R4 now : Lefty people talking about a gay-sex book
The other week an R4 book prog dared to have a non Lefty on but they are back to their usual mould.
Features : @OwenJones84
and @georgia_la (professional millennial Guardianista)
talking about :
#1 Alan Hollinghurst (Line of Beauty obscene gay book)
#2 @NaomiAllthenews
“The Power is a 2016 dystopian science fiction novel : premise is women developing the ability to release electrical jolts from their fingers, thus leading them to become the dominant gender. ”
#3 Lady Chatterley.
OJ said “this gang rape and murder is what men and boys do around the world everyday”
.. No mate that is everday sexism
Only bad people do that be they male/female,
I and other men do not do violence against men/women.
BBC lack of self awareness
Morning : Ooh property prices have fallen in in the long run in most areas except London
Afternoon : Ooh inflation COULD rise faster.
Muppets if house prices aren’t rising, then that’s a major inflation factor out.
Does seem ironic that the British taxpayer – whose money is being sent to the EU – is now being told by the discredited OECD – funded by the EU – that Brexit will be bad for UK Via a taxpayer funded biased state broadcaster.
Got to ask how the likes of Prescott, Blunkett and Clarke get their books published, despite nobody buying them.
I`m guessing that councils have to take them for their librarires, and Radio 4 are involved in getting them read out on our tab.
Worth looking into how childrens books get so weaponised, but Obama getting a peace prize before he`d even been anywhere or done anything…well, that`s O.K and gets published and publicised by the luvvie left media.
Who`s the publishing equivalent of Harvey Weinstein?
Amber Rudd calls Brexit without a deal ‘unthinkable’
The Remainers have control of Brexit. Amber Rudd ensuring we get a bad deal along with Hammond, they are taking away our bargaining position.
If Amber Rudd bought a car from a dealer she is in effect saying that she would not hold the right to walk away from the dealer. She believes she must buy a car no matter at what price!!
Sack her and Hammond now Theresa.
Surreptitiously the Remainers have got control of the governmental reins, it is beyond ridiculous to have Remainers negotiating Brexit.
Unless Theresa gets a grip the country is finished, the traitorous Labour Party and Ken Clarke acolytes are on the verge of success.
God help us.
Where is the collective Brexit group who speaks for the 17 million? Who speaks for them, more to the point who is able to given that the BBC, Sky, ITV and Channel 5 are all Remainers and will not give Brexiteers a platform.
Eurosceptic Steven Woolf, formerly of UKIP is trying to give voice to the debate but cannot get onto the media channels. His voice is being blocked, how many other voices are being suppressed.
Nigel Farage’s dispute with the BBC has meant his appearances are few and far between. It’s looking very bad for Brexit, we rest our hopes in Theresa May, that’s how bad the Brexit position is.
One of the most unfortunate results on election night was Elmer Fudd just managing to cling onto her seat, such a shame that both she and that other @rseh0le Soubrey, didn’t get binned by their respective constituents.
Brexit is getting beyond a joke now ……………….
“Brexit talks must speed up, Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker say” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41642051
Who the hell is slowing it down?
Check out the highest HYS comments.
Forced myself to watch the news at 5 on the News Channel. So far (40 minutes) we have had panicking that the inflation rate was rising due to Brexit, Theresa was having a difficult time with Brexit, a extremely emotive interview with a mother who’s daughter loves to dance and can’t because she is waiting for a operation on her spine, lots of tears understandbly from her,. but no reason why the waiting lists are so long, weather, Ophelia was Brexits fault (not really), sport and then a piece on hate crime rising, and how the rise peaks after Manchester and London Bridge, but the Finsbury Park Mosque was also mentioned. They also managed to squeeze in about their favourite subject transgender crime.
Thoroughly depressing, and so agender led, it’s blatant now. The BBC news that I respected so much growing up and as a adult, is a complete joke and I’m glad I watch very little of it.
Then listen to the asian so-called economy editor on al Beeb throthing about inflation up and growth down with that sort of “ told you brexit would do this “ tone. He sounded truly disappointed that pensioners would get a 3 per cent rise in the state pension as a result.
My read of the economy is that we are at the top ( sorry if you’re having a bad time ) and the only way is down from now. Whether this is s big drop or a sustained drop I don’t know. Whether it’s a black swan job – who knows.
What I’m coming to is that Brexit will get the blame in accordance with al Beeb remainers narrative .
Before anyone lies to you about storm Ophelia here are some facts you need to know.
2017 has been a very active year for hurricanes, in fact it is one of the most active years, and it seems almost an inevitability that the usual climate crackpots will be claiming that it is evidence of global nonsense.
Here are some interesting facts. There are three other comparator years with similar levels of activity: 1878 1886 1893
So if the 2017 hurricane season has been caused by some kind of man made activity, what caused the three similar years in the late 19th century?
