Great shame…poor old Hillary couldn’t make it onto the fawning media circuit today as she had another fall….how would she have coped with the strains and stresses of being President? She seems completely unable to cope with defeat and the reality of who is to blame…one Hillary Clinton.
The BBC has been glorifying her and promoting her as the great lost opportunity, the solution that a dangerous and uncertain world needed. Jim Naughty continuing the good work this morning on the Today show as he presented her as a woman wronged, denied the presidency by dirty tricks and Russian lies. The problem is of course that, just assuming it was the Russians who hacked the emails, they weren’t lies, the very opposite in fact, the problem was that the emails revealed uncomfortable truths about Clinton and the Democrats….the BBC of course avoided any proper scrutiny of those emails preferring to concentrate on the fact they had been hacked….their content was of no interest to the BBC which only wanted to portray this as a dirty trick….similar hacks or thefts of information from those the BBC opposes are of course legitimate ‘leaks’…the source unimportant and indeed protected.
And why is it wrong for the Russians to interfere in American Democracy when the BBC itself has been involved in full-scale attempts to influence the US election? The BBC ran a vicious anti-Trump campaign that portrayed him as a sex attacker, a racist, an Islamophobe and an all round illiterate, ignorant, unsophisticated, vulgar, egotistic bigot….and this continues post-election with smears, innuendos and half-truths and outright lies about his connections to the Russians as well as the usual contempt and mockery of the very superior types at the BBC.
Get one from that staffer Andrew Marr was helping straighten her frillies outside the club, and the BBC would have to maybe nudge Kim to pop another rocket over Japan to drag our eyes East.
Quoted tweet is Lewinsky replying to the #meToo hashtag of the women’s march
How odd, only the other day our old chum Maxi was stating that Bill Clinton’s “relationship” with Monica Lewinsky was entirely consenual. To believe that, you have to believe that the President of the United States hitting on a 20 year old intern is some sort of relationship of equals. I called him out on it, but he never responds, so it is especially gratifying to have Monica Lewinsky herself confirm exactly the point I made.
Over to you, Maxi…
Maybe he is researching a story about Tracey Temple for Panorama?
Unless Lord Hall has had a quite word from the back of the edit suite.
Not sure if confirmed, but if so a hoot.
Seems HRC actually only stubbed her toe whilst carrying a champagne fountain down a bbc corridor whilst wearing diving boots, and had to dive for cover when she heard sniper fire.
On the Nigel Farage LBC show we had a piece were Hilary Clinton was angry with Nigel Farage for causing her to lose the Presidential election.
We then had a piece on the Nigel Farage LBC show, where the President of the United States of America spoke in defence of Nigel Farage.
The BBC have never had anyone like that since the Jimmy Young show. But I don’t think the President of the United States of America ever mentioned Jimmy Young, by name.
Hilary is rapidly becoming an embarrassment both to herself and the adoring MSM which has put so much time, effort and money into trying to convince the world as a whole that this terminally greedy, hypocritical, corrupt, and over ambitious individual with an overarching sense of entitlement had anything more to offer the American people than the same unprincipled, corrupt and self serving “leadership” her husband peddled for two terms. The MSM and the BBC in particular have tried to present her as some sort of wronged Joan of Ark crossed with Mother Theresa figure rather than the whited Sepulcher she truly is.
She is a bit like the favoured son of an aristocrat who has been sent away to complete his education and comes back home after his grand tour with laudanum and gambling habits and a penchant for being dressed as a servant wench and spanked by prostitutes dressed as Billy Goats ( called Bills for short!). The aristocratic parents know this wastrel will destroy and gamble away the family pile , but have invested too much time, emotional and physical energy and money into the wastrels education and as long as he makes the the right appreciative noises will turn their backs to his peccadilloes in the hopes that in the end all will be well, and the families reputation will stay intact and no-one will notice. It wont.
In some ways she perfectly illustrates the entrenched lies and cynical emotional manipulation that lies at the heart of most liberal politicking. It appeals to the faint hearted, the weak and the naive yet at the same time relies on successful businesses to provide the financing of all of its unsustainable projects (and if not there is always debt). Harvey Weinstein (now to be pilloried) knew how to play these greedy individuals at their own game hence he got away with what he did for decades. The “oh so pure liberals” always happy to turn a blind eye provided the money kept rolling in. In the UK we had Jimmy Saville who the BBC knowingly allowed to carry on with his abuse, and even tried to protect his memory, whilst at the same time the organisation was posturing as “The champion of the people” I bet there are a few others out here too.
