And as the weekend beckons, and the BBC dreams of future days of a Cornyn Marxist Government, here’s a NEW OPEN thread on which to detail the bias! Let’s be hearing from you then!!!
They keep running with the ‘unacceptable comments’ of Clive Lewis, and have even got Corbyn to condemn them. Apparently he said – trigger warning – “On your knees, bitch!”
O what horror! Get me to a safe space fast! Thank God we have the BBC here to police our thought and language, for these light-hearted words are a crime against humanity.
Nobody should ever have any fun or make any jokes in case somebody might pretend to be offended. Now that really is offensive.
So says our BBC man – presumably the weather has been ill, or was it broken?
The language with which BBC weather people headline their forecasts goes from bad to worse. From the inappropriate moral imperative of ‘warmer than it SHOULD be at this time of year’ through the End of Days Apocalyptic superlatives ‘catastrophic’ ‘worst since records began’, via the continual obsession with minor improvements in temperature to the Olympic-like quest for wettest, driest, longest, deepest (most record claims being so contrived they would surely have the McWhirters running onto the weather race track tooting on a referee’s whistle) Really, BBC, you expect a gold medal for ‘the hottest second Tuesday in July in Arbroath, ever!’
Someone please ‘mend’ the words used by the BBC in their weather forecasts.
Wonder how much ‘This is terrifying.’ cost the TV Tax Payer per letter typed by BBC’s Katty Kay? No actual news in the title – just a statement of drama. Save money and just type ‘OMG!’ all the time …
It’s comical that the BBC is ostensibly leading the fight against fake news; they ran an article about a visit from ‘journalists’ to a school where they did an exercise with children where they had to spot false stories. It is like Del Boy when he reads the Financial Times and carries a Filofax in an attempt to market himself as a serious businessman, when in reality he flogs stolen blow-up dolls and champagne called Mount Chernobyl.
When they originally ran with the fake news meme, they described it as outlandish tales such as the Pope declaring Trump a saint. Though such stories can be a minor irritant, they are a mere alcohol free shandy to the crack cocaine of fakery peddled by the Beeb.
The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. The BBC generally gets the broad facts of a story correct – or at least only subtly inaccurate – but the devil is in the detail, their spin on those facts. “Radicalised on the internet” vindicates an entire community in one fell swoop. Equally, men do earn more than women, but they generally spend that money on their women. Most would prefer to spend money without the drudgery of work, yet the BBC spin this as oppression. I could give countless other examples of the BBC misinterpreting facts to fit their agenda.
Having performed the sleight of hand, they then repeat the lie over and over through endless narratives – always narrative over facts, as narratives have more emotional impact and can be entirely unrepresentative of reality as a whole.
Thus we end up with a generation with minds full of garbage, akin to Del Boy’s boss-eyed dolls which speak Russian. They have been ripped off!
The first bias is GATEKEEPING
what they choose to report and what they choose to block
eg Calais vs Rotherham
eg the way TVland output is vastly gay and trans and non-white, than compared to general population
e.g the way reporting is intensely US centric, whilst whole wars in Africa are ignored
see how the BBC has great angst to correct imbalance when it comes to skin colour eg classical music
yet in athletics or rap music and probably pop music in general are disproportionately black
..and probably lacking in other race groups like Indian/East-Asian
No they don’t! If you believe that then the companies of the UK must be breaking the equalities act on a massive scale !
There is a gap between the genders but that is only because of the different choices women make to the work life balance.
Just to make life worse though is like all the meaningless ‘isms’ and ‘fauxbias’ there’s no such thing as ‘equality’ either.
A man has two identical piles of sand, and he needs them to be moved an identical distance. He advertises for two people to do this for him paying an identical amount for both.
He engages a man and a woman to undertake this work for him
(are you all satisfied that this is far and equal so far?)
The man however is much stronger than the woman and is able to complete the task in half the time. The woman complains that that hourly amount she has been paid is half that of the man and that she has been discriminated against.
The moral of the story here is that you cannot have equality unless you define at the outset what equality is, and that never happens.
It never happens for good reason. You think all those people in comfortable high paid jobs looking for this nonsense are going to make themselves redundant by saying it’s been achieved? of course not! It’s going to self perpetuate in ever decreasing circles ad infinitum!
UK head of state – a woman
UK Prime Minister – a woman
Scotland First Minister – a woman
Leaders of the 3 major parties in Scotland – women
Last Northern Ireland First Minister – a woman
Leader of the 2 major parties in Northern Ireland – women
Yes, well, when a certain death cult takes over, these will be regarded as the glory days.
As we all know, it’s not about equality, it’s about left wing politics using fabricated or highly exaggerated grievances to grab power. That’s why our strongest post-war PM never gets a mention, let alone praise. Wrong type of woman.
I meant that if you add up all the money earned by men and all the money earned by women men earn more, but that is only as they work longer hours and enter more high paying professions. I did not mean they would be paid the more for doing the same job.
Who’s on Desert Island Discs at 11:30am Radio4 ?
Edna Adan Ismail
Born in Somaliland, became a nurse in London
Married a man who became the Prime-minister of Somalia
Became her country’s first female foreign minister, she broke deep-rooted taboos by publicly condemning the widespread practice of female genital mutilation – FGM.
Now 80, she lives on site at her beloved hospital, where more than 22,000 babies have been born since it opened in 2002.
A survey of its news coverage during the period between May 3 and June 7 found that of 375 contributors, 189 were pro-EU or expressed negative opinions about Brexit, while just 140 were positive.
The report, carried out by media analysts News-watch and commissioned by a cross-party group of Eurosceptic MPs, also claims that BBC correspondents and presenters “one-sidedly emphasised the difficulties of Brexit” and that the BBC Reality Check team “put further undue weight on the disadvantages of leaving the EU”.
It criticises high-profile figures such as BBC News political editor Laura Kuenssberg for describing negotiations as “mind-bendingly complicated” and economics editor Kamal Ahmed for saying there was a “squeeze on earnings caused by Brexit”.
Interestingly, this doesn’t appear on the albeeb website. I’m struggling to think why???????
The main point made in the digital version of the DT said…the leave vote would have been much larger if the BBC had been fair!
The BBC has just started its latest anti UK democracy drama, Gunpowder.
It is written by a gentleman called Ronan Bennet. Now Ronan knows a few things about trying to destroy the British state. At the age of 18 he was convicted of murdering an Inspector in the Royal Ulster Constabulary during an IRA bank robbery. He moved to London and was soon on remand for conspiracy to cause explosions. What a delightful cove.
Who the hell would employ a terrorist like this? Step forward Jeremy Corbyn, who hired the potentially murderous jailbird as a researcher, a position which caused huge security headache and, not surprisingly, a fair whack of controversy.
But don’t worry, in case you want to direct him to the nearest food bank, the Guardian employs him full time, and he’s penned some feature films.
Now, no doubt, he is presently a reformed fellow who adores British democracy and would no longer wish to harm innocent people. However, I put it to the fair minded members of BiasedBBC that had he been a right wing terrorist, then no amount of self-analysis and reform would make him fit to be commissioned to write a BBC drama.
Just saying, that’s all.
I wondered why the drama, which has some excellent actors in it btw, presented the Catholics of the time as some kind of peaceful Hari Krishna group forced into hiding by psychopathic Prods. They didn’t, however, refer to the not so benign Catholic behaviour during Mary’s reign or their brutal treatment of Protestants on the Continent.
Self-confessed anarchist Ronan, 61 — whose 1975 murder conviction was overturned — was cleared again in 1979 of charges including possessing an explosive substance.
He spent 18 months behind bars after being wrongly convicted of the IRA murder of a policeman in the 1970s.
The Sun
Mr Bennett said he “had a major problem” with the concept of the armed struggle. His view of revolutionary politics did not involve blowing up civilians. But when he was asked whether he would turn in the Omagh bombers if he found out who they were, Mr Bennett said “No.”