I don’t profess to have the skills or patience to delve into the stats behind all this, but what the BBC serves up always seems littered with coulds and caveats and odd sample windows.
Also they seem to play fast and loose with terms like ‘worst’, which juggles all sorts of tricky things like death rate measurements in the seventeenth century, insurance premiums in the naughties, overpopulation in what were traditional no-go areas, mangrove clearances, etc.
I always find Watts Up With That and Paul Homewood put things in better context for free than a £4B propaganda machine.
Its becoming relentless now – the closer the target the more the flak ……………….
“Reversing Brexit would boost economy, says OECD” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41652416
How much did the OECD get paid ?
One humorous comment on HYS……………………………………………. “EU lobbying group says BREXIT is bad?
in other news, a bear goes into the woods to use the toilet. “
In fairness he shouldn’t have been sacked for trivia, in fairness he was stupid or naive to write such a comment. He should have stuck to ‘thought crime “ . I wonder who grassed him up?
An age of irrational hypersensitivity – extending blame culture to ‘ offended’ culture .
Maybe it’s because Islam is so alien to the British mind and culture that it over eggs it’s protective response causing incidents involving bacon to be treated with some sick panicked over reaction. Lucky the RCs haven’t put a death warrant on the writers of Father Ted.
Fedup – I suspect this copper was grassed up by another one. After talking to a number of them it appears that these days reporting another copper for some sort of PC heresy is good move for career advancement.
Most police forces appear to have undergone a much needed re-balancing of priorities so “queening” around around in a rainbow decorated jam sandwich looking out for bacon criminals or checking who has made serious “hate” comments online is obviously far more useful to society than investigating physical violence or burglaries.
Agree with that but the Police Chief is being incompetent with public money :
unless there is another good reason for sacking him
#1 They’ve invested in his training prog and 3 years experience, so the cost of replacing him with another officer of same standard is gonna cost the taxpayer £100K+
#2 You fire someone for 4 words they said off-duty, which he later retracted.
And the words wouldn’t be offensive to my Muslim friends
So I’m guessing the police will lose at an employment tribunal ..thus costing taxpayer even more money.
The idea of announcing a policy saying certain crimes won’t be investigated unless there is this that and the other is an incitement to commit those crimes – innit
When you get a 500% increase in people claiming to be disabled or transgender but only a 29% increase in the number of hate crimes against them, that means there has been a proportional decrease not increase.
I think Diane Abbott has been doing the figures for them.
BBC: Victim of stabbing at Parson’s Green was ‘confronting a drug dealer.’
That’s up there with ‘radicalised on the internet’ for a false narrative. Confront a drug dealer? What does that even mean? He was so upset the guy was selling drugs he tried to attack him? Yeah, right.
Poor little Omid – another peaceful astronaut in the making struck down in his prime.
Is there anybody out here who gives a damn about any so-called “research and data” that the BBC chooses to say is news or worth my knowing.
After their Brexit lies, their race fiddling, their migration and crime stats since Major onwards?
It`s all and only used to slate Trump, the Tories or keep mithering so we are scared to leave the EU. Not a chance-I just regard it as white noise or flock wallpaper.
Fact free BBC with reality being only an option they choose not to use.
I know my shopping bill is going up, but it`ll get better when we`re out of the EUs food cartel.
Woman who draws attention to herself by wearing little leather shorts on Countryfile complains
“Ellie Harrison, the Countryfile presenter, has expressed frustration that the only fan mail she gets is in praise of her clothes and looks.
While male presenters are asked about countryside issues, Harrison receives a different kind of attention.”
So unlike Adam : EXPERT in rare breeds, or Matt : EXPERT in sheep farming, or Packham : EXPERT in birdwatching, or Heap : EXPERT in green propaganda
Ellie EXPERT in nothing , only gets mail about her looks
PHWOOOOOOOR! – She looks well qualified to me – Bet she hasnt got much on under those clothes!
I reckon she also likes children and animals and wants to travel the world.
Give her another 30 years and she’ll be glad of ANY comments made about her !!! It all goes with the passage of time dear.
Clearly she’s isn’t old enough to remember the hoohaa when Charlie Dimmock went bra-less, and it didn’t harm her career !
Why does the BBC openly appear to support an ideology that sees nothing wrong with paedophilia?
Shouldn’t the national broadcaster have the interests of its own country at heart?
Shouldn’t they be using their investigators to get to the roots of the problem, demanding answers and bringing the perpetrators to account?
