And as the weekend beckons, and the BBC dreams of future days of a Cornyn Marxist Government, here’s a NEW OPEN thread on which to detail the bias! Let’s be hearing from you then!!!
On Breitbart London there is a report that Damian Green, the PMs right hand man, is warning Breitbart that they must stop spreading fake news as it causes violence. This is yet another preparatory attack by this government on Freedom of Speech and another step towards state censorship. It will not be long before only outlets which are approved by the state are allowed. Of course in effect this means outlets approved by the liberal left as this so called Conservative government is as close to New Labour as it is possible to be without actually being New Labour. We can also be certain that once this principle of state censorship of the internet is established the degree of censorship will only increase . In the hands of Corbyn and his Marxist gang state censorship will grow enormously. All signs of dissent will be stamped out. Sites like this one will be shut down. All news will be censored . The BBC will do its work with the full support of the leftist government. Without free speech how can there be democracy? These are very dangerous times for our country.
I hope that you are right about era of Today and telling it often enough is over. I don’t know anything about how the internet actually works but I worry that if enough tax payers money is spent the liberal left establishment in Europe and the US will be able to censor it to suit themselves. At the very least they will be able to make accessing news from non approved sources very difficult.
Well, playing Devil’s Advocate to my own optimism we do of course live in a country where to access live broadcast the government oversees an enforced charge and draconian enforcement laws in every British person’s castle.
And also continually mutters about ‘controlling’ what is seen, heard and/or passed on.
Which is a real concern.
However I go back to the founding principles behind the ‘web’. Even as links are severed, others maintain or new ones spring up.
Yes, if hosted here this site could attract authoritarian abuse. However the blowback elsewhere would be massive.
For example Order order is I believe outside UK jurisdiction. Preventing broadcast I suspect next to impossible. Access maybe, but unless the government wants to tear up billions in fibre investment, wifi, etc, and knock the country back to the pre-Internet age on par with China’s attempts, even without public resistance and political,pressure it would be a hell of a task.
Especially as most are already wise and cynical already.
Doesn’t mean the Westminster bubble dwellers won’t try, and w1a stands ready to ‘help’ if its interests and ambitions are served.
So watch out for BBC ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ designed with propaganda intentions.
Agree with above comments – I think in some ways we are watching democracy in the UK entering a terminal decline.
We see it with the appointment of a Home Secretary and a head of the DPP who are obsessed with “Hate” crime and controlling the media, but quite relaxed with the return of hundreds of hardened killers/potential rapists from the defeated ISIS.
We see it with a police force that is dominated by PC concerns and appears quite willing to look the other way if a sexual crime has been committed by members of a certain favoured minority
We see it with an unchecked relentlessly left wing biased MSM, led by the BBC
We see it with the inability (or is it an unwillingless?) to protect our borders
We see it where small interest groups are allowed to manipulate and influence the law to make major changes to our once stable society and culture
And we see it in the shameless way mainstream politicians appear to have little regard to subverting the democratically expressed will of the people.
We are led by political cowards who have very little real connect to England or Britain but see themselves as citizens of the world first, possess an overbearing sense of entitlement and see themselves as the “natural leaders” of us little people. They are unwilling or afraid to deal directly with any of the above problems and think that by restricting free speech and dealing with secondary problems (eg the likes of Tommy Robinson and similair critics) that it will all go away and these smug bastards can all jump back on the gravy train. It cant things have gone too far. And when things collapse they will have to find a new train to jump onto.
This Government is a bit like the owner of a thatched cottage. His neighbour comes over and tells him that there is a fire starting on the roof because of the naughty kids down the road throwing a banger onto the roof. The owner shoos the neighbour off, and closes the door to the upstairs and sits down and carries on watching telly. Eventually the neighbour returns saying that the fire has got much worse. The owner lets him in and then locks him upstairs where the fire is raging and lets the fire consume him. Owner then sits down and watches more telly and just before the house burns down he leaves the property, blaming the fire on his neighbour and moves into his neighbours now vacant neighbours property where the cycle is repeated.
Let us hope we all realise what is happening and can all come together before we get locked into the burning Cottage. These idiots cannot see beyond their own blind prejudice – and if they can (like Soros) then the word evil comes to mind as well. This is why they are afraid of the alternative media. These are the sort of idiots who are currently leading us (with a few exceptions), I reckon one way or another things will soon start to get very messy.
It might be an old fashioned way of looking at things but I think shooting the messenger is never a good basis for a stable Government as in the end you also run out of people to shoot.
Well said, Oaknash. Sadly, Amber Rudd is a dim woman given power by another of the same schoolmarm type, May.
It says nothing good about the Conservatives that they fall into the cultural Marxist trap of promoting people on account of their sex and disregarding their lack of ability.
As for the Internet, well yes…. in its original state, as DARPAnet, it was designed to ‘route around’ disruption but it is possible to censor it, as anyone who travels in China will know. Similarly, as it has been corporatised by giant SJW-led companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter, that becomes another kind of censorship. In their own ways these corporations are as bad as dimwits like Rudd and May.
I urge people to be vigilant, keep ahead of government attempts to seize back control of knowledge and to avoid the likes of Google etc. There are excellent alternatives out there and they deserve our encouragement.
Unfortunately for H.M.Government loving and hating are as intrinsic to human nature as eating and shitting. Perhaps they should try banning all four. Good luck to them the daft buggers. They probably think they can stop a howling gale by shouting at it. It’s quite amusing to watch them piss against the wind.
Oak, while I agree with what you say, the elephant in the room is that those who consume the bread and circuses diet, will continue re-electing the same old same old shit to parliament.
Well, those that can be arsed to vote at all of course.
When they no longer have a democracy, the cupid stunts will be gobsmacked, and wonder where it went.
They will, at the moment, settle down and love Strickly, or ‘Stenders ( subsitute your own piece of shit here), and think all is well.
Even UKIP have surrendered. The new leader is as close to a common purpose plant as ’tis possible to get, and one, endorsed by Farage! FFS.
There’s no hope with youth, they are filled with shit by the yoonies.
Much as I hate to agree with Frazer, I’m afraid you are right we’re all doomed.
Or in my words: Fucked.
DC et al- Sometimes i think i am going mad!. Once you can be bothered to actually make just a minor effort to find out what is going on it all becomes so bloody obvious.
Unfortunately when trying to discuss even simple points with stwikly, stenders and other followers of the MSMs great cultural gifts they can only see as far as the increase in price or the longer waiting list – which they seem accept with a mute acquiescence and a grumble. In the same spirit they seem to regurgitate all the BBC arguments as to why brexit has ruined everything or how all these poor asylum seekers from Nigeria or Morocco are fleeing war and need extra compassion.
It is almost as if years of watching television “mush” has degraded the synapses between their neurons, they can only make sense of the world around them if they have been pre fed their opinion by the BBC or similair.
As our world comes crashing down around their ears and there are bodies twitching in the streets – I expect the majority of them will still be fiddling with the remote wondering why they can no longer get casualty and what was going to happen in the episode they have missed. .
Damian Green is the one who introduced the “positive action” policy to increase the diversity in the police by enabling them to discriminate against the recruitment of white men in favour of women and BAME applicants.
It’s an easy mistake which many of us make (I certainly do) to just assume Conservatives aren’t infected with cultural Marxism. Imbeciles like Green serve to remind us they are often every bit as bad as the lot we threw out with Gordon Brown.
DC – With my tinfoil hat planted firmly on my head – do you think that maybe the procession of nonentities that seem to have led UKIP since Farages leaving have somehow got their position with some sort of involvement of our security services or similair.
It seemed to me that Anne Marie Walters could have really take UKIP somewhere and succeeded in some of these Northern Labour constituencies, – Instead they voted for Mr Bland – Strange?
It’s an easy mistake which many of us make (I certainly do) to just assume Conservatives aren’t infected with cultural Marxism. Imbeciles like Green serve to remind us they are often every bit as bad as the lot we threw out with Gordon Brown.
He was the one who the police raided in the House Of Commons under Commissar Gordon Brown was he not? That HE`S as cluless and anti-democratic after THAT outrage, only shows how culturally fascist these empty liberal goons have become. Green, Grayling,Greening,Rudd and Hammond-my Lord, what a weasly anonymous and useless shower of nothings we now have let into Cabinet.
Even their names are interchangeable they`re so anodyne,
An interesting summing up of the BBC’s attitudes. No, Islamic State group has not been defeated
Four issues with this report:
1) Fails to mention Sinai as a place where IS is still operating.
2) Fails to mention Israel as a party with an interest. In both 1) & 2) the question is why the omission and what message comes with the omission.
3) Fails to connect ISIS with Islam. Sure it drops hints with words as jihad, caliphate and even the unavoidable Islam in the name IS but never mentions the spread of Islamism through mosques and Muslim groups nor the roadmap for violence ISIS finds in Islam.
4) Draws connection between ISIS and al Qaeda (September 11) without mentioning what that connection is. Nor does it attempt to distinguish between the groups. ‘They blow sh#t up’ is that it?
According to the Irish Times Halawa and his sisters played an active part in the demonstrations attempting to depose Morsi. He wasn’t just some unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This fine fellow’s father is the the Imam of a Saudi-backed Dublin mosque with direct links to the Muslim Brotherhood and who is head of the European Council for Fatwa!
Innocents abroad? Bullshit.
How does the openly gay Leo Varadkar think he would be treated in any state run by these people, the same people he campaigns to bring home, as we are led to believe they see Ireland? And wtf has this story got to do with a British broadcasting corporation?
“He wasn’t some unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
I think very few of them are. They’ve usually have in some way been a naughty boy.
If I played an active role in trying to depose Theresa for whatever reason I would expect to get more than a smacked hand. It would be the risk that I took.
I see the England women’s football team lost 1-0, having previously enjoyed a record-breaking 6-0 victory for Sampson’s last match in charge. If Aluko could have somehow managed to withstand two bad jokes they would have won and everyone in the team would be happy now, but sadly the feigned outrage of a few individuals trump the well-being of the majority these days.
Who cares about the team when you are 80 grand up and counting?
That they can mention ‘hate crime’ in relation to Trump’s Tweet about UK crime rates shows how sinister the whole thing is. He just stated facts about rising crime and Islamic terror. There was no hatred, he merely made uncomfortable observations.
If to state that the sun rises in the morning is a crime then we are entering 1984 territory. So really ‘hate’ crime is ‘thought’ crime. The true intention was never to protect vulnerable people from hatred but to force decent people into accepting a boot stamping on their face forever. We could get a terror attack every day, but you dare get upset about it and we will come for you.
Totally agree. Someone posted last week that many terror attacks in Sweden go unreported by the MSM. I suspect that is equally true in Germany and in France and do we really believe that we know about all of the terrorist incidents in this country?with reference to my above post , once you stop people being able to access news from the web they will never know anything that the governments don’t want them to. The liberal left are unable , due to their own ridiculous values , to prevent Islamic terror and creeping Islamisation, so they are attacking those who try and point this failing out.
Well said BB. Hopefully that leader will come along but I doubt very much whether it will be from any of the mainstream parties as currently they are all appear too afraid and beholden to the MSM/BBC and their perverted vision of reality to get up there and rattle the cages.
We do not have a First Amendment here so it could not happen. Even if a suitably brave an honest leader were to emerge, were he to veer too far from the accepted and false narrative he would be arrested for thought crime.
I’m not sure if this has been covered, but I switched on R4 earlier in the week, for one of my very rare listens to BBC News, and they were running with a story about President Trump being “In hot water again, for telling the widow of a dead soldier that ‘He knew what he was signing up for'”.
I knew immediately that it was fake news, so followed the story online, and it turned out a Dem politician had heard a snippet of the conversation, taken it out of context and ran with it, knowing Left Wing news outlets would lap it up.
Anyway, here is the official reply from the widow of the soldier, recounting what Trump really said and stating her displeasure in the Dems politicising her late husband’s death.
(I wonder if the BBC will be correcting the story in such a prominent manner as they reported the initial slur)
Mice – I commented on this story earlier in the week – In the context of what he said he certainly did not come across as callous and if anything was paying tribute to the blokes sense of duty.
This information was always out there.The MSM just took the decision to use their “selective deafness” and in their normal rabid anti Trump fashion, everything Trump ever says – once it has gone through the MSM/BBCs “TRUTH FILTER” will always come out as uncaring, callous or mad. Fortunately most of the non middle class electorate in the USA seem to have caught on to this fact.. Unfortunately in the UK people still seem to be pretty naive about the level of press distortion and manipulation that the little imps and faeries at the BBC get up to.
Though I do wonder now whether the current BBC anti brexit hysteria may well be starting to grate with many people – even some remainers.
Beeb, probably the same reason that Halle Berry, Afua Hirsch and all the other mixed races do, – to give them something to moan about. I’m a protestant and married a catholic, did I whinge ? nah. My parents were thoroughbred Yorkshire people and I was born in Kent – did I crow that I was a ‘posh southerner’ ? not around Yorkshire people you don’t.
I’m also discriminated against…… I don’t have pierced ears (try being a woman who wants to buy non-piercing earrings).
Discriminated against for not having children – oh yes. I had the rubbish holiday dates left over from parents at the work place. I never claimed child benefit. And don’t get me started on why young able and very fit Mums who could break into a sprint from across a car park, have the best parking spots outside supermarkets , why ???? those extra wide bays for prams could be situated anywhere, but its always at the front door of the shop ! Thank God for Speedy Boarding on flights, when I can get my own back and bypass the queues of screamers before they board. Rant over.
