a lot of ego involved .
As the Jester’s Union has forbidden any one from calling the BBC’s world at one presenter, Mark Mardell, a complete clown, I’ll just pass on the latest instalment of his illustrious career.
For some reason Trump isn’t very happy with the Iranians, something to do with the wars they are involved in, their testing of Ballistic Missiles when they said they wouldn’t and their ongoing terrorist supporting acts. Perhaps he doesn’t listen to the BBC as he is stopping the current treaty with Iran on nuclear development.
In order to have a balanced debate the BBC invited on a gentleman who helped create the framework for the ludicrous deal with Iran. Oddly, he was put out that Trump would wish to re-examine the deal. Indeed Mardell forgot to interrupt the gentleman at all to remind him of what Iran is actually doing in the world and that the agreement was not universally welcomed at the time.
More anti-Trump, pro our enemies rhetoric from the impartial BBC.
Do the PPU also hand out white poppies in the Middle East , Afghanistan , N. Korea and all of the other war zones and potential war zones ? How about Sudan and the African countries which seem to be perpetually at war ?
Happy Hate Crime Awareness Week everybody, which by the way coincides with Responsible Gambling Week, so Happy that one as well. If all a bit much, in 2 weeks time is Responsible Gambling Awareness Week.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of the month and hopefully the Austrian and Czech election results!
Wednesday is Anti-Slavery Day
Since LibMob believe in equality they won’t make out that Slavery is a problem for dark people caused by White people
Some posters will show white people enslaved by Gypsy gang, won’t they ?
King, Don’t get me wrong, I love a bet but isn’t responsible gambling one of the worlds greatest Oxymorons. Always makes me chuckle when I see it on a racecourse.
Wages from work pay for community charge , electricity , insurance , replacement tyres , new boiler etc .
Winnings from the racecourse or casino pay for that hotel room , the jacket that’s nice , a silly luxury that you can’t justify but want ( my latest were night vision goggles ) etc
And spend it on others . Flowers , chocolates , champagne , fruit , little luxuries , big stuff .
” You’ve won haven’t you ” they say when as you bear gifts that lifts everyone’s spirits .
It’s all a bit like the KIng’s magic suit of clothes. Why is it that most people seem to be able to see this wonderful suit and I can’t? Perhaps Specsavers can help.
Remember that story the other day about the woman banned from selling Knight Templer Mugs at a Market stall in Loughborough. I wondered why the bBC didn’t pick up on the story , 5 mins on her web site tells me why: UK: Is the so called victim of Islamophobia, a closet Nazis?
From the looks of things rather than offending Muslims, they should be her biggest customers.
I see that doctors are being encouraged to ask patients about their sexual orientation. Now I’d be happy to say that I’m gay or bisexual whatever if I thought it might push me up the waiting list for an appointment, or get to see a specialist earlier. Then again I’d probably be bombarded with literature telling me about AIDS.
It does make me wonder about diversity box-ticking though. The more people self-identify (even falsely) as one of the favoured groups the lobbyists can say ‘Look we need more resources – nearly everybody’s black/LGBT/disabled!’
Wasn’t there a police force that recently announced that people who couldn’t speak English would be their top priority? How long before the NHS starts insisting that middle-class (hetero) whites must go private?
“I see that doctors are being encouraged to ask patients about their sexual orientation.”
The irony, if the tories had come out with asking people their sexual orientation, they would be attacked as bigots, yet the leftwing NHS under the umbrella of the Equality Act not only gets away with it, but is praised for it. Not only that, but this is the very same NHS which refuses to ask patients if they are legally allowed to be treated in the UK.
What happened to “Don’t ask Don’t tell”? Why do all the rump riders feel the need to tell the world that they prefer the male sewage canal to the body of a beautiful woman?
What happened to “Don’t ask Don’t tell”?
That was the US military.
The British until the 90s didn’t recognise homosexuality (due to the risk of blackmail, more than anything else) however we all knew who all the gay people were and simply turned a blind eye towards them. However since them the Military has gone overboard in being seen as homosexual friendly (As it has with a certain Middle Eastern religion) and it now gone beyond a joke. (The other month every military camp was sent a rainbow colour flag to use during pride, as quality flags don’t come cheap, that cost a load of money we really can’t afford to be spending)
It reminds me of the census question about “ethnicity”. I always reply ” This is a racist question and it is none of your business “. The same with the NHS. My sexuality is none of their business. The UK is increasingly resembling Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. There is a bad smell and I do not like it.
I think if they ask me I’ll tell them that my sexual preference is for a nice strong Billy Goat then demand to see my medical records. Where will all this shit end?
I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs lately. Needs must. One thing I’ve noticed time and again is how different application forms look these days, compared to ten years ago, when I was last in the employment-seeking game. I see a lot more forms now which contain the obligatory ‘diversity’ section. It’s not quite so bad in corporate applications (although the bigger the corporation, the worse it tends to be), but you can absolutely guarantee that if you are looking at a public sector application form you are staring at pages and pages of ‘diversity’ nonsense.
I struggle to understand why my potential employer might need to know, in writing, my race, my ethnicity, my religion, my preferred gender (yes, that’s a thing) and my sexual orientation. Then I remember the malignant left and their cursed ‘intersectional’ narratives and how they’ve infected the workplace (via the Academy) with their divisive, toxic classifications and ‘group preferences’. It’s a truly a sorry state of affairs.
The NHS are leaving themselves wide open for humorous and sarcastic comments under the ‘sexual orientation’ column. When ‘sex’ was first headlined on forms, how many put ” yes please’ and probably still do. I actually knew someone who put ‘100 metres’ under “race”, and there are always those who will put ‘Manchester United’ under “religion”.
#MoreEqualThanOthers in agenda chosen to report
4:30pm Radio4
“Writer and poet Bridget Minamore explores how women – particularly women of colour – have pushed back against the poetry establishment to create their own literary narratives.”
She started Octavia a racist poetry group that only admits Women of Colour
4pm The book prog just had ethnic Egyptian Omar El Akkad’s* debut novel American War
: “the country has been ravaged by climate change and a second Civil War breaks out over fossil fuels. ”
From Guido and so representative of my feelings (24 years in Navy, then my own business, now in working “retirement”) and so much the opposite of what the Beeb stands for, I must add to this site: Dear Conservative government,
My wife is a female otherwise known as a woman. She is married to a man (me). She has a husband and I have a wife. That means we are married not partners. My wife has her bits which I love and I have my male bits which she loves. My wife (not partner), is very good at traditional female things like childcare and making our home looking and smelling good. I am pretty useless at DIY but when it comes to traditional male things like getting a top off a jar of jam then my male strength comes in handy. We actually complement each other. Yes, we argue, but we know we love each other and in our conservative minds we realise that this is life. We have twin 12 year old grandsons. They are boisterous because they are boys. They have just discovered girls. But my wife, their nanny, finds it difficult to cope with their boy traits. I don’t. They are the boys I didn’t have in my previous marriage (2 x girls). I love doing boy things with them such as playing football/rugby etc etc. We have 2 x granddaughters. My wife and their mothers are doing girl things with them. None of this non-gender-specific bullshit. Girls like girl things and boys like boy things. Get used to it. For the tiny percentage of the population who struggle with their gender we have sympathy. But to impose laws and rules to appease the tiny minority whilst annoying the majority is virtue-signalling at its worst. You are losing your natural conservative voters away from your bubble. Get real.