So over the last three weeks the odious BBC has plumbed the depths of failure to do its job, This week we had the BBC fawning over the non person that thankfully failed to get elected as President of one of the most important nations the USA on the planet, She apparently kissed arse with London’s joke of a mayor the incompetent and corrupt sadiq khan. Then a week earlier the BBC failed yet again to do its job and vertually ignored the Football supporters march against islamic extremism, Then the week before that The odious BBC failed fro a third time to do its job and cover the upheavals in Catalonia. It is clear that
#1 The BBC is unfit fore porpose
#2 The BBC is beyond reform
#3 The BBC must be closed down
#4 Fore a start the BBC must be renamed as it no longer represents or defends anything that is British
The trouble is that none of the mainstream parties want to do anything about the BBC and most people will not unfortunately do the only thing that at the present time that is to stop paying the £147 a year BBC viewing tax. Then have no contact with BBC/TVL when the BBC comes looking for its £147 annual tax.
Well all of us I suppose, apart from Maxicony of course. However, the results would be meaningless as we are a biased sample so let’s leave the bias to the BBC who conduct plenty of their own biased vox pops on a variety of subjects from Brexit to immigrants every single day to try to make out the nation loves the EU, Islam and all the rest of it.
You could always put a poll up on Twitter and see what sort of response you get. If I found it on Twitter I’d sign saying the unfir for purpose BBC should have its funding withdrawn
Stew – re today’s ‘Hate’ graphics: the entity currently known as the ‘BBC’ is probably shelling out a lot of money on that sort of garbage. The entity doesn’t have to earn the money, it just sucks it from those who have to work to earn enough to fund the entity. The graphic is supposed to enforce in the minds of the bewildered ‘masses’ the entity’s current, self created, fetish of white hate (the word, the logos) imposed over the entity’s other current, self created, fetish of the ‘vulnerable’ dark. The entity has, for quite a time now, presented to those that fund it as something sick, twisted and strange. My choice is to turn away and create a different version of reality.
The female sports news presenter on BBC breakfast really grinds my gears – the way she talks about sport like she is just emptying the contents of her handbag. I want my sports presenters to be really passionate about sport and you can tell she is not. Alas, ‘diversity’ trumps quality at the Beeb.
Being a female – and maybe I’ve been ‘conditioned’ – but I still find it ‘weird’ to hear women discussing and presenting certain sports like football and rugby – (and I’m the daughter of a one-time Premier League football player and football manager !! ), so I do agree in many respects with you Beeby.
Why the inverted commas around the word weird?
I’m trying to remember a Premier League football player and football manager with the name of Brissles and for the life of me———
Anyway I salute you.
Worth sharing
Ten years after Gordon Brown’s government borrowed £425m from the Big Lottery Fund to help pay for the London 2012 games, not a single penny has been repaid.
25 years or such time as we get a government with balls like a buffalo. What are these counts so frightened of that Joe Public might find out? Perhaps Joe Public might turn nasty if only he knew? And we live in an OPEN SOCIETY? What a Fcuking joke!
My #MeToo experience
he BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan was having dinner with a colleague when he said, “”I’m unbelievably sexually attracted to you. I can’t stop thinking about you.”
She dropped her fork and it bounced on the plate, the spaghetti still woven around it.
Funny. I said something very similar to a girl in 1960 and she married me. And we are STILL married.
A boy chases a girl until she catches him. That’s the way Mother Nature made us. Get used to it snowflakes!
Didn’t bother to read most of the piece, but noticed that the last para said “But one positive that comes out of hearing such horrific stories from Hollywood and beyond is that the more people talk, the less it’s becoming acceptable.”
So get out there girl, and check on the kid’s rapes over here, and the Brit-haters we have to endure. We’re all ‘talking’, you love Twitting, so presumably some of your mates read or talk to you, so forget something about ‘stars’ getting their leg over, worry about something which really matters!
Eddie Fisher – A Man Chases A Girl Lyrics
A man chases a girl (until she catches him)
He runs after a girl (until he’s caught)
He fishes for a girl (until she’s landed him)
It all comes out exactly the way she thought
Uncertain, he tags along behind
Uncertain, ’til she makes up his mind
A man chases a girl (until she catches him)
But don’t run too fast while you are saying no
And once you’ve caught him don’t ever let him go
BBC headline news: M15 boss warns of ‘intense’ terror threat. In other words the entity, and its shadows,are keen to impress another ‘important’ message, deliberately designed to ferment fear, upon the huddled masses who have to work to fund the messengers.
The photo that accompanies the headline is laughable. But why should the entity bother? All it needs to do to convince the masses of past and impending horrors is to present them with a newly staged image of a woman wearing a promotional t-shirt and a faux anguished expression. My eyes, brain and intuition see lies and fakery, and I wonder at the game that is being played out and I wonder at the identity of those who might choose to play the game. Maxicony, and his chums are sure to know someone who knows someone who was ‘caught up’ in the reported ‘horror’ because that is the role that the Maxiconys of the world play in the fakery. Where next for those of us who view the entity and its accolytes as arising pile of contaminated waste?
BBC reporting that the MI5 boss says we have 3000 extremists floating around. Now maybe I’m missing something here but what the hell is he doing interviews about it for. I would have thought he was being paid a considerable salary by us all to do the job of protecting the law abiding citizens of this country. Putin may not be perfect but would his secret service have threats to his country roaming around freely.