Exactly. Yet the Beeb often mentions ‘white privilege’ as one would mention inflation, something which everyone knows exists and is self-evidently true. In fact it was just some nonsense invented by left wing thinkers who should have been out doing something useful rather than spending all day dreaming up new imaginary forms of oppression.
I don’t understand a concept called “ white privilidge”. Truly . Does it mean that Blighty shouldn’t be majority while after a thousand generations ?
Do they think black or brown or coffee is better? I really hope that’s not what they think . Do they believe in racial engineering?
Toady programme 8.50 this morning Toenails interviewing former head? of WTO (Pascal Lamy or his predecessor, I didn’t catch the name.)
Interviewee said that on leaving the EU, the U.K. would lose all of the Treaty agreements entered into by the EU, as Toenails would have expected. As this differs from everything I’ve read since the referendum I thought I had better check what the current WTO Head thought.
Seems anyone seeking information or education from BBC market rate talents are best advised to at the very least check elsewhere before relying on any claims made from the BBC pulpit.
This is the real problem, I agree. The BBC manages to get its lie around the world (to slightly misquote Churchill) before the truth has got its pants on. So powerful is the Corporation that its decision to, say, suppress a story that shows Donald Trump in a good light in favour of an inaccurate one that makes him seem a fool, will be heard and believed by millions. Do this often enough (as the BBC makes sure it does) and the lie becomes ‘common knowledge’.
This is why the BBC must be destroyed. It is too powerful to be allowed to survive.
Bird with a towel round her head – joining in a flirting debate on the BBC couch – sheeeeeshh
It’s like watching a sixth form debate – the lead into this was Harvey Weinstein – yep BBC Harvey’s flirting was returning from the other room minus his Y-Fronts.
Now Jimmy Saville’s flirting (covered up by the BBC for years) was on a whole different level
oh and it’s windy everybody don’t go out today – I hear the leaves are being blown of the trees – apparently unprecedented for Autumn on a tiny Island on the fringes of the Atlantic – bloody climate change
Caught this as well Lock. Talking to us like primary school children trying to point us all in the right direction. The female should be tackling the problems within her own culture first and then I might take her more seriously.
Yep spot on – people in glass houses . How about talking about that girl on her way home from a club in Tower Hamlets who got raped three times – wonder who did that in the shadow of the wailing tower
I’m heartily sick of being preached to by other cultures and migrants. We’re constantly told that migrants have been good for the UK, yet they do nothing but whine about what this country should and should not do. Yasmin alibaba Brown is a good example. Couldn’t wait to flee Uganda on the first plane here, and ever since has criticised our failings. Jeezus. Its always the brown and black faces, and we have now a generation of hijab wearers pontificating to us. I’ve mentioned Afua Hirsch on several occasions, June Sarpong is another – they all cant wait to put the boot in and complain, complain, complain. Diversity and turning centuries old statues to rubble is what they’re about. Amazing how we’ve managed to survive 2 world wars without their sodding help – where were their grandfathers and what were they doing when we were fighting the Blitz ? The blacks and browns never whinge about how awful it was to send our very young men up in aircraft to defend this country do they ? Christ I really wish I was on a debating panel with this lot sometimes.
Today : Cambridge Festival of Ideas Events
Denial: in defence of truth
DENIAL Richard Evans President of Wolfson College
Year 2000 David Irving libel, she had called him a Holocaust denier and a falsifier of history.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 11AM – NOON
ONE IN TEN AMERICAN LIGHT BULBS ARE LIT BY THE RUSSIANS: FAKE NEWS? The aim of fake news is to mislead but what of its corollary – that genuine news may be viewed as fake? One such item was that the Russians were fuelling American nuclear power plants in the 1990s, and is just one of several real and fake stories published following the end of the Cold War that are explored in this talk.
CAN WE KEEP SECRETS? Leaks and hacks are praised as tools of transparency and accountability or condemned as espionage and manipulation by malevolent powers. How safe is our data in the digital age, and what is the worst that could go wrong? With Richard Dearlove, former Head of MI6, MI5 historian Christopher Andrew, journalist Nick Davies and Martha Spurrier, Head of Liberty. Chaired by the ** BBC’s Chris Mann **
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 11AM – 12.30PM
Does the state use the media, and vice versa? In the symbiotic state–media relationship how much of what we are presented with as fact is really propaganda? This talk illuminates some of the key issues of truth versus propaganda.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 12.30PM – 1.30PM
WHO BELIEVES IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES? This talk explores what factors – religious, economic, political – make some but not others believe in conspiracy theories. Hugo Drochon considers what impact that has had on contemporary political events, from Brexit to Trump.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 1.30PM – 2.30PM
If all cultures and concerns are equally valid, then surely it follows that truth is subjective. Or is this a meaningless caricature of relativism? Join Simon Goldhill, Caroline Edwards, Priyamvada Gopal and Frank Furedi as they discuss what relativism can and can’t tell us about the ‘post-truth’ world. Chaired by Simon Blackburn.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 1.30PM – 3PM
SAT 21 OCT 2.30PM – 3PM
If sorcerers, seeresses, the undead and unipeds can be found in ordinary Icelandic sagas, what does it take for a saga to be called a ‘lying saga’?
Is this one about Kriss Donald ?
A talk on why arguments and conflicts about the boundaries and limits of Islam are so often about what it means to ‘respect’ the Prophet Muhammad.
5PM – 6PM Pre-book Alison Richard Building
1.30PM – 3PM
False statistics can spread around the world in an instant.
Politicians are open to manipulation by hostile government hacking.
Masses of data on citizens is widely available and open to surveillance and misuse.
How can politics and government keep up?
3.30PM – 4.30PM Pre-book
former Google employee James Williams explains his answer to the set question
‘Are digital technologies making politics impossible?’
3.30PM – 5PM Pre-book
In a polarised world, ** populist leaders with narratives of grievance promote global schisms** based on cultural differences.
How can this be prevented?
Sun, Mon, Tue
Sun 22 Oct
2.30PM – 3.30PM Pre-book
Are political parties targeting you on social media?
Can political parties use psychological profiling to tailor messages to different voters?
Did these strategies help the Trump and Brexit campaigns?
5PM – 6PM Pre-book
It is said that we are living in a posttruth era and yet, paradoxically, statements about world affairs are made with increasing certainty.
By examining the close relationship between philosophy and posttruth,
Alex Carter suggests ways of mitigating its toxic influence.
Mon 23 Oct
5PM – 6PM
Does climate change really cause collapse?
This talk explores the resilience and sustainability of South Asia’s first complex society, the Indus Civilisation (c. 2500– 1900 BC).
5.30PM – 7PM Pre-book
When you’re surrounded by so-called fake news how do you know when information is fact based?
6.30PM – 7.30PM Pre-book
Studies of implicit bias and stereotype threat suggest that
** humans are incapable of identifying merit independently of race and sex.**
6PM – 7.30PM Pre-book
St John’s College Old Divinity School, All Saints Passage, CB2 1TP
How might the law, market or technology evolve to preserve the accuracy, truth and impartiality of information, whilst maintaining people’s freedom to share thoughts and creations?
6.30PM – 8PM Pre-book TUE 24 OCT
Through the personal story of the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Mathias Haeussler’s talk explores why post-war Britain and Germany have frequently been unable to see eye to eye over European integration.
7.30PM – 8.30PM Pre-book
Room 6, Faculty of History, West Road, CB3 9EF
BREXIT TIME We can capture the phenomenon of Brexit in a variety of ways: one measure is time.
why the UK is leaving the EU, how and – importantly – when.
7PM – 8.10PM Pre-book TUE 24 OCT
How does climate change, a vastly distributed emergency, become personal?
In This Ritual Is Not An Accident, time and scale are recalibrated, and the slow-motion accident of climate change becomes intimate.
Judith E Wilson Drama Studio
Mugabe trashed our health delivery system. He and his family go outside of the country for treatment in Singapore after he allowed our public hospitals to collapse.
Just like Diane Abbott sending her kids to private schools after scolding other Labour MPs for going exactly the same.
And never let it be forgotten that Mugabe only ever achieved his place as a dictator with the active connivance of corrupt and useless British politctians, aided and applauded by the communist infiltrated British media.
Not that I’d ever connect him with corruption and uselessness but wasn’t it Jack Straw, sometime Labour Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State who, at a UN meeting in New York in 2004, made a bee-line for Mugabe in order to give him a hearty handshake? Didn’t he also take a few steps back at a later date and claim that he hadn’t realised who he had been shaking hands with and, in any case, it was in a ‘dark corner’ of the room and that he’d only just started wearing contact lenses? Wasn’t he also involved in some sort of ‘cash for access’ scandal in 2015? Whatever happened to Jack Straw, we hardly ever hear of him on the BBC any more?
This elevation of the murderous tyrant Mugabe to any post in he UN is the sickest of sick jokes and tells us much about the UN. President Trump should shut off all funding to this stain on mankind.
I read your account of the Stasi visit and have to say I am appalled on a number of levels – to be reported for something so trivial and not wrong and to be followed up by a visit is awful. It puts the tv licence issue into trivia in comparison.
Events like those only polarise us even more. I have been in a similar situation and I know what the effect can be in terms of not being able to trust or speak without caution. I curse that caretaker and wish him a short life.
Interesting to see Evan Davis in discussion with a small group of people from Sheffield last night about ‘how they thought Brexit was going’. We were warned beforehand that we would be ‘surprised’ by the views of these people.
Well, I was ‘surprised’ but, not in the way Evan meant…he meant ‘shocked’ that people could hold views at odds to his own and the BBC. I was pleasantly ‘surprised’ to hear normal, articulate and sensible opinions. I was cheered a little by this.
How on earth did this little talk make airtime on the BBC? 🙂
Favourite Guardian cleric has rape charges pressed.
A woman accuses Islamist #MB Tariq #Ramadan of rape. He allegedly threatened to hurt her children if she talked
Times hid this at end of article.
BTW anyone seen a graph of successful prosecutions of women for false rape claims ?
They seem very prominent these days.
Another woman was in the paper today .
Trumps Travel ban
A thought LibMob courts argue you can’t ban a whole country.
In WW2 we did discriminate by Nationality
eg US put all Japanese in internment camps.
The EU is insolvent. They are 60 billion Euros in arrears.(52 billion pounds sterling).
I was listening to the Nigel Farage show on LBC. A caller had been working for the Commission for the last twelve years on a external contractor basis. His role was to explain and interpret the financial statements to junior civil servants right up individuals such as David Davis. His view is that the EU Commission is insolvent by 60 Billion Euros as a result of the pension deficit. He stated, and I agree, that as a member of 27 states we are being asked by the EU to pay off the complete pension deficit.,when we as a member should only be paying 1/27th of that amount.
He no longer works for the EU but he has emphasised that the EU’s finances are very much worse than the public realise.
On a final note, Farage mentioned that the Five Star Group in Italy are now quite a way ahead in the polls of the forthcoming elections (3 Months). They are demanding to the EU that we receive a free trade deal as their wine production would be severely hit.
May needs to give the EU deadlines where unless agreements are reached we will walk. We are in fact in a stronger position than she herself realises.
On a final, final point, the House of Lords is filled with EU pensions, the BBC need to say at the start of each interview their declared interest, otherwise the interview becomes a waste of time. They should certainly have no control as to any Brexit legislation. I am of the opinion that there are too many people in government and the House of Lords who have their pensions tied up with the EU and therefore realise that if the EU combusts so too could their pensions. They, therefore want the British taxpayer to firm up their pensions via the British taxpayer who through Brexit will be paying the funds.
I hope I have called this wrong, but I fear not. The filthy fingers of the Remainer elite are stuck firmly in the pie.
Pity the BBC won’t reporot this to the general public.
That’s why they want us to pay £100 billion, it would eliminate more than half of their ‘reste a liquider’ or the bucket pot into which they shovel items they have extorted money from us for, and Germany and France to be (just this once) fair. If they haven’t paid it out and they believe they should, firstly wtf did they ask for it in the first place if it hasn’t been spent, and secondly EVERY budget they have produced which has resulted in demands which leaves balances in ‘reste a liquider’ is fraudulent.
The EUSSR is a Ponzi scheme, pure and simple, and the ones benefitting are the EUSSR oligarchs for obvious reasons, the Eastern bloc because they are being gifted billions of our money, and Germany whose trade surplus intra-EUSSR is far greater than their contribution.
The original post WW2 plan for Europe was that France would be the bread basket and Germany the workshop, since Germany can’t feed itself by itself.
It could have been a good thing for Western Europe but for the Left, Third World immigration multiculturalism and the free trade, open borders, NWO vermin; it has thus become a living nightmare for the peoples within it.
Bit of a clue really that the eu s own audit department hasn’t signed off their accounts for a while – which is one of the reasons why it will be difficult to confidently assess what we owe the EU legally to escape. This really must be a sticking point because if we accept it without question they will want even more.
It’s a serious game of bluff but the tactic to work we must prepare for a no deal Brexit. It will be interesting seeing how those Eu countries with 19th century administration – France – Spain – Italy at least – for dealing with uk citizens after March 2019 because they are so inefficient it would take years to sort out.
Second part of article is about Rotherham
And she outs Dennis McShane as a knower
He attended March 24 2006 Social Worker meeting, made a speech yet now claims he had no knowledge of scandal until it broke.
Acting would have meant accusations of racism upsetting Labour Party people preferred ignorance.
Sensible words there care of a BBC street vox pop. I know, it’s unusal for the BBC to put such common sense insight from the general public to air but it does occasionally happen. This made the edit despite being not quite what the BBC were looking for. They wanted complaints. And human nature being what it is that is exactly what the majority of people delivered. I don’t suppose the BBC editors have really lied to us in putting this item together.
