And as the weekend beckons, and the BBC dreams of future days of a Cornyn Marxist Government, here’s a NEW OPEN thread on which to detail the bias! Let’s be hearing from you then!!!
Muslims sometimes see the world ‘Allah’ in arabic script in vegetables. I’m sure I remember a story in the local paper about a woman who saw ‘allah in a tomato’. They don’t see images as those are forbidden, or if they do they certainly don’t tell the media about it!
That reminds me. In 867, we in Yorkshire had a king called Aella. He was overthrown by the Viking leader, Ivar the Boneless.
I once lived in Kirkella, the Church of Aella.
If the BBC produced a historic drama of the episode. Based only on the factual reference of his name in the mind of a left-wing middle-class moron, Aella would be depicted as a Muslim leader played by an Asian actor.
And to a BBC moron, I’ve a Bone Less, would sound like a black person talking about a pizza. Therefore Ivar would be played by a disabled black Muslim actor.
Funnily enough, Jordanian-born actor Nabil Shaban has already appeared on screen as Ivar the Boneless. Not in a drama though, but in a C4 documentary called The Strangest Viking, where Mr. Shaban proposed that Ivar may have had the same condition as himself, osteogenesis imperfecta.
Just like the health warning images depicting sufferers of smoking related illnesses on tobacco products, every one is of a Caucasian – yet we don’t hear any autistic screeching demanding diversity on those, do we?
I have just watched Music and Dictators on the BBC. It was about how 20th century dictators used the power of music to manipulate people in their regimes. As expected the Nazis featured heavily with Wagner, Richard Strauss etc and we were treated to endless scenes of German military might marching to Beethoven and the Horst Wessex song . The horrors of the Holocaust were covered and there was an awful account of a lady chellist who was forced to play Schumann’s Traumerei to The evil Mengele in Auschwitz. All as you would expect when covering the foul Nazi regime. But what of the communist dictators? Well here we got the BBC version of history . Lenin was portrayed as a decent uncle like figure who liked nothing better than a good sing song round the piano always completed with a rousing rendition of the Internationale. (Incidentally the Internationale was sung to us by a large choir but we were told that the Horst Wessel song had such terrible connotations that it simply could not be sung) The darker side of Lenin’s character and deeds were glossed over . In contrast to the well covered horrors of the Nazi regime the similar horror that befell untold millions of Russians under the regime that Lenin created was glossed over. Stalin , who was just as evil as Hitler ,got off even more lightly, with just about the worst thing recorded against him being writing a review in Pravda which heavily criticised one of Shostakovich’s symphonies. The Gulag was hardly mentioned, the forced collectivisation of agriculture with millions of executions, mass starvation , mass deportation was never mentioned. No one mentioned that millions of Europeans in Poland etc were forced to live for fifty years under the Soviet jackboot.
The BBC seem blind to the horror of Soviet Union, blind to the similar horror that always accompany communist regimes. It’s all very well warning us at every opportunity about the Nazis but it is a massive deceit to not warn us about the horror and peril of communism . It is even worse when the two regimes are being compared in the same series.
a free pass for all marxist monsters from stalin, pol pot and che- thats what the bbc call SOLIDARITY
none of these monsters were ever OFfICiALLY condemned .and no nueremberg trials to inform the world .
so the bbc are free to rewrite history
The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties,by robert conquest verboten at the BBC
In different circumstances I might have watched this or, putting it another way, I might have watched it if it hadn’t been on the BBC. Clearly my fears were justified. Anyway, I get very tired of the Hitler/Wagner thing, it’s been done to death. Wagner died six years before Hitler was born (as I once had to point out to some numpty who said that Wagner was a party member), and there is no clear evidence of anti-Semitism in his operas. Associations of the Ring with Aryan supremacy don’t work at all, IMO. The flawed heroes are killed off relatively easily and the gods go up in flames after making a right royal mess of things. Some Master Race. The actual Nazi supporter in the Wagner family was born Winifred Williams, in Hastings.
Having said that, the BBC’s recent documentary on tenor Jonas Kaufmann, followed by his performance of Otello from the ROH, were pretty good. Pity it all went on until 1am. Kaufmann seems a pleasant chap. I think quite a few people would have found it interesting but this elitist, Eurocentric stuff has to be confined to cultural ghettos in case it catches on.
Well I would have watched it if I even knew it was being shown.For some reason the BBC doesn’t advertise anything truly cultural that it deems elitist.Its almost like they are ashamed of it.
I recall reading an account , some years ago, of (if I remember correctly) Shostakovich being summoned to Stalin’s NKVD (KGB) Headquarters. Apparently the authorities were displeased with the draft of some music that he had submitted for approval. He was interrogated, questioned about the meaning of the work and by extension a conspiracy against the party. Such was the terror, he thought that he might not return to his family. He was made to wait for hours but then told to go home and report back the following day, only to be told to go home again – the man who he been interrogated by, the day before, had been taken away and executed.
Wild Bill
Now let’s see. Who among the MSM DJ’s could help achieve that? (as if I know of any) I’ll wait and see. Oh I forgot I am a very old fart so I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to hear it played on the BBC.
Former EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson on the Today programme saying no Brexit deal means we will end up dealing with every Tom, Dick and Harry. Now I know quite a lot of Toms and Harrys but very few Dicks and I find them all very reasonable people to deal with (apart from a few Dicks). Please Mr. Mandelson (omitted Lord as he’s a socialist) try and understand you might have fooled a lot of people with your rebranding of the Labour party but no amount of your propaganda is fooling the 52%. You’ve had your time and the chance to reform the monster and you did nothing but ride along on the gravy train.
Synch, well said. Listening to Mandelson this morning, I found myself transported back to the Garden of Eden some time after its creation and listening to a lizard with very slitty eyes.
Peter Mandelson said he wants to hear from the British people about their views on Brexit. Please, B-BBC contributors, fulfil his desires this one time, over the weekend or early next week, and let him know your views on the EU and the UK’s membership.
We all know that Mandelson, and indeed Campbell, have had their time and that both have revealed themselves as fundamentally dishonest failures. The BBC, on the other hand, seems unaware of the fact and continues to regard them, and pay them, as valuable and unbiased information providers. Odd, that.
Trump just tweeted about the rise of crime in the UK and our problem with Islamic terror. That will stick it to the Beeb!
He may be insensitive, boorish or whatever but the bottom line is government’s ultimate responsibility is to keep its people safe – and he is focussed on doing that. Our leaders seem to have forgotten that and instead clamp down on anyone who dares confront our enemies.
As the world collapses around us the Beeb just pretend it’s not happening, prattling in about black kids getting into Oxbridge when just Monday another young ethnic minority boy was stabbed to death.
And as for their obsession with ‘diversity’ I am sure we would trade all the diversity in the world if it meant we could feel safe. I still can’t take my nephews to see the sights in London and we have the liberal elite to thank for that.
Absolutely. None of those groups need to fight us. They can just stand and watch as we self destruct. Trouble is once the transformation is complete anyone with Leftie social views had better leg it sharpish.
What he said was factually correct – rise in crime ‘amid spread of Radical Islamic terror’. He has pointed out the elephant in the room, where others have given no explanation for the crime rise.
The rise in crime is not just down to the ‘spread of Radical Islamic terror’, it is also down to Labour and the EU opening the gates to mass immigration, that is why we now have lots of criminals from Romania, Albania, Somalia etc.
But the irony was left to Yvette Cooper. After slating him for trying to make political capital out of the crime figures, she went on do just that by wittering on about a 30% hike in so called ” hate crime”.
The rate of increase in murders has doubled from 5-10% due to Islamic terrorism. That’s the only Trump friendly statistic out there as far as I can see.
Always fun to see which liberal floaters take to Twitter to mock Trump for stating the obvious. Same few BBC gals and metrosexual fops of New Labour and Corbyn discards usually.
But it gets them on Sky or the BBC for ten minutes.
Trump ought to prevent them using his brand-they only get a mention when he deigns to speak over their flat and fatuous heads.
Carrots in the vomit.
Keep going Mr President!
I’ve just caught up with the second series of Britain’s Lost Masterpieces, a BBC Four saga in which wrongly attributed paintings are researched to find out if they are actually by famous artists. As art history goes it’s pretty feeble but probably about as good as you are going to get from today’s dumbed-down BBC.
In the past the series has been led by art historian Dr Bendor Grosvenor, but what has happened to his former sidekick, the arts maven Suzy Klein? Has Ms Klein undergone a race transplant and is now sporting a bewildering array of African hairstyles that change from moment to moment? No, because Ms Klein’s place has been taken a woman by the name of Emma Dabiri- who she?
Well, to start with, Ms Dabiri is not an art historian, nor even an expert on British history. The BBC bills her as a ‘social historian’ which is what you might call being a little generous. Brimming with self-confidence as she talks down to her audience about what life was like in 18th Century Derby, Atlanta-born Ms Dabiri is so irritating that I decide to dig a little deeper. Surely, she must have some experience or academic background making her relevant to the history of art? Or even of this country?
Apparently not. Aside from her elaborate African hairstyles (she is a specialist in hair styles apparently – and no, I didn’t make that up) this half-Irish, US-born former model has a BA ‘in African studies and history’, and an MSc in ‘violence, conflict and development’ from SOAS (oh dear) where she has also taught in the ‘Africa department’ (oh dear). She has also ‘studied for a PhD in Visual Sociology entitled “Mixed-Race A Ghost Story” in the Sociology Department at Goldsmiths, University of London’ (Oh dear, again) and she writes the Guardian and the New Statesman (I’ve run out of ‘oh dears’). So why is she talking to me about the 18th Century British painter Joseph Wright of Derby?!
The reason, of course is the colour of her skin. She is there to ‘rub our noses in diversity’ to use the charming Nu Labour phrase. This is today’s BBC, every bit as racist as apartheid South Africa, where people are picked for their race or their gender, not their relevance or ability. Put Ms Dabiri in a programme about hair (really) or black history, or Left wing politics or trends in modern sociology and she would fit in, but she does not belong in a programme about art. She is simply there to make a statement about how right-on the BBC is. And if you don’t like it, you is racist, innit? It’s got nothing to do with not enjoying being patronised by an in-your-face professional black woman reading off a script on a subject about which the viewer is likely to know a good deal more than she does.
There are several women now on football programmes who know nothing about football. For someone obsessed with football it is so infuriating. It’s fine to have women if they love and understand football, but to have someone on just because of their gender is so annoying.
Is it worth all this diversity if the quality of their programmes suffers as a result? It must be one of the best examples of mass insanity in history.
Do these football women post/tweet insulting stuff about us Brits being cold hearted racist facists? If not I would rather have them commentating, hosting , leering or whatever it is that toss pot Lineacker does for his millions, than that prize piece of dog excrement.
I agree with this, as a woman who loves and thanks to my dad understands football, the lightweight women “presenters” really annoying me! I very rarely watch BBC football now, MOTD is unwatchable these days with Lineaker and his bunch of idiots and the bias they show.
I do admit to enjoy listening and watching most of the ladies on Sky Sports News who do tend to know more about what they are talking about and are obviously on air for that reason, not how diverse they are.