We have a couple of gay (1 male/1 female) relations and they are perfectly happy with their lives. They kiss and cuddle people of their own sex and we don’t care. Nobody in our family cares. They loathe the virtual signalling from our ‘elite’. They just want to get on with their lives and the likes of Peter Tatchell do not represent them.
We have black/Asian etc friends who also don’t use the colour of their skin or their race to advance themselves. It should be based on merit. Lammy and Abbott are not for them.
I work with Muslims who are totally integrated into the British way of life who loathe the likes of the Mayor of London Mr Sadiq Khan. They just want to get on with their lives.
Stop pandering to those with the loudest voices because all it does it to alienate your natural voters. If you want to win the next election then you need to look beyond your focus groups or whomever. Go and sit in a pub in a northern town and see what they talk about. It is not identity politics believe me. It is girls liking boys and the other way around. It is sport. It is what work has been like that day. The most they talk about politics is “they are all as bad as each other”. That is life away from your bubble. They want to pay less taxes. They want to have more money to spend on the things that will benefit them. You get my point. I could go on and on. But you will not listen to us will you. You, like Labour and the Lib Dems, only want our vote to give you power. Do you actually understand why Margaret Thatcher won 3 elections? It was not pandering to a small group or to please the MSM. It was because she understood what REAL working/lower middle class people really wanted.
As for Brexit, you are making a real dog’s dinner of it on the surface. It was mostly the working class who voted for it because they can see through the bullshit of Osborne/Cameron etc.
For God’s sake, be conservative. Think of your natural voters. People like me. Who am I? Brought up in a council house with an alcoholic father and a mum who had to feed us (I have a sister who is 18 months younger than me. She was born in 1962 and I was born in 1960). Joined the RN (you are trying to destroy the armed forces) at age 17 and left 28 years later. Sister is doing very nicely with her husband (not partner) with their own engineering business. I am now comfortable in middle age through work. I want as little interference from you (the government). When I am in trouble I will call you.
Yours sincerely,
A middle aged man who doesn’t want to be lectured on what I drink and a former member of the Conservative party but left because of Cameron turning the party to the left.
Wonderful. About time to see this kind of testimony in print. That it now seems like a freakish aberration to see such sense and humanity, such experience we all have had here on the real planet-being so written about-only shows how long we`ve been stewing in a liberal hell. Thank you for posting.
On the BBC News website one ultra-wealthy sex-pest still gets top billing. There are loads of links within the article if you wanted to know more. I don’t, thanks.
I look at the Mogadishu bombing story, and I can’t detect much analysis beyond-
“It is not clear who staged the bombing, but Mogadishu is a target for al-Shabab militants battling the government.”
The photos tell the same old sad story though. Rubble and ruin, and I can’t help but feel this will be the norm in Europe in the not-too-distant future. If the ROP cannot manage its own Reformation, we can’t allow any more in, it’s as simple as that.
Now the guy would have been charged pretty quickly maybe so can it be subjudice to mention the actual comments/race.
There’s another Oct 14 article
“Hundreds of BRITISH people stopped in Liverpool over immigration spot checks
Lawyers are asking why Brits are being stopped for immigration offences they cannot commit”
Actually the the says 700 people/yr are stopped and 100 of them are British
..That doesn’t seem to be news. If I was foreign looking, it wouldn’t be a surprise that the immigration stopped and checked. It would take me 5 minutes to prove to them I’m British ..and thankyou very much goodbye . http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/hundreds-british-people-stopped-liverpool-13758282#comments-section
I often think that, within the toxic BBC, Radio4 has the capacity to be the most disgusting. Sunday afternoon poetry has been known to feature a Milton or a Keats, a Larkin or a Plath, or even PC garbage hard to listen to , but today we were dished up a hate-filled ramble which contained little poetry but a lot of ‘resistance’ by Black wimmin, preferably Islamic, to having to live in a place that doesn’t contain enough of them, apparently: London. It does make me wonder why these self-righteous, hate filled people with such MASSIVE CHIPS on their shoulders, don’t pack their bags and bugger off to somewhere where they will feel less oppressed? If you want venom disguised as poetry, have a listen. And beware if you are White, male or not Islamic; you are THE OPRESSOR! R4 never fail to disappoint: when you thought they’d reached as low as it gets, you find NO, they can go LOWER, MUCH LOWER. For this trash the BBC Poll Tax is squeezed out of people. I think its high time to think of a little RESISTANCE that will make the BBC learn the error of their ways…
I got a brief blast of this shit as well fakenewswatcher.
We`d have once had Gray and Keats, Wordsworth and Eliot.Heck, even recent giants like Larkin and Betjeman.
Even Roger McGough, Cooper Clarke or Hegley at least are recognisably coming from the British stock of comedy or social comment.
But these women and those who spend our money on their work are taking the piss. This is not your country anymore whitey.
I was appalled.
C4 News tonight. Had an American poet on who finished her chat by saying white men can go around carrying a gun but if a black man owns a gun she implied he was a target. What the hell happened to C4 “NEWS “. Yet again no one to counter her views or express an alternative light on American society. And another thing, why are media outlets so impressed by “right on” poets. Biggest load of crap to come out of the sixties culture and still it continues.
“UK farmers will ‘grow more food’ if no Brexit deal – minister” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41627341
Great ! More home grown food means more money for our farmers – Buy British and stuff the “deal”.
We should have got out long ago. What the hell have our Euro MPs being doing for the last forty years ?
PS From the same article ……
“If this happened, he said the UK would respond by “growing more here and buying more from around the world”.
Yep, I bet Aldi and Lidel would be happy bunnies . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41627341
Been looking at a splendid series of talks from America called “Voter Values” that are online , and happened very recently in D.C.
All our heroes speaking-Kellyanne, Mr Trump, Seb, Steve and Phil etc, Newt and Judge Moore…loads more too.
No call to let the BBC tell you wnat`s happening over there…just enjoy the hope and joy of a country in the process of reversing thirty years of nonsense.
We need the same for Brexit.
If you wonder why there`s been no bitchy reporters conferences from there-it`s because the likes of Kelly are swatting them out of the swamp with every filming, and so there`s no coverage from Sopel or Selzer etc.
The fake news are reduced to mime and bad looks to camera-they have nothing to say about Russia or gossip amongst the palace courtiers-so are now found out as shallow confectioners of crap.