The subject matter was broadband quality of service. And guess what, it’s not up to scratch.
Now I’m not particularly interested in the detail of broadband provision but rather it got me thinking about the way in which the BBC presents different kinds of comsumer service issues.
A private sector business causing concern over the quality of customer service will always tend to be berated and threatened with regulation by our BBC.
Meanwhile sectors such as health, social services, prisons, policing and – heaven forfend – national broadcasting which fall sort of customer satisfaction are treated in a none too subtle alternative way.
Public sector failings are invariably characterised as being due to lack of funding. Think about it.
But of course the BBC never go on to explain that the cash injection for which they are campaigning will lead to tax increases.
I conclude this thought with that sensible vox pop comment: “I guess I get about what I pay for”
The manic, hate filled psychopaths of Cult Leftlam (Al ShaBBC, Yvette “I’m full of shit, still zero migrants in my house” Cooper, Ed “If I will fuck over my brother, what do you think I will do to you plebs?” Miliband…) have gone Allahu Akbar on Trumps 100% factual and 100% brilliant Twitter post about the falling apart of law and order in the UK. Mass triggering of epic proportions!
But lets Reality Check these traitorous bastards right back at them…is this because of fallout of non Muslims having to live with Muhammad’s life instructions? Of course it bloody is! Wilfully ignoring and allowing Muhammad’s war against the infidels to grow in the UK is costing over a billion GBP every single year, meaning cuts to all the other police activities (accept the prevention of white people saying things others don’t like)….what the hell do we expect is going to happen?? Crime is going to go up!
Trumps 100% correct. Increases in pure Islamic activities has lead to increases in crime. Throw in the fact this community is disproportionately raping white children, money laundering, involed in housing scams, and selling drugs, I would say Trump didn’t go far enough in his factual analysis of what is happening to the UK, and ALL caused by the traitorous bastards in our political parties and their media accomplices at the so-called BBC
I imagine that Worldwide the interest in the deterioration of the UK (in every respect) is, if anything based on no more than a passing interest in, as in the fall of Rome, an acknowledgement of the inevitable decline no matter how our third rate politicians dress up our so-called, ‘World influence’. Problem is, we all know it but they don’t. The ‘Mother of All Parliaments’? – left, right or either with a hint of ‘yellow’ involved it has presided over failure after failure, the slow islamisation being the most obvious recently. Problem is, if the invaders reach the stage of critical mass it will be the end, finally. Any politician that views the finality as otherwise is utterly deluded.
Al that’s fairly alarming! Already testing drugs. How long before gas chambers? If they ever work out that most people who don’t want to be invaded by fake immigrants are not actually xenophobic at all, what will they propose to do with us then? We don’t think inside a constrictive viewpoint like they do. They must eliminate free-thinkers somehow for their liberal tyranny to continue.
Shhhhh Al – Dont tell Amber – She will start to add it to our water supply starting with Rotherham. Maybe then those ingraits, who have been abused will finally see it as the positive “enriching” loving experience it was obviously intended to be!
Shhhhh Al – Dont tell Amber – She will start to add it to our water supply starting with Rotherham. Maybe then those ingraits, who have been abused will finally see it as the positive “enriching” loving experience it was obviously intended to be!
Al Beeb doesn’t quite know what to say about the WHO annointing st mugabi as an ambassador – done by the president of the WHO – an Ethiopian – an African so it must be ok- right ? No one can even mention that mugabi might have given a bung or might have pictures of the fella with a kid or similar.
The only thing that matters is we give taxpayers money to fund the Rhodesian health service . Disgraceful .
I listened to AQ earlier, complete with yet another 3 – 1 Remainer – Leaver panel, and had the dubious pleasure of hearing Soubry spout her usual cr@p. Why does this foolish creature choose to “remain” within the Conservative Party? Wouldn’t she feel much more at home back with the FibDumbs?
Decoding Bush’s thinly veiled Trump speech … if you can’t work out what someone said, shouldn’t the BBC ask the person rather than decode it and possibly get it wrong? Deciding is not reporting … BBC with £3.5bn has to decode rather than interview or ask!
I would have thought that Bush – of all people – would keep his mouth shut. He ll always be a joke – except for the people involved in his stupid wars.
DUBYA was always presented by the liberal left/MSM/BBC as the devil incarnate/joke figure. Amazing how the “chimp” president has suddenly morphed into an “Elder statesman” – Confused!
Telegraph book review : picks up the MaryBeard, black Roman family example.
The Guardian was wrong to say “slaves were brought to Britain”, since the law here never recognised slavery … “air too pure for slaves to breathe” says a court order, so all former slaves became freemen once they reached here.
A few hundred blacks were scattered across UK over the centuries. Most normal servants, but few living in villages being farmers etc. Not unknown but a tiny tiny percent of population.
I’m sure every family in the country had a black sackbut player.
As you say, a tiny percent of the population. The fact remains, old photographs and film of crowds of ordinary people all over the UK fail to show any evidence of significant blackness.
Catalan separation movement. A division within an EU country. Time to send the EU Army in for peacekeeping. Not us.
So europe is a united entity all against us. Seems not. Will Catalan apply to join the EU? Will the Scots shake off the tyranny of being subsided by the hated English? At least al Beeb can’t blame president Trump for this one_can they…send for Myrie .
You know what FU2? I watched the spanish PM do his speech live on skynews.
It was filled with the same shit we had said to us before the referendum. Doom and gloom, economic failure, we’ll save the people from themselves etc. All shit. Oh, and of course to restore the legality of Govt.
I thought, oh dear, in 20 yrs time, that would be Juncker, or Tusk, standing lecturing us in the UK as to why we couldnt be allowed to leave, in the name of democracy and the people of course.
We will get out, in the end despite the appeaser, but we’ve had a narrow escape.
This is the situation facing the EU members in the future if they dont get out.
Further on the upside – I had miscalculated the number of days until we leave the EU. The timetable – their timetable – is to have all bargaining done by this time next year with the remaining 6 months for the EU to finalise the exit. Screw transitions
Of course, so we just keep informing people ourselves. Also just seen a C4 trailer about a woman dressing up as a Muslim and the reaction she gets. FFS this is just more promotion of the establishments obsession with hate crime. She’s bound to get a negative response from the occasional neanderthal but I bet the makers of the programme have edited the whole thing to fit the narrative. Absolutely disgraceful to pour fuel on the fire. It serves no purpose whatsoever.
Yes if you dressed as a solo police officer and walked about certain black housing estates you’d get camera shots of people calling out at you.
Maybe channel 4 will have a programme where put a long blonde wig and whited girl in Pakistan and see if anyone calls out.
C 4 Haven’t even got the guts to name the prog properly
“My week as a Muslim”= “My week as a Orthodox PAKISTANI Muslim”
An ethnic-Muslim women might well have white skin, wear a miniskirt and my or may not practice Islam.
Channel 4 are actually being RACIST by saying that a Muslim is one who conforms to the sterotype of having brownskin and a headscarf.
I do enjoy watching them continually devour their own…
Front of Guardian paper …. Theresa May sat on own in a room. Head hung low. If only she had taken The Strange Death of Europe to read during the photograph which i sent her!
Best wishes to all members of our naval family marking #TrafalgarDay whether in the UK, at sea, or in military bases & embassies worldwide.
Just imagine this:
If France was leaving the eu and the rest of the eu was telling it that they wanted £60 billion what do you think the French reply/reaction would be.
Do you think they would nod in agreement thinking ‘that sounds fair enough’ or can you picture riots in the streets if their government were as lily liveried and useless as ours who appear to want to be liked by the eu top dogs so much that they will do anything for them, complete capitulation.
Our lot are rubbish.
Get some brexiteers in to do the negotiations.
Better still just leave now, clean Brexit, no payment and ask for our asset share of all the buildings we’ve contributed to for 40 years.
How much did it cost France when it left NATO? What was the price of that divorce.
This has maybe been touched on before but I’ve lost track of how long that “100 Woman”(aka all men are evil) thing has been on the BBC News website.
I look forward to seeing 100 Men…….
I also notice tonight another ad nauseam negative story about President Trump with “Trevor Noah: Trump prefers white people”.
The good news though is that the MSM are loosing the war due to smaller independent news outlets like Info Wars, Rebel Media, Paul Watson, Veritasvisuals(James O’ Keefe), Guido Fawkes etc.
Check out Veritasvisuals on YouTube.
They’re tearing the anti-Trump, American MSM to pieces with their under-cover filming.
If the BBC is impartial, then how come every American voice you hear on the BBC is spitting bile against Trump ?
Radio4 6:15pm : Trailer for Broadcasting House ..sneering at Trump
– The Loose Ends started with Clive Anderson doing his habitual sneering joke against Trump
During the prog there was an 8 min interview of spitting bile at Trump in the interview with the leader of the American anticapitalist choir …. plugging their UK tour the Trump Depression Hotline
The bBCs Tariq Ramadan whom they love to bring out time and time again in which to extol the beauty of Islam to the unwashed has become a victim of the Harvey Weinstein backlash when a Muslim woman filed charges of rape against him. For some very strange reason the bBC (Just like Ramadan) is keeping quiet France: Islamic champion of the liberal world, Tariq Ramadan accused of rape
BBC=£3.7bn/yr Advertising agency for SJW causes
They just tweeted this plug for June Sarpong’s book
I didn’t see a similar BBC advert for Quentin Letts book.
Well if her book is written in the same manner that she plugs it, then 5 year olds will be able to understand it. One of her gems when interviewed was …. “it was the likes of Harriet Harman and Yvette Cooper that paved the way for women in Parliament “…. ! real deep stuff, and not factually true. She is so light weight this woman its a pity she just doesn’t float away.
From where I’m standing the thick and lied to seem to be steadily growing in numbers despite the M.S.M. who are still trying to paint them as stupid or evil. Can the media not read the writing on the wall? Maybe there’s hope for us all yet.
I think is genuine hope lefty . The EU is structured to just drive it’s own way with democracy in the back seat . Europeans do not want more Muslims / Africans / Asians in this continent . If they could they’d turn the clock back . Small price to pay to be accused of the R word by a bunch of c**ts.,
Rather O/T but just because it’s a Saturday evening and all that. Back in the day when one could make a telephone complaint or comment….before Lineker ( I think it was Hanson) , Newcastle were playing Chelsea.
“It seems like a small Chink has appeared in the Newcastle defence”.
I phoned it in to register my disgust……they took it seriously.
I have related this one before.
C5 years ago in a drama on BBC2, a character expressed the wish “to go for a Chinkee”.
A female viewer phoned the BBC to complain how offended she was about the incident.
The Express (or whoever) reported the story and had a HYS on it.
Some wit commented.
“Yes, a woman did complain, but it’s OK.
She phoned back half an hour later to say she was no longer offended.”
“the majority of entrants to Oxford and Cambridge between 2010 and 2015 came from a “small privileged minority.””
Indeed, a minority with a very high IQ. The type the UK needs.
Lammy the MegaDim playing the black man again, moaning.
Simple, MegaDim you do not qualify for OxBridge, neither do 99% of Africans.
Naturally the fault of the English, when we invaded Africa in 1700 with our clubs and spears, the indigenes were too busy discussing philosophy in their universities, inventing the television in their universities, performing heart transplants in their universities, developing the laser in their universities, planning space missions in their universities. So busy they did not climb into the jet fighters, tanks and nuclear submarines developed in their universities, to resist the invasion with advanced machine guns, rockets and cruise missiles.
Strange that with that huge lead in science and technology they are now only qualified for prison, gang membership and emitting excruciatingly unmusical noises.
Oh and moaning, there ought to be a Nobel Prize for that.
What you’d be doing is taking working class people and outputting them with privilege, cos that’s what Oxbridge do.
LBC this morning : “So you say that privilege of a private school education shouldn’t get you easier into Oxbridge
what are you gonna say next that privilege of a an Oxbridge education shouldn’t get you a better job ?
At the end of the day they are the same thing”
said a department head at a small public school who expects to get a couple of pupils in this coming year
Well, it’s hard to contradict any of that so I won’t. Academic achievement should be the only yardstick. I think I can feel my compulsory white guilt gradually melting away. Mind you I don’t know why I should feel guilty because I’ve never harmed an African in my life.
Lefty Wright
The “injustice review” confabulation undermines the “mass immigration benefits the country” narrative. No one believes that the generality of ethnic minorities are paying vast fortunes in tax into the public coffers. Learning that Somali men are earning 25% less than average, Muslim women don’t take part in the world of work, other group suffer the injustice of low pay, can only confirm that the benefits of mass immigration are wildly exaggerated. I suspect a couple of Indian billionaires are skewing the statistics along the official line. In the 70s, it was the high rate of black unemployment that was supposed to be the root of all social injustice. However, all that was conveniently forgotten when the BBC wanted to push the financial advantages of multiculturalism. Even the BBC realised that you could not simultaneously claim that black unemployment was much higher than average, whether due to white racism or not, and that a major contribution was being made to the economy by vast numbers of unemployed people of colour.
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of the word populist?
Result of a quick Internet search: populist / noun / plural noun: populists
– a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.
I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of ordinary people?
– a normal or commonplace person
What we need is for Mr Babis to chime in on the Brexit negotiations in such a way that al Beeb can not ignore it. I worry when people like him ( I won’t be abusive and call him a politician ) get power as there often seems to be a lefty waiting to murder- or of course – a Muslim terrorist.