Also my team, the mighty West Bromwich Albion are mentioned more on Sky!!
As a woman, I too think we`re getting patronised and used to jemmy the last bastions of banter, mock abuse that so enrage the Hornby Brigade. New Labour cultural appropriation to neuter and price out any REAL working class links and history.
Blokes letting off steam can be funny, and I resent the likes of Lineker, the empty idiocies of a Collymore or Savage.
Only think I like about the women attempts to talk nonsense after the game is that they use the same empty verbiage and cliched twaddle-just as a Shearer or Neville would.
True gender equality when both men and women talk the same “back of the net” nonsense. We should all be pleased.
It is a good example of how even with a good programme idea the BBC seeks to saturate it with Leftist politics and box ticking on the grounds that this is what they do. Another example is Who Do You Think You Are? The voice over frequently tries to inject a Leftist interpretation of historical events into the narrative on the grounds that due to the unique way we are funded this is what they do. I have not noticed this recently so maybe there has been a change in the editorial team. Who Do You Think You Are is one of those programmes sustained by consumer demand rather than the BBC telling people what they ought to enjoy. These programme are not really what the BBC want to produce, and as the successful transition of Bake Off to Channel Four demonstrates, are best done by others. The BBC should be left as an agit-prop channel funded by the Guardian readers they employ.
If a white person statred to lecture us on African art I’m pretty sure that there would be screams of outrage from the usual suspects about cultural appropriation, at least I think that is what the phrase is. It would be deemed that the white person was stealing the African culture or some such nonsense. But of course it’s quite acceptable to the BBC to have this women talking about our culture. Another good example of how the BBC is slowly destroying British history, culture and identity. If this slow death of Britain is to be halted and then reveresed the very first thing that must be done is to destroy the BBC itself.
I am not qualified to lecture on African Art, but I do collect the paintings of the great black Gambian artist, Moulaye Sarr who has become a good friend of mine. He once said to me ( and he is a man of few words ) , ” Most Africans are too stupid to understand abstract art “. Don’t think he would be invited on the BBC.
Given that the rubbish in the Tate Modern is regarded as first class modern art I’m not sure that you have to be clever to understand abstract art. Although I admit that on the rare occasions I visit London I make a point of visiting the Tate because it is the best free laugh in the country.
I highlighted the lovely Emma a couple of months ago after she presented a bit on the One Show about a British ship being sunk during WW1, the Cornwallis I think, and was struck by the lack of gravitas that she brought to the segment.
Who do we need to present a piece on the Great War? Military historian? Ex-naval officer? Dan effin’ Snow?
No, a BAME Irish female, writing a book about hair, one of whose earliest cultural memories is of hearing and learning Irish Republican songs, probably about murdering British troops, while living where she was born in America.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say on this.
Beeb Brother, we’re not alone, but to be honest I can’t face reading that BBC Facebook page any more. The sheer level of ‘libtard’ drivel in the comments is depressing in the extreme. It’s the same old litany, US and UK bad, Trump evil, religion bad, Islamic terrorists just misunderstood, Brexit evil, Brexit voters thick and racist, etc etc etc all with a veneer of middle class pseudo-reasoning.
Guest Who, that’s true enough. I’ve noticed that the very highly rated posts are often anti-BBC and anti-left-liberalism (for want of a better word). Those get hundreds of angry replies, but few of those replies themselves get very highly rated. I wonder if that’s because conservative-minded people just ‘like’ a post and move on, rather than feel the need to engage in pointless ‘debate’ with snowflakes.
Mark Mardell “President Trump is turning the clock back”
Former President Obama “People are angry”
Er, I thought that was Democrat voters and Fascists who went around the day and weekend after Donald Trump’s Election victory demonstrating, spraying graffiti, smashing windows and setting fire to things? People are angry: isn’t Hillary Clinton, the losing candidate, going around expressing her anger.
Mark, that’s not President Trump doing it. And division is obviously going to happen in any election with just two main candidates from opposing Parties. If the candidates were offering the same policies, even from the same Party, how would the public making a choice still not be divisive?
What do they expect to happen when they have achieved peak diversity by 2020 or whenever?
Will the heavens suddenly open? Armies will lay down their weapons; scientists will no longer need to look for a cure for cancer; winter and night-time will no longer exist and we will live in an eternal sunshine of vibrant equality.
The Muslim women of the West, with their freedoms, are trying to let women wear the Hijab anywhere.
The Muslim women of the Middle East, under a totalitarian regime, are trying to be free of the Hijab and don’t want to wear it anywhere.
Which is the true Muslim women? Who do we back? Has there been a meeting between the two types of women?
“The Minister may be aware of a YouGov poll that was done immediately after this ruling which showed that 42% of Brits would support such a ban (Burka) in the workplace { aug2016}, or at least employers having the ability to impose such a ban in the workplace. Will my noble friend take back to her colleagues the possibility of further work under the integration strategy (morality police?) to ensure that these kinds of opinion held in country are pushed back by views within government?” – Baroness Warsi Conservative { mar2017}
Strange how after Max Hill QC came out on R4 yesterday that returning ISIS terrorists shouldn’t be jailed, but rather allowed to to simply get on with their lives:
'Naive' young jihadis should rejoin society without facing court, says watchdog
The parents of Jihad Jack are going on hunger strike in which to try and force the UK to bring their ISIS terrorist son home from a Kurdish prison. I wonder how long it is before this becomes the main story at the bBC.
Like it, Lobster. In my opinion, treason is the most serious of crimes. It should always carry the death penalty. I am absolutely serious about this. Almost everyone in every society of the past would have agreed. But today we have no sense. We have no understanding of the crime, we exalt feelings above reason, we have become squeamish about punishment, and we are allowing our country to be undermined and overrun by its enemies.
They should be all employed by the inclusive BBC. If Lord Hall refuses to employ them because of a fear about being killed. Then the Tories could use left-wing political correct ideology to close down the BBC, citing the crime of Islamophobia. So that way, either the BBC is boomed and blasted to destruction, or closed down.
Personally I`d tell the Syrian and Government forces about who we know to be out there. And to put a smalll bounty on the head of every one of them they kill-so they don`t clog the BBC and encourage the next load of traitors and bombers to set up against us all.
Don`t mind if it`s only a earbud with Jihadi Johns DNA on it-but an ear would get a bit extra.
Who at the BBC is responsible for promoting racial disharmony? Who came up with the idea for this program?
Next Friday there is a program scheduled at peak viewing time entitled “Will Britain ever have a black prime minister?”
The program is presented by permanent race hustler, actor David Harwood. He complains that there is a barrier of discrimination and bias against black people, which is a bit rich considering he’s a multi-millionaire.
Harwood is the same agitator that claimed Britain discriminates against black actors when he failed to get the role of Robin Hood.
In true David Lammy mode he whinges about blacks failing to get into all the top institutions, failing to mention that it’s because they failed to achieve the standard required and there’re simply not good enough.
Wasn’t Lord Liverpool, the 19th-century Prime Minister, of Anglo-Indian descent? Indian doesn’t count though, does it? It always has to be black black black.
In the meantime, following Emma West’s treatment, I trust the BBC and plod will be investigating this:
The Tories have produced Irish, Canadian and Jewish Prime Ministers, as well as two female Prime Ministers. But the history of the Labour party shows that blacks have no chance in that party. As even the white working-class no longer have a chance of becoming a Labour Prime Minister, as was demonstrated by Emily Thornberry, and implied by David Harwood and David Lammy.
I recall he went to Harewood House once and tried to get Lord Lascelles, the son of the (now deceased) Earl of Harewood, to apologise for the sugar plantations in the West Indies that Lascelles’ ancestors had owned; and which had led to David ending up with that surname, as his ancestors were taken as slaves from Africa to work in the Caribbean.
I wonder whether David Harwood believes he would have been better off if his antecedents had remained in Africa and Whites had never gone to that continent? After all, he could be living in a mud hut with a giraffe skin on his head instead of being paid hundreds of thousands of pounds for performing his second rate acting skills in films and on tv.
Will the BBC have time left to appoint a black Director General?
Will they ever appoint a DJ who knows their music, and will tell us the name of the artist at both the start and end of the record?
Funny what questions the BBC wants us to care about-and which ones they never want to ask.
And when we DO get a black PM-won`t we have to get suitable shades and hair types to include both Jamaicans and Africans-and then onto Antuigans and Zambians?
And why no fussing about any future CHINESE Prime Minister?
Racist aren`t they?
Update, the hearse has been freed, after the owner paid to have the clamp lifted. Apparently the car had no tax. which the owner blames on the fact that DVLA didn’t send him a reminder.
“Mr Aslam, hearse owner said he forgot to renew his tax because the DVLA didn’t send him a reminder.”
A spokesperson for NSL clamping said:
“Whilst the vehicle was untaxed it was clearly inappropriate for us to take action at this time.
“We have refunded the release fee on this occasion and offered our sincerest apologies to the family.”
The Today programme this morning had on some Democrat shill who had worked for Hillary Clinton. I expect they’d have had her on personally if she hadn’t “broken her toe”.
He rehearsed all the sad old “facts”, that Putin “hates” Clinton, that the Russians had “hacked” the DNC, all to get Trump elected. Hard hitting, it was not.
Strangely, he didn’t find time to explain how the Clintons had profited hugely from allowing 20% of America’s uranium to be sold to Russia, and how first Director Mueller and then Director Comey at the FBI had sat on the subsequent investigation. And if he wasn’t telling, the Today “journalists” certainly weren’t asking.
I am grateful to Mark Steyn for making the facts clear. The last time I heard, he wasn’t paid £4billion a year, yet still somehow he managed it. Strange that, isn’t it?
“The biggest risk factor, air pollution, contributed to 6.5 million premature deaths. This included pollution from outdoor sources, such as gases and particulate matter in the air, and in households, from burning wood or charcoal indoors”
There’s a lot of science knowledge shared here on B-BBC. Is that statement correct?
I am under the impression that it is burning ‘wet’ wood or kerosene that is harmful to lungs, not burning dry wood or charcoal. Anyone know?
“92% of air pollution deaths are in poor/developing countries”
David Fuller on R4 Today this morning
…you buying an electric car in London in London isn’t going to make a dent.
AND If your EV takes its electricity from UK’s largest power station the wood burning Drax, it could be increasing overall air pollution.
Fed up,
The Remoaners are setting up a Solent Green factory . The aim is twofold:
Firstly to provide food during the exile from the EU
Secondly to get rid of old Leave voters so ensuring future referendums or referenda, votes go the right way and the UK can be readmitted.
The factory will differ slightly from the original portrayed in the film in that this new version will be halal.
And no more French Letters either. Blimey what am I going to take to the knocking shop with me?
Ah well the French wouldn’t buy our apples so why should I buy their Letters?
The remainers think brexiters are old and close to death thus bringing a new referendum and a certain remain vote .
Two problems – no one lives for ever
Should never disrespect the grim reaper .