For those unfamiliar with the Omagh bombing. The bombers are still at liberty, shielded by the Omerta of those who share the sentiment of Bennett. The bomb was accompanied by misleading warnings and killed 29 people and injured over 300. “To see him lying there with half of his (12 years old James Barker) head gone and those beautiful green eyes looking out at me as if he was waiting for me was devastating. I never realised how green his eyes were. That image will stay with me for the rest of my life”
SDLP leader John Hume said “When you look at the faces of those young children and see the terrible suffering inflicted on their families, you wonder what sort of people are these who can leave those children in the coffin the way they are.”
A partial answer to John Hume would be that the bombers were the sort of people that the likes of Bennett would not ‘turn in’.
Injured survivor Marion Radford described hearing an “unearthly bang”, followed by “an eeriness, a darkness that had just come over the place”, then the screams as she saw “bits of bodies, limbs or something” on the ground while she searched for her 16-year-old son, Alan. She later discovered he had been killed only yards away from her, the two having become separated minutes before the blast
Consider again now that two years later Bennett can say ‘I would not turn in the [Omagh] bombers’. I’ll just leave that there.
Why is it unfair that fewer schools from the North send pupils to Oxbridge?
Perhaps families who settle in the Home Counties are more likely to value education and have a strong work ethic, which is why they can afford to live near London in the first place.
There is one community in which the number of unemployed men is more than double the national average, and this community is more prevalent in the North. I have taught in certain schools where you could not motivate some kids as they only aspired to become taxi drivers. Of course that hate fact could have nothing to do with it.
This whole fuss over BAME students at Oxbridge is completely unwarranted. Sure they are underrepresented compared to their proportion of the population, but UCAS and others have shown many times that based on A-level results they are no less likely to get into top universities than any one else with the same grades, and in fact generally are accepted more often than public school candidates with the same grades.
It just happens that many of the public school candidates (many of whom are on scholarships) got better grades, passed more exams, or even got their grades at a younger age.
What do they expect Oxford and Cambridge to do? Reject more accomplished candidates to meet racial quotas? Fortunately most Oxbridge colleges are completely colour-blind in their selection processes and pick the best candidates they are presented with.
Memo to self: always tune the kitchen radio back to Classic FM after listening to the news on R4.
Last night I forgot, so this morning I had to endure a blatantly Labourite plug for ‘Universal Credit’ in which some commentator was allowed to read a script written for him by Seamus Milne, followed by someone else who dared to criticise the UN being interrupted with a clearly affronted ‘… in your opinion!’ by the programme’s presenter.
Radio 4, already damaged beyond belief a year ago, has now been rendered unlistenable – a constant stream of dreary right–on, virtue signalling socialism
Yes, I agree. Global FM offers ‘news’ that comes direct from the Guardian’s waste bin. Sadly, Classic FM is like taking refuge in McDonalds during a famine. It’s not that what they are offering is any good, it’s just better than nothing.
I had a visit in the dark hours from our local Stasi last night. Two of them.
The local council has taken in a number of muslim ‘refugee’ families and given them homes in the village. After the event of hoisting and waving the banners that said, “Welcome Refugees”, the do-gooder dhimmis/kafirs have arranged three weekday events where they ask other villagers to, ‘Come and Meet’ the new arrivals. Not being sure which days/times, I called into the local hall where the gatherings take place and discovered they were not present that day (last Wednesday). I said to the Caretaker that I had, “come to meet the muzzies”. “Muzzies” is a term commonplace for those ex pats living in the Middle East. It is more pleasant than, for example, “Rag Heads”. He replied that the next session was Monday 23.10.17. That was that – no further dialogue. I left. Then the arrival of two police yesterday evening in Orwellian fashion implying that I could not use the term: ‘muzzies’. The threat was there. Next time I see the Caretaker I will convey my wish that he receives the Stalin medal ‘For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order’ for alerting the police…………….
Meanwhile, praying five times a day somewhere near you during which the quaran is recited and certainly one of the hundreds of references to the evil ‘kafirs’………..
‘1984’ – well underway.
Is this a case of #MoreEqualThan ?
Do the officers visit houses of anyone using the word Kaffir, Matt Salleh, Gweilo, gringo ?
What do they do if the find someone carrying a book that saying there are 3 classes of people Muslims/Other People of the book ..and a third class who are looked down upon for no sharing the same god
Even though the caretaker might not have told the police personally, but told someone else (who told someone else ……who told the police), he should be made fully aware of the implications – perhaps by a lesson in 20th century history and earlier (Inquisition, Salem and witch hunting).
Also, I think this should be made public knowledge in your village so that others can see they have a clear choice. This really needs to be talked about openly.
I know this is easy for me to say as I don’t have to live with the consequences, but I hope it is something I would be able to do in similar circumstances.
It was the caretaker but the remarkable thing is, he doesn’t know me at all well but the police came to my address having ascertained, from somewhere, (certainly not the caretaker directly) it was me and where I live. Crazy thing is, apart from the muzzies, I’m the only other person in the village that can speak any Arabic.
Smallish village in West Wales………………….
Rest assured I will be advising those that frequent the WMC in due course.
Without getting too personal, do you sound English?
I know that there is still much hostility by some against the English, in West Wales.
A few years ago, I gave a part time job to a local girl who said – talking about WW2 – that she and her family all wished Germany had won WW2 as it had been against the English.
This is a true story – not hearsay, but first hand.
Yup, English. Your example is not readily apparent generally in this location. But there, as we know of the subject matter (muzzies), whether the multikulti adherents like it or not, when the sh1t hits the fan, you side with who and what you are comfortable/familiar with.
I sometimes wonder whether long term hostilities become so engrained that they are irremovable.
I sound very English ( Celtic/AngloSaxon ).
Would my common heritage with the Welsh in these islands of Britain guarantee our mutuality and my safety in any Moslem based civil strife?
I hope so – but I would stay alert for any hostile signs.
Perhaps a sensible precaution.
This is really depressing. This seeding of villages and remote areas ( like Bute) seems to be deliberate. The powers that be won’t be happy until there’s a mosk in even the smallest village in the land. There won’t be anywhere to go to get away from f–king izzlam. I spell muzzie terms wrongly as a pathetic small act of protest. Wish there was more I could do. Wish so many natives were not so gullible and pliant.
It’s people like you who are causing the rise in violent crime and making London more dangerous than New York.
Just because of you, 2 policepersons have to come out and tell you off for calling rag heads ‘muzzies’ and stopping them from proper crime fighting.
No wonder crime is rising.
All the time spent on bacon related atrocities could be avoided if people like you G would hold back with these terrible ‘hate crimes’ committed by people who are literally worse than Hitler (I’ve read that somewhere)
I wonder how some schoolgirl who has been r@ped by muzz.. sorry, somebody, would feel knowing that she (or he, have to include that now or I’ll be getting a visit) cannot have the case investigated because of lack of police.
Just out of interest, how many police would it take to investigate 1,400 child r@pes.
G, it does seem that we live in crazy times.
Books like 1984 coming true.
Animal Farm.
Crazy situations being accepted like in Catch 22.
Yes Minister being more believable than the real parliament.
I remember when we used to joke about words changing from blackboard to chalkboard and we would do things like take it to the extremes. Not chairperson but things like Personchester or the Isle of Person. It’s happening though, bit by bit the pc lot are getting their way by being offended at everything and the wedge is becoming thicker.
If someone had written a book back around 1990 about the current goings on it would have been filed in the comedy part of the library and things like your visit by knacker of the yard would
have just been ridiculous and laughable.
Now, in this time it’s ominous.
Throwaway sayings are becoming solid truths such as:
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
G, I have to agree with Tom J “this is alarming”
Putting Mohammedans everywhere & in effect immediately enforcing blasphemy laws on native citizens is like something out of a horror film.