And now Weinstein, Clintons and Obamas to follow-great stuff.
“MPs can stop no-deal Brexit, says Labour’s McDonnell” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41627340
While our negotiators are fighting their corner getting out of the EU there is a cabal of quislings undermining this great nation’s freedom and democracy.
I think we be found our new crime after the “hate” type – is s.o.c- sexually offensive conduct .
SOC involves any incident which is considered to be sexual by the victim – it includes looking , smiling , speaking to a member of the opposite or same sex .
Crazy enough for albeeb to start the campaign .
Men will become so afraid of speaking to a person of the other sex that the species will die out pretty quickly .
In that case a man might just as well start a conversation by flashing his dick. Bugger the looking and smiling first. What has he got to lose? As comedian Arthur English used to say at the end of his radio sketch. Play the music -Open The cage! ‘kinell I dunno.
I have to wonder are they just trying to see how far they can push it? How many people could take such an utterly absurd notion seriously? The swamp needs more than draining. It needs a good disinfecting as well.
Clinton on Marr Show “…the amount of fabricated and false information, that your voters were given (over brexit) by the leave campaign.”
“From both sides” – Marr
“I’m not as familiar, but I’m very familiar what the leave side said. Because they transported A lot of that on behalf of Trump.”
“The big lie is a very potent tool.” -Clinton
– Both sides lied but Clinton is only interested in one side of the story. Balanced view of the World? See the problem? She sees lies coming from one side only. The other side are truth sayers.
Brexit: What are the options? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37507129
Their propaganda is intensifying and it is getting desperate . Don’t forget ….
’The more the flak – the closer to the target’.
Picture of egg with caption ‘Brexit – like an egg yolk – can be seen as “hard” or “soft”‘.
Picture of shopping basket – ‘The government says it does not want an “off the shelf” trade deal’
Viktor Orban certainly gives good speeches. I always enjoy reading the English translations. Thank you for posting. He seems to have a good grasp of history & not only of the Hungarian variety. I’m trying to imagine one of our leaders delivering a speech like one of his. I think they need to get over worrying about what the papers & TV news outlets say about them & start thinking about what the people think. Real People.
Lincoln Uni this week : Beeboids doing free talks
OCT 18 “comedian” Stewart Lee ……… Tuesday at 4 PM – 6 PM
OCT 17 Tom “The Doom-monger” Heap …… Tuesday at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
OCT 18 SUMMIT : the stereotypes that often underpin Wednesday at 9:30 AM – 5 PM http://www.facebook.com/events/285809595230763/
Anyone else noticed the BBC News web page has exactly the same type of stories on it now virtually every single day: a “womens” story, an “ethnic minority” story, and a “transgender” story. Guaranteed at least 2 out of 3 of those every day.
Twitter is full of disbelief that BBC still banging on about Harvey, yet it puts 233 deaths in Mogadishu so far down the list that it doesn’t get mentioned on some shorter news progs
Harvey W is on Home +International +UK page
Mogadishu is on the Africa page
Hate crimes against disabled children are increasing – No link to the report on the BBC Website – I thus conclude they are hiding the data so I cannot determine for myself what has happened. I want to see the kind of hate data so I don’t make the same mistakes! BBC fails to show report data – very bad journalism. – A Home Office spokesman said: “All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable and the UK has some of the strongest laws in the world to tackle it.”
“All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
“All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
“ALL FORMS of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
GREAT! Then let us get The BBC shut down & have done with it. 😉
All the latest breaking news on Tower Hamlets. … Victim, 17, attacked by at least three different assailants after becoming separated from friends in Tower – independent.co.uk {12oct2017}
Girl, 17, ‘suffers three separate sex attacks’ on way home from night out – Telegraph.co.uk {13oct2017}
Girl, 17, was sexually assaulted three times in one hour in east London – Guardian {13oct2017}
Teenage girl, 17, ‘drugged and sexually assaulted’ THREE TIMES in East
London as she walked home from night out – thesun {13oct2017}
Austria gets a right wing government – come on al beeb – low turn out – no legitimacy – electorate was ignorant – lied too – wasn’t about the government – it was about something else – self interest – only protest vote – voted for the leader not the policies -never won a numerical majority . – government won’t last long – irregularities – EU says do it again to get the right vote next time – it was the old that did it – let them die / kill them off . Young didn’t vote .
It’s Trump/brexit/Murdock/daily mails fault .
Take your pick
Dif subject – do you notice al beeb makes news of job losses but not where jobs are created ? Clever bit of propaganda by omission
Re : People who shout “Racist” at normal people who dare to say the Holywood story is nothing compared to grooming gangs.
Isn’t it strange that in foreign countries like say India/ South Africa masses of non-white women are assaulted everyday
…Yet these nutters are saying a WHITE Hollywood man, assaulting WHITE Hollywood women mostly 25 years ago is so so important
..Who are the real racists ?
“Catalonia: No sign of movement as Spanish deadline looms” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41628341
“Some say” that there will be a declaration of unilateral independence at 4pm tomorrow ?
Anyone who has been regularly “monitoring” the BBC website would have noticed the continuity between the BBC running various stories claiming that Britain was institutionally covering-up white male rape and the Harvey Weinstein story that has completely dominated the BBC news for the past three days.
Countryfile how was Tom Heap’s Climate Alarmism article this week ?
#1 The whole prog was about 1987 big storm, yep they had to go back 30 years for that
#2 Next Tom’s expert told us “Climate Change is MAYBE making these storms more common”
…. Jesus you had to look back 30 years !
#3 The preceding item was about a medieval village destroyed in a STORM
..ie at a time when there was not supposed to be Global Warming, villages got destroyed by storms anyway.
#4 This Global warming item was filmed on a hillside among patches of snow
Is the BBC taking the P out of itself ?
.. I bet could be that they’re not stupid and what they are doing is deliberately trying to get the BBC closed down.
I remember some where al Beebers mumbling on about what is a once in a generation event and coming up with the answer “14 years ( except if you’re snp when it’s every 4 year or when oil is above $100 a barrel which ever is sooner )
Anyway another storm 30 years on is over two generations –
They’ll look back at this time in amazement that a society with such limited weather records – less than a century’s worth – could claim to understand the global climate so well that they could predict manmade activity on it and the effect of weather patterns . Joke
“NHS patients to be asked about sexuality” What idiot authorised this directive? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41625402
Operative sentence – “But clearly (for) the majority you wonder why on earth they need to know.”
Difficult sleeping so switched on “ The Westminster Hour” which standard Toady fare but at night . So bloody smug and anti brexit – gave up after 15 minutes of Westminster Bubblers turning up for their appearance money under orders from various whips to toe the party line.
I wonder who listens apart from politicians living onn taxpayers money
Somehow I don’t think Al Beeb will like this breaking news ……….
“Sebastian Kurz: Austrian conservative set to become world’s youngest leader” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41627586
Jonathon Freedland, freedland! Quite inapt given his hatred of freedom.