Best for them to think long term . After a few years outside the EU and we are all selling the Big Issue to each other we can beg our kind friends in the Eu to send Red Cross parcels , open food banks and beg to return . We ll even use the reich mark / euro and dump all those national flags .
I wonder how many remainers – within al beeb and elsewhere dream of this?
I think if I was a normal punter I’d say I’m just fed up with the brexit thing – get it done – get out now and let’s get on with Blighty trying to be Blighty again instead of a work camp for unemployed Eu types sending money home to momma .
Who in this country gave a stuff about what Francois Hollande said in his four years of pink lunacy as Frances President?
Why then will we listen to Macron and his city riots, after his four months or so thinking that he`s a Greek god or what have you?
Same goes for Trudeau, Muscat or the gay Indian who`s Irelands PM.
Pretty boys tend not to make reliable leaders-look at Harvey Weinstein.
Pity he didn’t throw in the n word . Has be committed a hate crime ? A tort minister had to go for allegedly calling police plebs so Mr Lewis must be due for promotion
Yawn happened 1 whole month ago ..and nobody there complained.
In a comedy skit he said “Get on your knees, bitch”
When I read the BBC article I felt like I’d fallen down Alice’s rabbit hole
Cos the article is so full of people on a guilt trip saying how horrifying this is.
Neither Clive Lewis or Ian Lavery cropped up in any meaningful way in BBC stories. Both cases only show up Labours deep hypocrisy and financial, sexual deviance.
Laverys case is particularly bad-Scargill also ripped off the NUM and got away with it.
No wonder they crave for Orgreave.
Not sure whether it’s a bad business move:
Been done before, and although this is a bit of a sob story, I thought she’d done pretty well for herself – Bond girl ffs!. Another example of someone who has transitioned and had a really tough time of it (if it’s all true).
Lol – comment on the front of that Playboy – ‘Would you sleep with this woman?’ – you wouldn’t get away with that now.
I think many will want to see the photos out of curiosity.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy, Anna Coulter …
Hard to imagine any bloke seeking out a bloke on their Playboy cover, no matter how caricatured the tribute is to femininity that is photographed.
I`d have thought there`s no shortage of real ladies over there who`d like the publicity.
Can`t all have worked for Weinsteins agency can they?
An evil sick perverted beast preying on victims in hospital premises.
Mmm that one will be familiar to the BBC seeing that their very own Jimmy Saville got away with it for so long!
I would say that Islamic and Liberal cultures are inferior to all other cultures, because they both fight against reason.
And therefore tolerate each others differences on issues such as Women and Homosexuals, because they are both blood brothers in the fight against reason and other cultures.
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback
A record number of sex offenders John Humphrys asked why and implied many were spurious.
– discusses his decision to run The Omen as last week’s Book at Bedtime.
– Sophie Chalk from Voice of the Listener and Viewer, about who now holds accountability for the BBC – its Board or Ofcom.
– how did a particular programme or report change your life? Listener Ed Green tells us why Glyn Worsnip’s A Lone Voice affected him.
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
As I said the BBC is on a constant guilt trip in case it offends a SpecialVictim group.
But it doesn’t give a flying about getting caught insulting Farage or playacting KTHopkins death
or sneering at Brexiteers and Trump
..cos it sees those things as morally OK
At an EU summit in Brussels this week, the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, warned leaders of a looming €225m gap to pay for migration projects, including border-control in Libya, the departure point for most migrants who risk the perilous crossing over the central Mediterranean to Italy.
. . .
But the EU has limited room in its existing seven-year budget to find new sources of cash. The UK’s departure, which threatens to punch a €10bn hole in the EU budget, adds to financial pressures at a time when the EU faces more demands on its funds beyond traditional priorities such as farm subsidies and infrastructure projects.
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Further dumbing down. Daily Politics Show. June Sarpong. Shall I carry on ? Incredible how the image changes as she’s promoting a book on……. statistics and …. diversity that isn’t happening enough for her. Today its the wig pulled into a chic ponytail, high necked jumper, very little make-up, and answering in measured tones, (although a 3 year old could answer the questions put to her); compared to the hooker look she regularly sports on the Pledge ! You need to do more than wave your arms about and nod your head all the time June love.
I wonder whether Aunty will be covering this story?
A girl was recently beaten up by a man called “Omar” It appears that the Met were given good quality pictures of “Omar” by the girls friend, however for some strange reason Plod only released poor quality cctv pictures of the attacker that looked more like a grey oil slick than anything that could be used to identify the attacker.
Why ever would plod do something like that I wonder? – Curious and curiouser! Anyone would think that they dont really want to find the attacker. Still I suppose with all this Farage fueled “Hate” crime happening you have to prioritise the more important stuff.
It’s a disgrace. It seems to me that there is some kind of conspiracy going on where the authorities are aiding and abetting these scumbags and don’t want them caught. The political elite appear to be deliberately bringing this country down, the police are seen to be doing nothing other than arresting people who try to stand up against it, for so called hate crimes.Sooner or later something has got to give…and it will..
I wonder whether Aunty will be covering this story?
A girl was recently beaten up by a man called “Omar” It appears that the Met were given good quality pictures of “Omar” by the girls friend, however for some strange reason Plod only released poor quality cctv pictures of the attacker that looked more like a grey oil slick than anything that could be used to identify the attacker.
Why ever would plod do something like that I wonder? – Curious and curiouser! Anyone would think that they dont really want to find the attacker. Still I suppose with all this Farage fueled “Hate” crime happening you have to prioritise the more important stuff.
I knew it wouldn’t be long until the BBC teported on the reactions of the spineless, sanctimonious pc automaton wimps condeming Trump’s highly accurate tweet about crime increase in the UK. Our politicians really are the scum of the Earth. Cowards and wimps.
Just seen tweet. He doesn’t even really say it is all due to Islamic terror but “amid the spread of”…..his point is general but you are right these politicians are spineless – their main point is that it isn’t the UK but England and Wales. Typical pontification.
As an aside – has anyone noticed how little the BBC has reported the good news that the UK budget deficit is the lowest since 2007? More people in work more VAT income..less spending…. can you imagine the news if it was the highest since 2007…
The BBC really don’t seem to like the UK..or is it England and Wales?
EuroNews reporter asks North Korean solider about President Trump. “He’s mentally ill” he replies. Ask the North Korean man about freedom, the World and his own leader … I dare him.
Not the BBC but I was disgusted earlier listening to a guest on Talk Radio. Introduced by the presenter as a psychiatrist, Dr John Gartner, who insists that having Mr Trump as POTUS is a “psychiatric emergency” and he must be removed from office. The presenter did not once challenge his opinion and took it all as matter of fact.
I’ve read something previously about this guy where he is described as a psychologist NOT a psychiatrist.
How on earth can he arrive at this diagnosis, when , by his own admission he has never met the president in person!
In case anyone was in any doubt over how little the BBC care about its blatant bias, here's Newsnight presenter, @EvanHD in his own words:
Island – Nice one Evan, why am I not surprised. Nice picture – I expect it was taken after sunset as that is the time most bloodsucking parasites come out to play.
The Beeb website has reported on the ‘anger’ at Trump’s Tweet about UK crime increasingly. WIth their trademark journalistic rigour they studied the Twitter feeds of usual suspects like Yvette Cooper, who hilariously and predictably accused Trump of hate crime.
You know what? I am kind of angry about all the crime but to say that makes me a hate criminal.
It’s all feelings over facts – his hurtful words may increase hate crime! Well if people were not committing so much crime he would have nothing to say about it. Caroline Lucas – like the badass she is – calls for him to be publicly condemned for ‘outright fearmongering’! That will put him in his place! Grrrrrrr!
That crazy, fear-mongering lunatic! Just the five terror attacks this year. Nothing to be afraid of!
O how Trump must love Twitter; he forces the MSM to talk about subjects they hate to even mention. With everyone getting his words sent straight to their phone he sets the agenda. If they ignore the subject he raises they look like dishonest cowards; and when they do address the issues you know how uncomfortable they are writing it. I love him!
On this Monday Jacob Rees Mogg is in charge of the 10 am to 1pm slot on LBC – which is a radio channel I do not ordinarily listen too – but it will be interesting to hear JRM.
How the left invents faux outrage in which to promote its leftwing Britian can only be racist agenda:
Oxford accused of ‘social apartheid’ as colleges admit no black students “Nearly one in three Oxford colleges failed to admit a single black British A-level student in 2015, with the university accused of “social apartheid” over its admissions policies by the former education minister David Lammy.”
And here is something the above aren’t making clear: “Oxford said students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds made up 15.9% of its 2016 UK undergraduate intake, up from 14.5% in 2015, and that offers to black students had more than doubled since 2010. Those figures include British Asian students and other minorities.”
15.9%? In 2011 the non-white population came in at 13% So in terms of diversity the figures mirror society . Yet this is unacceptable to those who find offence where none is present. Now go back to the above statement and lets see exactly what they are saying:
“Nearly one in three Oxford colleges failed to admit a single black British A-level student in 2015.”
But these colleges already have a none white population just higher than the UK average. If Black British students don’t make the grade, then that doesn’t make this racist, it means that Black British children are underachieving when compared to Indians, Chinese and foreign students a number of whom are..Black. Maybe the British are getting it wrong when it comes to teaching Black children (Usually children from a Caribbean decent, African children do much better). But you’d think if you were a black parent , you would go out of your way in which to ensure your children did well at school. I mean Diane Abbott did and she blamed poor schooling and Black peer pressure. You know that one which see’s black boys who do well at school disparaged for being coconuts, and that dealing in drugs and gang warfare is the way to go. Kind of explains the rise of crime in London, where we are regaled to shootings, stabbings. rapes and the rest on a hourly basis. Yet when the Government, police try to clamp down on this, the very people complaining about racism at Oxford, are the very ones complaining about how the authorities are doing their job. In other words these people are the architects of their own misfortune.
Getting into decent universities should always be difficult . Those with experience of such academies will have an in built advantage in grooming their children to get through selection .
I would have liked to have gone to a grammar and then to a decent university . Unfortunately for me at the time I passed the 11 plus – with a lot of sacrifice from my mum and dad – Shirley Williams and her champagne socialists killed off the grammar schools.
No MP campaigned for my education – or. Maimed skin colour was the reason for selection. Lammy is quite eloquent for a labour MP sometimes but his thought process and judge ment are severely impaired – eg the burnt tower Block and blacks as victims in academia .
Do they not understand the difference between equality ornament opportunity and equality of outcome? The latter is absurd
I taught a Jamaican boy who worked in a pub and helped his dad’s food business. He would have hated life at an Oxbridge college – his culture was totally alien to that world. Nobody from his huge family would ever apply to Oxbridge, so what? They would hate it there anyway. Where is the victim here?
The left have won their big victories and cultural Marxism is in its death throes, as they are forced to campaign for increasingly minor issues which not even those they are supposedly fighting for even care about. They are just virtue signalling in a circle to one another. I bet no crack dealer in Stratford is shedding a tear right now because he’ll never study physics at Trinity College.
Any Questions started with this crap of a social justice squauk on “Any Questions”.