Spin Spin spin
A BBC weather report ..See the Saturday report wind blowing at mean of 20 knots
Look down to 14:00 and see the MEAN speed is 20 knots
What’s the MEAN speed at 15:00 ?
… 41 knots ?
..NOPE you see, if the symbol is black that is the GUST speed
Paul Homewood points out the BBC uses the gust speed to hype scares
On windfinder they show wind speed (kts) and wind gusts (max kts) in separate rows, with colour codes, so the difference between the two is obvious at a glance for whichever weather station is selected. Handy for dummies like me who just want a quick forecast.
But of course the Beeb always have an agenda.
countryblues, you are right. There are occasions when the forecast completely omits any reference to London, the Home Counties and the south-east of England. As this is where the bulk of the UK population now lives, you would think they would be keen to provide a better service.
I keep on intending to complain to Gwynneth but don’t get to do it because I half feel it will be a complete waste of a stamp.
The simplest solution is to divide the UK into fixed areas and do the weather forecast like the Shipping Forecast, reporting every area, come what may. Alternate forecasts could be done in a different order so that someone turning on their radio a fraction late might still have a chance of catching a weather warning for their area.
Let’s never forget that the European Court of Human Rights has determined that sharia law is incompatible with Western values
You know, that’s the ECHR which we hold in so much esteem for protecting criminals and terrorists.
I’d write to the chief constable and lodge a formal complaint as valuable police time was wasted . If the Stasi who busted you suspected you had committed an offence you should have been cautioned . If not they have breached their own rules . I’d avoid the snitch and tell the rest of the village of a like mind to us . Awful times
Mogg Alert
Next week on LBC : James O’Brien is off , so guests are covering
Monday 10:00-13:00 It’s Jacob Rees Mogg
5 days, 5 different voices standing in for James O’Brien. Mon: Jacob Rees-Mogg Tue: Chuka Umunna. Stay tuned for the other guest hosts.
In case you don’t feel like clicking on the link (and I don’t blame you), yes, she is really getting the “Wonder Woman Award” from the Women’s Media Center. Woohoohoo … that should be The Wondering Woman Award. And perhaps her book should be retitled from “What Happened” to “I Wonder What Happened”. (I suspect Trump’s reply would be something like “Wonderful Trump Happened!”).
The judgment of the panel is truly to be wondered at …
R4 “The Food Program” is currently broadcasting a discussion about how the family meal is an idealised concept that probably never existed.
“Shelia Dillon explores the reality and the myth of eating as a family”
Whether you believe the right’s description of ‘Marxist Culturalism’ or not, the term does describe a particular drive of the BBC to erase British and western culture.
Yes, the family dinner did exist, as much because it was easier to create a single meal for all the family in one go as anything cultural. But it did exist and still does in my family. Though I know many families where it has sadly vanished due to computers and tv sets in everyone’s bedroom.
No one actually challenged the dopey academic who put forward this daft notion.
I remember as a child in the sixties, visiting my grandparents for the family dinner, which did exist, no individually microwave meals in the 1960’s. The only thing that’s different from today is saying grace at the dinner table, all sitting around the table praying our thanks to the lord for what he has delivered on to the table.
The idea of a family meal as an idealised concept that probably never existed, would come from someone who probably lives alone, only ever seen meals come out of a microwave, never seen an oven in use and on Xmas day, would sit alone, eating a microwaved turkey dinner from Kershaws, because her local restaurant was closed on Xmas day.
A case of BBC fake history that tells you more about the left-wing weirdoes invited onto the BBC, than the real world.
Shadow foreign secretary telling us on Marr show it’s Britain’s intransigence will lead to no deal. Headline on the website aswell. Another platform to bash Britain supplied with our money. Of course the Barnier’s etc are bending over backwards aren’t they. Absolute joke how they portray this subject.
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has an article about the Today programme’s 60th birthday and questions why Sarah Montague “earns such a pittance……and does not even make the BBC’s top earners list?”
Could it be anything to do with the fact that she’s absolutely useless and if she wasn’t a woman she’d struggle to get a job on hospital radio?
Since her other name is Lady Brooke cos her husband inherited the family baronetcy, to become Sir Christopher Brooke, that might provide a reason why her agent Noel Gay hasn’t been working flat out for her to get cash to pay the bills .
She might be rich already through her previous stockbroker jobs and business she owns.
A white, female reporter in Manchester is disguised “using prosthetics and make-up, Katie’s appearance will be transformed to make her look as if she, too, is of Pakistani heritage, a way of both immersing her in Saima’s community and showing her what it is like to experience racism on the streets.”
If she had gone to the Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena in May and not bothered with the make-up and disguise, she could have experienced what real racism is like.
Oh dear Moogarbi isn’t and ambassador and more .,I guess the person who gave it to him had to give the bung back . Reported factually by al beeb without any implication of routine corruption using taxpayers cash
1:40pm Radio4 Lesley Curwen Report about her agonising about her 20 year old Renault Scenic diesel
See how her LOGIC LEAPS turn her diesel car into an evil demon.
That’s strange cos it causes close to zero pollution harm in an average village .
I try to quote her words from the prog
Most vehicles here are diesel, including my two 4x4s. I wouldn’t have anything else, and nor would most of the French, especially in rural areas. Why are people so easily frightened by bugger all? The world’s gone bonkers, in this, the first Age of Stupid.
In regard of diesel then?
What roles did
a) The Green Party
b) Gordon Brown/Alastair Darling
c) Ed and David Miliband
d) Sir David King as Chief Scientific Adviser
play in this scandalous science and global warming horlicks?
Include the E.U if you like-what percentage of blame should we be allocating to these clowns who`ve quietly slunk off to leave us in the fumes and all the poorer?
I myself blame The Greens and David King the most-take this snake oil merchants knighthood off him!
Alicia, oil companies* and car companies have questions over donations to be answered along with companies that make money from things like Congestion Charging, signage, other road layout changes.
* The oil companies and Treasury have benefited most from this in the UK, probably the car companies the least. If (please note the if) the Green Party and other environmental campaigning groups and individuals, Porritt, Monbiot, etc., received donations then the whole thing stinks and hauliers & drivers should create a massive stink twice the size so that there is a major criminal and very wide-ranging investigation over this whole affair.
“Keir Starmer: Labour to back Tory rebels on Brexit deal”
This man was appointed to the role of Director of Public Prosecutions by the Gordon Brown Government.
The role called for someone to be intelligent, honest, fair and politically impartial.
He is now a senior minister in the Jeremy Corbyn cabinet and is doing everything he can to undermine the democratic will of the British people – something that is neither intelligent, honest, fair or politically impartial.
Everything the Labour party do is corrupt from start to finish.
Now let’s view this sensibly. How can one possibly expect to wreck a nation without some degree of corruption? It simply cannot be done old chap.
Warwickshire Police dealing with an “on going incident” which is, “not terrorist related”. BBC showing the police tweet as the information “just released” timed at 0916 AM. Make of that what you will. I note that every incident is now, not terror related.
I recall a few days ago a BBC News Channel paper review where the BBC-friendly reviewer was asked about the derivation of the term fake news. He obfuscated somewhat and suggested the term could be 20 years old. “I should know this”, he shrugged.
Odd, I thought. Seeing as you are a journo, that’s like a lawyer not knowing a bit of case law but busking it anyway. Not very professional.
My understanding is that the recent high profile of the term fake news began during the Presidential Election with a US academic drawing up a list of right of centre news sources (ie non-Democrat leaning) which it was hoped all right thinking people were to shun.
Trump, bless him, hit back and claimed the term using it against the mainstream media.
I imagine all RIGHT thinking people know exactly what to shun. Sorry I don’t know the answer to your question but there are some pretty knowledgeable people on this site.