Trump on the other hand does not play to the “liberal rules” People like him are needed and yet hated at the same time. The mistake that Trump made (in the eyes of the Liberals) is that he thought his more honest approach would be a better way to run a country. Yet his very presence threatens the liberal establishment and their associated shibboleths that have dominated American Government for years and hence the the Liberal attack dogs have been unleashed.
Where this is all going – who can tell?. But I expect it is too late to put this bitter and twisted woman back into her box or the never mentioned locked room in the attic. I suspect like the Blair creature, she will be allowed to continue rattle around throwing brickbats at those trying to make a real difference and lining her already deep pockets for a very long time to come.
Is it me, or is your second paragraph above, a perfect description of old jugears who is next in line to the British throne?
If not it sure is serendipitous.
I can see where you are coming from W4 – but do not totally agree that Charlie is a wastrel. Though many of his actions may be misplaced, naive or ill thought out , I think that on the whole he tries to do the “right thing” even if he is wrong much of the time.
Hilary on the other hand does not seem to give a shit if she is wrong as all she cares about is money and the pursuit of power – nothing else.
She is like the stereotypical indignant convict.
“If he hadn’t caught me robbing them I would not be in all this trouble!”
Why is the BBC allowed to influence the US election in the most blatant way? It’s World Service was especially extreme – I remember one spurious fake item about a ‘white nationalist’ painting pro Trumo graffiti on a black church. So they can say her opponent is Hitler – the worst smear imaginable – but for the ‘Russians’ merely expose her actual skulduggery means the start of a new Cold War?
#Fake news.
It’s circular reasoning, same as the left uses to justify Antifa’s violence or SJWs destroying peoples’ lives for having the wrong opinions. “Well, it’s their own fault for not thinking the right way.”
If she wasn’t a liberal left elite leader I could almost feel sorry for her. She must know that , on the back of the Weinstein scandal, in the next few days or weeks it is likely that the truth about Bill is going to surface. We all know that he has been involved in shady dealing and his sexual proclivities are well known. How many cover up have there been , perhaps hundreds. Perhaps he and his frien Weinstein did some duo acts. Poor Hillary has probably been forced to participate, in the cover ups I mean, and now, as the truth begins to surface she is getting nervous. As her power wanes her hold over people begins to weaken and perhaps they will start to tell what they know. She is probably more worried about the next few months than at anytime in her life. Please try and find some shred of understanding in your hearts for this woman who may see ahead the end of her career and law suits galore.
DT – I would love to agree with you, but just like the BBC the left leaning establishment has invested too much time, energy and money into protecting and nurturing this festering pile of corruption. You drag her down and probably the whole liberal project will collapse. They cannot allow this to happen. So in my opinion (just like the BBC) she will be tolerated and protected right up until the bitter end.
What that end will be I am not sure, but I am now beginning to think that it will be a more “asymetrical” solution than just a conventional election. It is a pity that these evil corrupt bastards such as Soros and co have pushed things so far along this road.
Its true that the elite have immense power particularly with their virtual monopoly of the news media. But this time the issue of women rights might just beat the power of the male molesters of the liberal elite. But perhaps the elite will be able to cover their tracks yet again. We shall see. But already another potential crack in the liberal left dam has appeared thanks to Weinstein . of course the really big breakthrough would be if the Women’s Rights movement took on the Muslim misogyny. Perhaps that might come from Eastetn Europe.
Still it remains true that here in the UK the biggest blow that we can strike against the tyranny of the liberal elite would be to get rid of the BBC and so allow the people to know the truth. This site is contributing to that noble cause.
Totally agree with you re the BBC DT. As to the wimmins rights movement taking on Muslim misogyny – Personally I cant see it.
If all they are bothered about
after Sweden,
after Rotherham,
after Cologne,
after no prosecutions for FGM
is offense at people using the word “Fireman” rather than “Fireperson” or whatever pointless change of term they want for this profession can you really see all these attention seeking, lazy, sour, over sensitive wastes of air trying to get the MSM/BBC to cover these “media unpopular” issues when they can get all the attention they want providing they just stick to the BBC hymn sheet and concentrate on trivia.
No DT these useless bastards are tied at the hip to the MSM and will not seriously tackle any of these issues until the MSM give them the green light. And that as things are at the moment just aint gonna happen.
The alignment of the feminist/SJW movement with extremist Islam is a very interesting one, which I think can only be explained as “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
The feminists believe all the world’s ills are down to the Western male “patriarchy”, whatever that means, and destroying that is more important, it seems, than protecting women’s rights or guarding citizens against being slaughtered by Muslim crazies.