Benn, Fairbairn and Dimbleby seemed to think that Oxbridge is a privilege the oiks alos need a look in too. Didn`t get to hear where THEY were educated, let alone where their kids ended up.
BBC talking heads and liberal media MPs etc seem to be good at those “out of body” soundbites, as if they themselves aren`t the hypocritical problem.
Health warnings or declarations of interest ought to be mandatory for BBC blowhards and liberal hypocrats who presume to speak on “inequality” and “injustice” as deemed by the BBC.
How do Mark Carney and John Humphrys get to talk the minimum wage when neither could not possibly know anything about it?
Re @Kaiser and the BBC story that Vikings had cloth with Allah written on
The American expert made a good job at debunking the story
So I checked .edu and to see if any university experts had either supported the original story or also debunked it.
Now some might have rushed to delete a page, but currently only the Islamic College (of London) reported the story
..and they wouldn’t have the Viking historical knowledge to know better I guess.
When it came up Oct 12 most here said you’ll see anything if you stare at a cloth and screw your eyes up
If I may set the scene Mrs. C and I are old, we were married when marriage was one man and one woman, and we have stuck to that.
We noted that one Sue Perkins, of whom Mrs. C said,when she saw it, she wondered what gender it claimed, was proesenting a program abut the Ganges and we decided to watch it, timeshifted to tonight.
It started almost at the source and my first problem was when it was implied that SP intended to walk the 1500 mile length of the river bank. I was cynical about that but reserved judgement. We were introduced to a holy man who explained that the advent of a proper road had meant that hotels had been built to cope with the tourists. Land had been cleared and trees cut down, but this had not been caused by increased tourism but “climate change”. Well as the BBC is wholly unbiased we had to believe this.
Later in the programme we were introdced to a man running a huge business who was wholly motivated by the good of the community and who had no bank account and no money. I wondered where he found the time to beg for his food whle running a business which will drive Colgate out of India in three years but this was explained by describing him as “like Trump but with morals; ha ha”. By the end of this episode (1\3) we were several hundred miles further south and SP was showing no sign of having walked any significant distance. Again we had to believe all this.
I look forward to futher installments of this series which seems to have convinced SP that Hnduism is the total answer to the world’s problems and as such is presumably much better than the ROPer reigion, so the BBC story seems to be changing. If it carries on like that I wonder how long SP wiill be employed (indirectly or otherwise) by the world’s favourite purveyor of truth?
“I look forward to futher installments of this series which seems to have convinced SP that Hnduism is the total answer to the world’s problems and as such is presumably much better than the ROPer reigion,”
It will all change in episode 3. If she follows the river to the sea she’ll end up in Bangladesh, which isn’t known for its Hinduism. I wonder if she’ll be culturally sensitive and wear a bin bag over her head?
Oh. There was a glacier in it also. Monitored by some monk for the last 50 years with photography. No surprise, it had receded in the last 50 years by 3.5km.
However, what worries me is The estimate of 40 years for climate lag, the time between the cause (increased greenhouse gas emissions) and the effect (increased temperatures), .
Seems to be a small anomaly there. Perhaps it could be due to the fact that we are still coming out of an ice age. But then again I am not a scientist.
What I forgot to mention was when Sue Perkins admired the sunshine and she was asked “Don’t you see the sun in London?” she replied, “Only once or twice.” giving her interviewee th impression that the weather in London was permanently overcast or that the pollution was really bad.
I’ve just had the misfortune to listen to half an hour of a Radio 4 programme called Streets In The Sky, about social housing. It’s just a left-wing diatribe about white people, how racist we are. Besides, immigrants from all over the world are no different from our ancestors that migrated from Ireland and Europe don’t you know.
It’s my fault, I usually have Radio 4 on in the car. I was driving my parents, in their eighties, back home. My mum said “it always feels like I’m being lectured at when I’m in your car”. She’s correct of course, she is.
I don’t think there’s any programme on Radio 4 that escapes being a vehicle for propaganda now.
I didn’t watch it…but when we do I always play a game with my wife..we guess how long it will be before GN slags off Trump or Brexit…My guess is that last night it was about 30secs after the show started….
If only Brexit would allow us to remove a few token plastic paddies like the awful Graham Norton.
Wogan was a treasure who knew full well that Britain offered him and his family all that Ireland could not. Norton would fail to make any Grafton Street comedy slam because he simply isn`t funny.
No wonder he festers here in Britain, holding forth in the Telegraph on “personal problems”. What would HE know-he`s gay, childless, knows nothing about women.
Unless a hankie on the head makes you Mother Theresa.
I don’t watch chat shows as I have a bit of a life but I pressed a button on the tv and was confronted by ms Hilary rodham talking about the empowerment of this that and the other.she was talking about what used to be called girl power which some bloke came up with to sell a girl band,
I don’t know is her husband and his stained trousers were mentioned or how bigly empowered Monica became after her encounter with ms rodham’s husband. I’m. Guessing the questions were vetted and it was just an albeeb love in.
President Trump has a few more years to the next election and the demonisation will go on and on…. sopel, Katty, Christian, marr, John smiths daughter, snow – all going for it.
Pottering about the kitchen this evening, I have twice switched on Radio 4. On the first occasion I heard a far Left political hymn of praise to the council house. The second time, a woman reviewer was trilling with praise for the sex scenes in a gay (male) novel.
This isn’t being done unconsciously, it’s quite deliberate and they know that there is nothing we can do to stop them misusing our money in this way. I am sure that will not always be the case. I am looking forward to that day.
Meanwhile the WHO has appointed Robert Mugabe a “goodwill ambassador”.
Deemed controversial by TWMTB.
Why controversial? All your institutional queers (see above) have had their tongues down his Marxist trousers for decades.
Another organisation (WHO that is) to be freed from our donations.
I can see it now: Sharon White and David Lammy booted into touch in favour of unproblematic old white male Lord ‘I ain’t working class; I don’t work’ Prescott, as roving BBC Class Editor,
Only Fools and Horses over To the Manor Born becomes a national broadcast obsession.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
remember the islamic vikings on the BBC website last week
Turns out its bollox
What a surprise.
“Seeing ‘Jesus on toast’ a normal phenomenon: study”
What would the ramifications be of seeing Mohammed on toast?
Eat it quickly or else ….!
“What would the ramifications be of seeing Mohammed on toast?”
Not as bad as seeing him on a slice of bacon I suppose.
“What would the ramifications be of seeing Mohammed on toast?”
Not as bad as seeing him on a slice of bacon I suppose.
Muslims sometimes see the world ‘Allah’ in arabic script in vegetables. I’m sure I remember a story in the local paper about a woman who saw ‘allah in a tomato’. They don’t see images as those are forbidden, or if they do they certainly don’t tell the media about it!
And on the moon !
It could be Jesus. After all the Lefties seem to think he’s toast.
My money’s on either Frank Zappa or Lemmy Kilmister.
Turn it upside down and it’s meaningless … *sigh*
The toast looks like Che Guevara to me.
Of course, there is always…
Crowley toast
Scrolling up the page I saw this as a machine gunner on top of a small vehicle with tank tracks!
Ah, so not all raping and pillaging can be attributed to that particular cult then!
That reminds me. In 867, we in Yorkshire had a king called Aella. He was overthrown by the Viking leader, Ivar the Boneless.
I once lived in Kirkella, the Church of Aella.
If the BBC produced a historic drama of the episode. Based only on the factual reference of his name in the mind of a left-wing middle-class moron, Aella would be depicted as a Muslim leader played by an Asian actor.
And to a BBC moron, I’ve a Bone Less, would sound like a black person talking about a pizza. Therefore Ivar would be played by a disabled black Muslim actor.
Funnily enough, Jordanian-born actor Nabil Shaban has already appeared on screen as Ivar the Boneless. Not in a drama though, but in a C4 documentary called The Strangest Viking, where Mr. Shaban proposed that Ivar may have had the same condition as himself, osteogenesis imperfecta.
Yes well he is white so he could pass for a Viking
@Richard Pinder tonights local news
“£4m roundabout to be built in Kirkella”
…. that is about 100 times too much surely ?
Child and teen obesity spreading across the globe
cue the porky white kid stock photo

what happened to diversity?
You can shade in the flesh, in the colour of your choice.
You can shade in the flesh, in the colour of your choice.
Just like the health warning images depicting sufferers of smoking related illnesses on tobacco products, every one is of a Caucasian – yet we don’t hear any autistic screeching demanding diversity on those, do we?
“Spreading across the globe” – So insensitive using ‘spreading’ in the title!
The ones reaching for the burgers seem fairly (or unfairly?) uniform in hue too.
I am guessing that is a boy and girl above? Or it may be two boys, or….
Twice? How did that happen?
You should have been first, OG!
Old Goat
So good you said it twice. Cheers.
I have just watched Music and Dictators on the BBC. It was about how 20th century dictators used the power of music to manipulate people in their regimes. As expected the Nazis featured heavily with Wagner, Richard Strauss etc and we were treated to endless scenes of German military might marching to Beethoven and the Horst Wessex song . The horrors of the Holocaust were covered and there was an awful account of a lady chellist who was forced to play Schumann’s Traumerei to The evil Mengele in Auschwitz. All as you would expect when covering the foul Nazi regime. But what of the communist dictators? Well here we got the BBC version of history . Lenin was portrayed as a decent uncle like figure who liked nothing better than a good sing song round the piano always completed with a rousing rendition of the Internationale. (Incidentally the Internationale was sung to us by a large choir but we were told that the Horst Wessel song had such terrible connotations that it simply could not be sung) The darker side of Lenin’s character and deeds were glossed over . In contrast to the well covered horrors of the Nazi regime the similar horror that befell untold millions of Russians under the regime that Lenin created was glossed over. Stalin , who was just as evil as Hitler ,got off even more lightly, with just about the worst thing recorded against him being writing a review in Pravda which heavily criticised one of Shostakovich’s symphonies. The Gulag was hardly mentioned, the forced collectivisation of agriculture with millions of executions, mass starvation , mass deportation was never mentioned. No one mentioned that millions of Europeans in Poland etc were forced to live for fifty years under the Soviet jackboot.
The BBC seem blind to the horror of Soviet Union, blind to the similar horror that always accompany communist regimes. It’s all very well warning us at every opportunity about the Nazis but it is a massive deceit to not warn us about the horror and peril of communism . It is even worse when the two regimes are being compared in the same series.
Well spotted, Double, and excellent post.
a free pass for all marxist monsters from stalin, pol pot and che- thats what the bbc call SOLIDARITY
none of these monsters were ever OFfICiALLY condemned .and no nueremberg trials to inform the world .
so the bbc are free to rewrite history
The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties,by robert conquest verboten at the BBC
In different circumstances I might have watched this or, putting it another way, I might have watched it if it hadn’t been on the BBC. Clearly my fears were justified. Anyway, I get very tired of the Hitler/Wagner thing, it’s been done to death. Wagner died six years before Hitler was born (as I once had to point out to some numpty who said that Wagner was a party member), and there is no clear evidence of anti-Semitism in his operas. Associations of the Ring with Aryan supremacy don’t work at all, IMO. The flawed heroes are killed off relatively easily and the gods go up in flames after making a right royal mess of things. Some Master Race. The actual Nazi supporter in the Wagner family was born Winifred Williams, in Hastings.