I still find it incredible that she is a remainer.
Hastings used to have one of the best shore-based fishing fleets, and Rye one of the best river based Rye Bay fleets. They have suffered terminal decline after successive EU pogroms, and are shadows of their former greatness.
And I bet I know much more about Hastings than she does too, having been born there.
Home Secretaries taking no notice of the famous Brexit winning vote, should really be doing something else, like telling the police to bang up a few crims, and protect the public, not trying to scupper ‘negotiations’ at every turn.
Watching Newsnight with a debate about free speech and lack thereof on university campuses. When Kate Smurthwaite seems like the voice of reason then you know it must be the BBC’s idea of a balanced panel.
I f*****g hate that expression “no-brainer” it’s deployed by people who are too thick or incapable of making a supporting argument for something they’ve said or written; or because there just isn’t one to be made for what they’re proposing.
Sorry if this has already been picked up
Good to see remainers in the Cabinet still at the “Coalface”
First Spreadshit Phill now its Ambers turn to undermine us (assuming an sort of genuine negotiation is actually going on) I am beginning to wonder if Amber Rudd is actually Clegg in male drag (has anyone ever seen them together?
You think it’s just in the UK and US where the BBC are seen are dishonest and biased in their reporting. Think again, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. The Philippines where they are waging a war on drugs and Islamic terrorism and where an overwhelming majority of Filipinos and foreigners support the actions of their President.
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
Medals for telling us what to eat … jokes that write themselves …
Also, once Halal becomes standard policy in the Army, Prisons and Schools it will only be a matter of time when the Halal Authority demand that all Halal products are bought using Islamic Finance {biasedbbc post}, thus supporting Islamic countries and possibly terrorism.
Buying the rope that will hang us… though food production … “…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (or food production services for Muslim only jobs)…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“ {youtube}
Keep buying pork.
That`s going in my husbands garage…wonder if there`s still a Miss Halal Contest that she could enter?
A stern Christopher Biggins!
R4 now : Lefty people talking about a gay-sex book
The other week an R4 book prog dared to have a non Lefty on but they are back to their usual mould.
Features : @OwenJones84
and @georgia_la (professional millennial Guardianista)
talking about :
#1 Alan Hollinghurst (Line of Beauty obscene gay book)
#2 @NaomiAllthenews
“The Power is a 2016 dystopian science fiction novel : premise is women developing the ability to release electrical jolts from their fingers, thus leading them to become the dominant gender. ”
#3 Lady Chatterley.
OJ said “this gang rape and murder is what men and boys do around the world everyday”
.. No mate that is everday sexism
Only bad people do that be they male/female,
I and other men do not do violence against men/women.
8pm R4 Doco about murder of Black footballer Kevin Nines and the bitched investigation/trial
BBC lack of self awareness
Morning : Ooh property prices have fallen in in the long run in most areas except London
Afternoon : Ooh inflation COULD rise faster.
Muppets if house prices aren’t rising, then that’s a major inflation factor out.
and now the muppets are pushing the forever discredited OECD’s new report complete with a remoaner to reinvigorate project fear
without mentioning any of the times they have been wrong before
and no mention of this this
Well spotted . I wonder if Al Beeb will tell/inform its viewers ?
£85 Million!
Does seem ironic that the British taxpayer – whose money is being sent to the EU – is now being told by the discredited OECD – funded by the EU – that Brexit will be bad for UK Via a taxpayer funded biased state broadcaster.
It’s all in the wording of the headline. What image do you want to impress on people’s minds?
“Reversing Brexit would boost economy, says OECD”
The Independent
“Reverse Brexit with second referendum to save your economy”
The Telegraph
“Britain’s economy will continue to grow even if it leaves the EU without a deal, OECD admits”
worth putting up the graphic
‘#OECD Received £85 Million From EU’
No wonder they shill for them, just like the BBC.
I note the massive increase before the 2015 Referendum and post the event. Why? (or is that a daft question)
Seen it all now !….. Forget the Janet & John books, Enid Blyton, Thomas the Tank Engine etc etc. ……. even if it is only for fun, its beyond the pale.
A humorous parody of an illustrated children’s book with irreverent musings on US President Americus Trumpus (aka Donald Trump) that’s definitely for the adult mind. Written by renowned American comedian Michael Ian Black and with illustrations by children’s illustrator Marc Rosenthal, it’s a hilarious character assassination of Trump – “Its skin is bright orange, its figure is plump…”
Hardback. 32 pages.
In this tender, beautiful letter to his daughters, President Barack Obama has written a moving tribute to thirteen groundbreaking Americans and the ideals that have shaped our nation. From the artistry of Georgia O’Keeffe, to the courage of Jackie Robinson, to the patriotism of George Washington, President Obama sees the traits of these heroes within his own children, and within all of America’s children.