Too true, Fedup2! But if Babis did, would the BBC report it to the people of the UK? Others seem to be reporting here that pro-Brexit stuff is now getting swept under the W1A carpet while the likes of Clegg, Clarke, Heseltine and Mandelson are rolled out to stand on top of it and opine.
“I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of the word populist?”
To BBC employees the difference between popular and populist is easily understood.
If the people like something and the BBC also like it it’s popular.
If the people like something and the BBC don’t like it it’s populist.
Of course to the rest of us:
If the BBC doesn’t like something and the people like it must be democracy.
If the BBC likes something and the people also like it, the report of people liking it is a lie the BBC made up.
So issues for the happy EU
Malta – corruption so bad they are killing journos
Austria. Right wing anti immigrant government being formed
Catalonia – separation from an EU state
Czech Repub. anti Eu anti immigrant government in formation
Blighty. We ve just had enough. Bye.
Hungary – won’t obey Eu in taking so called refugees
Poland. – were do I start ?
Next? …….
We could announce that in recognition of our historic free trade arrangements with the Irish Republic and in anticipation of a free trade agreement following the Brexit negotiations, on Brexit day we will have an open border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. There will be no tariffs/restrictions/inspections on goods coming up from the south. However, in the interests of reciprocity, a week/month after Brexit day we will implement on Irish goods whatever tariffs/restrictions/inspections the Irish government imposes on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south.
We want free trade with Dublin, what do they want with us?
And two fingers to Brussels.
As a polite people we should keep on saying “please”, but we don’t have to mean it.
“However, in the interests of reciprocity, a week/month after Brexit day we will implement on Irish goods whatever tariffs/restrictions/inspections the Irish government imposes on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south.
We want free trade with Dublin, what do they want with us?
And two fingers to Brussels.”
RJ, the Irish Republic is part of the EU.
The tariffs/restrictions/inspections on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south aren’t decided by Dublin alone; but by them and all the other members of the EU together.
You seem to have a basic misunderstanding what the EU is all about.
2.29 am, the night stalker is amongst us again, probably with some Skittles.
Visits us twice a week, carefully selects two or three contributions.
Honours us with his razor sharp mind, his omniscience, his rapier like wit, his uncanny ability to instantly home in to the core of the issue and incisively demolish the position of his opponent with a few well chosen words.
Or, as in this case, it’s more maxibollox.
“You seem to have a basic misunderstanding what the EU is all about.”
What the EU is all about, everyone at BBBC knows what the EU is all about. It is all about lying what it is about.
In future I shall make no more responses to this cretin. Both my Portia spider and Newton, my octopus, have refused to respond as it presents no intellectual challenge. They prefer playing eleven dimensional chess in a vacuum.
Therefore any comments appearing under my pseudonym will have been authored by Dippy the Tsetse Fly.
An excellent analysis of our Maxi and she/he must be heartened by such recognition .
I enjoy debate and the contra argument . I am willing to change my mind on a clear argument but we don’t get that from Maxi – which is a shame . Maxi please tell us what you believe and why.
Catching up on 10 Days that Shook the World. (BBC R4 9 October-on, M-F @ 9.45am)
The BBC appear to believe that Welsh people were key players in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Is that right? Or did the BBC skimp on their in-house production and hire very poor actors incapable of doing the impression of a Russian accent while speaking in English? Or are the BBC trying some weird form of Political Correctness on the listener? I suspect the middle or last of those three options.
I’ve listened to two episodes. I think it is a rubbish production and may not bother with any more of it. They could have saved a lot more money by getting a decent reader or two plus a narrator to straightforwardly read the book to us. A reader with a lovely Welsh accent and good voice would be just fine for that.
I don’t think it was the Welsh who were the key players in the “Russian” Revolution, and they who were might not have possessed very Russian accents when speaking Russian, never mind English.
Al, sure there might have been some hints of Ukrainian in many of their voices but for the BBC listener that might be a subtlety too far. Russian would have been sufficient for this production.
“#balancetonporc,” she wrote, “It is a very difficult decision but I too have decided it is time to denounce my attacker. It is Tariq Ramadan.” Ramadan is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood
Al Shubtill
Welsh key players in the Russian Revolution ? We had ” Dai the spy” , ” Dai top shelf” and working undercover, was “Jones red under the bed ” . What more evidence do you want?
The BBCone #Gunpowder drama @9pm
FFS it was Certificate 18 stuff
10 mins in there was some violent torture scenes on women and men
..Yet there had been no warning at start of prog
Plus the normal arty TVland out of touchness
[ ] Shots too dark to hear
[ ] Mumbling in dialogue
[ ] Irritating background music ..compounding the above
I see the Reker Ahmed trial (the Iraqi refugee chased/beaten by a pack in Croydon) is still going on
started Oct 9. Since there are about 6 accused it must be taking some time.
Not much reporting tho
Before so called “austerity”
1970’s when inflation was 24% the Labour gov gave teachers a 20% payrise and both sides said that was a win
. duh , that’s a net wage fall of 4% of course so today’s 1% rise is better than that cos inflation isn’t 5%
According to the BBC, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury had a Black scribe. So we have a well educated literate English speaking Black man, christened and educated by the Protestant Church of England, and working as a scribe in Whitehall. In effect, Britain’s first Black Civil Servant. And that was shortly before England got involved with Black slavery.
Therefore his identity should be well known to the Black studies people, as Britain’s first Black Civil Servant.
But I am disappointed to say that its more likely to be a case of “BBC fake History” or “Fake History from the BBC” or “Old Fake News from the BBC”
He was a well known and documented scribe, at the time, working in what was then known, before cladding, as Blackhall. However, towards the end of James I reign it was decided to remove all references to his position and achievements from public records since to single him out for special mention was deemed racist.
Only the diligence and perseverance of the BBC has put the record straight.
Or we could just renegotiate the preEU Common Travel Agreement that basically allows Irish citizens free access to all things British. With the British economy set to implode after Brexit why would anyone leave Ireland and the EU to seek opportunities in employment and education, or to receive free healthcare, or to access the more generous benefits available just across the sea? I mean, it happens now, but if Ireland doesn’t want to continue in this way then I suppose the British will have to forego the opportunities that this agreement offers them should they wish to relocate to Ireland. I’m sure there are some.
I believe that this agreement was put in place to help Protestants in the Republic after Partition as many of them regarded themselves as British. Not as many of those in Eire anymore as NI offered many an escape from religious persecution and discrimination in the South, especially after the Wars, a kind of ethnic cleansing which thankfully is now in the past. Apparently.
Well it must be and any differences must be forgiven and forgotten, as according to the Irish Taoiseach the majority of people in Northern Ireland will claim Irish citizenship after Brexit to allow them to remain citizens of the EU, effectively therefore uniting Ireland and saving us all any bother as there won’t be any need for a border.
He stated this as not ‘ I think maybe ‘ or ‘ in my opinion ‘, but as a matter of fact when visiting Brussels the other day. The bBbc did report this but offered no reply from any representative of the 66% of the NI population who identify as British or Northern Irish, not Irish. Only 13% actually wanted a united Ireland according to the same 2015 bBbc/ RTE poll. Perhaps two years on this figure may have increased, but by a minimum of 38%?
In whose crystal balls did he see this future? Do the Euroscum he deals with in Brussels believe that wanting to remain in the EU, remembering that 44% voted Leave, pre all these shenanigans, equates to a desire for any sort of Dublin rule. I hope any negotiations aren’t relying on this happening as there would be, effectively, a civil war. Perhaps not as media friendly and vibrant as one that might occur somewhere warmer like, say, Catalonia, but certainly with many more experienced and increasingly polarised combatants. Not something the EU should be posturing and playing with.
Interestingly Mr Varadkar is often referred to by the bBbc as simply ‘the Taoiseach’, whereas Mrs May is usually identified as ‘ the British Prime Minister ‘ even though she is the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, just to clarify that they aren’t referring to Mr Varadkar, who they no doubt wish was Prime Minister.
Mr Varadkar’s sway and his actual jurisdiction does seem puzzling and so maybe the bBbc are confused as they continuously seek and report his opinion on all manner of internal NI affairs, seemingly unaware that he has no fuckin’ say whatsoever over anything that happens here.
Indeed, so fond is Leo of ‘ the crack ‘, borders have seemingly disappeared already as he swans around the island currying favour and tackling injustice. He popped up at Belfast Pride a while ago apparently unannounced and was in Londonderry the other day posing for photos on the Peace Bridge with some locals and some friends he had brought with him.
One of his companions from the South, who thoughtfully provided an umbrella in the Derry drizzle was the Sinn Fein Mayor of Donegal who had relocated across the border from Londonderry in 1984 to escape murder charges, apparently involved in the ambush of a part-time UDR man on his way home for lunch from his day job in a shop.
Identified by Sinn Fein as being ‘ an on-the-run’ and having never been extradited by the Irish to stand trial, as was often the case, Cllr Gerry McMonagle should have been arrested had the PSNI known he was on British soil.
Why didn’t they arrest him? Maybe they didn’t know. The Belfast Telegraph knew.
Did the bBbc know or subsequently report this? No. Not even in the section they have specifically for Derry? No
Did Leo Varadkar, holder of the moral high ground and superior intellect, know he was sharing a ‘ Peace Bridge ‘ with someone wanted for the murder of an off-duty servant of the Crown? Has his judgement been queried in anyway, his brutally inadequate skills of diplomacy and awareness exposed and the British people forewarned by an unbiased broadcaster? No.
If not why not?
Does he seriously believe that anyone, other than the poisonous bBbc, will accept that anything he says on NI’s future after Brexit has an ounce of integrity or any semblance of honesty?
Where are the journalists in the bBbc?
Inform us, let us think.
Mr Varadkar is of Celto-Indian ethnicity.
Wrong type I know, but can I say that he speaks with forked tongue?
Circle the wagons anyway folks because with the EU cowboys and Big Chief Talking Bull united against us in the Wild West of Fermanagh and Tyrone the bBbc will be trying to blow even more of their carbon neutral, nicotine free, penguin friendly smoke/ virtue signals up our arses than usual.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
On Breitbart London there is a report that Damian Green, the PMs right hand man, is warning Breitbart that they must stop spreading fake news as it causes violence. This is yet another preparatory attack by this government on Freedom of Speech and another step towards state censorship. It will not be long before only outlets which are approved by the state are allowed. Of course in effect this means outlets approved by the liberal left as this so called Conservative government is as close to New Labour as it is possible to be without actually being New Labour. We can also be certain that once this principle of state censorship of the internet is established the degree of censorship will only increase . In the hands of Corbyn and his Marxist gang state censorship will grow enormously. All signs of dissent will be stamped out. Sites like this one will be shut down. All news will be censored . The BBC will do its work with the full support of the leftist government. Without free speech how can there be democracy? These are very dangerous times for our country.
Damien and others might be well advised to remember that the Internet was first devised to ensure communication in the event of attack.
The era of popping on Today and telling it often enough is over.
I hope that you are right about era of Today and telling it often enough is over. I don’t know anything about how the internet actually works but I worry that if enough tax payers money is spent the liberal left establishment in Europe and the US will be able to censor it to suit themselves. At the very least they will be able to make accessing news from non approved sources very difficult.
Well, playing Devil’s Advocate to my own optimism we do of course live in a country where to access live broadcast the government oversees an enforced charge and draconian enforcement laws in every British person’s castle.
And also continually mutters about ‘controlling’ what is seen, heard and/or passed on.
Which is a real concern.
However I go back to the founding principles behind the ‘web’. Even as links are severed, others maintain or new ones spring up.
Yes, if hosted here this site could attract authoritarian abuse. However the blowback elsewhere would be massive.
For example Order order is I believe outside UK jurisdiction. Preventing broadcast I suspect next to impossible. Access maybe, but unless the government wants to tear up billions in fibre investment, wifi, etc, and knock the country back to the pre-Internet age on par with China’s attempts, even without public resistance and political,pressure it would be a hell of a task.
Especially as most are already wise and cynical already.
Doesn’t mean the Westminster bubble dwellers won’t try, and w1a stands ready to ‘help’ if its interests and ambitions are served.
So watch out for BBC ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ designed with propaganda intentions.
Remember ‘samizdat’?
Remember samizdat!
Agree with above comments – I think in some ways we are watching democracy in the UK entering a terminal decline.
We see it with the appointment of a Home Secretary and a head of the DPP who are obsessed with “Hate” crime and controlling the media, but quite relaxed with the return of hundreds of hardened killers/potential rapists from the defeated ISIS.
We see it with a police force that is dominated by PC concerns and appears quite willing to look the other way if a sexual crime has been committed by members of a certain favoured minority
We see it with an unchecked relentlessly left wing biased MSM, led by the BBC
We see it with the inability (or is it an unwillingless?) to protect our borders
We see it where small interest groups are allowed to manipulate and influence the law to make major changes to our once stable society and culture
And we see it in the shameless way mainstream politicians appear to have little regard to subverting the democratically expressed will of the people.
We are led by political cowards who have very little real connect to England or Britain but see themselves as citizens of the world first, possess an overbearing sense of entitlement and see themselves as the “natural leaders” of us little people. They are unwilling or afraid to deal directly with any of the above problems and think that by restricting free speech and dealing with secondary problems (eg the likes of Tommy Robinson and similair critics) that it will all go away and these smug bastards can all jump back on the gravy train. It cant things have gone too far. And when things collapse they will have to find a new train to jump onto.