But extra inapt given his exemplary record of being a hating Jew.
A Jew who recently described the Republicans in the USA as “invertebrates”.
Sounds like invertebrateophobic hate speech to me.
Doubtless he has been arrested after various arthropods complained that this comparison is unjustified as Republicans are not a life form at all, just an accidental collection of cells.
I have more to say on this subject.
I have much more to say, at a time when “some people” are “celebrating” the Bolshevik revolution.
A 100,000,000 per century death causing industry. Led by, sorry, a temporary attck of amnesia . . .
To be continued, unless this disappears, along with all my previous, truthful, demonstrations of the behaviour of a, sorry more amnesia.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
And the boss of a US titty mag is offering a reward of $10 million for info that will lead to Trump’s impeachment.
He must be an up standing chap.
You can go on about the thousands killed, mutilated and raped by the rop but don’t forget that somebody left a bacon sandwich near a mosk (although he mysteriously died in a muslamic prison halfway through a 15 month sentence)
It all evens out when you see it written down.
Pro-bacon prisoner in a Halal only prison will cause conflict. Do we need bacon only prisons?
I know on the scale of things, Strictly is pretty low on the scale of importance, of how the BBC manipulates things, but this season is no different to past seasons – although it is becoming more obvious. Last night’s example was the jive by Alexandra Burke. Quite frankly, it was not very good, but to hear the judges talking you would think it was up there with the Jill Halfpenny from many moons ago. She was awarded 3 ’10s’ and likened to Tina Turner. She burst into tears and through her crying said that she wished her mother had seen it (apparently her mother died in August). Until this week there had been lots of discussion on-line about why the public didn’t like the woman. Even the Digital Spy site where I look for the spoiler so I knew who was knocked out a couple of hours after the programme finished had many comments saying how good her dance had been. Makes me suspect that the BBC’s PR department were on overdrive. I might have thought I was wrong and the other rights if I hadn’t seen the dance in previous series seen the judges and Its Takes Two programme talk up people the BBC want to keep but are not popular with the public. Last year Ore and Joanne’s jive was fantastic and left me gasping with awe so if Maxy is going to come on and criticise me for racism, he needn’t bother.
Ah so BBC hyped “Alexandra Burke”
… who is a black singer/actress
(I’d never heard of her)
I think we all know who the Beeb have ‘earmarked’ for the winner – almost a re-run of last year.
No doubt the cost cutting seen on Strictly – the frocks are far less ‘glittery’ than in previous years (ladies will understand this !) – in order to up the pay of female presenters !!!
Good God, Sunday Politics Scotland is utterly pathetic!
Also BBC One Show surely breached impartiallity guidelines last week when one of its presenters got Hillary Clinton to say in Welsh to the audience ‘Vote for Hillary Clinton…’ etc. Might seem pedantic but I feel that was the BBC groupthink being channelled via the messiah Hillary
Yn wir, ychydig iawn o siaradwyr Cymraeg brodorol sy’n gallu pleidleisio yn Etholiadau’r UD. Ac yn realistig, mae’n debyg na fydd yn ymgeisydd y tro nesaf.
Yes. I’m not sure if I agree with that or not. Well said anyway.
I see another British ‘actress’ has come out as being raped by HW. None other than Lysette Antony, who appears to have undergone yet another re-invention in her appearance, but still cant act her way out of a paper bag. I have every sympathy for her situation, as well as all the other ladies defiled by this grotesque man, but how badly did they want to ‘get in the movies’ if they remained alone in a room with a man wearing only a dressing gown ? so am glad to hear that most women legged it ! And how come the well placed knee in the groin didn’t work ?
Brissles “… other ladies defiled by this grotesque man …”
Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg is a rapist? Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg didn’t do more than try his luck? Magic Johnson the basketball player claimed he had over 500 women each year … Where is the revisionist history against these people … It is interesting how people suddenly believe information sources they had no faith in just a moment ago.
Repeat after the BBC … ‘3 girls’ and ‘grooming gangs’ and all hate is wrong. Conservatives are nasty. Labour are above criticism. Leave means remain. Repeat. Repeat. Believe!
BBC …. Where is your evidence that Harvey Weinberg is a rapist?
Where is your evidence that he isn’t ? and incidentally, I’m not ‘people’ that suddenly changes ‘faith’ in information ! And not being on the vipers nest that is ‘social media’, certainly don’t rely on that for information either.
You’re the one talking about “defiled by this grotesque man”. So you’re the one believing this stuff. I have seen it elsewhere – people are just willing to fall into line unquestioningly when it “feels” right. It is classic herd mentality. You have to go with the evidence not with hearsay – because as we have seen hearsay is very easy to manufacture. Let there be a court case – or maybe you want to string him up now. Yes maybe Harvey Weinstein is rapist, maybe it is typical of all white men. They should all be sacked and replaced immediately as a precautionary measure, without the need for a court case.
Brissles are you a man? A white man?
I agree that , if there is evidence that Weinberg committed criminal offences , he should be tried. As for the actresses, well the casting couch has a long history. But, compare the reporting by the BBC with that of Clinton ! All very strange. Weinberg is a Lefty and supporter of the Democrats but, of course, he is Jewish.
Am I man ???? How long have you been on here ?
Brissles: “Am I man ???? How long have you been on here ?”
So you ARE a woman, and as a WOMAN you just KNOW that Harvey Weinberg IS GUILTY OF RAPE and is a GROTESQUE MAN BECAUSE HE IS AN UGLY WHITE MAN?
To answer your question I have been on this site for about 6 months I think and I am sorry if I haven’t particularly noticed you nor your gender. The world doesn’t necessarily revolve around … anyway, best wishes and keep believing in whatever you wish to believe.
I would estimate that maybe of the order of half the people here are with you in your view – which means success for the wall to wall propagandising by the BBC and the progressive liberal left. I think many seem to have bought into the idea that he was protected because he was a donor to the Democratic Party … but now the “truth” has finally been revealed – after breaking through a hideous white male culture in the US and British film industry that exploits women.
The way it works is that if they don’t fool you one way they will fool you another way. I will wait for the legal process – if there is going to be one – before joining the mob in blind condemnation.
It was the “progressive liberal left” who protected him for years, after all – he was one of them.
The New York Times and the NY District Attorney both had evidence of Weinstein’s behaviour yet the former suppressed stories about it and the latter wouldn’t prosecute him for it; in Hollyweird twas ever thus and what he did wouldn’t raise many eyebrows there.
It is also interesting that a couple of his…er…legal representatives, both women, who organized the pay-offs and non-disclosure agreements with the ladies unfortunate enough to have caught Bob’s roving eye; are the very same who presented the women that came forward during the presidential election alleging that Trump had sexually assaulted them on various planes and elsewhere – all of which went precisely nowhere, if memory serves.