Got to ask how the likes of Prescott, Blunkett and Clarke get their books published, despite nobody buying them.
I`m guessing that councils have to take them for their librarires, and Radio 4 are involved in getting them read out on our tab.
Worth looking into how childrens books get so weaponised, but Obama getting a peace prize before he`d even been anywhere or done anything…well, that`s O.K and gets published and publicised by the luvvie left media.
Who`s the publishing equivalent of Harvey Weinstein?
Owen Jones gets a free spot on A Good Read. Inevitably he works Margaret Thatcher into his spiel.
As a six year-old I can’t say I was that bothered who was prime minister but poor Owen is still traumatised.
Never mind a book on Trump. If I went on A Good Read I’d choose this one – as mentioned further up the thread.
The Golliwogg’s Fox Hunt.
“The Golliwogg’s Fox Hunt.”
Wonderful! That title has everything.
Amber Rudd calls Brexit without a deal ‘unthinkable’
The Remainers have control of Brexit. Amber Rudd ensuring we get a bad deal along with Hammond, they are taking away our bargaining position.
If Amber Rudd bought a car from a dealer she is in effect saying that she would not hold the right to walk away from the dealer. She believes she must buy a car no matter at what price!!
Sack her and Hammond now Theresa.
Surreptitiously the Remainers have got control of the governmental reins, it is beyond ridiculous to have Remainers negotiating Brexit.
Unless Theresa gets a grip the country is finished, the traitorous Labour Party and Ken Clarke acolytes are on the verge of success.
God help us.
Where is the collective Brexit group who speaks for the 17 million? Who speaks for them, more to the point who is able to given that the BBC, Sky, ITV and Channel 5 are all Remainers and will not give Brexiteers a platform.
Eurosceptic Steven Woolf, formerly of UKIP is trying to give voice to the debate but cannot get onto the media channels. His voice is being blocked, how many other voices are being suppressed.
Nigel Farage’s dispute with the BBC has meant his appearances are few and far between. It’s looking very bad for Brexit, we rest our hopes in Theresa May, that’s how bad the Brexit position is.
If Theresa May or Jacob Rees-Mogg walked us out of the EU now, the Tories would be guaranteed a win in the next general election.
She should sack the traitors or step aside ……………………….
One of the most unfortunate results on election night was Elmer Fudd just managing to cling onto her seat, such a shame that both she and that other @rseh0le Soubrey, didn’t get binned by their respective constituents.
“Where is the collective Brexit group who speaks for the 17 million?”
Nailed it.
“Thinkable” or not, if there isn’t a deal by the given date we are automatically out with no deal, so tough!
We should have got out the day the result was announced …………………………………..
And remember this……………………………?
“Remember June 23 2016. It’s the day Britain stopped being a liberal country”
I hope that Tory voters are getting in touch with their MPs.
Raqqa: IS ‘capital’ falls to US-backed Syrian forces {bbc.co.uk 17oct2017}
“The US-led coalition said on Tuesday that forces it supported had reclaimed 93,790 sq km of Iraqi and Syrian territory seized by IS in 2014 and freed 6.6 million people from jihadist control.”
Word Search: Trump x 0; muslim x 0; islam x 7;
Brexit is getting beyond a joke now ……………….
“Brexit talks must speed up, Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker say”
Who the hell is slowing it down?
Check out the highest HYS comments.
Chwarae teg taffman.
How you have the fortitude to go through the trash on the BBC website is worthy of applause.
Number 7 (Rhif Saith),
Diolch !
Forced myself to watch the news at 5 on the News Channel. So far (40 minutes) we have had panicking that the inflation rate was rising due to Brexit, Theresa was having a difficult time with Brexit, a extremely emotive interview with a mother who’s daughter loves to dance and can’t because she is waiting for a operation on her spine, lots of tears understandbly from her,. but no reason why the waiting lists are so long, weather, Ophelia was Brexits fault (not really), sport and then a piece on hate crime rising, and how the rise peaks after Manchester and London Bridge, but the Finsbury Park Mosque was also mentioned. They also managed to squeeze in about their favourite subject transgender crime.
Thoroughly depressing, and so agender led, it’s blatant now. The BBC news that I respected so much growing up and as a adult, is a complete joke and I’m glad I watch very little of it.
Then listen to the asian so-called economy editor on al Beeb throthing about inflation up and growth down with that sort of “ told you brexit would do this “ tone. He sounded truly disappointed that pensioners would get a 3 per cent rise in the state pension as a result.
My read of the economy is that we are at the top ( sorry if you’re having a bad time ) and the only way is down from now. Whether this is s big drop or a sustained drop I don’t know. Whether it’s a black swan job – who knows.
What I’m coming to is that Brexit will get the blame in accordance with al Beeb remainers narrative .