This Government is a bit like the owner of a thatched cottage. His neighbour comes over and tells him that there is a fire starting on the roof because of the naughty kids down the road throwing a banger onto the roof. The owner shoos the neighbour off, and closes the door to the upstairs and sits down and carries on watching telly. Eventually the neighbour returns saying that the fire has got much worse. The owner lets him in and then locks him upstairs where the fire is raging and lets the fire consume him. Owner then sits down and watches more telly and just before the house burns down he leaves the property, blaming the fire on his neighbour and moves into his neighbours now vacant neighbours property where the cycle is repeated.
Let us hope we all realise what is happening and can all come together before we get locked into the burning Cottage. These idiots cannot see beyond their own blind prejudice – and if they can (like Soros) then the word evil comes to mind as well. This is why they are afraid of the alternative media. These are the sort of idiots who are currently leading us (with a few exceptions), I reckon one way or another things will soon start to get very messy.
It might be an old fashioned way of looking at things but I think shooting the messenger is never a good basis for a stable Government as in the end you also run out of people to shoot.
An excellent summary of the state we are in.
Well said, Oaknash. Sadly, Amber Rudd is a dim woman given power by another of the same schoolmarm type, May.
It says nothing good about the Conservatives that they fall into the cultural Marxist trap of promoting people on account of their sex and disregarding their lack of ability.
As for the Internet, well yes…. in its original state, as DARPAnet, it was designed to ‘route around’ disruption but it is possible to censor it, as anyone who travels in China will know. Similarly, as it has been corporatised by giant SJW-led companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter, that becomes another kind of censorship. In their own ways these corporations are as bad as dimwits like Rudd and May.
I urge people to be vigilant, keep ahead of government attempts to seize back control of knowledge and to avoid the likes of Google etc. There are excellent alternatives out there and they deserve our encouragement.
Unfortunately for H.M.Government loving and hating are as intrinsic to human nature as eating and shitting. Perhaps they should try banning all four. Good luck to them the daft buggers. They probably think they can stop a howling gale by shouting at it. It’s quite amusing to watch them piss against the wind.
Oak, while I agree with what you say, the elephant in the room is that those who consume the bread and circuses diet, will continue re-electing the same old same old shit to parliament.
Well, those that can be arsed to vote at all of course.
When they no longer have a democracy, the cupid stunts will be gobsmacked, and wonder where it went.
They will, at the moment, settle down and love Strickly, or ‘Stenders ( subsitute your own piece of shit here), and think all is well.
Even UKIP have surrendered. The new leader is as close to a common purpose plant as ’tis possible to get, and one, endorsed by Farage! FFS.
There’s no hope with youth, they are filled with shit by the yoonies.
Much as I hate to agree with Frazer, I’m afraid you are right we’re all doomed.
Or in my words: Fucked.
DC et al- Sometimes i think i am going mad!. Once you can be bothered to actually make just a minor effort to find out what is going on it all becomes so bloody obvious.
Unfortunately when trying to discuss even simple points with stwikly, stenders and other followers of the MSMs great cultural gifts they can only see as far as the increase in price or the longer waiting list – which they seem accept with a mute acquiescence and a grumble. In the same spirit they seem to regurgitate all the BBC arguments as to why brexit has ruined everything or how all these poor asylum seekers from Nigeria or Morocco are fleeing war and need extra compassion.
It is almost as if years of watching television “mush” has degraded the synapses between their neurons, they can only make sense of the world around them if they have been pre fed their opinion by the BBC or similair.
As our world comes crashing down around their ears and there are bodies twitching in the streets – I expect the majority of them will still be fiddling with the remote wondering why they can no longer get casualty and what was going to happen in the episode they have missed. .
Damian Green has in the past, prior to politics, worked as a journalist for the bBbc, Channel 4 and the Times.
Enough said?
Damian Green is the one who introduced the “positive action” policy to increase the diversity in the police by enabling them to discriminate against the recruitment of white men in favour of women and BAME applicants.
It’s an easy mistake which many of us make (I certainly do) to just assume Conservatives aren’t infected with cultural Marxism. Imbeciles like Green serve to remind us they are often every bit as bad as the lot we threw out with Gordon Brown.
It’s in UKIP now, via Henry Bolton.
I’ve just quit the party and the role of Branch Sec.
He’s as close as its possible to get to common purpose.
DC – With my tinfoil hat planted firmly on my head – do you think that maybe the procession of nonentities that seem to have led UKIP since Farages leaving have somehow got their position with some sort of involvement of our security services or similair.
It seemed to me that Anne Marie Walters could have really take UKIP somewhere and succeeded in some of these Northern Labour constituencies, – Instead they voted for Mr Bland – Strange?
It’s an easy mistake which many of us make (I certainly do) to just assume Conservatives aren’t infected with cultural Marxism. Imbeciles like Green serve to remind us they are often every bit as bad as the lot we threw out with Gordon Brown.
Apologies for the double post. No idea why it happened. Must be…. Russians.
BBC Gavin Hewitt sep2015 – changing the news to hide a nasty migrant … still available on the BBC £3.5bn News Service.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …the BBC does!
This should be the response to Telegraph: UK Govt Panics, Slams Breitbart London as ‘Fake News’, ‘Dangerous’
He was the one who the police raided in the House Of Commons under Commissar Gordon Brown was he not? That HE`S as cluless and anti-democratic after THAT outrage, only shows how culturally fascist these empty liberal goons have become. Green, Grayling,Greening,Rudd and Hammond-my Lord, what a weasly anonymous and useless shower of nothings we now have let into Cabinet.
Even their names are interchangeable they`re so anodyne,
Ironic that mr Green was a journo before becoming a politician .
An interesting summing up of the BBC’s attitudes.
No, Islamic State group has not been defeated
Four issues with this report:
1) Fails to mention Sinai as a place where IS is still operating.
2) Fails to mention Israel as a party with an interest. In both 1) & 2) the question is why the omission and what message comes with the omission.
3) Fails to connect ISIS with Islam. Sure it drops hints with words as jihad, caliphate and even the unavoidable Islam in the name IS but never mentions the spread of Islamism through mosques and Muslim groups nor the roadmap for violence ISIS finds in Islam.
4) Draws connection between ISIS and al Qaeda (September 11) without mentioning what that connection is. Nor does it attempt to distinguish between the groups. ‘They blow sh#t up’ is that it?
The luck of the Irish?
Ibrahim Halawa freed from jail in Egypt The BBC makes this an Irish story more than an Egyptian one.
According to the Irish Times Halawa and his sisters played an active part in the demonstrations attempting to depose Morsi. He wasn’t just some unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This fine fellow’s father is the the Imam of a Saudi-backed Dublin mosque with direct links to the Muslim Brotherhood and who is head of the European Council for Fatwa!
Innocents abroad? Bullshit.
How does the openly gay Leo Varadkar think he would be treated in any state run by these people, the same people he campaigns to bring home, as we are led to believe they see Ireland? And wtf has this story got to do with a British broadcasting corporation?
“He wasn’t some unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
I think very few of them are. They’ve usually have in some way been a naughty boy.
If I played an active role in trying to depose Theresa for whatever reason I would expect to get more than a smacked hand. It would be the risk that I took.
I see the England women’s football team lost 1-0, having previously enjoyed a record-breaking 6-0 victory for Sampson’s last match in charge. If Aluko could have somehow managed to withstand two bad jokes they would have won and everyone in the team would be happy now, but sadly the feigned outrage of a few individuals trump the well-being of the majority these days.
Who cares about the team when you are 80 grand up and counting?
Who cares about wimmin’s football?
Al Shubtill
Rug munchers maybe? Just a thought.
That they can mention ‘hate crime’ in relation to Trump’s Tweet about UK crime rates shows how sinister the whole thing is. He just stated facts about rising crime and Islamic terror. There was no hatred, he merely made uncomfortable observations.
If to state that the sun rises in the morning is a crime then we are entering 1984 territory. So really ‘hate’ crime is ‘thought’ crime. The true intention was never to protect vulnerable people from hatred but to force decent people into accepting a boot stamping on their face forever. We could get a terror attack every day, but you dare get upset about it and we will come for you.
Totally agree. Someone posted last week that many terror attacks in Sweden go unreported by the MSM. I suspect that is equally true in Germany and in France and do we really believe that we know about all of the terrorist incidents in this country?with reference to my above post , once you stop people being able to access news from the web they will never know anything that the governments don’t want them to. The liberal left are unable , due to their own ridiculous values , to prevent Islamic terror and creeping Islamisation, so they are attacking those who try and point this failing out.
We desperately need strong, fearless leaders like Trump who will say it as it is before it is too late.
Well said BB. Hopefully that leader will come along but I doubt very much whether it will be from any of the mainstream parties as currently they are all appear too afraid and beholden to the MSM/BBC and their perverted vision of reality to get up there and rattle the cages.
We do not have a First Amendment here so it could not happen. Even if a suitably brave an honest leader were to emerge, were he to veer too far from the accepted and false narrative he would be arrested for thought crime.
At least JRM has 3 hours on LBC Monday morning
I’m not sure if this has been covered, but I switched on R4 earlier in the week, for one of my very rare listens to BBC News, and they were running with a story about President Trump being “In hot water again, for telling the widow of a dead soldier that ‘He knew what he was signing up for'”.
I knew immediately that it was fake news, so followed the story online, and it turned out a Dem politician had heard a snippet of the conversation, taken it out of context and ran with it, knowing Left Wing news outlets would lap it up.
Anyway, here is the official reply from the widow of the soldier, recounting what Trump really said and stating her displeasure in the Dems politicising her late husband’s death.
(I wonder if the BBC will be correcting the story in such a prominent manner as they reported the initial slur)
Mice – I commented on this story earlier in the week – In the context of what he said he certainly did not come across as callous and if anything was paying tribute to the blokes sense of duty.
This information was always out there.The MSM just took the decision to use their “selective deafness” and in their normal rabid anti Trump fashion, everything Trump ever says – once it has gone through the MSM/BBCs “TRUTH FILTER” will always come out as uncaring, callous or mad. Fortunately most of the non middle class electorate in the USA seem to have caught on to this fact.. Unfortunately in the UK people still seem to be pretty naive about the level of press distortion and manipulation that the little imps and faeries at the BBC get up to.
Though I do wonder now whether the current BBC anti brexit hysteria may well be starting to grate with many people – even some remainers.
Fake Tweet ??
It seems to break the “too wow to be true” rule
a Twitter search on “myeshia johnson fake” brings up lots of tweets saying its fake
Different widow but I can’t believe the conversation was radically different.
If white privilege is a thing then why do biracial people like Obama choose to identify as black?
Beeb, probably the same reason that Halle Berry, Afua Hirsch and all the other mixed races do, – to give them something to moan about. I’m a protestant and married a catholic, did I whinge ? nah. My parents were thoroughbred Yorkshire people and I was born in Kent – did I crow that I was a ‘posh southerner’ ? not around Yorkshire people you don’t.
I’m also discriminated against…… I don’t have pierced ears (try being a woman who wants to buy non-piercing earrings).
Discriminated against for not having children – oh yes. I had the rubbish holiday dates left over from parents at the work place. I never claimed child benefit. And don’t get me started on why young able and very fit Mums who could break into a sprint from across a car park, have the best parking spots outside supermarkets , why ???? those extra wide bays for prams could be situated anywhere, but its always at the front door of the shop ! Thank God for Speedy Boarding on flights, when I can get my own back and bypass the queues of screamers before they board. Rant over.
Beeb Bro
There are big rewards for being seen as a victim.
Exactly. Yet the Beeb often mentions ‘white privilege’ as one would mention inflation, something which everyone knows exists and is self-evidently true. In fact it was just some nonsense invented by left wing thinkers who should have been out doing something useful rather than spending all day dreaming up new imaginary forms of oppression.
I don’t understand a concept called “ white privilidge”. Truly . Does it mean that Blighty shouldn’t be majority while after a thousand generations ?
Do they think black or brown or coffee is better? I really hope that’s not what they think . Do they believe in racial engineering?
Toady programme 8.50 this morning Toenails interviewing former head? of WTO (Pascal Lamy or his predecessor, I didn’t catch the name.)
Interviewee said that on leaving the EU, the U.K. would lose all of the Treaty agreements entered into by the EU, as Toenails would have expected. As this differs from everything I’ve read since the referendum I thought I had better check what the current WTO Head thought.
This report ties in with Dr Fox’s (too) few public pronouncements and The Vulcan’s polemic with Aliarstair Campbell.
More Project Fear from Al Beeb, its public service cheerleader.
(Link appears truncated but Guggle Azevedo Brexit and you get it.)
Seems anyone seeking information or education from BBC market rate talents are best advised to at the very least check elsewhere before relying on any claims made from the BBC pulpit.
But by then it’s too late because the sheeple have heard it and believe it. Like the pox, it then gets spread everywhere promiscuously.
This is the real problem, I agree. The BBC manages to get its lie around the world (to slightly misquote Churchill) before the truth has got its pants on. So powerful is the Corporation that its decision to, say, suppress a story that shows Donald Trump in a good light in favour of an inaccurate one that makes him seem a fool, will be heard and believed by millions. Do this often enough (as the BBC makes sure it does) and the lie becomes ‘common knowledge’.
This is why the BBC must be destroyed. It is too powerful to be allowed to survive.
There is inaccuracy, misinformation and, of course, outright propaganda:
Lucky nothing like this here.
That would be Spooky.
Peter Grimes
It spreads like dog shit on a shoe.
Bird with a towel round her head – joining in a flirting debate on the BBC couch – sheeeeeshh
It’s like watching a sixth form debate – the lead into this was Harvey Weinstein – yep BBC Harvey’s flirting was returning from the other room minus his Y-Fronts.