Country-SJW-File prog opens
and then Craven is talking again about farms “diversifying”
“here we are are at this farm where to highlight food wastage they are having a charity festival the Big Feast
..where they’ll farm 1,000 people from one bullock”
Seems over 4 nights they served 250 meals per night
Well a bullock 500 to 1,000 Kg
The Doom story was about p;an to divert footpaths during livestock times , due to too many off lead dogs
#1 bet most attacks don’t happen when dogs owners is there
#2 Some dog owners..IGNORE the rule about dogs on lead
So you introduce a rule for temp diversions.. the same owners will ignore As WELL
……and taking a dog, on a lead, through a field of cattle can result in an ‘adventure’.
Standard advice is ‘When attacked by cattle, release the dog to avoid injury from the cattle’.
Yes when it’s important to classify a reply a LibMob make
If they reply with an ATTACK reply with
“Ah I see you reply with an ATTACK on me, probably cos you can’t address my arguments”
Now it is all getting anatomically complex. Amol is inspecting Nick’s navel, as he tries to still run with the ‘we screw up everywhere’ justification. Too many bbc orifices in play now.
BBC ask if we got the in joke made by Clinton on stage with Obama and Bush. Why ask? Was it directed at Trump? Presenter giggles and looks down … is this news or comedy on BBC £3.5bn news service?
Mail : “Poppy Day parades to honour Britain’s war dead are facing the axe because police chiefs across the country are refusing to send officers to block off roads.
Instead, volunteers are battling to raise hundreds of pounds to hire professional traffic management firms to meet strict health and safety standards.”
IIRC, the then Home Secretary cancelled a speaking visit by Gellar and Spencer on the basis that those disturbed by what they had to say had threatened to kick off.
It is therefore hard to reconcile Theresa and Amber’s new feminised government of high heels seemingly approving events with proven records of hostility versus those that do not.
Get the army to manage the poppy parade and then cancel all next year’s carnivals to pay for it. Remove all diversity police officers and all those that signed off on painting police cars, painting nails and wraring women’s shoes.
“BBC is inundated with 1,000 complaints a DAY: Corporation receives 17 times as many objections as their rivals, figures reveal
(988 complaints every working day..a re-edit from the Mail from 685/day)”
BBC rebutted with
#1 OK
#2 What BBC doesn’t do is break down the tally
#3 OK
#4 OK
#5 What BBC doesn’t do is break down the tally, so you can’t see complaint totals for each prog
“Ofcom has said the BBC only has to publish exact numbers for programmes with 100 or more objections.
But the Corporation has defied the order”
#6 As for the total, most people gave up complaining and just expect the BBC has a culture of LibMob bias.
“A BBC spokesman said: ‘Public satisfaction remains high”
Where’s the evidence ?
Hard to reconcile ‘free, open and broad debate’ with an entity that self oversees and is exempted from foi requests, rendering it effectively unaccountable. Well, on top of the force funding, no matter what.
Gunpowder’s Brutal Violence Proves A Little Too Much For Some Squeamish Viewers.
Actually, the torture scenes were historically correct and accurate.
What proved to much for me however was they still had to shoehorn in a couple of black extras.
That made me squeamish……
Comedy is often at someone else’s expense. With their whole hate/thought crime campaign, the only people it is ok to take the piss out of are white men.
The best comedy on the BBC these days is their ‘news’ articles. Their sage advice about when you should touch a girl on a date was reminiscent of the glory days of The Day Today.
The BBC South Africa correspondent on News 24 yesterday evening tied himself up in knots to paint Mugabe as a kindly old duffer who has been in power for 37 years.He said he has a lot of support among other African leaders and highlighted his input during the transition from Rhodesia.He waxed lyrical about how there used to be a fully functioning health service ,without mentioning it was set upduring the Rhodesia years and collapsed under Mugabe.
At no stage did he mention him being a despot who seized power and was elected then hung on though many crooked elections .He never mentioned him turning Zimbabwe into a basket case and a policy of seizing farms and driving the food industry into the ground.He let his people starve.
Any young person listening to the correspondent would think kingly Mugabe is a victim of white discrimination by having the WHO appointment rescinded.
Thousands March? 99 thousand or 1 thousand? Ariel photos please BBC… surely the BBC £3.5bn news service can afford a little drone to scan from above to give an overview of the crowd size. Surely!
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ZephirFeb 24, 07:34 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Dismal prison, lying twats: “Rise of middle class in Gaza fuels resentment. Gazans claim Hamas has become rich at the…
Fedup2Feb 24, 07:21 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Guest – the lady has become part of my ‘routine ‘ online together with a few presenters on fox -…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 07:20 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Germany’s conservatives celebrate, but far right enjoy record result Without even reading the full “report” you can tell the…
Guest WhoFeb 24, 07:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Doing what you said you would do that got you elected is very bad. Apparently. This as a bunch of…
Guest WhoFeb 24, 07:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Just JonDon being JonDon. Jon is an @bbcnews correspondent. He sees Hamas abusing and torturing Israeli hostages on TV.…
Another Weinstein story that didn’t make it onto the BBC.
Another Weinstein story that didn’t make it onto the BBC.
Another Weinstein story that didn’t make it onto the BBC.
Another Weinstein story that didn’t make it onto the BBC.
They keep running with the ‘unacceptable comments’ of Clive Lewis, and have even got Corbyn to condemn them. Apparently he said – trigger warning – “On your knees, bitch!”
O what horror! Get me to a safe space fast! Thank God we have the BBC here to police our thought and language, for these light-hearted words are a crime against humanity.
Nobody should ever have any fun or make any jokes in case somebody might pretend to be offended. Now that really is offensive.
Beeb Bro.
Not to mention downright sinister.
It really is like watching Brass Eye
“The weather is on the mend”
So says our BBC man – presumably the weather has been ill, or was it broken?
The language with which BBC weather people headline their forecasts goes from bad to worse. From the inappropriate moral imperative of ‘warmer than it SHOULD be at this time of year’ through the End of Days Apocalyptic superlatives ‘catastrophic’ ‘worst since records began’, via the continual obsession with minor improvements in temperature to the Olympic-like quest for wettest, driest, longest, deepest (most record claims being so contrived they would surely have the McWhirters running onto the weather race track tooting on a referee’s whistle) Really, BBC, you expect a gold medal for ‘the hottest second Tuesday in July in Arbroath, ever!’
Someone please ‘mend’ the words used by the BBC in their weather forecasts.
No wonder Katty is freaked out. The BBC’s editorial suite tricks have been trumped even further anc now no one will trust anything they churn out.
Wonder how much ‘This is terrifying.’ cost the TV Tax Payer per letter typed by BBC’s Katty Kay? No actual news in the title – just a statement of drama. Save money and just type ‘OMG!’ all the time …
A lot.
Actually for her a big day’s work.
Usually she finds a trump bashing chum and simply RTs them.
Here’s is the quoted tweet
(You guys must be on Apple or something cos I don’t see it in the above comment ..either on PC or Android)
It’s comical that the BBC is ostensibly leading the fight against fake news; they ran an article about a visit from ‘journalists’ to a school where they did an exercise with children where they had to spot false stories. It is like Del Boy when he reads the Financial Times and carries a Filofax in an attempt to market himself as a serious businessman, when in reality he flogs stolen blow-up dolls and champagne called Mount Chernobyl.
When they originally ran with the fake news meme, they described it as outlandish tales such as the Pope declaring Trump a saint. Though such stories can be a minor irritant, they are a mere alcohol free shandy to the crack cocaine of fakery peddled by the Beeb.
The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. The BBC generally gets the broad facts of a story correct – or at least only subtly inaccurate – but the devil is in the detail, their spin on those facts. “Radicalised on the internet” vindicates an entire community in one fell swoop. Equally, men do earn more than women, but they generally spend that money on their women. Most would prefer to spend money without the drudgery of work, yet the BBC spin this as oppression. I could give countless other examples of the BBC misinterpreting facts to fit their agenda.
Having performed the sleight of hand, they then repeat the lie over and over through endless narratives – always narrative over facts, as narratives have more emotional impact and can be entirely unrepresentative of reality as a whole.