Before anyone lies to you about storm Ophelia here are some facts you need to know.
2017 has been a very active year for hurricanes, in fact it is one of the most active years, and it seems almost an inevitability that the usual climate crackpots will be claiming that it is evidence of global nonsense.
Here are some interesting facts. There are three other comparator years with similar levels of activity: 1878 1886 1893
So if the 2017 hurricane season has been caused by some kind of man made activity, what caused the three similar years in the late 19th century?
I don’t profess to have the skills or patience to delve into the stats behind all this, but what the BBC serves up always seems littered with coulds and caveats and odd sample windows.
Also they seem to play fast and loose with terms like ‘worst’, which juggles all sorts of tricky things like death rate measurements in the seventeenth century, insurance premiums in the naughties, overpopulation in what were traditional no-go areas, mangrove clearances, etc.
I always find Watts Up With That and Paul Homewood put things in better context for free than a £4B propaganda machine.
Its becoming relentless now – the closer the target the more the flak ……………….
“Reversing Brexit would boost economy, says OECD”
How much did the OECD get paid ?
One humorous comment on HYS……………………………………………. “EU lobbying group says BREXIT is bad?
in other news, a bear goes into the woods to use the toilet. “
UK Policeman Fired For Facebook Comment About Wrapping Terrorists in Bacon
I think only Breitbart has reported this. I cannot recall seeing this reported on the MSM.
Criticising a Christian is fine. Muslim not.
What kind of country do we now live in?
In fairness he shouldn’t have been sacked for trivia, in fairness he was stupid or naive to write such a comment. He should have stuck to ‘thought crime “ . I wonder who grassed him up?
An age of irrational hypersensitivity – extending blame culture to ‘ offended’ culture .
Maybe it’s because Islam is so alien to the British mind and culture that it over eggs it’s protective response causing incidents involving bacon to be treated with some sick panicked over reaction. Lucky the RCs haven’t put a death warrant on the writers of Father Ted.
Fedup – I suspect this copper was grassed up by another one. After talking to a number of them it appears that these days reporting another copper for some sort of PC heresy is good move for career advancement.
Most police forces appear to have undergone a much needed re-balancing of priorities so “queening” around around in a rainbow decorated jam sandwich looking out for bacon criminals or checking who has made serious “hate” comments online is obviously far more useful to society than investigating physical violence or burglaries.
Agree with that but the Police Chief is being incompetent with public money :
unless there is another good reason for sacking him
#1 They’ve invested in his training prog and 3 years experience, so the cost of replacing him with another officer of same standard is gonna cost the taxpayer £100K+
#2 You fire someone for 4 words they said off-duty, which he later retracted.
And the words wouldn’t be offensive to my Muslim friends
So I’m guessing the police will lose at an employment tribunal ..thus costing taxpayer even more money.
See what happened recently in Lincolnshire
Disgraced PC given new role just weeks after being dismissed for drink driving (and crashing her car)
Thanks Oak
The idea of announcing a policy saying certain crimes won’t be investigated unless there is this that and the other is an incitement to commit those crimes – innit
Here’s the tweet Sam is quoting
note how the BBC did absolutely NOTHING to frame the narrative
..that graphic is pure PR
When you get a 500% increase in people claiming to be disabled or transgender but only a 29% increase in the number of hate crimes against them, that means there has been a proportional decrease not increase.
I think Diane Abbott has been doing the figures for them.
The bBBC is advertising the nominations for the MOBO awards.
Where are the nominations for the MOWO awards?
BBC: Victim of stabbing at Parson’s Green was ‘confronting a drug dealer.’
That’s up there with ‘radicalised on the internet’ for a false narrative. Confront a drug dealer? What does that even mean? He was so upset the guy was selling drugs he tried to attack him? Yeah, right.
Poor little Omid – another peaceful astronaut in the making struck down in his prime.
Is there anybody out here who gives a damn about any so-called “research and data” that the BBC chooses to say is news or worth my knowing.
After their Brexit lies, their race fiddling, their migration and crime stats since Major onwards?
It`s all and only used to slate Trump, the Tories or keep mithering so we are scared to leave the EU. Not a chance-I just regard it as white noise or flock wallpaper.
Fact free BBC with reality being only an option they choose not to use.
I know my shopping bill is going up, but it`ll get better when we`re out of the EUs food cartel.
Woman who draws attention to herself by wearing little leather shorts on Countryfile complains
“Ellie Harrison, the Countryfile presenter, has expressed frustration that the only fan mail she gets is in praise of her clothes and looks.
While male presenters are asked about countryside issues, Harrison receives a different kind of attention.”
So unlike Adam : EXPERT in rare breeds, or Matt : EXPERT in sheep farming, or Packham : EXPERT in birdwatching, or Heap : EXPERT in green propaganda
Ellie EXPERT in nothing , only gets mail about her looks
PHWOOOOOOOR! – She looks well qualified to me – Bet she hasnt got much on under those clothes!