Now Jimmy Saville’s flirting (covered up by the BBC for years) was on a whole different level
oh and it’s windy everybody don’t go out today – I hear the leaves are being blown of the trees – apparently unprecedented for Autumn on a tiny Island on the fringes of the Atlantic – bloody climate change
Caught this as well Lock. Talking to us like primary school children trying to point us all in the right direction. The female should be tackling the problems within her own culture first and then I might take her more seriously.
Yep spot on – people in glass houses . How about talking about that girl on her way home from a club in Tower Hamlets who got raped three times – wonder who did that in the shadow of the wailing tower
Another rant coming…..
I’m heartily sick of being preached to by other cultures and migrants. We’re constantly told that migrants have been good for the UK, yet they do nothing but whine about what this country should and should not do. Yasmin alibaba Brown is a good example. Couldn’t wait to flee Uganda on the first plane here, and ever since has criticised our failings. Jeezus. Its always the brown and black faces, and we have now a generation of hijab wearers pontificating to us. I’ve mentioned Afua Hirsch on several occasions, June Sarpong is another – they all cant wait to put the boot in and complain, complain, complain. Diversity and turning centuries old statues to rubble is what they’re about. Amazing how we’ve managed to survive 2 world wars without their sodding help – where were their grandfathers and what were they doing when we were fighting the Blitz ? The blacks and browns never whinge about how awful it was to send our very young men up in aircraft to defend this country do they ? Christ I really wish I was on a debating panel with this lot sometimes.
Where were their grandfathers?
Probably sitting in the sand or up a tree scratching their nuts.
Well said.
Yes, of course the motive is ‘unknown’…. it always is (unless the perpetrator is a ‘right-wing, Christian extremist’)
What is a ‘ sleeping mat ‘?
Anything like a yoga mat? Or a prayer mat maybe?
A sleeping mat is a redundant bush.
Today : Cambridge Festival of Ideas Events
Denial: in defence of truth
DENIAL Richard Evans President of Wolfson College
Year 2000 David Irving libel, she had called him a Holocaust denier and a falsifier of history.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 11AM – NOON
ONE IN TEN AMERICAN LIGHT BULBS ARE LIT BY THE RUSSIANS: FAKE NEWS? The aim of fake news is to mislead but what of its corollary – that genuine news may be viewed as fake? One such item was that the Russians were fuelling American nuclear power plants in the 1990s, and is just one of several real and fake stories published following the end of the Cold War that are explored in this talk.
CAN WE KEEP SECRETS? Leaks and hacks are praised as tools of transparency and accountability or condemned as espionage and manipulation by malevolent powers. How safe is our data in the digital age, and what is the worst that could go wrong? With Richard Dearlove, former Head of MI6, MI5 historian Christopher Andrew, journalist Nick Davies and Martha Spurrier, Head of Liberty. Chaired by the ** BBC’s Chris Mann **
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 11AM – 12.30PM
Does the state use the media, and vice versa? In the symbiotic state–media relationship how much of what we are presented with as fact is really propaganda? This talk illuminates some of the key issues of truth versus propaganda.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 12.30PM – 1.30PM
WHO BELIEVES IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES? This talk explores what factors – religious, economic, political – make some but not others believe in conspiracy theories. Hugo Drochon considers what impact that has had on contemporary political events, from Brexit to Trump.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 1.30PM – 2.30PM
If all cultures and concerns are equally valid, then surely it follows that truth is subjective. Or is this a meaningless caricature of relativism? Join Simon Goldhill, Caroline Edwards, Priyamvada Gopal and Frank Furedi as they discuss what relativism can and can’t tell us about the ‘post-truth’ world. Chaired by Simon Blackburn.
Pre-book SAT 21 OCT 1.30PM – 3PM
SAT 21 OCT 2.30PM – 3PM
If sorcerers, seeresses, the undead and unipeds can be found in ordinary Icelandic sagas, what does it take for a saga to be called a ‘lying saga’?
Is this one about Kriss Donald ?
A talk on why arguments and conflicts about the boundaries and limits of Islam are so often about what it means to ‘respect’ the Prophet Muhammad.
5PM – 6PM Pre-book Alison Richard Building
1.30PM – 3PM
False statistics can spread around the world in an instant.
Politicians are open to manipulation by hostile government hacking.
Masses of data on citizens is widely available and open to surveillance and misuse.
How can politics and government keep up?
3.30PM – 4.30PM Pre-book
former Google employee James Williams explains his answer to the set question
‘Are digital technologies making politics impossible?’
3.30PM – 5PM Pre-book
In a polarised world, ** populist leaders with narratives of grievance promote global schisms** based on cultural differences.
How can this be prevented?
Sun, Mon, Tue
Sun 22 Oct
2.30PM – 3.30PM Pre-book
Are political parties targeting you on social media?
Can political parties use psychological profiling to tailor messages to different voters?
Did these strategies help the Trump and Brexit campaigns?
5PM – 6PM Pre-book
It is said that we are living in a posttruth era and yet, paradoxically, statements about world affairs are made with increasing certainty.
By examining the close relationship between philosophy and posttruth,
Alex Carter suggests ways of mitigating its toxic influence.
Mon 23 Oct
5PM – 6PM
Does climate change really cause collapse?
This talk explores the resilience and sustainability of South Asia’s first complex society, the Indus Civilisation (c. 2500– 1900 BC).
5.30PM – 7PM Pre-book
When you’re surrounded by so-called fake news how do you know when information is fact based?
6.30PM – 7.30PM Pre-book
Studies of implicit bias and stereotype threat suggest that
** humans are incapable of identifying merit independently of race and sex.**
6PM – 7.30PM Pre-book
St John’s College Old Divinity School, All Saints Passage, CB2 1TP
How might the law, market or technology evolve to preserve the accuracy, truth and impartiality of information, whilst maintaining people’s freedom to share thoughts and creations?
6.30PM – 8PM Pre-book TUE 24 OCT
Through the personal story of the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Mathias Haeussler’s talk explores why post-war Britain and Germany have frequently been unable to see eye to eye over European integration.
7.30PM – 8.30PM Pre-book
Room 6, Faculty of History, West Road, CB3 9EF
BREXIT TIME We can capture the phenomenon of Brexit in a variety of ways: one measure is time.
why the UK is leaving the EU, how and – importantly – when.
7PM – 8.10PM Pre-book TUE 24 OCT
How does climate change, a vastly distributed emergency, become personal?
In This Ritual Is Not An Accident, time and scale are recalibrated, and the slow-motion accident of climate change becomes intimate.
Judith E Wilson Drama Studio
Mugabe trashed our health delivery system. He and his family go outside of the country for treatment in Singapore after he allowed our public hospitals to collapse.
Just like Diane Abbott sending her kids to private schools after scolding other Labour MPs for going exactly the same.
And never let it be forgotten that Mugabe only ever achieved his place as a dictator with the active connivance of corrupt and useless British politctians, aided and applauded by the communist infiltrated British media.
Not that I’d ever connect him with corruption and uselessness but wasn’t it Jack Straw, sometime Labour Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State who, at a UN meeting in New York in 2004, made a bee-line for Mugabe in order to give him a hearty handshake? Didn’t he also take a few steps back at a later date and claim that he hadn’t realised who he had been shaking hands with and, in any case, it was in a ‘dark corner’ of the room and that he’d only just started wearing contact lenses? Wasn’t he also involved in some sort of ‘cash for access’ scandal in 2015? Whatever happened to Jack Straw, we hardly ever hear of him on the BBC any more?
If the Left had not deposed Ian Smith there would be no Robert Mugabe so they must take some responsibility for Bob’s misdeeds.
“Robert Mugabe as a World Health Organisation Goodwill Ambassador”
No other world leader has reduced energy use in a countries health service to practically zero.
That’s a major success that WHO have recognized.
WHO Got Fooled Again
‘reduced energy use in a countries health service to practically zero’
– by killing everyone off?
– by not reporting correctly?
– lunatics are in charge of the asylum and guards!
Some one said
“Mugabe leads the Greediest government ever”
The WHO bods simply misheard it as
“Greenest Government ever”
Hence the award
This elevation of the murderous tyrant Mugabe to any post in he UN is the sickest of sick jokes and tells us much about the UN. President Trump should shut off all funding to this stain on mankind.
Russia’s clandestine involvement with the Clinton’s –
Will the FBI investigate?
And would the left wing media (led by the BBC) report it if they did?
I read your account of the Stasi visit and have to say I am appalled on a number of levels – to be reported for something so trivial and not wrong and to be followed up by a visit is awful. It puts the tv licence issue into trivia in comparison.
Events like those only polarise us even more. I have been in a similar situation and I know what the effect can be in terms of not being able to trust or speak without caution. I curse that caretaker and wish him a short life.
Interesting to see Evan Davis in discussion with a small group of people from Sheffield last night about ‘how they thought Brexit was going’. We were warned beforehand that we would be ‘surprised’ by the views of these people.
Well, I was ‘surprised’ but, not in the way Evan meant…he meant ‘shocked’ that people could hold views at odds to his own and the BBC. I was pleasantly ‘surprised’ to hear normal, articulate and sensible opinions. I was cheered a little by this.
How on earth did this little talk make airtime on the BBC? 🙂
Favourite Guardian cleric has rape charges pressed.
A woman accuses Islamist #MB Tariq #Ramadan of rape. He allegedly threatened to hurt her children if she talked
Times hid this at end of article.
Tariq Ramadan, who would have thought or believed?
Just goes to show: ‘they’re all at it’.
BTW anyone seen a graph of successful prosecutions of women for false rape claims ?
They seem very prominent these days.
Another woman was in the paper today .
Trumps Travel ban
A thought LibMob courts argue you can’t ban a whole country.
In WW2 we did discriminate by Nationality
eg US put all Japanese in internment camps.
The EU is insolvent. They are 60 billion Euros in arrears.(52 billion pounds sterling).
I was listening to the Nigel Farage show on LBC. A caller had been working for the Commission for the last twelve years on a external contractor basis. His role was to explain and interpret the financial statements to junior civil servants right up individuals such as David Davis. His view is that the EU Commission is insolvent by 60 Billion Euros as a result of the pension deficit. He stated, and I agree, that as a member of 27 states we are being asked by the EU to pay off the complete pension deficit.,when we as a member should only be paying 1/27th of that amount.
He no longer works for the EU but he has emphasised that the EU’s finances are very much worse than the public realise.
On a final note, Farage mentioned that the Five Star Group in Italy are now quite a way ahead in the polls of the forthcoming elections (3 Months). They are demanding to the EU that we receive a free trade deal as their wine production would be severely hit.
May needs to give the EU deadlines where unless agreements are reached we will walk. We are in fact in a stronger position than she herself realises.
On a final, final point, the House of Lords is filled with EU pensions, the BBC need to say at the start of each interview their declared interest, otherwise the interview becomes a waste of time. They should certainly have no control as to any Brexit legislation. I am of the opinion that there are too many people in government and the House of Lords who have their pensions tied up with the EU and therefore realise that if the EU combusts so too could their pensions. They, therefore want the British taxpayer to firm up their pensions via the British taxpayer who through Brexit will be paying the funds.
I hope I have called this wrong, but I fear not. The filthy fingers of the Remainer elite are stuck firmly in the pie.
Pity the BBC won’t reporot this to the general public.
No wonder JC is always sozzled; every time he locks the books in the vault he knows one day the plebs will get through the gates.
That’s why they want us to pay £100 billion, it would eliminate more than half of their ‘reste a liquider’ or the bucket pot into which they shovel items they have extorted money from us for, and Germany and France to be (just this once) fair. If they haven’t paid it out and they believe they should, firstly wtf did they ask for it in the first place if it hasn’t been spent, and secondly EVERY budget they have produced which has resulted in demands which leaves balances in ‘reste a liquider’ is fraudulent.
The EUSSR is a Ponzi scheme, pure and simple, and the ones benefitting are the EUSSR oligarchs for obvious reasons, the Eastern bloc because they are being gifted billions of our money, and Germany whose trade surplus intra-EUSSR is far greater than their contribution.
PG – Solid post; the final paragraph nails it.
The original post WW2 plan for Europe was that France would be the bread basket and Germany the workshop, since Germany can’t feed itself by itself.
It could have been a good thing for Western Europe but for the Left, Third World immigration multiculturalism and the free trade, open borders, NWO vermin; it has thus become a living nightmare for the peoples within it.
Bit of a clue really that the eu s own audit department hasn’t signed off their accounts for a while – which is one of the reasons why it will be difficult to confidently assess what we owe the EU legally to escape. This really must be a sticking point because if we accept it without question they will want even more.
It’s a serious game of bluff but the tactic to work we must prepare for a no deal Brexit. It will be interesting seeing how those Eu countries with 19th century administration – France – Spain – Italy at least – for dealing with uk citizens after March 2019 because they are so inefficient it would take years to sort out.
Al Beeb doesn’t mention this financial issue …
Second part of article is about Rotherham
And she outs Dennis McShane as a knower
He attended March 24 2006 Social Worker meeting, made a speech yet now claims he had no knowledge of scandal until it broke.
Acting would have meant accusations of racism upsetting Labour Party people preferred ignorance.
First you find out what’s happening, then you act. The BBC fail at both.
BBC version … First you downplay some news, then you hope some meaningless news hides the other news. Repeat.
“I guess I get about what I pay for”
Sensible words there care of a BBC street vox pop. I know, it’s unusal for the BBC to put such common sense insight from the general public to air but it does occasionally happen. This made the edit despite being not quite what the BBC were looking for. They wanted complaints. And human nature being what it is that is exactly what the majority of people delivered. I don’t suppose the BBC editors have really lied to us in putting this item together.