If it hadn’t been for the internet this story would never have seen the light of day, just like the ‘events’ in Cologne on a certain New Year’s Eve; as more and more revelations appeared the media couldn’t ignore it: though if they could have, then they would have.
Al Shubtill – “… just like the “events” in Cologne on a certain New Year’s Eve”
Nice “equivalency”. Time for me to take my leave of this site.
I’m not sure I’d describe it as “nice” but in my view it is certainly equivalent, both stories which leaked and then flooded out via social media, which the MSM would rather have left well alone.
Anyway, if it’s time for your cocoa I should hate to keep you from it.
ps Brissles – I have no beef with you – I was just commenting on your comment and the attitude and thinking behind it that I had also seen articulated elsewhere too. From time to time a bit of robust discussion is called for – otherwise we end up with echo chambers and safe spaces. Best wishes.
Innocent until guilty seems to have gone out of the window . If the press gets its way and gets this man to kill himself then in normal times that would be an end
Now they will want investigations beyond grave to get some form of pseudo closure nonsense for alleged victims .
If women put themselves into a position where this man was able to do what he wanted they bear some responsibility for allowing it and doing nothing to stop other victims .
My view is not politically correct . I am male and have no involvement in the acting trade but I guess there is a lot of ego involved .
It’s amazing he found the time to do all the films seeing how they are all coming out saying he was abusing them.
Today’s World at One
As the Jester’s Union has forbidden any one from calling the BBC’s world at one presenter, Mark Mardell, a complete clown, I’ll just pass on the latest instalment of his illustrious career.
For some reason Trump isn’t very happy with the Iranians, something to do with the wars they are involved in, their testing of Ballistic Missiles when they said they wouldn’t and their ongoing terrorist supporting acts. Perhaps he doesn’t listen to the BBC as he is stopping the current treaty with Iran on nuclear development.
In order to have a balanced debate the BBC invited on a gentleman who helped create the framework for the ludicrous deal with Iran. Oddly, he was put out that Trump would wish to re-examine the deal. Indeed Mardell forgot to interrupt the gentleman at all to remind him of what Iran is actually doing in the world and that the agreement was not universally welcomed at the time.
More anti-Trump, pro our enemies rhetoric from the impartial BBC.
Do the PPU also hand out white poppies in the Middle East , Afghanistan , N. Korea and all of the other war zones and potential war zones ? How about Sudan and the African countries which seem to be perpetually at war ?
Happy Hate Crime Awareness Week everybody, which by the way coincides with Responsible Gambling Week, so Happy that one as well. If all a bit much, in 2 weeks time is Responsible Gambling Awareness Week.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of the month and hopefully the Austrian and Czech election results!
Wednesday is Anti-Slavery Day
Since LibMob believe in equality they won’t make out that Slavery is a problem for dark people caused by White people
Some posters will show white people enslaved by Gypsy gang, won’t they ?
Don’t worry I shall be responsibly gambling in a Poker tournament at a casino this weekend .
King, Don’t get me wrong, I love a bet but isn’t responsible gambling one of the worlds greatest Oxymorons. Always makes me chuckle when I see it on a racecourse.
Depends on how you look at it Synchronise .
Wages from work pay for community charge , electricity , insurance , replacement tyres , new boiler etc .
Winnings from the racecourse or casino pay for that hotel room , the jacket that’s nice , a silly luxury that you can’t justify but want ( my latest were night vision goggles ) etc
And spend it on others . Flowers , chocolates , champagne , fruit , little luxuries , big stuff .
” You’ve won haven’t you ” they say when as you bear gifts that lifts everyone’s spirits .
Motto #2 : Diversity = CONFORMITY
#BiasedBBC = The Orwell Corporation
ie you must CONFORM to #LibSupremacist values
Coercive-Liberalism is the tradition of National Trust and #BiasedBBC
It’s all a bit like the KIng’s magic suit of clothes. Why is it that most people seem to be able to see this wonderful suit and I can’t? Perhaps Specsavers can help.
Remember that story the other day about the woman banned from selling Knight Templer Mugs at a Market stall in Loughborough. I wondered why the bBC didn’t pick up on the story , 5 mins on her web site tells me why:
UK: Is the so called victim of Islamophobia, a closet Nazis?
From the looks of things rather than offending Muslims, they should be her biggest customers.
I see that doctors are being encouraged to ask patients about their sexual orientation. Now I’d be happy to say that I’m gay or bisexual whatever if I thought it might push me up the waiting list for an appointment, or get to see a specialist earlier. Then again I’d probably be bombarded with literature telling me about AIDS.
It does make me wonder about diversity box-ticking though. The more people self-identify (even falsely) as one of the favoured groups the lobbyists can say ‘Look we need more resources – nearly everybody’s black/LGBT/disabled!’
Wasn’t there a police force that recently announced that people who couldn’t speak English would be their top priority? How long before the NHS starts insisting that middle-class (hetero) whites must go private?
“I see that doctors are being encouraged to ask patients about their sexual orientation.”
The irony, if the tories had come out with asking people their sexual orientation, they would be attacked as bigots, yet the leftwing NHS under the umbrella of the Equality Act not only gets away with it, but is praised for it. Not only that, but this is the very same NHS which refuses to ask patients if they are legally allowed to be treated in the UK.
What happened to “Don’t ask Don’t tell”? Why do all the rump riders feel the need to tell the world that they prefer the male sewage canal to the body of a beautiful woman?
What happened to “Don’t ask Don’t tell”?
That was the US military.
The British until the 90s didn’t recognise homosexuality (due to the risk of blackmail, more than anything else) however we all knew who all the gay people were and simply turned a blind eye towards them. However since them the Military has gone overboard in being seen as homosexual friendly (As it has with a certain Middle Eastern religion) and it now gone beyond a joke. (The other month every military camp was sent a rainbow colour flag to use during pride, as quality flags don’t come cheap, that cost a load of money we really can’t afford to be spending)
A quick google on the rainbow flag story:
It reminds me of the census question about “ethnicity”. I always reply ” This is a racist question and it is none of your business “. The same with the NHS. My sexuality is none of their business. The UK is increasingly resembling Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. There is a bad smell and I do not like it.
I think if they ask me I’ll tell them that my sexual preference is for a nice strong Billy Goat then demand to see my medical records. Where will all this shit end?
I’ve been applying for a lot of jobs lately. Needs must. One thing I’ve noticed time and again is how different application forms look these days, compared to ten years ago, when I was last in the employment-seeking game. I see a lot more forms now which contain the obligatory ‘diversity’ section. It’s not quite so bad in corporate applications (although the bigger the corporation, the worse it tends to be), but you can absolutely guarantee that if you are looking at a public sector application form you are staring at pages and pages of ‘diversity’ nonsense.
I struggle to understand why my potential employer might need to know, in writing, my race, my ethnicity, my religion, my preferred gender (yes, that’s a thing) and my sexual orientation. Then I remember the malignant left and their cursed ‘intersectional’ narratives and how they’ve infected the workplace (via the Academy) with their divisive, toxic classifications and ‘group preferences’. It’s a truly a sorry state of affairs.