I reckon she also likes children and animals and wants to travel the world.
Well worth paying the license fee – Not!
Give her another 30 years and she’ll be glad of ANY comments made about her !!! It all goes with the passage of time dear.
Clearly she’s isn’t old enough to remember the hoohaa when Charlie Dimmock went bra-less, and it didn’t harm her career !
Why does the BBC openly appear to support an ideology that sees nothing wrong with paedophilia?
Shouldn’t the national broadcaster have the interests of its own country at heart?
Shouldn’t they be using their investigators to get to the roots of the problem, demanding answers and bringing the perpetrators to account?
So over the last three weeks the odious BBC has plumbed the depths of failure to do its job, This week we had the BBC fawning over the non person that thankfully failed to get elected as President of one of the most important nations the USA on the planet, She apparently kissed arse with London’s joke of a mayor the incompetent and corrupt sadiq khan. Then a week earlier the BBC failed yet again to do its job and vertually ignored the Football supporters march against islamic extremism, Then the week before that The odious BBC failed fro a third time to do its job and cover the upheavals in Catalonia. It is clear that
#1 The BBC is unfit fore porpose
#2 The BBC is beyond reform
#3 The BBC must be closed down
#4 Fore a start the BBC must be renamed as it no longer represents or defends anything that is British
The trouble is that none of the mainstream parties want to do anything about the BBC and most people will not unfortunately do the only thing that at the present time that is to stop paying the £147 a year BBC viewing tax. Then have no contact with BBC/TVL when the BBC comes looking for its £147 annual tax.
Is it possible to run a poll on this website? Just wondered how many on here think the BBC should have its funding withdrawn?
Well all of us I suppose, apart from Maxicony of course. However, the results would be meaningless as we are a biased sample so let’s leave the bias to the BBC who conduct plenty of their own biased vox pops on a variety of subjects from Brexit to immigrants every single day to try to make out the nation loves the EU, Islam and all the rest of it.
A while back I did attempt a petition that required the bbc to carry out customer satisfaction surveys but it was rejected, of course.
@Dystopian The BBC does survey its core target audience
You could always put a poll up on Twitter and see what sort of response you get. If I found it on Twitter I’d sign saying the unfir for purpose BBC should have its funding withdrawn
Stew – re today’s ‘Hate’ graphics: the entity currently known as the ‘BBC’ is probably shelling out a lot of money on that sort of garbage. The entity doesn’t have to earn the money, it just sucks it from those who have to work to earn enough to fund the entity. The graphic is supposed to enforce in the minds of the bewildered ‘masses’ the entity’s current, self created, fetish of white hate (the word, the logos) imposed over the entity’s other current, self created, fetish of the ‘vulnerable’ dark. The entity has, for quite a time now, presented to those that fund it as something sick, twisted and strange. My choice is to turn away and create a different version of reality.
The female sports news presenter on BBC breakfast really grinds my gears – the way she talks about sport like she is just emptying the contents of her handbag. I want my sports presenters to be really passionate about sport and you can tell she is not. Alas, ‘diversity’ trumps quality at the Beeb.
This one ? Katherine Downes @KDownesBBC
Beeb Bro.
Diversity trumps everything at the BBC including truth. Hopefully, one day, truth will trump diversity, which to me is the natural order.
Being a female – and maybe I’ve been ‘conditioned’ – but I still find it ‘weird’ to hear women discussing and presenting certain sports like football and rugby – (and I’m the daughter of a one-time Premier League football player and football manager !! ), so I do agree in many respects with you Beeby.
Why the inverted commas around the word weird?
I’m trying to remember a Premier League football player and football manager with the name of Brissles and for the life of me———
Anyway I salute you.
Worth sharing
Ten years after Gordon Brown’s government borrowed £425m from the Big Lottery Fund to help pay for the London 2012 games, not a single penny has been repaid.
No wonder the accounts are sealed for what is it – 25 years?
25 years or such time as we get a government with balls like a buffalo. What are these counts so frightened of that Joe Public might find out? Perhaps Joe Public might turn nasty if only he knew? And we live in an OPEN SOCIETY? What a Fcuking joke!
My #MeToo experience
he BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan was having dinner with a colleague when he said, “”I’m unbelievably sexually attracted to you. I can’t stop thinking about you.”
She dropped her fork and it bounced on the plate, the spaghetti still woven around it.
Oh, the horror!
Funny. I said something very similar to a girl in 1960 and she married me. And we are STILL married.
A boy chases a girl until she catches him. That’s the way Mother Nature made us. Get used to it snowflakes!
“A boy chases a girl until she catches him.”
A brilliant summary!
Didn’t bother to read most of the piece, but noticed that the last para said “But one positive that comes out of hearing such horrific stories from Hollywood and beyond is that the more people talk, the less it’s becoming acceptable.”