Thus we end up with a generation with minds full of garbage, akin to Del Boy’s boss-eyed dolls which speak Russian. They have been ripped off!
“Is the BBC worth £145 a month?”
“Is the BBC’s threat of prison justified?”
“Is the BBC a safe space for pedophiles and misfits?”
“Is the BBC going to report on Gavin Hewitt’s sep2015 fake news?”
“a month” you mean “a year”
£3.5bn a year … typed in a rush. Thanks.
The first bias is GATEKEEPING
what they choose to report and what they choose to block
eg Calais vs Rotherham
eg the way TVland output is vastly gay and trans and non-white, than compared to general population
e.g the way reporting is intensely US centric, whilst whole wars in Africa are ignored
see how the BBC has great angst to correct imbalance when it comes to skin colour eg classical music
yet in athletics or rap music and probably pop music in general are disproportionately black
..and probably lacking in other race groups like Indian/East-Asian
Also sad that on here people believe the fakery:
“men do earn more than women”
No they don’t! If you believe that then the companies of the UK must be breaking the equalities act on a massive scale !
There is a gap between the genders but that is only because of the different choices women make to the work life balance.
Just to make life worse though is like all the meaningless ‘isms’ and ‘fauxbias’ there’s no such thing as ‘equality’ either.
A man has two identical piles of sand, and he needs them to be moved an identical distance. He advertises for two people to do this for him paying an identical amount for both.
He engages a man and a woman to undertake this work for him
(are you all satisfied that this is far and equal so far?)
The man however is much stronger than the woman and is able to complete the task in half the time. The woman complains that that hourly amount she has been paid is half that of the man and that she has been discriminated against.
The moral of the story here is that you cannot have equality unless you define at the outset what equality is, and that never happens.
It never happens for good reason. You think all those people in comfortable high paid jobs looking for this nonsense are going to make themselves redundant by saying it’s been achieved? of course not! It’s going to self perpetuate in ever decreasing circles ad infinitum!
UK head of state – a woman
UK Prime Minister – a woman
Scotland First Minister – a woman
Leaders of the 3 major parties in Scotland – women
Last Northern Ireland First Minister – a woman
Leader of the 2 major parties in Northern Ireland – women
The oppression and exclusion of women continues!
Yes, well, when a certain death cult takes over, these will be regarded as the glory days.
As we all know, it’s not about equality, it’s about left wing politics using fabricated or highly exaggerated grievances to grab power. That’s why our strongest post-war PM never gets a mention, let alone praise. Wrong type of woman.
These people do not represent me.
I meant that if you add up all the money earned by men and all the money earned by women men earn more, but that is only as they work longer hours and enter more high paying professions. I did not mean they would be paid the more for doing the same job.
Who’s on Desert Island Discs at 11:30am Radio4 ?
Edna Adan Ismail
Born in Somaliland, became a nurse in London
Married a man who became the Prime-minister of Somalia
Became her country’s first female foreign minister, she broke deep-rooted taboos by publicly condemning the widespread practice of female genital mutilation – FGM.
Now 80, she lives on site at her beloved hospital, where more than 22,000 babies have been born since it opened in 2002.
The BBC invited a third more pro-EU speakers than anti-EU speakers to appear during the election campaign, a report has revealed.
A survey of its news coverage during the period between May 3 and June 7 found that of 375 contributors, 189 were pro-EU or expressed negative opinions about Brexit, while just 140 were positive.
The report, carried out by media analysts News-watch and commissioned by a cross-party group of Eurosceptic MPs, also claims that BBC correspondents and presenters “one-sidedly emphasised the difficulties of Brexit” and that the BBC Reality Check team “put further undue weight on the disadvantages of leaving the EU”.
It criticises high-profile figures such as BBC News political editor Laura Kuenssberg for describing negotiations as “mind-bendingly complicated” and economics editor Kamal Ahmed for saying there was a “squeeze on earnings caused by Brexit”.
Interestingly, this doesn’t appear on the albeeb website. I’m struggling to think why???????
The main point made in the digital version of the DT said…the leave vote would have been much larger if the BBC had been fair!
The BBC has just started its latest anti UK democracy drama, Gunpowder.
It is written by a gentleman called Ronan Bennet. Now Ronan knows a few things about trying to destroy the British state. At the age of 18 he was convicted of murdering an Inspector in the Royal Ulster Constabulary during an IRA bank robbery. He moved to London and was soon on remand for conspiracy to cause explosions. What a delightful cove.
Who the hell would employ a terrorist like this? Step forward Jeremy Corbyn, who hired the potentially murderous jailbird as a researcher, a position which caused huge security headache and, not surprisingly, a fair whack of controversy.
But don’t worry, in case you want to direct him to the nearest food bank, the Guardian employs him full time, and he’s penned some feature films.
Now, no doubt, he is presently a reformed fellow who adores British democracy and would no longer wish to harm innocent people. However, I put it to the fair minded members of BiasedBBC that had he been a right wing terrorist, then no amount of self-analysis and reform would make him fit to be commissioned to write a BBC drama.
Just saying, that’s all.
Excellent post, Scribblingscribe.
Ditto, solid post.
I wondered why the drama, which has some excellent actors in it btw, presented the Catholics of the time as some kind of peaceful Hari Krishna group forced into hiding by psychopathic Prods. They didn’t, however, refer to the not so benign Catholic behaviour during Mary’s reign or their brutal treatment of Protestants on the Continent.
Later cleared
Maybe a story planted by his PR guys, cos the Sun isn’t that caring what it writes about the little guys
Wrongly convicted in the same way the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six were wrongly convicted?
A truly charming man.
‘I would not turn in the [Omagh] bombers’
Mr Bennett said he “had a major problem” with the concept of the armed struggle. His view of revolutionary politics did not involve blowing up civilians. But when he was asked whether he would turn in the Omagh bombers if he found out who they were, Mr Bennett said “No.”
For those unfamiliar with the Omagh bombing. The bombers are still at liberty, shielded by the Omerta of those who share the sentiment of Bennett. The bomb was accompanied by misleading warnings and killed 29 people and injured over 300.
“To see him lying there with half of his (12 years old James Barker) head gone and those beautiful green eyes looking out at me as if he was waiting for me was devastating. I never realised how green his eyes were. That image will stay with me for the rest of my life”
SDLP leader John Hume said “When you look at the faces of those young children and see the terrible suffering inflicted on their families, you wonder what sort of people are these who can leave those children in the coffin the way they are.”
A partial answer to John Hume would be that the bombers were the sort of people that the likes of Bennett would not ‘turn in’.
Injured survivor Marion Radford described hearing an “unearthly bang”, followed by “an eeriness, a darkness that had just come over the place”, then the screams as she saw “bits of bodies, limbs or something” on the ground while she searched for her 16-year-old son, Alan. She later discovered he had been killed only yards away from her, the two having become separated minutes before the blast
Consider again now that two years later Bennett can say ‘I would not turn in the [Omagh] bombers’. I’ll just leave that there.
Why is it unfair that fewer schools from the North send pupils to Oxbridge?
Perhaps families who settle in the Home Counties are more likely to value education and have a strong work ethic, which is why they can afford to live near London in the first place.
There is one community in which the number of unemployed men is more than double the national average, and this community is more prevalent in the North. I have taught in certain schools where you could not motivate some kids as they only aspired to become taxi drivers. Of course that hate fact could have nothing to do with it.
This whole fuss over BAME students at Oxbridge is completely unwarranted. Sure they are underrepresented compared to their proportion of the population, but UCAS and others have shown many times that based on A-level results they are no less likely to get into top universities than any one else with the same grades, and in fact generally are accepted more often than public school candidates with the same grades.
It just happens that many of the public school candidates (many of whom are on scholarships) got better grades, passed more exams, or even got their grades at a younger age.
What do they expect Oxford and Cambridge to do? Reject more accomplished candidates to meet racial quotas? Fortunately most Oxbridge colleges are completely colour-blind in their selection processes and pick the best candidates they are presented with.