The NHS are leaving themselves wide open for humorous and sarcastic comments under the ‘sexual orientation’ column. When ‘sex’ was first headlined on forms, how many put ” yes please’ and probably still do. I actually knew someone who put ‘100 metres’ under “race”, and there are always those who will put ‘Manchester United’ under “religion”.
To answer the question on sexual orientation, how about east – west?
I thought doctors were already overworked, now they’re expected to waste valuable patient time on this modish nonsense.
#MoreEqualThanOthers in agenda chosen to report
4:30pm Radio4
“Writer and poet Bridget Minamore explores how women – particularly women of colour – have pushed back against the poetry establishment to create their own literary narratives.”
She started Octavia a racist poetry group that only admits Women of Colour
4pm The book prog just had ethnic Egyptian Omar El Akkad’s* debut novel American War
: “the country has been ravaged by climate change and a second Civil War breaks out over fossil fuels. ”
From Guido and so representative of my feelings (24 years in Navy, then my own business, now in working “retirement”) and so much the opposite of what the Beeb stands for, I must add to this site:
Dear Conservative government,
My wife is a female otherwise known as a woman. She is married to a man (me). She has a husband and I have a wife. That means we are married not partners. My wife has her bits which I love and I have my male bits which she loves. My wife (not partner), is very good at traditional female things like childcare and making our home looking and smelling good. I am pretty useless at DIY but when it comes to traditional male things like getting a top off a jar of jam then my male strength comes in handy. We actually complement each other. Yes, we argue, but we know we love each other and in our conservative minds we realise that this is life. We have twin 12 year old grandsons. They are boisterous because they are boys. They have just discovered girls. But my wife, their nanny, finds it difficult to cope with their boy traits. I don’t. They are the boys I didn’t have in my previous marriage (2 x girls). I love doing boy things with them such as playing football/rugby etc etc. We have 2 x granddaughters. My wife and their mothers are doing girl things with them. None of this non-gender-specific bullshit. Girls like girl things and boys like boy things. Get used to it. For the tiny percentage of the population who struggle with their gender we have sympathy. But to impose laws and rules to appease the tiny minority whilst annoying the majority is virtue-signalling at its worst. You are losing your natural conservative voters away from your bubble. Get real.
We have a couple of gay (1 male/1 female) relations and they are perfectly happy with their lives. They kiss and cuddle people of their own sex and we don’t care. Nobody in our family cares. They loathe the virtual signalling from our ‘elite’. They just want to get on with their lives and the likes of Peter Tatchell do not represent them.
We have black/Asian etc friends who also don’t use the colour of their skin or their race to advance themselves. It should be based on merit. Lammy and Abbott are not for them.
I work with Muslims who are totally integrated into the British way of life who loathe the likes of the Mayor of London Mr Sadiq Khan. They just want to get on with their lives.
Stop pandering to those with the loudest voices because all it does it to alienate your natural voters. If you want to win the next election then you need to look beyond your focus groups or whomever. Go and sit in a pub in a northern town and see what they talk about. It is not identity politics believe me. It is girls liking boys and the other way around. It is sport. It is what work has been like that day. The most they talk about politics is “they are all as bad as each other”. That is life away from your bubble. They want to pay less taxes. They want to have more money to spend on the things that will benefit them. You get my point. I could go on and on. But you will not listen to us will you. You, like Labour and the Lib Dems, only want our vote to give you power. Do you actually understand why Margaret Thatcher won 3 elections? It was not pandering to a small group or to please the MSM. It was because she understood what REAL working/lower middle class people really wanted.
As for Brexit, you are making a real dog’s dinner of it on the surface. It was mostly the working class who voted for it because they can see through the bullshit of Osborne/Cameron etc.
For God’s sake, be conservative. Think of your natural voters. People like me. Who am I? Brought up in a council house with an alcoholic father and a mum who had to feed us (I have a sister who is 18 months younger than me. She was born in 1962 and I was born in 1960). Joined the RN (you are trying to destroy the armed forces) at age 17 and left 28 years later. Sister is doing very nicely with her husband (not partner) with their own engineering business. I am now comfortable in middle age through work. I want as little interference from you (the government). When I am in trouble I will call you.
Yours sincerely,
A middle aged man who doesn’t want to be lectured on what I drink and a former member of the Conservative party but left because of Cameron turning the party to the left.
Wonderful. About time to see this kind of testimony in print. That it now seems like a freakish aberration to see such sense and humanity, such experience we all have had here on the real planet-being so written about-only shows how long we`ve been stewing in a liberal hell. Thank you for posting.
I’d be delighted to buy you a pint Popeye should we ever meet, we’d get on like a house on fire.
On the BBC News website one ultra-wealthy sex-pest still gets top billing. There are loads of links within the article if you wanted to know more. I don’t, thanks.
I look at the Mogadishu bombing story, and I can’t detect much analysis beyond-
“It is not clear who staged the bombing, but Mogadishu is a target for al-Shabab militants battling the government.”
The photos tell the same old sad story though. Rubble and ruin, and I can’t help but feel this will be the norm in Europe in the not-too-distant future. If the ROP cannot manage its own Reformation, we can’t allow any more in, it’s as simple as that.
Anybody heard of this incident where a black man armed with a knife turned up at a school saying he was there to kill white people. No, I wonder why?
UK: Bearded Black man armed with knife, arrested outside school after saying he was there to kill white children.
Weird : cos the Liverpool Echo reports the crime in the way to make you presume its a white guy
“School in lockdown following reports man made threats to kill in racist attack”
Now the guy would have been charged pretty quickly maybe so can it be subjudice to mention the actual comments/race.
There’s another Oct 14 article
“Hundreds of BRITISH people stopped in Liverpool over immigration spot checks
Lawyers are asking why Brits are being stopped for immigration offences they cannot commit”
Actually the the says 700 people/yr are stopped and 100 of them are British
..That doesn’t seem to be news. If I was foreign looking, it wouldn’t be a surprise that the immigration stopped and checked. It would take me 5 minutes to prove to them I’m British ..and thankyou very much goodbye .
I often think that, within the toxic BBC, Radio4 has the capacity to be the most disgusting. Sunday afternoon poetry has been known to feature a Milton or a Keats, a Larkin or a Plath, or even PC garbage hard to listen to , but today we were dished up a hate-filled ramble which contained little poetry but a lot of ‘resistance’ by Black wimmin, preferably Islamic, to having to live in a place that doesn’t contain enough of them, apparently: London. It does make me wonder why these self-righteous, hate filled people with such MASSIVE CHIPS on their shoulders, don’t pack their bags and bugger off to somewhere where they will feel less oppressed? If you want venom disguised as poetry, have a listen. And beware if you are White, male or not Islamic; you are THE OPRESSOR! R4 never fail to disappoint: when you thought they’d reached as low as it gets, you find NO, they can go LOWER, MUCH LOWER. For this trash the BBC Poll Tax is squeezed out of people. I think its high time to think of a little RESISTANCE that will make the BBC learn the error of their ways…
I got a brief blast of this shit as well fakenewswatcher.