So get out there girl, and check on the kid’s rapes over here, and the Brit-haters we have to endure. We’re all ‘talking’, you love Twitting, so presumably some of your mates read or talk to you, so forget something about ‘stars’ getting their leg over, worry about something which really matters!
Or aren’t you really all that good at your job?
Its a song title…… “Man chases a girl til she catches him”
Quite correct. Recorded by Andy Williams about 50 years ago i think.
Nerd alert…
Eddie Fisher – A Man Chases A Girl Lyrics
A man chases a girl (until she catches him)
He runs after a girl (until he’s caught)
He fishes for a girl (until she’s landed him)
It all comes out exactly the way she thought
Uncertain, he tags along behind
Uncertain, ’til she makes up his mind
A man chases a girl (until she catches him)
But don’t run too fast while you are saying no
And once you’ve caught him don’t ever let him go
[Instrumental Interlude]
A man chases a girl (until she catches him)
But don’t run too fast while you are saying no
And once you’ve caught him don’t ever let him go
(Don’t let him go, don’t let him go, don’t let him go)
Songwriters: IRVING BERLIN
A Man Chases A Girl lyrics © IMAGEM U.S. LLC
Well, at least there was a musical interlude…
(Couldn’t sleep, reading posts here to wake up and smell the Assam)!
BBC headline news: M15 boss warns of ‘intense’ terror threat. In other words the entity, and its shadows,are keen to impress another ‘important’ message, deliberately designed to ferment fear, upon the huddled masses who have to work to fund the messengers.
The photo that accompanies the headline is laughable. But why should the entity bother? All it needs to do to convince the masses of past and impending horrors is to present them with a newly staged image of a woman wearing a promotional t-shirt and a faux anguished expression. My eyes, brain and intuition see lies and fakery, and I wonder at the game that is being played out and I wonder at the identity of those who might choose to play the game. Maxicony, and his chums are sure to know someone who knows someone who was ‘caught up’ in the reported ‘horror’ because that is the role that the Maxiconys of the world play in the fakery. Where next for those of us who view the entity and its accolytes as arising pile of contaminated waste?
BBC reporting that the MI5 boss says we have 3000 extremists floating around. Now maybe I’m missing something here but what the hell is he doing interviews about it for. I would have thought he was being paid a considerable salary by us all to do the job of protecting the law abiding citizens of this country. Putin may not be perfect but would his secret service have threats to his country roaming around freely.
Unfortunately, his boss, the gormless Amber Rudd, thinks people posting comments on blogs like this are far more of a threat than returning jihadis.
I still find it incredible that she is a remainer.
Hastings used to have one of the best shore-based fishing fleets, and Rye one of the best river based Rye Bay fleets. They have suffered terminal decline after successive EU pogroms, and are shadows of their former greatness.
And I bet I know much more about Hastings than she does too, having been born there.
Home Secretaries taking no notice of the famous Brexit winning vote, should really be doing something else, like telling the police to bang up a few crims, and protect the public, not trying to scupper ‘negotiations’ at every turn.
Watching Newsnight with a debate about free speech and lack thereof on university campuses. When Kate Smurthwaite seems like the voice of reason then you know it must be the BBC’s idea of a balanced panel.
“UK inflation at highest since April 2012”
But who and what brought this about ?………………..
“Bank of England cuts interest rates and boosts quantitative easing after Brexit vote”
Why didn’t Al Beeb quote this statement ……………..
“Britain should engage its “Blitz spirit” for the Brexit process and “stay calm and carry on” despite challenges ahead, a leading economist has said.” ?
Well we know exactly what happened after the Blitz , The Battle of Britain & ………. Germany lost .
The quicker we get on with it the better !
Thanks bBBC, for showing me how two men kiss
Pre-sex HIV drug ‘no-brainer” for NHS
I f*****g hate that expression “no-brainer” it’s deployed by people who are too thick or incapable of making a supporting argument for something they’ve said or written; or because there just isn’t one to be made for what they’re proposing.
‘Go on then’…
(Yes, ‘thank you’ kindly).
Sorry if this has already been picked up
Good to see remainers in the Cabinet still at the “Coalface”
First Spreadshit Phill now its Ambers turn to undermine us (assuming an sort of genuine negotiation is actually going on) I am beginning to wonder if Amber Rudd is actually Clegg in male drag (has anyone ever seen them together?
The BBC says the case of the Maltese journalist is a harrowing day for freedom of speech.
It’s a bit rich from the organisation which is always ranting and raving about ‘hate’/thought crime. Free speech is either absolute or it is not free.
You think it’s just in the UK and US where the BBC are seen are dishonest and biased in their reporting. Think again, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. The Philippines where they are waging a war on drugs and Islamic terrorism and where an overwhelming majority of Filipinos and foreigners support the actions of their President.