This sort of rational disconnect is quite common in modern “progressive” circles.
via @GolfCharlie
\\The Guardian reports 2 different reasons for Hillary Clinton missing her BBC appearances
Someone must know the difference between a toe and an ankle, unless they struggle with arse and elbow. Perhaps they should have asked Bill Clinton’s advice on female anatomy, even if Hillary’s was never his favourite subject.//
‘ I’ve received excellent care from your excellent health service.’ Well, there’s a lot of other foreigners that would say the same thing, Hilary. But I suspect you didn’t have to queue with them for four hours in Casualty alongside the minority of native Brits who have to fund it all via their taxes, so you probably wouldn’t know that.
Well I hope she had to wait two weeks for a Doctor appointment like I do, or sit in A&E for several hours followed by waiting at X-Ray for a few more?
And I hope she had to get her credit card out?
Was Hillary treated by the NHS, envy of the world, an example of socialist medicine she favours?
Worth noting that in various forms the Liverpool Death Pathway continues.
The blessed International Health Service continues with its mass murder of the elderly in hospital . If a doctor or nurse doesn’t like you then you ll be ‘offed’ – neglect , ill treatment , infection , overdose – starvation – particularly if no relatives .
Never trust a medic .
Must remember to take a packed lunch and bottle of water if I have to go in hospital.
Make sure the water is within reach.
Not sure if the degree holding nurses who are unaware that dehydration impedes recovery have been through full retraining as yet.
A set of Tenas too.
Guest I am sure that many of the degree holding nurses are fully aware of how dehydration impedes recovery and probably can do a dissertation on it. However the “recovery from dehydration” part of their course probably recommends that a fully degree qualified nurse in cases of dehydration should call a auxiliary to take a jug of water to the patient. Not take one themselves as it is more important to stare at the screen in the nurses station than go to the kitchen.
I know the vast majority of nurses are caring, but it does seem to me that these days that this Blairite emphasis on “degree education” at all costs can discriminate against some of the staff who possess buckets of common sense , are truly compassionate and caring , but are not academically gifted.
More negative Brexit language used today by our finest;
What if we ‘crash out’ with no deal? How’s about … we simply drive past the carnage on the other carriage way.
I do note that they are slowly ratcheting up their propaganda machine, just like last June. Do they never learn?
10am to 10:24am she was on WH
but recorded not live so escapes any surprise questions
Thanks Stew,
I won’t bother listening . Questions up front with written answers and griping about being a rich woman .
I still can’t work out how she lost that election . President Trump did and said stuff which should have ended any candidate . She must have been really really bad – and her amoral past said more i suppose . Hopefully she’s gone somewhere else to flog her book.
Don’t forget She won the popular vote… the BBC and she keep reminding us….funny how Brexit won the popular vote and the referendum but that doesn’t seem to count…one rule for left another for the Plebs
Her book What Happened is a masterpiece – it contains the full question and answer on the cover.
Q: What Happened?
A: Hillary Clinton
BBC is parodying itself re Hillary
“A lot of #whitewomen were on the verge of voting for me”..
What’s that say ? That white women ate stupid.
BBC tweeted this
Re “the healing combination of woods, yoga and Chardonnay”
Shame if any from London Bridge, Westminster or Finsbury Park complained about that hold frame as insensitive.
Stew – Maybe “wimmins hour ” should have said “Some TOP advice for anyone who is a crooked, greedy, self serving, hypocrite who has been found out and needs to pick themselves up again”.
During the election, I watched various Youtube stories by doctors who thought Hillary Clinton might have Parkinson’s. The symptoms are all there. She was probably too sick to run for president, but she had to, because without power, the Clintons are nothing.
Certainly, this latest story sounds like standard Clinton lies. When she collapsed in the clip shown above, it was called “pneumonia”, but she was better within hours. That just doesn’t happen.
The whole Clinton dynasty is built on lies and corruption. The parallel with Harvey Weinstein is interesting. His power in Hollywood has been waning for some time, and now all the dirt on him is gushing out. No-one fears him any more. It is very similar for the Clintons. If she had been elected president, she would have been untouchable, but as it is, she is a has-been, with no more power or influence. There is no need for big banks to pay her $400,000 for a speech, because she can’t do anything for them. Likewise, the money for the so-called “Clinton Foundation” has dried up, there is nothing in it for the donors to this so-called “charity” any longer.
I feel that what happened to Weinstein might now happen to the Clinton crime family. They just don’t have the power they once had, and if one person speaks out, it will become a flood. They have committed so many crimes that they will be unable to stem the tide. I truly hope that both these repellant and criminal creatures end their time in an orange suit, it is the very least they deserve. Maybe it’s too much to hope they could share a cell with Harvey Weinstein.