Yesterday we revealed how a revolutionary marxist is working as a reporter at BBC News.
Now let’s look at just one of her articles, the merest tip of the iceberg: Is populism a threat to Europe’s economies?
After putting forward the view of the ECB, she then devotes the rest of the article to criticising it, “Has the ECB got its analysis the wrong way about?”. This concluding segment heavily quotes Olivier Vardakoulias, who we are told is an economist at the New Economics Foundation. Well he is, but what we are not told is that the New Economics Foundation is a left wing think tank who aim to build “a new economy where people really take control“, and that Olivier Vardakoulias is a member of Syriza, one of the far-left populist parties the article is supposed to be about. Branford you may remember was already a supporter of the ‘Greece Solidarity Campaign’ as far back as 2012, and Vardakoulias was a speaker at one of their events. He tells us that if “people will turn to nationalist anti-European parties…this will be a disaster for Europe.”
So what we are left with is that the establishment are wrong, and that the nationalist populists are wrong too, leaving only the far left option that we now know Branford herself supports. This isn’t just bias, this is deliberate subterfuge.
Having had a decco at the NUJ website and its key
Principles I can but think that there might well be a breach of said principles if objectivity is not maintained .
Political affiliation should be disclosed by anyone taking the taxpayers coin at al beeb . If any one sees this as a restriction on personal views they should go to al sky or al itv .
This prat is really getting on my nerves –
To quote from the piece he wrote:-
“I was on the far left in the 80s. I actively supported the steel strike, the miners’ strike and the print strike. I opposed the Falklands war and the first Iraq war. I stood outside provincial jails shouting slogans suggesting – rightly, it turned out – that the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four were innocent. In 1993, after Stephen Lawrence was murdered, I went on a protest march through south-east London where white racists shouted threats at us from their gardens.”
All he left out was “and then I was deemed suitable to be appointed economics editor for Newsnight by the BBC”
Jasmine Lawerence might need to write a note about inequality.