We`d have once had Gray and Keats, Wordsworth and Eliot.Heck, even recent giants like Larkin and Betjeman.
Even Roger McGough, Cooper Clarke or Hegley at least are recognisably coming from the British stock of comedy or social comment.
But these women and those who spend our money on their work are taking the piss. This is not your country anymore whitey.
I was appalled.
C4 News tonight. Had an American poet on who finished her chat by saying white men can go around carrying a gun but if a black man owns a gun she implied he was a target. What the hell happened to C4 “NEWS “. Yet again no one to counter her views or express an alternative light on American society. And another thing, why are media outlets so impressed by “right on” poets. Biggest load of crap to come out of the sixties culture and still it continues.
“UK farmers will ‘grow more food’ if no Brexit deal – minister”
Great ! More home grown food means more money for our farmers – Buy British and stuff the “deal”.
We should have got out long ago. What the hell have our Euro MPs being doing for the last forty years ?
PS From the same article ……
“If this happened, he said the UK would respond by “growing more here and buying more from around the world”.
Yep, I bet Aldi and Lidel would be happy bunnies .
Been looking at a splendid series of talks from America called “Voter Values” that are online , and happened very recently in D.C.
All our heroes speaking-Kellyanne, Mr Trump, Seb, Steve and Phil etc, Newt and Judge Moore…loads more too.
No call to let the BBC tell you wnat`s happening over there…just enjoy the hope and joy of a country in the process of reversing thirty years of nonsense.
We need the same for Brexit.
If you wonder why there`s been no bitchy reporters conferences from there-it`s because the likes of Kelly are swatting them out of the swamp with every filming, and so there`s no coverage from Sopel or Selzer etc.
The fake news are reduced to mime and bad looks to camera-they have nothing to say about Russia or gossip amongst the palace courtiers-so are now found out as shallow confectioners of crap.
And now Weinstein, Clintons and Obamas to follow-great stuff.
“MPs can stop no-deal Brexit, says Labour’s McDonnell”
While our negotiators are fighting their corner getting out of the EU there is a cabal of quislings undermining this great nation’s freedom and democracy.
Clinton on Marr Show “Everyone thought I was going to win.”.
‘Election was an entertainment contest’ according to Clinton
– dear BBC, did you pay for Clinton to appear on Marr Show?
– how much did you pay Savile over all those years?
Yep, Car moron thought he “was going to win” the Referendum with his one ‘sided leaflet’…………………………
Click to access why-the-government-believes-that-voting-to-remain-in-the-european-union-is-the-best-decision-for-the-uk.pdf
Like Hillary, he even tried it in Welsh…………………….
Click to access Welsh_language_EU_referendum_leaflet.pdf
It annoyed us so much that we voted Out !
I think we be found our new crime after the “hate” type – is s.o.c- sexually offensive conduct .
SOC involves any incident which is considered to be sexual by the victim – it includes looking , smiling , speaking to a member of the opposite or same sex .
Crazy enough for albeeb to start the campaign .
Men will become so afraid of speaking to a person of the other sex that the species will die out pretty quickly .
In that case a man might just as well start a conversation by flashing his dick. Bugger the looking and smiling first. What has he got to lose? As comedian Arthur English used to say at the end of his radio sketch. Play the music -Open The cage! ‘kinell I dunno.
The utterly pathetic and cowardly Independent is a total disgrace to this country –
I have to wonder are they just trying to see how far they can push it? How many people could take such an utterly absurd notion seriously? The swamp needs more than draining. It needs a good disinfecting as well.
The idea is that if you say it enough times it becomes true. Classic postmodernist feminist doctrine.
Clinton on Marr Show “…the amount of fabricated and false information, that your voters were given (over brexit) by the leave campaign.”
“From both sides” – Marr
“I’m not as familiar, but I’m very familiar what the leave side said. Because they transported A lot of that on behalf of Trump.”
“The big lie is a very potent tool.” -Clinton
– Both sides lied but Clinton is only interested in one side of the story. Balanced view of the World? See the problem? She sees lies coming from one side only. The other side are truth sayers.
Clinton on Marr Show.
“.. we recognise this kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated anywhere. Whether in entertainment or politics…”
“Will?” Marr splutters out hard to hear, using Will rather than Bill and saying it quietly.
“After all we have someone (her husband who she backed) admitting to being a sexual assulter in the Oval office (Bill Clinton)…” – Clinton
BBC omission journalism at it’s best. £3.5bn news service.
Alright you lot. Who left the fucking cage open?
Brexit: What are the options?
Their propaganda is intensifying and it is getting desperate . Don’t forget ….
’The more the flak – the closer to the target’.
Brexit: What are the options? {bbc.co.uk 12jun2017}
Picture of egg with caption ‘Brexit – like an egg yolk – can be seen as “hard” or “soft”‘.
Picture of shopping basket – ‘The government says it does not want an “off the shelf” trade deal’
Funny the BBC mention eggs, let’s talk eggs … “This ancient law of politics states that a country without borders is like an egg without a shell. What we’re observing in politics today is a strange phenomenon. I’d like to quote former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who shared the following thought with us: In Europe we are witnessing a very rare historical event, in which a region is not defending its external borders, but has instead opened them. The like of this has not happened in several thousand years.” – Viktor Orbán, 16 September 2017, Budapest
Viktor Orban certainly gives good speeches. I always enjoy reading the English translations. Thank you for posting. He seems to have a good grasp of history & not only of the Hungarian variety. I’m trying to imagine one of our leaders delivering a speech like one of his. I think they need to get over worrying about what the papers & TV news outlets say about them & start thinking about what the people think. Real People.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
Thank you for the post. In my view Viktor Orban is Europe’s voice of reason. We should all listen and learn.
Lincoln Uni this week : Beeboids doing free talks
OCT 18 “comedian” Stewart Lee ……… Tuesday at 4 PM – 6 PM
OCT 17 Tom “The Doom-monger” Heap …… Tuesday at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
OCT 18 SUMMIT : the stereotypes that often underpin Wednesday at 9:30 AM – 5 PM
Anyone else noticed the BBC News web page has exactly the same type of stories on it now virtually every single day: a “womens” story, an “ethnic minority” story, and a “transgender” story. Guaranteed at least 2 out of 3 of those every day.
The BBC have committed to the following …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}””
– You can’t complain to the BBC using your money because the BBC will send you to prison, if you stop paying Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages.