Mrs Balls talking balls on Peston (ITV).
Memo to self: always tune the kitchen radio back to Classic FM after listening to the news on R4.
Last night I forgot, so this morning I had to endure a blatantly Labourite plug for ‘Universal Credit’ in which some commentator was allowed to read a script written for him by Seamus Milne, followed by someone else who dared to criticise the UN being interrupted with a clearly affronted ‘… in your opinion!’ by the programme’s presenter.
Radio 4, already damaged beyond belief a year ago, has now been rendered unlistenable – a constant stream of dreary right–on, virtue signalling socialism
All is relative.
Ours still goes off from five to, to five past the hour to spare us the ads and Global ‘news’.
Yes, I agree. Global FM offers ‘news’ that comes direct from the Guardian’s waste bin. Sadly, Classic FM is like taking refuge in McDonalds during a famine. It’s not that what they are offering is any good, it’s just better than nothing.
First the Danes –
And just, the Swedes –
Where next?
I had a visit in the dark hours from our local Stasi last night. Two of them.
The local council has taken in a number of muslim ‘refugee’ families and given them homes in the village. After the event of hoisting and waving the banners that said, “Welcome Refugees”, the do-gooder dhimmis/kafirs have arranged three weekday events where they ask other villagers to, ‘Come and Meet’ the new arrivals. Not being sure which days/times, I called into the local hall where the gatherings take place and discovered they were not present that day (last Wednesday). I said to the Caretaker that I had, “come to meet the muzzies”. “Muzzies” is a term commonplace for those ex pats living in the Middle East. It is more pleasant than, for example, “Rag Heads”. He replied that the next session was Monday 23.10.17. That was that – no further dialogue. I left. Then the arrival of two police yesterday evening in Orwellian fashion implying that I could not use the term: ‘muzzies’. The threat was there. Next time I see the Caretaker I will convey my wish that he receives the Stalin medal ‘For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order’ for alerting the police…………….
Meanwhile, praying five times a day somewhere near you during which the quaran is recited and certainly one of the hundreds of references to the evil ‘kafirs’………..
‘1984’ – well underway.
Is this a case of #MoreEqualThan ?
Do the officers visit houses of anyone using the word Kaffir, Matt Salleh, Gweilo, gringo ?
What do they do if the find someone carrying a book that saying there are 3 classes of people Muslims/Other People of the book ..and a third class who are looked down upon for no sharing the same god
I will be ostracised in the village. Or perhaps that is, ‘ostrichcised’…………….
Don’t lose you head G 😉
This is alarming.
Even though the caretaker might not have told the police personally, but told someone else (who told someone else ……who told the police), he should be made fully aware of the implications – perhaps by a lesson in 20th century history and earlier (Inquisition, Salem and witch hunting).
Also, I think this should be made public knowledge in your village so that others can see they have a clear choice. This really needs to be talked about openly.
I know this is easy for me to say as I don’t have to live with the consequences, but I hope it is something I would be able to do in similar circumstances.
It was the caretaker but the remarkable thing is, he doesn’t know me at all well but the police came to my address having ascertained, from somewhere, (certainly not the caretaker directly) it was me and where I live. Crazy thing is, apart from the muzzies, I’m the only other person in the village that can speak any Arabic.
Smallish village in West Wales………………….
Rest assured I will be advising those that frequent the WMC in due course.
Without getting too personal, do you sound English?
I know that there is still much hostility by some against the English, in West Wales.
A few years ago, I gave a part time job to a local girl who said – talking about WW2 – that she and her family all wished Germany had won WW2 as it had been against the English.
This is a true story – not hearsay, but first hand.
Perhaps the caretaker harbours similar thoughts.
Yup, English. Your example is not readily apparent generally in this location. But there, as we know of the subject matter (muzzies), whether the multikulti adherents like it or not, when the sh1t hits the fan, you side with who and what you are comfortable/familiar with.
I sometimes wonder whether long term hostilities become so engrained that they are irremovable.
I sound very English ( Celtic/AngloSaxon ).
Would my common heritage with the Welsh in these islands of Britain guarantee our mutuality and my safety in any Moslem based civil strife?
I hope so – but I would stay alert for any hostile signs.
Perhaps a sensible precaution.
This is really depressing. This seeding of villages and remote areas ( like Bute) seems to be deliberate. The powers that be won’t be happy until there’s a mosk in even the smallest village in the land. There won’t be anywhere to go to get away from f–king izzlam. I spell muzzie terms wrongly as a pathetic small act of protest. Wish there was more I could do. Wish so many natives were not so gullible and pliant.
It’s people like you who are causing the rise in violent crime and making London more dangerous than New York.
Just because of you, 2 policepersons have to come out and tell you off for calling rag heads ‘muzzies’ and stopping them from proper crime fighting.
No wonder crime is rising.
All the time spent on bacon related atrocities could be avoided if people like you G would hold back with these terrible ‘hate crimes’ committed by people who are literally worse than Hitler (I’ve read that somewhere)
I wonder how some schoolgirl who has been r@ped by muzz.. sorry, somebody, would feel knowing that she (or he, have to include that now or I’ll be getting a visit) cannot have the case investigated because of lack of police.
Just out of interest, how many police would it take to investigate 1,400 child r@pes.
While we are on the subject of police and islamic crime, I had completely forgotten this one ––long-parents-dont-tell-anyone.html
Whatever happened to police pursuing the accomplice crimes of Aiding, Abetting, Counselling and Procuring? All a defendant needs to know is that the act or circumstance constitutes a crime. Patently it would in the article scenario.
But this is ok apparently –
One law for them and one for us………………..
G, it does seem that we live in crazy times.
Books like 1984 coming true.
Animal Farm.
Crazy situations being accepted like in Catch 22.
Yes Minister being more believable than the real parliament.
I remember when we used to joke about words changing from blackboard to chalkboard and we would do things like take it to the extremes. Not chairperson but things like Personchester or the Isle of Person. It’s happening though, bit by bit the pc lot are getting their way by being offended at everything and the wedge is becoming thicker.
If someone had written a book back around 1990 about the current goings on it would have been filed in the comedy part of the library and things like your visit by knacker of the yard would
have just been ridiculous and laughable.
Now, in this time it’s ominous.
Throwaway sayings are becoming solid truths such as:
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
It certainly does seem sometimes as though we are living in some sort of United Queendom
(Re: 1402 comment) – LoL…….
Quite right. Orf with his head!!
G, I have to agree with Tom J “this is alarming”
Putting Mohammedans everywhere & in effect immediately enforcing blasphemy laws on native citizens is like something out of a horror film.
Spin Spin spin

A BBC weather report ..See the Saturday report wind blowing at mean of 20 knots
Look down to 14:00 and see the MEAN speed is 20 knots
What’s the MEAN speed at 15:00 ?
… 41 knots ?
..NOPE you see, if the symbol is black that is the GUST speed
Paul Homewood points out the BBC uses the gust speed to hype scares
I always use, but it isn’t very good on rainfall.
My point is that the page doesn’t make it clear that a black background symbol means something completely different from the grey background symbol.
On windfinder they show wind speed (kts) and wind gusts (max kts) in separate rows, with colour codes, so the difference between the two is obvious at a glance for whichever weather station is selected. Handy for dummies like me who just want a quick forecast.
But of course the Beeb always have an agenda.
Sorry to be slightly blown off course here but, is the BBC Weather forecast biased in other directions?
Each forecast seems to spend an inordinate amount of time explaining the weather conditions in Scotland…great if you live in Scotland but, I don’t!
I count the number of times Scotland is mentioned and it drives me nuts 🙁
countryblues, you are right. There are occasions when the forecast completely omits any reference to London, the Home Counties and the south-east of England. As this is where the bulk of the UK population now lives, you would think they would be keen to provide a better service.