The subject matter was broadband quality of service. And guess what, it’s not up to scratch.
Now I’m not particularly interested in the detail of broadband provision but rather it got me thinking about the way in which the BBC presents different kinds of comsumer service issues.
A private sector business causing concern over the quality of customer service will always tend to be berated and threatened with regulation by our BBC.
Meanwhile sectors such as health, social services, prisons, policing and – heaven forfend – national broadcasting which fall sort of customer satisfaction are treated in a none too subtle alternative way.
Public sector failings are invariably characterised as being due to lack of funding. Think about it.
But of course the BBC never go on to explain that the cash injection for which they are campaigning will lead to tax increases.
I conclude this thought with that sensible vox pop comment: “I guess I get about what I pay for”
BBC= “THEY* get about what WE pay for”
*They = the SJW LibMob missionaries who staff the BBC
The manic, hate filled psychopaths of Cult Leftlam (Al ShaBBC, Yvette “I’m full of shit, still zero migrants in my house” Cooper, Ed “If I will fuck over my brother, what do you think I will do to you plebs?” Miliband…) have gone Allahu Akbar on Trumps 100% factual and 100% brilliant Twitter post about the falling apart of law and order in the UK. Mass triggering of epic proportions!
But lets Reality Check these traitorous bastards right back at them…is this because of fallout of non Muslims having to live with Muhammad’s life instructions? Of course it bloody is! Wilfully ignoring and allowing Muhammad’s war against the infidels to grow in the UK is costing over a billion GBP every single year, meaning cuts to all the other police activities (accept the prevention of white people saying things others don’t like)….what the hell do we expect is going to happen?? Crime is going to go up!
Trumps 100% correct. Increases in pure Islamic activities has lead to increases in crime. Throw in the fact this community is disproportionately raping white children, money laundering, involed in housing scams, and selling drugs, I would say Trump didn’t go far enough in his factual analysis of what is happening to the UK, and ALL caused by the traitorous bastards in our political parties and their media accomplices at the so-called BBC
I imagine that Worldwide the interest in the deterioration of the UK (in every respect) is, if anything based on no more than a passing interest in, as in the fall of Rome, an acknowledgement of the inevitable decline no matter how our third rate politicians dress up our so-called, ‘World influence’. Problem is, we all know it but they don’t. The ‘Mother of All Parliaments’? – left, right or either with a hint of ‘yellow’ involved it has presided over failure after failure, the slow islamisation being the most obvious recently. Problem is, if the invaders reach the stage of critical mass it will be the end, finally. Any politician that views the finality as otherwise is utterly deluded.
I wonder what the crime statistics would be if the police actually started arresting people for the tens of thousands of r@pes of our little girls.
Germany and its desire to see complete control over media broadcasts that convey anti-islamic rhetoric –
Be absolutely sure its, ‘coming to a country near you soon’………………….
G – Germany is examining any means possible to get its citizens to be more “accepting” of migrants.
AS “By any means necessary” ?
as Alinsky said ?
Al that’s fairly alarming! Already testing drugs. How long before gas chambers? If they ever work out that most people who don’t want to be invaded by fake immigrants are not actually xenophobic at all, what will they propose to do with us then? We don’t think inside a constrictive viewpoint like they do. They must eliminate free-thinkers somehow for their liberal tyranny to continue.
Shhhhh Al – Dont tell Amber – She will start to add it to our water supply starting with Rotherham. Maybe then those ingraits, who have been abused will finally see it as the positive “enriching” loving experience it was obviously intended to be!
Shhhhh Al – Dont tell Amber – She will start to add it to our water supply starting with Rotherham. Maybe then those ingraits, who have been abused will finally see it as the positive “enriching” loving experience it was obviously intended to be!
Al Beeb doesn’t quite know what to say about the WHO annointing st mugabi as an ambassador – done by the president of the WHO – an Ethiopian – an African so it must be ok- right ? No one can even mention that mugabi might have given a bung or might have pictures of the fella with a kid or similar.
The only thing that matters is we give taxpayers money to fund the Rhodesian health service . Disgraceful .
I listened to AQ earlier, complete with yet another 3 – 1 Remainer – Leaver panel, and had the dubious pleasure of hearing Soubry spout her usual cr@p. Why does this foolish creature choose to “remain” within the Conservative Party? Wouldn’t she feel much more at home back with the FibDumbs?
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licensing Picks the Wrong Harassment Target
– TV Licensing Targets Vulnerable Welsh Polish Family
– TV Licensing Continues of Harassment of Proven Innocent Opponent
Tv license still pays socialist Gary ‘1.75m’ Lineker’s wages, under threat of prison.
Decoding Bush’s thinly veiled Trump speech … if you can’t work out what someone said, shouldn’t the BBC ask the person rather than decode it and possibly get it wrong? Deciding is not reporting … BBC with £3.5bn has to decode rather than interview or ask!
I would have thought that Bush – of all people – would keep his mouth shut. He ll always be a joke – except for the people involved in his stupid wars.
DUBYA was always presented by the liberal left/MSM/BBC as the devil incarnate/joke figure. Amazing how the “chimp” president has suddenly morphed into an “Elder statesman” – Confused!
The BBC must think our memories are as short as theirs. Still, that’s cocaine for you.
Indeed. What would they do without their coca leaves and poppy dust? Would they be able to cope with reality?
“The chimp president” Funny that because I always felt there was something slightly simian about the face. Still, none of us are perfect.
Lefty – at the risk of diminishing my point, I have to say it – he definitely would have looked good on a veranda strumming a banjo!
I think the banjo would outshine him on looks.
Clinton, Bush and Obama shown on BBC news on stage raising money for disaster relief (I think). This is madness …
I was simply astounded Barry ‘went there’, given his race baiting politics was about as divisive for the USA as it got, with a nasty genie now out.
If I had a hypocritical showboating President who got a free pass from deranged media, he’d look like this bloke.
Ben Shapiro was backing Hillary. Interesting as e is good with facts.
Telegraph book review : picks up the MaryBeard, black Roman family example.
The Guardian was wrong to say “slaves were brought to Britain”, since the law here never recognised slavery … “air too pure for slaves to breathe” says a court order, so all former slaves became freemen once they reached here.
A few hundred blacks were scattered across UK over the centuries. Most normal servants, but few living in villages being farmers etc. Not unknown but a tiny tiny percent of population.
I’m sure every family in the country had a black sackbut player.
As you say, a tiny percent of the population. The fact remains, old photographs and film of crowds of ordinary people all over the UK fail to show any evidence of significant blackness.
Black black black – all we ever hear.
Another one for al Beeb to play down
Catalan separation movement. A division within an EU country. Time to send the EU Army in for peacekeeping. Not us.
So europe is a united entity all against us. Seems not. Will Catalan apply to join the EU? Will the Scots shake off the tyranny of being subsided by the hated English? At least al Beeb can’t blame president Trump for this one_can they…send for Myrie .
Can’t blame Trump? Course they can. They even blame him when it rains.
You know what FU2? I watched the spanish PM do his speech live on skynews.
It was filled with the same shit we had said to us before the referendum. Doom and gloom, economic failure, we’ll save the people from themselves etc. All shit. Oh, and of course to restore the legality of Govt.
I thought, oh dear, in 20 yrs time, that would be Juncker, or Tusk, standing lecturing us in the UK as to why we couldnt be allowed to leave, in the name of democracy and the people of course.
We will get out, in the end despite the appeaser, but we’ve had a narrow escape.
This is the situation facing the EU members in the future if they dont get out.
We can but hope
Further on the upside – I had miscalculated the number of days until we leave the EU. The timetable – their timetable – is to have all bargaining done by this time next year with the remaining 6 months for the EU to finalise the exit. Screw transitions
Czech election result. The train is still rolling despite the elite trying to derail it.
The Czech result will get about as much news on BBC as the Austrian one did…..
Of course, so we just keep informing people ourselves. Also just seen a C4 trailer about a woman dressing up as a Muslim and the reaction she gets. FFS this is just more promotion of the establishments obsession with hate crime. She’s bound to get a negative response from the occasional neanderthal but I bet the makers of the programme have edited the whole thing to fit the narrative. Absolutely disgraceful to pour fuel on the fire. It serves no purpose whatsoever.
Yes if you dressed as a solo police officer and walked about certain black housing estates you’d get camera shots of people calling out at you.
Maybe channel 4 will have a programme where put a long blonde wig and whited girl in Pakistan and see if anyone calls out.
C 4 Haven’t even got the guts to name the prog properly
“My week as a Muslim”= “My week as a Orthodox PAKISTANI Muslim”
An ethnic-Muslim women might well have white skin, wear a miniskirt and my or may not practice Islam.
Channel 4 are actually being RACIST by saying that a Muslim is one who conforms to the sterotype of having brownskin and a headscarf.
Oh what a come back
\\Why not do a documentary entitled
‘My week as a 12 year old girl in Rotherham?’
.. Of course you won’t… //
Front of Guardian paper …. Theresa May sat on own in a room. Head hung low. If only she had taken The Strange Death of Europe to read during the photograph which i sent her!
On this famed day – Rule Britania
Just imagine this:
If France was leaving the eu and the rest of the eu was telling it that they wanted £60 billion what do you think the French reply/reaction would be.
Do you think they would nod in agreement thinking ‘that sounds fair enough’ or can you picture riots in the streets if their government were as lily liveried and useless as ours who appear to want to be liked by the eu top dogs so much that they will do anything for them, complete capitulation.
Our lot are rubbish.
Get some brexiteers in to do the negotiations.
Better still just leave now, clean Brexit, no payment and ask for our asset share of all the buildings we’ve contributed to for 40 years.
How much did it cost France when it left NATO? What was the price of that divorce.
This has maybe been touched on before but I’ve lost track of how long that “100 Woman”(aka all men are evil) thing has been on the BBC News website.
I look forward to seeing 100 Men…….
I also notice tonight another ad nauseam negative story about President Trump with “Trevor Noah: Trump prefers white people”.
The good news though is that the MSM are loosing the war due to smaller independent news outlets like Info Wars, Rebel Media, Paul Watson, Veritasvisuals(James O’ Keefe), Guido Fawkes etc.
Check out Veritasvisuals on YouTube.
They’re tearing the anti-Trump, American MSM to pieces with their under-cover filming.
If the BBC is impartial, then how come every American voice you hear on the BBC is spitting bile against Trump ?
Radio4 6:15pm : Trailer for Broadcasting House ..sneering at Trump
– The Loose Ends started with Clive Anderson doing his habitual sneering joke against Trump
During the prog there was an 8 min interview of spitting bile at Trump in the interview with the leader of the American anticapitalist choir …. plugging their UK tour the Trump Depression Hotline
The bBCs Tariq Ramadan whom they love to bring out time and time again in which to extol the beauty of Islam to the unwashed has become a victim of the Harvey Weinstein backlash when a Muslim woman filed charges of rape against him. For some very strange reason the bBC (Just like Ramadan) is keeping quiet
France: Islamic champion of the liberal world, Tariq Ramadan accused of rape
Gee, I wonder why?
Yes I posted above at 1:30pm about it
BBC=£3.7bn/yr Advertising agency for SJW causes
They just tweeted this plug for June Sarpong’s book
I didn’t see a similar BBC advert for Quentin Letts book.
Well if her book is written in the same manner that she plugs it, then 5 year olds will be able to understand it. One of her gems when interviewed was …. “it was the likes of Harriet Harman and Yvette Cooper that paved the way for women in Parliament “…. ! real deep stuff, and not factually true. She is so light weight this woman its a pity she just doesn’t float away.
“it was the likes of Harriet Harman and Yvette Cooper that paved the way for women in Parliament “
If this woman is who I think she is – reviewing the papers on SKY on a few occasions – she’s as thick as two short planks.
I suppose the Czech who voted for a billionaire anti Eu leader and anti immigrant party are all thick and lied too like brexit voters .
I’m assuming msm will not be featuring this election – just like Austria last week.
From where I’m standing the thick and lied to seem to be steadily growing in numbers despite the M.S.M. who are still trying to paint them as stupid or evil. Can the media not read the writing on the wall? Maybe there’s hope for us all yet.
I think is genuine hope lefty . The EU is structured to just drive it’s own way with democracy in the back seat . Europeans do not want more Muslims / Africans / Asians in this continent . If they could they’d turn the clock back . Small price to pay to be accused of the R word by a bunch of c**ts.,
We can turn the clock back: we just need the will to do it.
Rather O/T but just because it’s a Saturday evening and all that. Back in the day when one could make a telephone complaint or comment….before Lineker ( I think it was Hanson) , Newcastle were playing Chelsea.
“It seems like a small Chink has appeared in the Newcastle defence”.
I phoned it in to register my disgust……they took it seriously.
Oh well, back to the Syrah……….
I have related this one before.
C5 years ago in a drama on BBC2, a character expressed the wish “to go for a Chinkee”.
A female viewer phoned the BBC to complain how offended she was about the incident.
The Express (or whoever) reported the story and had a HYS on it.
Some wit commented.
“Yes, a woman did complain, but it’s OK.
She phoned back half an hour later to say she was no longer offended.”
Someone had obviously bought her a Chinkee. Very nice too. Nobody does a Chinkee like the Chinese.
“the majority of entrants to Oxford and Cambridge between 2010 and 2015 came from a “small privileged minority.””
Indeed, a minority with a very high IQ. The type the UK needs.
Lammy the MegaDim playing the black man again, moaning.