Having said that, the BBC’s recent documentary on tenor Jonas Kaufmann, followed by his performance of Otello from the ROH, were pretty good. Pity it all went on until 1am. Kaufmann seems a pleasant chap. I think quite a few people would have found it interesting but this elitist, Eurocentric stuff has to be confined to cultural ghettos in case it catches on.
Well I would have watched it if I even knew it was being shown.For some reason the BBC doesn’t advertise anything truly cultural that it deems elitist.Its almost like they are ashamed of it.
Actually the title of the series was Tunes for Tyrants but the above synopsis is accurate.
I recall reading an account , some years ago, of (if I remember correctly) Shostakovich being summoned to Stalin’s NKVD (KGB) Headquarters. Apparently the authorities were displeased with the draft of some music that he had submitted for approval. He was interrogated, questioned about the meaning of the work and by extension a conspiracy against the party. Such was the terror, he thought that he might not return to his family. He was made to wait for hours but then told to go home and report back the following day, only to be told to go home again – the man who he been interrogated by, the day before, had been taken away and executed.
It’s the weekend!
Nothing to do with BBC Bias but The Swedes! Swedish band, Swedish film clips.
Lets get that for Christmas number one, on top of the pops! 🙂
Wild Bill
Now let’s see. Who among the MSM DJ’s could help achieve that? (as if I know of any) I’ll wait and see. Oh I forgot I am a very old fart so I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to hear it played on the BBC.
As BBC Asian Everywhere would say… ‘not helpful’?
Can’t see Steve Wrong in the afternoon having that on the play list.
Former EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson on the Today programme saying no Brexit deal means we will end up dealing with every Tom, Dick and Harry. Now I know quite a lot of Toms and Harrys but very few Dicks and I find them all very reasonable people to deal with (apart from a few Dicks). Please Mr. Mandelson (omitted Lord as he’s a socialist) try and understand you might have fooled a lot of people with your rebranding of the Labour party but no amount of your propaganda is fooling the 52%. You’ve had your time and the chance to reform the monster and you did nothing but ride along on the gravy train.
Synch, well said. Listening to Mandelson this morning, I found myself transported back to the Garden of Eden some time after its creation and listening to a lizard with very slitty eyes.
Peter Mandelson said he wants to hear from the British people about their views on Brexit. Please, B-BBC contributors, fulfil his desires this one time, over the weekend or early next week, and let him know your views on the EU and the UK’s membership.
We all know that Mandelson, and indeed Campbell, have had their time and that both have revealed themselves as fundamentally dishonest failures. The BBC, on the other hand, seems unaware of the fact and continues to regard them, and pay them, as valuable and unbiased information providers. Odd, that.
I have no doubt that Mandelson has known a few Dicks in his time …….
Probably also felt a few on his way round the cottages.
Trump just tweeted about the rise of crime in the UK and our problem with Islamic terror. That will stick it to the Beeb!
He may be insensitive, boorish or whatever but the bottom line is government’s ultimate responsibility is to keep its people safe – and he is focussed on doing that. Our leaders seem to have forgotten that and instead clamp down on anyone who dares confront our enemies.
As the world collapses around us the Beeb just pretend it’s not happening, prattling in about black kids getting into Oxbridge when just Monday another young ethnic minority boy was stabbed to death.
And as for their obsession with ‘diversity’ I am sure we would trade all the diversity in the world if it meant we could feel safe. I still can’t take my nephews to see the sights in London and we have the liberal elite to thank for that.
Beeboids and Lefties are so stupid that they do not realise that blacks, ethinic minorities, muslims etc. are laughing at them and all the PC brigade.
Absolutely. None of those groups need to fight us. They can just stand and watch as we self destruct. Trouble is once the transformation is complete anyone with Leftie social views had better leg it sharpish.
Spot on !
What he said was factually correct – rise in crime ‘amid spread of Radical Islamic terror’. He has pointed out the elephant in the room, where others have given no explanation for the crime rise.
The rise in crime is not just down to the ‘spread of Radical Islamic terror’, it is also down to Labour and the EU opening the gates to mass immigration, that is why we now have lots of criminals from Romania, Albania, Somalia etc.
Agree, but he carefully used the word amid, not ‘as a result of’
But the irony was left to Yvette Cooper. After slating him for trying to make political capital out of the crime figures, she went on do just that by wittering on about a 30% hike in so called ” hate crime”.
The rate of increase in murders has doubled from 5-10% due to Islamic terrorism. That’s the only Trump friendly statistic out there as far as I can see.
Always fun to see which liberal floaters take to Twitter to mock Trump for stating the obvious. Same few BBC gals and metrosexual fops of New Labour and Corbyn discards usually.
But it gets them on Sky or the BBC for ten minutes.
Trump ought to prevent them using his brand-they only get a mention when he deigns to speak over their flat and fatuous heads.
Carrots in the vomit.
Keep going Mr President!
I’ve just caught up with the second series of Britain’s Lost Masterpieces, a BBC Four saga in which wrongly attributed paintings are researched to find out if they are actually by famous artists. As art history goes it’s pretty feeble but probably about as good as you are going to get from today’s dumbed-down BBC.
In the past the series has been led by art historian Dr Bendor Grosvenor, but what has happened to his former sidekick, the arts maven Suzy Klein? Has Ms Klein undergone a race transplant and is now sporting a bewildering array of African hairstyles that change from moment to moment? No, because Ms Klein’s place has been taken a woman by the name of Emma Dabiri- who she?
Well, to start with, Ms Dabiri is not an art historian, nor even an expert on British history. The BBC bills her as a ‘social historian’ which is what you might call being a little generous. Brimming with self-confidence as she talks down to her audience about what life was like in 18th Century Derby, Atlanta-born Ms Dabiri is so irritating that I decide to dig a little deeper. Surely, she must have some experience or academic background making her relevant to the history of art? Or even of this country?
Apparently not. Aside from her elaborate African hairstyles (she is a specialist in hair styles apparently – and no, I didn’t make that up) this half-Irish, US-born former model has a BA ‘in African studies and history’, and an MSc in ‘violence, conflict and development’ from SOAS (oh dear) where she has also taught in the ‘Africa department’ (oh dear). She has also ‘studied for a PhD in Visual Sociology entitled “Mixed-Race A Ghost Story” in the Sociology Department at Goldsmiths, University of London’ (Oh dear, again) and she writes the Guardian and the New Statesman (I’ve run out of ‘oh dears’). So why is she talking to me about the 18th Century British painter Joseph Wright of Derby?!
The reason, of course is the colour of her skin. She is there to ‘rub our noses in diversity’ to use the charming Nu Labour phrase. This is today’s BBC, every bit as racist as apartheid South Africa, where people are picked for their race or their gender, not their relevance or ability. Put Ms Dabiri in a programme about hair (really) or black history, or Left wing politics or trends in modern sociology and she would fit in, but she does not belong in a programme about art. She is simply there to make a statement about how right-on the BBC is. And if you don’t like it, you is racist, innit? It’s got nothing to do with not enjoying being patronised by an in-your-face professional black woman reading off a script on a subject about which the viewer is likely to know a good deal more than she does.
Great post, GC.
There are several women now on football programmes who know nothing about football. For someone obsessed with football it is so infuriating. It’s fine to have women if they love and understand football, but to have someone on just because of their gender is so annoying.
Is it worth all this diversity if the quality of their programmes suffers as a result? It must be one of the best examples of mass insanity in history.
Cricket is being infected too.
Do these football women post/tweet insulting stuff about us Brits being cold hearted racist facists? If not I would rather have them commentating, hosting , leering or whatever it is that toss pot Lineacker does for his millions, than that prize piece of dog excrement.
Fair point. Even the thought of Lineker makes me vomit. The very epitome of a thick footballer.
I agree with this, as a woman who loves and thanks to my dad understands football, the lightweight women “presenters” really annoying me! I very rarely watch BBC football now, MOTD is unwatchable these days with Lineaker and his bunch of idiots and the bias they show.
I do admit to enjoy listening and watching most of the ladies on Sky Sports News who do tend to know more about what they are talking about and are obviously on air for that reason, not how diverse they are.
Also my team, the mighty West Bromwich Albion are mentioned more on Sky!!
As a woman, I too think we`re getting patronised and used to jemmy the last bastions of banter, mock abuse that so enrage the Hornby Brigade. New Labour cultural appropriation to neuter and price out any REAL working class links and history.
Blokes letting off steam can be funny, and I resent the likes of Lineker, the empty idiocies of a Collymore or Savage.
Only think I like about the women attempts to talk nonsense after the game is that they use the same empty verbiage and cliched twaddle-just as a Shearer or Neville would.
True gender equality when both men and women talk the same “back of the net” nonsense. We should all be pleased.
Britain’s Lost Masterpieces.
Thanks for doing the research.
Oh dear indeed.
You have to feel sorry for Bendor.
It is a good example of how even with a good programme idea the BBC seeks to saturate it with Leftist politics and box ticking on the grounds that this is what they do. Another example is Who Do You Think You Are? The voice over frequently tries to inject a Leftist interpretation of historical events into the narrative on the grounds that due to the unique way we are funded this is what they do. I have not noticed this recently so maybe there has been a change in the editorial team. Who Do You Think You Are is one of those programmes sustained by consumer demand rather than the BBC telling people what they ought to enjoy. These programme are not really what the BBC want to produce, and as the successful transition of Bake Off to Channel Four demonstrates, are best done by others. The BBC should be left as an agit-prop channel funded by the Guardian readers they employ. {20oct2017}
Macron accuses UK of ‘bluffing’ on no-deal Brexit scenario
Customs declarations to treble after Brexit
Theresa May says UK examining divorce bill ‘line by line’
Trade talks ‘will be more complex than first phase’
President links UK crime rise to ‘spread of Islamic terror’
Treatment mostly used on women and older people, says study
Magician accused of raping model in London in 2004
Theories behind the Merkel-May-Macron huddle
Channel 4’s ‘brownface’ documentary is no way to portray Muslims
Ignore the naysayers. The Brexit negotiations are going better than EU leaders can let on
Yep. sounds like she ticks all the bBBC boxes.
If a white person statred to lecture us on African art I’m pretty sure that there would be screams of outrage from the usual suspects about cultural appropriation, at least I think that is what the phrase is. It would be deemed that the white person was stealing the African culture or some such nonsense. But of course it’s quite acceptable to the BBC to have this women talking about our culture. Another good example of how the BBC is slowly destroying British history, culture and identity. If this slow death of Britain is to be halted and then reveresed the very first thing that must be done is to destroy the BBC itself.
I am not qualified to lecture on African Art, but I do collect the paintings of the great black Gambian artist, Moulaye Sarr who has become a good friend of mine. He once said to me ( and he is a man of few words ) , ” Most Africans are too stupid to understand abstract art “. Don’t think he would be invited on the BBC.