I keep on intending to complain to Gwynneth but don’t get to do it because I half feel it will be a complete waste of a stamp.
The simplest solution is to divide the UK into fixed areas and do the weather forecast like the Shipping Forecast, reporting every area, come what may. Alternate forecasts could be done in a different order so that someone turning on their radio a fraction late might still have a chance of catching a weather warning for their area.
Wind speeds are actually quoted in mph which equates to 15% slower than knots.
Let’s never forget that the European Court of Human Rights has determined that sharia law is incompatible with Western values
You know, that’s the ECHR which we hold in so much esteem for protecting criminals and terrorists.
Islam: what does Liam Fox MP think?
Hang on a minute, I’ll just call the stasi to visit him (during darkness in case they have to lead him away) and have a quiet word………
I’d write to the chief constable and lodge a formal complaint as valuable police time was wasted . If the Stasi who busted you suspected you had committed an offence you should have been cautioned . If not they have breached their own rules . I’d avoid the snitch and tell the rest of the village of a like mind to us . Awful times
Mogg Alert
Next week on LBC : James O’Brien is off , so guests are covering
Monday 10:00-13:00 It’s Jacob Rees Mogg
I find this site the most reliable – especially for wind which is a must-know up here in Orkney.
I wonder why the BBC and other MSM seem to be keeping strangely silent about “Dr” Hillary Clinton’s of Swansea University upcoming award:
In case you don’t feel like clicking on the link (and I don’t blame you), yes, she is really getting the “Wonder Woman Award” from the Women’s Media Center. Woohoohoo … that should be The Wondering Woman Award. And perhaps her book should be retitled from “What Happened” to “I Wonder What Happened”. (I suspect Trump’s reply would be something like “Wonderful Trump Happened!”).
The judgment of the panel is truly to be wondered at …
Well they certainly wouldn’t broadcast the coverage of her arrival. A few cheers and lots of booing.
BBC rules – IGNORE the plebs.
R4 “The Food Program” is currently broadcasting a discussion about how the family meal is an idealised concept that probably never existed.
“Shelia Dillon explores the reality and the myth of eating as a family”
Whether you believe the right’s description of ‘Marxist Culturalism’ or not, the term does describe a particular drive of the BBC to erase British and western culture.
Yes, the family dinner did exist, as much because it was easier to create a single meal for all the family in one go as anything cultural. But it did exist and still does in my family. Though I know many families where it has sadly vanished due to computers and tv sets in everyone’s bedroom.
No one actually challenged the dopey academic who put forward this daft notion.
She’s obviously never been to Italy.
I remember as a child in the sixties, visiting my grandparents for the family dinner, which did exist, no individually microwave meals in the 1960’s. The only thing that’s different from today is saying grace at the dinner table, all sitting around the table praying our thanks to the lord for what he has delivered on to the table.
The idea of a family meal as an idealised concept that probably never existed, would come from someone who probably lives alone, only ever seen meals come out of a microwave, never seen an oven in use and on Xmas day, would sit alone, eating a microwaved turkey dinner from Kershaws, because her local restaurant was closed on Xmas day.
A case of BBC fake history that tells you more about the left-wing weirdoes invited onto the BBC, than the real world.
Shadow foreign secretary telling us on Marr show it’s Britain’s intransigence will lead to no deal. Headline on the website aswell. Another platform to bash Britain supplied with our money. Of course the Barnier’s etc are bending over backwards aren’t they. Absolute joke how they portray this subject.
S. The BBC portrayal of this subject is beyond a joke…it’s traitorous IMHO 🙁
Apart from ‘give us £100 billion+ and we might talk’, what exactly is the EU proposing? I look forward to hearing the BBC’s impartial views…
Re TVland people being surprised that pigs like Weinstean exist in the their industry
The Eagles even wrote a song about Hollywood producers sexually abusing actresses.
Even Courtney Love knew all about it
Courtney Love warned actresses about Harvey Weinstein in 2005
“Although I wasn’t one of his victims, I was eternally banned by CAA for speaking out against Harvey Weinstein,” she tweeted.
It didn’t do her Hollywood career any good at all which is why I can admire her so much.
Anyway here is another Courtney outburst
I love that woman..
Canada news
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has an article about the Today programme’s 60th birthday and questions why Sarah Montague “earns such a pittance……and does not even make the BBC’s top earners list?”
Could it be anything to do with the fact that she’s absolutely useless and if she wasn’t a woman she’d struggle to get a job on hospital radio?
Since her other name is Lady Brooke cos her husband inherited the family baronetcy, to become Sir Christopher Brooke, that might provide a reason why her agent Noel Gay hasn’t been working flat out for her to get cash to pay the bills .
She might be rich already through her previous stockbroker jobs and business she owns.
“My Week As A Muslim” (C4, 9pm, Mon 23rd October)
A white, female reporter in Manchester is disguised “using prosthetics and make-up, Katie’s appearance will be transformed to make her look as if she, too, is of Pakistani heritage, a way of both immersing her in Saima’s community and showing her what it is like to experience racism on the streets.”
If she had gone to the Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena in May and not bothered with the make-up and disguise, she could have experienced what real racism is like.
A small but significant victory –
All going in the right direction for Europe but the UK?……………………..
Oh dear Moogarbi isn’t and ambassador and more .,I guess the person who gave it to him had to give the bung back . Reported factually by al beeb without any implication of routine corruption using taxpayers cash
Maybe it was because he didn’t follow the official guidelines on buggery.
1:40pm Radio4 Lesley Curwen Report about her agonising about her 20 year old Renault Scenic diesel
See how her LOGIC LEAPS turn her diesel car into an evil demon.
That’s strange cos it causes close to zero pollution harm in an average village .
I try to quote her words from the prog
Most vehicles here are diesel, including my two 4x4s. I wouldn’t have anything else, and nor would most of the French, especially in rural areas. Why are people so easily frightened by bugger all? The world’s gone bonkers, in this, the first Age of Stupid.
In regard of diesel then?
What roles did
a) The Green Party
b) Gordon Brown/Alastair Darling
c) Ed and David Miliband
d) Sir David King as Chief Scientific Adviser
play in this scandalous science and global warming horlicks?
Include the E.U if you like-what percentage of blame should we be allocating to these clowns who`ve quietly slunk off to leave us in the fumes and all the poorer?
I myself blame The Greens and David King the most-take this snake oil merchants knighthood off him!
Alicia, oil companies* and car companies have questions over donations to be answered along with companies that make money from things like Congestion Charging, signage, other road layout changes.
* The oil companies and Treasury have benefited most from this in the UK, probably the car companies the least. If (please note the if) the Green Party and other environmental campaigning groups and individuals, Porritt, Monbiot, etc., received donations then the whole thing stinks and hauliers & drivers should create a massive stink twice the size so that there is a major criminal and very wide-ranging investigation over this whole affair.
We need to know.
We may need compensation.
“Keir Starmer: Labour to back Tory rebels on Brexit deal”
This man was appointed to the role of Director of Public Prosecutions by the Gordon Brown Government.
The role called for someone to be intelligent, honest, fair and politically impartial.
He is now a senior minister in the Jeremy Corbyn cabinet and is doing everything he can to undermine the democratic will of the British people – something that is neither intelligent, honest, fair or politically impartial.
Everything the Labour party do is corrupt from start to finish.
Now let’s view this sensibly. How can one possibly expect to wreck a nation without some degree of corruption? It simply cannot be done old chap.
Warwickshire Police dealing with an “on going incident” which is, “not terrorist related”. BBC showing the police tweet as the information “just released” timed at 0916 AM. Make of that what you will. I note that every incident is now, not terror related.
Looks like in this case it is a domestic some guy holding his ex and 1 other hostage. Jealous partner maybe
BBC news: reporter has flown to Java in Indonesia to report on a bird that may be going extinct.
Why not just pop to the East end of London? Cockneys are becoming extinct.
Beeb Bro.