Twitter is full of disbelief that BBC still banging on about Harvey, yet it puts 233 deaths in Mogadishu so far down the list that it doesn’t get mentioned on some shorter news progs
Harvey W is on Home +International +UK page
Mogadishu is on the Africa page
R5 Nolan news headlines mentioned neither Mogadishu nor Austria..and then went into big item on Harvey W
BBC Home Page 15oct2017
UK police investigate new Weinstein claims
Amber warning as 80mph gusts hit Northern Ireland
Hillary Clinton: It was a game that presidents shouldn’t play
– Shaking hand of BBC’s Andrew Marr on the BBC Show paid by Tax Payer by the BBC to sell Clintons book
– I suggest the alternative No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon}
Society Section…
Hate crimes against disabled children are increasing
– No link to the report on the BBC Website – I thus conclude they are hiding the data so I cannot determine for myself what has happened. I want to see the kind of hate data so I don’t make the same mistakes! BBC fails to show report data – very bad journalism.
– A Home Office spokesman said: “All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable and the UK has some of the strongest laws in the world to tackle it.”
Why we need to talk about street harassment
Why we need to talk about street harassment
“All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
“All forms of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
“ALL FORMS of hate crime are completely unacceptable”
GREAT! Then let us get The BBC shut down & have done with it. 😉
BBC Search ‘Tower Hamlets Attack’ returns …
Acid attack suspected as men targeted in Bethnal Green {25jul2017}
Man arrested over sexual assault {23oct2008}
Gang jailed over ‘execution’ {28may2003}
How do London’s young Muslims view the 7/7 attacks? {07jul2015}
. . . . . .
Google search ‘tower hamlets attack’ …
All the latest breaking news on Tower Hamlets. … Victim, 17, attacked by at least three different assailants after becoming separated from friends in Tower – independent.co.uk {12oct2017}
Girl, 17, ‘suffers three separate sex attacks’ on way home from night out – Telegraph.co.uk {13oct2017}
Girl, 17, was sexually assaulted three times in one hour in east London – Guardian {13oct2017}
Teenage girl, 17, ‘drugged and sexually assaulted’ THREE TIMES in East
London as she walked home from night out – thesun {13oct2017}
– Found it on BBC site under ‘Bethnal Green’ and not ‘Tower Hamlets’ as other outlets use … ‘Bethnal Green sex assaults: Girl attacked three times in hour’ . Another article here “CCTV issued in triple sex attack case. A teenage girl was sexually assaulted by three different men within an hour as she walked home from a night out.”.
– Why not add ‘Tower Hamlets’ to the story? Because it’s a highly charged area with a voting corruption history?
Austria gets a right wing government – come on al beeb – low turn out – no legitimacy – electorate was ignorant – lied too – wasn’t about the government – it was about something else – self interest – only protest vote – voted for the leader not the policies -never won a numerical majority . – government won’t last long – irregularities – EU says do it again to get the right vote next time – it was the old that did it – let them die / kill them off . Young didn’t vote .
It’s Trump/brexit/Murdock/daily mails fault .
Take your pick
Dif subject – do you notice al beeb makes news of job losses but not where jobs are created ? Clever bit of propaganda by omission
Re : People who shout “Racist” at normal people who dare to say the Holywood story is nothing compared to grooming gangs.
Isn’t it strange that in foreign countries like say India/ South Africa masses of non-white women are assaulted everyday
…Yet these nutters are saying a WHITE Hollywood man, assaulting WHITE Hollywood women mostly 25 years ago is so so important
..Who are the real racists ?
Wot no HYS ? I wonder why ?
“Catalonia: No sign of movement as Spanish deadline looms”
“Some say” that there will be a declaration of unilateral independence at 4pm tomorrow ?
Anyone who has been regularly “monitoring” the BBC website would have noticed the continuity between the BBC running various stories claiming that Britain was institutionally covering-up white male rape and the Harvey Weinstein story that has completely dominated the BBC news for the past three days.
Cyril Smith: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=cyril+smith
Edward Heath: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=edward+heath
Harvey Weinstein: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=harvey+weinstein
What has the EU done for Italy ?
“Italy school students ‘strike’ over work experience”
The cracks are getting wider .
Countryfile how was Tom Heap’s Climate Alarmism article this week ?
#1 The whole prog was about 1987 big storm, yep they had to go back 30 years for that
#2 Next Tom’s expert told us “Climate Change is MAYBE making these storms more common”
…. Jesus you had to look back 30 years !
#3 The preceding item was about a medieval village destroyed in a STORM
..ie at a time when there was not supposed to be Global Warming, villages got destroyed by storms anyway.
#4 This Global warming item was filmed on a hillside among patches of snow
Is the BBC taking the P out of itself ?
.. I bet could be that they’re not stupid and what they are doing is deliberately trying to get the BBC closed down.
I am sure that maxincony will be along later to explain why .
Stew –
I remember some where al Beebers mumbling on about what is a once in a generation event and coming up with the answer “14 years ( except if you’re snp when it’s every 4 year or when oil is above $100 a barrel which ever is sooner )
Anyway another storm 30 years on is over two generations –
They’ll look back at this time in amazement that a society with such limited weather records – less than a century’s worth – could claim to understand the global climate so well that they could predict manmade activity on it and the effect of weather patterns . Joke
“NHS patients to be asked about sexuality” What idiot authorised this directive?
Operative sentence – “But clearly (for) the majority you wonder why on earth they need to know.”
Difficult sleeping so switched on “ The Westminster Hour” which standard Toady fare but at night . So bloody smug and anti brexit – gave up after 15 minutes of Westminster Bubblers turning up for their appearance money under orders from various whips to toe the party line.
I wonder who listens apart from politicians living onn taxpayers money
Somehow I don’t think Al Beeb will like this breaking news ……….
“Sebastian Kurz: Austrian conservative set to become world’s youngest leader”
“Some say” the Latest News is that May is following in the footsteps of Chamberlain and Carmoron, she is off to meet the ‘führer’?
Jonathon Freedland, freedland! Quite inapt given his hatred of freedom.
But extra inapt given his exemplary record of being a hating Jew.
A Jew who recently described the Republicans in the USA as “invertebrates”.
Sounds like invertebrateophobic hate speech to me.
Doubtless he has been arrested after various arthropods complained that this comparison is unjustified as Republicans are not a life form at all, just an accidental collection of cells.
I have more to say on this subject.
I have much more to say, at a time when “some people” are “celebrating” the Bolshevik revolution.
A 100,000,000 per century death causing industry. Led by, sorry, a temporary attck of amnesia . . .
To be continued, unless this disappears, along with all my previous, truthful, demonstrations of the behaviour of a, sorry more amnesia.
Leave to Remain:
Undiluted BBC propaganda drama, entirely fictitous, designed to make us feel sorry for refugees.
Views totally owned by certain unique funders:
Yep KT where were all the #MeToi Virtue Signallers years ago when saints were trying to raise plight of Grooming Gang rape victims ?
Do male BBC presenters tweet half naked photos of women ?
It would be OK
But double standards prevail