I agree with you, Death to the BBC.
Given that the rubbish in the Tate Modern is regarded as first class modern art I’m not sure that you have to be clever to understand abstract art. Although I admit that on the rare occasions I visit London I make a point of visiting the Tate because it is the best free laugh in the country.
“If a white person statred to lecture us on African art”
If anyone lectured on African art it would be a very short program.
So you are saying Emma Dabiri was recruited due to BBC Affirmative Bl-action ?
she did make ‘Is Love Racist’ on C4
I highlighted the lovely Emma a couple of months ago after she presented a bit on the One Show about a British ship being sunk during WW1, the Cornwallis I think, and was struck by the lack of gravitas that she brought to the segment.
Who do we need to present a piece on the Great War? Military historian? Ex-naval officer? Dan effin’ Snow?
No, a BAME Irish female, writing a book about hair, one of whose earliest cultural memories is of hearing and learning Irish Republican songs, probably about murdering British troops, while living where she was born in America.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say on this.
Thank you to everyone who commented on that post of mine and, of course, for the upticks.
I’d just add that I suspect we are going to be hearing an awful lot more from this awful woman, as Rich’s comment suggests.
Thanks to whoever suggested reading the comments on BBC Facebook posts. We are clearly not alone in being aixk of their bias!
Beeb Brother, we’re not alone, but to be honest I can’t face reading that BBC Facebook page any more. The sheer level of ‘libtard’ drivel in the comments is depressing in the extreme. It’s the same old litany, US and UK bad, Trump evil, religion bad, Islamic terrorists just misunderstood, Brexit evil, Brexit voters thick and racist, etc etc etc all with a veneer of middle class pseudo-reasoning.
It’s like panning for nuggets of gold.
There’s am incredible amount of silt and sh*t, but every so often you are rewarded with a winner.
The upticks also often tell a story.
Guest Who, that’s true enough. I’ve noticed that the very highly rated posts are often anti-BBC and anti-left-liberalism (for want of a better word). Those get hundreds of angry replies, but few of those replies themselves get very highly rated. I wonder if that’s because conservative-minded people just ‘like’ a post and move on, rather than feel the need to engage in pointless ‘debate’ with snowflakes.
Mark Mardell “President Trump is turning the clock back”
Former President Obama “People are angry”
Er, I thought that was Democrat voters and Fascists who went around the day and weekend after Donald Trump’s Election victory demonstrating, spraying graffiti, smashing windows and setting fire to things? People are angry: isn’t Hillary Clinton, the losing candidate, going around expressing her anger.
Mark, that’s not President Trump doing it. And division is obviously going to happen in any election with just two main candidates from opposing Parties. If the candidates were offering the same policies, even from the same Party, how would the public making a choice still not be divisive?
What do they expect to happen when they have achieved peak diversity by 2020 or whenever?
Will the heavens suddenly open? Armies will lay down their weapons; scientists will no longer need to look for a cure for cancer; winter and night-time will no longer exist and we will live in an eternal sunshine of vibrant equality.
Of course not.
And it is a one-way street.
Will there be outcry that Asians are massively over-represented in medicine and pharmacy? Of course not. It’s just anti white racism.
The Muslim women of the West, with their freedoms, are trying to let women wear the Hijab anywhere.
The Muslim women of the Middle East, under a totalitarian regime, are trying to be free of the Hijab and don’t want to wear it anywhere.
Which is the true Muslim women? Who do we back? Has there been a meeting between the two types of women?
“The Minister may be aware of a YouGov poll that was done immediately after this ruling which showed that 42% of Brits would support such a ban (Burka) in the workplace { aug2016}, or at least employers having the ability to impose such a ban in the workplace. Will my noble friend take back to her colleagues the possibility of further work under the integration strategy (morality police?) to ensure that these kinds of opinion held in country are pushed back by views within government?”
– Baroness Warsi Conservative { mar2017}
Strange how after Max Hill QC came out on R4 yesterday that returning ISIS terrorists shouldn’t be jailed, but rather allowed to to simply get on with their lives:
Yasmin AB came out with this:
The parents of Jihad Jack are going on hunger strike in which to try and force the UK to bring their ISIS terrorist son home from a Kurdish prison. I wonder how long it is before this becomes the main story at the bBC.
UK: Parents of ISIS terrorist held in Iraq, go on hunger strike in which to set him free.
As if we didn’t have enough problems …. Since then, France has faced severe challenges by Islamic fundamentalists in Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron is now trying to manage a terrible situation: some 350 Islamic terrorists currently sit in prisons; 5,800 are under police surveillance; an additional 17,000 have been classified as a “potential threat”, while since 2015, more than 240 lives have been lost to jihadi terrorists. {gatestoneinstitute 20oct2017}
So Yasmin is more skilled than MI6 and MI5. Silly cow.
Yasmin is an enemy of all Europeans.
Parents of ISIS terrorist held in Iraq, go on hunger strike in which to set him free.
Has anyone offered them a bacon sandwich?
In my opinion they should be treated the same as if they had done it in previous conflicts.
In other words, they should be shot for treason.
Like it, Lobster. In my opinion, treason is the most serious of crimes. It should always carry the death penalty. I am absolutely serious about this. Almost everyone in every society of the past would have agreed. But today we have no sense. We have no understanding of the crime, we exalt feelings above reason, we have become squeamish about punishment, and we are allowing our country to be undermined and overrun by its enemies.
Shoot the bastards on sight.
They should be all employed by the inclusive BBC. If Lord Hall refuses to employ them because of a fear about being killed. Then the Tories could use left-wing political correct ideology to close down the BBC, citing the crime of Islamophobia. So that way, either the BBC is boomed and blasted to destruction, or closed down.
Send them to Cuba, for ever.
If not longer, that way their audience with Allah is indefinitely postponed, shame.
Personally I`d tell the Syrian and Government forces about who we know to be out there. And to put a smalll bounty on the head of every one of them they kill-so they don`t clog the BBC and encourage the next load of traitors and bombers to set up against us all.
Don`t mind if it`s only a earbud with Jihadi Johns DNA on it-but an ear would get a bit extra.
Who at the BBC is responsible for promoting racial disharmony? Who came up with the idea for this program?
Next Friday there is a program scheduled at peak viewing time entitled “Will Britain ever have a black prime minister?”
The program is presented by permanent race hustler, actor David Harwood. He complains that there is a barrier of discrimination and bias against black people, which is a bit rich considering he’s a multi-millionaire.
Harwood is the same agitator that claimed Britain discriminates against black actors when he failed to get the role of Robin Hood.
In true David Lammy mode he whinges about blacks failing to get into all the top institutions, failing to mention that it’s because they failed to achieve the standard required and there’re simply not good enough.
Wasn’t Lord Liverpool, the 19th-century Prime Minister, of Anglo-Indian descent? Indian doesn’t count though, does it? It always has to be black black black.
In the meantime, following Emma West’s treatment, I trust the BBC and plod will be investigating this:
‘White people are devils… I hate you lot’: Black man launches astonishing racist rant as he hurls abuse at passengers on the Victoria line
Perhaps this natural orator will PM some day.
The Tories have produced Irish, Canadian and Jewish Prime Ministers, as well as two female Prime Ministers. But the history of the Labour party shows that blacks have no chance in that party. As even the white working-class no longer have a chance of becoming a Labour Prime Minister, as was demonstrated by Emily Thornberry, and implied by David Harwood and David Lammy.
I recall he went to Harewood House once and tried to get Lord Lascelles, the son of the (now deceased) Earl of Harewood, to apologise for the sugar plantations in the West Indies that Lascelles’ ancestors had owned; and which had led to David ending up with that surname, as his ancestors were taken as slaves from Africa to work in the Caribbean.
I wonder whether David Harwood believes he would have been better off if his antecedents had remained in Africa and Whites had never gone to that continent? After all, he could be living in a mud hut with a giraffe skin on his head instead of being paid hundreds of thousands of pounds for performing his second rate acting skills in films and on tv.
Did David Harewood go to Africa and try to track down the black ancestors of people who sold his ancestors to the British ?
That’s how slavery worked
The prog is a repeat it was on last year
“Will Britain ever have a black prime minister?”
Will the BBC have time left to appoint a black Director General?
Will they ever appoint a DJ who knows their music, and will tell us the name of the artist at both the start and end of the record?
Funny what questions the BBC wants us to care about-and which ones they never want to ask.
And when we DO get a black PM-won`t we have to get suitable shades and hair types to include both Jamaicans and Africans-and then onto Antuigans and Zambians?
And why no fussing about any future CHINESE Prime Minister?
Racist aren`t they?
Oh dear, expect the bBC to promote this story to the world as a hate crime:
Update, the hearse has been freed, after the owner paid to have the clamp lifted. Apparently the car had no tax. which the owner blames on the fact that DVLA didn’t send him a reminder.
If you are running a business, you are meant to be on top of things like that. I suppose there are special rules for muslims…
I blame Brexit (and Trump)
“Mr Aslam, hearse owner said he forgot to renew his tax because the DVLA didn’t send him a reminder.”
A spokesperson for NSL clamping said:
“Whilst the vehicle was untaxed it was clearly inappropriate for us to take action at this time.
“We have refunded the release fee on this occasion and offered our sincerest apologies to the family.”
The Today programme this morning had on some Democrat shill who had worked for Hillary Clinton. I expect they’d have had her on personally if she hadn’t “broken her toe”.
He rehearsed all the sad old “facts”, that Putin “hates” Clinton, that the Russians had “hacked” the DNC, all to get Trump elected. Hard hitting, it was not.
Strangely, he didn’t find time to explain how the Clintons had profited hugely from allowing 20% of America’s uranium to be sold to Russia, and how first Director Mueller and then Director Comey at the FBI had sat on the subsequent investigation. And if he wasn’t telling, the Today “journalists” certainly weren’t asking.
I am grateful to Mark Steyn for making the facts clear. The last time I heard, he wasn’t paid £4billion a year, yet still somehow he managed it. Strange that, isn’t it?
Rob, I was just reading that.
“The biggest risk factor, air pollution, contributed to 6.5 million premature deaths. This included pollution from outdoor sources, such as gases and particulate matter in the air, and in households, from burning wood or charcoal indoors”
There’s a lot of science knowledge shared here on B-BBC. Is that statement correct?
I am under the impression that it is burning ‘wet’ wood or kerosene that is harmful to lungs, not burning dry wood or charcoal. Anyone know?
Statement taken from:
What is the correlation between the low polluting countries and the more polluting countries?
“92% of air pollution deaths are in poor/developing countries”
David Fuller on R4 Today this morning
…you buying an electric car in London in London isn’t going to make a dent.
AND If your EV takes its electricity from UK’s largest power station the wood burning Drax, it could be increasing overall air pollution.
US: BBC news plays identity politics with the US Senate
Apparently Macron takes the view that Blighty is bluffing about a clean brexit .
He obviously wants us to leave ASAP so that France and German can run their club without opposition . Please can we leave ?
I’ve started growing food on my windowsill because without the EU we won’t be able to get any food right?