Blimey mate I was rescued from there in 1940. Just in time eh? Pheeeew.
I recall a few days ago a BBC News Channel paper review where the BBC-friendly reviewer was asked about the derivation of the term fake news. He obfuscated somewhat and suggested the term could be 20 years old. “I should know this”, he shrugged.
Odd, I thought. Seeing as you are a journo, that’s like a lawyer not knowing a bit of case law but busking it anyway. Not very professional.
My understanding is that the recent high profile of the term fake news began during the Presidential Election with a US academic drawing up a list of right of centre news sources (ie non-Democrat leaning) which it was hoped all right thinking people were to shun.
Trump, bless him, hit back and claimed the term using it against the mainstream media.
Can anyone confirm my take on events?
I imagine all RIGHT thinking people know exactly what to shun. Sorry I don’t know the answer to your question but there are some pretty knowledgeable people on this site.
Country-SJW-File prog opens
and then Craven is talking again about farms “diversifying”
“here we are are at this farm where to highlight food wastage they are having a charity festival the Big Feast
..where they’ll farm 1,000 people from one bullock”
Seems over 4 nights they served 250 meals per night
Well a bullock 500 to 1,000 Kg
The Doom story was about p;an to divert footpaths during livestock times , due to too many off lead dogs
#1 bet most attacks don’t happen when dogs owners is there
#2 Some dog owners..IGNORE the rule about dogs on lead
So you introduce a rule for temp diversions.. the same owners will ignore As WELL
……and taking a dog, on a lead, through a field of cattle can result in an ‘adventure’.
Standard advice is ‘When attacked by cattle, release the dog to avoid injury from the cattle’.
Shut the programme off when the black face arrived.
This reads like more than a nerve being struck; I think a shot has hit home below the waterline.
As with the Flokkers here, if they are so quickly reduced to ad homs over argument, they are desperate and know it.
Especially after the 1,000 complaint story.
Not a good time to be in CECUO, and I may reduce that to CECU soon as OFCOM seems to have seen where this is headed.
His pinned tweet tells a story too
I wonder how Rob might respond if you ask him how many Katty Kay posts or RTs have not, at best, been ‘unidirectional’?
Yes when it’s important to classify a reply a LibMob make
If they reply with an ATTACK reply with
“Ah I see you reply with an ATTACK on me, probably cos you can’t address my arguments”
Now it is all getting anatomically complex. Amol is inspecting Nick’s navel, as he tries to still run with the ‘we screw up everywhere’ justification. Too many bbc orifices in play now.
OK so Nick has CHERRYpicked 2 people
and the Tony O’Rourke is a bit of a dork, all about lads stuff
whilst Alan Roebuck is a Labour campaigner
Now contrast just 1 vs 1 with the 242,000 people who signed the abolish the licence fee petition, almost all commenting cos of BBC Left/Lib bias
Keith Vaz? I know people an make mistakes, but Keit Vaz!
Boeteng’s antics in South Africa were suppressed eh?
BBC ask if we got the in joke made by Clinton on stage with Obama and Bush. Why ask? Was it directed at Trump? Presenter giggles and looks down … is this news or comedy on BBC £3.5bn news service?
Did you know that the recent bombing of Raquaa was just like the RAF’s war crime at Dresden?
well… did you?
I notice that the gutless, sly propagandising creeps won’t even put their name to this ordure
Fair point
UK police have pride for LGBT
but no pride for forces dead
Stew – is that true – can’t believe that one
Never mind quite a lot of LBGT / pride themed police vehicles and tweets of the colourful manicures / nail jobs on official police Twitter feeds.
Mail : “Poppy Day parades to honour Britain’s war dead are facing the axe because police chiefs across the country are refusing to send officers to block off roads.
Instead, volunteers are battling to raise hundreds of pounds to hire professional traffic management firms to meet strict health and safety standards.”
But the Notting Hill Crime Festival wasn’t a problem?
Good wording. How many crimes occur at poppy parade compared to other festivals?
IIRC, the then Home Secretary cancelled a speaking visit by Gellar and Spencer on the basis that those disturbed by what they had to say had threatened to kick off.
It is therefore hard to reconcile Theresa and Amber’s new feminised government of high heels seemingly approving events with proven records of hostility versus those that do not.
Are they, like the BBC, exempted from explaining?
I’m sure that the presence of our new, improved, 21st century police service is vital to ensure that no inappropriate language creeps in.
If they ever find an excuse to bug our home, we’re in big trouble.
Get the army to manage the poppy parade and then cancel all next year’s carnivals to pay for it. Remove all diversity police officers and all those that signed off on painting police cars, painting nails and wraring women’s shoes.
Start of airbrushing out of our daily awareness anything military?
Start of airbrushing out of our daily awareness anything military?
So yesterday there was the Mail Article
“BBC is inundated with 1,000 complaints a DAY: Corporation receives 17 times as many objections as their rivals, figures reveal
(988 complaints every working day..a re-edit from the Mail from 685/day)”
BBC rebutted with
#1 OK
#2 What BBC doesn’t do is break down the tally
#3 OK
#4 OK
#5 What BBC doesn’t do is break down the tally, so you can’t see complaint totals for each prog
“Ofcom has said the BBC only has to publish exact numbers for programmes with 100 or more objections.
But the Corporation has defied the order”
#6 As for the total, most people gave up complaining and just expect the BBC has a culture of LibMob bias.
“A BBC spokesman said: ‘Public satisfaction remains high”
Where’s the evidence ?
Hard to reconcile ‘free, open and broad debate’ with an entity that self oversees and is exempted from foi requests, rendering it effectively unaccountable. Well, on top of the force funding, no matter what.
After watching the BBC Gunpowder drama about, …..The gunpowder plot
Came across this report
Gunpowder’s Brutal Violence Proves A Little Too Much For Some Squeamish Viewers.
Actually, the torture scenes were historically correct and accurate.
What proved to much for me however was they still had to shoehorn in a couple of black extras.
That made me squeamish……
Mail : Desperate to meet SMART meter installation govt targets SSE sends out letters falsely claiming old ones could be unsafe.
Just watching Mock the Week the piss take of political and celebrity count is white 9 BME nill……is that discriminatory?
Comedy is often at someone else’s expense. With their whole hate/thought crime campaign, the only people it is ok to take the piss out of are white men.
The best comedy on the BBC these days is their ‘news’ articles. Their sage advice about when you should touch a girl on a date was reminiscent of the glory days of The Day Today.
The 25th Amendment: Could it be used to unseat Trump?
BBC, you are pathetic. Dream on.
Ps, it’s not news.
Do we have a law that could unseat the BBC as the major news and social justice news provider in the UK? Fire up that £3.5bn BBC news service.
The BBC South Africa correspondent on News 24 yesterday evening tied himself up in knots to paint Mugabe as a kindly old duffer who has been in power for 37 years.He said he has a lot of support among other African leaders and highlighted his input during the transition from Rhodesia.He waxed lyrical about how there used to be a fully functioning health service ,without mentioning it was set upduring the Rhodesia years and collapsed under Mugabe.
At no stage did he mention him being a despot who seized power and was elected then hung on though many crooked elections .He never mentioned him turning Zimbabwe into a basket case and a policy of seizing farms and driving the food industry into the ground.He let his people starve.
Any young person listening to the correspondent would think kingly Mugabe is a victim of white discrimination by having the WHO appointment rescinded.
The bbc getting into the numbers game again.
At least this march attracted their attention. Others often do not. For some reason.
Doubtless Nick Robinson, Rob Burley, etc have an explanation that involves bbc editorial integrity.
And flailing about trying to insult any less convinced of the BBC’s commitment to trust and transparency.
Thousands March? 99 thousand or 1 thousand? Ariel photos please BBC… surely the BBC £3.5bn news service can afford a little drone to scan from above to give an overview of the crowd size. Surely!
The comments suggest BBC semantics as ‘news’ seen more as attempts at stretching credulity than journalism.