Simple, MegaDim you do not qualify for OxBridge, neither do 99% of Africans.
Naturally the fault of the English, when we invaded Africa in 1700 with our clubs and spears, the indigenes were too busy discussing philosophy in their universities, inventing the television in their universities, performing heart transplants in their universities, developing the laser in their universities, planning space missions in their universities. So busy they did not climb into the jet fighters, tanks and nuclear submarines developed in their universities, to resist the invasion with advanced machine guns, rockets and cruise missiles.
Strange that with that huge lead in science and technology they are now only qualified for prison, gang membership and emitting excruciatingly unmusical noises.
Oh and moaning, there ought to be a Nobel Prize for that.
What you’d be doing is taking working class people and outputting them with privilege, cos that’s what Oxbridge do.
LBC this morning : “So you say that privilege of a private school education shouldn’t get you easier into Oxbridge
what are you gonna say next that privilege of a an Oxbridge education shouldn’t get you a better job ?
At the end of the day they are the same thing”
said a department head at a small public school who expects to get a couple of pupils in this coming year
Well, it’s hard to contradict any of that so I won’t. Academic achievement should be the only yardstick. I think I can feel my compulsory white guilt gradually melting away. Mind you I don’t know why I should feel guilty because I’ve never harmed an African in my life.
Lefty Wright
The “injustice review” confabulation undermines the “mass immigration benefits the country” narrative. No one believes that the generality of ethnic minorities are paying vast fortunes in tax into the public coffers. Learning that Somali men are earning 25% less than average, Muslim women don’t take part in the world of work, other group suffer the injustice of low pay, can only confirm that the benefits of mass immigration are wildly exaggerated. I suspect a couple of Indian billionaires are skewing the statistics along the official line. In the 70s, it was the high rate of black unemployment that was supposed to be the root of all social injustice. However, all that was conveniently forgotten when the BBC wanted to push the financial advantages of multiculturalism. Even the BBC realised that you could not simultaneously claim that black unemployment was much higher than average, whether due to white racism or not, and that a major contribution was being made to the economy by vast numbers of unemployed people of colour.
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ” – Andrej Babis: The populist billionaire who could lead the Czech Republic.
I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of the word populist?
Result of a quick Internet search: populist / noun / plural noun: populists
– a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people.
I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of ordinary people?
– a normal or commonplace person
What we need is for Mr Babis to chime in on the Brexit negotiations in such a way that al Beeb can not ignore it. I worry when people like him ( I won’t be abusive and call him a politician ) get power as there often seems to be a lefty waiting to murder- or of course – a Muslim terrorist.
Too true, Fedup2! But if Babis did, would the BBC report it to the people of the UK? Others seem to be reporting here that pro-Brexit stuff is now getting swept under the W1A carpet while the likes of Clegg, Clarke, Heseltine and Mandelson are rolled out to stand on top of it and opine.
Words Do Matter, more than we realise. Always interesting to ask what people think a word means to them. Just to be clear.
“I wonder if the BBC know the meaning of the word populist?”
To BBC employees the difference between popular and populist is easily understood.
If the people like something and the BBC also like it it’s popular.
If the people like something and the BBC don’t like it it’s populist.
Of course to the rest of us:
If the BBC doesn’t like something and the people like it must be democracy.
If the BBC likes something and the people also like it, the report of people liking it is a lie the BBC made up.
Populist: popular and holding views I do not agree with
So issues for the happy EU
Malta – corruption so bad they are killing journos
Austria. Right wing anti immigrant government being formed
Catalonia – separation from an EU state
Czech Repub. anti Eu anti immigrant government in formation
Blighty. We ve just had enough. Bye.
Hungary – won’t obey Eu in taking so called refugees
Poland. – were do I start ?
Next? …….
Here’s another one to add on the list.
Euro – currency in danger of collapse.
I got one too
A Theresa – Someone untrustworthy – long on rhetoric but short and weak on negotiation
Fedup2, Ireland’s Premier and politicians in Ulster in secret talks. Rumours grow of desire in Republic for them to have a fresh say on EU membership.
Well, I can dream, can’t I ? 🙂
We could announce that in recognition of our historic free trade arrangements with the Irish Republic and in anticipation of a free trade agreement following the Brexit negotiations, on Brexit day we will have an open border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. There will be no tariffs/restrictions/inspections on goods coming up from the south. However, in the interests of reciprocity, a week/month after Brexit day we will implement on Irish goods whatever tariffs/restrictions/inspections the Irish government imposes on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south.
We want free trade with Dublin, what do they want with us?
And two fingers to Brussels.
As a polite people we should keep on saying “please”, but we don’t have to mean it.
“However, in the interests of reciprocity, a week/month after Brexit day we will implement on Irish goods whatever tariffs/restrictions/inspections the Irish government imposes on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south.
We want free trade with Dublin, what do they want with us?
And two fingers to Brussels.”
RJ, the Irish Republic is part of the EU.
The tariffs/restrictions/inspections on goods leaving Northern Ireland for the south aren’t decided by Dublin alone; but by them and all the other members of the EU together.
You seem to have a basic misunderstanding what the EU is all about.
Do you know what it’s all about ?
Some nations are beginning to find out.
Now please tell us what is it all about ?
2.29 am, the night stalker is amongst us again, probably with some Skittles.
Visits us twice a week, carefully selects two or three contributions.
Honours us with his razor sharp mind, his omniscience, his rapier like wit, his uncanny ability to instantly home in to the core of the issue and incisively demolish the position of his opponent with a few well chosen words.
Or, as in this case, it’s more maxibollox.
“You seem to have a basic misunderstanding what the EU is all about.”
What the EU is all about, everyone at BBBC knows what the EU is all about. It is all about lying what it is about.
In future I shall make no more responses to this cretin. Both my Portia spider and Newton, my octopus, have refused to respond as it presents no intellectual challenge. They prefer playing eleven dimensional chess in a vacuum.
Therefore any comments appearing under my pseudonym will have been authored by Dippy the Tsetse Fly.
Up – if the republic ends up suffering because we left the EU will have to subsidise Eire again.
Eire would never vote to leave because there are so man EU residents who could get citizenship .
An excellent analysis of our Maxi and she/he must be heartened by such recognition .
I enjoy debate and the contra argument . I am willing to change my mind on a clear argument but we don’t get that from Maxi – which is a shame . Maxi please tell us what you believe and why.
Catching up on 10 Days that Shook the World. (BBC R4 9 October-on, M-F @ 9.45am)
The BBC appear to believe that Welsh people were key players in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Is that right? Or did the BBC skimp on their in-house production and hire very poor actors incapable of doing the impression of a Russian accent while speaking in English? Or are the BBC trying some weird form of Political Correctness on the listener? I suspect the middle or last of those three options.
I’ve listened to two episodes. I think it is a rubbish production and may not bother with any more of it. They could have saved a lot more money by getting a decent reader or two plus a narrator to straightforwardly read the book to us. A reader with a lovely Welsh accent and good voice would be just fine for that.
I don’t think it was the Welsh who were the key players in the “Russian” Revolution, and they who were might not have possessed very Russian accents when speaking Russian, never mind English.
Al, sure there might have been some hints of Ukrainian in many of their voices but for the BBC listener that might be a subtlety too far. Russian would have been sufficient for this production.
Could this be the Harvey Weinstein of Islam?
“#balancetonporc,” she wrote, “It is a very difficult decision but I too have decided it is time to denounce my attacker. It is Tariq Ramadan.” Ramadan is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood
Al Shubtill
Welsh key players in the Russian Revolution ? We had ” Dai the spy” , ” Dai top shelf” and working undercover, was “Jones red under the bed ” . What more evidence do you want?
The BBCone #Gunpowder drama @9pm
FFS it was Certificate 18 stuff
10 mins in there was some violent torture scenes on women and men
..Yet there had been no warning at start of prog
Plus the normal arty TVland out of touchness
[ ] Shots too dark to hear
[ ] Mumbling in dialogue
[ ] Irritating background music ..compounding the above
And of course the ubiquitous al Beebus “diversity” historical anachronism, shoe horned in as a “scribe”.
I see the Reker Ahmed trial (the Iraqi refugee chased/beaten by a pack in Croydon) is still going on
started Oct 9. Since there are about 6 accused it must be taking some time.
Not much reporting tho
Before so called “austerity”
1970’s when inflation was 24% the Labour gov gave teachers a 20% payrise and both sides said that was a win
. duh , that’s a net wage fall of 4% of course so today’s 1% rise is better than that cos inflation isn’t 5%
More very old “Fake News” from the BBC
According to the BBC, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury had a Black scribe. So we have a well educated literate English speaking Black man, christened and educated by the Protestant Church of England, and working as a scribe in Whitehall. In effect, Britain’s first Black Civil Servant. And that was shortly before England got involved with Black slavery.
Therefore his identity should be well known to the Black studies people, as Britain’s first Black Civil Servant.
But I am disappointed to say that its more likely to be a case of “BBC fake History” or “Fake History from the BBC” or “Old Fake News from the BBC”
He was a well known and documented scribe, at the time, working in what was then known, before cladding, as Blackhall. However, towards the end of James I reign it was decided to remove all references to his position and achievements from public records since to single him out for special mention was deemed racist.
Only the diligence and perseverance of the BBC has put the record straight.
Or we could just renegotiate the preEU Common Travel Agreement that basically allows Irish citizens free access to all things British. With the British economy set to implode after Brexit why would anyone leave Ireland and the EU to seek opportunities in employment and education, or to receive free healthcare, or to access the more generous benefits available just across the sea? I mean, it happens now, but if Ireland doesn’t want to continue in this way then I suppose the British will have to forego the opportunities that this agreement offers them should they wish to relocate to Ireland. I’m sure there are some.
I believe that this agreement was put in place to help Protestants in the Republic after Partition as many of them regarded themselves as British. Not as many of those in Eire anymore as NI offered many an escape from religious persecution and discrimination in the South, especially after the Wars, a kind of ethnic cleansing which thankfully is now in the past. Apparently.
Well it must be and any differences must be forgiven and forgotten, as according to the Irish Taoiseach the majority of people in Northern Ireland will claim Irish citizenship after Brexit to allow them to remain citizens of the EU, effectively therefore uniting Ireland and saving us all any bother as there won’t be any need for a border.
He stated this as not ‘ I think maybe ‘ or ‘ in my opinion ‘, but as a matter of fact when visiting Brussels the other day. The bBbc did report this but offered no reply from any representative of the 66% of the NI population who identify as British or Northern Irish, not Irish. Only 13% actually wanted a united Ireland according to the same 2015 bBbc/ RTE poll. Perhaps two years on this figure may have increased, but by a minimum of 38%?
In whose crystal balls did he see this future? Do the Euroscum he deals with in Brussels believe that wanting to remain in the EU, remembering that 44% voted Leave, pre all these shenanigans, equates to a desire for any sort of Dublin rule. I hope any negotiations aren’t relying on this happening as there would be, effectively, a civil war. Perhaps not as media friendly and vibrant as one that might occur somewhere warmer like, say, Catalonia, but certainly with many more experienced and increasingly polarised combatants. Not something the EU should be posturing and playing with.
Interestingly Mr Varadkar is often referred to by the bBbc as simply ‘the Taoiseach’, whereas Mrs May is usually identified as ‘ the British Prime Minister ‘ even though she is the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, just to clarify that they aren’t referring to Mr Varadkar, who they no doubt wish was Prime Minister.
Mr Varadkar’s sway and his actual jurisdiction does seem puzzling and so maybe the bBbc are confused as they continuously seek and report his opinion on all manner of internal NI affairs, seemingly unaware that he has no fuckin’ say whatsoever over anything that happens here.
Indeed, so fond is Leo of ‘ the crack ‘, borders have seemingly disappeared already as he swans around the island currying favour and tackling injustice. He popped up at Belfast Pride a while ago apparently unannounced and was in Londonderry the other day posing for photos on the Peace Bridge with some locals and some friends he had brought with him.
One of his companions from the South, who thoughtfully provided an umbrella in the Derry drizzle was the Sinn Fein Mayor of Donegal who had relocated across the border from Londonderry in 1984 to escape murder charges, apparently involved in the ambush of a part-time UDR man on his way home for lunch from his day job in a shop.
Identified by Sinn Fein as being ‘ an on-the-run’ and having never been extradited by the Irish to stand trial, as was often the case, Cllr Gerry McMonagle should have been arrested had the PSNI known he was on British soil.
Why didn’t they arrest him? Maybe they didn’t know. The Belfast Telegraph knew.
Did the bBbc know or subsequently report this? No. Not even in the section they have specifically for Derry? No
Did Leo Varadkar, holder of the moral high ground and superior intellect, know he was sharing a ‘ Peace Bridge ‘ with someone wanted for the murder of an off-duty servant of the Crown? Has his judgement been queried in anyway, his brutally inadequate skills of diplomacy and awareness exposed and the British people forewarned by an unbiased broadcaster? No.
If not why not?
Does he seriously believe that anyone, other than the poisonous bBbc, will accept that anything he says on NI’s future after Brexit has an ounce of integrity or any semblance of honesty?
Where are the journalists in the bBbc?
Inform us, let us think.
Mr Varadkar is of Celto-Indian ethnicity.
Wrong type I know, but can I say that he speaks with forked tongue?
Circle the wagons anyway folks because with the EU cowboys and Big Chief Talking Bull united against us in the Wild West of Fermanagh and Tyrone the bBbc will be trying to blow even more of their carbon neutral, nicotine free, penguin friendly smoke/ virtue signals up our arses than usual.