I feel a bit sorry for all those innocent farmers supplying the Uk market who are going to be unemployed .
Fed up,
The Remoaners are setting up a Solent Green factory . The aim is twofold:
Firstly to provide food during the exile from the EU
Secondly to get rid of old Leave voters so ensuring future referendums or referenda, votes go the right way and the UK can be readmitted.
The factory will differ slightly from the original portrayed in the film in that this new version will be halal.
And no more French Letters either. Blimey what am I going to take to the knocking shop with me?
Ah well the French wouldn’t buy our apples so why should I buy their Letters?
Does this mean there won’t be any ‘Spanish Fly’ either?
I almost forgot. What about the Dutch Caps?
Double / lefty ,
The remainers think brexiters are old and close to death thus bringing a new referendum and a certain remain vote .
Two problems – no one lives for ever
Should never disrespect the grim reaper .
Best for them to think long term . After a few years outside the EU and we are all selling the Big Issue to each other we can beg our kind friends in the Eu to send Red Cross parcels , open food banks and beg to return . We ll even use the reich mark / euro and dump all those national flags .
I wonder how many remainers – within al beeb and elsewhere dream of this?
I think if I was a normal punter I’d say I’m just fed up with the brexit thing – get it done – get out now and let’s get on with Blighty trying to be Blighty again instead of a work camp for unemployed Eu types sending money home to momma .
Who in this country gave a stuff about what Francois Hollande said in his four years of pink lunacy as Frances President?
Why then will we listen to Macron and his city riots, after his four months or so thinking that he`s a Greek god or what have you?
Same goes for Trudeau, Muscat or the gay Indian who`s Irelands PM.
Pretty boys tend not to make reliable leaders-look at Harvey Weinstein.
MP Clive Lewis sorry for ‘unacceptable language’ after video
In the inimitable words of the late Eric Morecambe, ‘this man’s a fool’.
Pity he didn’t throw in the n word . Has be committed a hate crime ? A tort minister had to go for allegedly calling police plebs so Mr Lewis must be due for promotion
Mandelson to Lewis “To show true remorse you must lift up your shirt tail and bend.” said in his characteristically sinister tone.
I grew up in an area where black people called each other the name of guy Gibson’s dog . If a white kid used the same term they got creamed .
Reader – if you don’t know the name of guy Gibson’s dog – it rhymes with ‘tigger’.
Yawn happened 1 whole month ago ..and nobody there complained.
In a comedy skit he said “Get on your knees, bitch”
When I read the BBC article I felt like I’d fallen down Alice’s rabbit hole
Cos the article is so full of people on a guilt trip saying how horrifying this is.
Neither Clive Lewis or Ian Lavery cropped up in any meaningful way in BBC stories. Both cases only show up Labours deep hypocrisy and financial, sexual deviance.
Laverys case is particularly bad-Scargill also ripped off the NUM and got away with it.
No wonder they crave for Orgreave.
Talki about how to make a bad business move
Not sure whether it’s a bad business move:
Been done before, and although this is a bit of a sob story, I thought she’d done pretty well for herself – Bond girl ffs!. Another example of someone who has transitioned and had a really tough time of it (if it’s all true).
Lol – comment on the front of that Playboy – ‘Would you sleep with this woman?’ – you wouldn’t get away with that now.
I think many will want to see the photos out of curiosity.
I wonder if this film will now get banned:
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy, Anna Coulter …
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
Hard to imagine any bloke seeking out a bloke on their Playboy cover, no matter how caricatured the tribute is to femininity that is photographed.
I`d have thought there`s no shortage of real ladies over there who`d like the publicity.
Can`t all have worked for Weinsteins agency can they?
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’.
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
An evil sick perverted beast preying on victims in hospital premises.
Mmm that one will be familiar to the BBC seeing that their very own Jimmy Saville got away with it for so long!
Next Sunday will mark the sixth year anniversary of Sir James Savile of Wood Lane and BBC Yorkshire. The BBC ought to be marking it.
I would say that Islamic and Liberal cultures are inferior to all other cultures, because they both fight against reason.
And therefore tolerate each others differences on issues such as Women and Homosexuals, because they are both blood brothers in the fight against reason and other cultures.
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback
A record number of sex offenders John Humphrys asked why and implied many were spurious.
– discusses his decision to run The Omen as last week’s Book at Bedtime.
– Sophie Chalk from Voice of the Listener and Viewer, about who now holds accountability for the BBC – its Board or Ofcom.
– how did a particular programme or report change your life? Listener Ed Green tells us why Glyn Worsnip’s A Lone Voice affected him.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
. . . . . .
Barack Obama delivers veiled but withering rebuke of Donald Trump {guardian 19oct2017}
“Back in the public fray at a rally in Virginia, the former president delivered his views on the current political climate in his strongest terms yet”
– How much was Obama paid to appear? Did the Guardian ask? $400,000?
BBC sorry over gay conversion tweet
But still Nigel Farage awaits a justified apology
The BBC deleted the tweet, which it said breached its own guidelines, and apologised for the offence it caused. { 20oct2017}
“The BBC has apologised for an online poll that asked whether gay conversion therapy is acceptable practice.”
Song glorifying ‘honour killing’ pulled from BBC Asian Network after Mirror call
“Sucha Soorma got to No17 in the Official Asian Download Chart and was promoted by a BBC Twitter account as it played on the BBC’s Asian Network”
“The national online hate crime hub that we are funding is an important step to ensure more victims (Katie Hopkins) have the confidence to come forward and report the vile abuse (Assassination threats and supporters) to which they are being subjected.” – Amber Rudd { 08oct2017}
As I said the BBC is on a constant guilt trip in case it offends a SpecialVictim group.
But it doesn’t give a flying about getting caught insulting Farage or playacting KTHopkins death
or sneering at Brexiteers and Trump
..cos it sees those things as morally OK
… ie it’s lost its moral compass
Buried at the bottom of the page … EU ‘running out of money’ to stop migrants travelling from Africa {theguardian20oct2017}
Fund used to pay African countries to deter migration to Europe needs emergency injection of cash, officials say.
At an EU summit in Brussels this week, the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, warned leaders of a looming €225m gap to pay for migration projects, including border-control in Libya, the departure point for most migrants who risk the perilous crossing over the central Mediterranean to Italy.
. . .
But the EU has limited room in its existing seven-year budget to find new sources of cash. The UK’s departure, which threatens to punch a €10bn hole in the EU budget, adds to financial pressures at a time when the EU faces more demands on its funds beyond traditional priorities such as farm subsidies and infrastructure projects.
. . . . . Let us look back in past . . . .
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
– European Union is using UK’s money to keep African’s from leaving their own country!
My cartoon on Catalonia and the week’s news:
Further dumbing down. Daily Politics Show. June Sarpong. Shall I carry on ? Incredible how the image changes as she’s promoting a book on……. statistics and …. diversity that isn’t happening enough for her. Today its the wig pulled into a chic ponytail, high necked jumper, very little make-up, and answering in measured tones, (although a 3 year old could answer the questions put to her); compared to the hooker look she regularly sports on the Pledge ! You need to do more than wave your arms about and nod your head all the time June love.
I wonder whether Aunty will be covering this story?
A girl was recently beaten up by a man called “Omar” It appears that the Met were given good quality pictures of “Omar” by the girls friend, however for some strange reason Plod only released poor quality cctv pictures of the attacker that looked more like a grey oil slick than anything that could be used to identify the attacker.
Why ever would plod do something like that I wonder? – Curious and curiouser! Anyone would think that they dont really want to find the attacker. Still I suppose with all this Farage fueled “Hate” crime happening you have to prioritise the more important stuff.
It’s a disgrace. It seems to me that there is some kind of conspiracy going on where the authorities are aiding and abetting these scumbags and don’t want them caught. The political elite appear to be deliberately bringing this country down, the police are seen to be doing nothing other than arresting people who try to stand up against it, for so called hate crimes.Sooner or later something has got to give…and it will..
Welcome to the brave new world, nice innit.
I wonder whether Aunty will be covering this story?
A girl was recently beaten up by a man called “Omar” It appears that the Met were given good quality pictures of “Omar” by the girls friend, however for some strange reason Plod only released poor quality cctv pictures of the attacker that looked more like a grey oil slick than anything that could be used to identify the attacker.
Why ever would plod do something like that I wonder? – Curious and curiouser! Anyone would think that they dont really want to find the attacker. Still I suppose with all this Farage fueled “Hate” crime happening you have to prioritise the more important stuff.
I knew it wouldn’t be long until the BBC teported on the reactions of the spineless, sanctimonious pc automaton wimps condeming Trump’s highly accurate tweet about crime increase in the UK. Our politicians really are the scum of the Earth. Cowards and wimps.
Just seen tweet. He doesn’t even really say it is all due to Islamic terror but “amid the spread of”…..his point is general but you are right these politicians are spineless – their main point is that it isn’t the UK but England and Wales. Typical pontification.
As an aside – has anyone noticed how little the BBC has reported the good news that the UK budget deficit is the lowest since 2007? More people in work more VAT income..less spending…. can you imagine the news if it was the highest since 2007…
The BBC really don’t seem to like the UK..or is it England and Wales?
England, Wales and about half of Northern Ireland.
EuroNews …. no deal off table. UK must pay divorce bill. Macron wipes nose like he has something in it.
Turkey still joining EU! Followed by news of more arrests in Turkey.
Good program on bbc. ‘Army: behind the new front lines’ wed 9pm.
Mosul showing the confused fight.
Yeah, I watched that, very good.
EuroNews reporter asks North Korean solider about President Trump. “He’s mentally ill” he replies. Ask the North Korean man about freedom, the World and his own leader … I dare him.
Not the BBC but I was disgusted earlier listening to a guest on Talk Radio. Introduced by the presenter as a psychiatrist, Dr John Gartner, who insists that having Mr Trump as POTUS is a “psychiatric emergency” and he must be removed from office. The presenter did not once challenge his opinion and took it all as matter of fact.
I’ve read something previously about this guy where he is described as a psychologist NOT a psychiatrist.
How on earth can he arrive at this diagnosis, when , by his own admission he has never met the president in person!
LibMob throw an acusation
..check it applies to them
Seems so for psychologist John Gartner
Demolished on Fox ?
Island – Nice one Evan, why am I not surprised. Nice picture – I expect it was taken after sunset as that is the time most bloodsucking parasites come out to play.
The Beeb website has reported on the ‘anger’ at Trump’s Tweet about UK crime increasingly. WIth their trademark journalistic rigour they studied the Twitter feeds of usual suspects like Yvette Cooper, who hilariously and predictably accused Trump of hate crime.
You know what? I am kind of angry about all the crime but to say that makes me a hate criminal.
It’s all feelings over facts – his hurtful words may increase hate crime! Well if people were not committing so much crime he would have nothing to say about it. Caroline Lucas – like the badass she is – calls for him to be publicly condemned for ‘outright fearmongering’! That will put him in his place! Grrrrrrr!
That crazy, fear-mongering lunatic! Just the five terror attacks this year. Nothing to be afraid of!
O how Trump must love Twitter; he forces the MSM to talk about subjects they hate to even mention. With everyone getting his words sent straight to their phone he sets the agenda. If they ignore the subject he raises they look like dishonest cowards; and when they do address the issues you know how uncomfortable they are writing it. I love him!
On this Monday Jacob Rees Mogg is in charge of the 10 am to 1pm slot on LBC – which is a radio channel I do not ordinarily listen too – but it will be interesting to hear JRM.
Yeah I love him. His voice is diamonds on melted honey.
Yes, he’s got a Duke’s voice – almost sounds as posh as Patrick Mayhew did.
How the left invents faux outrage in which to promote its leftwing Britian can only be racist agenda:
Oxford accused of ‘social apartheid’ as colleges admit no black students
“Nearly one in three Oxford colleges failed to admit a single black British A-level student in 2015, with the university accused of “social apartheid” over its admissions policies by the former education minister David Lammy.”
The bBC is reporting this story also, but they don’t openly state what Lammy and the Guardian are saying but they are saying it never the less :
What it’s like being black and working class at Cambridge
And here is something the above aren’t making clear:
“Oxford said students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds made up 15.9% of its 2016 UK undergraduate intake, up from 14.5% in 2015, and that offers to black students had more than doubled since 2010. Those figures include British Asian students and other minorities.”
15.9%? In 2011 the non-white population came in at 13% So in terms of diversity the figures mirror society . Yet this is unacceptable to those who find offence where none is present. Now go back to the above statement and lets see exactly what they are saying:
“Nearly one in three Oxford colleges failed to admit a single black British A-level student in 2015.”
But these colleges already have a none white population just higher than the UK average. If Black British students don’t make the grade, then that doesn’t make this racist, it means that Black British children are underachieving when compared to Indians, Chinese and foreign students a number of whom are..Black. Maybe the British are getting it wrong when it comes to teaching Black children (Usually children from a Caribbean decent, African children do much better). But you’d think if you were a black parent , you would go out of your way in which to ensure your children did well at school. I mean Diane Abbott did and she blamed poor schooling and Black peer pressure. You know that one which see’s black boys who do well at school disparaged for being coconuts, and that dealing in drugs and gang warfare is the way to go. Kind of explains the rise of crime in London, where we are regaled to shootings, stabbings. rapes and the rest on a hourly basis. Yet when the Government, police try to clamp down on this, the very people complaining about racism at Oxford, are the very ones complaining about how the authorities are doing their job. In other words these people are the architects of their own misfortune.
Getting into decent universities should always be difficult . Those with experience of such academies will have an in built advantage in grooming their children to get through selection .
I would have liked to have gone to a grammar and then to a decent university . Unfortunately for me at the time I passed the 11 plus – with a lot of sacrifice from my mum and dad – Shirley Williams and her champagne socialists killed off the grammar schools.
No MP campaigned for my education – or. Maimed skin colour was the reason for selection. Lammy is quite eloquent for a labour MP sometimes but his thought process and judge ment are severely impaired – eg the burnt tower Block and blacks as victims in academia .
Hey Fedup be careful there. In liberal Newspeak ‘grooming children’ has an entirely different meaning than the one you intend.
Ha yes I planted that one for context. Ta for the spot. Pity spellcheck came up with ‘maimed’ and not ‘blamed’ eh!
Do they not understand the difference between equality ornament opportunity and equality of outcome? The latter is absurd
I taught a Jamaican boy who worked in a pub and helped his dad’s food business. He would have hated life at an Oxbridge college – his culture was totally alien to that world. Nobody from his huge family would ever apply to Oxbridge, so what? They would hate it there anyway. Where is the victim here?
The left have won their big victories and cultural Marxism is in its death throes, as they are forced to campaign for increasingly minor issues which not even those they are supposedly fighting for even care about. They are just virtue signalling in a circle to one another. I bet no crack dealer in Stratford is shedding a tear right now because he’ll never study physics at Trinity College.
Any Questions started with this crap of a social justice squauk on “Any Questions”.
Benn, Fairbairn and Dimbleby seemed to think that Oxbridge is a privilege the oiks alos need a look in too. Didn`t get to hear where THEY were educated, let alone where their kids ended up.
BBC talking heads and liberal media MPs etc seem to be good at those “out of body” soundbites, as if they themselves aren`t the hypocritical problem.
Health warnings or declarations of interest ought to be mandatory for BBC blowhards and liberal hypocrats who presume to speak on “inequality” and “injustice” as deemed by the BBC.
How do Mark Carney and John Humphrys get to talk the minimum wage when neither could not possibly know anything about it?
You see? You See? The racist ba$tid!
Oh wait a minute……. Waycist?
One of these people said ” I only wanna be photo’d with people of my own colour”
…so he set about changing his own skin colour
Re @Kaiser and the BBC story that Vikings had cloth with Allah written on
The American expert made a good job at debunking the story
So I checked .edu and to see if any university experts had either supported the original story or also debunked it.
Now some might have rushed to delete a page, but currently only the Islamic College (of London) reported the story
..and they wouldn’t have the Viking historical knowledge to know better I guess.
When it came up Oct 12 most here said you’ll see anything if you stare at a cloth and screw your eyes up
Sorry it’s so funny …
Sorry again ….
If I may set the scene Mrs. C and I are old, we were married when marriage was one man and one woman, and we have stuck to that.
We noted that one Sue Perkins, of whom Mrs. C said,when she saw it, she wondered what gender it claimed, was proesenting a program abut the Ganges and we decided to watch it, timeshifted to tonight.
It started almost at the source and my first problem was when it was implied that SP intended to walk the 1500 mile length of the river bank. I was cynical about that but reserved judgement. We were introduced to a holy man who explained that the advent of a proper road had meant that hotels had been built to cope with the tourists. Land had been cleared and trees cut down, but this had not been caused by increased tourism but “climate change”. Well as the BBC is wholly unbiased we had to believe this.
Later in the programme we were introdced to a man running a huge business who was wholly motivated by the good of the community and who had no bank account and no money. I wondered where he found the time to beg for his food whle running a business which will drive Colgate out of India in three years but this was explained by describing him as “like Trump but with morals; ha ha”. By the end of this episode (1\3) we were several hundred miles further south and SP was showing no sign of having walked any significant distance. Again we had to believe all this.
I look forward to futher installments of this series which seems to have convinced SP that Hnduism is the total answer to the world’s problems and as such is presumably much better than the ROPer reigion, so the BBC story seems to be changing. If it carries on like that I wonder how long SP wiill be employed (indirectly or otherwise) by the world’s favourite purveyor of truth?
“I look forward to futher installments of this series which seems to have convinced SP that Hnduism is the total answer to the world’s problems and as such is presumably much better than the ROPer reigion,”
It will all change in episode 3. If she follows the river to the sea she’ll end up in Bangladesh, which isn’t known for its Hinduism. I wonder if she’ll be culturally sensitive and wear a bin bag over her head?
Oh. There was a glacier in it also. Monitored by some monk for the last 50 years with photography. No surprise, it had receded in the last 50 years by 3.5km.
However, what worries me is The estimate of 40 years for climate lag, the time between the cause (increased greenhouse gas emissions) and the effect (increased temperatures), .
Seems to be a small anomaly there. Perhaps it could be due to the fact that we are still coming out of an ice age. But then again I am not a scientist.
What I forgot to mention was when Sue Perkins admired the sunshine and she was asked “Don’t you see the sun in London?” she replied, “Only once or twice.” giving her interviewee th impression that the weather in London was permanently overcast or that the pollution was really bad.
I’ve just had the misfortune to listen to half an hour of a Radio 4 programme called Streets In The Sky, about social housing. It’s just a left-wing diatribe about white people, how racist we are. Besides, immigrants from all over the world are no different from our ancestors that migrated from Ireland and Europe don’t you know.
It’s my fault, I usually have Radio 4 on in the car. I was driving my parents, in their eighties, back home. My mum said “it always feels like I’m being lectured at when I’m in your car”. She’s correct of course, she is.
I don’t think there’s any programme on Radio 4 that escapes being a vehicle for propaganda now.
BBC are no longer reporting about the world, they are telling you what the world should be. Your parents are correct and wise in their years.
A few facts regards the faux outrage at President Trump pointing the finger at Muslims living in the UK and the 35% increase in crime:
UK: Liberals up in arms over Trumps claim that Muslims are behind the rise in crime in the UK.
Editor Evan interprets events bbc style.
Goes badly.
Evan tries to spin.
Goes a lot worse.
Everyone understood just fine the first time.
Wow. Hilary Clinton on Graham Norton show being given a platform to slag off Donald Trump on impartial BBC 1!!!
Audience cheering and massive applause as she slates POTUS. Clearly not staged then – much!
I didn’t watch it…but when we do I always play a game with my wife..we guess how long it will be before GN slags off Trump or Brexit…My guess is that last night it was about 30secs after the show started….
I play the same game with all news and opinion programmes.I click on the V B programme to check what the daily whinge is.
If only Brexit would allow us to remove a few token plastic paddies like the awful Graham Norton.
Wogan was a treasure who knew full well that Britain offered him and his family all that Ireland could not. Norton would fail to make any Grafton Street comedy slam because he simply isn`t funny.
No wonder he festers here in Britain, holding forth in the Telegraph on “personal problems”. What would HE know-he`s gay, childless, knows nothing about women.
Unless a hankie on the head makes you Mother Theresa.
I don’t watch chat shows as I have a bit of a life but I pressed a button on the tv and was confronted by ms Hilary rodham talking about the empowerment of this that and the other.she was talking about what used to be called girl power which some bloke came up with to sell a girl band,
I don’t know is her husband and his stained trousers were mentioned or how bigly empowered Monica became after her encounter with ms rodham’s husband. I’m. Guessing the questions were vetted and it was just an albeeb love in.
President Trump has a few more years to the next election and the demonisation will go on and on…. sopel, Katty, Christian, marr, John smiths daughter, snow – all going for it.
By the next election he ll be the underdog.
Pottering about the kitchen this evening, I have twice switched on Radio 4. On the first occasion I heard a far Left political hymn of praise to the council house. The second time, a woman reviewer was trilling with praise for the sex scenes in a gay (male) novel.
This isn’t being done unconsciously, it’s quite deliberate and they know that there is nothing we can do to stop them misusing our money in this way. I am sure that will not always be the case. I am looking forward to that day.
Meanwhile the WHO has appointed Robert Mugabe a “goodwill ambassador”.
Deemed controversial by TWMTB.
Why controversial? All your institutional queers (see above) have had their tongues down his Marxist trousers for decades.
Another organisation (WHO that is) to be freed from our donations.
Another Bbc acronym of choice featured here:
Meanwhile the WHO has appointed Robert Mugabe a “goodwill ambassador”.
That’s it, I’m never buying any more of their records. I won’t get fooled again.
This is hilarious.
I can see it now: Sharon White and David Lammy booted into touch in favour of unproblematic old white male Lord ‘I ain’t working class; I don’t work’ Prescott, as roving BBC Class Editor,
Only Fools and Horses over To the Manor Born becomes a national broadcast obsession.